Vide Item No 526 R MA Honours International Relations and Strategic Studies Sem III to IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC– 11/07/2022
ItemNo. – 5.26 (R)
Revised Syllabus for M.A. (Honours) (International Relations and
Strategic Studies)
Semester – (Sem III &
(Witheffectfromtheacademicyear2022 -23)
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Signature: UniversityofMumbai
Chairmanof BoardofStudies Faculty of Dean
O: TitleofCourse M.A.(Honours) (InternationalRelations
O: Eligibility
R: PassingMarks
No.ofyears/Semesters: FourSemester
Level: P.G./ U.G./Diploma/ Certificate
Pattern: Yearly /Semester
Status: New/Revised
2022 -23
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1. NecessityofstartingthisCourse: Preamble
In Western India, nowhere this course is taught either masters level or graduate level
inany University or Colleges. Only two private universities have introduced this cours e
inPune namely Symbiosis and Flame University Moreover Mumbai is city where we
havealmost all countries Consul offices after Delhi, so we took this opportunity to fill in
2. WhetherUGChasrecommendedtostartthesaidCourse?
This course is already in the list of approved courses by UGC and its website and
inconcurrence to UGC guidelines we have started this course. However, UGC has
notspecificallymentionedorgivenanydirecti vestoUniversityofMumbaitostartthiscourse
3. Whetherall thecourseshavecommencedfromtheAcademicyear2021 -22?
Yes, 1. Masters in International Relations and Strategic Studies and 2. Post
graduateDiplomainInternationalRelationsandStrategicStudiesarecommencingfrom thepres
entAcademicYear2021 -2022.
4. TheCoursestartedbytheUniversityisSelf -financed,whetheradequatenumberofEligible
Yes,theSaidCourseisfinancedandthereareadequatenumberofEligibleFacultieseitherAd -hoc
5. To give details regarding duration of the Course and is it possible to compress
The peculiarity of the said course is Masters programmes is of Two Academic
he Degree of Post Graduate Diploma and can re -join after a gap of certain years and
aftercompletionofitheorshecangetMaster’s Degree.ThisflexibilityoftheCoursewillattractto
those who wanted to pursue their education when they are in services especially
thosewho areon assignment fromtheArmedforces aDiplomaticMissions.
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1) Introduction
y of Humanities,like studying the political developmentsandsocio -economicprofile as
well as art literature and cultural traits of the other nations that is foreigncountries. This
would help them to carry out their own countries relations in
impressionofbeingrepr esentativesoftheirownstate.InIndiawehaveIndianCouncilforCultural
Relations provides an avenues and opportunities to prove themselves in
differentcountriesof theworld.
2) AimsandObjectives
InIndiawehaveonly ThreePublicUniversities,namely
SchoolofInternational Studies,JNU, NewDelhi ,(Centraluniversity)
DepartmentofInternationalRelations,JadavpurUniversity, Kolkata ,(StateUni)
Pondicherry .
Western India, do not have a single Public Univer sity either State or Central which
hasDepartment of International Studies as separate unit or department. However, in Maharashtra,
DefenceandStrategicStudies(DDSS)inUniversityofPune,BahinabaiChoudharyNorth Maharashtra
University, Jalgaon and B honsala Military College, Nashik. Though,University of Mumbai has
affiliated college known as Naval War College which meant only forservice staff from Indian
Navy. In nutshell, there is scope for University of Mumbai to fill in
thisvacuumandexplorepossibil itiestosetupnewDepartmentofInternationalandStrategicStudies.
Mumbai being International City and Financial Capital of India, after Delhi Mumbai City
hasmaximum foreign offices either Diplomatic or International Trade related Staffs who
arestationed in their offices like Consular -Generals and Deputy High Commissions in vicinity.
riencesand knowledgeof their international relations.
