Univ Syllabus MSc 2 Sem IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Univ Syllabus MSc 2 Sem IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 29/06/2021
Item No. – 8.29 (R)


Revised Syllabus for M.Sc. (Geology)
Semester: IV

(As per the Choice Based Credit System with effect from the academic year
2021 -22)

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for IV th Semester Courses in
M.Sc. (Geology )

PSGE401 – Oceanography and Atmospheric Science

PSGE402 – Dissertation

PSGE 403- Elective -1
a) Engineering Geology
b) Economic and Mining Geology

PSGE40 4 – Elective -2
a) Quaternary Geology
b) Soil Science

Practical Course:
(Practical pertinent to the above -mentioned theory courses)

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M.Sc -II Geology Course: PSGE401

Title: Oceanography and Atmospheric Science

Learning Objectives: To get an understanding and insight of oceanography, its domains along
with fundamentals of atmospheric processes and their bearing on past and present climate .
Number of lectures: 60

Unit 1: (15 lectures)
History of development of oceanography ; Sampling of modern ocean biogenic flux including
sediment trap sampling; Methods of measuring properties of sea water; Temperature and salinity
distribution (horizontal and vertical) in ocean waters; Dissolved gases in sea water, factors
affecting the concentration of gases in sea water; Carbon dioxide equilibria, precipitation and
dissolution of carbonates; Biological - chemical - physical interactions in the oceans; Oxygen
minimum layer in the ocean. Scientific ocean drilling and its major accomplishments

Unit 2: (15 lectures)
Ocean processes ; Concept of mixed layer, thermocl ine, pycnocline and halocline. Coriolis force
and Ekman spiral, upwelling, El Niño and La Nina, Ocean circulation - surface circulation; deep
ocean circulation (concept of thermohaline circulation, formation of bottom waters, water masses
of the world oceans, oceanic sediments). Collecting meteorological data in oceans;
interpreting the data & metadata and its utility in study of oceans and the overall earth
climate . Study of various aspects of meteorology for devising various mod els in climate
prediction . Study of anthropogenic activities and analysis of the meteorological data & metadata
for better and practical studies of oceans .

Unit 3: (15 lectures)
Introduction to atmospheric processes
Basic concept of different layers of our atmosphere , their coupling and composition. Lapse rate,
hydrostatic equation. Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, basic concept of radiation, solar
parameters and solar constant. Composition of stratosphere, Ozone hole over Antarctica and the
different theories, atmospheric response to different pollutant s. Different calamities and Recent
climate change .

Unit 4: (15 lectures)
General climatology
Introduction and fundamental principles of climatology, the climate system: controls on climate.
global climate classification, earth -sun relation, coastal effect on climate, orographic effect
on climate, different climate zone s, trends of climate and its vari ability. Indian
climatology: seasonal pattern of different weather elements : western disturbances,
Kalbaishaki (pre -monsoon local severe storms), monsoon(SW & NE), tropical cyclones,
heat waves and cold waves, greenhouse warming, interannual variability of climate & its
effect on biosphere, different climate methods. Regional distribution and seasonal variation of

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cloud, precipitation and fog. Climatic classification, climatic regions of the world, climate in the
equatorial, tropical, subtropical and Polar Regions

PSGE40 1 Practical
Depth biotopes; T hermocline and deep surface water of the modern oceans;
Quantitative study of planktic foraminifera and their interpretation in relation to
Analysis of variation of surface temperature, Trend of rainfall, Trend of lightning act ivity over
Mumbai. Cloud characteristics using remote sensing.
Analysis of wind data - calculation of absolute vorticity , geostrophic wind, gradient wind and
thermal wind . Working of meteorological instruments. Air quality analysis.

