TYBSc Electronic Instrumentation Applied Comp Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBSc Electronic Instrumentation Applied Comp Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for Sem V & VI Program: B.Sc.
Course: Electronic Instrumentation (Applied Component)

(Credi t Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the
academic year 201 7 –2018 )


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USACEI501 Analog Circuits and Instruments No. of Credits Lectures/Week
Unit I Electronic Components,
Transducers and Display Devices
02 04 Unit II Measuring Instruments
Unit III Signal Generation and Signal
Unit IV Power Supplies

USACEI5P1 Analog Circuits and Instruments 02 04

Semester VI

USACEI601 Digital Electronics,
Microprocessor and its
applications, Programming in
C++ No. of Credits Lectures/Week
Unit I Digital Electronics
02 04 Unit II 8085 Microprocessor and Basic
Assembly Language Programming -I
Unit III Basic Assembly Language
Programming -II and 8255 PPI
Unit IV Basic Concepts of Object Oriented
Programming and C++

USACEI 6P1 Digital Electronics, Microprocessor
and its applications, Programming
in C++ 02 04

The revised syllabus under the credit based grading system in the subject of Electronic
Instrumentation (Applied Component) for Third Year B.Sc. Physics (Single/Twin major
subject) will be implemented from the academic Year 201 7-18.

The scheme of examination in the subject of Electronic Instrumentation (Applied
Component) will be as follows:


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Semester V & VI : Theory

Course Code: USACEI 501 & USAEI601

(A) Internal Examination: 25 marks

Sr. Particulars Marks
1 One Class Test/case study/online examination to be conducted
in the given semester 20

2 Active Participation in routine class instructional deliveries.
Overall conduct as a responsible learner, communication and
leadership qualities in organizing related academic activities 05

(B) External Examination : 75 marks
• Duration of each Theory paper will be of two and half hours.
• Each theory paper shall consist of five questions, one from each unit
and the fifth question will be from all the units. All questions are
compulsory and will have internal choice.


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Semester V & VI : Practical

Course Code: USACEI5P1 & USAEI6P1

There will not be any internal examination for practicals. The External examination will
be conducted as per the following scheme by the respective colleges and the marks will
be forwarded to the University:

Sr. No Particulars of External Practical
Examination Marks
1 Laboratory Work 80
2 Journal 10
3 Viva 10

Total Marks in each semester :

• Duration of each Practical paper will be of 3 Hours per semester.
• A certified Journal of Electronic Instrumentation must contain a minimum of
EIGHT Experiments in each semester. At least TWO experiments from each sub
group as mentioned in the syllabus should be performed and reported in journal.

• Every candidate will be required to perform ONE experiment (from sub groups A,
B or C) at the semester end practical examination.

• A candidate will be allowed to appear for the Practical Examination only if the
candidate submits his/her certified Journal o r a certificate from the Head of the
Department of Physics stating that the candidate has completed the practical
Course of Electronic Instrumentation of the respective semester as per


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Semester V

Course Code: USACEI 501


Unit 1: Electronic Components, Transducers and Display Devices (15 Lectures)

[ Review of passive components: resistor, capacitor, and inductor

Ref. BKG: 1.4 & 1.4.1 Introduction to Transducers Ref. K: 1.3.1 & 1.3.2 ]

(i) Temperature measurements: Resistance thermometer, thermocouple & thermistor.

Ref. H & C: 11.5.1, 11.5.2 &11.5.4

(ii) Pressure & Displacement Transducers: Strain Gauges (derivation of gauge factor is
not expected), LVDT, Capacitive transducers, Load Cell.
Ref. K: 13.6, 13.11, 13.13 &13.14

(iii) Optical Transducers & display devices: LED, LCD, and Dot Matrix Display. Seven
segment LED display, BCD to seven segment decoder / driver, Liquid crystal displays.

Ref. K: 13.16, 2.10, 2.11 & 2.12.4 T: 6.6, 6.8, 6.9
Unit 2: Measuring Instruments
(15 Lectures)

(i) Cathode Ray Oscilloscope:

Introduction, CRO block diagram, CRT connection, Vertical amplifier, Basic function of
sweep generator, Horizontal deflection system, Triggered sweep, Trigger Pulse, Delay
line. Probes: - 1:1 probe, 10:1 probe, Attenuators (Uncompensated and Compensated),
Dual trace CRO

Ref. K: 7.1, 7.4, 7.12, 7.6, 7.3.1, 7.7,7.8, 7.9,7.10,7.28.1, 7.28.2, 7.29,
7.29.1, 7.29.2 & 7.15

(ii)Analog Electronic Multimeters:

Transistor voltmeter, Solid state (Op Amp based)voltmeter

Ref. K: 4.7 & 4.9


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(iii)Digital Instruments: D/A Conversion, Variable(weighted) resistor and Binary
Ladder (4bit) type D/A Converters.

Ref. M&L: 12.1 & 12.2

DMM, 3 ½ Digit, resolution and sensitivity, general specification

Ref. K: 6.2, 5.8, 5.9 & 5.10 .

Unit 3: Signal Generation and Signal Conditioning ( 15 Lectures)

(i) Signal generators and Clippers using op -amps and 555 timer app lications:

Oscillators: Wien bridge Oscillator ,Triangular Wave generation, Sawtooth wave -
generation and Square –triangular wave generator using op -amp. Positive and Negative
Clippers using Op -amp. 555 Timer applications: Tone Burst Oscillator (Temperature to
frequency conversion) Voltage controlled frequency shifter.

Ref. G : 7.13, 7.16, 7.17 & 8.12.1. C & D : 13.4.1 & 13.4.2

(ii)Instrumentation Amplifier & its applications: Basic Instrumentation Amplifier,
Instrumentation system, Application s of Instrumentation Amplifier, Temperature
indicator, light intensity meter, analog weight scale.
Ref. K : 14.3, 14.3.2, 14.4, 14.4.1, 14.4.2, 14.4.3

(iii)Active filters:

Introduction, Active Filters, 2nd order Low Pass Butterworth filter, 2nd order High Pass
Butterworth filter, Band pass Filters, wide band pass filter, wide band rejection filter and
narrow band rejection filter.

Ref. G : 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.8.1, 7.9.1 & 7.9.2

UNIT 4: Power Supplies (15 Lectures)

(i) Linear and s witching regulators

Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator (LM 317), Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator
(LM 337), Formation of adjustable bipolar voltage regulator using LM317 and LM337.
Fixed output voltage regulator with current booster.

Ref. C & D : 16.11, 16.12, 16.1 M: 24.5


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Constant current source (ground load) using OP -Amp and pnp transistor

Ref C & D : 5.5.2

Basic and Monolithic Switching regulators (buck, boost and buck – boost) (Only basic

Ref M : 24.7


1. BKG: Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits by N. N.
Bhargava, D. C. Kulshreshtha and S. C. Gupta. Technical
Teachers training Institute, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited.

2. H & C: Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techn iques by Albert
D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper (PHI) Edition.
3. K: Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. T: Digital electronics by G. L. Tokheim (6th Editon) (Tata Mc
Graw Hill)
. C & D: “OPAMPs and linear int egrated circuits” by Coughlin &
F. F. Driscoll ( 6th Edition), Eastern Economy Education, PHI
5. G: OPAMPs & linear integrated circuits by R. A. Gayakwad,(4th Edition, PHI)
6 .M: “Electronic Principles” by A. P. Malvino (6th edition, PHI).
7.M & L: Digital Principle & Applications” by Malvino & Leach (6th edition, TMH)

Additional References:

H & H: The Art of Electronics, by Paul Horowitz & Winfield Hill (2nd Edition)


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Course Code: USACEI5P1

1. Thermistor Characteristics – Thermal and electrical (H & C)
2. Thermistor as sensor in temperature to voltage converter using OPAMP (C&D
3. Basic Instrumentation Amplifier using 3 OpAmps coupled to resistance bridge (C&D Ch.8 )
4. Study of LVDT characteristics(K Ch. 13)
5. Study of Load Cell / Strain Guage (K Ch. 13)

Note: All the B -group experiments should be performed on breadboard

1. Temperature to frequency Conversion using 555 timer. (C &D Ch. 13)
2. OPAMP D/A Converter weighted resis tor / Ladder network (M & L Ch. 12)
3. Positive and Negative Clipper using op -amp.(G Ch. 8)
4. Second Order active Low Pass/High Pass filter (frequency response & phase
relation) (K.Ch15)
5. Active Notch Filter (frequency response & phase relation) (K.Ch.15)
6. Square and Triangular wave generator using OPAMPs with concept of duty cycle.
(M.Ch 23)
1. Adjustable Voltage Regulator using LM 317.(C&D Ch 14)
2. Adjustable constant Current Source using LM 317. .(C&D Ch 14)
3. Constant Current source using OPAMP and PNP transistor (o/p current less than 50
mA) (C & D Ch 5)
4. Study of Monolithic IC regulator. (M Ch.24)
5. Study of variable dual power supply LM 317 & LM 337 ( ± 3v to ± 15v). (C & D Ch. 13)

1. H & C : Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Tec hniques By
Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper PHI) EEEdition
2. C & D : “OPAMPs and linear integrated circuits” by Coughlin & F. F. Driscoll
th edition PHI)
3. G: OPAMPs and linear integrated circuits by R.A. Gayakwad (4th edition, PHI)
4. M: “Electronic Principles” by A. P. Malvino (6th edition, PHI)
5. K: Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi (TMH) 2nd Edition
6. M & L : Digital Principle and Applications” by Malvino and Leach (5th edition,
7. RPJ : Modern Digital Electronics 3rd editio n (TMH) – R .P. Jain


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Semester VI

Course Code: USACEI601

Title: Digital Electronics, Microprocessor and its applications, Programming in

Unit 1 Digital Electronics (15 lectures)

Tri-State Devices, Buffers, Decoders, Encoders, Latch.
Ref: RG : 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4 & 3.5.5
Multiplexers, Their use in Combinational Logic design, multiplexer tree, De -multiplexers,
Their use in Combinational Logic design, De -multiplexer tree.
Ref: RPJ: 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.1 & 6.3.2
Memory Classific ation, Charge Coupled Device memory.
Ref: RG: 3.2.7. and RPJ: 11.9.1, 11.9.2 & 11.9.3

Unit 2 8085 Microprocessor and Basic Assembly Language Programming -I (15 L)
Introduction, Historical Perspective, Organization of a Microprocessor Based system, How
does the Microprocessor works, Machine Language, Assembly Language, Writing and
executing an Assembly Language Program, High Level Languages.
Ref: RG: 1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2 (Omit - 1.2.4)
8085 Bus Organization, 8085 Hardware model, 8085 Programming Model, The 8085
Microprocessor, Microprocessor Communication and Bus Timings, De -multiplexing of
Address and Data Bus, Generating Control Signals. A detailed look at 8085 Microprocessor.
Ref RG: 3.1.1, 2.1.1 & 2.1.2, 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3,4.1.4,4.1.5
Instruction, In struction Word Size, Opcode Format Ref: RG: 2.3.1 & 2.3.2 , Addressing
Modes Ref: RG: 6.1.1. The 8085 Instruction Set (Classification) Ref: RG: 2.2.1, Data
transfer Operations Ref: RG: 6.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.2 & 7.3.3, Arithmetic Operations Ref: RG: 6.2,
7.2.4 & 7.3.1 ,

Unit 3 Basic Assembly Language Programming -II and 8255 PPI
(15 lectures)

Logical Operations Ref RG: 6.3, 7.4 & 7.5 , Branch Operations Ref: RG: 6.4, 9.2 {Omit –
9.2.1, 9.2.2} & 9.3 Stack Ref: RG: 9.1 , Introduction to Advanced Instructions Ref RG: 10.7 ,
Flowchart Ref: RG: 6.1.2
IC 8255 (PPI): Block diagram of the 8255A, Mode 0: Simple Input or Output, BSR (Bit
Set/Reset) Mode. Ref: RG: 15.1.1, 15.1.2, & 15.1.3
Unit 4 Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming and C++ (15 lectures)

(1) Basics of Object- Oriented Programming & Beginning with C++:


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A look at Procedure -Oriented Programming, Object -Oriented Programming Paradigm,
Basic concepts of Object -Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOP, Object -Oriented
Languages, Applications of OOP.
What is C++?, Applications of C++, A simple C++ program, More C++ Statements,
Example with Class, Structure of C++ Program, Creating the Source File, Compiling and
Ref EB: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8
EB: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 & 2.8

(2) Tokens and Expressions in C++:
Introduction, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers and Constants, Basic Data Types, User-
Defined Data Types, Derived Data Types, Symbolic Constants, Type Compatibility,
Declaration of Variables, Dynamic Initialization of Variables, Reference Variables,
Operators in C++, Scope Resolution Operator, Member Dereferencing Operators,
Memory Management Operators, Manipulators, Type Cast Operator, Expressions and Their Types, Special Assignment Expressions, Impli cit Conversions, Operator
Overloading, Operator Precedence.
Ref EB: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 & 3.23
(3) Control Structures and Functions:
Control Structures, F unctions: The Main Function, Function Prototyping, Call by
Reference, Return by Reference, Inline Functions, Default Arguments, Constant
Arguments, Function Overloading, Math Library Functions.
Ref EB: 3.24,4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 & 4.1 1

Main References:

1. RPJ: Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. RG: Microprocessor Architecture, programming and
Applications with the 8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th Edition,
Prentice Hall of India.
3. EB: Object Oriented Pro gramming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, Third
/Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company Limited.

