Vide Item No 69 5N BSc Data Science and Sports Studies Sem I II CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 69 5N BSc Data Science and Sports Studies Sem I II CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 10/11/2021
Item No. 6.9 (5)


Program: Undergraduate Degree Program
Course: B.Sc. (Data Science and Sports Studies)


(As per Choice Based and Credit System)
(Introduced with effect from the academic year 2021 -22)

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BSc. (Data Science and Sports Studies )
Semester – I & II
Mathematics –I 3
Communication 3
Accountancy 3
Principles of Management 3
Introduction to IT 2
Principals of Electronics 2
Digital Logic 2
Problem Solving Through Programming 3
Fundamental of Internet of Things 3
Sports Law 3
Culture and heritage of Sports 2

Mathematics -II 2
Strategic Management 3
Macro Economics 3
Human Resource Management 3
Data Science: An Introduction 2
Python Programming 2
Data Structure and Algorithm 2
Formal Language and Automata Theory 2
Business Ethics 3
Sports Data: Retrieval and Analysis: An Introduction 3
Sports Media and Communication 3

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Semester –I
TIMUDSS1C1 Course Title: Mathematics -1 Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Apply the concept and techniques of differential and integral calculus to
determine curvature and evaluation of different types of improper integrals.
 Understand the domain of applications of mean value theorems to engineering
 Learn different types of matrices, concept of rank, methods of matrix inversion
and their applications.
 Understand linear spaces, its basis and dimension with corresponding applications
in the field of computer science.
 Learn and apply the concept of eigen values, eigen vectors, diagonalisation of
matrices and orthogonalization in inner product spaces for understanding physical
and engineering problems
Course Description: : The main objective of this course is to provide students knowledge of
calculus, probability , distribution and statistics.
Unit I Calculus (Integration): Evolutes and involutes; Evaluation
of definite and improper integrals; Beta and Gamma
functions and their properties; Applications of definite
integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of
revolutions. 5
Unit – II Module -2
Calculus (Differentiation): Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value
theorems, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with
remainders; Indeterminate forms and L'Hospital's rule;
Maxima and minima. 5
Unit – III Module -3
Basic Probability: Probability spaces, conditional
probability, independence; Discrete random variables,
Independent random variables, the Multinomial
distribution, Poisson approximation to the Binomial
distribution, infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials, sums
of independent random variables; Expectation of
Discrete Random Variables, Moments, Variance of a
sum, Correlation coefficient, Chebyshev's Inequality. 5
Unit -IV Module -4
Continuous Probability Distributions: Continuous
random variables and their properties, Distribution
functions and densities, Normal, Exponential and
Gamma densities. 4
Unit -V Module -5 5

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Basic Statistics: Measures of Central tendency,
Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Probability
distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal and
evaluation of statistical parameters for these three
distributions, Correlation and regression – Rank
Unit -VI Module -6
Applied Statistics: Curve fitting by the method of least
squares - fitting of straight lines, second degree parabolas
and more general curves. Test of significance: Large
sample test for single proportion, difference of
proportions, single mean, difference of means, and
difference of standard deviations. 6
1. Reena Garg, Engineering Mathematics -I, Khanna Publishers.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson.
4. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
5. Kanti B. Dutta, Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering, Cenage Learning.
6. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw -Hill, New Delhi.
7. S.K. Mapa, Higher Algebra: Abstract and Linear, Sarat Book House Pvt.Ltd.
8. Hoffman and Kunze: Linear algebra, PHI.

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1C2 Course Title: Communication Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Provide a basic understanding of the fundamentals of communication in a business
 Develop English language skills –both oral and written
 Ensure good presentation skills
Course Description: On a daily basis we work with people who have different opinions,
values, beliefs, and needs than our own. Our ability to exchange ideas with others,
understand others' perspectives, solve problems and successfully utilize the steps
and processes presented in this training will depend significantly on how effectively
we are able to communicate with others. Hence it becomes imperative to have some
understanding of the complex and dynamic structure of modern communication and
develop communication skills.
Unit I

Scope of
Communication Meaning, Nature, Scope, Definition of Communication,
Types of Communication, Communication Barriers,
Principles of Communication. Written Communication –
Types of Letter, Letter lay -out, Essentials of an effective
letter writing, Need and function of Business letter. 7
Unit – II

Oral Writing Oral Communication – Types of oral communication,
Barriers to oral communication, speedy – Introduction
& Characteristic of good speech. Mass Communication
– Nature & Scope of Mass Communication, function of
mass communication – Media of mass communication 10
Unit – III

Communication Report Writing - What is report, Importance of Reports,
Types of reports, Characteristic of good report selecting
suitable types of reports. 10
Unit – IV Writing a publishable article for a newspaper
Presentations – in group and in person on topics given
in class
Group discussions 18
 Business Communication – Monopoly & Monipally
 Commercial Correspondence – Ghosh & Bhushan

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1C3 Course Title: Accountancy Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
The present course includes introduction to the subject of Financial Accounting, basic
concepts underlying the accounting practices and its techniques with special reference to
Sole -Proprietorship. It also touches upon the various aspects of accounting related to Non -
Trading Concerns.
Course Description: Financial Accounting as a discipline has evolved over the years due to
the perennially changing requirements of the industry. With the advent of computerization,
it now also encompasses new techniques and new issues caused by changes in the
legislations pertaining to the preparation and publication of Financial Statements.
Unit I Accounting, meaning, definition, objectives, scope,
basic, terms, accounting principles, branches of
accounting, uses & limitations of Accounting, Concepts
& Conventions, Accountings use, Accounting
information, Accounting equations – Meaning of
accounting equation, compensation of accounting,
effects of transactions. 10
Unit – II Basic Accounting Procedure – Journal, rules of debit &
credit, method of journalizing, advantage, double entry
system – its advantage, ledger, meaning, utility, posting
entries. Practical system of book keeping – Cashbook,
types of cash book, Single column, double column,
entries, Trial Balance, Objective, preparation, errors &
rectification, Suspense Accounting – meaning, utility &
preparation. 15
Unit – III Bank Reconciliation: - Meaning, causes of differences,
need & importance, preparation & presentation of BRS,
Depreciation – meaning, methods of charging
depreciation, straight line, written - down methods.
Statements Final Accounts – Meaning, need &
objectives, types – Trading Account – Meaning, need &
preparation, Profit & loss Account – meaning, Need &
preparation, Balance Sheet - Meaning, need &
Preparation, Final Accounts with adjustment entry. 15
Unit -IV Case studies on successful accounting firms and on
accounting frauds that were made public 5

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Reading, analysing and presentation
 Basics of Accounting – Jain & Narang
 Basic of Accounting – T. S. Grewal
 Accounting for Managers – J. Made Gowda – Himalaya Publishing House
 Introduction to Accountancy – T. S. Grewal & S. C. Gupta – S. Chand – 8th Edition
 Modern Accountancy - Hanif Mukerji – TMH
 Financial Accounting by Dr. Kaustubh Sontake – 1st Edition – Himalaya Publishing

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Semester -I
Course Code:
TIMUDSS1C4 Course Title: Principles of Management Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
This subject is designed to provide a basic understanding to the students with reference to
working of business organizations through the process of management.
The first part of this course will give a brief understanding of the managerial functions of
planning (including decision making) and organizing.
The second part (HRM) will throw light on the managerial functions of staffing, directing and
Course Description: The field of management has undergone a sea change and has today
assumed a form of a profession with a well-defined body of knowledge. This knowledge is
continuously evolving and new issues and findings are constantly emerging. This field is
attracting many people who want to undergo a formal training in this area.
This course is designed to give individuals a precursor into the world of management and its
Unit I

Evolution of
Management Evolution of Management: - Contribution of Taylor,
Mayo & Fayol, Different approaches o management, role
of manager, tasks of a professional manager,
Management & its functions. Level of Management,
managerial skills at various levels.

Planning & Decision making: - Definition, Nature for
planning, importance, Process of planning, decision
making, nature importance & process, types of plans. 10
Unit – II

Planning &
Making Organization & staffing: - Definition, organizing process,
importance of organizing, Departmentation manpower
planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training & promotion.

Directing & Leadership: - X Theory, & Y Theory,
Hawthorne & Tinstone studies Leadership. Definition,
Stogdill trait theory, Managerial grid, Fiedlers
contingency approach. 15
Unit – III

Motivation &
leadership Motivation – Meaning, Missions, Herzberg’s theory, V
Room’s expectancy theory & Porter & Lawler model of
Motivation. Communication & control Communication
Definition, importance, process, types, factors affecting
communication methods, barriers & remedies. 15

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Unit – IV Games:
- Decision Making
- Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management – Game
- Game on Team work explaining efficacy
- Using Maps for Leadership Models
- Using Kirkpatrick Model for Leadership Development
- Compete Game – Business Acumen + High Performing
Teams + Collaborative Working + Negotiating Skills 4
lectures (2 hours each + Presentations) 5
 Principles & Practice of Management – L. M. Prasad
 Management – Theory & Practice – C. B. Gupta
 Karminder Ghuman and K. Aswathapa; Management – Concept, Practice and Cases;
Tata McGraw Hill; 1st edition (2010)
 Gupta, Sharma and Bhalla; Principles of Business Management; Kalyani Publications;
1st edition

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1SCE1 Course Title: Introduction to IT Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 To understand the basic concept of working principles of Computer, history of
 To understand the concepts pf hardware, softwares involved
 To understand the concept of computer networks, databases including data mining
and data warehousing
Course Description
The main objective of this course is to provide students knowledge of fundamental concepts
of computers and information technology .
Unit I 1. Introduction to
Computerteaching hours:
Introduction; Digital and Analog Computers;
Characteristics of Computer; History of
Computer;Generations of Computer; Classification of
Computer; The Computer System; Application of

2. The Computer System
Hardwareteaching hours:
Introduction; Central Processing Unit; Memory Unit;
Instruction Format; Instructio n Set;Instruction Cycle;
Microprocessor; Interconnecting the Units of a Computer;
Inside a Computer Cabinet

3. Computer Memory
Introduction; Memory Representation; Memory
Hierarchy; CPU Registers; Cache Memory;
Primary Memory; Secondary Memory; Access Types of
Storage Devices; Magnetic Tape;
Magnetic Disk; Optical Disk; Magneto -Optical Disk; How
the Computer uses its memory 6
Unit – II 4. Input and Output Devices
Introduction; Input -Output Unit; Input Devices; Human
Data Entry Devices; Source Data Entry Devices; Output
Devices; I/O Port; Working of I/O System
5. Data Representation 8

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Introduction; Number System; Conversion from Decimal
to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal;
Conversion of Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal to Decimal;
Conversion of Binary to Octal,Hexadecimal; Conversion of
Octal, Hexadecimal to Binary; Binary Arithmetic; Signed
and Unsigned Numbers; Binary Data Representation;
Binary Coding Schemes; Logic Gates
6. Computer Software
Introduction; Types of Software; System Software;
Application Software; Software Acquisition;Operating
System (Introduction, Objectives of Operating System,
Types of OS, Functions of OS,
Process Management, Memory Management, File
Management, Device Management, Protection and
Security, User Interface, Examples of Operating Systems)
Unit – III 7. Data Communication and Computer Network
Introduction; Importance of Networking; Data
Transmission Media; Data Transmission across Media;
Data Transmission and Data Networking; Computer
Network; Network Types; Network Topology;
Communication Protocol; Network Devices; Wireless

8. The Internet and Internet Services
Introduction; History of Internet; Internetworking
Protocol; The Internet Architecture; Managing the
Internet; Connecting to Internet; Internet Connections;
Internet Address; Internet Services; Uses of Internet;
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), Wearable
Computing, and Cloud Computing, Introduction to E-
commerce, E-governance, and Smart City, and GIS

9. Fundamentals of Database
Introduction; Database; Database System; Database
Management System; Database System
Architectures; Database Applications; Introduction to
Data Warehousing, Data mining 6
Unit – IV 1. Introduction to Computer
teaching hours:
Introduction; Digital and Analog Computers;
Characteristics of Computer; History of
Computer;Generations of Computer; Classification of
Computer; The Computer System; Application of
Computers 5

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2. The Computer System
Hardwareteaching hours:
Introduction; Central Processing Unit; Memory Unit;
Instruction Format; Instruction Set;Instruction Cycle;
Microprocessor; Interconnecting the Units of a Computer;
Inside a Computer Cabinet

3. Computer Memory
Introduction; Memory Representation; Memory
Hierarchy; CPU Registers; Cache Memory;
Primary Memory; Secondary Memory; Access Types of
Storage Devices; Magnetic Tape;
Magnetic Disk; Optical Disk; Magneto -Optical Disk; How
the Computer uses its memory
Unit -V 4. Input and Output Devices
Introduction; Input -Output Unit; Input Devices; Human
Data Entry Devices; Source Data Entry Devices; Output
Devices; I/O Port; Working of I/O System
5. Data Representation
Introduction; Number System; Conversion from Decimal
to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal;
Conversion of Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal to Decimal;
Conversion of Binary to Octal,Hexadecimal; Conversion of
Octal, Hexadecimal to Binary; Binary Arithmetic; Signed
and Unsigned Numbers; Binary Data Representation;
Binary Codin g Schemes; Logic Gates
6. Computer Software
Introduction; Types of Software; System Software;
Application Software; Software Acquisition;Operating
System (Introduction, Objectives of Operating System,
Types of OS, Functions of OS,
Process Management, Memory Management, File
Management, Device Management, Protection and
Security, User Interface, Examples of Operating Systems) 5
1. “A First Course in Computers” by Sanjay Sexena
2. “Introduction To Computers” by Ms Shikha Nutiyal
3. “Introduction to Information Technology” by Rajaraman V
4. “Introduction to Information Technology: ITL Education Solutions Limited” by ITL ESL

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1SCE2 Course Title: Principals of Electronics Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Acquire a pre requisite knowledge on basic electrical technology and to familiarise
with basic electronic devices
 Enable the students to systematically pursue his particular discipline in science in
relation to other disciplines that co me under the rubric of sciences. It enables the
students to learn fundamental characteristics of science as human enterprise and
apply scientific methods independently.
Course Description: The objective of this courses to provide the students a basic knowledge
of electronics including transistors, semiconductors, FETs, oscillators.
Unit I Classification of solids based on energy band theory,
Intrinsic semiconductors, Extrinsic semiconductors – P-
type and N -type, P -N junction, VI Characteristics of PN
junction diode, Half and Full wave rectifiers, Zener effect,
Zener diode, Zener diode Characteristics, Zener diode as
a regulator. 10
Unit – II Bipolar junction transistors – CB, CE, CC configurations
and characteristics, Biasing circuits – Fixed bias, Voltage
divider bias, CE amplifier, Concept of feedback, Negative
feedback, voltage series feedback amplifier, Current
series feedback amplifier 6
Unit – III FET – Configuration and characteristics, FET amplifier,
Characteristics and simple applications of SCR, Diac, Triac
and UJT. 8
Unit – IV Positive feedback, Sinusoidal oscillators – RC phase shift,
Hartley, Colpitts, Wein bridge oscillators, Operational
amplifier – Adder, Inverting and Non -inverting amplifiers,
integrator and differentiator, IC 555 based Astable and
Monostable Multivibrators. 6
1. Analog and Digital Communication Singal, T. L. Tata Mcgraw Hill, India latest edition
2. Electronic Communication Systems George Kennedy and Bernard Davis Tata McGraw
Hill 5th edition or latest
3. Electronics Communication Dennis Roddy and John Coolen Pearson Eductation 4th
4. Electronics Communication System (Fundamental to Advance) Wayen Tomasi
Pearson Education, 5th edition

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Semester -I

Course Title: Problem Solving through
/Week: 3
 Learning Objectives :
 Develop efficient algorithms for solving a problem.
 Use the various constructs of a programming language viz. conditional, iteration
and recursion. • Implement the algorithms in “C” language.
 Use simple data structures like arrays, stacks and linked list in solving problems.
 Handling File in “C”
Course Description: The objective of this courses to provide the students a knowledge of
c programming environment to create , implement and debug programs.

Unit I Introduction to Programming : How to develop a
program, Algorithms, Flow -charts, Types of
Programming Languages,Compiler and Linker, Testing
and Debugging a program, Documentation

Unit – II Constants, Variables & Data Types : Character set, C
Tokens, Identifiers and Keywords, Constants, Variables,
Data types,Declaration of variables, declaration of
storage class, assigning values to variables, defining
symbolic constants, declaring a variable as constant,
declaring a variable as volatile, overflow and underflow
of data


Unit – III Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic operators,
Relational, Logical operators, Assignment, increment
and decrement operators, conditional operators,
bitwise operators, special operators, arithmetic
expressions, evaluation of arithmetic expressions,
preced ence of arithmetic expressions, some
computational problems, type conversion in
expressions, operator precedence and associativity,
mathematical functions


Unit -V Managing Input & output operations: Reading a
character, writing a character, formatted input,
formatted output.

Decision Making – Branching & Looping Hrs. Decision
making with IF statement, switch statement, ? :
operator, goto statement. While statement, do-while
statement, for statement, Jumps in loops,


Unit -VI Arrays and Strings: One dimensional array: Array
Manipulation, Different operations on one dimensional
arrays, two dimensional array, operations on two

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dimensional arrays, multi -dimensional array, dynamic
Declaring and initializing string variables, reading string
from terminal, writing string to screen, putting strings
together, comparison of two strings, string handling
functions, table of strings

Unit -VII Functions: Top down approach of problem solving,
standard library functions, passing values between
functions, scope rules of functions, calling convention,
return type of functions, call by value and call by
reference, recursive functions.
Storage Classes Scope and extent, Storage Classes in a
single source file: auto, extern and static, register


Unit - VIII Structures and Unions: Defining a structure, Declaring
Structure variables, accessing structure members,
structure initialisation, copying and comparing
structure variables, operation on individual members,
arrays of structures, arrays within structures, structures
and functions, union, size of structure, bit fields.


Unit - IX Understanding pointers, accessing the address of a
variable, declaring pointer variables, initialisation of
pointer variables, accessing a variable through its
pointer, chain of pointers, pointer expression, pointer
increment and scale factor, pointer and arrays, pointers
and character strings, array of pointers, pointers as
function arguments, functions returning pointers,
pointers to functions, pointers and structures.

1. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming with ANSI -C”, Fourth Edition,2008, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. R.G. Dromey, “How to solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Kanetkar Y, “Let us C”, BPB Publications, 2007.
4. Hanly J R &Koffman E.B, “Problem Solving and Programm design in C”,
PearsonEducation, 2009.
Course Name: Problem Solving Through
Programming Lab 9 Hours( 1 e
Hours each lab)

Objective  To create , implement and debug C
 To understand if -else, control
 To understand implementations of
 To implement array, pointers,
structures, structures
Topics to be covered  Lab1: Familiarization with
programming environment

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 Lab 2: Simple computational
problems using arithmetic
 Lab 3: Problems involving if-then -
else structures
 Lab 4: Iterative problems e.g., sum
of series
 Lab 5: 1D Array manipulation
 Lab 6: Matrix problems, String
 Lab 7: Simple functions
 Lab 8 and 9: Programming for
solving Numerical methods
problems, Pointers

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1SCE5 Course Title: Fundamental of Internet of
Things Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 2
Learning Objectives :
 Understand general concepts of Internet of Things (IoT)
 Recognize various devices, sensors and applications
 Apply design concept to IoT solutions
 Analyze various M2M and IoT architectures
 Evaluate design issues in IoT applications
 Create IoT solutions using sensors, actuators and Devices
Course Description: This objective of this courses is to provide a knowledge of internet of
things including sensors and their applications, design concept of ioT solutions.
Unit I Introduction to IoT: Sensing, Actuation, Networking
basics, Communication Protocols, Sensor Networks,
Machine -to-Machine Communications, IoT Definition,
Characteristics. IoT Functional Blocks, Physical design of
IoT, Logical design of IoT, Communication models & APIs. 8
Unit – II M2M to IoT-The Vision -Introduction, From M2M to IoT,
M2M towards IoT-the global context, A use case example,
Differing Characteristics. Definitions, M2M Value Chains,
IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT, 6
Unit – III IoT Reference Architecture - Getting Familiar with IoT
Architecture, Various architectural views of IoT such as
Functional, Information, Operational and Deployment.
Constraints affecting design in IoT world - Introduction,
Technical design Constraints 8
Unit - IV Domain specific applications of IoT: Home automation,
Industry applications, Surveillance applications, Other IoT
application. 8
1. Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Stamatis Karnouskos,
David Boyle, “From Machine -to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a
New Age of Intelligence”, 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014.
2. Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands -onApproach)”, 1st
Edition, VPT, 2014
3. Francis d aCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to
Connecting Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013
4. Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011, ISBN:
978-1-4493 - 9357 -1

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Semester -I
TIMUDSS1SPE1 Course Title: Sports Law Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
Course Description:
Unit I

Types of Laws  Various sources of Law, significance of law,
business law
 Impact of law on society & business economics
 Constitution aspects and implications
Unit – II

Contracts and
norms  Law of Contract – Definition & Nature of
Contract, types of contract, offer & acceptance,
consideration & capacity to contract, free
constant legality of object & consideration,
contingent contract, quasi contract, discharge of
contract, remedies for breach of contract,
indemnity & guarantee
 Pledge principal – agent relationship & rights &
obligation of Principal & agent.

Unit – III  Law of sale of goods – nature of contract of sale,
conditions & warranties, Transfer of ownership
 Performance of contract of sale, rights of unpaid
seller, Remedies for breach of contract Auction
 Law of negotiable instruments – nature of N. I.,
Promissory notes, BOE, Cheque, Parties of NI

Unit - IV  Court of Arbitration in Sports (CAS) - Duttee
Chand Case, Shanti Case - Watch a movie - File a
compliant, Caster Semenya Case. Maria
Sharapova Case, Icarius movie review, Athlete A
movie Review, Lance Armstrong - The Program,
Dig out Files and Do Review. Tour de France.

Requisite case studies and learning material to be provided

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Semester – I
Course Code:
TIMUDSS1SPE2 Course Title: Culture and Heritage of Sport Credits: 1 Lectures/Week:
Learning Objectives:
1. To provide opportunities to students to deepen their knowledge of core culturalinsights
into sport and how it impacts us.
2. To equip students with knowledge and history and heritage of sports

3. To introduce to them how sport is a level playing field above all for humanity
Course Description:
Introduction to the concept of culture and heritage of sport and why it is essential in the growth and
development of sport
Unit I Introduction and Critical Approaches
1. Sports organizations: Social Class and the Evolution of Sports
2. News Reports: Communicating the story
3. Sports, Social Norms, and social change:
4. Issues of race
1. Issues of Gender
2. The Inside Story: Sports Diaries, Race, and Social Values
3. Media, Fans and Sports in the Home
4. Sports Television and Radio
5. Sports and Film: Sports Myth and Reconstructing Race, Gender
and Patriotism in Sports Films Hours
Unit II Introduction of Competition in sports:
1. The Olympic Games
2. Origins and Evolution of the Game
3. Dynasties and Rivalries Legends and Traditions
4. Civil Rights and Sports
5. Defining the Impact and role of sports
Unit III Cultural Identity and the Sports World:
- Globalization
- Nationalism 5

