TYBVoc GHM revised 2016 17 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
T Y B.Voc. - Green House Management Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Syllabus for the T.Y.B.Voc.
Program: B.Voc.
Course : Green House Management
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the acade mic year 2016–2017)
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
T Y B.Voc. - Green House Management Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L / W k
UVGHM 501 to 503& UVGHMP 501-503 Skill Component 18
UVGHM501 Propagation and harvesting of Green House
2 2 I Vegetable , Exotic Vegetable Crops
and Fruits
II Harvesting of green house grown
Ornamentals ,Fruits and Vegetables
UVGHM502 In-vitro techniques for propagating Green -
House crops- I
2 2 I Basic Principles and Media
II Methodologies for in-vitro propagation.
UVGHM 503 Green House Pests and their Management
2 2 I Types of pests in the green house
II Pest Management
503 Practicals based on theory of Skill
Component 12
UVGHM504to506 &UVGHMP50 4-505
General Education Component 12
UVGHM50 4 Home Gardening -V
2 2 I Fresh and Dry flower decoration
II Landscaping -III
UVGHM50 5 Collection, Analysis & Presentation of
Numerical Data -I 2 2 I Basics of Biometry
II Test of Significance
UVGHM506 Communication Skills -V
2 2 I Public speaking skills
II ICT in communication
505 Practicals based on theory of General
Education Component 6 6
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
T.Y. B.Voc. - Green House Management Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L/W k
UVGHM 601 to 603& UVGHMP 601-603 Skill Component 18
UVGHM601 In Vitro Techniques Propagation of Gree n
House Crops -II, 2 2 I Case Studies
II Applications
UVGHM602 Greenhouse Management
2 2 I Greenhouse maintenance
II Application of greenhouse Technology
UVGHM603 Post Harvest Handling of Ornamentals
2 2 I Handling of Cut Flower s, Other
Ornamentals ,Fruits & Vegetables
II Storage and Transport
-603 Internship b ased on Skill Component 12
UVGHM604 to 606 &UVGHMP604 -605
General Education Component 12
UVGHM60 4 Market Availability and Marketing of Green
House Produce
I Availability of Green House produce in
the market and its Marketing 2 2
II Methods of Marketing, Green house
produce Challenges and opportunities
UVGHM60 5 Entrepreneurship and Management Skills
I Entrepreneurship Skills I 2 2 II Management Skills
UVGHM60 6 ICT in Green House Managemant
2 2 I ICT in Green House Management -I
II ICT in Green House Management - II
-605 Internship based on General Component 6 6
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
T.Y. B.Voc. - Green House Management Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHM501 L Cr
PAPER - I. Propag ation and harvesting of Green House Plants
30 2
UNIT I Vegetable s, Exotic Vegetable s and fruits 15
• Natural and artificial methods of propagation of minimum three vegetable
crops and two exotic vegetables grown in green House
• Methods of planting and caring of mini mum three vegetable crops and two
exotic vegetables grown in green House
(Examples :
o Capsicum, Tomato, Cucumber or any other
o Parsley, R ed Cabbage, Broccoli, Leek, , Lettuce
• Natural and artificial methods of propagation of minimum t hree fruit crops
grown in green House
• Methods of planting and caring of mini mum three fruit crops grown in
green House
(Examples: Strawberry, Zucchini , Gooseberries, Cherry tomato )
UNIT II Harvesting of green house grown Ornamental s
• Techniques of harvesting and Implements used for harvesting.
• Scope of cut flowers in global trade, Global Scenario of cut flower production, Enhancing and delaying period of bloom by special methods
• Flower forcing and year round flowering through physiol ogical interventions
• Chemical regulation, environmental manipulation
• Cut flower standards and grades
• Techniques of harvesting,
• Implements used for harvesting
• Crops: Anthurium , Gerbera, Rose, Chrysanthemum , Marigold, T uberose.
Harvesting of green house grown Fruits and Vegetables
• Factors responsible for maturity & ripening .
• Methods used for delaying ripening.
• Harvest
o Time of harvest, Techniques of harvesting, Handling of harvested
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
T.Y. B.Voc. - Green House Management Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHM 502 L Cr
Paper I I -- In-Vitro Techniques For Propagating Green -House Crops - I 30 2
UNIT I Basic Principles and Media
• Basic principles and concepts of plant tissue -culture; commercial
exploitation in Green house crops & Commercial application using green
house technology.
• Media : types of media, media components, preparation of media, role of
plant growth regulators in propagation of green house plants 15
UNIT II Methodologies for in-vitro Propagation
• Virus elimination, organogenesis
• Somatic embryogenesis, synthetic seeds
• Microp ropagation
• Embryo rescue
• Somaclonal variation 15
Semester V UVGHM503 L Cr
Paper III – Green House Pests And Their Management 30 2
UNIT I Types of Pests in the Green House
o Insects- aphids, thrips, bores - beetles, weevils, soil dwellers - caterpillars,
grubs , white flies, Mealy bugs, R ed spider mites
o Snails
o Nematodes
o Algae
UNIT II Pest Management
• Pest carriers —Human being, Plant material, soil
o Mechanical control
o Use of Insecticides – Chemical and Bio Pesticides
o Biological Control of Pests
o Physical,Chemical Control of Pests
o Production of Insect Resistant Plants by conventional breeding and
Biotechnological Methods
o Cultural
o Legal
o ICM, 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHM504 L Cr
Paper IV Floral decoration 30 2
UNIT I Fresh Flower and Dry flower decoration:
• Indian, Japanese and western style of arrangements
• Harvesting (flower and plant parts)
• Drying techniques
• Arrangement Methods
• Dry flower products
• Future Areas of research in dry flower technology.
UNIT II Lands caping -III
• Use of softwares for Landscape designing
• Colour schemes
Semester V UVGHM505 L Cr
Paper V -- Collection, Analysis and Presentation of Numerical Data -I 30 2
UNIT I Basics of Biometry
• Use of Analytical tools correctly and a ppropriately to analyse the data.
• Measurement of Central Tendency and Dispersion - Mean, Median,
mode from grouped data. .The differences between and uses of mean,
median and mode . Dispersion: mean deviation, Variance, Standard
deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error.
• Graphical Representation of Data : Construction of Simple Bar Graph,
Histogram, Frequency polygon and Pie chart.. Calculation of the above
using Excel worksheet and Statistical Soft ware.
UNIT II Test of Significance
• Testing of Hypothesis
• Student’s t -test- paired and unpaired, Chi square test 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHM50 6 L Cr
Paper VI -- Communication Skills -V 30 2
UNIT I Public Speaking Skills 15
Communication Skills
• Barriers to effective commu nication
• Improving communication
• Fundamentals of Public Speaking
• Leadership studies
• Voice articulation
• Communication skills in Labour Management
UNIT II ICT in Communication
• Interpretation of technical data( interpretation of charts, graphs, maps)
• e- marketing -
o Introduction
o Objectives
o Benefits
• IoTs in greenhouse Management 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester VI UVGHM601 L Cr
Paper I : In vitro Techniques: Propagation of Green House Crops II 30 2
UNIT I : Case Studies
• Commercial appli cation of plants tissue culture with major emphasis on
o Ornamentals
o Fruit and vegetable crops
( case study 4 examples each) -Kumar biotech, Pune
UNIT II :Applications
• Packing and transport of micro- propagules,
• In vitro propagation as a sm all scale industry
• Methods of germplasm conservation
Semester VI UVGHM602 L Cr
UNIT I Greenhouse maintenance 15
• Standard construction & laws of green house
• Bad management of green house
• Causes
• Effec ts
UNIT II Application of greenhouse Technology
• Enhancement of secondary metabolites using green house technology
• Introduction
• Types of secondary metabolites
• Stress as a factor to production of secondary metabolites
• Application of secondary metabol ites
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester VI UVGHM603 L Cr
Paper III – Post Harvest Handling of Ornamentals 30 2
UNIT I Handling of ornamentals and cut flowers
• post–harvest handling of cut flowers, fruits and vegetables
Methods of grading and Transport
• Methods of storage and treatment
• Methods of packing and transport of cut flowers to markets Methods of
prolonging the vase life of cut flowers,
UNIT II Storage and Transport
• Methods of storing and treatment,
• Methods of pa cking and transport of fruits and vegetables to markets
• Methods of improving the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
• Adulterants/chemicals used for promoting the shelf life and attractive
colours of fruits and vegetables
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHM60 4 L Cr
Paper IV -- Market availability & Marketing of Green House Produce
30 2
UNITI Availability of Green House produce in the market & its Marketing
• Availability of green house crops in the market
• Elements in marketing - Packing, storage, transportation, distribution,
• Types of marketing
o direct( pick your own, road side sale, farmers market, )
o indirect( terminal market firms, brokers, processors, cooperatives)
o Retail outlets
o Online marketing
o QMS -Quality Management System
UNIT II Methods of Marketing, Green house produce Challenges and
• Methods of marketing and sales
o Methods of payment, Advertising and sales bullets,Economics and
business plan
• Challenges and Opportunities
o Volumes and varieties
o Industry Dynamics
o Merchandising and promotion 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester VI UVGHM605 L Cr
Paper V -- Entrepreneurship and Management Skil ls 30 2
UNIT I Entrepreneurship Skills
• Concept of Entrepreneurship
• Functions and clarifications of entrepreneurs
• Characteristics of entrepreneurs
• Nature and importance of entrepreneurs
• Policies governing entrepreneurs
• Case studies of successful entrepreneurs
UNIT II Management Skills
• Introduction to General Management ,
• Organization and Management of the office,
• Basic Management of Meetings ,
• Representing before various Governmental and Other Agencies,
• Art of Negotiation
Semester VI UVGHM606 L Cr
Paper VI -- ICT in Green House Managemant 30 2
UNIT I ICT in Green House Management -I
• Automated or computer controlled greenhouse –
• Software and H ardware for ICT
• The role of computers in controlling various parameters
• the role of the sensors, interface box and control program
o air conditioning and central heating systems
o security systems and burglar alarms
o manufacturing processes
UNIT II ICT in Green House Management -II
• Feedback cycle for water level maintenance
• Stages of the feedback cycle
• Risks and implications of ICT
• IoTs in Greenhouse Management
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHMP501 Cr
PRACTICAL Paper I – Skill Component 4
Natural methods of propagation of Capsicum,Tomato, Leafy vegetables.
Artificial method of propagation_ In vitro propagation ( Exotic)
Natural method of propagation of fruit crops .
Identification of harvesting implements
Project - Designing of humidity chamber for propagation of seedlings.
Semester V UVGHMP50 2
PRACTICAL Paper I I – Skill Component 4
Sterilization techniques
Preparation of stock solutions ( Demonstr ation)
Preparation of medium
Initiation of callus
Hardening in Green House
Synthetic seeds - cucumber, castor, ground nut, maize
Methods of testing seed dormancy
Effect of IAA/ GA on germination.
Project on PTC - growing of any one ornamental by micropropagation.
To be submitted at the time of practical examination
Semester V UVGHMP50 3
PRACTICAL Paper I II – Skill Component 4
Pest and Disease of Green House crops
Identification of pests ( soil borne / Aeri al )
i. Identification of Insect, Fungal and viral pests
Identification of biopesticide/ bioinsecticide
Collection of pest samples in green house
Collection of diseases samples in water
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V UVGHMP504
PRACTICAL PAPER V - General Education Component 3
Fresh flower arrangement -Indian
Western style of flower arrangement
Dry flower arrangement -Method of making dry flowers
Dryflo wer arrangement
Semester V UVGHMP50 5
PRA CTICAL PAPER VI - General Education Component 3
Graphical representation of data - Frequency table, frequency histogram,
frequency polygon, pie chart
Calculation of mean, median ,mode and standard deviation from grouped data.
Chi square test
Rand omized blocks
Latin square
Submission of solved problems on Biostatistics
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester VI UVGHMP601 Cr
PRACTICAL Paper I – Skill Component 4
Chemical test for Eugenol from plant subjected to stress and control plant o f
Aloin test from sap and gel of Aloe vera – physical variation
Internship/Industry trainin g
Semester VI UVGHMP60 2 4
PRACTICAL Paper I I – Skill Component
Identification of bacterial, fungal and viral disease of green house plant s
Preparation of biopesticide/ bioinsecticide
Collection and preservation of pests
Semester VI UVGHMP603 4
PRACTICAL Paper I II – Skill Component
Identification of Adulterants/chemicals used for promoting the shelf life and
attractive co lours of fruits and vegetables
Test of adulteration – paraffin test, sucrose test by reducing & non reducing
sugar test
Barcoding of herbal products
Designing of cold chamber
Packaging of given material (rose, gerbera, carnation, any fruit)
Ripening of fruits using natural & artificial method using ethylene as a tool
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester V I UVGHMP604 Cr
PRACTICAL PAPER II - General Education Component 3
Internship / Projects
1-2 Survey on Automated or computer cont rolled greenhouse s in
Maharashtra/India/ Global Scenario
3-4 Survey -Availability of Green House crops in Markets and its
5 Methods of marketing Green House crops
6 Project with Economics and Exhibition on Post Harvest Technology
• Grapes, Aml a, Tamarind, Methi , Aka rkara
PRACTICAL PAPER II - General Education Component 3
Semester VI UVGHMP60 5
Internship and Report submission
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
• Awasthi Dinesh, Jaggi Raman, Padmanand V, 2006. Manual for Enterpreneurs
byEnt repreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.
• Boodley, J. W. (1998). The commercial greenhouse. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar.
• George Acquaah (2002).Horticulture Principles and Practices. Book published byPearson Education Asia.
• Kalyan Kumar De (1997) Plant Tissue Culture New Central Book Agency
• Mishra A.P., Shailesh Kumar, Sweta Mishra Plant Tissue Culture Theory and
techniques Scientific Publishers
• Panse V G and Sukhatme P V(1961) Statistical methods for Agriculture students. Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
• Randhawa G.S. Mukhopadhyay A. (2001) Floriculture in India. Book published byAllied Publishers Limited, New Delhi
• Rahudkar W.B., Bhujbal BG, Ma dhuri Sonawane, Hemraj Rajput, 2010,
YCMOU,Textbook Publication No. AGR 227 Horticulture Nursery Management
• Thorpe, T. A. (1981). Plant tissue culture: Methods and applications inagriculture, New York: Academic Press
• Preparing A Business Plan: Greenhouse Vegetable Example. 1992. Published by
theExtension Systems Branch, British Columbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Canada,
• Soilless Culture of Greenhouse Vegetables UC Davis, Vegetable Research and Information Center
• Natarajan K,Gordon E Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Himalayan Publishing
House , Pvt. Ltd.
• Street, H.E. (1973). Plant Tissue and Cell Cultures . Blackwell Scientific Publications,
• Sherlekar S.A, Krishnamoorthy R Marketing and Advertising Management,
Himalayan Publishing House , Pvt . Ltd
• White, P.R. (1943). A Handbook of Plant Tissue Culture . Ronald Press New York
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Manageme nt T Y B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017