UG 119 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

UG 119 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Revised Syllabus for Ph.D .
Program: Ph.D
Course code: DSMD
Paper DSMB 101 and 102
With effect from the academic year 2019–2020
VCD No: Exam/thesis/Univ/VCD/947 of 2018 dated 15th. June 2018

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Course work for PhD degree in Microbiology
Ph.D Course work In Microbiology
(for students admitted after 15th June 2019 onwards)
Course code : DSMD
VCD No: Exam/ Thesis/ Univ/VCD/947 of 2018 dated 15th. June 2018
The University of Mumbai offers research programmes in different subjects and in interdisciplinary
areas under the various faculties leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). A candidate
shall ordinarily work at a recognized place of research which includes the University Departments,
research Institutes and Affiliated Colleges recognized as “Research Centre” by the University.
The rules and regulations regarding the eligibility and process of the entrance examinati on,
interview , registration and course work for the Ph. D. programme are given in the VCD No:
Exam/Thesis/Univ/VCD/947 of 2018 dated 15th. June 2018
The course work for Ph.D. in Microbiology shall have two courses of 6 credits each namely
Course -I (DSMB -101) and course - II(DSMB -102) The mode of assessment for the evaluation of
coursework is mentioned in the Guidelines for the common Ph.D. course work for Science subjects.
Before submitting the Research Proposal to the University for Topic A pproval the selected Ph.D.
candidate shall make the Power Point Presentation of his / her Res earch Proposal in front of the
Evaluation Committee ”. This evaluation committee shall constitute: -
1. Head of the Department
2. Research Guide/s - under whom candidate/s is /are selected
3. Senior Faculty from the Department
4. Subject experts from outside research institutes who are also recognized Ph.D. Guides,
either in service or retired.
After incorporating the suggestions (if any) of the evaluation committee, the correcte d final copy
shall be submitted to the University for consideration by R.R.C. Letter from the concerned
Research Centre duly signed by all the members of evaluation committee regarding the presentation
made by the candidate shall be attached along with th e proposal copy to be submitted for topic
The course work for Ph.D in Microbiology would be as follows
Paper Course Title Max Credits
Paper DSMB 101 Research Methodology and
Computer Applications 6
Paper DSMB 102 Active participation and
Academic development 6

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Paper Course Title and
Max Credits Particulars Period of
completion Topics
Paper DSMB
101 Research
& Computer

(6 credits)  Lectures to be
 Test /assignments
will be done by
respective resources
 The grades will be
finalised after a
combined assessment
by the college/institute
RAC and the Head of
 The final grades
will be communicated
to the University to be completed in
a formal way during
the initial 1st. or 2nd.
Semester at
Research centres or
University depts. or
Premier Institutions

 As p er detailed syllabi
submitted below

 Course s relevant to the
syllabi can be selected
by the re spective RAC
NPTEL , Coursera and
student s can join them
online .

 Evaluation certificate
from the resp ective
agency will be
mandatory for the
transfer of 6 credits
when such online
courses are selected

Paper 2 DSMB
102 Active
& Academic

(6 credits )

1. Poster/ oral paper
presentations in an
ISBN recognised
Conference of National
and International
repute .
1 credit /presentation
(Max - 1 credit)
Attending training for
advanced techniques in
reputed institutes /
laboratories for 1
week period -1 credit
(max -1 credit)
Publication of two
paper in UGC
recognised/ approved
journal s
2 credit /paper
(Max 4 credits)
Before the
submission of
thesis preferably In
the first two years
of the degree

To be published
befor e the
submission of the

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Detailed Syllabi for DSMB 101
Unit Topics Lectures credit
Unit -I Basics of research methodology 15L 01
Strategies, planning and analysis 01
Objectives of research 03
- Short term goals and long term goals
- Research design -
- Repeatability, reproducibility and reliability
- Experimental protocols
Literature search ,
-Reference management 02
-Systematic literature search
- Scientific Search techniques
How to formulate query 01
Methodology filters 01
Impact factor 01
Principal bibliographic databases 01
Citation style
Plagiarism 01
Ethics of animal research -CPCSEA, institutional ethics committee,
OECD guidelines 01
Basic principles of human research ethics - International regulation
Guidelines for writing scientific proposal, scientific reports,
scientific paper, identification of good journal, Guidelines for
writing good thesis. 03
Unit -2 Introduction to Biostatistics in Research 15L 01
Sampling 04
Collection of data, classification &representation
Measurement scales, variables & their measurements
Measures of central tendency -mean,median, mode, geometric mean 03
Measures of dispersion - Range, Q.D. , M.D. , variance, standard
deviation 02
Correlation and Regression analysis: Correlations and regressions -:
Relation between two variables, scatter diagram, definition of
correlations & their equations, interpretation of regression
coefficients , principles of least squares, Two regression lines, curve
fitting Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Spearman’s
coefficient of correl ation 06
Unit -3 Theory of probability 30L 02
A. Parametric tests
 Large sample Tests
i. Testing significance of single population mean
ii. Testing significance of two population mean
 Small sample Tests
i. Testing significance of single population mean
ii. Testing difference between two independent normal
population mean
iii. Testing difference between two correlated normal
population mean
iv. Testing significance of correlation coefficient
 2 test
i. Testing single population variance
ii. Testing Goodness of fit



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iii. Testing association between two attributes
Clear explanation of assumptions is necessary
 F-test- Testing equality of variance
ANOVA - one-way classification, two way classification

B. Introduction to non -parametric tests
 The Wilcoxon signed -Rank test for location
i. Testing single population mean
ii. Testing difference between correlated(match pair)
population means
iii. Testing difference between two independent
population means
 The Mann -Whitney Test( Mann -Whitney -Wilcoxon test -
for equality of medians)
 The Kolmogorov -Smirnov Goodness - of -Fit Test
 The Kruskal -Wallis One -Way Analysis of Variance by
 The Friedman Two -Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks




Unit -4 Soft skills and other skill enhancement for research 15L 02
 Scientific communication, presentation skills, body
language, 05
 Use of graph software e.g. graph pad, statistical software -
SPSS, SAS(training in these software) 05
 Computation skills, use of excel, Corel draw, Photoshop etc 05
 Use and validation of high -end instruments and
interpretation of data
 GLC,
 Microscopy
 NMR. 15

1) Research Methodology in medical and Biological sciences -edited by Petter Laake, Haakon
Benestad and Bjorn Reino Olsen, Academic Press
2) Research Methodology : A guide for Researchers in Agricultural Science, Social Science and other
related fields. Pradip kumar Sahu. Springer 2006
3) Ranjit Kumar, 2005 Research M ethodology - A step -by-step Guide for beginners , 3rd edition,
Sage publications
4) Fundamentals of Research methodology and statistics - Yogesh Kumar Singh, New Age
International Publishers
5) Biostatistics: A foundation for analysis in health sciences. Daniel WW, Cross CL. 10thEdn,
6) Fundamentals of Biostatistics. Rosner B. 7thEdn. Duxbury Thomson 2011
7) Introductory Applied Biostatistics D’Agostino RB., Sullivan LM., Beiser AS., Thomson
Brooks/Cole 2006
8) Animal Cell Culture, Third Edition : A Practical Approach Edited by John R. W. Mast ers , Oxford
University Press
9) Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology, Edited by Alen Doyle &J.Bryan
Griffiths, John Wiley and Sons
10) Principles of Instrumental analysis by Skoog , 7th edition, Cengage learning

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Kindly Note :
1. The record of the evaluation is to be maintained till the learner clears his/her PhD degree from
the university.

2. After completion of the course -work, guiding teacher will submit the certificate of completion of
course work to the University in the prescrib ed format:

Name of the research centre
This is to certify that Mr/Ms/Mrs…(Surname) ………………………..(First name)
………………….. (Second name)…………….. has been a regular student of Ph.D. with
registration number ……………………………….. He/She has attended the course work conducted
at the recognized research centre/department from………………………… to ……………………
during the year …………… He/She has successfully completed the Ph.D. course work prescribed
by the University of Mumbai. He/She secured ……. grade in ……..point scale.

Date: Guiding teacher Head of the Department/principal
Seal Name: Name: