TYBSc Zoology Sem V VI1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC - 11th May, 2017
Item No. 4.239
For the development of any modern society Science play a key role. Progress in various fields of
Science and Technology has become the tools to understand life processes. Since knowledge in all
branches and fields is growing globally at a fast pace with new disciplines emerging . This approach
has necessitated the revision of the present curriculum. At the undergraduate level effectual science
education can be communicate d only by restructur ing the curriculum . To achi eve this goal, it is,
therefore, imperative to update the existing syllabus accordingly, taking into account the broader
perspective of Curriculum . Effort is taken to make the syllabi compatible with other universities
and at the same time it is ensured that the syllabus is not very intense . The present curriculum will
expose students to various fields in Zoology. Curricula with basic as well as advanced concepts in the
Zoology at the third year shall inspire the students for pursuing higher studies in Zoology . It is foresee
that students will have more avenue to pursue their own interests and chosen field of courses , it will
also enable students to get employed in the Biological research Institutes, Industries, Educational
Institutes and in the range of concerning departments based on subject Zoology. The syllabus contains
different components and learning outcomes specifi ed. The other major components of the new syllabus
is project . The aim of introducing project is to provide experiential learning through active participation
that enables the student to develop and demonstrate analytical, judgmental, presentation and
communication skills. Format provided along with the syllabus gives guidelines to engrave the project
systematically . Committee comprising senior teachers were nominated from degree colleges after
several interactive session and discussion the syllabus was prepared. On behalf of the Board Members, I
place on record the endeavor by the committee and help rendered by one and all , It is hoped that this
curriculum document, prepared would provide the level of competency.
Dr Anita S. Jadhav
Chairperson Ad -hoc BoS in Zoology
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T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester based Credit and Grading System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2017 -18)
Semester V
Course Unit Topic Credits Lectures /week
USZO501 I Level s of organization
2.5 1
II Taxonomy of Phylum Protozoa to Phylum
Nemathelminthes 1
III Taxonomy of Phylum Annelida to Phylum
Echinodermata 1
IV Type study : Sepia 1
USZO502 I Basic Hematology
2.5 1
II Applied Hematology 1
III Basic Immunology 1
IV Applied Immunology 1
USZO503 I Molecular Biology
2.5 1
II Genetic engineering 1
III Human Genetics 1
IV Tissue Culture 1
USZO504 I Integumentary system and derivatives
2.5 1
II Endocrine glands and r egulation 1
III Human O steology 1
IV Experimental and Chick Embryology 1
10 16
USZOP05 Practical s of Course USZO501 and
Practical s of Course USZO502
USZOP06 Practical s of Course USZO503, USZO504 and
Project Component
6 16
Total 16 32
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T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Theory)
Course 11
Course Code: USZO501
Unit 1: Levels of organization
(15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To comprehend, compare and distinguish the levels of organisation in the animal kingdom.
Learning outcome:
Learner s will develop conceptual clarity with regard to the anatomy of animals at different levels.
Learner s shall comprehend the evolutionary perspective of each level of organisation. Learner s will
know the importance of the significance and adv antages of each level of organisation.
1.1: Levels of Organization (3 lectures)
1.1.1: Unicellularity, multicellularity, colonization
1.1.2: Cellular grade of organization, tissue grade of or ganization, formation of germ layer s
1.2: Symmetry (4 lectures)
1.2.1: Evolutionary perspective and definition
1.2.2: Types -
a. Asymmetry – e.g. Amoeba
b. Radial – e.g. Bi -radial - Aurelia (Jellyfish); Penta -radial - Asterais (Starfish)
c. Bi -lateral – e.g. Simple – Planaria; Complex - Mus (Rat)
1.2.3: Significance and Advantages
1.3: Coelom (4 lectures)
1.3.1: Evolutionary perspective and definition
1.3.2: Development of Coelom -
a. Organization of tissues
b. Diploblastic and Triploblastic organization
1.3.3: Types -
a. Acoelomate – e.g. Platyhelminthes - Planaria
b. Pseudo coelomate – e.g. Nematoda - Ascaris (Round worm)
c. Coelomate – e.g. Annelida - Pheretima (Earthworm)
1.3.4: Significance and Adva ntages
1.4: Segmentation/ Metamerism (4 lectures)
1.4.1: Evolutionary perspective and definition
1.4.2: Theories of segmentation
1.4.3: Types -
a. Homonymous – e.g. Annelida - Pheretima (Earthworm)
b. Heteronomous – e.g. Crustacean - Panulirus (Lobster)
c. Cephalization – e.g. Insecta - Periplanata (Cockroach)
d. Tagmatization – e. g. Panulirus (Lobster)
e. Cephalothorax – e.g. Penaeus (Prawn)
1.4.4: Significance and Advantages
Unit 2: Taxonomy of Phylum Protozoa to Phylum Nematoda (15 lectures)
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Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to the modern system of animal classification. To describe the
distinguishing characters of major invertebrate phyla and their adaptive features with reference
to their habitat.
Learning outcome:
Learners will understand that scientific classification of animals is based on certain
characteristics the y have in common. Learners will be able to recall characteristics features and
examples of each phylum. Learners will be familiar with protozoan and helminth parasites.
2.1: Principles of Taxonomy (1 lecture)
Linnaean Hierarchy, Binomial Nomenclature,
Five Kingdom classification
2.2: Phylum Protozoa (5 lectures)
2.2.1: General characters and classification
2.2.2: Locomotion in Protozoa - amoeboid, flagellar, ciliary, gliding
2.2.3: Reproduction in Protozoa - asexual and sexual
2.2.4: Morphology, life cycle, pathogenicity and control measures:
Plasmodium, Entamoeba
2.3: Phylum Porifera (3 lectures)
2.3.1: General o rganization and classification
2.3.2: Skeleton in sponges
2.3.3: Canal system in sponges
2.4: Phylum Cnidaria (2 lectures)
2.4.1: General characters and classification
2.4.2: Obelia - Polymorphism, life cycle and alternation of ge nerations
2.5: Phylum Platyhelminthes (2 lectures)
2.5.1: General characters and classification
2.5.2: Life history of Fasciola hepatica
2.6: Phylum Nematoda (2 lectures)
2.6.1: General characters and classification
2.6.2: Life history of Ascaris lumbricoides and its parasitic adaptations
Unit 3: Taxonomy of Phylum Annelida to Phylum Hemichordata (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce basic concepts of invertebrate classification in animal kingdom from phylum
Annelida to Echinodermata. To study general characteristics and salient features of animals
belonging to phylum Annelida to Hemichordata.
Learning outcome:
Learners will get an idea of higher group s of invertebrate animal life and their classification.
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3.1: Phylum Annelida (3 lectures)
3.1.1: General characters and classification
3.1.2: Diversity in habit and habitat
3.1.3: Adaptive radiation in Class Polychaeta
3.2: Phylum Arthropoda (4 lectures)
3.2.1: General characters and classification
3.2.2: Larval forms of Crustacea; social life, moulting and metamorphosis in Insecta;
Vision in Arthropoda
3.2.3: Affinities of Onychophora
3.3: Phylum Mollusca (3 lectures)
3.3.1: General characters and classification
3.3.2: Torsion and detorsion
3.4: Phylum Echinodermata (2 lectures)
3.4.1: General characters and classification
3.4.2: Water vascular system
3.5: Hemichordates (2 lectures)
Genera l characters and classification, e.g. Balanoglossus
3.6: Basic concepts of phylogeny (1 lecture)
Unit 4: Type study - Sepia (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To study one inve rtebrate type animal, e.g. Sepia
Learning outcome:
Learners will get an idea of general characteristics and details of invertebrate animal systems.
General chara cters and classification; Habit and habita t; External characters; Mantle cavity;
locomotion; economic importance (5 lectures)
Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory sys tem, Excretory system, Nervous
system, Sense organs and Reproductive system (10 lectures)
Modern text book of Zoology – Inverteb rates; Eleventh; Edition Professor R.L. Kotpal;
Rastogi publication
Invertebrate Zoology; E.L. Jordan and P.S. Verma
A manual of Zoology - Part I, Invertebrata; Ayyar, M. Ekambaranath
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Invertebrate Zoology – Volumes of different Phyla; Hyman L.H.
Invertebra te Zoology for Degree students; V. K. Agarwal; S.Chand Publication; 2012
Invertebrate Zoology - Vol 1; Parker and Haswell
Biology of Invertebrates; J.A.Pechnik,Fourth Edition; Tata Mcgraw Hill
A textbook of Zoology; T.J.Parker & W.A.Haswell; MacMillan
Invertebrate Zoology; Bares; Saunders
Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; New Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata; 1999
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Theory)
Course 12
Course Code: USZO502
Unit 1: Basic Hematology (15 lectures )
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to composition of blood. To acquaint the learners with the physiology
of blood clotting, transport of gases and clinical aspects of haematology.
Learning outcome:
Learners would be able to realize the fundamental concepts in haematology.
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1.1: Composition of blood (1 lecture)
Plasma & formed elements
1.2: Blood volume (2 lectures)
Total quantity and regulation; haemorrhage
1.3: Plasma protein s (2 lectures)
Inorganic co nstituents, respiratory gases, o rganic constitue nts other than proteins
(include internal secretions, antibodies and enzymes)
1.4: RBC s (2 lectures)
Structure and functi ons, abnormalities in structure, total count, vari ation in number; types
of anaemia and genetic disorders; ESR
1.5: Hemoglobin (3 lectures)
Structure, f ormation and degradation , role in transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
(Chlo ride shift and Bohr‟s effect); t ypes of hemoglobin (foetal, adult and sickle)
1.6: WBC s (2 lectures)
Types of leukocytes and function; t otal count and variation in number; leucopoiesis and
leukemia and its types
1.7: Blood clotting (3 lectures)
Thrombocytes; factors and mechanis m of coagulation; anticoagulants; formation of blood
platelets (t hromb opoiesis); clotting mechanism; bleeding and clotting time; failure of
clotting mechanism; haemophilia and purpura
Unit 2: Applied Hematology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to basics of applied hematology. To impart knowledge of basic
diagnostic techniques used in pathology.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be familiar with different terminologies and diagnostic tests performed in a
pathological laboratory. Learners will be better equipped for taking any further pathological
course or working in a diagnostic laboratory.
2.1: Introducti on to Applied Hematology (3 lectures)
Definition, scope and brief introduction of basic branch es: clinical, microbiological,
oncological and forensic hematology
2.2: Diagnostic techniques used in hematology
2.2.1: Microscopic examination of blood: For detection of blood cancers (Lymphoma,
Myeloma); infectious diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Leishmaniasis);
hemoglobinopathies (Sickle cell, Thalassemia) (2 lectures)
2.2.2: Coagulopathies: Diagnostic methods (h emophilia and purpura) (1 lecture)
2.2.3: Microbiological examination: Blood culture: Method and application in
diagnosis of infectious diseases (Typhoid and TB) (1 lecture)
2.2.4: Biochemical examinations of blood for: (5 lect ures)
Liver function test s: Albumin, AST, ALT, AST:ALT ratio, Total bilirubin,
Direct bilirubin, Prothrombin time / International normalized ratio (PT/INR),
Serum glucose, LDH and Alkaline phosphatase
Kidney function test s: Serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen
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Carbohydrate metabolism tests : Blood sug ar, Glucose tolerance test,
Glycosylated hemoglobin test
Other biochemical tests: Blood hormones (Thyroid, FSH, LH), Cancer Antigen
test (CA124 or CA125)
2.2.5: Blood Bank: Collection, storage, preservation of its components (1 lecture)
2.2.6: Blood transfusion: Crossing matching, Transfusion of blood and bone marrow
transplant (2 lectures)
Unit 3: Basic Immunology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the topic of immunology by emphasizing the basic concepts to build a strong
foundation. To give an overview of the immune system that plays an important role in disease
Learning outcome:
Learners would comprehend the types of immunity and the components of immune system.
Learners would realize the significant role of immune system in giving resistance against
3.1: Overview of Immunology (1 lecture)
Definition and scope
3.2: Components of immune system:
3.2.1: Innate immunity – Definition, Factors affecting in nate immunity, Mechanisms of
innate immunity – physical barriers, chemical barriers and cellular barriers
(2 lectures)
3.2.2: Adaptive or Acquired immunity – Active Acquired immunity – Natural and
Artificial; Passive Acquired immunity – Natural and Artificial (1 lecture )
3.3: Cells and Organs of immune system
3.3.1: Cells of immune system – B cells, T cells and null c ells, macrophages, dendritic
cells and mast cells (1 lecture)
3.3.2: Organs of immune system – Primary – Thymus and bone marrow; Secondary -
Lymph node and spleen (2 lectures)
3.4: Antigens
Definition, properties of antigens; haptens (1 lecture)
3.5: Antibodies (2 lectures)
Definition, basic structure, classes of antibodies – IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE
(2 lectures)
3.6: Hypersensitivity, Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiency (3 lectures)
3.6.1: Definition of Hypersensitivity; Classification of hypersensit ivity reactions: Type -I,
Type -II, Type -III and Type -IV (one example of each type)
3.6.2: Introduction and a brief account of autoimmunity and example, Rheumatoid
3.6.3: Introduction to immunodeficiency – Congenital, e.g. SC ID; Acquired,
e.g. AIDS
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Unit 4: Applied Immunology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to immune related pathologies. To make the learners understand the
conc ept of vaccines and vaccination . To familiarise the learners to immunological perspectives
of organ transplant and tumour treatment.
Learning outcome:
Learners would underst and immune related pathologies. Learners would understa nd the
principle and application s of vaccines. Learners would develop basic understanding of
immunology of organ transplantation and cancer treatment.
4.1: Antigen -Antibody interaction (5 lectures)
General features of antigen -antibody interaction ; Preci pitation reaction: Definition,
characteristics and mechanism, precipitation in gels (slid e test) - Radial immunodiffusion
(Mancini method), Double immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony method); Agglutination reaction:
definition, characteristics and mechanism, Haem agglutination (slide and micro -tray
agglutination), passive agglutination, Coomb‟s test and ELISA
4.2: Vaccines and Vaccination (5 lectures)
Brief history of vaccination, p rinciples of vaccines, Ac tive and Passive immunization; Routes
of vaccine administration
Classificati on of Vaccines: Live attenuated, Whole -Killed or inactivated, Sub -unit
vaccines: Toxoids, Protein vaccines, Viral -like particles, DNA vaccines
Adjuvants: Introduction and application; Adjuvants used for human vaccines (Alum,
Virosomes and Liposomes, Saponins, Water -in-oil emulsions)
Vaccines against human pathogens: Polio; Hepatitis A and B; Rotavirus; Tuberculosis
(BCG); Diphtheria, Tetanus and P ertussis (DPT); Typhoid (TAB) vaccines
4.3: Transplantation and Tumour immunity (5 lectures)
Transplantation: Introduction to transplantation; Types of grafts; Immunologic basis of
graft rejection: MHC compatibility in organ transplantation, Lymphocyte mediated graft
rejection, Antibody mediated graft rejection; Prevention of graft rejection;
Immunosuppressive therapy
Tumour immunology (Cancer immunology): Introduction to cellular transformation and
cancer; Tumour antigens and immune surveillance ; Immunotherapy: Antigen -independent
cytokine therapy, Stimulati on of cell -mediated immune responses, Passive immunotherapy
Basic Hematology
Human Physiology - Volume 1; C.C. Chat terjee
Essentials of H aematology; Shirish M . Kawthalkar ; Jaypee Brothers
Williams Hematology; Kenneth Kaushansky , Marshall A. Lichtman , E. Beutler , Thomas
J. Kipps , Josef Prchal , Uri Seligsohn
Essential Haematol ogy; Victor Hoffbrand , Paul Moss , John Pettit
Rapid Review of Hemato logy; Ramadas Nayak ; Jaypee Brothers
Precise Haematology; Usha R usia, Meera Sikka, Renu Saxena; Wiley India
Short Textbook of Haematology; Shah B.S.; C.B.S. Publisher and Distributor
Page 10
Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; Ne w Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata; 1999
Mechanisms of Body Functions; Second Edition; Dexter M. Easton; Prentice -Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi; 1978
A Text book of Practical Physiology; First Edition; V.G. Ranade; A.V.G. Prakashan,
Pune; 1968
Applied Hematology
Harrison's Hematology and Oncology ; 3rd Edition (Harrison's Specialty) ; Dan
Longo; McGraw -Hill
Essentials of Haematology; Second Edition ; Kawthalkar Shirish M. ; Jaypee ; 2013
Medical Biochemistry by M.N. Chatterjee and Rana Shinde ; Jaypee; 2012
Essentials in Hema tology and Clinical Pathology; Nayak, Ramadas
Clini cal Pathology and Hematology; Maheshwari, Nanda; Jaypee
Practical Hematology; Dacie J V ; Churchill Livingstone ; 2006
Lecture Notes: Haematology; Hatton, Chris S. R. Hughes -Jones, Nevin C. Hay,
Deborah ; Wiley -Blackwell
ABC serie s : ABC of Clinical Haematology; Provan; Drew Publisher: BMJ
Basic Immunology
Immunology - Introductory Textbook; Shetty, N .; New Age International ; 2005
Immunology - Essential and Fundamental; Pathak, S., & Palan, U.; Science
Publishers ; 2005
Immunology: A textbook; Rao, C. V.; Alpha Science Int'l Ltd. ; 2005
Ananthanarayan and Paniker's textbook of microbiology; C. J. Paniker (Ed.);
Ananthanarayan, R.; Orient Blackswan ; 2005
Textbook of Immunology ; Haleem khan, Rajendra Sagar, S adguna
Prescott‟s Microbiology; Ninth Edition; Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwo od &
Christopher J. Woolverton; McGraw -Hill Education; 2014
Applied Immunology
Cellular and molecular immun ology; Abbas, A. K., Lichtman, A. H. & Pillai S.; Elsevier
Health Sciences ; 2014
Roitt's essential immunology (Vol. 20); Delves, P. J., Martin, S. J., Burton, D. R., &
Roitt, I. M. ; John Wiley & Sons ; 2011
The elements of immunology; Khan, F. H.; Pearson Education , India ; 2009
Immunology; Kindt, T. J., Goldsby, R. A., Osborne, B. A., Kuby, J.; Sixth Edition; W.H.
Freeman and Company ; 2006
Janeway's Immunobiology; Murphy, K., & Weaver, C.; Garland Science ; 2016
Fundamental Immunology; Paul, W. E.; Philadelphia: Lippincott -Raven ; 1999
Imm unology - Introductory Textbook; Shetty N.; New Age International ; 2005
Prescott‟s Microbiology; Ninth Edition; J oanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood &
Christopher J. Woolverton; McGraw -Hill Education; 2014
Additional reading:
Page 11
The Emperor of All Maladies: A biography of Cancer; Siddhartha Mukherjee
Scribner ,
New York; 2010
Molecular Cell Biology; Fifth edition; Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Paul Matsudaira,
Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, S. Lawrence Zipursky & James
Darnell; W.H. Freeman & Company, New York; 2004
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Theory)
Course 13
Course Code: USZO503
Unit 1: Molecular Biology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
Introduce the learners to chemical and molecular processes that affect genetic material. It also
intends to make them understand the concept of DNA damage and repair, and how gene co ntrol
is necessary for cell survival.
Learning outcome:
The course will prepare learners to recognize the significance of molecular biology as a basis
for the study of other areas of biology and biochemistry. Moreover, it will also assist them in
understanding related areas in relatively new fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology.
1.1: Types of mutation (4 lectures)
1.1.1: Point mutations – substitution, deletion and insertion mutations
Substitution mutations – silent (same -sense), missense and nonsense mutations,
transition and transversion
Deletion and Insertion mutations – frameshift mutations
1.1.2: Trinucleotide repeat expansions – fragile X syndrome, Huntington dis ease
1.1.3: Spontaneous mutation – tautomeric shifts, spontaneous lesions
1.2: Induced mutations/mutagens/mutagenic agents/DNA damage (4 lectures)
1.2.1: Physical agents – ionizing radiation (X -rays, α, β and γ rays), non -ionizing
radiation (UV light)
1.2.2: Chemical agents – base analogs (5 -bromouracil, 2 -aminopurine), intercalating
agents (acridine dyes, ethidium bromide and ICR compounds), deaminating
agents (bisulfite compounds and nitrous acid), hydroxylating ag ents
(hydroxylamine), alkylating agents (ethylme thanesulphonate, ethylethane
sulphonate, mustard gas, nitrogen mustard, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons),
aflatoxin (aflatoxin B 1)
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1.3: Preventative and repair mechanisms for DNA damage (5 lectures)
1.3.1: Mechanisms that prevent DNA damage – superoxide dismutase and
1.3.2: Mechanisms that repair damaged DNA – direct DNA repair (alkyltransferases,
photoreactivation, excision repair)
1.3.3: Postreplication repair – recombination repair, m ismatch repair, SOS repair,
transcription - repair coupling
1.4: Eukaryotic gene expression (2 lectures)
1.4.1: Regulatory proteins – zinc fingers, helix -turn-helix domain and leucine zipper
1.4.2: DNA methylation
Unit 2: Genetic Engineering (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce learners to a set of techniques to modify an organism’s genome to produce
improved or novel genes and organisms.
Learning outcome:
The learners will get acquainted with the vast array of techniques used to tamper genes which
can be applied in numerous fields like medicine, research, etc. for human benefit.
2.1: Tools in Genetic Engineering
2.1.1: Enzymes involved in Genetic Engineering: (2 lectures)
Introduction, nomenclature and types with examples, working mechanism,
Ligases – E.coli DNA ligase, T4 DNA lig ase, polynucleotide kinase, phosphatases,
DNA and RNA polymerases, rev erse t ranscriptase, terminal transferase
2.1.2: Vectors for gene cloning: (2 lectures)
General properties, advantages and disa dvantages of cloning vectors - plasmid
vectors, phage vectors, cosmid vectors, phasmid vectors, BAC vectors
2.1.3: Cloning techniques: (2 lectures)
Cloning after restriction digestion - blunt and cohesive end ligation, creation of
restriction sites using linkers and adapters, cloning after homopolymer tailing,
cDNA synthesis (Reverse transcription), genomic and cDNA libraries
2.1.4: Transfection techniques: (2 lectures)
Liposome mediated gene transfer, calcium phosphate precipitation method,
electroporation, virus mediated gene transfer - Retrovirus
2.2: Techniques in Genetic Engineering
2.2.1: PCR techniques: (1 lectures)
Principle of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Variants in PCR, Applications of
2.2.2: Sequencing techni ques: (2 lectures)
DNA sequencing: Maxam -Gilbert method, Sanger‟s method – Manual and
automated methods
Protein sequencing: Sanger‟s method, Edma n‟s method, Applications of
sequencing techniques
2.2.3: Separation and detection techniques: (4 lectures)
Blotting techniques: Southern blotting, Northern blotting and Western blotting
Applications of blotting techniques
Microarray techniques: ESTs, DNA Microarray and Applications
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Unit 3: Human Genetics (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce learners with genetic alterations in human genome and their diagnosis.
Learning outcome:
The learners will become aware of the impact of changes occurring at gene level on human
health and its diagnosis.
3.1: Non -disjunction during mitosis and meiosis (5 lectures)
3.1.1: Chromosomal Aberrations:
Structural: Deletion: types, effects and disorders; Translocation: types:
robertsonian and non -robertsonian, disorders; Inversion: types, effects and
significance; Duplication and their evolutionary significance (multigene
Numerical: Aneuploidy and Polyploidy (Autoploidy and Alloploidy)
3.2: Genet ic Disorders (5 lectures)
3.2.1: Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Phenylke tonuria, G -6-PD deficiency,
Alkaptonuria, Albinism, Niemann Pick syndrome
3.2.2: Single gene mutation: Cystic fibrosis, Muscular dystrophy
3.2.3: Multifactorial: Breast Cancer, Diabetes mellitus, Ischemic heart
3.2.4: Uniparental Disomy: Angelman Syndrome and Prader Willi Syndrome
3.3: Diagnosis (5 lectures)
3.3.1: Prenatal Diagnosis (Amniocentesis) and chorio -villus s ampling - Ultrasound
scanning and Fetosco py, Banding techniques (G, C, Q ), FISH and M -
FISH, Protein truncation test (PTT), Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
and its applications
3.3.2: Applications: Principles and strategies in i dentifying the abnormal genes
(position independent and dependent), use of abnormalities, confirming a
candidate gene
3.3.3: Genetic counselling: Psycho -social aspects for the individual and the family in
connection with genetic investigations
Unit 4: Tissue C ulture (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
Introduce the learners to fundamental concepts of cell culture and guide them progressively to
certain areas which now -a-days are basic to the performance of animal cell culture.
Learning outcome:
The course will prepare learners to understand significance of cell culture as a tool in
specialized areas of research and its applications in industries like biotechnology, in fields such
as in vitro fertilization and replacement of anim als in medical and toxicology experiments.
4.1: Introduction to animal cell culture (2 lectures)
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4.1.1: Advantages of tissue culture – control of the environment, characterization and
homogeneity of sample, economy, scale and mechanization, in vitro modeling of
in vivo conditions
4.1.2: Limitations of tissue culture – expertise, quantity, dedi fferentiation and selection,
origin of cells, instability
4.2: Aseptic technique s (3 lectures)
4.2.1: Objectives of aseptic technique s – maintaining sterility
4.2.2: Sterilization – basic principles of sterilization, importance of sterility in cell culture
4.2.3: Sterile handling – swabbing, capping, flaming, h andling bottles and flasks,
pipetting, pouring
4.3: Culture media (5 lectures)
4.3.1: Physicochemical properties – pH, CO 2 and bicarbonate, buffering, O 2, osmolality,
temperature, viscosity, surface tension and foaming
4.3.2: Types of media – Natural and Artificial media
4.3.3: Serum – protein, growth factors, hormones, nutrients and metabolites, lipids,
minerals and inhibitors
4.3.4: Balanced Salt Solutions
4.3.5: Complete Media – amino ac ids, vitamins, salts, glucose, oxygen supplements,
hormones and growth factors, antibiotics
4.4: Primary c ulture and establishment of cell lines (5 lectures)
4.4.1: Establishment of primary cultures from various sources – normal „versus‟ tumour,
adult „versus‟ embryo, human „versus‟ animal, source of material
4.4.2: Isolation of cells – enzyme digestion, perfusion, mechanical disaggregation,
explants cultures
4.4.3: Substrate for attachment
4.4.4: Culture conditions – selection against some cell types, condi tioned medium, feeder
Molecular B iology
Genetics – The continuity of life; Daniel Fairbanks and Ralph Andersen; Brooks/ Cole
Publishing Company; 1999
Introduction to Molecular Biology; Peter Paolella; Tata McGraw Hill; 2010
Molecular Biology; David Freifelder; Narosa Publishing House; 2008
Genetics; Robert Weaver and Philip Hedrick; McGraw Hill; 2001
iGenetics – A Molecular Approach; Third Edition; Pete r J. Russell; Pearson Education,
Inc. (Benjamin Cummings), San Francisco; 2010
Molecular Biology – Academic Cell Update; Update Edition; David Clark; Elsevier, Inc.;
Genetics; M.W. Farnsworth; Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., USA; 1978
Principles of G enetics; Eighth Edition; Gardner, Simmons and Snustad; John Wiley and
Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Singapore; 2002
The Science of Genetics – An Introduction to Heredity; Fourth Edition; George W.
Burns; Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York; 1980
Page 15
Molecular Bi ology – Bios Instant Notes; Fourth Edition; Alexander McLennan, Andy
Bates, Phil Turner & Mike White; Garland Science; 2013
Additional reading:
The Gene: An Intimate History; Siddhartha Mukherjee; Scribner , New York; 2016
The Handling of Chromosomes; Sixth Edition; C.D. Darlington & L.F. La Cour; George
Allen & Unwin Ltd., London; 1976
Molecular Cell Biology; Fifth edition; Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Paul Matsudaira,
Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, S. Lawrence Zipursky & James
Darnell; W.H. Freeman & Company, New York; 2004
Genetic E ngineering
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology ; Frederick M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Robert
E. Kingston, David D. Moore, Seidman J. G., John A. Smith and Kevin Struhl; John
Wiley& Son, Inc.; 2003
Introduction to Proteomics ; Daniel C. Liebler; Humana Press; 2002
Molecular cloning ; Joseph S ambrook, David William Russell; Third Edition; CSHL
Press; 2001
Gene Cloning – An Introduction ; Brown .T.A; Fourth Edition; Wiley -Blackwell; 2011
Recombinant DNA - Genes and Genomes - A short course; 3rd Edition; Watson, J.D.,
Myers, R.M., Caudy A., Witkowski, J.K.; Freeman and Co. NY ; 2007
Principles Of Ge ne Manipulation & Genomics; Primrose SB and R. Twyman;
Blackwell Science Publications; 2006
Methods In Enzymology , Vol 152; Berger Sl, Kimmer AR; Academic Press; 1987
Genomes 3; Third Edition; T.A.Brown; Garland Science Publishing; 2007
Molecular Biotechno logy - Principles and applications of recombinant DNA; Glick, B.R.
and Pasternak, J. J.; ASM press, Washington ; 2010
Microbiology ; Fifth Edition; Pelczar, M.J. et al ; Tata McGraw -Hill Co. , New Delhi ; 2001
Introduction to Protein Structure ; Second Edition; Branden C. and Tooze J.; Garlan
Publishing; 1999
Proteins ; Second Edition; Creighton T.E.; W.H. Freeman; 1993
Proteomics - Protein Sequence to Function ; Pennington, S.R and M.J. Dunn; Viva
Books; 2002
Genetic engineering – Principles and Practice; Sandh ya Mitra; Macmillan India Ltd.,
New Delhi
Biotechnology – Fundamentals and Applications; Third Enlarged Edition; S.S. Purohit;
Student Edition, Jodhpur; 2005
Biotechnology – Expanding Horizons; B.D.Singh; Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
A textbook of Biotechnology; R.C.Dubey; S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi
Molecular Biology – Bios Instant Notes; Fourth Edition; Alexander McLennan, Andy
Bates, Phil Turner & Mike White; Garland Science; 2013
Human G enetics
Page 16
iGenetics – A Molecular Approach; Third Edition; Peter J. Russell; Pearson Education,
Inc. (Benjamin Cummings), San Francisco; 2010
Cell and Molecular Biology; Eighth Edition; E.D.P. De Robertis, E.M.F. De Robertis Jr.;
Info-Med Ltd.; 1988
Genetics (Bios Instant Notes); Third Edition; G.I. Hick ey, H.L. Fletcher and P. Winter;
Taylor and Francis Group, New York; 2007
Genetics – A Conceptual Approach; Third Edition; Benjamin A. Pierce; W.H. Freeman
and Company, New York; 2008
New Clinical Genetics; Second Edition; Andrew Read and Dian Donnai; Scio n
Publishing Ltd., UK; 2011
Genetics; Third Edition; Robert F. Weaver and Philip W. Hedrick; Wm. C. Brown
Publishers (The McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc.); 1997
Human Molecular Genetics; Fourth Edition; Tom Strachan and Andrew Read; Garland
Science, USA; 2011
Genetics; M.W. Farnsworth; Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., USA; 1978
Human Genetics – An Overview; Alice Marcus; Narosa Publishing House; 2010
The Science of Genetics – An Introduction to Heredity; Fourth Edition; George W.
Burns; Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York; 1980
Additional reading:
The Gene: An Intimate History; Siddhartha Mukherjee; S cribner , New York; 2016
Molecular Cell Biology; Fifth edition; Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Paul Matsudaira,
Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, S. Lawrence Zipursky & James
Darnell; W.H. Freeman & Company, New York; 2004
Tissue C ulture
Culture of animal cells – A manual of basic technique; R. Ian Freshney; John Wiley and
Sons Publications; 2005
Basic cell culture – A practical approach; J. M. Davis; Oxford University Press; Indian
edition; 2005
Animal cell culture – Biotechnology Series: Vol.1; Bina Mishra, B.P.Mishra, Pran P.
Bhat, P.N.Bhat; Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd; 2011
Animal cell culture – Concept and Applications; Shweta Sharma; Oxford book Company;
Biotechnology of Animal Tiss ues; Dr. P.R.Yadav and Dr. Rajiv Tyagi; Discovery
Publishing House, New Delhi; 2006
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Theory)
Course 14
Page 17
Course Code: USZO504
Unit 1: Integumentary system and derivatives (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to understand different integumentary structures and derivatives in the
vertebrates and to acquaint learners with special derivatives of epidermis.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the importance of epidermal and dermal derivatives and
their functions.
1.1: Basic structure of integument (2 lectures)
Epidermis an d dermis; classification of keratinized and non -keratinized derivatives
1.2: Epidermal derivatives of Vertebrates (5 lectures)
Hair, hoof, horn, claw, teeth, beak, epidermal scales (large scale s, small scales, modified
scales - spine), glands - types and functions (mucous, serous, ceruminous, poison, uropygial,
salt), feathers
1.3: Dermal derivatives of verte brates (3 lectures)
Scales in fis h; scutes in reptiles and birds; derm al scales in mammals - Armadillo, Antler -
1.4: Special derivatives of integument (Epidermal) (5 lectures)
Wart in toad; rattle in snake; horny b eak in turtle, bird s, monotremes; spur in male birds -
jacana, fowl; whale bone - baleen whale; liliac callosities – African mandrill; kneepads -
Unit 2: Endocrine glands and regulation (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners about the de tails of endocrine glands and their regulation.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the types & secretion s of endocrine glands and their
2.1: (2 lectures)
General organization of mammalian endocrine system
2.2: (6 lectures)
Hormones: Classification, properties, mechanism of hor mone action, hormone secretion and
2.3: (7 lectures)
Histology, functions and disorders of the following endocrine gla nds: Pituitary, Thyroid,
Parathyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal, Testis and Ovaries
Page 18
Unit 3: Human Osteology (15 lectures )
Learning obje ctives:
To introduce the learners about different bones of human skeleton and their importance.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the structure, types and functions of human skeleton.
3.1: Introduction (2 lectures)
Cartilage & Bone Structure
Physical properties, chemical composition & functions of bones
3.2: Axial skeleton (7 lectures)
3.2.1: Skull: general characteristics of skull bones
1) cranial bones 2) facial bones
3.2.2: Vertebral column: General characteristics of a vertebra, s tructure of different types
of vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum & coccyx)
3.2.3: Ribs & sternum (Thorax): General skeleton of ribs & sternum
3.2.4: Hyoid bone: Genera l structure
3.3: Appendicular skeleton (4 lectures)
3.3.1: Pectoral girdle and Pelvic girdle
3.3.2: Forelimbs and Hindlimbs
3.4: Sexual dimorphism of human skeleton (2 lectures)
3.4.1: S ternum
3.4.2: S acrum
3.4.3: P elvis
Unit 4: Experimental and C hick embryology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce to the learners the basics of developmental biology with reference to chick as a
model and also understand experiments related to it.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the processes involved in embryonic development and its
4.1: Introduction to experimental embryology (5 lectures)
Germplasm theory, Mosaic theory, Regulative theory, Gra dient theory, Spemann‟s theory of
Basic concept and principles of experimental embryology - brief idea of morphogenesis
and organogenesis, fate maps, cell adhesion, cell affinity and differentiation
4.2: Development of Chick (5 lectures)
Structure of chick embryo - 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours
4.3: Signaling pathways and intercellular communication during development (2 lectures)
Induction and competence, epithelial -mesenchymal interaction
Page 19
4.4: Recent trends in developmental biology (3 lectures)
Methods to determine the role of genes during develo pment (transgenic and chimeric mouse,
“knockout” experiments), Genes contributing to developmental defects (oncogenes ),
multipotent and pluripotent stem cells and their niche
Integumentary system and derivatives
Compara tive Anatomy of the Vertebrates; Ninth Edition; Kent, G.C. and Carr R.K.; The
McGraw -Hill Companies ; 2000
Text book of chordates ; Saras publication
Modern text of zoology; Prof. R.L. Kotpal
Integumentary system and its derivat ives; Samuel D. Hodge
Text book of endocrinology ; Williams
Textbo ok Of Endocrinology Hardcover; Dharmalingam ; 2010
3. End ocrinology; 6th Edition ; Mac Hadley , Jon E. Levine
Bailey's textbook of histology Hardcover ; Frederick R Bailey
Mechanisms of Body Functions; Second Edition; Dexter M. Easton; Prentice -Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi; 1978
Human Osteology
Atlas of human anatomy -Vol I ; R.D. Sinelnikov ; Mr. Publishers Moscow
A Guide Of Osteology ( for medical students ); Prakash kendra, Lucknow
Text Book Of Compa rative Anatomy And Physiology; Tortora
Human osteology; Tim D.White
Text Book of Human osteology; Singh Inderbir
Mechanisms of Body Functions; Second Edition; Dexter M. Easton; Prentice -Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi; 1978
Experimental and Chick embryology
Developmental biology; Gilbert
Developmental biology; Patten
Developmental biology; Wolpert
Text book of embryology; N. Arumugam
Chicken Development – Embryology ; W.H. Freeman & B. Bracegirdle
Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; New Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata; 1999
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V ( Practical )
Course 11
Course Code: USZO501
1. Levels of organization
Page 20
a. Symmetry:
i. Asymmetry , e.g. Sponge
ii. Radial: Bi -radial, e.g. Comb jelly
Penta -radial , e.g. Adult Brittle star
iii. Bi - lateral , e.g. Larva of Brittle star and human
b. Coelom:
i. Acoelomate , e.g. Tapeworm
ii. Pseudo coelomate , e.g. Ascaris
iii. Coelomate , e.g. Frog
c. Segmentation:
i. Homonymous , e.g. Nereis
ii. Heteronomous , e.g. Cockroach
d. Cephalization:
i. Cephalization , e.g. Honey bee
ii. Cephalothorax , e.g. Crab
2. Taxonomy of Protozoa to Hemichordata
a. Phylum Protozoa:
i. Class Rhizopoda , e.g. Amoeba - amoeboid locomotion, a sexual reproduction – binary fission
ii. Class Ciliophora , e.g. Vorticella - ciliary locomotion, sexual reproduction - conjugation
iii. Class Flagellata , e.g. Noctiluca - flagellar locomotion
iv. Class Sporozoa , e.g. Monocystis - gliding locomotion
b. Phylum Porifera:
i. Class Calcarea - Canal system , e.g. Scypha - Sycon type
Leucosolenia - Ascon type
ii. Class Demospongia - Canal system , e.g. Spongilla larva - Rhagon type
Adult - Leuconoid type
iii. Class Hexactinellida - Observation of sponge spicules (permanent slide/photograph) ,
e.g. Hyalonemma
c. Phylum Cnidaria:
i. Class Hydrozoa , e.g. Vellela
ii. Class Scyphozoa , e.g. Rhizostoma
iii. Class Anthozoa , e.g. Corallium (R ed coral)
d. Phylum Platyhelminthes:
i. Class Turbellaria , e.g. Planaria
ii. Class Trematoda , e.g. Liverfluke
iii. Class Cestoda , e.g. Taenia solium
e. Phylum Nemathelminthes , e.g. Trichinella
f. Phylum Annelida:
i. Class Polychaeta , e.g. Arenicola/ Nereis
ii. Clas s Oligochaeta , e.g. Tubifex/ Earthworm
iii. Class Hirudinea , e.g. Pontobdella/ Leech
Page 21
g. Phylum Arthropoda:
i. Class Merostomata , e.g. Limulus (K ing crab)
ii. Class Arachnida , e.g. Scorpion
iii. Class Crustacea , e.g. Balanus
iv. Class Myriapoda , e.g. Scolopendra (C entipede)
v. Class Insecta , e.g. Coccinella ( Ladybird beetle)
vi. Class Onychophora , e.g. Peripatus
vii. Observation and identification of planktonic crustaceans
viii. Types of Metamorphosis in insects
h. Phylum Mollusca:
i. Class Aplacophora , e.g. Chaetoderma
ii. Class Polyplacophora , e.g. Tonicella/ Chiton
iii. Class Monoplacophora , e.g. Neopilina
iv. Class Gastropoda , e.g. Achatina
v. Class Pelycypoda , e.g. Donax/ Unio
vi. Class Scaphopoda , e.g. Dentalium
vii. Class Cephalopoda , e.g. Octopus
i. Phylum Echinodermata:
i. Class Asteroidea , e.g. Starfish
ii. Class Ophiuroidea , e.g. Brittle star
iii. Class Echinoidea , e.g. Echinus
iv. Class Holothuroidea , e.g. Holothuria (Sea cucumber)
v. Class Crinoidea , e.g. Cri noid (Sea lily)
j. Phylum Hemichordata (Acorn worms):
i. Class Enteropneusta , e.g. Saccoglossus/ Balanoglossus
ii. Class Pterobranchia , e.g. Rhabdopleura
iii. Class Planctosphaeroidea , e.g. Planctosphaera
Note: Visit to local fish market to study available invertebrates
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V ( Practical )
Course 12
Course Code: USZO502
1. Enumeration of erythrocyte s - Total count
2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate by suitable method – Westergren or Wintrobe
3. Estimation of haemoglobin by Sahli‟s acid haematin method
4. Enumeration of leucocytes –Total Count
5. Differential count of WBC
Page 22
6. Determination of Serum LDH
7. Estimation of total plasma proteins by Folin‟s method
8. Estimation of serum/ plasma total triglycerides by Phosphovanillin method
9. Latex agglutination test - Rheumatoid Arthritis
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V ( Practical )
Course 13
Course Code: USZO503
1. Isolation & Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method (formula method and standard graph )
2. Isolation & Estimation of DNA by Diphenylamine method (formula method and standard graph )
3. Separation of proteins by SDS-PAGE from the given sample (plasma proteins)
4. Colorimetric estimation of proteins from given sample by Bradford‟s method
5. Karyotype (Idiogram) analysis for the following syndromes with comments on numerical &
structural variations in chromosomes (no cutting of chromosomes):
a. Turner‟s syndrome
b. Klinefelter‟s syndrome
c. Down‟s syndrome
d. Cri-du-chat syndrome
e. D-G translocation
f. Edward‟s syndrome
g. Patau‟s syndrome
6. Problems in genetics based on abnormalities in chromosomes:
a. Interpret the following formula:
46, XY, t (2;5) (q21; q31)
Total number of chromosomes present = 46, male.
Page 23
Reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 2 a nd 5. Breakage and reunion has occurred
between long arm of 2nd chromosome, band 21 and long arm of 5th chromosome, band 31
b. Duplication:
46, XX, dup (1) (q22qq25)
Total number of chromosomes = 46, female. Duplicatio n on chromosome number 1, long
arm between band 1q22 and 1q25
c. Turner‟s Syndrome:
45, X
d. Klinefelter‟s Syndrome:
47, XXY
7. Stained preparation of Onion root tip and calculation of Mitoti c index (permanent slide to be
8. Survey of human traits following Mendelian inheritance:
(Hair on back of hand, Bent little fing er, widows peak, ton gue rolling, ear lobe, Cephalic index)
Preparation of report
9. Identification of contrasting traits in drosophila using photographs
10. Culture of d rosophila, crossing based on traits, study of inheritance pattern (demonstration
11. Sterilization technique (Workplace, Glassware, Chemicals, Biological fluids or samples)
12. Use of autoclave for sterilization of equipments for tissue culture
13. Packaging of glassware
14. Trypsinization and vital staining using Trypan blue stain
15. Tissue culture media preparation, aseptic transfer & inoculation of culture
16. Streaking of butt, slant and plate (continuous and discontinuous methods) with E.coli
(Demonstration only)
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V ( Practical )
Course 14
Course Code: USZO504
1. To study T.S. of integument: amphi bian, reptilian, avian , mammal ian
2. To s tudy horns, a ntlers
3. To study different types of scales: dermal, epidermal
4. To study epidermal glands: mucous, sebaceous, sweat, poison, uropygial
5. To study special integumentary derivatives
6. To study the histology of glands: T.S. of pitutary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovary, testis
7. To study human s keleton: study of axial skeleton
1. Skull bone
2. Ossicles of middle ear
3. Hyoid bone
4. Rib cage
5. Sternum
6. Vertebral column -
I. Cervical vertebrae
a. Typical cervical vertebrae (3 -6)
b. Atlas or 1st cervical vertebra
Page 24
c. Axis or 2nd cervical vertebra
d. 7th cervical vertebra
II. Thoracic vertebrae (8 -19)
III. Typical lumbar vertebra (20 -24)
IV. Sacral vertebrae and coccyx (synsacrum)
Sacrum (25 -29)
Coccyx (30 -33)
8. Observa tion of developing chick embryo -18 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours
9. To prepare temporary mounting of chick embryo up to 72 hours
10. To study the effect of temperature in the development of chick embryo upto 48 hours/ 72
T. Y. B.Sc. Zoology
Semester based Credit and Grading System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2017 -18)
Semester VI
Page 25
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Theory)
Course 15
Course Code: USZO601
Unit 1: Minor Phyla and Protochordata (15 lectures)
Learning objectives: Course Unit Topic Credits Lectures /week
USZO6 01 I Minor Phyla and Protochordata
2.5 1
II Taxonom y – Pisces and Amphibia 1
III Taxonomy – Reptilia, Aves and Mammals 1
IV Type study : Shark 1
USZO6 02 I Enzymology
2.5 1
II Homeostasis (Temperature and Ionic regulation) 1
III Histology 1
IV General Pathology 1
USZO6 03 I Zoogeography
2.5 1
II Toxicology 1
III Biostatistics 1
IV Bioinformatics 1
USZO6 04 I Environment management
2.5 1
II Wildlife management 1
III Bioethics, Bioprospecting and
Zoopharmacognosy 1
IV General Entomology 1
10 16
USZOP 07 Practicals of Course USZO6 01 and
Practicals of Course USZO6 02
Practicals of Course USZO6 03, USZO6 04 and
Project Component
6 16
Total 16 32
Page 26
To introduce classification, general characters and phylogeny of minor phyla and
Learning outcome:
Learners will get an idea of basic morphological and physiological details of minor phyla and
protochordates. Study of phylogeny will help learners to understand the evolutionary
relationships between organisms.
1.1: Minor phyla (6 lectures)
1.1.1: General features
a. Acoe lomate – Phylum Acanthocephala , e.gs. Macracanthorynchus,
Moniloformis (3 lectures)
b. Coelomate – Phylum Chaetognatha , e.g. Sagitta (3 lectures)
1.2: The Protochordates (9 lectures)
1.2.1: General overview, characteristics and salient features of Urochordates and
Cephalochordates (2 lectures)
a. Urochordata , e.g. Ascidia (2 lectures)
b. Cephalochordata , e.g. Branchiostoma (2 lectures)
1.2.2: Retrogressive metamorphosis in Ascidian (1 lecture)
1.2.3: Phylogeny of Urochordates and Cephalochordates (2 lectures)
Unit 2: Taxonomy - Pisces and Amphibia (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To describe general features and classify fish and amphibians.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to identify classes of fish and amphibians by their anatomical features.
Learners will be able to compare and contrast characters of fishes and amphibians. Learners
will be able to describe evolutionary trends implied by their classification.
2.1: Division - Agnatha (3 lectures)
2.1.1: Classification of living Agnatha up to classes
2.1.2: General ch aracters of the jawless fishes , e.gs.Petromyzon (lamprey) and
Myxine (hagfish)
2.2: Division - Gnathostomata – Superclass - Pisces (6 lectures)
2.2.1: General characters and classification up to order Placoderms,
Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes
Examples: a. Sharks , e.g. Sphyrna (Hammer headed shark)
b. Skates and rays , e.gs. Pristis (Saw fish), Dasyatis (Sting ray)
c. Chimeras , e.g. Hydrolagus (Spotted rat fish)
d. Lung fish , e.g. Lepidosir en (Australian l ungfish)
e. Flying fish , e.g. Exocoetus
2.3: Superclass Tetrapoda; Class Amphibia (6 lectures)
2.3.1: General overview, classification, characteristics and salient features up to
Examples of each order namely -
a. Limb -less amphibian , e.g. Ichthyophis
Page 27
b. Tailed amphibian , e.g. Amphiuma
c. Tail -less amphibian , e.g. Hyla
2.3.2: Neoteny in Amphibia , e.g. Axolotl larva
Unit 3: Taxo nomy - Reptilia, Aves and Mammals (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to the modern system of animal classification. To describe the
distinguishing characters of cl asses Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia and their adaptive features
with reference to their habitat.
Learning outcome:
Learners will understand that scientific classification of animals is based on certain
characteristics they have in common. Learners will be able to recall characteristic features
and examples of each class of Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia.
3.1: Class Reptilia (3 lectures)
3.1.1: General overview, classification, characterist ics and salient features of sub class es
and orders
Examples of each order namely -
a. Aqua tic reptile , e.g. Chelone
b. Extinct reptile , e.g. Ichthyosaurus
c. Living fossil , e.g. Sphenodon
d. Arboreal reptile , e.g. Chamaeleon
3.2: Class Aves (6 lectures)
3.2.1: General overview, classification, characteristics and salient features of orders
Examples of each order in accordance to groups -
a. Arboreal birds , e.g. Treron (Green pigeon)
b. Terrestrial birds , e.g. Gallus (Jungle fowl)
c. Swimming / divin g birds , e.gs. Pelicanus/ Phalacrocoracidae
d. Shore birds and wading birds , e.gs. Scolopacidae (Sandpiper), Ardeola
grayii (Pond heron)
e. Birds of prey , e.gs. Strigiformes (Owl), Accipitriformes (Eagle)
3.3: Class Mammalia (6 lectures)
3.3.1: General overview, classification, characteristics and salient features of orders
Examples of each order in accordance to groups -
a. Egg -laying mammals , e.g. Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Duck -billed platypus)
b. Pouc hed mammals , e.g. Macropus (Kangaroo)
c. Insect eating mammals , e.g. Sorex araneus (Common shrew)
d. Toothless mammals , e.g. Folivora (Sloth)
e. Gnawing mammals , e.g. Sciuridae (Squirrel)
f. Aquatic mammals , e.g. Delphinus (Dolphin)
g. Primates , e.g. Lemuroidea (Lemur)
Unit 4: Type study - Shark (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
Page 28
To study general characteristics and salient features of animal type - shark. To study in depth
one vertebrate animal type.
Learning outcome:
Learners will get an idea of vertebrate animal life and its classification.
4.1: (3 lectures)
Habit & habitat, distribution, external characters and classification , and economic importance
4.2: (12 lectures)
Skin, exoskeleton, endoskeleton, digestive system, respiratory system, blood vascular
system, nervous system, receptor organs, urinogenital system, copulation, fertilization and
Modern text book of Zoology – Vertebrates; Professor R.L. Kotpal; Rastogi publication;
Third Editi on
Vertebrate Zoology; E.L. Jordan and P.S. Verma
A manual o f Zoology, Vol. II Vertebrata; Ayyar, M. Ekambaranath
Vertebrate Zoology – Volumes of different Phyla; Hyman L.H.
Vertebrat e Zoology for Degree students; V. K. Agarwal; S.Chand Publicatio n; 2012
Vertebrate Zoology, Vol .II; Parker and Haswell
Mino r phyla – General information; Professor R.L. Kotpal ; Rastogi Publication; Fifth
Vertebrate Comparati ve Anatomy, Function, Evolution; K.V.Kardong; Four th Edition ;
Tata McGraw Hill
The life of Vertebrates; J.Z. Young; ELBS - Oxford University Press
Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; New Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkat a; 1999
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Theory)
Course 16
Course Code: USZO602
Unit 1: Enzymology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to the basic concepts of enzyme biochemistry. To make the learners
realize the power and application of enzymes in basic and applied science.
Learning outcome:
Learners must be able to understand basics of enzyme structure and function. Learners must
comprehend variations in enzyme activity and kinetics. Learners must appreciate the enzyme
assay procedures and the therapeutic application of enzymes.
1.1: (3 lectures)
Definition, n omenclature and classification (based on Enzyme Commission) of enz ymes,
cofactors and coenzyme s, the concept and properties of active site
1.2: (3 lectures)
Page 29
Factors affecting enzyme activity - pH and temperature; concept of activation energy;
Enzyme structure (lysozyme and serine protease)
1.3: (3 lectures)
Enzyme kinetics, Concept of steady state, Derivation of Michaelis -Menton equation and
Lineweaver -Burk plot, Enzyme assay, concept and significance of k m, Vmax and k cat,
modulation of enzyme activity with reference to GDH
1.4: (2 lectures)
Enzyme inhibitors, competitive and non -competitiv e inhibitors and their kinetics; therapeutic
applications of enzyme inhibitors
1.5: (2 lectures)
Regulation of enzyme activity; Hill equation; allosteri c regulation and regulation by
covalent modificat ion of enzyme s; Zymog en (pepsinogen and proelastase); Isozymes (LDH)
1.6: (2 lectures)
Clinical significance and industrial applications of enzymes
Unit 2: Home ostasis (Temperature and Ionic regulation) (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to the concept of homeostasis. To familiarize the learners with
thermoregulation, osmoregulation and feedback mechanism.
Learning outcome:
Learners would be able to understand the concept of positive and negative feed back
mechanisms. Learners would comprehend the adaptive responses of animals to environmental
2.1: Homeostasis (5 lectures)
External and internal environment; Acclimation and acclim atization; Control systems in
biology: Feedback mechanism - negative feedback and positive f eedback with suitable
2.2: Thermoregulation (5 lectures)
Endothermy, e ctothermy (relation between temperature and biological activities) ;
temperature balance; heat production - shivering and non shivering thermogenesis; brown
fat - special thermogenic tissue in mammals, mechanisms o f heat loss; adaptive response to
temperature - daily torpor, hibernation, a estivation
2.3: Osmotic and Ionic regulation (5 lectures)
Maintainin g water and electrolyte balance; ionic regulati on in iso -osmotic environment;
living in hypo -osmotic and hyper -osmotic environment; problems of living in terrestrial
environment: water absorption, salt water ingestion and salt e xcretion, salt glands, role of
kidney in ionic regulation, metabolic water
Unit 3: Histology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
Page 30
To familiarize the learners with the cellular architecture of the various organs in the body. To
make the learners understand the need and importance of different types of tissues in the vital
organs and their functions.
Learning outcome:
Learners would appreciate the well planned organization of tissues and cells in the organ
3.1: Vertical section (V .S.) of skin (3 lectures)
Layers and cells of epidermis; papillary and reticular l ayers of dermis; sweat glands,
sebaceous glands and skin receptors
3.2: Digestive System
3.2.1: Vertica l Section (V .S.) of t ooth – hard t issue – denti ne and enamel; soft tissue –
dentinal pulp and periodontal ligaments (2 lectures)
3.2.2: Transverse s ection (T .S.) of t ongue – mucosal papillae and taste buds (2 lectures)
3.2.3: Alimentary Canal – basic histological organization with reference to
transverse s ection (T .S.) of oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum
and rectum of mammal (3 lectures)
3.2.4: Glands associated with digestive system - histology with reference to
transverse s ection (T .S.) of salivary glands, liver, pancreas (3 lectures)
Respiratory organ s – transverse s ection (T .S.) of trachea and lung (2 lectures)
Unit 4: General pathology
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to basics of general pathology. To impart knowledge of retrogressive,
necrotic, circulatory neoplastic pathological conditions in the body. To explain repair
mechanism of the body.
Learning outcome:
Learners will gain knowledge of various infective agents and diseases caused by them. Learners
will be familiar with various medical terminology pertaining to pathological condition of the
body caused due to disease.
4.1: (2 lectures)
Infectious diseases: aetiology, infectious agents, viruses - hepa titis, bacteria - tuberculosis,
fungi - skin diseases
4.2: Retrogressive changes (2 lectures)
Definition, cloudy swelling, degeneration: fatty, mucoid and amyloid (causes and effects)
4.3: Disorders of pigmentation (1 lecture)
Endogenous: Brief ideas about normal process of pigmentation, mel anosis, jaundice (causes
and effects)
4.4: Necrosis (1 lecture)
Definition and causes; nuclear and cytoplasmic changes; Types: Coagulative, Liquefactive,
Caseous, Fat and Fibroid
Page 31
4.5: Gangrene
Definition and types (dry, moist and gas gangrene) (1 lecture)
4.6: Circulatory disturbances (2 lectures)
Causes and effects of Hyperaemia, Ischaemia, Th rombosis, Embolism, Oedema and
4.7: Inflammation (2 lectures)
Definition and causes (pathogenic and immune), cardin als of inflammation; acute and
chronic inflammation
4.8: Applied pathology (2 lectures)
Anatomical, clinical and m olecular; investigating me thods: biopsy and surgery (f or
pathological examination of tissue)
4.9: Forensic pathology (2 lectures)
Autopsy, post mortem changes - Algor mortis - body cooling , Rigor mor tis - stiffening of
limbs, state of decomposition - autolysis (process of self -digestion) and putrefaction
Comparative Animal Physiol ogy; Knut Schmidt Nielson; Cambridge Press
Comparative Animal Physiology; Prosser and Brown
Comparative Animal Physiology; William S Hoar
Text b ook of Comparative Physiology; R Nagabhushanam, Ms Kodarkar, Sarojini R
India Book House Pvt. Ltd.
Animal Physiology; N.Arumugam, A.Mariakuttikan; Saras Publication
Lehninger‟s Pri nciples of Biochemistry; David Lee Nelso n, A.L.Lehninger, Michael M
Cox; W.H. Freeman , New York; 2008
Biochemistry; 5th ed.; J M Berg, J L Tymoczko and Lubert Stryer ;W.H. Freeman , New
York; 2002
Biochemistry ; 2nd edition; Donald Voet and Judith G Voet; J.Wiley and Sons, New
York ; 1995
A Textbook of Histology; Deshmukh, Shivaji; Dominant Pub.
Colour Textbook of Histology; Gartner, Leslie P.; Saund ers
A Textbook of Histology; Mathur, Ramesh ; Anmol Pub.
A Textb ook of Histology and A Practical Guide; Gunasegaran, J.P.; Elsevier
A Textbook of Histology; Khanna, D. R.; Sonali Pub.
Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; New Central Book
Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata; 1999
Page 32
General pathology
A Textbook of V eterinary and General Pathology; Second edition ; J. L. Vagad; IBDC
Clinical Pathology; Guru G.; NCERT; 1988
Clinical Pathology; Batra Neelam ; Vikas Publishing House Pvt . Ltd.; Nov. 1982
Essentials of General Pathology - Dr. Sudha Shivraj, Dr. Satish Kumar Amarnath, Dr.
Sheela Devi ; Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors
Textbook of Pathology; Harsh Mohan; JAPYEE publishers
Additional Reading :
Prescott’s Microbiology; Ninth Edition; Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood &
Christopher J. Woolverton; McGraw -Hill Education; 2014
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Theory)
Course 17
Course Code: USZO603
Unit 1: Zoogeography (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce learners to a branch of science dealing with the geographic distribution of animals.
Learning outcome:
The learners will become acquainted with how and why different animal species are distributed
around the globe.
1.1: Introduction (2 lectures)
1.1.1: Origin of oceans and continents
1.1.2: Plate tectonics and continental drift
1.2: Distribution of animals in space and time (5 lectures)
1.2.1: In space – horizontal or superficial
1.2.2: In time – geological or durational
1.2.3: Patterns of animal distribution – continuous, discontinuous, isolation and bipolarity
1.2.4: Theories of animal distribution
1.3: Barriers of distribution of animals (3 lectures)
1.3.1: Topographic, climatic, vegetative, large wa ter masses, land mass, lack of salinity
and special characteristic habits like homing instinct, etc.
1.3.2: Means of dispersal – land bridges, natural rafts and drift wood, favouring gales,
migration by host, accidental transportation and by human agencies
1.4: Zoogeographical realms (5 lectures)
1.4.1: Palearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, Australian, Neotropical, Nearctic and Antarctic
Unit 2: Toxicology (15 lectures)
Page 33
Learning objectives:
Introduce the learners to principles of toxicology with particular emphasis on toxic
responses to chemical exposures, nature and effect of toxicity and toxicity testing. It also intends
to develop amongst students an introductory understanding of regulatory affairs in t oxicology.
Learning outcome:
The course will prepare learners to develop broad understanding of the different areas and
significance of toxicology. Moreover, it will also develop critical thinking and assist
students in preparation for employment in pharmaceutical industry and related areas.
2.1: Basic toxicology (10 lectures)
2.1.1: Introduction to toxicology – brief history, di fferent areas of toxicology,
principles and scop e of toxicology
2.1.2: Toxins and Toxicants – Phytotoxins (caffeine, nicotine), Mycotoxins
(aflatoxins), Zootoxins (cnidarian toxin, bee venom, scorpion venom,
snake venom)
2.1.3: Characteristics of Exposure – Dura tion of expo sure, Frequency of exposure,
Site of exposure and Routes of exposure
2.1.4: Types of toxicity – Acute toxicity, s ubacute to xicity, s ubchronic toxicity,
chronic toxicity, immediate toxicity, delayed toxicity, r eversib le
toxicity, irreversible toxicity, l ocal toxicity, systemic toxicity
2.1.5: Concept of LD 50, LC 50, ED 50
2.1.6: Dose Response relationship – Individual/ Graded dose response, Quantal
dose response, shape of dose response curves, T herapeutic index,
Margin of safety
2.1.7: Dose translation from animals to human – Conc ept of extrapolation of dose,
NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effec t Level), Safety factor, ADI
(Acceptable Daily Intake)
2.2: Regulatory toxicology (5 lectures)
2.2.1: OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals (an overview)
2.2.2: CPCSEA guideli nes for animal testing centre, e thical issues in animal
2.2.3: Animal models used in regulatory toxicology studies
2.2.4: Alternative m ethods in toxicology ( in vitro tests)
Unit 3: Biostatistics (15 lectures)
Learning Objectives:
To make learners familiar with biostatistics as an important tool of analysis and its
Learning outcome:
The learners will be able to collect, organize and analyze data using parametric and non -
parametric tests. They will also be able to set up a hyp othesis and verify the same using limits of
3.1: Probability Distributions (3 lectures)
Normal, Binomial, Poisson distribution, Z -transformation, p -value
Probability - Addition and multiplication rules and their applications
Page 34
3.2: Me asures of Central Tendency and D ispersion (2 lectures)
Variance, standard deviation, standard error
3.3: Parametric and non -parametric t ests (4 lectures)
Parametric tests: two -tailed Z -test and t -test
Non-parametric test: Chi -square test and its applications
3.4: Regression and Correlation (3 lectures)
Simple linear regression: main features, applications
Correlation coefficient and its significance
3.5: Testing of Hypothesis (3 lectures)
Basic c oncepts, types of hypothesis: Null hypothesis and Alternate hypothesis
Levels of significance and testing of hypothesis
Unit 4: Bioinformatics (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce learners to bioinformatics – a computational approach to learning the structure
and organization of genomes, phylogeny, metabolism and immunology.
Learning outcome:
The learners will become aware of the computational point of view of studying the genomes.
4.1: Introduction (2 lectures)
4.1.1: Introduction to Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics web resource (NCBI, EBI,
4.1.2: Applications of Bioinformatics
4.2: Databases – Tools and their uses (4 lectures)
4.2.1: Biological databases:
Primary sequence databases:
Nucleic acid sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL -EBI, DDBJ )
Protein sequence d ata bases (UniProtKB, PIR, PDB)
Secondary sequence databases:
Derived databases - PROSITE, BLOCKS, Pfam/ Prodom , Structure databases
and bibliographic databases
4.3: Sequence alignment methods (4 lectures)
4.3.2: Significance of sequence alignment
4.3.3: Pairwise sequence alignment (Needleman & Wunsch, Smith & Waterman
4.3.4: Multiple sequence alignment (PRAS, CLUSTALW)
4.4: Predictive applications using DNA and protein sequences (5 lectures)
4.4.1: Evolutionary studies: Concept of phylogenetic trees, Parsimon y and Bayesian
approaches, synonymous and non -synonymous substitutions, convergent and
parallel evolution
4.4.2: Pharmacogenomics: Discovering a drug: Target identification
Page 35
4.4.3: Protein Chips and Functional Proteomics: D ifferent types of protein chip, detecting
and quantifying; a pplications of Proteomics
4.4.4: Metabolomics: Concept and applications
Zoogeography – The Geographical Distribution of Animals; Philip J. Darlington JR;
Academic Publishers, Kolkata
Animal geography; Newbegin
Vertebrate paleontology; Romer
Ecological animal geography; Allee, Park and Schmidt
Zoogeography of India and South East Asia; Dr. S.K.Tiwari; CBS Publishers and
Distributors, Delhi; 1985
Toxicol ogy
Casarett and Doulls Toxicology – The basic science of poisons; Edited by Curtis
Klaassen; McGraw -Hill; 2001
Toxicological testing handbook – Principles, applications and data interpretation; David
Jacobson -Kram and Kit Keller; CRC Press; 2006
Principles and methods of toxicology; A. Wallace Hayes; CRC Press; 2007
Toxicology – principles and methods; M.A. Subramanian; MJP Publishers, Chennai; 2004
Fundamentals of Toxicology; Kamleshwar Pandey and JP Shukla; New Central book
agency Ltd., Kolkata; 2011
Elements of Toxicology; Kamleshwar Pandey and JP Shukla; Wisdom Press, New Delhi;
Principles and Applications of Toxicology; Lahir Y.K.; Seekay Publications; 2013
Essentials of Clinical Toxicology; Lall S.; Narosa Publishing House; 1998
Biostatistics – The Bare Essentials; Third Edition; Geoffrey R. Norman, David L. Streiner; B.C.
Decker, Inc., Hamilton; 2008
Fundamentals of Biostatistics; Second Edition; Veer Bala Rastogi; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi; 2009 (Reprint 2010)
Fundamentals of Biostatistics; Second Revised Edition; Irfan Ali Khan and Atiya Khanum;
Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad; 2004
Instant Medical Biostatistics; Dr. Ranjan Das and Dr. Papri N. Das; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi; 2009
Primer of Biostatistics; Fi fth Edition; Stanton A. Glantz; McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc.; 2002
Basic Biostatistics – Statistics for Public Health Practice; Second Edition; B. Burt Gerstman;
Jones and Bartlett Learning Burlington; 2015
Biostatistics – A Guide to Design, Analysis, and D iscovery; Second Edition; Ronald N.
Forthofer, Eun Sul Lee and Mike Hernandez; Elsevier, Inc., (Academic Press), USA; 2007
Statistics in Biology and Psychology; Sixth Edition; Debajyoti Das and Arati Das; Academic
Publishers, Kolkata
Page 36
Introduction to Statis tical Method (Parts I & II); B.C. Brookes & W.F.L. Dick; Heinemann
Educational books Ltd., London; 1961
The Fundamentals of Statistical Reasoning; M.H. Quenouille; Charles Griffin & Company
Limited, London; 1965
Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometric Re search; C. Radhakrishna Rao; John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.; 1952
Bioinformatics - Concepts, Skills, and Applications ; S.C. Rastogi & others; CBS
Publishing; 2003
Bioinformatics - A practical guide to analysis of Genes & Proteins ; Andreas D Baxevanis
& B F Francis; John Wiley; 2000
Introduction to Bio informatics ; 1st Edition; T K Attwood, D J parry -Smith; Pearson
Education , 11th Reprint ; 2005
Bioinformatics ; 1st Edition ; C S V Murthy; Himalaya Publishing House; 2003
Bioinformati cs sequence and genome analysis ; David W. Mount; Cold spring harbor
laboratory press; 2004
Basic Bioinformatics ; S. Ignacimut hu, S.J.; Narosa Publishing House; 1995
An Introducti on to Bioinformatics Algorithms ; Neil C. Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner; MIT
Press, First Indi an Reprint; 2005
Bioinformatics - Managing Scientific Data ; Zoe Lacroix, Terence Critchlow; Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers (Elsevier Science); 2003 (for the V unit)
Phylogenetics: Theory and Pract ice of Phylogenetic Systematics ; Second ed ition; Bruce S.
Lieberman; Wiley -Blackwell; 2011
Molecular Evo lution: A Phylogenetic Approach ; Roderick D.M. Page, Dr Edward C.
Holmes; W ell Publishing; 1998
Essential Bioinformatics ; JinXiong; Cambridge University Press; 2006
Proteomics - From Protein Sequen ce to Function ; 12 S. R. Pennington, M. J. Dunn; First
edition; Springer publications; 2001
Proteomics ; Timothy Palzkill; Springer; 2002
Metabolomics - A Po werful Tool in Systems Biology ; Jens Hřiriis Nielsen, Michael C.
Jewett; Springer; 2007
Systems Metabolic Engineering ; Dr. Christoph Wittmann, Sang Yup. Lee; Springer; 2012
Bioinformatics (Bios Instant Notes); Second Edition (Special Indian Edition); T. Charlie
Hodgman, Andrew French and David R. Westhead; Garland Science (Taylor and Francis
Group); 2010
Understanding Bioinformatics; Marketa Zvelebil and Jeremy O. Baum; Garland Science
(Taylor and Francis Group); 2008
Bioinformatics Computing – The complete practical guide to bioinformatics for life
scientists; Bryan Bergeron; Eastern Economy Edition; Prentice -Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi; 2003
Bioinformatics; Prakash S. Lohar; MJP Publishers, Chennai; 2009
Introduction to Bioinformatics; First Edition; S. Sundara Rajan and R. Balaji; Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai; 2002
Molecular Biology – Bios Instant Notes; Fourth Edition; Alexander McLennan, Andy
Bates, Phil Turner & Mike White; Garland Science; 2013
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Page 37
Semester VI (Theory)
Course 18
Course Code: USZO604
Unit 1: Environment management (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to understand the importance of factors governing environment and its
management .
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the different factors affecting environment, its impact and
laws governing environmental man agement.
1.1: Natural resources and their classification (2 lectures)
Forest resources, water resources (surface and ground), mineral resources, food resources ,
energy resources: Renewable and non -renewable resources
1.2: Exploitation and modification of natural resources (2 lectures)
Impact on climate, flora, fauna & mineral resource s
1.3: Sustainable development (3 lectures)
Ex-situ conservation (zoos, botanical gardens, cryogenics, seedbank, germplasm, gene
bank), i n-situ conservation (Bio -reserves, Sanctuaries & National parks)
1.4: Waste Management (2 lectures)
3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) of solid waste, e -waste, hazardous waste
1.5: Water management (2 lectures)
Rain water harvesting, watershed management, effluen t treatment, recycling plants, control
and treatment of water
1.6: Laws governing environment (4 lectures)
(Environment Protection A ct), Air (Prevention and Cont rol of Pollution) Rules - 1982,
Wate r (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules - 1978, Hazardous Wastes (Management
and Handling) Rules - 1989. EIA (Env ironmental Impact Assessment), ISO18001
Role of government , NGOs, International t reaties and conventio ns in environmental
protection & conservation
Unit 2: Wildlife Management (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to the importance of wildlife conservation.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the wildlife habitat projects for animal protection.
2.1: Habit, habitat, territory & niche of animals (3 lectures)
Herbivore s, carn ivores; solitary, pack and herd
Page 38
2.2: Threats to wildlife (6 lectures)
Diseases (zoonosis and reverse zoonosis), c ompetition, hunting, poaching, encroachment,
deforestation, tourism, overgrazing, hum an animal conflict and climate change
2.3: Tech niques and methods of wildlife c onservation (6 lectures)
Wildlife Census, conservation of wildlife - frozen zoo, schedules, rules, national and
international conservation bodies; IUCN UNDP, FAO, ESA, INCPEN, CITES,
Unit 3: Bioethics, Bioprospecting and Zoopharmacognosy (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners to understand the concept of ethics and prospecting in biology and
importance of pharmacognosy.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand paradigms of discovery and commercialization of biological
resou rces and knowledge gained by self medication by animals.
3.1: Bioethics (4 lectures)
Intellectual property rights and patenting, forms of protecti on, patents, copyrights, trade
secrets, trademarks, patenting biological materials, live for ms, genes and DNA s equences
3.2: Bioprospecting (4 lectures)
Traditional, modern bioprospecting, Chemical prospecting, Gen etic prospecting, Bionic
prospecting, Economic value and benefit sharing, Biopros pecting and conservation, pros
and cons of bioprospecting
3.3: Zoopharmacognosy (7 lectures)
3.3.1: Definition, history and types
3.3.2: Self -medication and its mechanism
3.3.3: Methods of self -medication through - Ingestion – ants and mammals, Geophagy –
invertebrates and birds
3.3.4: Absorption and adsorption
3.3.5: Topical application – birds and mammals
3.3.6: Applications of zoopharmacognosy - Social and transgenerational
3.3.7: Value to humans
Unit 4: General Entomology (15 lectures)
Learning objectives:
To introduce the learners about the importance of insects and their application in different
fields of human life.
Learning outcome:
Learners will be able to understand the role of useful and harmful insects in human life.
4.1: Introduction (1 lecture)
Page 39
Definition, disti nguishing features of insects, h armful and useful insects
4.2: Importance & Scope of Entomology, Branches of Entomology (1 lecture)
Agricultural, Medical, Forest, Forensic & Industrial
4.3: Metamorphosis in insects (3 lectures)
Definition, types, hormones
4.4: Insect pheromones, biolum inesc ence, sound production (3 lectures)
Definitions, types, significance
4.5: General body structure of insect s (3 lectures)
a) Mouth parts - cutting, chewing , lapping, sucking, sponging
b) Modification of legs in insects - e.g. honey bee, cockroach, beetle
4.6: Significance of i nsects as biological tool (4 lectures)
Biological weapon; tissue culture; ge ne study; Productive insects - honey bee, silk worm,
lac insect; insect products; i nsects pests (general): bo llworm, rice weevil, tribolium, flour
moth, locust
Environment management
Essent ials of Environmental Science; N. Vasudevan; Narosa Publishing House P vt .
Ltd. New Delhi 110002
Environmental Biology ; P.S Verma, V.K Agarwal; S. Chand & company Ltd. N ew
Delhi 110055
A textbook of Environmental Science; Arvind Kumar; A P H P ublishing Corporation
New Delhi 110002
Environmental Biotechnology - Basic Concepts and Application ; Indu Shekhar Thakur;
I.K.International Pvt.Ltd. N ew Delhi 110016
Text book of environmental science; S.C.Santra
Wildlife Management
Wild life management; Rajesh Gopal
Wildl ife Management and Conservation - Contemporary Principles and Practices ; Paul
R. Krausman and James W. Cain III
Wildlife Ecolog y, Conservation, and Management; John M. Fryxell ,Anthony R. E.
Sinclair ,Graeme Caughley
Bioethics, Bioprospecting and Zoopharmacognosy
Molecular biotechnolog y – principles and practices; Channarayappa
Biotechnology; P.K. Gupta
Biotechnology; B.D.Singh
Biotechnology Fundament als & Applications; S.S. Purohit
Pharmacogno sy and Pharmaco biotechnology; Ashutosh Kar
Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy; Evans, W.C.
Pharmacognosy; Kokate, C.K A and Purohit, A.P
Page 40
Practical Pharmacognosy; Gokhale, S.B and Kokate, C.K
Text book of Ph armacognosy; T.E.Wallis
General Entomology
Imm's General Text book of Entomology Vol. I & II; Richards O.W. & Davis R.F. ,
B.I. Pul; Indian edition New D elhi; 1993
Principals of insect morphology; Snodgrass R.E.; Indian Reprint, SBS Pub. New
Delhi; 1994
Structure & functions of Insects; 3rd edition; Chapman R.F.; ELBS London ; 1983
Entomology; Gillott; CedricPlenum Press New York; 1980
The Science o f Entomology; Romoser W.S. ; 2nd ed ition, Macmillan Co. New York;
General Entomology ; Mani M.S.; Reprint Oxford - IBH India; 1998
An Introduction to Entomology; Srivastava R.D. & Singh R.P. ; Concept Pub. New
Delhi; 1997
General & Applied Entomology; Nayar K.K., T.N. Anantkrishanan & B.V. David;
Tata McGraw Hill Pub. New Delhi ; 1983
Insects; Mani M.S.; Reprint NBT Pub. New Delhi ; 2006
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 15
Course Code: USZO601
1. Levels of organization
Minor Phyla
a. Acoelomate:
Phylum Acanthocephala (Spiny headed worms) , e.g. Echinorhyncus
b. Coelomate:
Phylum Chaetognatha (Arrow worms) , e.g. Sagitta
2. Taxonomy of phylum Chordata
a. Sub phylum Urochordata (Sea squirts)
1. Class Larvaceae , e.g. Oikopleura
2. Class Ascidiacea , e.g. Ciona/ Herdmania
Page 41
3. Class Thaliacea , e.g. Salpa/ Doliolum
b. Sub phylum Cephalochordata:
Class Leptocardii , e.g. Branchiostoma (Amphioxus)
c. Sub phylum Vertebrata:
I. Group Agnatha
1. Class Ostracodermi , e.g. Pharyngolepis
2. Class Cyclostomata , e.g. Petromyzon
II. Group Gnathostomata
i. Superclass - Pisces:
1. Class Placodermi (Armoured fishes) , e.g. Bothriolepis
2. Class El asmobranchi (Chondrichthyes) , e.g. Rhinobatos
3. Class Holocephali (Chimaera) , e.g. Rabbit fish / Rat fish
4. Class Dipnoi (Lung fishes) , e.g. Protopterus (African lungfish)
5. Class Teleostomi , e.g. Latimera (Coelacanth), Catfish
ii. Superclass - Tetrapoda :
1. Class Amphibia
a. Order Apoda , e.g. Siphonops/ Ichthyophis
b. Order Anura , e.g. Alytes (Midwife toad)
c. Order Urodela , e.g. Triton (Semi -aquatic salamander)
2. Class Reptilia:
a. Order Synapsida , e.g. Dimetrodon
b. Order Parapsida , e.g. Chasmosaurus (Dinosaur)
c. Order Anapsida , e.g. Geochelone ( Indian star tortoise)
d. Order Diapsida , e.g. Mabuya (Skink)
3. Class Aves:
a. Subclass Archaeornithes , e.g. Archaeopteryx
b. Subclass Neornithes
o Superorder Paleognathae (Flightless birds) , e.g. Emu, Penguin
o Superorder Neognathae (Flying birds) , e.g. Flamingo, Vulture
4. Class Mammalia:
a. Subclass Prototheria (Egg laying mammals) , e.g. Duck -billed platypus
b. Subclass Theria
o Infraclass - Metatheria (Marsupials/ Pouched mammals) , e.g. Dasyurus (Tiger cat)
o Infraclass – Eutheria (Placental mammals) , e.g. Gangetic Dolphin, Gorilla
3. Study of endoskeleton of shark:
a. Axial (s kull and vertebral column)
b. Appendicular (pelvic and pectoral fins, pelvic and pectoral girdle)
Note: Visit to local fish market to study available vertebrates
Page 42
Zoology for degree students - V. K. Agarwal; S.Chand Publication ; 2012
Modern textbook of Zoology – Invertebrates; R.L Kotpal; Rastogi publication ; 2012
Modern Textbook of Zoology – Vertebrates; Kotpal
Practical zoology; K.C. Ghose and B. Manna; Central publication; 2007
Text book of Invertebrates ; N.C.Nair , S.Leelavathy, N.S oundara Pandian, T.Murugan,
N.Arumugam; Saras Publication
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 16
Course Code: USZO602
1. Effect of pH on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase
2. Effect of varying enzyme concentration on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase
3. Effect of varying substrate concentration on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase
4. Effect of inhibitor on the activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase
5. Study of separation of LDH isozymes by agarose gel electrophoresis
6. To study the effect of enzymes in d etergents
7. Study of mammalian tissues:
i. V. S. of Skin
ii. V.S. of Tooth
iii. T.S. of Stomach
iv. T.S. of I leum
v. T.S. of Liver
vi. T.S. of Pancreas
vii. T.S. of Lung
8. i. Identification of following diseases or conditions (from slides or pictures) – Melesma,
Vitiligo, P soriasis, Bed sores, Necrosis, Oe dema, Malaria, Filariasis, Leishmaniasis
ii. Vidal‟s Test
Page 43
iii. Study and interpretation of pathological reports: Blood, Urine and Stool (feces)
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 17
Course Code: USZO603
1. To estimate phosphate phosphorus from sample water
2. To estimate BOD from sample water
3. To estimate COD from sample water
4. To estimate Nitrite Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen from sample water
5. To study the intensity of sound by Decibel meter & prepare a survey report
6. To study acidity and alkalinity of sample water by methyl ora nge and phenolphthalein
7. To study the effect of CCl 4 on the level of enzyme activity in liver on aspartate and alanine
amino transferase (in vitro approach)
8. To study the effect of paracetamol on the level of enzyme activity in liver on aspartate and
alanine amino transferase (in vitro approach)
9. Following biosta tistics practicals will be done using data analysis tool of Microsoft Excel
(DEMONSTRATION in regular practicals) & manually:
1. From the given data derive mean, standard deviation
2. Correlat ion, regression analysis using given data
3. Problems based on Z test
4. Problems based on t test
5. Problems based on Chi square test
6. Problems based on ANOVA
10. Exploring the integrated database system at NCBI server and querying
(Querying a nucleotide sequence, querying a protein se quence, use of operators (AND, OR &
Page 44
11. Exploring tools on ExPASy
(Querying a nucleotide sequence, querying a protein sequence, u se of operators (AND, OR &
12. Exploring BLAST tool (nucleotide sequence co mparison)
13. Exploring Uniprot tool (protein sequence comparison)
14. Exploring bibliographic database PubMed (Data mining - Downloading a research paper
on subject of interest, use of operators (AND, OR & NOT)
15. Indicate the distributio n of genus/species/subspec ies in the given world map w.r.t. to its realm
and comment on the pattern of distribution
16. Indicate the realms and the fauna found in that realm on the given world map, justify
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 18
Course Code: USZO604
1. To estimate phosphate phosphorus from sample water
2. To estimate COD, BOD from sample water
3. To estimate Nitrite Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen from sample water
4. To study the intensity of sound by Decibel meter
5. To study acidity and alkalinity of sample water by methyl orange and phenolphthalein
6. To observe the animal s in the chart and place them in endangered, vulnerable category
7. To study different types of mouth parts: cutting, chewing, lapping, sucking, sponging
8. To study m etamorphosis in insects: ametabolic - lepisma, hemimetabolic - cicada,
holometabolic - butterfly, mosquito
9. To study mechanism of bioluminescence in insects (Need to design practical)
10. Insect pests and control: rice weevil, flour moth, aphids, trib olium
Page 45
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Practical)
Course 11
Course Code: USZO501
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Identify and describe - 06
a. Symmetry / Coelom/ Segmentation / Cephalization (Any two)
b. Observe the animal (photo/existing preserved specimen) and state its phylum giving reasons
Q.2 Identify and classify giving reasons - 12
a. Protozoa / Porifera / Cnidaria
b. Platyhelminthes / Nemathelminthes
c. Annelida / Arthropoda
d. Mollusca / Echinodermata
Q.3 Identify, classify and describe - 03
a. Phylum Hemichordata
Q.4 Identify and describe - 09
a. Locomotion / Reproduction in Protozoa
b. Canal system in Sponges / Metamorphosis in insects
c. Spicules in sponges / Planktonic crustaceans
Q.5 Field Report and Viva based on theory paper 10
Q.6 Journal 10
Page 46
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Practical)
Course 12
Course Code: USZO502
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Enumeration of erythrocyte s - Total count 15
Q.1 Enumeration of leucocytes - Total count
Q.1 Differential count of leucocytes
Q.2 Estimation of serum /plasma total proteins by Folin‟s method 10
Q.2 Estimation of serum/plasma total triglycerides by Phosphovanillin method
Q.3 Estimation of haemoglobin by Sahli‟s acid haematin method 10
Q.3 Estimate Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate by suitable method
Q.3 Determi nation of s erum LDH
Q.4 Latex agglutination test - Rheumatoid Arthritis 05
Q.5 Viva voce 05
Q.6 Journal 05
Page 47
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester V (Practical)
Course 13 and Course 14
Course Code: USZO503 and USZO50 4
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Isolation & Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method 15
Q.1 Isolation & Estimation of DNA by Diphenylamine method
Q.1 Trypsinization and vital staining us ing Trypan blue stain
Q.2 Separation of proteins by SDS-PAGE from the given sample 10
Q.2 Demonstrate transfer of liquids betwee n burners aseptically
Q.2 Demonstrate packaging of glassware for sterilization
Q.3 Problems in genetics (Idiogr am - 2 marks, Calculations - 3 marks) 05
Q.4 Identification 15
Spot a) Based on histology
Spot b) Based on histology
Spot c) Based on osteology - human axial skeleton
Spot d) Based on osteology - human appendicular skeleton
Spot e) Based on chick embryology
Q.5 Submission of report (based on human traits fol lowing Mendelian inheritance) 05
and journal
Page 48
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 15
Course Code: USZO601
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 a. Identify, classify and describe 06
(Any one example from Urochordates/ Cephalochordates / Ostracodermi / Cyclostomata/ Minor
b. Observe the animal (photo/existing preserved specimen) and state its class giving reasons
(Any one example from super class Pisces and Tetrapoda)
Q.2 Identify and classify giving reasons - 15
a. Pisces
b. Amphibia / Reptilia
c. Aves / Mammalia
Q.3 Identify, sketch and label/ Identify and label marked portion in given diagram - 09
a. Skull or Vertebra of shark
b. Fin of shark (Pectoral / Pel vic)
c. Girdle of shark (Pectoral / Pelvic)
Q.4 Field Report and Viva based on theory paper 10
Q.5 Journal 10
Page 49
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 16
Course Code: USZO602
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Demonstrate the effect of ______________ on the activity of acid phosphatase 15
(Substrate concentration/pH variation/Enzyme concentration/Inhibitor concentration)
Q.2 Study of separation of LDH isozymes by agarose gel electrophoresis 10
Q.2 To study the effect of enzymes in detergents
Q.2 Perform Vidal‟s Test and give the clinical significance of the result
Q.3 Identify and describe a, b, c, d, e 15
a and b - Study of mammalian tissues (V. S. of Skin, V.S. of Tooth,
T.S. of Stomach , T.S. of I leum , T.S. of Liver , T.S. of Pancreas
T.S. of Lung )
c and d - Identification of following diseases or conditions (from slides or pictures) –
Melesma, Vitiligo, P soriasis, Bed sores, Necrosis, Oe dema, Malaria, Filariasis,
e – Interpret the pathologic al report – blood / urine / stool
Q.4 Viva voce 05
Q.5 Journal 05
Page 50
T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology
Semester VI (Practical)
Course 17 and Course 18
Course Code: USZO603 and USZO60 4
Skeleton of Practical Examination Question Paper
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Demonstrate the effect of CCl 4 on the level of enzyme activity of aspartate/alanine amino
transferase in liver (in vitro appro ach) 15
Q.1 Demostrate the effect of paracetamol on the level of enzyme activity of aspartate/ alanine
amino transferase in liver (in vitro approach)
Q.2 Estimate Phosphate P hosphorus/ Nitrite Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
/acidity /alkalinity / COD /BOD from sample water 10
Q.2 Demonstrate the use of bioinformatics tools to explore DNA, Protein sequence
Q.3 Indicate the distribution of genus/specie s/subspecies in the given world map w.r.t. to its
realm and comment on the pattern of distribution 05
Q.3 Indicate the realms and the fauna found in that realm on the given world map, justify
Q.4 Problems in Biostatistics 06
Q.5 Identification 06
Spot a) Based on types of mouth parts
Spot b) Based on types of metamorphosis
Spot c) Based on i nsect pest
Q.6 Submission of report (based on sound/ noise measurements using sound meter)
and journal (Report submission – 3 marks; Journal – 5 marks) 08
TYBSc proposed practical pattern for revised syllabus in the subject of Zoology
For students opting for 6 units of Zoology to be effective from academic year 2017 -2018
Page 51
Practical pattern for Semester V
Course Code
Practicals Marks
US ZO P05 Practicals based on US ZO 501
(Paper 1) 50
US ZO P05 Practicals based on US ZO 502
(Paper 2) 50
US ZO P06 Practicals based on US ZO 503 and
US ZO 504 (Papers 3 and 4) 50
US ZO P06 Project component *
(kindly refer to the note below for
details) 50
Total marks = 200
Details of Project component* for Semester V are as follows:
1. In semester V the students will submit an outline / scheme of the project proposal.
2. Actual execution/practical work of this project to be done only in semester VI.
3. The project proposal will be prepared by a group of students (not more than 5 in a group).
4. The project proposal will involve study of topic (covered in the UG syllabi) /
interdisciplinary topic.
5. Each group to be mentored by one teacher from the department.
6. The concerned teacher will mentor the group by giving orientation/instructions about
writing the project proposal.
7. The outline / scheme of the project proposal will include literature search/survey,
introduction, objectives , purpose and rationale, materials and methods, expected
outcomes/results , relevance of the project and bibliography .
8. The stud ent will prepare a hard copy of the project proposal which will have titles
discussed in point no. 7.
Evaluation of Project Proposal during practical examination for Semester V will be as
1. Although the students would have prepared the project pro posal as a group in Semester
V, however, they are expected to submit the project proposal individually.
Page 52
2. Each student will submit a project proposal (hard copy) during practical examination.
3. The soft copy of this project proposal can be kept in the departme nt for documentation
and record.
4. The project proposal will be evaluated by internal examiner (preferably the mentor) and
external examiner as per the evaluation criteria given below:
Title Marks
Literature search/survey 04 marks
Objectives , Purpose and Rationale 04 marks
Materials and Methods 04 marks
Expected outcome / hypothesis 03 marks
Work plan with milestones/ Timeline 03 marks
Overall approach and conduct 07 marks
Total 25 marks
The external examiner will evaluate the hard copy of the project proposal as per the
evaluation criteria given below:
Title Marks
Literature search/survey 04 marks
Objectives , Purpose and Rationale 04 marks
Materials and Methods 04 marks
Expected outcome / hypothesis 03 marks
Bibliography 03 marks
Viva voce based on the proposal 07 marks
Total 25 marks
Practical pattern for Semester VI
Practicals Marks
US ZO P07 Practicals based on US ZO 601 (Paper 1) 50
US ZO P07 Practicals based on US ZO 602 (Paper 2) 50
US ZO P08 Practicals based on US ZO 603 and US ZO 604
(Papers 3 and 4) 50
Page 53
US ZO P08 Project component *
(refer to the note below for details) 50
marks =
Details of Project component* for Semester VI are as follows:
1. In semester VI the students will actually execute their respective project submitted in
Semester V.
2. Actual execution may involve laboratory/table work and or field work and or survey as
per the specifications mentioned in their project proposal.
3. The mentor for the respec tive group will keep a track of the actual execution of the
4. After completion of the practical work the student will prepare a „ Dissertation ‟ which
will have an abstract/synopsis, brief introduction, materials and methods, observations,
interpretat ion of results, conclusion and discussion, future plans/extension of work.
5. The student will also give a „ Power point presentation ‟ about the project (not more than
7 slides and not more than 7 minutes per presentation).
Evaluation of Project Proposal du ring practical examination for Semester V I will be as
1. The external examiner will evaluate the „ Dissertation ‟ carrying 30 marks as per the
evaluation criteria given below:
Title Marks
Abstract/synopsis 05 marks
Materials and Methods 05 marks
Observations 05 marks
Interpretation of results 05 marks
Conclusion and Discussion 05 marks
Relevance of work 05 marks
Page 54
Total 30 marks
2. The external examiner will evaluate the „ Power point presentation ‟ carrying 20 marks
as per the evaluation criteria given below:
Title Marks
Content of the presentation 05 marks
Quality of the presentation 05 marks
Presentation skills 05 marks
Viva /Question - Answer session 05 marks
Total 20 marks
Document prepared by:
Name: Dr. Satish Suresh Sarfare
Designation: Head, Department of Zoology
Institution: SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion, Mumbai – 400 022