Vide Item No 522 N MA Sanskrit Arthashastra Sem I to IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Vide Item No 522 N MA Sanskrit Arthashastra Sem I to IV CBCS_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 5.22 (N)


Syllabus for M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Arthashastra )
Sem - I to IV
(Choice Based Credit System)

(Introduced with effect from the academic year 2022 -23)

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Syllabus for Approval

Signature of BOS Chairperson :
Signature of Dean:

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course
O.6781 M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Arthashastra )

2 Eligibility for Admission
O.6782 Bachelor’s Degree in any faculty with an entrance test of
200 marks. Entrance test will focus on the candidate’s
primary knowledge of Arthashastra.

3 Passing Marks 40 %

4 Ordinances / Regulations (
if any) As per university rules

5 No. of Years / Semesters 2 Years/ 4 Semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2022 -23

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Preamble for M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Arthashastra )
The word ‘artha ’ in Sanskrit is not limited to economics but means polity, governance and
administration. This degree programme is a unique specialized course focusing on ancient Indian
Polity. Kautiliya Arthashastra. The course facilitates a holistic study of foundation al texts on
Dharmashastra (which is the root of Arthashastra) and wide range of varied texts on
Arthashastra . The course also highlights the contemporary approach towards elements of polity
in these ancient texts, so as to facilitate application of the sam e in the present era.

Aims :

1. To understand ancient Indian polity in a purely academic perspective.
2. To understand the significance of Dharmashastra as the foundation of
3. To understand various elements contributing to an ideal kingdom

Objectives :

1. To empower the students to apprehend, interpret, and analyse the vast text corpus
2. To acquaint them with the earnest and holistic efforts of our ancestral scholars in laying
down the ruling system for an ideal kingdom
3. To make studen ts aware of the noblest principle of social welfare of all our ancient
knowledge systems

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO 1: To know about the wide range of texts composed on Arthashastra
PSO 2: To get familiar with the technical terminology of Arthashastra in ancient texts
PSO 3: To be able to apply principles of polity, to present situation
PSO 4: Understand ancient Indian culture and its relevance in the present scenario

O 6781 Title : M.A. (Sanskrit) ( Arthashastra )
O.6782 Eligibility : Bachelor’s Degree in any faculty with an entrance test of 200 marks.
Entrance test will focus on the candidate’s primary knowledge of Arthashastra.

R. 9538 Intake Capacity:

60 Students.
R. 9539 Standard of Passing: 40%

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Paper 1. Sanskrit Parichaya (4 credits) Marks: 60
Unit 1: 15 Marks Credit 1
a) Grammar Topics: Verbs (Conjugation 1,4,6,10)
b) Participles: Present and Past Active and Passive participles
c) Gerunds
d) Nouns Vowel ending (M/F/N) Syntax
e) Pronouns
f) Sandhi and Samasa
Unit 2: 15 Marks Credit 1
a) Introduction to Sanskrit Literature (Prose): Story literature, Prose works like
the Kadambari and Harshacharit by Banabhatta
Unit 3: 15 Marks Credit 1
a) Simple essays, Short stories, Dialogues
b) Subhashitas, Selected shloks from the Bhagavadgi ta
Unit 4: 15 Marks Credit 1
a) Introduction to Sanskrit Literature (Poetry): Mahakavya and Khandakavya
b) Subhashitas, Stotra literature
a) Essay writing of minimum 150 words in Simple Sanskrit
b) Appreciation of 5 subhashitas
Paper Pattern:
Q1: Objective questions on Sanskrit Grammar Marks 15
Q2: Essay type questions (any one out of two) OR Marks 15
Short notes (any three out of four)
Q3 i) Dialogue writing/Story writing (any one out of two) Marks 10
ii) Translate any two subhashitas/shloks from Bhagavadgita Marks 5
Q4: Essay type questions (any one out of two) OR Marks 15
Short notes (any three out of four)
1. A Highe r Sanskrit Grammar : M. R. Kale, Dhawale

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Prakashan, Mumbai
2. Saral Sanskrit Balbodh: J.K. Dave, BVB Publications,
3. First Book of Sanskrit: R. G. Bhandarkar, MLBD,
4. Sanskrit -Swayam -Shikshak (Marathi), Pt. Satawlekar,
SwadhyayaMandal, Pardi
5. History of Indian Literature, Maurice Winternitz,
MLBD, Delhi
6. AbhijatSankritSahityachaItihas, Rtaayan, Mumbai
7. Sanskrit SahityakaItihas, BaldevUpadhyaya,
Chowkhamba, Varanasi
Kavikulaguru -Kalidas - Sanskrit -Vishwavidyalaya Series,
Chief Editor, Prof Pan kajChande

1. Rajvaryah
2. PrasiddhaVaijnyanikah
3. Devmanavah
4. Chirajjivinah
5. VishishtaMahila

Paper 2. Foundations of Arthashastra - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit I - History of Dharmashastra -(30 marks)
Unit II - Selections from Dharmashastra Texts -(30 marks)
Assignment - Study of any other Dharmashastra -20 marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Paper 3. History of Ancient India -60 marks
Unit I - Maurya History -(30 marks)
Unit II - Gupta History -(30 marks)
Assignment -Study of a royal dynasty from this period -20 marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Paper 4. Sources of Arthashastra -60 marks
Unit I - Origin and Development of Arthashastra -(30 marks)
Unit II - Selections from Smriti Literatur e-(30 marks)
1) Manusmriti - Adhyaya 7 -8 (Rajadharma Prakarana)
2)Yadnyavalkyasmriti - Adhyaya 2 (Vyavaharadhaya)
Assignment -Study of any other Smriti -20 marks

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Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
1. Dharmashastra and Human Rights, Ujjwala Jha, New Bharatiya Book
Corporation, Delhi
2. Manu - An introductory Analysis, Dr.Brajkishore Swain, Chauk hamba Sanskrit
Sansthana, Varanasi
3. Sixteen Minor Smritis, Manmathanath Dutt, Parimal Publication, Delhi
4. Manusmriti Vol I to VI, J.H.Dave, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1972
5. Dharma, Patrick Olivelle, MLBD, Delhi
6. History of Dharmashastra, P. V.Kane, BORI, Pune
7. Dharmasutra, Patrick Olivelle, MLBD, Delhi
8. Yajnavalkya Smriti - Vyavaharadhyaya
9. India as known to Kautilya and Megasthenes by S.R.Goyal, Kusumanjali Book
World, Jodhpur, 2001
**************************************************** *************
Sem II
Paper 1. Composition of Kautiliya Arthashastra -(4 credits) 60marks
Unit I - Structure and contents of Kautiliya Arthashastra -(30 marks)
Unit II - Literary works based on Kautiliya Arthashastra -(30 marks)
(Commentaries, Mudrarakshas, Chanakyaneeti etc.)
Assignment - Study of a particular adhikarana in Kautiliya Arthashastra -20marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write sh ort notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Paper 2 . Kingship and Administration -(4 credits) 60 marks
Adhikarana 1,2 (Focus on four angas - Swami, Amatya, Janapada, Durg)
Assignmen t- Study of any fort from Arthashastra angle -20marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Paper 3 . Financial Management in KA - (4 credits) 60 marks
Adhikarana 2,3,5 (Focus on Kosha)
Assignment - Reflections of financial elements in the present situation -20marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 ma rks
Paper 4. Political and Military Policy in KA (4 credits) -60marks
Adhikarana 3,4,6 TO 14 (Focus on Danda, Mitra -allied nations)
Assignment -Reflections of above elements in the present situation -20marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 o ut of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks

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1.Kautiliya Arthashastra, T.Ganapati Shastri
2. Kautiliya Arthashastra, R.P.Kangle
3.Kautiliya Arthashastra, Marathi Translation, R.P.Kangle
4.Kautiliy a Arthashastra Pradeep, G.G.Tipnis, Varada Prakashan, Pune

