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``Appendix B
AC 24/06/2016
Item No. 4.58
Revised Syllabus for the T.Y.B.A.
Program: B.A.
Course: French
Semester V & VI
(As Per Choice Based Credit System with effect from the
academic year 2016–2017)
The syllabus, number of credits, scheme of examination, standard of passing and grading
system of the existing credit and semester system for TYBA ( French ) is being modified
to bring it on par with the new credit and semester system for TYBA of the University of
Mumbai to be introduced w.e.f. the year 201 6-17
The revised course pattern of TYBA (French) w.e.f. from 201 6-17 will be as follows :
Semester V
Course Code Name of the Course Marks
25% + Final
exam 75 %) Credits Lectures
Core Course
UAFRE 501 XVII century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Molière- Le Malade imaginaire
Any complete edition 100 3 2
Core Course UAFRE 502 XVIII Century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Marivaux -Le Jeu de l’amour et du
Any complete edition 100 3 2
Special Course
UAFRE 503 La France contemporaine
Prescribed Text - Nelly Mauchamp, La
France d’aujourd’hui . (Chapters 1 -5) 100 4 2
Special Course
UAFRE 504 XIX century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Stendhal – Le Rouge et le Noir 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 505 Advanced French
Prescribed Text : Echo B2 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 506 Tourisme
Prescribed Text - Métiers du Tourisme
Sections 1 -3 100 4 4
Total 600 22 18 ?
Semester VI
Course Code Name of the Course Marks
25% + Final
exam 75%) Credits Lectures
Core Course
UAFRE 6 01 XVII century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Mme de Lafayette- La Princesse de
Any complete edition 100 3 3
Core Course UAFRE 6 02 XVIII Century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Voltaire - Zadig
Any complete edition 100 3 3
Special Course
UAFRE 6 03 La France contemporaine
Prescribed Text - Nelly Mauchamp, La
France d’aujourd’hui . (Chapte rs 6-10) 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 6 04 XX century French literature
illustrated by one literary work
Mauriac – Le Baiser au lépreux
Any complete edition 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 6 05 Advanced French
Prescribed Text : ECHO B2 100 4 4
Special Course
UAFRE 606 Tourisme
Prescribed Text - Les Métiers du
Dossiers 4 -5 100 4 4
Total 600 22 22