TYBSc Economic Entomology Sem V VI1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBSc Economic Entomology Sem V VI1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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1. Preface
2. Preamble
3. Pedagogy
4. Tables of Courses, Topics, Credits and Workload
5. Theory Syllabus for Semester V (Course code USACEENT501)
6. Practical Syllabus for Semester V (Course code USACEENT5P1)
7. Theory Syllabus for Semester VI (Course code USACEENT601)
8. Practical Syllabus for Semester VI (Course code USACEENT6P1)
9. References and Additional Reading( USACEENT501& USACEENT601)
10. Scheme of Examination (Theory & Practical)
11. Practical Skeleton paper Semester V and Semester VI
12. Annexure I: Suggested to pics for Assignment (Semester V)
13. Annexure II: Suggested Field Visits (Semester VI)
14. Annexure III: Suggested Topics for Project s (Semester VI)
15. Annexure IV: Learners’ space
16. Annexure V:Play and Ponder
17. Model Theory Question Paper Semester V & Semester VI

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Applied Component was introduced for T. Y. B. Sc. class in the academic year
1979 -80 with a view to enhance the essence for employability. The syllabus is a blend
of concepts with four electives. It gives me immense pleasure to present these four
applied component courses namely Marine Science, Fishery Biology, Economic
Entomology and Environmental Science under the umbrella of BOS in Zoology.
In the syllabi of these applied components, applied topics having commercial
propositions have been incorporated that further ads to the enhancement of
entrepreneurial potential and skills amongst the learners. In the past our syllabus
focused mainly on th eory as a way of providing knowledge base and preparation for
students. We have attempted to go beyond this tradition, while doing so, equal
emphasis is laid on theory and corroborative practicals. From the academic year 2011 -
12, the University has introdu ced Credit Based Semester and Grading System
(CBSGS). Accordingly the existing syllabi of these applied components were
restructured to fit into the CBSGS pattern. The concept of flexi syllabus was introduced
offering opportunity to learners to study any f our out of a total of eight units in each
course. Now that the syllabus is restructured and to be introduced from the academic
year 2017 -2018, we have included a novel concept of open unit and case studies. This
approach, I‘m sure will enhance the critical and analytical thinking abilities of the
I take this opportunity to thank the experts in various fields for giving valuable, beneficial
and constructive suggestions during framing of the syllabus. The syllabus committee
under the convenership of Mr. VinayakDalvie has done a commendable job of timely
framing the syllabus with a highest degree of precision and accuracy. While
appreciating the efforts, I also express my thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the entire

– Dr. Anita Jadhav
Chairpe rson,

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Ad-hoc BOS in Zoology

As a convener when I mooted the concept of flexi -syllabus, first of its kind, in the
academic year 2009 -10 it was grossly misconstrued. To add to it I also placed an idea
of including case studies and introducing a new concept of ‗Open Unit‘. Both were
rejected then. I had also proposed a new subject ‗Entrepreneurial and Industrial Biology‘
in place of the existing Applied Components usually offered by the students of Biological
Sciences. Twenty workshops in different districts with teachers and students of various
subjects were conducted to explain these four concepts. A twenty one days refresher
course for teachers, sponsored by UGC was also conducted in the new subject of
‗Entrepreneurial and Industrial Biology‘ which was much appreciated by the then
Director of NAAC, Prof H. A. Ranganath, who is from Biological Sciences,
understanding the potential of the subject. However, implementation was postponed for
technical reasons thus permitting innovation limited to the flexi -syllabus, implemented in
2010 -11, w hich has inherent capacity to cater to the diverse needs of the region and the
industry by allowing students and teachers to choose a desired capsule of eight topics,
with various permutations and combinations from the menu of sixteen based on the
interest , resources, expertise and need. It took care of a range of students by also
providing learners' space to high IQ students. Yet the possibility of exclusion of some
important topics cannot be ruled out apart from some new avenues developed during
the lag p hase of revision of syllabi. Open unit will permit a good teacher to keep pace
with the development and adopt latest topics instantly without waiting till it becomes
obsolete in the gap of 5 years that the University generally takes to revise the syllabus.
It may also allow students to learn the existing topic in more details and depth under the
open unit thus making them specialized in need based areas enhancing employability.
Assignments would add to their understanding of Government schemes, regulations
and market, while projects will augment Business Sense or Scientific Acumen, as the
case may be. Case studies and simulations, introduced for the first time in Zoology,
would pose challenge for true application of knowledge to real life situations with
thought provoking questions demanding analytical solutions. Pedagogy of such dynamic
syllabus will range from use of ICT in the class to teaching directly in the field with a
blend of participative and experiential learning with group dynamics gaining true
knowledge apart from developing personality of the students and above all making them
apply ‗Common Sense‘ which is the essence of life. I am sure dedicated team of
Zoologists which has placed the subject on top in the past 5 years is poised to make it a
success in every college befitting the purpose of introducing applied component by the
University in the academic year 1979 -80.


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Syllabus Committee

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Understanding the potentials of flexi -syllabus, it is important to select four units in each
semester systematically having relevance with each other. Through permutations and
combinations, one may develop different capsules, each being a subject itself. For e.g.
by select ing unit I, IV,V and VIII in Semester V and unit IV, V, VI and VII in Semester VI,
into entrepreneurship specialization is taught.
Of course, each one has the liberty to choose any course of the subject, any four units
in each semester in consultation of with student‘s needs, expertise & other resources
available. It is recommended to make use of ICT, show short films, You -tube videos,
documentaries, etc. regularly to make the subject interesting, however field trips/study
tour/ Industrial visit both shor t and long are recommended relevant to the units
prescribed whether selected for teaching or not, for providing desired exposures.
It is highly recommended that units such as unit V (Semester V) and unit I (Semester
VI) will not be taught in the classroom but in the field for experiential learning. Case
studies need to be taught through group discussion in a group of 10 each for every case
developed and presented by the teacher with thought provoking approach expecting
students to think analytically, deriv ing solutions after critical evaluation in the group.
Open unit can be most effectively used by a creative teacher by coining topics giving
further in -depth knowledge on need based topics covered in the syllabus. Teacher also
has a liberty to include a new ly developed area due to an arising need in the vicinity
under open unit with consent of Head of department and the Principal. The syllabus has
a few theoretical topics though most of the topics otherwise are applied.
Lastly, it is advisable to search for government and non -government funding agencies
which offers subsidized loans for agriculture supporting projects. To understand
commercialization of bio -industrial projects, feasibi lity report should be well understood.
Students could be trained practically to establish ‗butterfly garden‘ in metropolitan cities.
Of course, the fact remains being applied component it has limitation of the scope.

Syllabus Committee.

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T. Y. B. Sc.
Credit Based Semester and Grading System
Economic Entomology (Applied Component)
(to be implemented from the academic year 2017 -2018 )
Semester V
Applied Entomology
Theory (Any four units to be opted)
Course Unit Topic Credits L / Week

01 1 Systematics of Insect 2 4
2 Morphology, Anatomy and Physiology of
useful Insects
3 Anatomy and Physiology of harmful
4 Agro -support and Conservation of
5 Apiculture
6 Sericulture
7 Lac culture
8 Case Study and Simulation
P1 Practicals based on Course

Semester VI
Commercial Entomology
Theory (Any four units to be opted)
Course Unit Topic Credits L / Week

USACEENT601 1 Integrated Pest Management (IPM),
Organic and Biological pest control
in Agriculture 2 4
2 Chemical Pest Control in Agriculture
3 Urban and Domestic Pest Control
4 Neo-avenues in Entomology
5 Government Schemes
6 Finance
7 Sales and Marketing
8 Open unit
USACEENT6P1 Practicals based on Course

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Applied Entomology
Course code: USACEENT501
(Any 4 units to be opted)
Lectures 60
Credits 2
Unit 1: Systematics of Insects
 To introduce classification of insects up to order level.
 To enable learners to categorize insects on the basis of morphological
Desired outcome:
 Learner would be able to classify insect up to their respective orders.
 Learner would understand basis o f classification.

1.1 Classification of insects
1.1.1 Insect classification.
1.1.2 Broad characteristics with examples (Minimum 3 of each order except
a) Thysanura, Orthoptera, Isoptera
b) Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera
c) Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Odonata

Unit 2: Morphology, Anatomy and Physiology of useful Insects
 To introduce the morphology of typical insect
 To study the general anatomy and physiology of specific useful and
harmful insects.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would understand the basic body plan of insects.
 Learner would be able to understand the difference in the life cycles of
 Learner would understand various physiological aspects in insect with
their speciality of usefulness and harmfulness.

2.1 General morphology and devel opment of insects
2.1.1. External morphology of a typical insect.
2.1.2. Types of metamorphosis.
2.1.3. Types of larvae and pupae.

2.2 General anatomy and physiology of insects
Brief out line of digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system,
reproductive systems - male and female, excretory system, nervous system,
endocrine system.
2.3 Anatomy and physiology of useful insects

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a)Apis spp. (Honey bee)
b) Bombyx spp. (Silk moth)
c) Tachardialacca (Lac insect)

Unit 3: Anatomy and Physiology of Harmful Insects
 To study the various systems of harmful insects.
 To study the different life processes of harmful insects.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would understand about anatomy of typical harmful insects.
 Learner would understand life processes of certain harmful insects.

3.1. Anatomy and physiology of harmful (with respect to agriculture) insects.
a) Schistocera spp. (Grasshopper)
b) Aphis spp . (Aphids)
c) Formica rufa (Ants) / Dysdercus spp. (Red cotton bug) / Thripstabaci (Thrips)
3.2. Anatomy and physiology of harmful (with respect to human) insects.
a) Anopheles/Culex/Aedes spp. (Mosquito)
b) Phlebatomus spp. (Tsetse fly)
c) Muscadomestica (House fly)
3.3. Anatomyand physiology of harmful (with respect to animal husbandry) insects
a) Tabanus bovines (Horse fly)
b) Dermatodiahominis (Bot fly)

Unit 4: Agro -support and Conservation of Insects
 To study the versatile roles of insects in agriculture.
 To survey the various strategies of insect conservation.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would understand the various ecological importance of insects.
 Learner would be able to construct butterfly gardens.
 Learner would understand need for conservation of insects.

4.1 Agro -supportive role of insect
4.1.1. Insect as a pollinator: Apis spp . (honey bee), Bombusterrestris (bumble bee),
Drosophila spp. (fruit fly), Blastophagapsenes (fig wasp).

4.1.2. Insect as a soil composer: Coptotermesformosanus (termite).
4.1.3. Insect as a predator: Vespula vulgaris (wasps), Photinus spp. (fireflies),
Pselliopusberberi (assassin bug) , Formica spp. (ants).
4.1.4. Insect as parasites: Camponotus butterfly and Ichneumon spp .

4.2 Conservation of insect

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4.2.1. Strategies for insect conservation
4.2.2. Honey bees: Col ony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
4.2.3. Butterfly gardens
4.2.4. Endangered insect species in India (any 4)

Unit 5: Apiculture
 To introduce the domestic species of honey bees.
 To study the modern methods of apiculture/beekeeping.
 To familiarize the learners to the economic aspects of apiculture.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would adopt modern rearing techniques of honey bees.
 Learner would realize the economic scope of apiculture.
 Learner would be able to correlate growth of crop production with the
pollinator role of honey bee.

5.1. Different species of bees: Apisdorsata (Giant honey bee) , Apismellifera ( Western
honey bee) , Apis florae (Dwarf honey bee), Apisindica. (Indian honey bee)and
Trigonasp (Indian stingless bee) .
5.2. The Apiculture business: Structure of artificial bee hive, method of cultivation, tools
used and management of apiary.
5.3. Natural enemies of honey bees.
5.4. Products: honey, wax, royal jelly, venom, propolis and economic importance of bee
5.5 Co -operative mo vement and socio -economic approach for apiculture.

Unit 6: Sericulture
 To study the various types of silk worms.
 To expose the students to laboratory techniques of rearing of silkworms.
 To understand the commercial uses of silk of biological origin.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would be introduced to different types of silkworms.
 Learner would understand the merit of modern methods of sericulture.
 Learner would understand products of sericulture .

6.1. Different types of silk moth. Life cycle of Bombyxmori (Mulberry silk moth).
6.2. The Sericulture business: cultivation of mulberry, laboratory setup, rearing of worms
(Procuring eggs, incubation, hatching and maintenance of larvae), overall
managemen t, diseases of silk worms.
6.3. Process of obtaining silk from cocoons and variations with reference to other silk
6.4. Uses of silk and economics of sericulture.

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6.5 Co -operative movement and socio -economic approach for sericulture.

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Unit 7: Lac culture
 To equip learners with the knowledge of methodology of Lac culture.
 To enable the learner to understand the processing and uses of Lac.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would acquire basic knowledge of methodology of Lac culture
 Learner would understand the processing techniques of stick Lac to
powder Lac.
 Learner would understand the commercial uses of Lac.

7.1. The Kerria laca (lac insect); life cycle, hosts, culture techniques.
7.2. Natural enemies of lac insects.
7.3. Processing of raw lac to fine lac a nd uses of lac.
7.4. Value addition through lac producers.
7.5. Co-operative movement and socio -economic approach for lac culture.

Unit 8: Case study & Simulation
 To help learner to understand success stories of entrepreneurs.
 To inculcate learners to adapt innovative ideas and through provoking
creative concepts of entomology -entrepreneur.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would be inspired to become entomology -entrepreneur and
consult others to become the same.
 Learner would become capable to form consultati on firm in the field of

(Colleges/institutes have to select the topics as per their local needs and available
resources related to Entomology.)
(Any eight from suggested below, or more developed by teacher)
8.1 Patanjali honey
8.2 Mad honey
8.3 Halal lipsticks
8.4 Odomos
8.5 Kapse and Soni Paithani Saree
8.6 Hotlix (Ant candy, Larvets)
8.7 Jaipurwala.com
8.8 Wasp eggs for sale by BASARASS Biocon India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai ( Trichograma

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Semester V
Course Code USACEENT5P1
(Photographs, Pictures or models should be used to conduct practicals)2 Credits

1. Study of head sclerites, thoracic segments, and abdominal segments of
2. Study of types of antennae. Filiform, Moniliform, Arista te, Capitate, Clavate,
Clubbed, Plumose, Pilose, Pectinate, Bipectinate, Setaceous and Geniculate,
Lamellate, Serrate.
3. Study of halter and wing of house fly.
4. Study of wing types: membranous, hemitegmina, tegmina, hemielytra, elytra with
photos or permanent slides.
5. Study of types of legs - Typical, Cursorial, Fossorial, Saltatory, Natatorial and
6. Study of abdominal appendages - Styles, cerci of cockroach, study of abdominal
7. Study of cornea of Periplaneta americana (Cockroach) or Muscadomestica
(Housefly) .
8. Study of mouth parts of Cockroach.
9. Study of Malpighian tubules of Cockroach.
10. Study of h aemocytes of Cockroach.
11. Observation of permanent slides or photographs of legs of honey bee.
12. Study of Cockroach: Digestive system and nervous system..
13. Study of the following:
 Any one sound producing organ.
 Identification, classification and description: silverfish , cricket, termite, giant
water bug, any one type of butterfly or moth, flesh -fly, potter wasp, long horn
beetle or water beetle, dragonfly, damselfly. – use photos
 Types of larvae and pupae, Types of metamorphosis.
 Life cycle of lac insect, honey bee, silk moth.
 Products – Lac, bee wax, silk.
 Equipments used in apiculture, sericulture, lac culture.
 Examples of mimicry, camouflage and concealment e.g. Plain tiger and
Danaid egg fly. Stick insect, leaf insect.
14. Photographic documentation of entomology related issues. Submission of soft &
hard copy of 5 original photographs taken by the learner (Exif details required)
15. Assignment (may be submitted in a group not exceeding three students.

Please refer Annexure I for suggested topics for assignments.

*Note - The practicals may be conducted by using preserved specimens/
permanent slides authorised by the wild life and such other regulating bodies
though it is strongly recommended that the s ame should be taught by using

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photographs/audio -visual aids/simulations/ models etc. as recommended by
the UGC and as envisaged in the regulations of the relevant monitoring
bodies. No new specimens, however, shall be procured for the purpose of
conducting practicals mentioned here -in above.

I) It is pertinent to note that we have to adhere strictly to the directions as given in the
UGC Circular F14 -4/2006 (CPP -II).
II) Apart from the institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) and any other
Committ ee appointed by a Competent Authority/Body from time to time, every college
should constitute the following Committees:
1) A Committee for the Purpose of Care and Supervision of Experimental Animals
(CPCSEA) and
2) A Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC) to ensure that no dissections or
mountings are done, using animals.

Composition of DMC shall be as follows:
i) Head of the Concerned Department (Convener/Chairperson)
ii) Two Senior Faculty Members of the concerned Department
iii) One Faculty of related d epartment from the same College
iv) One or two members of related department from neighbouring colleges.


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Semester VI:Theory
Commercial Entomology
Course code: USACEENT601
(Any 4 units to be opted)
Lectures 60
Credits 02
Unit 1: Organic and Biological Pest Control in Agriculture
 To introduce concept of advantages and limitations of IPM.
 To enable the learners to understand the advanced methods of
biological control of insect population.
 To understand pest population and about natural insecticides.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would be introduced to the merits and demerits of IPM.
 Learner would be able to understand different methods of biological
control of insect pest.
 They would also be introduced the insecticides of plant origin.

1.1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Definition, need and planning of IPM with
suitable examples. Advantages and limitations of IPM.
1.2. Biological pest control :
a) Predators
b) Parasites
c) Pathogens (Bacteria, viruses, fungi)
d) Nematodes
1.3. Use of Hormones and Pheromones.
1.4. Sterile male technique.
1.5. Natural organics – oils, insecticides of plant origin (Pyrethrins, Nicotine,
Azadiractin), insecticides of animal origin (Chitin, Chitosan)

Unit 2: Chemical pest control in agriculture
 To study the various types of insecticides.
 To acquire the knowledge about th e modes of operation of duster and
 To correlate use of natural insecticides with synthetic insecticides.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would understand the classification of insecticides on the basis of
mode of action of insecticides.
 Learner would understand specific use of sprayer and duster.
 Lerner would understand the feasibility of natural insecticides over
synthetic insecticides.

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2.1. Broad classification of insecticides.
2.2. Types, characteristics, mode of action, application and preca utions for the
following inorganic insecticides:
 Arsenicals, lime -sulphur, mercury compounds, fluorine compounds
 Fumigants - para dichlorobenzene, methyl bromide, hydrogen cyanide).
2.3. Types, characteristics, mode of action, application and precaution for the following
synthetic organic insecticides:
 Chlorinated hydrocarbons (BHC, methoxychloro),
 Organophosphate (malathion, parathion, dicrotophos, chlorpyriphos),
carbamates (carbaryl, propoxur) and pyrethroids (allethrin, cypermethrin).
2.4. Insecticide formulations - dust, granules, emulsifiable concentrates, wettable
powders, aerosols.
2.5. Techniques of fumigation and equipments used for insecticide applications:
dusters, sprayers (Hand operated, Back snap, Foot operated), precautions and
mainten ance of the equipments.
2.6. Advantages and disadvantages of insecticides.

Unit 3: Urban and Domestic Pest Control
 To introduce types of insect pests.
 To study the nature of damage and preventive measures of urban and
domestic pest.
 To create awareness about serious household pests and pest on pet

Desired outcome:
 Learner would be made aware about economic loss caused by insect
 Learner would understand type of urban and domestic insect pest and
their preventive measur es.

3.1. Agricultural pests: Grasshoppers, bugs, caterpillars, scale insects, leaf hoppers,
bean beetles .
3.2. Stored grain pests: Sitophilusoryzae ( Rice-weevil) , Tenebrio (meal -worm) ,
Trogoderma (Khapra beetle) , Triboliumconfusum ( Flour beetle) .
3.3. Pests on animals: Bird louse, warble fly , screw worms, horse botfly

3.4 Control of house -hold pests:
a) Periplanetaamericana (cockroach) ,Muscadomestica (housefly) ,Glossina (Tsetse
fly), Phlebotomus (sand fly), Formic idea (ant), Culicidae (mosquito),
Pediculushumanus (head louse) , Xenopsylla (oriental rat flea)
b) Lepisma (Silver fish), Psocids (book lice), Tineolabisselliella (cloth moth) ,carpet
damaging insects.
c) Powder post beetle, Coptotermesformosanus ( termite) .

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Unit 4: Neo -avenues
 To introduce different values of insects in modern lifestyle and mankind.
 To understand the role of certain insects in forensic science.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would take more interest in the study of insects due to their
versatile nature.
 Learner would u nderstand the use of some insects in the investigation of
crime (Forensic science).

4.1. Neo -avenues
4.1.1 Insect as food (Entomophagy)
4.1.2 Insect as medicine (Entomotherapy)
4.1.3 Insect as weapons (Entomological warfare)
4.1.4 Insect as pets
4.1.5 Insects of forensic importance -collection and analysis of entomological
Brief mention of common insects of forensic importance –
a. Order Diptera - Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae
b. Order Coleoptera -Staphylinidae, Histeridae, Silphidae, Dermestidae and
c. Collection of entomological evidence during a death investigation.
d. Temperature and climatic records, collection, preservation and handling
of insects/maggots from the crime scene.
e. Analysis of entomologica l evidence and estimating PMI (Post Mortem
Index) using Maggot age and Insect succession.

4.3. Insect biotechnology
4.3.1. General introduction to insect biotechnology.
4.3.2. Use of insects in tissue culture and genetic studies as model animals.
4.3.3. Importance of insects in medicine and cosmetics with respect to

Unit 5: Government Schemes
 To help learner to tap resources from government schemes to start
entomology - based bio -industry.
 To introduc e learner to funding agencies like NABARD, KVIC, DIC etc.
 To help learner to study and understand feasibility report.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would get knowledge about schemes to avail resources.
 Learner would be well introduced about various funding agencies and
guidelines to apply for subsidized loan.

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 Learner would understand the viability of the project on the basis of
feasibility report.

5.1. Government schemes
5.1.1. Schemes for sericulture.
5.1.2. Schemes f or bee -keeping.
5.1.3. Schemes for lac -culture.
5.1.4. NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development), KVIC
(Khadi and Village Industries Commission), DIC (District Industries
5.2 Entrepreneurship opportunities in post -processing with respect to products of
sericulture, apiculture and Lac culture.
5.3. Preparation of Feasibility report :
 Area of production
 Marketing strategies
 Prime cost
 Capital raising
 Evaluation of project
 Profitability of project
 Actua l production
 Actual sale
 Audit of variances

Unit 6: Finance
 To study the financial aspects and bio -industry like apiculture, sericulture,
and Lac -culture.
 To introduce the various concepts of general account like costing,budget,
depreciation to maintain the business.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would be able to understand financial entomology based projects.
 Learner would familiarize with basic concepts in accountancy.
6.1. Costing
6.1.1. Basic concepts: types of cost (historical, standard and managerial).
6.1.2. Budget: budgetary control -types of costing (process, batch, job, service).
6.1.3. Variances: Material, labour and overheads.

6.2. Basic accountancy:
6.2.1. Basic terms, Golden rules in accounts, types of accounts (Indian), journal
entry, ledger posting, subsidiary book, single column cash book, double column
cash book.
6.2.2. Depreciation: fixed installment, reducing balance method.
6.2.3. Rectification of error.

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6.2.4. Final account

Unit 7: Sales and Marketing
 To understand the fundamental concepts of marketing.
 To help learners to find profitability in the entomology based industries.
 To understand distribution and storage of products.
 To learn to advertise and to do branding of the products.

Desired outcome:
 Learner would understand and apply marketing strategies.
 Learner would learn to manage and distribute products unto the
of market.
 Learner would also focus attention on branding of product.

7.1. Fundamentals of marketing.
7.2. Concept of 4 P‘s (Product, Price, Promotion and Place)
7.3. Distribution and logistics.
7.4. Advertising.
7.5. Branding.

Unit 8: Open Unit
Open unit is one of the eight units that may or may not be opted by the college.
Teachers in consultation with the students shall define syllabus under this unit every
year, and shall seek endorsement of the Head and the Principal.
Colleges/Institutes have to select the topics as per their needs and available
resources. It is pertinent to note that the open unit shall be operational and available in
the syllabus only until it comes under the scope of internal assessment.
 To motivate learner for self -employment.
 To avail of vast literature on apiculture, sericulture and lac culture and
 To build confidence among young learners about entrepreneurship.
 To inculcate research aptitude among science graduates.
 To encourage learner to work in association of partners to reduce
economic burden in the initial stage.
 To boost the learners’ interest to renew natural resources.

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Course Code USACEENT6P1
1. Observation of permanent slides of mouth parts of mosquito.
2. Insecticide formulations. (Dust, Granules, Emulsifiable concentrates, sprays,
3. Powders).
4. Study of damage caused by and control of - Grasshopper, plant bug, caterpillar,
scale insect, , Eurymeloidesbicincta (Leaf hopper), Sitophilusoryzae( Rice-
weevil), Acanthoscelidesobtectus (Bean weevils) , Tenebrio (meal -worm), Flea,
Bird louse, Mosquito ( Anopheles, Culex, Aedes), Glossina (Tsetse fly) ,
Phlebotomus (sand fly) , Hypoderma spp. (warble fly) ,Cochliomyia spp.( screw
worm fly).
5. Vertebrates important for biological control against insect pests - Guppy fish,
Frog, Gecko, Wood p ecker, Bat, Scaly ante ater and Bear.
6. Any two insect types breeding on the flesh of dead bodies (one Dipteran, one
7. Demonstration of use of different equipments such as drills, sprayers, dusters for
household insect control (insecticides).
8. Qualitative estimation of proteins and sugars from different varieties of honey.
9. Visit to any industry and submission of report.
10. Project and submission of report (Project report may be submitted in a group not
exceeding three students ).

Please refer to Annexure - II for suggested Field Visits and Annexure III for
suggested topics for projects for Course code USACEENT6P1.
*Note - The practicals may be conducted by using preserved specimens/
permanent slides authorised by the wild life and such other regulating bodies
though it is str ongly recommended that the same should be taught by using
photographs/audio -visual aids/simulations/ models etc. as recommended by
the UGC and as envisaged in the regulations of the relevant monitoring
bodies. No new specimens, however, shall be procured f or the purpose of
conducting practicals mentioned here -in above.

I) It is pertinent to note that we have to adhere strictly to the directions as given in the
UGC Circular F14 -4/2006 (CPP -II).
II) Apart from the institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) and any other
Committee appointed by a Competent Authority/Body from time to time, every
college should constitute the following Committees:
1) A Committee for the Purpose of Care and Supervision of ExperimentalAnimals
(CPCSEA) and

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2) A Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC) to ensure that no dissections or
mountings are done, using animals.
Composition of DMC shall be as follows:
i) Head of the Concerned Department (Convener/Chairperson)
ii) Two Senior Faculty Members of the concerned Department
iii) One Faculty of related department from the same College
iv) One or two members of related department from neighbouring colleges.


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References and Additional Reading

1. A General textbook of entomology -- A D Imms. Asia Publication.
2. Agricultural insect pests and their control. V.B. Awasthi. Scientific Publication.
3. A manual of practical entomology. – M MTrigunayat. Scientific Publication.
4. Applied Entomology – Alaka Prakash and Fennemore. New Age Publishers.
5. Applied Entomology – Awasthi. Scientific Publication.
6. A Text book of inse ct morphology, physiology and endocrinology – Tembhare D.
B.– Chand Publication.
7. Cost Accounting by Manan Publication F.Y.BAF.
8. Destructive and Useful Insects. - Metcalf and Flint. McGraw Hill Publication.
9. Economic Zoology - Shukla, Upaddhaya and Srivastava. S. Chand Publication.
10. Edible insects: Future prospects for food and feed security - Arnald van Huis,
Joost Van Itterbeeck, HarmkeKlunder, Esther Mertens, Afton Halloran, Giulia
Muir and Paul Vantomme, FAO of the United Nations, Rome, 2013. (Available
11. E. Paul Cherniack, M.D. (2010): Bugs as Drugs, Part 1: Insects. The ―New‖
Alternative Medicine for the 21st Century. Alternative Medicine review, 15 (2),
12. Entomology and Pest Management –Larry P. Pedigo. Pearson Education.
13. Forensic Entomol ogy-The utility of Arthropods in legal investigations. –Jason H.
Byrd and James L. Castner. CRC Press.
14. General and applied Entomology – David and Ananthakrishnan. Tata McGraw
15. Insect endocrinology and physiology – Tembhare D B – S Chand publication.
16. Insect Jewelry by Roger D. Akre., Laurel D. Hansen, and Richards S. Zack: in
Summer (1991). (Online available as research article).
17. Insect Year Book of Agriculture - American Agriculture Department Publication.
18. Irwin, M. E. and Kampmeier, G. E. (2002): Commer cial products, from Insect. In
V. H. Resh and R. Carde (eds.) Encyclopedia of insects. Academic press, San
19. Jeffrey A. Lockwood - Entomological warfare: History of the use of insects as
weapons of Wars: in Bulletin of the ESA in Summer (1987). (Onli ne available as
research article).
20. Laboratory manual of entomology – Alaka Prakash. New Age Publishers.
21. Photographic Atlas of Entomology and guide to insect identification. -Castner.
Seline press Florida. Marketed by Scientific Publication.
22. Principles of in sect morphology - Snodgrass R E – Tata McGraw Hill.
23. Principles of insect physiology – Wigglesworth. – ELBS Publication.
24. S. Turner (2008): Termites: Friends or Foe. AGRICOLA.
25. Text book of Entomology —Ross – John Wiley publ.
26. The Insects - Structure and Functio n - 4th Edition, R. F. Chapman (ed.).
Cambridge University Press 1998.

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27. Theodore A. Evans., Tracy Z. Dawes, Phil ip R. Ward and Nathan Lo (2011) :
Ants, and termite increases crop yield in dry climate. Nature communication.
262. doi:10.1038/ncomms1257

Books in Marathi:
1. Keetaknirikshakamchasobati: Purushottam Joshi, Continental publication, Pune.
2. Gruhaupayagikeetak : Purushottam Joshi, Continental publication, Pune.
3. KeetakParichaywaSangraha: Purushottam Joshi, Continental publication, Pune.
4. PikanvareelKeed – Keetak: Purushottam Joshi, Continental publication, Pune.
5. Madhmashya – JeevanaaniPalan: R. V. Ranade, Continental publication, Pune.

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(a) Internal assessment of twenty five (25) marks per course per semester sh ould be
conducted according to the guidelines given by University of Mumbai vide circular
number UG/04 of 2014 Dated 5th June 2014 to be implemented from academic year
2014 -15.

(b) External assessment of seventy five (75) marks per course per semester sh ould be
conducted as per the following skeleton question paper pattern.

(c) One practical examination of one hundred (100) marks per course each should be
conducted at the end of every semester.

Modality of Assessment:
Theory Examination Pattern:

A) Internal Assessment - 25% 25
Theory 25 marks
No. Evaluation type Marks
1. Class test to be conducted as per following pattern 20
a. Match the column/Fill in the blanks/Multiple Choice Questions
(1/2 mark each) 05
b. Answer in 1 or 2 lines (Concept based questions) (1 mark
each) 05
c. Answer in brief (Attempt any 2 out of the 3) (5 marks each) 10
2. Overall conduct as a responsible student, manners, attentive and
inquisitiveness, skill in articulation, leadership qualities
demonstrated through organizing co -curricular activities, etc. 05

B) External examination ‐ 75 %
Semester End Theory Assessment - 75% 75
1) Duration - The examination shall be of two and half hours duration.
2) Theory question paper pattern:
a. Q1 shall comprise of 16 short notes (14 if case studies/open unit is not opted)
representing all the units in the syllabus equally, of which students are expected to
solve any five.
b. Q2 to Q9 (Q8 if case study/open unit is not opted) will be based on unit I to unit VIII
of the syllabus respectively.
c. Q2 to Q9 (Q8 if case studies/ open unit is not opted) shall have th e following
A) 15 marks

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B) i) 7 marks
ii) 8 marks

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Practical skeleton Paper Course code: USACEENT5P1

Duration: 4hrs Total Marks: 100


Identification :
Identify spots ‗a‘ to ‗e‘ as per instructions.
a) Identify and describe the insect part; wings/ legs/ head sclerites/
b) Identification and describe cornea/mouth parts/ malphigian tubules
/ abdominal appendages of cockr oach/ haemocytes
c) Identify classify and describe the given insect /sound producing
organ of insect
d) Identify and describe types of larva / pupa/life cycle of insects.
e) Identify and describe insect product/ equipment/eg. of mimicry/
camouflage/ concealment


Q 2. Major experiment
Draw neat and labeled diagram of ------------------------------- system.
Complete the given system by drawing the missing part and describe
the function of all labeled parts.
Rearrange the parts of the given system and explain the functions of
different parts.

Q3. Minor experiment
Make diagrammatic representation of following parts of -------------------
-and describe the region where it is situated in the animal along with
its function.
Q4. a) Submission of 5 relevant photographs. 10
b) Assignment and viva based on it. 20

Q5. Certified journal 10

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Practical skeleton Paper Course code: USACEENT6P1

Duration: 4 hrsTotal Marks: 100

Q. 1. Identification
Identify spots ‗a‘ to ‗e‘ as per instructions.
a) Identify and describe legs of honey bees/ mouth parts of mosquito.
b) Identify and describe mosquito larvae/ rice weevil/ flour beetle
c) Identify and describe the given insecticide formulation/
d) Identify and describe insecticide dispersing equipment/ house hold
pest control device.
e) Identify and describe the vertebrate important for biological control/
insect type on dead bodies

Q.2 Major experiment
a) Detection and estimation of proteins from different varieties of honey. 25
a) Detection and estimation of sugar from different varieties of honey

Minor experiment
Describe damage caused by the following insects (Any three)
Describe the control measures for the following insects (Any three)
Q.4. Project report and viva based on it. 20

Q.5. Field report 10

Q.6. Certified journal 10

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Annexure -I: Suggested topics for assignment USACEENT5P1

(Teachers are expected to develop additional innovative topics, varying every year, to
be assigned to the students)
1. Visit Govt. office to find subsidies for different entomology related industries.
2. Study the wholesale and retail marketing of the insecticide.
3. Study the production of insecticides in the industry.
4. Study marketing of insecticides by interacting with the salesman/others
5. Study any one unit of sericulture /culture/apiculture.
6. Survey recent research trends in biological control of insect pests.
a. Study the institutes actively guiding on Biological control.
b. Study the insecticide /formulations available in the market and decide their
demand in the market.
7. Obtain from internet/books/jou rnals, taxonomic keys for different insect orders.
a. Species of Bees (solitary & social) and their role as pollinators.
b. Diseases and natural enemies of bees.
c. Bee products and their uses.
d. Types of silk moths (wild & semi domesticated) and their contribution t o
the National silk production.
8. Diseases and enemies of silk moths.
9. Comparison of the current status of lac industry in Bihar and Maharashtra.
10. Diseases of lac insects and uses of lac in industry.
11. Role of MahilaAarthikVikasMahamandal in insect related small scale enterprise
(Sericulture, Lac culture).
12. Role of Khadi and Village Industry in encouraging insect related enterprises
(Apiculture, Bio -control).
13. Comparative study of social life of bees, ants and termites.
14. Insecticide formulations and applications.
15. Maintenance and working of equipments used in insecticide application.
16. Advantages of IPM quoting successful case studies.
17. Visit KVIC website and find out various subsidies offered to Apiculturist.
18. Visit KVIC website and find out marketing support to Sericulturist and
19. On the basis of colour of eyes or structure of wings, take some photographs of
Common Fruit Fly either by keeping banana or any fruit in the window of your
house or lab or obtain information from internet. Find some of the m utants of fruit
flies. Comment on any two mutants of them.
20. Visit any one website or home page of insecticide or pesticide manufacturing Co.
Note their products and try to categorize them as an insecticide on the basis of
mode of action. Also try to search their annual turnover. Explain any two
pesticides with examples. (Contact poison, Fumigants, Stomach poison etc.)
21. Visit food and drug administrative office and find out the norms of standard
marketed honey.

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22. Visit DIC office in your district and find out th e various loan schemes based on
Economic Entomology for unemployed science graduates.
23. Give the best measures to control mosquito population without using chemicals
other than natural insecticides. Also find economically useful methods to control
mosquitoes .
24. Comment on the Common Housefly as a biological vectors. Give its preventive
and natural control methods.
25. Find from internet, insects pheromones or hormones strategic use in the control
of horticultural insect pests.

All topics mentioned above are sugges tive, more creative and innovative topics
are expected from the students, under the able guidance of the concerned
teacher, to suit the \expertise human resources, infrastructure and local needs as
also the interest of the students.
The assignment may be su bmitted in a group of not more than three students.

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Annexure II: Suggested field Visits USACEENT5P1
 There shall be various short and long excursions/study tours/field visits/industrial
visits in every semester, at least one of which shall be financially affordable to
every student in the class; and that assignment and marks of field trip shall be
solely based upon such where no student was restrained for financial limitations.
 Field visits are to be organized to facilitate students to have first -hand experience
& exposure to technology/production/functioning of organization/units or witness a
relevant activity.
 Each student must take at least 01 (one) such visit to the units/treatment
plants/aquatic or terrestrial habitat organized by the college.
 The list is suggestive and not exhaustive.

1. Visit to an Apiculture unit.
2. Visit to a Sericulture unit.
3. Visit to a Lac culture unit.
4. Observe insects from the given area to study diversity.
5. Observe and study aquatic insects.

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Annexure III: Suggested Topics for Projects USACEENT6P1
(Teachers are expected to develop additional innovative topics, varying every year, to
be assigned to the students)

1) Prepare a feasibility report on Apiculture unit – small/medium/large scale.
2) Prepare a feasibility report on Sericulture unit – small/medium/large scale.
3) Prepare a feasibility report on Lac culture unit – small/medium/large scale.
4) Prepare a feasibility report for setting up a pest control business.
5) Study of behavior of insect pests.
6) To compare the toxicity of in secticide using different insect models or stages of
7) To prepare different types of baits and test their efficacy.
8) To try different plant extracts/ chemicals for their synergistic activity.
9) Monitor the life cycle of insects of forensic importance, throughout the year to
record seasonal differences.
10) Find agricultural and horticultural pest one each and give the nature of damage
caused. Guide the farmers to control them naturally.

The project may be submitted in a group not exceeding three students.

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Annexure IV: Learners’ space

When education system today has identified special needs of slow learners we are still
silent about needs of high IQ students. Teachers are therefore recommended to identify
and encourage such students to undertake research with a view to publish paper/s in
peer reviewed International Indexed Journals with high impact factor thus providing
‗learners‘ space‘

1. Carry out a literature review of heat shock proteins in different larval stages of insects
for pest management.
2. Find out the irradiation techniques used for pest control
3. Find out the norms for export of irradiated food products.
4. Use of biotechnology in pest/control management.

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Annexure V: Play and Ponder
As learner‘s space is for high IQ students, play and ponder could be a general activity
creating interest in the subject and could also be a part of pedagogy wherein it may be
considered as innovative teaching methodology. Needless to say that ‗play and ponder‘
again is not mandatory and is an additional if deserved by the students.

1. Maintain a bee hive.
2. Maintain a stingless bee colony.
3. Behavior studies.
4. Grow larvae/nymphs of insects to study life cycle.
5. Maintain silk moth larvae.
6. Study Lac culture.
7. Grow in laboratory, flies/beetles breeding on flesh and note the details of their
8. Does the scent or color of a flower attract an insect?
9. Temperature prediction by recording cricket chirps per minute.
10. Effect of sex pheromones on insects.
11. Inter species communication – talking to fireflies.
12. Maintain an ant h ill to understand community living.

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Model Question Paper USACEENT501

Duration 2.5 hrs Maximum Marks 75
N.B: 1.Question 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any FOUR questions from Q.2 to Q.9.
3. Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

Write short notes on any five of the following(Mixed questions from all
units) 15
a) Odonata,
b) Thysanura,
c) Types of Pupae
d) Types of larvae
e) Morphology of Ants
f) Anatomy of Aphid
g) Role of Assassin Bugs
h) Role of Fireflies
i) Economic importance of Bee wax
j) Bee venom
k) Diseases of silk worm
l) Uses of silk
m) Species of Lac insects
n) Host of Lac insect
o) ________________ (From case study if opted)
p) ________________ (From case study if opted)

Q.2 Question based on Unit 1
Describe with suitable example characteristics of order dipteral and
order coleopteran, add a note on insect classification. 15
a) Classify and describe order Hemiptera. 7
b) Classify and describe with suitable example order Orthoptera 8

Q.3 Question based on Unit 2
Explain morphology of typical insect. 15
a) Describe digestive system of insect. 7
b) What is metamorphosis? Explain metamorphosis in insects. 8

Q.4 Question based on Unit 3
Explain lifecycle of following insects and their effect on agriculture.
1) Grass hopper, 2) Aphid 15

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a) Describe lifecycle of mosquito. 7
b) Describe life cycle of tsetse fly and bedbug. 8

Q.5 Question based on Unit 4
Explain the role of insect in agriculture and add a note on ‗Termites as
soil composer‘ 15
a) Enumerate the reasons for CCD of honeycomb. 7
b) What are the different strategies for insect conservation? Add a
note on butterfly garden. 8

Q6 Question based on Unit 5
Describe economic importance of honeybee. Add a note on
cooperative and socio -economic aspect of apiculture. 15
a) Describe structure of artificial hive. Add a note on various tools used
in apiculture. 8
b) Enlist and describe species of honey bee found in India. 7

Q.7 Question based on Unit 6
What is Sericulture? Explain how different types of silk is obtained. 15
a) Explain in detail the lifecycle of mulberry silk moth. 8
b) Explain the processing of silk cocoons. 7

Q.8 Question based on Unit 7
Explain the management and financial avenues for setting up of Lac
culture business. 15
a) Explain culture techniques of lac and add a note on it's natural
enemies 8
b) Explain processing of lac. 7

Q.9 Question based on Unit 8
Question based on case study/ simulation (if opted) 15


Paithani is a sari made of silk and zari. It is named after the Paithan
town in Aurangabad, Maharashtra state where they are woven by hand.The
art of weaving Paithani thrived in 200 B.C., during satvahana era and promptly
became well -known.The special love of Peshwas for Paithani in 18th century
has endowed a name to Paithani as "Queen Of Sarees". By tradition,

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Paithanisused a coloured, cotton muslin field withzaripatterning.However, in
the 19th century, silk fields were also woven.They became so widespread
during this era that it became a tradition for every Maharashtrian wom an to
have at least one Paithani sari.
It is made from very fine silk and it is also considered as one of the richest
saris in India.
The Government of Maharashtra & a few Non -Government
Organizations (NGO's) took the colossal task of "Revival of Paithani". The
initial step to revive this lost art was to boost the morale of the weavers and
then set up centers for training & weaving. Their cooperativedetermination
paid off & the last 3 decades saw the growth in demand of Paithanisarees
from all over the world. Today, Yeola itself has more than 2000 skilled
Two entrepreneurs took the opportunity to build their fortune in business of
making and selling paithani, by which they made a world -renowned brand
namely SoniPaithani and KapsePaithani.
RamdayalHanumandasSoni, also known as SoniPaithani - a name
that has grew for over five generations in the manufacturing of Paithanisarees.
SoniPaithani came into life in the year 1860 and since then many of the
weaver's families are linked with them. They have passed their knowledge &
unique weaving techniques to new generation.APaithanirequires processes
like cleaning and dying of silk, which demands for the input of the whol e
KapsePaithaniestablished in year 2000 at KK Handloom.They are the
foremost suppliers of MaharashtrianSarees like YeolaPaithani, Brocket
Paithani, Special PadarPaithani, Banarasi Silk Paithani.
Saree is the most elegant Indian wear and the oldes t form of women‘s
wearing, to keep up with the change of time KapsePaithani merged the
traditional artwork with modern designs to lure the international young market.
In the early days, Exquisite Silk from Paithani was exported to many
countries in exchang e for gold and precious stones. In the past days, the Jari
used in making Paithani was drawn from Pure Gold. But today Silver is
replaced for Gold and in some cases Copper substitutes Silver making the
Paithani affordable to many People. It costs nowadays between Rs 7,000/ - to
Rs 3,50,000/ - approximately, depending upon the design.Silk -Mark is an
assurance that every Silk Paithani is made from finest Pure Natural Silk. Each
product is tested and validated for quality, sustainability and accompany Silk -

The Paithani Saree and Fabrics known for their elaborate designs are
protected under Geographical Indication Act 1999 of India. At present it is
unorganized sector.
The skills gap for Silk weavers are:
 Need to transform from traditional looms to automate d looms
 Limited understanding of the 52 steps in silk weaving

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 Training is required on usage of computers in designing
 Ability to create diversified products – new varieties, replacing jute or
cotton products with silk
 Export market awareness
 Dying techniqu es
 Processing techniques

The Paithani Cluster at Yeola, aRs 20 -crore project, is spread over
4,800 sq m where around 3,000 local artisans put their products on display
under one roof and tourism centre on its premises to educate people.If the silk
produce d in Maharashtra would be used in Yeola for Paithani saris, then it
would be much cost effectivethan to depend on Bengaluru for silk. There are
3,500 looms in Yeola and the material, particularly silk, is brought from
Bengaluru. In one month, 6,000 Paithan i saris are made in Yeola. Around one
kg of silk is needed to weave one sari.
Markets of Paithani saree need to be created across the nation to
popularize the art. To sustain the craft and the craftsmen, diversification of
Paithanitextile into several prod ucts such as waistcoats, pouches, wall
hangings and even women‘s salwar suits is required to increase their market

1. What are the skills silk weavers can be trained to create more effective
sales of Paithani? Justify your answer with explanation.
2. What entrepreneur opportunity you can see in the above case?
Illustrate a detail planning and feasibility statement.
3. Enlist the uses of Paithani fabric and emphasis on the marketing
strategy for it.


The household insecticide market in India is sized around Rs. 1600
crore. Insecticide market of mosquito coil is worth Rs 900 crore, while
mosquito repellent creamis worth Rs 50 crore. Odomos is a 40 year old brand
which has a generic status in the mosquit o repellent cream market in India.
The brand which was initially from Balsara came into Dabur's hold after the
acquisition of Balsara Hygiene Products in 2005.Odomospossiblyinitiated
cream -based insect repellent as a branded offering.Odomos has a virtual
monopoly in the cream market.
Dabur is the front -runner in the personal application mosquito repellent
category under the Odomos brand with annual sales of around Rs 50 crore
and growing at 8 -10 per cent per annum. DaburOdomos is a clinically tested
and cer tified mosquito repellent offering most effective protection for as long
as 12 hours from mosquitoes, the carriers of deadly diseases like Dengue,
Chikungunya, Malaria, Filaria and Encephalitis etc. Odomos is the only

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mosquito repellent endorsed by the Nat ional Integrated Medical Association
(NIMA). Since Odomos does not contain any chemicals which kill mosquitoes
thus it is one of the safest mosquito repellants. Odomos Natural Cream with
natural Citronella and Aloe Vera has the goodness of Almond Oil and V itamin -
Contrary to popular notion, diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya are
transmitted by daytime mosquitoes. Children, when they go out to play or
during school, are at danger of being bitten by these mosquitoes. Even people
inoffices are at risk of b eing bitten by mosquitoes. Odomos is the only
personal application product that offers protection fromday -time mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes detect you by the odours your body emits.Odomos, when applied
on the skin, masks these odoursandhence mosquitoes do not de tect you.
Odomos displays the message of being "Skin Friendly" in their packs.
Another bold step that the brand took was to target kids.
Odomos has product forms of Cream, Lotion and Oil. Odomos mosquito
repellent oil targets rural areas because oil prod uct form has more acceptance
in that market. More over oil applies better on the skin and is more effective.
Odomos nowhave smaller packs of Rs 5 and Rs 10, which improves
affordability and thus encourage more buys.In times where mosquitoes are
now immune t o coils and vaporizers, Odomos has proven to be a best option
for a good night sleep and daytime assurance.

1. Do you think Odomos targeting kids was a risky move? Justify your answer
with explanation. 7
2. What entrepreneur opportunity you can see in the above case? Illustrate a
detail planning and marketing strategy. 8

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Model Question Paper USACEENT601

Duration 2.5 hrs Maximum Marks 75

N.B: 1.Question 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any four questions from Q.2 to Q.9.
3. Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

Q.1 Write short notes on any five of the following(Mixed questions from
all units) 15
a) Advantages of IPM
b) Nematodes as biological pest control
c) Pyrethroids
d) Dust & granule insecticide formulations
e) Screw worm
f) Meal moth
g) Entomotherapy
h) Insect as weapons
i) Startup India
j) Qualities of an Entrepreneur
k) Historical cost
l) Golden rules in accounts
m) Concept of 4P‘s
n) Product advertising
o) ------- (from open unit, if opted)
p) -------- (from open unit, if opted)

Q.2 Question based on Unit 1
Define IPM. Explain need & planning of IPM with a suitable example. 15
a) Explain biological pest control. 7
b) Describe the use of hormones & pheromones in pest control. Add
a note on sterile male technique for pest control. 8

Q.3 Question based on Unit 2
Explain classification of insecticides. Add a note on inorganic
insecticides. 15
a) Describe disadvantages of chemical pesticides. 7

b) Explain techniques of fumigation. What are the different equipments
used for insecticide application. 8

Q.4 Question based on Unit 3
Describe in detail damage & control of any three house hold pests 15

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Item No. 4.2 32

a) Explain damage caused by and the control of Sitophilusoryzae 7
b) Explain damage and control of bird louse & leaf hopper 8

Q.5 Question based on Unit 4
Describe the role various larval stages of insects gathered during
forensic investigation. 15
a) Explain entomophagy. 7
b) Describe use of insect in tissue culture and genetic studies 8

Q. 6 Question based on Unit 5
Explain the scope of NABARD with respect to Ento -entrepreneurship. 15
a) Write a note on KVIC scheme for apiculture w.r.t. finance. 7
b) Scope of ento -entrepreneurship for a START -UP scheme. 8

Q.7 Question based on Unit 6
Poona Transport purchased a truck on 1st June 2012 at Rs. 190000.
One more truck they purchased on 31st Dec 2013 at Rs. 260000. The
company sold parts of the truck on 31st march 2014 at Rs. 20000
which was purchased on 1st June 2012. The company charged 12%
depreciation on 31st March every year under Reducing Balance
a) Show all necessary accounts.
b) Draw journal entries in the book of company. 15
a) What are the Golden rules in accounts. Discuss with suitable
example. 7
b) The following information related with Mr. Atul Jain Bank of
Maharashtra for the month of June 2016. Prepare Bank reconciliation

Date Particulars
01 Balance as per passbook Rs. 12000/ -
05 Cheque of Rs. 6000 issued to Mrs. Neeta but not yet
11 Cheque of Rs. 10000 deposited into Bank but not yet
28 Cheque dishonored charges charged by bank Rs. 500/ -
29 Cheque directly deposited by customer Rs. 2000/ -
30 Bank deposited divided at Rs. 300 into our A/c
30 Bank charges deducted Rs. 150/ - 8

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Q.8 Question based on Unit 7
What is branding? Why branding is necessary for business. 15
a) What is marketing and explain features of marketing. 7
b) Write a brief note on functions of marketing. 8

Q.9 Question based on Unit 8
Question based on open unit(if opted)
OR 15
a)_______________________ 8
b)_______________________ 7