pdf 23 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

pdf 23 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 26/07/2019
Item No. - 4.25


Revised Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A. (Sem I II)
Paper III
Macro Economics – I

Course: Economics

(As Per C hoice Based Credit System with effect from the
academic year 2020 -21)

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Macro Economics - I

S.Y.B.A. Semester – III Paper III
(Academic Year: 2020 - 21)

Preamble : This course is designed to provide an introduction to the students about the basic
building blocks of Macro Economics which will serve as a foundation throughout their

Module – I: Introduction to Macro Economics and National Income (12 Lectures)
Introduction : Meaning and Scope o f Macro Economics; Concepts of National Inco me: GNP ,
NNP, NDP , Per Capita Income , Personal Income and Disposal Income ; Methods and
Difficulties in Measurement o f National Income ; Circular Flow o f National Income : Closed
Economy (Two a nd Three Sector) and Open Economy Models (Four Sector Model)

Module – II: Consumption and Investment (12 Lectures)
Consumption and Investment; Says Law of Market; Theory of Effective Demand;
Consumption Function; Investment Function; Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Rate of
Interest - Investment Multiplier

Module – III: Supply of Money and Demand for Money (12 Lectures)
Suppl y of Money; Determinants of Money Supply ; Velocity of Circulation of Money ; RBI’s
Approach to Measurement o f Money Supply ; Demand for Money: Classical, Keynesian and
Friedman’s Approaches

Module – IV: Banking (12 Lectures)
Banking: Commercial Bank, Functions of Commercial Banks, Multiple Credit Creation,
Balance Sheet o f Commercial Bank ; Development in Commercial Banking Sector Since
1990 -91; Central Bank: Functio ns of Central Bank - Traditional , Development al, Promotional

1) N. Gregory Mnakiw , (2015) , Principle of Macroeconomics, 7th e dition, Cengage
2) Abel A. B. B. S. Beranake and D. Croushore (2011) , Macroeconomics, Pearson, New
3) Ahuja H. L., (2008) , Macroeconomics theory and P olicy, S. Chand and company Ltd.
New Delhi.
4) Dwivedi D.N., (2007) , Macroeconomics theory and P olicy, TATA Mcgraw - Hill
Publication company Ltd. Delhi.
5) Dornbusch Rudig er, Fischer, Stanley and Startz, (2017) (Indian Edition),
Macroeconomics Delhi: M cgraw Hill Publication.
6) Paul Samuelson and William Nordhaus, (2010) , Economics, Mcgraw Hill Publication.