Updated Revised MCA Syallbus R 2016 2017 MCA Sem I and II 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Updated Revised MCA Syallbus R 2016 2017 MCA Sem I and II 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17


Revised Syllabus
Master of Computer Applications: MCA
Semester I and II


(As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System)

Academic Year 2016 -17

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
From Co -ordinator’s Desk :
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in Master Program in Computer A pplications
(M.C.A.: referred as Master of Computer Applications) education, the issue of quality needs
to be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the
principal means of quality assurance in higher education. The ma jor emphasis of accreditation
process is to measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. In line with
this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating
philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum development.
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved
that, each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO‟s)
and give freedom to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEO‟s) and course objectives and course
outcomes to be clearly defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated
institutes understand the depth and approach of course to be taught, which will enhance
learner‟s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty from colleges
and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am happy to
state that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of
Technology, and developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education,
semester based credit and grading system is also introduced to ensure quality of Master of
Computer Applications (MCA) education.
Semester based Credit and Grading system enables a much required s hift in focus from teacher
centric to learner centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment
of time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will
enhance the quality of education. Universi ty of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing
the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of Technology has devised a transparent
credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner‟s performance. Choice
Based Credit and Gra ding System is implemented for First Year of Mast er of
Computer Applic ations (M.C.A.) from the academic year 2016 2017. Subsequently
this system will be carried forward for Second Year and Third Year of M.C.A. in the academic
years 2017 2018 and 2018 2019 respectively.
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Faculty of Technology,
Member Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
It is a privilege to present the revised Choice Based Credit and Grading System(CB CGS)
syllabus of Maste r of Computer Applications (M.C.A.) for Sem I and Sem II (effective from year
2016 -17) with inclusion of outcome based approach and project based learning. The syllabus is
designed keeping in view the requirements of Industry. The basic objective of the s yllabus is to
equip the students with the necessary knowledge, skills and foundation required for Application
Since the M.C.A. programme is inclined more towards Application Development and thus has
more emphasis on latest programming language s and tools to develop better and faster
applications using integrated approach. For this, the integrated lab concepts like mini -projects are
introduced in Sem I and Sem II. The syllabus of Sem I and Sem II include the combination of
various subject in the area of Business Management, Mathematics and Information Technology.

Dr.Dhananjay R.Kalbande

Chairman - Ad-hoc Board of Studies of Computer Application,
Member - Academic Council,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Program Structure for
Master of Com puter Application (MCA)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2016 -2017)
Semester I
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA101 Object Oriented
Programming 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA102 Software
Engineering &
Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA103 Computer
Organization and
Architecture 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA104 IT in
Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA105 Statistics and
Probability 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCAL101 Lab I – SEPM
and OOP Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCAL102 Lab II – Web
Technologies and
Mini Project -Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 -- 26

Code Subject Name
Examination Scheme

Theory Course Term
Work Pract. Oral
Total Intern al Assessment End Sem.
Exam. Test1 Test 2 Avg.
MCA101 Object Oriented
Programming 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA102 Software
Engineering &
Management 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA103 Computer
Organization and
Architecture 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA104 IT in
Management 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA105 Statistics and
Probability 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCAL101 Lab I – SEPM
and OOP Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
MCAL102 Lab II – Web
Technologies and
Mini Project Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
Total 100 100 100 400 50 100 50 700

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (MCA)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2016 -2017)
Semester II
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA201 Data Structures 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA202 Operating System 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA203 Computer
Networks 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA204 Financial
accounting and
Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA205 Decision makin g
and Mathematical
Modelling 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCAL201 Lab I –OS and CN
Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCAL202 Lab II –DS and
Web Application
using Open source
tools Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 -- 26

Code Subject N ame
Examination Scheme

Theory Course Term
Work Pract. Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem.
Exam. Test1 Test 2 Avg.
MCA201 Data Structures 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA202 Operating System 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA203 Computer
Networks 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA204 Financial
accounting and
Management 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA205 Decision making
and Mathematical
Modelling 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCAL201 Lab I – OS and CN
Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCAL202 Lab II –DS and
Web Application
using Open source
tools Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
Total 100 100 100 400 50 100 50 700

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

(2016 -17)

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA101 Object Oriented Programming 4

Code Subject Na me Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA101 Object Oriented
Programming 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
MCA101 Object
Programming Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average
of T1 &
20 20 20 80 - - - 100


Basic Understanding of C Programming Language
Knowledge of Algorithms and Control Flow of a program

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To Explore and Study Object oriented programming and advanced C++ concepts.
CEO 2 To Improve problem solving skills by applying object oriented techniques to solve
bigger computing problems.
CEO 3 To provide a Strong foundation for advanced programming.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA101.1 Comprehend Object oriented programming concepts and their application
MCA101.2 To write applications using C++.
MCA101.3 Implement programming concepts to solve bigger problems.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

No. Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Programming
Basics Introduction to Programming, Programming Paradigms,
Programming Languages and Types.
Introduction to C - Basic Program Structu re, Execution flow of
C Program, Directives, Basic Input /Output
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - OOP concepts,
Advantages, Applications, Comparison of C and C++ -Data
Types, Control Structures, Operators and Expressions 8
2 Introduction to
C++ Structure of a C++ program, Execution flow, Classes and
Objects, Access modifiers, Data Members, Member Functions,
Inline Functions, Passing parameters to a Function(pass by
Value, Pass by Address, Pass by Reference), Function with
default arguments, Func tion Overloading, Object as a
Parameter, Returning Object
Static data members and functions, Constant Data members
and functions
Constructors - Default, Parameterized, Copy, Constructor
Overloading, Destructors
Arrays, Array as a Class Member, Array of Obje cts, Strings -
Cstyle strings and String Class 10
3 Operator
and Pointers Operator Functions -Member and Non Member Functions,
Friend Functions Overloading Unary operators
Overloading binary operators(Arithmetic, Relational,
Arithmetic Assignme nt, equality), Overloading Subscript
Type Conversion Operators - primitive to Object, Object to
primitive, Object to Object
Disadvantages of operator Overloading, Explicit and Mutable
Pointers, Pointer and Address of Operator, Pointer to an Array
and Array of Pointers, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer to a Constant
and Constant Pointer, Pointer Initialization, Types of
Pointers(void, null and dangling), Dynamic Memory
Allocation, Advantages and Applications of pointers 10
4 Inheritance
Polymorphism Inheritance Concept, Protected modifier, Derivation of
Inheritance - Public, Private and Protected, Types of
Inheritance -Simple, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Multiple, Hybrid,
Constructors and Inheritance, Function Overriding and
Member hiding
Multiple Inheri tance, Multipath inheritance – Ambiguities and
Polymorphism, Static and Dynamic Binding, Virtual
Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Virtual destructors,
Abstract Classes, Interfaces 8

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
5 Streams and
Exceptions Files, Text and Binary Files, Stream Classes, File IO using
Stream classes, File pointers, Error Streams, Random File
Access, Manipulators, Overloading Insertion and extraction
Error handling, Exceptions, Throwing and catching
exceptions, Custom Exceptions, Built in exceptions 8
6 Advanced C++ Casting - Static casts, Const Casts, Dynamic Casts, and
Reinterpret Casts.
Creating Libraries and header files. Namespaces
Generic Programming, Templates, Class Templates, Function
Templates, Template arguments, STL
Database Programming with MySQL 8

Reference Books :

1. The Complete Reference C, 4th EditionHerbert Sehlidt,Tata Mcgraw Hill
2. Object Oriented Programming in C++,4th Edition,Robert Lafore,SAMS Techmedia
3. The Complete Reference -C++,4th Edition. Herbert Schildt,Tata McGraw -Hill
4. The C+ + Programming Language, 4th Edition,BjarneStroustrup,AddisonWesly
5. Starting Out with C++ Early Objects,8th Edition,Tony Gaddis et al,Addison -Wesley
6. C++ How to Program,8th Edition,Deitel and Deitel, Prentice Hall
7. Practical C++ Programming,2nd Edition,Steve Q uoaline,O‟reilly Publication
8. Absolute C++,4th Edition, Walter Savitch,Pearson Education

Web References:
1. https://dev.mysql.com
2. www.github.com


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lectu re hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA102 Software Engineering & Project Management 04

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA102 Software
Engineering &
Project Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
102 Software
& Project
Management Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average
of T1 &
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Knowledge of structure programming language and Application development.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 102.1 To understand the process of Software En gineering
CEO 102.2 To conceptualize the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models.
CEO 102.3 To familiarize Project Management framework and Tools

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA102.1 Apply use of knowledge of Softw are Life Cycle to successfully implement the
projects in the corporate world.
MCA102.2 Identify the Inputs, Tools and techniques to get the required Project deliverable and
Product deliverable using 10 Knowledge areas of Project Management.
MCA102.3 Impl ement Project Management Processes to successfully complete project in IT
industry .

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
No Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Introduction to
engineering and
management Introduction to Software Engineering: Software, Evolving
role of software, Three “R” -Reuse, Reengineering and
Retooling, An Overview of IT Project Management:
Define project, project management framework, The role
of project Manager, Systems View of Project
Management, Stakeholder management, Project phases
and t he project life cycle. 6
2 Software Process
Models Waterfall Model, Evolutionary Process Model: Prototype
and Spiral Model, Incremental Process model: Iterative
approach, RAD, JAD model, Concurrent Development
Model, Agile Development: Extreme programmin g,
Scrum. 6
3 Software
Analysis and
Specification Types of Requirement, Feasibility Study, Requirement
Analysis and Design: DFD, Data Dictionary, HIPO Chart,
Warnier Orr Diagram, Requirement Elicitation:
Interviews, Questionnaire, Brainstormi ng, Facilitated
Application Specification Technique (FAST), Use Case
SRS Case study, Software Estimation: Size Estimation:
Function Point (Numericals). Cost Estimation: COCOMO
(Numericals), COCOMO -II (Numericals). Earned Value
Management. 11
4 Software Project
Planning Business Case, Project selection and Approval, Project
charter, Project Scope management: Scope definition and
Project Scope management, Creating the Work
Breakdown Structures, Scope Verification, Scope Control. 8
5 Project
Sche duling and
management Relationship between people and Effort: Staffing Level
Estimation, Effect of schedule Change on Cost, Degree of
Rigor & Task set selector, Project Schedule, Schedule
Control, CPM (Numericals), Basic Planning Purchases and
Acquisitions, Planning Contracting, Requesting Seller
Responses, Selecting Sellers, Out Sourcing: The
Beginning of the outsourcing phenomenon, Types of
outsourcing relationship, The realities of outsourcing,
Managing the outsourcing relationship. 6

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
6 Software Quality Software and System Quality Management: Overview of
ISO 9001, SEI Capability Maturity Model, McCalls
Quality Model, Six Sigma, Formal Technical Reviews,
Tools and Techniques for Quality Control, Pareto
Analysis, Statistical Sampling, Quality Control Charts and
the seven Run Rule.
Modern Quality Management, Juran and the importance of
Top management, Commitment to Quality, Crosby and
Striving for Zero defects, Ishikawa and the Fishbone
Diagram. 7 Hrs
7 Human Resource
Management Human Resource Planning, Acquiring the Project Team:
Resource Assignment, Loading, Leveling, Developing the
Project Team: Team Structures, Managing the Project
Team, Change management: Dealing with Conflict &
Resistance Leadership & Ethics. 4 Hrs
8 Software Risk
Manage ment and
Reliability issues Risk Management: Identify IT Project Risk, Risk Analysis
and Assessment, Risk Strategies, Risk Monitoring and
Control, Risk Response and Evaluation.
Software Reliability: Reliability Metrics, Reliability
Growth Modeling. 4 Hrs

Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering, 5th and 7th edititon, by Roger S Pressman, McGraw Hill
2. Managing Information Technology Project, 6edition, by Kathy Schwalbe, Cengage
Learning publication.
3. Information Technology Project Management by Jac k T Marchewka Wiley India
4. Software Engineering 3rd edition by KK Agrawal, Yogesh Singh, New Age International
5. Software Engineering Project Management by Richard H. Thayer Wiley India
6. Software Engineering for students: A Programming Approach by Douglas Bell, Pearson
Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two
End Semester Theory Examination: guidelines for setting up the questio n paper.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA103 Compu ter Organization and Architecture 04

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA103 Computer
Organization &
Architecture 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examinatio n Scheme
103 Computer
Architecture Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Basic knowledge o f Computer Fundamentals

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):
CEO1 To have a understanding of Digital systems and operation of a digital computer.
CEO2 To learn different architectures & organizations of memory systems, processor
organization and contr ol unit.
CEO3 To understand the working principles of multiprocessor and parallel organization‟s
as advanced computer architectures

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA103.1 Design trade -offs Basic fundamentals in digital logic & structure of a digital
MCA103.2 Identify performance issues in processor and memory design of a digital
MCA103.3 To Develop independent learning skills and be able to learn more about different
computer architecture s and hardware.
MCA103.4 To articulate design issues in the development of Multiprocessor organization &


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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Fundamentals
of Digital
Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Simplification of Logi c
Circuits: Algebraic Simplification, Karnaugh Maps.
Combinational Circuits : Adders, Mux, De -Mux, Sequential
Circuits : Flip -Flops (SR, JK & D), Counters : synchronous
and asynchronous Counter 12
2 Computer
Comparison of Computer Organization &A rchitecture,
Computer Components and Functions, Interconnection
Structures. Bus Interconnections, Input / Output: I/O Module,
Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, Direct Memory Access 06
3 Memory
Organization Classification and design parameters, Memory Hierarchy,
Internal Memory: RAM, SRAM and DRAM, Interleaved and
Associative Memory. Cache Memory: Design Principles,
Memory mappings, Replacement Algorithms, Cache
performance, Cache Coherence. Virtual Memory, External
Memory : Magnetic Discs, Opti cal Memory, Flash Memories,
RAID Levels 08
4 Processor
Instruction Formats, Instruction Sets, Addressing Modes,
Addressing Modes Examples with Assembly Language
[8085/8086 CPU] , Processor Organization, Structure and
Function. Register Orga nization, Instruction Cycle, Instruction
Pipelining. Introduction to RISC and CISC Architecture,
Instruction Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors:
Design Issues. 12
5 Control Unit
Micro -Operations, Functional Requirements, Processor
Hard wired Implementation, Micro -programmed Control 04
6 Fundamentals
of Advanced
Architecture Parallel Architecture: Classification of Parallel Systems,
Flynn‟s Taxonomy, Array Processors, Clusters, and NUMA
Multiprocessor Systems : Struc ture & Interconnection
Multi -Core Computers: Introduction, Organization and
Performance. 08
7 Case Study Case study : Pentium 4 processor Organization and
Architecture 02

Reference Books:
1. Modern Digital Electronics, R.P.Jain, 4e, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Computer Organization & Architecture, William Stallings, 8e, Pearson Education.
3. Computer Architecture & Organization, John P. Hayes, 3e, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Computer Organization, 5e, Carl Hamacher, Zconko Vranesic & Safwat Zaky, Tata
McGraw Hill.
5. Digital Computer Fundamentals, Bartee C. Thomas , McGraw -Hill International
6. Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education.
7. Computer Architecture & Organization, Nicholas Carter, McGraw Hill.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
8. Computer Architecture & Organization, 2e, Miles Murdocca & Vincent Heuring,
Wiley India.


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA104 IT in Manage ment 4

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA104 IT in Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
104 IT in
Management Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Basic knowledge Information Technology

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 Unders tand Information Technology and its practices in managing the business.
CEO 2 Conceptualize the process of Technology acquisition in an Industry.
CEO 3 Familiar with impact and issues of Information Technology for managing business
operations with social concern.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able :

MCA101.1 To use various IT tools used for managing the Industrial operation.
MCA101.2 To apply the decision for selecting the proper IT tools for Management operation.
MCA101.2 To design the strategic plan for using Information Technology in Management


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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

No. Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Information
Support and
Application Introduction to Information Technology, Business Values
Of IT, Role Of Computer in Modern Business, Current
Trends, Business in Digital Economy. 6
2 Information
System and
applications Introduction to Information System: Information System,
Classification and type of Information System, Information
system In frastructure and architecture, Role of Information
systems in Business Today, Perspective on Information
systems, Software and hardware platform to Improve
Business Performance, Management opportunities
challenges and Solutions, Business applications : Roles of
IT in E -commerce, M -commerce. 8
3 Acquisition of
Technology Need to acquire technology, developing new technologies,
Increasing strategic options, Gaining efficiency
improvements, sources for acquiring technology,
Responding to the c ompetitive environment. 8
4 Impact of
Technology on
organization and
Strategic Issues
of Information
Technology Impact of Information Technology on organization :
Modern Organizations ,Creating New Types of
Strategic Issues of I nformation Technology: Information
Technology and Corporate Strategy, Creating and
Sustaining a Competitive Edge, Integrating Technology
with the Business Environment, Managing Information
Technology 8
5 IT for managing
business and
Governance International Business and IT technologies: International
Business Strategies, Key Issues in International
Environment, Managing IT Internationally.
Governance concept: IT Governance, Internet governance,
E-governance and internal IT pro cesses. 10

6 Information
Issues For
Management Management in a Technological Environment, The
Changing World of Information Action Plan 6
7 Societal
Implications And
The Future With
Technology Social Responsibilities, Ethics and Information
Technology, The Future with Information Technology 6

Reference Books
Information Technology For Management – Transforming Organizations in Digital
Economy by EFRAIM Turban, Dorothy Leidner (WILEY Student Edition)
Information Technology For Management by B. MuthuKumaran (OXFORD University

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Information Technology For Management 7th ed Authors Henry C Lucas ,Mc Graw
Hill Publications.
Information Technology For Management by Dr. CH. Seetha Ram.
Technology Acquisition ,A guid ed approach to technology acquisition and protection
decision by Mortara and Ford.
Business Intelligence: Practices, Technologies, and Management - Rajiv Sabherwal, Irma
Becerra -Fernandez
Manging and using Information Systems, K E Pearlson, C S Saunders, Wi ley India


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from a ny module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA105 Statistics And Probability 04

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA105 Statistics And
Probability 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
105 Statistics
Probability Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Basic Mathematics, combinatorics and calculus Knowledge.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To equip the students with a working knowledge of probability, statistics, and
modeling in the presence of uncertainties.
CEO 2 To understand the concept of hypothesis and significance tests
CEO 3 To help the students to develop an intuition and an interest for random phenomena
and to introduce both theoretical issues and applications that may be useful in real

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA105.1 Distinguish between quantitative and categor ical data
MCA105.2 Apply different statistical measures on data
MCA105.3 Identify, formulate and solve problems
MCA105.4 Classify different types of Probability and their fundamental applications

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
No Module Detailed Contents Hours
Measures of
&Measures of
Dispersion Frequency Distribution, Histogram, Stem and leaf diagram,
ogives, Frequency Polygon, Mean, Median, Mode, Range,
Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Box whisker plot,
Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Var iation 8
2 Skewness,
Correlation &
Regression Karl Pearson‟s coefficient of Skewness, Bowley‟s
coefficient of Skewness, Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson‟s
coefficient of correlation, Spearman‟s rank correlation
coefficient , Linear Regression and Estimation, Coefficients
of regression 8
3 Theory of
Attributes Classes and Class Frequencies, Consistency of Data,
Independence of Attributes, Association of Attributes 4
4 Testing of
Hypothesis Hypothesis, Type I and Type II errors. Tests of significance
– Studen t's t-test:Single Mean, Difference of means, paired
t-test, Chi -Square test:Test of Goodness of Fit,
Independence Test 10
5 Introduction to
Probability Random experiment, Sample space, Events, Axiomatic
Probability, Algebra of events 4
6 Conditional
Prob ability Conditional Probability, Multiplication theorem of
Probability, Independent events, Baye‟s Theorem 6
7 Random
variables Discrete random variable, Continuous random variable,
Two-dimensional random variable, Joint probability
distribution, Stochast ic independence 7
8 Mathematical
Expectation Expected value of a random variable, Expected value of a
function of a random variable,Properties of Expectation and
Variance, Covariance 5

Reference Books:

1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics – 1st Edition S.C.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor , S Chand
2. Introduction to Probability & Statistics – 4th Edition J.Susan Milton, Jesse C. Arnold Tata
McGraw Hill
3. Fundamentals of Statistics : 7th edition S C Gupta, Himalaya Publishing house
4. Probability and Statistics with Reli ability, Queuing, And Computer Science
Applications (English) 1st Edition: Kishore Trivedi, PHI
5. Schaum‟s Outlines Probability, Random Variables & Random Process 3rd Edition Tata
McGraw Hill
6. Probability & Statistics for Engineers: Dr J Ravichandran, Wile y
7. Statistics for Business and Economics: Dr Seema Sharma, Wiley
8. Applied Business Statistics 7th Edition Ken Black, Wiley

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as me ntion in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours per week) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
L101 Lab 1 -SEPM
and OOP Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]
Laboratory Name Term
Work Pract. Oral Total
L101 Lab 1 -SEPM and OOP Lab 25 50 25 100


Basic Understanding of C Programming Language
Knowledge of Algorithms and Control Flow of a program

Course Educational Objectives ( CEO):

CEO 1 To Understand Concepts of Object oriented programming and basics of Software
CEO 2 To learn how C++ supports Object Oriented Principles.
CEO 3 To Study Design of reliable and maintainable Object Oriented Applications using
an Integrated Software Engineering Approach.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

MCA L101.1 Design and Develop the solution to a problem using Object Oriented
Programming Concepts
MCA L101.2 Demonstrate use of C++ Concepts
MCA L101.3 Develop real time applications.

No. Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Programming
Basics Basic Programs using C
Programming Assignments using Control Structures
Logic Building Programming Assignments 8
2 Introduction to
C++ Programming Assignments Using C lasses
Programming Assignments using Static members and Methods
Programming Assignments using Constant members and
Programming Assignments using Arrays and Strings 8
3 Operator
and Pointers Programming Assignments to Overload Operato rs
Programming Assignments for Data Conversions
Programming Assignments Using Pointers 8

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
4 Inheritance and
Polymorphism Programming Assignments based on Inheritance and
Polymorphism 8
5 Streams and
Exceptions Programming Assignments based on Streams and Exceptions 8
6 Advanced C++ Programming Assignments based on Templates
Case Study - Database Connectivity using MySQL 8
7 SRS Business Case
Software Requirement Specification (SRS to be attached for
any sample project) 4
8 Scheduling
Tools and WBS Introduction to Project Scheduling tools (any open source
Creating a Project Plan or WBS
Establishing the Project Start or Finish Date
Entering Tasks
Attach Supporting Information
Entering Task Durations
Setting Task Constraints (Milesto nes)
Gantt chart
Pert/CPM chart 8
9 Resource
Management Resource Management (using open source tool)
Managing Project Cost 4
10 Cost Estimation
and Quality
Standards Solving examples using COCOMO and COCOMO II models,
CPM numerical
Case studies on Quality Standards 4
11 A Mini –
Project It is based on OOP and SE PM using an integrated approach
(Maximum two students in a group) 10

Reference Books:

1. The Complete Reference C, 4th EditionHerbert Sehlidt,Tata Mcgraw Hill
2. Object Oriented Programmi ng in C++,4th Edition,Robert Lafore,SAMS Techmedia
3. The Complete Reference -C++,4th Edition. Herbert Schildt,Tata McGraw -Hill
4. The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition,BjarneStroustrup,AddisonWesly
5. Starting Out with C++ Early Objects,8th Edition,Tony Gaddis et al,Addison -Wesley
6. C++ How to Program,8th Edition,Deitel and Deitel, Prentice Hall
7. Practical C++ Programming,2nd Edition,Steve Quoaline,O‟reilly Publication
8. Absolute C++,4th Edition, Walter Savitch,Pearson Education
9. Software Engineering, 5th and 7th edit iton, by Roger S Pressman, McGraw Hill
10. Managing Information Technology Project, 6edition, by Kathy Schwalbe, Cengage
Learning publication.
11. Information Technology Project Management by Jack T Marchewka Wiley India
12. Software Engineer ing 3rd edition by KK Agrawal, Yogesh Singh, New Age International
13. Software Engineering Project Management by Richard H. Thayer Wiley India

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14. Software Engineering for students: A Programming Approach by Douglas Bell, Pearson
publica tion.

Web References:
1. https://dev.mysql.com
2. www.github.com

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Code Subject
Name Teaching Scheme (Contact
Hours per Week) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
L102 Lab-II: Web
and Mini
Project Lab --- 06 --- --- 03 --- 03
Examination Scheme
End Semester Exam [Once in a Semester]
Laboratory Name Term
Work Practical Oral Total
MCAL102: Lab -II: Web Technologies and Mini
Project Lab 25 50 25 100

Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of programming fundamentals

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To study the concept and architecture of World Wide Web.
CEO 2 To learn web application development using open source technology.
CEO 3 To provid e skills to design and develop dynamic web sites.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to

MCA L102.1 Acquire knowledge about functionality of world wide web
MCA L102.2 Develop web based applications using open source technol ogy.
MCA L102.3 Design and develop dynamic web sites.


No. Module Detailed Contents Hours
1. Introduction
to the Web
Technologies Concept of WWW, Internet and WWW, HTTP Protocol:
Request and Response, Web browser and Web servers. 06
2. HTML Basics of HTML, Structure of HTML code, formatting and
fonts, color, hyperlink, lists, tables, images
(Programming Assignments based on above topics) 12
3. Style Sheets Need for CSS, introduction to CSS, basic syntax and
structure, Classes and Pseudo Classes, CSS tags for setting
background images, colors and properties, manipulating texts,
using fonts, borders and boxes, margins, padding lists,
positioning etc. (Programming Assignments based on above
topics) 12

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4. Introduction
to PHP Configuration an d Installation of PHP, basic syntax of PHP,
Expressions, Statements, Arrays, Functions, string, Regular
Expressions, Date and Time Functions
(Programming Assignments based on above topics) 12
5. PHP and
MySQL File Handling - Creating a File, Reading from Files, Copying
Files, Moving File, Deleting File, Updating File, Uploading
Files, Form Designing using HTML 5, Validation‟s using
PHP Connection to server, creating database, selecting a
database, listing database, listing table names, creating a table,
inserting data, altering tables, queries, deleting database,
deleting data and tables, Master -Detail relationships using
Joins. Session Management - Using Cookies in PHP, HTTP
Authentication, Using Sessions
(Programming Assignments based on above topics) 10
6 Mini Project A Mini – Project based on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL sing
an integrated approach.(Maximum Two students in a Group) 26

