TYBA Sans CBCS 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean:
______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course TYBA Sanskrit Semester V and VI
2 Eligibility for
Admission As per university rules
3 Passing Marks As per University Rules
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 2 Semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2018 -19
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
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1 Title of the Course TYBA Sanskrit Semester V and VI
2 Course Code UGSANTYBA
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per university rules
6 Fee Structure As per university rules
7 No. of Lectures As per university rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course Two Semesters
10 Notional hours As per university rules
11 No. of Students per Batch As per university rules
12 Selection As per university rules
13 Assessment As per university rules
14 Syllabus Details Enclosed
15 Title of the Unit Enclosed
16 Title of the Sub -Unit Enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory Enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per university rules
22 List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You -Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA
Essentials Elements of the Syllabus
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W.E.F.2018 -19
Preamble: Sanskrit plays a pivotal role in understanding the past and shaping
the future of India. It has been the language of academic disciplines like
Philosophy, saint literature, History, Literary studies, Ancient Indian Law and
Administration, Civics and Poli tical Science and also the language of Science.
It is the language of comprehension and expression even in the present times.
Ancient Indian tradition expressed in Sanskrit is relevant in the present times.
The syllabus for TYBA Sanskrit takes into con sideration all the above aspects.
To comprehend, appreciate and analyse Ancient Indian Literature in
To express one’s thoughts and creativity in Sanskrit Language
To be enable to translate passages (prose/poetry) from Sanskrit to
medium of answering and vice versa
PAPER IV –Indian Philosophical Literature
Sem. V
Unit I – Text – Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta (Selected portion)
(50) Uddeshagrantha, Dravyagrantha, Buddhiguna
Unit II – Introduction to Indian Philosophical Systems
(50) Sankhya, Purvamimansa, Baudha, Charvak, Yoga
Paper Pattern –
Q.1. Translate and Annotate. Any 2 out of 3 I
Q.2. Reference to Context. Any 2 out of 3. I
Q.3. Write Paragraphs. Any 2 out of 3. II
Q.4. General Question wit h Internal Option. II
Page 5
Q.5. Explain Concepts / Terms, Answer in Sanskrit, Fill in the
Blanks, Match the following. I & II
Sem. VI
Unit I – Text - Brahmasutrashankarbhashya (Selected Portion)
(50) II.II.1 -9
Unit II – Text – Vedantasara of Sadananda Yogindra (Selected
(50) portion) Paras 1 -8, 13 -16, 18, 23, 32 -36.
Paper Pattern –
Q.1. Translate and An notate. Any 2 out of 3. I
Q.2. Reference to Context. Any 2 out of 3. I
Q.3. Write Paragraphs. Any 2 out of 3. II
Q.4. General Question with Internal Option. II
Q.5. Explain Concepts /Terms, answer in Sanskrit / fill in the bl anks
/match the following. I & II
PAPER V – History of Sanskrit Literature
Sem. V
Unit I –Vedic Literature
(50) Rigveda, Samaveda & Yajurveda, Atharvaveda,
Grantha, Upanishada
Unit II – Classical Literature (Drama, Story Literature)
(50) Bhasa – Bhasasamasya, Natakachakram,
Kalidasa – Abhidnyanshakuntalam,
Bhavabhuti – Uttar aramacharitam
Vishakhadatta – Mudrarakshasam
Gunadhya – Bruhatkatha, Sanskaranani
Vishnusharma – Panchatantra
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Paper Pattern
Q.1. General Question with Internal Option I
Q.2. General Question with Internal Option. II
Q.3. A. Write Paragraph. 1 out of 2. I
B. Write Paragraph. 1 out of 2. II
Q.4. Write answers in Sanskrit
(A) 5 out of 6 I
(B) 5 out of 6 II
Q.5. Sho rt Notes. 4 out of 5 I & II
Sem. VI
Unit I – Classical Literature (Poetry)
(75) Bharavi – Kiratarjuniyama, Mahakavyalakshanani,
Kalhana – Rajatarangini
Kalidasa – Meghadootam
Shankaracharya – Stotrakavya
Banabhatta – Kadambari
Champukavyam – Vishvagunadarsha, Yashastilaka
Unit II – Modern Literature
(25) Kantakanjali, Yashodhara, Mukta, Vivekanadacharitam
Paper Pattern
Q.1. General Question with Internal Option I
Q.2. General Question with Internal Option. I
Q.3. A. Write Paragraph. 1 out of 2. I
B. Write Paragraph. 1 out of 2. II
Q.4. Write answers in Sanskrit
(A) 5 out of 6 I
(B) 5 out of 6 II
Q.5. Short Notes. 4 out of 5 I & II
Page 7
Sem. V
Arthashastra of Kautilya
Author, Background, Subject matter, Significance of Kautilya’s
Text – Arthashastra of Kautilya (Selected Portion)
I – 2 to 5, 7,8, 11, 12.
