Vide item No 515R MASanskrit Sem I and II CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 5.15 (R)
Revised Syllabus for M.A. (Sanskrit)
Semester - Sem I and II
(Choice Based Credit System)
(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)
Page 4
Syllabus for Approval
Signature of BOS Chairperson :
Signature of Dean :
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course M.A. (Sanskrit)
2 Eligibility for
Admission B.A. Sanskrit / Entrance Test of 200 marks
3 Passing Marks 40% passing
4 Ordinances /
Regulations (if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years / Semesters Sem 1 and Sem 2
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2022 -23
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MA. Semester I
Programme Outcomes for MA Degree Programme
PO1. Critical thinking: Understand, analyse and explain the nuances expressed
through language and literature. Develop newer ideas on the intellectual,
organizational and personal level with different perspectives
PO2. Effective Communication: Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and
through electronic media in English and other languages and make meaning of the
world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.
PO3. Social interaction: El icit views of others, conduct meaningful discussions,
mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings.
PO4. Effective citizenship: Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity
centred national development and the ability to act with an informed awareness of
issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
PO5: Ethics: Recognize different value systems including one’s own, understand
the moral dimensions of one’s decisions and accept responsibility for them
PO6: Environment and sustainability: Understand the issues of environmental
contexts and sustainable development
PO7: Self -directed and lifelong learning: Acquire the ability to engage in
independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context socio -technological
PO8: Development of emotional quotient: Be empowered to create an emotionally
sensitive approach regarding social, cultural, political and environmental issues of
the society
Programme Specific Outcomes for MA Sanskrit Degree Program me:
PSO1: Understand and appreciate works written in Sanskrit
PSO2: Analyze and critically comment on works written in Sanskrit
Page 6
PSO3: Translate and annotate works written in Sanskrit
PSO4: Understand Ancient Indian Culture and its relevance in the pres ent scenario
PSO5: Enable expressing thoughts in Sanskrit
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MA Part I
Semester 1
Paper 1
Nomenclature – Sanskrit Grammar and writing skills
CO 1: To enable expressing one’s thoughts in Sanskrit
CO2: To develop ability to translate complex texts writt en in Sanskrit
CO3: To develop the ability of creative thinking in Sanskrit
Unit 1 (2 Credits)
1. Sanskrit Grammar – (30 Marks )
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी – िन्धिप्रकरणम्
Unit 2 (2 Credits)
Sanskrit Writing Skills (30 Marks )
1. Dissolution of िन्धिs as per the rules given in लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी – िन्धिप्रकरणम् .
2. Translation from Sanskrit to Marathi / Hindi / English
Internal Assignment – (2 credits) (20 Marks)
Translation from Marathi / Hindi / English to Sanskrit (Minimum 1000 words)
Paper Pattern
Q.1. Explain any two sutras out of three. (15 Marks )
Q.2. Write रूपसिन्धद्ध s. (Any two out of three) (15 Marks )
Q.3. Dissolve any seven िन्धिs from the given paragraph & mention the rule for the
same from िन्धिप्रकरणम् of लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी .
(In question paper, minimum 10 िन्धिs should be there in the paragraph.)
(15 Marks )
Q.4. Translate the following paragraph into Marathi / Hindi / English. (Any 1 out of
2) (15 Marks )
Page 8
Bibliography :
Marathi Books
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , म. दा. िाठे आसण श्री. ल. आठलेकर (िंपा.) िंस्क ृ त सिद्या
पररिंस्था , पुणे, १९९८ .
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग १ िंज्ञा आसण िंधी प्रकरण , अजय पेंडिे , गिळी प्रकाशन ,
िांगली , २०२० .
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग २ सिभक्त्यथथ आसण िमाि प्रकरण , अजय पेंडिे , गिळी
प्रकाशन , िांगली , २०२१ .
िुगम िंस्क ृ त व्याकरण , प्र. शं. जोशी , सनतीन प्रकाशन , पुणे, २०११ .
चला िंस्क ृ त सशक ू या, डॉ. श्रीराम भातखंडे , मनोरमा प्रकाशन , २०१० .
Hindi Books
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग १ और भाग २, श्री. महेशसिंग क ु शिाहा , चौखम्बा सिद्याभिन ,
िाराणिी , २००४ .
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , पद्मश्री डॉ. कसपलदेि सििेदी आचायथ , डॉ. भारतेन्दु सििेदी ,
सिश्िसिद्यालय प्रकाशन , िाराणिी , २०११
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , श्रीधरानन्दशास्त्री , मोतीलाल बनारिीदाि , देहली .
English Books
Laghusiddhantkaumudi of Varadaraja, James Ballantyne, Motilal
Banarasidas, Delhi , 2005.
Laghusiddhantkaumudi, Kanshi Ram, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi , 2012.
First Book of Sanskrit, R. G. Bhandarkar, Keshav Bhikaji Dhawle, Mumbai ,
Second Book of Sanskrit, R.G. Bhandarkar, Keshave Bhikaji Dhawle,
Mumbai, 2006.
Sanskrit Book –
शुन्धद्धकौमुदी , जनादथन हेगडे , िंस्क ृ त भारती , बेंगलुरू , २००८ .
Page 9
Paper 2
Nomenclature : Sanskrit Literature (60) Marks - 4 credits
CO1: Critically analyse and appreciate Classical Sanskrit Literature
CO2: To analyse and appreciate Modern Sanskrit Literature
CO3: To translate Sanskrit Literature into English or Modern Indian
Unit 1 (2 Credits)
1. Uttararamcharita (1,3,7 Anka ) (30Marks)
Unit 2 (2 Credits)
Modern Sanskrit Literature (30 Marks)
१)लोकगीत -
डॉ.अभिराज राजेन्द्र भिश्र - वाग्वधूटी - १)स्कन्धहारीयि् २)चैत्रकि्
२)गजल -
डॉ.अभिराज राजेन्द्र भिश्र - वाग्वधूटी - वाभचक ं ददे कस्मै )गलज्जभलका )
प्रो.बच्चूलाल अवस्थी - प्रताभििी - क एते, क्व यतास्ते
३) कव्वाली -
डॉ.अभिराज राजेन्द्र भिश्र- िृद्वीका - काव्याली
४)बालसाभहत्यि् -
डॉ.अभिराज राजेन्द्र भिश्र-कौिारि् - १)सववधिवसििाव : २)क ु तोन्वागता : पयोदा
५)हास्य काव्य -
डॉ.प्रशस्यभित्र क ृ त - हासभवलास :-१)ितदाि भवभशष्यते २)अभििवा रसोत्पभि :
६)हाइक ु ,तान्का ,सीजो -डाॅ . हर्वदेव िाधव भवरभचत
७)सौ.किल अभ्यंकर - गुञ्जिि् -१)तिभस भििग्ना अहि् ,२)जयोऽस्तु िे िारतिुव :
८) डॉ.वेदक ु िारी , डॉ.राि प्रताप - ऊभिवला - १)पभथक ं प्रभत
९) आचायव राधावल्लि भत्रपाठी , डॉ.ऋर्ि् िारद्वाज :(संपा.) काव्यसंङ्ग्रह :-
Page 10
Internal Assignment – (2 credits) (20 Marks)
Present an analytical study of any other Sanskrit dramatic text
Paper Pattern
Unit 1 Uttararamcharita (30 Marks)
Q.1.Essay type question. 1/2 (15 Marks)
Q.1.Short Notes. 2/3(15 Marks)
Q.2.Translate and Annotate 2/3(15 Marks)
Unit 2 Modern Sanskri t Literature (30 Marks)
Q.3.Essay type question 2/3(30 Marks)
Q.3.Short Notes . ¾(30 Mar ks)
Bibliography :
1. भत्रपाठी , रािशंकर (अिु.) , िहाकभविविूभतभवरभचति् उिररािचररति् , चौखम्बा
क ृ ष्णदास अकादिी , वाराणसी ,२००५
2. भत्रिाथशिाव तथा कभपलदेव भगरी (अिु.) िहाकभव िविूभतभवरभचति्
उिररािचररति् ,चौखम्बा संस्क ृ त संस्थाि , वाराणसी ,१९९४
3. हातवळणे , भद.िो. आभण ि.िो. क े ळकर (संपा. आभण अिु.), उिररािचररति्
,देशिुख आभण क ं पिी ,पुणे,१९६५
4.Belvalkar, Shripad Krishna (Ed. & tr.) Rama ’s Later history or Uttara -
Ramacarita. ,Harvard Oriental Series, Cambridge Massachusetts,Harvard
University Press,1915
5. Karmarkar, R.D. (Ed. & Tr.), Uttararamacarita of Bhavabhuti ,
Aryabhushan Press,Poona,1954
6.भिश्र अभिराज राजेन्द्र ,िृद्वीका ,वैजयन्त प्रकाशि , इलाहाबाद ,१९८५
7.भिश्र अभिराज राजेन्द्र ,वाग्वधूटी ,अक्षयवट प्रकाशि इलाहाबाद ,१९७८
8.भिश्र अभिराज राजेन्द्र ,कौिायव ,िवदेहली संस्थािि् संस्क ृ त राभरिय ,२००८
Page 11
9.डाॅ .पटेल भविोद ,डाॅ .जोर्ी राक े श (संपा.)भशरीर्पुष्पेर्ु वृभरभबन्दव :,पार्श्व
पब्लिक े शि अिदावाद ,२०१५
10.डाॅ .शास्त्री प्रशस्त भित्र , हासभवलास :,भशक्षक प्रकाशि , कािपुर ,१९८६
11.अभ्यंकर किल ,गुञ्जिि् ,आशा गुजवर ,िुंबई ,२००९
12.डाॅ .वेदक ु िारी ,डाॅ .रािप्रताप :, ऊभिवला ,ऋचा प्रकाशिि् ,जम्मू तशी,१९८७
13.भत्रपाठी आचायव राधावल्लि , डॉ.िारद्वाज : ऋर्ि् (संपा) काव्यसंङ्ग्रह :, राभरिय
