TYBA in German Studies 2018 2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson/ Dean: ___________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course T.Y.B.A. in German Studies
2 Eligibility for Admission S.Y.B.A in German Studies
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances/ Regulations
(if any)
5 No. of Years / Semesters 1 year / Sem V & VI
6 Level U.G.
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status Revised
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2018 -19 AC___________
Item No.
Syllabus for Approval
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T.Y.B.A. in German Studies
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Codes Semester V Marks
(Internal 25 +
Theory 75)* Credits Lectures per
UAGER 501 Drama and Prose I 100 4 4
UAGER 502 History of German Literature III 100 4 4
UAGER 503 History of Art I 100 4 4
UAGER 504 Translation Skills 100 4 4
UAGER 505 Essay and Commercial Correspondence I 100 4 4
UAGER 506 Communication Skills in German V +
Project 100 4 4
Total 600 24 24
Codes Semester V I Marks
(Internal 25 +
Theory75)* Credits Lectures per
UAGER 601 Drama and Prose I I 100 4 4
UAGER 602 History of German Literature I V 100 4 4
UAGER 603 History of Art I I 100 4 4
UAGER 604 Introduction to Linguistics 100 4 4
UAGER 605 Essay and Commercial Correspondence I I 100 4 4
UAGER 606 Communication Skills in German VI +
Project 100 4 4
Total 600 24 24
*As per University rules
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Syllabus in Detail:
UAGER 501: Drama and Prose I
Course Description :
The students will be introduced to the genre drama .
Key Competencies:
1. Reading, understanding and analyzing the prescribed literary text
2. Illustrat ing the plot, character constellation and language and narrative style of the text
3. Placing the text in the respective literary epoch and the respective genre.
4. Understanding of the style of the author and literary and social background of the text.
5. Critical thinking and r elating the text to one’s present, personal and social environment.
Prescribed Texts:
1. Lessing : Nathan der Weise. Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart 2015
2. Schiller : Maria Stuart. Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart 2014
UAGER 502: History of German Literature III
Course Description :
This course shall introduce the students to the epochs of the 19th century and genres in German
literary tradition on the basis of corresponding literary examples: Romanticism (ca. 1790) to
Naturalism (ca.1900). (Romantik, Biedermeier, Junges Deutschland/Vormärz, Realismus,
Naturalismus, Impressionismus)
Key Competencies:
1. Enumerat ing and illustrating in detail the characteristics of the respective literary epochs
2. Placing the representative authors with their bi ographical details and their canonical
works in each epoch.
3. Awareness of genres or literary styles in the epoch.
4. Awareness of the historical and socio background of the epoch.
Prescribed Texts :
1. Baumann, Barbara / Oberle, Birgitta: Deutsche Literatur in Epochen.Arbeitsaufgaben.
Imaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 3. Aufl. 2006.
2. Frenzel, H. A. und E.: Daten deutscher Dichtung. Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen
Literaturgeschichte:, CD -ROM Directmedia Publishing, o. O. 1. Aufl. 2006.
3. Van Rinsum: Dichtung und Deutung: Eine Geschichte der deutschen Literatur in Beispielen.
Muenchen, 13. Aufl. 1999.
Recommended Texts:
1. Beutin, Wolfgang: Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
Stuttgart: J. B Metzler Verlag, 8. Aufl. 2013
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2. Brenner, Peter J: Neue Deutsche Literaturgeschichte Berlin: de Gruyter; 3. Aufl. 2011
3. Gigl, Klaus: Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Abitur -Wissen. Muenchen: Stark Verlag 2014
4. Metzger, Stefan: Literaturgeschichte. Kompakt -Wissen Deutsch. Muenchen: Stark Verlag
5. Rothmann, Kurt: Kleine Geschichte der deutschen Literatur Leipzig: Reclam Verlag 2014
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 503: History of German Art I
Course Description :
A study of art, architecture and sculpture from the epoch of Romanique (ca. 10th Century to
Rococo (17th Century). (Romanik, Gotik, Renaissance, Barock, Rokoko)
Key Competencies:
1. Critical appreciation of different styles of art from respective epochs
2. Identifying and analyzing various styles of archi tecture, sculpture and painting based on
acquired knowledge
3. Intercultural c ompari son of various styles of architecture, sculpture and painting
4. Contextualising the different styles with the respective epochs
5. Speaking and writing about the exponents of respective epochs and their contribution
6. Relating the acquired knowledge to their environment.
Prescribed Texts:
1. Lindemann, Gottfried / Beokuff, Hermann.: Lexikon der Kunststile: Band I. Von der
griechischen Archaik bis zur Renaissance . Reinbeck: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1994
2. Lindemann, Gottfried / Beokuff, Hermann.: Lexikon der Kunststile: II. Vom Barock bis zur
Pop-art, Reinbeck: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1995
Recommended Reading:
1. Busch, Werner/ Beyrodt, Wolfgang (Hg.): Kunsttheorie und Kunstgeschichte des 19. Jhr. in
Deutschland. Malerei. Texte und Dokumente. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2001.
2. Howarth, Eva: DuMont’s Schnellkurs. Kunstgeschichte. Koeln, Du Mont, 1992.
3. Johannsen, Rolf (Hg.): 50 Klassiker. Gemaelde. Hildesheim, Gerstenberg Verlag, 5. Aufl.
4. Kamm erlohr, Otto: Epochen der Kunst. Band 3,4,5. Muenchen/Wien, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2.
Aufl. 1997.
5. Knaurs Kulturfuehrer in Farbe. Muenchen, Droemersche Verlag, 1991.
6. Nerdinger, Winfried: Perspektiven der Kunst. Von der Karolingerzeit bis zur Gegenwart.
München: Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag 2006.
7. Werner Broer, Detmold (Hg.): Epochen der Kunst: 5 Bde. , Muenchen/Wien:
Oldenbourgschulbuch Verlag 1994.
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
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UAGER 504: Translation Skills
Course Description:
Passages to be translated from English to German and German to English. Both language pairs
should have equal weightage (50%) in teaching and in the assessment. Course material to be
compiled by the respective teacher may consist of ne wspaper and magazine articles, letters,
speeches, brochures , simple literary texts, instruction manuals and simple technical and scientific
texts. The texts should broadly cover different genres and text types. The course should begin
with translation of s imple words and proceed to complete texts.
Key Competencies:
1. Understanding the difference in usage of language: style, vocabulary in different
situations and different domains.
2. Recognizing different types of texts and t ranslating basic texts taking into consideration
the style and domain specific usage of words.
3. Proper usage of dictionaries (both physical and online resources).
4. Understanding the context and identifying the appropriate word.
Recommended Reading:
1. Humphrey, Richard: Aufbaukurs Übersetzen Deutsch – Englisch Klett Lerntraining 1. Aufl.
2. Humphrey, Richard: Grundkurs Übersetzen Deutsch – Englisch Klett Lerntraining 1. Aufl.
3. Kadric, Mira (Hg.). Kaindl, Klaus (Hg.): Berufsziel Übersetzen und Do lmetschen:
Grundlagen, Ausbildung, Arbeitsfelder UTB Verlag 2016
4. Koenigs, Karin: Übersetzen Englisch – Deutsch: Lernen mit System , Oldenbourg: De
Gruyter, 3. Aufl. 2011
5. Kussmaul, Paul Verstehen und Übersetzen: Ein Lehr - und Arbeitsbuch Narr Francke
Attempt o 3. Aufl. 2014
6. Thurn -Mithoff , Martin . Cronin , Kenneth : Übersetzungshilfen Englisch /Deutsch /Englisch
Logophon 1995
7. Wolf, Friedrich: T echnik des Übersetzens – Englisch und Deutsch: Eine systematische
Anleitung für das Übersetzen ins Englische und ins Deut sche für Unterricht und
Selbststudium Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag , 4. Aufl. 2011
(Additional Material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 505: Essay and Commercial Correspondence I
Course Description:
This course shall develop essay writing skills and also deal with business correspondence.
Key Competencies:
In the Essay Component:
1. Analys ing and clearly express ing one’s opinions in writing about different current social
problems and day-to-day situations.
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2. Structured writing skills
3. Application of the different language structures and idioms
In the commercial correspondence component
1. Understanding the various types of formal letters and emails in a corporate setting
2. Writing a well -structured formal letter for the different situations
3. Acquisition of the respective vocabulary and language structures
4. Communication in the business scenario
Prescribed Text:
1. Sachs, Rudolf: Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz, Neu. Der Schrift wechsel in Export und
Import. Muenchen, Max Hueber Verlag, 2008 Chapters 1-8.
Recommended Reading:
1. Duden. Briefe schreiben -leicht germacht. Übersichtliche Schreibanleitungen und zahlreiche
Muster für Privat - und Geschäftsbriefe sowie E -Mails . Mannhein, D uden Verlag, 2. Aufl.
2. Deutsche Handelskorresponsdenz. Der Briefwechsel in Export und Import, Ismaning, 2004.
Material Compiled by Maria B -Becker
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 50 6: Communication Skills in German V + Project
Course Description:
This course emphasizes on verbal and written communication skills. Along with the practice of
German language structures, their application in authentic situations shall also be dealt with.
With the help of role plays, debates, discussions &expression of opinions on current situations,
the language skills shall be strengthened. Formal & informal correspondence as well as dialogue
writing shall be practised.
The internal evaluation will consi sts of a project of 25 marks (approx. 20 -25 A4 pages) on any of
the topics such as: Language, literature, art, cultural history, literary history, translation,
commercial correspondence or any other.
Key Competencies:
1. Understand ing a broad spectrum of re latively longer texts and deriv ing the intricate
2. Express ing themselves spontaneously and freely without having to search for words
3. Using the language proficiently and flexibly in social and professional life and in their
4. Express ing in co mplex language structures fluently about any situation in detail
Prescribed Texts:
1. Koithan, Ute, u.a.: Aspekte Mittelstufe Deutsch: C1 (Chapters 6 -8). Lehr - und
Arbeitsbuch mit Audio -CD. Berlin und München Langenscheidt KG 2011
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Recommended Reading:
1. Buscha, Anne, u.a.: Erkundungen C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs - und
Übungsbuch. 2. Aufl. Leipzig: Schubert Verlag 2016
2. Buscha, Anne, u.a.: Erkundungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kompakt C1 Integriertes Kurs -
und Übungsbuch. 2. Aufl. Leipzi g: Schubert Verlag 2016
3. Dallapiazza, Rosa -Maria, u.a.: Ziel C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch.
Band I. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag 2010
4. Dallapiazza, Rosa -Maria, u.a.: Ziel C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch.
Band II. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag 2010
5. Duden. Richtiges und gutes Deutsch. Band 9. Mannheim: Duden 2001
6. Hering, Axel, u.a.: Übungsgrammatik fuer die Mittelstufe. Deutsch als Fremdsprache.
Ismaning: Hueber Verlag 2009
7. Köhl -Kuhn, Renate u.a.: Mittelpunkt C1: Grammatiktrainer. Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen 2009
8. Koithan Ute, u.a.: Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch C1. Lehr - und Arbeitsbuch. München:
Klett -Sprachen 2016
9. Kuhn, Christina u.a.: Studio D. Die Mittelstufe. Cornelsen Verlag 1. Aufl.: 2015
10. Sieber, Tanja: Aspekte neu B1 plus bis C1. Mittelstufe Deutsch. München: Klett Sprachen
(Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.)
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UAGER 601: Drama and Prose II
Course Description :
The students will be introduced to the genre prose.
Key Competencies:
The students would have read, understood and analyzed the prescribed literary text. Besides
being able to illustrate the plot, chara cter constellation and language and narrative style of the
text they shall be able to place the text in the respective literary epoch and the respective genre.
They would also have a basic understanding of the style of the author and literary and social
background of the text. They should be able to relate the text to their present, personal and social
Prescribed Texts:
Any two of the following texts:
1. Kracht, Christian: Imperium . Roman. Köln :Kiepenheuer&Witsch 2012
2. Vermes, Timur: Er ist wieder da .Köln:Bastei Lübbe Taschenbuch 2014
3. Schlink, Bernhard: Die Frau auf der Treppe . Zürich:Diogenes 3. Aufl. 2015
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 602: History of German Li terature IV
Course Description:
This course shall introduce the students to the epochs of the 20th century and genres in German
literary tradition on the basis of corresponding literary examples: Beginning of 20th Century till
the present. (Symbolismus, Expressionismus, Literatur der Weimarer Republik, Exilliteratur,
Nachkriegszeit, Literatur der DDR und BRD, Gegenwartsliteratur)
Key Competencies:
1. Enumerat ing and illustrating in detail the characteristics of the respective literary epochs
2. Placing the representative authors with their biograp hical details and their canonical
works in each epoch.
3. Awareness of genres or literary styles in the epoch.
4. Awareness of the historical and socio background of the epoch.
Prescribed Texts :
1. Baumann, Barbara / Oberle, Birgitta: Deutsche Literatur in Epochen.Arbeitsaufgaben.
Imaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 3. Aufl. 2006.
2. Frenzel, H. A. und E.: Daten deutscher Dichtung. Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen
Literaturgeschichte:, CD -ROM Directmedia Publishing, o. O. 1. Aufl. 2006.
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3. Van Rinsum: Dichtung und Deutung: Eine Geschichte der deutschen Literatur in Beispielen.
Muenchen, 13. Aufl. 1999.
Recommended Texts:
1. Beutin, Wolfgang: Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
Stuttgart: J. B Metzler Verlag, 8. Aufl. 2013
2. Brenner, Peter J: Neue Deutsche Literaturgeschichte Berlin: de Gruyter; 3. Aufl. 2011
3. Gigl, Klaus: Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Abitur -Wissen. Muenchen: Stark Verlag 2014
4. Metzger, Stefan: Literaturgeschichte. Kompakt -Wissen Deutsch. Muenchen: Stark Ve rlag
5. Rothmann, Kurt: Kleine Geschichte der deutschen Literatur Leipzig: Reclam Verlag 2014
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 603: History of German Art II
Course Description:
A study of art, architecture and sculpture from the epoch of Classicism (18th Century) till 1900).
(Klassizismus, Romantik, Realismus, Naturalismus, Impressionismus, Symbolismus,
Postimpressionismus, Neoimpressionismus)
Key Competencies:
1. Critical appreciation of different styles of art from respective epochs
2. Identifying and analyzing various styles of architecture, sculpture and painting based on
acquired knowledge
3. Comparing various styles of architecture, sculpture and painting
4. Contextualising the different styles with the respective epochs
5. Speaking and writing about the exponents of respective epochs and their contribution
6. Relating the acquired knowledge to their environment.
Prescribed Texts:
1. Lindemann, Gottfried / Beokuff , Hermann.: Lexikon der Kunststile: Band I. Von der
griechischen Archaik bis zur Renaissance . Reinbeck: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1994
2. Lindemann, Gottfried / Beokuff, Hermann.: Lexikon der Kunststile: II. Vom Barock bis zur
Pop-art, Reinbeck: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1995
Recommended Reading:
1. Busch, Werner/ Beyrodt, Wolfgang (Hg.): Kunsttheorie und Kunstgeschichte des 19. Jhr. in
Deutschland. Malerei. Texte und Dokumente. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2001.
2. Howarth, Eva: DuMont’s Schnellkurs. Kunstgeschichte. Koeln, Du Mont, 1992.
3. Johannsen, Rolf (Hg.): 50 Klassiker. Gemaelde. Hildesheim, Gerstenberg Verlag, 5. Aufl.
4. Kammerlohr, Otto: Epochen der Kunst. Band 3,4,5. Muenchen/Wien, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2.
Aufl. 1997.
5. Knaurs Kulturfuehrer in Farbe. Muenchen, Droemersche Verla g, 1991.
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6. Nerdinger, Winfried: Perspektiven der Kunst. Von der Karolingerzeit bis zur Gegenwart.
München: Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag 2006.
7. Werner Broer, Detmold (Hg.): Epochen der Kunst: 5 Bde. , Muenchen/Wien:
Oldenbourgschulbuch Verlag 1994.
(Additiona l material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 604: Introduction to Linguistics
Course Description:
Origin of Language, History of German Language, German Language Composition and
Structures & Phonology, Morphology, Ferdinand de Saussure and the four dichotomies
(signifier -signified, paradigm -syntagmata, langue -parole, synchrony -diachrony) and Socio -
linguistics , semantics, the three Grammar Models (Traditional, GTG and Vale nce), Speech Act
Theory .
Key Com petencies :
1. Defining the concepts learnt in the course.
2. Identify ing the concepts in German language independently.
3. Analys ing and apply the concepts learnt in an example that’s provided to them.
4. Finding own examples for the concepts and relating it with their social environment.
Prescribed Texts:
1. Busch, Albert. Stenschke, Oliver: Germanistische Linguistik. NarrFranckeAttempto , 3. Aufl.
2. Ernst, Peter: Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft. Wien, UTB, 2. Aufl. 2011.
3. Pittner, Karin. Berman, Judith: Deutsche Syntax: Ein Arbeitsbuch. NarrFranckeAttempto , 6.
Aufl. 2015
4. Szigeti, Imre: Lehrbuch der deutschen Syntax. Budapest, 2002.
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 605: Essay and Commer cial Correspondence II
Course Description:
This course shall developing essay writing skills and also deal with business correspondence.
