TE PPT Rev 2018 choice based1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC __________
Item No. ______
Bachelor of Engineering
Printing & Packaging Technology
Syllabus Details (REV - 2016) from Academic Year 2016 -17
Third Year with Effect from AY 2018 -19
As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the AY 2016 –17
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From Co-ordinator’s Desk :
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Ac creditation is the principal means of quality
assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of the
program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken
a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum development.
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved that, each Board
of Studies shall prepare some Program E ducational Objectives (PEO’s) and give freedom to affiliated
Institutes to add few (PEO’s). It is also resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly
defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes under stand the depth and approach
of course to be taught, which will enhance learner’s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum
senior faculty from colleges and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am
happy to state that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology, and
developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester based credit and grading
system is also introduced to ensure quality of engin eering education.
Choice based Credit and Grading system enables a much -required shift in focus from teacher -centric to
learner -centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not
in teaching. It also focu ses on continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. University
of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of
Technology has devised a transparent credit assignment policy and ad opted ten points scale to grade learner’s
performance. Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content
of courses is to be taught in 12 -13 weeks and remaining 2 -3 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest lectur es,
coverage of content beyond syllabus etc.
Choice based Credit and grading system is implemented from the academic year 2016 -17 through optional
courses at department and institute level. This will be effective for SE, TE and BE from academic year 2017 -
18, 2018 -19 and 2019 -20 respectively.
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Faculty of Technology,
Member - Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
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Coordinator , Printing & Packaging Technology ’s Preamble:
As the application of technology spreads its wings, the scope of engineering education spreads beyond the
core disciplines bringing hitherto unheard areas within its ambit. The Printing & Packaging Technology (PPT)
is one such discipline uniquely introduced by the University of Mumbai in the year 2006 that is now a full -
fledged course with immense potential. Accreditation norms & the industry orientation of the course have
been considered while framing the revised structure of the PPT syllabus. Accreditation not only emphasizes
ensuring quality bu t demands that the courses result in measurable outcomes.
The program educational objectives have been framed taking an all-pervasive view and involving all stake
holders. It is a pleasure, as the Coordinator for PPT, to mention here that there was equal participation of
industry and academia in the process of syllabus restructuring and defining the PEO‟s. CEO‟s / MD‟s /
Manager - Sales & Technical Services from major printing and packaging industries and experienced
Professor s also participated in the fra ming of the PEO ’s and revision of syllabus.
The Program Educational Objectives are defined as follows -
1. The graduates / learners of this program should be industry ready workforce with a strong base in
mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamental s.
2. The graduates / learners must acquire high level of technical & research proficiency, analytical and
real-life problem -solving skills to generate innovative solutions in packaging and printing technology
or related areas of the program using modern to ols effectively.
3. Learners needs to exhibit sustained learning and adapting to a continually changing field through
graduate work, professional development and absolute self -study skills so that they can pursue
victorious career in Indian as well as multi national organizations and shine in their postgraduate
4. Graduates capable to communicate effectively to various stakeholders and practice their profession
with high regard to societal needs, diversity, constraints in the professional workplace an d ethical
responsibilities enhancing their leadership and managerial qualities.
In addition to Program Educational Objectives, for each course objectives and expected outcomes from
learner ’s point of view are also included in the curriculum to support the philosophy of outcome -based
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Further, with a view to bridge the gap between academics and application it was decided at the behest of the
industry to assign the final year project work as a full time one semester apprenticeship in the packagin g and
printing industry. The students would be taking up a live project and working on it in the industry during the
eighth semester of the four -year course. This would have a two -pronged benefit of the students gaining actual
work experience and the indus try gaining trained engineers. The structure and content of the course has been
made more relevant to the current needs of the industry. I am sure this small but significant step would go a
long way in furthering the cause of introducing this discipline.
I believe strongly that a small step taken in right direction will definitely help in providing quality education
to the stake holders.
Dr. Vikram S. Patil
Coordinator, Printing & Packaging Technology
University of Mumbai, Mumbai .
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Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
d Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
V PPC5 01 Plastics Processing & Conversion
Technologies Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 02 Gravure Printing Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 03 Theory of Machines & Design Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 04 Instrumentation & Process Control Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 05 Industrial Products Packaging Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPL5 01 Plasti cs Processing & Conversion
Technologies Laboratory TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 - 25 50
V PPL50 2 Package Design & Graphics - I TW/Pr - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 - 50
V PPL50 3 Theory of Machines & Design TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
V PPL504 Instrumentation & Process Control TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
V PPL50 5 Business Communication & Corporate Ethics TW - - 4* - - 2 2 - - - - 50 - - 50
TOTAL 18 0 14 18 0 7 25 - - 100 400 150 25 25 700
Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
VI PPC6 01 Packaging Machineries & Systems Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 02 Food & Pharmaceutical Packaging Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 03 Flexographic Printing Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 04 Colour Management Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPDE601X Department Elective – I Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPT601 Packaging Machineries & Systems TW/Or - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPL60 1 Package Design & Grap hics - II TW/Pr - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 25 25 - 50
VI PPL60 2 Flexographic Printing Laboratory TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 50
VI PPL60 3 Colour Management Laboratory TW/Or - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPDET 601X Department Elective – I Tuto rial TW/Or - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPS601 Industrial Visits TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 - 25 50
TOTAL 18 1 14 18 1 7 26 - - 100 400 150 50 100 800
Departmen t Elective s – I: 1. Packaging Distribution & Dynamics 2. Inks & Coatings 3. Digital & Security Printing 4. Print Finishing & Converting
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Theory Examination (End Semester Examination) :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No.1 will be compulso ry and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.
Internal Assessment :
Compulsory Test-1 will be conducted (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and Test -2 can b e
class test (on minimum 70% of curriculum )or assignment on live problems or course project .
Termwork for Laboratory / Tutorial :
The distribution of term work marks (in courses not mentioned) is as follows:
Assignments: 05 Marks
Practical Journal/T utorials & Continuous Assessment: 15 Marks
Attendance : 05 Marks
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC501 Plastic Processing and Conversion Technologies 4
Objectives :
1. To study different plastic processing and conversion techniques
2. To know suit able processing technique as per the end product
3. To study Polymer & Plastic properties influencing conversion techniques
4. To get acquainted with various plastics used in day -to-day life
5. To study and analyze different tests for plastic product
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Describe the fundamental concepts in plastic processing and conversion technology.
2. Analyse the various plastic materials and its application
3. Understand and use suitable conversion tech nique as per the end product
4. Produce plastic products by using various conversion techniques
5. Perform different testing methods for plastic product
6. Study different processing parameters required in industry
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Introduction
Basic con cept of polymer processing , Polymer additives, Polymer
properties influencing conversion technologies Thermal properties –
melting temperature, the glassy state and glass transition, molecular wt
distribution, MFI, HDT
2 Plastic Extrusion
Basic Principle of extrusion, extruder parts, types of extruder, process,
process variables, Extrusion single screw - machine and equipment
Extrusion twins screw - machine and equipment, types - intermeshing,
non intermeshing, co -rotating, counter rotating, com parison single
screw and twin screw, Extrusion Process – detail of screw geometry and
die, melt filters, breaker plate , selection of process and product,
extrusion of film and sheet, common defects and remedies, Die end of
extruder, melt flow in extruder, die configuration and extruded products
Plastic Injection Moulding
Principle, Machine, Processing, Process variables, mould cycle, Types
of injection mould – cold runner mould, two plate mould, three plate
mould, insert mould, hot runner mould, Injection moulding product
design tips and guidelines, injection molding defects and
troubleshooting, weld line, shrinkage -warpage, burn marks venting,
application of injection molding in packaging – caps, closures,
containers, drums etc.
Rotational Moulding Technology
Rotational moulding principle, machine type, process, process
parameters, Importance of resin charge, troubleshooting causes and
remedies, Advantages and Disadvantages
Thermoforming Technology
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Vacuum thermoforming, pressure thermoforming, matched mould
thermoforming, twin sheet thermoforming, thermoforming moulds 5
6 Blow Moulding Technology
Extrusion blow moulding, Injection blow moulding, Injection stretch
blow moulding, Blow moulding machine features and o peration,
parison programming, accumulator head blow moulding, multilayer
blow moulding, common troubleshooting causes and remedies,
limitations of blow moulding
7 Calendaring and Metallization
Principle and process description, Types of calendarin g unit (L type, I
type, Inverted L type etc., Metallization process, equipment - vacuum
metallization with aluminium and silica
8 Compression and Transfer Moulding
Compression moulding -process, materials, advantages and
disadvantages, Transfer moulding -process, materials, advantages and
disadvantages, Applications of compression and transfer moulding
1. A Brent Strong, "Plastic Material & Processing”, Pearson Pre ntice Hall
2. Rosato D . V., "Extruding Plastic -A Practical Processing Handbook”, Chapman Hall
3. Rosato D. V, “Blow Molding Handbook”, Hanser Publication
4. Harold F. Giles, Jr., John R. Wagner, Jr., Eldridge M. Mount, "Extrusion -The
Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook.
5. Crawford R.J., Throne J. L., “Rotational Moulding Techno logy”, William Andrew
6. James L. Throne, “Technology of Thermoforming”, Hanser Gardner Publication
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC502 Gravure Printing 3
Objectives :
1. Understand the basic principle of Gravure printing process and its charac teristics
2. Study the gravure image carrier preparation methods
3. Learn the various operations involved gravure printing process
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Describe the various components of gravure printin g machine and its functions.
2. Explain various design aspects gravure cylinder and the process of engraving it.
3. Summarize the various operations performed while printing on Gravure machine
4. Discuss various inks and substrates used for gravure process with qu ality control
5. Describe various web handling and registration control for gravure printing
6. Calculate the different anatomy of gravure cylinder
Module Details Hrs.
1 Introduction, History and Gravure Products
Characteristics of Gravure printing -comparison with other
processes, History of Gravure product and Market -Publication
gravure, Gravure packaging and converting, Product gravure
Gravure development stages - Use of Engravings, Roulette tool,
Rotary press invention, Aquatint process, Diffusion etc h (carbon
tissue) process, Direct transfer process, Well formation, Cylinder
proofing and correction, Advances in Engraving and Cylinder
Imaging. 6
2 Gravure Cylinder engraving
Cylinder Construction - Cylinder design, Sleeve cylinders, Integral
shaft cyli nder, Base material, Surface material, Deflection,
Balancing, Function of Copper, Chrome, Zinc, Principle of
Electroplating, Basic design of plating tank, Important variables in
Electronic Engraving Systems - Electromechanical engraving
machine, C utting action of diamond tool, Variable cell size, Cell
alignment, Cell walls, Screen and Screen angles, Ink and Substrate
considerations, of cell size to dot size, UCR, Fine line production
Chrome plating, Chrome finishing, Cylinder corrections - correctio n
in chrome , correction in copper, Measurement and Testing 9
Gravure Press and its components
A general printing unit, Typical press configurations, Gravure ink
fountain -ink fountain and ink transfer, Ink temperature, Ink
Gravure Ink dryers - Need, Solvent removal, Drying of water based
inks , dryer functioning, Environmental considerations
The gravure doctor blade -Setup, Pressure, cylinder considerations,
doctor blade Material, Variations in doctor blade usage 9
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Gravure Impression roller - Func tions, Roller design and
configuration, Deflection, Roller covering, Coating and Hardness,
Impression roller and print quality, Effect on web, Electrostatic
4 Web Handling
Configuration, Reel stands, and Register control -Unwind Reel
stand, Contr ol of web tension from the reel, Web tension control -
Zone concept, The effect of the printing unit on Tension, Cylinder
progression, Register, Reasons for misregister, Tension
measurement, Automatic register control, Lateral movement of the
web and side re gister control, Trends in register control, Web
viewing 7
5 Gravure Ink and Substrates
Ink Composition, Classification of Gravure Inks, Special inks and
coating, water based inks, Physical properties of Gravure inks, Ink
test and Measurement, Problems and trouble shooting
Gravure packaging paper substrates - Packaging substrate
requirements, Label stock, Paper board, Run ability Tests, Print
quality Tests, Waste and Spoilage Gravure non -paper substrates -
Types, Properties - Physical properties, Appearance p rimer and
overprint coatings, Surface Versus reverse Printing, Problems and
trouble shooting 5
References :
1. Gravure Education Foundation And Gravure Association of America, “Gravure
Process and Technology” Edition 2003
2. J. Michael Adams, Penny Ann Dolin, “Printing Technology 5E”, Delmar Publishing
5th Edition
3. Basic Gravure Technology, PIRA
4. H. Kipphan, Handbook of print Media, ISBN: 3 -540-67326 -1 Sringer -Verlagn Berlin
5. Ronald E. Todd, (1994), Printing Inks: Formulation Principles, Manufacture and
Quality Control, Pira International
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC503 Theory of Machines and Design 4
Objectives :
1. Develop an ability to understand the working of mechanisms in machine.
2. Develop an ability to design a system, component, or proces s to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints for various mechanical components.
3. Develop an ability to identify and solve mechanisms in machine
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Analyze the stresses and strains in mechanical components, and understand, identify
and quantify failure modes for mechanical parts.
2. Describe the basic machine elements used in machine design.
3. Design machine elements to withstand the loads and deformations for a given
application , while consid ering additional specifications.
4. Develop the approach to design the component under realistic conditions .
5. Design Machine element against static loading
6. Develop the ability to design the component under realistic conditions
Module Details Hrs.
1 Basic concept and straight line mechanism
Introduction to machines, Mechanisms, Joints, links. Types of
kinematic pairs and motions. Degree of freedom, Constrained
kinematic chain mechanism.
Single slider crank chain, pantograph mechanism, Double sl ider
crank chain mechanism, Straight line mechanism (Exact and
approximate) .
Motion characteristics of mechanisms
Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms with single
degree of freedom using graphical method. Kennedy ‘s theorem
Analysis of velocities of mechanism using instantaneous centre
Introduction to CAM and followers
Introduction and Classification of follower & CAMS.
Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when:
Follower moves with unif orm velocity, SHM, acceleration ad
retardation, cycloidal motion and Construction of CAM profiles.
Basic concepts and principles of machine design
Classification of engineering materials, Basic procedure of
machine design. Mechanical properti es of metals, Basic
requirements of machine elements. Selection of materials and its
types. Stress strain diagram. Factor of Safety (FOS), Selection of
FOS. Principal stresses and Theories of Failures.
Design against static loading
Cotter joint, Knuckle Joint, Welded joint
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6 Design of Keys, Shaft and coupling
Taper Keys, Gib headed keys, Parallel Keys, woodruff
key.Design of Flange Coupling.
Shaft and its types, Shaft design on strength basis, Shaft design
on torsional r igidity basis.
1. “ Design of machine elements“ by V.B. Bhandari
2. “Design data book” by K. Mahadevan and K. Balareddy
3. “Textbook of Machine design” by R.S.Khurmi and J.K.Gupta
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Course Code Course Name Credit s
PPC 504 Instrumentation and Process Control 4
Objectives :
1. To generate clear understanding of fundamentals of basic measuring devices.
2. To provide details of data gathering, processing and computing.
3. To make students familiar with the various methods of process control
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Knowledge of measuring devices and signal conditioning will help students to select
the correct transducer as per the requirement.
2. Students will be able to c onfidently design a PID controller using opamps or through
MATLAB program.
3. The understanding of applications of PLC’s in latest printing machines and also
packaging machines will be developed.
4. Understand applications of PLC's in industries and printing an d packaging machines .
5. Explain PLC and SCADA systems and their use in process control.
6. To Understand and formulate various applications like DAS and data logger
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Measurement and Transducers
Measurement: Introduction to the con cept of measurement, basic
characteristics of a measuring device, block diagram of measuring
system, error and its types
Transducers: Need of transducer, definition, classification,
selection criteria
Quantities to be measured: displacement (LVDT, Potentio meter),
flow (Rotameter, electromagnetic flowmeter), light (LDR), level
(radiation method, ultrasonic method) temperature (RTD,
thermocouple), humidity (condensation hygrometer), pressure
(bourdon tube, liquid column), strain gauges and their
classificatio n, derivation of gauge factor, pH measurement using
hydrogen electrode method, sensors and their comparison with
2 Signal Conditioning
Definition of signal conditioning, its need, introduction to op -amp
IC-741, inverting and non -inverting amplifier in closed loop,
differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, filters (active,
passive, low -pass, high -pass), adder, subtractor, V to I converter,
I to V converter, introduction to IC -555, astable mode and its
application as squar e wave oscillator, mono stable mode and its
applications as frequency divider and missing pulse detector, bi -
stable multivibrator.
Control System Dynamics
Introduction to control engineering, open loop and closed loop
system, classificatio n of control systems, LTI system, Concept
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of stability and causality, Role of a control engineer, Importance
of mathematical modelling, Block diagram of basic control
system, Transfer function, Test input signals, Time domain
response: Transient response specifications and Steady state
error for various input signals, frequency -domain specifications,
hydraulic system, pneumatic system, control system
components: AC and DC servomotor, stepper motor
Process control
Block diagram of Process con trol, Process characteristics,
Control system parameters, role of a controller, Controller
modes: Discontinuous: Two position, multiposition, floating,
Continuous and Composite: Proportional, Integral, Derivative
(description only for all modes), block dia gram of final control
5 Controller design
Concept to electronic controller and use of OP -AMP in
controllers. Design of all Discontinuous modes using OP -AMP.
Design of all continuous controller modes using OP -AMP and
derivations for fin al outputs . Design of all Composite modes
using OP -AMP and derivations for final output s with examples
for each mode.
Programmable logic controller
Concept of relay logic, introduction to ladder diagram and its
elements, illustration of ladde r diagram with examples,
introduction to PLC, advantages of PLC over relay logic,
introduction to DAS, data logger, SCADA
Application of PLC in pad printing machine
PLC controlled automatic packaging machine
1. C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sarma, “Instrumentation devices and systems” TMH.
2. A.K.Sawhney, “Electronic and Electrical me asurements and instrumentation”, DhanpatRai
and CO.
3. H.S.Kal si, “Electronic Instrumentation ”, TMH.
4. Johnson, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology” , Pearson Education.
5. Norman.S.Nise, “Control Systems Engineering”, Wiley Publications
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC 505 Industrial Products Packaging 3
Objectives :
1. Study the classification, characteristics & sensitivities of various industrial
produc ts.
2. Understand package design &development approach based on the type of
industrial product.
3. Study the classification and properties of wood, including the defects.
4. Study the different wood based packaging forms and other bulk carriers.
5. Understand the pr oduct protection principles.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Effectively choose packaging materials based on characteristics of industrial
2. Describe the various properties & defects of wood packagi ng material
3. Analyze the various hazards & environmental issues related to Packaging and
select a specific protection method for the product.
4. Choose various bulk carriers for industrial packaging based on the type of
5. Analyze various types of inte rnal fitments for product protection and retain ment.
6. Explain the characteristics and applications of various wooden package forms .
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Introduction & Classification
Introduction to industrial products packaging. Difference between
consumer and industrial packaging needs.
The packaging Considerations and package design approach,
protective requirements and distribution – hazards, their
sensitivity influencing packaging design and development criteria
Industrial Products Classificati on – Product Group Wise, Its
Nature, Classification & Requirements; Heavy, Medium and
Light Engineering Goods; Electronic Products; Auto
Components/ Spares, Chemicals and others.
2 Wood as Packaging Material
Classification of wood – Groups, softwood & hardwood, plywood
Properties of wood – Density, Moisture Content
Defects found in wood – Knots, Cross Grain, Cupping, checking
and others.Introduction to Wood seasoning & Preservation
Module - 3: Wood Packaging Forms
Wooden Boxes & C rates – Difference & Types
Introduction to Wooden Pallets, Palletized Boxes& Box Pallets
and their various components; Wooden Dunnages
4 Product Protection
Corrosion – Types and Preventive Methods, Introduction to
Desiccants 06
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Cushioning – Concept, F ragility & Cushion Factor, Shock &
Open & Closed cell cushions and various cushioning Materials.
Internal Fitments – Functions & Different Materials; Types of
Internal Fitments - Corner supports, Pads, Liners/collars, Trays,
Slotted Partitions a nd others.
Concept of Reinforcement & Unitization
5 Bulk Carriers
Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) – Rigid & Flexible – Types,
Materials of Constructions & Various designs.
Corrugated Fibreboard Boxes, Paper Sacks, Jerry Cans,Fibre
Drums and others .
1. Friedman W.F. and J.J. Kipness, Industrial Products packaging, John Wiley & Sons
2. Klimchuck, Packaging Design & Engineering, Wiley
3. Joseph F.L. Robert S Keley, Handbook of Package Engineering, Technomic
4. F. A. Paine, Fundamenta ls of Packaging, Blackie A& P
5. Friedman W.F. and J.J. Kipness, Distribution Packaging, Robert E. Krieger
Publishing Co
6. Wooden Containers/crates, Corrugated board/boxes, marking : Specification and
Testing as per Indian Standards
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL 501 Plastic Processing and Conversion Technologies 1.5
Objectives :
1. To study different plastic processing and conversion techniques
2. To know suitable processing technique as per the end product
3. To study Polymer & Plastic properties in fluencing conversion techniques
4. To get acquainted with various plastics used in day -to-day life
5. To study and analyze different tests for plastic product
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Describe the fundame ntal concepts in plastic processing and conversion technology.
2. Analyze the various plastic materials and its application .
3. Understand and use suitable conversion technique as per the end product .
4. Produce plastic products by using various conversion techniq ues.
5. Perform different testing methods for plastic product .
6. Study different processing parameters required in industry .
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Details Laboratory
1 To study injection moul ding machine setup 3 Hrs
2 To study blow moulding machine setup 3 Hrs
3 To manufacture injection moulded article 3 Hrs
4 To manufacture blow moulded article 3 Hrs
5 To study extrusion and blown film machine setup 3 Hrs
6 To make extrusion profile 3 Hrs
7 To manufacture blown film 3 Hrs
8 To determine compression strength of plastic article 3 Hrs
9 To determine flexural strength of plastic article 3 Hrs
10 To Study of Melt Flow Index tester 3 Hrs
11 To Study of environmental stress crack resistance of plastic
items 3 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignments
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
End Semester Oral Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of examination , oral to
be conducted by internal and external examiners.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL502 Package Design and Graphics - I 1.5
1. Study the various product design principles and practically apply them.
2. Learn and understand the tools of SolidWorks Software .
3. Study the method of designing various shapes and 3D objects as per speci fications
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Define basic design terminology,
2. Visualize and prepare detail drawing of a given object
3. Create a design based on specific requirement.
4. Design Plastic/Glass/Metal Containers.
5. Analyze various package designs.
6. Design & draw detail and assembly of different packag es
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight) (Software to be used: SolidWo rks)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Create 2D drawings using Dif ferent basic entities 3 Hrs.
2 Create basic 3D Models in SolidWorks 3 Hrs.
3 Create 3D Models from 2D Drawings 3 Hrs.
4 Create different parts and learn asse mbly mating options 3 Hrs.
5 Create a n assembly from a given product 2 D Drawing 3 Hrs.
6 Create a detailed 2D drawing of a n assembly
7 Create a package from 2D drawing given 3 Hrs.
8 Create a package assembly from a 3D Model 3 Hrs.
9 Create primary package and orient inside a secondary
package 3 Hrs.
10 Design a 3D part for prototyping using 3D Printer. 3 Hrs.
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignments to be given.
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
End Semester Practical Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of examination ,
including Practical (15 marks assessment) followed by oral (10 marks assess ment) to be
conducted by internal and external examiners
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL503 Theory of Machines and Design 1
1. Develop an ability to understand the working of mechanisms in machine.
2. Develop an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired nee ds
within realistic constraints for various mechanical components.
3. Develop an ability to identify and solve mechanisms in machine.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Analyze the stresses and strains in mechanic al components, and understand, identify
and quantify failure modes for mechanical parts.
2. Describe the basic machine elements used in machine design.
3. Design machine elements to withstand the loads and deformations for a given
application, while consid ering additional specifications.
4. Develop the approach to design the component under realistic conditions .
5. Design Machine element against static loading
6. Develop the ability to design the component under realistic conditions
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1. Study of stress strain diagram and modes of failure 2 Hrs
2 Study of motion characteristics and mechanisms 2 Hrs
3 Construction of velocity and acceleration diagram using
instanta neous centre method 2 Hrs
4 Construction of CAM profiles 2 Hrs
5 Design and drawing sheets of Cotter joint 2 Hrs
6 Design and drawing sheets of Knuckle joint 2 Hrs
7 Design and drawing sheets of Flange coupling 2 Hrs
8 Study of welded joints 2 Hrs
9 Study of Torsional Vibrations 2 Hrs
10 Study of Gyroscope 2 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignmen ts to be given.
(Note : Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL504 Instrumentation and Process Control 1
1. To generate clear understanding of fundamentals of basic measuring devices.
2. To provide details of data ga thering, processing and computing.
3. To make students familiar with the various methods of process control
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Knowledge of measuring devices and signal conditioning will help stud ents to select
the correct transducer as per the requirement.
2. Students will be able to confidently design a PID controller using opamps or through
MATLAB program.
3. The understanding of applications of PLC’s in latest printing machines and also
packaging ma chines will be developed.
4. Understand applications of PLC's in industries and printing and packaging machines .
5. Explain PLC and SCADA systems and their use in process control.
6. To Understand and formulate various applications like DAS and data logger
Term Wo rk: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Study of Displacement measurement using LVDT 2 Hrs
2 Study of Flow measurement by using Rotameter 2 Hrs
3 Study of LDR 2 Hrs
4 Design of Passive Low Pass Filter 2 Hrs
5 Design of Passive High Pass Filter 2 Hrs
6 Design of Active Low Pass Filter 2 Hrs
7 Design of Active High Pass Filter 2 Hrs
8 MATLAB program for study of step response
characteristics 2 Hrs
9 MATLAB Program for designing PID Contr oller 2 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignment s to be given.
(Note : Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL505 Business & Corporate Ethics 2
1. To inculcate professional and ethical attitude at the workplace .
2. To enhance effective communication and interpersonal skills .
3. To build multidisciplinary approach towards all life tasks .
4. To hone analytical and l ogical skills for problem -solving
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Communicate effectively in both oral and written form and equip to demonstrate
knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities
2. Design a technical document using precise language, suitable vocabulary and apt style
3. Develop the life skills/ interpersonal skills to progress professionally by building stronger
4. Demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues knowledge of professio nal and ethical
5. Apply the traits of a suitable candidate for a job/higher education, upon being trained in the
techniques of holding a group discussion, facing interviews and writing resume/SOP
6. Deliver formal presentations effectively imp lementing the verbal and non -verbal skills
Module Detail s Hrs
1 Report Writing
Objectives of Report Writing
Language and Style in a report
Types : Informative and Interpretative (Analytical, Survey and
Feasibility) and Formats of reports (Memo, Letter, S hort and
Long Report) 6 Hrs
2 Technical Writing
Technical Paper Writing (IEEE Format)
Proposal Writing 4 Hrs
3 Introduction to Interpersonal Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership and Motivation
Team Building
Conflict Resolution and Negot iation Skills
Time Management
Decision Making 8 Hrs
4 Meetings and Documentation
Strategies for conducting effective meetings
Notice, Agenda and Minutes of a meeting
Business meeting etiquettes 4 Hrs
5 Introduction to Corporate Ethics
Professional and wo rk ethics (responsible use of social media -
Facebook, WA, Twitter etc.)
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Ethical codes of conduct in business and corporate activities
(Personal ethics, conflicting values, choosing a moral response
and making et hical decisions) 4 Hrs
6 Employment Skills 10 Hrs
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Group Discussion
Resume Writing
Interview Skills
Presentation Skills
Statement of Purpose
List of Assignments
1. Report Writing (Theory)
2. Technical Proposal
3. Technical Paper Writing (Para phrasing a published IEEE Technical Paper)
4. Interpersonal Skills (Group activities and Role plays)
5. Interpersonal Skills (Documentation in the form of soft copy or hard copy)
6. Meetings and Documentation (Notice, Agenda, Minutes of Mock Meetings)
7. Corporate ethics (Case studies, Role plays)
8. Writing Resume and Statement of Purpose
Term Work
Term work shall consist of all assignments from the list.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Book Report 10 marks
Assignments: 10 mar ks
Project Report Presentation: 15 marks
Group Discussion: 10 marks
Attendance: 05 marks
1. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, Mc Graw Hill,
2. Lesiker and Petit, “Report Writing for Business ”, Mc Graw Hill
3. R.Subramaniam, “Professiona l Ethics” Oxford University Press
4. Huckin and Olsen, “Technical Writing and Professional Communication”, McGraw
5. Raman and Sharma, Fundamentals of Technical Communication, Oxford University Press
6. Hill Wallace and Masters, “Personal Development for L ife and Work”, Thomson Learning,
12th Edition
7. Heta Murphy, “ Effective Business Communication” , Mc Graw Hill, edition
8. R.C Sharma and Krishna Mohan, “ Business Correspondence and Report Writing”,
9. Raman Sharma, Communication Skills , Oxford University Press
10. B N Ghosh, “ Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development ”, Tata McGraw Hill
11. Dufrene, Sinha, “ BCOM ”, Cengage Learning, 2nd edition
12. Bell . Smith, “Management Communication” Wiley India Edition, 3rd edition.
13. Dr. K. Alex ,”So ft Skills”, S Chand and Company
14. Robbins Stephens P., “Organizational Behavior”, Pearson Education
15. https://grad.ucla.edu/asis/agep/advsopstem.pdf
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC601 Packaging Machineries and Systems 3
Objectives :
1. Understand the concept of system s& online Packaging technique s.
2. Understand the various machineries used for conversions of different packaging
3. Study the different packaging machineries used for line operations and systems.
4. Study v arious ancillary equipment used apart from packaging machineries.
5. Understand the importance of testing, online & offline equipment’s used industries
Outcomes : At the end of the cou rse, learners should be able to;
1. Suggest the packaging material use and its conversion as p er the product
2. Suggest the filling machine required for the line operations.
3. Choose the ancillary machineries required in the line operations based on the
product to be packed.
4. Analyse the different conveying system used for various line operatio ns.
5. Select different online and offline testing methods that are required during the
converting operations or on the packaging lines.
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction and Manufacturing Metals Cans & Drums
Introduction, Machineries used for conversion, online packaging, system
packaging, Ancillaries Machines and equipment, Online and Offline inspection
Metal Cans -Three piece, DRD & DWI can manufacturing machine and its
various sections -Coating Equipments.
Metal drum -Types -Different machines used in m anufacturing .
Fibre & Composite drum -Drum types -Machine used in manufacturing.
2. Module -2: Machineries for Manufacturing of Sacks, Cartoning , Flexible
Laminates & Corrugated Box
Sacks -Types -Machi ne used in manufacturing of bag -Synthetic sack -Types -
Manufacturing machine .
Folding Cartons -Cartoning -Types of Cartons -Machine used in cartoning.
FlexibleLaminates -Types of lamination techniques -Different components of
the Lamination Machine .
Corrugated Box -Board construction -Machine used in manufacturing.
3. Module - 3: Types of fillers, VFFS, HFFS, Multiwall Sack filling
Filling machineries by count -Filling machineries -Liquid -Carbonated, Still -
Design consideration and selection of fillers.
Types of Solid fillers -Cup, Weight, Auger, Multi -head weigher
Vertical Form fill seal (VFFS) , Horizontal Form fill seal (HFFS) Machine s-
Machine overview, Types -Different section on the machine -New technologies
Multiwall bag-Types of filling technique. 05
4. Module - 4:Aseptic System, Re tort System Packaging of Drugs &
Pharmaceuticals 06
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Retort System -Overview -Process description, Canning Operation -Type of
Retort system & machines/equipments.
Aseptic System -Concept - Types of Aseptic Packs -Aseptic Packaging
Machineries based on sterilization m ethod.
5. Module - 5: Blister & Strip Packaging , Case packing Machines ,
Blister Packaging -Blister Design Parameters -Types of Blisters, Sections on
Blister packaging machines .
Strip Packaging -Strip packaging process -Materials used-Strip Packing
Machine ry
Case packing or Case loading - Case loading Methods -Machine used in case
packing. 04
6. Module - 6: Wrapping Machine s, Ancillary Machines & Equipment s
Wrapping Machine -Style of wrapping -Machines used
Shrink Wrapping Machine -Machine types and its paramet ers
Stretch Wrapping Machine -Pre stretching film -Types of Wrapper models.
Label Applicator Machines -Capping Machines -Sealing machines -Coding &
Marking machines -Stencilling -Taping machine -Strapping machine -Slitting
machine. 06
7. Module – 7: Conveying, Buf fering &Accumulating Systems and
Online &Offline Testing machines
Introduction -Integration of Conveyor -Design and Installation of Conveyor
systems -Conveying systems -Power transmission components -Transfer
between conveyors -Interconnecting machinery
Online Inspection machine used on packaging lines.
Offline Testing machine -Packaging Materials , Shipping Packages 04
Texts / References:
1. Davis, C.G., Introduction to Packaging Machinery , Packaging Machinery Manufacturers
Institute .
2. Luciano, R., How to Write P ackaging Machinery Specifications , Institute of Packaging
3. Zepf, P.J., Impro ving Packaging Line Performance , Institute of Packaging Professionals
4. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publishing house
5. Dr. J. S. Rao and Dukhipeti , Theory of M/cs and Mechanisms, New Age International
6. H. P. Garg, Industrial Maintenance, S.Chand
7. Kit L Yam,The Wiley Encyc lopedia of Packaging Technology , John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Publication, 2009
8. F A Paine, The Packaging User's Handbook, Blackie Academic & Professional, 4th Reprint,
9. Kaushik, Chaurasia&Dhakar, “Textbook of Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology”, CBS
Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 1st Edition, 2009
10. EIRI Board of Consultant & Engineer, “Handbook of Packaging Technology”, Engineers In dia
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC602 Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging 4
Objectives :
1. Learn and understand the types of food, their modes of deterioration and the
fundamentals of package barriers.
2. Learn shelf life studies and sensory eva luation based on type of product.
3. Study the various food preservation techniques with real -life packaging examples.
4. Study the fundamental characteristics of pharmaceutical drugs & their dosage forms.
5. Understand the various existing pharma package forms
Outcomes : At the end of the cou rse, learners should be able to;
1. Analyse and choose a barrier material for a specific food product based on barrier
properties studied.
2. Analyse and choose a preservation method for a specific food product based product
sensitivity and shelf life required.
3. Describe the various characteristics of pharmaceutical drugs and their sensitivities .
4. Select the right type of package form for a pharma product, based on the product
nature, form & size .
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction to Food Packaging
An overview & Introduction to the science, technology, socio economic needs
packaging functions .
Types of food – Perishable / Semi -perishable, acidity of food product.
Gas and Vapour permeation - Basic concept s and theory ofperm eation and units.
Barrier materials used in Food Packaging - Food -packagecompatibility and
migration issues. 10
2. Module -2: Shelf Life studies and sensory evaluation
The concept a nd factors influencing or affecting shelf life - Food deterioration
(Order ofreactions) and intrinsic & extrinsic factors, evaluation studies and
methods to assess shelflife (Normal & Accelerated) .
Sensory evaluation – Concept, Human sensory perception, Er rors in sensory
Sensory Evaluation Tests – Discriminative, Descriptive & Affective/Consumer
Tests. 10
3. Module - 3: Food Preservation Techniques
Drying – Cold Preservation (Refrigeration, Deep Freezing) – Pickling –
Sterilization (Retort/Cann ing, Irradiation)
Modified & Controlled Atmosphere Packaging – Gases used – Vacuum
Active Food Ingredients.
4. Module - 4: Food products, characteristics and processing needs
Cereals and bakery products - Meat and meat products - Dairy and
confectionary products, fats, oils, drinks – Fresh fruits & vegetables - frozen
foods 04
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5. Module - 5: Characteristics of Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical vs Food Product – Definition of Drug – Characteristics –
Stability –
Chemical change/Reactio ns – Thermal Protection – Light p rotection – Purity
& Sterility.
Dosage forms of drugs – Vaccines – Biologically -produced Pharmaceuticals –
Medical/Health/Nutritional foods – Packaging materials . 10
6. Module - 6: Packaging of Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
Asep tic Packaging – Types & systems – Injectables and orals/ointments –
Ampules, Vials, strip / blister packaging.
Packaging of bulk drugs.
Reference to IP/BP and significance –packaging regulations – labeling
requirements 08
Texts / References:
1. Mathlouthi M., Food packaging & preservation, Blackie Academic & Professional
2. Gordon L Robertson, Food packaging principles & practice, Taylor & Francis Group
3. Food packaging technology Handbook, National Institute of Industrial Research (NIIR)
4. Hirsch A., Flexible food packaging, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
5. Lee, Yam, Piergiovanni, Food Packaging Science & Technology, CRC Press.
6. Piringer&Baner, Plastic Packaging Materials for Food, Wiley – VCH verlag GmbH.
7. Bauer E., Pharmaceutical Packaging Handbo ok, 1st Edition, CRC Press
8. Dean D. A., Evans E. R. , Hall I. H. , Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology, Taylor &
9. Paine F. A., Lockhart H., Packaging of Pharmace uticals and Healthcare Products, Springer
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPC603 Flexographic Printing 4
Objectives :
1. To help learners acquire basic knowledge for flexographic printing process.
2. To help learners to identify printing challenges on the press.
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Learner s develop ability to operate flexography machine.
2. Learners acquire skills to handle trouble shoot on flexography presses.
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction to Flexography
Overview of major conventional printing technologies, the flexogra phic
potential, brief history of process. Working principle, features, characteristics
and advantages of flexography. Comparison with other major printing process
basic elements of flexography. 04
2. Module - 2: Image Carrier
Design considerations and obj ectives of general flexographic printing image
carrier. Introduction of flexographic plates, Molded Plate making,
Photopolymer plates: sheet and liquid plate making, Laser Design Rolls and
Flexo CTP. Properties, Benefits, Comparisons, Handling and Storage of
Flexographic Plates. Different light sensitive chemistries used in plate material
manufacturing. 08
3. Module - 3: Mounting & Proofing
Need and significance of plate mounting operation. Introduction to mounting.
Types of mounting procedures: Double -sided Tape, Magnetic, Sleeve, pin
register system. Plate mounting and proofing machines. Troubles and trouble -
shooting with regard to improper plate mounting. 04
4. Module - 4: Flexographic Press
Press types: Working, advantages & Limitations of Stack, Com mon Impression,
Inline. Basics of Tension zones and web tension control systems.
Printing Station: Types of Inking systems, Fountain Roller, Anilox Roller, Plate
Cylinder, Impression Rollers, Dryers and Cooling Rollers, side and
circumferential register co ntrol.
Web Tensions: Tension Zones & Tension ranges, Transducer feedback control,
Unwind tension control, In -feed Tension Control, Rewind Tension Control.
Web Inspection: Stroboscope, Mirror Drum, TV Print Scanner, Static Control,
Film Treaters. 17
5. Mod ule - 5: Substrates and Inks
Absorbent and Non -absorbent substrates, physical properties, printing
characteristics, Special substrate. Substrate’s surface and optical properties
affecting printing resolution.
End-use requirements, introduction to prin ting inks, ink vehicles, ink
classifications, principles of ink selection, ink consumption, ink quality
assurance tests and ink storage. Ink’s surface and optical properties affecting
printing resolution. 03
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6. Module - 6: Process Colour Printing
Halfton e Printing, Theory of color, color separations, basic requirements for
process color printing, flexographic printing characterization, ink density and
standardization, dot gain. Effects of plate, anilox roller, fountain and impression
roller on printing de nsity. Process controls & standardization. Process colour
screen angles, relationship between LPI requirement and line frequency of
anilox roll, electronic colour registration systems. Quality range with FM and
AM screening techniques. 11
7. Module - 7: Quality Control and Environment & Safety
Introduction, Characteristics of quality, economics of quality improvement, the
principles of total quality management, statistical process control, tools of
statistical process control, element of process control in flexography. ISO 9000.
Environment & Safety
Clean Air Act, Toxic substance control act, Resource conservation & recovery
act, occupational safety & health act. 05
Texts / References:
1. Foundations of FTA , Flexography Principles & Practices, 5th Edition .
2. Herbert L. Weiss , Flexography Proficiency, Converting Technology Corp.
3. Tony White , High Quality Flexography , Pira International Reviews .
4. J. Michael Ada ms, Printing Technology, 5th Edition, Delmar .
5. Michael Barnard “The Print & Production Manua l” PIRA .
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC604 Colour Management 3
1. Introducing concept of colour theory and colour Vision
2. Understand the basic colour reproduction techniques and their applications
3. Study the importanc e of media or substrate in colour perception
4. Study Standardization of colour and its reproduction
5. Apply Colour corrections and Image adjustments
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Summarize the Col our Vision theory and its concept.
2. Discuss & summarize the conventional and digital method of colour separation.
3. Examine images and modify them with colour correction.
4. Measure the densitometric terms and analyze graphically.
5. Summarize the s pectrophotometric terms and perform relative measurements of various printed
6. Recognize the input & output devices being used.
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Understanding Colour physics
Colour Science, Electromagnetic spectrum, Psycholo gical point of view, Color
Theory, Additive colour synthesis, substrates colour synthesis, Reflectance
properties of process ink .
Colour Perception, Human vision mechanism – Trichromancy, Opponency;
Illuminant: Source & Illuminant, Colour Temperature, Spec tral Power
Distribution, Viewing condition, Object properties: Transmission, Absorption,
scattering 06
2. Module - 2: Colour Systems
Colour systems & colour spaces, Basic perceptual attributes of colour, Colour
Systems based on colour mixing, Colour Sys tems based on uniform Colour
perception – the munsell colour system, the natural colour system, OSA uniform
colour scale system, Colour Systems based on Colour matching – The CIE
colour systems, Concept of standard observer, Standard Illuminant, color
matc hing experiment, CIE, xyY, Luv, Hunter Lab, CIELAB, CIE CAM02 08
3. Module - 3: Color Measurement
Colour measurement, Basic principles of colour measurement systems, Colour
Charts, Colour Reference Catalogue, Colour Measuring Instruments:
Densitometer, co lorimeter, Spectrophotometer; Visual Colour Assessment,
Instrumental Colour Assessment, Colour Tolerance, Colour Difference, Colour
processing software MATLAB, Color gamut calculations and mapping
4. Module - 4: Colorants
Dyes verses Pigment, Classifi cation of colorants, Metamerism : Cause of
metamerism, Metamerism Index, Spectral match, Metameric match, Types of
metamerism, Color inconstancy; Understanding KubelkaMunk Theory, Role
and Application of KM theory for color matching, Producing colors: Colo ur
mixing laws, Visual based color matching, Instrumental based color matching. 08
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5. Module - 5: Colo ur Management
Need for colour management system , Concept of colour management, Colour
system, Device dependant (conventional) workflow, device independe nt
(modern) workflow, International colour consortium (ICC), Four c’s of colour
management, Color Management
Tools: Test charts for different devices, Production of different colour profiles,
Rendering indent: Perceptual rendering indent, Relative & Absolu te
colorimetric intent, Saturation intent, Colourful, Chroma Plus, Gamut mapping,
Logo Classic
6. Module - 6: Press Standardisation
Press standardization, need for standardization, Press optimization, variables in
printing process such as gravure, fle xo, offset, digital, types of test forms for
standardization, Proof
to Press colour management, Printer calibration, Printer linearization, Proofer
calibration. 06
Texts / References:
1) Phil Green, Understanding Digital Color, GATF press
2) Gray G. Fiel d, Color & its reproduction, GATF press
3) Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr. Max Saltzman, Principles of Color Technology, John Wiley
&sons, A Wiley interscience publication
4) Abhay Sharma ,Understanding Color Management
5) Richard M. Adams, Joshua B. Weisberg GATF press, The GATF practical guide
toColor Management
6) R.W.G Hunt, The Reproduction of Color, Fountain Press, England
7) E.P. Danger, The Color Handbook, Gower Publication
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPDE6011 Packaging Distribution Dynamics
(Departme nt Elective –I) 4
Objectives :
1. Learn the fundamentals hazards encountered in distribution
2. Study the various principles of distribution dynamics.
3. Learn the method for estimating the vibration, shock encountered by a product in distribution
4. Stud y estimation of cushioning requirement for a product in distribution.
3. Understand the different tests that can be done to gauge package performance in distribution.
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Analyse the hazards e ncountered in distribution and determine protection requirement
2. Based on principles of distribution dynamics estimate the vibration, shock encountered by a
product in distribution
3. Calculate cushioning requirement for a product in distribution.
4. Per form tests to gauge package performance in distribution.
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction:
Overview of Packaging distribution - Modes of distributions –
Hazards in Distribution – Vibration, Impact, Drop, Compression, Shock
2. Module - 2: Fundamentals of Motion & Vibration
Mass – Velocity – Acceleration
Introduction to Vibration – Simple vibratory motion – The yo -yo analogy –
Linear Spring – Natural frequency – Vibrating Spring mass system –
Combination of springs and cushions – Sprin g Constant & Modulus of
Concept of Unforced & Forced Vibration - Vibration Magnification – Sample
3. Module - 3: Damped Vibrations, Vibrations in Distribution, Testing &
Random Vibration
Damped Vibration – Vibration sensitivity – Vibration of packaged product -
Random Vibration – Fourier analysis - Power Density Spectrum – Vibration
Test Equipments - Sample problems
4. Module - 4: Mechanical Shock , shock in distribution and Cushion design
Introduction - Free Falling Package - Mechanical ShockTheory - Shock
Duration - Shock Amplification & Critical element –Horizontal Impacts -
Mechanical Shock in DistributionSystem - Damage Boundary Curve (DBC) –
Constructing a DBC - Shock Fragility - Shock Response Spectrum
Cushion Design & pro duct protection – Cushions & Vibrations - Sample
5. Module - 5: General Considerations for Package Testing
Introduction to Distribution Testing/Transport or Distribution Engineering – 08
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Hazards of the Logistical Environment - Measuring Logistic al Hazards –
Product Design for Distribution - Package Performance Testing - Equipments -
National & International TestingProtocols - Reference to ASTM / IS standards
– Distribution tests in detail – Drop, Compression, Impact, Vibration, Shock,
Rolling, Sa lt Spray, Rain and other tests.
Texts / References:
1. Brandenburg & Lee, Fundamentals of Packaging Dynamics
2. Harris &Crede, Shock & Vibration Handbook. McGraw Hill
3. Goodwin & Young, Protective Packaging for Distribution, Destech Publications
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPDE6012 Inks and Coatings
(Department Elective –I) 4
Objectives :
1. To study the ink formulation and its components.
2. To study the requirements of inks for different printing processes and materials.
3. To understand the working of different coatings.
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Explain the formulation for different types of inks.
2. Explain the ink components for different printing processes and materials.
3. Test and analyze the properties of ink s and coatings .
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Raw Materials
Introduction & History of inks - Applications of ink - Ingredients and their
functions - Pigments and dyes in printing Inks - organic and inorganic –
pigments for different colors and effect s - their sources and processing.
Vehicle components - oil, resin, solvent, additives – Oils – drying and non -
drying – oils for odours – Solvents – diluents/drying/dissolving, distillate and
Resins – their functions - natural and synthetic – Additives – driers, anti -
oxidants, plasticizers, anti -setoff, anti -foaming, anti -settling, anti -pinhole and
anti-misting agents, surfactants, gelling agent. 16
2. Module - 2: Types of Inks
Printing Inks for different processes - letterpress, lithography, dr y offset,
gravure, flexographic, inkjet and screen inks - formulation, components and
functions - troubleshooting for ink related problems
Ink s as per different drying process - coldset, heatset, quickset, UV curable –
the formulation and working.
Inks f or different substrates – absorbent, non -absorbent - coated paper,
newsprint, tinplate, flexible packaging, Processing of substrate for ink adhesion. 14
3. Module - 3:
3.1 Manufacturing Process
Making of varnish – Paste ink and liquid ink - Mills for mixi ng the components -
Roll mill – two, three and four roll - Ball and bead mill - Mixers - Rotor/stator,
cavitation. Storage and Handling – liquid & paste inks – Ink Packaging – Health,
Safety and Environment - Estimation of ink requirements and ordering.
3.2Properties and Testing
Optical properties - color, transparency, tint, gloss. Flow properties - rheology -
Newtonian/non -newtonian, viscosity, tack. Resistance properties - light, acid
and alkali, heat, abrasion. 16
4. Module - 4: Other coatings in printing an d packaging
Varnish - functions, formulation and manufacturing – overprint and spot varnish
coating methods, Priming coats, lacquers for metals – formulations and coating
methods, Other functional coatings - corrosion resistant, water resistant and
chemical resistant, silicone release, biocides, self -seal adhesives. 06
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Texts / References:
1. R.H.Leach & R.J.Pierce, ThePrinting Ink Manual, 5th ed., Kluwer, 1991
2. Arthur Tracton ,Coatings Materials and surface Coatings, 3rd ed., CRC Press, 2007
3. NIIR, Moder n Technology of Printing & Writing Inks, 1st ed., Asia Pacific Business Press
4. NPCS, “Inks, Paints, Lacquers, Varnishes and Enamels”, NPCS
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPDE6013 Digital and security Printing
(Department Elective –I) 4
Objectives :
1. To study digital printing & the importance of security printing with respect to bank
note papers and boards, passports and government documents .
2. To study image editing
3. To understand l imitations, pros & cons of digital printing.
4. To study working principles and applications of different digital printing devices
5. To study first line inspection of different documents
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Analyse & describe the fundamental concepts in digital printing.
2. Elaborate the importance of security printing with respect to use in everyday
3. Analyse and perform image editing
4. Describe first line inspection of different documents
5. Explain the pros & cons of digital printing .
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction to Digital Printing
Understanding the digital printing, when to go for digital? Creating and
processing the image: anatomy of digital image, pixel and bit depth, resolution,
halftones, contones and dither. Digital image input, image editing using
software. File format and image compression. Printer drivers and printing
software. Comparing digital printing technologies with conventional. Storage
devices. Limitations, Pros & cons of digital printing. 08
2. Module - 2: Digital Print Technologies
Introduction to digital presses. Digital Workflow: Introduction to workflow,
comparison between conventional & digital workflow. Elements of workflow,
job ticket, pre -flight checking, trapping, proofing, imposition, archiving,
corrections, conversion, image replacement , APR, OPI servers, networking.
Operation, construction, working principles and applications of diffe rent digital
printing devices - Inkjet, Electrophotography, Ionography, Magnetography,
Thermography, Electrography. High volume – Xeikon and Indigo E -print .
Direct imaged conventional press. Latest development in digital printing . 12
3. Module - 3: Digital Print Application
(Digital proof & Inkjet proof, requirements of a proofing system, and latest
trend in proofing technologies. Customize printing, print on demand, variable
data printing, distribute & print, remote publishing, wide format printing, 3D,
printing on microscopic items. 12
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4. Module - 4: Introduction to Security Printing
Introduction to security Printing, Optical document security, importance of
security printing of bank note papers and boards, passports and government
documents. UV -visible Printing, rainbow printing, micro lines, guilloches,
numbering, Line -printing, stamp embossing, hot -foil-embossing, embossing /
punching, fibers, hologram, solvent color, multi color UV -fluorescence
stitching thread, holographic foil or lamination of a page, Digital Watermark. 06
5. Module - 5: Inks and Brand Security
Inks: Invisible inks, Specialist security printers inks; such as thermos -chromic,
UV fluor escing, water fugitive, solvent sensitive inks, combifuge, photo
chromic, Fluorescent Inks, Watermarks, Testing, Deterrent measures
Brand Security: First line inspection of documents using optical elements such
as Holograms, optical variable graphics, diff raction structures, liquid crystal
materials, optical security in laminates etc., invisible document security and
Brand protection. 06
6. Module - 6: Security Products
Credit Cards, Smart cards, club cards, credit / debit cards, Plastic ID cards,
Water ma rk cards, RFID technology, Bar codes, Printers used for bar codes,
Cheques and their value documents, MICR/OCR/Cheque printing technology
Counterfeit, fraud prevention, Cheque fraud prevention, method and
arrangement for processing negotiable instruments. First line inspection of
documents using optical elements such as Holograms, optical variable graphics,
diffraction structures, liquid crystal materials, optical security in laminates etc.
invisible document security and Brand protection. 08
Texts / Refe rences:
1. “Computer Stationery and MICR Cheque Production” Association for research and
development in printing, Madras
2. “Hand Book of Printing Technology” EIRI Board of Consultants and Engineers,
Engineers India Research Institute, New Delhi
3. “Bank C redit Card Business” Indian Institute of Bankers (1999), Macmillan, Delhi
4. “Introduction to security printing” Richard D. Warner and Richard M.Adams II, PIA
GATF Press
5. “Handbook of Print Media”, H Kipphan, Springer – VetagBzlin Heidelberg, 2001
6. “The Hand Book of Digital Publishing (Volume I) PH” Michel L. Kleper, PTR
7. “Art and Print Production”, N.N Sarkar, Oxford Publication Harald Johnson, Mastering
Digital Printing
8. “Inkjet printing tips and techniques” Andrew Darlow
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPDE6014 Print Finishing and Converting
(Department Elective –I) 4
Objectives :
1. Introducing the basic concepts of print finishing and binding .
2. Study Raw materials and consumable for finishing and binding operations .
3. Study Machineries and equipment required in different finishing and binding
operations .
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Analyze the print finished product.
2. Examine the Product for the entire process involved in manufacturing and finishing.
3. Discuss the print finishing requirements for verity of different segment jobs.
No. Details Hrs
1. Module - 1: Introduction to Binding & Finishing
Overview of Binding & finishing and its scope, Physical Parts of Book, Binding
classifications. Major operation performed in binding and finishing . Pre-
forwarding, forwarding operations. Tools and equipments used for binding,
Binder’s marks . Organization and bindery layout. Latest developments in print
finishing . 06
2. Module - 2: Mater ials
Paper - British standard and ISO paper sizes . Advantages of ISO paper sizes.
Advantages and Limitations of different measurement, standards Units for
number of paper ream, quire, gross .
Types of boards. Multiples and subdivisions of a given size. Study of different
types applications of board used in binding and finishing work .
Securing materials - Thread, wire, tape, cord - Selection based on application,
gauge of wire, thread strength, and cost .
Covering materials - Binding cloth, Mu ll cloth, Rexene, leather, laminates,
Adhesives –Adhesion theory for binding, types of adhesives and their properties
and applications, various selection criteria for adhesives. 14
3. Module - 3: Pre -forwarding and forwarding operation
Pre-forwarding Operation -Jogging & knocking, re moving Mis -registrered
sheets, counting, folding, bundling, gathering, collating, and sewing.
Forwarding operations - Removing the swell, fixing end papers, fraying out
the slips, gluing the back, trimming, rounding and backing, fixing head & tail
bands, l ining the back, edge decoration, cutting the boards, capping up,
squaring the board, lacing in, covering, setting the joints, pasting down,
pressing, jacketing 14
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4. Module - 4: Folding and Cutting Machines
Knife folding, buckle folding, combination fold ing principle, construction and
Hand folding - method of various folding scheme, advantages and limitation
Gathering machines -construction and working
Machines: Single knife guillotine machine -major parts and their function,
maintenance, safety devi ces, trim disposal system, application . Straw board
cutter - construction and working . Three knife trimmer -major parts, function and
its application . 06
5. Module - 5: Securing methods and Binding Machines
Study of construction and working principle of wir e stitching machine , Thread
securing method . Study of construction and working principle of book sewing
machine . Case binding, case making machine - part and functions . Covering -
Quarter, half, full, limp & library style binding . Boarding methods - Pasting
down, split, draw in work, cut flush, extra square. Stationary Binding.
Binding Machines
Perfect Binding Machines -Major parts and their functions, maintenance, safety
devices, application . Types - Burst binding, Notch binding, two shot wet on wet
binding . 08
6. Module - 6: Finishing and converting Operation
Blocking, Numbering, Perforation, Creasing, Die cutting, round cornering,
Edge decoration -gilding , Index cutting, Foil stamping, graining, varnishing ,
Embossing, eyeleting, ruling and numbering. Spot UV. 04
Texts / References:
1. Lyman Ralph , “Binding and Finishing”, GATF, USA
2. Tedesco T.J. (1999) “Binding Finishing Mailing” GATF , USA
3. Mendiratta, “Binding and Finishing”,Printek Publication, New Delhi.
4. Geoff & Potter , “Binding and Finishing”, Blue Print
5. Hugh Speirs, “Introduction to Printing and Finishing” PIRA, UK (1998)
6. A.G. Martin, “Finishing process in Print Industry”, Hastings House, 1972.
7. Aurther W. Johnsori, “The Manual for Book Binding”, Thames and Hudson ,1984.
8. U.S. Govt. Printing - Theory and Pra ctice of Book Binding
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPT601 Packaging Machineries & Systems Tutorials 2
Objectives :
1. Understand the concept of system s& online Packaging technique s.
2. Understand the various machineries used for conversions of different p ackaging
3. Study the different packaging machineries used for line operations and systems.
4. Study v arious ancillary equipment used apart from packaging machineries.
5. Understand the importance of testing, online & offline equipment’s used industries
Outcomes : At the end of the cou rse, learners should be able to;
1. Suggest the packaging material use and its conversion as per the product
2. Suggest the filling machine required for the line operations.
3. Choose the ancillary machineries required in t he line operations based on the
product to be packed.
4. Analyse the different conveying system used for various line operations.
5. Select different online and offline testing methods that are required during the
converting operations or on the packaging lines.
Term Work: (Comprises both a &b )
a) Minimum Eight tutorials :
During tutorial sessions learners should study the different machine components/elements and
study the demonstration of various packaging machines.
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignments on each of the following topics:
1. Online & Offline Inspection systems
2. Automatic filling systems
3. Accumulation systems
4. Latest developments in packaging/printing machineries.
( Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live proble ms.)
Oral Examination:
To gauge the understanding of the subject, Oral examination will be conducted at the end of
the term for 25 marks.
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL601 Package Design & Graphics -II 2
Objectives :
1. Learn to Create Structural Design for Packaging, understand the basic requirements and
folding sequences in 3D.
2.Create and evaluate best layout for a packaging design, understand various factors for
choosing a layout.
3. Using the created ARD file, cre ate and make a print ready packaging graphic
4. Evaluate different print & substrates in Visualizer
Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
1. Understand the need and importance of CAD file in Packaging Design
2.Impact CAD of and Layout on costing and production
3.Using 3D as a QA tool to evaluate packaging design
4.Make a print ready graphic file (trapping, white/ varnish layers/barcodes / preflighting etc.,)
5.Undestand the concepts of Digital sample making.
6.Understand various print and finishing processes and their effects on graphics.
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Practicals / Experiments (Minimum 10)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Use existing Library Designs for both corrugated and Carton
designs, change values of different flaps and understand the basic
concepts. 4 Hrs
2 Take an existing packaging box and understand the 2d structure,
recreate the same in ESKO ArtiosCAD software 4 Hrs
3 Prepare a layout of the cad file and conside r different types of
layout and validate the area used & wastage percentages 4 Hrs
4 Create and fold the design in 3d, understand all tools. Do an
animation of the folding sequence and export a video file 4 Hrs
5 Place created CAD file in Illustrator and create graphics + Text as
per packaging requirements 4 Hrs
6 Prepare White / Varnish layers, add printer marks 4 Hrs
7 Trap the file for surface print and reverse print 4 Hrs
8 Place a CAD file on an artwork in illustrator and open studio to
observe t he 3D of the design, Use Studio as a QA tool to see
various graphic position on all sides of a package, export to 3d pdf
and open in acrobat and analyse results 4 Hrs
9 Apply Various print and finishes in Visualizer 4 Hrs
10 Export various 3D formats f rom Visualizer (image sequence,
studio viewer) and understand the importance of 3d for digital
proofing. 4 Hrs
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b) Assignments : Minimum two on any of the following topics:
1. Create a packaging design (CAD+ Artwork) for a Fmcg product
2. Use an existing product in the market and create new graphics and text and prepare
for a digital approval
3. Use an existing product (design) and add foiling and embossing to improve the
overall packaging effect
4. Create a costing chart for various cad files and layouts for a predefined number of
boxes. (Optional)
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
End Semester Practical Examination (for 50 Marks) : Under single head of examination ,
including Practical (40 marks assessment) followed by oral (10 marks assessment) to be
conducted by internal and external examiners.
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL602 Flexographic Printing Laboratory 1.5
Objectives :
1. To help learners acquire basic knowledge for flexographic printing process.
2. To help learners to identify printing challenges on the press.
Outcomes : At the end of the course, learners should be able to;
1. Learners develop ability to operate flexography machine.
2. Learners acquire skills to handle trouble s hoot on flexography presses.
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Practicals / Experiments (Minimum 10)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Introduction to construction and features of flexographic unit. 3 Hrs
2 Understanding design and workin g of tension control elements of
Flexographic web threading path. 3 Hrs
3 Flexographic Plate Mounting with varying plate dimensions,
adhesive strength and repeat length. 3 Hrs
4 Setting up of single and multicolour flexographic press for
printing. 3 Hrs
5 To print single colo ur job on given absorbent stock and analyze
print quality. 3 Hrs
6 To print single colo ur job on given non -absorbent stock and
analyze print quality. 3 Hrs
7 To study tension setting on flexographic machine. 3 Hrs
8 To analyze effect of anilox & fountain roller pressure on print. 3 Hrs
9 To analyze effect of flexographic inks on print. 3 Hrs
10 To print two color job on absorbent stock and analyze print
quality. 3 Hrs
11 To print two color job on non -absorbent stock and analy ze print
quality. 3 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignments to be given on the working of flexographic
machine covering various process parameters.
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Oral Examination:
To gauge the understanding of the subject, an oral examination will be conducted at the end of
the term for 25 marks.
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL603 Colour Management Laboratory 1.5
1. Introducing concept of colour theor y and colour Vision
2. Understand the basic colour reproduction techniques and their applications
3. Study the importance of media or substrate in colour perception
4. Study Standardization of colour and its reproduction
5. Apply Colour corrections and Image adjustments
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Summarize the Colour Vision theory and its concept.
2. Discuss & summarize the conventional and digital method of colour separation.
3. Examine image s and modify them with colour correction.
4. Measure the densitometric terms and analyze graphically.
5. Summarize the spectrophotometric terms and perform relative measurements of various printed
6. Recognize the input & output devices being u sed.
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Practicals / Experiments (Minimum 10)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Study the effect of substrate on Trapping and Gray balance. 2 Hrs
2 Calculate CIEtristimulus values X, Y, Z for given patches. 2 Hrs
3 Study the effect of different Illuminants on CIE colour Co -
ordinates. 2 Hrs
4 Perform the visual color assessment for measuring color
difference 2 Hrs
5 Perform the Instrumental color assessment for calculating color
difference 2 Hrs
6 Calibra te the monitor and create a monitor profile. 2 Hrs
7 Generate and Measure a Printer test chart and develop an ICC
printer profile. 2 Hrs
8 Measure a scanner test chart and create a scanner profile. 2 Hrs
9 Perform Proofer calibration for a given media. 2 Hrs
10 Develop a Soft proof and Hard proof. 2 Hrs
11 Applications of Mat -Lab software for colour processing. 2 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two assignments to be given on different principles of colour
management used in the industry.
(Note: Preferab ly the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Oral Examination:
To gauge the understanding of the subject, an oral examination will be conducted at the end of
the term for 25 marks.
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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPDET6 01X (Department Elective –I Tutorial) 1
PPDET6011 – Packaging Distribution Dynamics
During tutorial sessions learners should understand the various testing methods & equipments
used for evaluating inks & coatings as per IS/ASTM or other standards
PPD ET6012 – Inks & Coatings
During tutorial sessions learners should understand the various testing methods & equipments
used for evaluating inks & coatings as per IS/ASTM or other standards
PPDET6013 – Digital & Security Printing
During tutorial sessions learners should study & understand different digital images, file
compression techniques & their effects on image quality, digital proofing, security printing
features in real -life examples and also various testing methods used in digital/security printing
as per IS/ASTM or other standards
PPDET6014 – Print Finishing & Converting
During tutorial sessions learners should study the various operations in volved and material
requirement in different pro cedures of print finishing and binding.
Minimum eight tut orials to be conducted and assignments covering entire syllabus to be
given under each elective. Assignments may also include objective tests, live case
studies, presentation, etc.
Oral Examination:
To gauge the understanding of the subject, an oral exami nation will be conducted at the end of
the term for 25 marks for each elective .
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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPS601 Industrial Visits 1.5
Objectives :
1. To give the practical exposure with better Industrial orientation
2. Experience the raw material pro cessing and conversion in print and packaging
3. Study Machineries and processes evolved in different print and packaging industries
Outcomes :At the end of the course, learners should b e able to
1. Analyze the print, packaged, converted & finished product.
2. Exam ine the Product for the entire process involved in manufacturing, converting and
finishing .
Sr. No.
Type of Industries that can be visited
1. Paper & paperboard manufacturing/ Paper & paperboard recyclingplants
2. Label stock manufacturing, and Printi ng
3. Offset, Flexography, Gravure printing presses
4. Screen Printing & Pad Printing Presses
5. Digital Printing, Proofing and Large Format Presses
6. Newspaper presses
7. Commercial/ magazine printing presses
8. Binging and finishing operation hou ses
9. Plastics tube manufacturing & printing
10. Plastics drum / Can manufacturing & printing
11. Metal can/ tube manufacturing, printing and decoration
12. Metal drum/tin box manufacturing, printing
13. Carton box and Corrugated fiberboard box ma nufacturing
14. Fiber board drum/ composite box package manufacturing
15. Thermoform manufacturing and packages manufacturing
16. Glass factory and Glass bottles manufacturing
17. Blow molding, Injection molding and Rotational molding factories
18. Cushion material manufacturing
19. Multiwall / woven sack manufacturing
20. VFFS / HFFS filling machine line for Solid and liquid filling operations
21. Frozen food packaging facilities/ factory
22. Pharmaceutical packaging
23. Bakery product and Confec tionary packaging
24. Milk & milk product packaging unit
25. Edible oil, Lubricant packaging
26. Aluminum Collapsible Tube Manufacturing unit
27. Blown film plant
28. Mumbai Port Trust, Marine cargo Handling
29. Aseptic filling, Vacuum and Gas flush Packaging machines
30. Package Sterilization facilities
Atleast 8 Industrial Visits to be conducted. Care should be taken, not to visit similar industries more
than once, since the concept is to help students practically see & learn as many manufacturin g &
converting facilities as possible.
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During industrial visits, students are expected to study the process, machines, consumables &
facilities utilized in the Industry. They have to then write a report for every Industrial visit
based on their understanding.
Industrial Visit Reports: 20 Marks
Attendance: 05 Marks
Oral Examination:
1. Question will be compulso ry asked, based on visited Industries only.
2. Questions can be randomly asked, based on the industrial visit repor ts generated by the
Oral examination will be conducted for 25 Marks.