संस्क ृ त संस्थािि् िवदेहली ,२०१२
Paper 3
Darshana Literature (60 marks) – 4 credits
CO1: Critically analyse and understand texts written in Sanskrit on Indian
CO2: To understand the difference between theist and non -theist traditions
existing in Ancient India
CO3: To be able to comment upon various disc ourses on Indian Philosophy
CO4: To compare and contrast between Indian tradition and Greek
Philosophical thought
Unit 1: Yogasutra - sadhanapada (30 marks=2 credits)
Unit 2: Arthasamgraha - selections (Mangalacarana, Bhavana, Mantra,
Namadheya, Nishedha and Arthavada) (30 marks=2 credits)
Assignment : on any darshana except Yoga and Purvamimamsa
Paper pattern:
Unit 1:
Long question (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) (15 marks)
Page 12
Unit 2:
Long question (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) (15 marks)
1. Devisahaya Pandeya (Deep), Patanjala yoga darshanam with Vyasabhasya,
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Prathisthana, Delhi, 2013
2. Kameshwarnath Mishra, Arthasangraha, Chowkhamba, Varanasi, 2010
3. Gajananshastri Musalgaonkar, Mimamsadarshankavivechanatmakitihas,
Chowkhamba, Varanasi, 1992 5.
4. M. Hiriyanna, The Essentials of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin
Ltd, London, 196
5. S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy, Vol.1 and 2, second edition, OU P,
India, 2009
6. I. K. Taimini, The Science of Yoga, Nesma Books, 1961
7. Interpreting Patanjali’s Yogadarshana - Theory and Practice, BookHungama,
8. S. Sukthankar, Arthasamgraha of Laugakshibhaskara (English Traslation and
notes), Vista, 2005
9. S. M. Paranjap e, Arthasamgraha (with Marathi Translation)
Paper 4
Nomenclature: Ancient Indian Polity: Marks 60 (4 credits)
CO1: To enable the student to understand Ancient Indian Polity,
administration and monetary conditions
CO2: To enable the student to compare and contrast between theory of
statecraft and practical aspect through inscriptions
CO3: To enable the student to relate ancient Indian statecraft in day to day
helm of affairs
Unit I : Kautiliya Arthashastra 2 Credits (30 marks)
Saptanga concept – Education of princes, Daily routine of king, Ministry,
Page 13
Janapada, Forts, Financial management, Spy system, Rajamandala,
(Adhikaranas I, II,V,VI,VII)
Unit II : Epigraphy 2 Credits (30 marks)
Introduction to Epigraphy
Study of 4 epigraphs – 1) Pune Copper Plates of Prabhavati Gupta
2) Delhi Topra 4th pillar inscription
3) Nashik inscription of King Nahapana
4) Mandasor pillar inscription of Yashodharman
Assignment : Study of any epigraph other than those in syllabus
Paper Pattern
Unit I: Essay type questions (2/3) OR Short notes (3/4) 30 marks
Unit II: Short notes (3/4) 30 marks
1) R. P. Kangle, Kautiliya Arthashastra, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya Sanskriti
Mandal, Mumbai, 1982
2) T. Ganapati Shastri, Kau tiliya Arthashastra Vols I to III, Bharatiya Vidya
Prakashan, Delhi, 1990
3) Radhavallabh Tripathi, Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Modern world, Pratibha
Prakashan, Delhi, 1991
4) B. L. Rajapurohit, Pracheen Bharatiya Abhilekh, Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi,
5) Ranji tsingh Saini, Abhilekhmanjusha, New Bharatiya Book Corporation,
Delhi, 2010
6) Shobhana Gokhale, Purabhilekhavidya, Continental Prakashan, Pune, 2007
