Vide Item No 66R revised syllabus of SYBSc Computer Science Sem III IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 66R revised syllabus of SYBSc Computer Science Sem III IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 11/7/2022
Item No. – 6.6 (R)

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus for

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Semester – III & IV
(Choice Based Credit System)

(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)

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The revised and restructured curriculum for the Three -year integrated course is systematically designed
considering the current industry needs in terms of skills sets demanded under new technological
environment. It also endeavors to align the programme st ructure and course curriculum with student
aspirations and corporate expectations. The proposed curriculum is more contextual, industry affable and
suitable to cater the needs of society and nation in present day context.
The Core Subjects offers to develo p strong theoretical foundations in Computer Science to build
computational thinking, analytical, and problem solving skills. Principles of Operating Systems course
provides an overview of computer operating systems, their functionalities, processes, and c omputing
resource management. Linear Algebra course covers concepts crucial to many areas of computer science,
such as graphics, image processing, cryptography, machine learning, computer vision, optimization, graph
algorithms, quantum computation, computa tional biology, information retrieval and web search. Data
Structures course provides an understanding of different types of data structures and how to use them per
the requirements of a given application. Advanced Database Concepts course touches the touc hes
security, recovery, and transaction aspects of database. Theory of Computation course helps to develop
capabilities to design and develop formulations for computing models and identify its applications in
diverse areas. Computer Networks course include topics such as application layer protocols, Internet
protocols, network interfaces, local and wide area networks, wireless networks, bridging and routing,
among other current topics. Software Engineering course embodies an engineering approach to the
deve lopment of software. It discusses the nature of software and software projects, software development
models, software process maturity, project planning, management, and estimations along with topics on
software testing and quality assurance. The course on IoTTechnologies will definitelyopen future area as
Embedded Engineer, involvement in IoT projects, Robotics and many more.
Skill Enhancement courses such as Java based Application Development, Web Technologies, Android
Application Development and Advanced Application Developmentcater to present day needs of web and
mobile based platforms and applications. These courses aims to produce skilled graduates with a creative
mind -set who can recognize a computational problem either in IT industry or society, and develop
effective solutions.
The General Elective courses offers the students the option to explore disciplines of interest beyond the
choicesthey make in Core and Discipline Specific Elective papers. The course on Creative Content
Writing prepare students to comprehend, refine, and enhance their writing abilities and enter the industry
with enhanced skill and substantial competence. The course on Green Technologies emphasizes the use of
principles and practices of green services and regulatory standards fo r addressing the carbon issues and
related concerns. The Research Methodology instills basic research skills for students who wish to pursue
a research or an academic career.Management& Entrepreneurship course aims to focus on giving students
the business management and innovation skills required to succeed in a startup.
We sincerely believe that any student taking this programme will get very strong foundation and exposure
to basics, advanced and emerging trends of the subject.
We wholeheartedly thank all experts who shared their valuable feedbacks and suggestions in order to
improvise the contents, we have sincerely attempted to incorporate each of them. We further thank
Chairperson and members of Board of Studies for their confidence in us.
Special thank s to University Department of Computer Science and colleagues from various colleges, who
volunteered or have indirectly helped designing certain specialized courses and the syllabus as a whole.

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S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Choice Based Credit Syst em (CBCS)
with effect from

Academic year 2022 -2023

Semester – III
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS301 Core Subject Principles of Operating Systems 2 3
USCSP301 Core Subject
Practical Principles of Operating Systems –
Practical 1 3
USCS302 Core Subject Linear Algebra 2 3
USCSP302 Core Subject
Practical Linear Algebra – Practical 1 3
USCS303 Core Subject Data Structures 2 3
USCSP303 Core Subject
Practical Data Structures – Practical 1 3
USCS304 Core Subject Advanced Database Concepts 2 3
USCSP304 Core Subject
Practical Advanced Database Concepts –
Practical 1 3
USCS305 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC) Java based Application Development 2 3
USCSP305 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC)
Practical Java based Application Development –
Practical 1 3
USCS306 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC) Web Technologies 2 3
USCSP306 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC)
Practical Web Technologies – Practical 1 3
USCS3071 Generic Elective Creative Content Writing 2 3
USCS3072 Generic Elective Green Technologies 2 3

* Any one Generic Elective has to be selected by the student.

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S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
with effect from

Academic year 2022 -2023

Semester – IV
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS401 Core Subject Theory of Computation 2 3
USCSP401 Core Subject
Practical Theory of Computation – Practical 1 3
USCS402 Core Subject Computer Networks 2 3
USCSP402 Core Subject
Practical Computer Networks – Practical 1 3
USCS403 Core Subject Software Engineering 2 3
USCSP403 Core Subject
Practical Software Engineering – Practical 1 3
USCS404 Core Subject IoT Technologies 2 3
USCSP404 Core Subject
Practical IoT Technologies – Practical 1 3
USCS405 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC) Android Application Development 2 3
USCSP405 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC)
Practical Android Application Development –
Practical 1 3
USCS406 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC) Advanced Application Development 2 3
USCSP406 Skill Enhancement
Course (SEC)
Practical Advanced Application Development –
Practical 1 3
USCS4071 Generic Elective* Research Methodology 2 3
USCS4072 Generic Elective* Management & Entrepreneurship 2 3

* Any one Generic Elective has to be selected by the student.

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Semester III

Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS301 Principles of Operating Systems 2 3

About the Course: The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of computer operating
systems, their functionalities, processes, and computing resource management. In particular, the course
will cover processes and threads, mutual exclusion, CPU scheduling, deadlock, memory management,
and file systems.
Course Objectives:
● To learn basic concepts and structure of operating systems
● To learn about process and synchronization in operating system level
● To learn CPU scheduling algorithms
● To learn Memory and File system management
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Work with any type of operating system
● Handle threads, processes, process synchronization
● Implement CPU scheduling algorithms
● Understand the background role of memory management
● Design file system.

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Operating -Systems: Definition of Operating System,
Operating System's role, Operating -System Operations, Functions of
Operating System, Computing Environments
Operating -System Structures: Operating -System Services, User and
Operating -System Interface, System Calls, Types o f System Calls,
Operating -System Structure
Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes,
Interprocess Communication
Threads: Overview, Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models 15
II Process Synchronization: General structure of a typical process, race
condition, The Critical -Section Problem, Peterson's Solution,
Synchronization Hardware, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of
Synchronization, Monitors
CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria , Scheduling
Algorithms (FCFS, SJF, SRTF, Priority, RR, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, 15

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Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling), Thread Scheduling
Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for
Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock
Detection, Recovery from Deadlock
III Main Memory: Background, Logical address space, Physical address
space, MMU, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation,
Paging, Structure of the Page Table
Virtual Memory: Background, Demand Paging, Copy -on-Write, Page
Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thr ashing
Mass -Storage Structure: Overview, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling,
Disk Management
File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk
Structure, File -System Mounting, File Sharing
File-System Implementation: File-System Structur e, File -System
Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free -
Space Management 15
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, Wiley, 2021
Additional Reference(s):
1. Achyut S. Godbole, AtulKahate, Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017
2. Naresh Chauhan, Principles of Operating Systems, Oxford Press, 2014
3. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos, Modern Operating Systems, 4e Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2016

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP301 Principles of Operating Systems – Practical 1 3

1 Process Communication:
a. Write a program to give a solution to the producer –consumer problem using
shared memory.
b. Write a program to give a solution to the producer –consumer problem using
message passing.
2 Threads:
a. Write a program to work with a single thread.
b. Write a program to work with multi threads.
c. The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. 8, ... Formally,
it can be expressed as: fib0 = 0, fib1 = 1, fibn = fibn -1 + fibn -2. Write a
multithreaded program that generates the Fibonacci sequence.
3 Synchronization:
a. Write a program to give a solution to the Bounded buffer problem.
b. Write a program to give a solution to the readers –writers problem.
4 Write a program that implements FCFS scheduling algorithm.
5 Write a program that implements (with no premption) scheduling algorithm.
6 Write a program that implements RR scheduling algorithm.
7 Write a program that implements the banker‘s algorithm
8 Write a program that implements the FIFO page -replacement algorithm.
9 Write a program that implements the LRU page -replacement algorithm.
10 Write a program to design a File System.

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS302 Linear Algebra 2 3

About the Course:
Linear algebra, a branch of mathematics, provides concepts that are crucial to many areas of computer
science, such as graphics, image processing, cryptography, machine learning, computer vision,
optimization, graph algorithms, quantum computation, computational biology, information retrieval and
web search. The course covers topics such as fields, vectors, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Course Objectives:
● To offer the learner the relevant Linear Algebra concepts through Computer Science
● To interpret existence and analyze the solution set of a system of linear equations.
● To formulate, solve, apply, and interpret properties of linear systems.
● To learn about the concept of linear independence of vectors over a field, and the dimension of
a vector space.
● To interpret basic concepts of linear transformations, dimens ion, matrix representation of a
linear transformation, and the change of coordinate matrix.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Appreciate the relevance and applications of Linear Algebra in the field of Computer Science.
● Understand the concepts through program implementation.
● Instill a computational thinking while learning linear algebra.
● Express clear understanding of the concept of a solution to a system of equations.
● Find eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for a square matrix.

