TYBSc Home Science Foods Nutrition and Dietetics Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course B. Sc. (Home Science),
Branch I: Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics
Semesters V and VI
2 Eligibility for Admission • S.Y.B.Sc. Home Science (general or any
• Admission will be based on merit.
3 Passing Marks 40% (Theory) and (Practical)
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any) O. 6086 with effect from 2014 -15 and thereafter
5 No. of Years / Semesters 1 year/ 2 Semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G. / Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2017 -18
Date: 10.04.2017 Signature :
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean : ___ Dr Geeta Ibrahim ________
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
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1 Title of the Course B. Sc. (Home Science)
Branch I: Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics
Semester V and VI
2 Course Code USHSI
3 Preamble / Scope
The B.Sc. in Home Science specializing in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics is designed to impart
advanced knowledge and skil ls that is life oriented, career and community oriented. It has
special relevance to industry and hospital application with the help of weekly field work, rural
camp and hospital/industry internship programme.
Objective of Course / Course Outcome
• To equip students to plan diets for clinical and therapeutic conditions within a hospital,
fitness center or gym setting.
• To impart students a systematic approach to basic and applied aspects of food
processing and technology.
• To familiarize students with the various theoretical and practical aspects of food quality
and its control.
• To provide students with an opportunity to conduct independent research.
• S.Y.B.Sc. Home Science (general or any specialization)
• Admission will be based on merit as pe r norms of the University of Mumbai
Essentials Elements of the Syllabus
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Fee Structure
No. Particulars of the Fees Amounts
1 Tuition 800.00
2 Laboratory 800.00
3 Library 200.00
4 Gymkhana 400.00
5 Other/Ext.Curr.Act.Fees 250.00
6 Group Insurance 50.00
7 Magazine Fees 100.00
8 Identity Card/Library Card 50.00
9 Students welfare Fund 50.00
10 Utility Fees 250.00
11 Development Fund 500.00
12 Exam fees 2120.00
13 Vice Chancellor's Fund 20.00
14 E. Charges 20.00
15 Ashwamedha/Indradhanushya 30.00
16 Disaster relief fees 10.00
17 E. Services 50.00
18 Convocation Fees 250.00
19 National Services Scheme 10.00
20 Field trips/Activities 1000.00
Total 6960.00
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7 No. of Lectures 18 periods per week
8 No. of Practical 16 periods per week
9 Duration of the Course 1 year
10 Notional hours 10 periods per week
11 No. of Students per Batch: 30-40(Theory) & 15 -20 (Practical)
Selection - Merit at the qualifying examination
Assessment – included in the syllabus copy as Scheme of Examination
Syllabus Details – included in the syllabus copy
Title of the Unit – included in the syllabus copy
Title of the Sub -Unit – included in the syllabus copy
Semester wise Theory – included in the syllabus grid
Semester wise List of Practical – included in the syllabus grid
Question Paper Pattern – included in the syllabus copy as Scheme of Examination
Pattern of Practical Exam – included in the syllabus copy as Scheme of Examination
Scheme of Evaluation of Project / Internship - – included in the syllabus copy
List of Suggested Reading – included in the syllabus copy
List of Websites – included in the syllabus copy wherever applicable
List of You -Tube Videos –Not Applicable
List of MOOCs –Not Applicable 12
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Revised w.e.f. June 2017
Code Title Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods/
Batch Credits
USHSI501 Nutritional
Biochemistry -I 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI502 Clinical Nutrition and
Diet therapy 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI503 Food Microbiology and
Preservation 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI504 Human Nutrition -
Macronutrients 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI505 Community Health and
Nutrition 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI506 Food Production and
Service in Institutions 25 75 100 3 2
Part A – Diet Therapy - 50 50 4 2
Part B – Food Analysis
& Clinical
Biochemistry -I - 50 50 4 2
USHSIP503 Part A – Community
Nutrition - 50 50 4 2
Part B – Applications
of Food Production and
Service - 50 50 4 2
Total 800 34 20
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Course Code Title Periods/ Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI501 Nutritional Biochemistry -
I 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To enable the students to apply the knowledge of nutrition and role of nutrients in the
2. To understand the chemistry and metabolism of the nutrients in the living system during
health and disease.
Course Content Periods
Unit I • Cell membrane structure and transport mechanism across
cell membrane (Passive and active)
• Types of chemical bonds, significance of asymmetric C atom
• Classification of carbohydrates:
• Monosaccharides - reactions of glucose (oxidation,
reduction, enediol formation)
• Disaccharides: structure and properties
• Oligosaccharides: structure and properties
• Polysaccharides: Homoglycans and Heteroglycans
(structure of starch and cellulose only)
• Carbohydrate Metabolism: Reactions of EMP, TCA (with
structures), HMP, Cori’s cycle, Gluconeogenesis (no
structur es), Glycogen metabolism (no structures), Galactose
and fructose metabolism
• Blood Glucose Homeostasis
• Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
• Energy rich compounds: ATP, Creatine phosphate,
Oxidative phosphorylation, Electron Transport Chain
Unit II Protein Chemistry
• Classification of amino acids, classification of proteins (both
based on structure and function)
• Protein structure: four levels of protein organization, bond
stabilizing the structure, structure of α -helical and β -pleated
sheet. Structure of Insulin and haemoglobin
• Amino acid transport
• Amino Acid metabolism (general reactions of amino acids)
• Detoxification of NH3: Krebs -Hensleit cycle
• Inborn errors of Phenylalanine, Tyrosine Tryptophan
• 15
Unit III • Enzyme Chemistry
• Definition and classification IUB (up to 1 digit) of enzyme,
enzyme specificity, turnover number
• Units: Katal, IU
• Factors affecting enzyme activity
• Definition of km and significance
• Enzyme inhibition 15
Page 8
• Definition of Holoenzyme, Coenzyme, cofactor, Allosteri c site,
active site, prosthetic group, isoenzyme
Berg, Jeremy Mark, Tymoczko, John L and Stryer. (2002). Biochemistry 5th Ed . New York.
W.H. Freeman and Co.
Brody Tom. (2004). Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd Ed . New Delhi. Elsevier/Reed. Elsevier. India
Pvt. Ltd.
Chatterjee, M.N. Shinde and Rana. (2012). Textbook of Medical Biochemistry , 8thEd. New Delhi,
Brothers. Medical Publisher.
DandekarSucheta P. (2002). Medical Biochemistry (Prep Manual for U.G.) 2nd Ed . New Delhi
B-1 Churchill
Livingstone Pvt. Ltd.
David L. N.,Michael M. C., (2013) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 6th Ed. W. H. Freeman
and Co.
Rastogi S.C. (2003). Biochemistry 2nd Ed.New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
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Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Division Marks Credits
USHSI502 Clinical Nutrition
and Diet Therapy 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To impart the concept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
2. To enable the students to understand the underlying disease conditions, possible
complications and pathological states and to understand principles of appropriate
nutrition intervention approaches.
3. To enable the students to focus on the preventive role of nutrition in the current life style
Medical Nutrition therapy
Each of the diseases to be discussed under the following heads of Etiology, Pathophysiology,
Diagnosis, and principles of Management with special emphasis on nutritional care and
Course Content Periods
Unit I • Principles of diet therapy
• Team work in nutritional care
• Review of Normal diet and Standard hospital diet
• Overview of Nutritional Care process and counseling
• Weight management
• Regulation of food intake: Short term and Long term regulation, Set
point theory
• Obesity and Overweight: Classificat ion, Etiology and assessment,
Complications and Management (Nutrition and lifestyle,
Pharmacological, Surgical and Behavioral)
• Juvenile Obesity (in brief)
• Underweight
• Eating disorders - Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: Management
(Medical, Nutritional care, Psychological support) and Prevention 15
Unit II • Diabetes Mellitus
• Etiology, Classification and Diagnosis
• Long and short term complications(brief)
• Management (Dietary Management, Insulin Therapy, Exercise,
• Overview of special conditions: Diabetes in Childhood,
• Role of Nutrition in Prevention
• Nutrition in Infections
• Typhoid
• Tuberculosis
• HIV 15
Unit III • Cardiovascular diseases
• Hypertension: Oetiology and Risk factors, Pathophysiology,
• Pathophysiology and Management of Atherosclerosis
• Angina Pectoris, Myocardial Infarction
• Congestive cardiac failure 15
Page 10
• Hyperlipidemia – classification, diagnosis and nutritional
management (brief)
• Metabolic syndrome and role of nutrition in its prevention.
• The hyper catabolic state, Surgery and Burns - An overview
• Nutritional Support
• Enteral Nutrition
• Parenteral Nutrition
Antia F.P. (1997). Clinical dietetics and nutrition . (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Bennion, M. (1997). Clinical nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
Briony, T. (1995). Blackwell Manual of Dietetic Practice . (2nd Ed.) Oxford: New York
Scientific Publication.
Burton, B.T. (1980). Human nutrition . (3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Davidson and Passmore. Human nutrition and dietetics . (18th Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw
Hill Publications.
Garrow, J.S. (1993). Human nutrition and dietetics . (9th Ed.) New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Mahan, L. K., Escott -Stump and Raymond, J.L. (2012). Krau se’s Food and the Nutrition Care
Process . (13th Ed.) Missouri: Elsevier.
Robinson: (1989). Normal and therapeutic nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Macmillan Pub.
Zeeman, F. J. (1998). Applications of Clinical Nutrition . Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall
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Course Code Title Periods/ Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI503 Food Microbiology
and Preservation 3 100 2
1. To introduce students to the field of microbiology and its relevance to food deterioration
and preservation.
2. To impart knowledge regarding deteriorative factors and principles & techniques of
preserving foods.
Course Content Periods
Unit I • Major groups of microorganisms
Introduction to Bacteria, Yeast, Mold, Algae, Protozoa and Virus.
Classification, morphology, reproduction and growth requirements of
Bacteria, Yeast and Mold
• Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of foods that affect microbial
Intrinsic factors: pH, moisture content, oxidation -reduction potential,
nutrient content, antimicrobial constituents a nd biological structures.
Extrinsic factors: Temperature of storage, relative humidity of environment,
presence and concentration of gases in the environment.
• Microbial flora, spoilage, sources, characteristics and contamination
in the following foods and their products
Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, Meat, Fish & Poultry
Processed and convenience foods
D. Food Borne Illness - Pathogens, Toxins produced, Effects 15
II • Non microbial deteriorative factors in foods
Food enzymes and other chemical reactions, Infestation (insects, parasites,
rodents), Temperature, Moisture, Oxygen, Light, Time, Physical stress and
• Food quality and its Meaning and Importance
General Principles of Food Preservation: Meaning, mode of action, and
changes in foods - An overview.
Techniques of Preservation:
1. Use of fermentation technology
Benefits and mechanism of fermentation - Factors controlling fermentations
in foods.
2. Use of food additives
Broad classes of food additives and their application (Preservatives,
Antioxidants, Sequesterants, Surface active agents, Stabilizers, Thickeners,
Bleaching and Maturing agents). 15
III Techniques of Preservation(Continued)
3. Use of high temperature (Heat Preservation)
Degrees of heat preservation (blanching, pasteurization, canning,
commercial sterilization); heat resistance of microorganisms (Thermal Death
Time); selection of appropriate temperature. Protective effects of food
constituents; methods used for heating food before and after packaging.
4. Use of low temperature ( Cold Preservation)
Refrigeration and cool storage, Requirements of refrigerated storage
Freezing and frozen storage
Freezing methods (Air Freezing, indi rect contact freezing, immersion 15
Page 12
Changes in foods during refrigeration and frozen storage
5.Use of dehydration and concentration
Benefits and factors affecting heat and mass transfer
Physical and chemical changes during dehydration and concentrat ion
Methods of dehydration and Concentration
6. Use of ionizing radiations and microwave heating : Ionising radiations
(Gamma Radiation and Electron Beam Radiation), Sources and underlying
principles, radiation effects, Application of radiation technology
Other emerging technologies - Hurdle technology, Infrared heating,
ohmic heating, high pressure processing
Frazier, W. C. and Westoff, D. C. (1998) Food Microbiology New Delhi; Tata McGraw Hill
James, M. J. (1996) Modern Food Microbiology (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Published by S.K. Jain for
C. B.S.
Publishers and distributors.
Pelczar, M. J., Reid, R. D. and Chan (2000 ) Microbiology . New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Potter, N. H. and Hotchkiss, J. H. (1996) Food Science, (5th Ed.)New Delhi:C.B.S. Publishers
and distributors.
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001) Food Processing and Preservation . New Delhi: New
International Ltd. Publishers.)
Manay, N. S. and Shadaksharswamy, M. (2004) Food Facts and Principles, New Delhi: New
Age Internationa l Ltd Publishers.
Page 13
Course Code Title Periods/ Week /Division Marks Credits
USHSI504 Human Nutrition -
Macronutrients 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To reinforce the basic principles of nutrition
2. To impart in -depth knowledge on the functions, deficiency and toxicity of macronutrients
3. To enable the students apply knowledge of nutrition to daily life.
Course content Periods
Unit I • Energy
Definitions, Units of energy, Components of Energy Expenditure,
Physical activity (light, moderate, and heavy); Components of energy
expenditure - Physical activity, BMR and Thermic effect of food
Measurement of energy expenditure: Direct and Indirect calorimetry
Computation of Energy requirements by factorial approach
Energy requirements for various groups of population and during
Energy imbalances
• Carbohydrates
Classification, Digestion and Absorption – an overview
Dietary fibre; nutritional importance; Glycemic load and Glycemic
Index - Factors influencing
Resistant Starch -types & health benefits
Carbohydrate needs of population
Carbohydrate needs during exercise 15
Unit II Proteins
An overview of Classification and functions of Proteins and amino
acids; Digestion and Absorption
Evaluation of Quality of Pro teins: Biological and Chemical methods
Amino Acid imbalances
Assessment of protein nutritional status - anthropometrical,
biochemical and clinical methods
Protein requirements in various stages of life and in exercise
Protein Deficiency in vulnerable groups of population:
Concerns of protein supplementation 15
Unit III A: Lipids
Overview of classification, functions, Digestion, absorption and
EFA –Functions, Requirements and sources,
Trans -fats and th eir health effects
Nutritional importance of MCTs
Requirement of fat - Fatty acid ratios
Consequences of deficiency and excess of dietary fat intake
B: Interrelationship between Macronutrients 15
Anderson, L., Dibble, M. and Mitchell, H. (1992) Nutrition in health and disease , 17th ed., J.B.
Lippincott Co. Philadelphia
Bamji, M., Rao, P. N. and Reddy, V. Textbook of Human Nutrition , Oxford: IBH Pub. Co.
Page 14
Davidson, S., Passmore, R., Brock, J and Trus well, A., (1975) Human nutrition and dietetics , 6th
ed., ELBS
Guthrie, H. (1986) Introductory Nutrition , 6th ed., Times Mirror/Mosby College Publication.
Williams, S. (1981) Nutrition and diet therapy , 4th ed., Missouri: The C.V. Masby Co.Brown, J.
E. (1999) Nutrition Now. 2nd ed. West/Wadsworth -International Thomson Publishing Co.
USA.Grodd, J.L. and Gropper, S.S. (1999) Advanced Nutrition and human metabolism.
Belmount CA Wodworth/ Thomson learning
Page 15
Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Division Marks Credits
USHSI505 Community Health and
Nutrition 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To create an awareness among students about the nutritional problems of the community
with special emphasis on vulnerable sections.
2. To understand the different methods of assessing nutritional status of the community.
3. To recognize the deleterious effects of malnutrition in the development of our nation and
means of combating the same.
Course content Periods
Unit I Concept of Health, Public health, Public Health Nutrition
Nutritiona l Epidemiology and Community nutrition.
-Demography, demographic cycle
Health Indicators and their significance – Birth and death rates, IMR,
MMR, TFR, U5MR etc
Identification of vulnerable groups - Pregnant women, Nursing
mother, Infants, Children, Speci al emphasis to girl child (including
adolescents), Geriatric
Health Care System in India – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary,
National Health Policy, National Nutrition Policy -An overview..
Emerging Nutritional public health problems, their risk factors &
Monitoring: - NCD”s,VAD, IDD, Anaemia,
Malnutrition 15
Unit II Indicators and data sources from existing macro and micro systems of
information in India (NFHS, NSSO, ICDS, NSS, CENSUS)
Impact of Malnutrition on National development
Factors affecting m alnutrition in India -, /Underlying causes of
Malnutrition in India; Ultimate cost of malnutrition
Background of the Problems of Malnutrition in India.
Food Availability & related problems, Poverty, Illiteracy & Ignorance,
Population explosion, Social & Cultural factors
Food based strategies for control of common nutritional deficiencies -:
Beri -Beri, Pellagra, Ariboflavinosis, Scurvy, Rickets & Osteomalacia
Strategies for augmenting food production - Green, White, Brown and
Blue revolution 15
Unit III Communicable and infective disease control : Nature of
communicable diseases, infections, contamination, transmission, vector
borne diseases, environmental agents, control and prevention,
Community water and waste management – Importance of water to
the community, etiology and effects of toxic agents, water borne
infections, safe drinking water, potable water, waste and waste disposal –
liquid and solid waste 15
K. Park (2011). Texbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 21st Edition. Banarsid as Bhanot
Publishers. Jabalpur ISBN13:9788190607995.
Sheila ChanderVir (ed)(2011) Public Health Nutrition in Developing countries –Part I & Part II
Ebrahim G. J. (1983) Nutrition in mother and child health – London Mac Millan and Co.
Goel, S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Page 16
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep
Gopaldas, T. Ses hadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University
Jelliffe, D.B, Jellife E.P (1989) Community Nutritional Assessment . Oxford University Press,
New Delhi
Wadhwa, A and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Community , New Delhi : Elite Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
Page 17
Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Division Marks Credits
USHSI506 Food Production and
Service in
Institutions 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To be aware of the scope of food service management in commercial and welfare
2. To understand the purpose and goals of a food production and service institution with
relevance to safety and ethics.
3. To acquire knowledge about facility planning and the process of the working of the food
production and service institution.
Course Content Periods
Unit I The Purpose and Goals of a Food production and service
• Introduction and overview of types of food production and
service institutions
• Relevance and purpose of such institutions
• Current trends in catering
• Role of Nutritionists in food production and service institutions
• Styles of service
• Goals of a food production and service institution
• Food Safety and hygiene
• Control of microbial quality
• Food handling and prevention of food borne illness
• Personnel hygiene
• Wast e disposal and pest control
• Environmental sanitation
• Food standards and laws
• Environmental and ecological concerns
• Futuristic vision of food production and service
• Global outlook
• Creativity and innovation to meet needs
• Technological and IT competence 15
Unit II Facility planning of a food production and service institution.
• Overview of space allocation
• Formulation of project report
• Kitchen design and planning with respect to area and space
consideration, equipment requirements, ventilation and safety
• Receiving and storage area design and layout
• Service facilities in hospitals
• Types –centralized and decentralized
• Equipment required 15
Unit III The process of running a food production and service institution 15
Page 18
• Concept of food and work flow
• Procurement
• Purchasing
• Methods of purchasing
• Purchasing process
• Receiving Procedures
• Storage and inventory
• Role of a store keeper
• Outline of scheduling pre –production production process and
• Standardisation and stepping up
• Menu planning
• Avoidance of was te and waste disposal
Bhojwani M. (2007), Food service management: Principles and practice
Eckel P. J. (1985), College and University Food Service Management
Delfakis H, Nancy L, Van Burns J (1992), Food Service Management
Spears M. C ,Vaden A. E (1985), Food Service Organizations —A management and systems
Drummond K. (1997) Nutrition for the Food Service Personnel
National Association Institute (1998) Handbook for Food Service Management
Verghese B (1999) Professional Food and Bevera ge Service Management
Singh, Y. P. (2001) Effective Food Management
Fox A. (1971) Hygiene and Food Production
Page 19
Course Code Title Periods/ Week/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP501 Diet Therapy 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To familiarize the students with basic concepts of raw and cooked weights of foods the
appropriate weights
2. To impart the concept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
3. To learn to plan therapeutic diets for management of clinical disease conditions
4. To teach diet modification through u se of food exchange lists and calculated values.
Course content Periods
Unit I Standardization
• Weights and measures
• Recipes from different food groups 15
Unit II Weight management
• Obesity and over weight
• Underweight
• PEM 15
Unit III Diabetes Mellitus
• Type I
• Type II
• Gestational DM 15
Unit IV Cardiovascular diseases 15
Roth, R. A. and Townsend C. E. (2003), Nutrition and Diet Therapy . Thomson, Delmar
Whitney E.N. and Rolfes S.R. (2002) Understanding Nutrition . Wadsworth, Thomson Learning.
Thompson J. and Manore. M (2005). Nutrition : An Applied Approach . Benjamin hummings.
Aronson. V. (1986). The Dietetic Technician . CBI book, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New
Rolfes, Pinn and Whitney (2006). Understanding Normal and Clinic al Nutrition . Thompson
Peckenpaugh. N. J. (2003) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . Saunders Publications.
Additional Reading
Mermel, V.L. (1995). Focus on Nutrition Mosby Publications.
Williams. S.R. (1993) Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Mosby Publication.
Page 20
Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP502 Food Analysis and
Biochemistry -I
4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To impart practical skills in analytical procedures of foods and synthetic body fluids
2. To impart skills in the microbiological analysis of foods
3. To enable the students understand the principles of various analytical techniques.
Course content Periods
Unit I • Qualitative analysis of carbohydrates
• Quantitative estimation of total sugars in different foods by Lane –
Eynon’s method.
• Extraction of amylase from sweet potato and its use in starch
• Estimation of crude fibre
• Determination of refractive index in fruit juice – Demonstration
• Estimation of blood glucose by Folin -Wu method 15
Unit II • Qualitative analysis of amino acids:
• Colour reactions of amino acids
• Identification of amino acids by paper chromatography -
• Quantitative estimation of protein in food by Micro Kjeldahl
method - Demonstration
• Estimation of the gluten content in cereal flou rs.
• Estimation of serum total protein, albumin and globulin by Biuret’s
method. 15
Unit III • Microbial analysis of foods:
• Techniques of sterilization and preparation of media
• Plating techniques - Spread plating and pour plating
• Staining techniques - Simple staining and differential staining
(Acid fast and Gram staining)
• 15
Unit IV • Detection of Food Quality
• Detection of Food adulterants
• Bacteriological analysis of milk - MBRT
• Estimation of titratable acidity in curd/
• 15
Raghuramulu N., Madhavan K., Kalyanasundaram S. (2003). A manual of laboratory techniques
(Second Edition) by ICMR
Page 21
Mayer, L.H. (1987). Food Chemistry. CBS Publishers and Distributors
Oser, L.B. (1976). Hawk’s physiological chemistry (14th Ed.)Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd .
Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical analysis of foods.(6th Ed.) London: J. A. Churchill
Page 22
Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP503 Community Nutrition 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To acquire skills for different methods in assessment of nutritional status of the
2. To prepare and use the various types of communication aids for imparting nutrition
3. To learn various methods of research and apply it in project development.
Course content Periods
Unit I • Development of various tools for Nutritional Education such as -
powerpoint, short films, puppets (finger, glove, body puppets,
cardboard, paper etc)
• Preparation of visual aids like flashcards, brochures, pamphlets,
charts etc
• Developing other techniques like skits, role play, street plays,
demonstrations, songs etc 15
Unit II • Developing data collection tools like diet survey, questionnaires,
Food frequency questionnaires etc.
• Implementing the developed tools 15
Unit III • Conducting mini surveys
• To analyze and interpret the data collected 15
Unit IV • To present the data or Seminar on topics of current interest
• To conduct nutrition education in the field scenario
• Visit to relevant GO’s, NGO’s and industries 15
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University
Jelliffe, D. (1966) The assessment of Nutritional Status of the Community . Geneva WHO.
Swaminathan, M. (1985) Essential of Food and Nutrition Vol I and II Bangalore, Ban galore
Printing and
Publishing Ltd.
Kothari C.R. Research methodology - Methods and Techniques, 2nd revised Edition, New Age
International Publishers.
Mahajan B.K. Methods in Biostatistics - For medical students and research workers, 7th Edition,
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
Page 23
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP504 Applications of Food
Production and Service
4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To enable students to learn the process of recipe planning, standardization and menu
2. To study quantity cookery production and retailing with respect to varied meals and
styles of service
Course content Periods
Unit I Standardization of recipes 15
Unit II Planning, preparation and retailing of packed meals 15
Unit III Planning, preparation and retailing for various styles of service 15
Unit IV Planning, preparation and retailing for events 15
Bhojwani M. (2007), Food service management: Principles and practice
Eckel P. J. (1985), College and University Food Service Management
Delfakis H, Nancy L, Van Burns J (1992), Food Service Management
Spears M. C ,Vaden A. E (1985), Food Service Organizations —A management and systems
Drummond K. (1997) Nutrition for the Food Service Personnel
National Association Institute (1998) Handbook for Food Service Management
Verghese B (1999) Professional Food and Beverage Service Management
Singh, Y. P. (2001) Effective Food Management
Fox A. (1971) Hygiene and Food Production
Page 24
Revised w.e.f. June 2017
Code Title Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Period/ Week /
Division/Batch Credits
USHSI601 Nutritional
Biochemistry –II 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI602 Clinical
Nutrition and
Diet therapy 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI603 Food Processing 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI604 Human Nutrition
– Micronutrients
and Functional
foods 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI605 Nutritional
Surveillance 25 75 100 3 2
USHSI606 Entrepreneurship
in Food
Nutrition 25 75 100 3 2
Diet Therapy - 50 50 4 2
Food Analysis
and Clinical
Biochemistry - II - 50 50 4 2
USHSIP603 Applied
Nutrition - 50 50 4 2
Development - 50 50 4 2
Total 800 34 20
Page 25
Page 26
Course Code Title Periods/ Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI601 Nutritional Biochemistry -
II 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To enable the students to apply the knowledge of nutrition and role of nutrients in the
2. To understand the chemistry and metabolism of the nutrients in the living system during
health and disease.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Lipids
• Definition, classification of lipids:
• Simple lipids
• Compound lipids (Phospholipids, Lipoproteins, Sulfolipids,
Glycolipids, Sphingolipids
• Derived Lipids: Fatty acids – EFA, w -3, w-6, Eicosanoids and
Prostaglandins (biosynthesis and functions ), Cholesterol:
Structure, functions, synthesis (without structu re) and
• Lipid Metabolism: Knoop’s β -oxidation of even C fatty acid (no
structures),ketone body formation and utilization ,fatty acid
biosynthesis of Palmitic acid (no structure), triglyceride synthesis
• Lipid uptake and mobilization from adipose tissue
• Lipid storage disorders 15
Unit II Nucleic acid Chemistry
• Structures of purines, pyrimidines, Nucleosides, Nucleotides
• DNA - Watson and Crick model
DNA replication - a brief outline
• RNA – structure and types
• Protein synthesis: Transcription, Translations
• Protein degradation: ubiquitin and proteasome system (an
• Introduction to Nutrigenomics (brief)
• Disorders of purine metabolism 15
Unit III • Hormones: Definition, classification, mode of action of Hormones.
• Secretion, functions and common disorders of hormones with
reference to hormones of the Pituitary gland (GH,TSH, α - MSH,
oxytocin and ADH), Thyroid gland (T3 & T4) in brief synthesis of
T3 and T4 without structure, pancreas (insulin, glucagon ), adrenal
cortical hormones and adrenal medullary hormones (synthesis in
brief without structure), G.I. hormones (gastrin, secretin, CCK,
ghrelin), Male and female sex hormones ,adipose tissue hormones
(Leptin, adip0nectin)
• Acid -Base balance
Buffers: definition, types of buffers
Role of lungs, kidneys and haemoglobin in Acid -Base balance
Chloride shift mechanism
Disorders of Acid -Base imbalance 15
Page 27
• Fluid and electrolyte balance: Fluid compartments of th e body,
Regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance (Hormonal Mechanism)
Berg, Jeremy Mark, Tymoczko, John L and Stryer. (2002). Biochemistry 5th Ed. New York.
W.H. Freeman and
Brody Tom. (2004). Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd Ed. New Delhi. Elsevier/Reed. Elsevier. India
Pvt. Ltd.
Chatterjee, M.N. Shinde and Rana. (2012). Textbook of Medical Biochemistry , 8thEd. New Delhi,
Brothers. Medical Publisher.
DandekarSucheta P. (2002). Medical Biochemistry (Prep Manual for U.G.) 2nd Ed. New Delhi
B-1 Churchill
Livingstone Pvt. Ltd.
David L. N.,Michael M. C., (2013) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 6th Ed. W. H. Freeman
and Co.
Rastogi S.C. (2003). Biochemistry 2nd Ed. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Page 28
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI602 Clinical Nutrition
and Diet Therapy 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To impart the concept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
2. To enable the students to understand the underlying disease conditions, possible
complications and pathological states.
3. To train students to plan appropriate nutrition intervention approaches and diets.
4. To enable the students to focus on the preventive role of nutrition in the current life style
Medical Nutrition therapy
Each of the diseases to be discussed under the following heads: Etiology, Pathophysiology,
principles of management (with special emphasis on nutritional care), Prevention.
Course Content Periods
Unit I • Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System
• GERD, oesophagitis
• Acute and chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease (gastric
and duodenal)
• Gluten induced enteropathy
• Lactose intolerance
• Diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Inflammatory bowel diseases
• Food Allergies and intole rances –A Brief Overview 15
Unit II • Diseases of the Liver, Biliary system and Pancreas
• Liver: Functions of the liver, Viral Hepatitis (brief),
Alcoholic liver disease, Cirrhosis, Hepatic encephalopathy
• Biliary System : Cholelithiasis, Cholecystitis
• Pancreatic diseases: Pancreatitis (acute and chronic)
• Inborn Errors of metabolism
• Phenylketonuria
• Wilson’s disease
• Cancer – Role of nutrition in the aetiology, prevention and its
management – an overview 15
Unit III • Renal diseases
• Functions of the kidney
• Nephritis – acute and chronic
• Nephrotic syndrome
• Renal failure - ARF, CRF, Dialysis
• Renal Transplant
• Nephrolithiasis
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 15
Antia F.P. (1997). Clinical dietetics and nutrition . (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Bennion, M. (1997). Clinical nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
Page 29
Briony T. (1995). Blackwell Manual of Dietetic Practise . (2nd Ed.) Oxford: New York Scientific
Burton B.T. (1980). Human nutrition . (3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Davidson and Passmore. Human nutrition and dietetics . (18th Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Garrow J.S. (1993). Human nutrition and dietetics . (9th Ed.) New York: Ch urchill Livingstone.
Mahan, L. K., Escott -Stump and Raymond, J.L. (2012). Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care
Process . (13th Ed.) Missouri: Elsevier.
Robinson: (1989). Normal and therapeutic nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Macmillan Pub.
Zeeman, F . J. (1998). Applications of Clinical Nutrition . Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall
Page 30
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI603 Food Processing 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To impart a systematic knowledge of basic and applied aspects of food processing and
2. To gain in -depth knowledge about processing and preservation of techniques used for
different food groups.
3. To emphasize the importance of effective food packaging and food quality control.
Course content Periods
Unit I • Cereal and cereal product technology
• Structure, composition, nutritive value, milling and other basic
processing techniques - An Overview.
• Processing technology of the following: Yeast leavened
breads, Cakes, Biscuits, Breakfast cereals, Pasta
• Pulses and legume technology
• Composition, Nutritive value and basic processing –An
• Toxic factors and their elimination.
• Processing Technology of the following: Extruded soya
products, Fermented soya products, Soya milk and ground nut
• Technolo gy of oil seeds and oil processing.
• Extraction of oils
• Refining of oil
• Hydrogenation, plasticizing and tempering
• Oil Blends
• Margarine, shortenings and spreads
• Confectionary fats, cocoa butter, cocoa powder
• Mayonnaise 15
Unit II • Fruit and Vegetable technology
• Frozen vegetables and fruits
• Canned vegetables and fruits
• Dried fruits and vegetables
• Chutney, pickle and sauces
• Jams, jellies and marmalades and fruit cheese
• Tomato juice & orange juice processing - Puree, pastes and
• Dairy technology -An overview of the following: -
• Milk composition
• Factors affecting milk quality
• Physical and chemical properties
• Milk processing - Pasteurization, Homogenization,
• Effect of processing on nutritive value 15
Page 31
• Milk Products - Milk powder, Sweetened condensed milk,
Butter, Cheese, Ice cream, Shrikhand, Yogurt/ Probiotic
products, Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk substitutes
Unit III Flesh Food Technology: -Meat, Fish, Poultry and Egg
Composition, Nutritive value and basic processing : An Overview
Meat Processing: Bacon , Ham , Sausages
Poultry and Egg Processing: Frozen poultry , Poultry nuggets ,
Poultry meat products , Egg products
Fish Processing: Meal , Fish oil , Frozen fish , Canned fish , Dried and
smoked fish
Beverages: Alcoholic Beverages - Beer, Wine , Non Alcoholic
Beverages , Coffee, Tea, & Carbonated beverages
Newer trends in beverages
Convenience foods - Snack food technology
Food fortification
Food packaging : Functions and requirements of food packaging.
Types of containers and Packaging materials, Packages with special
features, Newer trends in packaging technology
Food laws and standards and systems (National and International)
Role of HACCP ,TQM and FSSAI in controlling quality of foods. 15
SBP Board of consultants and Engineers (1998). SBP Handbook of Oil Seeds, Oil, Fats and
Derivatives . Delhi:SBP House.
Booth, G.R. (1997). Snack Food , New Delhi: CBS Publishers and distributors.
Salunkhe, D.K. &Kadam, S.S. (2005). Handbook of Vegetable Science and Technology. Marcel
Dekker, INCFirst Indian Reprint .
D’Cunnha, J.F. (1998). Modern Food Packaging , Mumbai: IIP.
Duffy, J.I., (1981). Snack Food Technology , New Jersey: Noyes Data Corporation.
Smith, J.S. &Hui, Y.H. (2004). Food Processing Principles and Applications. Blackwell
Kent N.L. (1993). Technology of cereals (4th ed.) Pergamon Press.
Chakraborty, M.M. (2003). Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats Allied publishers Pvt.
Mahadeviah, M. &Gowramma, R.V . (1996). Food Packaging Materials . New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill Pub.Co. Ltd.
Fellows, P. &Hampton, A. (1992). Small Scale Food Equipment Intermediate
Technology. Publications in
Association with CTA.
Potter, N. & Hotchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Science New Delhi : CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Ahulluwalia, V. (2007). Food Processing , New Delhi: Paragon International Publishers.
Page 32
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI604 Human Nutrition -
Micronutrients and
Functional Foods 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To reinforce the basic principles of nutrition
2. To impart in -depth knowledge on the functions, deficiency and toxicity of micronutrients.
3. To enlighten students on the health benefits of functional foods
4. To enable the students to apply knowledge of nutrition to daily life.
Course content Periods
Unit I Vitamins – Chemistry, Metabolism, functions, Sources, RDA,
deficiency and toxicity
Effect of cooking and/or processing (wherever applicable) of
Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)
Water soluble vitamins (B-Complex and C) 15
Unit II • Minerals - Metabolism, Functions, Effect of processing, Factors
influencing absorption , Sources, RDA, Deficiency and Toxicity of
Macro -minerals (Ca, P, Na, K, Mg)
Micro -minerals (Iron, Iodine, Zn & Fluorine)
Trace elements (Se, Cu) 15
Unit III A: Inter -relationship between Vitamins and Minerals; Macro -
nutrients and Micro -nutrients
B: Drug Nutrient Interactions
C: Functional foods –Classification, Mechanism of action, Food
sources 15
Anderson, L., Dibble, M. and Mitchell, H. (1992) Nutrition in health and disease , 17th ed., J.B.
Lippincott Co.Philadelphia
Bamji, M., Rao, P. N. and Reddy, V. Textbook of Human Nutrition , Oxford: IBH Pub. Co.
Davidson, S., Passmore, R., Brock, J and Trusw ell, A., (1975) Human nutrition and dietetics , 6th
ed., ELBS
Guthrie, H. (1986) Introductory Nutrition , 6th ed., Times Mirror/Mosby College Publication.
Williams, S. (1981) Nutrition and diet therapy , 4th ed., Missouri: The C.V. Masby Co.
Page 33
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI605 Nutritional Surveillance 3 100 2
1. To create an awareness among students about the nutritional problems of the community
with special
2. emphasis on vulnerable sections.
3. To understand the different methods of assessing nutritional status of the community.
4. To recognize the deleterious effects of malnutrition in the development of our nation and
means of combating the same.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Nutritional Surveillance and surveillance systems
Understanding Nutritional Surveillance and its purpose, Definitions of
terms used in nutritional surveillance – Long term nutrition monitoring,
Evaluation of programmes impact, timely warning and intervention
Types of nutritional surveillance appropriate to different situations
Assessment of Nutritional Status of a community -A, B, C and D
• Anthropometry
Measurement of height, weight, head and chest circ umferences, mid
upper arm
circumference, skin fold thickness, interpretation of measurements and
comparison with standards (NCHS, ICMR,WHO), classification
according to grades of malnutrition
Anthropometric ratios - WHR, W/H, A/H
Rapid Field Assessment Tec hniques
• Biochemical parameters for assessing nutrition status
Clinical signs and symptoms of PEM, mineral and vitamin deficiencies 15
Unit II • Understanding the Clinical Signs in various Conditions
• Nutritional Deficiency disorders - Clinical signs and symptoms
of PEM, SAM, MAM, mineral and vitamin deficiencies
• Diet Surveys
• Meaning, Importance, Objectives and Methods
• Role of NNMB and highlights of NFHS 15
Unit III • Communication for Behavior change -:
Nutrition education – Training, Channels, Methods, Planning
,Implementation & Evaluation., –
Components of Behavior change communication (BCC), Various
types of communication interpersonal, mass media, visual,
verbal/nonverbal. Features of successful BCC, market research and
social marketing
• Role of various governmental, non -governmental organizations,
National and International agencies in promoting nutrition and health
status of the vulnerable sections of society e. g. FAO, WHO,
UNICEF, NI N, CFTRI,CARE,NNMB, National Food Security act
• National guidelines on infant and young child feeding (ICMR)
• Public Distribution System (PDS) - ICDS, Mid -day Meal
Programmes 15
Page 34
K. Park (2011). Texbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 21st Edition. Banarsidas Bhanot
Publishers. Jabalpur ISBN13:9788190607995.
Sheila ChanderVir (ed)(2011) Public Health Nutrition in Developing countries –Part I & Part II
Ebrahim G. J. (1983) Nutrition in mother and child health – London Mac Millan and Co.
Goel , S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University
Jelliffe, D.B, Jellife E.P (1989) Community Nutritional Assessment . Oxford University Press,
New Delhi
Wadhwa, A and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Commu nity, New Delhi: Elite Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
Page 35
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Division Marks Credits
USHSI606 Entrepreneurship in
Food Nutrition 3 100 2
Objectives :
1. To study planning an entrepreneurial venture and executing the plan.
2. To understand the requirements of the process of running a business with respect to
marketing and human resources.
3. To gather inputs into finance, accounting procedures and profit management.
4. To understand the ethical and legal aspects of an entrepreneurial ve nture.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Planning an entrepreneurial venture
• Definition and meaning of entrepreneurship
• Types, classification and trends of Entrepreneurial ventures in
foods and nutrition
• Qualities and skills of an entrepreneur
• Resources required for a business
• Project formulation and evaluation
• Business planning
• Legal ,ethical and environmental considerations of the
entrepreneurial venture
• Overview of business regulation by the government 15
Unit II Business Processes
• Concepts of marketing
• Marketing structures and marketing mix
• Channels of distribution
• Marketing strategies
• Market segmentation, targeting and positioning
• Concepts of Human Resource Management
• Recruitment and selection
• Training and development
• Performance appraisal
• Personnel action, retention and productivity improvement
• Overview of Labour management and relations. 15
Unit III Financial considerations of entrepreneurship
• Funding for the business proposal
• Government and non -government opportunities for funds
and resources.
• Franchising opportunities
• Product pricing and profit generation
• Tools of analysis of costing, cost control and budgeting
• Accounting procedures and financial statements 15
Page 36
Barrow Colin, Brown Robert, Clarke Liz, (2006). The Successful Entrepreneurs guide book .
London: Kogan and Page.
Shring S, Jardine R., Mills J. (2001). Introduction to Catering . India: Delmar – Thomson
Coltman Michael M. (2000). Start and Run Profitable Restaurant . Mumbai: Jaico Publishing
Erdosh George (2000). Start and Run a Profitable Catering Business . Mumbai: Jaico Publishing
Page 37
Course Code Title Periods/W eek/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP601 Diet Therapy 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To familiarize the students with basic concepts of raw and cooked weights of foods the
appropriate weights
2. To impart the concept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
3. To learn to plan therapeutic diets for management of clinical disease conditions
4. To teach diet modification through use of food exch ange lists and calculated values.
Course content Periods
Unit I Gastrointestinal Diseases 15
Unit II Liver Diseases 15
Unit III Gall Bladder and Pancreatic diseases 15
Unit IV Renal Diseases 15
Roth, R. A. and Townsend C. E. (2003), Nutrition and Diet Therapy . Thomson, Delmar
Whitney E.N. and Rolfes S.R. (2002) Understanding Nutrition . Wadsworth, Thomson Learning.
Thompson J. and Manore. M (2005). Nutrition : An Applied Approach . Benjamin hummings.
Aronson. V. (1986). The Di etetic Technician . CBI book, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New
Rolfes, Pinn and Whitney (2006). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition . Thompson
Peckenpaugh. N. J. (2003) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . Saunders Publications.
Additional Reading
Mermel, V.L. (1995). Focus on Nutrition Mosby Publications.
Williams. S.R. (1993) Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Mosby Publication.
Page 38
Course Code Title Periods/Week/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP602 Food Analysis and
Biochemistry -II 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To impart practical skills in the analytical procedures of:
Foods for micronutrients, anti -nutritional factors & adulterants.
Synthetic body fluids: urine sample for creatinine and abnormal constituents and
blood for haemoglobin content
2. To enable students to understand the significance of various food components in food
Course content Periods
Unit I • Estimation of moisture content in foods
• Estimation of ash content in foods and preparation of ash solution
• Estimation of minerals in ash solution
• Estimation of calcium content in foods by EDTA method
• Estimation of phosphorus content in foods by Fiske Subbarow
• Estimation of iron content in foods by Ramsay’s method 15
Unit II • Estimation of Sodium and Potassium content in foods by Flame
photometry - demonstration
• Estimation of vitamin C content in foods by dye method
• Determination of antinutritional factors in foods - Tannins
• Estimation of total antioxidant capacity of foods 15
Unit III • Urine analysis:
• Detection of abnormal constituents in urine
• Quantitative estimation of creatinine in urine
• Complete Blood Count (CBC) - Demonstration:
• Determination of haemoglobin - Sahli’s and Drabkin’s method
• Determination of RBC, WBC, Haematocrit , MCV, MCH,
platelet count, ESR, bleeding time, clotting time etc 15
Unit IV • Determination of refractive index & specific gravity of oils -
• Estimation of total fat in foods by Soxhlet’s method -
• Analysis for chemical constants in oils: Acid Value, Iodine Value,
Peroxide value & Saponification value
• Estimation of serum total cholesterol 15
Raghuramulu N., Madhavan K., Kalyanasundaram S. (2003). A manual of laboratory techniques
(Second Edition) by ICMR
Mayer, L.H. (1 987). Food Chemistry. CBS Publishers and Distributors
Oser, L.B. (1976). Hawk’s physiological chemistry.(14th Ed.) Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical analysis of foods.(6th Ed.) London: J. A. Churchill
Page 39
Page 40
Course Code Title Periods/ Week/Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP60 3 Applied Nutrition 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To acquire skills for different methods in assessment of nutritional status of the
2. To prepare and use the various types of communication aids for imparting nutrition
3. To learn various methods of research and apply it in project development.
Course content Periods
Unit I Assessment of Nutritional Status
To learn techniques of measurement of height, weight, head and
chest circumferences, mid upper arm, skin fold thickness 15
Unit II Interpretation of measurements and comparison with standards
Classification according to grades of malnutrition 15
Unit III To learn to plot and interpret growth monitoring charts
To counsel and guide mothers to improve nutritional status of the
children 15
Unit IV Visits to governmental and non -governmental community centres 15
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University
Jelliffe, D. (1966) The assessment of Nutritional Status of the Community . Geneva WHO.
Swaminathan, M. (1985) Essential of Food and Nutrition Vol I and II Bangalore, Bangalore
Printing and
Publishing Ltd.
Page 41
Course Code Title Periods/W eek//Batch Marks Credits
USHSIP604 Entrepreneurial
Skill Development 4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To study planning an entrepreneurial venture and executing the plan
2. To understand the requirements of the process of running a business with respect to
marketing and human resources.
3. To gather inputs into finance, accounting procedures and profit management.
4. To understand the ethical and legal aspects of an entrepreneurial venture.
Course content Periods
Unit I Product /service conceptualization
• Idea generation with market research
• Project selection and evaluation. 15
Unit II Budgeting for the project
Unit III Executing the proposed plan
• Product development
• Logistics and protocol development
• Packaging and labeling idea generation 15
Unit IV Marketing the developed product/service
• Applications of marketing concepts
• Evaluation 15
Barrow Colin, Brown Robert, Clarke Liz, (2006). The Successful Entrepreneurs guide book.
London: Kogan and Page.
Shring S, Jardine R., Mills J. (2001). Introduction to Catering. India: Delmar – Thomson
Coltman Michael M. (2000). Start and Run Profitable Restaurant. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing
Erdosh George (2000). Start and Run a Profitable Catering Business. Mumbai: Jai co Publishing
Page 42
Examination Scheme for B .Sc. Home Science Semesters V and VI:
Part A: Theory Papers
All theory papers of 100 marks are to be evaluated in two parts.
INTERNALS : 25 marks . This comprises 20 marks for a 30 -minute unit test, of which 10 marks
are for objective -type of questions and 10 marks for questions requiring longer (but not essay)
answers. The objective 10 marks can include the following types of questions:
Agree/Disagree and give a one -or-two sentence reason.
Fill in the blanks
Answer in one or two sentences.
Name the following.
Define the following.
Please note that the objective 10 marks cannot have the following types of questions:
State whether True or False (without giving a reason).
Match the following.
The rem aining 5 marks indicate the extent to which the student was a responsible learner.
SEMESTER -END EXAMINATION : 75 marks. The semester -end question paper is for 2 ½
hours. The semester -end examination question paper has to be set with 100% choice within eac h
set of questions. For all three unit syllabi, the question paper must have four sets of questions;
each of the four questions is compulsory, with options within each question:
Question 1, carrying 20 marks, has a set of sub -questions from Unit I.
Question 2, carrying 20 marks, has a set of sub -questions from Unit II.
Question 3, carrying 20 marks, has a set of sub -questions from Unit III.
For Questions 1, 2 and 3, no 20 -mark question is permitted. In other words, this question
cannot have a choic e between two 20 -mark questions. Possible sub -questions include the
following formats: Answer any 2 sub -questions out of 4, or any 4 out of 8, or any 5 out of
Question 4, carrying 15 marks, has a set of sub -questions from Units I, II, and III. No 15 -
mark question is permitted. In other words, this question cannot have a choice between
two 15 -mark questions. Possible sub -questions include the following formats: Answer
any 2 sub -questions out of 4, or any 3 out of 6.
Page 43
Part B: For Courses with Practical : There will not be any Internal Examination or
marking for practicals
External Semester End Examination for Practical :
No. Particulars for External
Practical Examination
Semester End Practical
Examination Total Marks Duration of
Semester End
1 Laboratory Work 40 marks
3 ½ hours 2 Journal 5 Marks
3 Viva 5 Marks