Page 14
MA Part I : Semester 2
Paper 1
Nomenclature – Sanskrit Grammar and writing skills
CO1: To enable the stud ent to understand Paninian Grammatical System
CO2: To have a fair idea of word formation in Sanskrit
CO3: To formulate grammatical correct word forms in Sanskrit
CO4: To enable the student to understand Syntax and Semantics of Sanskrit
Unit 1 (2 Credits)
1. Sanskrit Grammar – (30 Marks )
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी – िमािप्रकरणम्
Unit 2 (2 Credits)
Sanskrit Writing Skills (30 Marks)
1. Essay writing
2. Story writing
Internal Assignment – (2 credits) (20 Marks)
Story writing / Report writing / Dialogue writing in Sanskrit (Minimum 1000
Paper Pattern –
Q.1. Explain any two sutras out of three. (15 Marks )
Q.2. Write रूपसिन्धद्ध s. (Any two out of three) (15 Marks )
Q.3. Write essay in Sanskrit. (Any one out of two) (15 Marks )
Q.4. Write the story in Sanskrit using the following points. (Any one out of two)
(15 Marks )
Bibliograph y :
Marathi Books
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , म. दा. िाठे आसण श्री. ल. आठलेकर (िंपा.) िंस्क ृ त सिद्या
पररिंस्था , पुणे, १९९८ .
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग १ िंज्ञा आसण िंधी प्रकरण , अजय पेंडिे , गिळी प्रकाशन ,
िांगली , २०२० .
Page 15
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग २ सिभक्त्यथथ आसण िमाि प्रकरण , अजय पेंडिे , गिळी
प्रकाशन , िांगली , २०२१ .
िुगम िंस्क ृ त व्याकरण , प्र. शं. जोशी , सनतीन प्रकाशन , पुणे, २०११ .
चला िंस्क ृ त सशक ू या, डॉ. श्रीराम भातखंडे , मनोरमा प्रकाशन , २०१० .
Hindi Books
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी भाग १ और भाग २, श्री. महेशसिंग क ु शिाहा , चौखम्बा सिद्याभिन ,
िाराणिी , २००४ .
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , पद्मश्री डॉ. कसपलदेि सििेदी आचायथ , डॉ. भारतेन्दु सििेदी ,
सिश्िसिद्यालय प्रकाशन , िाराणिी , २०११
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी , श्रीधरानन्दशास्त्री , मोतीलाल बनारिीदाि , देहली .
English Books
Laghusiddhantkaumudi of Varadaraja, James Ballantyne, Motilal
Banarasidas, Delhi , 2005.
Laghusiddhantkaumudi, Kanshi Ram, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi , 2012.
First Book of Sanskrit, R. G. Bhandarkar, Keshav Bhikaji Dhawle, Mumbai ,
Second Book of Sans krit, R.G. Bhandarkar, Keshave Bhikaji Dhawle,
Mumbai, 2006.
Sanskrit Book –
शुन्धद्धकौमुदी , जनादथन हेगडे , िंस्क ृ त भारती , बेंगलुरू , २००८ .
Paper II
Nomenclature: Sanskrit Poetics
CO1: To understand different aspects of Art and Literary Appreciation
CO2: To take in cognizance different theories of analyzing Sanskrit Literary forms
CO3: To enable the students to appreciate modern literature and art work, thereby
justifying the relevance of Ancient Theories of Literary Appreciation
Unit I: Credits 2 Marks 30
Page 16
Natyashastra of Bharatamuni Chapter 6 with Abhinavabharati
Unit II: Credits 2 Marks 30
Natyashastra of Bharatamuni Chapter 7 with Abhinavabharati
Internal Assignment : 2 credits
Powerpoint presentation of any one Rasa studied by the student
Paper pattern:
Unit 1:
Long question (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) (15 marks)
Unit 2:
Long question (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) (15 marks)
Books -
Rasabhavavichar of R. P. Kangle
Natyashastra – 4 vol. -R.S.Nagar
Natyashastra -1- 4 vol. pushpendukumar
Manmohan Ghosh -1-27 vol.
