TYBSc ComSci_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 27/06/2023
Item No. 6.2 (R)
Revised Syllabus for
T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science)
(Sem. V & VI)
(With effect from the academic year 2023 -24)
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University of Mumbai
Syllabus for Approval
No. Heading Particulars
O: _____________ Title of Course
T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science )
O: _____________ Eligibility Amended Regulations 8438 & 8439
for all UG programs (aided and non-
aided) in Faculties of Arts, Science &
R: ______________ Passing Marks
40% Marks
4 No. of years/Semesters: 3 Years/ 6 Semesters
5 Level: P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
6 Pattern: Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Status: Revised / New
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 To be implemented from Academic Year :
From Academic Year: 2023 -24
Prof. Shivram S. Garje,
Dean ,
Faculty of Science and Technology
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The revised and restructured syllabus aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of
computer science concepts, theories, and practical skills, enabling them to excel in the dynamic and
rapidly evolving field of technology. The revised and restructured curriculum for the Three -year
integrated course is systematically designed considering the current industry needs in terms of skill sets
demanded in the new technological environment. It also endeavors to align t he program structure and
course curriculum with student aspirations and corporate expectations. The proposed curriculum is
contextual, industry -friendly, and suitable to cater to the needs of society and the nation in the present -day
The TY BSc Computer Science syl labus is structured as follows:
Core Modules: The syllabus comprises core modules that cover essential topics in computer science,
ensuring a strong foundation that aim to develop computational thinking, analytical abilities, and probl em-
solving skills among students. The Artificial Intelligence course provides in -depth knowledge of cutting
edge AI concepts and techniques empowering them to develop intelligent systems and algorithms . With a
focus on safeguarding information and systems the Cyber and Information Security course equips students
with essential concepts and practices in cybersecurity . The Data Science course provides students with a
solid foundation in d ata analysis and interpretation , enabling them to extract valuable insig hts and make
data-driven decisions. In an era dominated by cloud -based technologies, the Cloud Computing course
focuses on the principles, architectures, and applications of cloud computing .
Skill Enhancement Electives: Students are required to choose skil l enhancement electives to deepen
their knowledge in specific areas of interest. The electives offer specialized courses such as web
development, cybersecurity, data science, or software engineering. By selecting these courses, students
can tailor their le arning experience according to their career aspirations and industry demands. Skill
Enhancement courses such as Linux Server Administration, Software Testing and Quality Assurance,
Cyber Forensics, Game Programming, Data Mining and Warehousing, Wireless an d Sensor Networks,
Ethical Hacking, and Information Retrieval cater to specialized areas of expertise and industry demands.
Generic Electives: The syllabus also includes generic electives, which provide students with the option to
explore disciplines of in terest beyond their choices in Core and Discipline -Specific Elective papers. These
courses broaden their horizons and allow for interdisciplinary learning.
Project Work: A significant component of the syllabus involves hands -on project work. Through
practi cal assignments and projects, students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to
real-world scenarios. This approach fosters creativity, problem -solving skills, and innovation in designing
and developing software solutions.
Assessment me thods for the TY Computer Science syllabus include written examinations, practical
assignments, project evaluations, and presentations. This comprehensive approach ensures that students'
understanding is evaluated through various mediums, emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and
practical skills.
The newly designed TY Computer Science syllabus aims to equip students with the necessary
competencies to pursue careers in software development, data analysis, research, or further studies in
computer science -related disciplines. It seeks to empower students with the knowledge and skills required
to thrive in the ever -evolving landscape of technology and contribute to the advancement of the field.
We sincerely believe that students who undertake this program will gain a strong foundation and exposure
to the basics, advanced concepts, and emerging trends in the subject. We express our gratitude to all the
experts who provided valuable feedback and suggestions to improve the curriculum. We have made
sincere efforts to incorporate their inputs. Special appreciation goes to the University Department of
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Computer Science and colleagues from various colleges who volunteered or indirectly contributed to
designing certain specialized courses and the syllabus as a whole.
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T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
with effect from
Academic year 20 23-2024
Semester – V
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS 501 Core Subject Artificial Intelligence 3 3
USCSP 501 Core Subject
Practical Artificial Intelligence – Practical 1 3
USCS 502 Core Subject Information & Network Security 3 3
USCSP 502 Core Subject
Practical Information & Network Security –
Practical 1 3
USCS 5031 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1* (SEE) Linux Server Administration 3 3
USCSP 5031 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1*
Practical (SEEP) Linux Server Administration –
Practical 1 3
USCS5032 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1* (SEE) Software Testing & Quality
Assurance 3 3
USCSP5032 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1*
Practical (SEEP) Software Testing & Quality
Assurance – Practical 1 3
USCS 5041 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2* (SEE) Cyber Forensics 3 3
USCSP 5041 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2*
Practical (SEEP) Cyber Forensics – Practical 1 3
USCS5042 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2* (SEE) Game Programming 3 3
USCSP5042 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2*
Practical (SEEP) Game Programming – Practical 1 3
USCS 5051 Generic Elective ** Project Management 2 3
USCS 5052 Generic Elective ** Operations Research 2 3
USCSP505 Project Project Work – I 2 3
* One course each from Skill Enhancement Elective 1 and Skill Enhancement Elective 2 should be selected by
the student.
** One course from Generic Elective should be selected by the student
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T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
with effect from
Academic year 202 3-2024
Semester – VI
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS 601 Core Subject Data Science 3 3
USCSP 601 Core Subject
Practical Data Science – Practical 1 3
USCS 602 Core Subject Cloud Computing and Web Services 3 3
USCSP 602 Core Subject
Practical Cloud Computing and Web Services
– Practical 1 3
USCS 6031 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1* (SEE) Wireless and Sensor Networks 3 3
USCSP 6031 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1*
Practical (SEEP) Wireless and Sensor Networks –
Practical 1 3
USCS6032 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1* (SEE) Information Retrieval 3 3
USCSP6032 Skill Enhancement
Elective 1*
Practical (SEEP) Information Retrieval – Practical 1 3
USCS 6041 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2* (SEE) Data Mining & Warehousing 3 3
USCSP 6041 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2*
Practical (SEEP) Data Mining & Warehousing –
Practical 1 3
USCS6042 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2* (SEE) Ethical Hacking 3 3
USCSP6042 Skill Enhancement
Elective 2*
Practical (SEEP) Ethical Hacking – Practical 1 3
USCS 6051 Generic Elective ** Customer Relationship Management 2 3
USCS 6052 Generic Elective ** Cyber Laws and IPR 2 3
USCSP60 5 Project Project Work – II 2 3
* One course each from Skill Enhancement Elective 1 and Skill Enhancement Elective 2 should be selected by
the student.
** One course from Generic Elective should be selected by the student
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Semester V
Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 501 Artificial Intelligence 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
explores various topics related to intelligent agents, problem -solving, knowledge representation,
reasoning, machine learning, and probabilistic models. The course covers both theoretical concepts and
practical applications of AI techniques. Students will gain a solid foundation in AI and develop the
skills to design and implement intelligent systems.
Course Objectives:
Understand the foundations, history, and state of the art of AI.
Learn about intelligent agents, their environments, and the structure of agents.
Explore different problem -solving strategies, including uninformed and informed search
Gain knowl edge of knowledge representation and reasoning methods, and apply them to solve
complex problems.
Develop an understanding of machine learning techniques, including classification, regression,
and ensemble learning.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations and key concepts in the field of AI.
Analyze and design intelligent agents for specific environments.
Apply problem -solving techniques and algorithms to find solu tions to different types of
Construct knowledge representation models and use reasoning techniques to derive new
Implement machine -learning algorithms and evaluate their performance for classification and
regression tasks.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to AI and Intelligent Agents
What Is AI: Foundations, History and State of the Art of AI
Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Nature of Environments,
Structure of Agents.
Problem Solving by searching: Problem -Solving Agents, Uninformed
Search Strategies, Informe d (Heuristic) Search Strategies 15
II Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Machine Learning
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Knowledge Representation
and different forms, Reasoning, Planning, Uncertainty in Knowledge Fuzzy 15
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Logic & Fuzzification
Machine Learning : Forms of Learning, Parametric & Non -Parametric
Models, Classification, Regression, Regularization, Decision Trees, SVM,
Artificial Neural Networks, Ensemble Learning, Boosting, K -NN, Gradient
III Probabilistic Models, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement
Probabilistic models: Statistical Learning, Learning with Complete Data,
Naive Bayes Classifier, Learning with Hidden Variables: The EM
Algorit hm
Unsupervised Learning : Concept of Unsupervised lear ning,, Association
Rule Mining
Reinforcement learning: Concept of Reinforcement learning, Q -Learning,
Hidden Markov Model 15
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 3rd Edition,
Pearson, 2010.
Additional Reference(s):
1. Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, David L Poole,Alan K.
Mackworth, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press ,2017.
2. Artificial Intelligence, Kevin Knight and Elai ne Rich, 3rd Edition, 2017 3) The Elements of
Statistical Learning, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman, Springer, 2013
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 501 Artificial Intelligence – Practical 1 3
1 Breadth First Search & Iterative Depth First Search
Implement the Breadth First Search algorithm to solve a given problem.
Implement the Iterative Depth First Search algorithm to solve the same
Compare the performance and efficiency of both algorithms.
2 A* Search and Recursive Best -First Search
Implement the A* Search algorithm for solving a pathfinding problem.
Implement the Recursive Best -First Search algorithm for the same problem.
Compare the performance and effectiveness of both algorithms.
3 Decision Tree Learning
Implement the Decision Tree Learning algorithm to build a decision tree for a
given dataset.
Evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the decision tree on test data.
Visualize and interpret the generated decision tree.
4 Feed Forw ard Backpropagation Neural Network
Implement the Feed Forward Backpropagation algorithm to train a neural
Use a given dataset to train the neural network for a specific task.
Evaluate the performance of the trained network on test data.
5 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Implement the SVM algorithm for binary classification.
Train an SVM model using a given dataset and optimize its parameters.
Evaluate the performance of the SVM model on test data and analyze the
6 Adaboost Ensemble Learnin g
Implement the Adaboost algorithm to create an ensemble of weak classifiers.
Train the ensemble model on a given dataset and evaluate its performance.
Compare the results with individual weak classifiers.
7 Naive Bayes' Classifier
Implement the Naive Bayes' algorithm for classification.
Train a Naive Bayes' model using a given dataset and calculate class
Evaluate the accuracy of the model on test data and analyze the results.
8 K-Nearest Neighbors (K -NN)
Implement the K -NN algorithm for classification or regression.
Apply the K -NN algorithm to a given dataset and predict the class or value for
test data.
Evaluate the accuracy or error of the predictions and analyze the results.
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9 Association Rule Mining
Implement the Association Rule Mining algorithm (e.g., Apriori) to find
frequent itemsets.
Generate association rules from the frequent itemsets and calculate their
support and confidence.
Interpret and analyze the discovered association rules.
10 Demo of OpenAI/TensorFlow Tools
Explore and experiment with OpenAI or TensorFlow tools and libraries.
Perform a demonstration or mini -project showcasing the capabilities of the
Discuss and present the findings and potential applications.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 502 Information & Network Security 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an in -depth understanding of the principles and techniques
used in computer and network security. Students will explore various security topics, including
encryption techniques, public -key cryptography, key management, message authentication, digital
signatures, authentication protocols, network security, web security, intrusion detection, malicious
software, and firewall design principles. Through theoretic al learning and practical exercises, students
will develop the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze, design, and implement secure systems and
protect against security threats.
Course Objectives:
Familiarize students with the fundamental principles, m odels, and mechanisms of computer and
network security.
Explore various encryption techniques, including symmetric and public -key cryptography, and
understand their strengths, weaknesses, and real -world applications.
Examine different authentication and ke y management methods to ensure secure
communication and protect against unauthorized access.
Understand the concepts and techniques of message authentication, digital signatures, and
authentication protocols used in secure communication systems.
Investigat e network security measures, including IP security, web security, intrusion detection,
malicious software detection, and firewall design principles.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to :
Analyze and evaluate security trends, attacks, and mechanisms, and propose effective security
solutions based on the OSI security architecture.
Apply classical encryption techniques, such as substitution and transposition ciphers, to encrypt
and decrypt messages and a nalyze their security implications.
Implement public -key cryptography algorithms, including RSA, and demonstrate the ability to
securely exchange keys and establish secure communication channels.
Design and implement secure authentication mechanisms, inclu ding message authentication
codes and digital signatures, to ensure data integrity and non -repudiation.
Evaluate and implement various security measures, such as IP security, web security protocols
(e.g., SSL/TLS), intrusion detection systems, and firewall configurations, to protect networks
and systems from unauthorized access and attacks.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Security Trends, The OSI Security Architecture, Security
Attacks, Security Services, Security Mechanisms
Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution
Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Steganography, Block Cipher
Principles, The Data Encryption Standard, The Strength of DES, AES
(round details not expected), Multiple Encryption and Triple DE S, Block 15
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Cipher Modes of Operation, Stream Ciphers
Public -Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public -Key
Cryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm
II Key Management: Public -Key Cryptosystems, Key Management, Diffie -
Hellman Key Exchange
Message Authentication and Hash Functions: Authentication
Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Codes,
Hash Functions, Security of Hash Functions and Macs, Secure Hash
Algorithm, HMAC
Digital Signatures and Authentication: Digital Signatur es, Authentication
Protocols, Digital Signature Standard
Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication, Public -
Key Infrastructure 15
III Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME
IP Security: Overview, Architecture, Authentication Header,
Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations, Key
Web Security: Web Security Considerations, Secure Socket Layer and
Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction
Intrusion: Intruders, Intrusion Techniques, Intrusion Detection
Malicious Software: Viruses and Related Threats, Virus Countermeasures,
Firewalls: Firewall Design Principles, Types of Firewalls 15
1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice 7th edition, William Stallings,
Additional Reference(s):
1. Cryptography and Network, 2nd edition, Behrouz A Fourouzan, Debdeep
Mukhopadhyay, TMH.
2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Netwo rk Security”, Tata McGraw -Hill.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 502 Information & Network Security – Practical 1 3
1 Implementing Substitution and Transposition Ciphers:
Design and implement algorithms to encrypt and decrypt messages using classical
substitution and transposition techniques.
2 RSA Encryption and Decryption:
Implement the RSA algorithm for public -key encryption and decryption, and explore its
properties and security considerations.
3 Message Authentication Co des:
Implement algorithms to generate and verify message authentication codes (MACs) for
ensuring data integrity and authenticity.
4 Digital Signatures:
Implement digital signature algorithms such as RSA -based signatures, and verify the
integrity and auth enticity of digitally signed messages.
5 Key Exchange using Diffie -Hellman:
Implement the Diffie -Hellman key exchange algorithm to securely exchange keys
between two entities over an insecure network.
6 IP Security (IPsec) Configuration:
Configure IPsec on network devices to provide secure communication and protect
against unauthorized access and attacks.
7 Web Security with SSL/TLS:
Configure and implement secure web communication using SSL/TLS protocols,
including certificate management and secure sess ion establishment.
8 Intrusion Detection System:
Set up and configure an intrusion detection system (IDS) to monitor network traffic and
detect potential security breaches or malicious activities.
9 Malware Analysis and Detection:
Analyze and identify ma lware samples using antivirus tools, analyze their behavior, and
develop countermeasures to mitigate their impact.
10 Firewall Configuration and Rule -based Filtering:
Configure and test firewall rules to control network traffic, filter packets based on
specified criteria, and protect network resources from unauthorized access.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5031 Linux Server Administration 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an in -depth understanding of Linux server administration.
Students will learn the technical aspects of various Linux distributions, software management, user and
group administration, file systems, core system services, networking, security, and advanced internet
services. Practical hands -on exerc ises and real -world examples will be used to enhance the learning
Course Objectives:
Develop a solid understanding of Linux server administration principles and concepts.
Acquire practical skills in managing users, groups, and file systems in a Linux environment.
Learn how to configure and secure network services such as DNS, FTP, Apache web server,
Gain knowledge of advanced network administration topics including NFS, Samba, DFS, NIS,
LDAP, DHCP, MySQL, LAMP applicat ions, file services, email services, chat applications,
and VPN.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Demonstrate proficiency in managing software packages and repositories in Linux.
Configure and administer user accounts, groups, and permissions in a Linux system.
Implement network services such as DNS, FTP, and web servers, ensuring proper security
Design and manage advanced network services including NFS, Samba, and LDAP for efficient
file sharing and user authentication.
Apply troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve common issues in Linux server
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Technical Summary of Linux Distributions, Managing
Single -Host Administration: Managing Users and Groups, Booting and
shutting down processes. File Systems, Core System Services, Process of
configuring, compiling, Linux Kernel
Networking and Security: TCP/IP for System Administrators, basic
network Configu ration, Linux Firewall (Netfilter), System and network
security 15
II Internet Services: Domain Name System (DNS), File Transfer Protocol
(FTP), Apache web server, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMPT), Post
Office Protocol and Internet Mail Access Protoc ol (POP and IMAP),
Secure Shell (SSH), Network authentication system (Kerberos), Domain
Name Service (DNS), Security 15
III Internet Services: 15
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Network File System (NFS), Samba, Distributed File Systems (DFS),
Network Information Service (NIS), Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP), Dynamic Host configuration Protocol (DHCP), MySQL,
LAMP Applications, File Services, Email Services, Chat app lications,
Virtual Private Networking.
1. Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, Wale Soyinka, Seventh Edition, McGraw -Hill
Education, 2016
2. Ubuntu Server Guide, Ubuntu Documentation Team, 2016
Additional Reference(s):
1. Mastering Ubuntu Server, Jay LaCroix, PACKT Publisher, 2016
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 5031 Linux Server Administration – Practical 1 3
1 Install DHCP Server in Ubuntu 16.04
2 Initial settings: Add a User, Network Settings, Change to static IP address, Disable IPv6
if not needed, Configure Service, display the list of services which are running. Stop
and turn OFF auto -start setting for a service if you don’t need it, Sudo Settings
3 Configure NP Server (NTPd), Install and configure NT Pd, Configure NTP Client
(Ubuntu and Windows)
4 SSH Server : Password Authentication
Configure SSH server to manage a server from the remote computer, SSH Client :
(Ubuntu and Windows)
5 Install DNS server BIND, Configure DNS server which resolves domain name or IP
address, Install BIND 9, Configure BIND, Limit ranges You allow to access if needed.
6 Configure DHCP Server, Configure DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
Server, Configure NFS server to share directories on your NFS, Configure N FS Client.
(Ubuntu and Windows Client OS)
7 Configure LDDAP Server, Configure LDAP Server in order to share users’ accounts in
your local networks, Add LDAP User Accounts In the networks. Install
phpLDAPadmin to operate LDAP server via Web browser.
8 Configure NIS Server in order to share users; accounts in your local networks,
Configure NIS Client to bind NIS Server.
9 Install MySQL to configure database server, Install phpMyAdmin to operate MySQL
on web browser from Clients.
10 Install Samba to share folders or files between Windows and Linux
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5032 Software Testing & Quality Assurance 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an in -depth understanding of software testing principles,
techniques, and quality assurance practices. Students will learn the concepts and methodologies required
to ensure the quality and reliability of software systems. The course covers various aspects of software
testing, including test case design, verificat ion and validation, defect management, software quality
assurance, and quality improvement techniques. Students will gain hands -on experience with industry -
standard tools and techniques used in software testing and quality assurance .
Course Objectives:
Understand the significance of software testing in ensuring software quality and reliability.
Familiarize with the fundamental concepts and principles of software quality assurance.
Learn different software testing techniques and methodologies for effective test case design.
Explore the role of verification and validation in software development and testing processes.
Gain practical experience in using software testing tools and frameworks for automated testing.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Explain the importance of software testing and its impact on software quality.
Apply appropriate software testing techniques to identify and mitigate software defects.
Design and execute test cases to verify the f unctionality and performance of software systems.
Understand the principles of verification and validation and their application in software testing.
Utilize software testing tools and frameworks to automate testing processes and improve
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Introduction to Software Testing : Nature of errors and the need for
Definition of Quality and Quality Assurance : Understanding quality in
software development , Distinction between Quality Assurance (QA),
Quality Control (QC), Quality Management (QM), and Software Quality
Assurance (SQA)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) : Overview of SDLC phases
and their relationship to testing, Role of testing in each phase , Software
quality factors and their impact on testing
Verification and Validation (V&V) : Definition of V&V and its
significance in software development, Different types of V&V mechanisms,
Concepts of Software Reviews, Inspection, and Walkthrough
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II Software Testing Techniques and Strategies
Testing Fundamentals : Basics of software testing process, Test case
design principles and techniques, Test execution, reporting, and
White Box Testing and Black Box Testing : Functional/Specification
based Testing as Black Box, Black box: Equivalence Partitioning,
Boundary Value Analysis, Decision Table Testing, State Transition
Testing. Structural Testing as White Box, White Box: Statement testing,
Branch testing. Experience -based: Error guessing, Ex ploratory testing,
Checklist -based testing.
Software Testing Strategies : Strategic approach to software testing Unit
Testing: purpose, techniques, and best practices, Integration Testing:
approaches and challenges, Validation Testing: ensuring adherence to user
requirements, System Testing: comprehensive end -to-end testing
Software Metrics : Concept of software metrics and their importance,
Developing and utilizing different types of metrics, Complexity metrics and
their significance in testing 15
III Defect Management and Software Quality Assurance
Defect Manageme nt: Definition of defects and their lifecycle, Defect
management process, including defect reporting and tracking , Metrics
related to defects and their utilization for process improvement
Software Quality Assurance : Understanding quality concepts and the
Quality Movement: Background issues and challenges in SQA, Activities
and approaches in Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews: Formal
Technical Reviews and their benefits, Statistical Qu ality Assurance and
Software Reliability
Statistical process control techniques for quality assurance : Software
reliability measurement and improvement, The ISO 9000 Quality Standards
and their application in software development
Quality Improvement Techni ques : Introduction to quality improvement
methodologies, Utilizing quality costs for decision -making, Introduction to
quality improvement tools: Pareto Diagrams, Cause -effect Diagrams,
Scatter Diagrams, Run charts 15
1. Software Engineering for Students, A Programming Approach, Douglas Bell, 4th Edition,,
Pearson Education, 2005
2. Software Engineering – A Practitioners Approach, Roger S. Pressman, 7th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill
Additional Reference(s):
1. Quality Management, Donna C. S. Summers, 5th Edition, Prentice -Hall.
2. Software Testing and Quality Assurance Theory and Practice, Kshirsagar Naik, Priyadarshi
Tripathy , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , Publication.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 5032 Software Testing & Quality Assurance – Practical 1 3
1 Install Selenium IDE and create a test suite containing a minimum of 4 test cases for
different web page formats (e.g., HTML, XML, JSON, etc.).
