BSc CS sem 3 Web Programming techmax/notes Download

Objectives: To provide insight into emerging technologies to design and develop state of - the art web applications using client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database connectivity. Expected Learning Outcomes: 1. To design valid, well-formed, scalable, and meaningful pages using emerging technologies. 2. Understand the various platforms, devices, display resolutions, viewports, and browsers that render websites 3. To develop and implement client-side and server-side scripting language programs. 4. To develop and implement Database Driven Websites. 5. Design and apply XML to create a markup language for data and document centric applications. Unit I HTML5: Fundamental Elements of HTML, Formatting Text in HTML, Organizing Text in HTML, Links and URLs in HTML, Tables in HTML, Images on a Web Page, Image Formats, Image Maps, Colors, FORMs in HTML, Interactive Elements, Working with Multimedia - Audio and Video File Formats, HTML elements for inserting Audio / Video on a web page CSS: Understanding the Syntax of CSS, CSS Selectors, Inserting CSS in an HTML Document, CSS properties to work with background of a Page, CSS properties to work with Fonts and Text Styles, CSS properties for positioning an element 15L Unit II JavaScript: Using JavaScript in an HTML Document, Programming Fundamentals of JavaScript – Variables, Operators, Control Flow Statements, Popup Boxes, Functions – Defining and Invoking a Function, Defining Function arguments, Defining a Return Statement, Calling Functions with Timer, JavaScript Objects - String, RegExp, Math, Date, Browser Objects - Window, Navigator, History, Location, Document, Cookies, Document Object Model, Form Validation using JavaScript XML: Comparing XML with HTML, Advantages and Disadvantages of XML, 15L Structure of an XML Document, XML Entity References, DTD, XSLT: XSLT Elements and Attributes - xsl:template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:import, xsl:call-template, xsl:include, xsl:element, xsl:attribute, e xsl:attribute-set, xsl:value-of Unit III AJAX: AJAX Web Application Model, How AJAX Works, XMLHttpRequest Object – Properties and Methods, Handling asynchronous requests using AJAX PHP: Variables and Operators, Program Flow, Arrays, Working with Files and Directories, Working with Databases, Working with Cookies, Sessions and Headers Introduction to jQuery: Fundamentals, Selectors, methods to access HTML attributes, methods for traversing, manipulators, events, effects 15L Text Book(s): 1) HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, 2ed, Dreamtech Press 2) Web Programming and Interactive Technologies, scriptDemics, StarEdu Solutions India. 3) PHP: A Beginners Guide, Vikram Vaswani, TMH Additional Reference(s): 1) HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible Fifth Edition, Steven M. Schafer, WILEY 2) Learn to Master HTML 5, scriptDemics, StarEdu Solutions Pvt Ltd. 3) Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5, Robin Nixon, O’Reilly 4) PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-one for Dummies, Steve Suehring, Janet Valade Wiley