List of Recommended Reference Books
1. Pinet, Paul R. (2006): Introduc tion to Oceanography, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Grant Gross, M. (1995): Oceanography; A view of the Earth (7th Ed.), Prentice Hall.
3. Garrison, T. (2007): Oceanography: an invitation to marine sciences , Cengage Learning.
4. Bradley, R.S. (Ed.) (1999): Paleoclimatology (2nd Ed.), Elsevier.
5. Marcel, C.H. and Vernal, A.D. (Ed.) (2007): Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography,
6. Hartmann, D. L. (2015). Global physical climatology (Vol. 103). Newnes.
7. Robinson, P. J., & Henderson -Sellers, A. (2014). Contemporary climatology . Routledge.
8. Chang, C. P. (2011). The global monsoon system: research and forecast (Vol. 5). World
9. Goodess, C. M., Palutikof, J. P., & Davies , T. D. (1992). The nature and causes of climate
change: assessing the long -term future. Belhaven Press.

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M.Sc -II Geology Course: PSGE402

DISSERTATION (Topic for dissertation will be assigned during the 3rd semester.)

Evaluation of Dissertation: Student is required to submit two progress reports and the final thesis.
Total marks allotted for dissertation -150
Fieldwork of at least 15 days is mandatory for the dissertation.

Progress report 1 -Reference work - pre-field / pre lab literature survey, preparation of field material
(toposheet, satellite imagery etc .)- Viva will be conducted by dissertation guide and one examiner.

Progress report 2 : Field work, Lab work, Geological mapping, Sample collection, field diary. Viva
will be conducted by disse rtation guide and one examiner.

End Semester Examination: Dissertation Report and Open Viva

Total marks are distributed as 30 marks for each progress report and sixty marks for the final thesis
(60 marks) + viva ( 30 marks) making a total of 150 marks.

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M.Sc -II Geology Course: PSGE403
Elective -1
a) Title: Engineering Geology
Learning Objectives: To understand the engineering properties of rocks. Detailed study of various
geological and geotechnical investigations for various civil engineering projects.
Number of lectures: 60

Unit 1: (15 lectures)
Rock and soil mechanics
Techniques of determining properties of rocks and soil:
Specific Gravity
Compressive Strength
Tensile Strength
Elasticity of Rocks
Residual Stress and Shear Stress in Rocks.
Soil mechanics
Rocks as construction material

Unit 2: (15 lectures)
Geological and Geotechnical investigations for Civil Engineering Projects:
Geotechnical investigations - Sounding, Drilling equipment and methods, Wash borings, core
samples, borehole logs.
Building site exploration - Types of foundations, load tests, groundwater problem. Commercial,
residential and industrial building site investigation
Bridges and pavements - Abutments and piers, foundations, cofferdams, Caissons, rigid and
flexible pavement. Site exploration.

Unit 3: (15 lectures)
Tunnels and shoreline engineering
Tunnels - Terminology, technical classification, roof bolting, arching, effect of bedding orientation
on tunnels. Gases and water in tunnels, g eothermal gradient. Methods of tunnel excavation and site
Shoreline engineering - Beach and shorelines, construction of shore cliffs and steep banks,
Littoral barriers, harbour location, sedimentation in harbours and jetties.

Unit 4: (15 lectur es)
Dams, reservoirs and landslides
Dams and Reservoirs: Geological conditions for the selection of dam and reservoir sites.
Terminology associated with dams. Types of dams: Masonary Dams (Gravity , Buttress and Arch
types), Earthen dams. Types of spillways. Case studies of dam construction and failures.
Landslides - Causes, types and prevention of landslides.

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PSGE403(a) Practical
Engineering Geology
· Correlation of borehole data
· Determining uniaxial compressive strength of rock
· Equal -area net- Determining slope stability and rotation problems.
Numerical problems pertaining to topics in the theory .
Geotechnical investigations for the construction site (problems, maps etc.).

List of Recommended Reference Books
1. Waltham, T. (2009): Foundations of engineering geology, 3 rd edition, CRC press
2. Vallejo, L.G, Mercedes, F., Freitas, M. (2011): Geological Engineering, 1 st edition, CRC press
3. West, T.R (2010): Geology applied in Engineering, Waveland Pr Inc; 1 edition
4. Narayanswami S.B .S. (2000), Engineering Geology, Dhanpat Rai & Co, India.
5. Legget F. R and Hatheway A.W. (1988), Geology and Engineering., 3 rd ed. McGraw -Hill.
6. Gupte R.B. (1992), A Textbook of Engineering Geology.2 nd ed. Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan.
7. Krynine D.P . And Judd W.R (2003), Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechniques, CBS
8. Wahlstrom E.E. (1974), Dams, Dam Foundations and Reservoir Sites. Elsevier Scientific.
9. Dunn I.S., Anderson L.R and Kiefer F.W. (1980), Fundamentals of Geotech nical Analysis, John
10. Maslov N.N. (1987), Basic Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics. Mir Publishers.
11. Gokhale K.V.G.K and Rao D.M. (1981), Experiments in Engineering Geology. Tata
McGraw -Hill

