BSc IT sem 5 Internet of Things Practical solution download

List of Practicals

0 Starting Raspbian OS, Familiarising with Raspberry Pi Components and interface, Connecting to ethernet, Monitor, USB.

1 Displaying different LED patterns with Raspberry Pi.

2 Displaying Time over 4-Digit 7-Segment Display using Raspberry Pi

3 Raspberry Pi Based Oscilloscope

4 Controlling Raspberry Pi with WhatsApp.

5 Setting up Wireless Access Point using Raspberry Pi

6 Fingerprint Sensor interfacing with Raspberry Pi

7 Raspberry Pi GPS Module Interfacing

8 IoT based Web Controlled Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

9 Visitor Monitoring with Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera

10 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with RFID.

11 Building Google Assistant with Raspberry Pi.

12 Installing Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi