of 2018 191 2 Syllabus Mumbai University

of 2018 191 2 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC - 08/09/2018
Item No. – 4.17
Item for the Academic Council
Sub: Draft syllabus of S.Y.B.A. Commerce (Sem . III & IV) for (1) Financial
Management, (2) Introduction of Marketing and syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
(Sem. V & VI) Commerce paper
Preamble With reference to apropos subjects, it is submitted that, Principal, Vivekanand
Education Society’s College of Arts, Science & Commerce vide letter No.
VC/265 of 2018 dated 2th August, 2018 had forwarded the proposed draft
syllabus of (Sem . III & IV) for (1) Financial Management, (2) Introduction of
Marketing and Dr. Anupama Nerurkar has submitted syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
(Sem. V & VI) Commerce paper

The Principal, Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science &
Commerce has request ed to add subject SYBA (R -16) on
mum.digitaluniversity.ac.in portal from the A.Y. 2017 -18.

Therefore, considering the fact, said draft syllabus was forwarded to Dr.
Ajay Bhamare, Dean (I/c), faculty of Commerce and Management for opinion.

Dr. Ajay Bhamare, Dean (I/c), faculty of Commerce and Management
vide email dated 28th August, 2018 has communicated to place an item before
the Board of Deans as per the provision of Section 374(i) (b) of the
Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016 and the Academi c Council as per
Section 33 (1) its approval. Accordingly the item was place before the Board of
Deans at its meeting held on 4th September, 2018 vide item no. 29, when the
board has resolved as under :

“After due discussion & deliberations on the capti oned matter, it was resolved
that the changed paper pattern for 1. TYBA Commerce VII/X Introduction to
Management -100 marks 2. TYBA Commerce VIII/XI Human Resource
Management -100 marks 3. TYBA Commerce IX/XII Export Management
(i)Project of 20 marks pe r semester (ii) Export Management Theory -80 marks,
be approved and recommended to the Academic Council to consideration and
It was also resolved that the changed syllabus and paper pattern for
SYBA Commerce 1.SYBA Commerce III/V Financial Manag ement -100 marks,
2.SYBA Commerce IV/VI Introduction to Marketing Management -100 marks,
be approved and recommended to the Academic Council to consideration and
Remarks for
approval Therefore, the resolution passed by the Board of Deans is being placed before
Academic Council for its consideration and approval.

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Semester Based Credit and Grading System
Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester V
Commerce Paper Commerce Paper VIII Human Resource Mangement
w.e.f .2016 -2017

1. Module I – Human Resource Management - I ( 10 Lectures )
1.1 Human Resource Management – Meaning, Features, Significance, Scope,
Functions, Challenges.
1.2 Human Resource Planning – Meaning, Need, Process, Factors, Benefits.
1.3 Job Analysis – Meaning, Contents, Uses, Process, Techniques.

2. Module II – Human Resource Management - II ( 10 Lectures )
2.1 Recruitment – Meaning, Sources, Factors, Policy.
2.2 Selection – Meaning, Process, Selection Tests, Induction.
2.3 Interview – Meaning, Types, Limitations, Effective Interview.

3. Module III – Human Resource Developm ent – I ( 13 Lectures )
3.1 Training – Meaning, Importance, Methods, Effective Training.
3.2 Performance Appraisal – Meaning, Uses, Methods, Limitations, Process.
3.3 Management Development – Meaning, Objectives, Concepts, Importance,
Components, Techniques.
3.4 Organisational Development – Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Process.

4. Module IV – Human Resource Development – II ( 12 Lectures )
4.1 Promotion – Meaning, Objectives, Policy.
4.2 Transfer – Meaning, Purpose, Policy.
4.3 Separation – Meaning, Causes.
4.4 Absenteeism – Meaning, Causes, Effect, Remedial Measures.
4.5 Turnover – Meaning, Causes, Effect, Remedial Measures.

Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module I) (15)

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Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module II) (15)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)

Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)
Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)
C) Match the following. (5)

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Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester V I
Commerce Paper Commerce Paper VIII Human Resource Mangement
w.e.f .2016 -2017

1. Module V – Human Relations - I ( 12 Lectures )
1.1 Human Re lations – Meaning, Features, Importance, Fundamental Concepts,
Measures for Improvement.
1.2 Human Needs – Meaning, Concept of Needs, Changing Nature of Needs, Need
Satisfaction Process, Behavioral Effect of Unsatisfied Needs, manager’ s Role in
Need Fulfillment.
1.3 Employee Morale – Meaning, Characteristics, Factors, Effect of High Morale,
Measures for Improvement .

2. Module V I – Human Relations - II ( 12 Lectures )
2.1 Motivation – Meaning, Features, Factors, Importance , Theories ( Maslow,
Herzberg, McGreggor ) .
2.2 Leadership – Meaning, Styles, Theories (Trait, Transactional, Transformational) ,
Selection of Leadership Style.
2.3 Group Dynamics – Meaning, Characteristics, Types of Group, Objectives of Group
Formation, Process of Group Formation, Conflict ( Causes, Stages, Resolution ).

3. Module VI I – Industrial Relations (11 Lectures )
3.1 Industrial Relations – Meaning, Importance, Disputes ( Causes, Effects,
Settlement Procedure ).
3.2 Grievance – Mea ning, Features, Causes, Redressal Procudure .
3.3 Employee Safety – Meaning, Importance, Accidents ( Causes , Effects, Safety
Measures ).

4. Module VIII – Current Issues ( 10 Lectures )
4.1 Human Resource Research.
4.2 Human Resource Audit.
4.3 Human Resource Accounting.
4.4 Employee Participation .
4.5 Exit Policy.
4.6 Women At Workplace.

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Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module I) (15)
Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module II) (15)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)

Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)
Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)
C) Match the following. (5)

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Semester Based Credit and Grading System
Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester V
Commerce Paper IX -Export Management w.e.f .2016 -2017
Module I
Introduction to Export Management (12 lectures)
a) Definition of Export Management -Need for Export for country and the firm -Features –
Functions of Export manager -Distinction between domestic marketing and export marketing -
Challenges in Export Marketing
b) India ’s Export Trade -Composition and Direction of India ’s export trade -Export of services
from India -Reasons of India’s poor share in the world trade
Module II
International Trade (12 lectures)
a) Definition of International Trade -Problems in International Trade -Trade Barriers -Tariff
and Non –tariff barriers -Distinction between Tariff and Non - tariff barriers.
b) Regional Trading blocs -Working of EU ( European Union) , ASEAN ( Association of South
East Asian Nations) ,NAFTA ( North American Free Trade Association) and SAARC ( South
Asian Association For Regional Co -operation) -Effects of Trade blocs on International Trade.
c) WTO –World Trade Organisation -Objectives –Agreements -Role of WTO in International
Module III
Export Mark eting and Promotional Organisations in India (11 lectures)
a) Export Marketing Organisations in India -Manufacturer Exporter -Merchant Exporter -
Export houses -Canalising agencies -Export Consortia.
b) Export Promotion Organisations in India -Features -Export Promotion Council -Commodity
Boards -Federation of Indian Exporters’ Organisation ( FIEO),Indian Institute of Foreign
Trade(IIFT),Indian Institute of Packaging(IIP),Export Inspection Council(EIC),Director
General of Foreign Trade (DGFT )
c)Special Economic Zones(SEZ),100 % Export Oriented units(EOU),Software Technology
Parks( STP),
Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP)

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Foreign Trade Policy and Export incentives -
a) Objectives and main highlights of FTP-2015 -2020. -Implications of FTP on India’s
export trade.
b) Export Assistance and Incentives -Main export incentives extended to Indian exporters
by Government of India —Duty Drawback, EPCG ( Export Promotion Capital Goods
Scheme) ,MDA (Marketing Development Assistance),MAI( Market Access
Initiative)Deemed export, ASIDE(Assistance to States for Infrastructure Development
of Exports ),Tax holidays

Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module I) (15)
Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module II) (15)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III ( 15)

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Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)
Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)
C) Match the following. (5)

References -

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Semester Based Credit and Grading System
Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester VI
Commerce Paper IX -Export Management w.e.f .2016 -2017
Module V
Preliminaries for starting export business (12 lectures)
a) Overseas Marketing Research -Identifying foreign markets -Factors affecting selection
of product in foreign market -
b) Product Planning -International Product Life cycle -New product development process -
Product branding, labelling and packaging.
c) Methods of entry in foreign market -Channels of distribution in export market -Export
marketing p lan
Module VI (12 lectures)
Export Pricing
a) Factors affecting export price -Pricing methods -Marginal costing and Breakeven
pricing -Export pricing strategies
b) Export pricing quotations -INCO terms -Major export price quotations -FOB price -CIF
price - C& F price -Distinction between FOB price and CIF price
c) Methods of payment in export marketing -Letter of credit -types -process of opening
letter of credit.
Module VII (11 lectures)
Export Finance -
a) Types of Export Finance -Pre-shipment ( Packing) credit -Post- shipment credit -
Features, p rocess of obtaining credit -Distinction between pre -shipment and Post -
shipment finance -Deferred payment.
b) Role of EXIM bank, Commercial bank, SIDBI in export finance -Role of ECGC in
export finance.
Module VIII
Export Documentation and Procedure (11 lectures )

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a) Main documents used in export and their importance -Commercial Invoice , Consular
Invoice, Shipping bill, Certificate of Origin ,Consular Invoice, Shipping bill , Mate’s
receipt, Bill of Lading and G.R. form.
b) Stages in export procedure -Registration stage -Pre-shipment stage -Shipment stage -
Post-shipment stage -Role of CHA in export procedure.

Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module V) (15)
Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module VI) (15)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module VII) (15)

Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module VIII) (15)

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Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)
C) Match the following. (5)

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Semester Based Credit and Grading System
Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester V
Commerce Paper – Commerce paper VII (Introduction to
management) w.e.f .2016 -2017
Module I – (12 lectures)
a)Definition of management – features – need and importance – Henri Fayal’s principles –
b)Management functions – managerial skills – management levels –
c) M anagement as an art – management as science – management as a profession .
Module II – (12 lectures)
a)Planning – features – need and importance - Types /components of planning –
b) Planning process – limitations – essentials of good plan – SWOT - objectives (basic /organic,
economic, social , human ,national) –
c) Decision making process – importance – techniques – procedure and limitations.
Module I II – (11 lectures)
a)Organising – principles
b)line – functional – line and staff organisation
c)Committee – matrix –organisational charts
Module IV – (10 lectures)
a)Delegation – decentralisation – formal and informal organisation
b) Departmentation – span of control – Gricuna’s theory – Tall span and wide span.

Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.

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Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module I)
Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module II)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III

Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III
Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)

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C) Match the following. (5)

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Semester Based Credit and Grading System
Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.
Semester V I
Commerce paper X(Introduction to management) w.e.f .2016 -2017 I –
Module V –– (10 lectures)
a)Communication -Types of communication,Techniques of communication
b) Controlling -Process of contolling, Techniques of controlling
c)Co -ordination -Importance in Management
Module V I – – (12 lectures)
a)Corporate Social Responsibility -Meaning,Scope,Advantages
b)Corporate Governanace —Meaning,Need,Tests
c) MIS -Meaning and advantages,challenges of managers.
Module VII –– (12 lectures)
a)Production management –objectives, functions, importance and scope –
b) Production planning and control – objectives and steps,
c)New product designing – factors, essentials of good product design, stages.
Module VIII –– (11ectures)
a)Types of production process technologies, Productivity – need,
b) Factors affecting prod uctivity, measuring and improving, difficulties in measuring,
c) Plant location

Paper Pattern
Total marks -75
Duration –Two and Half hours
Note - All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q 1. Answ er any two questions from the following. ( Module I) (15)

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Q.2 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module II) (15)
Q.3. Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)

Q.4 Answer any two questions from the following. ( Module III (15)
Q.5. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. (5)
B) State whether following statements are True or False. (5)
C) Match the following. (5)

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