TYBScphysics Applied Component Computer Science 1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBScphysics Applied Component Computer Science 1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for Sem – V & VI
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Applied Component
Computer Science

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2018 –2019)

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USACCS501 Advance d Microprocessor, Microcontroller s & Python
Programing No of
Credits Lectures/
I Advanced 8085 Microprocessor Programming
2 4 II Introduction to 8051 microcontroller , Instruction
set & Programming
III Python Programming Language
IV Python Programming Language

USACCS5P1 Microprocessors , Microcontrollers , Python Programming 2 4


USACCS 601 No of
Credits Lectures/

I 8051 microcontroller
2 4 II Python Programming
III Python Programming
IV Python Programming

USACC6P1 Microcontroller , Python Programming 2 4

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The revised syllabus under the credit based grading system in the subject of Computer
Science (Applied Component) for Third Year B.Sc. Physics (Single/Twin major subject)
will be implemented from the academic Year 201 8-19.
The scheme of examination in the subject of Computer Science (Applied Component)
will be as follows:


External Examination: 100 Marks

 Duration of each Theory paper will be three hours .
 Each theory paper shall consist of five questions , one from each unit and the fifth
question will be from all the units. All questions are compulsory and will have
internal choice.
 The theory examination will be conducted by the respective colleges and the marks
will be forwarded to the Universi ty.


The objective of this paper is to introduce the students to advanced microprocessors ,
microcontrollers and various concepts of programming to the students using Python as
the programming language.

Expected learning outcomes

1. Develop a basic understanding of programming and the Python programming
2. Students will use their problem solving abilities to implement programs in Python.
3. Familiarization about the basic constructs of programming such as data, operations,
conditions, loops, functions etc.
4. Introduction to advanced topics in Python such as Exception Handling,
Multithreaded programming, Graphical user interface & Database connectivity.

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Advanced 8085 Programing, Introduction to Microcontrollers & Python
Programming (Version 3.x for Python)

Unit- I: Advanced 8085 Programming and 8255 (PPI) (15 lect.)

1. Introduction to advanced instructions and applications
Ref. RG: 10.7 (entire)
2. Stack and Subroutines : Stack, Subroutine
Ref. RG: 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.2 &9.2.1
3. The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface : Block Diagram of the 8255,
Mode 0 – Simple Input or Output mode, BSR (Bit Set/Reset Mode)
Ref. RG: 15.1.1, 15.1.2& 15.1.3

Unit-II: Introduction to Microcontrollers, Instruction Set &
Programing (15 lect.)

1. Introduction, Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, History of Microcontrollers
and Microprocessors, Block diagram of 8051 Microcontroller*, Embedded Versus
External Memory Devices, 8 -bit & 16 -bit Microcontrolle rs, CISC and RISC
Processors, Harvard and Von Neumann Architectures, Commercial
Ref. AVD -Ch: 1
Ref. MMM - For * Refer 1.2 The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems by
M.A. Mazidi, J.G. Mazidi and R.D.Mckinlay, Second Edition, Pearson .

2. 8051 Microcontrollers : Introduction, MCS -Architecture, Registers in MCS -51,8051
Pin Description, 8051 Connections, 8051 Parallel I/O Ports, Memory Organization.
Ref. AVD -Ch: 2, 3 .

3. 8051 Instruction Set and Programming: MCS -51 Addressing Modes and
8051 Addressing modes, MCS -51 Instruction Set, 8051 Instructions and Simple
Programs, Using Stack Pointer
Ref. AVD -Ch: 4
Ref. AVD: - Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications) by Ajay V Deshmukh,
The Tata -McGraw -Hill Companies
Ref. Intel’s 8031/8051 Data sheet .

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Unit- III: Basics of Python , Functions & Conditional statements: (15 lect.)

1. Introduction: What is a Program , The Python Programming Language, History,
features, Installing Python, Running a Python program, the first program,
Arithmetic operators , Values and types , Formal and Natural Languages
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 1.
2. Variables , Expressions and Statements : Assignment statements , Variable
Names and Keywords, Expressions and statements , Script mode , Order of
Operations , String operations , Comments , Debugging : Syntax Errors, Runtime
Errors, Semantic Errors .
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 2.
3. Functions: Function basics , Function Calls, Math Fu nctions, Composition, Adding
New Functions, Definitions and Uses, Flow of Execution, Parameters and
Arguments, Local v ariables and parameters, Stack Diagrams, Fruitful Functions
and void Functions , return values , composition , incremental development ,
Boolean functions
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 3
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 6 : Art : 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.3 and 6.4
4. Conditionals and recursion : Floor division and modulus, Boolean expression ,
Logical operators, Conditional expression, Alternative execution , chained
conditionals , Nested conditionals, Recursion , Stack diagrams for recursive
functions , infinite recursion , keyboard input. Programs on recursion
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 5
AD : Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 6 : Art : 6.5 ,6,6 ,6,7 & 6.8

Unit-IV: Iterations , Strings & Lists in Python (15 lect.)

1. Iterations : Reassignment , updating variables , while statement, break statement
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 7 up to 7.4
2. Strings: A String is a Sequence, len built in function , for Loop traversal , String
Slices, Strings Are Immutable, Searching, Looping and Counting, String Methods,
The in Operator, String Comparison s.
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 8
3. Lists: A list is a sequence , Lists are mutable, Traversing a List, List operations , List
slices, List methods , Deleting elements , Lists & Strings , Objects & Values ,
Aliasing , List arguments.
AD: Think Python , 2nd Edition : Ch apter 10

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References: For units I and II :-

1. RG: Ramesh Gaonkar "Microprocessor Architecture Programming and
Applications with the 8085" (RG) 5th edition Penram .

2. AVD: Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications) by Ajay V Deshmukh,
The Tata -McGraw -Hill Companies .

3. Intel’s 8031/8051 Data sheet

References: For units I II and IV: -

1. Official Python Web site : https://www.python.org/
2. AD : Think Python by Allen Downey , 2nd Edition
Additional References:

1. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems -Dr. Rajiv Kapadia (Jaico Pub.
2. 8051 Micro -controller by K.J.Ayala, Penram International.
3. Programming & customizing the 8051 microcontroller By MykePredko, TMH.
4. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems by M.A. Mazidi, J.G. Mazidi
and R.D.Mckinlay, Second Edition, Pearson .
5. Paul Gries, et al., Practical Programming: An I ntroduction to Computer Science
Using Python 3, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014 .

In addition to the reference books internet web -sites & MOOC can be used wherever

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Group A: Advanced 8085 microprocessor & Microcontrollers

A1: Experiments for 8085 and 8255
Any one experiment from 1 & 2 and 3 & 4
1 16-bit Data manipulation (Addition, subtraction) Display result on Address
2 Write ALP for Addition, Subtraction of two, 8 -bit hex numbers. Note: Use Read
Keyboard Utility for inputting the hex numbers and display for the result on
the Address field.

3 Interfacing 8 LEDs to 8255
i. Write ALP to alternately flash 8 LEDs
ii. Write ALP t o display binary count in UP sequence on the 8 LEDs

4 Interfacing 8 switches and 8 LEDs to 8255
i. Write ALP read the status of the switches and display on the LEDs.
ii. Write ALP so that when the first switch is made ON all the LEDs should
glow and when the second switch is made OFF all the LEDs should
become off.

A2: Experiments for 8031/8051/89C51
Any two experiments from 1, 2 and 3
1 8031/51/89C51 assembly language programming:
Simple data manipulation programs.
(8/16 -bit addition, subtraction, multiplication, 8/16 -bit data transfer, cubes of
nos., to rotate a 32 - bit number, finding greatest/smallest number from a block
of data, dec imal / hexadecimal counter)

2 Study of IN and OUT port of 8031/51/89C51 by Interfacing switches, and
Interface 4 LEDs to one of the microcontrollers PORT.
Write ALP to display bit pattern on LED’s.
(i) 1000 (ii) 1100
0100 0110
0010 0011 continuously
0001 continuously

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3 Interface 4 switches and 4 LEDs to one of the microcontrollers PORT. Develop
various types of logic to control LEDs depending on the
status/states/conditions of the 4 switches.
For example:
Write ALP such that when all four switches are ON all four LEDs should glow.
But when any two switches become OFF then all four LEDs should become
OFF. And so on……

Group B: Python Programming Exercises
B1 : Perform minimum two experiment
1 Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series.

2 Write a program to generate if a three digit number entered is an Armstrong
number or not

3 Write a function that reverses the user defined value.

4 Write a recursive function to print the factorial for a given number.

B2 : Perform minimum one experiment
1. Write a function that takes a character (i.e. a string of length 1) and returns
True if it is a vowel, False otherwise.

2. Define a function that computes the length of a given list or string.

B3: Perform minimum two experiment s
1. Write a program that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one
common member.

2. Write a Python program to print a specified list after removing the 0th, 2nd, 4th
and 5th elements.

3. Write a Python program to clone or copy a list

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Microcontrollers & Python Programming (Version 3.x for Python)

Unit- I: 8051 microcontroller: Timer/Counters, Serial
Communication, Interrupts (15 lect.)

1. Programming 8051 Timers, Counter Programming, Basics of Serial
Communication, 8051 Connection to RS232, 8051 Serial Port Programming in
assembly, 8051 Interrupts, Programming Timer Interrupts, Programming External
Hardware Interrupts

Ref. MMM - Ch 9: 9.1 , 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3

Ref. MMM - The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems by M.A. Mazidi, J.G.
Mazidi and R.D.Mckinlay, Second Edition, Pearson

Ref. Intel’s 8031/8051 Data sheet

Unit-II: Dictionaries, Tuples, File & Exception Handling in Python (15 lect.)

1. Dictionaries: Creating a Dictionary, Accessing Values in a dictionary, Updating
Dictionary, Deleting Elements from Dictionary, Properties of Dictionary keys,
Operations in Dictionary, Built -In Dictionary Functions, Built -in Dictionary
Methods, in operator.

2. Tuples : Tuples , Accessing values in Tuples , Tuple Assignment , Tuples as return
values , Variable -length argument tuples, Basic tuples operations, Concatenation,
Repetition, in Operator, Iteration, B uilt-in Tuple Functions

3. Files: Text Files, The File Object Attributes, Directories

4. Exceptions: Built -in Exceptions, Handling Exceptions, Exception with Arg uments,
User -defined Exceptions.

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Unit- III: Object Oriented Programming , Modules & Multithreading
in Python (15 lect.)

1. Classes and Objects: Overview of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), Class
Definition, Creating Objects, Instances as Arguments, Instances as return values,
Built -in Class Attributes, Inheritance, Method Overriding, Data Encapsulation,
Data Hiding

2. Multithreaded Programmi ng: Thread Module, creating a thread, synchronizing
threads, multithreaded priority queue

3. Modules: Importing module, Creating and exploring modules, Math module,
Random module, Time module

Unit-IV: GUI & Database in Python
Creating the GUI Form and Adding Widgets: (15 lect.)

1. Widgets: Tkinter module , Label , Buttons , Checkbu tton, Radiobuttons, Text box,
Canvas , Entry, Frame, Text, Menu, LabelFrame, Scrolled Text Widgets , Message
boxes , Spinbox . Handling Standard attributes and Properties of Widgets.

2. Layout Management: Designing GUI applications with proper Layout
Management features.

3. Look and Feel Customization : Enhancing Look and Feel of GUI using different
appearances of widgets.

4. Storing Data in Our MySQL Database via Our GUI: Connecting to a MySQL
database from Python, Configuring the MySQL connection, Designing the Python
GUI database, Using the INSERT command, Using the UPDATE command, Using
the DELETE command, Storing and retrieving data from MySQL database.

References: For unit I :

1. MMM - The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems by M.A. Mazidi, J.G.
Mazidi and R.D.Mckinlay, Second Edition, Pearson

2. Intel’s 8031/8051 Data sheet

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References: For units II, III and IV:

1. Official Python Web site : https://www.python.org/
2. AD : Think Python by Allen Downey , 2nd Edition
3. Paul Gries , Jenifer Campbell , Jason Montojo : Practical Programming ,
Introduction to Computer Science using Python 3 , Second Edition.
4. Burkhard Meier : Python GUI Programming Cookbook , Packt Publishing
5. Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher ,Object -oriented Programming in
Python , Michael H. Goldwasser

In addition to the reference books internet web -sites & MOOC can be used wherever


Group A: Microcontrollers
Any two experiments from the following

1 Study of TIMER0/1 in Mode 0.
2 Study of TIMER0/1 in Mode 1.
3 Study of TIMER0/1 in Mode 2.
4 Study of External Interrupts INT0 / INT1.

Group B: Python Programming Exercises
B1 : Perform minimum two experiment s (one from Dictionary & the other from
file handling).
1. Write a Python script to sort (ascending and descending) a dictionary by value.

2. Write a Python script to concatenate following dictionaries to create a new one.

3. Write a Python program to sum all the items in a dictionary.

4. Write a Python program to read an entire text file.

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5. Write a Python program to append text to a file and display the text.

6. Write a Python program to read last n lines of a file.

B2 : Perform minimum one experiment
1. Design a class that store the information of student and display the same

2. Implement the concept of inheritance using python

3. Write a program to implement exception handling.

B3: Perform minimum two experiment s (one from GUI and the other from
1. Try to configure the widget with various options like: bg=”red”,
family=”times”, size=18

2. Try to change the widget type and configuration options to experiment with
other widget types like Message, Button, Entry, Checkbutton, Radiobutton,
Scale etc.

3. Design a simple database application that stores the records and retrieve the

4. Design a database application to search the specified record from the database.

5. Design a database application to that allows the user to add, delete and modify
the records.