pdf 32 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

pdf 32 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Item No. – 4.35
Ac – 14/06/2018

Amendment for New Regulation for Standard of Passing for Bachelor
of Performing Arts (BPA) and for amendment of R.1606 -A in relating to
the New Regulation for Standard of Passing for Master of Performing
Arts MPA in Dance from the academic year 2018 - 19.

B.P.A. Existing R. 1753
R.1753 – A candidate who has obtained 50% of the total
marks in any theory subject or subjects only may, at his/her
option, be exempted from appearing in that subjects at a
subsequent examination and will be declared to have passed
the examination when he/she pa sses in the remaining subject
or subjects in which he/she appears on the last occasion and
obtains the minimum number if marks in each subject and the
percentage of the total marks in such remaining subject as
required by R 1752.
Such a candidate will not be eligible for a class or a prize or a
scholarship awarded at the examination.
Amended R.1753 – A candidate who has obtained 40% of the
total marks in any theory subject or subjects only may, at
his/her option, be exempted from appearing in that subjects at
a subsequent examination and will be declared to have passed
the examination when he/she passes in the remaining subject
or subjects in which he/she appears on the last occasion and
obtains the minimum number if marks in each subject and the
percentage of the total marks in such remaining subject as
required by R 1752. Such a candidate will not be eligible for a
class or a prize or a scholarship awarded at the examination.
A candidate who reappears for all the subjects both
theory as well as practical a lthough failed in one or more
subjects earlier should be permitted after re -registration.

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Such a candidate will be eligible for, a class or prize in a
scholarship awarded at the examination.

M.P.A. Existing R. 1606 -A.
A candidate, who has failed at the M. F.A. Part I or Part II
examination, but has secured, 50 percentage of the total arks
in the theory Papers will, at his/her option, be exempted from
appearing in the theory papers at a subsequent examination,
provided he/she has obtained minimum passing mar ks in each
of theory papers. Similarly a candidate passing in each of the
practicals with 50 percent of the marks will, at his/her option,
be exempted from appearing in the practicals at a subsequent
Candidates who have secured a minimum of 5 0 percent marks
in Teaching practice including Advanced Teaching Practice
which will be treated as internal assessment will not be
required to repeat it again but his marks in teaching practice
including advanced teaching practice will be carried forward t o
his/her subsequent appearance.
Further, candidates appearing with exemption in theory
papers/practicals will be awarded a class but candidates
whose marks in Teaching Practice including Advanced
Teaching Practice only have been carried forward to their
subsequent appearance will be eligible for the award of a
M.P.A. Amended R. 1606 -A
A candidate, who has failed at the M.F.A. Part I or Part II
examination, but has secured, 40 percentage of the total arks
in the theory Papers will, at his/her opti on, be exempted from
appearing in the theory papers at a subsequent examination,
provided he/she has obtained minimum passing marks in each
of theory papers. Similarly a candidate passing in each of the
practicals with 40 percent of the marks will, at his/ her option,
be exempted from appearing in the practicals at a subsequent

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Candidates who have secured a minimum of 40 percent marks
in Teaching practice including Advanced Teaching Practice
which will be treated as internal assessment will not be
required to repeat it again but his marks in teaching practice
including advanced teaching practice will be carried forward to
his/her subsequent appearance.
Further candidates appearing with exemption in theory
papers and practicals will not be awarde d a class .
A candidate who reappears for all the subjects both
theory as well as practical although failed in one or more
subjects earlier should be permitted after re -registration.
Such a candidate will be eligible for, a class or prize in a
scholarship a warded at the examination.