International Relations and Strate gic Studies, this subject is one of the vital components
ofvarious professional courses as well as career -oriented examinations either by Union
PublicService Commission/ MPSC/ Staff Selection Board. In Maharashtra we don’t have
institutes ororganizations w hich can provide the professional training or any mechanism to
make them,(especially,aspirantcivilservants)tounderstandthebasicconceptsandtheoriesof
InternationalRelations/ Studies as well as strategic thoughts from the defense perspective. In
absence of t hiskind of institutions many young scholars from Mumbai and nearby cities almost
80 percent ofthem chose New Delhi as destination or for research they look for admission in
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3) LearningOutcomes
a) In this Masters programmed they in tend to study in depth the knowledge of the different
social,cultural,politicalandeconomicissuesofothernationsfromIndianperspectivetoco -
relateIndia’spolity,socio -economicconditions and cultural ethos withothernations.
b) After completion of this Masters Cours e there is an ample scope to work as research
analysts,journalists, an advisor, consultants to many international organizations and Foreign
Embassies,Consulates, High Commissions and Multinational Agencies and theirdifferent
programmes.Moreover, after deve loping the expertise in special skills of the Subject Knowledge
s or organizations. The course will also help to the various competitive examinationsaspirants as
International Relations and Foreign Policy becomes focus areas of UPSC and
StateServicesBoardsconducted examinations.
c) The special component of Strategic Studies, primarily the military aspects of the various
strategic thoughtswhetherits’Ancient IndianStra tegiesorModernStrategies,itwouldeducatetheschola
rsto comprehend with numerous tactics of Proxy -Wars or War -like situation around. This
wouldhelp them to understand the nature of counter -strikes and to know that how countries
protectthemselvesand howworld p olitics influencespolicy measures forthe securityof anation.
d) Mumbai being HQ of Western Naval Command of Indian Navy and Pune being HQ of
einstitutionsmay help to inculcate t hesenseofnationalism and nationhood.
4) Whocan Join?
AnyGraduatefrom anyfield/disciplineiseligibletoapplyforMADegreeCourse.
Graduates, Civil Service aspirants, Reporters and Journalists from Print and Visual
whoareinterestedin pursuingtheircareerinthefieldofInternationalStudiesand
InternationalOrganisationsand Multinational Agencies.
Foreign nationals from SAARC Countries as well as foreigners other than SAARC
countrieswhointend tocomplete studiesduring theirstayordeputationin t hemrespectiveoffices.
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TitleoftheCourse: M.A.(Honours)InternationalRelationsandStrategic Studies(SIRSS)
Eligibility for Admission: Graduate in any
field/disciplineDurationof theCourse:
SemesterOne CourseWorkofThreePapers:2 Coreand1Elective
and Research Paper OneTermpaperalongwithPr
SemesterTwo CourseWorkofThreePapers:2Coreand1Elective
and Research Paper OneTutorial/OneBookRevi
SemesterThree CourseWorkofThreepapers:2Coreand1Elective
and Research Paper WritingResearchProposalal
SemesterFour M.A. Dissertation (100 to 120
Pages).AndoneSkilled Based Paper AnyTheme/TopicoftheCour
se Content and Policy -
oriented So that it could
bepublishedasPolicy -Brief.