Unit Topics No of
I Field: Introduction to complex numbers, complex numbers in Python,
abstracting over fields, Playing with GF (2).
Vectors: Vectors are functions, Vector addition, Scalar -vector
multiplication, combining vector addition and scalar multiplication,
Dictionary -based representations of vectors, Dot -product, Solving a
triangular system of linear equations, Support Vector Machine –
Introduction, Mechanism.
The Vector Space: Linear combination, Span, The geometry of sets of
vectors, Vector spaces, Linear systems, homogen eous and otherwise 15
II Matrix : Matrices as vectors, Column space and row space, Matrix -vector
and vector -matrix multiplication in terms of linear combinations, Matrix -15

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vector multiplication in terms of dot -products, Null space, Computing
sparse matrix -vector product, Linear functions, Matrix -matrix
multiplication, Inner product and outer product, From function inverse to
matrix inverse
Basis : Coordinate systems, two greedy algorithms for finding a set of
generators, Linear dependence, Basis, Uni que representation, Change of
basis, first look, Computational problems involving finding a basis
Dimension: Dimension and rank, Direct sum, Dimension and linear
functions, The annihilator
Gaussian elimination : Echelon form, Gaussian elimination over GF( 2),
Solving a matrix -vector equation using Gaussian elimination.
III Inner Product : The inner product for vectors over the reals, Orthogonality.
Orthogonalization : Projection orthogonal to multiple vectors, projecting
orthogonal to mutually orthogonal vectors, Building an orthogonal set of
generators, orthogonal complement.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Characteristic Polynomials of degree 2
and 3, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Properties of eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, Cayley –Hamilton Theorem, Minimal Polynomial. Coordinate
representation in terms of eigenvectors, The Internet worm, Markov Chains,
Google Page Rank algorithm. 15
1. Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science, First Edition,
Philip N. Klein, Newtonian Press 2013
2. Schaum's Outline of Linear Algebra, Sixth Edition by Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson,
McGraw Hill 2017
Additional References:
1. Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications, First Edition, Ernest Davis,
A K Peters/CRC Press, 2012.
2. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Gilbert Strang, Cengage Learning, 4th Edition, 2007
3. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, David C Lay, Pearson Education India; 3rd Edition, 2002
4. Introduction to Information Retrieval, Christopher D. Manning , PrabhakarRaghavan and
HinrichSchütze, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
5. Computer Networking With Internet Protocols and Technology, William Stallings, Pearson
Education India, 2013.

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP302 Linear Algebra – Practical 1 3

1 Write a program which demonstrates the following:
● Addition of two complex numbers
● Displaying the conjugate of a complex number
● Plotting a set of complex numbers
● Creating a new plot by rotating the given number by a degree 90, 180, 270 degrees
and also by scaling by a number a = 1/2, a = 1/3, a = 2 etc.
2 Write a program to do the following:
● Enter a vector u as a n -list
● Enter another vector v as a n -list
● Find the vector au + bv for different values of a and b
● Find the dot product of u and v

3 Vector Applications:
Classify given data using support vector machines (SVM)
4 Basic Matrix Operations:
● Matrix Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
● Check if matrix is invertible.
● If yes then find Inverse
5 Write a program to convert a matrix into its row echelon form. (Order 2).
Write a program to find rank of a matrix.
6 Basic Matrix Application – I
Representation of Image in Matrix Format and Image Transformations
7 Basic Matrix Application – II
Perform Image addition, multiplication and subtraction
8 Write a program to do the following:
● Enter a vector b and find the projection of b orthogonal to a given vector u.
● Find the projection of b orthogonal to a set of given vectors
9 Write a program to calculate eigenvalue and eigenvector (Order 2 and 3)
10 Implement Google‘s Page rank algorithm.

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS303 Data Structures 2 3

About the Course:
The course focuses to give an understanding of different types of data structures that can be used to
store data in memory, how to create -manipulate them and to use them in the best possible manner as per
the requirements of the application.
Course Objec tives:
● To introduce data abstraction and data representation in memory
● To describe, design and use of elementary data structures such as stack, queue, linked list, tree
and graph
● How and why different data structures are used for different types of problems.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to -
● Create different types of data structures.
● Understand which data structure to be used based on the type of the problem.
● Apply combined knowledge of algorithms and data structures to write highly effective
programs in various domains.

Unit Topics No of
I Abstract Data Type: Different Data Types, different types of data
structures & their classifications, Introduction to ADT, Creating user-
specific ADT
Linked Structures : ADT for linked list, Advantages & Disadvantages,
Singly Linked List -Traversing, Searching, Prepending and Removing
Nodes, applications of linked list like polynomial equation
Stacks : Stack ADT for Stack, Advantages & Di sadvantages, Applications
of stack like balanced delimiter, prefix to postfix notation
Queues : Queue ADT, Advantages &Disadvantages, linked representations.
Circular Queue operations, Dequeues, applications of queue like job
scheduling queues 15
II Doubly Linked list: ADT of doubly linked list, Advantages &
Disadvantages, Insertion and deletion of nodes at various positions
Trees : ADT for Tree Structure. Advantages & disadvantages, Binary Tree -
Properties, Implementation and Traversals, Binary Search Tree, Balanced
BST,Threaded Binary Trees, AVL Trees, Applications of Tree like
Huffman Coding,
Priority Queues & Heaps: Priority Queue, Priority Queue ADT,

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Advantages and Disadvantages, Applications, Heaps, types of heaps,
Heapifying the element,
III Graph: Introduction, Graph ADT, Advantages and Disadvantages, Graph
Representation using adjacency matrix and adjacency list, Graph operations
like insertion and deletion of nodes, Graph Traversals using BFS & DFS,
Applications of Graphs like shortest path algorithms,
Hashing: Hash Table ADT, Advantages & Disadvantages, Concept of
hashing, hash table, hash functions, collision, collision avoidance
techniques, Applications of hashing
1. Introduction to Algorithm, Thomas H Cormen, PHI
2. Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy, NarasimhaKarumanchi, 2021
Additional References:
1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, SartajSahni and SanguthevarRajasekaran Ellis
Horowitz, Universities Press, 2018
2. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H.
Goldwasser, Wiley, 2016

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP303 Data Structures – Practical 1 3

1 Write a program to implement Abstract Data Types (ADT)
2 Write a program to implement Singly Linked list with insertion, deletion, traversal
3 Write a program to implement Doubly Linked list with insertion, deletion, traversal
4 Write a program to implement Stack with insertion, deletion, traversal operations
5 Write a program to implement Queue with insertion, deletion, traversal operations
6 Write a program to implement Priority Queue with insertion, deletion, traversal
7 Write a program to implement Binary Tree with insertion, deletion, traversal operations
8 Write a program to implement Huffman Coding
9 Write a program to implement Graph with insertion, deletion, traversal operations
10 Write a program to implement Travelling Salesman Problem
11 Write a program to create basic Hash Table for insertion, deletion, traversal
operations(assume that there are no collisions)
12 Write a program to create hash table to handle collisions using overflow chaining

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS304 Advanced Database Concepts 2 3

About the Course:
This course deals with the basic understanding of programming in database. It touches security,
recovery, and transaction aspects of database. The course will increase the confidence among the learner
while dealing with database.
Course Objectives:
● To develop understanding of concepts and techniques for data management and learn
about widely used systems for implementation and usage.
● To develop understanding of Transaction management and crash recovery.
● To develop concepts of programming concepts of database.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Master concepts of stored procedure, functions, cursors and triggers and its use.
● Learn about using PL/SQL for data management.
● Use efficiently Collections and records.
● Understand concepts and implementations of transaction management and crash

Unit Topics No of
I Overview of PL/SQL: Advantages of PL/SQL, Main Features of PL/SQL,
Architecture of PL/SQL
Fundamentals of PL/SQL: Character Sets, Lexical Units, Declarations,
References to Identifiers, Scope and Visibility of Identifiers, Assigning
Values to Variables, Expressions, E rror-Reporting Functions, Data Types.
Control Statements: Conditional Selection Statements, LOOP Statements,
Sequential Control Statements, GOTO, and NULL Statements.
Sequences: creating sequences, referencing, altering, and dropping a
Stored Procedures and Functions: Procedures: Types and benefits of
stored procedures, creating stored procedures, executing stored procedures,
altering stored procedures, viewing stored procedures. Functions: Calling
function and recursion function. 15
II Collec tions and Records: Associative Arrays, Varrays (Variable -Size
Arrays), Nested Tables, Collection Constructors, Assigning Values to
Collection Variables, Multidimensional Collections, Collection
Comparisons, Collection Methods, Collection Types Defined in P ackage 15

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Specifications, Record Variables, Assigning Values to Record Variables.
Error Handling: Compile -Time Warnings, Overview of Exception
Handling, Internally Defined Exceptions, Predefined Exceptions, User -
Defined Exceptions, Redeclared Predefined Exceptions, Raising Exceptions
Explicitly, Exception Propagation, Unhandled Exceptions.
Cursors: Overview of Cursor, Types of cursors, Invalid cursor Exception.
Static and Dynamic SQL: Static SQL: Description of Static SQL, Cursors
Overview, Processing Que ry Result Sets, Cursor Variables, CURSOR
Expressions, Transaction Processing and Control, Autonomous
Transactions. Dynamic SQL: Native Dynamic SQL, DBMS_SQL Package,
SQL Injection.
III Triggers: Overview of Triggers, implementing triggers – creating tr iggers,
Insert, delete, and update triggers, nested triggers, viewing, deleting, and
modifying triggers, and enforcing data integrity through triggers.
Packages: Overview of a Package. Need of Packages, Package
Specification, Package Body, Package Instanti ation and Initialization.
Transaction Management: ACID Properties, Serializability, Two -phase
Commit Protocol, Concurrency Control, Lock Management, Lost Update
Problem, Inconsistent Read Problem, Read -Write Locks, Deadlocks
Handling, Two Phase Locking pro tocol.
Crash Recovery: ARIES algorithm. The log -based recovery, recovery
related structures like transaction and dirty page table, Write -ahead log
protocol, check points, recovery from a system crash, Redo and Undo
phases 15
1. Mastering PL/SQL Through Illustrations: From Learning Fundamentals to Developing Efficient
PL/SQL Blocks, Dr. B. Chandra, BPB Publication, 2020
2. Oracle Pl/Sql Training Guide., Training guide, BPB Publications, 2016
3. Raghu Ramakrishnam, Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw‐Hill,3rd Edition,
4. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth,S.Sudarshan , Database System Concepts, 6th Edition
Additional References:
1. Ivan Bayross, ―SQL, PL/SQL -The Programming language of Oracle‖, B.P.B. Publications
2. RamezElmasri& ShamkantB.Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education,

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP304 Advanced Database Concepts – Practical 1 3

1 Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
a. Sequential Statements
b. unconstrained loop
2 Sequences:
a. Creating simple Sequences with clauses like START WITH, INCREMENT
b. Creating and using Sequences for tables.
3 Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
a. If...then...Else, IF...ELSIF...ELSE... END IF
b. Case statement
4 Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs for following Iterative
a. While -loop Statements
b. For-loop Statements.
5 Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including a GoTO to
jump out of a loop and NULL as a statement inside IF.
6 Writing Procedures in PL/SQL Block
a. Create an empty procedure, replace a procedure and call procedure
b. Create a stored procedure and call it
c. Define procedure to insert data
d. A forward declaration of procedure
7 Writing Functions in PL/SQL Block.
a. Define and call a function
b. Define and use function in select clause,
c. Call function in dbms_output.put_line
d. Recursive function
e. Count Employee from a function and return value back
f. Call function and store the return value to a variable
8 Creating and working with Insert/Update/Delete Trigger using Before/After clause.
9 Write an Implicit and explicit cursor to complete the task.
10 Create packages and use it in SQL black to complete the task.
11 Write a SQL block to handle exception by writing:
a. Predefined Exceptions,
b. User -Defined Exceptions,

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c. Redeclared Predefined Exceptions,
12 Create nested tables and work with nested tables.
Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS305 Java based Application Development 2 3

About the Course:
The objective of this course is to teach the learner how to use Object Oriented paradigm to develop code
and understand the concepts of Core Java and explore advanced topic of Java programming for solving
Course Objectives:
● To provide insight into java based applications using OOP concepts.
● To provide understanding of developing GUI based desktop applications in java.
● To provide knowledge of web based applications through servlet and jsp.
● To provide understanding and implemen tation of basic JSON
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Design basic application in java using Graphical User Interface.
● The learner will be able to develop applications using swings
● The learner will be able to develop web based applications using servlet and jsp
● The learner will be able to connect databases with java through
● The learner will be able to perform programs using JSON objects

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: History, Features of Java, Java Development Kit, Java
Application Programming Interface, Java Virtual Machine Java Program
Structure, Java Tokens.
OOPS : Introduction, Class, Object, Static Keywords, Constructors, this
keyword, Inheritance,Inner class, Anon ymous Inner class, super keyword,
Polymorphism (overloading and overriding), Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Abstract Classes, Interfaces
Packages: Introduction to predefined packages, User Defined Packages,
Access specifiers
Exception Handling: Introduction, Pre-Defined Exceptions, try -catch -
finally, throws, throw, User Defined Exceptions
Multithreading: Thread Creations, Thread Life Cycle, Life Cycle
Methods,Synchronization, wait() notify() notify all() methods 15
II Collection Framework : Introduction, java.util Package interfaces, List, 15

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Set, Map,List interface & its classes, Set interface & its classes, Map
interface & its classes.
Introduction to JFC and Swing - Features of the Java Foundation Classes,
Swing API Components, JComponent Class, Windows, Dialog Boxes, and
Panels, Labels, Buttons, Check Boxes, Menus, Toolbars, Implementing
Action interface, Pane, JScrollPane, Desktop pane, Scrollbars, Lists and
Combo Boxes, Text -Entry Components, Colors and File Choosers, Tables
and Trees, Printing with 2D API and Java Print Service API.
Event Handling: Delegation Event Model, Events, Event classes, Event
listener interfaces, Using delegation event model, adapter classes.
JDBC: Introduction, JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, JDBC
Connectivity Model, java.sql package, Using Statement,
PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, Scrollable and Updatable
ResultSet, Navigating and manipulating data, ResultSetMetaData,
Managing Transactions in JDBC, JDBC Exception classes, BLOB &
III Servlets: Introduction, Servlet Life Cycle, Types of Servlet, Servlet
Configuration with Deployment Descriptor, Working with ServletContext
and ServletConfig Object, Attributes in Servelt,, Response and Redirection
using Request Dispacher and using sendRedi rect Method, Filter API,
Manipulating Responses using Filter API, Session Tracking: using Cookies,
HTTPSession, Hidden Form Fields and URL Rewriting,Types of Servlet
Event: ContextLevel and SessionLevel.
Java Server Pages (JSP) : Introduction to JSP , Compa rison with Servlet,
JSP Architecture, JSP Life Cycle, JSP Scripting Elements, JSP Directives,
JSP Action, JSP Implicit Objects, JSP Expression Language, JSP Standard
Tag Libraries, JSP Custom Tag, JSP Session Management, JSP Exception
Handling, JSP CRUD Ap plications
JSON: Overview, Syntax, DataTypes, Objects, Schema, Comparison with
XML, JSON with Java 15
1. Herbert Schildt, Java The Complete Reference, Eleventh Edition, McGraw -Hill Education,
2. Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Head First Servlets and JSP, O‘reilly (SPD), 2018
3. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core Java™ 2: Volume II –Advanced Features Prentice Hall
PTR, 2004
4. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development Using Java 2, BPB
5. Java XML and JSON: Document Processing for Java SE by Jeff Friesen January 2019, Apress
Additional References:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java - A Primer, Tata McGraw -Hill Education
India, 2014
2. Programming in JAVA, 2nd Ed, Sachin Malhotra &SaurabhChoudhary, Oxford Press,

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3. Joe Wigglesworth and Paula McMillan, Java Programming: Advanced Topics, Thomson
Course Technology (SPD)
4. Eric Jendrock, Jennifer Ball, D Carson and others, The Java EE 5 Tutorial, Pearson
5. The Java Tutorials:
6. Java Parsing Collection XML JSON: Map List XML JSON Transform by Yang Hu, 2019
Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP305 Java based Application Development – Practical 1 3

1 a. Write a program to create a class and implement the concepts of Constructor
Overloading, Method Overloading, Static methods
b. Write a program to implement the concept of Inheritance and Method
2 a. Write a program to implement the concepts of Abstract classes and methods
b. Write a program to implement the concept of interfaces
3 Write a program to define user defined exceptions and raise them as per the
4 Write a program to demonstrate the methods of:
a. List interface
b. Set interface
c. Map interface
5 Write a program using various swing components design Java application to accept a
student's resume. (Design form)
6 a. Write a JDBC program that displays the data of a given table
b. Write a JDBC program to return the data of a specified record from a given
c. Write a JDBC program to insert / update / delete records into a given table
7 a. Construct a simple calculator using the JAVA Swings with minimum
b. Construct a GUI using JAVA Swings to accept details of a record of a given
table and submit it to the database using JDBC technology on the click of a
8 a. Write a Servlet that accepts a User Name from a HTML form and stores it as a
cookie. Write another Servlet that returns the value of this cookie and displays
b. Write a Servlet that displays the names and values of the cookie stored on the
c. Write a Servlet that accepts a User Name from a HTML form and stores it as a
session variable. Write another Servlet that returns the value of this session
variable and displ ays it.

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9 a. Write a registration Servlet that accepts the data for a given table and stores it
in the database.
b. Write a Servlet that displays all the records of a table.
10 a. Write a JSP that accepts a User Name from a HTML form and stores it as a
cookie. Write another JSP that returns the value of this cookie and displays it.
b. Write a JSP that displays the names and values of the cookie stored on the
c. Write a JSP that accepts a User Name from a HTML form and stores it as a
session variable. Write ano ther JSP that returns the value of this session
variable and displays it.
11 a. Write a JSP code that accepts username and password from HTML file and
validates the user from the database
b. Write a registration JSP that accept the data for a given table and stores it in the
c. Write a JSP that displays all the records of a table
12 . Write Java application to encoding and decoding JSON in Java.