(Basket 1) - One paper from each basket to be selected
Paper 1 - Elements f Polity in Ramayana -(4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 -Kaschit Sarga -45 marks
Unit 2 - War Strategy -15 marks
Assignment - Project on Dharmashastric base of depiction of kings in epics -20
Paper 2 - Elements f Polity in Mahabharata - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 -Study of Viduraniti -45 marks
Unit 2 - Reflections of Polity in some parvas of Mahabharata -15 marks
Assignment - Project on Dharmashastric base of depiction of kings in epics -20

(Basket 2)
Paper 1 - Study of Viramitrodaya by Mitramishra - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Introduction and Contents of Vir amitrodaya - 15 marks
Unit 2 - Vyavaharaprakasha, Rajanitiprakasha, Samskaraprakasha,
Lakshanaprakasha) - 45marks
Assignment - Study of legal elements in the light of modern times -20 marks

Paper 2 - Study of Dandanitiprakaranam by Keshav Pandit -(4 credits ) 60 marks
Unit 1 -Introduction and Contents of Dandanitiprakaranam -15 marks
Unit 2 - Vyavaharavyavastha, Cauryadandah,Parushyadvayam - 45marks
Assignment - Study of legal elements in the light of modern times -20 marks

(Basket 3 )
Paper 1 - Kamandakiya Nitisara -(4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Prakarana 1 to 6 -30 marks
Unit 2 - -Prakarana 7 to 11 -30 marks
Assignment -Project on any other Niti Text - 20 marks
Paper 1 - Shukraniti - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Rajadharma Prakarana -30 marks
Unit 2 - Senanirupana Prakarana -30 marks

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Assignment - Project on any other Niti Text -20marks

(Basket 4)
Paper 1 - Polity in Medieval Maharashtra -(4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Elements of Polity in the time of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj -30marks
Peshave Daftar, Ramachandra Amatya Adnyapatre,
Unit 2 - Budh abhushana, Shivabharat, Radhamadhavavilasachampu -30 marks
Assignment - Project on any one Royal dynasty -20marks

Paper 2 - Polity in Diadactic Texts - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Panchatantra 30marks
Unit 2 - Hitopadesha 30marks
Assignment - Project on any one Royal dynasty -20 marks

(Basket 5)
Paper 1 - Reflections of Polity in Classical Literature - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Mudrarakshas –A Political Play -45 marks
Unit 2 - Rajatarangini -15marks
Assignment -Project on any Sanskrit Literary work with elements of Polity -
Paper 2 - Ancient method of Records keeping -(4 credits) 60marks
Unit 1 - Overview of ancient methods - Inscriptions and Coinage -45 marks
Unit 2 - Lekhapaddhati –Study of Text -15marks
Assignment - Project on any Sanskrit Literary work with elements of Polity --

Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks

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Bibliography -
1. Evolution of Law of Crimes in Ancient India, R.S.Betai, Bharatiya Kala
Prakashan, Delhi
2. Viramitrodaya, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi
3. Dandanitiprakaranam of Keshav Pandit, Bharat Itihas Samshod han Mandal,
4. Parashara Smriti with Parashara Madhav, Commentary by Madhavacharya,

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Vol.I,II,III edited by M.M.Chandrakanta T., Oriental Book Centre, Delhi, 2007
5. Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta by M.R.Kale, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers,
Delhi, 19 91 (reprint)
6. Vishakhadatta’s Mudrarakshasa, R.R.Deshpande, Cosmo Publications, New
Delhi, 2005
7. Danakanda of Krityakalpataru, critical edited by David James Brick, University
of Texas, 2009
8. Rajadharmakanda of Krityakalpataru, edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri, Lahore,
9. Rajanitiratnakara with Hindi Commentary Prakash by Vachaspati Gairola and
Pt.Tarinish Jha, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi, 1970
Sem IV
Skill Based courses (any one paper to be selected)
1) Applications of Kautiliya Arthashastra /Applied Kautiliya Arthashastra
(Nation and Individual level) -(4 credits) 60marks
Unit 1 - Application of Kautiliya Arthashastra in National Level -30 marks
Unit 2 - Application of Kautiliya Arthashastra in daily life - 30 marks
Assignment - Reflection of state and foreign policy in modern world - A case
study -20marks
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out o f 3)- 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
2) Application of Kautiliya Arthashastra in National Defence System -(4
credits) 60 marks
Unit 1 - Spy System, Different threats -30 marks
Unit 2 - Internal and e xternal security -30 marks
Assignment - Reflection of Kautiliya Arthashastra in the present security system -
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
3) Research Methodolgy in Kautiliya
Arthashastra - (4 credits) 60 marks
Unit 1: Tantrayuktis from Kautiliya Arthashastra
Unit 2: Application from Tantrayuktis
Assignment - Citation of other examples of TYs from Kautiliya Arthashastra -
Paper Pattern - Q.1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Interdisciplinary courses - (any one paper to be selected)
1. Kautiliya Arthashastra and Epigraphy - (4 credits) 60 marks

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Principles of polity projected through Pune copper plates of Prabhavati Gupta,
Vishnusena’s charter, Delhi Topra pillar Inscription
2.Essence of Kautiliya Arthashastra (Kautilyanitisara) (4 credits) 60 mar ks
(Study of selected Sutras/quotes in Kautiliya Arthashastra)
Assignment - Study of some other quotes from Kautiliya Arthashastra - 20marks
Paper Pattern - Q. 1. Write short notes (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Q.2. Write paragraphs (2 out of 3) - 30 marks
Dissertation - 100 marks (compulsory)
1.Kautiliya Arthashastra, T.Ganapati Shastri, Govt Press,Trivadrum, 1924
2. Kautiliya Arthashastra, R.P.Kangle , University of Bombay, 1960
3.Kautiliya Arthashastra Pradeep, G.G.Tipnis, Varada Prakashan, Pune
4.Governance in Ancient India, Vaidya -Mahulikar -Bapat, Nag Publishers, Delhi
5. Studies in the Political and Administrative Systems in Ancient and Medieval
India, by D.C.Sircar, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1974

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(Appendix ‘B’)

New ordinances 6781 & 6782 relating to the
M.A. (Sanskrit) (Arthashastra)
Seven point justification to started the M. A. (Sanskrit) (Arthashastra)
1. Necessity for starting the course: Kautilya’sArthashastra along with other allied
texts on Rajaneetishastra are very relevant in the present times and need to be
studied in detail. These texts deal with statecraft, economy, polity, warfare and
strategic thinking. A true picture of our glorious past is incomplete without
taking the help of Arthashastra, at the sam e time these texts teach us how a
leader should function in different situations and emerge successful.
Arthashastra and its allied texts are under -studied. A student will get exact
knowledge and information and understand its relevance in the present ti mes.
2. Whether the UGC has recommended the course: Yes. The New Education
Policy opines that Sanskrit Departments and Universities should start courses
which are interdisciplinary in one hand and specialized in the other.
3. Whether all the courses have co mmenced from the academic year 2019 -2020
(2022 -23): Yes, we intend to start the Masters’ Degree Programme in the
academic year 2022 -23.
4. The courses started by the University are self -financed, whether adequate
number of eligible permanent faculties are available: The fees are as per
University rule. The existing faculty members comprising of 6 full time teaching
faculty and qualified visiting faculty will conduct the course
5. To give details regarding the duration of the Course and is it possible to
compr ess the course: The Masters’ Degree Programme in Arthashastrais a two
year (four semesters) course. MA degree cannot be compressed
6. The intake capacity of each course and no. of admissions given in the current
academic year: The intake capacity is 60 stud ents. No admissions have been
given as the course will commence from the academic year 2022 -23.
7. Opportunities of Employability / Employment available after undertaking these
courses: Students can work as teachers, researchers, religious experts or
consul tants for film and media, appear for UPSC and/or MPSC.
Dr. MadhaviNarsalay
Chairperson, BoS in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrits