Vide Item No 525 N MA Sanskrit Classical Sanskrit Literature Sem I to IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 5.25 (N)
Syllabus for M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Classical Sanskrit Literature )
Sem - I to IV
(Choice Based Credit System)
(To be introduced with effect from the academic year 2022 -23)
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Syllabus for Approval
Signature of BOS Chairperson :
Signature of Dean:
Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course
O.6787 M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Classical Sanskrit Literature )
2 Eligibility for Admission
O.6788 Bachelor’s Degree in any faculty with an entrance test of
200 marks. Entrance test will focus on the candidate’s
primary knowledge of Classical Sanskrit literature .
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances / Regulations (
if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years / Semesters 2 Years/ 4 Semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2022 -23
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Preamble: This degree programme is a unique blend of ancient Indian classical knowledge and
its influence on present times. Course aims at empowering the student to apprehend, interpret,
and analyse Classical Sanskrit literature in light of rhetoric, prosody and figures of speech, to
expedite a complete understanding of the texts . It also aspires to empower them to use these
Alamkaras and Vrittas in their independent compositions, thereby making it ornate.
Aims -
1. To understand A ncient Indian Classical literature in a purely academic perspective.
2. To study ancient Indian classical Sanskrit literature in depth.
3. To study the application of knowledge from these texts for the contemporary times.
4. To understand, analy ze and explain the nuances expressed through language and
5. To critically analyz e and appreciate Classical Sanskrit Literature
6. To analyz e and appreciate Modern Sanskrit Literature
7. To translate Sanskrit Literature into English or Modern Indian Language
8. To understand different aspects of Art and Literary appreciation
9. To take into cognizance different theories of analyzing Sanskrit Literary forms.
10. To enable the students to appreciate modern literature and art work, thereby justifying
the relevance of Ancient Theories of Literary Appreciation.
Objective s :
1. Develop newer ideas on the intellectual, organizational and personal level with different
2. To develop an ability of creative thinking and writing in Sanskrit and own language.
3. Be empowered to create an emotionally sensitive approach regardi ng social, cultural,
political and environmental issues of the society.
Programme Specific Outcomes :
PSO 1: Understand and appreciate classical Sanskrit literature
PSO 2: Analyse and critically comment on works written in Sanskrit.
PSO 3: Translate and annotate on the works written in Sanskrit
PSO 4: Understand ancient Indian culture and its relevance in the present scenario
PSO5: Enable expressing thoughts in Sanskrit and own language.
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O. 6787 Title: M.A. ( Sanskrit) ( Classical Sanskrit Literature )
O. 6788 Eligibility :
Bachelor’s Degree in any faculty with an entrance test of 200 marks. Entrance test will focus on
the candidate’s primary knowledge of Classical Sanskrit literature .
R. 9544 Intake Capacity:
60 Students.
Mode of Teaching -Learning:
Blended mode with offline and online lectures.
Admission Fees : As per University Rule
Examination Fee : As per University Rule
R.9545 Standard of Passing: 40%
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Semester 1
All papers are compulsory. Total number of papers in the semester - 4.
Paper I: 1. Classical Sanskrit Drama
Unit I : Pratimanat aka of Bhasa (2 Credits)(30)
Unit II: Shudraka’s Mrichchhakatika (2 C redits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any other type of drama .
Paper II: Classical Sanskrit Poetry
Unit I: Meghadut a of Kalidas a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Git agovind a of Jaydev (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any Dutakavyas other than Meghaduta
Paper III: Classical Sanskrit Prose
Unit I: Harshacharita - Uchchhvasa I - III (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Dandi’s Da shakumaracharita - purvapithika
(I-V Uchchhvasa) (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any othe r uchchhvasa in the syllabus .
Paper IV:Modern Sanskrit literature
Unit I: History of Modern Sanskrit literature (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Shri Shivarajyodyam (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment - Any book in modern Sanskrit - dramas, apart from the ones in the syllabus.
Paper Pattern for all papers:
Unit I: Essay Type (1 out of 2) & Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1 out of 2) & Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
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Semester 2
All papers are compulsory. Total number of papers in the semester - 4.
Paper I: Classical Sanskrit Drama
Unit I: Venisanhar a of Bhatt Narayan (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Vishakhadatta’s Mudrarakshasa (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any other Rupaka/ Uparupaka other than Nataka and Prakarana.
Paper II: Classical Sanskrit Poetry
Unit I: Shriharsha’s Naishadhiyacharitam - Canto I (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II:Saund aranand –Sundari & Nandavilap a 6-7canto (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any other canto other than the ones mentioned above.
Paper III: Classical Sanskrit Prose
Unit I: Harshacharita - Uchchhvasa IV -VII (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Subandhu’s Vasavadatta - selected (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment: Appreciation of any other Uchchhvasa apart from the ones in the syllabus .