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS306 Web Technologies 2 3

About the Course:
The course providesan insight into emerging technologies to design and develop state of the art web
applications using client -side scripting, server -side scripting, and database connectivity
Course Objectives:
● To understand the concepts of Hyper Text Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets.
● To learn JavaScript for creating dynamic websites.
● To learn various operations performed on data among web applications using XML
● To learn Server -Side Programming using PHP
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Design valid, well -formed, scalable, and meaningful pages using emerging technologies.
● Understand the various platforms, devices, display resolutions, viewports, and browsers that
render websites
● Develop and implement client -side and server -side scripting language programs.
● Develop and implement Database Driven Websites.
● Design and apply XML to create a markup language for data and document centric applications.

Unit Topics No of
I HTML5: Fundamental Elements of HTML, Formatting Text in HTML,
Organizing Text in HTML, Links and URLs in HTML, Tables in HTML,
Images on a Web Page, Image Formats, Image Maps, Colors, FORMs in
HTML, Interactive Elements, Working with Multimedia - Audio and Video
File Formats, HTML elements for inserting Audio / Video on a web page
CSS: Understanding the Syntax of CSS, CSS Selectors, Inserting CSS in an
HTML Document, CSS properties to work with background of a Page, CSS
properties to work with Fonts and Text Styl es, CSS properties for
positioning an element. 15
II JavaScript: Using JavaScript in an HTML Document, Programming
Fundamentals of JavaScript – Variables, Operators, Control Flow
Statements, Popup Boxes, Functions – Defining and Invoking a Function,
Defin ing Function arguments, defining a return Statement, Calling
Functions with Timer, JavaScript Objects - String, RegExp, Math, Date,
Browser Objects - Window, Navigator, History, Location, Document,
Cookies, Document Object Model, Form Validation using Java Script
XML: Comparing XML with HTML, Advantages and Disadvantages of
XML, Structure of an XML Document, XML Entity References, DTD,
XSLT: XSLT Elements and Attributes - xsl:template, xsl:apply -templates, 15

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xsl:import, xsl:call -template, xsl:include, xsl:elem ent,
xsl:attribute,xsl:attribute -set, xsl:value -of
III AJAX : AJAX Web Application Model, How AJAX Works,
XMLHttpRequest Object – Properties and Methods, handling asynchronous
requests using AJAX
PHP : Variables and Operators, Program Flow, Arrays, working with Files
and Directories, working with Databases, Working with Cookies, Sessions
and Headers
Introduction to jQuery : Fundamentals, Selectors, methods to access
HTML attributes, methods for traversing, manipulators, events, effects. 15
1. HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, 2ed,
Dreamtech Press, 2016
2. Web Programming and Interactive Technologies, scriptDemics, StarEdu Solutions India, 2018
3. PHP: A Beginners Guide, VikramVaswani, TMH
Additional Refer ences:
1. HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible Fifth Edition, Steven M. Schafer, WILEY, 2011
2. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5, Robin Nixon, O’Reilly, 2018
3. PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All -in-one for Dummies, Steve Suehring, Janet
Valade Wiley, 2018

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP306 Web Technologies – Practical 1 3

1 Design a webpage that makes use of
a. Document Structure Tags
b. Various Text Formatting Tags
c. List Tags
d. Image and Image Maps
2 Design a webpage that makes use of
a. Table tags
b. Form Tags (forms with various form elements)
c. Navigation across multiple pages
d. Embedded Multimedia elements
3 Design a webpage that make use of Cascading Style Sheets with
a. CSS properties to change the background of a Page
b. CSS properties to change Fonts and Text Styles
c. CSS properties for positioning an element
4 Write JavaScript code for
a. Performing various mathematical operations such as calculating factorial /
finding Fibonacci Series / Displaying Prime Numbers in a given range /
Evaluating Expressions / Calculating reverse of a number
b. Validating the various Form Elements
5 Write JavaScript code for
a. Demonstrating different JavaScript Objects such as String, RegExp, Math, Date
b. Demonstrating different JavaScript Objects such as Window, Navigator,
History, Location, Document,
c. Storing and Retrieving Cookies
6 Create a XML file with Internal / External DTD and display it using
a. CSS
b. XSL
7 Design a webpage to handle asynchronous requests using AJAX on
a. Mouseover
b. button click
8 Write PHP scripts for
a. Retrieving data from HTML forms
b. Performing certain mathematical operations such as calculating factorial /
finding Fibonacci Series / Displaying Prime Numbers in a given range /
Evaluating Expressions / Calculating reverse of a number
c. Working with Arrays

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d. Working with Files (Reading / Writing)
9 Write PHP scripts for
a. Working with Databases (Storing Records / Reprieving Records and Display
b. Storing and Retrieving Cookies
c. Storing and Retrieving Sessions
10 Design a webpage with some jQuery animation effects.

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS3071 Creative Content Writing 2 3

About the Course:
With the advent of the internet, content writing has become a very lucrative and promising career. The
course is designed to equip students to comprehend, refine, and enhance their writing abilities so that
they may become proficient web content developers. The course aims to prepare students to enter the
industry with enhanced skill and substantial competence.
Course Objective s:
● To introduce students to the concepts of content writing.
● To connect them with various writing and editing styles and techniques.
● To help them develop their creative abilities.
● To improve the learners' employability
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Understand the fundamentals of content creation for Blog, Website etc.
● Acquire the ability to write and edit in a variety of styles and procedures
● To develop the creative abilities.
● To acquire essential language skills for editors.

Unit Topics No of
I Basics of Content writing: Introduction to Content Writing, Learning Tone
in Writing and Its Types, Comprehending style in writing and its Types,
Common Grammatical Errors.
Best Practices for Writing for the Web: Making our storyElegant,
Professional, Write with an Attitude, Keep Verbs Active, List Items, Chunk
Information, Title and Subtitle, Organize for Your Audience.
Things Marketers Write: The Ideal Length for Blog Posts , Podcast,
Facebook Posts, Tweets, and Other Marketing Content. 15
II Social Media Writing: Writing for Twitter, writing with Hashtags, Writing
Social Media with Humor, writing for Facebook, writing for LinkedIn,
Writing Your LinkedIn Profile, writing for Email, Writing Landing Pages,
Writing Headlines, writing a Home Page, Writing the About Us Page,
Writing Better Blog Posts, Writing Annual Reports.
Infographics: Visual Communication -What Are Infographics?, The
Science of Visualization, Creating Infograp hics-Purpose, The Art of
Observation, Processing Your Ideas, Designing Your Infographics,
Publishing Your Infographics. 15

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III Content Tools: Research and Knowledge Management Tools, Writing
Tools, Productivity Tools, Editing Tools, A Few Great Style Guides, Non -
Text Writing Tools, Blog Idea Generators, Google Authorship, Image
Sources,Tools for Content Writing.
Ethical and Legal aspects of con tent writing: Learn Legal English, Learn
Legal Vocabulary In Legal Writing, IPR Laws, and Copywriting,
Plagiarism laws in Content Writing . 15
1. Content Writing Handbook, Author:Kounal Gupta, 2020, Henry Harvin.
2. Feldar, Lynda. Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures,
and Sound. New Riders, CA, USA, 2011
Additional References:
1. Everybody Writes: Your Go -To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content Paperback
Ann Handley Pan Macmillan India 2016
2. The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to Communicate and Connect With Your
Audiences Paperback – 15 June 2012 Mark Smiciklas
3. Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights Book by V. K. Ahuja, 2017
Web Resources:
1. -writing/
2. -to-become -a-content -writer -in-india/
4. a/contracts -and-commercial -law/445620/legal -
contractsagreements -drafting -and-legal -vetting

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS3072 Green Technologies 2 3

About the Course:
This course focuses on familiarizing learners with the need and relevance of Green Computing,
Technology, and its practices for creating a sustainable work and production environment for the IT -
enabled sector. The course emphasizes the use of principles and practices of green services and
regulatory standards for addressing the carbon issues and related concerns.
Course Objectives:
● Know about Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment
● Green IT Strategies and Significance of Green IT Strategies
● Green Enterprise Architecture and Green Information Systems
● Sociocultural Aspects of Green IT and Green Compliance
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Explain drivers and dimensions of change for Green Technology
● Appreciate Virtualization; smart meters and optimization in achieving green IT
● Gain knowledge about green assets, green processes, and green enterprise architecture
● ISO 14001 and related standards for Audit for Green Compliance

Unit Topics No of
I Green IT Fundamentals: Information Technology and Environment,
Business, Environment, and Green Enterprise Characteristics, Green Vision
and Strategic Points, Green Value, Green IT Opportunity, Challenges of a
Carbon Economy, Environmental Intelligence, Envisioning the Green
Green IT Strategies : Green strategic alignment, Green IT Drivers -Cost,
Regulatory and Legal, Sociocultural and Political, Business ecosystem,
New market opportunities, Green IT Business Dimensions, KPIs in Green
Environmentally Responsible Business: Developing ERBS, Policies,
Practices, and Metrics, Mobility and Environment, Green It Metrics and
Measurements, Green IT Readiness and CMM, Context Sensitivity and
Automation in Green IT Measures
Green Assets: Introduction, Green Assets, Green IT Hardware, Green Data
Centers and ICT Equipment, Server and Data Strategy 15
II Green Assets and emerging Trends: Data Servers Optimization and
Virtualization, Physical Data Server Organization and Cooling, Cloud
Computing and Data Centers, Networking and Communications 15

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Infrastructure, End -User Devices, Smart Meters in Real -Time, Managing
Devices for Central Green Services, Devices and Organizational
Boundaries for Measurements, Mobile Devices, and Sustainability
Green Business Process Management: Introduc tion, Green
Reengineering, Green Process, Green BPM and standards, Green Business
Analysis, Green Requirements Modelling, Green IT Governance, Green
Business Process and Applications, QoS, Achieving green BPM, Green
Mobile Business Process, Digital Library
Green Enterprise Architecture: Green IT and organizational Systems,
Aspects of Green Solutions Architecture, Contents and Integration with
Service -Oriented Architecture, Green Supply Chain Management, Green
Portals in Green Enterprise Architecture, Environmental Intelligence
III Green Information Systems(GIS): Design and Development Models:
Describing GIS, GIS Requirements
Sociocultural Aspects of Green IT: Green IT's Social Impact, Learning
Organization, Green Social Stakeholders, Role -Based View of Green IT,
Green User Practices, Attitude and Subjectivity in Green IT, Green IT
Ethics and Code of Conduct, Privacy and Security of Green Information,
Green Was hing, Communications in Green Transformation Projects, Green
HR and Changing Organizational Structures, Green -Collar Workers: Roles
and Skill Sets, Green Virtual Communities
Green Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits: Protocols and
Standards, ISO 1 4000 -2004 Standard, Various initiatives by stakeholders,
Green Audits and types, Audit and use of Carbon emission management
Emerging Carbon Issues: Technologies and Future: Future Carbon
Landscape, Green ICT and Technology Trends, Cloud Computing ,
Nanotechnology, Quantum computing, Renewable energies, eco -design,
Collaborative environmental intelligence 15
1. Green IT Strategies and Applications Using Environmental Intelligence, BhuvanUnhelkar, CRC
Press, 2016
2. Green Information and Communication Systems for a Sustainable Future, Rajshree Srivastava,
Sandeep Kautish, Rajeev Tiwari. CRC Press, 2020
Additional References:
1. Emerging Green Technologies, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Taylor and Francis (CRC Press),
2. Sustai nability Awareness and Green Information Technologies, TomayessIssa, Springer,
3. Environmental Sustainability Role of Green Technologies, P. Thangavel, and G. Sridevi,
Springer, 2016

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Semester IV

Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS401 Theory of Computation 2 3

About the Course:
The course providesa comprehensive insight into theory of computation by understanding grammar,
languages and other elements of modern language design. It also helps to develop capabilities to design
and develop formulations for computing models and identify its applications in diverse areas.
Course Objectives:
● To give an overview of the theoretical foundations of computer science from the perspective
● of formal languages
● To illustrate finite state machines to solve problems in computing
● To explain the hierarchy of problems arising in the computer sciences.
● To familiarize Regular grammars, context frees grammar.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Understand Grammar and Languages
● Learn about Automata theory and its application in Language Design
● Learn about Turing Machines and Pushdown Automata
● Understand Linear Bound Automata and its applications

Unit Topics No of
I Automata Theory: Defining Automaton, Finite Automaton, Transitions
and Its properties, Acceptability by Finite Automaton, Nondeterministic
Finite State Machines, DFA and NDFA equivalence, Mealy and Moore
Machines, Minimizing Automata.
Formal Languages: Defining Grammar, D erivations, Languages generated
by Grammar, Chomsky Classification of Grammar and Languages,
Recursive Enumerable Sets, Operations on Languages, Languages and
Automata 15
II Regular Sets and Regular Grammar: Regular Grammar, Regular
Expressions, Finite automata and Regular Expressions, Pumping Lemma
and its Applications, Closure Properties, Regular Sets and Regular
Context Free Languages: Context -free Languages, Derivation Tree,
Ambiguity of Grammar, CFG simplification, Normal Forms, Pumping 15

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Lemma for CFG
Pushdown Automata: Definitions, Acceptance by PDA, PDA and CFG
III Linear Bound Automata: The Linear Bound Automata Model, Linear
Bound Automata and Languages.
Turing Machines: Turing Machine Definition, Representations,
Acceptability by Turing Machines, Designing and Description of Turing
Machines, Turing Machine Construction, Variants of Turing Machine,
Undecidability: The Church -Turing thesis, Universal Turing Machine,
Halting Problem, Introduction to Unsolvable Problems 15
1. Theory of Computer Science, K. L. P Mishra, Chandrasekharan, PHI,3rd Edition 2019
2. Introduction to Computer Theory, Daniel Cohen, Wiley,2nd Edition, 2007
3. Introductory Theory of Computer Science, E.V. Krishnamurthy, Affiliated East -West Press,
Additional References:
1. Theory of Computation, Kavi Mahesh, Wiley India, 2018
2. Elements of The Theory of Computation, Lewis, Papadimitriou, PHI, 2015
3. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, John E Martin, McGraw -Hill
Education, 2010
4. Introduction to Theory of Computation, Michel Sipser, Thomson
5. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, John E. Hopcroft,
Pearson Education, 2014

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP401 Theory of Computation – Practical 1 3

1 Write a program for tokenization of given input
2 Write a program for generating regular expressions for regular grammar
3 Write a program for generating derivation sequence / language for the given
sequence of productions
4 Design a Program for creating machine that accepts three consecutive one.
5 Design a Program for creating machine that accepts the string always ending with
6 Design a program for accepting decimal number divisible by 2.
7 Design a program for creating a machine which accepts string having equal no. of
1’s and 0’s.
8 Design a program for creating a machine which count number of 1’s and 0’s in a
given string.
9 Design a PDA to accept WCWR where w is any string and WR is reverse of that
string and C is a Special symbol.
10 Design a Turing machine that’s accepts the following language an b n c n where

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS402 Computer Networks 2 3

About the Course:
This course introduces computer networks, with a special focus on the Internet architecture and
protocols. The course includes topics such as network architectures, addressing, naming, forwarding,
routing, communication reliability, the client -server model, web, email and other application layer
Course Objectives:
● To Understand Basic Concepts of Networking.
● To Understand Working of Network Layer Architecture.
● To Learn Practical Implementation of Basic Routing Algorithms.
● To Learn Different Networking Protocols.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Learn basic networking concepts and layered architecture.
● Understand the concepts of networking, which are important for them to be known as a
‗networking professionals‘.

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Networking standards and Administrations, networks,
network types – LAN, MAN, WAN.
Network Models: The OSI model, TCP/IP protocol suite,
Introduction to Physical layer: Data and signals, periodic analog signals,
digital signals, transmission impairment, data rate limits, performance.
Digital transmissions: Digital -to-digital conversion, analog -to-digital
conversion, transmission modes
Analog transmissions: digital -to-analog conversion, analog -to-analog
Bandwidth Utilization – Multiplexing and Spectrum spreading:
Multiplexing, Spread Spectrum
Transmission media: Guided Media, Unguide d Media
Switching: Introduction, Circuit Switched Network, Packet Switching. 15
II Introduction to Data Link Layer: Link layer addressing, Data Link
Layer Design Issues.
Error detection and correction : -Block coding, cyclic codes, checksum, 15

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forward error correction, error correcting codes, error detecting codes.
Data Link Control: DLC services, data link layer protocols, HDLC, Point -
to-point protocol.
Media Access Control: Random access, controlled access, channelization,
Wired LANs – Ethernet: Ethernet Protocol, standard Ethernet, fast
Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet, 10 gigabit Ethernet
Wired Network: Telephone Network, Cable Network, SONET, ATM
Wireless LANs: Introduction, IEEE 802.11 project, Bluetooth, WiMAX,
Cellular telephony, Satellite netwo rks.
Introduction to Network Layer: Network layer services, packet
switching, network layer performance, IPv4 addressing, forwarding of IP
Network Layer Protocols : Internet Protocol, ICMPv4, Mobile IP
III Unicast Routing: Introduction, routi ng algorithms, unicast routing
Next generation IP: IPv6 addressing, IPv6 protocol, ICMPv6 protocol,
transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
Introduction to the Transport Layer: Transport Layer Protocol, User
Datagram Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol, SCTP.
Introduction to Application Layer: Client Server Programming, Iterative
Standard Client -Server Protocols: WWW, HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail,
TELNET, Secure Cell, DNS, SNMP
Quality of Service: Data Flow to improve QoS, Flow contro l to improve
QoS, Integrated service (Intserv), Differentiated Service(Diffserv). 15
1. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Fifth Edition, TMH, 2018.
2. Computer Network, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Fifth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2018.
Additional References:
1. Computer Network, Bhushan Trivedi, Oxford University Press, 2016
2. Data and Computer Communication, William Stallings, PHI, 2017

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP402 Computer Networks – Practical 1 3