Reference Books:
1. Web Technologies, Black Book, dreamtech Press
2. HTML 5, Black Book, dreamtech Press
3. Learning PHP, MySQL, J avaScript, CSS and HTML 5, Robin Nixon, O‟Reilly
4. Developing Web Applications in PHP and AJAX, Harwani, McGrawHill
5. Professional PHP Programming, Jesus Caspagnetto, Etal. Wrox Publication.
6. Internet and World Wide Web How to program, P.J. Deitel & H.M. Deitel, Pearson
7. Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley and M. T. Savaliya, Wiley -India

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(2016 -17)

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA201 Data Structures 04

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA201 Data Structures 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
201 Data
Structures Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Understanding of Algorithms

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To teach efficient storage mechanisms of data for an easy access.
CEO 2 To design and impleme nt various basic and advanced data structures.
CEO 3 To introduce various techniques for representation of the data in the real world.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to :

MCA201.1 Analyze and compute efficiency of various algorithms.
MCA201.2 Effectively choose the data structure that efficiently model the information in a
MCA201.3 Describe how Linear data structures are represented in memory and used by
algorithms and their applications
MCA201.4 Identi fy the benefits of Non -linear Data Structures and their applications

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Sr Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Introduction to
Data Structures
& Algorithms Introduction of Data structures, Abstract Data Types,
Performance Analysis: Space Complex ity, Time Complexity,
Asymptotic Notations (Big O, Omega, Theta), Performance
measurement, Divide and Conquer, Back Tracking Method,
Dynamic programming 4
2 Sorting and
algorithms Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Radix Sort, Quick sort, Merge sort,
Heap sort, Selection sort, shell Sort, Linear Search, Sequential
search, Binary search 6
3 Hashing Different Hashing Techniques, Address calculation
Techniques, Common hashing functions, Collision resolution
techniques: Linear probe, Quadratic probe, Key offset.
Rehashing, Double hashing, Link list addressing. 8
4 Linear Data
Structures Stack Definition, Operations, Implementation of Stacks
(Array and Linked list) and applications -Evaluation of postfix
expression, Balancing of parenthesis
Queue: Defi nition, Operations, Implementation of simple
queue (Array and Linked list) and applications of queue -BFS
Types of queues: Circular, Double ended, Priority,
Implementation using linked list
Types of Linked List: Singly, Doubly and Circular Linked list
Defin ition, Operations (Insert, delete, traverse, count, search )
Applications of Linked List: Polynomial Addition and
Subtraction 14
5 Non-linear
Data Structures Tree Definition and concepts,
General Tree - Definition, Insertion and Deletion into general
Binary Tree - Definition, Insertion and Deletion into binary
Traversal of a binary tree, Reconstruction of a binary tree
from traversal, Conversion of general tree into binary tree,
Huffman tree, Expression tree, Binary threaded three
Binary Sear ch Tree - Definition, Operation, Implementation
AVL tree - Definition, AVL tree rotation with examples,
Heaps -Definition, Operations (insertion, delete, build)
M way Tree - Introduction, B tree -definition and examples and
B* 14
6 Graphs Definition, Types, Operations, Representation, Networks,
Traversals of graph, Minimum spanning tree, Kruskal‟s
Algorithm, Prim‟s Algorithm, Warshall‟s Algorithm,Shortest
path algorithm -dijsktra‟s algorithm 6

Reference Books

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
1. Richard F Gilberg Behrouz A Forouzan , “Data Str ucture A Pseudocode Approach with
C“. Second edition
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduction
to ALGORITHMS”, PHI, India Second Edition.
3. Shaum‟s Outlines Data Structure Seymour Lipschutz TMH
4. Michael T.Goodrich “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ -“ Wiley Publications

Theory paper will be of 80 marks. Internal assessment will be of 20 marks, which will be the
average of two tests (T1 and T2) of 20 marks each.

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two
End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All q uestion carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA202 Operating System 4

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA 202 Operating System 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
MCA 202 Operating
System Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Avera ge of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Pre-requisites: Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):
CEO 1 To teach Operating system design
CEO 2 To understand the process concurrency and synchronization, deadlock s and various
memory management policies.
CEO 3 To teach the concepts of input/output, storage and file management
CEO 4 To teach various protection and security mechanisms and to study and compare
different operating systems & their features.

Cour se Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
MCA202.1 Classify different styles of operating system designs
MCA202.2 Analyze process management, I/O management, memory management functions of
Operating System
MCA202.3 Employ proc ess scheduling and disk scheduling algorithms.
MCA202.4 Explore file management and protection and security concepts.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Sr No Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Introduction
to System
Software &
System Introduction to System Software & operating System
Overview of all system softwares: Compiler, Assembler,
Linker, Loader, Operating system, OS services and
Components, Types of OS -Batch, multiprocessing,
multitasking, timesharing, Distributed OS ,Real time OS,
virtual machines, System Ca lls ,types of System calls,
Buffering, Spooling 5
2 Process and
Process and Thread Management: - Concept of process and
threads, Process states, Process management, Context
switching, Interaction between processes and OS,
Multithreadi ng, CPU scheduling algorithms,
multiprocessor scheduling algorithms, Real time
scheduling algorithms 10
3 Concurrency
Concurrency Control: Concurrency and Race Conditions,
Mutual exclusion requirements, Software and hardware
solutions, Semaphor es, Monitors, Classical IPC problems
and solutions, Deadlock, Characterization, Detection,
Recovery, Avoidance and Prevention 8
4 Memory
Management Memory Management: Memory partitioning, Swapping,
Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory, Overlays,Demand
paging, Performance of Demand paging, Virtual memory
concepts, Page replacement algorithms, Allocation
algorithms 9
5 Mass Storage
Structure Mass Storage Structure: Secondary -Storage Structure,
Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk manageme nt,
Swap -space management, Disk reliability, Stable storage
implementation, Introduction to clock, Clock hardware,
Clock software 7
6 File systems File systems: File concept, File support, Access methods,
Allocation methods, Dir ectory systems, File protection,
Free space management 4
7 Protection &
Security Protection & Security: Protection - Goals of protection,
Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of
access matrix, Revocation of access rights
Secu rity- The security problem, Authentication, One -Time
passwords, Threats 4
8 Case Study Case Study : Study of different Operating, Systems(Linux,
Windows, Android OS, iOS) 5

Reference Books
1. Operating System Concepts (9th Ed) by Silberschatz and Galvin, Wiley, 2000.
2. Operating Systems (5th Ed) – Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings,
Prentice Hall, 2000.
3. Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall India, 1992.
4. Operating Systems (3rd edition) by Gary Nutt, NabenduCha ki, SarmishthaNeogy,

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
5. Operating Systems Design & Implementation Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S.
Woodhull Pearson
6. Operating Systems Achyut S. Godbole Tata McGraw Hill
7. Operating Systems D.M.Dhamrdhere Tata McGraw Hill

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two
End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be c ompulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question pa per weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 203 Computer Networks 4

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA203 Computer Networks 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
203 Computer
Networks Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 - - - 100


Digital Computer Fundamentals, Computer Architecture.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To help learners get a grounding of basic network components and architecture.
CEO 2 To explore basic networking models.
CEO 3 To learn the way protocols are used in networks and their design issues.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students should be able to :

MCA203.1 Comprehend the basic concepts of computer networks and data communication
MCA203.3 Analyze basic networking protocols and their use in network design
MCA203.3 Explore various advanced networking concepts.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Sr. No Module / Unit Detailed Contents Hours
1 Basics of Digital
Communication Introduction to digital communication, Signal
propagation, Signal types, Signal parameters , Switching
& forwarding, Transmission impairments, Attenuation,
Delay distortion, Noise, Effects of limited bandwidth,
Data rate limits -Nyqu ist‟s theorem and Shannon‟s
theorem. 05
2 Network
and Models Basics of computer Network, topology & types of
topologies, types of networks(LAN, MAN, WAN),
Concept of Intranet & Extranet, Ad -Hoc Networks, types
of communications (Asynchronou s and synchronous) ,
modes of communications (simplex, half duplex, full
duplex), Protocols, Networking models, ISO -OSI
Reference Model, Design issues of the layer ,Internet
Model (TCP/IP), Comparison of ISO -OSI & TCP/IP
Model 06
3 Networking
Devices Conn ectivity Devices : Passive & Active Hubs,
Repeaters, , Switches (2 -Layer Switch, 3 -Layer
switch(Router), Bridges (Transparent Bridges, Spanning
Tree, Bridges, Source Routing Bridges) , Brouters,
Gateways. 04
4 Application,
Presentation &
Session Layer Principles of Application Layer Protocols, The Web and
HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Electronic Mail in the Internet
(SMTP, MIME, POP3, IMAP), DNS, Introduction to
SNMP. 06
5 Transport layer Transport -Layer Services, port addressing, Multiplexing
and Demultiplexing, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer,
Congestion Control, TCP‟s Congestion Control.
Quality of Service : Introduction, Queue Analysis, QoS
Mechanisms, Queue management Algorithms, Feedback,
Resource, Reservation. 10
6 Network layer Network Service Mod el, Data gram & Virtual Circuit ,
Routing Principles, The Internet Protocol,(ipv4 & ipv6) ,
IP addressing and subnetting, Routing Algorithms.,
Hierarchical Routing, Routing in the Internet: Intra and
inter domain routing; Unicast Routing Protocols RIP,
OSPF, BGP, Multicast Routing Protocols : MOSPF,
ATM Networks: Need for ATM, ATM Layers, ATM
adaptation Layers, IP over ATM, Multi protocol Label
switching (MPLS), Drawbacks of traditional routing
methods, Idea of TE, TE and Different Traffic classes 11
7 Data Link
Layer Data Link Layer, Error Detection and Correction
Techniques, Multiple Access Protocols, LAN Addresses
and ARP & RARP , PPP: The Point -to-Point Protocol ,
Ethernet standards – IEEE 802.3, 802.5, FDDI, 802.6. 08
8 Physical layer Physica l Layer, Types of media wired and wireless media 02

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Reference Books:
1. Computer Networking: A Top -Down Approach Featuring the Internet , J. F. Kurose and
K. W. Ross, Seventh Edition, Addison -Wesley.
2. Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies and Protocol s for Network design, N.
Olifer and V. Olifer, Wiley India
3. Data Communication and Networking, B. A. Forouzan, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill.
4. Computer Networks, Andrew Tenenbaum, Fifith Edition, PHI .
5. TCP/IP Protocol Suite, B. A. Forouzan, Third Edition, T ata McGraw Hill edition.
6. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Ninth Edition, Pearson


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Th eory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions wi ll be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the s yllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA204 Financial Accounting and Management 4

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA204 Financial Accounting
and Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
MCA204 Financial
Management Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average
of T1 &
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Some basic knowledge of accounting and good mathematical skills is recommended.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):
CEO 1 Introduce the principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting and
CEO 2 Explore, and use the accounting concepts emphasizing how financial statements
communicate information about the business corporation‟s performance and position
for users internal and external to management.
CEO 3 To introduce the underlying framework a nd concepts of Financial Accounting and
Management and how these fit into the current global business scenario.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
MCA204.1 To use accounting functions as an information developme nt and communication
system that supports economic decision making and provides value to entities and
society. MCA204.2 Preparation of financial statements and related information and apply analytical
tools in making both business and financial decisions.
MCA204.3 To analyze the impact of accounting system on several business functions and
managers‟ decision making.
MCA204.4 To analyze and use financial statements; prepare budgets and investment options;
assess risks and the rewards involved in firm‟s fi nancial decisions.

No. Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 Introduction to
Accounting Introduction to Accounting :– Principles, Concepts, Double
entry system of accounting, introduction to journal, voucher,
ledger; preparation of trial balance, final accounts , trading and
profit and loss account and balance sheet.(theory and
Accounting Standards - AS1, AS2, AS3,AS9(only Theory),
IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)

2 BEA and
Budgeting Break -even Analysis :-Concept o f Break Even Point, Cost -
Volume -Profit Analysis, Determination of Break Even Point,
Margin of Safety and PV ratio, Impact of changes in Cost or
selling price on BEP - Practical applications of Break -even
Budgeting : Budgeting –cash budget (theory a nd numerical),
sales budget – flexible Budgets and master budgets (theory). 12
3 Financial
Concepts Financial Management :–Meaning and scope, Objectives of time
value of money, goals of FM, profit vs. value maximization.
Leverages – operating, f inancial, composite.; cost of equity,
preference and equity shares, bonds and debentures, weighted
average cost of capital, capital gearing fundamentals.
4 Tools and
Techniques of
FM Tools and Techniques for Financial Statement Analysis :-
Ratio Analys is – Classification of Ratios – Short term solvency
and long term solvency – Profitability ratios - Analysis and
Interpretation of Financial Statements through ratios of
Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability.
Fund Flow Statement - Meaning, Importance, Sta tement of
changes in working capital and statement of Sources and
application of funds.
Cash flow Analysis: - cash flow Statements: Preparation,
Analysis and interpretation, (only theory) 10

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
5 Capital
Concepts Capital Budgeting :- Capital and its significance, Types of
Capital, Estimation of Fixed and Working capital requirements,
Methods and sources of raising capital. Capital Budgeting:
features of capital budgeting proposals, Methods of Capital
Budgeting: Payback Method; purpose of capital budge ting,
capital budgeting process, and types of capital investment
Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) and Net Present Value
Method (simple numerical problems on these).

