TYBA in Philosophy of LOGIC Paper VIII_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBA in Philosophy of LOGIC Paper VIII_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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TYBA Paper 8: Semester V
Paper Title : Formal Logic
Code: UAPHI -A505 (subject to change as per University coding)
No. of lectures: 60
Total Marks: 100

Unit 1 Introduction to Logic (15 lects)
Definitions of logic, logic as a formal science, propositions and sentences
Arguments: premises and conclusions, recognizing arguments, types of arguments:
inductive and deductive (theory and exercise) ; Kinds of agreement and disagreement
Three basic functions of language ; Definitions: types: stipulative, lexical, pr écising,
theoretical and persuasive; identifying definitions from passages
Unit 2 Deductions (15 lects)
Traditional classification of propositions (quality, quantity and distribution)
Square of opposition: contradictories, contraries, subcontraries and sub altern (theory
and exercises)
Eductions (theory and exercises)
Unit 3 Syllogisms (15 lects)
Nature of syllogism: major, minor and middle terms; types of syllogism: categorical,
disjunctive and conditional
Mood and Figure: special rules of the four Figures and 15 valid Moods ; Testing validity of
syllogisms by rules of syllogistic reasoning
Venn diagram technique for testing syllogisms
Unit 4 Non -formal Fallacies (15 lects)
T o define & identify fallacies in passages
Difference between formal and non- formal fallacies
Exercises on Non -formal Fallacies :
(i) Division (ii) Composition (iii) Accident (iv) Converse fallacy of accident (v) Begging the
question (vi) False cause (vii) Complex question (viii) Ignoratio elenchi (6 fallacies: ad
baculum, ad hominem, ad misericordiam, ad populum, ad verecundiam and ad
ignoratiam) (ix) Red Herring (x) Slippery slope (xi) Straw man fallacy

Books Recommended for the Course:
Symbolic Logic . Irving Copi, 5th Edition (Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., New York).
Introduction to Logic . Irving Copi and Others. 14th edition
Metalogic : An – Introduction to the Metathero y of Standard First order Logic. Geoffre y Hunter
(Macmillan & Co., London and Basingatoke).
The Elements of Logic. Robert Lata and Alexander Macbeath (Macmillan & Co. Ltd.)
Logic of truth -functions- An Introduction to Symbolic Logic . Ramprasad Das Firma K.L
Mokhopadhyay, Calcutta, 1964
The Elements of Formal Logic . Hughes G.E and Londey D.G, G. N Mansukhani, (B.I Publications,

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TYBA Paper 8: Semester V I
Paper Title : Formal Logic
Code: UAPHI -A505 (subject to change as per University coding)
No. of lectures: 60
Total Marks: 100

Unit 1 Modern Logic (15 lects)
Drawbacks of traditional logic and advantages of modern logic
Modern classification of propositions: simple and compound; truth conditions of compound propositions
Shorter Truth Table method
Unit 2 Methods of Deduction (Formal Proof of Validity) (15 lects)
Formal Proof of Validity as a Decision Procedure
Justification and Construction
Conditional Proof (CP) and Indirect Proof (IP)
Unit 3: Relational Logic (15 lects)
Theory: Types of Relation (Transitive, Intransitive, No nTransitive; Symmetry,
A- Symmetry, Non -Symmetry ; Reflexive, Irreflexive, Non -reflexive).
Symbolization of Relational Propositions
Testing the validity of Relational Arguments.
Unit 4: Quantification (Predicate Calculus) (15 lects)
Concepts: i ndividual constant, individual variable, propositional function, existential
quantifier, universal quantifier, instantiation, generalization, relation between universal and existential quantification Symbolising propositions (singular and general) by Quant ification
Proving Validity by UG, EG, UI and EI.

Books Recommended for the Course: Symbolic Logic . Irving Copi, 5th Edition (Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., New York).
Introduction to Logic . Irving Copi and Others. 14th edition
Metalogic : An – Introduction to the Metatheroy of Standard First order Logic . Geoffrey Hunter
(Macmillan & Co., London and Basingatoke).
The Elements of Logic . Robert Lata and Alexander Macbeath (Macmillan & Co. Ltd.)
Logic of truth -functions- An Introduction to Symbolic Logic . Ramprasad Das Firma K.L
Mokhopadhyay, Calcutta, 1964
The Elements of Formal Logic . Hughes G.E and Londey D.G, G. N Mansukhani, (B.I Publications,
Introduction to Symbolic Logic , Basson and O’Connor Glencoe, Ill., Free Press
An Introduction to Logic , David Mitchell. Hutchinson University Library, London. 1962 (pp. 136 -
An Introductory Text -book of Logic , Sydney Herbert Meclone. William Blackwood & Sons Ltd.m
Edinburgh & London. 1950 (pp. 199- 211)