1 Using, linux -terminal or Windows -cmd, execute following networking commands and
note the output: ping, traceroute, netstat, arp, ipconfig, Getmac, hostname, NSLookUp,
pathping, SystemInfo
2 Using Packet Tracer, create a basic network of two computers using appropriate
network wire. Use Static IP address allocation and show connectivity
3 Using Packet Tracer, create a basic network of One server and two computers using
appropriate network wire. Use Dynamic IP address allocation and sho w connectivity
4 Using Packet Tracer, create a basic network of One server and two computers and two
mobile / movable devices using appropriate network wire. Show connectivity
5 Using Packet Tracer, create a network with three routers with RIPv1 and each router
associated network will have minimum three PC. Show Connectivity
6 Using Packet Tracer, create a network with three routers with RIPv2 and each router
associated network will have minimum three PC. Show Connectivity
7 Using Packet Tracer, create a network with three routers with OSPF and each router
associated network will have minimum three PC. Show Connectivity
8 Using Packet Tracer, create a network with three routers with BGP and each router
associated network will have minimum three PC. Show Connectivity
9 Using Packet Tracer, create a wireless network of multiple PCs using appropriate
access point.
10 Using Wireshark, network analyzer, set the filter for ICMP, TCP, HTTP, UDP, FTP
and perform respective protocol transactions to show/prove that the network analyzer is

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS403 Software Engineering 2 3

About the Course:
This course covers a collection of methods which embody an "engineering" approach to the
development of software. It discusses the nature of software and software projects, software
development models, software process maturity, project planning, management, and estimations. It also
underlines the topics on software testing and quality assurance.
Course Objectives:
● To learn and understand the Concepts of Software Engineering
● To learn and understand Software Development Life Cycle
● To apply the project management and analysis principles to software project development.
● To apply the design & testing principles to softwa re project development.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Plan a software engineering process life cycle, including the specification, design,
implementation, and testing of software systems that meet specification, performance,
maintenance and quality requirements
● Analyze and translate a specification into a design, and then realize that design practically,
using an appropriate software engineering methodology.
● Know how to develop the code from the design and effectively apply relevant standards and
perform testing, and quality management and practice
● Able to use modern engineering tools necessary for software project management, time
management and software reuse.

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: The Nature of Software, Software Engineering,
Professional Software Development, Layered Technology, Process
framework, CMM, Process Patterns and Assessment Prescriptive
Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental, RAD Models Evolutionary
Process Mo dels: Prototyping, Spiral and Concurrent Development Model
Specialized Models: Component based, Aspect Oriented development,
The Unified Process Phases, Agile Development - Agility, Agile Process,
Extreme Programming
Requirement Analysis and System Modelin g:
Requirements Engineering, Eliciting Requirements, SRS Validation,
Components of SRS, Characteristics of SRS, Object -oriented design
using the UML - Class diagram, Object diagram, Use case diagram,
Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, State chart dia gram, Activity
diagram, Component diagram, Deployment diagram 15

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II System Design: System/Software Design, Architectural Design, Low -
Level Design Coupling and Cohesion, Functional -Oriented Versus
Object -Oriented Approach, Design Specifications, Verification for
Design, Monitoring and Control for Design
Software Measurement and Metrics: Process Metrics and Project
Metrics, Software Measurement, Object Oriented Metrics, Software Project
Estimation, Decomposition Techniques, LOC based, FP based and Use case
based estimations, Empirical estimation Models
SoftwareProjectManagement:Estimation inProjectPlanningProcess
–Software Scope and Feasibility, Resource Estimation, Empirical
Estimation Models – COCOMO II, Estimation for Agile Development,
The Make/Buy Decision
Project Scheduling - Basic Principles, Relationship Between People and
Effort, Ef fort Distribution, Time -Line Charts 15
III RiskManagement -Risk strategies, Software risks, Risk Identification,
projection, RMMM Quality Concepts
Software Quality Assurance SQA activities, Software reviews, FTR,
Software reliability and measures, SQA plan Software Configuration
Management, elements of SCM, SCM Process, Change Control
Capability Maturity Model
Software Testing : Verification and Validation, Introduction to Tes ting,
Testing Principles, Testing Objectives, Test Oracles, Levels of Testing,
White -Box Testing/Structural Testing, Functional/Black -Box Testing,
Test Plan, Test -CaseDesign 15
1. Software Engineering, A Practitioner‘s Approach, Roger S, Pressman, 2019
2. Software Engineering: principles and Practices, Deepak Jain, OXFORD University Press, 2008
Additional References:
1. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, Pearson Education, 2017
2. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Fourth Edition, Rajib Mall, PHI, 20 18
3. Software Engineering: Principles and Practices, Hans Van Vliet, John Wiley & Sons, 2010
4. A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering, Pankaj Jalote, Springer

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP403 Software Engineering – Practical 1 3

Perform the following exercises for any two projects given in the list of sample projects or any
other projects:
1 Write down the problem statement for a suggested system of relevance
2 Perform requirement analysis and develop Software Requirement Specification
(SRS) for suggested system.
3 Draw the function oriented diagram: Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Structured
4 Draw the user‘s view analysis for the suggested system: Use case diagram.
5 Draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class diagram, object diagram.
6 Draw the behavioral view diagram : State -chart diagram, Activity diagram
7 Draw the behavioral view diagram for the suggested system: Sequence diagram,
Collaboration diagram
8 Draw the implementation and environmental view diagram: Component diagram,
Deployment diagram
9 Perform Estimation of effort using FP Estimation
10 Prepare time line chart/Gantt Chart/PERT Chart
11 Develop test cases for unit testing and integration testing
12 Develop test cases for various white box and black box testing
List of sample projects
a. Student Result Management System
b. Library management system
c. Inventory control system
d. Accounting system
e. Fast food billing system
f. Bank loan system
g. Blood bank system
h. Railway reservation system
i. Automatic teller machine
j. Video library management system
k. Hotel management system
l. Hostel management system
m. Share online trading
n. Hostel management system
o. Resource management system
p. Court case management system

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS404 IoT Technologies 2 3

About the Course:
The course aims to provide basic understanding of SoC architectures; IoT, different types of IoT
platforms and different types of applications that can be built.
Course Objectives:
● Introduce concepts of SoC and IoT
● Introduce various types of IoT platforms
● Interfacing various types of devices using different protocols with IoT
● Understand practical applications of IoT in real life world
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● understand SoC and IoT
● use different types of IoT Platforms and interfaces
● understand and implement an idea of various types of applications built using IoT

Unit Topics No of
I Fundamentals of IoT: Introduction, Definitions & Characteristics of IoT,
IoT Architectures, Physical & Logical Design of IoT, Enabling
Technologies in IoT, History of IoT, About Things in IoT, The Identifiers
in IoT, About the Internet in IoT, IoT framewor ks, IoT and M2M.
System on Chip: What is System on chip? Structure of System on Chip.
SoCElements: FPGA, GPU, APU, Compute Units.
Different types of IoT/SoC Platforms: Introduction to Raspberry Pi,
Arduino &NodeMCU, Introduction to SoC -ARM Architecture, atmega328
architecture 15
II Interfacing with IoT Platforms: Basic hardware components like LED,
Button, Camera, 8X8 LED Grid, Motor etc and interfacing them for
input/output with IoT devices using PWM, UART, GPIO, I2C, SPI
Using Sensor &Actuators :Overview of Sensors working, Analog and
Digital Sensors, Interfacing of Temperature, Humidity, Motion, Light and
Gas Sensor, Level Sensors, Ultrasonic sensors, Interfacing of Actuators,
Interfacing of Relay Switch and Servo Motor
IoT and Protocols IoT Sec urity: HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP,
Privacy and Security Issues in IoT. 15
III IoT& Web: Web server for IoT, Sending/Receiving data between web
server &IoT device,Cloud for IoT, Node RED, M2M vs IoT 15

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Communication Protocols, Basics of WSNs, WSN architectu re and types,
IoT Applications: Modern IoT case studies / applications used in the areas
of transportation, agriculture, health care etc
Edge Computing: Edge computing purpose anddefinition , Edge computing
use cases, Edge computing hardware architectures, Edge platforms,Edge vs
Fog Computing, Communication Models - Edge, Fog and M2M.
1. Introduction to IoT Paperback by SudipMisra , Anandarup Mukherjee , Arijit Roy , Cambridge
Press, 2022
2. Jain, Prof. Satish, Singh, Shashi, ―Internet of Things and its Applications‖, 1st Edition, BPB,
3. Shriram K Vasudevan, Abhishek S Nagarajan, RMD Sundaram, Internet of Things, Wiley,
India, 2019
4. IoT and Edge Computing for Architects - Second Edition, by Perry Lea, Publisher:
PacktPublishing, 2020
Additional References:
1. Internet of Things by VinayakShinde, SYBGEN Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 2020
2. Internet of things, Dr. KamleshLakhwani, Dr. Hemant kumarGianey, Josef Kofi Wireko,
KamalkantHiran, BPB Publication, 2020
3. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU Simple projects in easy way by Anbazhagan k and
Amb ikaParameswari k, 2019.
4. IoT based Projects: Realization with Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU Paperback – February 2020, by
Rajesh Singh Anita Gehlot , 2020
5. Mastering the Raspberry Pi, Warren Gay, Apress, 2014

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP404 IoT Technologies – Practical 1 3

1 Preparing Raspberry Pi: Hardware preparation and Installation
2 Demonstrate Arduino Uno and its pins interfacing with IDE.
3 GPIO: Light the LED with Python with/without a button using either Uno/Raspberry
4 SPI: Camera Connection and capturing Images/Videos using SPI
5 GPIO: LED Grid Module: Program the 8X8 Grid with Different Formulas
6 Stepper Motor Control: PWM to manage stepper motor speed using Uno/Raspberry Pi.
7 Node RED: Connect LED to Internet of Things
8 Use different types of sensors (LDR, Temperature) with Raspberry Pi/Uno.
9 Trigger a set of led GPIO on any IoT platform via any related web server
10 Interface with any sensor and send its value over the internet to the server using any
suitable protocol

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS405 Android Application Development 2 3

About the Course:
This course is aimed at creating a skilled IT workforce that is focused on developing Apps for mobile
and smart Android -based computing platforms. It familiarises the development of android applications
using Kotlin for problems that addr ess real -life needs ranging from intuitive UI to rich multimedia
Course Objectives:
● Kotlin Programming Language for application development
● Creating robust mobile applications on simulators and physical devices
● Creating intuitive, reliable mobile apps using the android services and components
● Handling data local and remote data storage
● Create a seamless user interface that works with different mobile screens
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Build useful mobile applications using Kotlin language on Android
● Install and configure Android Studio for application development
● Master basic to intermediate concepts of Kotlin required for mobile application development
● Use built -in widgets and components, work with the database to store data
● Master key Android programming concepts and deploy the application on Google Play

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Kotlin : Basics of Kotlin, type conversions, comments,
Kotlin operators, variables in Kotlin, packages, visibility modifiers, control
flow statements, Concept of OOPS in Kotlin, classes in Kotlin, delegation
and extension functions, the companion object,
Advance d Concepts in Kotlin: declaring and calling functions,
parameters, and arguments in Kotlin, default argument, variable number of
arguments, unit -returning function, explicit return type, lambda expression,
coroutines, Collections in Kotlin, Mutable and Imm utable Collections,
Ranges, type Checks, casting concept, this expression, Null safety,
exception handling, annotations
App Development with Android Studio : Android Architecture, Android
Application Framework, Android Virtual Device, Creating and running
First Android Application, working with Physical Android Device, Adding
Kotlin Files in Android Studio
Basics Of Android - Application Components: Activities, Intent, and
Broadcast Receiver, Services, Fragment, Activity Life Cycle, Content
Provider, Widgets, and Notifications 15

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II Designing Android UI : User Interface (UI), Layout and Its Types, Layout
Attribute, working with Views, Android UI Controls, Styles and Themes,
Event Handler, setting up themes in Manifest and from the application,
dialog in activity, using intents, fragments
Handle Images, ListviewAnd Menu : ImageView, ImageSwitcher,
ListView, Menu, and its types ,Designing menu in XML, Option menu,
Context menu, popup menu, Screen Navigation, RecyclerView, Interaction
of Views
Data binding in Android -AdapterView, Spinner, Gallery view,
AutotextCompleteView, screen orientation, Designtheviewdynamically
Implementing Data Persistence : Data Storage -Shared Preference, Internal
And External Storage Storing Data Using SQLite Databases, Content
Prov ider, Firebase Real -Time Data 15
III Graphics, Animations, and Integrating Media in Android: Drawable
Class, Animation in Android, MediaPlayer API and in Android,
Mediaplayer and AudioManger Class,
Interacting With Camera and input gestures: Android Camera, Input
gestures -multiple touch, swipe, drag, scroll, zoom, Recording
Gathering Location Data:
Managing Background Tasks: Broadcaset Receivers, Services, Threads
and Process, AsyncTask, JobScheduler, Manage device Awake S tate
Deploying Android applications on Google Play -Publishing/Deploy the
application, Versioning, signing Application 15
1. How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin: A hands -on guide to developing, testing, and
publishing your first apps with Android, Alex Forrester, Packt Publishing, 2021
2. Android Programming: Crafting UI/UX using Kotlin, SYBGEN Learning, 2020
Additional References:
1. Head First Android Development: A Learner's Guide to Building Android Apps with
Kotlin Dawn Griffiths, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2021
2. Android Studio 4.2 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps
Using Android Studio 4.2, Kotlin and Android Jetpack, Neil Smyth, Payload Media, 2021
3. Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners, John Horton, Packt Publishing, 2019
4. Android Development with Kotlin: Enhance your skills for Android development using
Kotlin, Marcin Moskala, P ackt Publishing

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP405 Android Application Development – Practical 1 3

1 i. Write a program using Kotlin to implement control structures and loops.
ii. Write a program to implement object -oriented concepts in Kotlin.
2 i. Create an Android application to design screens using different layouts and UI
including Button, Edittext, Textview, Radio Button etc.
ii. Write an android application demonstrating response to event/user interaction
a. Checkbox
b. Radio button
c. Button
d. Spinner
3 i. Create an application to create Image Flipper and Image Gallery. On click on
the image display the information about the image.
ii. Create an application to use Gridview for shopping cart application.
4 i. Create an Android application to demonstrate implicit and explicit intents
ii. Create an application to demonstrate shared preferences
5 i. Create an Android application to demonstrate the use of Broadcast listeners.
ii. Create an Android application to create and use services.
6 i. Create an Android application to demonstrate XML based animation
ii. Create an Android application to display canvas and allow the user to draw on
7 i. Create a media player application in android that plays audio. Implement play,
pause, and loop features.
ii. Create an A ndroid application to use a camera and capture image/video and
display them on the screen.
8 i. Create an android application to implement Asynctask and threading concepts.
ii. Create an Android application to demonstrate the different types of menus.
a. Pop-up Menu
b. Context Menu
c. Option Menu
9 Create an Android application to record the current location. Based on the current
location allow the user to use some useful services/applications
10 Create a suitable Android application to store and retrieve data in the SQLite database.
11 Create a suitable Android application to work with Firebase for storing and manipulating

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS406 Advanced Application Development 2 3

About the Course:
The course aims at developing scalable, robust, and maintainable web applications using MEAN stack
and developing advanced mobile applications using Flutter
Course Objectives:
● To understand all the necessary and important technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js,
AngularJS, and Node.js.
● To understand modern app development using Flutter
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Store the data in NoSQL, document -oriented MongoDB database that brings performance and
● Use Node.js and Express Framework for building fast, scalable network applications
● Use AngularJS framework that offers declarative, two -way data binding for web applications.
● Integrate the front -end and back -end components of the MEAN stack.
● Develop robust mobile applications using Flutter.

Unit Topics No of
I Node.js (N): Introduction to Node.js. Installing Node.js. The package.json
File. The Node.js Event Loop. The I/O Cycle. The Anatomy of a Node.js
Module. Creating Node Modules. Exploring the Node.js HTTP Module.
Creating an HTTP Webserver with Node.js. Responding to HTTP
Requests. Routing in Node.js. Creating a Sample Node.js Ap plication.
MongoDB(M): Introduction to MongoDB. Installing MongoDB. Using
MongoDB Compass. Using Mongo Shell Interface. Connecting to
MongoDB. Creating Schemas and Models. Querying Documents Using
find(). Inserting Documents Using create(). Updating Docume nts Using
findOneAndUpdate(). Deleting Documents Using findOneAndDelete()
&deleteMany() 15
II Server -Side Development with Express (E): Introduction to the Express
Framework. Installing and Testing Express. Creating a Node.js Express
App. Restructuring an Express App. Creating Templates. Using Express
Middleware Functions. Creating the List Page. Creating the Details Page.
Creating the Edit Page. Creating the Add Page. Deleting Data. REST API
Basics. Testing REST APIs. Refactoring APIs.
Understanding Angul ar.JS(A): Getting Started with Angular. Creating an
Angular Application. Angular Project File Structure. Anatomy of an
Angular Component. One -way Data Binding. Two -way Data Binding. 15

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Using NglfDirective. Using NgForOf Directive. Angular Modules. Creating
NgModulesUsing Angular Router. Configuring Templates. Creating
Navigations. Working with Template -driven Forms. Working with Reactive
Forms. Validating Form Data. Services Dependency Injection (DI).
Reading Data from Database. Inserting Data into Database. U pdating Data
in the Database. Delete Data from Database.
III Understanding Flutter: Importance of Flutter, Flutter Framework,
Android Studio, Flutter SDK, Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK.
Dart Programming : main( ) function, Dart Variables, Dart Data Types,
Dart Conditional Operators, Control Flow & Loops. Dart Functions -
Functions, Function Structure, creating a Function, Function Returning
Expression. Object -Oriented Programming (OOP) - Creating a Class,
Adding Methods to Classes, Class — Getters and Setters, Class Inheritance,
Abstract Class.
Flutter Widgets Fundamentals : Scaffold Widget, Image Widget,
Container Widget, Column and Row Widgets, Icon Widget, Layouts in
Flutter, Card Widget, Hot Reload and Hot Res tart, Stateful and Stateless
Navigation and Routing: Button Widget, App Structure and Navigation,
Navigate to a New Screen and Back, Navigate with Named Routes, Send
and Return Data among Screens, Animate a Widget across Screens,
WebView Widget in Flutter 15
1. Node.js, MongoDB and Angular Web Development: The definitive guide to using the MEAN
stack to build web applications by Brad Dayley, Brendan Dayley, Caleb Dayley, Pearson, 2018.
2. Beginning Flutter: A Hands On Guide to App Development by Marco L. Napoli, Wrox, 2019
Additional References:
1. Full Stack Javascript Development with Mean - MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and
Node.JS by Adam Bretz, Colin J Ihrig, Shroff/SitePoint, 2015
2. Practical Flutter by Zammetti Frank, Apress, 2019