II – 40, 45 .
VI – 1
VII – 1 (1 to 19)
Sem. VI
Epigraphi c Literature
Nature, Purpose, Types, Literary & Historical Significance of
Text -
Junagadh inscription of King Rudradamana
Page 8
Aihole inscription of King Pulakeshi II
Allahabad inscription of King Samudragupta
Paper Pattern for both semesters -
Q.1 Translate and Annotate. 2 out of 3.
Q.2 Reference to Context. 2 out of 3.
Q.3 Write Paragraphs. 2 out of 3.
Q.4 Sem V – Terms/concepts OR Match the Following
Sem VI - Comprehension/ answer in Sanskrit
Q.5 Short Notes 4 out of 5
Abhyankar Vasudevshastri – Brahmasutrashankarbhashya 2 nd
edition,Pune, 1996.
Apte V. M. – Brahmasutrashankarbhashya Bombay, 1960.
Chaphekar Nalini – Tarkasangraha, Thane, 1994.
Swami Virupakshanand – Tarkasangraha, Madras, 1994.
Dikshit S.H. – Bharatiya Tatvadnyana, 8th edition, Kolhapur, 2006
History of Indian Literature – Winternitz, Reprint, Dehli, 1998.
A History of Sanskrit Literature – S.N. Dasgupta 2nd edition, Calcutta,
Bhartiya Sahityacha Itihas – Dr. S.S. Dange, Nagpur, 1975.
Page 9
Sanskrit Sahityaka Itihas – Baldev Upadhyay, Baneres, 1945.
Abhijat Sandkut Sahityacha Itihas – Gokhale -Mahulkiar -Vaidya,
Mumbai, 2004.
Kautiliya Arthashastra (Marathi Translation),Reprint, Mumbai, 1982
– R.P. Kangle.
Kautilya Arthashastra (English Translation), Vol. I -III, 2nd edition,
Bombay, 1969 – R.P. Kangle.
Kautiliya Arthasashrta – B.R. Hivargaonkar, 3rd Reprint, Pune, 1993.
Purabhilekhvidya – Shobhana Gokhle, Nagpur, 1975.
Abhilekhamala – Jha Ramkrishna – Jha Harihar, 6th edition, Varanasi,
Paper VII (UGSAN 504) – Total marks - 100
Nomenclature -Vedic Literature
Semester V
Unit I: Selected Hymns from the ऋग्वेद -III.33, V. 83, VII. 71, VII.86, VII.103, X.34
Credits 3: Marks 75
Unit II: Selected hymns from the अथवववेद - II. 25, III.12, IV.5, XII.1.1 -12,
Credit 1: Marks 25
Paper Pattern:
१ सटीऩम् अनुवादं कुरुत | २/३ (ऋग्वेद ) गुण ाः २०
२ ससंदर्भं स्ऩष्टीकुरुत | २/३ (ऋग्वेद ) गुण ाः २०
३ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत |२/३ / सववस्तरं लऱखत | २/३ (अथवववेद ) गुण ाः २०
४ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत | २/३ / सववस्तरं लऱखत | २/३ (ऋग्वेद /अथवववेद ) गुण ाः २०
५ केवऱं द्वौ उत्तरत | (ऋग्वेद) गुण ाः २०
A. ऩदऩाठं कुरुत | २/३
B. संस्कृतेन उत्तरत | ५/६
Page 10
C. रूऩऩररचयं कुरुत |/युग्मालनयोजयत | ५/६
Paper VII (UGSAN6 04) -Total marks - 100
Nomenclature -Vedic Literature
Semester V I
Unit I : Brahmana Literature:
1. Manumatsya -katha (Shatapath Brahman)
2. Sarama -Pani-katha (Jaimineeya Brahman)
3. ChyavanaBhargavakatha (Jaimineeya Brahman)
Credits 2: Marks 50
Unit II : Upanishads:
1. Ishavasya -upanishad
2. Taittiriya -upanishad I. 11, III.1 to 6
3. Katha Upanishad Chapter I and III.3 -11
Credits 2: Marks 50
Paper Pattern:
१ सटीऩम् अनुवादं कुरुत |२/३ (ब्राह्मण) गुण ाः २०
२ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत |२/३ (ब्राह्मण) गुण ाः २०
३ ससंदर्भं स्ऩष्टीकुरुत | २/३ (उऩलनषद् ) गुण ाः २०
४ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत | २/३ /सववस्तरं लऱखत | २/३(उऩलनषद्) गुण ाः २०
५ केवऱं द्वौ उत्तरत | (ब्राह्मण /उऩलनषद्) गुण ाः २०
A. संकल्ऩना् स्ऩष्टीकुरुत |
B. ररक्तस्थानालन ऩूरयत |
C. संस्कृतेन उत्तरत |
Books Recommended for Study: -
1. VelankarH.D. , Ruksuktashati , Bombay , 1972
2. VelankarH.D. , Ruksuktavaijayanti , Pune , 1965
3. Radhakrishanan S. Principle Upanishadas , London , 1953
4. Swami Gambhirananda , Eight Upanishadas, Calcutta , 1957
5. Dange S.A. , Divine Hymns and Ancient Thou ghts, Vols. I – II , New Delhi , 1995
6. S.D.Satavalekar , Atharvavedacha Subodh Anuvad, Paradee
Page 11
7. Chitrav Siddheshvarashastri, Upanishadanche Marathi Bhashantar,Pune , 1979
Paper VII I (UGSAN505 ) -Total marks - 100
Nomenclature - Grammar and Language Skills
Semester V
Unit I - Paninian Grammar
1. Introduction to Paninian Tradition of Grammar
2. ऱघुलसद्धान्तकौमुदी : संऻा
3. ऱघुलसद्धान्तकौमुदी :ववर्भक्त्यथव प्रकरण
Credits 2: Marks 50
Unit II - Writing Skills
1. Translation
2. Essay Writing
3. Dialogue Writing
4. Report Writing
5. Story Writing
Credits 2: Marks 50
Paper Pattern:
1. सूत्राणण स्ऩष्टीकुरुत|( केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ ) गुण ाः २०
A. i) संऻाii) ववर्भवक्त
B. i) संऻाii) ववर्भवक्त
C. i) संऻाii) ववर्भवक्त
2. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
Page 12
A. संऻा: स्ऩष्टीकुरुत| (२/३)
B. ववर्भक्तत्स्ऩष्टीकुरुत| (४/५)
C. व्याखया्कुरुत| (२/३)
3. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. टटप्ऩणीं लऱखत | (२/३)
B. संणऺप्तऩररच्छेदं लऱखत |(२/३)
C. कथां लऱखत | (१/२)
4. माध्यमर्भाषया अनुवादंकुरुत| ( केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ ) गुण ाः २०
A. गद्यम्
B. ऩद्यम्
C. गद्यं / ऩद्यम्
5. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. लनबन्ध :|
B. संवादऱेखनम् |
C. वृत्तान्तऱेखनम् |
Paper VIII (UGSAN6 05) -Total marks - 100
Nomenclature - Grammar and Language Skills
Semester V I
Unit I :Paninian Grammar
1. Introduction to theTradition s of Grammar other than Paninian Grammar
2. ऱघुलसद्धान्तकौमुदी -अजन्तऩुणल्ऱङ्गप्रकरणम् (Selected Sutras)
Credits 2: Marks 50
Unit II : Writing Skills
1. Translation
2. Letter Writing
3. Advertisement Writing
4. News Writing
5. Comprehension
Credits 2: Marks 50
Paper Pattern:
1. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. सूत्राणण स्ऩष्टीकुरुत |
B. रूऩलसवद्धं कुरुत |
C. रूऩलसवद्धं कुरुत |
2. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. संऻा: स्ऩष्टीकुरुत| (२/३)
Page 13
B. प्रालतऩटदकंप्र्ययं च लऱखत | (५/६ )
C. व्याखया्कुरुत | (२/३)
3. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. टटप्ऩणीं लऱखत | (२/३)
B. संणऺप्तऩररच्छेदं लऱखत |(२/३)
