Vide Item No 85R Revised Syllabus of MSc Environmental Science Sem I and II CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 85R Revised Syllabus of MSc Environmental Science Sem I and II CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 8.5 (R)


Revised Syllabus for M.Sc. (Environmental Science)
Semester - Sem I and II
(Choice Based Credit System)

(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)

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Syllabus for Approval

Name & Signature of BOS Chairperson :

Name & Signature of Dean: ______________________________

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course M.Sc. (Environmental Science)
2 Eligibility for Admission As per University norms
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any)
5 No. of Years / Semesters Sem I and II
6 Level P.G.
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year 2022 -23_______________

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M. Sc. (Environmental Science ) Syllabus

1. Each student is expected to take 4 credits per theory paper and two credits per practical in
each semester.
2. At the end of each semester each student will be examined both in the theory and in the
practi -cals. Similarly the student has to appear for the internal examinatio n of theory and
practicals as per the ordinances.
3. The candidate is expected to submit a journal certified by the head of the department or
institu -tion at the time of the practical examination.
4. A candidate will not be allowed to appear for the practical ex amination unless he or she
produces a certified journal or a certificate from the head of the institution or department
stating that the journal is lost and the candidate has performed the required number of
experiments satisfactorily. The list of the expe riments performed by the candidate should
be attached with such certificate
5. Use of non programmable calculators is allowed both at the theory and the practical

Page 6

Semester -I papers:

1) Ecology and Ecosystem
2) Biodiversity
3) Environment and Natural resources
4) Environmental Pollution

Semester -II papers:

1) Environmental monitoring and Assessment
2) Pollution control technology

3) Green Technology
4) Environment Acts Rules and Regulations

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Ecology and Ecosystem: (Credit: 4)

Unit I (15 L)
Ecology: Definition, principle and scope of ecology, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, freshwater ecology,
marine ecology, estuarine ecology, Community concept, types of community, succession process,
competition and Coexistence, types of interactions: predation, parasitism, antibiosis, commensalism,
cooperation a nd mutualism, population growth.

Unit II (15L)
Concept of Biosphere and ecosystem: Biomes, Population parameters, structure, Growth Regulation,
Interaction between populations, life, history, strategies. Types of ecosystem, eco system of India,
Characteristics of eco system, structure of ecosystem and function of an ecosystem, population
Dynamics, Carrying capacity. Abiotic and Biotic environment, limiting factors, adaptation, Habitat and
niche, nature of environment. Littoral Zones: Fauna of intertidal zones, their distribution and adapta -
tions, ecological importance of mangrove vegetation, distribution of mangrove areas in India, salinity
ingress in coastal areas.

Marine Environment: Biota in different types of zones, its diversity -plankton, nekton, benthos, their ad -
aptations and productivity, Indian marine territory, Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)
Dynam ic biogeography: routes of migration of plants and animals, their impact on local ecosystems,
trade routes, shipping, accidental import, weeds, ballast water.

Unit III (15L)
Organization of Ecological systems: Ecosystem components, Producers, consumers and decomposer,

Food chains, food web and ecological pyramids, Biotic and abiotic components, Ecological pyramids,

Bioaccumulation and biomagnifications, mass and energy transfe r in successive trophic level,
Ecosystem Services, Ecological Footprint, Bioc apacity, Quantification of Ecological Footprint.


Page 8

Unit IV (15L)
Energy and Ecological succession: Flow and energy fixation, construction of ecological pyramids.
Biogeochemical cycles: Hydrological cycles, carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle,
phosphorus cycle -its importance and applications. Biogeochemical Cycles with perspective to
Organisms, Perspectives of Sustainability , Primary succession, secondary succession and ecological
climax, impacts of development o f ecosystem, population, commun ity ecology, predator and prey


1) E. P. Odum (1996) Fundamentals of Ecology, Nataraj Publisher, Dehra Dun.

2) K.M.M. Dakshini ( 1999) Principle and Practices in Plant Ecology, CRC, Boston.

3) M.C. Dash (1994) Fundamentals of Ecology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

4) M.C. Molles Jr. (1999) Ecology - Concepts and Application, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

5) V. Ingegnoli (2002) Landscape Ecology: a widening foundation, Springer, Bonn.

6) E.J. Kormondi (1999) Concepts of Ecology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

7) Chapman, J.L. and Reiss M.J. (2005) Ecology Principles and Applications, Cambridge University Press,

8) E.P. Odum and G. W. Barrett (2005) Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore.

9) S.V.S. Rana (2005) Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Prentice Hall of India, New Del -

10) Environment And Ecology -EAS105/EAS 205 -R.Rajagopalan

11) Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure -2nd Edition -R.Rajagopalan

12) Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Ecology (Zigma Publication)

13) Environmental Biotechnology -Alan Scragg,Oxford University Press.


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Biodiversity: (Credit: 4)

Unit I (15L)
Biodiversity concept and components: Biodiversity concept, Biodiversity -components, Biodiversity -
Types, Biodiversity -importance, ecological importance, economical importance, key stone umbrella and
flagship species , Economic value of biodiversity, ecotone and niche. Biodi versity Hotspot, Wildlife
Act, CBD, AICHI Biodiversity targets,

Unit II (20L)
Biodiversity and evaluation: Biodiversity - values, Biodiversity status: National status and Global
status, hotspot; threatened species, IUCN Category , IUCN Red list, endangered species, vulnerable
species, rare species, extinct species and endemic species. Climate change, induced losses. common
flora and fauna in India -Aquatic: phytoplankton, Zooplankto n and macrophy tes. Terrestrial: For ests;
Endangered and threatened specie s.

Unit III (10L)
Biodiversity Convention and Biodiversity Act: IPRs, national and international programs for biodiversity con -
servation. Wildlife values and eco -tourism, wildlife distribution in India, problem in wildlife protection, role of
WWF, WCU, CITES, TRAFFIC, Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Joint Forest Management, People’s
Biodiversity Register, Current status and Case Studies of Biodiversity Conservation Projects (flora and
fauna) Speciation in PAN India, NA GOA protocol.

Unit IV (15L)
Biodiversity Conservation: Importance of Biodiversity conservation, Different approaches for Biodi -

versity conservation -In-situ conservation: sanctuaries, biospheres reserves, national parks, nature re -

serves, preservation plots. Ex -situ conservation: botanical gardens, zoos, aquaria, homestead garden;
herbarium; In -vitro Conservation: germplasm and gene Ban k; tissue culture: pollen and spore bank,
DNA bank.

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1) Sustaining Life: How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity Eric Chivian Aaron Bernstein
2) Shahid Naeem, Daniel E. Bunker, Andy Hector and Michel Loreau (2009)Biodiversity, ecosys -
tem fuctioning and human well being: An ecological and economic perspective
3) S.K. Agarwal et al (1996) Biodiversity and Environment, APH, Dehra Dun.
4) S.S. Negi (1993) Biodiversity and its Conservation in India, Indus Public ations, New Delhi.
5) W.W. Collins and C.O. Qualset (1998) Biodiversity in Agro -ecosystem, CRC, Boston.
6) V.K. Krishnamurthy (2003) Text Book of Biodiversity, Science Publisher, Chennai.
7) P.S. Ramakrishnan (2000) Mountain Biodiversity, Land Use Dynamics and Traditional Ecologi -
cal Knowledge, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi
8) Global Biodiversity strategy: WRI, IUCN & UNEP
9) Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Singh; Abhijeet Pub

Environment and natural resources: (Credit: 4)

Unit I (10L)
Environment : Definition of Environment, Earth, Man and Environment, Evolution of environment,
Physico -chemical and Biological Characteristics of environment. Structure and composition of atmos -
phere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Geographical classification, Distribution and zones.
Minerals and their Classification, Characteristics of Soil.

Unit II (20L)
Mass and energy: Transfer of mass and energy across various interfaces. First and second laws of
thermodynamics, heat transfer processes, Bio geochemical cycles, gaseous and sedimentary turnover rate
and turnover item, General relationship between landscape and climate. Climates of India, Indian mon -
soon, Drought, Tropical cycl ones and western disturbances. Atmosphere stability and instability, tem -


Page 12

perature inversion and mixing heights, heat balance of the earth - atmosphere system, global climate

change. El NINO Effect, Meteorological and Climatic Aspects, Mass and Energy .

Unit III (20L)
Natural resources : Types of natural resources, Forest resources: use and over -exploitation,
deforestation, timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. Water
resources: use and utilization of surfaces and ground water, floods drought, dams -benefits and problems.
Mineral resources: environmental effects of extracting and using mineral sources. Food resources:
World food problems overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertiliz ers-pesticides problems, Water
logging, salinity. Land resources: Land as a resource, Land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification

Unit IV (10L)
Energy resources: Concept and demand of energy, Growing energy needs, Renewable and non -
renewable sources, use of alternate energy sources, Wind energy, Solar energy, water as source of
energy, Biofuels produ ction, use and sustainability, use and over exploitation of energy sources and
associated problems. Waste to Energy, C lean Energy, Sustainable Energy , Role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources. Equitable use resources for sustainable lifestyles.


1) Renewable Energy – Environment and Development: M. Dayal; Konark Pub. Pvt. Ltd.
Alternative Energy: S. Vandana; APH Publishing Corporation
2) Nuclear Energy – Principles, practice and prospects: S. K. Agarwal; APH Publishing
3) S. Glassstone, D. Van Nastrand, Source book on atomic energy, 3rd Edition, Germany, 1967
4) M. Eisendbud, Environmental radioactivity, Academic Press
5) E.D.Enger, B.E. Smith, Environmental Sciences - Astudy of Inter relationships, WCB Publication
6) Bio-Energy Resources: Chaturvedi; Concept Pub.
7) National Energy – policy, crisis and growth: V S. Mahajan ; Ashis Publishing House
8) Geography and Energy – Commercial energy systems and national policies: J.
D. Chapman


Page 13

Environmental Pollution: (Credit: 4)

Unit I (20L)
Introduction to Environmental pollution, Air and Water Pollution: Definition and sources of pollu -
tion; Different types of pollution and their global, regional and local aspects. Types and sources of air
pollutants; Reaction of pollutants in air forming sm og, Ozone Formation and Depletion, PAN, Acid
rain; Atmospheric diffusion and stack performance; Transport of pollutants; Effects of air pollutants on
flora and fauna; Sinks of atmospheric gases. Sources of water and their contamination; Types of
pollutant s, various industrial effluents such as pulp and paper mills, oil exploration and refinery,
petrochemicals, iron and steel industries, domestic wastes ,organic debris, agricultural wastes,
pesticid es; Eutrophication – causes, effects and control measures.

Unit II (10L)
Soil pollu tion and solid waste pollution: Soil Microbiology , Causes of soil pollution; Effects of
Fungicides and weedi -cides on soil components, residual toxicity and pollution. Different kinds of
synthetic fertilizer (N, P, K), and their interactions with different components of soil, their toxicity and
pollution. Industrial effluents and their interactions with soil component s, Contamination by radio
nuclides. Solid waste pollution: sources, nature, classification and environmental effects.

Unit III (15L)
Radiation and Noise pollution: Radioactive decay; Interaction of radiation with matter; Biological im -
pact and health hazards associated with radiation, Units of radioactivity and radiation dose; Sources of
Nuclear Energy, Radioactive Decay, Half Life Hazards, Protection against ionizing isotopes and their
applications in waste water and air pollution ana lysis and treatment; Radioactive waste disposal. Basic
properties of sound waves – plane and spherical waves, sound pres sure, loudness and intensity levels,
decibel; Sources of Noise Pollution –Measurement and analysis of sound, Measures to control noise


Page 14

Unit IV (15L)
Therm al pollution, Oil Pollution, Electronic waste (E -waste) and Plastic Waste : Definition and
sources, Chemical and biological effects of thermal pollution, Effect on marine life, bacteria and water
quality and other aquatic biota; Thermal pollution from power plants and their control. Oil pollution and
marine ecology, sources of oil pollution, factors effecting fat e of oil after spillage movement, spreading,
evaporation, emulsification, dispersion, remote sensing in water quality monitoring. Classification of E
Waste and its Impacts, Sources and types and constitu ents of E -wastes and its environmental
consequences, Types of Plastics and its pollution Impacts


1) J.N.B. Bell (2002) Air Pollution and Plant Life, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.

2) Christon J. Hurst, Ronald L. Crawford, Guy R. Knudsen, Michael J. McInerney, Manual of Envi -
ronme ntal Microbiology, 2nd edition, ASM Press. 2001.

3) Bruce Rittman, Perry L. McCarty. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applica -
tions,2nd Edition, McGraw -Hill, 2000.

4) Air Pollution – Stern

5) Environmental Pollution Control Engineering: C. S. Rao

6) Environmental Chemistry : B.K. Sharma, and H. Kaur

7) Air pollution – threat and response: D. A. Lynn

8) Air pollution and Environmental Protection – Legislative policies, Judicial trend and Social per -
ceptions: N. Kumar; Mittal Publication


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A. Minor Experiments
1. Determination of diversity indices in plant communities.
2. To construct ecological pyramids of population sizes in ecosystem.
3. Determination of Chlorophyll content from plant species.
4. Determination of Harvest method from plant species.

B. Major Experiments

1. Determination of Importance value index of species in a plant community.
2. To compare two plant communities
3. Quantitative measurement of plankton in fresh and marine water samples.
4. Determination of primary productivity by light and dark bottle method .

5. To analyse the carbon sequestration of plant species.



A. Minor Experiments
1. Prepare a map of India, showing bio -geographical zones and expanse o f territorial waters.
2. Identification and description of plant species.
3. To plot biosphere reserve on a map of India.
4. Prepare a document of endemic and exotic species of plants and animals for a selected PAN.

B. Major Experiments

1. Indicate distribution range of a plant and animal species identified as endangered on an Indian

2. Prepare a map of. Maharashtra showing Protected Area Network (PAN) in it.
3. To study qualitative and quantitative characters of a plant community by quadrate method.
4. To study a plant community by using line transect method, using line, belt and profile transects.


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Environment and Natural Resources

A. Minor Experiments
1. Determination of total organic matter in soil.
2. Determination of pH value of different types of soil.
3. Determination of water holding capacity of soil.
4. To quantify hydrological cycle in different land use types in or around specified premises.
B. Major Experiments
1. Determination of mechanical composition of soil by Pipette method.
2. To study the soil profiles for their height, color, texture and electrical conductivity.
3. Determination of total nitrogen value of the soil by Kjeldahl’s method
4. Determination of SAR value of soil.(Sodium Absorption Ratio)


Environmental Pollut ion

A. Minor Experiments
1. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids from the lake water.
2. Determination of Total Hardness of well water.
3. Measurement of photo density flux by Luxmeter.
4. Measurement and classification of noise pollution.

B. Major Experiments
1. Determination of CO 2 in the atmosphere by volumetric method.

2. Determination of physical parameters of (I) Well water (ii) Industrial of given type effluent
(iii) River water (iv) Sea water.
3. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen from Sea water by Winkler’s method.
4. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand value for industrial waste effluent.

5. Free Lime Analysis

6. Estimation of Silicates & Sulphates

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Page 18


1. Standard methods for examination of water and waste water , American Public Health Asso -
2. A comprehensive laboratory manual for Environmental Sciences and Engineering By P.R.
Sreemahadevan Pillai . New Age International Publishers.
3. Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies By R.K. Trivedi
4. Handbook of water and waste water analysis By S.K. Maiti.
5. Soil and air analysis by S.K. Maiti.


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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: (Credit: 4)

Unit I (15L)

Environmental Monitoring: What is environmental quality? Quality of environment for life on earth
and man; Advantages of Environmental Monitoring, Deterioration of environmental quality with refer -
ence to anthropogenic impact; Methods of assessment of envi ronmental quality; Short term stud -
ies/surveys; Rapid assessment; Continuous short and long term monitoring , Environmental Samplings,
Instrumentation and Sampling Equ ipments.

Unit II (15L)

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Need of EIA; Scope and o bjectives; Types of environmen -
tal impacts; Steps involved in conducting the EIA Studies; Environmental Impact Assessment tech -
niques -Ad-hoc method, checklist method, overlay mapping method, network method, simulation and
modeling technique, matrix method, and system diagram technique; Merits and Demerits of EIA studies.

Unit III (15L)

Remote sensing and its applications in Environmental Monitoring: Principles and Basic concepts of
Remote sensing; EMR & its interaction with matter; Aerial Photography and image recognition; Sensors

& platforms; IRS satellites & their sensors; Application of remote sensing in environmental studies: land
use mapping, forest survey, habitat analysis, water management, drought monitoring and flood studies,
wetland survey ; r ainfall estimation, pollution studies, soil conservation, watershed management and
vegetation mapping.

Unit IV (15L)
Geographical Information System (GIS): Basic principles, Techniques Application in Environmental
Sciences. Types of Geographical Data; Data Structure; Vector and Raster data: their Advantages and
Disadvantages; Input , verification, storage and out put of geographical data; Importance of Geographical

Page 20

Information System in environmental studies. Global Positioning Syste m (GPS): basic principles, Ap -
plications to environmental studies -Point source pollution, hazard monitoring and assessment.


1. D. P. Lawrence (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent
Problems, John Wiley an d Sons, New Delhi.
2. Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook: J. G. Rau and D. C. Wooten; McGraw -Hill Book Co.
3. Environmental Impact Assessment, L. W. Canter, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
4. P. Morris and R. Therivel (2001), Methods of Environmental Impact Assessm ent, Spoon Press.
5. J. Weston (1997) Planning and EIA in Practice, Longman.
6. Jos Arts and Angus Morrison -Saunders (2004) Assessing Impact - Handbook of EIA and SEA
follow -up, Earthscan, London.
7. website of MoEF, GOI, New Delhi
8. Srivastava, D. C. (2005) Readings in Environmental Ethics: Multidisciplinary perspectives,
Rawat Publications,Jaipur.


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Pollution Control Technology: (Credit: 4)

Unit I

Water Pollution control technologies: Sewage and waste water treatments systems; Primary, second -
ary and tertiary treatments; Measurement of treatment efficiencies; Biological treatments - aerobic ver -
sus anaerobic treatments; Environmental pollution control - Bioaugmentation and Biostimulation;
Biofilms in treatment of waste water; Bioreactors for waste water treatments; Reactors types and design;
Reactors in series; Development and optimization of membrane bioreactor process fo r use in sanitary
and industrial sewage treatment. Water Pollution Control Acts.

Unit II (15L)
Air pollution control technologies and devices: Methods to control air pollution in the environment,
Limestone injection and fluidized bed combustion, Desulfu rization; Catalytic converter and control of
vehicular emission, Gravity settling chamber, Centrifugal collectors - cyclone collector and dynamic pre -
cipitators; Electrostati c precipitators; Fabric filters, Air Quality Index.

Unit III (15L)
Solid, Toxic, and Hazardous waste management: solid waste disposal methods – open dumps, ocean
dumping, Land fills, Incineration; Recycling and reuse. Organic pollutants and Hazardous waste dispos -
al and management. Management of Radiation, noise, thermal, oil and e -wastes: recycling of waste.
Biosorption - Biotechnology and heavy metal pollution; Oil field microbiology; Improved oil recovery;
Biotechnology and oil spills; Hydrocarbon degradation, Solid Waste Management and its Guidelines

Unit IV (15L)
Biotechnological methods to control pollution:
Bioremediation, Biotransformation Biodegradation and Phytoremediation: In situ and Ex situ bioreme -
diation; Evaluating Bioremediation; Bioremediation of VOCs. Factors affecting process of biodegrada -
tion; Methods in determining biodegradability; Contaminant availability for biodegradation.; Use of mi -
crobes(bacteria and fungi) and plants in biodegradation and Biotransformation ; Phytoremediation:
Waste water treatment using aquatic plants; R oot zone treatment.

Page 22


1) M.H.Fulekar (2005) Environemtal Biotechnology Oxford IBH Publishing cooperation.

2) M.H.Fulekar (2010) Bioremediation technology recent advances, springer

3) N.P Cheremisinoff (1996) Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment, William An -
drew Publishing,New York.

4) Bruce Rittman, Perry L. McCarty, Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applica -
tions,2nd edition, McGraw -Hill, 2000.

5) Christon J. Hurst, Ronald L. Crawfor d, Guy R. Knudsen, Michael J. McInerney, Manual of Envi -
ronmental Microbiology, 2nd edition, ASM Press. 2001.

6) Bruce Rittman, Perry L. McCarty. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applica -
tions,2nd Edition, McGraw -Hill, 2000.

7) Mizrahi & Wezel, Adva nces in Biotechnological Process

8) Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Environmental Microbiology, Academic Press,

9) Gabriel Bitton, Wastewater Microbiology, 2nd Edition. Wiley -Liss; 2nd Edition, 1999


Page 23


Green Technology: (Credit: 4)

Unit I

Overview, Principle, concepts and Tools of Green technology: Overview of green chemistry, Chem -
istry of the atmosphere, principles of sustainable and green chemistry. Basic principles of green technol -
ogy, concepts of atom economy and carbon trading, tools of green technology. waste minimization and
climate change, Zero waste technology, concept of envir onmentally balanced industrial complexing and
industrial ecology, green house effect, climate change, photochemical smog.

Unit II (15L)
Green synthetic methods and designs: catalytic methods in green synthesis, safer chemicals - differ -
ent basic approac hes; selection of auxiliary substances (solvents, separation agents), green solvents,
solventless processes, immobilized solvents and ionic liquids; energy requirements -use of microwaves,
ultrasonic energy; selection of starting materials; use of blocking/ protecting groups, catalytic reagents;
designing of biodegradable products.

Unit III: (15L)
Green Nanotechnology: Introduction to Nanomaterials and green nanotechnology, Fullerene, carbon
nanotubes, Nanoparticles; Green nanoparticle production and characterization; Biocompatibility;
Nanomedical applications of green nanotechnologies; use of nanotechnologies and materials impact on
biodiversity, resource conservation, ecosystems and human.

Unit IV: (15L)
Green technology applications: Biocatalysis , green chemistry in industries, fuel cell and electric vehi -
cles, solar energy and hydrogen production, energy from alternate sources; Solar photovoltaic technolo -
gy, Biofuel production (bio -ethanol and biodiesel), Biomass, prevention/minimization of haza rd-
ous/toxic products. Agricultural related practices and food processing, Production of biodegradable ma -
terials, concept of green building, Pollution free engineering processes.


Page 24


1) M. H. Fulekar (2010) Nanot echnology Importance and applications, I K international publishing
house Pvt.Ltd.

