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Syllabus for the T .Y.B.Sc.
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Applied component
Computer Science
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System for
the academic year 201 7–2018)
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Syllabus for the T .Y.B.Sc.
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Applied component
Computer Science
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System for
the academic year 201 7–2018)
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T.Y.B.Sc. Applied Component Computer Science Syllabus
Credit Based and Grading System
To be implemented for the Academic year 2017- 2018
USACCS501 Microprocessor & C++ Programming No of Credits Lectures/
I 8085 Microprocessor
2 4 II 8085 Instruction Set
III Introduction to Computers and C++
IV Func tions, Arrays and pointers
USACC S5P1 Microprocessor & C++ Programming 2 4
USACCS501 PC Hardware & C++ Programming No of
Credits Lectures/
I PC Hardware I
2 4 II PC Hardware II
III C++ Programming I
IV C++ Programming II
USAC C6P1 PC Hardware & C++ Programming 2 4
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The revised syllabus under the credit based grading system in the subject of Computer Science
(Applied Component) for Third Year B.Sc. Physics (Single/Twin major subject) will be
implemented for the academic Year 2017 -18.
The scheme of examination in the s ubject of Computer Science (Applied Component) will be as follows:
Semester V & VI: Theory
Course Code: USACCS 501 & USA CS601
(A) Internal Examination: 25 marks
No Particulars Marks
1. One periodical class test 20
2. Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries and
overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and
articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing
related academic activities 05
(B) External Examination : 75 marks
• Duration of each Theory paper will be of two and half hours .
• Each theory paper shall consist of five questions , one from each unit and
the fifth question will be from all the units. All questions are compulsory
and will have internal choice.
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Theory: Course I : Microprocessor & C++ Programming
CS501 I 8085 Microprocessor
1. Logic devices for interfacing: Tri state devices, Buffers, Bus
organized structure, Encoder, Decoder, Latch .
2. Features of Intel 8085 and Pin diagram of 8085
3. 8085 CPU Architecture and its operations
• Arithmetic and Logical Group
• ALU, Accumulator, Temporary Register, Flag Register
(PSW) Register Group .
• Temporary Registers (W and Z), General purpose
Registers, Special purpose Registers
• Interrupt Control
• Serial I/O Control Group
• Instruction Register, Decoder and Control Group
• Instruction Register, Instruction Decoder, Timing and
• Oscillator circuit, R eset circuit
4. Microprocessor initiated operations and bus organization,
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II 8085 Instruction Set
1. Addressing Modes : Immediate Addressing, Register Addressing,
Direct Addressing, Indirect Addressing, Implied Addressing or
Inherent Addressing .
2. Classification of Instruction Set : Data Transfer Group,
Arithmetic Group, Logical Group, Branching Gr oup, Stack and
Machine Control Group Notations used in Instructions and Opcode
• Data Transfer Group: MOV R d, Rs; MOV R, M or MOV M,R;
MVI R, Data; MVI M, Data; LXI Rp, Data 16 bit; LDA
Address; STA Address, LHLD, SHLD LDAX, STAX, XCHG,
• Arithmetic Operation Group: ADD R; ADD M; ADC M; ADI
Data; ACI Data; SUB R; SUB M; SBB R; SUI Data; DAA, INR
• Logical Group: CMP R, CMP M, CMA, XRA, XRI, STC, ANA,
• Branch Group: JMP, CALL, RET, RST N
3. Stack operations .
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III Introduction to Computers and Programming: Programs and
programming languages, the programming process, Procedural and
object oriented programming
TG: Chapter 1.3 to 1.7
Introduction to C++: The parts of a C++ program, The cout object,
preprocessor directive ( #include), variables and constants, Identifiers
and rules for naming identifiers, Data types( integer, char, floating point,
bool), variable assignment and initialization, scope of a var iable,
Arithmetic operators, comments.
TG: Chapter 2.1 to 2.14 [exclude 2.10]
Expressions and Interactivity: The cin object, entering multiple values,
reading strings, mathematical expressions, operator precedence and
associativity, type coercion, overfl ow and underflow, typecast operator,
#define directive, multiple and combined assignment, formatting input
and output, precision, mathematical library functions.
TG: Chapter 3.1 to 3.11
Making Decisions: Relational operators, if statement, flags, concept o f
compound statement, if/else statement, if/else if statement, trailing else,
nested if statements, logical operators, validating user input, scope of a
variable, comparing strings, conditional operator, switch statement.
TG: Chapter 4.1 to 1.16
Looping: Increment and decrement operators, while loop, sentinels, do -
while loop, for loop, nested loops, break and continue statement.
IV Functions: need for functions, defining and calling functions, function
prototypes, sending information into a function (parameter passing),
changing the value of the parameter, the return statement, returning a
value from a function, local and global variables, stat ic local variables,
default arguments to a function, reference arguments, overloaded
TG: Chapter 6.1 to 6.5 and 6.7 to 6.14
Arrays: Concept of arrays, accessing array elements, array initialization,
processing array contents, copying and printing contents of an array,
arrays as function arguments, two -dimensional arrays, arrays of strings.
TG: Chapter 7.1 to 7.5 and 7.8 to 7.11
Pointe rs: concept of a pointer, pointer variables, relationship between
arrays and pointers, pointer arithmetic, Initializing pointers, comparing
pointers, pointers as function parameters, dynamic memory allocation.
TG: Chapter 9.1 to 9.8
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For units I and II
VB Vibhute and Borole “8085 microprocessors”, Tech -media
RG Ramesh Gaonkar "Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with the
8085" (RG) 5th edition Penram
For Units III and IV
TG: Tony Gaddis “Programming in C++” 3rd Edition
Additional References:
1. Garry Bronson
2. Schaum series “Programming in C++”
3. Robert Lafore
4. H. Schildt
5. Cohoon & Davidson “C++ Program Design”
6. Tanennbaum et. al. “Data Structures in C++” (Prentice Hall)
(In addition to these books internet web -sites can be used wherever necessary.)
USACCS 5P1 Group A : Microprocessor experiments: Any four
• ISR program( use VI key)
• Addition and subtraction of two 8 bit numbers with carry and
• Sum of n numbers ( n <= 10). Find smallest /greatest number
• Transfer of memory block i) overlapping and ii) not
• Multiplication of two positive numbers with product greater
than 255.
Note: Observation of registers by single stepping is expected.
Group B : C++ Programming Exercises:(Perform minimum 1
experiment from each B1 to B4)
B-1 : Control structures:
1. Temperature Conversion (Page 151 GB)
2. Triangle classification problem
3. A function calculator (Rational expression evaluator)
(Page 125 RL)
4. Binary, Hex, Octal equivalents of decimal numbers in range 1
through 256 (page 154 DD)
B-2 : Functions:
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5. Use functions:
a) To find if an integer is a perfect number &
b) Print all perfect numbers in the range 1 to 1000 (page 232 DD)
6. Use functions: a) To find if a given integer is a prime or not b)
Print all prime numbers between 1 and 500 (page 232 DD)
7. Use functions: To find GCD of two integers (page 232 DD)
B-3 Arrays:
8. Mean, Variation and Deviance of a set of numbers (page 299
9. Linear Search / Binary Search
10. Selection Sort / Bubble Sort / Insertion Sort
B-4 S tring Manipulation:
11. a) To find if a given string is a palindrome or not
b) Reversing a string ( Print a string backwards) (page 303
12. Use of string -compare & string -copy
13. To arrange names alphabetically
Demonstration Experiments: (Any two)
• Microprocessor 8085 timing diagram
• Interfacing through 8255
• Microprocessor simulation on PC using 8085 simulator
• VB program demo
• Graphics with C++
Practical Examination:
1. Practical I Group A ( 40 marks) – Microprocessor
Group B ( 40 Marks) – Structured C++ Programming
2. Total eighty Marks ( 3 hours)
Note: i) Algorithms , Flowchart optional. Printout of source code and output is compulsory.
ii) For both groups, there is no time differentiation between group A and B
iii) Internet facility is to be made available to students during prac tical whenever needed
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There will not be any internal examination for practical. The External examination will be
conducted as per the following scheme by the respective colleges and the marks will be
forwarded to the University:
Sr. No Particulars of Ext ernal Practical Examination Marks
1 Laboratory Work 80
2 Journal 10
3 Viva 10
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Total Marks in each semester:
• Duration of Practical paper will be of 3 Hours (Group A and Group B) .
• A certified Journal must contain a minimum of EIGHT Experiments in each semester. At
least four experiments from each group A and B as mentioned in the syllabus should be
performed and reported in journal.
• Every candidate will be required to perform two experiments (one from group A and
group B) at the semester end practical examination.
• A candidate will be allowed to appear for the Practical Examination only if the
candidate submits his/her certified Journal or a certificate from the Head of the
Department of Physics stating that the candidate has completed the practical Course of
Electronic Instrumentation of the respective semester as per requirements.
• At least one demonstration experiment is to be reported in journal. Viva will be based on complete p ractical course syllabus and demo experiment reported.
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Theory: Course II : PC Hardware & C++ Programming
CS602 I PC Hardware I
• Evolution of computers, classification, computer system,
• Computer organization and architecture -CPU, internal
communication, machine cycle, buses, instruction set.
• Memory and storage systems-memory representation, RAM,
ROM, magnetic storage, optical stora ge, solid state storage,
• Peripheral devices - input and output devices.
• Basic idea of number systems: integers, real numbers,
floating point representation and binary arithmetic.
Computer codes
• Computer software, types, operating systems, MS -WORD,
• Data communication and networking, network topologies
and benefits, protocols
2 4 II PC Hardware II
1. Multimedia Devices: Color Monitor, Sound card, Digital
cameras, MP3 player.
2. Interfacing peripheral devices with PC: Comparison of serial,
parallel, USB and firewire ports for interfacing.
3. Familiarity with Internet, WWW and Web Search engines,
email, protocols
4. Computer viruses: types and protection
Object oriented terms: object, class, data hiding, encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism
TG: Chapter 1.3 to 1.7
Website for Object oriented terms pts/
Introduction to classes: Introduction to class, access
specifiers(private and public) defining member functions, instance
of a class(object), need for private members, inline member
TG: Chapter 13.1 to 13.8
Object initialization and cleanup: constructors, destructors,
constructors that accept arguments, overloaded constructors, default
constructor and destructor, arrays of objects
TG: Chapter 13.9 to 13.14
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More about classes: static members, friends of classe s, member wise
assignment, copy constructors.
TG: Chapter 14.1 to 14.4
Operator Loading: Overloading assignment operator, this pointer,
Overloading Math operators, overloading relational operators.
TG: Chapter 14.5 [exclude >> and << operators]
Inheritance: Basics of inheritance, types of inheritance, protected
members and class access, constructors and destructors, Overriding
base class functions.
Polymorphism and virtual member functions: C oncept of
polymorphism, abstract base class and pure virtual functions, base
class pointers, classes derived from derived classes, Multiple
inheritance (concept only).
TG: Chapter 15.1 to 15.9
Units I and II
EB : E. Balagurusamy, “ Fundamentals of Computers”, 2009, TMH
WS : William Stallings , "Computer Organization and Architecture" 6th Edition Pearson
Additional references:
• MM Mark Minassi "PC upgrade and maintenance" 10th edition BPB
• TB Thomas Bartee "Digital Computer Fundamentals" TMH
• JA Jean Andrews "Enhanced Guide to managing and maintaining your PC" Thomson
Learning (Chapter 9 and 10) ,
Units III and IV: All topics are from the book Tony Gaddis “Programming in C++” 3rd
Edition .
(In addition to these books internet web -sites can be used wherever necessary.)
Additional References:
1. Garry Bronson
2. Schaum series “Programming in C++”
3. Robert Lafore
4. H. Schildt
5. Cohoon & Davidson “C++ Program Design”
6. Tanennbaum et. al. “Data Structures in C++” (Prentice Hall)
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CS6P1 Group A All experiments are compulsory
A1 : MS Office Word and Excel – Computer generated report of
a Physics experiment actually performed by the student in the
T.Y.B.Sc. lab. (This should include formulae, diagram, data table,
graph, results etc)
A2: PowerPoint: Presentation of any one Physics topic from
T.Y.B.Sc. syllabus to be brought on CD /storage device .
A4: Linux shell commands
• Logging in and out of Linux
• File system commands : ls command with options, pwd,
passwd, cd, ln, cat, mkdi r, rmdir, chmod, cp, mv, rm
• General purpose utilities: more , wc, cmp, diff, comm.,
date , who
Group B: Object Oriented Programming using C++
(Perform minimum 4 experiments from the list given below)
Rectangle Class (page 494 GB)
Complex class for performing arithmetic with complex
numbers (page 449 DD)
Class called Rational for addition, subtraction &
multiplication (page 449 DD)
Time Class (page 502 GB) / Date class
Function overloading: Absolute value of integer, float,
Operator overloading – Unary operators prefix/postfix
Operator overloading – Binary operators – Addition of
distances (Robert Lafore)
Rectangle to Polar Co -ordinate conversion & vice versa.
(Robert Lafore – 2 Dimension)
Functionality of INT (refer Robert Lafore)
Inheritance problems (Garry Bronson – Base class circle,
Derived class – cylinder)
Quadratic equation using Object Oriented techniques
Traffic lights ( ref. Garry Bronson)
Polymorphism and Virtual function problems. (Garry
Bronson) 2 4
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Demonstration Experiments: (Any one )
• Interfacing PC with real world using parallel port. Linkage with
temperature , light, EM relays, stepper motor, D.C. motor, solenoid, seven segment display ,etc.
• Installation of device drivers (e.g. Web Cam., joystick, mouse… )
• Internet usage ( Physics search/Technical literature)
• VB program demo
• Graphics with C++
Ref: GB: Garry Bronson
DD: Deital & Deital
RL: Robert Lafore
Practical Examination:
Practical I
Group A ( 40 marks) – PC hardware
Group B (4 0 Marks) – OOP using C++
Note: i) Algorithms ,Flowchart optional. Printout of source code and output is compulsory.
ii) For both groups , there is no time differentiation between part A and B
iii) Internet facility is to be made available to stude nts during practical whenever needed
There will not be any internal examination for practical. The External examination will be
conducted as per the following scheme by the respective colleges and the marks will be forwarded to the University:
Sr. No Particulars of External Practical Examination Marks
1 Laboratory Work 80
2 Journal 10
3 Viva 10
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Total Marks in each semester:
• Duration of Practical paper will be of 3 Hours (Group A and Group B).
• A certified Journal must contain a minimum of EIGHT Experiments in each semester. At
least four experiments from each group A and B as mentioned in the syllabus should be
performed and reported in journal.
• Every candidate will be required to perform two experiments (one from group A and
group B) at the semester end practical examination.
• A candidate will be allowed to appear for the Practical Examination only if the
candidate submits his/her certified Journal or a certificate from the Head of the
Department of Physics stating that the candidate has completed the practical Course of
Electronic Instrumentation of the respective semester as per requirements.
• At least one demonstration experiment is to be reported in journal. Viva will be based
on complete practical course syllabus and demo experiments reported.
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