regarding revised syllabus for TYBSc Physics Sem V VI ay 2017 18 Syllabus Mumbai University

regarding revised syllabus for TYBSc Physics Sem V VI ay 2017 18 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for sem V &
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Physics

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017–2018)

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T.Y.B.Sc. Physics Syllabus : Credit Based Semester and Grading
To be implemented from th e Academic year 2017-2018

L /
Mathematical Methods in



II Mathematical Methods in
Thermal and Statistical
IV Thermal and Statistical

USPH502 I Solid State Physics

II Solid State Physics

III Solid State Physics

IV Solid State Physics
I Atomic and Molecular

II Atomic and Molecular

III Atomic and Molecular

IV Atomic and Molecular
I Electrodynamic s

II Electrodynamics

III Electrodynamics

IV Electrodynamics

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USPHP05 Practicals of Course USPH501 + Course
USPH502 3 8
USPH P06 Practicals of Course USPH503 + Course
USPH504 3 8

Scheme of examination: Theory;
(A) Internal Examination: 25 mark

One Class Test/case study/online exam ination to be conducted in the
given semester 20 Marks
Overall conduct as a responsible l earner, communication and leadership
qualities in organizing relat ed academic activities Marks05

(B) External Examination : 75 marks
i. Each theory paper shall be of two and half hour duration.
Each paper shall consist of FIVE questions. A ll questions are compulsory and will have
internal option. Q – I is from Unit - 1, Q – II is from Unit - 2, Q - III is from Unit - 3, Q - IV is from Unit - 4, Q - V will consist of questions from a ll the FOUR units with equal weightage of
marks allotted to each unit. ii) Practicals : There will not be any internal examin ation for practical. The External
examination per practical course will be conducted as per the following scheme,
Sr. No Particulars of External Practical Examination Marks%

1 Laboratory Work 80

2 Journal 10

3 Viva 10


A candidate will be allowed to appear for the pr actical examination onl y if the candidate
submits a certified journal of TYBSc Physics or a certificate from the Head of the

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Department to the effect that the candidate has complete d the practical course of
TYBSc Physics as per the minimum requirements. iii) Visits to industry, national research labor atories, and scientific exhibitions should be


Theory Course - USPH501: Mathematical , Thermal and Statistical Physics

Unit I: Probability 15 lectures
Review of basic concepts: sample space, events, independent events, conditional probability, probability theorems, permutations and combinations, discrete and
continuous random variables, bi nomial distribution, joint distributions and covariance,
the normal distribution, the Poisson di stribution, statisti cs and experimental
measurements, Chebyshev’s in equality, law of large number s, central limit theorem.
Unit II: Differential Equations and Transforms 15 lectures

1. Second-order nonhomogeneous linear diff erential equations with constant
coefficients: the method of successive in tegrations and the method of undetermined
coefficients. Forced vibrations and resonanc e. The Laplace transform and its use in the
solution of differential equations. 2. Fourier transforms: inroduction, form al development of t he complex Fourier
transform, cosine and sine trans forms, the transforms of der ivatives (with proofs),
solutions of partial differential equati ons (wave and heat equation) using Fourier
Unit III: Thermal and St atistical Physics:
Description of a system : Why statistical approach, Particle-states, System-states,
Microstates and Macro states of a system, Equi librium and Fluctuations, Irreversibility,
The equiprobability postulat e, Statistical ensemble, Number of states accessible to a
system, Phase space, Reversible processes. 2. Thermal and Adiabatic Interactions : Thermal interaction, Canonical distributi on, Energy fluctuations, Entropy of a
system in a heat bath, Helm holtz free energy, Adiabatic interaction and enthalpy,
General interaction and the first law of thermodynamics, Infinitesimal general
interaction, Gibbs free energy, Phase transitions.
Unit IV: Thermal and St atistical Physics:
1. Statistical Mechanics :
Phase space, The probability of a distribut ion, The most probable distribution,
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Molecular speeds. 2. Quantum Statistics : Bose-Einstein statistics, Black-body radi ation, The Rayleigh-Jeans formula, The
Planck radiation formula, Fermi-Dirac statis tics, Comparison of results, Transition
between states.

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Unit I– MB Chapter 15
Unit II: CH – Sections 5.2. 4, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.4
MB – Sections 8.6, 8.8 and 8.9 UNIT - III 1. LG : 1.1 to 1.11 2. LG : 2.1, 2.3 to 2.11 UNIT - V 1. AB : 15.1 to 15.5 2. AB : 16.1 to 16.7 References : 1.:MB: Mathematical Methods in the Physical sci ences :- Mary L. Boas Wiley India
rd ed.
2. LG. : Statistical and Thermal Physics- : S. Lokanathan and R. S. Gambhir.
an introduction (Prentice Hall of India : 2008) 3. AB. : Perspectives of Modern Physics : Arthur Beiser. (Mc Graw Hill International ) Additional References : 1. Mathematical Physics : A K Ghatak, Chua – 1995
Macmillian India Ltd. 2. Mathematical Method of Ph ysics : Riley, Hobson and Bence.
Cambridge (Indian edition). 3. Mathematical Physics : H. K. Dass, S. Chand & Co. 4. Mathematical Methods of Physi cs : Jon Mathews & R. L. Walker,
W A Benjamin inc. 5. A Treatise on heat : Saha and Srivastava.
(Indian press, Allahabad)
6. Fundamentals of Statistical and The rmal Physics (Mc Graw - Hill) : F. Reif

SEMESTER V Theory Course - USPH502: Solid State Physics
Unit I : Crystal Physics 15 lectures
1. Lattice points and space la ttice, The basis and crystal structure, Unit Cells and
lattice parameters, Primitive Cells, Crystal Syst ems, Crystal Symmetr y, Bravais space
lattices, Metallic crystal structures, relati on between the density of crystal material and
lattice constant in a cubic lattice, Directions, Planes, Miller Indices, Important planes in
simple cubic structure, separation between latti ce planes in a cubic crystal, Reciprocal
Lattice(Omit Vector-algebraic di scussion), X-ray Diffraction
2. Classical free electron theory of metals, Drawba cks of classical theory, Relaxation
time, Collision time and mean free path
Unit II : Electrical properties of meta ls 15 lectures
1.Quantum theory of free electr ons, Fermi Dirac statistics and electronic distribution in
solids, Density of energy states and Fermi ener gy, The Fermi distribution function, Heat
capacity of the Electron gas, Me an energy of electron gas at 0 K, Electrical conductivity
from quantum mechanical considerations.

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1.Band theory of solids, The Kronig- Pe nney model (Omit eq. 6.184 to 6.188),
Brillouin zones, Number of wave functions in a band, Motion of electrons in a one-
dimensional periodic potential, Distinction between meta ls, insulators and intrinsic
Unit III : Conduction in Semiconductors 15 lectures
1.Electrons and Holes in an Intrinsic Se miconductor, Conductivity, Carrier
concentrations in an intrinsic semiconductor, Donor and Acceptor impurities, Charge
densities in a semiconductor, Fermi level in extrinsic semiconductors, Diffusion,
Carrier lifetime, The conti nuity equation, Hall Effect
2.Semiconductor-diode Characte ristics : Qualitative theory of the p-n junction, The p-
n junction as a diode, Band structur e of an open-circuit p-n junction
Unit IV : Diode, magnetism and superconduc tivity 15 lectures
1.The current components in a p-n junction diode, Quantita tive theory of p-n diode
currents, The Volt-Ampere characterist ics, The temperature dependence of p-n
characteristics, Diode resistance.
2. Magnetic Properties of matter:
Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism, The orig in of permanent magnetic dipoles,
Diamagnetism and Larmor precession, T he static paramagnetic susceptibility
3. Superconductivity : A survey, Mechanism of Superconductors, Effects of magnetic
field, Critical Currents, The Meissner effe ct, The penetration depth, Type I and Type II
References :
Chapter 6: II,III, IV
UNIT III MH : 4.1 to 4.10 and 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
UNIT IV : MH : 5.4 to 5.8
D: 18.1 to 18.4
SOP: Chapter 8 : II, III, IV, VI, VII, XII, XIII
1. SOP : Solid State Physics : S. O. Pillai, New Age International. 6th ed.
2. SOP : Modern Physics a nd Solid State Physics : Problems and solutions
New Age International.
3. MH : Electronic Devices and Circuits :Millman, Halkias & Sa tyabrata Jit. (3rd Ed. )
Tata McGraw Hill.
4. D: Solid State Physics : A. J. Dekker, Prentice Hall

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Theory Course - USPH503: Atomic and Molecular Physics
UNIT I 15 lectures
1. Schrödinger’s equation for Harmonic oscillator, its solution by operator
method. Graphical representation of it s energy level and wave functions.
2. Hydrogen atom: Schrödinger’s equati on for Hydrogen atom, Separation of
variables, Quantum Numbers: Total quantum number, Orbita l quantum number,
Magnetic quantum number. Angular mom entum, Electron probability density
(Radial part). UNIT II 15 lectures
1. Electron Spin: The Stern-Gerlach ex periment, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
Symmetric and Antisymmetric wave functions. 2. Spin orbit coupling, Hund’s Rule, To tal angular momentum, Vector atom model,
L-S and j-j coupling. Origin of s pectral lines, Selection rules.
UNIT III 15 lectures
1. Effect of Magnetic field on atoms, T he normal Zeeman effect and its explanation
(Classical and Quantum), The Lande g factor, Anomalous Zeeman effect.
2. Paschen-Back effect, Paschen-Back effect of principal series doublet, Selection
rules for Paschen-Back effect. I UNIT V 15 lectures
1. Molecular Spectra (Diatomic Molecule s): Rotational energy levels, Rotational
spectra, Vibrational energy levels , Vibrational-Rotational spectra.
Electronic Spectra of Diatomic molecule s: The Born-Oppenheimer approximation,
Intensity of vibrational- electronic spectra : The Franck-Condon principle.
2. Raman Effect: Quantum Theory of Raman effect, Classical theory of Raman effect,
Pure Rotational Raman spectra : Linear molecules, symmetric top molecules,
Asymmetric top molecules, Vibrationa l Raman spectra : Raman activity of
vibrations. References: UNIT – I. 1. M : 5.2 B : 8.7. 2. AB : 9.1 to 9.9. UNIT - II 1AB : 10.1, 10.3. 2. (i) B : 10.2, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9. (ii) B : 11.1 and 11.2.
UNIT – III: 1. SA : 9.14, 9.15, 9.16, 9.17. 2. W : 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 UNIT – IV: 1.AB : 14.1, 14.3, 14.5, 14.7 BM : 6.11, 6.1.3.
2. BM : 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2. 1, 4.2.2, 4. 2.3, 4.3.1.
References : 1. AB : Perspectives of Modern Physics : Arthur Beiser McGraw Hill. 2. SA : Introduction to Atomic & Nuclear Physics : H. Semat & J. R. Albright
(5th Ed.) Chapman & Hall.

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3. W : Introduction to Atomic Spec tra : H. E. White. McGraw Hill.
4 BM : Fundamentals of Molecular S pectroscopy : C. N. Banwell &
E. M. McCash (TMH).(4th Ed.) 5 M : Introduction to Quantum Me chanics : P. T. Mathews (TMH).

SEMESTER V Theory Course - USPH504: Electrodynamics
UNIT I Electrostatics 15 lectures
1. Field lines, Flux and Gau ss’ law, The divergence of E, Applications of
Gauss’ law, The curl of E.
Introduction to potential, Comments on potential, Poisson’s equation and
Laplace’s equation, The potent ial of a localized charge distribution. , Review of
conductors 2. First Uniqueness theorem (Without proof ), The classic image problem- Infinite
conducting plane UNIT II Polarization and Magnetostatics 15 lectures
1. Dielectrics, Induced Dipoles , Alignment of polar molecu les, Polarization, Bound
charges and their physical interpretation, Ga uss’ law in presence of dielectrics, A
deceptive parallel, Susceptibility, Permitti vity, Dielectric constant, Energy in
dielectric systems. 2. Straight-line currents, The Divergence and Curl of B, Applications of Ampere’s
Law in the case of a long straight wire and a long solenoid, Comparison of
Magneto-statics and Electrostatics. UNIT III Magnetism and Varying Fields 15 lectures
1. Dia-magnets Paramagnets Ferro magnets, Magnetization, Bound currents and
their physical interpretation, Ampere’s law in magnetized materials, A deceptive
parallel, Magnetic suscept ibility and permeability.
2. Energy in magnetic fields, Elec trodynamics before Ma xwell, Maxwell’s
correction to Ampere’s law, Maxwell’ s equations, Magnetic charge, Maxwell’s
equations in matter, Boundary conditions
UNIT IV Electromagnetic waves . 15 lectures
1. The continuity equation, Poynti ng’s theorem, Newton’s third law in
electrodynamics. 2. The wave equation for E and B, Monochromatic Plane waves, Energy and
momentum in electromagnetic waves, Pr opagation in linear media, Reflection and
transmission of EM waves at normal incidence. References: UNIT – I 1. DG : 2.2.1 to 2.2.4, 2.3.1 to 2.3.4,(2.5.1 to 2.5.4 for review)
2. DG : 3.1.5, 3.2.1 to 3.2.3.
UNIT - II 1. DG : 4.1.1 to 4.1.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.3.
2. DG : 5.3.1 to 5.3.4. UNIT - III 1. DG : 6.1.1, 6.1.4, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.4.1.
2. DG : 7.2.4, 7.3.1 to 7.3.6.

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1. DG : 8.1.1, 8.1.2., 8.2.1. 2. DG : 9.2.1 to 9.2. 3, 9.3.1 to 9.3.2.
References : DG : Introduction to Electrodynam ics : David J. Griffiths (3rd Ed) Prentice Hall of India.
Additional References: 1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: A. Z. Capria and P. V. Panat.
Narosa Publishing House. 2. Engineering Electrodynamics : William Hayt Jr. & John H. Buck (TMH).
3. Electricity and Magnetism : Na vina Wadhwani (PHI – 2010).

The T. Y. B. Sc. Syllabus integrates the regular practical work with a series of
demonstration and skill experiments. Duri ng the teaching and examination of Physics
laboratory work, simple modifications of ex perimental parameters may be attempted.
Attention should be given to basic skills of experimentation which include: i) Understanding relevant concepts. ii) Planning of the experiments.
iii) Layout and adjustment s of the equipments.
iv) Recording of observati ons and plotting of graphs.
v) Calculation of results and estimation of po ssible errors in the observation of results.
i) Regular Physics Experiments : A minimum of 8 experim ents from each of the
course are to be performed and reported in the journal.
ii) Skill Experiments : All the skills are compulsory and must be reported in the journal.
Skills will be tested during the exam ination through viva or practicals
The certified journal must contain a mini mum of 16 regular experiments (8 from each
group), with all Skills in semester V. A separ ate index and certificate in journal is must
for each semester course.
There will be two turns of three hours each for the examination of practical courses
(Practical Course – USPHP05)
1. Determination of “g” by Kater’s pendulum.
2. Flat spiral spring (Y) 3. Stefan’s constant σ
4. R.P. of Prism 5. Goniometer 6. R.I of liquid using laser 7. Rydberg’s constant 8. Edser’s A pattern/step slit 9. FET characteristics 10. Determination of e/m

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(Practical Course – USPHP06)
1.Mutual inductance by BG.
2.Hysteresis by magnetometer 3. Maxwell’s bridge 4.Band gap of energy. 5. Schmitt Trigger using OPAMP 6. High pass (first or der active filter)
7. Low pass (first order active filter) 8. Wien bridge oscillator 9. Counters Mod 2,5 10 10. LM-317 as voltage regulator 11. LM 317 as current regulator
Skills :
1. Estimation of errors.
2. Soldering advanced circuit. 3. Bread board circuit using IC’s. 4. Optical Leveling of Spectrometer. 5. Laser beam profile. 6. Use of electronic balance : r adius of small ball bearing.
7. Dual trace CRO : Phase shift measurement. 8. BG : C1 /C2 by comparing θ1 / θ2.
References :
1. Advanced course in Practical Physics : D. Chattopadhya, PC. Rakshit & B. Saha
(8th Edition) Book & Allied Pvt. Ltd. 2. BSc Practical Physics : Harnam Singh. S. Chand & Co. Ltd. – 2001.
3. A Text book of Practical Physics : Samir Kumar Ghosh New Central Book Agency
(4rd edition). 4. B Sc. Practical Physics : C. L. Aror a (1st Edition ) – 2001 S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
5. Practical Physics : C. L. Squires – ( 3rd Edition)
Cambridge University Press. 6. University Practical Physics : D C Tayal. Himalaya Publication.
7. Advanced Practical Physics : Worsnop & Flint.

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Physics Syllabus:
Credit Based Semester and Grading System
To be implemented from th e Academic year 2017-2018
Course UNIT TOPICS Credits L / Week
I Classical Mechanics


II Classical Mechanics

III Classical Mechanics

IV Nonlinear Mechanics

I Electronics

II Electronics

III Electronics

IV Electronics
I Nuclear Physics

II Nuclear Physics

III Nuclear Physics

IV Nuclear Physics

I Relativity

2.5 4
II Relativity
III Relativity
IV Relativity

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USPHP07 Practicals of Course USPH601 + Course
USPH602 3 8
USPH P08 Practicals of Course USPH603 + Course
USPH604 3 8

Theory Course – USPH601: Classical Mechanics
UNIT I Central Force 15 lectures
1. Motion under a central force, The centra l force inversely proportional to the square
of the distance, Elliptical orbits. The Kepler problem. Hyperbolic Orbits : The
Rutherford problem – Sc attering cross section.
2. Moving origin of co-ordinates, Rotating co-ordinate systems, Laws of motion on the
rotating earth, Foucault pendulum, La rmor’s theorem (with proof).
UNIT II Lagrange’s equations 15 lectures
Lagrange’s equations: D’Alembert’s prin ciple, Generalized coordinates,
Lagrange’s equations using D’Alembert’s prin ciple, Examples, Systems subject to
constraints, Examples of syst ems subject to constraints, Constants of motion and
ignorable coordinates. UNIT III Fluid Motion and Rigid body rotation 15 lectures
1. Kinematics of moving fluids, Equation of motion for an ideal fluid, Conservation
laws for fluid motion, Steady flow. 2. The rotation of a Rigid body : Motion of a rigid body in space, Euler’s equations of
motion for a rigid body, Euler’s angles, He avy symmetrical top (without nutation).
UNIT IV Non Linear Mechani cs 15 lectures
Non linear mechanics : Qualitative approac h to chaos, The anharmonic oscillator,
Numerical solution of Duffing’s equation, Transition to chaos: Bifurcations and
strange attractors, Aspects of chaotic behavior. References : UNIT – I 1. KRS : Art. 3.13 to 3.16 2. KRS : Art. 7.1 to 7.5 UNIT – II 1. KRS : Art. 9.1 to 9.6 G:1.4 UNIT - III 1. KRS : Art. 8.6 to 8.9 2. KRS : Art. 11.1, 11.2, 11.4, 11.5, BO : 6.7
UNIT - IV 1. BO : Art. 11. 1, 11.3 to 11.5
References :

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KRS : Mechanics : Keith R. Symon.
(Addision Wesely) 3rd Ed. BO : Classical Mechanics- : V. D. Barger and M. G. Olsson.
a Modern perspective (Mc Graw Hill International 1995 Ed.)
G : Classical Mechanics : Herbert Goldstein, (Narosa 2nd Ed.) Additional References : 1. Classical Mechanics : Herbert Goldstein (Narosa 2nd Ed.)
2. An Introduction to Mechanics : D aniel Kleppner & Robert Kolenkow
Tata Mc Graw Hill (Indian Ed. 2007)
3. Chaotic
Dynamics- an introduction. : Baker and Gollup.
SEMESTER VI Theory Course – USPH602: Electronics
Unit I
1. Field effect transistors: JFET: Basi c ideas, Drain curve, The transconductance
curve, Biasing in the ohmic region and the active region, Transconductance,
JFET common source amplifier, JFET analog switch, multiplexer, voltage
controlled resistor, Current sourcing.
2. MOSFET : Depletion and enhance ment mode, MOSF ET operation and
characteristics, digital switching.
3. Thyristors : SCR – Working, Equi valent circuit, important terms, I-V
Characteristics, SCR as a switch, half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier.
TRIAC: Construction, O peration, I-V Characteri stics, Applications.
DIAC: Construction, Operation, Characteristics and applications.
Unit II
1. Regulated DC power supply: Supply characteristics, series voltage regulator,
Short circuit protection (current limit and fold back) Monolithic linear IC voltage
Regulators. (LM 78XX, LM 79XX, LM 317).
2. Differential Amplifier using transistor: The Differential Amplifier, DC and AC
analysis of a differential amp lifier, Input characteristic-effect of input bias, offset
current and input offset voltage on output, common mode gain, CMRR.
3. Transistor Multivibrators: Astable, Monostable and Bistable Multivibrators,
Schmitt trigger.

Unit III
1. Op Amp Applications: Log amplifier, Instrumentation amplifiers, Voltage
controlled current sources (grounded load), First order Active filters, Astable
using OP AMP, square wave and triangul ar wave generator using OP AMP,
Wein-bridge oscillat or using OP AMP.
2. 555 Timer: Review Block diagr am, Monostable and Astable operation
Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Pulse Wi dth modulator, Trig gered linear ramp
generator. Malvino: 23.8,23.9
Unit IV
1. Logic families: Standard TTL NAND, TTL NOR, Open collector gates, Three
state TTL devices, MOS inverter s, CMOS NAND and NOR gates, CMOS

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2. Applications of JK flip fl op: Types of registers, 4-bit sh ift register (serial in-serial
out), Asynchronous counters, 4-bit up- down counter, MOD-3, MOD-5, Decade
counter, Shift counter.
3. Electronic communication techniques : Radio broadcasting, Transmission and
reception, Modulation, Amplitude modulat ion, Modulation factor, Analysis of
amplitude modulated wave, Side band frequencies in AM wave, Transistor
amplitude modulator, Power in AM wave, Limitations of AM
Main References : Unit -I:
1. MB : Art. 13.1 to 13.9 2. MB: 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 14.6.
3. VKM : Art. 20.1 to 20.10, 21.1 to 21.6, 21.8, 21.9, 21.10.
1. MB : Art 24.1, 24.3, 24.4.
2. MB : Art 17.1 to 17.5.
3. KVR : Art., 14.5.2. 5,,
1. MB : Art. 20.5, 20.8, 21.4, 22. 7, 22.8, 23.2. MH : 16.14.
2. MB : Art. 23.8, 23.9.
1. ML : Art. 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 7.2 to 7.4.
2. ML : Art 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.3 to 11.5, 11.7
3. VKM : Art. 16.1 to 16.11.

Main References:
1. MB : Electronic Principles : A. P. Malvino and D.J. Bates, (7th Ed.) – (TMH).
2. VKM : Principles of Electronics : V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. S. Chand
Publications. (11th Ed.)
3. KVR : Functional Electroni cs : K .V. Ramanan (TMH).
4. AM: Electronic Devices and Circu its : Allen Mottershed, PHI lea rning 2013 Ed
5. ML : Digital Principles and App lications : Malvino and Leach (4 th Ed)(TMH).
6. MH : Integrated Electronics : M illman and Halkias, Mc Graw Hill International.

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Note : Optoelectronic devices has been removed.

SEMESTER VI Theory Course – USPH603 Nuclear Physics

UNIT I : Alpha & Beta Decay 15 lectures
1. Alpha Decay: Velocity ,energy, and Abso rption of alpha particles: Range, Ionization
and stopping power, Nuclear energy levels. Range of alpha particles, alpha particle
spectrum, Fine structure, long range alpha particles, Al pha decay paradox: Barrier
penetration (Gamow’s t heory of alpha decay and Geiger-Nuttal law),
2. . Beta decay: Introduction, Velocity and energy of beta particles, Energy levels and
decay schemes, Continuous beta ray spectru m-Difficulties encountered to understand
it, Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis, Detection of neutrino, Ener getics of beta decay.
UNIT II: Gamma Decay & Nuclear Models 15 lectures
1. Gamma decay: Introduction, Internal conv ersion, nuclear isomer ism, Mossbauer
2 Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, Weizsacher’s semi -empirical mass formula, Mass parabolas -
Prediction of stability against beta decay for members of an isobaric family, Stability
limits against spontaneous fission.
Shell model(Qualitative) ,M agic numbers in the nucleus
UNIT III: Particle Accelerators & Energy Generation 15 lectures
1. Particle Accelerators : Van de Graaff G enerator , Cyclotron, Sy nchrotron ,Betatron
and Idea of Large Hadron Collider
2. Nuclear energy: Introduction, Asymmetric fission - Mass yield, Emission of delayed
neutrons, Nuclear release in fi ssion, Nature of fission fragment s, Energy released in the
fission of U235, Fission of lighter nuclei, Fission chain reaction, Neutron cycle in a
thermal nuclear reactor (Four Factor Formula), Nuclear reactors, Natural
fusionPossibility of controlled fusion
UNIT IV: Meson theory & Elementary pa rticles 15 lectures

Page 16

1.Meson theory of Nuclear Fo rce- A qualitative discussion

2. Elementary particles: Introduction, Classific ation of elementary pa rticles, Particle
Ineractions, Conservation laws( linear &ang ular momentum ,energy, charge, baryon
number & lepton number),particles and anti par ticles(Electrons and positrons, Protons
and anti-protons, Neutrons and anti- neutrons, Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos), Photons,
Mesons ,Quark model( Qualitative).
Unit I
1 K : 13. 1, 13.2, 13.5. , . P : 4. II. 1, 4. II. 2, 4. II. 3, 1.II.3
2. K : 14.1, 14.7 P : 4. III. 1, 4. I II. 2, 4. III. 3, 4. III. 5 G : 5.5.
Unit II
1. P 4. IV. 1, 4. IV . 3, 4. IV. 4, 9.4.
2. P : 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. AB: 11.6-pages (460,461)
Unit III
1. P: 1.I.4 (i), 1.I.4 (ii), 1.I.4 (iii), 1.I.4 (iv), AB 15.7
2. P: 6.1, 6.3 to 6.9, 9.6, 9.7
Unit IV
1. P :8.6 2. T : 18.1, 18.2,18. 3, 18.4 , 18.5 to 18. 9 AB : 13.5

1. AB : Concepts of Modern Physics : Art hur Beiser,Shobhit Maha jan,S Rai Choudhury
(6th Ed.) (TMH).
2. P : Nuclear Physics : S.B. Patel (Wiley Eastern Ltd.).
3. K: Nuclear Physics: Irving K aplan (2nd Ed.) (Addison Wesley).
4. G : Nuclear Physics : S. N. Ghoshal (S. Chand & Co.)
5. T: Nuclear Physics : D. C. Taya l (Himalayan Publishing House) 5th ed.
Additional References .

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1. Modern Physics : Kenneth Krane ( 2nd Ed.) John Wiley & Sons.
2. Atomic & Nuclear Physics : N Subrahman yam, Brij Lal. (Revised by Jivan Seshan .) S.
3. Atomic & Nuclear Physics : A B Gupta & Dipak Ghosh Books & Allied (P) Ltd.
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles: Davi d Griffiths, Second Revised Edition,Wiley-
Theory Course – USPH604: Special Theory of Relativity
UNIT I: Special Theory of Relativity & Relativistic Kinematics 15 lectures
Experimental background of specia l theory of relativity and relativistic kinematics :
Galilean transformations, Newtonian relativity, Electromagnetism and Newtonian relativity. Attempts to locate absolute frame: Michelson- Morley experiment, Attempts to
preserve the concept of a preferred ether frame: Lorentz Fitzger ald contraction and
ether drag hypothesis, Attempt to modify el ectrodynamics, postulates of the special
theory of relativity.
Relativistic Kinematics: Simultaneity, Derivation of Lorentz transformation equations
Some consequences of the Lorent z transformation equations : length contraction, time
dilation and meson experiment, The observer in relativity

UNIT II: Relativistic Kinematics 15 lectures
Relativistic Kinematics (continued): The relativistic addition of velocities and
acceleration transformation equations, Aberrati on and Doppler effect in relativity, The
common sense of special relativity.
The Geometric Representation of Space-Ti me: Space-Time Diagrams, Simultaneity,
Length contraction and Time dilation, The time order and space separation of events,
The twin paradox
UNIT III : Relativistic Dynamics 15 lectures
Relativistic Dynamics: Mechanics and Relativity, The need to redefine momentum,
Relativistic momentum, Alternative views of ma ss in relativity, The relativistic force law
and the dynamics of a single particle, The equivalence of mass and energy, The
transformation properties of momentum, energy and mass.
UNIT IV: Relativity and Electromagnetism 15 lectures