Additional references:

1) Microprocessor and Applications by Vibhute and Borole, Techmax Publications,
2) Microprocessor, Principles & Applications by Gilmore (2nd Ed) TMH
3)Programming with C++ by D. Ravichandran, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
4) Starting out with C++ by Tony Gaddis, Third Edition , Addison Wesley
Publishing Company.


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Course Code: USACEI6P1


1) Study of 3:8 Decoder (74LS138) and study of 8:3 Priority Encoder (74LS148) and
their applications.(RPJ )
2) Study of Latch (74LS373) and its applications.(RPJ )
3) Study of 8:1 Multiplexer (74LS151) and its applications.(RPJ )
4) Study of1: 4 De-multiplexer (74LS155) and its applications.(RPJ )
5) Study of ROM and its addressing using decoder.(RPJ & RG)

8085 Programming

NOTE: The students should be familiar with Keyboard and Display utilities such as
DATA FIELD, mentioned in their 8085 µp kit’s manual.
1) Writing Assembly Language Programs using Direct Register Addressing, Indirect
i) To Add 8- bit/16 -bit numbers with CARRY. (Display/Store result and Carry)
ii) To Subtract 8 -bit/16 -bit numbers with BORROW. (Display/Store result and
2) Writing Assembly Language Programs: -
i) To accept 4 -bit/8-bits numbers from Keyboard, add/subtract and display/store
Result, Carry/Borrow)
ii) To Add a series of numbers. (Display Re sult and Carry)
iii) To multiply two, 8 - bit numbers (Using Direct Register Addressing, Indirect
Addressing) and Display result.
3) Writing Assembly Language Programs: -
i)To transfer a series of block of data from Source to Destination.
ii) To find odd/even numbers from a series of block of data. (Display result)
4) Writing Assembly Language Programs:-
i) To find positive/negative nos. from a series of block of data. (Display result)
ii) To find maximum/minimum from a series of block of data. (Display result)
5) Writing Assembly Language Programs:-
i)To divide two, 8 - bit nos. (Display Quotient and Remainder)
ii)To arrange, 8 – bit nos. in ascending/descending order.
6) Write a program to blink Port C bit n (n = 0 to 7 any one) of the 8255 PPI available
on your 80 85 kit. Use Bit Set/Reset mode. Find port addresses from manual and use

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7) Using 8255 Design a system (both Software and Hardware) that will cause 4 LEDs
to flash 10 times when a push button switch is pressed, use suitable delay. (use breadboard to design hardware part)

1. H & C : Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques By
Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper (PHI) EEEdition

2. C & D : “OPAMPs and linear integrated circuits” by Coughlin & F. F. Driscoll
th edition PHI)
3. G: OPAMPs and linear integrated circuits by R.A. Gayakwad (4th edition, PHI)
4. M: “Electronic Principles” by A. P. Malvino (6th edition, PHI)
5. K: Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi (TMH) 2nd Edition
6. M & L : Digital Principle and Applicati ons” by Malvino and Leach (5th edition,
7. RPJ : Modern Digital Electronics 3rd edition (TMH) – R .P. Jain
C++ Programming
1) Program based on Input, Output Statements.
(Programs to read any two numbers through keyboard and to perform simple
arithmetic operations and to display the result)
2) Program based on Control Statements
i) Program based on if- else statement
ii) Program based on nested if statement
3) Program based on for loop, while loop and do -while loop.
4) Program using switch stateme nts and if- else ladder.
5) Program to study function declaration, function calling and function prototype.
Main References:
1. RPJ: Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. RG: Microprocessor Architecture, programming and
Applications with the 8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th Edition,
Prentice Hall of India.
3. EB: Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, Third
/Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Company Limited.
Additional references:
1) Microprocessor and Applications by Vibhute and Borole, Techmax Publications,
2) Microprocessor, Principles & Applications by Gilmore (2nd Ed) TMH
3)Programming with C++ by D. Ravichandran, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
4) Starting out with C++ by Tony Gaddis, Third Edition , Addison Wesley
Publishing Company. 5 http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial