skill based course in Zala Vedanta 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

skill based course in Zala Vedanta 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Date: Signature :
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean :
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course Skill based course in Zala Vedanta
2 Eligibility for
Admission As per University rules
3 Passing
Marks 24 for theory and 16 for internal marks
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per University rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters One Semester
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from Academic Year From Academic Year - 2017 -18 AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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Preamble and objectives:
This course is one of the electives offered for M.A. part II Sem 3. Course
1 Title of the Course Skill based course in Zhala Vedanta
2 Course Code UDSKZHVDNT
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per University rules
6 Fee Structure As per University rules
7 No. of Lectures As per University rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Semester
10 Notional hours Efforts of the Students in hrs to assimilate
the unit
11 No. of Students per Batch As per University rules
12 Selection As per University rules
13 Assessment As per University rules
14 Syllabus Details enclosed
15 Title of the Unit enclosed
16 Title of the Sub -Unit enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per University rules
22 List of Suggested Reading enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You -Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA

Essentials Elements of the Syllabus

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Preamble and Objectives:
This course is one of the skill based electives for M.A. II Sem IV. This paper
comprises textual study of Brahmasutrashankarabhashya with its important
ahdikaranas. It aims at developing the skill of reading philosophical
commentaries . It also aims to enhance skill of writing philosophical content in
Sanskrit . It throws a challenge to students for getting acquainted with
philosophical concepts of Advaita Vedanta and writing it in Sanskrit language
��सू�शाङ्करभाष्यम ् ।
१. �थमो �वभाग: । (१५ गुणा:)
केवला�ैतवेदान्तस्य अनुबन्धचतु�यम ् ।
केवला�ैतवेदान्ते ��-जीव -जगत्-माया -मोक्षस्वरूपम ् ।
अध्यासभाष्यम ् ।
��सू�भाष्ये चतु:सू�ी ।
२. ��तीयो �वभाग: । (१५
ईक्षत्यिधकरणम ् । (१.१.५)
आनन्दमयािधकरणम ् । (१.१.६)
वै�ानरािधकरणम ् । (१.२.७)

Page 4

दहरािधकरणम ् । (१.३.५)
वाक्यान्वयािधकरणम ् (१.४.६)
वैषम्यनैघृर्ण्यिधकरणम ् । (२.१.१२)
भोक्�ाप�यिधकरणम ् । (२.१.५)
३. तृतीयो �वभाग : । (१५
रचनानुपप�यिधकरणम ् (२.२.१)
मह��घार्द�करणम ् (२.२.२)
परमाणुजगदकारणत्वािधकरणम ् । (२.२.३)
समुदायािधकरणम ् । (२.२.४)
अभावािधकरणम ् । (२.२.५)
४. चतुथ� �वभाग : । (१५
तृतीयाध्यायस्य �वषयवस्तु�ववरणम ् ।
चतुथार्ध्यायस्य �वषयवस्तु�ववरणम ् ।
• �कल्प�वषय :

Page 5

शङ्कराचायर्स्य स्तो�ाणां संस्कृतभाषया त�वज्ञानपरं �व�ेषणम ् ।
• ��प�स्वरूपम ्
��ो�तराणां माध्यमं संस्कृतमेव भवेत् ।
१. �थमो �वभाग: ।
�द�यो: ��यो: एकस्य ��स्य द�घ��रलेखनम ् । (�ौ �वकल्पौ )
�द�ेभ्य: सू�ेभ्य : सू��यस्य स्प�ीकरणं िलखत । (�य:
�वकल्पा : )
�द�ेभ्य:स्◌े �वषयेभ्य : ट�प्पणी�यं िलखत । (�य: �वकल्पा : )
२. ��तीयो �वभाग: ।
�द�ेभ्य: अिधकरणेभ्य : एकस्यािधकरणस्य �ववेचनम ् ।(�ौ
�वकल्पौ )
�द�ेभ्य: �वषयेभ्य :सू��यस्य स्प�ीकरणं िलखत । (�य:
�वकल्पा : )

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�द�ेभ्य: �वषयेभ्य : ट�प्पणी�यं िलखत । (�य: �वकल्पा :)
३. तृतीयो �वभाग: ।
�द�ेभ्य: अिधकरणेभ्य : एकस्यािधकरणस्य �ववेचनम ् । (�ौ
�वकल्पौ )
�द�ेभ्य: सू�ेभ्य : सू��यस्य स्प�ीकरणं िलखत । (�य:
�वकल्पा : )
�द�ेभ्य: �वषयेभ्य : ट�प्पणी�यं िलखत । (�य: �वकल्पा : )
४. चतुथ� �वभाग: ।
�द�यो: ��यो: एकस्य ��स्य द�घ��रलेखनम ् । (�ौ �वकल्पौ )
�द�ेभ्य: �वषयेभ्य : ट�प्पणी�यं िलखत । (�य: �वकल्पा : )
• �ंथसूिच :
१. ��सू�शाङ्करभाष्यम ्

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२. अ�ैतवेदान्तकोश :
३. शांकर�न्थाविल :
४. शा�ी , पी. एन्. पट्टिभराम :, अ�ैत�न्थकोश : ।
५. अभ्यंकर शा�ी , ��सू� शांकर भाष्य
६. गम्भीरानन्द, ��सू� शांकर भाष्य