Paper 3
Nomenclature - Vedic Literature (60 marks) – 4 credits
CO1: To understand Vedic Sanskrit Language and Literature
CO2: To analyse and explain work formation in Vedic Sanskrit Language
CO3: To enable the students to appreciate different aspects of Vedic religion
and Mythology
Unit 1: Selections from Rigveda: Marks 30
Agni I.1, Indra II. 12, Rudra II. 33, Vishwamitra nadi samvaad III. 33,
Dasharajna yuddha VII. 18, Manduka VII. 103, Varuna VII. 88, Yama X.
Page 17
14, Aksha X. 34, Purusha X. 90 (30 marks=2
Unit 2: Nirukta Chapters I, II &VII (30 marks=2
Assignment : Any other sukta from Rigveda with minimum 7 mantras:
Marks 20
Paper pattern:
Unit 1:
Translate and annotate (2 out of 3) (15 marks)
Sukta appreciation (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Unit 2:
Long question (1 out of 2) (15 marks)
Write niruktis (3 out of 4) (15 marks)
1. Sitaramshastri, Nirukta of Yaskamuni, Vol I, Parimal Publications, Delhi,
2. L. Sarup, NighantutathaNirukta, MLBD, Delhi, 1967
3. Rigvedasamhita with Sayanabhasya, VolsI -V, VaidikSamshodhan
Mandal, Pune, 1984
4. ShripadSatawlekar, Rigveda kasubodh -bhasya, Vols. I to IV, Swadhyay
Mandal, Pardi, 1992
5. H. D. Velankar, Rksuktashati, BharatiyaVidyaBhavan, Mumbai, 1972
Paper 4
Classical Sanskrit Literature
CO1: To critically analyse and appreciate Classical Sanskrit Literature
CO2: To enable the students to understand Sanskrit Prose, Prosody and
Figures of speech
CO3: To enable students to comment upon the intricacies of Classical
Sanskrit Literature
Unit 1 (2 Credits)
1. Kumarasambhava (sarga - 1,5 ) (30 Marks)
Unit 2 (2 Credits)
1. Kadambari (Mahashweta -Vritanta) (30 Marks)
Page 18
Internal Assignment – (2 credits) (20 Marks)
Discuss the Content of any Modern Sanskrit Literature apart from those prescribed
for syllabus
Paper Pattern –
Unit 1 - Kumarasambhava (30 Marks )
Q.1. Essay type question 1/2 (15 Marks)
Q.2. Short Notes 2/3(15Marks)
Q.2. Reference to Context
Unit 2 - Kadambari (30 Marks)
Q.3. Essay type Question 1/2 (15 Marks)
Q.3.Short Notes 2/3 (15 Marks)
Q.4.Reference to Context 2/3 (15 Marks)
Bibliography :
1.दुगाव िागवत ,रसियी ,वरद बुक्स , पुणे, १९८८ .
2.दुगाव िागवत ,बाणाची कादंबरी ,वरद बुक्स , पुणे, १९८८ .
3. डॉ.पाठक जिुिा (व्याख्या )श्रीिद् बाणिट्टप्रणीत : कादम्बरी -
िहार्श्ेतावृिान्त :,चौखम्बा क ृ ष्णदास अकादिी , वाराणसी ,२०१६
4.डॉ.िालवीय : सुधाकर ,(संपा.और व्याख्या .)िहाकभव काभलदासप्रणीतं क ु िारसम्भवं
िहाकाव्यि् , क ृ ष्णदास अकादिी , वाराणसी ,१९९७
5.पन्त िोहिदेव ,कादम्बरी पुवव िाग,एि.एल.बी.डी., भदल्ली ,१९७१
6.Kale M.R.(ed & tr ),Kalidasa’s Kumarasambhava, Motilal Banarasidas,
Delhi, 1981.
7.Karmarkar R.D.(ed & tr ),Kumarsambhav of Kalidas, Chaukhamba
Sanskrit Pratishthan , Delhi, 2003.