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP406 Advanced Application Development – Practical 1 3

1 Write a program to implement MongoDB data models
2 Write a program to implement CRUD operations on MongoDB
3 Write a program to perform validation of a form using AngularJS
4 Write a program to create and implement modules and controllers in Angular JS
5 Write a program to implement Error Handling in Angular JS
6 Create an application for Customer / Students records using AngularJS
7 Write a program to create a simple web application using Express, Node JS and
Angular JS
8 Create a simple HTML ―Hello World‖ Project using AngularJS Framework and apply
ng-controller, ng -model and expressions
9 Create an app using Flutter for User Authentication
10 Create an app using Flutter to implement an Image Gallery
11 Create an app using Flutter to demonstrate the use of different layouts
12 Create an app using Flutter to demonstrate navigation in an App

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS4071 Research Methodology 2 3

About the Course:
The course aims to understand the basics research, how research problems are defined, research
methods are adopted and/or developed, research is undertaken, and how research results are
communicated to the peers.
Course Objectives:
● The research methodology course is proposed to assist students in planning and carrying out
research projects.
● The students are exposed to the principles, procedures and techniques of implementing research
● The course starts with an introduction to research and carries through the various methodologies
● It continues with finding out the literature using technology, basic statistics required for
research and finally repo rt writing.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Define research, formulate problem and describe the research process and research methods.
● Understand and apply basic research methods including research design, data analysis and
● Understand ethical issues in research, write research report, research paper and publish the

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Research Methodology: Meaning of Research,
Objectives of Research, Motivations in Research, types of Research,
Research Approaches, Significance of Research, Research Methods v/s
Methodology, Research and Scientific Methods, Research Process, Criteria
of Good Research.
Definin g the Research Problem: Concept and need, Identification of
Research problem, defining and delimiting Research problem.
Formulating a Research Problem: Reviewing Literature, formulating a
Research Problem, Research Question, Identifying Variables, Construc ting
The Research Design : Meaning, Need for Research Design, Important
Concepts, Different Research Designs, Basic Principles of Experimental
Designs. 15
II Tools for Data Collection : Collections of Primary Data, Collection of Data 15

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through questionnaire and Schedules, other Observation Interview
Methods, Collection of Secondary Data, Selection of appropriate method
for data collection, Case Study, Focus Group Discussion, Techniques of
developing research tools, viz. Questionnaire and rating scales etc.
Reliability and validity of Research tools.
Sampling Design: Steps in Sampling Design, Criteria of Selecting a
Sampling Procedure, Characteristics of a Good Sample Design, Different
Types of Sample Designs, how to Select a Random Sample. Probability and
Non-Probability sampling types and criteria for selection, Developing
sampling Frames.
Overview of Hypothesis Testing: What is a Hypothesis?Characteristics of
good Hypothesis. Basic Conce pts, Procedure for Hypothesis Testing, Flow
Diagram for Hypothesis Testing,Tests of Hypotheses, and One sided and
two-sided hypothesis,Type – I and Type – II errors, Null Hypothesis -
Alternative Hypothesis.
III Technical Writing: Writing a Research Proposal, what is a Scientific
Paper? Ethics in Scientific Publishing.
Preparing the Text: How to Prepare the Title, how to List the Authors and
Addresses, how to Prepare the Abstract, how to Write the Introduction, how
to Write the Materials and Methods Section, how to Write the Results, how
to Write the Discussion, how to State the Acknowledgments, how to Cite
the References.
Preparing the Tables and Figures: How to Design Effective Tables, how
to Prepare Effective Graphs, how to Prepare Effective Photog raphs.
Publishing the Paper: Rights and Permissions, How to Submit the
Manuscript, How and When to Use Abbreviations, How to Write a thesis,
Outcome of Research, Ethical issues in research 15
1. Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Age International Publication, 2019
2. Research Methodology -A Step -by-Step Guide for Beginners, (4th ed.), Ranjit Kumar,
Singapore, Pearson Education, 2018
3. Research Methodology, VaishaliKhairnar, Staredu Solutions India Pvt Ltd, 2020
Additional References:
1. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Dr. R. K. Jain, , Fifth Edition, VEI,
2. Research Methodology, R. Panneerselvam, Second Edition, PHI, 2014
3. Dr. Rachna Jain, Research Methodology, Maximax Publishing House
4. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press, Barbara Gastel
and Robert A. Day, 2017

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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS4072 Management & Entrepreneurship 2 3

About the Course:
The aim of the course is to develop conceptual understanding of management and administration, and
comprehend the environment of making of an entrepreneur. The course focuses on giving students the
business management and innovation skills required to succeed in a startup
Course Objectives:
● To understand the idea of management, process and its levels.
● To understand the perception of entrepreneurship, process and its types.
● To understand the concept SSI and steps to start SSI.
● To understand the selection of project, project report, project appraisal, and its feasibilit y.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
● Understand the meaning of management, functions, administration and its process.
● Understand the foundation of entrepreneurship and its theory, types and its process.
● Identify the steps involved in an entrepreneurial venture (SSI).
● Understand an entrepreneur is converting his business ideas into running concern by selecting
the project .

Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Meaning, Meaning, Characteristics of Management, Nature
of Management, Management Functions, Functional Areas of Management,
Management and Administration, Role of Management, Levels of
Management, Evolution of Management
Planning: Meaning, Nature, importance, types of planning, types of plans,
planning process, decision -making.
Organizing and staffing: Meaning and Definitions of Organizing, Steps in
Organizing, Nature of Organization, Organization Structure, Purpose of
Organization, Principles of Organization, Departmentation, Types of
Organization, Span of Control, Authority, Power and Responsibility,
Delegation of Authority, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation vs
Decentralization, Management by Objectives [MBO], Meaning of Staffing,
Nature and Importance of Staffing, Recruitment, Selection. 15
II Directing and Controlling: Meaning and Nature of Direction, Principles
of Directing, Leadership and Leadership Styles, Motivation,
Communication, Noise and Feedback in Communication, Importance of
Communication, Channels of Communication, Types of Communication,
Forms of Communicati on, Coordination, Coordination and Cooperation,
Importance of Coordination, Techniques of Coordination, Managerial 15

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Control, Steps in a Control Process, Essentials of a Sound Control System,
Control Methods.
Entrepreneurship: Evolution of Concept of Entrepr eneur, Concept of
Entrepreneur, Characteristics of Entrepreneur, Distinction between
Entrepreneur and Manager, Technical Entrepreneur, Charms of Being an
Entrepreneur, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs,
Intrapreneurs, Ultrapreneurs, Conc ept of Entrepreneurship, Evolution of
Entrepreneurship, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development,
Stages in the Entrepreneurial Process, Barriers to Entrepreneurship
III Small Scale Industry: Meaning and Definition of Small -Scale Industry,
Char acteristics of SSI, Objectives, Scope, Role of SSI in Economic
Development, Advantages of Small -Scale Industries, steps to Start an
SSI,Government Policy towards SSI
Preparation of Project: Meaning, Project Classification, Project
Identification, Project Report and its significance, Contents of a Project
Report, Formulation of Project Report, Planning Commission Guidelines,
Network Analysis, Common Mistakes by Entrepreneurs in Project
Formulation, Project Appraisal, Identification of Opportunity, Project
Feasibility study. 15
1. HavinalVeerabhadrappa, Management and Entrepreneurship, New Age International
2. KanishkaBedi, Management and Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press
3. Dr. R. K. Singal, Entrepreneurship Development and Management
Additional References:
1. P. N. Singh, J. C. Saboo, Entrepreneurship Management, 6th Edition, Dr. P. N. Singh
Centre for Hrd Publications.
2. Donald L. Sexton & Raymond W. Smilor, The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship,
Ballinger, 2022
3. Clifford M.Baumback& Joseph R.Mancuso, Entrepreneurship And Venture
Management, Prentice Hall

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I. Internal Evaluation for Theory Courses – 25 Marks

(i) Mid-Term Class Test – 15Marks

● It should be conducted using any learning management system such as
Moodle (Modular object -oriented dynamic learning environment)
● The test should have 15 MCQ’s which should be solved in a time duration of 30

(ii) Assignment/ Case study/ Presentations – 10 Marks

● Assignment / Case Study Report / Presentation can be uploaded onany learning
management system .

II. External Examination for Theory Courses – 75 Marks
● Duration: 2.5 Hours
● Theory question paper pattern:
All questions are compulsory.
Question Based on Options Marks
Q.1 Unit I Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.2 Unit II Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.3 Unit III Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.4 Unit I,II and III Any 5 out of 6 15

● All questions shall be compulsorywith internal choicewithinthequestions.
● Each Question maybe sub -divided into subquestions as a, b, c, d, etc.&the
allocation ofMarksdependsontheweightageofthetopic.

III. Practical Examination
● Each core subjectcarries50 Marks
40 marks + 05 marks (journal) + 05 marks (viva)
● Duration: 2 Hours for each practical course.
● Minimum 80% practical from each core subjects are required to be completed.
● Certified Journal is compulsory for appearing at the time of Practical Exam
● The final submission and evaluation of journal in electronic form using a Learning
Management System / Platform can be promoted by college.
