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UnitStructure :
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Concept of Animal Husbandry
1.4 Scope of Animal Husbandry
1.5 Growth of markets and promoting livestock development
1.6 Role of Animal Husbandry in Human Welfare Management
1.7 Live stock Extension
1.8 Strategies and programs for 12th plan
1.9 Women and Live stock
1.10 Strategies and Programs
1.11 Summary

1.12 Questions For Self -Study
a) To understand the concept and scope of animal husbandry.
b) To understand the impo rtance of animal husbandry in rural
c) To know the various government schemes for the development
of animal husbandry.
d) To understand the role of women in animal husbandry.
Ever since the beginning of human civilization, humans have depended on
animals for many requirements like food, clothing, labor, security, and
other things. Humans have consistently taken efforts to improve the breeds
of domesticated animals to make them more useful. The development of
animal species of desirab le qualities, through creating better breeds, has
been an important human achievement.
In India agriculture has been practiced for thousands of years along with
rearing of animals for meat, milk and clothing. Forthis the humans had to
gain knowledge of ani mal species that couldbe domesticated to ensure munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture

2 maximum productivity. This helped them to be familiar with the animal
habits, assist with births and to treat them during ailments and diseases. In
India a large number of farmers depend on animal rearing for their
livelihood. Animals mainly bullocks are the major source of power for
both farmers and dryers besides providing milk, meat, eggs, wool and
hides. Livestock, meat, eggs, milk, hides etc. are the major products for the
farmers. Livestock are just not mere animals for farmers they treat them as
their companions. Farmers, farms and farm animals together are a good
farming eco-system in India.
Livestock has been an integral part of India’s agricultural andrural
economy since time immemorial. It has been s upplying energyfor crop
production in various agricultural operations, in terms of draught power
and organic manure. They in turn derive their own energy requirements
from crop by products and its residue. New inventions in bio -chemical and
mechanical technologies recently have weakened the synchronization
between livestock and crops. Livestock contribute over 1/4th of the
agricultural GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and engage about 9% of the
agricultural labor force in rural India. Now -a-days livestock are v alued as
source of food, but in recent year’s livestock production and productivity
has decreased at a considerable rate. In 12th five-year plans livestock sector
is expected to emerge as an engine of agricultural growt hand demand for
animal food products . Significant barrier to the commercialization of
livestock production is the under -developed livestock market.
Animal Husbandry is one of the most important occupations of the farmers
in India. Animal husbandry is the scien ce of looking after and breeding
animals -used in agriculture, providing animal products, and animals for
research purposes or as domestic pets. The branch of science dealing with
the study of various breeds of domesticated animals and their management
for obtaining better products and services from is known as Animal
Husbandry. It is called Live stock Management, when it corporates the
study of proper utilization of economically important domestic animals.
Animal husbandry covers a wide range of activities like caring and
grooming of animals, livestock farming, accommodation and hygiene and
including other disciplines – agriculture, veterinary science and genetics.
Animal husbandry includes domestication of animals for milk, meat, eggs,
wool, skin and hides, etc. and use them for draught and transportation.
India has about 500 species of animals, but only a few are domesticated for
different uses. This includes animals like bullocks, cow, buffalo, goat,
sheep, pig, camel, horse, donkey, mule, oxen, yak, etc.
Animal husbandry plays an important role in the Indian rural economy.
Many of the practices involved in animal husbandry come from being
brought up on farms wherein a large number of animals are reared and
raised. This is seen mainly in the rural areas. In India children are taught at
an early age how to take care of the animals their parents have raised so
that they also can take over farms and ranches as adults. In developed munotes.in

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Animal Husbandry
3 countries there are programs that help the children learn to take care and
how to raise the animals. In many parts of the world, people are practicing
animal husbandry as farmers, sheepherders, ranchers or simply taking care
of large groups of livestock.
In India dairying is regarded as an instrument for social and economic
development . The country’s milk is supplied through millions of small
producers, who are dispersed in the rural areas. Income from crop
production is seasonal, but dairying provides as table income all the year
round. It is an important economic incentive for the sma ll farmer. The
farmers maintain an average herd of one or two milch animals, comprising
of cows and/ or buffaloes. As dairying requires small land base and ample
labor is available farmers are encouraged to practice dairying as an
subsidiary occupation. Now a large number of modern milk and milk
product factories have been established. The organized dairiesin India have
been successfully engaged in the routine commercial production of
pasteurized bottled milk for Indian dairy products.
Sheep rearing is anot her branch of livestock rearing. Sheep with its multi -
facet utility for wool, meat, milk, skins and manure, form an important
componen to frural economy. It provides a dependable source of income to
the she pherds through sale of wool and animals.
Goat rea ring in India is a very important component in dry land farming
system. Goat is known as ‘Poor man’s cow’. With very low investments
goat rearing can be made in to a profitable venture for small and marginal
farmers. Goats are reared for milk and meat. Goat scan efficiently survive
on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility
lands where no other crop can be grown. Goati samulti -functional animal
and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small
and marginal farmers in the country.
Pig farming is adapted to both diversified and intensified agriculture. Pigs
convert inedible feeds, forages, and certain grain by products obtained
from mills, meat by products, damaged feeds and garbage into valuable
nutrition. The faces of pig is useful in maintaining soil fertility. With a
small investment on building and equipment, proper feeding and sound
disease control program the farmer can profitably utilize his time and labor
in this subsidiary occupation.
Rabbit rearing or farming is also a part of livestock rearing. Rabbits are
basically reared for meat, fur and wool. They have great potential to
convert the absolute feed into quality products for human beings. Rabbits
can be fed with forage, low grain diet that is largely non-competitive with
human food. Its meat is highly nutritious, tasty and excellent in quality and
is rich in protein, low infat, cholesterol and sodium. They are both suited
for both small scale and large scale commercial production.
Poultry farming is the raising of domesticated birds like chickens, ducks,
turkeys, and geese for the purpose of meat oreggs for food. Poultry are
farmed in great numbers with chickens being the most numerous. More
than 50 billion chickens are raised annually as a source of food (both meat munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture

4 and egg). Poultry keeping, in India, has for a long time remaineda rural
cottage enterprise. The common village hen receives very little attention
and care. As a result its productivity also is low. But now poultry is one of
the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector. The production of
eggs and broilers has risen at a rate of 8 -10% annually. As aresult, India
was the fifth largest egg producer and the eighteenth largest producer of
broilers in the world.
Livestock plays an important role in generating income and employment in
the rural areas. Besides assisting in crop production it also contributes to
household income. It utilizes human resources in a better way as it
provides full time oc cupation at the location it self along with providing
balanced nutrition in the form of milk, egg, and meat and farm power.
Animal husbandry plays a major role inproviding self -employment. A
large section of women are engaged in this. Livestock products also are
very good export earners.
Pursuing career in animal husbandry can bee it her continuing the family
farming business or to obtain academic qualifications in specialist topic.
Those who take this subject at under graduate level would be less
intereste d in caring for live stock and more likely they would specialize in
degrees in veterinary medicine, pharmacy (specializing in animals), or join
in companies manufacturing products for livestock. Some people who
raise livestock may join classes in animal hu sbandry to learn how to dock
tails, make use of new technology and techniques. Besides agriculture
animal husbandry is employed in raising of animals for scientific and
medical research. For testing and taking trials of new drugs animals are
often required in large numbers. So they are raised and kept in identical
conditions, so that valid comparison scan be made between different
groups.The animals used for testings hould be healthy as it involves
carefully regulating a number of different factors like tem perature,
ventilation, lighting and sanitation, as well as food and water. For this a
detailed knowledge of the specific speciesis essential.
Diverse and changing role of livestock :
Livestock is nothing but a capitalasset that is produced inthe past and
contributes to future product output. Investment inlivestock raises the
production in the farms through extension ofland area that can be used,
diversification of the productive activityon the farm and by raising
livestock value of output and as a result total agricultural production per
hectare increases. Livestock production is categorized into grassland -
based, mixed farming and land less production system. The land less
production system is mainly responsible for the growth in supply of meat
production. Th e landless livestock production system is a labor using
technology. Mixed crop livestock production system is important, as it is
the source of the bulk ruminant live stock production. In this the livestock
is fed on crop by-products, other plant material, contributes draught power,
manure, additional sources of food and also income, savings and
emergencies. munotes.in

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Animal Husbandry
5 Institutional changes:
Institutions constitute the formal laws and rules. Along withthe informal
norms of behavior and conventions, which governs acces s to resources,
transactions between individuals and organizations group activity ?
Livestock are generally privately owned, but for land and other natural
resources, private freehold tenure is the only one alternative. Institutional
change may have a critical influence on economic development.
Transaction costs are low in a traditional village society. It is based more
on relational contracting. Historical stagnation and contemporary under -
development in developing countries lack effective institutions. Open
access to pasture land may lead to over-grazing and degradation. Private or
community ownership is preferred. The farm household is a unit of
production and consumption. Labor hire for livestock is generally based on
long-term contracts to avoid problem s of uncertainty, performance
monitoring and asset specificity. Animal health services are important in
reducing losses due to animal disease. Technological change plays a key
role in agricultural development. Development of market infrastructure
and institutions is essential for economic growth.
Agricultural markets have increased and expanded with the growth of
international trade. Trade in livestock production is said to be increasing
but it repre sents only a small proportion of total value.
Now in recent years the scene has changed in developing countries as they
have started exporting goods rather than importing them. Milk and poultry
meat are one of the exported items in the country.
The demand for increased livestock production is increasing, and as a
result the livestock is contributing to the incomes and welfare of the rural
poor. For new livestock business; additional physical and or financial
capital is necessary. But later on the replacemen t scan be home bred.
Human capital having the knowledge of husbandry and skills is needed.
Technological innovations should be appropriate to the resource base.
Access tomarket outlets and input delivery systems is also necessary.
There is a need for impro vement in the are as of water supplies and
draughtre lief, technical improvements in animal health, nutrition and
production system. There is vast scope in the livestock business for import
sub stitution and saving foreign exchange. Improvement in the traditional
back yard systems is necessary along with the development of an
institutional framework. This can promote equitable contracts between
commercial processors and small holder producers and joint action by
small holders in establishing processing and marketing facilities.
Institutional development requires strengthening of rural roads and
communications, property rights and contractual agreements, and
organizations that provide credit, animal health services and other inputs.
Research has been done in animal and veterinary public health, for age
crops and the utilization of crop by-products, improved animal husbandry munotes.in

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6 and production systems and breeding, but it is not up to the extent that is
needed in the rural areas. Socio economic research is needed i n the
existing production systems, institutions for land tenure, credit, labor hire,
input delivery and product marketing.
The importance of livestock and their products is increasing as consumer
demand expands with population growth and rising incomes. Th is growth
in consumption of livestock and its product is reflected in improvements
in the average human nutritional status due to intake of animal protein.
Livestock products are costly thanthe staple crop products, so diets in most
developing countries generally include lower levels of in take of animal
products than the developed and industrialized countries. However
wherever domestic production of livestock has failed to keep pace with
the growing demand so imports of livestock products have increased
considerably. Livestock play an important role in contributing to rural
livelihoods, employment and poverty relief. In mixed and integrated
farming systems livestock contribute to both intensification and
diversification of income streams. It is not only an additional income but
also increase crop yields. Draught animals may also contribute to
expansion of crop production by saving in labor requirements. Livestock
may provide are serve against emergencies, while in many societies it also
serve social and cultural function. It also acts as a quantitative measure of
family status.
Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture dealing with the care and
management of livestock. It deals with the feeding, breeding, housing and
health care of livestock to gain maximum benefits. Livestock refers to
farm animals (cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, horse, camel, poultry,
fisheries, etc.) that are reared by humans for commercial purpose or for
recreation purposes.
Livestock has been used by humans for animal products like-milk, eggs,
meat, wool, silk, honey etc.
The word Husbandry means the management of domestic affair. It is used
in connection with proper feeding, breeding, health -care, housing etc.
more than 70% o f the world livestock populationis in India and china, but
it contributes to only 25% of the world farm produce. As a result new
techniques have to be used to improve quality and productivity along with
the old traditional methods of animal breeding and care.
Role of Animal Husbandry in Human Welfare -
a) Dairy Products -Milch animals can be used as a source of milkand
dairy products like yogurt, cheese, butter, ghee, paneer, ice-creametc.
b) Meat -it is a good source of animal dietary protein and energy.
c) Fiber - Livestock produces s a variety of fiber. Sheep and goat produce
wool, deer and sheep for leather. munotes.in

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Animal Husbandry
7 d) Fertilizer -The dung of these animals can be used a sex cellent manure
and can be spread in the fields to increase the crop yields. Cow dung
is also used to plaste r the walls and for flooring also in rural areas.
Cow dung cakes areused as fuel foe cooking and other domestic
purpose. Bones of animals arealso used as fertilizers.
e) Labor - Prior to steam power the only source of non -human labor were
the livestock. Animal s such as bullocks, horses, donkey, yak were
used for mechanical energy. Still in many parts of the world they are
used now also for operation like ploughing fields, transporting goods
and many other functions.
f) Land Management - Animals are grazed sometimes as a way to control
weeds and under growth.
Management of Farm and Farm Animals :
Management is the art and science of combining ideas, providing facilities,
different processes, materials and labor to produce and give services or
market a worth while product successfully in the market. Some of the
management procedures areas follows.
DairyFarm Management :
It includes the management of animals for milk and its products for human
consumption. Cow, buffalo, goat and sheep are the generally preferred
animals f or dairy products. The milk yield from cow and buffalo is more
than goat and sheep. Cow milk contains carotene, which gives yellow
color to the milk. Ghee from cow milk fed on green fodder is more yellow
than fed on dry fodder. Buffalo milk does not contai n carotene. Dairy
management deals with the processes and systems that increase yield and
improve quality of milk. They are as follows -
1) Four essential methods for livestock improvement are breeding,
weeding, feeding, and heeding:
a) The animals both male and female selected for breeding should be of
superior quality.
b) Uneconomic animals should be prevented from reproducing is the aim
of weeding.
c) Feeding is an important aspect of livestock improvement. Each animal
should be given balanced ration.
d) Heeding means p aying attention to the animals. It implies good animal
management and general supervision including housing care and
maintenance of proper clean liness and hygiene.
2) Health Care :
According to World Health Organization (WHO) definition of heal this
“Heal this the state of complete physical, mental and social well -being and
not merely the absence of disease.” A healthy animal eats drinks and
sleeps well regularly. So good health is also important.

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8 3) Resistance to diseases:
The animal is protected from diseases if looked well and also it can
develop resistance to diseases.
4) Suitable Environmental conditions:
Sufficient light, water, air, suitable temperature, adequate ventilation and
well drainage housing system should be provided.
5) Regular Inspections :
Regular visit by veterinary doctor is necessary. It requires regular
inspections and the records should be maintained properly. In short we can
say the productive potentialities of livestock are controlled by three
principle factors - i) genetic makeup ii) nutrition iii) environment including
the climatic conditions.
In India agriculture is a state responsibility, the implementation of
livestock policy is also at state level even though the policy has been
established at the national level. The statepolicies addressing critical needs
in dairy development have not been yet clearly defined across the country.
Even though some of the developed states have a well-defined policy, they
have problems in implementing the policies.
The hurdle in the effe ctive implementation of the livestock policy is the
lack of clarity between the roles of state Livestock Development Agency
and the State Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries.
The other problem is that of availability of funds to implemen t the
livestock activities. There is a need to emphasize the importance of
dairying to small holders incomes, so that they direct more resources
towards dairy development. Extension of knowledge, technology and
service to the grass -root level is of paramou nt importance for the growth of
the sector. Extension services for livestock have been a nonstarter severely
hampering its growth compared to the crop sector. Animal husbandry is
considered as a subsidiary occupation. The extension format and
methodology developed for crop production are considered to take care of
the livestock sector. This is not true because both the central and state
government have given extension low priority. Only 1% of the total budget
is allocated for the extension activities of this sector.
In the recent past, the livestock sector in India has emerged as an important
source of agricultural growth and rural development. The change in the
production systems, increased participation of women category,
technological advances in breeding , feeding, management and health
require distinct extension approaches and set -up. Door step delivery of
services in artificial insemination, immunization, health coverage, credit
facilities, market coverage is essential. Emphasis should be laid on wider
dissemination of information through intensive contact and electronic
media. munotes.in

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Animal Husbandry
Utmost priority should be given to develop appropriate livestock extension
system, so that its potential for agricultural growth and rural development
can be fully exploited. Various technical, advisory and financial needs of
different livestock production systems and species need a differentiated
approach of providing extension and input services by knowledgeable and
skilled workers. Specia l KVKs should be established that would lay
emphasis on various livestock activities with the support of para -vets,
NGOs and other development organizations. They should also support
education to farmers and up gradation of skills of para -vets and field
guides. The shortage of technical manpower for work in the field should
be addressed appropriately. Public -Private -Partnership (PPP) in extension
should be encouraged and made partners in PPP mode for effective
management of services. A major program on livestock extension, delivery
of services and women empowerment should be initiated to enhance the
efficiency of production.
The veterinary and animal science service is a highly specialized area. It
involves management and health care of the livestock and pou ltry,
prevention of diseases, disease diagnosis, meat and food inspection,
including milk and milk products, quarantine, animal welfare, feed for
mulation and testing, dissemination of technologies besides administration
and management. The scope for expor t of livestock and hygienically
produced livestock products has increased due to Globalization and World
Trade Agreements (WTA). Shortage of manpower is a major concern.
Veterinary infrastructure in general is poor and in adequate and there is
need for str engthening it.
The central and state governments economic policies have enhanced and
sustained agricultural growth. They were not able to address adequately
the deeply entrenched economic and social in equalities in the Indian
societies. Women are the custodian and producers of agricultural products
and translate these products in to food and nutrition of their households.
Women spend most of the in come sources on the education and nutrition
of their children.
Growing population, r ising income and rapid urbanization are the reasons
for rising in the demand for livestock production. Globalization of
agricultural food markets has exposed the livestock producers to global
competition. This has transformed the national and global market for
generating sectoral and national competitive advantage. It has created
conditions that compel and enable Sectorial decision -makers to creatively
utilize the opportunities to establish competitive advantage not only at
farm level, but also at industry levels. Due to this India is leading in global
livestock product market through sustained and all -round improvements
inquality and efficiency. Participation of women in the growth and
modernization of the livestock sector would need to promote gender
sensi tive institutional, legal and technological change in turn promoting
productivity, excellence and competitive advantage. munotes.in

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10 Live stock production in India is largely in the hands of women folk. Most
of the animal farming activities like fodder collection, fee ding, watering
and health care, management, milking and household level processing,
value addition and marketing is performed by women. Livestock are
important for the livelihood culture of women. Women have limited
alternative opportunities for employment . As women have little resources
to improve animal productivity it is difficult to manage risk and buy good
quality animals for productivity enhancement. The under -privileged group
of women should be helped to earn better and grow out of subsistence by
giving them knowledge of appropriate technology, skills, market linkages,
and information and service delivery systems.
As there is inequity in the ownership of productive assets i.e. land and
livestock and despite the women’s considerable involvement and
contribution to the livestock production, the gender in equalities do not
allow them access to technologies, credit, information, inputs and services.
The rapidly increasing livestock product demand has created opportunities
for women empowerment. Appropriate policies and institutional
arrangements would help women in harnessing the objectives.
Major approach and efforts should as such that they should enhance
women’s access to livestock assets so as to enable them to avail benefit s of
various livestock development programs and policies. Women self -help
groups or women livestock producers association can be involved to avail
credit for securing livestock and inputs, insurance to manage risks and
input and services to improve animal productivity. The procedural
requirements to avail policy benefits should be relaxed for women
livestock keepers. They should also be provided additional incentives in
terms of subsidies on interests and insurance premium.
Special programs should be initia ted for developing women
entrepreneurship along the livestock value chain. This must include the
production, processing and marketing so that they are able to face
challenges that come in the production and marketing of livestock. As
women are closely asso ciated with the animals, they have better
understanding and knowledge of the animal behavior in respect of
reproduction, feeding, symptomatic changes in animal health and their
response to external factors. Enhancement of women’s skill in various
aspects a nimal breeding, health, feed and nutrition, management and
marketing is necessary. Women entrepreneurship should be developed in
rearing of quality calves and heifers and marketing.
Dairy Co-operatives, Agri-Business and Marketing firms should register
more women members or suppliers of dairy products. As the production
systems are highly internalized based mainly on farm and family
resources, it is necessary to boost animal productivity and income of the
women. For this, there is aneed for appropriation of technologies and
improve animal health and nutrition through appropriate training munotes.in

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Animal Husbandry
11 programs, extension programs. This can enhance their capacity in clean
livestock production and livestock management to improve resilience of
livestock to climate change.
Social entrepreneurship approach should be adopted at village level
especially in the ecologically fragileareas. Social engineering is more
necessary than technical expertise to develop common property resources.
There is need for improvement of animals that would survive well with the
ecological fragile environment along with the empowerment of women. To
enhance the effectiveness of women -oriented live stock development
programs, there is a need to correct genderbias inveterinary education,
research and service delivery education.
Centrally Sponsored Projects :
Livestock Health in rural areas.
National Project for cattle and buffalo Breeding.
Assistance for Modernization of Slaughter Houses and Carcass Utilization
Assistance to States for Feed and Fodd er Development. Livestock
Establishment/ Modernization of Rural Slaughter Houses. Livestock
Integrated Sample Survey Scheme for Estimation of Major Livestock
Directorate of Animal Health (National Program for Prevention of Animal
Central Cattle Breeding Farms.
Central Mini -kit Testing Program on Fodder Crops. Central Poultry
Development Organization.
Regional Stations For Forage Production & Demonstration. Central Herd
Registration Scheme.
Livesto ck have been an integral component of India’s agricultural and
rural economy since time immemorial, supplying energy for crop
production in terms of draught power and organicmanure, and in turn
deriving their own energy requirements from crop by products a nd
residues. The advances in bio -chemical and mechanical technologies,
however, have weakened the synergy between livestock and crops.
Livestock are now more valued assource of food and contribute over one -
fourth to the agricultural gross domestic product and engage about 9% of
the agricultural labor force. The livestock sector has been growing faster
than crop sector; however, in recent years, the growth both in livestock
production and productivity has decelerated considerably. Livestock sector
is expecte d to emerge as an engine of agricultural growth inthe 12th plan
and beyond in view of rapid growth in demand for animal food products. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture

12 Achieving growth rate of 5-6%, however, would require addressing
challenges of shortage of feed and fodder and frequent o ccurrence of some
deadly diseases. The sector has remained under -invested; and neglected by
the financial and extension institutions. Livestock markets are under -
developed, which is a significant barrier to the commercialization of
livestock production. Besides, the sector willalso come under significant
pressure of increasing globalization of agri-food markets.
1) What is the concept of animal husbandry ?
2) Write in brief the scope for animal husbandry.
3) Explain the growth of marke ts and promotion of livestock
4) What is the role of animal husbandry in human welfare management ?
5) Write short note son:
a) Livestock extension
b) Strategies and programs
c) Strategies and programs for 12th plan
d) Women and Livestock



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13 2
Unit Structure :
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Introduction
2.3 Benefits of dairy farming
2.4 Selection of Dairy Cattle
2.6 Breeds of Cow’s
2.7 Exotic Dairy Breeds of Cattle
2.7 Breeds of Buffaloes
2.8 Careand Management o f Milch Animal
2.9 Summary
2.10 Questions
1) To know the benefits of dairy farming.
2) To know the different breeds of cattle.
3) To learn to take care of milch animals.
4) To know the factors affecting breeding efficiency.
Dairy farming was traditionally a fami ly business. But today it has grown
to a large extent to an organized dairy industry with technological
specializations in every step of the processes. Tremendous growth in dairy
farming equipment is seen and it helps modern dairy farms to manage
thousands of dairy cows and buffaloes. Many of the dairy farms in the
villages still manage and run organic dairy farms and supply the milk to
get processed by large companies and then sell to there tail outlets. To give
maximum profit to the firms the best approac h is to create and run a
sustainable dairy farm. It also takes care of the effects of dairy farms on
environments and animals for alonger period.
India is the largest milk producer of the world and milk has been marked
as the number one farm commodity. The white revolution had made
spectacular land marks in the Indian milk production scenario. Rural
prosperity by dairy farming was the need of the hour. Today livestock munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
14 production has taken a new turn by venturing itself on commercial basis.
Judicious balance d feeding round the year is the reason behind the higher
production potential of the crossbred animals and its economic
sustainability. The major constraint in animal production at present is the
chronic shortage offeed coupled with the poor quality fodder . In the recent
system of intensive livestock production an increase in the concentrate
feeding has increased the milk production cost and substantially decreased
the profits of farmers. The in creasing cost of feeding redients and its
seasonal variability has added to the gravity of the situation. Green fodder
is essential component of feed for the high yielding milch animals as the
desired level of milk production depend on it. The quality of herbage
based animal feed and fodder is responsible for the sustainability of dairy
industry in India.
There are many benefits of starting dairy business. The main importance
and benefits of dairy farming are as follows: -
As dairy farming is a traditional business there is no need to worr y about
marketing your products. As dairy product is active all the year round, you
can easily sell your products all over the country. Dairy farming is eco-
friendly as it doesn’t pollute the environment. Highly skilled labor is not
required for dairy farm ing business. With the help of family labor you can
easily setup small -scale dairy farm. Dairy farming provides great business
opportunities to the educated unemployed young generation. Maximum
production is ensured by, proper planning and management. The climate
and environment of India is suitable for various highly productive native
Indian and foreign breeds.
Commercial and small -scale dairy farming in India plays an important role
in the total milk production and Indian economy. Most of the dairy farmer s
in India raise animals on small scale by traditional methods, as they are not
aware of the modern farming methods and improved dairy farming
techniques. Due to this some farmers are losing their investment and not
getting benefit. Almost all regions of India are suitable for setting up dairy
farming business. Maximum production with profit from dairy farming
business can be ensured if there is proper business plan, well managed and
taken care.
Advantages of Dairy farming :
While starting dairy farming busi ness it is mandatory to know the
advantages of dairy farming business system. Milk is the primary source of
calcium mineral and nutrients for people.
1) As dairy industry is not totally reliant on rainfall, development is
possible even on days when climate is very hot and dry.
2) In take of dairy foods is increasing by both vegetarians and non -
vegetarians. munotes.in

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Dairy Farming
15 3) The amount of milk that has been marketed has never gone down and
even thought he provider has surpassed the need, the price has
remained the same.
4) Promotion o f milk is very easy, compared to the items from other
sectors. Costs of promotion are very low for any dairy and there is no
need for unique stores for milk.
5) Dairy agriculture is the only industry where earnings are as sure din
30 days.
Problems of Dairy Farming in India
The main limitations of dairy farming in India are as follows:
Most of the farmers are not serious about total expenditure and profit from
this business. Value of the green fodder is not calculated and counted
which they grow with the crop in their fields. High infrastructure and
feeding cost is the main constraint of dairy farming business.
Most of the farmers are not conscious about the breeding process of the
animals depend up on various factors, due to lack of proper publicity and
public announcement by the government. They are unaware that animal
breeding is a biological phenomenon and getting expected milk production
depends on proper breeding process.
The first and most important step adopted in dairy farm ing is the proper
selection of dairy cattle. Proper identification of animals and to keep
records is very essential. Cross breed animals with exotic inheritance is
preferred. In cross breeds, 50% of the native germplasm is helpful to retain
the adaptabilit y, heat tolerance and disease resistance traits of local
animals. The best policy adopted is maintaining animals sustainable to the
situation. Animals brought from different agro -climatic conditions cause
many problems, asthey cannot adjust to the new envi ronment easily. So as
far as possible the animals should be purchased from similar
environmental conditions.
Selection of dairy breeds:
Cows -
Selecting a calf in calf show, a cow in a cattle show by judging is an art. A
dairy farming should build up his own herd by breeding his own herd. The
guidelines to select a dairy cow are as follows:
1) Animals should be purchased during the months of October and
2) Animal purchased from cattle fair should be selected based upon its
breed characters and milk produ cing ability. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
16 3) Organized farm sreveal’s the complete history of animal as they
maintain history sheet or pedigree sheet.
4) A cow should allow any body to milk, and should be docile.
5) The maximum yields by dairy cows are noticed during the first five
lactations . Generally selection should be carried out during first or
second lactation.
6) Maximum yield is noticed till 90 days after calving.
7) There successive complete milking has to be done and an average of it
will give a fair idea regarding production by aparticul ar animal.
Characteristics of high yielding dairy cows :
a) Animal should have wedge shaped appearance of the body.
b) Attractive individuality with feminity, vigour, harmonious blending
parts, impressive style and carriage.
c) The breed should have bright eyes with lean neck.
d) The udder should be well attached to the abdomen.
e) There should be a good network of blood vessels in the skin of the
f) All four quarters of the udder should be well demarcated with well-
placed teats.
There are many nativ e and highly productive foreign breeds available.
Cows and buffaloes together can be raised in separate rows under the same
shed. Cow’s milk has low fat than the buffalo’s milk. For profitable
commercial dairy production the popular and common buffalo milch
breeds are Murrah, surti, Mehasani, Jaffrabadi, Badhawari etc. Gir,
Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar are popular cow breeds. The highly
productive foreign breeds like HolsteinFreisian, Brown swiss, Jersey etc.
All these breeds are suitable for Indian climate.
Breeds of Cows :
Gir-This breed is also known as Bhadawari, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari,
Sorthi and Surati. Originated in Gir forests of south Kathiawar in Gujarat,
also found in Maharashtra and adjacent Rajasthan. Basic color of skin is
white with dar k red or chocolate -brown patches or sometimes black or
purely red. Horns are peculiarly curved, giving a ‘half -moon’ appearance.
Milk yield is 1200 to 1800 kg per lactation. This breeds age at first calving
is 45 -54 months and the inter calving period is f rom 515 to 600 days.
Gircows are known for its hardiness and disease resistance.