2) Lynn Goldman, Christine Coussens, Implications of nanotechnology for environmental health
research, National Academic Press, Washington, 2007

3) Matlack, A. S. Introduction t o Green Chemistry. Marcel Dekker: New York, 2001

4) Anastas, P. T.; Warner, J. C. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford Univ. Press:Oxford,

5) Lynn E. Foster: Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, December 21, 2005,
Prentice Hall

6) Fei Wang & Akhlesh Lakhtakia (eds) (2006). Selected Papers on Nanotechnology —Theory &
Modeling (Milestone Volume 182). SPIE Press

7) Caye Drapcho, Nhuan Phú Nghiêm, Terry Walker (2008). Biofuels Engineering Process Tech -
nology. [McGraw -Hill].

8) Akhlesh Lakhta kia (ed) (2004). The Handbook of Nanotechnology. Nanometer Structures: Theo -
ry, Modeling, and Simulation. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, USA

9) Green Chemistry: A Textbook by V.K.Ahluwalia

10) Handbook of Green Chemistry by Paul Anastas


Page 25

Environmental Policies and Regulations (4 credit)
UNIT -I – Evolution of International Environmental Policy (15L)
• Fundamental principles of environmental protection - sustainable development - Brundtland report

• Intergenerational and intra -generational Equity, Polluter pays principle, precautionary principle,
Public Trust Doctrine.

• Constitutional Perspective: Fundamental right to wholesome environment. Directive principles of
state policy. Fundamental duty.

• National Environmental Policy.
• Environmental Regulatory Framework in India.
• Role of International Environmental Agencies -UNEP, GEF, UNFCC and IPCC

UNIT - II – Environmental Movement In India (15L)
• Movements related to Environment Sacredgroves , Bishnoi tradition, Chipko movement, Tehridam,
Sardar Sarovar, Narmada dam, Almatti dam, Silent Valley.

• Supreme Court Cases – Ratlam Municipality, Ganga Action Plan, Taj Trapezium, Delhi CNG, Tamil
Nadu Tanneries, Doon Valley,Span motels private limited case, Oleum gas case

UNIT -III – International Environmental Treaties and Conventions (15L)
• StockholmConferenceonHumanEnvironment,1972
• Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1971
• Montreal Protocol, 1987,
• Basel Convention (1989,1992),
• EarthSummitatRiodeJaneiro,1992
• Kyoto Protocol, 1997
• EarthSummitatJohannesburg,2002.
• Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and
Pesticides in International Trade


Page 26

• Convention on Desertification 1996
• Convention on Biodiversity & Cartagena Protocol on Bio safety

• Climate Change and Agreements

• Paris Agreement


UNIT -IV - Objectives and Provisions of Acts and Rules (15L)
• Indian Forest Act 1927
• Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
• Forest Conservation Act 1980
• Forest Rights Act
• Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
• Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981
• Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
• Public Liability InsuranceAct,1991
• Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules,1998
• Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999
• Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
• Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling Rules) 2000
• Biodiversity Act 2002
• Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess (Amendment) Act, 2003
• EIA Notification 2006
• The Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008
• Wetland Rules 2009
• National Green Tribunal Act 2010
• Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) Rules 2011.
• E-waste M anagement and Handling Rules 2011
• Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules, 2011


Page 27


• Shyam Divan and Armin Rosencranz, 2005, Environmental Law and Policy in India, Oxford Uni -
versity Press, New Delhi, 2005

• Leelakrishnan. P, 2008, Environmental Law Case Book ,Lexis Nexis, Butterworths
• Mohanty. S. K., 2011, Environment and Pollution Law, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd.
• Shastri S C, 2008, Environmental Law, (2nd Edn.), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
• Singh Gurdip, 2004, Environmental Law in India, Mcmillan& Co.
• Shantakumar S,2005 Introduction to Environmental Law, (2nd Edn.), Wadhwa& Company, Nagpur
• Sahasranaman P B, 2008 Handbook of Environmental Law in India, Oxford University Press (India)

• Enviro nmental Policy by Keith Neil

• Environmental Impact Assessment and Management by Khitoliya R.K

Page 28


Page 29



A. Minor Experiments
1. Interpretation of Aerial photographs and preparing weather report based on it.

2. Determination of relative humidity from the atmosphere.
3. Determination of particulate matter from the industrial area by High Volume Sam -
pler/Settling method.
4. Determination of Salinity of water by volhard’s method.

B. Major Experiments

1. Determination of Cation -exchange capacity, moisture content, alkalinity/acidity of soil sam -
2. To prepare the station based wind rose for an area.
3. Determination of Residual Chl orine from drinking water using colorimetric method.

4. Determination of hydrocarbon from fuel gas using Orsat’s apparatus.



A. Minor Experiments

1. To isolate and study a pure culture of microorganism’s from air, water and sewage.
2. Study the effect of pH on microbial growth.
3. Study the effect of heavy metals on the growth of bacteria.
4. Determination of MPN value of the drinking water and mineral water.

B. Major Experiments
1. Determination of K 2O value of soil by flame photometer.
2. Determination of P 2O5 from soil by Olson’s colorimetric method.


Page 30

3. Determination of SO 2 by spectrophotometry using high volume sampler.
4. Determination of NO 2 from the atmosphere by Colorimetric method using high volume


A. Minor Experiments
1. To study the Principle and application of Atomic absorption Spectrophotometry for analysis
of metal ions from samples.

2. To study the Principle and application of Nephelometry and Turbidimetry: General discus -
sion, Instruments for nephelometry and turbidimetry

3. To Study the chemical reactions involved in green nanotechnology: Nanoparticle production
and characterization.

B. Major Experiments

1. Extraction and separation of organic compounds from soil and bio logical materials
a. Ammonium sulphate method (Nichols method),
b. TCA method,
c. Acid digestion method,
d. Wet washing for metals,
e. Steam distillation for volatiles
2. To study different separation Techniques: Principle and process of solvent extraction,; Chro -
matography – principle and application of thin layer and ion exchange chromatography, Gas
Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
3. Biofuel production methods and characterization for biodiesel and bioethanol.


Page 31



A. Minor Experiments

1. Legal Case citation (one per student)
2. Reports on various study tours/academic visits.

3. To at tend/present research papers in National/ International Conferences .

B. Major Experiments

1. Preparation/drafting of EIA Report (Chemical Industry, Fertilizer Industry, hydropower sta -
2. Report on Eco -tourism.


Students should undertake field work and survey. The Students should visit different places to
collect dat a to make survey and analyze. At least four places may be visited. The Places of visit
could be: Lakes, rivers, estuary and marine, nature parks, water/ sewage/ Industrial effluent
treatment plant, Solid waste dump, meteorological centre, mangrove vegetati on, industries –
food, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, fertilizer, paper, sugar, distillery etc. The students should
also be encouraged to participate in the public lectures/ seminars/ workshops etc. on environment
related issues.

Reports on each of visit/ activity undertaken must be included in the journal.


1. Standard methods for examination of water and waste water , American Public Health Asso -
2. A comprehensive laboratory manual for Environmental Sciences and Engineering By P.R.
Sreemahadevan Pillai . New Age International Publishers.
3. Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies By R.K. Trivedi
4. Handbook of water and waste water analysis By S.K. Maiti.
5. Soil and air analysis by S.K. Maiti.

Page 32


Page 33

M.Sc Environmental Sciences Semester I

Course Code
Unit No. Credits Internal as - External As -
No. & Title sessment Marks sessment Marks
101Ecology and I,II,III,IV 4 40 60
PSEVS102 Bio -
I,II,III,IV 4 40 60 diversity
PSEVS 103 En -
vironment and
I,II,III,IV 4 40 60 Natural Re -
PSEVS 104 En -
vironmental I,II,III,IV 4 40 60
PSEVSP 101 2 20 30
PSEVSP 102 2 20 30
PSEVSP103 2 20 30
PSEVSP104 2 20 30

M.Sc Environmental Sciences Semester II

Course Code No. & Title Unit No. Credits Internal as - External As -
sessment Marks sessment Marks
Monitoring and Assess - I,II,III,IV 4 40 60
PSEVS202 Pollution
I,II,III,IV 4 40 60 Control and Technology
PSEVS 203 Green Tech -
I,II,III,IV 4 40 60 nology
PSEVS 204 Environmen -
tal Policies and Regula - I,II,III,IV 4 40 60
PSEVSP201 2 20 30
PSEVSP202 2 20 30
PSEVSP203 2 20 30
PSEVSP204 2 20 30


Page 34

A) Internal Assessment: - 40%

a) Theory

Sr. No. Evaluation type Marks
1. Two Assignments/Case study/Project 20
2. One Class Test (Multiple questions objective) 10
Active participation in routine class instruc -
3. tional deliveries (case stud - 05
Overall Conduct as a responsible student,
4. manners, skill in articulation, leadership 05 qualities demonstrated through co-curricular,
b) Practicals

Sr. No. Evaluation type Marks
1. One Practical 10
2. Journal 05
3. Viva 05

B) External Assessment: - 60%

a) Semester end Theory Assessment - 60% 60 Marks

i) Duration – These examinations shall be of two hours duration for each paper.
ii) Theory Question Paper Pattern: -
• There shall be five questions each of 12 Marks. On each unit there will be one question and the
first one will be based on entire syllabus.

• All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. Each question will be
of 18 to 20 Marks with options.

• Questions shall be subdivided into sub -questions a,b,c….. and the allocation of marks depend on
the weightage of the topic

b) Practicals 30 Marks (Each Unit)


Page 35


Practical Examination
Four Days Examination (Each 4 Hrs. Per day)

Marks 120

Day 1: PSEVSP 101 – Ecology and Ecosystem
[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 2: PSEVSP 102 – Biodiversity

[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 3: PSEVSP 103 – Environment and Natural Resources
[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 4: PSEVSP 104 – Environmental Pollution

[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

1. Students should undertake field work and survey. The Students should visit different places to
collect data to make survey and analyze. At least four places may be visited. The Places of visit
could be: Lakes, rivers, estuary and marine, nature parks, water/ sewage/ Industrial effluent
treatment plant, Solid waste dump, meteorological centre, mangrove vegetation, industries –
food, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, fertilizer, paper, sugar, distillery etc. T he students should
also be encouraged to participate in the public lectures/ seminars/ workshops etc. on environment
related issues.
Reports on each of visit/ activity undertaken must be included in the journal.
2. A student is expected to submit a journal c ertified by the head of the Department/ Head of the in -
3. A student will not be permitted to appear at the practical examination unless he/ she produce a
certified journal. If the journal is lost, the students should produce a certificate from the Head of
the Department/ Head of the institution stating that he/ she have satisfactory completed the ex -
perimental work.


Page 36


Practical Examination
Four Days Examination (Each 4 Hrs. Per day)

Total Marks 120

Day 1: PSESP 201 –Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 2: PSESP 202 – Pollution Control and Technology
[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 3: PSESP 203 – Green Technology
[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks

Day 4: PSESP 204 – Environmental Policies and Regulations

[I] – Major Experiment
[II] – Minor Experiment
20 Marks
10 Marks


4. Students should undertake field work and survey. The Students should visit different places to
collect data to make survey and analyze. At least four places may be visited. The Places of visit
could be: Lakes, rivers, estuary and marine, nature parks, water/ sewage/ Industrial effluent
treatment plant, Solid waste dump, meteorological centre, mangrove vegetation, industries –
food, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, fertilizer, paper, sugar, distillery etc. The students should
also be encouraged to participate in the public lectures/ seminars/ worksho ps etc. on environment
related issues.
Reports on each of visit/ activity undertaken must be included in the journal.
5. A student is expected to submit a journal certified by the head of the Department/ Head of the in -
6. A student will not be permitted to appear at the practical examination unless he/ she produce a
certified journal. If the journal is lost, the students should produce a certificate from the Head of
the Department/ Head of the institution stating that he/ she have satisfactory c ompleted the ex -
perimental work.

Page 37

Semester I/Semester II Examination
2012 – 2013

Course PSES_
Maximum Marks: 60
Duration: 2 Hrs.
Marks Option 90

Question 1: Unit I
Question 2: Unit II
Question 3: Unit III
Question 4: Unit IV
Question 5: Unit I to Unit IV (Mixed questions)

i. All Questions are compulsory
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary

1. Answer any two questions from the following ( Based on Unit I)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06
2. Answer any two questions from the following ( Based on Unit II)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06
3. Answer any two questions from the following ( Based on Unit III)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06
4. Answer any two questions from the following ( Based on Unit IV)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06
5. Answer any two questions from the following ( Based on Unit IV)
a. 03
b. 03
c. 03
d. 03
e. 03
f. 03

Page 38


M.Sc. ES

Semester I/Semester II


(09:00 A.M. – 01:00 P.M.)

Total Marks: 30

1. Major Experiment: 20 Marks
2. Minor Experiment: 10 Marks

1. Practical examination to be conducted as per the practical Syllabus enlisted.
2. Candidates are required to present certified journal on the day of practical examination.


M.Sc. ES

Semester I/Semester II


(09:00 A.M. – 01:00 P.M.)

Total Marks: 30
1. Major Experiment: 20 Marks
2. Minor Experiment: 10 Marks


1. Practical examination to be conducted as per the practical Syllabus enlisted.
2. Candidates are required to present certified journal on the day of practical examination.


Page 39


M.Sc. ES

Semester I/Semester II


(09:00 A.M. – 01:00 P.M.)

Total Marks: 30

1. Major Experiment: 20 Marks
2. Minor Experiment: 10 Marks

1. Practical examination to be conducted as per the practical Syllabus enlisted.
2. Candidates are required to present certified journal on the day of practical examination.


M.Sc. ES

Semester I/Semester II


(09:00 A.M. – 01:00 P.M.)

Total Marks: 30

1. Major Experiment: 20 Marks
2. Minor Experiment: 10 Marks

1. Practical examination to be conducted as per the practical Syllabus enlisted.
2. Candidates are required to present certified journal on the day of practical examination.