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M.Sc -II Geology Course: PSGE403
Elective -1
b) Title: Economic and Mining Geology
Learning Objectives: To understand the var ious processes of ore formation, distribution and
various aspects of mining with special reference to India.
Number of lectures: 60

Unit 1: (15 lectures)
Origin of ore deposits : Concept of ore bearing fluids, their origin and migration; Processes of
formation of ore deposits metasomatic, hydrothermal and supergene enrichment; Controls of ore
localization; Ore deposits and plate tectonics. Mineralogy, classification and genesis of ore
deposits associated with mafic -ultramafic rocks; Ores of felsic -silicic rocks; Ores of sedimentary
affiliation; Ores of metamorphic affiliation; Placer and residual concentration deposits.

Unit 2: (15 lectures)
Occurrences of ore minerals in India : Study of ore minerals related to the following metals
with special reference to their mineralogy, genesis, specification, uses and distribution in India:
Iron, Manganese, Base Metals, Chromium, Gold, Tin and Tungsten. Study of important Indian
ore deposits w ith reference to their geology, stratigraphy and reserves;
A few case studies of occurrence of economic mineral deposits from provinces other than Indian

Unit 3: (15 lectures)
Methods of mining : Subsidence and the support of mine excavation; timber treatment; methods
of breaking rocks; drilling blast holes; explosives used in mining; blasting practices; shaft
sinking; mine drainage; ventilation; illumination .
Alluvial, open - pit and underground mining methods; drifting; cross cutti ng; winzing; stoping;
room and pillaring; top –slicing; sub - level caving and block caving; ocean bottom mining , mine
organization and operation; mine hazards.

Unit 4: (15 lectures)
Evaluation of mineral deposits : Factors in evaluating a mineral deposit; mine examination;
theory and methods of sampling; sampling calculations; recoverable values
Cost of mining; future costs and profits; life of mine; present value of mine and its determination
by compound interest and Hoskold formula methods; amortisation; calculations pertaining to
valuation of mines of uniform and non -uniform annual income; sale of mineral products; metal
prices and mine valuation; valuation of prospects: developed mines and working mines;
valuation report

PSGE40 3(b) Practical
Identification of important ore minerals in hand specimens.
Ore microscopy - textures, microstructures, optical properties of ores.
Determination and evaluation of ores in mines; different sampling calculations; recoverable
values; cost of mining; future cost and profits; life of mine; determination of present value of
mines; cross section of mines with the help of available data.

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List of Recommended Reference Books
1. Evans, A.M. (1993): Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals, Blackwell.
2. Jensen M.R. and Bateman A.M. (1981), Economic mineral deposits, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Craig, J.R. and Vaughan, D.J. (1994): Ore Microscopy and Petrography.
4. Klemm, D.D. and Schnieder, H.J. (1977): Time and Strata Bound Ore Deposits, Springer -
5. Wolf, K.H. (197 6-1981): Handbook of Stratabound and Stratiform Ore deposits, Elsevier.
6. Mookherjee, A. (1999): Ore Genesis - A Holistic Approach., Allied Publishers.
7. Abzalov, M. (2016). Applied mining geology (Vol. 12). Cham: Springer International
8. Pivnyak, G., Bondarenko, V., Kovalevs' ka, I., & Illiashov, M. (Eds.). (2013). Mining of
mineral deposits. CRC Press.

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M.Sc -II Geology Course: PSGE404
Elective -2
a) Title: Quaternary Geology
Learning Objectives: Understanding the geological history of Quaternary Period. G lacial behaviour
and evidence for glaciation over the last 2 .6 million years of Earth’s history. Global sea level,
climatic changes and continental sedimentation during Quaternary .
Number of lectures: 60

Unit-1: Introduction to Quaternary geology (15 lectures )
Definition and subdivision of the Quaternary period. Pleistocene -Holocene Boundary ,
Meghalayan Age and its importance. Stable Isotopes and their importance. The astronomical
theory of climatic variations. Glacial -Interglacial cycles, marine isotopic stages in Quaternary.
Variations in greenhouse gases . Fluctuations in sea level. Cycles with high frequency and short
events. Climatic characteristics of the last glacial -interglacial transition and its climato -
stratigraphic subdivision.
Unit 2 - Quaternary continental sedimentary records (15 lectures)
Environmental implications of continental sediments - Lacustrine sediments, deformation of
lacustrine sediments - varves and rhythmites. Sampling techniques of lake and marsh deposits.
Quaternary Fluvial sedimentary successions and landforms - Slope deposits. Mass movements .
Debris slopes and slope breccias. Identification of a landslide.
Aeolian sediments and their importance in Quaternary - Indian Examples. Importance of Soils
and paleosols in Quaternary Geology.
Quaternary stratigraphy and Paleontology of important Quaternary Basins of India .

Unit 3 - Quaternary glacial records (15 lectu res)
Glacial landforms and processes. Classification and representation of deposits -glacial till and
diamict ites. Thermal classification of glaciers. Glacial flow. Erosion and deposition by glaciers.
Types of glacial sediments . Deglaciation of a glaciated valley and fluvioglacial deposition.
Periglacial environment and wind. Permafrost. Loess: stratigraphic importance. Importance of
glacial sediments and glacial ice in Quaternary stratigraphy.

Unit 4 - Dating techniques (15 lectures)
Radiocarbon and other dating methods : production and incorporation of 14C in the biosphere,
contamination, measurement by count, standard deviation, dendrochronological calibration.
Selection of material for 14C dating. 14C dating material in soils.
Thermoluminescence, OSL, Rb-Sr, K-Ar, U -Pb and Sm -Nd methods of dating used in the
Biological and paleoclimate archives. Palynology, plant macro -remains and their use in the
palaeoenvironment reconstruction. Quaternary vertebrate fossils and human evolution in contex t
of India.

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PSGE404 (a) Practical

Use of stable isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon in stratigraphy - understanding ‘Delta’ notation,
standards, and numerical problems based on stable isotopes.
Numerical problems on Rb -Sr, K -Ar and U -Pb Method - isochrons, Concordia and Discordia
Understanding the Milankovic cycles and some proxy record s (case studies)
Identification and morphology of important vertebrate fossils. Microscopic and ha nd specimen
study of calcretes.
OSL sampling techniques.

List of Recommended Reference Books

1) Dawson, A. G. (1992). Ice age earth: late quaternary geology and climate . Psychology
2) Riser, J. A. M (2001). Quaternary geology and the environment , Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, Dec 1, 2001 - Science – 290p
3) Lowe, J. J., & Walker, M. (2014). Reconstructing quaternary environments . Routledge.
4) Tiwari, M. P. and Mohabey, D. M (1999). Quaternary of India, Gondwana Geological
Magazine Spec. Vo1.4, Gondwana Ge ological Society, Nagpur, 1999, 409p.
5) Siegert, M. J. (2001). Ice sheets and late Quaternary environmental change . Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley.
6) Grapes, R. H., Grigelis, A., & Oldroyd, D. (Eds.). (2008). History of geomorphology and
Quaternary geology. Geologica l Society of London.
7) Catt, J. A. (1986). Soils and Quaternary geology: a handbook for field scientists . Oxford
University Press.
8) Ramakrishnan, M., & Vaidyanadhan, R. (2010). Geology of India (vol. 2). Geological
Society of India Publications, 2(1).
9) Catto, N. (2019). Handbook of Luminescence Dating. Geoscience Canada: Journal of the
Geological Association of Canada/Geoscience Canada: journal de l’Association
Géologique du Canada, 46(4), 195 -196.
10) Michener, R., & Lajtha, K. (Eds.). (2008). Stable isotop es in ecology and environmental
science. John Wiley & Sons.
11) Faure, G., & Mensing, T. M. (2005). Isotopes: Principles and applications. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

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M.Sc -II Geology Course : PSGE404
Elective -2
b) Soil Science

Learning Objectives: To develop an understanding and knowledge of the basic and applied
chemical, physical, and biological concepts in soil . Understanding o rigin , classification, and
distribution of soils ; their relationship to people and food production , management and conservation
of soils and the environmental impact of soil use.

Number of lectures: 60

Unit -1: Fundamental concepts of soil (15 lectures )
Concept of soil, components of soil, soil pro file, pedogenic processes; Classification of soil,
mineral and chemical composition of soils, mineral stability during weathering; Soil organic
matter form and function; A brief introduction to methods of soil conservation.
Unit 2 - Soil fabric (15 lectures)
Fabric analysis - Color, size and shape, grade scale, methods of grain size analysis,
presentation of data, analysis and field grading; Concepts of structure and fabric: Soil fabric,
soil structure, soil texture ; Peds and pedalilty, size and shape of peds, primary, secondary
and tertiary structures and their interpretation; Voids - concepts, size, shape, arrangement and
morphological classification.

Unit 3 - Paleosols and their importance (15 lectures)
Paleosols - Field recognition , description, origin ; Paleosol s in stratigraphic records; Significance
of paleosol study; Paleosols and human evolution. Calcrete and ferricrete - definition,
classification, formation, relation to soil profile, macro features and micromorphology
(petrograph y); S ignificance of calcretes; Laterite - characteristics, genesis, Indian occurrences.

Unit 4 - Soil Survey and management (15 lectures)
Soil survey and its types; soil survey t echniques -conventional and moder n; soil series
characterization and procedure for establishing soil series; benchmark soils and soil correlations;
soil survey interpretations; soil mapping, thematic soil maps, techniques for generation of soil
maps. Landform -soil relationship; major soil groups of India with special reference to res pective
states; land capability classifi cation and land irrigation classification; land evaluation and land -
use type (LUT) -concept and application; approaches for aging soils and landscapes in the
framework of agro -ecosystem .

PSGE404 (b) Practical

Collection of R epresentative Soil Sample, its p rocessi ng and handling in l aboratory .
Simultaneous Measurement of Bulk Density and Water Content - Soil moisture determination.
Measuring Soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, soil profile studies
Soil maps, landuse -landcover maps using GIS. Soil Survey techniques.

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Soil porosity and permeability determination, Geotechnical properties of soil.
Soil fabric analysis.
Introduction to GIS softwares. Digital Soil Survey Maps .

List of Recommended Reference Books

1) Eash, N. S., Sauer, T. J., O'Dell, D., & Odoi, E. (2015). Soil science simplified. John
Wiley & Sons.
2) Troeh, F. R., & Thompson, L. M. (2005). Soils and soil fertility (Vol. 489). New York,
USA: Blackwell.
3) Foth, H. D. (1978). Fundamentals o f soil science. Soil Science, 125 (4).
4) Schaetzl, R. J., & Thompson, M. L. (2015). Soils. Cambridge university press.
5) Gerrard, A. J. (1981). Soils and landforms. An integration of geomorphology and
pedology. George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.
6) Ashman, M., & Puri, G. (2013). Essential soil science: a clear and concise introduction to
soil science. John Wiley & Sons.
7) Catt, J. A. (1986). Soils and Quaternary geology: a handbook for field scientists. Oxford
University Press.
8) Retallack, G. J. (2008). Soils of t he past: an introduction to paleopedology. John Wiley &
9) Foth, H. D., Withee, L. V., Jacobs, H. S., & Thien, S. J. (1980). Laboratory manual for
introductory soil science. Laboratory manual for introductory soil science. (Ed. 5).
10) Moorberg, C. J., & Cr ouse, D. A. (2017). An open‐source laboratory manual for
introductory, undergraduate soil science courses. Natural Sciences Education, 46 (1).