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Dairy Farming
17 Red Sindhi - This breed is also known as Red Karachi and Sindhiand
Mahi. This breed was originated in Karachi and Hyderabad (Pakistan)
regions of undivided India and also is r eared in certain organized farms in
our country. Its color is red with shades varying from dark red to light,
strips of white. Its milk yield is 1250 to 1800 kg per lactation. Ageat first
calving is 39-50 months and intercalving period is from 425 -540 days .
Bullocks can be used for road and field work, though they are lethargic
and slow.
Sahiwal – This has its origin in Montgomery region of undivided India.
This breed is also known as Lola (loose skin), Lambi Bar, Montgomery,
Multani Teli. This is the best indigenous dairy breed. Its color is reddish
dun or pale red, sometimes flashed with white patches. It is a heavy breed
having symmetrical body with loose skin. Average milk yield is 1400 -
2500 kg per lactation. Age at first calving of this breed ranges fro m 37 -48
months and the calving interval is 430-580 days.
Indigenous Draught Breeds of Cattle:
Hallikar - It originates from the former princely state of Vijaynagaram,
presently part of Karnataka. Its color is grey or dark grey. This breed is
compact, musc ular and is of medium size. It has prominent forehead, long
horns and strong legs. It is best known for its draught capacity and
especially for its trotting ability.
Amritmahal - Its origin is in Hassan, Chikmagalur and chitradurga district
of Karnataka. T his breed was developed by the Maharaja of Mysore.
These breeds are grey, but the shade may vary from white to near black. Its
muzzle, feet and tail are usually black. They have long horns that end in
sharp black points.
Khillari - Their origin is in Solapu r and Sitapur districts of Maharashtra.
They closely resemble the Hallikar breed. Its color is grey-white. But the
new born have dusty redcolor that disappears in couple of months. It has
long black horns sometimes pinkish running in a peculiar fashion. The
bullocks of this breed are fast and powerful.
Kangayam - They are also known as Kongu and Konganad. They were
originated in Kangayam, Dharmapuram, Perundurai, Erode, Bhavani and
part of Gobichettipalayamtaluk of Erode and Coimbatore district. Coat is
red at birth, but changes to grey at about 6 months of age. Bulls of this
breed are grey with dark color in hump, fore and hind quarters. The horns
are spread apart. They are nearly straight with a slight curve backwards.
Cows are grey or white in color. They are also observed in red, black,
fawn and broken colors. Their eyes are dark and prominent with black
rings around them. They are of moderate size having compact bodies.
Bargur - This breed is found around Bargur hills in Bhavanitaluk of erode
district. It is developed for work in uneven hilly terrains. This cattle is
brown in color with white markings. Some animals are white or dark
brown in color. this breed of animals are well built, compact and medium
in size. They are well known for their speed and endu rance in trotting. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
18 They are very cautious in behavior and tend to stay away from strangers.
Umblachery - It is also called Jathimadu, Mottaimadu, Molaimadu, or
Therkathimadu. This breed is originated in Tanjavur, Thiruvarur and
Nagappattinam districts of Tamil Nadu. They are known for their strength
and sturdiness and are suitable for wet ploughing. The calves of this breed
are generally red or brown at birth with the characteristic white marking on
face, limbs and tail. The legs have white markings below th e hocks like
socks. The bullocks of this breed are dehorned which is apeculiar practice
in Umblachery cattle.
Pulikulam - It is commonly seen in cumbum valley of Madurai district in
Tamil Nadu. It is also known by the names Jalikattumadu, Kidaimadu,
Senthar ai. It is small in size, usually grey or dark grey with farm markings.
It has a well - developed hump. They are mainly used for penning in the
field and ploughing. The characteristic feature of this breed is the presence
of reddish or brownish spots in muzz le, eyes, switch and back. Their horns
have backward curving of Mysore type cattle.
Indigenous Dual Purpose Breeds of Cattle:
Tharparkar -This breed was originated in Tharparkar district (Pakistan) of
undivided India and also found in Rajasthan. It is also known by names
White Sindhi, Gray Sindhi and Thari. They are of medium size, compact
and their horns are lyre shaped. Their body color is white or light grey.
The bullocks of this breed are suitable for ploughing and casting. The milk
yield from the cows i s 1800 to 2600 kg per lactation. First calving age
ranges from 38 to 42 months and inter calving periodis 430 to 460 days.
Hariana - The origin of this brees is in Rohtak, Hisar, Jind and Gurgaon
districts of Haryana. They are also popular in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and
parts of Madhya Pradesh. The bullocks are powerful at work, but their
horns are small. The cows are good milkers and yield about 600 to 800 kg
of milk in lactation. Their age at first calving is 40 to 60 months and inter
calving period is 480 t o 630 days.
Kankrej - It is otherwise called Wadad or Waged Wadhiar. Its originis in
southeast Rann of Kutch of Gujarat and adjoining Rajasthan (Barmer and
Jodhpur district). They have lyre shaped horns. Their color varies from
silver -grey to iron -grey or s teel black. It is valued for fast, powerful,
draught cattle. They are useful in ploughing and carting. The cows are
good milkers and yield about 1400 kg per lactation.
Ongole -Also known as Nellore. Originated in Ongoletaluk in Guntur
district of Andhra Pra desh. It is a large muscular breed having well
developed hump. It is suitable for heavy draught work. Color is white or
light grey. Average milk yield per lactation is 1000 kg. First calving age is
38 to 45 months, while the Inter -calving period is 470 day s. This breed is
exported to South East Asian and American countries for the development
of meat cattle.

Page 19

Dairy Farming
19 Krishna Valley - It is originated from black cotton soil of the watershed of
the river Krishna in Karnataka and also is found in the border districts o f
Maharashtra. The animals of this breed are large. They have a massive
frame with deep, loosely built short body.Their tail almost reaches the
ground. It is commonly grey white in color with a darker shade on four
quarters and hind - quarters inmale, while the adult females are more
whitish in appearance. The bullocks are powerful animals useful for slow
ploughing. They are valued for their good working qualities. The cows of
this breed are fair milkers and the average yield perlactation is about 900
Deoni- It is also known as Dongerpati, Dongari, Wannera, Waghyd,
Balankya, Shevera. Its origin is in western Andhra Pradesh. It is also found
in Marathwad a region of Maharashtra state and adjoining parts of
Karnataka. Their body color is usually spotted black and white. Bullocks
are suitable for heavy cultivation. First calving age ranges from 894
to1540 days and inter calving averages 447 days.
Jersey - Its origin is in Jersey Island in U.K. it is the smallest animal of the
dairy types of cattle. This breed has adjusted very well to the climate of
India. So it is widely used in cross breeding with indigenous cows. Jersey
cattle have typical color of reddish fawn.They have a compact and angular
body with dished forehead. Theya re economical producers of milk with fat
4.5%. The age at first calving is 25 to 30 months and inter calving is 13 to
14 months. The average milk yield is 4500 kg per lactation.
Holstein Friesian - It was developed in the northern parts of Netherlands,
especially in the province of Friesland. They possess large udder and they
are ruggedly built. The mature cows weigh around 700 kg. they are the
largest dairy breed. The typical marking of black and white makes the me
asily distinguishable. Average milk produc tion of cow is 6000 to 7000 kg
per lactation, but the fat content is low i.e. about 3.45%. Age at first
calving is 29 to 30 months and inter calving is 13 to 14 months.
Brown Swiss -Brown Swiss breed has its origin in the mountainous region
of Switzerland. In its origin place it is well known for good milk
production and its rugged nature. The Karan Swiss is the excellent cross -
bred cattle obtained by crossing this breed with Sahiwal cattle at NDRI,
Karnal. The average milk production is 5000 kg per lactatio n with the fat
content of 4%. First calving age is 28 to 30 months and calving interval is
13 to 14 months.
Red Dane - It is developed in Denmark. Its typical body color is red,
reddish brown or even dark brown. It is a heavy breed where in males
weigh upto 950 kg and mature females weigh 600 kg. The lactation period
of this cattle varies from 3000 kg to 4000 kg. The fat content is 4% and
above. The age at first calving is 28 to 30 months and calving interval is 13
to14 months.

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Applied Agriculture
20 Ayrshire - This is the most b eautiful dairy breed and its origin is in
Ayrshire in Scotland. They are very active animals, but it is hard to
manage them. They do not produce milk and fat like other dairy breeds.
They are also known as Dunlop cattle or Cunningham cattle.
Guernsey - They have their origin from small island of Guernsey in
France. Its color varies from cherry red to brown. Mahogany and white is a
variation in color. The milk of this breed may help to reduce the risk of
certain cancers as it contains an exceptionally high c ontent of beta
carotene, which gives golden color to the milk.The milk yield from this
cattle breed is 6000 kg per lactation. The fat content is 5% and the protein
content is 3.7%. this breed is more advantageous than the other breeds due
to its high efficiency of milk production, low incidence of calving,
difficulty and longevity.
Dairy Breeds of cattle -
Jersey cross - Jersey cross breeds are produced by cross breeding the
indigenous breeds of cow with jersey semen. They are suitable dairy
animals for tropi cal plains of our country. They arewell adapted to our
climate and have better heat tolerance than other exotic crosses. They are
of medium size. Jersey crosses may show 2 -3 times increase in the milk
yield in the first generation, depending on the milk production potential of
our indigenous cows.
Holstein Friesian crosses - These crosses are more suitable for cooler
climatic regions like the hilly areas asthey are less tolerantto heat. They
have less resistance to tropical diseases than jersey crosses. The milk yield
is higher in Holstein Friesian crosses, but the fat percent is less.
The buffalo species originated in India. The buffaloes are classified into
river and swamp types. Both are called Bubalusbublis. Majority of the
animals are river type. Swamp typeare also found in certain parts of the
country specially in eastern parts of India. India is considered as the home
tract of some of the best buffalo breeds. Indian buffaloes are an important
source of milk supply today and yield nearly three times as much milk as
cows. Indian buffaloes are water buffaloes. There are about 10 indigenous
standard breeds of buffaloes, well known for their milking qualities.
Murrah - It is the most important breed of buffaloes originated in Rohtak,
Hisar and Jind of Haryana and Nabha and Patiala districts of Punjab. The
color is usually jet black with white markings on tail and face and
extremities sometimes found. An important character of this breed is
tightly curved horn. It is massive having compar atively long neck and
head, but the head of females is short, fine and clear cut, hips are broad
and fore and hind quarters are drooping. The she buffaloes of this breed
are one of the most efficient milk and butter fat producers in India.
Average lactatio n yield vary from 1500 -2500 kg. Age at first calving is 45 -
50 months and inter calving period is 450 -500 days. munotes.in

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Dairy Farming
21 Nili Ravi - This breed is found in Sutlej valley in Ferozpur district of
Punjab and in the Sahiwal district of Pakistan. The color is blackwith
white marking on forehead, face, muzzle, legs and tall. The head is
elongate, bulging at top and depressed between eyes. The most desired
character of the female is the possession of white markings. The horns are
small and coiled tightly, and the neck is long, thin and fine. The frame is
medium sized. The peculiarity of the breeds is the wall -eyes. The milk
yield per lactation is 1500 -1850 kg per lactation. Age at first calving is 45 -
50 months and the inter calving is 45 -50 months.
Bhadawari - Its origin is in Agra and Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh and
Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. Its body is wedge shaped and medium
sized. The head is comparatively small and the legs are short and stout and
the hooves are black. The hind quarters are uniform and highe r than the for
equarter. The peculiarity of this breed is the light copper colored body
withe yelids copper or light brown color. Two white lines ‘Chevron’ are
seen atthe lower side of the neck like that of Surti buffaloes. Its horns are
black and curl sli ghtly outward, downward before running backward
parallel and close to neck, and finally turning upward. The ox are good
draught animals with high heat tolerance. This breed is an efficient
converter of coarse feed into butter fat. It is known for it shigh butter fat
content. The fat content varies from 6 to 12.5 %. The average milk yield
perkg is 800to 1000 kg.
Jaffarabadi - The origin of this breed is Kutch and Jamnagar districts in
Gujarat. This bred is found in its pure form in the Gir forests. They have
massive head and neck as they are massive animals. Their forehead is very
is very prominent, wide with a slight depression in the middle. Their horns
are heavy that are inclined to droop a teach side of the neck. The horns are
curved but not curved tightly than in Murrah. They are usually black in
color. these animals are owned and maintained by the nomads the
Maldharis and they are traditional breeders. Average milk yield is 100 to
1200 kg. the ox are heavy and used for ploughing and carting.
Surti - It was originated in Kaira and Baroda district of Gujarat. Its skin is
black or brown in color and coat color varies from rusty brown to silver
grey. The body is of medium sized and well shaped and the barrel is
wedge shaped. Its head is long with prominent eyes. The horns are
moderately long and flat and of sickle shape. Two white collars round the
neck and brisket is the speciality of this breed. The age at first calving is
40-50 months and the inter -calving period is 400 -500 days. Milk yield is
900 to 1300 kg and the high fat percentage in milk is 8-12% which is the
peculiarity of this breed.
Mehsana -This breed of buffalo is found in Mehsana town in Gujarat state
and adjoining Maharashtra state. Color is mostly black; only a few have
black –brown color. It is a cross breed of Surti and the Murrah breed. Body
is longer and the limbs are lighter than in murrah. Their head is longer and
heavier. Its horns are irregular in shape, but are less curved at the end but
are longer compared to Murrah breed. It has good per sistency. The milk
yield ranges fro 1200 to 1500 kg and the inter calving period ranges from
450 to 550 days. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
22 Nagpuri (Ellichpuri) - It was originated in Nagpur, Akola and Amravati
districts in Maharashtra. It is a black colored animal with whit patches on
face, legs and tail.. It is also known by names Ellichpuri or Barari. It has
sword shaped horns long, flat and curved, bending backward on each side
of the back almost to the shoulder. The advantage of this type of horns is
that it helps to protect from wi ld animals and can move easily in the forest.
The neck is little long and the face is long and thin.Average milk yield is
700 to 1200 kg per lactation and the age at first calving is 45 to 50 months
and the inter calving period is 450 -550 days.
Godavari - It is breed formed from cross breeding of the native buffaloes
with the Murrah breed. Its origin is Godavari and Krishna deltaic area.
They have a compact body and are of medium size. Its color is
predominantly black with a sparse coat of coarse brown hair. Their
peculiarity is that the average milk yield per day is 5 -8 litres per day with
high fat content and the lactation yield is 1200 to 1500 litres. They breed
regularly and have a short calving interval compared to Murrah breed.
Toda - It is the name give n to the breed after the ancient tribe Toda of
Nilgiris of south India. At birth the coat color of the calf is generally fawn,
while in adults the coat color is fawn and ash -grey. This breed of buffalo
is quite distinct from other breeds. They are indigen ous to Nilgiri hills. The
animals have a thick hair coat all over the body. The animals have long
body, deep and broad chest, and short and strong legs. They have heavy
head with horns set well a part. The horns curveinward, outward and
forward. The animal s are gregarious in nature.
Pandharpuri - It is native of Kolhapur, Solapur districts of Maharashtra.
It is of medium size and have long narrow face. It has very prominent and
straight nasal bone, comparatively narrow frontal bone and long compact
body. It s body color varies from light black to deep black.The typical
characteristic feature of this breed is that the horns are very long and curve
backward, upward and usually twist outwards. The horns are so long that
they extend beyond shoulder blade and some times upto pin bones.
The milch animals should be properly fed and necessary care and proper
management practices should be followed, to get high milk production
during any lactation.
The animals should be provided w ith green succulent forage together with
leguminous hay or straw to the extent an animal canconsume. By doing
this the animals maintenance requirements aremet with through forage
only. Salt and mineral supplements should be given to maintain the
Alway streat the animals in gentle manner and with kindness. Never
frighten or excite the animals.
Maintain proper records of breeding and calving of the animals to ensure a
steady flow of milk through out the year. munotes.in

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Dairy Farming
23 Pay individual attention to feed each animal according to its production
and maintain individual production records.
Keep up regularity in feeding.
Provide water to drink at will or at frequent intervals.
Regularity should be there in milking. Milking thrice is better than twice.
Rapid, contin uous dry hand milking should be practiced without undue
jerking of teats. Milking should be done with whole hand.
Cows should be trained to let down milk without calf suckling.
Shelter should be provided during the hot part of the day in the form of
loose housing system so that they can get maximum exercise.
Grooming of the cows and washing of the buffaloes before milking help in
clean milk production and also will keep the animal hide pliable.
Wallowing of the buffaloes or water spraying on their bodies wi ll keep the
buffaloes comfortable especially in summer.
Common ailments should be properly detected and treated.
Common vices like kicking, licking, suckling, etc should be properly
detected and taken care of.
Provide sufficient dry period between calving at least 60 -90 days. I fit is
not sufficient the milk yield in sub sequent lactation will be reduced.
Check for mastitis regularly. Vaccination against important diseases is
must. Also guard the animals from in sects and pests.
Number the cows and record the particulars pertaining to milk, fat %, feed
taken, breeding, calving and drying dates.
Factors Affecting Breeding Efficiency :
Factors affecting breeding efficiency of cattle areas follows:
1) Number of ova - The first limitation on the breeding efficiency of
fertility of an animal is the number of functional ova released during
each cycle of ovulation. The time of mating in relation to ovulation is
important for effective fertilization.
2) Percentage of Fertilization - The second limitation is fertilization of
3) Embryonic Death -From the time of fertilization till birth, embryonic
mortality may occur due to a variety of reasons. Hormone deficiency,
accidents in development, over-crowding in the uterus, insufficient
nutrition or infections in the uterus or horm onal imbalance may causes
failure of Implantation of fertilized ova which die sub sequently . munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
24 4) Age of first pregnancy - Breeding efficiency can be lowered by
increasing the age of first breeding. The mature size of the female is
affected little if they are bred at a lower age.
5) Frequency of Pregnancy -The breeding efficiency of the female scan
been hanced, by lowering the interval between successive pregnancies.
Life time efficiency is increased if the female is bred at an early age for
the first time and rebred at almost the earliest opportunity after each
6) Longevity - The length of parent life is an important part of breeding
efficiency. The longer the life of parents, smaller is the percentage of
milch animals needed for replacement every year.
Housin g:
Good housing play an important role for keeping the animal healthy,
productive and disease free. Required space inside the house is necessary
for the proper production. Ensure availability of all types of essential
facilities like proper ventilation, su fficient flow of fresh and clean air,
sufficient space in the house.
Always feed the animals with sufficient amount of nutritious food, as
feeding good and high quality nutritious food ensures proper growth and
good health of the animals. Give gre en food in large quantity as it helps
the animal to produce more milk. Along with nutritious food always
provide clean and fresh water.
Care & Management:
The key to every livestock farming business is taking good care of the
animals. Try to keep them free from all types of cattle diseases. Timely
vaccination is necessary. Regularly provide the animals with nutritious
food and clean water. Keep stock of necessary medicines and other useful
materials handy.
In India there is a great demand for dairy products and therefore marketing
the dairy products is not a problem. Dairy products can be sold at almost at
every place in the country.
To produce the targeted quantity of green fodder the best option is to
maximize the fodder production p er unit area and per unit time. High
yielding fodder crops and fodder crop sequences are important to harness
year round fodder production. At this juncture intellectual stimulation and
economic rewards are essential to attract and to retain youth in dairy
farming for sustainable development. This could be achieved only by
generation of meaningful and viable technologies and transferring the
same for adoption by the millions of rural folk. munotes.in

Page 25

Dairy Farming
25 1. Give the benefits, advantages and problems of dairy farming in India.
2. Answer in brief - The different breeds of cows.
3. Answer in brief - The different breeds of buffaloes.
4. Write in detail about the caring and management of milch animals.
5. What are the factors affecting the breeding efficiency of dairy animals ?
6. Write short notes :
a) Selection of dairy breeds
b) Exotic breeds of cows


Page 26

26 3
Unit Structure :
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Scope of Dairy Industry in India
3.4 Operation Flood
3.5 Opportunities and challenges in the Indian Dairy Industry
3.6 Export Potential
3.7 Factor Condition for Dairying
3.8 Brandi ng Of Traditional Milk Products
3.9 Summary
3.10 Questions
1) To study the scope of dairy industry in India
2) To study the problems related with this sector
3) To study the efforts made by Indian government to increase milk
4) Effect of Globalization and Liberalization on dairy industry in India
Dairy industry in India traditionally has been an integral part of the
country’s economy. In India dairying is regarded as an instrument for
social and economic development. The country’ smilk supply comes from
millions of small producers, who are dispersed through out the Indian rural
areas. All these farmers maintain an average herd of one or two milch
animals, comprising of cows and /or buffaloes. The farmers are
encouraged to practiced airying as an subsidiary occupation to agriculture
due to amplelabor and less land space. Income from agriculture is
seasonal, butdairying provides a stable income all the year round and is
like animportant economic incentive for the small farmer . The cross bred
technology in the Indian Dairy Industry has augmented the viability of the
dairy units by increasing the milk production per animal.

Page 27

Dairy Industry
27 Subsequently milk production also increased at an exponential rate while
the benefits of an increase in milk production also reached the consumers
from a relatively lower increase in the price of milk.
India is the world’s largest producer and consumer of dairy products.
Almost the entire produce is consumed in the domestic market. Though
India has the world’ s largest cattle population, the average out put of an
Indian cow is significantly low. The other problems related with this
sector are the shortage of fodder, its poor quality, in adequate transport
facilities and poorly developed infrastructure, resulti ng in lack of
elasticity on the supply side that is expected.
The situation is buoyant on the demand side. The sustained growth of the
Indian economy and the consequent rise in the purchasing power, more
and more people can afford to buy milk and other dai ry products.
The Indian government and other stake -holders efforts led toan increase in
milk production. The factors responsible for this are new found interest on
the part of the organized sector, new markets, easy credit facilities, dairy
friendly polici es by the government, etc. Dairy farming has now evolved
from just an agrarian way of life to a professionally managed industry -
The Indian Dairy Industry. This is an indication of another white
revolution in the country.
Now India is the highest milk prod ucer in the entire globe. India is known
as the ‘Oyster’ of the global dairy industry, giving lots of opportunities to
the entrepreneurs globally. The Indian dairy industry has achieved this
strength of a producer owned and professionally managed co -operat ive
system, despite the facts thata majority of dairy farmers are illiterate and
run small, marginal operations and for many farmers, selling milk is their
sole source of income.
To capitalize on the largest and fastest growing milk and milk products
marke t can be a dream of any nation in the world. Liberalization has led to
a rapid growth of the Indian dairy industry, providing good opportunities
for multinational companies and foreign investors to release the full
potential of this industry. To manage the national resources to enhance
milk production and upgrade milk processing using innovative
technologies is the main objective of the Indian dairy industry.
Globalization and Liberalization are the main factors of the new economy
in India and is now on the fast track today. Industrial production is
increasing at a great speed and dairy industry is no exception to that. There
is no doubt there is tremendous scope for the growth of the dairy industry
as the imports and exp orts are getting liberalized in the global economy,
with the World Trade Organization coming into effect from 1st April 2001.
As the standard of living in the importing countries rise, exporting
countries will increasingly concentrate on whole milk powder and cheese
with the assistance of butter and skimmed milk powder. As the cost of
milk production in India is lowest, there is vast potential for the export of
dairy products. The major factor influencing production of bye products is munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
28 the newer use that may be developed through Research and Development
support. Milk proteins are being utilized increasingly replacing animal and
vegetable proteins in special bakery products and instant foods. Through
the application of membrane proven process, milk proteins is olates are
produced and are utilized for ice milk mixes and such other applications.
There is tremendous scope for the broadening of the product range and
some of the products. There are more than thousand varieties of cheese,
out of which Cheddar, Mozzare lla, Gouda and Processed cheese are
manufactured in India.Varieties of milk shakes are also increasing where
in milk and fruit pulp are mixed in different proportions to produce
different beverages. Some of the beverages can also be produced in
dehydrated form and can be excellent health food. Many of the organized
dairies are involved inthe manufacture of varieties of traditional milk
based sweets like pedha, paneer, shrikhand, etc which can go national. As
the world is getting integrated into one market, quality certification is
becoming essential. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification
also is essential in the market. There is great scope for introducing newer
plants adopt ing new processes by the dairy industry in India. Another
promising area in dairy industry is the packaging of dairy products. Non
Residential Indians and Overse as investments can take place in
manufacturing dairy processing equipment, fruit packaging equipment and
equipments for biotechnology related to dairy industry.
The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) launched Operation
Flood Program under the chairmanship of Dr. Kurien for the transition of
Indian milk industry from a situa tion of net import to that of surplus
production of milk in the country. Operation Flood Program was launched
in 1970. It has led to the modernization of India’s dairy sector and also
created a strong network for procurement processing and distribution of
milk by the co -operative sector. The main trust of this program was to
organize dairy co -operatives in the milk-shed are as of the village, and link
them to the four Metro cities, the main markets for milk. The efforts taken
by NDDB have not only led to in creased production, but also have ledto
the emergence of dairying as an important source of employment and
income generation in the rural areas. The operation flood program also has
led to an improvement in yields, longer lactation periods, shorter calving
intervals, etc. by using modern techniques.
Establishment of milk collection centers and chilling centershas enabled
minimization of wastage due to spoilage of milk. It also has enhanced the
life of raw milk. Operation Flood has been one of the world’ slargest dairy
development programs. A few other countries have also adopted the
model of India’s White Revolution, after the success achieved in India by
adopting the co -operative route.
Operation flood the successful Indian dairy development program
analyz ed how food aid can be utilized as an investment in building an
institutional in frastructure and can bring about national dairy
development. munotes.in

Page 29

Dairy Industry
29 Total contribution to the economy -
The Indian Dairy Industry is involved in the manufacture of various dairy
produ cts like cheese, curd, yog hurt etc. It is also engaged in the
production and processing of milk and cream. The Indian Dairy Industry
(IDA) specializes in the procurement, production, processing, storage and
distribution of dairy products. In the internati onal scenario India as a
nation stands first in its share of dairy production.
Employment opportunities -
The Indian Dairy Industry provides gainful employment to avast majority
of the rural household especially the women folk. Job opportunities are
mainly in the fields of production and processing of dairy products. An
individual having bachelor degree course indairy technology can easily
avail the opportunity to work in this industry. One has to qualify the All
India Entrance Test affiliated to the Indian Council Of Agricultural
Research for the graduation course in dairy technology. Later on he
canpersue for Master’s degree. Following job opportunities are available –
Dairy Scientists - A dairy scientist has to deal with the collection of milk
and take care of high yielding variety animals.
Dairy Technologists - The dairy technologist is the procurement officer
who takes the responsibility of collecting milk from farmers, milk booths
and cattle rearers He should well understand the latest technology that is
applicable in maintaining the quality of milk in the process of transporting
it to the desired location.
Dairy Engineers - They are appointed to set up and maintain dairy plants.
Marketing Personnel - They deal with the sale and marketing of milk
together with milk products.
Intensive Dairy Development Program (IDDP) – The schemes modified
under this program were on the basis of there commendation of the
evaluation studies launched during eight -plan period and are still being
Strengthening Infrastruc ture for Quality and Clean Milk Production
(CMP) – This scheme was launched in October 2003, acentrally sponsored
scheme having the main objective of improving the quality of raw milk
produced at every village level in India.
Dairy Venture Capital Fund - This was introduced in the Tenth Five
Year Plan to bring structural changes in the unorganized sector that would
measure milk processing at the village level, marketing of pasteurized
milk in a cost effective manner, quality or up gradation of traditional
technology to handle commercial scale using modern equipment’s and
management skills.
The country’s 12th plan aims at taking the current milk output from 115 -
116 million tons to 150 million tons or so by the year 2017. The plan lays munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
30 more emphasis on increasi ng the productivity, so that the costs milk and
milk products can be kept down.
Dairy industry is of crucial importance to India as it is the world’s largest
producer of milk, accounting for mor e than 13% of worlds total milk
production. It is the worlds largest consumer of dairy products, consuming
almost 100% of its own milk production. Dairy products are a major
source of cheap and nutritious food to millions of people in India. It is the
only acceptable source of animal protein for large Indian vegetarian
population, particularly among the landless, small and marginal farmers,
children and women. Dairying is considered as one of the activities aimed
at alleviating the poverty and unemployment especially in the rural areas
in thera in-fed and drought prone regions.
Main areas of concern in the Dairy Industry
1) Competitiveness, cost of production, productivity of animals - Asin
developing countries, demand for quality dairy products is rising it is
therefore necessary to increase competitiveness of Indian dairy
industry. Efforts should be made to reduce cost of production. The
factors that can reduce the cost of milk production are increasing
productivity of animals, better health care and breeding facilities and
management of dairy animals. Indian government and dairy industry
can play a vital role in this direction .
2) Production, processing and marketing infrastructure - It is essential that
we should develop proper production, processing and marketin g
infrastructure, capable of meeting international quality requirements, if
India has to emerge as an exporting country. A comprehensive strategy
has to be formulated with suitable legal backup for producing quality
and safe dairy products.
3) More attention on buffalo milk based special products - As the
availability of buffalo milk is in large proportion, India can focuson
buffalo milk based special product, like Mozzarella cheese, to meet the
needs of the target consumers.
4) Import of value added products and export of lower value products -The
liberalization policy has made it possible for Indian companies to
importmore value added products and export lower value products. The
dairy industry has to prepare itself to meet the challenges in the future.
5) Provision of SPS and TBT at international level - It is to be ensured
that provision of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement
(SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement are based on
application of sound specific principles.

Page 31

Dairy Industry
IDA is the apex body of the dairy industry in India and was established in
1948. The members of this apex body are from co -operatives, MNC’s,
corporate bodies, private institutions, educational institutions, and
government and public sector units. It functions closely with the dairy
producers, professionals and planners, scientist and educationist,
institutions and organizations associated with the development of dairying
in India. IDA has been providing a common forum to knit together the
dairy fraternity. Anapex policy body called the Central Executive
Committee (CEC), headed by the President, supported by two Vice -
Presidents and 19 Executive Committee Members, manages the
association. IDA has emerged as a plat form for as similation and
dissemination of knowledge, as an important tool for policy making in the
dairy sector in India. IDA organizes seminars, symposia and exhibitions
on wide range of topics catering to various segments of professionals,
scientists, institutions and organizations associated with the development
of dairying in India. IDA provides technical and scientific information to
all the members both to individual as well as institutions. Indian Journal of
dairy science a publication of IDA is a bimonthly journal, which
prima rily covers research articles, mainly to organize periodic
conferences, seminars and workshops on subjects of current interest to
maintain an inventory of the dairy scientists, research workers and dairy
planners and professionals employed in the different sphere of the dairy
industry including consultants in the field. IDA being a representative
body of the Indian dairy sector intervenes from time -to-time on the policy
issues like pre -budget memorandum, addressing issues arising out of
tariffrates, import / export, sanitary standards etc. IDA addresses the issues
arising out of WTO / SPS etc. it has a fairly well equipped library and
maintains Data Bank, which stores information on Indian Dairy Industry
as well as international Dairy Industry.
The objective of IDA:
1) It involves the advancement of dairy science and industry, farming,
animal husbandry, animal sciences and its branches including dairy
farming and research on breeding and management of dairy livestock.
2) To promote and participate in every way the rational and economic
development of dairy science, industry and farming inthe country in
association with co -operatives, industry, or any other organization,
national or international, having similar aims and objectives.
3) To collaborate with most of the so cieties, associations or any other
organizations, national or international, having similar aims and to
participate in meetings held in India or abroad.
4) To assume functions when asked to do so, on be half of Government
towards the advancement of dairying.
5) To adopt an appropriate logo for the association and to permit the use
there of by its members on such terms as may seem appropriate. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
32 6) To promote good standards and to foster the growth of the dairy
industry in general and for the purpose engages in consult ancy
7) To setup laboratories and do such like or other things are necessary for
the purpose.
8) To promote dairying, for the benefit of livestock and agricultural
farmers as a part of animal husbandry activity in particular and
agricultural farming in general.
9) To organize training, exhibitions mostly help in establishment of dairy
farm as a part of animal husbandry activity for the benefit of
agricultural, livestock and dairy farmers.
Indian Traditional Milk Products :
There are a large variety of traditional Indian milk products like- Dahi,
Lassi, Makkhan, Ghee, kheer, Basundi, Rabdi, Paneer, khoya. The market
for these indigenous based milk food products is difficult to estimate as
most of these products are manufactured at home or in small cottage
industries catering to the local areas. Consumers purchasing dairy products
look for freshness, quality, taste and texture, variety and convenience. The
products like dahi, and sweets like kheer, basundi, rabdi are manufactured
and sold by local milk and sweet shops as they are perishable items and
have a shelf life of less than a day. Consumer’s loyalty is built by keeping
consistency in the quality, taste and freshness. Several sweet shops have
built a strong brand franchise and have several branches located in various
parts of acity, stateor country.
India has the potential to become one of the leading countries in milk and
milk product exports. As Indiais located amidst major milk deficit
countries in Asia and Africa, as a result major importers of milk and milk
products are Bangladesh, China, Hongkong, Singapore, Thailand,
Malaysia, Philippines,
Japan, UAE, Oman and other gulf countries are all located closeto India.
As the milk production is scale insensitive and labor -intensive cost of
labor is low. And so the cost of production of milk is significantly lower in
There is a vast market for the export of traditional milk and milk products
such as ghee, paneer, shrikhand, rasgullas, and other ethnic sweets for the
large number of Indians scattered all over the world. So the major
concerns in export competitiveness are Quality and Productivity of milk
and milk products.
Quality - Training should be provided to improve the quality to bring it up
to international standards, which ne eds significant investment in milk
procurement, equipment’s, chilling and refrigeration facilities. munotes.in

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Dairy Industry
33 Productivity - It is imperative to improve productivity of Indian cattleto
have an exportable surplus in the long -term and also to maintain cost
competitiven ess.
Factor conditions for dairying entail the quality of animals, human
resources and technical skills, land availability, capital, credit,
infrastructure and other inputs relevant to the value chain.
The quality of anima ls is essential in determining its milk productivity and
hence overall production. Low productivity per animal hinders the
development of the dairy sector. The low productivity is a result of in
effective cattle and buffalo breeding programs, limited exten sion and
management on dairy enterprise development, traditional method of
feeding not based on scientific feeding methods, limited availability and
affordability of quality feed and fodder. The limited supply of quality
animals is exacerbated by policies limiting inter state movement of
Animal health and breeding services provision, veterinary infrastructure
development and vaccinations are the responsibility of the state
government. These services have been provided free or at a subsidized
Herd – A very large number of in digenous animals with low productivity
and a small portion of cross breed animals are reared.
Breed - Strengthening of in digenous breed is not there due to lack of
policy focus. Poor awareness of quality feed hinders product ivity.
Feed - The farmers are not interested in quality feed due to the low price of
milk and increasing feed costs.
Veterinary medicine - Availability of veterinary medicine is not an issue
but duplicate or cheap medicine is an issue.
Human Capacity - a) Farmer technical capacity, knowledge and new
techniques are not accessible. Major issue in many parts of the country is
the support services, technical capacity and accessibility to good quality
veterinary services. b) Organization and Managerial capacity -
Organizational and managerial capacity of farmers co -operatives is very
poor. c) Entrepreneurial Capacity - Entrepreneurial capacity is hindered by
a low capacity to risks incredit or finance market. i) Formal Credit
Mechanisms - Access to formal credit mechani sm is very poor. ii) Informal
Credit Mechanism - Easily accessible but at a very high interest rate.
External economies - Transmission of learning -Very poor extension
support services, lead to a poor knowledge transfer.
Social Capital and Trust - Properly man aged strong social capital and
trust in the villages can sustain dairy farmer organizations if properly
managed. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
34 The milk co -operatives and NGO’s provide services in many states in
addition to the state department of animal husbandry. Also the trained
private sector artificial in semination AI technicians provide services with
a nominal fee. Along with this state livestock development agencies are
set up as autonomous bodies to offer services in animal breeding in the
form of procurement, production and distribution of breeding inputs
(semen and liquid nitrogen), training and promotional activities.
Even though so many efforts are taken, the availability of services remains
limited. Due to lack of co -ordination the cattle and buffalo breeding
programs did no t have the desired impact. Also, extension activities in
dairy management are lacking. As the farmers lack information of feeding
and management practices they are not able to take advantage of the
potential of their animals. Giving proper knowledge to wom en folk
involved in livestock rearing would enhance dairy production
Crop residues like coarse straws, fine straws, leguminous straws, pulses
straws and sugarcane tops are the single largest bulk feed material
available to farmers for feeding livestock, especially the ruminants. A
major constraint in availability of the fodder resources is lack of efficient
management of common property resources.
Concentrates used for fodder include coarse grains like maize, sorghum,
bajra and other millets, cereal products like rice bran/ polish and various
oil meals, including groundnut cake, mustard cake, coconut cake, soybean
meal, cotton seed meal and sesame cake. The rising price of feed is a
major concern, so in many places co-operatives are involved in producing
feed concentrate and selling at subsidized rates to the farmers. Unless
adequate measures are undertaken to augment the scarcity of fodder
resources, it would be a major constraint in the development of the dairy
Lack of regulations to e nsure quality is also an important issue regarding
the feed of livestock and as a result all kinds of substandard feeds are
available in the market.
Formal / informal credit - As the access to credit is very less expanding the
herd of livestock is extremely difficult. There is little
access to formal credit through the co -operatives. Private traders and
agents of private companies provide informal credit but at a higher interest
rate. Taking loan from a trader binds the farmer to sell the milk to that
trader only often at a very low price.
Vaccines/ Medicines - Government and private sectors are involved in the
production of medicines and vaccines, but quality control is a critical
issue. There is a doubt or an important policy question whether the
government should manufacture medicines and vaccines or it should take
a regulatory role to ensure quality and availability at a reasonable price.

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Dairy Industry
35 Related Supporting Industries - Strong and supporting industries are
essential for the development of any industries. In case of dairy industry,
the National Dairy Research Institute pursues research and education in
all the a spects of dairying - microbiology, chemistry, technology,
engineering, animal genetics and breeding, livestock production and
management, animal nutrition, animal physiology, dairy economics and
dairy extension education.
Processing capacity - Lack of processing capacity in the country,
including processing by bulk chilling.
Processing capacity - Government gives subsidies on bulk chilling and
processing infrastructure.
Transportation and distribution - Transportation costs for procurement
are high due to low productivity.
Dairy farmer services - Health and breeding services can been hanced.
Extensionis almost non- existent.
Specialized finance and credit - It exists only on paper, but is difficult to
access. There is significant private sector investment in feed
manufacturing and the manufacturing of medicines and vaccines.
Processing capacity - There is immense scope to increase the processing
capacity and direct a major share of milk and milk products through the
formal channel.
Ghee is the only traditional milk product, which is currently marketed in
branded form. The main ghee brands are Sagar, Milk man (Britannia) ,
Amul (GCCMMF), Vijaya (AP Dairy Development Co-operative
Federation), Verka (Punjab Dairy Cooperative), Everyday (Nestle) and
Farm Fresh (Wockhardt).
Increasing urbanization and changing consumer preferences has led to the
possibility of large -scale manu facture of indigenous milk products also.
There is versatility in the equipment’s in milk manufacturing that can be
adapted for several products. For example, equipment’s used to
manufacture yoghurt can also be adapted for large scale production of
Indian curd products like dahiand lassi. Under the aegis NDDB significant
research work on dairy equipment’s has been done.
Mafco Limited sells Lassi under the Aarey brand and flavoured milk
under the Energee franchise (in the western region, mainly in Mumbai).
Britannia has launched flavored milk in various flavors in tetra packs.
GCMMF has also launched packed paneer under the Amul brand. It has
alos created a new umbrella brand “ Amul Mithaee” for a range of ethnic
Indian sweets in major Indian markets.
Western milk products such as butter, cheese, yoghurt havebecome munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
36 popular in the Indian market only a few years back. Withincreasing
urbanization consumption also has been increasing. The major brands
producing these products are Amul, Vijaya, Sagar, Nandini, Aare y,
Britannia, Dabon, Verka, Vadilal. But Amul has become more
aggressive with the launch of new variants such as Mozzarella cheese,
cheese powder, etc.
Milk powder / Dairy whiteners - Major skimmed milk brand sare Sagar
(GCMMF) and Nandini (Karnataka Milk Federation), Amul Full
Cream milk powder is a whole milk powder brand. Leading brands
in dairy whitener are Nestle’s Ebvery day, GCMMF‘s Amulya, Dalmia
industry’s Sapan, Kwality Dairy India’s Kream Kounty, wockhardt’s
Farm Fresh and Britannia’s Milkman Dairy Whitener.
Nestle’s Milkmaid is the leading brand in the condensed milk market.
The only other competitor is GCMMF’s Amul.
Nestle (Cerelac and Nestum) is the market leader in the infants food
segment. On the second position is Heinz (Farex). This is a category
where brand loyalties are very strong, as mothers want the best for
their babies. Wockhardt is a new entrant in this field proposing to launch
new baby food Easum containing moongan easily digestible pulses.
India is the highest milk producer in the entire globe. India is known as the
‘Oyster’ of the global dairy industry, giving lots of opportunities to the
entrepreneurs globally. The Indian dairy industry has achieved this
strength of aproducer owned and professionally managed co -operat ive
system, despite the facts that a majority of dairy farmers are illiterate and
run small, marginal operations and for many farmers, selling milk is their
sole source of income.
To capitalize on the largest and fastest growing milk and milk products
mark et can be a dream of any nation in the world. Liberalization has led to
a rapid growth of the Indian dairy industry, providing good opportunities
for multinational companies and foreign investors to release the full
potential of this industry. Tomanage the national resources to enhance
milk production and upgrade milk processing using innovative
technologies is the main objective of the Indian dairy industry.
Globalization and Liberalization are the main factors of the new economy
in India and is no won the fast track today. Industrial production is
increasing at agreat speed and dairy industry is no exception to that.
1) What is the scope for dairy industry in India ?
2) Write in detail ‘The Operation Flood’.
3) What are the opportuniti es and challenges in the Indian dairy
industry? munotes.in

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Dairy Industry
37 4) What is the role and objective of Indian Dairy Association - IDA ?
5) What are the factor conditions for dairying ?
6) Write short note son :
a) Export potential of dairy industry
b) Branding of traditional milk products
c) Impact of globalization and liberalization on Indian dairy industry


Page 38

38 4
Unit Structure :
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Advantages of Goat Rearing
4.4 Different Breeds of Goat
4.5 Exotic Breeds of Goat
4.6 Goat Rearing and Integrated Farming System
4.7 Breeding and Management of Goats
4.8 Food and Fodd er of Goats
4.9 Diseases in Goats and their Remedies
4.10 Summary
4.11 Questions
1) To study the role of goat rearing in India
2) To study the different breeds of goat
3) To know the advantages of goat farming
4) To study goat rearing and integrated farming system
5) To study the management and breeding of goats
Goat rearing plays a significant role in the rural economy of the country
specially, in the mountainous, semi - a rid and arid regions of India. As
goat is a multi functional anima l it plays an important role in the economy
and nutrition of rural landless, small and marginal farmers. Goat rearing is
practiced on large scale inrural India. Goats are kept as a source of
additional income and as an insurance against disasters and calam ities.
Goat scan survive on available shrubs and trees. In India goats are used
during the ceremonial feastings and they also have religious and ritualistic
importance in many societies. Increasing demand of goat meat and milk in
India is a hope for widely spreading this industry. In India goats are among
the main meat -producing animals and also, goat meat is preferred to other munotes.in

Page 39

Goat Farming
39 meats. Goats are also suitable for milk, fiber and skin production. High
quality manure also is obtained from the goats that help to increase the
production of crops. So commercial goat farming is becoming very
popular in India.
Goats are friendly animals and enjoy being with the people. Goats are
multipurpose animals producing milk, meat, fibre and skin together. The
initial investment in goat farming is very low as the goats housing and
management costs is low due to its small body size and docile nature. In
short goat farming requires less space and additional facilities. in small
goat farming they sha re their homes with owners other live - stocks. In
drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very less compared to other
livestock species. Goats are prolific breeders. They achieve sexual
maturity at the age of 10 -12 months and it starts giving milk at t he age of
16-17 months. Twinning is very common. Both male and female goats
have equal value. The goats can thrive well on thorny bushes, weeds,
cropresidues, agricultural by- products not suitable for humans. So we can
say they are ideal for mixed species grazing. Goats can improve and
maintain grazing lands and also reduce bush encroachment with out
harming the environment. Without causing any environmental issuess
laughtering and dressing operation and meat disposal can be carried out.
Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules
and is naturally homogenized and improves appetite and digestive
efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic and has anti -fungal and anti -bacterial
properties. So it can be used to treat urogenital diseases of fungal origin.
Goat is also called as a walking refrigerator for the storage of milk. It can
be milked a number of times in a day. Goat rearing creates employment to
the rural poor people. Ample scopeis there to establish cottage industries
based on goat meat and milk products, skin and fiber.
Around 19 well -defined Indian breeds of goats are scattered throughout
the country. Other than this there are a number of local non-descript goats
found in India. The well- defined goats are classified based on their
They are -
a) Himalayan Region b) Northern Region c) Eastern Region
d) Southern Region e) Central Region
a) Himalayan Region (Hilly Area)
States of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and parts of
Uttar Prade sh come under this region.
1) Pashmina -This breed is small dainty animal with quick
movements. They are raised in the Himalayas, Lahaul, Ladakh
and Spiti valleys. Softest and warmest fibre is produced by this
breed, which is used for high quality fabrics. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
40 2) Chegu- This breed yield pashmina, good meat and less quantity of
milk. They are found in the mountainous ranges of Spiti, Yaksar and
3) Himalayan Breed - This breed is found in Kangra and kulluvalleys,
Sirmur, Chamba and Simla in Himachal Pradesh and par ts of Jammu hills.
Their local names are gaddi, jamba, Kashmiri asper the areas where they
are reared. The goat of this breed is white haired and sturdily built.
b) Northern Region
States of Punjab, Haryana and parts of Uttar Pradesh come under this
region. Important milch breeds of goats come from this region.
1) Beetal - This breed is evolved from Jamunapari breed and mainly found
in Punjab. The color of this breed is red and tan, heavily spotted on white.
Does give milk about I kg milk daily and bucks may have a beard.
2) Barbari - It is found in Etawah, Etah, Agra and Mathura districts of
Uttar Pradesh, Kamal, Paniphat and Rohtak in Haryana. The breed is small
and short haired, with erect horns and varies in white, red and tan spots.
They are stall fed and yield 0. 90 to 1.25 kg of milk daily. They are highly
fit for intensive rearing. They usually kid twice in12-15months.
3) Jamunapari - This breed is the native of Etawah district of Uttar
Pradesh. They are largesized, tall, leggy having large folded pendulous
ears and a prominent Roman Nose. They carry long and thick hair on their
hind quarters and have glossy coat. They have short flat horns. The daily
milk yield is 2.25 to 2.7kg. The Anglo -Nubian breed of goat in Englandis
evolved from Jamunapari goats.
C) Eastern Regio n
This region covers the areas of West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Orissa and
some part of Bihar.
1) Assam Hilly Breed - this breeds are smaller dwarf breeds ofgoat and
are found in the hilly tract of Assam and other Easternstates.
2) Bengal - This breed is small shor t and found in three colors black,
brown and white. Their meatis of superior quality. The skin of this breed is
of excellent quality and there is a great demand for it in India and a broad
in footwear industry. Does kid twice in a year.
D) Southern Region
States of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Keral a
come under this region.
1) Osmanabadi or Deccania -They are a mixture of goats of the plains.
Their color is black, mixtures of white and black or red. They yield 1.4 to
2.25 kg daily.
2) Malabar or Tellicherry -This breed is found in Northern Kerala. munotes.in

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Goat Farming
41 3) Surti -They resemble Berari goats having white, short legs and are
popular in Mumbai, Nasik and Surat.The milk yield perday is 2.25kg.
4) GBRI - They are a mixture of two or more types of goats. They may
vary from black to white and their color is not uniform. They yield 0.9 to
2.8 kg of milk daily.
E) Central Region
The are as included in this region are Rajasthan, northern parts of
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
1) Marwari, Mehsana and Zalwadi - These breed is derived from
Jamunapari breed and is found in different color combinations. It is
commonly found in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The milk
yield per dayis 0.75 to 1 kg.
2) Kathiawari - it is a native of Northern Gujarat, Rajasthan and Kutch.
This breed have black coat with reddish color marks on the neck. They
yield 1.25 kg of milk per day.
3) Berari - This breed is found in Nagpur and Wardha districts of
Maharashtra and Ninar district of Madhya Pradesh. They are tall dark
colored goats. The daily milk yield of this breed is 0.6 kg.
The exotic breeds are noted for their higher milk breeds. They were
imported to India to improve milk yield of the local breeds.
They are as follows -
1) Sannen - This goat is a native of Sannen va lley in Switzerland. Itis
famous for its consistency and high production. Their color iswhite or light
cream. The ears point upward and forward and face
isslightlydished.Theaveragemilkyieldis2to 5kgperday.
2) Toggenberg - Its origin is in Toggenberg valley in north Switzerland.
Its skin is very soft and pliable and the male goat has usually long hair
than females. Both male and female goats are hornless. Average milk
production per day is 5.5 kg.
3) Angora - Its origin is in Turkey or Asia. It is small in size with short
legs. its horns are grey and spirally twisted and are inclined backward and
outward. Their tail is short and erect. The soft silky hair covers the white
body. This breed produces mohair, which is a superior quality fibre. The
fleece drops off natura lly as the summer approaches if it is not shorn
during spring season. The average fleece yield is 1.2 kg, while in good
animals it is even up to 6 kg.
4) Alpine - Its origin is in Alp Mountains. It is a cross breed of French,
Swiss and Rock Alpine breeds. No d istinct color had been established.
They are excellent milk givers and have horns. The milk yield is 2 to 3 kg

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Applied Agriculture
42 5) Nubian - Nubia in North Eastern Africa is the origin place of this breed.
It is also found in Ethiopia and Egypt. It has long legs and is a hardy
6) Anglo Nubian - This Anglo Nubian breed was derived by cross
breeding Nubian, Jamunapari breed of India with native breeds of U.K. It is
a big animal with a fine skin and glossy coat. It has pendulous ears and Roman
nose. This breed is known as the jersey cow in the goat world. They have no fix
color. Average milk yield is 3 to 4 kg per day and also can increase up to 6.5 kg
or more.
Goat housing is an important aspect of goat rearing. The basic n ecessities
of goat housing are location with low, as well as hilly areas, good
irrigation, quality air, tree shades etc. Goat houses must have good height
so that goats can stand tall. The goat house should be well ventilated,
should have sufficient space for feeding, there should be proper drainage
system in the house. An individual goat should be provided a space of at
least 4 m2. Supply of fresh water, milking space, dry space for keeping
feeds, good and dry flooring with proper bedding is also required. The
houses should protect the goats against wild animals and bad weather
conditions. Proper management schedule should be maintained for all the
activities in the farm. Effective cleaning mechanism is much necessary as
chances of infection are more. Suffi cient staff should be there to carry out
the activities like feeding, cleaning, hair trimming, dehorning, hoof
trimming, separation etc.
Free grazing system is suitable for large farms, but management of
wandering goats is a big task. Goats allowed to graze freely during day
time at controllable space will be good as it helps the goats to graze good
herbs as well as grass.
Stall Fed Farming -
This is an intensive integrated farming systems where in the stall fed goats
fit in. The milky -type animals are ideal for integrated farming system.
Many farmers have successfully run stall fed goat farms and found it was
more productive and profitable. Goats are the most efficient converters of
farm and crop residues into excellent organic manure.
Goats relish the stalk s and residues of most of the nutritious cereals when
mixed with green fodder (grasses and subhabul). Special goat feeds can be
formulated by using millets and oil cakes. The actual cost of raising the
goats is minimized as the cost of feed and labor gets distributed over the
farming operations. The goatmanure is ideal to be used as a fertilizer in the
fish ponds and all other crops, is also a good material as a base for
vermicomposting. The space required per adult animal is about one square
meter. Stall f ed goat farming is said to be an ideal occupation for the small
and marginal farmers and also landless agricultural laborers. munotes.in

Page 43

Goat Farming
43 To keep a small herd of goats small shed having good cross ventilation is
sufficient. A deep litter system with bedding material o f paddyhusk and
ground nut shell is ideal for raising goats. The bedding material should be
changed after six months. The bedding should be turned periodically to
remove the fowl odor in the shelter. The dung and urine collected on the
bedding material is enriched organic manure. The biological activity in the
deep litter system keeps the shelter warmin winter and cool in summer.
Goat farming with stall -feeding can be managed in small yards. It is
economical and rewarding enterprise for the small, marginal and landless
It is of utmost importance to provide exercise paddock for the goats reared
in stall fed system. An enclosure measuring 12 m x 18 m is sufficient for
100 to 125 goats. Trees giving shade should be planted to provide
adequate comfort i n summer. Animals should be allowed to roam in the
enclosed area for some fixed period so that they can breath sufficient fresh
air and exercise.
Goats are robust animals having resistance to many diseases. Still they are
to be vaccinated against foot and mouth disease, pests and tetanus
regularly. They have to be de-wormed twice in a year to keep them in
good stead.
Takecare of goats by always monitoring their activities. Healthy goats
and weak goats should be kept separate and necessary treatment should
be provided to the weak goats. Vaccinate the goats in time prevents the
unwanted problems and keep the goats healthy and productive. Prevent
the goats from going outside the farm area. Always feed the goat’s fresh
and nutritious food along with sufficient amount of green elements.
Special care has to be taken of breeding bucks and does.
Modern and well-established scientific principles, practices and skills are
to be used to gain maximum economic benefits from go a treari ng.
Management of goat’s shelter (goats house) –
Shed should be constructed on dry and properly raised ground. Avoid
water logging and marshy areas for the shed. Floors should be elevated in
heavy rainfall areas and low -lying areas. The shed should be 10 f t. high
and good ventilated. Does should be housed in groups up to around 60
per pen, while bucks should be housed in individual pens. Proper shade
and cool drinking water should be provided for the animals in summer.
Dung and urine should be disposed prop erly. Adequate space should be
provided for the goats so as to avoid over stocking or crowding.
Selection of Goat Breeding Stock and its Management –
A veterinary doctor and bank’s technical officer should be consulted
before purchasing the animals. The animals to be purchased should bein munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
44 good health and have good physical features. Animals that are ready to
breed and in the prime stage of production should be purchased. Suitable
identification mark should be there to identify newly purchased animals.
The n ewly purchased animals should be vaccinated against the diseases.
The newly purchased animals should be kept separate and observed for
15 days before mixing them with the general flock. Un productive
animals should be identified and replaced by the animals that are farm
born or by newly purchased ones. Bred the animals at an interval of 8-9
months for maximum productivity. The kidding shouldbe avoided during
peak periods of summer and winter. The old animals should be culled at
the ageof6 yearsandabove.
Goat Diseases and its Management –
I fillness is suspected consult the nearest veterinary aid center. The farmer
has to be alert for any signs of illness. If the animals have reduced the food
in take, having fever, abnormal discharge or any unusual behavior is seen
in the animal, immediately consult the near by veterinary doctor. The
animals should be protected from common diseases. Segregate or separate
the sick animals immediately from healthy ones and take necessary
measures for disease control in case of out break of contagious diseases.
Regularly deworm the animals. Examine the faeces of animals to
detecteggs of internal parasites. If found treat the animals with suitable
drugs. To minimize the health disorders and illness provide clean and pure
and uncon taminated feed and water to the animals. The animals should be
vaccinated regularly as per the vaccination schedule program. The
common diseases found in goats are Mastitis, Foot Rot, Brucellosis,
Internal Parasites, External Parasites, Poisoning and Bloat .
Goats are very active eaters and easily cover large areas
insearchoftheirfavoriteplants.Itisforthemtopickthemostnutritious plant
parts in the form of small leaves, fruits and flowersbecause of their split
upper lips and sm all mouths. Goats do not eateverything that come in front
of them. They reject all materials thatare low in quality. They select only
those grasses, which have highprotein content and are easy to digest. They
chose both warm and cool season grasses and legumes for foraging over
bush and weeds.
Bushes and shrubs should be there for the animal browsing, and supply of
cultivated fodder from own farm or from surrounding farms must be
ensured. Offer rough ages adlib so that this meets 2/3 of the energy
requireme nts. Half of the rough ages should include leguminous green
fodder and the remaining half should be grass and tender tree leaves.
Concentrates must be provided if there is no good quality green fodder.
The kids should be fed colostrum up to 5 days and later on kid’s starter
rations. From 15 days onwards the kids should be given green leguminous
fodder. Salt and water is to be given at all times. During breeding season
the bucks and does should be given additional concentrates. All the
necessary nutrients sh ould be provided to the animals for proper growth. munotes.in

Page 45

Goat Farming
45 Under Stall Fed Conditions –
If the goats are totally stall -fed they should be provided with around 3 -4 kg
of green fodder, 1 -2 kg of dry fodder and 200 -250 gms of ready made
seeds as concentrates. If the g oats are partially stall-fed and partially free
range, then feed the goats with 50% of the above quantities in the stall.
The kids should be allowed to suckle enough colostrumin the beginning,
for their natural immunity. Supplementary special kidration should be
started for the kids after 10 to 12 days of birth but milk feeding should be
continued up to 2.5 to 3.0 months. Adult goats should be given green
leaves of shrubs like Subabhul, Shewari, Pangara, Anjan, Babul beans.
Preservation of Green Forage Crop – Silage
Silage is the food stufff or goats prepared by preserving green for age
crops by acidification. It has two phases aerobic phase and second
anaerobic phase. The aerobic phase occurs in presence of oxygen. Oxygen
present in the forage is consumed; by the plant material through the
process of respiration. Excessive aerobic fermentation reduces energy
content of the silage. It might cause heat damage to proteins.
The anaerobic phase begins when available oxygen is used up by
respiration and aerobic bacteria cease to function. The anaerobic bacteria
multiply and the fermentation process begins. Fermentation completely
ceases after 3 to 4 weeks. The pH becomes very low; as a result all the
microbial growth is inhibited.
To enhance the feed quality and re duce spoilage limited air should be
present in the silage. Silage density increases with increasing moisture
content, shorter cut length packed silage depth and amount of packing.
Feeding Management
The different goat rearing systems are as follows -
1) Extens ive Grazing System -
In extensive system of grazing the goat are left in the entire pasture for
grazing for the whole season. Feed cost is much reduced in this system. It
is not conducive to make the best use ofthe whole grasses. So it is
suggested to pract ice rotational grazing method.
Rotational Grazing System -
Inrotational grazing system the pastureland should be divided into several
sections by temporary fences. The goats are then moved from one section
to another section. By doing this the first section will have sufficient grass
cover to provide for second grazing by the time the entire pasture is
grazed. In this system of grazing parasitic infestations are controlled to a
great extent. It also helps to provide quality fodder formost of they ear. it is
suggested to graze the lambs first and then bring in ewes to finish the feed
left by the kids. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
46 2) Semi -Intensive System of Grazing -
It is an intermediate compromise between extensive and intensive system
of goat grazing followed in some flocks having limited grazing. It involves
extensive management with controlled grazing of fenced pasture. Stall -
feeding, shelter at night under shed and 3 -5 hour grazing and browsing on
pasture is the provision in this system of grazing. Feed of costis increased
in this system .
Advantages of Semi -intensive system of grazing -
The requirement of nutritious food is fulfilled both from grazing and stall-
feeding. Medium to large flocks of 50 to 350 heads and above can be
managed in this system. Cultivated forage is utilized during t he lean
period. Harvesting of good crops for kids both for meat and milk is
possible. As less labor is required more profit can be gained.
3) Intensive System of Grazing -
It is also called as zero grazing system. In this system thegoats are
continuously kept under housing confinement with limited access in which
they are stall-fed. Here the goats are not left to fend themselves with
minimum care. This system requires more labor and more cash input. But
the advantage of this system is that the animals can be closely supervised
and animals can be controlled. This system makes use of the dung as a
good fertilizer. More number of animals can be adjusted in lesss pace.
4) Rearing in Mud Floor -
Once in a year 1-2 inches of mud surface should be removed in this
method. T he disease occurrence in the shed will be reduced with the
application of lime powder once in a month. To prevent water stagnation
shed should be constructed in elevated area.
5) Rearing in Deep Litter Shed -
The animals in this system are reared on the litter materials like groundnut
husks, sugarcane tops etc. are spread on the floor for a depth of ½ feet. The
urine and dung mixed with the litter material are used as fertilizer. Once in
six months the litter material should be removed. The litter material shou ld
not be over wet in heavy rain, as this would cause the production of
ammonia gas.
6) Rearing in Elevated Floor Shed -
The initial investment in this system is high. The animals are reared in the
wooden floor sheds in a distance of 3m from the floor. This sy stem
requires less labor, but for fodder production more irrigated land is
required. The elevated sheds will be clean. The urine and dung will be
collected on the floor. This requires periodical removing once in six

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Goat Farming
47 Feeding different age groups of goats -
A) Feeding does in different stages
a) Feeding of breeding does – There is no need of supplement
concentrate mixture if good pasture is available. But in poor grazing
conditions animals should be supplied with concentrate mixture in
proportion of 150–350g of concentrate per animal per day depending on
the age. The digestible crude protein level of concentrate mixture used
in the adult feed is 12%.
b) Feeding does during the first four months of pregnancy - Grazing in
good quality pasture for 4 -5 hours per day should be allowed in
pregnant animals and they should be supplemented with available green
fodder at the rate of 5kg per head per day.
c) Feeding the does during the last month of pregnancy - In this period
the fetal grows by 60 -80%, so the animals should be allowed to graze in
very good quality pasture for 4 -5 hours per day. Or else due to
parturition and lack of energy in the feed can cause pregnancy toxemia
in does. The animals also should be fed with concentrate mixture at the
rate of 250 -350g per animal p er day. Their ration should be also
supplemented with green fodder at the rate of 7kg per head per day.
d) Feeding the does at the kidding Time - Soon after kidding the doe
must be given enough slightly warm water. Immediately after kidding
the grain allowance should be reduced but good quality dry rough age is
fed. Usually it is preferred to feed lightly on the day of parturition, but
allow plenty of clean and cool water to drink. After parturition the
ration of the doe can be gradually increased so that she r eceives full
ration with bulky and laxative feed stuff in divided doses during the
first few days.
e) Feeding Lactating Does - They should be given 6 -8 hours for grazing
along with 10 kg cultivated green fodder per day, 400g of concentrate
mixture per day, 80 0 g of good quality legume hay per day.
f) Feeding Non Pregnant Does –There is no need to give concentrate
mixture if the availability of pasture is good but if not there then the
animals should be supplemented with 150 -200 g of concentrate per
animal per day.
B) Feeding Bucks for Breeding - Usually the common practice isto allow
the bucks to graze with the does so that he also gets the same ration as
the does. This will meet the nutritional requirements of the buck.
C) Feeding the kids
a) Feeding the kids from birth to three months of age - Feed the young
ones with colostrum immediately after birth. The young one and the
dam should be kept together for 3 -4 days so that the young one has
frequent access to milk. But after that up to weaning feed the kids for 2 -
3 times a d ay with milk. As the kid is about 2 weeks of age it should be munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
48 trained to eat green rough ages. It should be provided with the
concentrate mixture (Creep Feed) at the age of one month up to 2 -3
months of age. The creep feeding gives mor enutrients for the rapid
growth of kids.
b) Feeding after 3 months to 12 months of age - The kids should be
allowed to graze in the pasture for about 8 hours per day. They should
be supplemented with concentrate mixture with protein of 16-18%
attherate of 100-200 g per animal per day. They should be given dry
fodder at night in summer months and during rainy days.
Goat is a multifunctional animal it plays an important role in the economy
and nutrition of rural landless, small and marginal farmers. Goat rearing is
pract iced on large scale in rural India. Goats are kept as a source of
additional income and as an insurance against disasters and calamities.
Goats can survive on available shrubs and trees. In India goats are used
during the ceremonial feastings and they also have religious and ritualistic
importance in many societies. Increasing demand of goat meat and milk in
India is a hope for widely spreading this industry.
1) What are the advantages of goat rearing ?
2) Name the different breeds of goat in India.
3) Write in detail goat rearing and integrated farming system.
4) Discuss management and breeding in goats.
5) Feeding management of goats -discuss.
6) Discuss the feeding management and different goat rearing
systems in India.
7) Answer in short the feeding of different age groups of goats.
8) Write short note on :
a) Exotic breeds of goat
b) Stallfed farming
 munotes.in

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49 5
Unit Structure :
5.1. Objectives
5.2. Introduction
5.3. Importance of Sheep Farming
5.4. Scope for Sheep Farming
5.5. Indian Breeds of Sheep
5.6. Exotic Sheep Breeds
5.7. Rearing of Sheep
5.8. Feeding Management
5.9. Diseases found in Sheep’s
5.10. Summary
5.11. Questions
1) To know the importance of sheep rearing
2) To study the advantages of sheep farming
3) To study the scope for sheep rearing
4) To study the different breeds of sheep in India
5) To study the different sheep rearing systems
6) To learn the diseases in sheep’s and their remedies
Sheep farming is one of the traditional business and occupations of
the people in many countries around the world since ancient times. Sheep
farming means rearing sheep’s at commercial level, for the purpose of
meat, milk and wool production. In s hort sheep rearing is the raising and
breeding of domestic sheep. With proper facilities sheep can be raised
on small and large scale. Sheep can be reared as free range or under
housing inside a shed. It is an important of dryland farming system.
With very low investments it can be made a profitable venture for small
farmers, marginal farmers and landless laborers. Commercial sheep munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
50 farming business is very profitable, as investment is repaid in a
short period. Sheep with its multi -facetutility for wool, meat, milk,
skins and manure, for man important component of rural economy
particularly in the arid, semi -arid and mountainous areas of the country.
Through sale of wool and animals, it provides a dependable source of
income to the shepherds.
Sheep are raised mainly for their wool, milk, skins and manure production.
Sheep meat is popular in all types of people through out the world as it is
very tasty and nutritious. Mutton is one kind of meat, towards which there
is no restriction by any community in India and further development of
superior breeds for mutton production will have a great scope in the
developing economy of India. It is a reliable source of income for the
people engaged in animal farming business. Sheep farming is a great
source of income and can eradicate poverty from the barren, desert,
semi -arid and mountainous areas. Sheep in India are mostly
maintained on natural vegetation on common grazing lands, waste lands
and uncultivated (fallow) lands, stubbles of cultivat ed crops and top feeds
(tree lopping). They are rarely kept on grain, cultivated fodder or crop
residue. The productivity of Indian sheepis lower than those of
agriculturally more advanced countries. But their productivity cannot be
considered as in effici ent considering their nutritional and physical
environment. The major reasons for the low productivity of sheep are
in adequate grazing resources, diseases causing high mortality, morbidity
and consequent reduced production, and serious lack of organized e ffort
for bringing genetic improvement. Sheep are mostly reared for wool and
meat. Sheep’s skin and manure constitute important sources of earning.
Milk from sheep is of limited importance so Indian sheep is not regarded
asdairy sheep. A number of rural -based industries use sheep’s wool and
skin as raw material. Sheep manure also is an important source of
soil fertility.
Sheep farming and its advantages:
1) Sheep farming can be started using small capital.
2) A small and simple house is sufficient for the sheep.
3) Less labor is required for sheep farming business than any other
livestock business.
4) As sheep’s reproduce in a shorts pan the foundation stock is
relatively cheap and the flock can be multiplied rapidly.
5) Sheep can be used for cleaning unwanted plants from the garden
or field as they eat different kinds of plants.
6) Sheep hardly destroy strees and plants.
7) Sheep are economical converter of grass into meat and wool and eat
varied kinds of plants compared to other kind of livestock. This
makes them excellent weed destroyer. munotes.in

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Sheep Rearing
51 8) Products obtained from sheep are used for different purposes. The
production of wool, meat and manure provides three different
sources of income to the shepherd.
9) Sheep can adapt themselves to almost all types of environment, as
they are very strong and hardy animal.
10) Sheep can be raised with other livestock animals, as they requireless
spacefor living.
11) Proper management and care in commercial sheep farming creates
employment and a good source of income for the unemployed
educated youths.
12) Commerc ial sheep farming can play an important role in the national
income of the country.
13) There is an opportunity to earn foreign exchange as the sheep products
have a huge demand in the international market.
14) Export of sheep products can increase national income .
The contribution of sheep to total meat production in the country is more
than 14% and the contribution of sheep through export of meat is more
than 8% of the total export value of agricultural and processed food
products. Live sheep are also exported for meat purpose. Sheep’s skin
also is exported in the form of leather and leather products. Amongst the
livestock owners shepherds are the poorest and sheep make a valuable
contribution to the livelihood of this section. The Central
Government had established the Central Sheep and Wool Research
Institute (CSWRI) in Rajasthan on realizing the importance of sheep
in Agrarian economy. Many sheep breeding farms were established
during various plan periods throughout the country. Sheep
development activities were initiated under the programs like DPAD,
MFAL, SFDA, ISDP’s. Setting up of woolboards in important wool
producing states was envisaged. Some states have setup wool
development corporations and federations.
There are around 40 breeds of sheep in India out of which 24
breeds are distinct. The breeds vary from the non -woolly breeds in the
southern peninsular region usually kept for mutton and manure.
Apparel wool breeds are reared in the northern temperate region. There
are no specific breeds in a strict sense if we classify
The sheep breeds. Majority of breeds lack characteristics of a fixed
Animals having distinct characters localized to a place and different from
those of other places are termed as breed s and are given some local
name. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
52 There are neither breeding societies nor agencies to register animals of a
particular breed, maintain flock books and ensure purity of the breeds.
Very little efforts have been made to conserve and improve then ative
breeds other than government farms. Only a few important breeds of
sheep are maintained for pure breeding and producing stud rams for
distribution to the farmers. In India most of the breeds of sheep have
evolved through natural adaptation to agro-ecological conditions and
limited artificial election for particular requirements. Generally most of
the breeds have been named after their place of origin and on the basis of
their prominent characters. Among the most widely distributed
nativesheep breeds most prevalen tare Marwari and Deccan.
Sheep are contributing much to the India’s economy and are used for
producing cloth, carpet and mutton.
The available sheep breeds in India are as follows: -
A) Sheep Breeds in Eastern Region -
1) Balangir - It is an important sheep breed in eastern regions of India.
They are light brown in color with short ears and knobby. Their fleece is
extremely coarse. This breed is mainly raised for its wool and mutton.
2) Tibetan – This breed is popular for producing beautiful wool,
which is used for ma nufacturing carpet.
3) Bonpala –Fleece from this sheep is also used for making carpet.
The fleece of this sheep is black or white.
Ganjam, Garole and Chottanagpuri are also the breeds available in
the eastern region of India and they are mainly raised for mutton.
B) Sheep Breeds in the Northern Region -
1) Gaddi - It is a popular sheep breed in northern region of India.This
breed is of medium size with short and flat tails. Generally thefleece color
is white but black, brown or tan color wool is also seenin Gaddi shee p.
The two types of sheep breeds originated from Gaddiare Kashmir and
Merino sheep. The fleece produced by these sheep is of good quality
and is considered as one of the finest wool in the world. The fleece is
used usually used for cloth production.
2) Bakhar wal - This is an endangered species of bred available, but
only a few numbers is available.
The other sheep breeds available in the northern region are Changthangi,
Karhah and Gurez. Wool from Changthangi and Gurez sheep is used
for making carpets and wool from Karhah is used as apparel wool.
C) North western Region -
1) Magra - This sheep is very popular breed and highly available inthe
Bikander district of north western region of India. This breed produces
high quality and extremely white wool, and their wool i sused for munotes.in

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Sheep Rearing
53 producing fine carpet. Magra ewes can be bred only after18 months of
their age, and they produce only one kid at a time perlambing.
2) Chokla -This breed has dense coat and hairless faces.
3) Marwari - This sheep has long legs, black face and a promine nt nose.
Tail is short and pointed. Fleshy appendages under throat, known as
wattles are often present. This breed is hardy, yielding coarser carpet
variety white wool of mixe hairy composition. They are highly resistant
to worms and diseases.
The other important breeds available are Sonadi, Kher, Jalauni,
Jaisalmeri, Pugal, Marwari, Malpura etc. These breeds are suitable for
both carpet wool and mutton production.
D) Southern Peninsular Region -
1) Deccani - This breed is very popular in the southern peninsular
region of India. As this breed is very hardy it can adapt itself well with the
extreme temperatures of the southern region. They are mainly raised for
mutton production.
2) Madras Red - It is also raised for mutton. The fleece of this breed is
usually brownin color and extremely short.
3) Mecheri - It is found in Salem, Karur, Erode, Namakkal and some
parts of Dharampur districts of Tamilnadu. It is medium sized having
pale purplish skin color. There are no horns for both the sexes. Their tail
is smaller and slender. It is a meat purpose breed.
4) Neelagiri - They are found in Neelagiri district of Tamilnadu. They
are medium weighing animals. Majority of sheeps are found in white
color, but certain sheeps are found with purple spots on their body and face.
Their ears are broad and drooped out. Females do not have horns. This breed
is for wool purpose.
5) Tiruchi Black - They are distributed in Tiruchi, Perambalur and
Salem districts of Tamilnadu. These are smaller breeds with black color
all over the body. Ears are small facing forward and downwards.
Adult males have horns and female without horns. It is wool purpose
6) Nellore -This breed is found in Nellore, Prakasam and On gole
districts of Andhra Pradesh. This breed is tall with little hair except
at brisket, with ers and breech. They have long and drooping ears. It is the
tallest breed of sheep in India. They resemble to goats in India. It has
along face and long ears with the body densely covered with
shorthair. Majority of animals carry wattles. Majority of flock s are
fawn or deep red fawn color. In this breed rams are homed and ewes are


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Applied Agriculture
54 7) Mandya -This breed is found in Mandya district of Karnataka.They are
small animals white in color. Sometimes face is light brown in color
and may extend up to the neck. T his breed has acompact body with typical
reversed ”U” shaped conformation from the rear. Their earsare long, leafy
and drooping. Both the sexes are polled. This breed is the best for mutton
among the Indian breeds.
The other breeds available in the souther n region are Vembur,
Nellore, Nilgiri, Hassan, Tiruchy Black, Rammand White, Mandya,
Mecheri, Kilakarsal, Kanguri, etc. all these breeds are raised for
mutton production.
Indian breeds of sheep based on utility can be classified in to the
following: -
1) Appa rel wool breeds : Hissasrdale, Nilgiri, Kashmir Merino,
Avivastra, Bharat Merino are cross breds of native sheep with dual -
purpose exotic fine wool and mutton breeds.
2) Superior carpet woolbreed sare Chokla, Nali, Magra, Jaisalmeri,
Pugal, Patanwadi, Tibetan , Bonpala, Gaddi, Rampur Bushair, Poonchi,
Karnah, Gurez, Changthangi, Avikalin.
3) Coarse carpet wool breed sare Malpura, Sonadi, Muzaffaranagari,
Jalauni, Deccani, Bellary, Coimbatore, Chhotanagpuri, Balangiri,
Ganjam, Bhakarwal, Shahabadi
4) Hairy meat breeds are Nellore, Hassan, Mecheri, Kilakarsal,
Vembur, Ramnad White, Madras Red, Tiruchi Black, Kenguri. The
sheep’s are maintained primarily for meat production in the Southern
Peninsular region. The wool produced is very coarse, hairy and colored; which
is suitable only for extremely rough carpets, barrack blankets and kamblies.
All the above breeds are suitable for different production purpose, but
are not suitable for commercial production. For commercial sheep
farming business the following sheep breeds ar e considered Bannur,
Bellary, Cheviot, Deccani, Hassan, Merino, Ramboullet, South Down.
1) Dorset - This is a native of U.K and are polled and horned. Itsface, ears
and legs are white in color and is free from wool. It produces mutton of
superior quality. It is a hardy breed capable ofperforming well undermost
of the conditions.
2) Suffolk - This is also a native of U.K. It is a large animal withblack
face, ears and legs. Its head and ears are entirely free from wool. Rams
and ewes are polled. Ewes are very prolific and excellent milk giving
animals. This breed, when imported to India, has performed poorly than
the Dorset’s.
3) Merino - This is the most popular fine wool breed of the world. Itwas
originated in Spain.This breed is extremely hardy be ing able to survive munotes.in

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Sheep Rearing
55 under adverse weather and poor grazing conditions. It is white -faced
sheep with white feet and most of the head and legs are covered by
wool. Rams have horns and ewes don’t have horns. The ewes of this
breed live and yield longer than any other breed.
4) Rambouillet - This breed was developed in France. It has large head
with white hair around the nose and ears. Rams have horns and ewes
don’t have horns. Excellent fine -wool fleece is produced by this breed.
The fleece of this sheep breed is heavy, close, compact, and covers
most of the body including face and legs.
5) Cheviot - This breed was primarily developed in Scotland. It is
amedium wool breed. It has small erect ears, clean white face and white
legs covered with short white hair, but the nose, lips and feet are black.
6) Southdown - This is one of the oldest English breed and has greatly
contributed to the development of many other breeds ofsheep. This small
sheep is excellent for mutton production. Its bodyis low -set, compact,
wide and deep with legs wide apart. It has broad head and face is light
brown colored.
The different sheep rearing systems are as follows -
1) Extensive Grazing System -
In extensive system of grazing the sheep are left in the entire pasture for
grazing for the whole season. Feed cost is much reduced in this
system. It is not conducive to make the best use of the whole grasses. So
it is suggested to practice rotational grazing method.
Rotational Grazing System -
In rotational grazing system the pasture land should be divided into
several sections by temporary fences. The sheep’s arethen moved from
one section to another section. By doing this thefirst section will have
sufficient grass cover to provide for second grazing by the time the entire
pasture is gr azed. In this system ofgrazing parasitic infestations are
controlled to a great extent. It alsohelps to provide quality fodder for most
of the year. It is suggested to graze the lambs first and then bring in ewes
to finish the feed left by the lambs.
2) Semi -IntensiveSystemofGrazing -
It is an intermediate compromise between extensive and intensive
system of sheep grazing followed in some flocks having limited grazing.
It involves extensive management with controlled grazing of fenced
pasture. Stall -feeding, sh elter at night under shedand 3 -5 hour grazing and
browsing on pasture is the provision in this system of grazing.Feed of
cost is increased in this system.

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Applied Agriculture
56 Advantages of Semi -intensive system of grazing -
The requirement of nutritious food is fulfilled both from grazing and
stall-feeding. Medium to large flocks of 50 to 350 heads and above
can be managed in this system. Cultivated forage is utilized during the
lean period. Harvesting of good crops for kids both for meat and milk is
possible. As less labor is required more profit can begained.
3) Intensive System of Grazing -
It is also called as zero grazing system. In this system the sheep’s are
continuously kept under housing confinement with limited access in
which they are stall -fed. Here the sheep’s are n otleft to fend themselves
with minimum care. This system requires more labor and more cash
input. But the advantage of this system is that the animals can be
closely supervised and animals can be controlled. This system makes use
of the dung as a good fert ilizer. More number of animals can be
adjusted in lessspace.
4) Rearingin Mud Floor -
Once in a year 1-2 inches of mud surface should be removed in this
method. The disease occurrence in the shed will be reduced with the
application of lime powder once in a mo nth. To prevent water stagnation
shed should be constructed in elevated area.
5) Rearing in Deep Litter Shed -
The animals in this system are reared on the litter materials like
groundnut husks, sugarcane tops etc.are spread on the floor for a depth of
½ feet . The urine and dung mixed with the litter material are used as
fertilizer. Once in six months the litter material should be removed. The
litter material should not be over wet in heavy rains as this would cause
the production of ammoniag as.
6) Rearing in Elevated Floor Shed -
The initial investment in this system is high. The animals are reared in the
wooden floor sheds in a distance of 3m from the floor. This system
requires less labor, but for fodder production more irrigated land is
required. The elevated sheds will be clean. The urine and dung will be
collected on the floor. This requires periodical removing once in six
High quality and nutritious food keeps the sheep’s healthy, disease free
and productive. Always feed fresh an d nutritious food to the animals.
Sheep’s eat all types of green grasses, plants and almost everything edible
that comes in front of them. Provide the sheep’s with sufficient amount of
clean and fresh water along with the provision of good food. The feedin g
and grazing conditions vary from place to place. The most suitable
and favorable time for grazing is the on set of monsoon till the onset of
winter. During summer the grazing resources become very so during this
period supplementary feeding is necessary. Attention should be given to
pasture improvement and management as sheep thrive well on pasture. munotes.in

Page 57

Sheep Rearing
57 Rotational grazing should be followed to ensure availability of good
pasture all the time. Rotational grazing helps to avoid worminfection and
unthriftiness. Conserve the fodder for the lean period in the form of hay
and silage. Plant fodder trees in the pasture as it provides shade and
fodder in the lean period. Depending on the physiological status and
availability of grazing resources in the pasture concentr ate on the
supplementary feeding.
Water :
Depending on the physiological status and temperature indifferent seasons
water requirement of the sheep also vary. At least once a day the sheep
should be given water at the rate of 2-3 litres per head per day. T he
younger ones requirement is 1 -2 litres of water every day. But the cross -
breeds requirement of water is 5 -6 litres per day during the summer.
Sheep breeds from the arid region have good adaptation to water
restriction. The flock should be weighed at lea st once in a week.
Feeding lambs up -to two weeks - Ewe’s milk is the best food for lambs
for their early growth and rapid gain. Lambs depend totally on
dam’s milk for two weeks. Colostrum contains anti bodies, whichprotect
the lamb from infections and is a lso rich in fat, protein andvitamins, etc. to
enhance the milk production in ewes they are to beefed good ration
during the last six weeks of gestation.
Feeding to suckling ewes – Ewes should be fed good milk
producing rations during the suckling period. G ood legume hay with little
or no grain should be fed to the ewe for a week. The amount of grains can
be increased after she is milking freely and her bowels are free showing
no sign of constipation. Hay is not needed, if pastureis available.
Feeding adult sheep - Suckling ewes must be fed with 150gms of
concentrate with mineral mixture and salt, while the roughage part
is taken care by grazing.
Feeding Breeding Rams - Breeding rams are to be fed with good quality
green fodders like maize, cowpea, doob grass, berseem, etc. as they
meet all their requirements. 150 -200 gms concentrate should be given to
the rams ifthe forages fed are of poor quality like straw or sorghum
Feed for kids Feed for adults
Brokenmaize 22% Brokenmaize 37%
Broken gram 20% Broken gram 15%
Almond cake 35% Almond cake 25%
Wheat 20% Wheat 20%
Mineral salt 2.5% Mineral salt 2.5% Salt 0.5% Salt 0.5% munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
Sheep can be infected by a variety of infectious and noninfectious
diseases. The diseases contagious to people are called zoonotic
diseases or zoonosis. As certain diseases prevent the import and
export of livestock the government authorities must be reported. The
basic thing to the production of sheep’s is a sound management program
to keep animals healthy. The producers should observe the animals
closely, so that the individual and the whole herd or flock remains healthy
and productive. There should be no compromise in dealing with the
health of animals. Dealing with the diseased animal will po se some
human health risk. Not allthe sheep diseases cause problems, but some
zoonotic diseases cause problems not only to the care takers, but also to
those who come in contact with them.
Common Diseases and Their Control
The two important factors result ing in heavy losses in the sheep
production and their improvement programs are Morbidity and Mortality.
Prevention is better than cure perfectly applies to the sheep as they
respond less to the treatment given when sick.
A) Non-Infectious Diseases
Approximate ly 80% of deaths in sheep have occurred due to non-
infectious diseases. The major causes reported are starvation,
mismothering and behavior, nutritional and environmental stress,
reproductive problems and predation.
1) Pneumonia - It is the most common and i mportant pathological
conditions in sheep. It is characterized clinically by increased
respiration, coughing and abdominal breathing. If some fluid by mistake
enters the animal’s respiratory tract, its head should be lowered
immediately and slapped a few times.
2) Ruminal Tympany (Bloat) - This is generally seen in “greedy
feeders” when lush green pasture is availa ble. Bloating occurs dueto
over-distention of the left flank either due to free gas or froth. Tiea bitter
(neem) stick in the mouth to increase t he secretion of saliva. Oral
administration of sweet oil with turpentine oil or at times formalin is
3) Rumen Acidosis - An acute illness dueto excess production of lactic
acid in the rumen cause ingestion of large amounts of highly fermentable
carbohydrate feeds. Normal saline, sodium bicarbonate and anti-histaminics are advised.
4) Intussusception - It occurs commonly due to nodular worms, change
in feed and local intestinal problems. Emergency surgery is the only
option. munotes.in

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Sheep Rearing
59 5) Deficiency Diseases –The deficiencies of cobalt, copper, calcium,
phosphorous, vitamin D and A are to be treated with mineral diet
supplement, green pasture and copper and cobalt sulphate.
6) Pregnancy Toxaemia (Ketosis) -This disease is caused due to lack of
nutrition and short periods of starvation (40hrs) during the last two months
of pregnancy. Treatment comprises of intravenous administration of 50%
glucose, supply of molasses in the food and additional concentrate to be
provided in the last two months of pregnancy. The other disease include
spoisoning due to the pesticides used on crops, snake bite, wounds during
the monsoon season.
B) Infectious Diseases
1) Blackleg - This is an acute infectious disease and takes place through
skin wounds. Penicillinis used for treatment.
2) Enterotoxaemia (pulpy kidney) – It is an acute disease and affects
animals in a high state of nutrition on a lush feed, grass orgrain. Can be
treated with Suphadimidine. Reduction in feed in take and vaccination are
the two other major controls .
3) Tetanus – Is an acute infectious disease of the voluntary muscles.
Common routine operations like shearing, docking, castration and even
vaccination is followed. Tetanus antitoxin isadministered.
4) Pasteurellosis - It occurs by the inhalation or ingestion of the infected
material. Preventive vaccination is advised.
5) Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) - It is a chronic disease seen in
older animals. No treatment is successful.
6) Sheep Pox – It is a highly contagious viral disease spread by contact
with infected animals and contaminated articles or by inhalation.
Vaccination is the best control.
7) Foot and Mouth Disease - It is an extremely contagious acuteviral
disease. Antibiotics are recommended but vaccination is the best control.
8) Contagious Ecthyma - It is a vi ral disease and antibiotics are
suggested to check secondary infections.
9) BlueTongue -It is an infectious but non-contagious exotic disease of
sheep. Antibiotics are recommended to check secondary infections.
Sheep farming is one of the traditio nal business and occupations of the
people in many countries around the world sinceancient times. Sheep
farming means rearing sheep’s at commercial level, for the purpose of
meat, milk and wool production. In shortsheep rearing is the raising and
breeding of domestic sheep. With proper facilities sheep can be raised on
small and large scale. Sheep with its multi -facet utility for wool, meat, munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
60 milk, skins and manure, form an important component of rural economy
particularly in the arid, semi -arid and mountain ous are as of the country.
Through sale of wool and animals, it provides a dependable source of in
come to the shepherds.
1) Give the importance of sheep rearing in India and give its scope and
advantages ?
2) Write in detail the Indian breeds of sheep.
3) Discuss the different sheep rearing systems in India.
4) Answer in brief the feeding manage mentin sheep’s.
5) What are the different diseases found in sheep’s and what remedies are
suggested ?
6) Write short note on Exotic breeds of sheep.


Page 61

61 6
Unit structure :
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Concept
6.4 Scope
6.5 Methods of Breeding Chicken
6.6 Mating Methods
6.7 Incubation and Incubation Management
6.8 Objectives for egg Production
6.9 Essentials of Poultry Farming
6.10 Importance of Poultry in Rural Development
6.11 Holistic Approach towards Poultry Farming
6.12 Summary
6.13 Self-Study
1) To review the poultry occupation
2) To acquaint with the traditional and cross breed birds.
3) To know the scientific techn iques used to rear the birds.
4) To provide information about poultry products.
5) To understand the importance of poultry in rural development.
6) The role of poultry as a source of employment.
Poultry farming is the raising of domesticated birds like chickens, ducks,
turkeys, and geese for the purpose of meat or eggs for food. Poultry are
farmed in great numbers with chickens being the most numerous. More
than 50 billion chickens are raised annually as a source of food (both meat
and egg). Poultr y keeping, in India, has for a long time remained a rural
cottage enterprise. The common village hen receives very little attention munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
62 and care. As aresult its productivity also is low. But now poultry is one of
the fastest growing segments of the agricultura l sector. The production of
eggs and broilers has rose at a rate of 8-10% annually. As a result, India
was the fifth largest egg producer and the eighteenth largest producer of
broilers in the world.
The poultry sector in India has undergone a total change instructure and its
operation. A significant feature of India’s poultry industry is its
transformation from a mere backyard activity to a major commercial
activity in a very short span of four decades.
Sizeable investments in breeding, hatching, rearing, and processing has
involved in the transformation. Indian farmers have started to rear hybrid
birds ensuring faster growth, good livability, excellent feed conversion and
high profits to birdrearers. The growth in the Indian poultry is due to the
initiativ e of private enterprises, minimum government interference,
considerable indigenous poultry genetics capabilities and great support
from the veterans, poultry feed, equipment, and the processing industries.
India is one of the very few countries in the worl d that has put into place a
sustained Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) egg production project.
Even though poultry development has done very well during the last three
decades, the growth has been restricted to commercial poultry. Rural
backyard po ultry contributing nearly 30% to the national egg production is
still neglected. Private poultry producers are not able to attend the needs of
rural consumers. The private commercial sector is reluctant to enter the
rural backyard poultry sector as they ai m for higher and quick profits,
through large investments. The commercial poultry sector has adopted
integrated approach of contract farming. They use high input and high out
put birds.
The fact that a fairly significant proportion of the landless and marg inal
farmers make their living from poultry and other animals like cow,
buffalo, goat, sheep, etc. Using poultry as a tool; small farmers, marginal
farmers and landless labor families can be enriched not only in terms of
income raising, employment generati on, nutritional status, fostering
community development, gender empowerment and environment
Poultry industry in India has undergone change during the last three
decades. Initially it was considered only as a backyard activity. But
suddenly due need of employment and income in the rural areas rural
youth turned their attention to this activity. They learned the new
techniques and other processes in the poultry activity. Now it is one of the
most successful; income generating occupation. Now India is the 5th
largest producer of eggs and ninth largest producer of poultry meat. India
was well positioned at the18th place in the world poultry production. There munotes.in

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Poult ry-I
63 is an over whelming response from all fields that are related and concerned
with po ultry activity. A strong platform for po ultry in India has been
created and is experimenting with new techniques and innovations for
processed chicken meat, medicines, feed additives, health products, related
equipment’s, management of the poultry industry and other technical
Different basic methods of breeding are out and out breeding, flock
sourcing, flock mating, rolling mating, and spiral mating.
Out and Out breeding – It is simply a system of bringing in new roosters
from different sources every year. This system is also used in pure bred
flocks - same breed roosters are sourced every year, but source is changed
every year. Here all females can be maintained as one flock. But it is
difficult to manage productive traits as the source flocks for the roosters
will each be strong in some traits while it will be weak in others.
Flock Sourcing - In this method also new rooster is brought every year.
The advantage is improvement of traits overtime, relying on the efforts of
the master breeder, and the retention of known good qualities. The
disadvantage is that one has to rely on someone else for quality new
Flock Mating - It is a method in which flock of chicken are bred as one
unit. Here the ratio is 20 males to180-200 females. The chickens decide
who mates whom. This system is commonly used in commercial
Rolling Mating - This method is also known as Old Farmers Method. In
this method you have to separate two flocks every year during the breeding
season . Some in breeding occurs in this system, but many birds have little
relation to each other. This is a simple system having advantage of
requiring only two flocks.
Spiral Mating - In this system three or more matings are setup every year.
The rotation or sp iral mating comes from males of one family being used
only with female of the next family. The advantage of spiral mating is that
close relatives are never mated. This can go on many decades without
adding new chickens.
The number of fem ales to be mated to each male varies depending on the
breed, age, health and sexual activity of the male. The two main methods
of mating are Natural mating and Artificial In semination.
A) Natural Mating – In this method males are allowed to mate with
females naturally. This method can be further categorized into:-

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Applied Agriculture
64 1) Pen Mating - A group of hens is allowed to mate with a cock in apen.
The ration of male to female is 1:10 or 12 for light breeds, while it is 1:8 or
10 for heavy breeds. The fertility rate is low du e to preferential mating.
2) Flock Mating -
It is a mass mating system where 2 or more males are mated with several
females in a single pen. Male to female ratio is 1: 12 to 15 for light breeds
and 1: 10 to 12 for heavy breeds. In this method the male bird get s a
choice to mate with the female he chooses. The fertility is high, soused in
commercial poultry.
3) Stud Mating - In this system the male is kept separately in acoop or a
pen and one by one females are put into the coop formating. More off -
springs can be ob tained. Here the ratio is one male to many females and
the result is high fertility. This system involves more work and labor.
4) Shift Mating - In this system the sires are shifted to breeding pens. By
shifting the male, a female can be mated with several males and her
breeding worth can bee valuated more precisely. The draw back of this
system is the problem of accuracy of the percentage of the progeny. The
main advantage of this system that a large number of male can be tested in
limited space.
B) Artificial In semination
Artificial Insemination means the deposition of semen into reproductive
tract of female by means other than natural method. In many poultry
projects artificial in semination has gained considerable attention.
Artificial in semination is extensi vely used with freshly collected semen in
large breeding farms. In this procedure semen from the male is collected
and inseminated into the female. It is mainly used in heavy birds whose
fertility is generally low in pen mating. It is generally practiced w hen the
flock has an apparent fertility problem. Some training is required on the
part of both the operator and male in artificial insemination.
Advantages of artificial insemination in poultry -
1) Efficient use of males can be done as the requirement of male s is lesser
than compared to natural mating.
2) Production of fertile eggs is possible in cages.
3) Multi locational testing of outstanding sires can be done.
4) Preferential mating and physical in compatibility can be avoided.
5) Accurate recording of pedigree is possible.
6) Fertility is higher by 5-10%.
7) Use of large male with small female and small female with large male
is possible.
8) Interspecies hybridization is possible.

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Poult ry-I
65 Artificial Insemination process includes -
a) Preparation of males.
b) Preparation of equipments requir ed for the collection of semen.
c) Collection of semen from males.
d) Evaluation or testing of semen.
e) Diluting the semen
f) Deposition of semen in vagina of females.
Good results of Artificial Insemination can be achieved by following the
steps given below.
1) Avoid a ny kind of stress to the birds before artificial in semination.
2) For good fertility Artificial in semination should be done twice a week.
3) Insemination should be done when no hard shelled egg is present in the
4) The intervals between inseminations shou ld be maintained.
5) Artificial insemination equipment should be cleaned thoroughly and
sterilized before use.
To make poultry raising successful it is necessary to practice good
management. The success or failure in t he poultry business depends on the
man in management. This statement is quite true as other factors are equal.
Incubation can be considered less than two headings natural incubation,
the hatching of eggs under a hen, and artificial incubation, the
hatching of eggs in an incubator. Both types of incubation are
practiced in India. But many would opt for more efficient artificial
incubation rather than natural incubation.
A) Natural Incubation
Natural incubation will be practiced in Indiatill there are sufficient
incubators and trained hatchery men are available to satisfy the
demand for one day old chicks. Chickens are kept for egg production.
A broody hen is not profitable unless and until shesits on eggs or brooding
chicks. Efforts should be taken to see that the hen sits on as many eggs as
possible i.e. 10 to 15 eggs at a time so that the best use of her time is
made. At the end of the first week it is possible to see with the candle and
discard the infertile eggs. This can be done when several broody hens are
set at the same time. The chicks that hatch from two hens can be placed
under one mother and the second broody hen can be again made to
sit on 10 to 15 more eggs to hatch another brood. One mother hen can
take care of at least 25 chicks if the weather is warm. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
66 The efficiency of natural incubation can be increased; by setting eggs
under a broody hen on the same day that your hatchery man sets an
incubator. The eggs will hatch at about the same time and the incubator
chicks can be placed under a mother hen at night, which she usually
People object to improved breeds as they seldom become broody. The in
herited factor of broodiness is not seen in the improved breeds. So
problems may rise when there will be no mother hens to hatch and take
care of chicks . In short we can say natural incubation and natural brooding
to artificial brooding will create a problem. But the one who wants to
commercialize the poultry business will have to practice artificial
incubation method.
B) Artificial Incubation
If the poultry business is developed in India like other countries
then artificial incubation is likely to replace mother hen.
The benefits of artificial incubation are –
a) Time of hatching can be controlled and there is no need to wait
and find broody hens.
b) At a time many chicks can be hatched to meet the poultry man’s
c) Compared to natur al incubation improved incubators and trained
hatchery men get good and better hatches.
d) Artificial incubation and artificial brooding reduce the hazards of
diseases, predators and parasites.
There are two types of incubators -
1) The cabinet type incubators are small. More time is required to
keep the temperaturead justed incabinet incubators.
2) The forced draft types are large. The commercial hatchery men prefer
the forced draft type incubator’s as they are more efficient. The
temperature and humidity controls are automatic and more sensitive in
this incubator. In this type temperature variations are less subject to
changes with the out side temperature.
Transport of day old chicks t o distant places without food is possible, as
nature has provided them with sufficient food from the unabsorbed egg
yolk to support them for 2 -3 days. If the chicks reach their destination in
time i.e. within two days they might arrive in good condition. T hey can
be shipped in cheaply constructed bamboo baskets or card board
boxes. At least 20 to 25 chicks should be placed on the dried grass in
the shipping bamboo basket to keep them warm.

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Poult ry-I
67 Factors Affecting Hatchability
Many factors affect the hatch abilit y of eggs which ever method of
incubation is used. It is not possible to determine which eggs will hatch
and produce a live chick. Following are some factors that affect
a) The hatchability is reduced due to high temperatures in many parts of
India. So the hatching eggs should be gathered at least four times a
day in hot weather and place them in cool and moist places.
b) Eggs laid by pullets hatch better than the eggs laid by older hens.
c) Eggs laid by good layers hatch better than that of eggs laid by poor
d) In-breeding of hens may reduce the hatchability.
e) Hatchability is decreased if the food given to hensis deficientin
vitamins A, D, and Riboflavin.
f) Small eggs, extra -large eggs, cracked or mis shapen eggs, porous
or poor shells also reduce the hatchability.
g) If incubators are not regulated or managed properly the hatchability
is reduced.
To commercialize the poultry business in India new techniques were used
on large scale. Maximum production of eggs and growing broilers in less
time was possible due to this technique.
6.8.1 Objectives for egg production :
1) To obtain more production of eggs -
Hens laying maximum eggs are selected for the egg production. The
aimis that the hens will lay eggs for a longer period.
2) Disease resistance capacity should be high -
Healthy hens can give increased production of eggs rather than diseased
hens having less resistance. So hens are selected having good and high
resistance to diseases.
3) Size and weight of the eggs-
From the comm ercial point of view importance is given to bigsized
eggs and more weight. A comparative study is done and then the breed
is selected.
4) Size and weight of the bird-
Birds small in size and heavy are beneficial from commercial point of
view. A comparative s tudy of the production technique is done and then
the breed is selected. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
68 5) Requirement of food -
Hens eating less food and giving more eggs would prove profitable. So
accordingly such birds are selected for production.
6) Hardness of the shells -
In commercial poultry business eggs are transported to different places.
If the eggs shell is hard break age of eggs can benegligible or very less.
The hardness of the shells is because of the inheritance. So such birds
having this inheritance are selected.
7) Quality of the egg yolk -
Consumers prefer to buy eggs having big egg yolk. So here also proper
selection of bird sis very much necessary.
6.8.2 Objectives for Broilers -
1) Maximum growth in less time -
Many batches of broilers can be produced if breeds selected have the
qualities of maximum growth in less time. As a resultexpenses on
management and medicines are reduced and can get maximum production.
2) More weight and less food -
The breeds should be such selected who will convert the food eaten into
meat in less time. If d one so the expenses on food can be less and heavy
broilers can be produced. This would be more profitable for the poultry
3) More resistance power -
If disease resistant birds are used for production healthy and fit birds can
be produced. This will reduce the expenses on medicines and can get good
sized and good colored birds, which can give maximum profit.
a) Capital :
Fixed capital is necessary for the shelter of birds, to purchase equipment’s
and other necessary facil ities to be provided for poultry farming. Rotating
capital is also necessary to purchase good quality breeds, veterinary
facilities and medicines.
b) Space for poultry establishment :
While selecting place for poultry establishment it should besuch that there
should be no water lodging. Land with slope, soil mixed with sand and
water should flow easily is more useful. Big trees should not be there in
the vicinity of the poultry farm as the birds sitting on it may be responsible
for the spread of diseases. But s mall trees, bushes are essential as they help
to keep the climate cool. munotes.in

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Poult ry-I
69 c) Electric Supply :
Modern equipment’s used in poultry farming require electricity. Also to
control the temperature in the shelter or house regular electric supply is
d) Water Supply:
Sufficient water supply is necessary for poultry business. Pure drinking
water with good food helps to increase the weight of the birds at a faster
rate. For cleanliness of the surrounding are a and the shelter water is
e) High Quality Breeds:
Success of poultry business depends on the good and highqualitybreeds.
f) Market Facility :
Before starting the poultry farming business it is necessary to see the
availability of the market. As eggs are perishable items it has tobe seen
whether the daily product ion can reach the market in time. Even for the
broilers market availability is a must. If there is no market near by for the
ready poultry products the producer might incurr loss.
g) Scientific Know how:
Hybrid variety of chicken production was started in Ind ia in 1962. Last
fifty years we have started making use of scientific knowledge in the field
of poultry farming. The producer must have the knowledge of different
types of poultry breeds, diseases and its remedies and vaccinations
available, management tec hnique, food for the poultry birds, techniques of
production, poultry birds shelter, scientific technology and available
market facility. Changing with the new technology is the key to success of
poultry business to gain maximum profit.
h) Food of the poultry birds :
Food of the poultry birds is an important factor of poultry business. Profit
and loss in this business is decided on the expenses on food done for the
poultry birds. Right management of food means not to waste bird food,
giving food to the poultry birds in a balanced manner so that percentage of
profit can be increased. Balanced food is to be given to the birds
depending on their age and necessity.
i) Medical Supply :
Poultry birds are more prone to disease easily. If after starting the business
the bir ds are infected the percentage of profit minimizes. So the producer
always has to be ready with vaccination facility and in case of sudden
occurrence of epidemic or disease supply of medicine is an important

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Applied Agriculture
Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and
economic well being of the people living isolated and thinly populated
areas. Rural development actions are mainly aimed for the social and
economic development of the rural areas. Rural development aims at
finding the ways to improve the rural people with the participation of the
rural people themselves so as to meet the necessities of the rural area. The
outsider may not understand the life style, culture, language and many
other things prevailing inthe local area. The main objective of rural
development has been toremove poverty and fill the gap between the rich
and the poor. Keeping in view the planning policy, various schemes of
development, especially agricultural developmen t, the main occupation of
the rural people, have been introduced.
Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is no doubt the largest livelihood
provider in rural India. It also contributes a vast significant figure to the
Gross Domestic Products (GDP).
Poultry farming has occupied an important place in the Indian economy.
Poultry farming is playing an important role in the eatery business in India
as the fast food culture is growing. It has emerged as the fastest growing
segment in the agricultural livestock ind ustry. Poultry industry has not
only grown in size but also in productivity. This has been only possible
because of the availability of infrastructure facilities, birds, quality feed,
modern automatic systems in poultry houses etc. ICAR is playing a vital
role in the development of poultry industry.
1) Employment and Self-Employment Generation -
The poultry industry has given rise to many subsidiary industries like
compounded feed, equipment, pharmaceuticals, hatchery operation and
processing of poultry product s. Poultry farming plays an effective role in
rural development as it helps therural population toearn income on regular
basis. Poultry dropping is very good manure for crops. It also serves as the
source of raw material for industrial products. Poultry keeping provides
employment not only for those who are engaged in the production of eggs
and chicken meat but also for hatchery operators, feed dealers, building
material providers, egg cases and trucks, processors on eggs and poultry
products and also the dealers engaged in the marketing of eggs.
2) A part of balanced diet -
Protein deficiency is common in in fants and growing children in a large
section of the society living below poverty line. India tops in the list of
countries facing nutrition problem. Egg is a good source of nutritious food
for all ages as it has high protein and is easily digestible. The World
Health Organization (WHO) considers egg as the best protein food for
humans. This industry in India is recognized as an organized and scientific
based industry and also is apotential tool to fight poverty and malnutrition. munotes.in

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71 3) A business for the poorer sections -
Poultry farming plays an effective role for the rural population to earn a
regular income. The inputs required to start this business are locally
available. Local artisans in the villages can manufacture the simple
equipment’s needed for feeding, watering, and sheltering for small units of
poultry business. Even women can be employed in poultry farming as well
as in marketing of eggs.
4) Use of barren land -
Land requirement for poultry business is small. Barren land cannot be used
for agricultural operations. So this land can be used for poultry farming.
As the poultry birds have bad smell it is better this business is done on the
out skirts of the vil lage. So maximum use of barren land has to be done in
this business.
5) Agricultural Subsidiary occupation -
Poultry sector is gaining great importance in India as it meets the growing
demand of millions of people. Eggs and poultry meat are less costly, so
middle – class people are willing to improve their nutritional standards. Its
importance among the rural population has increased due to the growth of
manpower in this sector. Urbanization, industrialization, rapid increase in
the middle -income population and changing socio -cultural habits, the
demand for processed poultry products is increasing fast in India. The
urban population has high purchasing power and consumes more meat and
eggs. So this business can be done as a subsidiary occupation or as a main
1) Rural Production and Social Organization -
There were some limitations in the centrally sponsored scheme
“Assistance to State Poultry Farms” which was a step towards boosting
rural poultry production. The scheme will cater to inter mediate rungs of
poultry farmers who will rear the chicks in the mother units and also help
in providing the backyard poultry rearer with 4 -8 week old reared chicks
so as to minimize the high chick mortality. The training will be more
intensive and provided at the door steps. The formation of self -help groups
will flourish community development, gender empowerment and promote
the concept of saving money and build self -confidence and social security
in the long term.
2) Cluster approa ch –
It is important that economic viability must be considered for financing by
institutions and sustainability of a project. It is to be ensured that whatever
little surplus production is there, it should effectively be channelized into a
well-defined ma rket set-up. This will expand and upgrade the backyard
activity level, for which cluster approach is essential. munotes.in