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Relativity and Electromagnetism: Introducti on, The interdependence of Electric and
Magnetic fields, The Transformation for E and B, The field of a uniformly moving point
charge, Force and fields near a current-car rying wire, Force between moving charges,
The invariance of Maxwell’s equations.
The principle of equivalence and general relati vity, Gravitational re d shift.
References : UNIT I : RR: 1.1 to 1.6 ,1.8 , 1.9 , 2.1, to 2.5
UNIT II: RR 2.6 to 2.8 , Supplementary to pics A1 ,A2,A3 , B1 ,B2 , B3
UNIT III : RR 3.1 to 3.7
UNIT IV : RR 4.1 to 4.7 Suppl ementary topic C1 ,C2,C3 ,C4
1. RR : Introduction to Special Relativity : Robert Resnick (Wiley Student Edition)
Special theory of Relativity : A. P. French

The T. Y. B. Sc. Syllabus integrates the regular practical work with a series of
demonstration and skillexperiments. During t he teaching and examination of Physics
laboratory work, simple modifications of ex perimental parameters may be attempted.
Attention should be given to basic skills of experimentation which include: 1) Understanding relevant concepts. 2) Planning of t he experiments.
3) Layout and adjustment s of the equipments.
4) Recording of observati ons and plotting of graphs.
5) Calculation of results and estimation of po ssible errors in the observation of results.
i) Regular Physics Experiments: A minimum of 8 experiments from each of the
practical course are to be perfo rmed and reported in the journal.
ii) Demo Experiments : The demonstration experiments are to be performed by the
teacher in the laboratory and students s hould be encouraged to participate and take
observation wherever possible. Demonstration experiment s are designed to bri ng about interest and
excitement in Physics. Students are r equired to enter details of these
‘demo’ experiments in their journal.
The certified journal must contain a mini mum of 16 regular experiments (8 from each
practical course), with minimum 6 demonstr ation experiments in semester VI. A
separate index and certific ate in journal is must for each semester course.
There will be two turns of three hours each for the examination of practical courses

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Practical Course – USPHP07)USPHP07
1. Quincke’s method for surface tension of Mercury
2. Lloyd’s mirror 3. Double refraction 4. FET characteristics 5. UJT characteristics 6. UJT as relaxation oscillator 7. SCR characteristics 8. Photodiode characteristics 9. Phototransistor characteristics 10. Diameter of Lycopodium powder 11. Determination of wavelength of a laser using diffraction grating.

(Practical Course – USPHP08) USPHP08
1. M/C using B.G.
2. Capacitance by us ing parallel bridge.
3. Transistorized Astable multivibrator 4. Transistorized Bistable multivibrator 5. Transistorized Monostable multivibrator. 6. Log amplifier using OPAMP 7. Hall effect 8 . 555 timer as ramp generator. 9. Diode as a temperature sensor 10. Shift register.
11. OPAMP as monostabl e/astable using breadboard
Demonstration Experiments :
1. Open CRO, Power Supply, and Signa l Generator: Discuss block diagram.
2. Data sheet reading for diodes, Transisto r, Op amp and Optoelectronic devices.
3. Circuit designing – single st age amplifier, Transistor Multiv ibrator etc. and testing on
breadboard. 4. Equation solver. 5. Amplitude Modulation. 6. Frequency Modulation. 7. Millikan’s oil drop experiment. 8. Zeeman Effect. 9. Michelson’s interferometer. 10. Iodine absorption spectra. 11. Standing waves in liquid using Ultrasonic waves. 12. PC simulation of 8085. 13. Use of PC / μP to control real world parameters.
14. Seven segment display. 15. GM counter
References :
1. Advanced course in Practical Physics : D. Chattopadhya, PC. Rakshit & B. Saha

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(8th Edition)Book & Allied Pvt. Ltd.
2. BSc Practical Physics : Harnam Singh S. Chand & Co. Ltd. – 2001. 3. A Text book of Practical Physics : Samir Kumar Ghosh New Central Book Agency (4rd edition). 4. B Sc. Practical Physics : C. L. Arora (1st Edition ) – 2001
S. Chand & Co. Ltd. 5. Practical Physics : C. L. Squires – ( 3rd Edition)
Cambridge University Press. 6. University Practical Physics : D C Tayal. Himalaya Publication.
7. Advanced Practical Physics : Worsnop & Flint.