Paper IV: Modern Sanskrit literature
Unit I: History of Modern Sanskrit Literaure (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Modern plays in traditional setting - Premapariksha, Parikshinnatakachakram,
Pt. Ogetti Parikshit Sharma, Pune, 2nd Edition, 2002 (2 credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Assignment - Any book in modern Sanskrit - dramas, apart from the ones in the syllabus.
Paper Pattern for all papers:
Unit I: Essay Type (1 out of 2 ) & Short Notes or RTC (2out of 3) 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1 out of 2) & Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
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Semester 3
Select one elective each from the five baskets. Semester 3 has a total of five elective papers.
Basket 1:
Elective 1.1:
Unit I: Kalhana’s Rajatarangini - Canto I (2 Credits) (30)
UnitII:Bilhana’s Vikr amank adevcharit a Canto 1 (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 1.2.
Unit I: Abhi jnanashakuntal a Act 4- Arthadyotanikatika of Raghava Bhatt (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Kiratarjuniya of Bharavi With the Commentary Ghantapatha( घण्टापथ ) of Mallinatha
Canto - IV (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 1.3.
Unit I: Kadambari Shukanasopadesh a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Kadambari Mahashvetavrutant a (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 1.4:
Unit I: Kathasaritsagar a 1 lambak (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Kathasaritsagar a 2 lambak (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 1.5:
Unit I: Bhimayan a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Shirishpushpeshu bindva h written by Harshdev Madhav (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all electives in this basket:
Unit I: Essay Type (1 out of 2 ) & Short Notes or RTC (2out of 3) 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1 out of 2) & Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
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Basket 2:
Elective 2.1:
Unit I: Kalhana’s Rajatarangini - Canto II (2 Credits) (30)
UnitII:Bilhana’s Vikrmankdevcharit Canto 1 I (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.2:
Unit I: Abhi jnana shakuntalm’s Act 4- Arthadyotanikatika of Raghava Bha tt (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa: With the Commentary Sanjivani of Mallinatha Canto - IV
(2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.3:
Unit I: Hitopadesh Mitralabh a & Sruhudbhed a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Subandhuvasavd atta: selected part (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.4:
UnitI: Vishwagunadarshachampu
selected part1,2,3,and Maharashtra varnan am (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Nalachampu first uchhavas (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.5 :
Unit I: Am arushatak a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Bhaminivilas a (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignmen ts- 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all electives in this basket:
Unit I: Essay Type (1 out of 2 ) & Short Notes or RTC (2out of 3) 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1 out of 2) & Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
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Basket 3:
Elective 3.1:
Unit I: Mal atimadhav a 1 to 5 act (2Credits) (30)
UnitII: Mal atimadhav a 6-10 act (2 Credit) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 3.2:
Unit I: Champubh arata written by Anant Bhatta 2nd stabak a (2 Credits)(30)
Unit II Dvadash atikopet a Meghadut a Uttaramegh a (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 3.3.
Unit I: Vetalapanchavinshti ka 1-12 katha (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Dvatrinshatputtlika upto chaturdash apakhyanam (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 3.4:
Unit I: Shrungarshatak (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Vairagyashatk (2 Credits) (30)
Elective 3.5
Unit I: Rutusanhar a full texts (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Buddhacharit a 12 th canto (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all electives in this basket:
Unit I: Essay Type (1out of 2) an d Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1out of 2) OR Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
Basket 4:
Elective 4.1.
Unit I: Vikrmorvash shiyam 1 -3 (2 Credits)(30)
Unit II: Vikrmorvash shiyam 4 -5 (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
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Elective 4.2:
Unit I: Kumarsanbhavam Malinatha tika 1 canto (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Naishadhiyacharitm 2 canto (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 4.3.
Unit I: Sangit Manapman a (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Sangi t Saubhadra (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 4.4:
Unit I: Aryashatkanyokti of abhirajrajendra mishra (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II:Bajiraomastaniya of Kawthekar (2 Credits) (30)
Elective 4.5
Unit I: Gangalahari of Jagannath (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Naganand of shriharsh a (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all electives in this basket:
Unit I: Essay Type (1out of 2) an d Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1out of 2) OR Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
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Basket 5:
Elective 5.1:
Unit I: Malavikagnimitram 1 -3 (2 Credits) (30)
UnitII: Malavikagnimitram 4-5 (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 5.2:
Unit I: Sanskrut Gramagita (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Samrtha Ramdas a works translated into Sanskrit (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 5.3.
Unit I: Shukasptati first 15 stories (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Panchatantra mitrabhed & mitra sam prapti (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 5.4:
Unit I: Bhattikavya 1&2 nd canto (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Bhattikavya 3 & 4 canto (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 5.5
Unit I: Uttar amcharitm 1 -3 (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Uttarramcharitm 4 -7 (2 Credits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all electives in this basket:
Unit I: Essay Type (1out of 2) an d Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1out of 2) OR Short Notes (2 out of 3) or RTC 30
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Semester 4
Select one paper each from the following elective baskets. Total number of papers in the
semester - 2+1 Dissertation.
Elective 1: Skill based/ Ability Enhancement courses
Paper I: Creative writing with reference to classical Sanskrit literature
Unit I: Creative writing for print media (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Creative writing and reading for audio -visual media (2 Cre dits) (30)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective II:Alankara -vrutta
Unit 1 - Alamkaras (2 Credits) (30)
a. Introduction to Alamkaras and Select Shabdalamkar as (Anuprasa and its types, Yamaka,
b. Select Arthalamkaras (Select types of Upama, Rupaka, Utpreksha, Ullekha, Upameyopama,
Pratipa, Bhrantiman, Atishayokti, Arthantaranyasa, Virodha, Drishtanta, Sandeha,
Vyatireka,Vibhavana, Anyokti, etc.)
Unit 2 - Vrittas (2 Credits) (30)
Introduction to Vrittas and Vedic Chhandas (Gayatri, Ushnik, Anushtup, Brihati, Pankti,
Trishtup, Jagati)
b. Select Vrittas (Anushtup , Shloka, Indravajra, Upendravajra, Bhujangaprayata, Vamshastha,
Praharshini, Vasantatilaka, Malini, Shikharini, Prithvi, Mandakranta, Shardulavikridita,
Sragdhara, Viyogini, Pushpitagra, Giti, Upagiti, Arya, etc.)
Internals and Assignment s- 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all papers:
Unit I: explain the alankara’s(3 out of 4) 30
Unit II: Scan and explain the meter. (3 out of 4)
OR Explain the Vrittas citing appropriate examples. (3 out of 4) 30
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2: Inter -disciplinary courses -
Elective 2.1
Unit 1 and Unit 2 : Kavyaprakash 4th chapter upto karika 41 b. (4 Credits) (60)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.2
Unit 1 and Unit 2 Sahityadarpan –7 &8 parichhed(gun a -dosh a ) (4 Credits) 60
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Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Elective 2.3:
Unit 1 and Unit 2 Nitishatak in the light of poetical ,social, ethical, psychological etc aspects .
(4 Credits) (60)
Internals and Assignments - 40 Marks
Paper Pattern for all papers:
Unit I: Essay Type (1 out of 2)and Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
Unit II: Essay Type (1 out of 2)and Short Notes or RTC (2 out of 3) 30
Note: A ll Syllabus part covered the area -Author and Text, Appropriate ness of title,
Background of given contents, Plot Grammatical analysis, Translation, Explanation,
Poetic excellence, thematic analysis. style, Characterization etc.
Select ed Bibliography:
1. Saundaranda Mahakavya of Shri Ashvaghosha, Chaukhamba Surabharati Prakashan,
2. Naishadhiyacharitam by Narayanram Acharya, Chaukhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi
3. Naishadhiyacharitam by Dr. Devarshi Sanadhya Shastri, Chaukhamba Krishnadas
Academy, Varanasi
4. Kiratarjuniyam of Bh aravi, Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation, Chaukhamba
Surabharati Prakashan, Varanasi
5. Shishupalavadha, Marathi Translation by V.K. Noolkar, Prasad Prakashan, Pune
6. Shishupalavadha Mahakavyam – Prathamah Sargah, Janardanashastri Pandey, Motilal
Banarasid ass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
7. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini – A Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, M. A. Stein, Motilal
Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
8. Kings of Kashmira – A Translation of Sanskrit Work, Vol. 1 to 3, Jogesh Chunder Dutt,
Gulshan Pu blishers, New Delhi
9. The Mrichchhakatika of Shudraka, M.R. Kale, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt.
Ltd., Delhi
10. Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta, M.R. Kale, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
11. Mahakavi -Subandhu -virachita Vasavadatta, Chaukhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi
12. Subandhu’s Vasavadatta – A Sanskrit Romance, Louis H. Gray, Motilal Banarasidass
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
13. The Harshacharita of Banabhatta, P.V. Kane, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
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14. Dashakumaracha ritam of Dandi, Sanskrit text with English Notes by M. R. Kale, Gopal
Narayan and Co., Bombay
15. Vikram & the Vampire; or Tales of Hindu Devilry, Richard Burton, Longmans, Green,
and Co., London
16. Simhasana Dvatrimsika, Haksar A. N. D., Penguin Classics
17. Panchatantra by M.R. Kale, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
18. Narayana’s Hitopadesha, Haksar A. N. D., Penguin Classics
19. Meghaduta, M. R. Kale, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
20. Ritusamhara of Kalidas, Motilal Banarasidass Publi shers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
21. Champu Kavya ka Aalochanatmaka evam Aitihasika Adhyayana, Dr. Chavinatha
Tripathi, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Varanasi
22. Sanskrit Champu Kavya by Kusum Bhuriya, Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi
23. Jagannatha Pandita’s Gangalahari, Neelakanth Public ations, Pune
24. Arvachina Sanskrita Sahitya by Dr. Manju Lata Shama, Parimal Publications, New Delhi
25. Arvaachin sanskurt kosha shri.b. .varnekar
26. . Modern Sanskrit Literature by Ravindra Panda Visvagunadarsa Campu of
Venkatadhvarin by Mahadev Gangadhar Shastri Bakre
27. A History of Sanskrit Literture, A.B. Keith, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
28. Abhijata Sanskrit Sahityacha Itihasa by Gokhale, Mahulikar, Vaidya, Ritayana, Mumbai
29. Ramakant Tripathi, ,Suka Saptati, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office Edition: 2002 ;
ISBN: 8170800692
30. Krishna Kumar, Alankarshastrakaitihas, Sahityabhandar, Meerut, 1975
31. P. V. Kane, Sanskrit Kavyashastrakaitihas, MLBD, Delhi, 1994
32. S.K. De, History of Sanskrit Poetics, Oriental Book Centre, Delhi, 2006
33. Babulal Sh ukla, Kavyaprakash, Nag Prakashan, Delhi, 1995 5. VamanacharyaZalkikar,
Kavyaprakash of Mammta, BORI, Pune, 1983 6. S. N. Ghoshal, Kavyaprakash of
Mammata -bhatta, Chowkhamba, Varanasi, 1973
34. V. K. Noolkar, PanchamahakavyeaniRaghuvamsha, Prasad Prakashan, Pune, 201
35. M. R. Kale, Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa, MLBD, Delhi, 1997
36. VidyadharBhide, RaghuvamshatilUpama -saundarya, RuturajPrakashan, Pune, 2014
37. Durga Bhagwat, Rasayamayi, Varada Books, Pune, 1988
38. Durga Bhagwat, BanachiKadambari, Varada Books, Pune , 1988
39. Mohandev Pant, KadambariPoorvabhaga, MLBD, Delhi, 1971
40. Krishna Kumar, Alankarshastrakaitihas, Sahityabhandar, Meerut, 1975
41. P. V. Kane, Sanskrit Kavyashastrakaitihas, MLBD, Delhi, 1994
42. Prof. Ram Shevalkar, Mahakavi -bhasa -krut Pratijnanayaugand harayana
Svapnavasavadatta, Prasad Prakashan, Pune, 1996
43. M. D. Paradkaret. al. SvapanvasavadattamofBhasa, Aryabhushan Press, Pune, 1972
44. K. P. A. Menon, Complete Plays of Bhasa, Volume I -III, Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1996
Online Books:
3. ritCommentary
Page 17
4. -skt.html
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(Appendix ‘B’)
New ordinances O.6787 & 6788 relating to the
M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Classical Sanskrit Literature )
1. Necessity for starting the course: Sanskrit Department of the University of
Mumbai in its plan for expansion intends to start Masters’ Degree
Programme in Classical Sanskrit Literature. Classical Sanskrit Literature will
throw light on stylistics of Sanskrit, rhetorics, prosody, figures of speech
and expression and many more aspects of Sanskrit Literature. A specialized
programme will enable students to read and appreciate various genres of
Sanskrit literature, which is much more than what is taught in a MA degree
programme of Sanskrit. The student will understand what does erudite
scholarship of Sanskrit really means. Therefore, a Masters’ Degree
Progra mme is essential to be undertaken by the University of Mumbai.
2. Whether the UGC has recommended the course: Yes. The New Education
Policy opines that Sanskrit Departments to start courses on Sahitya.
3. Whether all the courses have commenced from the a cademic year 2019 -
2020 (2022 -23): Yes, we intend to start the Masters’ Degree Programme in
the academic year 2022 -23.
4. The courses started by the University are self -financed, whether adequate
number of eligible permanent faculties is available: The fees are as per
University rule. The existing faculty members comprising of 6 full time
teaching faculty and qualified visiting faculty will conduct the course
5. To give details regarding the duration of the Course and is it possible to
compress the course: T he Masters’ Degree Programme in Classical Sanskrit
Literature is a two year (four semesters) course. MA degree cannot be
6. The intake capacity of each course and no. of admissions given in the
current academic year: The int ake capacity is 60 students. No admissions
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have been given as the course will commence from the academic year
2022 -23.
7. Opportunities of Employability / Employment available after undertaking
these courses: Students can work as teachers, researchers, fictional
writers, content experts for film and media etc.
Dr. Madhavi Narsalay
Chairperson, BoS in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrits
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