Key Competencies:
In the Essay Component:
1. Analysing and clearly expressing one’s opinions in writing about different current social
problems and day -to-day situations.
2. Structured writing skills
3. Application of the different language structures and idioms
In the commercial correspondence componen t
1. Understanding the various types of formal letters and emails in a corporate setting
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2. Writing a well -structured formal letter for the different situations
3. Acquisition of the respective vocabulary and language structures
4. Communication in the business scen ario
Prescribed Text:
1. Sachs, Rudolf: Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz, Neu. Der Schriftwechsel in Export und
Import. Muenchen, Max Hueber Verlag, 2008 Chapters 9-16.
Recommended Reading:
1. Duden. Briefe schreiben -leicht germacht. Übersichtliche Schreibanleitungen und zahlreiche
Muster für Privat - und Geschäftsbriefe sowie E -Mails . Mannhein, Duden Verlag, 2. Aufl.
2. Deutsche Handelskorresponsdenz. Der Briefwechsel in Export und Import, Ismaning, 2004.
Material Compiled by Maria B -Becker
(Addi tional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
UAGER 60 6: Communication Skills in German VI + Project
Course Description:
This course emphasises on verbal and written communication skills. Along with the practice
ofGerman language structures, their application in authentic situations shall also be dealt
with.With the help of role plays, debates, discussions &expression of opinions on
currentsituations, the langu age skills shall be strengthened. Formal &informal correspondence
aswell as dialogue writing shall be practised.
Key Competencies:
1. Understanding a broad spectrum of relatively longer texts and deriving the intricate
2. Expressing themselves sponta neously and freely without having to search for words
3. Using the language proficiently and flexibly in social and professional life and in their
4. Expressing in complex language structures fluently about any situation in detail
The internal evaluation will consists of a project of 25 marks (approx. 20 -25 A4 pages) on any of
the topics such as: Language, literature, art, cultural history, literary history, translation,
commercial correspondence or any other.
Prescribed Texts:
1. Koithan, Ute, u.a.: Aspekte Mittelstufe Deutsch: C1 (Chapters 9 -10).Lehr - und
Arbeitsbuch mit Audio -CD. Berlin und München Langenscheidt KG 2011
Recommended Reading:
1. Buscha, Anne, u.a.: Erkundungen C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs - und
Übungsbuch. 2. Aufl. Leipzig: Schubert Verlag 2016
Page 14
2. Buscha, Anne, u.a.: Erkundungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kompakt C1 Integriertes Kurs -
und Übungsbuch. 2. Aufl. Leipz ig: Schubert Verlag 2016
3. Dallapiazza, Rosa -Maria, u.a.: Ziel C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch.
Band I. Ismaning: Max HueberVerlag 2010
4. Dallapiazza, Rosa -Maria, u.a.: Ziel C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch.
Band II. Is maning: Max HueberVerlag 2010
5. Duden. Richtiges und gutes Deutsch. Band 9. Mannheim: Duden 2001
6. Hering, Axel, u.a.: Übungsgrammatik fuer die Mittelstufe. Deutsch als Fremdsprache.
Ismaning: Hueber Verlag 2009
7. Köhl -Kuhn, Renate u.a.: Mittelpunkt C1: Grammatiktrainer. Stuttgart: KlettSprachen 2009
8. Koithan Ute, u.a.: Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch C1. Lehr - und Arbeitsbuch. München:
Klett -Sprachen 2016
9. Kuhn, Christina u.a.: Studio D. Die Mittelstufe. CornelsenV erlag 1. Aufl.: 2015
10. Sieber, Tanja: Aspekte neu B1 plus bis C1. Mittelstufe Deutsch. München: Klett Sprachen
(Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.)
Examination and Standard of Passing:
Regula tions regarding the scheme of exams, number of credit s and standard of passing will be as
prescribed by the University of Mumbai. The Ten Point Grading System prescribed by the
University of Mumbai will be as follows:
Grades Marks Grade Points Performance
O 80 & above 10 Outstanding
A+ 70 to 79.99 9 Excellent
A 60 to 69.99 8 Very Good
B+ 55 to 59.99 7 Good
B 50 to 54.99 6 Above Average
C 45 to 49.99 5 Average
D 40 to 44.99 4 Pass
F Less than 40 0 Fail