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72 3) Backward and forward linkage -
The backward linkages are requirement of minimum infrastructure, inputs,
feed, health services etc. The forward linkages are marketing of eggs,
meat, poultry products. Both these have to be provided by a resource or
link agency. These units should concentrate on inputs and services
including procurement, rather than production.
4) Mother Units and Mobilizing NGO’s/ SHG’s -
Suitable NGO’s should be involved for operating the mother units. It is
necessary that they form Self Help Groups (SHG’s) at the backyard level,
as the SHG can address the problems of their micro financing as well as
foster dependence for common cause on other members with common
interest. For the success of the program economic viability and deep
commitment of the mother units is essential. Even the financial institutions
will come forward to assist this highly motivated and confident group.
5) Convergence of Poultry Activities -
Poultry farming is one of the components of the many developmental
programs for rural farmers, women, tribal’s and other weaker sections of
the society. NABARD and NCDC finance the poultry business. The
proposal envisages linkages wi th other developmental agencies and
programs through connecting networks between agencies/ programs and
research institutes, State Agricultural Institutions, ICAR institutions, etc.
this would help in the effective implementation of the program and also
offer platform for trouble shooting and problem management.
6) Outreach of Services -
District Rural Development Agencies (DRDA’s) who help in increasing
the out reach of activities and help in extension through District / Block
Extension teams. Suitable Link Wo rker Couples (LWC)/ Community Link
Workers (CLW)/ Village Facilitators (VFs)/ Poultry Link Workers
(PLWs), are selected through mass contact programs and trained
intensively for skill and serviced is semination.This additional tier of
workers will increase the out reach and also will develop the necessary
rapport with in and between the villages through their link and help sort
out common problems. Link workers will be from the same villages and
preferably more forward farmer couples, who along with their o wn
operations will provide inputs and services to other villagers.
The domestication of poultry took place several thousand years ago. This
may have originally been as a result of people hatching and rearing young
birds from eggs collected fro m the wild, but later involved keeping the
birds permanently in captivity. Inrecent years poultry farming has
developed faster. It is now not merely an allied activity or subsidiary
occupation but is practiced asan independent business giving maximum
profi t. Rural and urban youths are attracted to this business. New munotes.in

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Poult ry-I
73 techniques of production, modern equipment’s and improved variety of
birds are used today. Because of new technique and technology more
sustainability is seen in this business.
1) What is poultry farming ? Give its concept and scope.
2) Answerindetail –Artificial In semination
3) Discuss incubation and incubation management.
4) What are the essentials of poultry farming?
5) Importance of poultry in rural development –discuss.
6) Discus s the holistic approach towards poultry farming
7) Write short notes on:
a) Breeding Methods
b) Mating Methods
c) Factors affecting hatchability
d) Objectives of egg production
e) Objectives of broilers



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74 7
Unit Structure :
7.1 Objectives
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Varieties of chickens
7.4 Shelter
7.5 Management of poultry occupation
7.6 Food for chicken
7.7 Diseases and Medical Treatment
7.8 Summary
7.9 Questions
1) To know the varieties of chicken producing eggs and for meat
2) To study the shelter of chickens.
3) To understand the management of poultry business.
4) To study the constituents of chicken food.
5) To know the diseases of poultry birds and their remedies.
Poultry keeping, in India, has for a long time remained arural cottage
enterprise. The common village hen receives very little attention and care.
As a result its productivity also is low. But now poultry is one of the
fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector. The poultry sector in
India has underg one a total change instructure and its operation. A
significant feature of India’s poultry industry is its transformation from a
mere backyard activity to a major commercial activity in a very short span
of four decades.
Sizeable investments in breeding, hatching, rearing, and processing has
involved in the transformation. Indian farmers have started to rear hybrid
birds ensuring faster growth, good livability, excellent feed conversion and
high profits to bird rearers. The growth in the Indian poultry is due to the
initiative of private enterprises, minimum government interference, munotes.in

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Poultry -II
75 considerable indigenous poultry genetics capabilities and great support
from the veterans, poultry feed, equip ment, and the processing industries.
India is one of the very few countries in the world that has put into place a
sustained Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) egg production project.
A strong platform for poultry in India has been created and is
experimenting w ith new techniques and innovations for processed chicken
meat, medicines, feed additives, health products, related equipment’s,
management of the poultry industry and other technical services.
Using poultry as a tool; small farmers, marginal farmers and landless labor
families can be enriched not only in terms of incomeraising, employment
generation, nutritional status, fostering community development, gender
empowerment and environment protection.
Hundreds of chick en breeds exist and are domesticated for thousands of
years. The combined factors of geographical isolation and selection for
desired characteristics have created regional types of chicken breeds with
distinct physical and behavioral traits and are passed on to their off spring.
Physical traits likesize, plumage color, comb type, skin color, number of
toes, amount of feathering, egg color and place of origin are used to
distinguish chicken breeds. They are also roughly divided whether will be
used for eggs, meat or for ornamental purpose or for dual purpose of eggs
and meat.
7.3.1 Breeds of Chicken for Egg Production:
1) Leghorn :
Leghorn chickens are the most popular chicken breeds dueto their ability
to produce approximately 300 eggs per year. This breed was the most
important in commercial egg production. There are approximately 24
recognized varieties of it. The laboratories for embryonic and avian
biological research, because of their prolific egg laying capacities, prefer
them. The Leghorn originates from Livorno Italy and its cross bred
provides a rarely broody, mobile, and efficient scavenging chicken.
Most leghorn chickens have single combs. There are several color varieties
that have rose combs. They occur in recognized colors –white, red, black,
tailed red, light brown, dark brown, black, blue, buff- Columbian, barred,
exchequer and silver.
Leghorns are nervous types and noisy types of chickens around humans
and can fly. Due to their nature they do not make good pets and less
popular as a homestead bree d.
2) Black Minorca:
Minorca is one of the heaviest of the light breeds. It originates from the
Mediterranean. This breed was developed from imported Castilian fowl of
Spain in England. They are utility fowl and lay large eggs. They were once munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
76 in the class of wide spread large flocks for laying and meat production,
like the leghorn breed, which is the smallest of this class. The distinction
of the Minorca is its large white ear patch, which makes it recognizable at
a distance. They occur in Black, White, and Blue color. Its egg color is
3) Rhode Island Red:
Rhode Island breed chickens are very popular for dual-purpose poultry
breed and are preferred among the backyard chicken farmers. They are
available in two types Rhode Island Redand Rhode Island White. Th ey
adapt very well to all forms of freerange as well as combined settings. The
red variety is capable of producing 200 -250 large eggs annually, which are
brown in color. However the cock is very aggressive. The Rhode Island
has yellow shanks and performs w ell under most conditions and rarely
goes broody. The Rhode Island breed is one of the most famous egg laying
chicken breeds. It appears in various shades of red with someblack. The
White Rhode Island is a very rare breed.
4) Australorp:
Australorp is a breed originated in Australia from the English Orrington in
a bid to improve on their utility. They were known as Black Utility
Orrington’s. Austrolorp breed is well suited to Australian conditions and is
one of the most efficient egg layersas it averages over 300 eggs per hen per
year in commercial selling. But the backyard poultry producers should not
expect more than 250 eggs a year. The Black Australorp is an ideal bird
for free -range production as they have good temperament. They are quiet
chickens, easily contained and handled. Autralorps are hardy, dual purpose
types of chicken. Originally developed for exceptional egglaying, they also
area good meat bird, with reasonably early maturity and white skin.
Australorps are large and soft feathered. They occur i n Black with green
shine the original color. The other color chickens developed are blue and
7.3.2 Breeds for Meat Production :
Poultry sector is gaining great importance in India as it meets the growing
demand of millions of people. Eggs and poultr y meat are less costly, so
middle –class people are willing to improve their nutritional standards. Its
importance among the rural population has increased due to the growth of
manpower in this sector. Urbanization, industrialization, rapid increase in
the middle -income population and changing socio -cultural habits, the
demand for processed poultry products is increasing fast in India. The
urban population has high purchasing power and consumes more meat and
The varieties used for meat production are:
1) New Hampshire:
They originate from New Hampshire in the US. Though it is adual -purpose munotes.in

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77 bird it formed the basis of early broiler industry. Medium heavy in weight,
it matures early and dress esanice, plump carcass as either a broiler or a
rooster. The matur e birds color is rich chestnut red, of a lighter and more
even shade than the Rhode Island Reds. They possess a deep, broad body,
grow feathers very rapidly, are prone to go broody and make good
mothers. The comb is single and medium to large in size; and in females it
often lops over a bit. They are competitive and aggressive. It is a fair
producer of large brown eggs but the New Hampshire was developed more
for meat production than egg production.
2) White Sussex :
The Sussex breed is also one of he top breed s. They were originated in
Sussex in England. They are very distinctive types of chickens having
white body with a black tail and black wing tips, neck being whites triped
over with black. Other colors include Brown, light, red, speckled, silver,
and white and coronation. The most famous Sussex is light Sussex. There
are many varieties and colors of this breed and they are quite adaptable to
any type of environment. Because of their unique nature all the farmers
prefer them. The Sussex is for dual purposes types. It is good meat bird
maturing quickly for a heavy breed and may go broody. Their capacity to
lay eggs is 250 large beige eggs per year. The Sussex chicken is an alert,
docile breed and adapts to any surrounding, comfortable in both free range
and confined spaces. So many farmers, especially the hobbyists love to
keep this chicken breed at their homes.
3) Plymouth Rock :
Plymouth Rock is the first in line of the top most chicken breeds. One of
the most common of the mall is the black and barred ones. Barr ed Rock
chickens originated in the United States and became very popular. Apart
from their names barred coloring they also occur in blue, buff, Columbian,
Partridge, silver laced, silver penciled and white. They are large birds with
excellent table qualiti es. They are generally docile, but occasionally
They adapt well to confinement and are easy to handle. They are cold,
hardy, dual -purpose fowl, useful for meat and egg production. Some
varieties are developed only for eggs and some are develope d only for
meat. They tend to go broody and make good mothers. Overall they are
good producers of light to medium brown eggs, yielding approximately
200 eggs per year. These birds are ofa calm and friendly nature, due to
which they are best suited to being kept in any setting.
4) Wyandotte :
The Wyandotte breed originated in the US, but now with the co-operation
of the British it is a well -rounded dual purposes bird.The Wyandotte is a
medium sized bird. It occurs in colors like white, gold laced and silver
laced which are common. They also exist in Black, buff and Columbian,
partridge and silver penciled color. The Wyandotte is suited to cold
conditions, which make them optimal for free range of production. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
78 Wyandotte is docile, friendly and make good pets. The h ens are broody
and take good care of their young ones. They mature early having big
breasts. They are also good layers. It is a reasonable egg producer of about
180-200 eggs per year. It is an excellent source of meat. They need regular
washing as their th ick feathering about the vent area becomes dirty with
feces .
Another important factor for commercial poultry production is making a
suitable poultry housing. There are many ways for making a good poultry
house for poultry birds. It is not expensive like buying land. Make sure
that, the house or cages sufficient and spacious enough to accommodate
the birds and should have necessary space and facilities. The design of the
house depends on the breeds selected and type of production.
Followi ng things should be considered while making a poultry house :-
1) The house must be well ventilated, as good ventilation system ensures
good health and proper growth of the birds.
2) Sufficient amount of fresh air and light should be there inside the
3) The house should be south facing, as it will help the entrance of
sufficient amount of clean and fresh air.
4) The distance from one house to another house should be at -least 40
feet if the poultry business is on large -scale commercial production.
5) Keeping the house clean and fresh before bringing the chicks into the
farm is very essential.
6) All types of harmful animals and predators should be prevented.
7) The house should be well facilitated so that rain water, cold winds
cannot enter in the house.
8) The house should be built in a calm and quiet place.
9) A proper drainage system inside the house will help to clean the house
10) Keep all equipment in proper distance in the house. Keep the house
and equipment always clean in a regular basis.
The type of housing used dep ends on the amount of ground and the capital
available to a large extent.
The four systems of poultry housing generally followed are as follows: -
1) Free Range System or Extensive System
2) Semi -Intensive System munotes.in

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Poultry -II
79 3) Folding System
4) Intensive System
a) Battery System
b) Deep Litter System
1) Free Range System:
This is the oldest method used where there is no shortage of land and has
been used for centuries by general farmers. This system allows great space
to the birds on land where they can findan appreciable amount of food.
The food can be in the form of herbage, seeds and insects, provided they
get protection from predatory animals and infectious diseases and parasitic
infestation. Due to the advantages of intensive methods this system is the
perfect system.
2) Semi -Intensive System :
This system is adopted where there is availability of limited free space. It
is necessary to allow 20 -30 square yards per bird outside run for the birds.
Wherever possible, this space should be divided giving a run on either side
of the house of 10 -15 square yards per bird. It enables the birds to move on
the fresh ground.
3) Folding Unit System :
This housing system is an innovation of recent years. In this portable
folding unit birds are confined to one small run. So the position has to be
changed everyday to give the birds fresh ground. The birds find a
considerable proportion of food from the herbage, which are healthier and
harder. The beneficial effect of scratching and manuring on the land is a
side effect for the farmer.
The disadvantage of this system is that the food and water has tobe taken
to the birds. Eggs are to be brought back. Extra labor is involved in the
regular moving of the fold units. The unit made of 25 hens is the most
convenient folding unit to handle. A total floor space of 4 sq uare feet per
bird to the whole unit has to be kept, that means a floor space of I square
foot is to be allowed for each bird in the house, and 3 square feet in the run
has to be kept for the birds. A suitable measurement for a folding house to
take 25 birds is 5 feet wide and 20 feet long. The part that is nearest to the
house is covered in and the remaining 10’ open with wire netting on the
sides and top.
4) Intensive System:
This system is usually adopted where there is limited land and is
expensive. Here t he birds are confined to the house entirely without any
access to land. This has been made possible by allowing the sunrays to fall
directly on the floor of the house so thatthe windows are removable, or
fold or slide down to permit the ultraviolet rays to reach the birds. Battery munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
80 or cage system and deep litter methods are most common.
a) Battery System -This appliance is the inventor’s latest contribution to
the commercial poultry business. This system isuse ful to those having a
small quantity of floor space at their disposal. This is the most intensive
type of poultry production. Now a days it is very difficult to spare open
lands in big cities for rearing birds. This system will prove worthy for all
those people who can keep the birds in minimum space.
In ba ttery system each and every hen is confined to a cage just large
enough to permit very limited movement. It only allows her to stand and
sit comfortably. Usually the floor space in this system is 14 x 16 inches
with a height of 17 inches.
The floor is made of strong galvanized wire and is set at a slope from back
to the front so as to see the laid eggs are rolled out of the cage to a
receiving gutter. Underneath is placed a tray for droppings. Food and
water receptacle both are outside the cage. Many small cages can be
assembled together or it may be multi -storied as per the necessity. The
whole structure of the cage should be made of metal so that no parasite
will be harbored and can becarried out as often as required through
disinfection. The batteries of the cage should be set up in well -ventilated
and lighted place. It should not be too hot and vermin proof. The food
should meet all nutritional needs. As the bird spends its entire time in the
shade, it lessens the load of excess body heat. As a result the expenditure
of energy from the bird is minimum.
The feeding of birds in the cages has to be carefully monitored, as they are
totally dependent on the rearer for maintenance and production.
Availability of vitamin A and D, codliver oil, yeast, dried milk p owder is
necessary. Also fishmeal or other animal protein, balanced minerals and
some form of grit must be available. Performance of each bird should be
noted so that culling can be easily carried out. Pullets used more often than
birds of over one year, s hould be placed in the cages at least one month
before they are expected to lay eggs. As there will be only pullets in the
cage one can never expect fertilized eggs. There will only be vegetative
eggs that can be preserved for alonger time, than fertilized eggs at ordinary
temperature. They can never be used for hatching purpose.
b) Deep Litter System:
Deep litter system resembles to dry compost. In this system the poultry
birds are kept in large pens. The number of birds kept ineach pen is 250
birds. The floo r is covered with litters like straw, saw dust, or leaves up to
the depth of 8 -12 inches. We can define deep litter system as the
accumulation of the material used for litter with the poultry manure till it
reaches a depth of 8-12 inches. The build -up has to be carried out
correctly for the desired results, that requir every little attention.


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81 Advantages of Deep Litter System:
1) Safety of birds:
The birds and eggs are safe when enclosed in deep litter intensive pen,
which has strong wire netting or expanded metal.
Litter as a source of food supply: It is surprising to learn that built-up litter
also supplies some of the food requirements of the birds. The birds obtain
“Animal Protein Factor” from deep litter system. It is interesting to note
that with only a vegetable protein such as ground nut meal included in the
feed the birds obtain sufficient of animal protein factor. The level of
vitamins such as riboflavin increases up to nearly three -fold. According to
the experiments done the combination of riboflavi n and animal protein
factor is necessary to good hatchability of eggs and early growth of
2) Disease Control:
Well -managed deep litter kept in dry condition has a sterilizing effect with
no wet spots around water. The level of worm infestation is le ss if the
birds kept on good litter condition, but in bare yards and bare floor sheds
particularly where there is water spillage the level of infestation is high.
Labor Savings: It is an important feature of deep litter system. Cleaning of
poultry pens dai ly or weekly requires lot of work. If proper care is taken
and correct condition observed and well managed litter there is no need to
clean a pen for a whole year. The only attention required is the regular
stirring and adding of some material.
The valuabl e fertilizer: This is a valuable economic factor with deep litter.
In this system it is said that the birds can produce about 1 ton of deep litter
fertilizer. Nitrogen level in fresh manure is about 1%, while on well built -
up litter it may be around 3%. Th e other contents are 2% phosphorous and
2% potash. The value of this manure is about 3 times than that of cattle
3) Hot Weather Safeguard:
This is an important feature of this system in hot climate. The litter
maintains the constant temperature. When the temperature is high the birds
burrow themselves into the litter to keep themselves cool. Vice versa they
can warm themselves when the weather is cool. In other words we can say
it is avaluable insulating agent.
Poultry managemen t refers to the practices or production techniques in
animal husbandry that help to maximize the efficiency of production. In
order to optimize production sound management practices is a must.
Scientific poultry management aims at maximizing returns with minimum
investment. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
82 Brooder Management :
1) Brooder House: Brooder house should be dirt -free, rain -proof and
protected against predators. Brooding pens should have windows covered
with wire mesh for adequate ventilation. Dusty environment irritates the
respirat ory tract of the birds. Dust is one of the vehicles of transmission of
diseases. Lots of moisture causes ammonia fumes, which irritate the
respiratory tract and eyes of the birds. Comfortable environment is created
if there is good ventilation.
2) Sanitation and Hygiene: All movable equipment’s like feeders, waters
and hovers should be removed from the house, cleaned and disinfected.
All litters are to be scraped and removed. The interior as well as exterior of
the house should be cleaned under pressure. The h ouse should be
disinfected with any commercial disinfectant solution at the recommended
concentration. Insecticide should be sprayed to avoid insect threat.
Malathion spray/ blow lamping or both can be used to control ticks and
mites. New litter should be spread after each cleaning. The insecticides if
necessary should be mixed with litter at recommended doses .
3) Litter: Depending on the availability and cost suitable litter material
like saw dust and paddy husk should be spread to a length of 5 cm. To
preven t caking the litter should be stirred at frequent intervals. Only dry
litters are to be used. If any wet litter is there it should be removed
immediately. This prevents the odor like ammonia.
4) Brooding Temperature: To provide right temperature in the broode r
house heating is an essential part. Too high or too low temperature slows
down the growth of birds and causes mortality. The temperature of the first
week should be 95° F (35°C) and there after reduced by 5° F per week till
it reaches 70°F (21·10C). The brooder should be shifted at least 24 hours
before the chicks arrive. Maximum and minimum thermometer should be
hanged in each house to control over the differences in the house
temperature. The behavior of the chicks provides better indication,
whether th ey are getting the desired amount of heat. The chicks try to get
closer to the source of heat and huddle down under the brooder if the
temperature is less than required and when the temperature is too high, the
chicks will get away from the source of heat and may even gasp. The
chicks will be evenly scattered when the temperature is perfect. Brooders
are not necessary after the chicks are about 3 weeks old, in hot weather.
Several devices can be used for providing artificial heat. Many a times,
electric bul bs of different intensities are used to provide heat in the brooder
house. In such cases regulation of temperature is difficult but not
impossible. Infrared lamps are also good for brooding. The height and
number can be adjusted as per temperature requirem ent in the brooder
5) Brooder Space: Brooder space of 7-10 inch (45-65cm 2) is
recommended per chick. When small pens are used for brooding,
dimension of the house must be taken into consideration. Over crowding
results in starve -outs, culls and increa se in disease problems and
infestation. munotes.in

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Poultry -II
83 6) Brooder Guard: Hover guards are placed 1.05 to 1.50 m from the edge
of hover, to prevent the straying of baby chicks from the source of heat.
They are not necessary after a week.
7) Floor Space: To start with, floor spa ce of 0.05m2 should be provided
per chick. It should be increased by 0.05 m2 after every weeks until the
pullets are about 20 weeks of age. For female broiler chicks the floor space
should be at least 0.2 m2 and for male chicks it should be 0.15m2. This
should be provided till 8 weeks of age. Broiler pullets and cockerel chicks
should be raised in separate pens as it would be beneficial.
8) Water Space: Plentiful of clean and fresh water is a must. 50 linear cm
of water space has to be provided per 100 chicks for the first two weeks. It
has to be increased to 152 -190 linear cm at 6 -8weeks. The chick fountains
are to be left in for several days till thechicks have located the new water
source when you change from chick fountain to water trough. To reduce
spoilag e of water the height of waters should be maintained at 2 -5cm
above the back height of the chicks. Antibiotics or other stress medications
may be added to water if necessary. All waters should be cleaned daily.
Keep fresh feed a vailable at all times, to maintain healthy birds. Limit the
amount of feed in feeders to avoid wastes. It is a good practice to fill
hanging feeders only three -fourths full, and trough feeders only two–thirds
full. For efficient feeding, keep the lip of the feeder pan in a hanging tube -
type feeder at the level of the bird’s backs.
Non-automatic trough feeders should be filled early in the morning, also
during the day whenever feed supplies get low. The left over feed should
be removed before refilling the feeders. Contaminated and moldy feed
should not be given to the birds. The feeders should be cleaned when ever
A close check on birds weight and their feed consumption has to be kept.
First indication of trouble –a disease outbreak, molt, stress, or poor
management is a drop in feed intake. Keep feed as fresh as possible. Store
feed in a dry, rat and mouse proof place, where it will not be subject to
damage from moisture or losses from rodents. Store the feed in a large
galvanized garbage can with a tight lid to prevent damage.
Usea Growing Ration:
Feed supply store can provide you with a growing ration,which contains
everything, the chick’s need to grow into productive hens. For 6-14 weeks,
the ration should contain17% protein and for 15 -20 weeks the ration
should contain 14%. Supplementing the mash with grain will reduce the
overall cost, near the end of the rearing phase.
Pullets begin to receive grain as soon as they start eating growing mash.
Corn, wheat, barley, oats, millet, grain sorghum, or combinations from all
of these can be used. Begin with the ratio of grain to mash10:100. Increase munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
84 the proportion of grain until the
pullets get equal parts of grain and mash. Use separate hoppers for grain
and mash. When the pullets are 18 -20 weeks old re place the growing mash
with laying mash.
Feeding birds on range:
Range (green feed) cannot provide a complete diet for birds.
They need additional nutrients of a growing ration.
Table scraps, garden products and surplus milk can beuseful feed
supplements t o reduce costs. Peelings, stale bread and leafy vegetables
such as cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, are useful. Instead of onions, onion
flavored eggs can be fed. Fresh or sour milk is a valuable feed. Avoid
feeding spoiled or moldy feeds. The chickens shoul d also receive in
soluble grit. Grit is available in chickor hen size. Grit should be available
free choice, 2 or 3 days per month. Fine gravel is an accept able substitute
for purchased grit.
It is important to note that calcium, bone or seashells do not substitute for
grit. Calcium sources dissolve in the birds system, grit does not. Grit is
used as “teeth” to grind up hard grains etc., and should be granite or some
other hard rock and should be angular, not rounded from stream bottoms.
Laying hens need a large amount of calcium for egg shells which can be
fulfilled by free choice feeding of oyster shell or calcium grit. Dried egg
shells also can be fed back to the hens. Feed loses its quality when stored
for longer period.
There are many common and important diseases that affect the respiratory
system (air passages, lungs, air sacs) of poultry. Due to modern systems of
management, usually with high poultry densities, these diseases are able to
readily spread.
1) Fowl Po x:
There are two forms of fowl pox. The dry form is characterized by, raised
wart-like lesions on un -feathered areas (head, legs, vent, etc.). Un-
thriftiness and retarded growth are typical symptoms of fowl pox. In
laying hens, infection results in a transient decline in egg production. In
the wet form there are canker -like lesions in the mouth, pharynx, larynx,
and trachea. The wet form may cause respiratory distress by obstructing
the upper air passages. Fowl pox is transmitted by direct contact between
infected and susceptible birds or by mosquitos. Virus -containing scabs also
can serve as a source of infection. The virus, enter the blood stream
through the eye, skin wounds, or respiratory tract. Mosquitos are the
primary reservoir and spreaders of fowl pox on poultry ranges. No
treatment is available. Thus, it is possible to vaccinate to stop an outbreak.
The wing -web vaccination method is used for chickens. Fowl pox munotes.in

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Poultry -II
85 outbreaks, can be controlled by spraying to kill mosquitos. However, if
fowl pox is ende mic in the area, vaccination is recommended.
2) Newcastle Disease :
Newcastle disease affects all birds of all ages. In such species, it causes a
mild conjunctivitis. There are three forms of Newcastle disease —mildly
pathogenic, moderately pathogenic and highl y pathogenic. Newcastle
disease is characterized by a sudden onset of clinical signs which include
hoarse chirps (in chicks), watery discharge from nostrils, gasping, facial
swelling, paralysis, trembling, and twisting of th e neck (sign of central
nervous system involvement). In adultlaying birds, symptoms can
include decreased feed and water consumption and a dramatic drop in
egg production. The Newcastle virus can be transmitted short distances
by the airborne route or contaminated shoes, caretakers, feed deliverers,
visitors, tires, dirty equipment, feed sacks, crates, and wild birds. There is
no specific treatment for Newcastle disease. Antibiotics can be given for
3–5 days to prevent secondary bacterial infections. For chicks, increasing
the brooding te mperature 5°F may help reduce losses. Vaccination, good
sanitation, and implementation of a comprehensive biosecurity program
can prevent this disease.
3) Marek’s Disease:
Chickens between 12to25 weeks of age are most commonly clinically
affected. Marek’s dis ease is a type of avian cancer. Tumors in nerves cause
lameness and paralysis. Tumors can occur in the eyes, liver, kidney,
spleen, gonads, pancreas, proventriculus, lungs, muscles, and skin can
cause blindness, incoordination, un-thriftiness, paleness, and weak labored
breathing, and enlarged feather follicles. Marek’s usually occurs in
chickens 12 to 25 weeks of age and Lymphoid Leukosis usually starts at
16 weeks of age. The Marek’s virus is transmitted by air within the poultry
house and is in the feath er dander, chicken house dust, feces and saliva.
Infected birds carry the virus in their blood and area source of infection for
susceptible birds. There is no treatment for this disease. But chicks can be
vaccinated at the hatchery. While the vaccination prevents tumor
formation, it does not prevent infection by the virus.
Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumbora) :
Species affected are chickens. In affected chickens, there is rapid onset of
the disease with a sudden drop in feed and water consumption, watery
droppings which leads to soiling of feathers around the vent, and vent
pecking. The virus is spread by bird -to-bird contact, contact with
contaminated people and equipment. The virus is shed in the bird
droppings. It can be spread by air on dust particles. Dead birds are also a
source of the virus and should be incinerated. There is no specific
treatment. Vitamin -electrolyte therapy is helpful. A vaccine is
commercially available.

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Applied Agriculture
86 4) Avian Influenza (Fowl Plague) :
Avian influenza can occur in most species of bird s. The mild form
produces listlessness, loss of appetite, respiratory distress, diarrhea,
transient drops in egg production, and low mortality. The highly
pathogenic form produces facial swelling, blue comb and wattles, and
dehydration with respiratory dis tress. Avian influenza is spread by
contaminated shoes, clothing, crates, and other equipment’s. Insects and
rodents may carry the virus from infected to susceptible poultry. There is
no effective treatment for avian influenza. Good husbandry, proper
nutri tion, and broad -spectrum antibiotics may reduce loss from secondary
infections if the diseaseis in its mild form. A vaccination program used in
conjunction with a strict quarantine has been used to control mild forms of
the disease. Strict quarantine and r apid destruction of all infected flocks
remains the only effective method of stopping an avian influenza outbreak.
Poultry keeping, in India, has for a long time remained a rural cottage
enterprise. The common village hen receives very little attention and care.
As a result its productivity also is low. But now poultry is one of the
fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector. The poultry sector in
India has undergone a total change instructure and its operation. A
significant feature o f India’s poultry industry is its transformation from a
mere backyard activity to a major commercial activity in a very short span
of four decades. As this business gives regular income, the standard of
living of the people is improved and in turn helps in the rural development.
1) What are the different varieties of chicken breeds ?
2) Which breeds of chicken are used form eat production ?
3) Discuss the four systems of poultry housing.
4) What are the advantages of deep litter system ?
5) What is poultry management ?
6) Discuss poultry feed management.
7) Which diseases affect the poultry birds and what are their
remedies ?
8) Write short notes on:
a) Poultry Keeping
b) Poultry housing
 munotes.in

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87 8
Unit Structure :
8.1 Objectives
8.2 Introduction
8.3 Concept of Fishing
8.4 Scope of Fishing
8.5 Importance of Fishing
8.6 Benefits Of Fish Farming
8.7 Aquaculture
8.8 Fishing Techniques
8.9 Steps To Start Fish Farming
8.10 Fish Farming Methods
8.11 Government Programs
8.12 Summary
8.13 Questions
a) To understand the concept and scope of fishing
b) To study the importance and types of fishing
c) To study the preservation of fish
d) To study the fish farming methods
Fishing in India is a major industry in its coastal states. About 14.5 million
people are engaged in fishing. India has 8,118 km of marine coastline.
India is a major supplier of fish in the world.Shrimps are one of the major
varieties of fish exported. The gianttiger prawn and Indian white prawn are
the species chosen for aquaculture. Marine and fresh water catch fishing
combined with aquaculture fish farming is a rapidly growing industry in
India. Fishas food offers India one of the easiest an d fastest way to address
malnutrition and food security. Higher productivity, knowledge transfer
for sustainable fishing, continued growth in fish production with increase munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
88 in fish exports have the potential for increasing the living standards of
Indian fis hermen. Fishing and aquaculture in India has along history. For
centuries India had a traditional practice of fish culture. Brackish water
farming is also an age-old system in India.
Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fishing techniques include
hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping. The term fishing
may be applied to catching other aquatic animals.
Fishing in India employs about 14.5 million people. Rich marine and in
land water res ources, fisheries and aquaculture of India offer an attractive
and promising sector for employment, livelihood and food security. Half
of world’s countries receive fish products from India. It has created export
driven employment opportunities in India and also greater food security
for the world. Indian fisheries and aquaculture has witnessed lot of
improvements in craft, tackle and farming methods during the past
decades. Central and state governments also have shown interests in the
creation of required harvest and post -harvest infrastructure.
The importance of fishery in a country cannot only be measured by its
contribution to the GDP of the country, but also take into consideration
that fisheries resources and products are fund amental components of
human feeding and employment. Fisheries resources are the self-
renewable character. If fishery resources are well managed then their
duration is unlimited. The fundamental basis for the conservation and
management of fisheries, stem from the biological characteristics. When
fish consumed in small quantities, it comprises a nutritionally
importantpart of many people’s diets in developing countries. Fish is a
vitalsource of proteins and micronutrients, and improves the quality of
protei nin largely vegetable and starch based diets. It also provides essential
amino acids. Fish is also rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous,
calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C and iodine. It also contains fatty acids
for the development of brain and body.
A commercial fish farming business has many advantages.
They are as follows:
1) Fish and fish products have huge demand not only in India but also all
over the world. It is one of the common favorite food menu in the
Indian diet.
2) There is always a high demand for fish in the market and also the prices
are high for the fish and its related products. munotes.in

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Fisheries –I
89 3) The climate in India is most suitable for fish production and fish
4) Various types of water sources are easily available.
5) Diffe rent types of fast growing fish are available and farming those fish
species ensures rapid returns in investments.
6) Integrated fish farming is profitable as the feeding cost is less, easily
available species, low cost labor and gives maximum production.
7) Fish farming in India is a profitable business with less risk, providing
financial freedom and permanent in come opportunities. Commercial
fish farming can create new employment opportunities with new
8) Fish farming can be taken as an allied or subsidia ry occupation, if you
have all the necessary facilities for starting the business.
9) Minimum capital is required to start this business.
India laid the foundation for scientific fish farming (carp fish) between
1970 -1980. The production leve l was very high of 8 -10 tons per hectare
per year in an incubation centre. This transformed the Indian aquaculture
into a modern enterprise. Fishing industry got a major investment boost
after the economic liberalization policy of India in 1990’s. Indian
breeding and culture technologies deal primarily with the different species
of carp, catfish, murals and prawns. The two points taken into
consideration while adopting the culture systems are the inputs available in
the are a and the financial or investmen t capabilities of the farmer.
Extensive aquaculture is carried out in large water bodies and the only
input isfish seeds. Semi intensive culture also utilizes natural productivity,
elements of fertilization and feeding.
India also practices different cultu re systems. They are
1) Integrated fish farming with poultry, piggery, horticulture
2) Intensive pond culture with supplementary feeding
3) Composite carp culture
4) Running water fish culture
5) Weed based carp poly-culture
6) Pen culture
7) Cage culture
Ponds and tanks are the prime resources for fresh water aquaculture in
India. Currently less than10% of India’s natural potential is used. The total munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
90 brackish -water area under cultivation is only just over 13% of the potential
water area available. There is greater opportunity for productive shrimp
farming in India. Fresh water aquaculture activity is practiced in the states
of West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Assam and
Tripura. Brackish water aquaculture is mainly practiced in Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and West Bengal.
Fishing techniques are methods for catching fish. Fishing techniques
include hand -gathering, spear fishing, netting, angling and trapping.
Artisanal fishers use traditional methods of fishing, recreational fishe rs use
angling methods and commercial fisher suse netting methods.
1) Hand Fishing:
It is possible to fish and gather many sea-foods with minimum
equipment’s by using the hands. Sea food gathered by hands is as easy as
picking shellfish or digging crabs or cl ams. Pearl divers traditionally
harvested oysters by free diving.
2) Spear fishing:
Spear fishing is an ancient method of fishing, where in an ordinary spear
or specialized instruments like harpoon, trident, arrow or eel spear are
used. Some fishing spears us e slings or rubber loops to propel the spear.
3) Netting:
Fishing nets are meshes usually prepared by knotting relatively thin
threads. Netting is the principal method of commercial fishing. The other
methods also used are longlining, trolling, dredging and traps.
4) Artisanal techniques:
a) Chinese fishing nets - They are shore operated lift nets. Huge
mechanical contrivances hold out horizontal nets. The nets are dipped into
the water and raised again or else they cannot be moved.
b) Limpkin nets - The limpkin fish t ake shelter under the rafts, seeking
shade, and are caught by the fishermen using large mesh nets.
c) Cast nets - Cast nets also called throw nets are round nets with small
weights distributed around the edge. The net is thrown by hand in water in
such a way that it spreads out and sinks in water. As the net is hauled back
fish are caught in that. This has been used since thousands of years.
d) Drift nets - These nets are not anchored. They are mostly used in the
coastal waters.
e) Ghosts nets - These are lost nets a nd are a menace to marine life.
f) Gillnets - Fish which try to pass through by snagging on the gill covers
are trapped in these nets and they can neither advance nor retreat. munotes.in

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Fisheries –I
91 g) Hand nets - They are also called scoop nets. These nets are small nets
held open by a hoop. They are used for scooping up fish near the surface
of the water. If the nets have a long handle they are called dip nets. They
are called landing nets when used by anglers to help land fish. As hand
netting does not harm fish they are used for tag and release or capturing
aquarium fish.
h) Tangle nets - They are also known as tooth nets. They have smaller
mesh size and are designed to catch the fish by teeth or upper jaw bone
instead of gills.
i) Trawl nets - These nets are large nets, conical shaped. They designed to
be towed in the sea. The trawl is pulled by one or more boat. These boats
are called trawlers and the activity of pulling the trawlers through the
water is called trawling.
j) Seine nets-These nets are large fishing nets and can be arranged in
different ways. Purse seine, Danish seine and beach seine are the different
types of seine nets.
5) Angling: This method of fishing is done, by using a hook. The hook is
attached to a line and sometimes weighed down by a sinker to sink in the
water. The hook is baited with lures or bait-fish. Angling is the principal
method of sport fishing. Commercial fishing also uses this method of
fishing and is called longling or commercial trolling.
Angling with a rod: An angler in his float tube plays a hooked pike.
Fishin g rods give more control of the fishing line.
6) Line Fishing: Fishing with a fishing line is called Line Fishing. Fishing
line is a cord made for fishing. Its parameters are its length, material and
weight. The factors for chosen for a given fishing environm ent include
breaking strength, knot strength, UV resistance, cast ability, limpness,
stretch, abrasion resistance and visibility. Modern fishing lines are made
from artificial substances. Drop lining, Hand lining, jiggrpole, jigging,
long lining, stabbing, trolling, trot lining are different fishing lines .
7) Bank Fishing: Bank fishing is fishing from riverbank and similar
shorelines. Bank fishing’s done by using a fishing rod and reel. Nets,
spears and traps are also used. Bank fishing has its own requirement s like
local knowledge, water depth, bank structure, location, time of the day and
the type of lures and baits.
8) Casting: It is the act of throwing the fishing line out over the water
using a flexible fishing rod.
9) Float tubes: These are small doughnut shape d boats having and under
water seat in the hole. Float tubes are used for fly -fishing. They help the
angler to reach in deep water.
10) Fly fishing: They are made with specially fly rods and fly lines. Fly-
fishing is adistinct and ancient angling method. Artif icial flies are used as
lures. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
92 11) Boat fishing: It is done from aboat, from shoreline or river bank.
Compared to fishing from land, fishing from boatis allows more access to
different fishing grounds and species of fish.
12) Remote control fishing: This is done by using remote controlled
boat. This technique is becoming popular.
13) Trapping: Traps are universal and seem to have been independently
invented. Traps are of two types permanent traps or semi -permanent traps.
Destructive Techniques of Fishing: -
Destructive fishing practices cause irreversible damage to the aquatic
habitats and ecosystem. If used inappropriately many fishing techniques
can be destructive. Some examples of destructive fishing are using
explosive, bottom trawling, cyanide fishing, fish toxins, muroami.
Fish is the cheapest and most easily digestible animal protein. It was
obtained from the natural resources for consumption long back. The
scientists were forced to adopt various methods to increase the fish
producti on. Due to over exploitation and pollution the availability of fish
declined to a great extent. It has now become easier to increase the fish
production and its availability under controlled or artificial fish farming
methods. Fish farming can be done in village ponds, tanks or any other
new water body to improve and increase financial status. Employment
opportunities are generated for skilled and unskilled youth. The most
advanced and popular technology developed in fish farming is the fish
culture in whic h more than one type of compatible fishes are cultured
simultaneously. This technology is known as Composite Fish Culture. It
enables to get maximum fish production from a pond or a tank with
available resources. Any perennial fresh water pond or tank can be used
for fish culture. Even seasonal ponds can be used for fish culture for a
short duration.
To start fish farming business various steps have to be followed. They are
pond preparing, selecting fish breed, feeding the feed, taking care and
management and the main step is marketing.
1) Pond Preparing -
The main infrastructure of fish farming is the pond. Without this
commercial fish farming cannot be practiced. Fish can be raised in both
the ponds seasonal and permanent ponds. Fish farming in seasonal pond
will require some fast raising and quick maturing breeds of fish. Pond has
to be prepared properly before stocking minnow in the pond. The bottom
of the pond should be cleaned accurately and should be fertilized. PH
value and soil of the pond should be chec ked. If the environment of the
pond is perfect then the farmer is assured of high production and good
profit. munotes.in

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Fisheries –I
93 2) Fish Breed -
The overall production and profit depends on the proper selection of fish
breeds. Select the fish breeds that would be suitable in the area. Certain
factors are to be considered while selecting the fish breed.They are market
demand of fish, maintaining facilities, natural facilities, sufficient water,
effective utilization and some other factors depending on the area. The
suitable fish b reeds that can be used for fresh water farming in ponds are
Katla, Rohu, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Common carp, Tilapia, Koi, Shrimp,
and various types of cat fish. Numerous fish breeds can be raised together
for the proper utilization of the pond.
3) Feeding -
Most of the farmers in the country depend on natural feeds of pond. But
good and high quality fish feed will to maximize the production. In
commercial farming fish has to be fed with high quality and nutritious
food. Most popular and highly profitable integrated fish farming systems
are fish -poultry, fish - dairy, fish - pig, fish-paddy, fish -goat, fish -
4) Care and Management -
Good care of fish has to be taken along with the good environment in the
pond and high quality feed. The growing fish in the pond requires more
attention, care and management. PH level between 7 -8 is best suitable for
fish farming. Predators are to be prevented from entering the pond and also
take essential steps to prevent fish diseases. Prevention is better than cure,
so taki ng the utmost care of pond is the prime concern.
5) Marketing -
You can desire good and high production of fish with proper marketing
facilities available. The main facility of commercial fish farming is that the
fish can be sold at a proper price. The fisherm en in India sell their product
in the nearest local market. There is a great demand for Indian fish in the
inter national market also.
Fish farming in India is an ever -increasing business. Growth in population
will increase the demand for food. So there ar e more opportunities for the
youth of India to get employment and earn income. It can also solve the
problem of poverty, unemployment and hunger in the country.
Fish processing is the processes associated with fish and fish products
between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final
product is delivered to the customer. Fish are highly perishable. A major
concern underlying during the processing operations is to prevent fish
from deteriorating. The most obvious method for preserving the quality of
fish is to keep them alive until they are ready for cooking and eating.
Fish processing is subdivided into fish handling and the manufacture of munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
94 fish products. Fish handling is the preliminary processing of raw fish.
Another n atural subdivision is that primary processing is involved in the
filleting and freezing of fresh fish to distribute to fresh fish to retail and
catering outlets. The secondary processing involves chilled, frozen and
canned products for there tail and cater ing trades. Now -a-days fish
processing is undertaken by artisan fisherman, on board fishing or fish
processing vessels, and at fish processing plants.
Other methods used to preserve fish and fish products are
a) Controlling the temperature using ice, refriger ation or freezing.
b) Control of water activity by drying, salting, smoking or freeze
c) Physical control of microbial loads by adding acids.
d) Oxygen deprivation like vacuum packing.
Usually more than one of these methods is used. The cold chain should be
maintained, when chilled or frozen fish or fish products are transported by
road, rail, sea or air. Insulated containers or transport vehicles and
adequate refrigeration is required for this transport. Fish processing also
deals with proper waste manageme nt and with adding value to fish
products. There is an increasing demand for ready to eat fish products that
do not need much preparation.
8.10.1 Handling the Catch :
When the fish is harvested for commercial purposes, they need some pre -
processing so that they can be delivered to the next part of the marketing
chain in fresh and undamaged condition.
Common handling processes are:
1) Transferring the catch from the fishing gear to the fishing vessel.
2) Holding the catch before further handling
3) Sorting and grading
4) Bleeding, Gutting and Washing
5) Chilling
6) Storing the chilled fish
7) Unloading the fish when the fishing vessel returns to the port.
The order of operations varies with the fish species and the type of fishing
used to catch it, size of the fishing vessel and h ow long it is at the sea, and
the nature of market it is supplying.

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Fisheries –I
95 8.10.2 Handling Live Fish
The common practice and obvious way of keeping fish fresh is to keep
them alive until they are delivered to the buyer or readyto be eaten. The
fish are placed in a container in clean water and the dead and damaged fish
are removed from that. The water temperature is lowered to starve the fish
to reduce their metabolic rate. fish can be kept alive in floating cages,
wells and ponds. Holding basins are used in aquac ulture, where the water
is continuously filtered and its temperature and oxygen level is controlled.
Live fish is transported by methods like simple artisanal method in which
fish are placed in plastic bags with an oxygenated atmosphere, to
sophisticated methods wherein trucks filter and recycle the water and add
oxygen and regulate temperature.
8.10.3 Preservation
Preservation techniques are necessary to prevent spoiling of fish and also
lengthen shelf life. Spoilage bacteria are the specific bacteria that produce
the unpleasant odors and flavors associated with spoiled fish. Preservation
techniques work by interrupting one or more of the needs like right
temperature, sufficient water and oxygen and surroundings that are not too
Classification of preservation techniques is as follows:
a) Control of Temperature :
The metabolic activity in the fish from microbial or autolytic processes can
be reduced or stopped on decreasing the temperature. This can be achieved
by refrigeration where in the temperature i s dropped to 0 °C or freezing
where the temperature is dropped below -18°C.
On fishing vessels, the fish are refrigerated mechanically by circulating
cold air or by packing the fish in ice box. Chilled seawater is also used to
maintain low temperature. Onc e chilled or frozen, further cooling is
necessary to maintain the low temperature for the fishes.
An effective and safe method of preserving the freshness of fish is to chill
with ice by distributing ice uniformly around the fish so that the fish
remains m oist and in an easily stored form suitable for transport. Recent
development is pumpable ice technology. Pumpable ice flows like water
and it cools fish faster than fresh water solid ice methods and eliminates
freeze burns.
b) Control of Water Activity:
The w ater activity in a fish is defined as the ratio of the watervapor
pressure in the fish to the vapor pressure of pure water at the same pressure
and temperature. Traditional techniques such as drying, salting and
smoking have been used for thousands of year s. Recently the techniques
added are freeze -drying, water binding humectants, and fully automated
equipment with temperature and humidity control. A combination of all munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
96 this is often used.
In heat orionizing irradiation method, heat is applied by cooking,
blanching or micro wave heating, in a manner that pasteurizes or sterilizes
fish products. This method kills the bacteria that cause decomposition.
Sterilized products are stable at ambient temperatures up to 40 °C, but to
ensure they remain sterilized they need packaging in metal censor
restorable pouches before the heat treatment.
c) Chemical Control of Microbial Loads :
Bio-preservation is achieved by adding antimicrobials or by increasing the
acidity of the fish muscle. Acidity is increased by fermentation, marinating
or by directly adding acids (acetic, citric, lactic) to fish products. Other
preservatives include nitrites, sulphite, sorbets, benzoates and essential
d) Control of the oxygen reduction potential:
Reduction of the oxygen around the fish can increase shelf life and this is
done by controlling the atmosphere around the fish, or by vacuum
Controlled atmospheres have specific combinations of oxygen, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen.
e) Combined Techniques:
Two or more techniques are often comb ined to improve preservation and
reduce unwanted side effects. Common combinations are salting and
drying, salting and marinating, salting and smoking, drying and smoking,
pasteurization and refrigeration and controlled atmosphere and
Waste produced during fish processing operations can be solidor liquid.
Solid wastes include skin, viscera, fish heads and fish bones which can
be recycled in fish meal plants or it can be treated as municipal waste.
Liquid wastes include blood water and brine from drained storage tanks,
and water discharges from washing and cleaning.This waste should be
disposed without damage to the environment and the aquatic ecosystem.
f) Transport:
Fish is traded live, fresh, frozen and is transported in ships, by land and air .
Much fish is traded internationally. Live , fresh and frozen fish need
special care.
Live fish: Live fish need oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia when they
are transported. The fish are often starved before they are transported to
reduce their meta bolis m and increase packing intensity.

Page 97

Fisheries –I
97 By Air:
Around five percent of the global fish production is transported by air. It
needs special care in preparation, handling and careful scheduling.
By Land or Sea:
Maintenance of the cold chain, for fresh, chilled and frozen products and
the optimization of the packing and stowage density are the most
challenging aspects of fish transportation by sea. This requires the use of
insulated containers of transport vehicles and adequate quantities of
coolants or mechanical refrigeration.
g) Finish products :
Finish products of fish are presented for marketing in one of the following
1) Whole Fish-The fish remains as it is from water with no processing
2) Drawn Fish- The fish remains the whole with its internal organs
remov ed.
3) Dressed Fish- Fish is scaled and internal organs removed and ready to
4) Pan Dressed Fish- A dressed fish, which has had its head, tail and fins,
removed to fit in the pan.
5) Filleted Fish- It is the fleshy side of fish cut length wise from the fish
along the back bone.
6) Fish Steaks - Large dressed fish with across section of the back bone.
7) Fish Sticks - Pieces of fish cut into portion of 3/8 inch thick. They are
ready to be cooked coated with batter and breaded.
8) Fish Cakes - They are prepared from flaked fish, potatoes, and
seasonings, shaped into cakes, coated with batter, breaded and then
packed and frozen and are ready to be cooked.
The government of India launched National Fisheries Development Board
in 2006 with the activities fo cused on
1) Intensive aquaculture in ponds and tanks
2) Fisheries Development in Reservoirs.
3) Coastal Agriculture
4) Mari -culture munotes.in

Page 98

Applied Agriculture
98 5) Sea-wood Collection
6) Infrastructure -Fishing Harbors and Landing Centers
7) Fish Dressing Centers and Solar Drying of Fish
8) Domestic Marke ting
9) Technology Up-gradation
10) Deep Sea Fishing and Tuna Processing
Its headquarter is in Hyderabad, located in a fish shaped building. The
implementation of two programs for in land fisheries –
a) Establishing Fish Farmers Development Agencies and b) Nationa l
Program of Fish Seed Development led to encouragingly increased
production of fish in the country.
Fishing in India is a major industry in its coastal states. Marine and fresh
water catch fishing combined with aquaculture fish farming is a r apidly
growing industry in India. Fish as food offers India one of the easiest and
fastest way to address malnutrition and food security. Higher productivity,
knowledge transfer for sustainable fishing, continued growth in fish
production with increase in fish exports have the potential for increasing
the living standards of Indian fishermen. Fishing and aquaculture in India
has along history. For centuries India had a traditional practice of fish
culture. Brackish water farming is also an age -old system in India.
1) Explain the concept, scope and importance of fishing in India.
2) Discuss Aquaculture.
3) Give the different fishing techniques used for fishing.
4) What are the steps taken to start fishing?
5) What is the different preservation techniques used to prevents
poiling of fish?
6) Write short notes on:
a) Benefits of fishfarming
b) Fish processing
c) Handling the catch
d) Handling live fish
e) Government programs to support fish farming

 munotes.in

Page 99

99 9
Unit Structure :
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Concept of agro -allied business sector (Industry)
9.4 Types agro -allied businesses.
9.5 Need of agro -related business.
9.6 Problems of agro -allied business field
9.7 Summary
9.8 Questions
1) To understand the concept of agro -related business sector.
2) To understand types agro -allied businesses ,
3) To know the need for processing on production in agro -related
business .
4) To know the problems in agro -allied busine ss field
Agriculture is the main occupation in our country. It provides
employment to nearly 50% people of total population. It contributes
25% to national income, but comparing with other develop countries
Indian agriculture is still tra ditional and dependent on monsoon. We use
more labor in our farms but other develops countries use more machinery
involving high amounts of capital. In India you can see small farms but
large sized farms can see in the other develop countries. We use low
quality seeds and fertilizers but other develop countries use HYV seeds
and high quality fertilizers.
All above differences leads to low productivity of the Indian agriculture
sector Agricultural production is low in India. India produces 27 Qtls.
wheat per hectare. France produces 71.2 Qtls per hectare and Britain
80 Qtls per hectare. Average annual productivity of an agricultural
laborer is 162 dollars in India, 973 dollars in Norway and 2408
dollars in USA. munotes.in

Page 100

Applied Agriculture
100 In India methods of production of agriculture al ong with equipment
are traditional. It is due is poverty and illiteracy of people.
Traditional technology is the main cause of low production.
To increase the productivity of agriculture sector and income of the
Indian farmers, government and farmers need to put stress on the
agro -allied activities to overcome the issue of low productivity of the
agriculture as well as related fields.
“When the income from agriculture is not guaranteed, farmers have an
alternative source of income Therefore, the occupations that are carried
out, or the occupations that are possible are called agro -allied occupations
or business.”
Agriculture and other allied activities mainly include animal husbandry,
poultry, dairy, piggery, pisciculture (fishery), apiculture (producing
honey), and sericulture (producing raw silk from caterpillars) .
The sectors allied to the agriculture sector are, dairy farming, poultry and
milk production, fishery, animal husbandry etc. A ll these sectors are
integrated to aid proper planning and effective execution of the
developmental policies. All above mentioned allied sector activities
classifies mainly in three categories that is Livestock, Horticulture, and
A) Livestock Sect or (livestock includes dairy, sheep, goat, poultry and
Livestock sector is an important sub -sector of agriculture which provides
nutrient -rich food products, draught power, organic manure and domestic
fuel, hides and skin and is a regular source of cash income for rural
i) Dairy farming:
Dairy farming consists of raising mother animals and collecting the milk
that they produce after giving birth. Though cows are the most commonly
farmed animal within the dairy industry, there are other animals that are
also raised for their milk. According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, cattle produce 81 percent of milk ,
buffalo produce 15 percent, goats 2 percent, sheep 1 percent, and camels
0.5 percent. munotes.in

Page 101

Agro -Allied Sector Products

ii) Sheep & Goat rearing:
Goat rearing: is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section
of population in rural area . Goats are am ong the main meat -producing
animals in India and have huge domestic demand. Goat rearing under
intensive and semi -intensive system for commercial production has been
gaining strength.
Sheep rearing : The practice of raising and breeding domestic sheep is
known as Sheep rearing. Sheep are raised principally for their meat (lamb
and mutton), milk (sheep's milk), and fiber.
iii) Poultry farming: poultry farming, rising of birds domestically or
commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but also for feathers . Chi ckens,
turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance.
iv) Piggery: Pig farming or pork farming is the raising and breeding of
domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry.
v) Apiculture: “Apiculture is the scientific method of r earing honey bees.
Apiculture or beekeeping is the care and management of honey bees for the
production of honey and wax.
B) Horticulture Sector (horticulture includes fruits, vegetables, flowers,
spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, sericulture etc.)
India has maintained leadership in the production of many commodities
like mango, banana, acid lime, coconut, cashew, ginger, turmeric and black
pepper. Presently, it is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables
in the world. India is next only to Ch ina in area and production of
horticulture sector.
i) Fruits & vegetables Production:
Fruit production : The word Pomology is made up of the Latin language
word “Pomum”, meaning“fruit”, and Greek language word “logy”,
meaning science, and this, the science of fruit production, is called

Page 102

Applied Agriculture
102 ii) Vegetable farming : growing of vegetable crops, primarily for use as
human food . Vegetable farming operations range from small patches of
crops, producing a few vegetables for family use or marketing, to the gre at
highly organized and mechanized farms.
iii) Floriculture: floriculture, branch of ornamental horticulture concerned
with growing and marketing flowers and ornamental plants as well as with
flower arrangement .
iv) Aromatic and medicinal plants Production : There are so many
plants now found in the world, which are identifying as medicinal and
aromatic properties. Cultivators are cultivated them as a crop. However,
our knowledge of medicinal crops has mostly been inherited traditionally.
The cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops provides sustainable
means of natural source of high value industrial raw material for
pharmaceutical, agrichemical, food and cosmetic industries and opens up
new possibilities for higher level of gains for farmer with a signif icant
scope for progress in rural economy.
v) Sericulture Sector : Sericulture is a major sub -sector comprising the
textiles sector. Sericulture emerged as an important economic activity,
becoming popular in several parts of the country, because of its shor t
gestation period and quick recycling of resources. It suits all types of
farmers and exceptionally marginal and small land holders as it offers rich
opportunities for enhancement of income and creates family employment
round the year. India is the second largest producer of silk in the world.
C) Fish farming and Preservation : (Marine, in land and aqua
farming), The fisheries and aquaculture sector is recognized as the fast
growing sector in Indian agriculture providing nutritional security to the
food basket , contributing to agricultural exports and engaging about 20
million people in different activities.
Fish farming: fish farmingalso called Aquaculture . Fish culture, or Mari
culture, the propagation and husbandry of aquatic plants, animals, and
other organ isms for commercial, recreational, and scientific purposes.
Fish preservation is the method of increasing the shelf life of fish and
other fish products by applying the principles of different branches of
science in order to keep the fish, after it has lan ded, in a condition
wholesome and fit for human consumption.

Page 103

Agro -Allied Sector Products

There is need of agro-related business in the rural development of India
can be explained as follows.
1. Employment supply
As agr iculture allied industries are essentially small -scale operations, their
employment generation potential is high. As the amount of capital
investment and employment is high, employment opportunities are
available to the rural people. These industries play an important role in
reducing semi -unemployment, seasonal unemployment, hidden
unemployment and open unemployment in rural areas.
2. Supplementary Businesses to Agriculture
Many agriculture -related industries are complementary or auxiliary to
agriculture. This helps in increasing the income of the farmers.
3. Less capital
Capital is scarce in India. In such a situation, agriculture allied industries
which can be set up with less capital play an imp ortant role to achieve
economic development.
4. Existence in rural areas
Majority of agro -allied industries are found to be localized in rural areas.
E.g. Sugar Industry, Silk Industry, Handloom Industry etc. Thus the side
effects of urbanization can be avoided. Many social and political and other
problems are foun d due to urban industry. Industries in these rural areas
help reduce the pressure of urbanization.
5. Scope for local raw materials
Industries based on agro -allied industries generally use local raw materials.
Therefore, the farmers' income increases by ge tting a fair price for their

Page 104

Applied Agriculture
104 6. Balanced development
As large industries are mainly concentrated in urban areas, urban areas are
developed and rural areas remain underdeveloped. But if agriculture -
related industries increase in the country, it is possible to reduce the
disparity in economic development through regional development.

7. Cottage industry
Many agro -allied industries can be carried out by farming families in their
own homes, thus providing employment to members of their household
(fam ily).

8. Low technology
Many agriculture related industries like fish farming, animal husbandry,
dairy production, and beekeeping can be started with little technology.
That means it can be done easily by less educated rural people due to their
ease of in stallation.
9. Product diversity
Agriculture allied industries produce various goods. So there is diversity in

10. Adequate use of natural resources
The natural resources of the country can be properly and fully utilized as
the raw materials required for agricultural industries are obtained from
local production.
11. By product generation
As the sugar industry and some other industries produce complementary
goods i.e. by -products, the production becomes diversified. It also helps in
reducing the avera ge cost of production.
12. Use of medicinal plants
Medicinal plants found in remote hilly areas are also used in agro -related
industries, thus helping the development of nomadic tribal tribes.

13. Increase in rural income and poverty alleviation
By settin g up agro -related industries in rural areas, their produce is used as
raw material or processing industries are established and their farm
produce gets better prices and their income increases. Moreover,
supplementary agricultural industries help in increa sing their income. It is
possible to increase the income of the people in the rural areas and bring
them above the poverty line. Overall it can be said that the participation of
agriculture allied industries is important in poverty alleviation.

Page 105

Agro -Allied Sector Products
105 14. Reduci ng economic in equality
Economic disparity is high in rural areas. The development of agriculture -
related industries also increases the income level of the low income group
by providing them with complementary occupations. It helps in reducing
economic dis parity in rural areas.
15. Development of storage facilities
The growth of agro -allied industries leads to the development of storage
facilities for agricultural produce in rural areas.
16. Development of transport and communication
Agriculture -related ind ustries lead to the development of road transport in
rural areas. There is an increase in means of transportation and
convenience. The development of communication tools like post,
telegraph, telephone, fax, and internet, mobile also helps in achieving the
objective of balanced development planning.
17. Increase in rural savings
Agriculture allied industries increase the income of rural people and
increase their saving capacity. Basically, since the consumption capacity of
the rural people is low, a large part of the surplus income is saved and
available for the development of the country.
18. Increase in basic amenities
Facilities like roads, electricity, water, education, banks, cooperatives,
transport system, post come into being in rural areas due to ag riculture
related industries. Therefore, overall development of the rural areas is

19. Market Development
An advantage of the increase in primary amenities is the emergence and
development of markets to sell agricultural produce. Especially w ith the
emergence of the Co -operative Markets movement, their success also
increased. This seems to have benefited the agricultural producers in many
ways. Also, there is an increase in activism in politics.
20. Scope for rural entrepreneurship
In many pla ces, new entrepreneurs from rural areas make their debut in
this field as little capital and little technology is required for setting up
industries. This gives an opportunity to the combination skills they have in

21. Development of Co -operative S ocieties
A co -operative is a voluntary association of weaker parties. Factories on
co-operative principles have started to grow in rural areas. Agriculture
allied industries include processing, production, distribution, credit, munotes.in

Page 106

Applied Agriculture
106 transportation, storage, buy ing and selling activities etc. In almost all
sectors, the cooperative movement has flourished in rural areas.

22. Export growth
The products of numerous agricultural industries like silk cloth, tea,
coffee, sugar, textiles, jute, and spices are being exp orted. Recently, an
industry has started developing to increase the export of fruits by
processing them. Such exports provide valuable foreign exchange to the

23. Changes in people's living conditions
While summarizing all the above activities, i t can be seen that agriculture
related industries are improving the living conditions of people in rural
areas and agriculture related industries are working to transform rural
areas. Let us see some examples. These examples will make it easier for
you to understand this part.
i) Infrastructure and rural support service : the production of agro-
allied sector requires irrigation, power, machinery, credit, energy and
telecommunication facilities, marketing services, transport services which
includes railway, roads, shipping and communication facilities etc. All
these facilities and services which help in industrial and agricultural
production constitute collectively the infrastructure of an economy. States
of India have large disparities.
ii) Climate change : Livestock are adversely affected by the detrimental
effects of extreme weather. Climatic extremes and seasonal fluctuations in
herbage quantity and quality will affect the well -being of livestock, and
will lead to declines in production and reproduction efficiency. Climate
change is a major threat to the sustainability of livestock systems globally.
Consequently, adaptation to, and mitigation of the detrimental effects of
extreme climates has played a major role in combatin g the climatic impact
on livestock.

https://www.pashudhanpraharee.com munotes.in

Page 107

Agro -Allied Sector Products
107 iii) Deterioration of the natural resource : Over consumption of natural
resources results in environmental degradation, reducing the effectiveness
of essential ecosystem services, such as the mitigation of floods and
landslides . This leads to increased risk from disasters, and in turn, natural
hazards can further degrade the environment.
iv) Limited Knowledge: The absence of information, lack of awareness
and limited knowledge about opp ortunities in agro -allied sector , Even
knowledge about technology and production systems is also a major
v) Quantity and standard: Development of Agro -allied sector is also
depend on the quantity of products. The quality suffers because of lack of
standardization while processing of raw material in agro -allied sector.
These factors exert additional pressure on agro -allied industries in terms of
operations related to production.
The agriculture and allied sector continues to be pivotal to t he sustainable
growth and development of the Indian economy. Not only does it meet the
food and nutritional requirements of 1.3 billion Indians, it contributes
significantly to production, employment and demand generation through
various backward and forwa rd linkages. Moreover, the role of the
agricultural and allied sector in alleviating poverty and in ensuring the
sustainable development of the economy is well established. The farmer
welfare -centered approach to agricultural development can empower the
rural masses with higher income and employment and make balanced
development a reality. Hence, in policies of poverty alleviation and
enhancing sustainable development, agriculture has enormous potential
1) Define the concept of agro -related busin ess and write its
2) State various types’ agro-allied businesses .
3) Elaborate the various problems in agro -allied business field
1.https://www.tractorjunction.com/blog/agro -based -industries -in-india -
types -importance -scenario/

2. https://www.loksatta.com/career -vrutantta/mpsc -exam -study -
agriculture -and-agricultural -allied -areas -akp-942549786


Page 108

108 10
Unit Structure :
10.1 Objectives
10.2 Introduction
10.3 Concept of Processing of agro -allied sector products
10.4 Scope of Processing of agro -allied sector products
10.5 Types of Processing of agro -allied sector products
10.6 Importance of Processing of agro -allied sector products
10.7 Government schemes related to agro-allied sector
10.8 Problems Faced by processing of Agro -allied sector Industries
10.9 Summary
10.10 Questions
10.11 References
1. To study types of Processing of products in agro-allied sector .
2. Study process examples on products in agro-allied sector .
3. To study the importance of processing products in agro-allied sector.
The rural agro-allied sec tor processing industry can play a vital role in
rural poverty alleviation, employment generation and sustainable
development in our country. It can enhance farm incomes by offering a
ready market for products inagro -allied sector , generate off -farm
employ ment, an d reduce rural –urban migration. Rural -based food
processing industries are mostly small - and medium -sized enterprises
(SMEs) and face such constraints as poor infrastructure, shortage of
entrepreneurial talent and skilled manpower, limited access t o appropriate
technologies, volatile demand, and small profit margins
Nowadays Indian agriculture is expected to lead to a significant
transformation of the economy through improvements in the sector’s
productivity. The sector is divided into a number of s ubsectors: crops, munotes.in

Page 109

Processing of Agro -Allied
Sector Products
109 cocoa, livestock, forestry, and fisheries etc. Here especially we are going
to discuss the topic related to processing of agro -allied products that is
products in the livestock fishery and so on.
Processing is an important activity relate d to the agricultural and allied
sector and is dominated by predominantly small - and medium -scale firms.
There are a lot of opportunities to add value to agro -allied commodities.

https://www.insightsonindia.co m
1. An agro -industry is an enterprise that processes biomass, i.e.
agricultural raw materials, which include ground and tree crops as well
as livestock and fisheries, to create edible or usable forms, im prove
storage and shelf life, create easily transportable forms, enhance
nutritive value, and extract chemicals for
2. Agro -based industries are industries that use plant and animal -based
agricultural output as their raw material. Also, they add value to
agricultural output by processing and producing marketable and usable
With urbanization and industrialization, agriculture land is shrinking day
by day. Whereas demand for food is on rise w ith the increasing population
and enhanced purchasing power of the people. Agro -allied sector have the
potential to provide employment for the rural population not only in
production of agro -allied sector, but also in off -farm activities such as
handling, packaging, processing, transporting and marketing of food and
agro-allied sector products .
The scope of agro -allied sectorindustries in India is pretty high because of
the fact that the country is predominantly dependent on agriculture.
According to the statistical data for the year 2020, the agriculture sector in
India contributes about 18% to India’s GDP. Also, approximately 42% of
the Indian population is employed in the agricultural sector alone. The
share of the population employed in the agriculture and allied sector has munotes.in

Page 110

Applied Agriculture
110 been declining year after year because of various reasons. However, it still
remains the largest sector employing the majority of the population.

Agro -allied sector industry is regarded as the sunrise sector of the Indian
economy be cause of its huge potential for growth, likely socio economic
impact, specifically on employment and income generation and for the
ability to generally keep itself recession proof. Also, approximately 70%
of the population is dependent on agriculture and a gro-allied sector
industries. According to the economic survey 2014 -15, conducted by the
Central Statistical Office, agro -allied industries consistently grew in India
during the period 2009 -10 to 2013 -14. Some estimates also suggest that in
developed econo mies, approximately 14% of the total workforce engages
in the agro -processing sector directly or indirectly, whereas in India, only
about 3% of the workforce finds employment in this sector. The data
highlighted above reveals the underdeveloped state and t he vast potential
of growth in this sector.
Agro -allied sector industry in India can be broadly classified into the
following types:
a. Livestock Sector (livestock includes dairy, sheep, goat, poultry and
b. Horticulture Sector (horticulture includes fruits, vegetables, flowers,
spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, sericulture etc.)
c. Fish farming and Preservation : (Marine, inland and aqua farming).
a. Livestock Sector (livestock includes dairy, sheep, goat, poultry and
i) Meat processing : Meat processing technologies were developed
particularly in Europe and Asia. The European technologies obviously
were more successful, as they were disseminated and adopted to a
considerable extent in other regions of the world – by way of their main
creations of burger patties, frankfurter -type sausages and cooked ham.
Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra,
Kerala, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan are the key areas of
processed meat production in India. The total processing
capacity in India is over 1 million tons per annum, of which 40 -
50 percent is utilized. India exports about 1,713,723.61 tons of
Animal Products in 2021 -22, mostly buffalo meat. Indian buffalo
meat is witnessing strong demand in international markets due to
its lean character and near organic nature.

ii) Poultry meat Processing : Poultry meat Poultry meat is the
fastest -growing component of global meat demand, and India,
the world's second -largest developing country, is experien cing
rapid growth in its poultry sector. munotes.in

Page 111

Processing of Agro -Allied
Sector Products
111 iii) Milk and milk products : India continues to be the largest producer of
milk in the world. The total milk production was 165.4 MT during 2016 -
17, with per capita availability of 355 grams per day. Among milk
products, ice cream is one of the major processed products with an
estimated market size of ` 4000 crore growing at 15% year on year growth.
The packaged milk market in India is to the tune of 450 LLPD, which is
worth ` 55000 crore per annum.

Milk powder, flavored milk, ice -cream, curd, butter, cheese, ghee etc. are
other potential milk products manufactured in India. Sectoral Paper on
Food Processing | 9 recent trends in Milk Processing: Freshly drawn raw
milk has its own anti -microbial defense mechanism, i.e. lactoferrin, lacto
peroxidase, lysozyme, and possibly N -acetyl -ß-D-glucosaminidase
(NAGase). But this anti -microbial defense mechanism of milk is
temporary, which with time gets weaker, maki ng milk prone to microbial
spoilages. Conventionally, milk processing is done by heating of the milk
to certain temperature for fixed duration of time, which causes significant
reduction in microbial population. Various levels of thermal treatments are
practiced for processing milk based on the thermal harshness of
treatments, i.e. thermization, pasteurization and sterilization. Thermal
processing has been widely adopted as the treated product is recognized
safe for consumption with longer storage life. But with advancement of
understanding, particularly in the domain “Dairy Science”, some
undesirable changes are reported during heating of milk, such as,
browning, development of a cooked flavour, loss of nutrients, inactivation
of bacterial inhibitors and im pairment of rennet ability, etc. Therefore, the
need of non -thermal processing was realized and its practical applicability
in milk processing was considered as an alternative to conventional heat
treatment. The term non -thermal processing is a novel conce pt of
processing which is limited not only to milk but also to other food
products. Non -thermal food processing targets elimination of micro
organisms or any other biological entities without causing significant rise
in temperature, which prevents chain of undesirable reactions in foods.

b. Horticulture Sector (horticulture includes fruits, vegetables, flowers,
spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, sericulture etc.)

Page 112

Applied Agriculture
112 Fruit Processing :
i) Wines are produced by fermentation of fruit juice or pulp by varieties of
the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, named ‘wine yeasts’. Sugars in the
juice, together with added sugar, are converted into alcohol and carbon
dioxide. During fermentation, it is important to keep air out of the vessel to
enable the yeast to produce al cohol and to prevent contamination by
bacteria and moulds. Wines are preserved by their natural acidity and
raised levels of alcohol (8 -13%).


ii)Jam, Jellies and Marmal ades Cooking jams, jellies and marmalades
using fruits, sugar, pectin and edible acids is one of the oldest food
preserving processes known to mankind and presents a way of making
food stable by increasing the content in soluble solids. The quality criteri a
for jams and marmalades are decisively determined by the flavour, colour
and consistency as well as state of preservation and distribution of fruits.
These properties depend to a high degree on the raw materials used, with
special importance given to the proper selection of suitable fruits.

c. Fish farming and Preservation : (Marine, inland and aqua farming).
Marine Products Marine Products Indian fisheries and aquaculture is an
important sector of food production, providing nutritional security to the
food basket, contributing to the agricultural exports and engaging about 14
million people in different activities. With diverse resources ranging from
deep seas to lakes in the mountains and more than 10% of the global
biodiversity in terms of fish and shellf ish species, the country has shown
continuous and sustained increments in fish production since

https://www.gea.com munotes.in

Page 113

Processing of Agro -Allied
Sector Products
113 India has the largest coastline with good potential for marine products.
India produces 11.40 MT of fish. Riding on a robus t demand for its frozen
shrimp and frozen fish in international markets, India exported 11.35 lakh
MT of seafood worth an all -time high of US$ 5.78 billion (` 37, 870 crore)
in 2016 -17 with USA and South East Asia continuing to be the major
importers while the demand from the European Union grew substantially
during the period. Frozen shrimp maintained its position as the top item of
export, accounting for 38.28% in quantity and 64.50% of the total earnings
in dollar terms. Shrimp exports increased by 16.21 % in terms of quantity
and 20.33% in dollar terms. Frozen fish was the second largest export
item, accounting for a share of 26.15% in quantity and 11.64% in dollar
earnings, registering a growth of 26.92% in terms of value.
1. Employment Generation:
Small/large/medium scale processing industries are set up due to agro -
allied industries. Skilled and unskilled workers are required in large
quantities for this. Due to this industry, it is seen th at employment
opportunities are available to both types of workers on a large scale. From
the point of view of employment generation, agro -related industries play a
very important role.
2. Increase in National Product:
An increase in national income raises the standard of living of the people.
Agriculture allied industries help to increase the national income. Due to
the creation of direct agricultural industries and auxiliary or
complementary industries i.e. industries supplying spare parts to
agricultural industries, the national income has been increased by
alternative production to a large extent.
3. Increase in Economic Development:
Agro -allied industries provide capital and services to farmers. (e.g. seeds,
training, inputs, production and markets) Agr o-allied industries are of
great importance for increasing agricultural productivity, for continuous
demand for agricultural products, for increasing agricultural adventure of

4. Aid in poverty alleviation:
Agro -industry helps increase productivi ty and creates chains for small
holders. In turn, it helps in poverty alleviation. That is, the number of
small, very small, landholders, artisans, landless farm laborers is large at
the village level. This component provides large -scale farm employment
and skilled employment in agro -based industries. Women are also
accommodated in industry or agriculture according to their capacity.
Therefore, the standard of living of the people in the areas where the munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
114 agricultural industries are located has certainly impr oved and helped in
poverty eradication.
5. Help prevent migration:
A large number of skilled and unskilled workers migrate from rural areas
to urban areas and suburbs in search of employment. In such a case, if
agriculture related industries are created at the village level, it has helped
to limit the migration of landless agricultural laborers, small and marginal
land holders to a great extent.
6. Limitation on Civil Issues:
As employment opportunities are available at the village or taluka level,
migratio n to the big cities has been prevented, which has helped to some
extent to curb the internal social problems caused by migration to urban

7. Raises financial status:
Agricultural industry has contributed to various types of development due
to the p rocessing of agricultural produce produced in rural areas. Due to
the creation of employment at the village level, the poverty in the village is
decreasing. There is a big gap between the attractiveness of manufacturing
to urban areas and the training in i t. However, since the agricultural
industry is small/medium in nature, this greatly inhibits migration and
contributes significantly to regional development.
8. Help improve food quality in rural areas:
Lack of employment leads to poverty and then the food available is
meager. But the agriculture allied industry is helping in employment
generation. Alternatively, it has helped to improve the economic condition
of people in rural areas. Of course, this has resulted in improvement in
food quality.
9. Equal de velopment of agricultural sector and industrial sector:
Many of the components required in the agricultural sector especially for
machines, tractors, nut bolts, nails, screws etc. and their manufacture
requires industrial sector. In such a case, as all the goods required for
agriculture are produced in the industrial sector, it is seen that the
industrial sector is also developing equally with the agriculture related
10. Secondary production from perishable goods:
Agricultural produce is perisha ble in nature. It is also seasonal in nature.
Processing of such goods gives the goods a useful life. It increases
durability. Goods can be obtained in off -season also.


Page 115

Processing of Agro -Allied
Sector Products
115 11. Short training and skills:
People in rural areas have acquired skills in traditio nal occupations. It is
seen that employment has been achieved by giving short training to
women and other groups as per the need in agriculture related industries.
In such a variety of ways, you can be convinced of the information about
agriculture related industries. Agriculture allied industries have an
important place in the overall Indian economy. Therefore, the development
of the country will be determined by the development of the rural areas
However, while starting an agricultural industry, it is nec essary to keep
some important points in mind.
1. Before starting the agricultural industry, it is necessary to study all the
agricultural tools.
2. Also, it is necessary to study the entire district in depth about the
activities, interests, and scope for your bu siness.
3. Before starting a business, it is important to study the existing
businesses, their status, and balances.
4. It is necessary to make full use of the equipment, plot, and capital labor
that we invest. For this, it is important to consider these factors through
a complete study survey.
5. Proper use of trained facilitators and appropria te technology is
6. It is necessary to determine the current and future policies by studying
the credit policy, market and future demand for our product.
The followin g problems are strongly felt while doing this business.

1. Storage and handling of food grains.
2. Improvements in food processing technology.
3. Use of by products.
4. Effect of monsoon and changing crop pattern.
5. Lack of proper guidance for modernization.
6. Lack of financing.
7. Market uncertainty regarding manufac tured goods and raw materials.
8. Seasonal nature of crops.
Professionals can definitely benefit if they enter the agro processing
industry by considering such issues before hand.
Overall it can be said that agriculture affiliates are becoming important
today. munotes.in

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Applied Agriculture
Livestock insurance Scheme
This scheme aims to provide protection mechanism to the farmers and
cattle rearers against any eventual loss of their animals due to death and to
demonstrate the benefit of the insurance of livestock to the people and
popularize it with the ultimate goal of attaining qualitative improvement in
livestock and their products.
Scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension
It wa s launched to provide training for fishery sector so as to assist in
undertaking fisheries extension programmes effectively.
National Scheme on Welfare of Fishermen
This scheme was launched to provide financial assistance to fishers for
construction of house, community hall for recreation and common
working place. It also aims to install tube -wells for drinking water and
assistance during lean period through saving cum relief component.
National Food Processing Policy The objective of policy is to reduce
wastage, increase value addition, and ensure better prices of farmers while
ensuring availability and quality produce to consumers. The major
highlights of policy is given below:  Single window clearance system 
Promote fruit processing clusters  Strengt hen agriculture marketing
infrastructure  Facilitation of land allotment  Promote mage food
parks/food parks  Support development of logistic infrastructure 
Compliance with food safety regulatory requirements  Support to
business units
Pradhan Mantri Matsya SampadaYojana (PMMSY):
The PMMSY was announced in the Union Budget 2019 -20 and it is
designed to address critical gaps in fish production and productivity,
quality, technology, postharvest infrastructure and management,
modernization and strengthen ing of value chain, traceability, establishing a
robust fisheries management framework and fishers’ welfare. The
PMMSY is an umbrella scheme with two separate Components namely (a)
Central Sector Scheme (CS) and (b) Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS).
PMMSY has been approved at a total estimated investment of Rs.20,050
crore comprising of Central share of Rs.9407 crore, State share of Rs.4880
crore and Beneficiaries contribution of Rs.5763 crore. PMMSY has been
implemented in all the States and Union Territo ries for a period of 5 (five)
years from FY 2020 -21 to FY 2024 -25.
Other enabling support for investment  Government of India facilitates
the investment in the food processing sector through a number of
incentives announced from time to time. The major in centives are as
under: Income tax relief under sections 80 IB, 35 AD and 10 AA of munotes.in

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Processing of Agro -Allied
Sector Products
117 Income Tax Act,1961  Exemption of Goods and Services Tax for 45
categories of food products and a lower rate of 5% for 49 categories of
food products  GST for food processi ng machinery ranges from 5%
(machines for cleaning, sorting or grading, seed, grain or dried leguminous
vegetables; machinery used in milling industry or for the working of
cereals or dried leguminous vegetables other than farm type machinery and
parts the reof), 12% (dairy machinery, milking machines), 18% (machinery
for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, other than
machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable
fats or oils) to 28% (freezers and refrigerat ing equipment, etc.)
Like with any other industry in India, Agro -allied industries also face some
constraints, which seem to bedevil their development. Some of these
constraints and problems include:
1. Small Landholdings:
Small landholdings make it difficult for farmers to achieve economies of
scale because of which farmers are forced to rely on subsistence farming.

2. Seasonal nature:
This means that the farmers have a very small window to reap the benefits
of their hard labor. In recent times, climate change has affected weather
patterns because of which there has been an adverse effect on agricultural

3. Perishable nature of products:
Agro allied sector products are also perishable in nature because of which
they require huge infrastructure in the form of cold storage, excellent road
connectivity. India suffers on both accounts, forward and backward

4. Variability:
Agro -allied industries involve variability in the quantity a nd quality of raw
materials. Quantity of raw materials suffers because of fluctuations in
weather and soil conditions. The quality suffers because of lack of
standardization. These factors exert additional pressure on agro -allied
industries in terms of ope rations related to production, scheduling and
quality control.
5. Limited Knowledge:
The absence of information, lack of awareness and limited knowledge
about opportunities, technology and production systems is also a major


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Applied Agriculture
118 6. Competition:
India is increasingly facing competition from other countries in the region
such as Bangladesh, which offer similar advantages in terms of low labor
costs and soil fertility.
The Government of India has taken serious note of these constraints. It has
introduced several policy measures in order to ensure the growth and
development of Agro -allied industries in India.
Agriculture allied sector industries are becoming important in order to
ensure the price stability of the produce to increase the continu ous
purchasing power of the farmer for the proper utilization of the maximum
produce coming from the farm. Agriculture allied industries are playing an
important role in providing employment opportunities to skilled and
unskilled labor in rural areas and i mproving the standard of living in rural
areas. Agriculture -related businesses have also contributed greatly to the
development of transport and communication facilities in rural areas.
Entrepreneurial attitude is increasing among the enterprising people i n
rural areas. Financial institutions have helped in the development of rural
areas. There has been a change in the attitude of rural people towards
financial institutions. Rural masses are moving towards financial
institutions. This is certainly a matter of happiness. Savings have started to
1. Explain the scope of agriculture allied sector industries.
2. State the types of agro -allied sector production.
3. Explain types of processing of agro -allied sector products with
4. Explain th e importance of processing of agro -allied sector products.
5. Explain in detail the problems faced by agriculture allied sector
1. https://www.tractorjunction.com/blog/agro -based -industries -in-india -
types -importance -scenario/
2. https://www.loksatta.com/career -vrutantta/mpsc -exam -study -
agriculture -and-agricultural -allied -areas -akp-94-2549786/

 munotes.in

Page 119

Time : 3 Hrs Marks : 70
Please check whether you have got the right question paper.
N. B: 1. All question are compul sory.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Discuss the factors required for dairy farming.
Explain the importance of animal husbandry in rural development.
Q. 2 Explain the poultry farming in rural development.
State the various components of poultry business management.
Q. 3 Explain the types of fishing in detail.
State various methods of fish preservation.
Q. 4 State the importance of the production process in agriculture related industries in
rural de velopment.
Explain in detail the nature of agriculture related industries.
Q. 5 Write short notes (Any Two)
1) Types of Sheep
2) Breeds of Chickens
3) Brackish water fishing
4) Types of production processes in agriculture related industries