2 Conduct a test suite for two different websites using Selenium IDE. Perform various
actions like clicking links, filling forms, and verifying content.
3 Install Selenium Server (Selenium RC) and demonstrate its usage by executing a script
in Java or PHP to automate browser actions.
4 Write a program using Selenium WebDriver to automate the login process on a specific
web page. Verify successful login with appropriate assertions.
5 Write a program using Selenium WebDriver to update 10 student records in an Excel
file. Perform data manipulation and verification.
6 Write a progra m using Selenium WebDriver to select the number of students who have
scored more than 60 in any one subject (or all subjects). Perform data extraction and
7 Write a program using Selenium WebDriver to provide the total number of objects
present or available on a web page. Perform object identification and counting.
8 Write a program using Selenium WebDriver to get the number of items in a list or
combo box on a web page. Perform element identification and counting.
9 Write a program using Selenium WebDriver to count the number of checkboxes on a
web page, including checked and unchecked counts. Perform checkbox identification
and counting.
10 Perform load testing on a web application using JMeter. Generate and analyze load
scenarios. Addit ionally, explore bug tracking using Bugzilla as a tool for logging and
tracking software defects.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5041 Cyber Forensics 2 3
About the Course: This course introduces computer forensics, focusing on the techniques and
methodologies used in investigating and analyzing digital evidence. Students will learn the
fundamentals of computer investigations, data acquisition, crime scene processing, and the use of
specialized tools for analysis. The course cove rs various aspects of computer forensics, including
network forensics, mobile device forensics, e -mail investigations, and report writing.
Course Objectives:
Understand the principles and concepts of computer forensics.
Develop skills in conducting comput er investigations using a systematic approach.
Gain proficiency in acquiring and preserving digital evidence from different storage formats.
Explore the use of specialized tools and software for computer forensics analysis.
Learn the techniques for investigating network -related incidents and conducting live
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles and techniques used in computer forensic s
Apply systematic approaches to acquire, preserve, and analyze digital evidence from various
Utilize specialized tools and software for conducting effective computer forensics analysis.
Develop strong skills in investigating network -related incidents, including live acquisitions and
network forensics.
Generate comprehensive and well -written reports that accurately document the findings of
computer forensic investigations.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Understanding Computer Forensics, Preparing for Computer
Investigations, Maintaining Professional Conduct
Computer Investigations: Preparing a Computer Investigation, Taking a
Systematic Approach, Procedures for Corporate High -Tech Investigations,
Underst anding Data Recovery Workstations and Software, Conducting an
Data Acquisition: Storage Formats for Digital Evidence, Determining the
Best Acquisition Method, Contingency Planning for Image Acquisitions 15
II Processing Crime and Incident Scenes: Identifying Digital Evidence,
Preparing for a Search, Securing a Computer Incident or Crime Scene,
Seizing Digital Evidence at the Scene, Storing Digital Evidence
Current Computer Forensics Tools: Evaluating Computer Forensics Tool
Needs, Computer Forensics Software Tools, Computer Forensics Hardware
Tools 15
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Computer Forensics Analysis and Validation: Determining What Data to
Collect and Analyze, Validating Forensic Data, Addressing Data -Hiding
Techniques, Performing Remote Acquisitions
Recovering Gra phics Files: Recognizing a Graphics File, Locating and
Recovering Graphics Files, Identifying Unknown File Formats
III Network Forensics and Live Acquisitions: Network Forensics Overview,
Performing Live Acquisitions, Developing Standard Procedures for
Network Forensics, Using Network Tools
E-mail Investigations: Role of E -mail in Investigations, Investigating E -
mail Crimes and Violations, Using Specialized E -mail Forensics Tools
Cell Phone and Mobile Device Forensics: Overview, Acquisition
Procedures f or Cell Phones and Mobile Devices
Report Writing for Investigations: Importance of Reports, Guidelines for
Writing Reports, Generating Report Findings with Forensics Software
Tools 15
1. Bill Nelson,Amelia Philips and Christopher Steuart, “Guide to computer forensics and
investigations”, course technology, 6th edition
Additional Reference(s):
1. Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise, “Incident Response and computer forensics”,Tata McGrawHill
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 5041 Cyber Forensics – Practical 1 3
1 Creating a Forensic Image using FTK Imager/Encase Imager :
Creating Forensic Image
Check Integrity of Data
Analyze Forensic Image
2 Data Acquisition:
Perform data acquisition using:
USB Write Blocker + Encase Imager
SATA Write Blocker + Encase Imager
Falcon Imaging Device
3 Analyze the memory dump of a running computer system.
Extract volatile data, such as open processes, network connections, and registry
4 Capturing and analyzing network packets using Wireshark (Fundamentals) :
Identification the live network
Capture Packets
Analyze the captured packets
5 Using Sysinternals tools for Network Tracking and Process Monitoring :
Check Sysinternals tools
Monitor Live Processes
Capture RAM
Capture TCP/UDP packets
Monitor Hard Disk
Monitor Virtual Memory
Monitor Cache Memory
6 Recovering and Inspecting deleted files
Check for Deleted Files
Recover the Deleted Files
Analyzing and Inspecting the recovered files
Perform this using recovery option in ENCASE and also Perform manually
through command line
7 Steganography Detection
Detect hidden information or files within digital images using steganography
analysis tools.
Extract and examine the hidden content.
8 Mobile Device Forensics
Perform a forensic analysis of a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
Retrieve call logs, text messages, and other relevant data for investigative
9 Email Forensics
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Analyze email headers and content to trace the origin of suspicious emails.
Identify pote ntial email forgeries or tampering.
10 Web Browser Forensics
Analyze browser artifacts, including history files, bookmarks, and download
Analyze cache and cookies data to reconstruct user -browsing history and
identify visited websites or online activities.
Extract the relevant log or timestam p file, analyze its contents and i nterpret the
timestamp data to determine the user's last internet activity and associated
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5042 Game Programming 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an in -depth exploration of 3D game development and
graphics, covering topics such as vectors, transformations, 3D modeling, rendering, physics -based
simulation, and game engine architecture. Students will gain hands -on experience using industry -
standard tools and technologies, including DirectX, Unity, and Python -Pygame. Through a combination
of theoretical study, practical exercises, and project -based learning, students will develop the skill s
necessary to create immersive 3D games and interactive virtual worlds.
Course Objectives:
Understand the fundamentals of vectors, transformations, and 3D graphics.
Develop proficiency in using industry -standard tools and technologies for 3D game
develop ment.
Implement advanced graphics techniques, including lighting, shading, and texturing, to create
visually appealing game environments.
Apply principles of game design and create engaging and immersive gaming experiences.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Apply vector manipulation techniques and transformations to create and manipulate objects in
3D space.
Utilize industry -standard tools and technologies such as Unity and DirectX for 3D game
Implement advanced graphics techniques, including lighting, shading, and texturing, to create
visually stunning game environments.
Design and develop games that incorporate principles of game design to create engaging and
immersive experiences.
Deploy and showcase 3D games on various platforms, demonstrating proficiency in game
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Vectors: Vectors: Vector Manipulation, multiplying a
Vector by a Scalar, Vector Addition and Subtraction, Position Vectors, Unit
Vectors, Cartesian Vectors, Vector Multiplication, Scalar Product, Example
of the Dot Product, The Dot Product in Lighting Calculations, The Dot
Product in Back -Face Detection, The Vector Product, The Right -Hand
Rule, deriving a Unit Normal Vector for a Triangle Areas, Calculating 2D
Transformations: 2D Transformations, Matrices, Homogeneous
Coordinates, 3D Transformations, Change o f Axes, Direction Cosines,
rotating a Point about an Arbitrary Axis, Transforming Vectors,
Determinants, Perspective Projection, Interpolation 15
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3D Graphics for Game Programming: 3D Transformations, Quaternions,
3D Modeling and Rendering, Ray Tracing, Shader Models, Lighting, Color,
Texturing, Camera and Projections, Culling and Clipping, Character
Animation, Physics -based Simulation, Scene Graphs.
II Game Engines and Design: Game engine architecture, Engine support
systems, Resources and File systems, Ga me loop and real -time simulation,
Human Interface devices, Collision and rigid body dynamics, Game
profiling. Introduction to Dx Studio, Introduction to Unity, Application
layer, Game logic, Game views, managing memory, controlling the main
loop, loading a nd caching game data, User Interface ma nagement, Game
event management.
Introduction To DirectX 11: COM, Textures and Resources Formats, The
swap chain and Page flipping, Depth Buffering, Texture Resource Views,
Multisampling Theory and MS in Direct3D, Fea ture Levels
Game Platform and Development: 2D and 3D Game development using
Python -Pygame, ModernGL, Numpy, PyGLM ,Ursina (OpenGL) 15
III Unity Development Environment : IDE Basics, Unity Concepts, Sprites,
Game Loops and Functions, Game Design Strategies .
Simple Movement , Operations and Object Oriented Concepts: Simple
Rotation and Scaling , Rigidbody Components , Unity Colliders , Physics
Materials , Scripting Collision Events , Primitive Data and Math , Decisions
and Flow Control , Loops and Arrays , Game Design Strategies , Exceptions
and Debugging , Defining Classes , Functions, Organizing and Managing
Game Objects ,
Advanced Programming: Virtual Worlds , Scrolling Games , Animation ,
Sound Effects , Advanced Game Physics, Multiple Scenes , Artificial
Intelligence , User Interfaces , Game Art , Publishing Games . 15
1. Mathematics for Computer Graphics, John Vince, Springer -Verlag London, 5th Edition,2017
2. Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphic, Eric Lengyel, Delmar
3. Introduction To 3D Game Programming With Directx® 11,Frank D Luna, Mercury Learning
And Information,2012.
Additional Reference(s):
1. Computer Graphics, C Version, Donald Hern and Pauline Baker, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 1997
2. HLSL Development Cookbook, Doron Feinstein, PACKT Publishing,2013
3. https://docs.unit y3d.com/Manual/index.html
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 5042 Game Programming – Practical 1 3
1 Setup DirectX 11, Window Framework and Initialize Direct3D Device , Loading
models into DirectX 11 and rendering
2 Learn Basic Game Designing Techniques with pygame.
3 Develop Snake Game using pygame
4 Create 2D Target Shooting Game
5 Creating 2D Infinite Scrolling Background
6 Create Camera Shake Effect in Unity
7 Design and Animate Game Character in Unity
8 Create Snowfall Particle effect in Unity
9 Develop Android Game with Unity
10 Create Intelligent enemies in Unity
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5051 Project Managament 2 3
About the Course: The Project Management course emphasizes on the importance of effective project
management in the field. Students will gain a solid understanding of project management principles,
processes, and knowledge areas while exploring their ap plication in computer science projects. The
course covers key topics such as project selection and initiation, scope management, time management,
cost management, quality management, human resource management, risk management, procurement
management, integ ration management, and advanced topics relevant to the digital age. Through a
combination of theory and practical exercises, students will develop the skills necessary to successfully
plan, execute, and control projects in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of Computer Science.
Course Objectives:
Understand the fundamental concepts and characteristics of project management, including
project selection, initiation, and project governance.
Develop skills in scope management, time management, cost managem ent, quality
management, and risk management to effectively plan and control projects.
Acquire knowledge of human resource management techniques, including team development,
conflict resolution, and communication management.
Gain insight into agile project management methodologies and tools, enabling the successful
management of iterative and incremental development.
Explore advanced topics such as stakeholder management, project leadership, project
governance, and the role of technology in project management.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Apply project management principles, processes, and best practices to plan, execute, and
control projects effectively.
Develop project charters, define pr oject scopes, and create work breakdown structures (WBS)
to establish project objectives and deliverables.
Create project schedules, estimate resource requirements, and monitor project progress using
appropriate project management techniques.
Employ quality assurance and control measures to ensure project deliverables meet stakeholder
expectations and industry standards.
Demonstrate effective leadership and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to manage
stakeholders, resolve conflicts, and make eth ical decisions in project management settings.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Project Management
Introduction to Project Management: Definition and characteristics of a
project, Importance of project management, Project management processes
and knowledge areas
Project Selection, Initiation and scope Management: Project selection
criteria and methods, Project initiation and charter deve lopment,
Stakeholder identification and analysis, Scope planning and definition, 15
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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) development, Scope verification and
change control
Project Time & Cost Management: Activity definition and sequencing,
Estimating activity durations and resources, Developing the project
schedule, Schedule control and monitoring, Cost estimation techniques,
Budget development and monitoring, Earned Value Management (EVM),
Cost control and analysis
II Project Execution and Control
Project Quality & Risk Management: Quality planning and standards,
Quality assurance and control, Process improvement and Six Sigma
concept, Risk Management -Risk identification and assessment, Risk
response planning, Risk monitoring and control
Project Resource & Procurement Management: Team development and
roles, Staffing, training, and motivation, Conflict resolution and
communication management, Procurement planning and contract types,
Solicitation, sourc e selection, and contract administration, Vendor
management and relationship building
Project Integration Management: Project integration processes and
activities, Change management and project closure, Lessons learned and
knowledge transfer 15
III Advanc ed Topics in Project Management
Agile Project & Management in the Digital Age: Agile principles and
methodologies, Agile project planning and execution, Managing iterative
and incremental development, Role of technology in project management,
Virtual teams and distributed project management,Tools and software for
project planning and collaboration
Effective People Management in Projects: Leadership styles and
characteristics, Team building and motivation techniques, Emotional
intelligence in project management, Stakeholder identification and analysis,
Stakeholder engagement and communication strategies, Conflict resolution
and negotiation skills
Project Governance and Ethics: Project governance structures and
accountability, Ethical considerations in project management, Professional
responsibility and codes of conduct 15
1. Project Management for Business and Technology, 3rd edition, Pearson Education. John M.
Nicholas, 2000
2. Information Technology Project Management, by Jack T. Marchewka, 4th Wiley India 2013.
3. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) –Sixth Edition 6th
Edition, Project Management Institute, 2017
Additional Reference(s):
1. Introduction to Software Project Management by Adolfo Villafiorita · 2016, CRC press, e book
2. Project Management Professional Workbook, Claudia M. Baca, Patti M. Jansen, Sybex
Publication , 2013
3. Project Management , by S. J. Mantel, J. R. Meredith and etal.,1st edition, Wiley India,
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 5052 Operations Research 2 3
About the Course: This course introduces Operations Research (OR) and its application in decision -
making. It covers the fundamental concepts, techniques, and methodologies used in OR, with a focus on
linear programming and duality. Students will learn how to formulate and solve optimization prob lems,
analyze sensitivity in linear programming, and explore advanced topics such as goal programming,
transportation problems, and assignment problems. The course also introduces computer software
commonly used in OR for problem solving .
Course Objective s:
To understand the fundamental principles and approaches of Operations Research.
To develop skills in formulating and solving linear programming problems.
To analyze the duality in linear programming and its managerial significance.
To apply sensitivity analysis techniques to assess the impact of changes in linear programming
To explore advanced topics in Operations Research, including goal programming,
transportation problems, and assignment problems.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Define and explain the key concepts and features of Operations Research.
Formulate and solve linear programming models using appropriate techniques.
Apply duality concepts to analyze and interpret the re sults of linear programming problems.
Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness and flexibility of linear programming
Apply advanced techniques such as goal programming, transportation problems, and
assignment problems to real -world decision -making scenarios.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Operations Research(OR)
Exploring Operations Research – A Quantitative Approach to Decision -
Making, Definitions, Features, OR Approach to Problem Solving, Models
and Modelling in Operations Research, Advantages of Model Building and
Operations Research Study, Applications of Operations Research,
Computer So ftware for Operations Research
Linear Programming and Duality: Linear Programming: Applications
and Model Formulation, Structure of Linear Programming Model, General
Structure of an LP Model, Assumptions of an LP Model, Advantages &
LimitationsLinear Prog ramming, Application Areas, General Mathematical
Model of Linear Programming Problem, Examples of LP Model
Linear Programming -The Graphical Method : Important Definitions,
Graphical Solution Methods of LP Problems, The Simplex Method:
Introducti on, Standard form of an LP Problem, Simplex Algorithm 15
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(Maximization Case), Simplex Algorithm (Minimization Case), Two -Phase
Method, Big -M Method
II Linear Programming
Duality in Linear Programming: Introduction, Formulation of Dual
Linear Programming P roblem, Symmetrical Form, Economic Interpretation
of Dual Variables, Economic Interpretation of Dual Constraints, Rules for
Constructing the Dual from Primal, Standard Results on Duality, Principle
of Complementary Slackness, Managerial Significance of Dua lity
Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming: Introduction, Sensitivity
Integer Linear Programming : Introduction, Types of Integer
Programming Problems, Enumeration and Cutting Plane Solution Concept,
Branch and Bound Method, Applications of Ze ro-One Integer
Programming 15
III Advanced Topics in Operations Research
Goal Programming: Introduction, Difference Between LP and GP
Approach, Concept of Goal Programming, Distinction among Objectives,
Goals and Constraints, Goal Programming Model Formulation
Transportation Problem: Introduction, Mathematical Model of
Transportation Problem, G eneral Mathematical Model of Transportation
Problem, The Transportation Algorithm, Methods for Finding Initial
Assignment Problem: Introduction, Mathematical Models of Assignment
Problem, Solution Methods of Assignment Problem, Hungarian Method for
Solving Assignment Problem 15
1. Operations Research: Theory and Applications, J K Sharma, Trinity Press, 6th Edition , 2017
2. Introduction to Operations Research, Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman, McGraw Hill
Education; 11th edition, 2021
Additional Reference(s):
1. Oeprations Research, P K Gupta, S. Chand Publications, 7th Edition, 2018
2. Operations Research, P. Rama Murthy, New Age Publication, 2nd Edition
3. Operations Research: An Introduction, 10th Edition, Hamdy A. Taha, Pearson Education, 2019
4. Operations Research (Schaums Outline Series), Richard Bronson and Govindasami
Naadimuthu, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Editio n, 2017
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS P505 Project Work – I 2 3
Refer to the Project Guidelines at the end
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Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 601 Data Science 2 3
About the Course: This course introduces the field of Data Science, covering the fundamental
concepts, techniques, and tools used for data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.
Students will learn how to preprocess and analyze data, build predictive models, evaluate mode l
performance, and effectively communicate insights through visualizations. The course also explores
data management principles and practices. Practical hands -on exercises and projects using popular Data
Science libraries and technologies are included to r einforce the concepts learned.
Course Objectives:
Understand the foundations and scope of Data Science, including its applications and
comparison to related fields like Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.
Develop skills in data preprocessin g, including cleaning, transforming, selecting, and merging
data, to ensure data quality and suitability for analysis.
Gain knowledge of machine learning algorithms and techniques, such as regression,
classification, clustering, and ensemble learning, to b uild predictive models and make data -
driven decisions.
Learn how to evaluate and select models using appropriate evaluation metrics and cross -
validation techniques to ensure reliable and robust model performance.
Develop proficiency in data visualization t echniques and tools to effectively communicate
insights and tell compelling stories using data.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Apply data preprocessing techniques to clean and transform raw data, handle missing values
and outliers, and merge datasets.
Implement machine -learning algorithms to perform tasks such as regression, classification,
clustering, and ensemble learning.
Evaluate and compare different machine learning models using appropriate e valuation metrics
and cross -validation techniques.
Create informative and visually appealing data visualizations to communicate insights and
patterns in data.
Understand the principles and practices of data management, including data governance, data
quality assurance, and data privacy considerations.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Data Science and Data Preprocessing
What is Data Science? : Definition and scope of Data Science ,
Applications and domains of Data Science , Comparison with other fields
like Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine 15
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Learning (ML), and Data Warehousing/Data Mining (DW -DM)
Data Types and Sources : Different types of data: structured, unstructured,
semi -structured , Data sou rces: databases, files, APIs, web scraping, sensors,
social media
Data Preprocessing : Data cleaning: handling missing values, outliers,
duplicates , Data transformation: scaling, normalization, encoding
categorical variables , Feature selection: selecting re levant features/columns ,
Data merging: combining multiple datasets
Data Wrangling and Feature Engineering : Data wrangling techniques:
reshaping, pivoting, aggregating , Feature engineering: creating new
features, handling time -series data Dummification: con verting categorical
variables into binary indicators , Feature scaling: standardization,
Tools and Libraries: Introduction to popular libraries and technologies
used in Data Science like Pandas, NumPy, Sci -kit Learn, etc.
II Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Data visualization techniques:
histograms, scatter plots, box plots, etc. , Descriptive statistics: mean,
median, mode, standard deviation, etc. , Hypothesis testing: t -tests, chi -
square tests, ANOVA, etc.
Introduction to Machine Learning : Supervised learning: classification
and regression , Unsupervised learning: clustering and dimensionality
reduction , Bias-variance tradeoff, underfitting, and overfitting
Regression Analysis : Simple linear regression , Multiple linear regression ,
Stepwise regression , Logistic regression for classification
Model Evaluation and Selection : Techniques for evaluating model
performance: accuracy, precision, recall, F1 -score , Confusion matrix and
ROC curve analysis , Cross -valid ation: k -fold cross -validation, stratified
cross -validation , Hyperparameter tuning and model selection
Machine Learning Algorithms : Decision Trees and Random Forests ,
Support Vector Machines (SVM) , Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) ,
Ensemble Learning: Boost ing and Bagging , K-Nearest Neighbors (K -NN),
Gradient Descent for optimization 15
III Model Evaluation, Data Visualization, and Management
Model Evaluation Metrics: Accura cy, precision, recall, F1 -score, Area
Under the Curve (AUC) , Evaluating models for imbalanced datasets
Data Visualization and Communication: Principles of effective data
visualization , Types of visualizations: bar charts, line charts, scatter plots,
etc. Visualization tools: matplotlib, seaborn, Tableau, etc. Data storytelling:
communica ting insights through visualizations
Data Management : Introductio n to data management activities, Data
pipelines: data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) , Data
governance and data quality assurance , Data privacy and security
considerations 15
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1. Data Science from Scratch First Principles with Python - Joel Grus O'reilly, 2nd Edition
2. Advancing into Analytics From Excel to Python and R, George Mount, Oreilly, First Edition
3. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Andreas C. Muller, Sarah Guido, Oreilly, First
Additional Reference(s):
1. Doing Data Science, Rachel Schutt and Cathy O’Neil, O’Reilly,2013
2. Mastering Machine Learning with R, Cory Lesmeister, PACKT Publication,2015
3. Hands -On Programming with R, Garrett Grolemund,1st Edition, 2014
4. An Introduction to Statistical Learning, James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibshirani,
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 601 Data Science – Practical 1 3
1 Introduction to Excel
Perform conditional formatting on a dataset using various criteria.
Create a pivot table to analyze and summarize data.
Use VLOOKUP function to retrieve information from a different worksheet or
Perform what -if analysis using Goal Seek to determine input values for de sired
2 Data Frames and Basic Data Pre -processing
Read data from CSV and JSON files into a data frame.
Perform basic data pre -processing tasks such as handling missing values and
Manipulate and transform data using functions like filtering, sorting, and
3 Feature Scaling and Dummification
Apply feature -scaling techniques like standardization and normalization to
numerical features.
Perform feature dummification to convert categorical variables into numerical
representati ons.
4 Hypothesis Testing
Formulate null and alternative hypotheses for a given problem.
Conduct a hypothesis test using appropriate statistical tests (e.g., t -test, chi -
square test).
Interpret the results and draw conclusions based on the test outcomes.
5 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
Perform one -way ANOVA to compare means across multiple groups.
Conduct post -hoc tests to identify significant differences between group means.
6 Regression and Its Types
Implement simple linear regression using a dataset.
Explore and interpret the regression model coefficients and goodness -of-fit
Extend the analysis to multiple linear regression and assess the impact of
additional predictors.
7 Logistic Regression and Decision Tree
Build a logistic regression mod el to predict a binary outcome.
Evaluate the model's performance using classification metrics (e.g., accuracy,
precision, recall).
Construct a decision tree model and interpret the decision rules for
classification .
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8 K-Means Clustering
Apply the K -Means algorithm to group similar data points into clusters.
Determine the optimal number of clusters using elbow method or silhouette
Visualize the clustering results and analyze the cluster characteristics.
9 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Perform PCA on a dataset to reduce dimensionality.
Evaluate the explained variance and select the appropriate number of principal
Visualize the data in the reduced -dimensional space.
10 Data Visualization and Storytelling
Create meaningful vis ualizations using data visualization tools
Combine multiple visualizations to tell a compelling data story.
Present the findings and insights in a clear and concise manner.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 602 Cloud Computing and Web Services 2 3
About the Course: The course "Cloud Computing and Web Services" provides an in -depth
understanding of cloud computing fundamentals and web service technologies. Students will learn
about different types of clouds, cloud deployment models, and cloud platforms. They will also explore
key concepts of virtualization, security in cloud computing, and popular cloud computing platforms
such as OpenStack and AWS. Through practical exercises and hands -on projects, students will gain the
skills required to design, deploy, and manage cloud -based applications and services.
Course Objectives:
Understand the basics of cloud computing, including types of clouds, deployment models, and
essential characteristics of cloud platforms.
Explore web services technologies such as SOAP and REST and understand their role in
distributed computing and parallel computing.
Gain proficiency in utilizing virtualization technologies, including creating virtual machines and
managing virtualized environments usin g tools like KVM and oVirt.
Explore and utilize popular cloud computing platforms such as OpenStack and AWS to
architect, deploy, and manage cloud -based applications and services.
Learn about cloud security fundamentals, including confidentiality, integrity, availability, and
secure development practices.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing concepts, including different
types of clouds and their characteristics.
Implement and utilize web service technologies, such as SOAP and REST, to develop
distributed and parallel computing applications.
Design, deploy, and manage cloud -based applications and services using popular cloud
computing pla tforms such as OpenStack and AWS.
Apply secure development practices and implement cloud security policies to ensure the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cloud software solutions.
Utilize virtualization technologies to create and manage virt ualized environments, considering
the benefits and drawbacks of virtualization.
Unit Topics No of
I Cloud Computing Basics
Web Services – Distributed Computing, Par allel Computing, WSDL
structure , SOAP - Structure of SOAP Message (In JAX -WS), SOAP
Messaging Architecture, SOAP Header, Client -side SOAP Handler, REST -
What is REST? HTTP methods, Java API for RESTful Web Services
Virtulization: - Characteristics of Virtualized Environments.. Pros and 15
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Cons of Virtualization. Virtualization using KVM, Creating virtual
machines, oVirt - management tool for virtualization environment.
II Introduction to Cloud Computing:
Definition, Types of Clouds, Deployment of software solutions and web
applications , Types of Cloud Platforms, Essential characteristics – On-
demand self -service, Broad network access, Location independent resource
pooling ,Rapid elasticity , Measured service, Comparing cloud providers
with traditional IT service providers
Cloud Computi ng Software Security fundamentals: Cloud Information
Security Objectives, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Cloud Security
Services, Relevant Cloud Security Design Principles, Secure Cloud
Software Requirements, Secure Development practices, Approa ches to
Cloud Software Requirement Engineering, Cloud Security Policy
Implementation. 15
III Cloud Applications
CloudSim: Introduction to Simulator, understanding CloudSim simulator,
CloudSim Architecture(User code, CloudSim, GridSim, SimJava)
Understanding Working platform for CloudSim,
OpenStack: Introduction to OpenStack, OpenStack test -drive, Basic
OpenStack operations, OpenStack CLI and APIs , Tenant model operations,
Quotas, Private cloud building blocks, Controller deployment, Networking
deployment, Block Storage deployment, Compute deployment, deploying
and utilizing OpenStack in production environments, Building a production
environment, Application orchestration using OpenStack Heat
AWS: Architecting on AWS, Building complex solutions wi th Amazon
Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC ) 15
1. Java Web Services Up and Running 2nd edition, Martin Kalin, O’Reilly (2013)
2. Pro Power Shell for Amazon Web Services, Brian Beach, Apress, 2014
3. Enterprise Cloud Computing Technology, Architecture, Applications, Gautam Shroff,
Cambridge University Press, 2010
4. Mastering Cloud Computing, Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S Thamarai Selvi, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2013
5. OpenStack in Action, V. K. CODY BUMGARDNER, Manni ng Publications Co, 2016
Additional Reference(s):
1. OpenStack Essentials, Dan Radez, PACKT Publishing, 2015 2
2. OpenStack Operations Guide, Tom Fifield, Diane Fleming, Anne Gentle, Lorin Hochstein,
Jonathan Proulx, Everett Toews, and Joe Topjian, O'Reilly Medi a, Inc., 2014
3. https://www.openstack.org
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 602 Cloud Computing and Web Services – Practical 1 3
1 Define a simple services like Converting Rs into Dollar and Call it from different
platform like JAVA and .NET
2 Create a Simple SOAP service.
3 Create a Simple REST Service.
4 Develop application to consume Google’s search / Google’s Map RESTful Web
5 Installation and Configuration of virtualization using KVM.
6 Develop application to download image/video from server or upload image/video
to server using MTOM techniques
7 Implement FOSS -Cloud Functionality VSI (Virtual Server Infrastructure)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) , Storage
8 Implement FOSS -Cloud Functionality - VSI Platfor m as a Service (PaaS) ,
9 Using AWS Flow Framework develop application that includes a simple workflow.
Workflow calls an activity to print hello world to the console. It must define the basic
usage of AWS Flow Framework, including defining contracts, implementation of
activities and workflow coordination logic and worker programs to host them
10 Implementation of Openstack with user and private network creation.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6031 Wireless Sensor Networks 2 3
About the Course: This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs) and their applications. It covers the fundamental concepts, architectural elements, advantages,
and challenges of WSNs. Students will explore sensor nod e technology, network architecture,
optimization goals, and design principles for WSNs. The course also delves into wireless transmission,
telecommunication systems, and introduces the concepts of WSN operating systems and ad -hoc
networks. Through practica l examples and case studies, students will gain hands -on experience in
medium access control protocols, routing strategies, transport control protocols, and WSN middleware
Course Objectives:
Provide students with a comprehensive understandin g of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs),
including their basic architectural elements, advantages, and challenges.
Introduce students to the key technologies and protocols used in WSNs, such as medium access
control (MAC) protocols, routing strategies, and tr ansport control protocols.
Familiarize students with wireless transmission principles and telecommunication systems
relevant to WSNs, including frequency, signals, antennas, and satellite systems.
Develop students' practical skills in designing and implementing WSN solutions by exploring
WSN operating systems, ad -hoc networks, and optimization goals.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Understand the fundamental concepts, architectural elements, and optimization goals of
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and apply this knowledge to analyze and design WSN
Evaluate and compare different medium access control protocols and routing strategies in
WSNs, and make informed decisions to ensure eff icient and reliable communication.
Demonstrate knowledge of wireless transmission technologies, such as frequency, signals,
antennas, and propagation, and analyze their impact on WSN performance.
Assess the role of telecommunication systems, satellite, bro adcast systems in WSNs, and
understand their applications and implications for WSN deployments.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction and Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks : Basic Sensor
Network Architectural Elements, Advantage and challenges, Applications,
Sensor Node Technology , Sensor Taxonomy , WN Operating Environment ,
Radio Technology, Network architecture, Optimization goals and figures of
merit, Design principles for W SNs, Service interfaces of WSNs, Gateway
Wireless Sensor Network Operating Systems and Ad -hoc Networks:
Overview of Wireless Sensor Network Operating Systems , Examples of
WSN Operating Systems Ad-hoc Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks , 15
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Characteristics and Challenges of Ad -hoc Networks in WSNs , Energy
Efficiency Considerations in Ad -hoc Networks , Security and Privacy in
Ad-hoc Networks , Examples of WSN OS, Ad -hoc Network.
II Medium Access Control Protocol: Fundamentals of MAC Protocol s,
Sensor -MAC Case Study
Routing in WSN: Routing Challenges and Design Issues in Wireless
Sensor Networks, , IEEE 802.15.4 LR -WPANs Standard Case Study,
Routing Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks,
Trans port Control Protocol: Traditional Transport Cont rol Protocols,
Transport Protocol Design Issues, WSN Middleware Architecture 15
III Wireless Transmission: Frequency for radio transmission, Signals,
Antennas, Signal propagation, Multiplexing, Modulation, Spread spectrum,
Cellular systems.
Telecommunication, Satellite and Broadcast Systems: Satellite and
Broadcast Systems: GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio
interface, Protocols, Localization And Calling, Handover, security, New
data services; DECT: System architecture, Protocol architecture; ETRA,
UMTS and IMT - 2000. Satellite Systems: History, Applications, Basics:
GEO, LEO, MEO; Routing, Localization, Handover. 15
1. Wireless Sensor Networks Technology, Protocols, and Applications ,Kazem Sohraby, Daniel
Minoli and T aiebZnati, John Wiley & Sons, 20 17
2. Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Network, Holger Kerl, Andreas Willig, John
Wiley and Sons, 2015
Additional Reference(s):
1. Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks, Theory and Practice, Waltenegus Dargie, Christian
Poellabauer , Wiley Series on wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, 2011
2. Networking Wireless Sensors, Bhaskar Krishnamachari , Cambridge University Press, 2 005
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 6031 Wireless Sensor Networks – Practical 1 3
1 Understanding the Sensor Node Hardware. (For Eg. Sensors, No des(Sensor mote), Base
Station, Graphical User Interface.)
2 Exploring and understanding TinyOS computational concepts: - Events, Commands
and Task.
- nesC model
- nesC Components
3 Understanding TOSSIM for
- Mote -mote radio communication
- Mote -PC serial communication
4 Create and simulate a simple adhoc network
5 Understanding, Reading and Analyzing Routing Table of a network.
6 Create a basic MANET implementation simulation for Packet animation and Packet
7 Implement a Wireless sensor network simulation.
8 Create MAC protocol simulation implementation for wireless sensor Network.
9 Simulate Mobile Adhoc Network with Directional Antenna
10 Create a mobile network using Cell Tower, Central Office Server, Web browser and
Web Server. Simulate connection between them
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6032 Information Retrieval 2 3
About the Course: This course introduces the principles, techniques, and technologies underlying
information retrieval (IR) systems. Students will explore the fundamental concepts of document
indexing, storage, and retrieval, as well as advanced topics such as retrieval models, text categorization,
web information retrieval, and evaluation techniques. Through a combination of theoretical study,
practical exercises, and reference to industry -standard book s, students will gain a solid foundation in the
field of information retrieval.
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamental principles and components of information retrieval systems.
To explore various techniques for document indexing, storage, and retrieval.
To analyze and compare different retrieval models and understand their strengths and
To gain practical experience in implementing and evaluating information retrieval systems.
To explore advanced topics in information retrieval, such as web information retrieval and
machine learning techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Explain the key components and principles of information retrieval systems.
Apply indexing, storage, and retrieval techniques to efficiently retrieve relevant documents.
Compare and contrast different retrieval models and select appropriate models for specific
search scenarios.
Develop practical skills in implementing and evaluating information r etrieval systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of advanced topics in information retrieval, including web search
and machine learning techniques.
Unit Topics No of
I Foundations of Information Retrieval
Introduction to Information Retrieval (IR) systems : Definition and
goals of information retrieval , Components of an IR system , Challenges
and applications of IR
Document Indexing, Storage, and Compression : Inverted index
construction and compression techniques , Document representation and
term weighting , Storage and retrieval of indexed documents ,
Retrieval Models : Boolean model: Boolean operators, query processing ,
Vector space model: TF -IDF, cosine similarity, query -document matching ,
Probabilistic model: Bayesian retrieval, relevance feedbac k
Spelling Correction in IR Systems : Challenges of spelling errors in
queries and documents , Edit distance and string similarity measures,
Techniques for spelling correction in IR systems 15
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Performance Evaluation : Evaluation metrics: precision, recall, F -measure,
average precision , Test coll ections and relevance judgments, Experimental
design and significance testing
II Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval
Text Categorization and Filtering: Text classification algorithms: Naive
Bayes, Support Vector Machines , Feature selection and dimensionality
reduction , Applications of text categorization and filtering
Text Clustering for Information Retrieval : Clustering techniques: K -
means, hierarchical clustering , Evaluation of clustering results , Clustering
for query expansion and result grouping
Web Information Retrieval : Web search architecture and challenges ,
Crawling and indexing web pages , Link analysis and PageRank algorithm
Learning to Rank: Algorithms and Techniques , Supervised learning for
ranking: Rank SVM, RankBoost , Pairwise and listwise learning to rank
approaches Evaluation metrics for learning to rank
Link Analysis and its Role in IR Systems : Web graph representation and
link analysis algorithms , HITS and PageRank algorithms , Applications of
link an alysis in IR systems 15
III Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval
Crawling and Near -Duplicate Page Detection : Web page crawling
techniques: breadth -first, depth -first, focused crawling, Near -duplicate page
detection algorithms , Handling dynamic web con tent during crawling
Advanced Topics in IR: Text Summarization: extractive and abstractive
methods , Question Answering: approac hes for finding precise answers,
Recommender Systems: collaborative filtering, content -based filtering
Cross -Lingual and Multilingual Retrieval : Challenges and techniques for
cross -lingual retrieval , Machine translation for IR, Multilingual document
repres entations and query translation, Evaluation Techniques for IR
User -based evaluation: user studies, surveys , Test collections and
benchmarking , Online evaluation methods: A/B testing, interleaving
experiments 15
1. Ricardo Baeza -Yates and Berthier Ribeiro -Neto, ―Modern Information Retrieval: The
Concepts and Technology behind Search, Second Edition, ACM Pre ss Books
2. C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schütze, ―Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge
University Press
Additional Reference(s):
1. Ricci, F, Rokach, L. Shapira, B. Kantor, ―Recommender Systems Handbook‖, First Edition.
2. Bruce Croft, Donald Metzler, and Trevor Strohman, Search Engines: Information Retrieval in
Practice, Pearson Education.
3. Stefan Buttcher, Charlie Clarke, Gordon Cormack, Information Retrieval: Implementing and
Evaluating Search Engines, MIT Press.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 6032 Information Retrieval – Practical 1 3
1 Document Indexing and Retrieval
Implement an inverted index construction algorithm.
Build a simple document retrieval system using the constructed index.
2 Retrieval Models
Implement the Boolean retrieval model and process queries.
Implement the vector space model with TF -IDF weighting and cosine
3 Spelling Correction in IR Systems
Develop a spelling correction module using edit distance algorithms.
Integrate the spelling correction module into an information retrieval system.
4 Evaluation Metrics for IR Systems
Calculate precision, recall, and F -measure for a given set of retrieval results.
Use an evaluation toolkit to measure average precision and other evaluation
5 Text Categorization
Implement a text classification algorithm (e.g., Naive Bayes or Support Vector
Train the classifier on a labelled dataset and evaluate its performance.
6 Clustering for Information Retrieval
Implement a clustering algorithm (e.g., K -means or hierarchical clustering).
Apply the clustering algorithm to a set of documents and evaluate the clustering
7 Web Crawling and Indexing
Develop a web crawler to fetch and index web pages.
Handle challenges such as robots.txt, dynamic content, and crawling delays.
8 Link Analysis and PageRank
Implement the PageRank algorithm to rank web pages based on link analysis.
Apply the PageRank algorithm to a small web graph and analy ze the results.
9 Learning to Rank
Implement a learning to rank algorithm (e.g., RankSVM or RankBoost).
Train the ranking model using labelled data and evaluate its effectiveness.
10 Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval
Implement a text summarization algorithm (e.g., extractive or abstractive).
Build a question -answering system using techniques such as information
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6041 Data Mining & Warehousing 2 3
About the Course: The course covers data warehousing, data mining, association rule mining,
classification and prediction, and clustering. Students will learn about OLAP and OLTP, multi -
dimensional data models, measures, concept of hierarchy, and data warehouse architecture. They will
also explore different data m ining functionalities. The course covers classification methods, prediction
techniques, and classifier accuracy assessment. Students will learn various clustering methods and their
applications to different data types, such as time -series data, text databa ses, and web mining.
Course Objectives:
Understand the concept and framework of data warehousing and differentiate between OLAP
and OLTP.
Gain knowledge of data mining techniques and their applications in knowledge discovery.
Acquire skills in data prepro cessing, including handling missing data, cleaning, integration, and
Apply association rules mining algorithms such as APRIORI and FP -Growth to discover
frequent item sets.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Explain the purpose and components of a data warehouse and differentiate it from transactional
Perform OLAP operations on a multidimensional data model to analyze and query data.
Implement data preprocessing techniques to address missing data and prepare the data for
Apply association rules mining algorithms to discover patterns and relationships in large
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Data Warehouse: Introduction, Necessity, Framework of
the data warehouse, options, developing data warehouses, Differences
between OLAP and OLTP, OLAP Operations in the Multidimensional Data
Model, Back -End Tools and Utilities, Metadata Repository, Types of
OLAP servers .
DW Design Consideration And Dimensional Modeling: Defining
Dimensional Model, Granularity of Facts, Additivity of Facts, Functional
dependency of the Data, Helper Tables, Implementation many -to-many
relationships between fact and dimensional modeling.
Data Warehouse Models: Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Data Mart,
Virtual Data Warehouse, Hybrid Data Warehouse. 15
II Data Mining: Introduction to Data Mining, Definition, Knowledge
Discovery in Data (KDD), Kinds of databases, Data to be mined, Basic
mining techniques, Data Mining Issues, Data Mining Metrics, Social 15
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Implications of Data Mining, Overview of Applications of Data Mining.
Data Preprocessing: Data Processing prerequisites, Attributes and Data
types, Statistical descriptions of data, Distance and similarity measures,
Need for Preprocessing, Handling Missing data, Data Cleaning, Data
Integration, Data Reduction, Data Transfor mation and Data Discretization.
Association Rules Mining: Problem Definition, Frequent item set
generation, The APRIORI Principle, Support and confidence measures,
Association rule generation: APRIORI algorithm, FP -Growth Algorithms,
Compact Representation of Frequent item Set: Maximal Frequent item set,
closed frequent item set.
III Classification And Prediction: Definition of classification, Model
construction, Model Usage, Choosing algorithm, Decision tree Induction,
Information gain, gain ratio, gi ni index, Bayesian Classification, Bayes
Theorem, Naïve Bayes classifier, Linear Regression, Non -linear
Regression, Logistic Regression.
Validating Model: Measuring performance of classifiers, Precision,
Recall, F -measure, confusion matrix, cross -validatio n, Bootstrap .
Clustering: Types of data, Categorization of major clustering methods, K -
means partitioning methods, Hierarchical methods, Density -based methods,
Grid-based methods, Model -based clustering methods, Outlier analysis,
Mining Time -Series and Sequence Data, Mining Text D atabases, Mining
the World Wide Web. 15
1. Data Warehousing : Design, Development And Best Practices by Soumendra Mohanty
(Author), Tata McGraw Hill Education (Publisher).
2. Jiawei Han, Michelin Kamber, “Data Mining -Concepts and techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publish ers, Elsevier, 3nd Edition .
3. Alex Berson, Stephen J.Smith, “Data warehousing Data mining and OLAP”, Tata McGraw -
Hill, 2nd Edition .
Additional Reference(s):
1. Arum K Pujari, “Data Mining Techniques”, 3rd Edition, Universities Press, 200 5
2. PualrajPonnaiah, Wiley, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, Student Edition, 2004.
3. Ralph Kimball, Wiley, “The Data warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit”, Student Edition, 2006.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 6041 Data Mining & Warehousing – Practical 1 3
1 Perform different operations of extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes
on a sample dataset using PowerBI.
2 Integrate data from multiple sources by merging and transforming datasets using
Python's pandas library and data manipulation techniques.
3 Apply feature selection techniques like variance thresholding and correlation analysis
using Python's scikit -learn library to reduce dimensionality in a dataset.
4 Discretize continuous variables and create con cept hierarchies for categorical variables
in a market basket dataset using Python's pandas library.
5 Implement the Apriori algorithm in Python to mine frequent itemsets from a retail
transaction dataset and extract association rules.
6 Build a decision tree classifier using Python's scikit -learn library to predict customer
churn based on historical data.
7 Implement a Naive Bayes classifier in Python using scikit -learn to classify emails as
spam or non -spam based on their content.
8 Implement a linear regression method to make predictions based on the sample data
set using Python.
9 Implement a logistic regression method to make predictions based on the sample data
set using Python.
10 Implement K-means clustering algorithm in Python using scikit -learn to group
customers based on their purchasing behavior.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6042 Ethical Hacking 2 3
About the Course: This course provides an in -depth exploration of ethical hacking and penetration
testing methodologies. Students will learn about hacking technology types, the phases of ethical
hacking, footprinting, social engineering, system hacking, web server and application vulnerabilities,
wireless hacking, and more. The course emphasizes hands -on lab e xercises and real -world scenarios to
develop practical skills in identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities.
Course Objectives:
Understand the terminology and concepts related to ethical hacking and penetration testing.
Explore various hacking te chnologies and the skills required to become an ethical hacker.
Learn the different phases involved in ethical hacking and the methodologies used in
penetration testing.
Gain knowledge of common hacking techniques, such as footprinting, scanning, enumerati on,
and session hijacking.
Develop proficiency in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in web servers, web
applications, and wireless networks.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Apply ethical hacking methodologies to conduct comprehensive security assessments and
penetration tests.
Perform effective footprinting and reconnaissance techniques to gather critical information
about target systems.
Identify and exploit vulnerabilities in various net work and system components using
appropriate tools and techniques.
Evaluate the security posture of web servers, web applications, and wireless networks, and
recommend appropriate countermeasures.
Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal considerations in conducting ethical hacking
activities and adhere to professional codes of conduct.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction: Terminology, Hacking Technology Types, Ethical Hacking
Phases, Hacktivism, Hacker Classes, Skills Required for an Ethical Hacker,
Vulnerability Research, Ways to Conduct Ethical Hacking
Footprinting: Definition, Information Gathering Methodology,
Competit ive Intelligence, DNS Enumeration, Whois and ARIN Lookups,
Types of DNS Records, Traceroute in Footprinting, E -Mail Tracking
Social Engineering: Common Types Of Attacks
Scanning and Enumeration: Port Scanning, Network Scanning,
Vulnerability Scanning, CEH Scanning Methodology, Ping Sweep
Techniques, Nmap Command Switches, SYN, Stealth, XMAS, NULL,
IDLE, FIN Scans, Anonymizers, HTTP Tunneling Techniques, IP Spoofing
Techniques, SNMP Enumeration, S teps Involved in Enumeration 15
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II System Hacking: Password -Cracking Techniques, Types of Passwords,
Keyloggers and Other Spyware Technologies, Escalating Privileges,
Sniffers: Protocols Susceptible to Sniffing, Active and Passive Sniffing,
ARP Poisoning, MAC Flooding, DNS Spoofing Techniques, Sniffing
Denial of Service: Types of DoS Attacks, Working of DoS Attacks,
BOTs/BOTNETs, “Smurf” Attack, “SYN” Flooding, D oS/DDoS
Session Hijacking: Spoofing vs. Hijacking, Types, Sequence Prediction,
Steps, Prevention
Hacking Web Servers: Web Server Vulnerabilities, Attacks against Web
Servers, Patch Management Techniques, Web Server Hardening 15
III Web App lication Vulnerabilities: Web Application Hacking, Web
Application Threats, Google Hacking, Countermeasures
Web -Based Password Cracking Techniques: Authentication Types,
Password Crackers, Countermeasures
SQL Injection: Steps, SQL Server Vulnerabilities, C ountermeasures
Buffer Overflows: Types, Stack -Based Buffer Overflows, Mutation
Wireless Hacking: WEP, WPA Authentication Mechanisms, and Cracking
Techniques, Wireless Sniffers, Rogue Access Points, Wireless Hacking
Techniques, Securing Wireless Networks
Penetration Testing Methodologies: Methodologies, Steps, Automated
Tools, Pen -Test Deliverables 15
1. CEH official Certfied Ethical Hacking Review Guide, Wiley India Edition
Additional Reference(s):
1. Certified Ethical Hacker: Michael Gregg, Pearson Education
2. Certified Ethical Hacker: Matt Walker, TMH.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCSP 6042 Ethical Hacking - Practical 1 3
1 Google and Whois Reconnaissance
Use Google search techniques to gather information about a specific target or
Utilize advanced search operators to refine search results and access hidden
Perform Whois lookups to retrieve domain registration information and gather
details about the target's infrastructure.
2 Password Encryption and Cracking with CrypTool and Cain and Abel
Password Encryption and Decryption:
o Use CrypTool to encrypt passwords using the RC4 algorithm.
o Decrypt the encrypted passwords and verify the original values.
Password Cracking and Wireless Network Password Decoding:
o Use Cain and Abel to perform a dictionary attack on Windows account
o Decode wireless network passwords using Cain and Abel's capabilities.
3 Linux Network Analysis and ARP Poisoning
Linux Network Analysis:
o Execute the ifconfig command to retrieve network interface
o Use the ping command to test network connectivity and analyze the
o Analyze the netstat command output to view active network
o Perform a traceroute to trace the route packets take to reach a target
ARP Poisoning:
o Use ARP poisoning techniques to redirect network traffic on a
Windows system.
o Analyze the effects of ARP poisoning on network communication and
4 Port Scanning with NMap
Use NMap to perform an ACK scan to determine if a port is filtered, unfiltered,
or open.
Perform SYN, FIN, NULL, and XMAS scans to identify open ports and their
Analyze the scan results to gather information about the target system's
network services.
5 Network Traffic Capture and DoS Attack with Wireshark and Nemesy
Network Traffic Capture:
o Use Wireshark to capture network traffic on a specific network
o Analyze the captured packets to extract relevant information and
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identify potential security issues.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attack:
o Use Nemesy to launch a DoS attack against a target system or network.
o Observe the impact of the attack on the target's availability and
6 Persistent Cross -Site Scripting Attack
Set up a vulnerable web application that is susceptible to persistent XSS
Craft a malicious script to exploit the XSS vulnerab ility and execute arbitrary
Observe the consequences of the attack and understand the potential risks
associated with XSS vulnerabilities.
7 Session Impersonation with Firefox and Tamper Data
Install and configure the Tamper Data add -on in Firefox.
Intercept and modify HTTP requests to impersonate a user's session.
Understand the impact of session impersonation and the importance of session
8 SQL Injection Attack
Identify a web application vulnerable to SQL injection.
Craft and execute SQL injection queries to exploit the vulnerability.
Extract sensitive information or manipulate the database through the SQL
injection attack.
9 Creating a Keylogger with Python
Write a Python script that captures and logs keystrokes from a target system.
Execute the keylogger script and observe the logged keystrokes.
Understand the potential security risks associated with keyloggers and the
importance of protecting against them.
10 Exploiting with Metasploit (Kali Linux)
Identify a vulnerable system and exploit it using Metasploit modules.
Gain unauthorized access to the target system and execute commands or extract
Understand the ethical considerations and legal implications of using
Metasploit for penetration testing.
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6051 Customer Relationship Management 2 3
About the Course: This course on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides an in -depth
understanding of the principles, strategies, and tools necessary for managing customer relationships
effectively. Students will explore the various forms of CRM and its impact on business performance.
Additionally, the course covers customer acquisition, retention, and the measurement of customer -
perceived value. Students will also gain insights into strategic and operational CRM, including customer
portfolio management, marketing automation, and service automation. The course concludes with an
examination of analytical CRM and the implementation of CRM strategies through real -life c ase
Course Objectives:
To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of CRM concepts, theories, and
To equip students with the knowledge and skills to manage the customer journey, including
customer acquisition and retention.
To explore the factors that contribute to customer -perceived value and the role of CRM in
enhancing the customer experience.
To familiarize students with strategic and operational CRM approaches, including customer
portfolio management and marketing automatio n.
To introduce students to the analytical aspects of CRM, including data management, analytics
for strategy and tactics, and the implementation of CRM systems.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Students will be able to define and explain the various forms of CRM and their relevance to
business contexts.
Students will acquire the skills to manage the customer journey effectively, including
implementing customer acquisition and retention programs.
Students will understand the importance of customer -perceived value and its impact on
customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business performance.
Students will be able to apply strategic and operational CRM approaches, such as customer
portfolio management a nd marketing automation, to enhance organizational effectiveness.
Students will develop proficiency in analytical CRM techniques, including data management,
analytics for strategy and tactics, and the successful implementation of CRM systems. They will
also be able to analyze and draw insights from real -life case studies and success stories related
to CRM.
Unit Topics No of
I Understanding Customer Relationships
Introduction to CRM: Three forms of CRM, The changing face of CRM,
Misunderstandings about CRM, Defining CRM, CRM constituencies,
Commercial contexts of CRM, Models of CRM, Understanding 15
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relationships, Relationship Quality, Customer life -time value, Customer
satisfaction, loy alty and business performance, Relationship management
theories, Benefits of CRM
Managing the customer journey: customer acquisition, Portfolio
purchasing, Prospecting, Key performance indicators of customer
acquisition programs, Operational CRM tools tha t help customer
acquisition, Customer retention, Economics and Strategies of customer
retention, Key performance indicators of customer retention programs.
Managing customer -experienced value: Understanding value, modeling
customer -perceived value, its sources, Customization, Value through the
marketing mix, Customer Experience concepts, Service marketing, Total
quality management, relationship management, CRM's influence on CX,
How CRM softwa re applications influence customer experience
II Strategic and Operational CRM
Customer portfolio management: Portfolio, customer, Basic disciplines
for CPM, CPM in the business -to-business context, customer portfolio
management tools, strategically si gnificant customers, The seven core
customer management strategies
Marketing automation: Introduction to marketing automation, Benefits,
Software applications for marketing, Sales force automation
Service automation: Introduction, customer service, Modelin g service
quality, Customer service standards, service automation, Benefits, Software
applications for service 15
III Analytical CRM
Developing and managing customer -related databases: Corporate
customer -related data, Structured and unstructured data, Developing a
customer -related database, Data integration, Data warehousing, Data marts,
Analytics for CRM strategy and tactics, Big data analytics, Analytics for
structured data, ways to g enerate analytical insight, Data -mining
procedures, Artificial intelligence (Al), machine learning (ML) and deep
learning (DL)
Implementing CRM: Introduction, develop the CRM strategy, build CRM
project foundations, needs specification and partner selectio n, project
implementation, performance evaluation
Case studies and success stories related to CRM 15
1. Customer Relationship Management Concepts and Technologies, Francis Buttle, Stan Maklan,
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
2. Jagdish N Sheth, Parvatiyar Atul, G Shainesh, Customer Relationship Management - Emerging
Concepts, Tools and Applications, 2017
3. Anderrson Kristin , Carol Kerr, Customer Relationship Management , Tata McGraw -Hill, 2017
Additional Reference(s):
1. V. Kumar & Werner J., CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT, Willey India, 2008
2. S. Shanmugasundaram, CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT, Prentice Hall of
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India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008
Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS 6052 Cyber Laws and IPR 2 3
About the Course: The course on Cyber Laws and IPR provides a comprehensive understanding of the
legal aspects and regulations related to cyberspace and information technology. The course covers a
wide range of topics, including basic concepts, internet technology, network security, cyber law, e -
commerce, electronic signatures, cyber crimes, privacy, intellectual property rights, and more. Students
will explore the legal framework governing cyberspace and develop an understanding of the legal and
ethical issues associated with information technology.
Course Objectives:
Understand fundamental concepts of cyber laws and their relevance in the digital age.
Examine legal frameworks and regulations in cyber laws, including the Information Technology
Act 2000 in India.
Explore key issues in cyber laws such as e -commerce, e -governance, and electronic records and
Gain knowledge of cybercrimes, enforcement mechanisms, and the role of the Cyber Appellate
Analyze emerging issues in cyber laws, including liability of ISPs, privacy concerns, and
jurisdictional aspects.
Understand intellectual property rights and online regulations, including copyrights, patents,
and domain name disputes.
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students would be able to
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of cyber laws and their application in the digital
Evaluate legal frameworks and regulations governing cyber laws.
Identify and assess key issues in cyber laws, such as e-commerce, e -governance, and electronic
records and contracts.
Understand cyber crimes, enforcement mechanisms, and the role of the Cyber Appellate
Analyze emerging issues in cyber laws, including liability of ISPs, privacy concerns, and
jurisdictional complexities.
Recognize intellectual property rights and online regulations, including copyrights, patents, and
domain name disputes.
Unit Topics No of
I Introduction to Cyber Laws and Technology : Basic Concepts, Internet
and Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Technology, Network and
Network Security
Legal Framework and Regulations: Cyber Law & Components of Cyber
Law, Cyber Law in India: An Overview of Information Technology Act 15
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2000, Cryptography, Encryption Technique & Algorithm and Digital
Signature & Electronic Signature
Key Issues in Cyber Laws: E-Commerce, E -Governance, E -Record & E -
Contract, Regulator, Certifying Authority, Electronic Signature Certificates
II Cyber Crimes and Enforcement: Cyber Appellate Tribunal, Cyber
Crimes -Cyber Contraventions, Cyber Offences, Power of Investigation &
Search, E -Evidence and Computer Forensic
Emerging Issues and Legal Considerations: ISP & Intermediary Not to
be Liable in Certain Cases, Consequential Am endments in Various
Conventional Laws in India, Grey Areas of Information Technology Act,
Jurisdiction and Privacy: Cyber Jurisdiction , E-Consumers, Privacy of
Online Data and Information 15
III Intellectual Property Rights and Online Regulations: Free Speech
Online or Online Freedom of Speech and Expression and Liability of
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Copyrights & Patents: International
and Indian Scenario , Copyright Issues and Digital Medium , Patent Issues in
Digital Medium
Disputes and Resolution: Domain Name Dispute & Resolution and
Trademark Issues in Digital Medium , Spamming and Phishing 15
1. Cyber Laws & Information Technology (For LL.B.) Paperback – 1 January 2020
2. Cyber Law in India, Satish Chandra, ABS Books, 2017
3. Cyber Security and Cyber Laws, Nilakshi Jain, Wiley India, October 2020
Additional Reference(s):
1. Cyber Laws, Justice Yatindra Singh, Universal Law Publishing, Universal Publishing, 2016
2. Cyber laws, Dr. Gupta & Agrawal, PREMIER PUBLISHING COMPAN Y, 2022
3. Cyber Law - An Exhaustive Section Wise Commentary On The Information Technology,
Pavan Duggal, Universal Publishing (LexisNexis), 2nd Edition, 2017
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Course Code Course Title Credits Lectures
USCS P605 Project Work – II 2 3
Refer to the Project Guidelines mentioned at the end
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Evaluation Sche me
I. Internal Evaluation for Theory Courses – 25 Marks
(i) Mid-Term Class T est – 15 Marks
It should be conducted using any learning management system such as Moodle
(Modul ar object-oriented dynamic learning environment)
The test should have 15 MCQ’s which should be solved in a time duration of 30
(ii) Assignment/ Case study/ Presentations – 10 Marks
Assignment / Case Study Report / Presentation can be uploaded on any learning
management system.
II. External Examination for Theory Courses – 75 Marks
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Theory question paper pattern:
All qu estions are compu lsory.
Question Based on Options Marks
Q.1 Unit I Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.2 Unit II Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.3 Unit III Any 4 out of 6 20
Q.4 Unit I, II and III Any 5 out of 6 15
All qu estions sh all be compulso ry with int ernal choice within the qu estions.
Each Question m ay be sub -divid ed into sub qu estions as a, b, c, d, etc. & the
allocation of M arks depends on the weightage of t he topi c.
III. Practical Examination
Each subject carries 50 Marks
40 m arks + 05 marks (journal) + 05 marks (viva)
Duration: 2 Hours for each practical course.
Minimum 80% practical from each core subjects are required to be completed.
Certified Journal is compulsory for appearing at the time of P ractical Ex am
The final submission and evaluation of journal in electronic form using a Learning
Management System / Platform can be promoted by college.
IV. Project
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The evaluation of the project will include a viva voce, which will assess the project based
on the following parameters:
Documentation – 30 Marks: The completeness, accuracy, and professionalism of the
project documentation, including the project report and supporting materials, will be
Quality of the Project – 15 Marks: The overall quality of the project, including its
design, implement ation, and user experience, will be evaluated.
Working of the Project – 20 Marks: The functionality and performance of the project
will be assessed to determine how well it meets the specified requirements and
Project Presentation – 15 Marks: The clarity, organization, and effectiveness of the
project presentation will be evaluated.
Viva – 20 Marks: The viva voce session will provide an opportunity for the student to
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the project, as well as to ans wer
questions and engage in a discussion with the evaluators.
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Project Guidelines (for USCSP505 and USCSP605 )
The Project Work as part of B.Sc. Computer Science program provides students with practical experience
in applying their knowledge and skills to real -world projects, emphasizing hands -on experience in
industry -standard project practices. It focuses on project development, implementation, and deployment
using computer science principles and techniques. Students will work individually or in teams to design,
develop, and present a substantial software project, gaining exposure to real -life project scenarios. It also
covers project planning, requirements gathering, software design, coding, testing, debugging,
documentation, and project managem ent, following industry best practices. Through these projects,
students will enhance their problem -solving abilities, gain proficiency in software development
methodologies, and strengthen their practical skills in computer science.
Apply inte rdisciplinary knowledge to effectively solve real -life problems using acquired skills and
Gain hands -on experience in the software development life cycle, encompassing requirements
analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.
Famili arize with global IT industry standards, ethics, and professional practices to thrive in a
professional environment.
Develop teamwork and project management skills through structured collaboration, effective
communication, and task delegation.
Produce prof essional technical documentation aligning with industry practices, ensuring clarity,
accuracy, and usability.
Acquire time management, resource allocation, and personnel coordination skills for efficient project
Project Types:
a) Developing a solution for a real -life problem: In this case, the project focuses on addressing an
existing requirement for a computer -based solution that has practical applications. The project
should successfully implement the different stages of the syst em development life cycle.
Examples: Secure Online Banking System, Machine Learning -based Disease Diagnosis System,
Cloud -based Document Management System.
b) Innovative Product Development: These projects involve exploring and developing a computer -
based sol ution with a unique and innovative utility. Examples: Cybersecurity Monitoring and
Threat Detection System, Machine Learning -powered Predictive Maintenance System for
Industrial Equipment, IoT -based Smart Energy Management System.
c) Research -Level Project: These projects involve conducting research and development to explore
advanced technologies and solve complex problems. Examples: Deep Learning -based Image
Recognition System for Medical Imaging, Cloud Computing Infrastructure Optimization for Big
Data Proc essing, Data Science -driven Predictive Analytics for Sales Forecasting. The
methodology and reporting of such projects may vary based on the project supervisor's guidance.
Tools & Technologies:
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In the project work, students are granted complete freedom t o select platforms, tools, and programming
languages without any imposed restrictions. This approach encourages creativity, flexibility, and
exploration of various technologies. By prioritizing open -source technologies, students can leverage a vast
array o f resources and community support. Commonly employed tools include IDEs, version control
systems (e.g., Git), programming languages (e.g., Python, Java), databases (e.g., MySQL), and web
frameworks (e.g., Django, Ruby on Rails). The evaluation process focu ses on the project's content and
implementation rather than the specific tools chosen, ensuring a fair assessment of the students' skills and
problem -solving abilities.
Project Guide :
Assigning a project guide to each project or group is a mandatory requi rement to ensure the successful
completion of the project work. The guide plays a crucial role as a mentor and technical expert, providing
invaluable support and guidance to students. They are expected to facilitate effective communication and
teamwork, re view project proposals, assign schedules, and monitor progress on a regular basis.
Additionally, guides are expected to offer timely feedback, provide guidance on project planning and
implementation strategies, evaluate the quality of work, and promote pro fessionalism and ethical conduct.
Their expertise and involvement are essential in helping students navigate challenges, make informed
decisions, and achieve their project goals effectively.
Project Team Size: 1 – 2 members
Project Proposal: The project proposal is a mandatory document that serves as a foundation for the
project. It helps students define their project idea, receive early evaluation and feedback, establish clear
communication with the project guide, and take ownership of the projec t's successful execution. A formal
proposal ensure s systematic and professional project planning, fostering critical thinking, effective
communication, and project management skills. The proposal provides a roadmap and increases the
chances of a successful outcome. Before initiating a project, it is mandatory to submit a project proposal
for approval. The original duly approved project proposal should be attached to the final project
report. The project proposal for UG computer science projects should inclu de the following contents:
Objectives: Clearly state the objectives of the project. What specific goals do you aim to achieve?
Tools and Technologies
Expected Outcomes
Project Report :
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The Certified Copy of Hard Bound P roject Report must adhere to the following guidelines:
No of Copies: Team Size + 1 (College / Department Copy)
The project report should include the following
o Title Page (Sample attached in Appendix)
o Certificate (Sample attached in Appendix)
o Declaration (Sample attached in Appendix)
o Acknowledgement
o Table of Contents
o Original Copy of approved Project Proposal
o Self-attested copy of Plagiarism Report from any open source tool.
o Chapters / Sections depending upon the type of p roject
o List of Tables and/or List of Figures
o References (IEEE / Springer format)
o Glossary
o Appendices (Survey datasheets / Questionnaires, ect)
Use of LaTeX for documentation purposes should be preferred.
The text of the report should be set in 12 pt, Times New Roman font, and single -spaced.
Chapter headings should be centered, written in 20 pt, Times New Roman font, bold, and in all
These guidelines ensure a standardized format for the project report, promoting clarity and
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Submitted by
in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
under the guidance of
Department of Computer Science
(Sem V / VI)
(202- – 202-)
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Department of Computer Science
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ____________________________________ of T.Y.B.Sc. (Sem
V/VI) class has satisfactorily completed the Project __________________________, to be submitted in
the partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science during the academic
year 202- – 202-.
Date of Submission:
Project Guide Head / Incharge,
Department Computer Science
College Seal Signatur e of Examiner
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I, ______________________________, hereby declare that the project entitled
“____________________________________________________” submitted in the partial
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science during the academic year
202- – 202- is my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree, associateship, fellowship or any other similar titles.
Signature of the Student:
Prof. Shivram S. Garje,
Dean ,
Faculty of Science and Technology