Vide Item No 58 R Revised syllabus of SYBASociology Applied Component Womens Studies Sem III and IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 58 R Revised syllabus of SYBASociology Applied Component Womens Studies Sem III and IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 5.8(R)


Revised Syllabus for S.Y.B.A. (Sociology)
(Applied Component) (Women’s Studies)
Semester - Sem III and IV
(Choice Based Credit System)

(with effect from the academic year 2022-23)

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Credit 3
Total Marks=100
Women’s Studies -01 (Applied Component)
Course Learning Objectives
1. Learners will get to know border concepts in gender and women studies
2. Learners also st udy different persp ectives on women and gender studies

Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be familiar with perspectives and concepts in the field of gender
2. Students will develop ability to communicate their views

Unit -I. The Scope and practice of Women’s Studies (12 lectures)

a. Women’s Studies: Meaning and origin, need and scope
b. Women’s Studies as an academic discipline,
c. Basic Concepts: Sex and Gender, Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Femininity and Masculinity
Gendered Socialization

Unit -II: Types of Feminism (12 lectures)
a.Liber al feminism
b.Marxist feminism
c.Radical feminism

Unit3: Violence against women (12 lectures)
a. Definition and Concepts of Violence
B.Types of Violence, Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
c. Issue of Honour Killing

Unit -4: Women’ s Movement in the India (12 lectures)
a.Women’s role in independence movement
b.Women’s Movement in Post-Independent India:
C. Recent Women’s Movement

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Page 4 of 7 Reading List:

1. Bhasin, Kamala. Understanding Gender .Women Unlimited, 2004.

2. Chaudhuri , M. (2006). Femini sm in India. Zed Books Ltd. New Delhi.
3.Centre for Women‘s Development Studies, New Delhi. 1985

4.V. Geetha. 2007. Patriarchy . Kolkata: Stree
5.Geetha: Gender (Theorizing Feminism). Stree. 2002
6. Himanshi Nagpal. ―The Evolution of Women‘ s Studies in India ”. Feminism in India , July
26, 2017

7. Kumar, R. (1997). The History of Doing. Zubaan, New Delhi.

8. Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women‟. 1869.

9. Mukhopadhyay, Ishita. Crime against Women .Prrogressive Publication.

10. Maithreyi Krishnara j. ―Is ‗Gender‘ Eas y to Study? Some Reflections‖, Economic and
Political Weekly , October 21, 2006

11. Neera Desai and Maithreyi Krishnaraj. Women’s Studies in India – Some Perspectives ,
Ajantha Publications, New Delhi, 1986

12. Rosemarie Tong: Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensiv e Introduction , 2nd Ed.
Westview Press, 1998.

13. Sefali Moitra: Feminist Thought , Munsiram Monoharlal, Delhi, 2002.
14. Tharu, Susie and K. Lalitha. Ed. Women Writing in India , vol. 1 and 2
15.Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Women‟, 1792.
Mary E. John. Women’s Studies in India – A Reader , Penguin Books, New Delhi, 2008

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Page 5 of 7 S.Y.B.A.SOCIOLOGY
Credit 3
Total Marks= 100
Women’s Studies -02 (Applied Component)

Course Learning Objectives:

1. To provide students with the understanding of major concepts related to Gender
2. To acquaint students with emerging gender issues

Course Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of major
concepts related to gender
2. Students will become familiar with emerging gender issues in Indian

Unit -I: Women and work (12 lectures)

a. Concept of work with reference to women definition and valuation
b. Feminization of work force
c.Women in informal sector

Unit -II Women and Health (12 lectures)

a. Health issues of women
b. Fami ly planning in India
c. Women Health policy (Janani suraksha yojana)

Unit -III: Women Empowerment: (12 lectures)
a.Women empowerment, meaning, concepts and objectives
b. Indicator of women empowerment
c. women empowerment in India issues and challenges

Unit-IV: Women and Law (12 lectures)
a. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005;
b.Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Protection, Prohibition And Redressal)
Act, 2013;
c.Personal laws, uniform civil code

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Page 6 of 7 Reading List

1.Bhagwat Vidyut. 200 4. Feminist Soci al Thought. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
2.Bhasin Kamla. 1993. What is Patriarchy? New Delhi: Kali for Women.
3. Bhavnani Kumkum et. al. 2006. Feminist Futures . New Delhi: Zubaan.

4. Chakravarty Radha. 2008. Feminism and contemporary women writers . New Delhi:

5. Chaudhuri Maitrayee.2004. Feminism in India . New Delhi: Kali for Women

6. Engels F. Origins of Family, Private Property and the State

7. Freedman Jane. 2002. Feminism. New Delhi: Viva Books .

8. Meena Kelkar & Deepti Gangavane eds. Feminism in Search of an Identity: The Indian
Context . Rawat Pub, 2003

9. Ray Raka.2012. Handbook of Gender . New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

10. Rinita Mazumder. A Short Introduction to Feminist Theory , Anustup, 2001

11. Shukla Bhaskar A. 2007. Feminism from Mary Wollstonecraft to Betty Friedan . New
Delhi: Sarup & Sons

12. Arjun Sengupta, 2001. Right to Development as a Human Right, Economic and Political
Weekly July 7, 2001

13. Sher Verick, 2011. Women’s labour force participation in India: Why is it so low?
Published by ILO.

14. Gender Development Report, 2012. Gender differences in employment and why they
matter? World Bank.

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Page 7 of 7 Women’s Studies(Applied Component) Exam Paper Pattern for
SYBA Sem. III and VI
Time: 3 hrs
Marks: 100

Note : Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 Marks
Attempt Any 4 from question keeping in mind option given

1. Attempt any 4 concepts out of 7 (5 marks each) 20

d. concepts from all units
2. OR 20
2. 20
3. OR 20
3. 20
4. OR 20
4. 20
5. OR 20
5. 20