TYBSc Computer Science Web Design and Technologogies Sem V VI1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus for Semester V and
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Web Design and Technologies
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017–2018 )
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T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Credit Based Semester and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 7-2018
Course TOPICS Credits L / Week
USACWD501 .Net Technologies 02 04
USACWD5P1 Practical of USACWD501 02 04
Course :
USACWD501 TOPICS (Credits : 02 Lectures/Week: 04)
.Net Technologies
Objectives :
To provide insight into .NET technologies for web programming and enable them design and develop
interactive and responsive web applications. Explain learners the insights into the efficient usage of
.NET technologies and their facilities.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1. To gain Knowledge of .NET technologies framework
2. To understand and implement various controls for Creating a web Application
3. Understand the security aspects of web Application.
Unit I Overview of .NET Framework , Objectives, Main components of .NET
Framework and their overview, Types of Applications
.NET Framework Architecture – CLR(Goal of CLR, Services/Features,
Benefits, Managed Execution Process, Automatic memory Management),
CTS(CTS Overview, Type Definitions, Type members, Different types of
data such as class, delegates, pointes, arrays, interfaces), Meta Data,
Structure of Metadata & Self Describing Components, Cross Language
Interoperability & CLS, Assemblies(Assembly overview, Benefits,
Contents, Types) 15L
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Creating Web Sites :- Working with Web Forms, Working with CSS in
Visual Web Developer, ASP.NET Server Controls, Standard Controls,
HTML Controls, Understanding ASP.NET State Engine.
Unit II Introduction to Programming :- Data Types and Variables, Statements,
Methods: Functions and Subroutines.
Consistent Page Layout with Master Pages, Using a Centralized Base Page.
Structured Exceptio n Handling : try, catch, finally blocks, throwing
exceptions, Err object, Using masked Textboxes
Navigation Controls - Architecture of the Na vigation Controls, Menu
Control , TreeView Control
Validation Controls – Validations & Validator controls, 15L
Unit III ADO.NET: Data Provider Model, Direct Data Access - Creating a
Connection, Select Command, DataReader, Disconnected Data Access
Data Binding : Introduction, Single -Value Data Binding, Repeated -Value
Data Binding, Data Source Controls – SqlDataSource, Other Data
Controls, Working Together with Data Source and Data -bound Controls
User Controls -Creating User Controls, Adding User Controls to a Content
Page or Master Page
LINQ -LINQ to Objects , LINQ to ADO.NET
Introducing Query Syntax, Standard Query Ope rators, Sh aping Data with
Anonymous Types , Using Server Controls with LINQ Queries. 15L
Unit IV Caching : Introduction to Caching Data ,Different Ways to Cache Data in
ASP.NET Web Applications
Security -Identity, Authentication, Authorization, Using Login Controls ,
Configuring the Web Application
AJAX in ASP.NET –Using ScriptManager, Partial refreshes,
UpdatePanel, Triggers, Timed Refreshes
Web Service – What is web service, ASP.NET Web services, Creating a
simple web service, Consuming Web service 15L
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1. Beginning ASP.NE T 4: in C# and VB , Imar Spaanjaars , WROX Publication
2. Murach's ASP.NET 4 Web Programming with C# 2010 by Anne Boehm , Joel Murach
Additional Reference (s):
1. The Complete Reference ASP .NET, MacDonald, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB Imar Spanajaars, WROX
Suggested List of Practical – SEMESTER V
Course :
USACWD5P1 (Credits : 02 Practical /Week: 04)
Practical of USACWD501
.Net Technologies
1. Fundamentals of ASP.NET such as using HTML/Web Controls, Autopostback, Application
events, Configuration files,
2. ADO.NET Programming & Data Binding.
3. Creating Custom Controls.
4. State management, Validation Controls
5. LINQ - Using Server Controls with LINQ Qu eries
6. Performance improvement using Caching
7. Using AJAX in ASP.NET
8. Creating & Consuming web services
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T. Y. B. Sc.(Semester V and VI )
Computer Science Syllabus
Credit Based Semester and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 7-2018
Course TOPICS Credits L / Week
USACWD6 02 Advanced Web Tech nology
02 04
USACWD6 P2 Practical of USACWD6 02 02 04
USACWD602 TOPICS (Credits : 02 Lectures/Week: 04)
Advanced Web Technology
Objectives :
To enable learners master the advanced topics in web programming and enable them design and
develop interactive and responsive web applications. Explain learners the insights into the efficient
usage of various web technology products and their facilities.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Learn abou t using XML for managing Data
2. Learn about using Ajax programming
3. Lean about PHP and jQuery for developing web applications
Unit I XML - Introduction to XML, Comparing XML with HTML
Describing the Structure of XML - Declaration, Elements,
Attributes, Comments, CDATA, XML Entity References, Parsers
,Describing Document Type Definitions,
Using XSLT with XML :xsl:template Element ,
xsl:apply -templates Element,xsl:import , xsl:include Element ,
Element,xsl:element Element, xsl:attribute Element, xsl:value -of
Element, using Conditional Statements, Sorting Elements, XSLT 15L
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functions, Creating Well -formed and Valid Documents.
Unit II Introdu ction to Ajax –
AJAX Web Application Model, Working of AJAX
Asynchronous Data Transfer with XMLHttpRequest -Creating
the XMLHttpRequest Object, XMLHttpRequest Properties,
XMLHttpRequest Methods, Using the XMLHttpRequest Object in
Different Browsers, Reading a File Synchronously, Reading a File
Asynchronously, Performing Tasks Using the XMLHttpRequest
Integrating PHP and AJAX -Sending Data from a Web
Application to a Server, Validating a Field Using AJAX and PHP, 15L
Unit III Handling XML Data using PHP and AJAX -JavaScript
properties for Extracting with nodeValue, Accessing XML
Elements by Name, Accessing Attribute Values in XML Elements.
Validating XML Documents in Ajax Applications
Retrieving Data from a Database Using PHP and AJAX
Consuming Web Ser vices Using AJAX -Exploring Web Service
Protocols -SOAP,Web Service Description Language, UDDI,
REST, Consuming Web Services Using AJAX
Unit IV jQuery -
JavaScript DOM objects their methods and properties -Window,
History, Location Document, Form etc.
Fundamentals of jQuery, Loading and using jQuery, using jQuery
Library files, Callback functions, jQuery Selectors , jQuery
Methods to Access HTML Attributes, jQuery Methods of
traversing, jQuery Manipulators, jQuery Events, jQuery Effects,
jQuery with AJ AX 15L
1) XML: A Beginner's Guide by Steven Holzner
2) AJAX For Beginners , Ivan Bayross and Sharanam Shah, SPD
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3) Web Development with jQuery (WROX) by Richard York
4) Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with j Query, CSS & HTML5 – by Robin Nixon
Additional Reference (s):
1) Ajax in Action Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello, Darren James
2) Ajax for Dummies Steve Holzner,PhD, Wiley Publishing Inc .
Suggested List of Practical – SEMESTER VI
Course :
USACWD6P2 (Credits : 02 Practical /Week: 04)
Practical of USACWD602
Advanced Web Technology
1. Representing Data using XML with XSL and Internal DTD
2. Representing Data using XML with XSL and External DTD
3. Retrieving data from server & Sending data to server using AJAX
4. Retrieving data from HTML form using PHP
5. Retrieving Employee Details/ Registration Details from the database using Ajax and PHP
6. Adding ,Modifying and Deleting data from Client side to into table in MySql Ajax and PHP
7. Representing Data Using jQuery Selectors/ jQuery Methods to Access H TML Attributes
8. Representing Data using jQuery Manipulators, jQuery Events, jQuery Effects