Vide Item No 611 A11072022 amendment of O5051 relating to change the eligibility criteria for the Diploma holders taking admission of direct Second year BSc Information Technology_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 611 A11072022 amendment of O5051 relating to change the eligibility criteria for the Diploma holders taking admission of direct Second year BSc Information Technology_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Copy to : -
1. The Deputy Registrar, Academic Authorities Meetings and Services
2. The Deputy Registrar, College Affiliations & Development
Department (CAD),
3. The Deputy Registrar, (Admissions, Enrolment, Eligibility and
Migration Department (AEM),
4. The Deputy Registrar, Research Administration & Promotion Cell
5. The Deputy Registrar, Executive Authorities Section (EA),
6. The Deputy Registrar, PRO, Fort, (Publi cation Section),
7. The Deputy Registrar, (Special Cell),
8. The Deputy Registrar, Fort/ Vidyanagari Administration Department
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9. The Director, Institute of Distance and Open Learni ng (IDOL Admin),
They are requested to treat this as action taken report on the concerned
resolution adopted by the Academic Council referred to in the above circular
and that on separate Action Taken Report will be sent in this connection.

1. P.A to Hon’ble Vice -Chancellor,
2. P.A Pro -Vice-Chancellor,
3. P.A to Registrar,
4. All Deans of all Faculties,
5. P.A to Finance & Account Officers, (F.& A.O),
6. P.A to Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation,
7. P.A to Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages,
8. P.A to Director, Board of Lifelong Learning and Extension (BLLE),
9. The Director, Dept. of Information and Communication Technology
(DICT) (CCF & UCC), Vidyanagari,
10. The Director of Board of Student Development,
11. The Director, Dep artment of Students Walfare (DSD),
12. All Deputy Registrar, Examination House,
13. The Deputy Registrars, Finance & Accounts Section,
14. The Assistant Registrar, Administrative sub -Campus Thane,
15. The Assistant Registrar, School of Engg. & Applied Sciences, Kalyan ,
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17. The Assistant Registrar, Constituent Colleges Unit,
18. BUCTU,
19. The Receptionist,
20. The Telephone Operator,
21. The Secretary MUASA

for information.

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Item 6.11 (A)

The minutes of the Meeting Ad -hoc Board of Studies in
Information Technology was held on 06th April, 2022 .
a. Revising the calculation of CGPA for the Diploma holders taking admission to the
second year of B.Sc . (IT) to change the Eligibility criteria by the amending O.5051
the same be brought into force with effect from the academic year 2022 -23.
Existing O.5051 Eligibility :- (a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to the
degree course of Bachelor of Science -Information Technology, shall have passed XII
standard examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or it’s
equivalent with Mathematic and S tatistics as one of the subject and should have
secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in
aggregate in case of reserved category candidates.

(b) Candidate who have passed Diploma (Three years after S.S.C. Xth Std.) in
information Technology/Computer Technology / Computer Engineering/Computer
Science/ Electrical, Electronics and Video Engineering and allied
Branches/Mechanical and Allied Branches Civil and Allied branches of are eligible for
direct admission to the Seco nd Year of the B.Sc. (IT) degree course.

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education
or any other recognized Government Body Minimum marks required 45% aggregate
for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for res erved category candidates.
Candidates with post HSC -Diploma in Information Technology/Computer
Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/ and Allied branches will be
eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of B.Sc. (I.T.)

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education
or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks 45% aggregate for open
category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.
Amended Ordinance O. 5051 :-
(a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course of Bachelor of
Science -Information Technology, shall have passed XII standard examination of the
Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or it’s equivalent with Mathematic
and S tatistics as one of the subject and should have secured not less than 45% marks

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Item 6.11 (A)

in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved
category candidates.

(b) Candidate who have passed Diploma (Three years after S.S.C. Xth Std.) in
information Technology/Computer Technology / Computer Engineering/Computer
Science/ Electrical, Electronics and Video Engineering and allied
Branches/Mechanical and Allied Branches Civil and Allied branches of are eligible for
direct admission to the Second Year of the B.Sc. (IT) degree course.

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education
or any other recognized Government Body Minimum marks required 45% aggregate
for open category candidates and 40% aggregat e for reserved category candidates.
Candidates with post HSC -Diploma in Information Technology/Computer
Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/ and Allied branches will be
eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of B.Sc. (I.T.)

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education
or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks 45% aggregate for open
category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.

The merit list of the Diploma holders who were eligible to take direct
admission to S.Y. BSc IT as per current ordinances is to be calculated on the
basis of their final two semesters (Sem V and VI) and not on all the three years
of diploma.

b. To enable the admission to PG Diploma in Cyber Security Law and Forensics
open for students other than law enforcement agencies as per the eligibility
The new programme of PGDCSLF which got approval in 2021 under the
department of IT, University of Mumbai was initiall y for only the law
enforcement personnel. It was resolved to open this for others also apart from
law enforcement agencies with the same eligibility criteria.

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Item 6.11 (A)

c. To allow for taking specialized degree admission at the M.Sc . Part I level
As per the revised s yllabus of M.Sc . (IT)
1) M.Sc. (information technology) specialized in Artificial Intelligence,
2) M.Sc. (information technology) specialized in Security,
3) M.Sc. (information technology) specialized in Cloud Computing
4) M.Sc. (information technology) specialized in Image Processing
The part - II students are being offered with specialized track based
electives and it was decided to offer specialized degrees. Since the
admissions to the entry level at Part I need to reflect this, it was resolved to
take admissions as per the specializations as being offered on subjects like
chemistry (University department), Life Sciences ( University
department) in University department of IT alone as all tracks are offered in
the department. AS per this, the existing 100 seats approved to UDIT is
therefore divided as Follows : -
Artificial Intelligence Specialization: 30 seats
Security Spe cialization: 30 seats
Cloud Computing Specialization: 30 seats
Image Processing Specialization: 10 seats

d. The Ad -hoc B oard of Studies in its meeting on 17th April, 2020 had approved
and forwarded the new programme PG Diploma in Block Chain Technology

(PGDBCT) under the University department of IT. It was submitted to B oard
of Dean and further to academic council and also fee committee. The
department has received the fee committee resolutions in this regard. So it
was resolved to keep this item in acad emic council (if not done earlier) and to
approve the program under the department to start from 2022 -2023 onwards.
In the matter s are being placed before the faculty meeting, Board
of Dean and Academic council for its consideration and approval.