Reference Books:
1. Dr. Kapil Jain, Prof. Rashmi Somani, “Accounting for Manage rs”, Dreamtech Press, 2015
2. S N Maheshwari, “Accounting for Management” , Vikas Publishing, 3rd edition
3. Prasanna Chandra, “Financial Management Theory and Practices” , TMH, 9th edition
4. Weygandt, Himmel, Kiesco, “Accounting Principles”, 12th Edition,Wiley Publ ication.
5. Khan & Jain, “Financial Management”, Mc Graw Hill
6. Siddiqui S.A. Siddiqui, “Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis”, A.S. New Age.
7. V Sharan, “Fundamentals of Financial Management”, Pearson Education.


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: guidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weighta ge of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA205 Decision Making and Mathematical Modeling 4

Code Subject Name Teaching
Scheme Credits
Assigne d
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
MCA205 Decision Making and
Modelling 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
MCA205 Decision
Making and
Modelling Theory Marks TW Pract Oral
Internal Assessment End
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average
of T1 &
20 20 20 80 - - - 100

Basic knowledge of mathematics

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To Understand the fundamenta l ideas of Discrete Mathematics
CEO 2 To Express the decision making concepts as a mathematical model
CEO 3 To Study and identify a real life business problem and computing requirements
appropriate to its solution

Course Outcomes: At the end of the cou rse, the students will be able to:

MCA205.1 Develop mathematical and logical thinking
MCA205.2 Model situations from variety of settings in generalised mathematical form
MCA205.3 Solve the real world business problem

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Sr Module Detailed C ontents Hours
1 Mathematical
Propositions and logical operations, Conditional Statements ,
Methods of Proof , Mathematical Induction, Mathematical
Statements , Logic and Problem Solving, Normal Forms 8
2 Sets and
Set operations and f unctions, Product sets and partitions,
Relations and digraphs, Paths in Relations and Digraphs,
Properties of Relations , Equivalence Relations, Operations
on Relations, Partially Orders Sets, Hasse diagram 10
3 Graphs
Graph, Representation of Graph, Ad jacency matrix,
Adjacency list, Euler paths and Circuits, Hamiltonian Paths
and Circuits 5
4 Mathematical
Models Mathematical Models - Vehicular Stopping Distance
Modeling using decision theory : Probability and Expected
Value (e.g. Rolling the Dice, L ife Insurance, Roulette etc)
Decision Trees , Classification problems using Bay‟s
theorem 8
5 Modeling using
Recurrence relation - Fibonacci series, Tower of
Hanoi ,Lines in a plane Homogenous linear equations with
constant coefficie nts, Particular Solution, Total Solution,
Divide and Conquer Recurrence Relations (Fast
Multiplication of Integers, Fast matrix Multiplication) 10
6 Characteristics
of Complex
Problems Number of Possible Solutions, Time -Changing Environment,
Prob lem-Specific Constraints, Multi -objective Problems,
Modeling the Problem A Real -World Examples, 4
7 MADM &
MCDM Introduction to Multiple Attribute Decision -making
(MADM) Multiple Attribute Decision -making Methods,
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method, Weighted
Product Method (WPM), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Method, Entropy Method, Compromise Ranking Method
(VIKOR), Weighted Average Method (WAM)
Introduction to Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) 7

Reference Books
1. Discrete Mathematics and I ts Applications 4th Edition , Kenneth H. Rosen ,McGraw Hill
2. A First Course in Mathematical Modeling 5th Edition, Frank R. Giordano, William P.
Fox, Steven B. Horton
3. Adaptive Business Intelligence ,F 1st Edition by Zbigniew Michalewicz, Martin Schmidt,
Matth ew Michalewicz, ConstantinChiriac , Springer Publication
4. Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy
Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods ,1st Edition by R. VenkataRao ,
Springer Publication
5. Discrete Math ematical structures 4th Edition, Kolman, Busby, Ross, PHI
6. Discrete Mathematics : SemyourLipschutz, VarshaPatilIINd Edition Schaum‟s Series
7. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics ,3rd Edition, Dunham , Sridhar

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Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2. Question Number One should be compulsory.
3. All question carry equal marks.
4. Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
5. Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours per week) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
L201 Operating
System and
Networks Lab
(OS and CN
Lab) -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]
Laboratory Name Term
Work Pract. Oral Total
L201 Operating System and Computer Networks
(OS and CN Lab) 25 50 25 100

Pre-requisites: Basic overview of Computer and Computer Networking principles.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To study the various user level and administrator level commands in operating
CEO 2 To learn shell script and AWK programming.
CEO 3 To make the learner aware of the practical issues and various networking devices
with their interconnections and configurations.
CEO 4 To equip the learner with a hands -on experience of designing various networking
appli cations.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to :

MCAL201.1 Apply various operating system commands.
MCAL201.2 To write a shell script and awk programming.
MCAL201.3 Design network for any business requirement.

Syllabus :

Sr.No. Session Contents Hrs
1 Operating
System Basics Installation of Operating System with configuration, Disk
fragmentation & partitioning, Linux introduction and file
system - Basic Features, Advantages, Installation
requirements, Basic Arc hitecture of Unix/Linux system,
Kernel, Shell, System administration Commands 4