C. संस्कृतेन उत्तरत | ( Comprehension )(५/६)
4. माध्यमर्भाषया अनुवादं कुरुत | ( केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ ) गुण ाः २०
A. गद्यम्
B. ऩद्यम्
C. गद्यं / ऩद्यम्
5. केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ उत्तरत | गुण ाः २०
A. ऩत्रऱेखनम् |
B. ववऻाऩनऱेखनम् |
C. वातावऱेखनम् |
Books Recommended for Study: -
1. Sathe M. D. , Laghusiddhantakaumudee , Pune,1961
2. Meeemansak Yudhisthiira, Sanskrit Vyakaranashastra ka Itihas (Vol I -III) , 1994
3. Sathe M. D. ,Panini va Paniniya Vyakarana Sampraday,1962
4. Bhagavat V. B. , Paniniya Vyakaranache Antarang
5. Abhyankar K. S. , Vyakarana Mahabhashya (Prastavana Khand), Pune
6. Hansa, Anuvad Chandrika, Delhi,1972
7. Mulye Raveendra , Sanskrit Vyakaranashastra Pravesh, Sangamner, 2004
8. Apte V. M. Sanskrit Composition, Varan asi, 1970
9. Sanskrit Bharatee, Sandesh -Sanskritam
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Paper IX (UGSAN 506 ) -Total marks - 100
Nomenclature - Scientific Literature in Sanskrit
Semester V
Unit I : Sciences related to Sanskrit
1. Archeology
2. Manuscriptology,
3. Numismatics
4. Iconography
5. Etymology
Marks - 50: Credits: 2
Unit II : Sciences in Sanskrit
1. Architecture
2. Chemistry
3. Mrigapakshi -shastra
4. Ayurveda
5. Vrikshayurveda / Mathematics
Marks - 50: Credits: 2
Paper Pattern
१ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत | ( केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ ) (Unit I) गुण ाः २०
२ सववस्तरं लऱखत | २/३ (Unit I) गुण ाः २०
३ ऩररच्छेदौ लऱखत | ( केवऱं द्वौ समूहौ ) (Unit II) गुण ाः २०
४ सववस्तरं लऱखत | २/३ (Unit II) गुण ाः २०
Page 15
५ केवऱं द्वौ उत्तरत | (Unit I & II ) गुण ाः २०
A. संस्कृतसंऻा: लऱखत | ५/६
B. संस्कृतसंऻा: लऱखत | ५/६
C. संस्कृतसंऻा: लऱखत | ५/६
Books Recommended for Study: -
1. Deo S. B. , Puraatatvavidya , Pune , 1976
2. Dhavalikar M. K., Pracheen Bharateeya Nanakashastra, Pune 1975
3. Ray H. P. , Coins in India, Mumbai, 2006
4. Tilak Mahrashtra Vidyapeeth, Pracheen Bharteeya Jnana -Vijnan,Pune 1974
5. Vidyadhar, Bharteeya Vastushastra ka Itihas
6. Shreevastav Brijabhoos hana, Pracheen Bharteeya Pratima Vijnan,Varanasi,2010
7. Shukla Dvijendranatha, Samarangana Sutradhar -Bhavan Nivesh,Delhi 2008
8. Velankar S. B. , Pracheen Bharateeya Bhautik Vijnan ,Mumbai,2005
9. Soni Suresh, Bharataachee Ujjval Vijnan Parampara,Pune, 2011
10. Pralha d Char, Sanskrit -Vijnana -Vaibhavam,Tirupat, 2004
11. Mulye Raveendra, Arthasangraha
Paper IX (UGSAN606 ) -Total marks - 100
Nomenclature - Scientific Literature in Sanskrit
Semester V I
Projects – Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary
(Dissertation - 75 : 3 Credits and Presentation - 25 : 1 Credit )
Subjects related to Sciences related to Sanskrit andSciences in Sanskrit
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