IntakeCapacity: 60students
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SyllabusforAcademicYear2022 -2023(Onwards)
CorePaper -I:TheoreticalApproachesinStrategic Studies
(6Creditsand60 Hours)
1) UnderstandingStrategicStudies - (15Hours)
a. AssumptionsandApproaches
b. Keyconcept:NationalSecurity,NationalDefenseandNationalInterest
c. EvolutionofNationalSecurityconcept
2) NationalSecurityConcerns - (15Hours)
a. MajorPowers
b. MiddleandSmallpowers
c. Powerblocs
3) SecurityStructure - (15Hours)
a. Theaterizationof Defenseforce
b. PoliceandIntelligenceAgencies
c. Decision -MakingStructures
4) StrategicandSecurityOperations - (15Hours)
a. MilitaryalliancesandPacts,PeaceTreaties
b. Securitydialogue,StrategicPartnershipandDefenseCooperation
c. DeterrenceandDetente
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CorePaper -II: Co ntemporaryissues&themesin globalsecurity
1) ChangingworldOrder - (15Hours)
a. Coldwar
b. Emergenceofnewworldorder
c. InternationalPolitics:IdeologytoEconomy
2) EnvironmentandMigration - (15Hours)
a. Climatechange,IndustrialPollutionandGlobal warming
b. Illegalmigrationandbordermanagement
c. SustainableDevelopmentGoals
3) Inter -nationconflictsandOrganizedcrimes - (15Hours)
a. BorderconflictsinAsiaandAfrica
b. HumanandNarcoTrafficking,smallarmsproliferation
c. ProblemofsystemofgovernanceandHumanrights
4) Human Security - (15Hours)
a. Foodsecurity
b. EnergySecurity
c. Watersecurityproblem
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CorePaper -III:India’sForeignPolicy&Diplomacy
1) Concept:DiplomacyandPolicy - (15Hours)
a. Diplomacyandpolicydistinction
b. Diplomaticcultureandpracticesin world
c. OldDiplomacyandNewDiplomacy
2) DiplomaticHistoryofIndia - (15Hours)
a. 70YearsofIndianForeignpolicy
b. RoleofMEAandNodalAgencies
c. EvolutionofIndia’sDiplomaticties(Bilateral/Multilateral)
2) RegionalStrategies - (15Hours)
a. IndiaandSouthAsia
b. ChallengesforRegionalCo operation
c. Indo-PacificCooperation,ActeastandLookWestPolicy
4) DiplomacyinIndo -PacificRegion - (15Hours)
a. IndianMaritimesecurity
b. Strategyof IORregion
c. SecurityofSeaLanesandTradeRoutes
(Studentsshouldoptforresearchpaperonabovemention topics)
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● CoursePaper 1: ResearchMethodology(6Credits60Hours)
1. IntroductiontoResearchMethodology
2. Researchproposal
3. Sampling/PopulationandResearchTools
4. Probabilitydistribution andGraphsandInferentialStatistics
5. ResearchProposalandEvaluationofResearchReport
6. Thesis/DissertationofResearch
● CourseBasedProject:(Dissertation isfor18Credits)
1. ApproachesinInternational Relations&AreaStudies
2. StrategicthoughtsandDefense Studies
3. Global SecurityConcerns
4. India’s Security Concerns & Diplomacy in
ContemporaryInternational Politics
5. Issuesin Conflict Resolution
6. DisasterManagementandNational Security
7. DefenseandTradeEconomics
8. Technology andNationalSecurity
9. InternationalOrganizationsandGlobalGove rnance
10. India’sForeignPolicyand Economics
11. Human SecurityandHumanRights
12. EnvironmentandClimatechange
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13. Diaspora Studies
14. Internal Security
● Semester I, II, III and IV - Evaluation Pattern Internal Evaluation (40) +
SemesterEndExamination(60) =100
● The Internal Evaluation for the Master of Arts (M.A.) M.A. – in
StrategicStudiesSemI,SemII,SemIIIandSemIV(CBSGS)thatis 40Marks, shall be
further distributed as fol lows – 20 Marks for Internal Written Test and20 Marksfor
● The Internal Evaluation of 40 Marks will be conducted by the respective
CourseTeachers. Internal Evaluation – 40 Marks Internal Written Test 20 Written
● semester End Examination - 60 MARKS will be conducted For Core Papers I,
● For Core Paper IV of SEM - I, II & III and Course paper of SEM IV:
alcarries60MarksforResearchpaperevaluati on
● Dissertation is for (18 credits) 300 Marks - Dissertation Report Evaluation:
200Marks,Presentation:50marks,Viva:50 Marks -Total:300 Marks
Signature: Signature:
Chairman,BoardofStudies Faculty of Dean
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