mechanical Engg syllabus MANUFACTURING SCIENCES LAB 2 Mechanical Engg 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

mechanical Engg syllabus MANUFACTURING SCIENCES LAB 2 Mechanical Engg 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Course Code Course/ Subject Name Credits
MEL 505 Manufacturing Sciences Lab 1

1. To acquaint with the concepts pertaining to planning and sequencing of
2. To prepare for designing of simple productive and cost effective jigs and fixtures .
3. To acquaint with the various press working operations for mass production of
sheet metal components and sheet metal working technique s for design of press
4. To familiarize with methods of force measurement during machining.
5. To familiarize with methods of temperature measurement during machining .
6. To familiarize with the design procedures for cutting tools.

Outcomes : The students will be able to…
1. Identify and select location and clamping faces/points on jobs.
2. Design and develop simple pro ductive and cost effective jigs and fixtures.
3. Identify press tool requirements to build concepts pertaining to design of press
4. Select a proper force measurement method for the required machining
5. Select a proper temperature measurement me thod for the required machining
6. Design multi point cutting tool .

Term Work: (Comprises part A and B)

A) List of Design Exercises:
No. Title of Design Problem Laboratory
1 Design of a Simple Progressive Die 2
2 Design of a Drill Jig or Milling Fixture 3
3 Design of a Multipoint Cutting Tool
(Broach or Milling Cutter : Any one) 2

B) Assignment: On following topics:
1. Sheet metal working
2. Tool dynamometry and metal cutting
3. Tool life and economics of machining
4. Indexing jigs and fixtures
5. Temperature measurement in metal cutting and cutting fluids

Project Based Learning may be incorporated by judiciously reducing number of

Term Work :
Term work consists of design exercises and assignments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
 Design and Assignments : 20 marks.
 Attendance : 05 marks.