TYBA French Studies Sem V VI 2016 171 Syllabus Mumbai University

TYBA French Studies Sem V VI 2016 171 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Appendix A
AC 24/06/2016
Item No. 4.59


Revised Syllabus for the T .Y.B. A.

Program: B .A.

Course: French Studies

Semester V & VI

(As Per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect
from the academic year 2016 –2017)

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The syllabus, number of credits, scheme of examination, standard of passing and grading
system of the existing credit and semester system for TYBA ( French Studies ) is being
modified to bring it on par with the new credit and semester system for TYBA of the
University of Mumbai to be introduced w.e.f. the year 201 6-17

The revised course pattern of TYBA (French Studies ) w.e.f. from 2016 -17 will be as
follows :

Semester V

Course Code Name of the Course Marks
25% +
Final exam
75%) Credits Lectures
Core Course
UAFRE 501 Scientific French /Français scicentifique
French Society of the XXIst century
(L’Union européenne , le Mariage,
l’Immigration) 100 3.5 3.5
Core Course
UAFRE 502 Introduction to Francophony – I
(North America, the Carribeans, French
Introduction à la Francophonie – première
(L’Amérique du nord, Les Caraïbes, La
Polynésie) 100 3.5 3.5
Special Course
UAFRE 503 French Literature of the XVIIth century
Racine - Andromaque 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 504 French Literature of the XIXth century
Benjamin Constant - Adolphe 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 505 Optional Foreign Language (Level B1.2)
The following subjects will offered as per
teacher availability Spanish/Italian/Japanese 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 506 Optional Foreign Language (Level B1.2)
Culture and Civilisation
The following subjects will offered as per
teacher availability Spanish/Italian/Japanese 100 4 4
Total 600 23 23

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Semester VI

Course Code Name of the Course Marks
25% +
75%) Credits Lectures
Core Course
UAFRE 601 Technical French /Français technique
French Society of the XXIst century (Le
Travail, l’Environnement, La Gastronomie) 100 3.5 3.5
Core Course
UAFRE 602 Introduction to Francophony – II
(Africa, Asia, Europe)
Introduction à la Francophonie – deuxième
(L’Afrique, L’Asie, L’Europe)
Advanced French
Alter Ego B2 100 3.5 3.5
Special Course
UAFRE 603 XVIIIth century French literature illustrated
by one literary work
Roussseau – Les Confessions (Livre I -VI)
Any complete edition 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 604 XXth century French literature illustrated by
one literary work
Sartre – Les mains sales
Any complete edition 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 605 Optional Foreign Language (Level B1.2)
The following subjects will offered as per
teacher availability Spanish/Italian/ Japanese 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 606 Optional Foreign Language (Level B1.2)
Culture and Civilisation
The following subjects will offered as per
teacher availability Spanish/Italian/Japanese 100 4 4
Total 600 23 23

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Appendix D
Revision of syllabus and paper pattern UAFRE501 and U AFRE601, Paper UAFRE 601 and
UAFRE602 OF TYBA (French Studies) with effect from 2016 -17.


Scientific French/Français scientifique France is a lead player in the scientific field. French
companies have now started operations in India. The job market needs transcribers trained in the
field of science and technology with adequate vocabulary, and understanding of basic key
The course in Scientific French for Science/Français scientifique enables the student to
understand basic scientific terms, understand, translate and interpret simple articles on health,
pollution, energy, etc. in French. Medical transcription is another emer ging market and this course
also introduces students to basic vocabulary pertaining to the human body and maladies.
Study material will be provided by the teacher
 Reference book: Clive Gifford Oh ! Les sciences, Paris Gallimard Jeunesse, – 2 février 2012,
ISBN -13: 978-2070642571

UAFRE 5 02
Introduction to Francophony Part 1/Introduction à la francophonie : première partie
French language and culture go beyond the frontiers of France. Many countries in the world have
a colonial link to France. This course will introduce students to the colonial French connection,
the geogra phy, and socio -cultural dimensions of the following francophone countries:
1. North America
2. The Carribeans
3. French Polynesia
Study material will be provided by the teacher
Reference book
 Christian Valantin , Une histoire de la francophonie (1970 -2010) , Paris, Broché, 2010. ISBN -
13: 978-2701155777

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Sem 6


Technical French /Français technique

Today’s job market expects a foreign language graduate to read understand technical documents
in French.
This course teaches students basic technical vocabulary to enable them to understand a simple
manual in French, understand simple articles in French in the field of technology. The following
areas will also be covered:
- Basic terms pertaining to a variety of machines
- Terminology pertaining to computers, email and the internet.

Study material will be provided by the teacher
 Reference book: Roger Bridgman La techn ologie: Des inventions et des hommes Paris
Gallimard Jeunesse, 1995 ISBN -13: 978-2070587049


Introduction to Francophony Part II/Introduction à la francophonie deuxième partie
French language and culture go beyond the frontiers of France. Many countries in the world have
a colonial link to France. This course will introduce students to the colonial French connection,
the geography, and socio -cultural dimensions of the following francophone countries:
1. Africa
2. Asia
3. Europe
Study material will be provided by the teacher
Reference book
 Christian Valantin , Une histoire de la francophonie (1970 -2010) , Paris, Broché, 2010. ISBN -
13: 978-2701155777

Optional Foreign Language (Level B1.2)
The following foreign languages will be offered only as per teacher availability
Spanish/Italian/ Japanese