TYBA in Philosophy Paper IV Inian ans Western1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBA in Philosophy Paper IV Inian ans Western1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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TYBA Paper 4: Semester V
Paper Title: Indian Philosophy (Advanced)
Credits: 4
Code: UAPHI501
No. of lectures: 60
Unit I Nyaya &Vaisesika (15 lects)
Sources of knowledge: P erception, Inference, Comparison and Verbal Testimony ,
Concept of god and Liberation in Nyaya
Vaisesika –seven categories of reality, Vaisesika theory of evolution.
Unit II Samkhya and Yoga (15 lects)
Purusha and Prakri ti
Satkaryavada and Prakri tiparinamvada
Eigh t fold path of Yoga
Unit III Purva &Uttara Mimamsa (15 lects)
Mimamsa - Pramanas, Seven Principl es of interpreting text, theories of error
Shankara - Advaita Vedanta, three levels of reality (Sattatraya), Mayavada, Vivartavada
Ramanuja – Visistadvai ta, Concept of Brahman, Critique of M aya
Unit IV Three Contemporary Thinkers (15 lects)
J. Krishnamurthy – Concept of Freedom and concept of Truth
Rabi ndranath Tagore – Concept of Person and concept of Freedom
Moha mmed Iqbal: Unity of God and Person , concept of Khudi
Books recommended for the course
Indian Philosophy, Vol - II Dr. S Radhakrishnan (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., New York City:
Humanities Press Inc.1923)
A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol - I and II, JadunathSinha (Jatindranath Sen, Central Book Agency,
Calcutta, 1952)
A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol – I and II Surendranath Dasgupta (Motilal Banarsidass Indological
Publishers and Booksellers, Delhi, 1975)

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Outlines of Indian Philosophy, M. Hiriyanna, (Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1993)
Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Basant Kumar Lal (Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1973)
Contemporary Indian Philosophy, T.M.P Mahadevan and G. V Saroja (Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd,
Delhi, 1981)
Seven systems of Indian Philosophy, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait(The Himalaya International Institute of
yoga Science and Philosophy,Honesdale,Pennsylvania)
Practical Guide to Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1955)
The synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Library, New York City 1950)
Freedom from the known (Ed: Mary Lutyens) Krishnamurti J (B.I. Publication, Bombay 1969)
Truth and Actuality, Krishnamurti J: (London, Victor Gollencz, 1978)
Religion of man R. Tagore, (London Macmilan, 1930)
Man Rabindranath Tagore (Rupa& Co, 1933)
Sadhana Rabindranath Tagore (Rupa& Co….)

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TYBA Paper 4: Semester VI
Paper Title: Western Philosophy (Advanced)
Credits: 4
Code: UAPHI601
No. of lectures: 60

Unit 1 Rationalism (15 lects)

Rene Descartes: Method of doubt, Nature of ‘self’ and not -self in terms of substance (substance
dualism), Interactionism.
Baruch Spinoza: C oncept of substance and modes, Monism, Parallelism
G.W. Leibniz: B asic constituent of reality, Pluralism (monadolody), P re-established Harmony
Unit 2 Empiricism (15 lects)
John Locke: Rejection of innate ideas, Classification of Ideas, Primary and Secondary qualities,
Classification of knowledge and D egrees of knowledge.
George Berkeley: Rejection of abstract ideas, Subject ive Idealism, Esse Est P ercipii
David Hume: Theory of knowledge, R ejection of self as substance, and T heory of causation.
Unit 3 Critic al Philosophy: (15 lects)
Immanuel Kant: Reconciliation of rationalism and empiricism, Copernican revolution, Analytic and
Synthetic propositions, concept of Apriori and A posteriori, categorie s of judgment .
Hegel: Phenomenology of spirit
Unit 4 Strand s of Contemporary philosophy (15 lects)
Logical positivism: A J Ayer - verification principle, Carnap - elimination of metaphysics through
linguistic analysis
Early Wittgenstein: Picture theory, Later Wittgenstein: N otion of language game,
Postmodern challenge to philosophy: Lyotard
Books recommended for the course
Ayer, A.J. Language, Truth and Logic (London: Victo r Gollancz Ltd., 1960)
(ed) Logical Positivism (New York: The Free Press, 1959)
Bennett, Jonathan. Locke Berkeley Hume: Central Themes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971)
Copleston, Frederick. A History of Philosophy Vol IV, V and VI (Doubleday: Image Book s, 1985)
Falckenberg, Richard. History of Modern Philosophy (Calcutta: Progressive Publishers)

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Gardiner, Patrick. Kierkegaard (OUP, 1988)
Garforth, F.W. The Scope of Philosophy (London: Longman, 1971)
Hampshire, Stuart. Spinoza (Penguin Books)
Hartnack, Justus. Kant’s Theory of Knowledge (Macmillan, 1968)
Jones,W.T. Kant to Wittgenstein and Sartre: A History of Western Philosophy (Hartcourt, Brace and
World, Inc, 1969)
Lyotard, Jean -Francois The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge ( University of Minnesota,
O’Connor D.J. John Locke (New York: Dover Publications, 1967)
Rathore, Aakash Singh & Rimina Mohapatra Reading Hegel: The Introductions (Manoher 2013/ Melborne 2008 )
Saw, R. L. Leibniz (Penguin Books, 1954)
Warnock, G.J. Berkeley (Penguin Books, 1953)
Wright, W.K. A History of Modern Philosophy (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941)