TYBSc HFC syllabus Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBSc HFC syllabus Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Choice Based Credit System

Applied Component

Unit I -
1.1 Introduction to Chemical Industry . Explanation of the terms Heavy (Bulk) and Fine
(Speciality) Chemicals . 3L
1.2 Silicates :
a) Introduction to silicates :Properties,structure and types of silicates. Prep aration of sodium
silicate . 4L
1.3 Manufacture and applications of the following : -
a) Talcum powder b) N itric acid 4L
c)Sodium dichromate d)Chromium trioxide 4L

Unit –II
2.1: Pumps for chemical work
Introduction of pumps
a)Pumping equipments for liquids — piston pump, diaphragm pump, gear pump.
Centrifugal pumps and submersible pumps. 7L
b) Vacuum systems oil sealed pumps, ejectors. 4L
2.2 Fertilizers:Preparation, properties and uses of 4L
a) Normal superphosphate b)Triple Superphosphate
c) Ammonium nitrate d) Ammonium Sulphat e

Unit –III
3.1Brief idea about the economic aspects of chemical manufacturing processes with respect
to Location, Raw materials, Energy, Capital, Manpower, Ecological aspects, Tax benefits.
Writing a Project Report for setting up an Industry 6L
3.2 Brief account of perfumes, flavours and swe eteners:

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a)Perfumes: Introduction, classification (ethers, esters and essential oils) Composition,
formation, blending and applications. Synthesis of α and β -ionone‘s from citral . 3L
b)Flavours: Introduction,Classification (natural and synthetic),applications of Vanillin,
Coumarin(structures),Synthesis of Vanillin. 3L
c)Sweeteners: Introduction, classification with examples and structures of : -
A) Natural sweetners : Carbohydrates(Glucose, Fructose)
B)Synthetic sweeteners: i)Sucralose, i)Sulphonamide: eg Saccharin, iii) Peptides:
Aspartame, Synthesis of Saccharin . 3L

Unit –IV
4.1: Industrial solvents: -
Manufacture and uses of ethyl acetate ,isopropyl alcohol, Acetone, Acetic acid, Dimethyl
formamide, Brief idea of green solvents. 6L
4.2 : Introduction to drugs:
Terminology,Classification with one example each. Synthesis and uses of the following : -
1) Ethambutol 2) Mebendazole 3) Benadryl 4) Ibuprofen 5) Miconidazole 6) Diazepam 6L
Introduction, important reagents used for fluorination, Halex reaction, Super Halex reaction,
Preparation of ortho -fluorotoluen e and 3 -chloro -4-fluoro aniline. . 3L



Preparations : (Micro scale)
1. Preparation of Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate
2. Preparation of Aspirin
3. Green synthesis of benzillic acid from benzil
1) Estimation of tincture iodine.
2) Estimation of methyl salicylate .(Back titration method)
3) Estimation of acetic acid in a sample of vinegar (Titrimetry)

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Unit –I
1.1 Refrigeration: System, media used for cold transfer (i.e. brine and other) 3L
1.2 Different Sources of Energy: Generation, Treatment of boiler feed water, Properties of
steam, steam table 3L
a)Glass: Composition, types and applications. 3L
1.3Manufacturing process properties and applications of : 6L
a) Sulphuric acid (Contact Process)
b) Ammonia (Haber‘s process)
c) Sodium hydroxide

Unit –II
21.Zeolites,Clays and Ion -exchange resins 3L
2.2Design of vessel : Classification of chemical reactors, pressure vessels for internal or
external pressure, Maintenance, storage vessels for liquids and gases . 4L
2.2 Manufacture and uses of Industrial gases : Hydrogen and Acetylene 2L
2.3 Industrial preparation of Inorganic Fine chemical s: KMnO 4, FeSO 4.7H2O 2L
2.5 Composite materials :Introduction, Constitution of composites, Classification of
composites, Particle Reinforced composites, Fiber reinforced composites, Structural
composites or Layered composites, Applicati ons of composite materials . 4L

Unit –III
3.1 Small Scale Industries and R and D technology :Need and scope of small scale
industry, SSI rules and regulations,R and D, technology transfer, Role of R and D, Functional
structure of R and D unit, Research strategies and manufacturing interface, University -
Industry interface, Patents
3.2 Manufacture of soaps: Raw materials, Preparation, properties and types of soaps,
Continuous process for the manufacture of soap. 2L

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3.3 Oils and Fats: Introduction, Classification, Properties of oils and fats, ex traction of oils
from oil seeds, hydraulic pressing and solvent extraction, extraction of animal fats, hardening
of oils 4L
3.4 Detergents: Introduction,classification, manufacture of DDBS,industrial applications 2L

Unit –IV
4.1 U nit Operations; General idea of the following operations used in Industries; 9L
1) Filtration: Introduction, factors affecting the rate of Filtration, Filtration processes
a) Plate and frame filter Press b) Rotary Drum filter
2)Distillation: Introduction, Distillation methods a) Bubble cap column distillation
b)Fractional distillation
3) Crystallization : Introduction, Solubility, Super saturation, Nucleation, Crystal growth ,
Crystallization process , a) Agitated Tank Crystall izer, b) Swenson Walker Crystallizer
4) Centrifugation : Introduction, Centrifugation process used in Industry.

4.2: Introduction to Dyes: Dye, Chromophores (with examples), Auxochromes (with
examples), Synthesis and uses of the following dyes: 1) Indigo 2) Alizarin 3) Eriochrome
Black -T 4) Auramine -O 5) Procion -red 6) Congo red 6L


Preparation : (Micro scale)
1. Double salt (Ferric alum)
2. Copper sulphate pentahydrate
3. Preparation of Ni -DMG complex
1. Determination of the amount of. phosphoric acid from a given sample using 1 -
naphth olphthalein and phenolphthalein indicator.(Students to prepare succinic acid
solution for standardization of NaOH ).
2. Determination of the amount of magnesium hydroxide in a commercial sample of
milk of magnesia.
3. Estimation of aspirin (Acid -Base titration)
4. Estimation Ibuprofen in the given sample (Back titration method)
Industrial visit: Industrial visit report is to be submitted along with the journal

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Recommended Books
1. C. D. Dryden: Outlines of Chemical Technology, edited & revised by M. Gopala Rao
& Marshall Sittig East West Press, New Delhi.
2. Faith Keyes and Clerk‘s Industrial Chemicals, 4th Edn., Wiley Inter -science 1975.
3. Foust A. S. et -al.: Principles of Unit Operations John Wiley & Sons.
4. Macabe W.L., Smith J. C. and Harriott. P. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
(7th edition) (McGraw Hill Chemical Engineering series).
5. P. H. Groggins: Unit Processes in Organic Synt hesis, McGraw Hill.
6. Kirk & Othmer: Encyclopeadia of Chemical Technology, John Wiley and sons.
7. A. I. Vogel: Text book of Quantitative Analysis including Instrumental Analysis.
8. A. I. Vogel: Text book of Quantitative Organic Analysis.
9. Industrial Inorganic Chemistry -Buchner, Schliebs, Winter, translated by D. H. Tenell,
VCH Publishers, New York.
10. Industrial Organic Chemistry - K. Welssermel, H. J. Arpe, VCH Publishers, New
11. B.Pearson - Speciality Chemical Innovations in Industrial Synt hesis.
12. Text Book of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Wilson & Giswold
13. Text Book of Pharmacology – Satoskar & Bhandarkar.
14. The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes – Edited by K. Venkatraman. Academic press Inc.
15. Shreeves ‗Chemical Process Indust ries‘ 5th Edition, G. T. Oustin, McGraw Hill.
16. Industrial Chemistry - B. K. Sharma, Goyal publishing house, Mirut.
17. Riegel‘s Hand Book of Industral Chemistry, 9th Edition, Jems A. Kent.
18. Industrial Chemistry - E Stoch, Vol - I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
19. An Introduc tion to Industrial Organic Chemistry - Wiseman and Peter, ―‖
20. Unit Operations and Processes - P. H. Groggins.
21. Unit Operations I and II - P.P. Kale - Pune Vidyarthigruh Prakashan.
22. Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering by W. L. McCabe and Smith.
23. Riegel‘s Handbo ok of Industrial Chemistry, J. A. Kent, CBS Publishers, New Delhi
24. Riegel‘s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, James A. Kent, 7th Edition,
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
25. Shreeves ‗Chemical Process Industries‘ 5th Edition, G. T. Austin,
McGraw Hill, 1984.

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