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2 Basic OS
Commands Basic commands, Commands for files and directories cd, ls,
cp, md, rm, mkdir, rmdir, more, less, Creating and viewing
files using „cat‟, File comparisons, View files. Essential Linux
commands. Understanding shells, Processes in Linux -process
fundamentals, connecting processes with pipes, Redirecting
input output, manual help, Background processing, managing
multiple processes, changing process priority, sche duling of
processes at command, batch commands, kill, ps, who, sleep,
Printing commands, find, wc, Cal, banner, touch, file, dd,
Mathematical commands - bc, expr, factor, units. vi, vim editor 8
3 Filter
Commands Filter related commands -sort, grep, sed, he ad, tail, cut, paste,
Disk commands -disk related commands, checking disk free
spaces 8
4 Shell
Programming Shell programming : - Shell programming, Basic of shell
programming, Various types of shell, shell programming in
bash, conditional and looping statements, case statements,
parameter passing and arguments, Shell variables, shell
keywords, Creating Shell programs for automate system tasks
and report printing, use of grep in shell 8
5 Advanced
Shell Scripting Advanced Shell scripting -basic script f unctions, returning a
value, using variables in functions, array and variable
functions, function recursion, creating text menus 6
6 Awk
programming Study of gcc & basic Awk Programming -variables,
expressions, built in variables , printf, storing in a fil e using -f
option, comparison operator, BEGIN and END sections
Awk Programming -arrays, functions, if statement, looping
OS Security Securing Linux on a network -managing network services,
controlling access to networks with nmap, implementing
firewal ls 4
8 Introduction to
packet tracer Study of Packet Tracer software interface, Basic Configuration
of console, Router & Switches, Assigning IP v4 & IP v6
addresses to the interfaces of the routers, Subnetting /notation 4
9 Routing
Techniques Configure S tatic and default routing, RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF 4
10 Dynamic
configuration Configuration of DCHP , Access List Configuration,
Configuration of NAT, Static, Dynamic and PAT 6
11 Authentication
and VLAN Configuration of PPPoE (PAP, CHAP), Configure VLANs o n
the router, InterVLAN, Router on stick, multilayer VLAN,
Spanning tree. 4
14 Network
Protocol Configure Telnet, DNS, HTTP, SMTP , FTP Servers, SNMP 4
15 Mini Project A Mini – Project based on OS and CN using an integrated
approach.(Maximum Two student s in a Group) 10

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Reference Books: -
1. Unix – Concepts & Applications, Sumitabha Das, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Unix Shell Programming – Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications.
3.Linux Bible, Christopher Negus, Ninth Edition, Wiley Publicati ons
4.Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, Third Edition, Richard Blum and Christine
Bresnahan,Wiley Publications
5. Linux Programming A Beginner‟s Guide – Richard Petersen, Tata McGraw Hill Education
6.Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100 -101 Official Cert Guide, Wendell Odom, CISCO Press

7. CCNA Routing and Switching ICND2 200 -101 Official Cert Guide, Wendell Odom, CISCO

Web Resources :
1) https://learningnetwork.cisco.com

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University of Mumbai, MCA Sem I and Sem II Rev. 2016 -17

Code Subject
Name Teaching Scheme (Contact
Hours per Week) Cred its Assigned
y Practica
l Tutoria
l Theor
y Practica
l Tutoria
l Tota
2 Lab-II: Data
S) & Web
using Open
Source Tools
Lab --- 06 --- --- 03 --- 03
Examination Scheme
End Semester Exam [Once in a Semester]
Laboratory Name Term
Work Practica
l Oral Tota
MCAL202: Lab -II: Data Structure (DS) & Web
Application Development using Open Source Tools
Lab 25 50 25 100

Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of fundamentals of any programming language and web
technolog y

Course Educational Objectives (CEO):

CEO 1 To study various linear and non -linear data structures.
CEO 2 To provide knowledge for developing web applications using AJAX framework and
open source tools.
CEO 3 To conceptualize effective storage mec hanism for data and accessing it through web

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to

MCAL202.1 Effectively select the data structure model to be used for the real world problem.
MCAL202.2 Develop web based appl ications using AJAX framework and open source tools.
MCAL202.3 Build web application with effective storage mechanism for data.

No. Session Detailed Contents Hours
1. Sorting Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Radix
Sort 04
2. Searching Linear Search,Binary search 02
3. Stacks Array implementation, Linked List implementation, Evaluation
of postfix expression 04

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4. Queue Simple Queue, Linked List implementation of ordinary queue,
Linked List implementation of circ ular queue, BFS, Linked
List implementation of priority queue, Double ended queue 08
5. Linked lists
Singly Linked Lists: Insert, Display, Delete, Search, Count,
Circular Linked List: Insert, Display, Delete, Search, Count,
Doubly Linked Lists : Insert, Display, Delete, Search, Count,
Reverse 08
6. Binary
search trees Insert, Recursive traversal: preorder, postorder, inorder, Search
Largest Node, Smallest Node, Count number of nodes 08
7. Heap MinHeap: reheapUp, reheapDown, Delete,
MaxH eap: reheapUp, reheapDown, Delete,
HeapSort 04
8. Hashing Methods for Hashing:
Direct, Subtraction. Modulo Division, Digit Extraction,Fold
shift, Fold Boundary, Methods for Collision Resolution, Linear
Probe 04
9. Graphs Represent a graph using the Adj acency Matrix, Find the
shortest path in a graph using Warshall‟s Algorithm, Find the
minimum spanning tree (using any method Kruskal‟s
Algorithm or Prim‟s Algorithm) 04
10. AJAX
Framework Making a Server Request, Loading HTML scriptlets from
server, AJAX events, Making an AJAX Style File Upload. 04
11. JavaScript Client side scripting with JavaScript, variables, functions,
conditions, Pop up boxes, Working with string, Numbers and
arrays, Event handling in JavaScript, Working with forms
elements, Validat ing form fields, Introduction to DOM 06
12. Web
Bootstrap Bootstrap - Introduction to Bootstrap, Bootstrap Grid System,
Bootstrap Grid System - Advanced, Creating Layouts with
Bootstrap, Bootstrap CSS - Understanding the CSS , CSS
Customization / Skins, Responsive Web design with Bootstrap,
Single Page Responsive site with Bootstrap, Bootstrap Plug -
ins, Bootstrap Layout Components 06
13. Web
Joomla Joomla - Joomla fundamentals, Understanding the concept of
Joomla Positions, Changing the layout structure by changing
the module positio, Understanding Basic Joomla Template,
Customizing Joomla Template, Building Custom Joomla
Template, Linking CSS, Linking Javascript, Creating Custom
Form, Changing th e Form appearance using CSS 06
14. Mini Project A Mini – Project based on DS and WAD using an integrated
approach.(Maximum Two students in a Group) 10

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Reference Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduc tion
to ALGORITHMS”, PHI, India Second Edition.
2. Richard F Gilberg Behrouz A Forouzan , “Data Structure A Pseudocode Approach with
3. Shaum‟s Outlines Data Structure Seymour Lipschutz TMH
4. HTML 5, Black Book, dreamtech Press
5. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScrip t, CSS and HTML 5, Robin Nixon, O‟Reilly
6. Developing Web Applications in PHP and AJAX, Harwani, McGrawHill
7. Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley and M. T. Savaliya, Wiley -India
8. Extending Bootstrap Christoffer Niska, Packt Publishing
9. Bootst rap-Jake Spurlock O‟Reilly publication
10. Joomla Bible, 2nd Edition, Ric Shreves, Wiley -India
11. The Official Joomla! Book, 2nd Edition, (Joomla! Press), by Jennife r Marriott , Elin