TYBSC Home Sc Foods Nutrition and Dietetics1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC 24/06/2016
Item no. 4.63
Program: B. Sc.
Course: Home Science
Branch I: Foods Nutrition and Dietetics
(Choice Based Credit System )
with effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
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Course Title Internal Semester End Total Periods / Credits
Code Assessment Examination marks week
USHSI501 Nutriti onal Biochemistry 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI502 Clinical Nutrition and 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI503 Food Microbiology and 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI504 Human Nutrition 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI505 Community Nutrition 40 60 100 2 2
USHSI506 Food Service Management 40 60 100 3 2
USHSIP501 Part A: Diet Therapy __ 50 50 4 2
Part B: Community __ 50 50 3
USHSIP502 Part A: Food Analysis and __ 50 50 4 2
Clinical Biochemistry
Part B: Food Service __ 50 50 3
800 31 20
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Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI501 Nutritional Biochemistry 3 100 3
• To enable the students to apply the knowledge of nutrition and role of nutrients in the body.
• To understand the chemistry, metabolism of the nutrients in the living system during health and disease.
Course Content Periods
UNIT I Introduction to biomolecules 15
Types of chemical bonds, significance of asymmetric C atom
Chemistry of Carbohydrates, classification, reactions of glucose and nutritional
significance of the products: oxidation, reduction, enediol formation
Disaccharides: structure and functions
Oligosaccharides: structure and functions
Polysaccharides: Homoglycans and Heteroglycans (structure of starch and
cellulose only)
Carbohydrate Metabolism Reactions of EMP, TCA (with structures), HMP,
Gluconeogenesis (no structures), Glycoge n metabolism (no structures),
Homeostasis of blood glucose
UNIT II Protein Chemistry 15
Classification of amino acids, classification of proteins (both based on structure -
Identification of N -terminal amino acid residue using Sange r’s method, Edman’s
method, Bond stabilizing protein structure
Four levels of protein organization, structure and functions of α-helical and β-
pleated sheet structure, haemoglobin
Protein metabolism
General reactions of amino acids
Detoxification of NH 3
Krebs -Hensleit cycle
Inborn errors of Phenylalanine, Tyrosine Tryptophan
UNIT III Enzyme Chemistry 15
Definition, classification IUB (up to 1 digit), enzyme specificity, turnover number
Units: Katal, IU
Factors affecting enzyme activity
Definition of km and significance
Enzyme inhibition: Definition of Holoenzyme, Coenzyme, cofactor, Allosteric
site, active site, prosthetic group, isoenzyme
Berg, Jeremy Mark, Tymoczko, John L and Stryer. (2002). Biochemistry 5th Ed. New York. W.H. Freeman
and Co.
Brody Tom. (2004). Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd Ed. New Delhi. Elsevier/Reed. Elsevier. India Pvt. Ltd.
Chatterjee, M.N. Shinde and Rana. (2005). Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, 6th Ed. New Delhi, Jaypee
Brothers. Medical Publisher.
Dandekar Sucheta P. (2002). Medical Biochemistry (Prep Manual for U.G.) 2nd Ed. New Delhi B -1 Churchill
Livingstone Pvt. Ltd.
Rastogi S.C. (1993). Biochemistry New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
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Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI502 Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy 3 100 3
• To impart the concept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
• To enable the students to understand the underlying disease conditions, possible complications and
pathological states.
• To train students to plan appropriate nutrition intervention approaches and diets.
• To enable the students to focus on the preventive role of nutrition in the current life style situations.
Medical Nutrition therapy
Each of the diseases to be discussed under the following heads of Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis ,
and Management with special emphasis on nutritional care, Prevention
Course Content Periods
Unit I Principles of diet therapy 15
Team work in nutritional care
Rationale of nutritional modification necessary in disease conditions.
Principles of Diet Therapy
Review of Normal diet
Standard hospital diet and its adaptation
Overview of Nutritional Care process and counseling
Weight management
Regulation of food intake: Short term and Long term regulation, Set point
Obesit y and Overweight: Body weight components, Classification of obesity
(gynoid/android and hypertrophy/hypersplasia, Etiology and assessment of
obesity and prevalence in Indian situation, Complications of obesity.
Management: Medical (Pharmacological ), Nutrition and lifestyle, Surgical,
Behavioural Juvenile Obesity
Eating disorders: (Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia), Management (Medical,
Nutritional care), Psychological support and Prevention
Unit II Chronic Denegenerative Diseases 15
Diabet es Mellitus
Definition, Etiology, Classification, long and short term complications,
Management (Insulin Therapy, Dietary Management, Exercise,
Overview of special conditions: Diabetes in Childhood, Pregnancy, Role of
Nutrition Education, Role of Nutrition in Prevention
Cardiovascular diseases
Prevalence, incidence, mortality with special reference to Indian situation.
Patho - physiology and Management of Atherosclerosis, Endothelial
dysfunction, Throm bosis, Angina Pectoris, Congestive cardiac failure.
Hyper -lipidemia – classification, diagnosis and nutritional management
Hypertension : Oetiology, Risk factors, Patho -physiology, Management
Metabolic syndrome and role of nutrition in its preventio n.
Unit III Dietary management involved in the following 15
Inborn Errors of metabolism ( Phenylketomemia, Wilson’s disease)
Bone health diseases (Osteoporosis, Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
The hyper catabolic state; Surgery and Burns
Neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and Epilepsy).
Nutrition in Allergies
Page 6
Antia F.P. (1997). Clinical dietetics and nutrition . (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Oxford University
Press. Bennion, Marion; (1997). Clinical nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Harper and Row
Publishers. Burton B.T. (1980). Human nutrition. (3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Davidson and Passmore. Human nutrition and dietetics . (18 th Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Publications. Garrow J.S. (1993). Human nutrition and dietetics . (9th Ed.) New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Krause and Mahan. (1996). Foods , nutrition and diet therapy . (10th Ed.) Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Robinson: (1989). Normal and therapeutic nutrition. (7th Ed.) New York: Macmillan Pub. Company.
Thomas Briony; (1995). Blackwell Manual of Dietetic practise . (2nd Ed.) Oxford: New York Scientific
Zeeman, Frances J. (1998). Applications of clinical nutrition . Englewood cliffs : Prentice Hall International Inc.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI503 Food Microbiology and Preservation 3 100 3
• To introduce students to the field of microbiology and its relevance to food dete rioration and preservation.
• To impart knowledge regarding principles and techniques of preserving foods.
• To enable students to understand principles of hygiene and sanitation in a food industry.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Major groups of microorgan isms 15
Introduction to Bacteria, Yeast, Mold, Algae , Protozoa and Virus.
Classification, morphology, reproduction and growth requirements of Bacteria,
Yeast and Mold
Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of foods that affect their microbiology
Intrinsic factors: -pH, moisture content, oxidation -reduction potential, nutrient
content, antimicrobial constituents and biological structures.
Extrinsic factors: -Temperature of storage, relative humidity of environment,
presence and concentratio n of gases in the environment.
Unit II Microbial flora, spoilage, sources, characteristics and contamination in 15
the following foods
Cereals and cereal products
Pulses and Pulse products
Vegetables and fruits
Fish and other sea foods
Meat , meat products and poultry
Milk and milk products
Processed and convenience foods
Non microbial deteriorative factors in foods other than microorganisms
Activities of food enzymes and other chemical reactions within food itself
Infestation by insects, parasites and rodents
Inappropriate temperature for a given food
Gain or loss of moisture
Reactions with oxygen
Physical stress and abuse.
Unit III Use of food additives 15
Broad classes of intention al food additives (Preservatives, Antioxidants,
sequesterants, surface active agents, stabilizers, thickeners, bleaching and
maturing agents)
Use of fermentation technology
Benefits and mechanism of fermentation .Factors controlling fermentatio ns in
various foods
Fermented products (Beer, Wine and soya -bean products)
Page 7
Frazier, W. C. and Westoff, D. C. (1998) Food Microbiology New Delhi; Tata McGraw Hill
James, M. J. (1996) Modern Food Microbiology (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Pub lished by S.K. Jain for C.
B.S. Publishers and distributors.
Pelczar, M. J., Reid, R. D. and Chan (2000 ) Microbiology . New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Potter, N. H. and Hotchkiss, J. H. (1996) Food Science, (5th Ed.)New Delhi:C.B.S. Publishers and
distributor s. Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001) Food Processing and Preservation. New Delhi: New
Age International Ltd. Publishers.)
Manay, N. S. and Shadaksharswamy, M. (2004) Food Facts and Principles , New Delhi: New Age
International Ltd Publishers.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI504 Human Nutrition 3 100 3
• To reinforce the basic principles of nutrition
• To impart in- depth knowledge on the functions, deficiency and toxicity of macro and micronutrients.
• To enable the students to apply knowledge of nutrition to daily life.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Energy 15
Definitions, Units of energy, Components of Energy Expenditure, Physical activity (light,
moderate, and heavy)
BMR and Thermal eff ect of food
Computation of Energy requirements factorial approach
Energy requirements for various groups of population
Measurement of energy expenditure: Direct and Indirect
Digestion and Absorption – an overv iew
Dietary fibre; nutritional importance
Glycemic load and Glycemic Index
Factors influencing, Resistant Starch
CHO Recommendation
Unit II Proteins 15
Classification and functions: Review of Proteins and amino acids
Evaluation of Qualit y of Proteins: Biological and Chemical methods
Amino Acid imbalances
Protein requirements in various stages of life
Assessment of protein nutritional status
Protein Deficiency and Toxicity: concerns of protein supplementation.
Unit III Lipids 15
Overview of classification and functions of lipids and fatty acids
Digestion and absorption
EFA its importance and requirements
Lipoproteins: Types and importance
Trans -fats and their health effects
MCTs their nutritional importance
Requirement of fat in the diet and sources
Consequences of deficiency and excess
Interrelationship between Macronutrients
Body composition through lifecycle
Effects of over and under nutrition
Anderson, L., Dibble, M. and Mitchell, H. (1992) Nutrition in health and disease , 17th ed., J.B. Lippincott
Co. Philadelphia
Bamji, M., Rao, P. N. and Reddy, V. Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford: IBH Pub. Co.
Page 8
Davidson, S., Passmore, R., Brock, J and Truswell, A., (1975) Human nutritio n and dietetics , 6th ed.,
ELBS Edinburgh.
Guthrie, H. (1986) Introductory Nutrition , 6th ed., Times Mirror/Mosby College Publication.
Robinson, C. and Lawler, M., (1982) Normal and therapeutic nutrition, 16th ed., Macmillan publishing Co.
New York
Willia ms, S. (1981) Nutrition and diet therapy , 4th ed., Missouri: The C.V. Masby Co.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI505 Community Nutrition 2 100 2
• To create an awareness among students about the nutritional problems of the community with
special emphasis on vulnerable sections.
• To understand the different methods of assessing nutritional status of the community.
• To recognize the deleterious effects of malnutrition in the development of our nation an d means
of combating the same.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Concept of community nutrition and malnutrition 10
Indicators of malnutrition
Infant mortality rate, Child Mortality
Maternal mortality rate
Birth rate
Death rate
Identificatio n of vulnerable groups
Pregnant women
Nursing mother
Infants, Children
Special emphasis to girl child (including adolescents)
Unit II Unit II Assessment of Nutritional Status of a community Part I 10
Measurement of height, weight, head and chest circumferences, mid upper arm
circumference, skin fold thickness, interpretation of measurements and comparison with
standards (NCHS, ICMR), classification according to grades of malnutrition
Biochemical parameters for asse ssing nutrition status
Unit III Assessment of Nutritional Status of a community Part II 10
Clinical signs and symptoms of PEM, mineral and vitamin deficiencies
Diet Surveys and Sampling techniques
Communication for behavioural change, planning, c onducting, evaluating the nutrition
education programmes
Beredict, A. (1997) Preventive Nutrition – The Comprehension guide to health professionals (Ed.) New Jersey
: Huma. Press Inc.
Ebrahim G. J. (1983) Nutrition in mother and child health – London Mac Millan and Co.
Goel, S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication Goel,
S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management. Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Jelliffe, D. (196 6) The assessment of Nutritional Status of the Community . Geneva
WHO. Osman, S. R. (1991) Nutrition and Poverty (Ltd.) Oxford; Oxford University
Press Rajlaxmi, R. (1981) Applied Nutrition, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH
Shukla, P. (1982) Nutritional Problems of India, New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
Swaminathan, M. (1985) Essential of Food and Nutrition Vol I and II Bangalore, Bangalore Printing
and Publishing Ltd.
Wadhwa, A and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Community , New Delhi: Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Wadhwa, A. and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Community . New Delhi: Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
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Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI506 Food Service Management 3 100 3
• To be a ware of the scope of food service management in commercial and welfare organizations.
• To learn and develop skills in menu planning.
• To acquire knowledge about the process of food preparation and service.
• To understand concepts of marketing and entrepreneurship with reference to food service organizations.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Development and growth of the food service Industry 15
Classification of food service operations
Recent trends in food service
Systems approach to food service org anizations
Types of food service systems
Menu Planning
Types of Menus
Menu presentation, Writing, Design and format
Menu Marketing
Unit II Concept of Food flow 15
Procurement, Concept of Market, Buyer, Vendor and Marketing Channel
Purchasing: Methods of purchasing, purchasing process
Receiving: Facilities needed for good receiving practices
Storage and Inventory
Production: Recipe formulation, Standardisation, Forecasting, Scheduling and control
Energy Management and Conser vation
Unit III Kitchen Design and Layout 15
Service Factors affecting the choice of distribution systems
Styles of service and Service management
Food Safety and hygiene
Control of microbial quality of food throughout the food flow
Food Ha ndling and prevention of food borne illness
Personal Hygiene
Environmental Sanitation
Waste disposal and pest control
Standards for food safety and sanitation
Bhojwani M. (2007), Food service management: Principles and practice
Eckel P. J. (1985), College and University Food Service Management
Delfakis H, Nancy L, Van Burns J (1992), Food Service Management
Spears M. C ,Vaden A. E (1985), Food Service Organizations —A management and systems
approach Drummond K. (1997) Nutrition for the Food Service Personnel
National Association Institute (1998) Handbook for Food Service Management
Verghese B (1999) Professional Food and Beverage Service
Management Singh, Y. P. (2001) Effective Food Management
Fox A. (1971) Hygiene and Food Production
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Part A: Diet Therapy 4 50 1
Part B: Community Nutrition 3 50 1
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Part A: Diet Therapy
• To familiarize the students with basic concepts of raw and cooked weights of foods the appropriate
weights of measures and standardization procedures.
• To teach diet modification through use of food exchange lists and calculated values.
• To learn to plan therapeutic diets for management of clinical disease conditions.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Standardization of weights and measures -- dry and liquid 15
Standardization of some recipes
Cereal based/pulse based/milk based
Unit II Nutrient specific recipes (Calcium, Iron, Sodium , Protein, Fat, and High Fibre 15
Weight management: Overweight, Obesity, Underweight, PEM
Unit III Cardiovascular diseases 15
Unit IV Diabetes Mellitus: Type I, Type II and Gestational DM 15
Part B: Community Nutrition
• To acquire skill s for the different methods in the assessment of nutritional status of the community.
• To prepare and use the various types of communication aids for imparting nutrition education.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Seminars 15
Unit II Nutrition education 15
Preparation of various audio visual aids -puppets, posters etc.
Unit III Learning different techniques – demonstrations, story telling, skits, exhibitions 15
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri, S. (1987). Nutrition monitoring and assessment. Delhi. Oxfo rd University
Press. Jelliffe, D. (1966). The assessment of nutritional status of the community . WHO (Geneva).
Swaminathan, M. (1985). Essentials of food and nutrition. Vol. I and II . Bangalore: Bangalore Printing
and Publishing Ltd.
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Part A: Food Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry 4 50 1
Part B: Food Service Management 3 50 1
Part A: Food Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry
• To impart practical Skills in analyti cal procedures of foods and synthetic body fluids
• To enable students to understand the significance of various food components and biochemical parameters.
• To enable the students understand the principles of various analytical techniques.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Standardization of acids and alkalies, Redox titration. 15
Qualitative analysis of carbohydrates.
Quantitative estimation of total sugars in different foods by : Lane – Eynon’s method,
and Benedict’s method
Estimation of crude fi bre.
Estimation of blood glucose by Follin - wu.
Unit II Qualitative analysis of amino acids. 15
Quantitative estimation of protein by Macrokjeldhal (use of Kelplus).
Use of paper chromatography for qualitative analysis of amino acids -demonstratio ns
Page 11
Estimation of Haemoglobin by : Sahli’s method, Drabkins method
Estimation of serum protein, A:G Ratio.
Unit III Identification of adulterants in different foods 15
Microbial analysis of foods
Techniques of sterilization and preparation of media
Unit IV Microbial analysis of foods 15
Plating technique and staining technique
Mayer, L.H. (1987). Food Chemistry . CBS Publishers and Distributors
Oser, L.B. (1976). Hawk’s physiological chemistry . (14th Ed.) Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.
Ltd. Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical analysis of foods . (6th Ed.) London: J. A. Churchill
Part B: Food Service Management
• To enable students to understand the process of recipe planning
• To impart skills of preparing and pr esenting dishes
Course Content Periods
Unit I Menu Planning 15
Standardisation of recipe, sourcing, analyzing and formulating a recipe
Using a file card format to write the recipe
Stepping up for quantity production
Study of preparation and pr esentation of : soups, snacks
Unit II Study of Preparation and Presentation of : Sandwiches, Salads, Mocktails. 15
Unit III Study of preparation and presentation of 15
Baked dishes – cakes and cookies, Baked Dishes –pies and soufflés
Desserts and S weets
Lillierap D.R. (1998). Food and beverage service. (5th Ed.). Elbs/Holder and Stoughton.
Morrison Paul. (1993). Cost management for profitable food and beverage operations . John Wiley and sons.
Verghese B. (1999). Professional food and beverage service management . Bangalore : Macmillan India.
Page 12
Course Title Internal Semester Total Periods/ Credits
Code Assessment End marks week
Marks Examination
USHSI601 Nutritional Biochemistry 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI602 Clinical Nutrition and Therapy 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI603 Food Microbiology and 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI604 Human Nutrition 40 60 100 3 3
USHSI605 Community Nutrition 40 60 100 2 2
USHSI606 Food Service Management 40 60 100 3 2
USHSIP601 Part A: Diet Therapy __ 50 50 4 2
Part B: Community Nutrition __ 50 50 3
USHSIP602 Part A: Food Analysis and __ 50 50 4 2
Clinical Biochemistry
Part B: Food Service __ 50 50 3
800 31 20
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Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI601 Nutritional Biochemistry 3 100 3
• To enable the students to apply the knowledge of nutrition and role of nutrients in the body.
• To understand the chemistry, metabolism of the nutrients in the living system during health and disease.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Nucleic acid Chemistry 15
Structures of purines, pyrimidines, Nucleocides, Nucleotides, Disorders of purine
DNA - 1°, 2°, 3°, W-C model
Physical properties of DNA and T m
RNA – structure and types
m-RNA, t -RNA, m -RNA, hn -RNA, sn -RNA
Transcription, Translations in prokaryotes (E. coli)
Brief outline of DNA replication in prokaryotes
Unit II Lipid Chemistry 15
Definition, classification of lipids. Simple, Compound
i.e. Phospholipids, Lipoproteins, Sul folipids, Glycolipids, Sphingolipids
Derived Lipids: Fatty acids – EFA, w -3, w-6
Prostaglandins: biosynthesis, functions, inhibitors. Prostacyclins and
Thromboxanes. Structure and functions of Cholesterol
Lipid Metabolism
Knoop’s β-oxidation of even C fatty acid (no structures), ketone body formation
and utilization
Fatty acid biosynthesis of Palmitic acid (no structure)
Lipid storage disorders
Unit III Hormones 15
Definition, classification, mode of action, Chemistry a nd functions of Thyroxine,
Insulin, Catecholamines
Disorders associated with the hormones
Acid -Base balance
Buffers: definition, types of buffers
Role of lungs, kidneys and haemoglobin in Acid -Base balance
Chloride shift
Disorde rs of Acid -Base imbalance
Berg, Jeremy Mark, Tymoczko, John L and Stryer. (2002). Biochemistry 5th ed. New York. W.H. Freeman
and Co.
Brody Tom. (2004). Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd ed. New Delhi. Elsevier/Reed. Elsevier. India Pvt. Ltd.
Chatterjee, M.N. Shinde and Rana. (2005). Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, 6th ed. New Delhi, Jaypee
Brothers. Medical Publisher.
Dandekar Sucheta P. (2002). Medical Biochemistry (Prep Manual for U.G.) 2nd ed. New Delhi B -1 Churchill
Livingstone Pvt. Ltd.
Rastogi S.C. (1993). Biochemistry New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Page 14
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI602 Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy 3 100 3
• To impart the c oncept of modifying normal diets to therapeutic diets.
• To enable the students to understand the underlying disease conditions, possible complications and
pathological states.
• To train students to plan appropriate nutrition intervention approaches and die ts.
• To enable the students to focus on the preventive role of nutrition in the current life style situations.
Medical Nutrition therapy
Each of the diseases to be discussed under the following heads Each of the diseases to be discussed under
the followin g heads of Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management with special emphasis on
nutritional care, Prevention
Course Content Periods
Unit I Diseases of the G. I. System 15
GERD, oesophagitis, hiatal hernia
Acute and chronic gastritis and pep tic ulcer disease (gastric and duodenal)
Gluten induced enteropathy
Lactose intolerance
Diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Nutritional Support
Unit II Diseases of the Liver, Biliary system and Pancreas 15
Liver: Functions of the liver, Assessment of liver function, Viral Hepatitis (brief),
Chronic and Fulminant hepatitis, Effects of Alcohol on liver (Alcohol liver
disease, Cirrhosis, Hepatic encephalopathy, Liver Transplantation
Gall Bladder diseases: Functions of Gall bladder, Cholelithiasis, Cholecystitis
Pancreatic diseases : Function of pancreas, Pancreatitis (acute and chronic)
Nutrition and Immunity .
Unit III Renal diseases: Function of the kidney, Nephritis – acute and chroni c, Nephrotic 15
syndrome, Renal failure, ARF, CRF, Dialysis, Renal Transplant, Nepholithiasis
(Calcium oxalate and uric acid stores)
Nutrition in infections
Antia F.P. (1997). Clinical dietetics and nutrition . (4th Ed.) New Delh i: Oxford University
Press. Bennion, Marion; (1997). Clinical nutrition . (7th Ed.) New York: Harper and Row
Publishers. Burton B.T. (1980). Human nutrition. (3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Davidson and Passmore. Human nutrition and dietetics . (18 th Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Publications. Garrow J.S. (1993). Human nutrition and dietetics. (9th Ed.) New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Krause and Mahan. (1996). Foods, nutrition and diet therapy . (10th Ed.) Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Robinson: (1989). Normal and therapeutic nutrition. (7th Ed.) New York: Macmillan Pub. Company.
Thomas Briony; (1995). Blackwell Manual of dietetic practise . (2nd Ed.) Oxford: New York Scientific
Zeeman, Frances J. (1998). Applications of clinical nutrit ion. Englewood cliffs: Prentice Hall International Inc.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI603 Food Microbiology and Preservation 3 100 3
• To introduce students to the field of microbiology and its r elevance to food deterioration and preservation.
• To impart knowledge regarding principles and techniques of preserving foods.
• To enable students to understand principles of hygiene and sanitation in a food industry.
Page 15
Course Content Periods
Unit I General Principles of Food Preservation: Meaning, mode of action, and changes in 15
Techniques of food preservation
Use of high temperature (Heat Preservation)
Degrees of heat preservation (blanching, pasteurization, canning, commercial
sterilization); heat resistance of microorganisms (Thermal Death Time); selection of
appropriate temperature. Protective effects of food constituents; methods used for heating
food before and after packaging.
Use of ionizing radiations and micro wave heating : Ionising radiations and sources,
units of radiation, radiation effects, mechanism of microwave heating, Application of
radiation technology
Unit II Techniques of food preservation 15
Use of low temperature ( Cold Preservation)
Refrigeration and cool storage
Requirements of refrigerated storage
Freezing and frozen storage
Freezing methods (Air Freezing, indirect contact freezing, immersion freezing)
Changes in foods during refrigeration and frozen storage
Use of dehyd ration and concentration
Benefits and factors affecting heat and mass transfer
Physical and chemical changes during dehydration and concentration.
Methods and techniques used (Air convection, Drum driers and Vacuum driers)
Use of various evapor ators for concentration of foods
Unit III Packaging of foods 15
Functions and requirements of food packaging
Types of containers
Food packaging materials and forms
Package testing.
Food laws and standards and systems (National and Internati onal)
HACCP and TQM used in controlling quality of foods
Frazier, W. C. and Westoff, D. C. (1998) Food Microbiology New Delhi; Tata McGraw Hill
James, M. J. (1996) Modern Food Microbiology (4th Ed.) New Delhi: Published by S.K. Jain for C.
and distributors.
Pelczar, M. J., Reid, R. D. and Chan (2000) Microbiology . New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Potter, N. H. and Hotchkiss, J. H. (1996) Food Science, (5th Ed.)New and distributors.
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001) Food Processing and P reservation , New Delhi: New
Age International. Ltd Publishers.)
Manay, N. S. and Shadaksharswamy, M. (2004) Food Facts and Principles , New Delhi: New Age
International Ltd Publishers.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI60 4 Human Nutrition 3 100 3
• To reinforce the basic principles of nutrition
• To impart in- depth knowledge on the functions, deficiency and toxicity of macro and micronutrients.
• To enable the students to apply knowledge of nutrition to daily life.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Vitamins 15
Fat soluble (A, D, E and K)
Water soluble vitamins (B -Complex and C)
Chemistry, Metabolism, functions, RDA, deficiency and toxicity
Effect of cooking and/or processing (wherever applicable)
Page 16
Unit II Minerals 15
Macro -minerals (Ca, P, Na, K)
Micro -minerals (Iron, Zn)
Trace elements (Se, Cu)
Metabolism, Functions, RDA, Deficiency and Toxicity of major and trace minerals
Effect of processing/ Factors influencing absorpt ion
Inter -relationships between macro -nutrients and micro -nutrients
Unit III Sports nutrition 15
Metabolism of macronutrients and importance of micronutrients for sports persons
Ergogenic aids, Nutritional problems
Functional foods and phytoch emicals
Anderson, L., Dibble, M. and Mitchell, H. (1992) Nutrition in health and disease , 17th ed., J.B. Lippincott
Co. Philadelphia
Bamji, M., Rao, P. N. and Reddy, V. Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford: IBH Pub. Co.
Davidson, S., Passmore , R., Brock, J and Truswell, A., (1975) Human nutrition and dietetics , 6th ed.,
ELBS Edinburgh.
Guthrie, H. (1986) Introductory Nutrition , 6th ed., Times Mirror/Mosby College Publication.
Robinson, C. and Lawler, M., (1982) Normal and therapeutic nutrition, 16th ed., Macmillan publishing Co.
New York
Williams, S. (1981) Nutrition and diet therapy , 4th ed., Missouri: The C.V. Masby Co.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI605 Community Nutrition 2 100 2
• To create an awareness among students about the nutritional problems of the community with
special emphasis on vulnerable sections.
• To understand the different methods of assessing nutritional status of the community.
• To recognize the deleterious effects of malnutrition in the development of our nation and means
of combating the same.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Trends in population growth and food production in India 10
Strategies for augmenting food production
Green, White, Brown and Blue revo lution
National guidelines on infant and young child feeding
Per capita food availability and factors influencing it
Problem of malnutrition in India and background factors responsible for it and its impact
on National development
Socio -econ omic
Cultural and educational
Food production and food availability
Food consumption patterns
Food storage and distribution
Food based strategies for control of deficiencies
Unit II Nutritional problems in India and relevant national healt h programmes. 10
Vitamin A deficiency (Xeropthalmia – National programme for control of blindness
Osteoporosis and Rickets
IDD – National Goitre Control programme
PEM – National Nutrition Programme
Unit III Nutritional education and nutritional intervention schemes/programs operating in India 10
Nutrition intervention schemes, ICDS, midday meals
Role of various national and international agencies in promoting nutrition and health
status of the vulnerable sections of society e . g. FAO, WHCO, UNICEF, NIN, CFTRI,
Page 17
Beredict, A. (1997) Preventive Nutrition – The Comprehension guide to health professionals (Ed.) New
Jersey: Huma. Press Inc.
Ebrahim G. J. (1983) Nutrition in mother and child health – London Mac Millan and Co.
Goel, S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication Goel,
S. L. (2001) Community Health Care (New Delhi) Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication
Goel, S. L. (2001) Health Care System and Management. Vol 1 – 4, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri S. (1987) Nutrition monitoring and assessment Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Jelliffe, D. (1966) The as sessment of Nutritional Status of the Community . Geneva
WHO. Osman, S. R. (1991) Nutrition and Poverty (Ltd.) Oxford; Oxford University
Press Rajlaxmi, R. (1981) Applied Nutrition, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH
Shukla, P. (1982) Nutritional Problems of India, New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
Swaminathan, M. (1985) Essential of Food and Nutrition Vol I and II Bangalore, Bangalore Printing
and Publishing Ltd.
Wadhwa, A and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Community , New Delhi: Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Wadhwa, A. and Sharma S. (2003) Nutrition in the Community . New Delhi: Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Title Periods/week Marks Credits Code
USHSI606 Food Service Management 3 100 2
• To be aware of the scop e of food service management in commercial and welfare organizations.
• To learn and develop skills in menu planning.
• To acquire knowledge about the process of food preparation and service.
• To understand concepts of marketing and entrepreneurship with ref erence to food service organizations.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Human Resource Management 15
Recruitment and Selection process
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal
Personnel Actions
Productivity Improvement
Leadership an d Motivation
Labour Management Relations
Unit II Accounting Procedures 15
Financial Statements
Tools used for analysis
Cost control
Marketing Cycle and mix
Marketing for Food Service organizations
Sales promotion in food Service organization
Unit III Entrepreneurship 15
Meaning of Entrepreneurship
Characteristics/qualities of an Entrepreneur
Setting up a food service business : Restaurant, Small catering enterprises, Innovative
ideas for business
Facilities needed to set up a business
Sales and promotions of products/services
Legal and financial issues
Barrow Colin, Brown Robert, Clarke Liz, (2006). The Successful Entrepreneurs guide book . London: Kogan
and Pag e.
Page 18
Shring S, Jardine R., Mills J. (2001). Introduction to Catering . India: Delmar – Thomson Learning Coltman
Michael M. (2000). Start and Run Profitable Restaurant . Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House. Erdosh George
(2000). Start and Run a Profitable Cat ering Business . Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House.
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Part A: Diet Therapy 4 50 1
Part B: Community Nutrition 3 50 1
Part A: Diet Therapy
• To familiarize the student s with basic concepts of raw and cooked weights of foods the appropriate
weights of measures and standardization procedures.
• To teach diet modification through use of food exchange lists and calculated values.
• To learn to plan therapeutic diets for manage ment of clinical disease conditions.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Gastrointestinal Diseases 15
Diseases of the upper GI tract Oesophagitis, GERD, Peptic duodenal ulcers, Lactose
intolerance, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, Diarrhoea, Constipation and F latulence
Unit II Liver and Gall Bladder diseases 15
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Alcoholic liver disease, Hepatic Encephalopathy
Unit III Gall bladder diseases 15
Cholcystitis, Cholelithiasis, Pancreatitis
Unit IV Renal diseases 15
Nephrotic syndrome , Nephritis, Dialysis and Renal Stones
Roth, R. A. and Townsend C. E. (2003), Nutrition and Diet Therapy . Thomson, Delmar Learning.
Whitney E.N. and Rolfes S.R. (2002) Understanding Nutrition. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning.
Thompson J. and Manore. M (2005). Nutrition : An Applied Approach. Benjamin hummings.
Aronson. V. (1986). The Dietetic Technician . CBI book, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
Rolfes, Pinn and Whitney (2006). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. Thompson
Wadswo rth. Peckenpaugh. N. J. (2003) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . Saunders Publications.
Additional Reading
Mermel, V.L. (1995). Focus on Nutrition Mosby Publications.
Williams. S.R. (1993) Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Mosby Publication.
Part B: Commu nity Nutrition
• To acquire skills for the different methods in the assessment of nutritional status of the community.
• To prepare and use the various types of communication aids for imparting nutrition education.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Assessment of nutritional status. 15
To learn techniques of measuring height, weight, head and circumference, chest
circumference, mid upper arm circumference.
Unit II Interpretation of results and comparisons with standards. 15
Classification acc ording to grades of malnutrition.
Unit III Visits to various community centres -governmental and non -governmental 15
Gopaldas, T. Seshadri, S. (1987). Nutrition monitoring and assessment. Delhi. Oxford University
Press. Jelliffe, D. (1966). T he assessment of nutritional status of the community . WHO (Geneva).
Swaminathan, M. (1985). Essentials of food and nutrition. Vol. I and II . Bangalore: Bangalore Printing
and Publishing Ltd.
Page 19
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Part A: Food Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry 4 50 1
Part B: Food Service Management 3 50 1
Part A: Food Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry
• To impart practical skills in analytical procedures of foods and synthetic body fluids.
• To enable the students understand the significance of various food components and biochemical parameters
• To enable the students understand the principles of various analytical techniques.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Estimation of total fat in foods by Soxhlet method 15
Analysis for chemical constants in lipids (Different oils): Iodine Value, Acid Value,
Saponification value, Peroxide value
Estimation of total cholesterol
Unit II Estimation of moisture in foods 15
Estimation of ash and preparation of ash solution
Estimation of phosphorus
Unit III Estimation of iron 15
Estimation of calcium by Clark and Collip
Estimation of Calcium by EDTA
Unit IV Qualitative analysis of urine 15
Estimation of urinary creatinine
Estimation of vitamin C by dye method
Estimation of Sodium and Potassium - use of fluorimeter and Flame photometer
Mayer, L.H. (1987). Food Chemistry . CBS Publishers and Distributors
Oser, L.B. (1976). Hawk’s physiological chemistry . (14th Ed.) Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.
Ltd. Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical analysis of foods . (6th Ed.) London: J. A. Churchill
Part B: Food Service Management
• To learn the skills of planning, preparing and sell various types of c uisine
• To enable students to acquire skills of food service
Course Content Periods
Unit I Planning Preparing and Selling 15
Indian Menu, Continental Menu, Oriental Menu
Unit II Study of: 15
Table Setting and Service
Flower Arrangement
Napkin Folding
Fruit and Vegetable Carving
Unit III Demonstrations on 15
Table Setting and Service
Napkin Folding
Flower Arrangements
Fruit and Vegetable Carving
Lillierap D.R. (1998). Food and beverage service. (5th Ed.). Elbs/Holder and Stoughton.
Morrison Paul. (1993). Cost management for profitable food and beverage operations . John Wiley and Sons.
Verghese B. (1999). Professional food and beverage service management . Bangalore : Macmillan India.
Page 20
Scheme of E xamination
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts. The learner’s performance shall be
assessed by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first part by conducting the Semester End
Examinations with 60% marks in the second part. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and
Semester End Examinations are as shown below: -
Internal assessment for Theory 40 %
Sr. No. Evaluation type Marks
1 One class test/ case study / online examination to be conducted in the given sem ester 20
2 One assignment based on curriculum to be assessed by the teacher concerned 10
3 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries 05
4 Overall conduct as a responsible learner, communication and leadership qualities in 05 organ izing related academic activities
Semester End Theory Examination of 60 marks (three unit courses)
Duration: These examinations shall be of two and half hours duration.
Theory question paper pattern:
• There shall be four questions each of 15 marks. On each unit there will be one question and fourth
question will be based on entire syllabus.
• All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. Each question will be of
30 marks with options.
• Questions may be sub divided into sub questions as a, b, c, d and e, etc and the allocation of marks
depends on the weightage of the topic.
Semester End Practical Examination of 50 marks (three/four unit courses) No Internal
Assessment Duration: These exa minations shall be of three hours.
Sr. No. Evaluation type Marks
1 Laboratory work: Semester End Examination 40
2 Journal 05
3 Viva 05
Standard of Passing is as per the ordinances set by the University of Mumbai for the Credit based Semester
and Gradi ng System for the undergraduate courses.