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- Politics
- Cultural Identity
- Rise of Women in Sports
You Run like a girl
- Why do we care so much about sports?
- Mega business of sports?
- Preservation through sport
- Search for Adventure
- Disabilities of sport
- Accidental Role Models
- When race, religion and sport collide
- Tales of Human Spirit
Unit IV Traditional Sports and Games:
- Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Past to Future pathway
- Empowering People towards Peaceful Societies
o Olympic Solidarity
o UN’s Stand on Olympics
o Youth Empowerment
o Intercultural Dialogue
o Recognition and Safeguarding
o Sport for Development and Peace
o Legacy Planning
o Sustainability 6
Unit V  Visit to a sports infrastructure
 Report on legacy planning and sustainability
 Management and restoration
 Use and upgradation of technology

*Curated by TransStadia Institute - Centre of Excellence, Mumbai

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BSc (Data Science and Sports Studies )
Semester – I & II
Mathematics –I 3
Communication -1 3
Accounting -1 3
Principles of Management 3
Introduction to IT 2
Principals of Electronics 2
Digital Logic 2
Problem Solving Through Programming 3
Fundamental of Internet of Things 3
Sports Law 3
Culture and heritage of Sports 2

Mathematics -II 2
Strategic Management 3
Macro Economics 3
Human Resource Management 3
Data Science: An Introduction 2
Python Programming 2
Data Structure and Algorithm 2
Formal Language and Automata Theory 2
Business Ethics 3
Sports Data: Retrieval and Analysis:an Introduction 3
Sports Media and Communications 3

Page 28

Semester –II
TIMUDSS2C1 Course Title: Mathematics -2 Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Learn the tools of power series and Fourier series to analyze engineering problems
and apply the concept of convergence of infinite series in many approximation
techniques in engineering disciplines.
 Apply the knowledge for addressing the real life problems which comprises of
several variables or attributes and identify extremum points of different surfaces
of higher dimensions
 Understand different types of matrices, their eigen values, eigen vectors, rank and
also their orthogonal transformations which are essential for understanding
physical and engineering problems
Course Description: : The objective of this courses to provide the students a knowledge of
Sequence and series,matrices, vector spaces .
Unit I Sequence and Series: Convergence of sequence and
series, tests for convergence; Power series, Taylor's
series, series for exponential, trigonometric and
logarithm functions; Fourier series: Half range sine and
cosine series, Parseval’s theorem 6
Unit – II Multivariate Calculus: Limit, continuity and partial
derivatives, Directional derivatives, Total derivative;
Tangmultivariate calculus, ent plane and normal line;
Maxima, minima and saddle points; Method of Lagrange
multipliers; Gradient, Curl and Divergence. 6
Unit – III Matrices: Inverse and rank of a matrix, Rank -nullity
theorem; System of linear equations; Symmetric, Skew -
symmetric and Orthogonal matrices; Determinants;
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; Diagonalization of
matrices; Cayley -Hamilton Theorem, and Orthogonal
transformation 6
Unit -IV Vector Spaces: Vector Space, linear dependence of
vectors, Basis, Dimension; Linear transformations
(maps), Range and Kernel of a linear map, Rank and
Nullity, Inverse of a linear transformation, Rank -Nullity
theorem, composition of linear maps, Matrix associated
with a linear map 7
Unit -V Vector Spaces (Continued): Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors,
Symmetric, Skew -symmetric, and Orthogonal Matrices,
Eigenbases. Diagonalization; Inner product spaces,
Gram -Schmidt orthogonalization. 5

Page 29

1. Reena Garg, Engineering Mathematics -I, Khanna Publishers.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson.
4. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
5. Kanti B. Dutta, Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering, Cenage Learning.
6. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw -Hill, New Delhi.

Page 30

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2C2 Course Title: Strategic Management Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Analyse the main structural features of an industry and develop strategies that
position the firm most favourably in relation to competition and influence industry
structure to enhance industry attractiveness.
 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of competitive advantage and its sources
and the ability to recognize it in real-world scenarios.
Course Description:
This course introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and
competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that affect the
performance and survival of businesses. The course is focused on the information, analyses,
organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to devise
strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long -term profits
in the face of uncertainty and competition.
Unit I Significance of Planning – types, needs, requisites,
corporate planning system – approach, role of planner,
corporate planning & budgeting, corporate
responsibility Vs profitability and productivity.
Corporate Objective – concept of corporate purpose,
mission, objectives and goals process of setting
corporate objectives. Forces intersecting with corporate
objectives external and internal.

Unit – II Strategy Formulation – identifying strategic alternatives
of business, objectives and goals, environmental
appraisal – concept and components evaluation and
strategic option key involved in the evolution.
Strategy implementation – Introduction to growth
strategies. Diversification, acquiring, merger and joint

Unit – III Organizing the strategies implementation operations,
developing production, marketing and financial


Page 31

Organizational apparition – dynamics, capacity, factors
consideration, methods and techniques and structuring
gaps analysis, manager, audit and significance of gap.
Unit – IV Strategic management performance systems case
Guest lectures
In-class scenarios and role play 14
Grant, R. and Jordan, J. 2012. Foundations of Strategy. NY: John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.
Case studies as required.

Page 32

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2C3 Course Title: Macro Economics Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Overview of economic models with special emphasis on the Indian economy
 Introduction to policies and policy making
 Understanding the economic cycle
Course Description: This course is intended to provide students with an overarching view
of how the economy functions. Economic models and policies are introduced in the
framework of the Indian economy to make it relevant for students to understand and relate
Unit I  Overview of Indian Economy, Trends towards
market economy, problems of
underdevelopment –
 meaning, Main problems, reasons, of
underdevelopment. Development - Factors and
measure, Meaning of
 Economic development, National income, Per
capital income, Quality of life, Capital Formation

 Savings, Investment.

Unit – II  Planning in India, Meaning, Importance, Main
reasons of adopting, planning in India,
Objectives of
 planning, Economic development, moderation,
stability, self sufficiency, employment etc,
foreign aid,
 Employment. Allocation of Resources, Private
and Public Sector, Public Sector – role and
 Achievements of the public sector, Private
Sector – Importance Problems, New foreign
Trade Policy.


Page 33

Unit – III  Present Economic Policy, Main feature,
Globalization, Expansion of Private sector, more
market orient
 approach. Public distribution system, Industrial
policy – 1948, 1956, 1977, 1980, 1990, 1991,
2000 -2001
 Industrial Licensing, Monetary and Fiscal Policy.

Unit – IV Case studies on policy making
Market survey activities to understand real world
economic cycles 9
 Indian Economy - A. N. Agarwal
 Indian Economy – Mishra & Puri
 Indian Devlopment and planning – M. L. Jhingan
 Indian Economy – R. S. Rastogi
 Yozna and Kurukshetra Magazines

Page 34

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2C4 Course Title: Human Resource
Management Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Understanding functioning of human resource in an organizational setting
 Understanding different components of a job in the work place
Course Description: This course is specifically designed for students to be introduced to
the work environment outside of the school and college environment that they are used to.
This course is a stepping stone to creating managers as well as efficient employees in the
Unit I Natural and scope of HRM - Meaning, function,
objective, scope, internal & external HRD in India,
Human Resource Planning of Development – Meaning
Factors effecting HRP Planning Process.

Unit – II Job Analysis and Job design requirement, selection
placement training & development.
Compensation – Performance Appraisal, Job evaluation,
remuneration, incentive payments, employed benefits
and specious.

Unit – III Employee Welfare – Welfare measure, safety and
health, promotion transfer Grievances in India Industry.
Industry relation and industrial disputes in India their
resolution, role of trade union, working participation in

Unit – IV HBR case studies – reading, analysing and presentations
Negotiation exercise in class – group activity 14
 Human Resources Development – Rao, Verma Khandelwal
 Human Resources Development – Nadler & Lenonard
 Dessler, G. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (4th Edition, Pearson)

Page 35

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2SCE2 Course Title: Python Programming Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 To understand the python programming constructs like decision making, control
 To understand python data structures like tuples, lists, dictionaries
 To understand functions and exception handling in python
Course Description: The objective of this course is to provide the student an insight of python
programming including the data structure of python.
Unit -I Introduction: History,Features,Setting up path,Working
with Python,Basic Syntax,Variable and Data Types,
Operator Conditional Statements If ,If- else,Nested if-
else,Looping,For,While,Nested loops 3
Unit - II Control Statements Break, Continue, Pass String
Manipulation Accessing Strings, Basic Operations, String
slices, Function and Methods Lists Introduction,
Accessing list, Operations, Working with lists, Function
and Methods 4
Unit - III Tuple Introduction, Accessing tuples, Operations,
Working, Functions and Methods Dictionaries
Introduction, Accessing values in dictionaries, Working
with dictionaries,Properties 5
Unit - IV Functions Defining a function,Calling a function,Types of
functions,Function Arguments,Anonymous
functions,Global and local variables Modules Importing
module, Math module, Random module,
Packages,Composition, Input -Output Printing on screen,
Reading data from keybo ard, Opening and closing file,
Reading and writing files, Functions 6
Unit -V Exception Handling Exception, Exception
Handling,Except clause, Try ? finally clause, User Defined
Exceptions 3
1. “Dive Into Python” by Mark Pilgrim
2. “Programming Python” by Mark Lutz and O’Reilly Media
3. “Python Testing Cookbook” by Greg L Turnquist
4. “Head First Programming” by Paul Barry and David Griffiths
Course Title: Python Programming Lab No of Lab required: 9(1 hour each)
Objective  To write, test, and debug simple
Python programs.

Page 36

 To implement Python programs with
conditionals and loops
 Use functions for structuring Python
 Represent compound data using
Python lists, tuples, dictionaries
 Read and write data from/to files in
LIST OF PROGRAMS: 1. Compute the GCD of two numbers.
2. Find the square root of a number
(Newton’s method)
3. Exponentiation (power of a number)
4. Find the maximum of a list of numbers
5. Linear search and Binary search
6. Selection sort, Insertion sort
7. Merge sort
8. First n prime numbers
9. Multiply matrices
10. Programs that take command line
arguments (word count)
11. Find the most frequent words in a text
read from a file
12. Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame
13. Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame

Page 37

Semester –II
TIMUDSS2SCE3 Course Title: Data Structure and Algorithm Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 To understand data organization, deletion, traversal and other related
 To understand linear and non-linear data structures like stacks, queues, linked
lists, trees
 To understand searching and sorting techniques
Course Description:
Unit -I Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data
Organizations, Data Structure Operations: insertion,
deletion, traversal etc.; Analysis of an Algorithm,
Asymptotic Notations, Time -Space trade off. Searching:
Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques and their
complexity analysis. 4
Unit -II Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack and its operations:
Algorithms and their complexity analysis, Applications of
Stacks: Expression Conversion and evaluation –
correspondingalgorithms and complexity analysis. ADT
queue, Types of Queue: Simple Queue, CircularQueue,
Priority Queue; Operations on each types of Queues:
Algorithms and their analysis. 5
Unit -III Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in
memory, Algorithms of severaloperations: Traversing,
Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list;
Linkedrepresentation of Stack and Queue, Header nodes,
Doubly linked list: operations on it andalgorithmic
analysis; Circular Linked Lists: all operations their
algorithms and thecomplexity analysis. 5
Unit -IV Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees:
Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree,
AVL Tree; Tree operations on each of the trees and
theiralgorithms with complexity analysis. Applications of
Binary Trees. B Tree, B+ Tree:definitions, algorithms and
analysis. 4
Unit -V Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of
different sorting algorithms:Selection Sort, Bubble Sort,
Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap
Sort;Performance and Comparison among all the
methods, Hashing.Graph: Basic Terminologies and
Representations, Graph search and traversal algorithms
and complexity analysis. 3

Page 38

1. “Data Structures And Program Design In C”, 2/E by Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung.
2. “Fundamentals of Data Structures of C” by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson -
3. “Data Structures in C” by Aaron M. Tenenbaum.
4. “Data Structures” by S. Lipschutz.
5. “Data Structures Using C” by ReemaThareja.
6. “Data Structure Using C”, 2/e by A.K. Rath, A. K. Jagadev.
7. “Introduction to Algorithms” by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest,
Clifford Stein.
Course Title: Data Structure
and Algorithm Lab No of Lab required: 9(1 hour each)
Objective  To write, test, and debug data structure programs
 To implement linear data structures
 To implement non-linear data structure
 To implement searching sorting algorithms
LIST OF PROGRAMS:  Implementation of array operations: Stacks and
Queues: adding, deleting elements Circular Queue:
Adding & deleting elements Merging Problem :
 Evaluation of expressions operations on Multiple
stacks &queues :
 Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting,
inverting a linked list.
 Implementation of stacks & queues using linked lists:
Polynomial addition, Polynomial multiplication Sparse
Matrices : Multiplication, addition.
 Recursive and Nonrecursive traversal of Trees
Threaded binary tree traversal. AVL tree
implementation Application of Trees.
 Application of sorting and searching algorithms Hash
tables implementation: searching, inserting and
deleting, searching & sorting techniques.

Page 39

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2SCE4 Course Title: Formal Language and
Automata Theory Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 Be able to construct finite state machines and the equivalent regular expressions.
 Be able to prove the equivalence of languages described by finite state machines and
regular expressions
 Be able to construct pushdown automata and the equivalent context free grammars.
And Be able to prove the equivalence of languages described by pushdow n automata
and context free grammars.
 Be able to construct Turing machines and Post machines. Be able to prove the
equivalence of languages described by Turing machines and Post machines
Course Description: The objective of this courses to provide the students a knowledge of
theory of computation including regular expressions, finite and non finite automata, context
free language.
Unit I Introduction: Alphabet, languages and grammars,
productions and derivation, Chomsky hierarchy of
languages. 4
Unit – II Regular languages and finite automata: Regular
expressions and languages, deterministic finite automata
(DFA) and equivalence with regular expressions,
nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) and equivalence
with DFA, regular grammars and equivalence with finite
automata, properties of regular languages, pumping
lemma for regular languages, minimization of finite
automata) 6
Unit – III Context -free languages and pushdown automata:
Context -free grammars (CFG) and languages (CFL),
Chomsky and Greibach normal forms,nondeterministic
pushdown automata (PDA) and equivalence with CFG,
parse trees, ambiguity in CFG, pumping lemma for
context -free languages, deterministic push down
automata, closure properties of CFLs. 8
Unit – IV Turing machines: The basic model for Turing machines
(TM), Turing recognizable(recursively enumerable) and
Turing -decidable (recursive) languages and their closure
properties, variants of Turing machines, nondeterministic
TMs and equivalence with deterministic TMs, 6

Page 40

unrestricted grammars and equivalence with Turing
machines, TMsas enumerators
Unit -V Undecidability: Church -Turing thesis, universal Turing
machine, the universal and diagonalization languages,
reduction between languages and Rice s theorem,
undecidable problems about languages 6
1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation, Pearson Education Asia.
2. Harry R. Lewis and Christos H. Papadimitriou, Elements of the Theory o
Of Computation, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Dexter C. Kozen, Automata and Computability, Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science,
4. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing.
5. John Martin, Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation,
TataMcGraw Hill., PEARSON.
6. Dr. R.B.Patel, Theory of Computation, Khanna Publishing House

Page 41

Semester -II
TIMUMSS1SCE5 Course Title: Business Ethics Credits:
2 Lectures
/Week: 2
Learning Objectives
 Introduce students to the concept of ethical dilemmas
 Encourage critical thinking
 Develop an ethical compass
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the possibility that
the world is not demarcated clearly into black and white. We all deal with grey situations
where our ethical compass shall lead us to take informed decisions. Also, an introduction to
the laws of the land and ethical digressions in society and particular streams.
Unit I

Concepts and
Values  Ethics and Business Ethics
 Concepts Values and Ethic

Unit – II

Corporate Ethics  Ethical Corporate Behaviour
 Development of corporate ethics
 Ethical Leadership
 Ethical Decision -making

Unit – III
Ethics  Ethical Dilemmas in Organization
 Social Responsibility of Business
 Corporate Governance

Unit - IV
Corruption and
Gender Issues  Ethic in Functional Area
 Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and
Information Technology
 Environmental Ethics
 Corruption and Gender Issues —Gender Ethics,
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.

Unit – V  Role play of ethical issues – group discussions
 Mock court cases of ethical dilemmas 5

Page 42

Semester -II
TIMUDSS2SPE1 Course Title: Sports Data: Retrieval and
Analysis an Introduction Credits:
3 Lectures
/Week: 3
Learning Objectives
 To Understand basic data mining techniques for retrieval
 To understand data types, quality and descriptive data summarization, integration
and reduction
 To under understand the cluster analysis techniques
Course Description: The main objective of this course is to provider students a in depth
knowledge of retrieval, cleaning and analysis using various techniques of data mining and
Unit I Introduction to Data modeling: Conceptual, Logical and
physical modeling, Top down and Bottom Up modeling,
ER Modeling with different methodologies, Generic data
modeling, Semantic data modeling, Data modeling with
different techniques (finite state machine, UML, state
charts, Markov Chain, Decision table and decision tree),
Data Dictionary 10
Unit – II Introduction: Data Mining Concept, Origin, Process,
Applications, Techniques, Challenges Data Pre-
processing: Data types, Quality, Descriptive data
summarization – central tendency and dispersion
measure, Data cleaning, Data integration & transform,
Data reduction 10
Unit – III Association Rule Mining: Market -basket analysis basics,
Naïve algorithm, Apriori algorithm, Direct Hashing and
Pruning (DHP), Software for Association Rule Mining
Classification and Prediction: Decision Tree, Classification
by decision tree induction, Bayesian classification, Rule -
based classification, Prediction – Linear and Nonlinear
Regression, Classification software 15
Unit -IV Cluster Analysis: Types of data in cluster analysis,
Partitioning methods, Hierarchical methods, Density -
based methods, Quality & Validity of clustering methods 10
1. Tan, Steinbach and Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining, Pearson
2. Han and Camber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann
. Foreman, Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight, John Wiley
4. Dunham, Data Mining : Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson

Page 43

Semester II
Course Code:
TIMUDSS2SPE2 Course Title: Sports Media and
Communications Credits: 3 Lectures
Learning Objectives
1. Learning basics of sports journalism
2. Understanding media and communication’s role in sports
Course Description
This course allows students to best understand the relationship of media and sports.
Module I Introduction to Sports Writing:
- Rules that universally apply to all kinds of
- How sports writing is slightly different and why?
- Evolution of sports journalism and
o How sports became a specialised beat
o Radio and TV coverage of sports
o Social Media
o Challenges 15
Module II Covering sports, the tool kit
- How watching sport as a journalist or media
professional is different from watching it as a fan
- Areas that you must concentrate on
- Tool required to make a difference
- Sports photography
Sports Writing II
- Writing a match report
- Writing a preview, review of the entire event
- Post -match interviews
- Profile stories
- Other possible stories from the event 16
Module III Business of Sports
- Covering the financial aspect of events
- Structure of sports federations and internal
- The sports equipment industry 15
Module IV Planning coverage of a sports event
- Media centre
- Coverage Plan
- Press Releases
- Sponsors Commitment 16
*Curated by TransStadia Institute - Centre of Excellence, Mumbai

Page 44

BSc (Data Science & Sports Studies)
First Year

Particulars Fee

J and K
(need to

NRI Student
Out side
(equal to
(Reserved) Universit
yFees for
ID Card 25 25 25 25 25 25
Admission Form / Application
Form Fees 50 50 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance 20 20 20 20 20 20
Ashvamedha 20 20 20 20 20 20
Admission processing fees 60 60 60 60 60 60
Dip Registration 15 15 15 15 15 15
Other Fee 125 125 125 125 125 125
Gymkhana Fees 190 190 190 190 190 190
Students welfare 500 500 500 500 500 500
Vice Chancellor's Fund 20 20 20 20 20 20
Eligibility Fees 500 500 500 500 500 500
Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10 10 10
Development Fee 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173
Exam Fee 700 700 700 700 700 700
Caution Money Deposit - - - - - -
Tuition Fee 1,41,592 7,00,000 1,41,592 1,41,592 - 1,41,592
Library Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Site Visit 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
IT Lab 20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Seminars (Industry Experts) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Sports Equipment 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Kit Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Students' Activity 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Total Amount 1,95,000 7,53,408 1,95,000 1,95,000 53,408

Page 45

BSc (Data Science & Sports Studies)
Second Year

Particulars Fee Category
J and K
(need to

Out side
(equal to
(Reserved) University
Fees for
ID Card 25 25 25 25 25 25
Admission Form /
Application Form Fees 50 50 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance 20 20 20 20 20 20
Ashvamedha 20 20 20 20 20 20
Admission processing fees 60 60 60 60 60 60
Dip Registration 15 15 15 15 15 15
Other Fee 125 125 125 125 125 125
Gymkhana Fees 190 190 190 190 190 190
Students welfare 500 500 500 500 500 500
Vice Chancellor's Fund 20 20 20 20 20 20
Eligibility Fees 500 500 500 500 500 500
Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10 10 10
Development Fee 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173
Exam Fee 700 700 700 700 700 700
Caution Money Deposit - - - - - -
Tuition Fee
1,41,592 7,00,000 1,41,592 1,41,592 -
Library Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Site Visit 5,000
10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
IT Lab
10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Seminars (Industry
15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Sports Equipment 5,000
10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Kit Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Students' Activity 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Total Amount
7,53,408 1,95,000 1,95,000 53,408

Page 46

BSc (Data Science & Sports Studies)
Third Year

Particulars Fee Category

J and K
(need to

NRI Student
Out side
(equal to
(Reserved) University
Fees for
ID Card 25 25 25 25 25 25
Admission Form /
ApplicationForm Fees 50 50 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance 20 20 20 20 20 20
Ashvamedha 20 20 20 20 20 20
Admission processing fees 60 60 60 60 60 60
Dip Registration 15 15 15 15 15 15
Other Fee 125 125 125 125 125 125
Gymkhana Fees 190 190 190 190 190 190
Students welfare 500 500 500 500 500 500
Vice Chancellor's Fund 20 20 20 20 20 20
Eligibility Fees 500 500 500 500 500 500
Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10 10 10
Development Fee 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173
Exam Fee 700 700 700 700 700 700
Caution Money Deposit - - - - - -
Tuition Fee 1,41,592 7,00,000 1,41,592 1,41,592 -
Library Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Site Visit 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
IT Lab 20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Seminars (Industry Experts) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Sports Equipment 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Kit Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Students' Activity 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Total Amount 1,95,000 7,53,408 1,95,000 1,95,000 53,408

Page 47