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TYBA Paper 8: Semester V
Paper Title : Formal Logic
Code: UAPHI -A505 (subject to change as per University coding)
No. of lectures: 60
Total Marks: 100
Unit 1 Introduction to Logic (15 lects)
Definitions of logic, logic as a formal science, propositions and sentences
Arguments: premises and conclusions, recognizing arguments, types of arguments:
inductive and deductive (theory and exercise) ; Kinds of agreement and disagreement
Three basic functions of language ; Definitions: types: stipulative, lexical, pr écising,
theoretical and persuasive; identifying definitions from passages
Unit 2 Deductions (15 lects)
Traditional classification of propositions (quality, quantity and distribution)
Square of opposition: contradictories, contraries, subcontraries and sub altern (theory
and exercises)
Eductions (theory and exercises)
Unit 3 Syllogisms (15 lects)
Nature of syllogism: major, minor and middle terms; types of syllogism: categorical,
disjunctive and conditional
Mood and Figure: special rules of the four Figures and 15 valid Moods ; Testing validity of
syllogisms by rules of syllogistic reasoning
Venn diagram technique for testing syllogisms
Unit 4 Non -formal Fallacies (15 lects)
T o define & identify fallacies in passages
Difference between formal and non- formal fallacies
Exercises on Non -formal Fallacies :
(i) Division (ii) Composition (iii) Accident (iv) Converse fallacy of accident (v) Begging the
question (vi) False cause (vii) Complex question (viii) Ignoratio elenchi (6 fallacies: ad
baculum, ad hominem, ad misericordiam, ad populum, ad verecundiam and ad
ignoratiam) (ix) Red Herring (x) Slippery slope (xi) Straw man fallacy
Books Recommended for the Course:
Symbolic Logic . Irving Copi, 5th Edition (Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., New York).
Introduction to Logic . Irving Copi and Others. 14th edition
Metalogic : An – Introduction to the Metathero y of Standard First order Logic. Geoffre y Hunter
(Macmillan & Co., London and Basingatoke).
The Elements of Logic. Robert Lata and Alexander Macbeath (Macmillan & Co. Ltd.)
Logic of truth -functions- An Introduction to Symbolic Logic . Ramprasad Das Firma K.L
Mokhopadhyay, Calcutta, 1964
The Elements of Formal Logic . Hughes G.E and Londey D.G, G. N Mansukhani, (B.I Publications,