TYBSc Computer Science Sem V VI1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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In this era of Computerisation, Digitalization and Automation, there is barely any field of research or
any industry left that is not benefit ting from Computer Science or Information Technology. The
Graduation course in Comput er Science holds big importance in cultivating skilled professionals.
The courses of third -year of B.Sc. (Computer Science) are therefore designed in a such way which
will develop the students not only as a professional develope r but also with the view of research
oriented .
To enhance programming skills among students Programming holds key indispensable position in
any curriculum of Computer Science. It is essential for the learners to know how to use Object
Oriented paradigm. This is covered during course of Advanced Java in both fifth and sixth s emester s.
There is also one dedicated course for Mobile Development catering to modern day needs of Mobile
platforms and applications.
Today’s world is about connectivity and shared computing. A course in Data Communications and
Networking is therefore very apt for the students who are gearing for professional world of
applications. Along with these courses Web Computing courses gives enough idea about theories and
fundamentals of building robust web interfaces.
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T.Y.B.Sc. (Semester V and VI )
Computer Science Syllabus
(Credit Based Semes ter and Grading System )
To be implemented from academic year 201 7-2018
Course Topics Credits L / Week
USCS501 Data Communication and N etworking 2.5 4
USCS502 Advanced Java Programming – I 2.5 4
USCS503 Mobile Application Development 2.5 4
USCS504 Data Management using PL/SQL -I 2.5 4
USCSP 501 Practical of USCS501 + USCS502 3 8
USCS P502 Practical of USCS503 + USCS504 3 8
Course Topics Credits L / Week
USCS601 Advanced Networking & Security 2.5 4
USCS602 Advanced J ava Programming – II 2.5 4
USCS603 Software Engineering and Testing 2.5 4
USCS604 Data Management using PL/SQL -II 2.5 4
USCSP 601 Practical of USCS602 + USCS604 3 8
USCS P602 Practical of USCS601 + USCS603 3 8
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USCS501 TOPICS (Cre dits : 2.5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Data Communication and N etworking
Unit I Introduction - Data Communication, Networks, Internet, Intranet,
Protocols, OSI & TCP/IP Models, Addressing
Physical Layer - Signals, Analog, Digital, Analog VS Digital,
Transmission Impairment, Data Rate Limits, Performance
Digital Transmission - Line Coding (Unipolar, Polar, Biphase), Block
Coding(4B/5B Encoding), Analog to digital conversion, PCM,
Transmission Modes,
Analog Transmission - Digital to analog conversion(ASK, FSK,PSK,
QAM), Analog to Analog conversion 15L
Unit II Multiplexing - FDM, WDM, Synchronous TDM(time slots & frames,
interleaving, data rate management),
Spread Spectrum - FHSS, DSSS
Transmission Media - Guided & Unguided
Switching - Switching, Circuit -Switched Networks, Datagram
networks, Concept of Virtual circuit networks, structure of circuit
switch & packet switch, Concepts of DSL & ADSL 15L
Unit III Data Link Layer -Error correction & detection, Types of errors,
Detection VS Correction, Block Codin g,
Hamming Distance, Linear Block codes(single parity check, hamming
codes), Cyclic codes, CRC Encoder & Decoder, CRC Polynomial & its
degree, Checksum
Data Link Control & Protocols - Framing, Flow & Error Control,
Simplest, Stop -N-Wait, Stop -N-Wait ARQ, G o Back N ARQ, Selective
Repeat ARQ, Piggybacking
HDLC & PPP - HDLC Modes, HDLC Frames, PPP, PPP Transition states 15L
Unit IV Multiple Access - Random(CSMA), Controlled(Reservation, Polling, 15L
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Token Passing), Channelization(FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
Wired LAN - LLC, MAC, Ethernet, Ethernet frame, Addressing,
Concept of MBaseN Ethernet, Bridged, Switched, Full Duplex Ethernet,
Concept of Fast & Gigabit Ethernet
Wireless LAN - Introduction to WLAN(Architecture, Hidden, Exposed
Station Problem), Introduction to Bluetoot h & Architecture, Cellular
telephony, Concept of 1G, 2G, 3G cellular telephony
Connecting Devices - Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Spanning tree
algorithm, Two & Three layer Switches, Routers, Gateways, Backbone
networks, Concept of VLAN
Text -book( s):
1) Data Communication & Networking (Forouzan), Tata McGraw -Hill Education
2) Computer Networks - Andrew Tanenbaum, PHI
Additional Reference (s):
1) Computer Network, Bhushan Trivedi, Oxford University Press
2) Computer Networks and Internets - Douglas Comer, Prentice Hal l
3) Computer Networking, Kurose, Ross, Pearson
USCS502 TOPICS (Credits : 2.5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Advanced Java Programming – I
Unit I Swing Components – I: Introduction to JFC and Swing, Features of the
Java Foundation Classes, Swing API Components, JCompone nt Class,
Windows, Dialog Boxes, and Panels, Labels, Buttons, Check Boxes,
Menus, Pane, JScrollPane, Desktop pane, Scrollbars, Lists and Combo
Boxes, Text -Entry Components. 15L
Unit II Swing Components – II: Toolbars, Implementing Action interface,
Colors and File Choosers, Tables and Trees, Printing with 2D API and
Java Print Service API. Schedules Tasks using JVM, Thread -safe
variables, Communication between threads.
Event Handling: The Delegation Event Model, Event classes
(ActionEvent, FocusEvent, Inpu tEvent, ItemEvent, KeyEvent, 15L
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MouseEvent, MouseWheelEvent, TextEvent, WindowEvent) and
various listener interfaces (ActionListener, FocusListener,
ItemListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener,
MouseWheelListener, TextListener, WindowFocusLi stener,
Unit III JDBC: JDBC Introduction, JDBC Architecture, Types of JDBC
Drivers, The Connectivity Model, The java.sql package, Navigating the
ResultSet object’s contents, Manipulating records of a ResultSet object
through User Inter face , The JDBC Exception classes, Database
Connectivity, Data Manipulation (using Prepared Statements, Joins,
Transactions, Stored Procedures), Data navigation. 15L
Unit IV Networking with JAVA: Overview of Networking, Working with
URL, Connecting to a S erver, Implementing Servers, Serving multiple
Clients, Sending E -Mail, Socket Programming, Internet Addresses,
URL Connections. Accessing Network interface parameters, Posting
Form Data, Cookies, Overview of Understanding the Sockets Direct
Intro duction to distributed object system, Distributed Object
Technologies, RMI for distributed computing, RMI Architecture, RMI
Registry Service, Parameter Passing in Remote Methods, Creating RMI
application, Steps involved in running the RMI application, Usin g RMI
with Applets. 15L
Text book (s):
1) Joe Wigglesworth and Paula McMillan, Java Programming: Advanced Topics, Thomson
Course Technology (SPD)
2) Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core Java™ 2: Volume II –Advanced Features Prentice
Hall PTR
3) Herbert Schildt, Jav a2: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw -Hill
Additional Reference (s):
1) The Java Tutorials of Sun Microsystems Inc .
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USCS503 TOPICS (Credits : 2.5 Lectures/Week:04)
Mobile Application Development
Unit I Introduction to Mobile Application Development
Introduction to Mobile Computing - Definition and general overview of
Mob ile and Cell Phone Technologies - CDMA, GSM, 3G, 4G, Types of
mobile computing devices - PDA, Pagers, Mobiles, etc.
History of mobile platforms - J2ME, BB, Android, Windows Mobile,
Windows Phone, etc.
The Android Platform: Introduction to the Android platform , Architecture,
Android components , Development Tools – SDK, ADB, Gradle, etc.
Installing Android Studio IDE, and developing first a pp
Activities and Lifecycle, Fragments and Intents - Working with
Activities -creating activity, starting activity, managing life cycle of activity,
applying themes and styles, displaying dialog in activity; Using
Intents -exploring intent objects, resolution, filters passing data using objects in
intents; Fragments, Intent Object to Invoke Built -in Application 15L
Unit II UI Design : Display Orientation, Views and ViewGroups, Layouts,
Action Bars and Navigation Drawers, Android Layout Managers -
LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView, TableLayout, Frame Layout,
Action Bar, Working with Views - TextView, EditText View, Button View,
RadioButton View, CheckBox View, ImageButton View, ToggleButton
View, RatingBar View
UI Events: Understanding Android Events, Using the android:onClick
Resource, Event Listeners and Callback Methods , Event Handling, The Event
Listener and Callback Method, Intercepting Touch Events , Implementing
Common Gesture Detection
Data binding in applications - Introduction to data binding in Android, What
is an Adapter? , Adapter Views - ListView Class, Spinner, Gallery View,
AutoTextCompleteView, GridView
Displaying Pictures and Menus with Views - Working with Image Views,
Designing Context Menu for Image View, Embedding Web Browser in an 15L
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Activity using WebView, Notifying the User
Data Persis tence - The Data Storage Options, Internal Storage, External
Storage, Using the SQLite Database - CRUD, Working with Content
Unit III Networking in Android : Accessing the network, Per mission to access the
network, Checking Network Availability, Sending Email, consuming web
services using HTTP
Location -Based Services - Displaying Maps, Getting Location Data,
monitoring a Location, Google Maps API, Using the Geocoder.
Using Multimedia — Audio, Video, and the Camera
Playing audio and video, recording audio and video, Using Camera for Taking
Pictures, Using Media Player
Telephony and SMS: Handling Telephony, Handling SMS, Sending SMS
Using Intent 15L
Unit IV Working with Bluetooth and Wi -Fi - BluetoothAdapter and Managing
Wi-Fi connectivity using WifiManager
Threads and Thread Handlers - Introduction to Threads, Worker threads -
asyncTask, interprocess communication and Services
Working with Graphics and Animation : Working with Graphics, Using the
Drawable Obj ect, Using the ShapeDrawable Object, Concept of Hardware
Acceleration, Working with Animations
Advanced Development - Cloud to Device Messaging using Google Firebase
Cloud Messaging, Publishing the App, Best Practices for Performance 15L
Text book (s):
1) Professional Android™ 4 Application Development, Reto Meier, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2012 .
2) Android Application Development, Black Book, Pradeep Kothari, Kogent Learning
Solutions, DreamTech Press
3) Google Android Developers - https://developer.android.com/index.html
Additional Reference(s):
1) Expert Android Studio, Murat Yenar, Onur Dundar, Wrox
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2) Android Studio Cookbook, Mike van Drongelen, PACKT Publication
3) Android P rogramming for Beginners by John Horton (Author) , PACKT Publication
4) Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform, Third Edition, Ed
Course :
USCS504 TOPICS (Credits : 2 .5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Data Management using PL/SQL -I
Unit I Fundamentals of PL SQL
Introduction to SQL Developer, Introduct ion to PL/SQL, PL/SQL Overview,
Benefits of PL/SQL, Subprograms, Overview of the Types of PL/SQL blocks,
Create a Simple Anonymous Block, Generate Output from a PL/SQL Block
SQL Identifiers
List the different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram, U sage of the
Declarative Section to define Identifiers, Use variables to store data, Identify
Scalar Data Types, The %TYPE Attribute, Bind Variables, Sequences in
PL/SQL Expressions
Write Executable Statements
Describe Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines, Comment Code, Deployment
of SQL Functions in PL/SQL, Nested Blocks, Identify the Operators in PL/SQL. 15L
Unit II Conversion Functions : implicit and explicit data type conversion, Describe the
TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions, Nesting
multiple functions
Control Structures: Conditional processing Using IF Statements, Conditional
processing Using CASE Statements, Use simple Loop Statement, Use While
Loop Statement, Use For Loop Statement, Describe the Continue Statement
Composite Data Ty pes
Use PL/SQL Records, The %ROWTYPE Attribute, Insert and Update with
PL/SQL Records, Associative Arrays (INDEX BY Tables), Examine INDEX
BY Table Methods, Use INDEX BY Table of Records 15L
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Unit III Exception Handling
Understand Exceptions, Handle Except ions with PL/SQL, Trap Predefined
Oracle Server Errors, Trap Non -Predefined Oracle Server Errors, Trap
User -Defined Exceptions, Propagate Exceptions,
Stored Procedures and Functions
Understand Stored Procedures and Functio ns, Differentiate between anonymous
blocks and subprograms, Create a Simple Procedures, Create a Simple
Procedure with IN parameter, Create a Simple Function, Execute a Simple
Procedure, Execute a Simple Function.
Invoke SELECT Statements in PL/SQL to Retr ieve data: Data Manipulation
in the Server Using PL/SQL, SQL Cursor concept, Usage of SQL Cursor
Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML, Save and Discard Transactions. 15L
Unit IV Explicit Cursors
What are Explicit Cursors?, Declare the Cursor, Open the Cur sor, Fetch data
from the Cursor, Close the Cursor, Cursor FOR loop, Explicit Cursor Attributes,
Index -by tables or Associative array, Nested table, Variable -size array or Varray
Strings, Date and Time functions, arrays 15L
Text book (s):
1) Oracle SQL and Pl/SQL, Joel Murach
2) PL/SQL Language Reference 11g, , Sheila Moore, E. Belden,
Additional Reference (s):
1) Ivan Bayross, “SQL,PL/SQL -The Programming language of Oracle”, B.P.B. Publications
2) Michael Abbey, Michael J. Corey, Ian Abramson, Oracle 8i – A Beginner’s Guide, Tata
McGraw -Hill.
3) Martin Gruber, “Understanding SQL”, B.P.B. Publications.
4) George Koch and Kevin Loney ,ORACLE “The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill,New
5) https://docs.oracle.com
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Suggested List of Practical – SEMESTER V
USCSP 501 (Credits : 03 Practical /Week: 08)
USCS 501+ USCS 502
Data Communication and N etworking
1. Study of URL, InetAddress and its members
2. Study of URLConnecti on & to read the contents.
3. Study of URLConnection & to write to it.
4. Study of Connection -less approach using datagram -approach
5. Study of connection -oriented approach using ServerSocket
6. Creating server process using ServerSocket
7. Sending Email through Java
8. Designing RMI Application
Advanced JAVA Programming -I
1. Using Basic Swing Controls
2. Using JScrollPane, JTabbedPane, JDesktopPane
3. Using Common Dialog Boxes
4. Using JTable and JTree
5. Creating Table in database
6. Inserting data in tables & Displaying data
7. Using ResultSetMetaData
8. Using Prepared Statements
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USCSP 502 (Credits : 03 Practical /Week: 08)
USCS503+ USCS504
Mobile Application Development
1. Design a n application representing a simple calculator .
2. Develop an application for working with Menus and Screen Navigation
3. Develop an application for working with Notifications
4. Develop an application demonstrating Internal Storage to store pr ivate data on the device
5. Design a simple to-do list application using SQLite
6. Develop an application for connecting to the internet and sending email.
7. Develop an application for working with graphics and animation.
8. Develop an application for working with device camera.
9. Develop an application for working with location based services.
10. Using Worker thread write Android code for a click listener that downloads an
image from a separate thread and displays it in an ImageView.
Data Management using PL/SQL -I
1. Writing Anonymous PL/SQL Block with ba sic programming construct by including
a. Sequential Statements b. unconstrained loop
2. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
d. %TYPE and % ROWTYPE Attribute.
3. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following
conversion functions: TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE, blocks on strings, date
and time functions, and arrays.
4. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
a. If...th en...Else, IF...ELSIF...ELSE... END IF
b. Case statement
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5. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs for following Iterative Structure:
a. While -loop Statements b. For-loop Statements.
6. Writing Exception Handling with PL/SQL.
a. Exception T ypes (implicitly raised, Explicitly raised)
b. Trapping Exceptions (WHEN exception1, WHEN OTHERS)
c. Predefined Exception
7. Writing Procedures in PL/SQL Block (IN, OUT, INOUT, DEFAULT keywords ).
a. Create an empty procedure, replace a procedure and call procedure
b. Create a stored procedure and call it
c. Define procedure to insert data
d. A forward declaration of procedure
8. Writing Functions in PL/SQL Block.
a. Define and call a function
b. Define and use func tion in select clause,
c. Call function in dbms_output.put_line
d. Recursive function
e. Count Employee from a function and return value back
f. Call function and store the return value to a variable
9. Writing PL/SQL Block for
a. Declare and use Association Array b. Varray c. Nested Tables
10. Writing PL/SQL Block for Cursors
b. Cursor with sub queries
c. Combination of PL/SQL, cursor and for loop
d. Parameterized cursors, Cursor Variables
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USCS601 TOPICS (Cre dits : 2.5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Advanced Networking & Security
Unit I Network Layer -Logical addressing, IPv4 Addresses, Classful &
Classless addresses, NAT, IPv6 Addressing,
Network layer protocol - Internetworking, IPv4, IPv4 protocol packe t
format, IPv6 Protocol & Packet format, IPv4 VS IPv6, Transition from
IPv4 to IPv6, Address Resolution protocols(ARP, RARP), BOOTP,
DHCP, Routing Protocols - Delivery, forwarding, routing, types of
routing, routing tables, Unicast Routing, Unicast Routing protocols,
RIP, Concepts of OSPF, BGP & Multicast Routing 15L
Unit II Transport Layer - Process to process delivery, UDP, TCP Congestion
Control & Quality of Service - Data traffic, Congestion, Congestion
Control(Open Loop, Closed Loop & Congestion contro l in TCP), QoS
and Flow Characteristics
Application Layer - DNS, Remote Logging(Telnet), SMTP, FTP,
Unit III System and network security : Introduction to system and network
security, security attacks, security services and mechanisms.
Malici ous software and Internet Security: viruses and related threats,
virus countermeasures, denial of service attacks, Hacking, Security
policies and plan, Strategies for a secure network.
Firewall and Intrusion Detection: Firewalls and their types, DMZ,
Limit ations of firewalls, Intruders, Intrusion detection (Host based,
Networked, Distributed), IDS. 15L
Unit IV Cryptography : Traditional and Modern Symmetric -Key Ciphers, DES
and AES, Asymmetric -Key Cryptography, RSA and ELGAMAL
cryptosystems. Message Digest , Digital Signature, Key Management
Network Security: Security at Application Layer (E -MAIL, PGP and
S/MIME), Security at Transport Layer (SSL and TLS), Security at 15L
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Network Layer (IPSec).
Text book (s):
1) Data Communication & Networking (Forouzan) , Tata McGraw -Hill Education
2) Cryptography & Network Security, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Tata McGraw -Hill,
3) Network security essentials -applications and standards, William Stallings, Third
Edition, Pearson Education
Additional Reference (s):
1) Computer Networks and Intern ets - Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall
2) Computer Networks - Andrew Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall
3) Computer Network, Bhushan Trivedi, Oxford University Press
USCS602 TOPICS (Credits : 2.5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Advanced Java Programming -II
Unit I Servlet : What Is a Ser vlet? The Example Servlets, Servlet Life Cycle,
Information, Initializing a Servlet, Writing Service Methods, Filtering
Requests and Responses, Invoking Other Web Resources, Accessing
the Web Context, Maintaining Client State, Finalizing a Servlet. 15L
Unit II JSP: What Is a JSP Page?, The Example JSP Pages, The Life Cycle of a
Page, Creating Static Content, Creating Dynamic Content, Unified
Expression Language, JavaBeans Components, JavaBeans Concepts,
Using NetBeans GUI Builder Writing a Simp le Bean, Properties:
Simple Properties, Using Custom tags, Reusing content in JSP Pages,
Transferring Control to Another Web Component, Including an Applet. 15L
Unit III EJB: Introduction to EJB, Benefits of EJB, Types of EJB, Session
Bean: State Manageme nt Modes; Message -Driven Bean, Differences
between Session Beans and Message -Driven Beans, The Contents of an 15L
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Enterprise Bean, Naming Conventions for Enterprise Beans, The Life
Cycles of Enterprise Beans, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean,
The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean, The Life Cycle of a
Message -Driven Bean
Unit IV Web Service: Defining Client Access with Interfaces: Remote Access,
Local Access, Local Interfaces and Container -Managed Relationships,
Deciding on
Remote or Local Acc ess, Web Service Clients, Method Parameters and
Access. Building Web Services with JAX -WS: Setting the Port,
Creating a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX -WS. 15L
Text book (s):
1) Joe Wigglesworth and Paula McMillan, Java Programming: Advanced Topics, Th omson
Course Technology (SPD)
2) Eric Jendrock, Jennifer Ball, D Carson and others, The Java EE 5 Tutorial, Pearson
3) Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Head First Servlets and JSP, O’reilly (SPD)
Additional Reference (s):
1) Cay S. Horstmann, Gary C ornell, Core Java™ 2: Volume II –Advanced Features Prentice
Hall PTR, 2001
2) Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development Using Java 2, BPB
3) The Java Tutorials of Sun Microsystems Inc.
USCS 603 TOPICS (Credits : 2.5 Lec tures/Week: 04)
Software Engineering and Testing
Unit I Intro duction to Software Engineering: Introduction to Software,
Types of Software , Classes of Software, Introduction to Software
Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics, Software
Crisis, Software Myths, Software Applications, Software -Engineering
Processes, Evolution of Software, 15L
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Comparison of Software Engineering and Related Fields, Some
Terminologies, Programs Versus Software Products
Software -Development Life -Cycle Models
Software -Development Life -Cycle, Waterfall Model, Prototyping
Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Model,
Iterative -Enhancement Model, RAD Model, Comparison of Various
Process, Models
Unit II Introduction to Software Requirements Specification s
Requirement Engineering, Process of Requirements Engineering,
Information Modeling, Data -Flow Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS
Document, IEEE Standards for SRS Documents, SRS Validation,
Components of SRS, Characteristics of SRS, Entity -Relationship
Diag ram
Software Reliability and Quality Assurance
Verification and Validation, Software Quality Assurance, Software
Quality, (insert 6 sigma, Intro Agile Development) Capability Maturity
Model (SEI -CMM), International Standard Organization (ISO),
Comparison o f ISO -9000 Certification and the SEI -CMM, Reliability
Issues, Reliability Metrics, Reliability Growth Modeling, Reliability
Assessment 15L
Unit III System Design : System/Software Design, Architectural Design,
Low-Level Design
Coupling and Cohesion, Functional -Oriented Versus The
Object -Oriented Approach, Design Specifications, Verification for
Monitoring and Control for Design
Software Measurement and Metrics : Software Metrics, Halstead’s
Software Science, Function -Point Based Measures, C yclomatic
Software Testing : Introduction to Testing, Testing Principles, Testing
Objectives, Test Oracles, Levels of Testing, White -Box 15L
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Testing/Structural Testing, Functional/Black -Box Testing, Test Plan,
Test-Case Design
Unit IV Software -Testing Strategies : Static -Testi ng Strategies, Debugging,
Error, Fault, and Failure
Computer -Aided Software Engineering : CASE and its Scope,
Levels, Arch itecture of C ASE Environment, Building Blocks , Support
in Software Life -Cycle , Objectives , CASE Repository, Characteristics
of C ASE Tools , CASE Classification , Categories of C ASE Tools ,
Advantages , Disadvantages of Case Tools, Reverse Software,
Engineering, Software Re -Engineering
Coding: Information Hiding , Programming Style, Internal
Documentation, Monitoring and Control for Coding, Structured
Programming , Fourth -Generation Techniques 15L
Text book (s):
1) Software Enginee ring, A Practitioner’s Approach , Roger S, Pressman.
2) Software Engineering , Ian Sommerville, Pearson Education
Additional Reference (s):
1) Software Engineering Fundamentals, Behforooz, Hudson, Oxford University Press
2) Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Fourth Edition, Rajib Mall, PHI
3) Software Engineering -Principles and Practices, Jain, Oxford University Press
4) Software Enginee ring: Principle s and Practices, Hans Van Vliet, John Wiley & Sons
5) Software Engineering Concepts, Richard Fairley, McGraw -Hill Companies
Course :
USCS604 TOPICS (Credits : 2 .5 Lectures/Week: 04)
Data Management using PL/SQL -II
Unit I Decomposition: Functional dependenc y, Closure of a set of functional
dependency, Lossless -Join decomposition, Multi valued dependency and
fourth normal form, Join dependency, Fifth normal form. 15L
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Concurrency Control: Concept of a transaction, ACID properties, Serial
and serializable schedules , Conflict and View serializabilty, Precedence
graphs and test for conflict seralizability.
Unit II Enforcing Serializability by locks: Concept of locks, the locking scheduler,
Two phase Locking, upgrading and down grading locks, Concept of
deadlocks, Concurrency control by time stamps, The Thomos Write rule.
Crash Recovery: ARIES algorithm. The log based recovery, recovery
related structures like transaction and dirty page table, Write -ahead log
protocol, check points, recovery from a system crash, Re do and Undo phases. 15L
Unit III Packages: Advantages of Packages, Components of a Package, Develop a
Package, Visibility of a Package’s components, Package Specification and
Body, Package Constructs, PL/SQL Source Code Using the Data Dictionary
Dynamic S QL: Execution Flow of SQL, Cursor Variables, Dynamically
executing a PL/SQL Block, Configure Native Dynamic SQL to Compile
PL/SQL Code, DBMS_SQL Package, Implement DBMS_SQL with a
Parameterized DML Statement 15L
Unit IV Triggers: Concepts of Triggers, Tri gger Event Types and Body, Business
Application Scenarios, Create Trigger, Insert Trigger and Delete Trigger
Statement, Statement Level Triggers Versus Row Level Triggers, Create
Instead of and Disabled Triggers, Managing Testing and Removing Triggers.
File Organization and Indexing: Cluster, Primary and secondary indexing,
Index data structure: hash and Tree based indexing, Comparison of file
organization: cost model, Heap files, sorted files, clustered files. Creating,
dropping and maintaining indexes. 15L
Text book (s):
1) Ramakrishnam, Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, McGraw - Hill.
2) Ivan Bayross, “SQL,PL/SQL -The Programming language of Oracle”, B.P.B. Publications
3) Michael Abbey, Michael J. Corey, Ian Abramson, Oracle 8i – A Beginner’s Guide,
TataMcGra w-Hill.
Additional Reference (s):
1) Joel Murach, Murach’s MySQL, Mike Murach & Associates
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2) Elsmasri and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson Education.
3) Peter Rob and Coronel, “Database Systems, Design, Implementation and Management”,
Thomson Le arning
4) ORACLE “The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
5) C. J. Date, Longman, “Introduction to database Systems”, Pearson Education. George Koch
and Kevin Loney
Suggested List of Practical – SEMESTER VI
USCSP 601 (Credits : 03 Practica l/Week: 08)
Advanced JAVA Programming -II
1. Simple Server -Side Programming using Servlets
2. Advance Server -Side Programming using Servlets
3. Simple Server -side programming using JSP
4. Advance Server -side programming using JSP
5. Developing Simple Enterprise Jav a Beans
6. Developing Advance Enterprise Java Beans
7. Developing Simple Web services in Java
8. Developing Advance Web services in Java
Data Management using PL/SQL -II
1. Study of transactions and locks.
2. Creating and Handling Deadlock situation.
3. Packages 1:
a. Working with oracle supplied packages like DBMS_OUTPUT , etc
b. Forward Declaration of packages
4. Packages 2:
a. Create and invoke a package that contains private and public constructs.
b. Implement Package Functions in SQL
5. Data Dictionary: View PL/SQL Source Code Using the Data Dictionary.
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a. User Tables
b. All tables
c. DBA Tables
6. Dynamic SQL: Use of DBMS_SQL package to write Dynamic SQL
a. function and procedure of package (OPEN_CURSOR, PARSE, BIND_VARIABLE,
b. Using the E XECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement
7. Dynamic SQL: Implementing DBMS_SQL with a Parameterized DML Statement
8. Trigger: Creating and working with
a. Insert/Update/Delete Trigger
b. Before/After Trigger
c. Working with statement Level Trigger and Row Level Trigger.
d. Remove Trigger
9. Indexes: Creating, dropping, and maintaining indexes on tables for the given column.
USCS P602 (Credits: 03, Pract ical/Week: 08)
USCS60 1+USCS603
Project Documentation
1. Acknowledgement
2. Preliminary Investigation - Organizational Overview, Description of System, Limitations of
present system, Proposed system and its adv. [For web project, URL can be mentioned],
Feasibility Study, Stakeholders, Technologies used, Gantt Chart
3. System Analysis - Fact Finding Techniques (Questionnaire, Sample Rep orts, Forms...),
Prototypes(if any), Event Table, Use Case Diagram, Scenarios & Use Case Description, ERD,
Activity Diagram, Class diagram, Object Diagram, Sequence diagram/Collaboration
Diagram, State diagram
4. System Design - Converting ERD to Tables, Desi gn Class diagram[with UI classes, Persistent
classes etc…], Component Diagram, Package Diagram, Deployment Diagram
5. System Coding - Menu Tree / Sitemap, List of tables with attributes and constraints, Design
Patterns used (if any), Program Descr[ Programs /C lasses and their responsibilities in brief ]
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with Naming Conventions, Validations, Test Cases, Test Data and Test Results [Write test
cases for all important programs], Screen Layouts & Report Layouts, Program Listing[for
dummy project]
6. System Implementati on / Uploading
7. Future Enhancements
8. References and Bibliography
Note – Project documentation will carry 50 marks. They will be distributed as follows –
1. Preliminary Investigation – 10 marks
2. System Analysis – 10 marks
3. System Design – 10 marks
4. System Coding & Implementation – 20 marks
Project Development
1. Faculties should arrange project demos for SY students at the end of the year or just at the
beginning of TY. The demos can be of some good students of previous TY batches or it can be
a project developed by faculties themselves.
2. SY students should be encouraged to start finding projects in the vacation. Faculties may take
one or two introductory sessions for SY students before the vacation which will help students to
work on preliminary investigation phase d uring vacation.
3. It can be Stand Alone, Multi -user or Web Based. Projects can be done in any technology and
should have data stored in DBMS .
4. Each student shall do the project individually , though a project with the same topic name could
be done by more than one student.
5. A project guide should be assigned to students. He/she will assign a schedule for each phase of
the project and hand it over to students. The guides should oversee the project progress on a
weekly/fortnightly basis. The guides should control iteration if any non -linear technique is used
for project development.
Sample phases can be as follows – Preliminary investigation, System Analysis, System Design,
Coding, Implementation, Project Report Submission
6. College can arrange few sessions by experi enced industry people on project management/best
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practices/technologies etc.
7. After the completion of phase/projects, demos can be planned in front of
8. Projects should have at least following:
a. Good content management, presentation & meaningful images
b. Data Entry with Validations
c. Suitable navigation scheme(menus/toolbars/tabs/links etc)
d. Record Manipulation(add, update, delete, display, search ,sort)
e. Transactions / Sessions /Reports / Feedback/Registration whichever applicable
f. Login accounts(Admin & User) with separate functionalities for administrators and users
9. A certificate should be added in the project report which should contain the following
information –
a. The fact that the student has successfully completed the project as per t he syllabus and that
it forms a part of the requirements for completing the BSc degree in computer science of
University of Mumbai.
b. The name of the student and the project guide
c. The academic year in which the project is done
d. Date of submission,
e. Signature of the project guide and the head of the department with date along with the
department stamp,
f. Space for signature of the university examiner and date on which the project is evaluated.
10. Project should be evaluated by External Examiner as follows (Project Quality 20 marks,
Working of Project 20 marks, Student’s Presentation 10 marks)
i. Evaluating “Project Quality” : It involves overall modules included in the project,
whether it was sufficiently large enough, whether validations were done for data e ntry,
variety of reports etc.
ii. Evaluating “Working of the Project” : It involves error -free execution of the project.
iii. Evaluating Student’s Presentation: Marks can be given based on the presentation skills
of a student. A student can prepare a power point pre sentation for the project.
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