TE Mechatronics Engg Sem V and VI1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TE Mechatronics Engg Sem V and VI1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 29/06/2021
Item No.: 6.9


Bachelor of Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Third Year with Effect from AY 2021-22
(REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20

(As per AICTE guidelines with effect from the acade mic year

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Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Associate Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Mumbai Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Mumbai

Syllabus for Approval

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course Third Year B.E. in Mechatronics Engineering
2 Eligibility for Admission After Passing Second Year Engineering as per the
Ordinance 0.6243
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) Ordinance 0.6243
5 No. of Years / Semesters 8 semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G. / Diploma / Certificate
(Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
(Strike out which is not applicable )
8 Status New / Revised
(Strike out which is not applicable )
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year 2021-2022

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To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in eng ineering education, the issue of quality needs to b e
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systemati c manner. Accreditation is the principal means of
quality assurance in higher education. The major em phasis of accreditation process is to measure the
outcomes of the program that is being accredited. I n line with this Faculty of Science and Technology (in
particular Engineering)of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome
based education in the process of curriculum develo pment.
Faculty resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly defined for each course, so
that all faculty members in affiliated institutes u nderstand the depth and approach of course to be ta ught,
which will enhance learner’s learning process. Choi ce based Credit and grading system enables a much-
required shift in focus from teacher-centric to lea rner-centric education since the workload estimated is
based on the investment of time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluat ion
which will enhance the quality of education. Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teachi ng
learning process, however content of courses is to be taught in 12-13 weeks and remaining 2-3 weeks to
be utilized for revision, guest lectures, coverage of content beyond syllabus etc.
There was a concern that the earlier revised curric ulum more focused on providing information and
knowledge across various domains of the said progra m, which led to heavily loading of students in term s
of direct contact hours. In this regard, faculty of science and technology resolved that to minimize t he
burden of contact hours, total credits of entire pr ogram will be of 171, wherein focus is not only on
providing knowledge but also on building skills, at titude and self learning. Therefore in the present
curriculum skill based laboratories and mini projec ts are made mandatory across all disciplines of
engineering in second and third year of programs, w hich will definitely facilitate self learning of st udents.
The overall credits and approach of curriculum prop osed in the present revision is in line with AICTE
model curriculum.
The present curriculum will be implemented for Seco nd Year of Engineering from the academic year
2020-21. Subsequently this will be carried forward for Third Year and Final Year Engineering in the
academic years 2021-22, 2022-23, respectively.

Dr. S. K. Ukarande Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Associate Dean Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Sci ence and Technology
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai

Page 6

Incorporation and implementation of Online Contents from
NPTEL/ Swayam Platform

The curriculum revision is mainly focused on knowle dge component, skill based activities and project
based activities. Self learning opportunities are p rovided to learners. In the revision process this t ime in
particular Revised syllabus of ‘C ‘ scheme wherever possible additional resource links of platforms su ch
as NPTEL, Swayam are appropriately provided. In an earlier revision of curriculum in the year 2012 and
2016 in Revised scheme ‘A' and ‘B' respectively, ef forts were made to use online contents more
appropriately as additional learning materials to e nhance learning of students.
In the current revision based on the recommendation of AICTE model curriculum overall credits are
reduced to 171, to provide opportunity of self lear ning to learner. Learners are now getting sufficien t time
for self learning either through online courses or additional projects for enhancing their knowledge a nd
skill sets.
The Principals/ HoD’s/ Faculties of all the institu te are required to motivate and encourage learners to use
additional online resources available on platforms such as NPTEL/ Swayam. Learners can be advised to
take up online courses, on successful completion th ey are required to submit certification for the sam e.
This will definitely help learners to facilitate th eir enhanced learning based on their interest.

Dr. S. K. Ukarande Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Associate Dean Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Sc ience and Technology
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai

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Engineering education in India has to prepare buddi ng minds for applying multidisciplinary knowledge
for product and process innovation. Mechatronics is a new branch of engineering introduced in Universi ty
of Mumbai from 2015, which synergistically applies the fundamentals of Mechanical, Electrical,
Electronics and Information systems engineering to develop new products and processes. Thus
Mechatronics focuses on development of products and processes that require combined application of
multiple engineering domains.

Several changes in technological trends have happen ed since the introduction of last syllabus of
Mechatronics in 2015. New avenues for synergistic a pplication of fundamentals from multiple discipline s
are opening up every day with technologies such as 3D Printing, Drones, IOT, Machine learning etc. are
becoming popular. The curriculum is designed for pr eparing the students for a career in four major foc us
areas (a) Industrial Automation, (b) Embedded Syste ms (c) Digital Design and Manufacturing (d)
Intelligent Control and Machine learning. There are upcoming career opportunities in all these domains .
A conscious effort is made to include several techn ologies that are being promoted under the Industry 4.0

The Updated Program Educational Objectives for this syllabus revision of the undergraduate program in
Mechatronics Engineering are listed below;
1. To prepare the Learner in building technology sy stems through interdisciplinary approach.
2. To prepare the Learner to use modern tools embed ding different disciplines of engineering in order to
solve real life problems and prepare them for the f ourth industrial revolution.
3. To prepare the Learner for career in Indian and Multinational Organisations and to excel in their
Postgraduate studies; furthermore, to encourage and motivate the art of self-learning.
4. To inculcate a professional and ethical attitude , good leadership qualities in the Learner’s though t

We trust this revised version of syllabus come up t o the expectations of all stakeholders. We wish to place
on record our sincere thanks and appreciations to t he various contributors from the academia and indus try
for their most learned inputs in framing this sylla bus.

Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Vivek K. Sunnapwar : Chairman
Dr. S. M. Khot : Member
Dr. V. M. Phalle : Member
Dr. Siddappa Bhusnoor : Member
Dr. S.S. Pawar : Member
Dr. Sanjay U. Bokade : Member
Dr. Dhanraj Tambuskar : Member

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Program Structure for Third Year Engineering
Semester V & VI
(With Effect from 2021-2022)
Semester V
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract
. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MTC501 CAD and CAE 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC502 Sensors and Actuators 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC503 Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Control 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC504 Embedded Systems 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTDO501 Department Optional
Course – 1 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTL501 Sensors and Actuators
Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL502 Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Control
Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL503 Embedded Systems
Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL504 Professional
Communication and
Ethics-II -- 2*+2 -- -- 2 -- 2
MTPBL501 Mini Project – 2 A -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2
Total 15 07 22
Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
k Pract
/Oral Total
Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(in Hrs)
Test1 Test2 Avg
MTC501 CAD and CAE 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTC502 Sensors and Actuators 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTC503 Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Control 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTC504 Embedded Systems 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTDO501 Department Optional
Course – 1 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTL501 Sensors and Actuators
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MTL502 Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Control
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

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MTL503 Embedded Systems
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MTL504 Professional
communication and
ethics –II -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50
MTPBL501 Mini Project – 2 A -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25
Total -- -- 100 400 -- 150 75 725

* Theory class to be conducted for full class
$ indicates work load of Learner (Not Faculty), for Mini Project

Department Optional Course - 1
1) Signals and Systems
2) Production Processes
3) Operating Systems

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Semester VI
Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract
. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MTC601 Digital Manufacturing 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC602 Power Electronics and
Drives 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC603 Instrumentation and
Control 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTC604 Applied Hydraulics and
Pneumatics 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTDO601 Department Optional
Course – 2 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MTL601 Python Programming
Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL602 Instrumentation and
Electric Drives
Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL603 Applied Hydraulics and
Pneumatics Laboratory -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MTL604 CNC and 3-D Printing
Laboratory -- 4 -- -- 2 -- 2
MTPBL605 Mini Project – 2 B -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2
15 07 22
Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
k Pract
/Oral Total
Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(in Hrs)
Test1 Test2 Avg
MTC601 Digital Manufacturing 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 10 0
MTC602 Power Electronics and
Drives 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTC603 Instrumentation and
Control 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTC604 Applied Hydraulics and
Pneumatics 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTDO601 Department Optional
Course – 2 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MTL601 Python Programming
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MTL602 Instrumentation and
Electric Drives
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MTL603 Applied Hydraulics and
Pneumatics Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MTL604 CNC and 3-D Printing
Laboratory -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50

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MTPBL601 Mini Project – 2 B -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total -- -- 100 400 -- 150 100 750

$ indicates work load of Learner (Not Faculty), for Mini Project

Students group and load of faculty per week.
Mini Project 2A and 2B :
Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and n ot more than 4 (Four)
Faculty Load :1 hour per week per four groups

Department Optional Course – 2
1) Microfabrication Processes
2) Machine Interface Design
3) Fundamentals of Multi Body Dynamics

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC501 CAD and CAE 03

Prerequisite: FEL203 Engineering Graphics , MTL304 CAD Modelling Laboratory ,MTC404 Strength
of Materials

1. To introduce new and exciting field of Intelligent CAD and CAE with particular focus on
engineering product design.
2. To develop a holistic view of initial competency in engineering design by modern computational
3. To introduce Biomedical Modelling
4. To introduce techniques of analysis and optimizatio n of engineering components.

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...

1. Identify proper computer graphics techniques for ge ometric modelling.
2. Transform, manipulate objects and store and manage data.
3. Create and manipulate 3D Models based on Medical im aging data.
4. Perform design analysis.
5. Identify the tools for Analysis of a complex engine ering component.
6. Demonstrate understanding of design optimization.

Module Details Hrs.
Computer Graphics
1.1 Introduction: Scope of CAD in product life cyc le, CAD hardware and software, 2D
and 3D computer graphics representation.
1.2 Parametric representation of curves and surfac es: Synthetic Curves - Bezier curves,
Hermite Curves, B-spline curves.
1.3 Solid Modeling: Constructive solid geometry (C SG), Boundary Representation (B-
Rep), Wire Frame Modeling, Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling, Parametric
Modeling, Feature based modeling, Constraint Based Modeling. 07
Geometric Transformation
2.1 Homogeneous Coordinate system, Matrix represent ation, Concatenations, 2D and 3D
geometric transformation (Translation, Reflection, Scaling, Rotation) 06
BioMedical Modeling
3.1 Introduction to medical imaging: Computed tomograph y (CT), Cone beam CT
(CBCT), Magnetic resonance (MR), Noncontact surface scanning, Medical scan
data , Point cloud data
3.2 Working with medical scan data: Pixel data operatio ns, Using CT data: a worked
example, Point cloud data operations, Two- dimensional formats, Pseudo 3D
formats, True 3D formats, File management and excha nge 06

Design Analysis
4.1. Basic principles of Machine Design. Theories of fai lures, Factor of safety. Variable
Stresses, Fatigue Cycle and Failures, Endurance Lim it, Soderberg and Goodma
Design Criteria.
4.2. Introduction to CAE Fundamentals of computer aided engineering, CAE includes
mass property calculations, kinematic analysis and animation (movement,
visualization, simulation and FEA.) 06

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05 Finite Element Analysis:
5.1 Introductory Concepts: Introduction to FEM, Histori cal Background, General FEM
procedure, Applications of FEM in various fields Ad vantages and disadvantages of
FEM Definitions of various terms used in FEM like e lement, order of the element,
internal and external node/s, degree of freedom, pr imary and secondary variables,
boundary conditions.
5.2 One dimensional second order equations - discretiza tion-element types - linear and
higher order elements -derivation of shape function s and stiffness matrices and force
5.3 Assembly of Matrices- solution of problems in one d imensional structural analysis,
heat transfer (stepped and taper bars, spring-Cart Systems). Case study using FEA
Software. 08

Optimization Techniques
6.1. Design Optimization Design Optimization process flowchart, Problem form ulation:
Design Variables, Constraints , Objective function, Variable bounds. Single and
multivariable problem formulation examples. Optimiz ation methods and their
classification. Iterative optimization procedure, L ocal and global minimum,
Convergence criteria. Golden Section search algorit hm and its implementation.
6.2. Structural Optimization : Mathematical formulation, Structural optimization types :
Sizing, Shape and Topology. Weight minimization of 2 bar truss subject to stress
and Displacement constraints. Case study on Topolog y optimization. 06

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub-
questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Text/Reference Books:

1. CAD/ CAM, Theory & Practice, Ibrahim Zeid, R. Sivas ubramanian, Tata McGraw Hill
2. CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, P. N. Rao, Tat a McGraw Hill Publications
3. CAD/CAM Computer Aided and Manufacturing, Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmers, Jr.,
Eastern Economy Edition
4. Medical Modelling: The Application of Advanced Desi gn and Rapid Prototyping Techniques in
Medicine, Richard Bibb, Dominic Eggbeer and Abby Pa terson, Woodhead Publishing Series in
Biomaterials: Number 91, Elsevier Ltd.
5. Design of machine elements -- V. B. Bhandari. Tara Mc-Graw Hill Pub.
6. Design of machine elements -- Sharma,Purohil. Prent ice Hall India Pub.
7. MACHINE DESIGN An Integrated Approach Robert L. Norton Prentice Hall
8. “Text book of Finite Element Analysis” by Seshu P, Prentice Hall of India
9. Finite Element Method by JNReddy, TMH

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10. 'Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Ch andrupatla and Belegundu,Pearson Education
11. “Introduction To Optimum Design” Jasbir S. Arora 20 12 Elsevier Inc.
12. “Multidiscipline Design Optimization” Garret N. Va nderplaats
13. “Optimization Methods for Engineering Design Applic ations and Theory” Alan R. Parkinson
Richard J. Balling John D. Hedengren
14. “Topology Optimization Theory, Methods, and Applica tions” M.P. Bendse . o. Sigmund Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC502 Sensors and Actuators 03
Prerequisite: MTC304 Basic Electronics and Digital Circuit Desi gn ,MTC305 Electrical Circuits and
Machines , MTC403 Thermal and Fluid Engineering

1. Study of means of measuring various physical variab les.
2. Study of different types of actuators.
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Identify sensor characteristics including calibrati on and error analysis
2. Implement common techniques of signal conditioning
3. Understand how different physical variables are mea sured and illustrate their working principles
4. Identify different types of actuators and their imp lementation
5. Understand new technologies of actuation
6. Identify and select sensors and actuators for indus trial applications

Module Details Hrs.

01 Significance of Sensor Measurements, Classification of sensors based on domain,
technology and operation.
Static characteristics: Static calibration, Linearity, Static Sensitivity, Accuracy, Static
error, Precision, Reproducibility, Threshold, Resol ution, Hysteresis, Drift, Span &
Range etc.
Dynamic Characteristics: Sensor bandwidth and frequency response
Signal conditioning: Amplifier, Conversion, Filtering, Impedance Bufferi ng
Types of errors, Effect of component errors, Probab le errors.


02 Proximity and Distance Measurement : Limit Switch, Reed switch, Inductive,
Capacitive, Hall Effect Sensors, Optical and Ultras onic distance measurement.
Displacement Measurement: Transducers for displacement, potentiometer, LVDT,
Capacitance Types, Digital Transducers (optical enc oder),
Measurement of Angular Velocity : Tachometers, Digital tachometers and
Stroboscopic Methods. MEMS 3 axis Gyroscope.
Acceleration Measurement , theory of accelerometer and vibrometers, practica l
accelerometers, strain gauge based and piezoelectri c accelerometers. MEMS 3 Axis

03 Strain Measurement: Theory of Strain Gauges, gauge factor, temperature
Compensation, orientation of strain gauges for forc e and torque, Strain gauge based load
cells and torque sensors
Pressure Measurement: Microphones, Elastic pressure transducers, bellows and
piezoelectric pressure sensors, High Pressure Measurements, Bridg e man gauge. Vacuum
Flow Measurement: Bernoullis flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeter, Magnet ic flow meter,
Temperature Measurement: Electrical methods of temperature measurement,
Resistance thermometers, Thermistors and thermocoup les, Pyrometers, thermal cameras.
Special Sensors: Chemical Sensors: (Zirconium oxide ceramic type Oxygen sensors,
Quartz Crystal Microbalance sensor). Optical Light sensors, Tactile/Touch sensors,
Cameras and image analysis. 08

Electrical Actuating systems
DC motors: Review of DC motor, Modeling of DC motor behaviour, Servo Amplifier,
DC motor drive. DC Servo Motors
Stepper Motors: Characteristics of a Stepper motor, Classification of a Stepper motor,
Principle of Operation, Step Angle, Electrical mode l of energized coil, Drive method, 06

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Stepper motor performance.
Induction motors: Three phase motor, induction motor characteristics
Linear Actuators: Voice Coil Actuators, solenoids

05 Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuating systems
Components of pneumatic and hydraulic systems, pump s, compressor, filter, control
valves, pressure regulation, relief valves, accumul ator. Single Acting and Double acting
cylinders, Hydraulic motors. Simple single actuator circuits.
Harmonic drive, Comb drive.
Smart Material Actuators: Piezoelectric transducers, Electro active polymers, Shape
Memory alloys, Artificial Muscle materials 05

Selection criteria of sensors for mechatronic syste ms : Application requirement,
Instrument ratings, Geometric limitations, Environm ental conditions, Power
requirements, Cost-related economic aspects
Consideration during with actuator selection: Actuator bandwidth and frequency
response, actuator range, power and energy consider ations, trade- offs between
force/displacement or torque/speed, control systems and electronics, industrial
DC Motor Selection Heat dissipation in DC motor, Ve locity Profile Optimization, Inertia
matching. Stepper Motor selection considerations.
Actuator sizing for industrial application. 06
Topic Wheatstone Bridge circuit,
Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein
sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a)
from module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number
of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the sylla bus.

Text/Reference Books:

1. Sensors and Actuators: Control System Instrumentati on -Clarence W Silva, CRC Press USA
2. Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics: Design and A pplications: Andrzej M Pawlak, CRC Press
3. Measurement Systems (Applications and Design) 5th e d.- E.O. Doebelin - McGraw Hill.
4. Mechatronics Integrated technologies for intelligen t machines. A. Smaili F. Mrad Oxford
university press
5. Mechanical Engineering Measurement - Thomas Beckwit h, N.Lewis Buck, Roy Marangoni -
Narosa Publishing House, Bombay.
6. Mechanical Engineering Measurements - A. K. Sawhney – DhanpatRai & Sons, New Delhi.
7. Instrumentation Devices & Systems - C.S. Rangan & G .R.Sarrna - Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Instrumentation & Mechanical Measurements - A.K. Th ayal.
9. Optomechatronics: Fusion of Optical and Mechatronic s Engineering By Hyungsuck Cho

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10. Smart Structures: Analysis and Design, AV Shrinivas an and D Micheal Macfarland. Cambridge
University Press
11. Smart Materials and Structures: MV Gandhi and BS Th omson. Chapman and Hall
12. Applied Mechatronics- A. Smaili and F. Mrad, OXFORD university press.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 18

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC503 Mechatronic Systems Modelling and Control 03

Prerequisite: MTC402 Kinematics of Machinery, MTC403 Thermal and Fluid Engineering, MTC305
Applied Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1. To study first principle modelling of Mechatronic s ystems
2. To study open loop and closed loop system
3. To study the time response of first and second orde r system
4. To study the concept of stability and criteria for stability and solve the problem based on it
5. To study the frequency response through polar plot.
6. To study the compensation technique used to stabili ze the system

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Define a first principle model of a Mechatronic sys tem
2. Define the open loop and closed loop system
3. Design time response of first and second order syst em and basic state variable analysis
4. Sketch the frequency response of second order syste ms using polar plot and bode plots.
5. Design a compensator to stabilize the unstable syst em.

Module Detailed Contents Hrs.

01 6.1 Physical system modeling
Bond Graph Modelling : Theory , Concepts and Defini tions, Power Variables, Energy
Variables, Analogy of Energy Variables, Bond Graph Elements : Sources, One port
Passive (Resistive, Storage, Inertia) Active, Junct ions , Two Port Elements, Sensors,
Information Bonds, Causality, Sequential Causality Assignment Procedure, Paths, Types ,
Derivative Causality, Closed Causal Paths ,
Bond Graphs for Electrical Systems, Bond Graphs for Mechanical Systems, Bond graphs
for Multi Domain Systems. Deriving Block Diagram Model from Bond Graph Model.
Modeling in Frequency Domain Transfer function representation of physical system s.
Block diagrams & Signal flow graphs, Reduction of B lock diagrams, Masons Rule.
State Space Representation State Space Representation of systems. Converting transfer
function to state space. Converting from State Spac e to a Transfer Function.
Introduction to automatic control and its applicati ons, Nomenclature in Automatic
Control, Open and Closed loop configurations . 10

02 Time Domain Response: Introduction, Poles, Zeros, and System Response, Ti me
domain performance specification First-Order System s, Second-Order Systems: General
Second-Order System, Underdamped Second-Order Syste ms, System Response- with
additional Poles, with Zeros; Steady state errors a nd static error constants in unity
feedback control systems, Static Error Constants an d System Types; Steady-State Error
for Non-unity Feedback Systems; Limitations of time domain analysis. Laplace
Transform Solution of State Equations. 08

03 Root Locus Method
Introduction, Defining the Root Locus, Properties o f the Root Locus, Sketching the Root
Locus, Transient Response Design via Gain Adjustmen t, Generalized Root Locus, Root
Locus for Positive-Feedback Systems, Pole Sensitivi ty, Design with Root Locus,
Improving Steady-State Error and transient response via Cascade Compensation. Example
of DC Motor as a plant. 05

Frequency Response Analysis
Asymptotic Approximations: Bode Plots, Polar Plots; Stability Analysis-Gain Margin
and Phase Margin with Bode Plots, Closed-Loop Trans ient and Open- Loop Frequency
Responses, Relation Between- Closed-Loop Transient and Closed-Loop Frequency
Responses, Steady-State Error Characteristics from Frequency Response. 05

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05 Stability & Compensation Techniques
Stability: Concepts, absolute, asymptotic, conditional and mar ginal stability, Routh-
Hurwitz Criterion, Special Cases, of Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: Stability in Sta te Space,
Stability analysis with Root locus technique.
Compensation -Physical Realization of compensation. Concepts, se ries/parallel/ series-
parallel/feedback compensation, Lag/Lead/Lag-Lead n etworks for compensation
Case Study
Case study of analog control system design with pra ctical approach- PI Velocity Control
of a DC Motor . 06

Digital Control:
Introduction to Digital control systems, comparison with analog control systems,
Implementation of Digital controller in Temperature Control System and Digital Power
Supply, Digital Signal controller based Implementat ion technique. 05
Topic Laplace Transform Review, Signal flow graphs of sta te equations.
Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein
sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a)
from module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number
of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the sylla bus.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Norman S. Nise, “ Control System Engineering ”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Sixth Edition
2. Rochdi Merzouki , Arun Kumar Samantaray, Pushparaj Mani Pathak , Belkacem Ould Bouamama
“Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Modeling, Control and Diagnosis”
3. Victor M. Hernández-Guzmán R. Silva-Ortigoza “Autom atic Control with Experiments” Springer
4. B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hal l of India, Seventh edition, 2001.
5. Nagraath Gopal “Control Systems Engineering -Princi ples and Design” New Age Publishers
6. M. Gopal, "Modern Control System Theory", Wiley Eas tern Ltd., New Delhi.
7. K. Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering", 3 ed. Prent ice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Dr. K.P. Mohandas, “Modern Control Engineering”, re vised edition, Sanguine Publishers,
Bangalore, 2006.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 20

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC504 Embedded Systems 03
Prerequisite: MTC 304 : Basic Electronics & Digital Circuit Desig n, MTC 305 : Electrical Circuits &
Machines, MTC 405 : Application of Integrated Circu its
1. To develop background knowledge and core expertise in area of embedded systems.
2. To teach applications of microcontrollers in embedd ed systems
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Describe the Components, importance and application s of embedded system
2. Describe architecture, interface peripherals and pr ogram 8051 microcontrollers
3. Describe architecture, interface peripherals and pr ogram ARM7 microcontrollers
4. Illustrate basic terminologies of software developm ent and real time operating system
5. Design microcontroller based embedded systems for v arious applications

Module Details Hrs.

01 General Concepts
Basic Concepts : Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Von Neumman a nd Harward, Intel
8085 microprocessor architecture (only)
Introduction to Embedded systems : Design Metrics, Examples of embedded systems,
hardware/software co-design, Embedded micro controller cores (ARM, RISC, CISC, and
SOC), Embedded memories, Architecture of Embedded S ystems
Introduction to IOT 5

02 8051 Microcontroller
Architecture : Features, architecture and pin configurations, CP U timing and machine
cycle, Input / Output ports, Memory organization, Counters and timers, In terrupts, Serial
data input and output
8051 Assembly Language Programming : Instruction set, Addressing mode, Assembler
directives and programs
8051 Interfacing : LED, LCD, Seven Segment Display, keyboard, A DC, Stepper Motor,
Relay and Serial Communication 12

03 Advanced Microcontrollers
Architecture : Features of ARM Microcontroller, Operating modes, Architecture,
Registers, CPSR, Pipeline, Exceptions, interrupt ve ctor table, memory management,
ARM7 processor families
ARM7 Programming : Instruction set, Addressing mode and programs
MSP 430 : Features, architecture and programming 8

Embedded Software Development
Assemblers, linkers and loaders. Binary file format s for processor executable files.
Typical structure of timer-interrupt driven program s. GNU-GCC compiler introduction
Embedded C-programming concepts : Optimizing for Speed/Memory needs, Interrupt
service routines, macros, functions, modifiers, dat a types, device drivers 5

05 Real Time Operating System
Real Time Operating System Concepts, Kernel Structu re, Critical Sections, Multitasking,
Task Management, Time Management, Schedulers, Event Control Blocks, Priorities,
Deadlocks, Synchronization, Semaphore Management, M utual Exclusion, RTOS
implementation 5

Applications Case Studies
- Consumer and Home : An IoT based home automation using android
- Medical : Health Monitoring using Embedded System
- Robotics: Pick and place Robot / Autonomous robot f or surveillance

Page 21

Topic 1) TinkerCAD web platform for Arduino based embedded s ystem
2) Raspberry pi microcontroller

Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on minimum
40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (on minimum 70% of curriculum) or
assignment on live problems or course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each c arrying 20 marks.
2. Question number 1 will be compulsory and based on m aximum contents of the syllabus
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for ex ample, if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from other than module 3)
4. Total four questions need to be solved.
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours as mention in the syllabus.
Text/Reference Books :
1. Microprocessor architecture and applications with 8 085: By Ramesh Gaonkar (Penram
International Publication).
2. M. A. Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D. Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded
systems”, Pearson Publications, Second Edition 2006 .
3. C. Kenneth J. Ayala and D. V. Gadre, “The 8051 Micr ocontroller & Embedded system using
assembly & ‘C’ ”, Cengage Learning, Edition 2010.
4. Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, and Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide” Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, First Edition 2004.
5. James A. Langbridge, “Professional Embedded Arm Dev elopment”, Wrox, John Wiley Brand&
Sons Inc., Edition 2014
6. Frank Vahid and tony Gavages “Embedded system desig n – A unified hardware / software
introduction”, Wiley publication, Third edition 200 2.
7. Embedded/Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Prog ramming – Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad,
Dreamtech Press, India.
8. Rajkamal, Embedded Systems - Architecture, Programm ing and Design, Tata McGraw Hill,
Second edition, 2009

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
1) Introduction to Embedded system design : https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102169/
2) Embedded Systems: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102045/
3) Microprocessors & Microcontrollers: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105102/
4) Microcontrollers & Applications : https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117/104/117104072/

Page 22

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL501 Sensors and Actuators Laboratory 01
Prerequisite: MTL303 Electrical and Electronics Workshop, MTL404 Technical Computing
Laboratory, MTL403 Thermal and Fluid Engineering Lab,
1. Study of means of measuring various physical variab les.
2. Introduce virtual instrumentation
3. Study of different types of sensors and actuators.
4. Selection and design of
Outcomes: Students will be able to…
1. Measure different physical variables for Mechatroni c applications.
2. Design virtual instruments
3. Identify and select proper sensors for specific app lications
4. Interfacing different types sensors and actuators
5. Design and implement systems using sensors and actu ators
Suggested List of laboratory experiments (Minimum E ight):
Sr. No. Experiment List
01 Design of virtual instrumentation set up for measur ement of any mechanical characteristics
using any software platform
02 Design of virtual instrumentation set up for actuat ing mechanical system using any
software platform
03 Experimental characterization of DC motor
04 Experimental characterization of any one of the sensor.
05 Study of smart material actuators
06 Dynamic characterization and error analysis of any one of the measurement system
07 Characterization of any Displacement Sensor (e.g. L VDT)
08 Design based exercise for development of hydraulic/ pneumatic circuit for an industrial
09 Design based experiment aiming selection of actuato r for industrial application.
10 Interfacing and programmed control of Servo motor s
11 Velocity profile based control of DC Motor
12 Stepper motor based linear motion mechanism actuati on.

Term Work:
Term work consists of performing minimum 10 practic al mentioned as above. Final certification
and acceptance of the term work ensures satisfactor y performance of laboratory work.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
● Laboratory work (Experiment/journal) : 20 marks.
● Attendance (Theory and Practical) : 05Marks

End Semester Examination:
Pair of Internal and External Examiner should condu ct Practical and Oral. Practical exam (15 marks) wi ll
be on any one of the experiments from the list and oral exam (10 marks) will be based on the entire
syllabus of the laboratory.

Page 23

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL502 Mechatronic Systems Modelling and Control
Laboratory 01

Prerequisite: MTL302 Applied Electronics Laboratory-I, MTL401 Applied Electronics Laboratory-II ,
MTL404 Technical Computing Laboratory
1. Transfer Function and State Space Modelling and sim ulation of Physical systems
2. To study the time response of first and second orde r system
3. To study the error analysis of different control sy stem
4. To study the compensation technique used to stabili ze the system
Outcomes: Students will be able to…
1. Model and simulate physical systems using software tools
2. Perform Parameter Identification
3. Define the open loop and closed loop system
4. Simulate time and frequency response of first and s econd order systems.
5. Simulate the control system for getting different r esponse.
6. Design of controller for position/velocity control of DC Motor
Suggested List of laboratory experiments (Minimum E ight):
Sr. No. Experiment List
01 Mathematical (Transfer Function) modelling and simu lation of any Mechanical System and
any Electrical System using Matlab® (Simulink ) / S cilab (xcos ) or similar software
02 Mathematical (State Space) modelling and simulation of any Mechanical System and any
Electrical System using Matlab® / Scilab or similar software
03 Mathematical (Transfer Function) modelling of DC M otor using Matlab ® (Simulink ) / Scilab
(xcos ) or similar software
04 D.C. Motor Parameter Identification
05 Experiment on components of control system
06 Transient response of 1st order & 2nd order system
07 Frequency response of 1st order & 2nd order system
08 Time and Frequency Response simulation in Matlab®/S cilab
09 Steady state error analysis of different types of s ystems
10 Simulation for Stability analysis
11 Design of Proportional Controller of Velocity for a DC Motor in Matlab®/Scilab
12 Frequency Response based Design of PD Position Control of a DC Motor in Matlab ®/Scilab
Term Work:
Term work consists of performing minimum 10 practic al mentioned as above. Final certification
and acceptance of the term work ensures satisfactor y performance of laboratory work.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
● Laboratory work (Experiment/journal) : 20 marks.
● Attendance (Theory and Practical) : 05Marks
End Semester Examination:
Pair of Internal and External Examiner should condu ct Practical and Oral. Practical exam (15 marks) wi ll
be on any one of the experiments from the list and oral exam (10 marks) will be based on the entire
syllabus of the laboratory.

Page 24

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL503 Embedded Systems Laboratory 01

Pre-requisite: MTL302 Applied Electronics Laboratory-I, MTL303 E lectrical and Electronics
1. To develop background knowledge and core expertise in area of embedded systems.
2. To teach applications of microcontrollers in embedd ed systems

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Describe architecture, interface peripherals and pr ogram 8051 microcontrollers.
2. Describe architecture, interface peripherals and pr ogram ARM7 microcontrollers
3. Explain the basic terminologies of software develop ment and real time operating system.
4. Design microcontroller based embedded systems for v arious applications

List for Practical:
1. Experiment on programming of 8051
2. Two Experiments on interfacing of 8051
3. Experiment on programming of ARM
4. Two Experiments on interfacing of ARM
5. Experiment on MSP430
6. Experiment on interfacing of MSP430
7. Experiment on RTOS. Converting Exsiting Windows and LINUX as RTOS by
configuring QNX Neutrino (using Virtual Machine)
8. Mini project

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of 8 experiments mentioned above and should be set to have well
predefined inference and conclusion. The final cert ification and acceptance of term work ensures
satisfactory performance of laboratory work and min imum passing marks in term work.
Distribution of marks for Term work shall be as fol lows:
Laboratory work (experiments/assign ments): 15 marks
Mini Project : 05 marks
Attendance (Theory and practical’s): 05 marks
Oral Examination:
Pair of Internal and External Examiner should condu ct Practical and Oral. Practical exam (15 marks) wi ll
be on any one of the experiments from the list and oral exam (10 marks) will be based on the entire
syllabus of the laboratory.

Page 25

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL504 Professional Communication and Ethics-II 02

Learners should be able to:
1. Discern and develop an effective style of writing i mportant technical/business documents.
2. Investigate possible resources and plan a successfu l job campaign.
3. Understand the dynamics of professional communicati on in the form of group discussions,
meetings, etc. required for career enhancement.
4. Develop creative and impactful presentation skills.
5. Analyse personal traits, interests, values, aptitud es and skills.
6. Understand the importance of integrity and develop a personal code of ethics.

Outcomes: Learners will be able to…
1. Plan and prepare effective business/ technical docu ments which will in turn provide solid
foundation for their future managerial roles.
2. Strategize their personal and professional skills t o build a professional image and meet the
demands of the industry.
3. Emerge successful in group discussions, meetings an d result-oriented agreeable solutions in group
communication situations.
4. Deliver persuasive and professional presentations.
5. Develop creative thinking and interpersonal skills required for effective professional
6. Apply codes of ethical conduct, personal integrity and norms of organizationalbehaviour.

1.1. Purpose and
Classification of
Reports Classification on the basis of:
● Subject Matter (Technology, Accounting, Finance,
Marketing, etc.)
● Time Interval (Periodic, One-time, Special)
● Function (Informational, Analytical, etc.)
● Physical Factors (Memorandum, Letter, Short & Long) 06
1.2. Parts of a Long
Formal Report ● Prefatory Parts (Front Matter)
● Report Proper (Main Body)
● Appended Parts (Back Matter)
1.3. Language and
Style of Reports ● Tense, Person & Voice of Reports
● Numbering Style of Chapters, Sections, Figures, Tab les
and Equations
● Referencing Styles in APA & MLA Format
● Proofreading through Plagiarism Checkers

Page 26

1.4. Definition,
Purpose & Types of
Proposals ● Solicited (in conformance with RFP) & Unsolicited
● Types (Short and Long proposals)
1.5. Parts of a
Proposal ● Elements
● Scope and Limitations
● Conclusion
1.6. Technical Paper
Writing ● Parts of a Technical Paper (Abstract, Introduction,
Research Methods, Findings and Analysis, Discussion ,
Limitations, Future Scope and References)
● Language and Formatting
● Referencing in IEEE Format
2.1. Cover Letter &
● Parts and Content of a Cover Letter
● Difference between Bio-data, Resume & CV
● Essential Parts of a Resume
● Types of Resume (Chronological, Functional &
Combination) 06
2.2 Statement of
Purpose ● Importance of SOP
● Tips for Writing an Effective SOP
2.3 Verbal Aptitude
Test ● Modelled on CAT, GRE, GMAT exams
2.4. Group
Discussions ● Purpose of a GD
● Parameters of Evaluating a GD
● Types of GDs (Normal, Case-based & Role Plays)
● GD Etiquettes
2.5. Personal
Interviews ● Planning and Preparation
● Types of Questions
● Types of Interviews (Structured, Stress, Behavioura l,
Problem Solving & Case-based)
● Modes of Interviews: Face-to-face (One-to one and Panel)
Telephonic, Virtual
3.1. Conducting
Business Meetings ● Types of Meetings
● Roles and Responsibilities of Chairperson, Secretar y
and Members
● Meeting Etiquette 02
3.2. Documentation ● Notice
● Agenda
● Minutes

Page 27

4.1. Effective
Presentation Strategies • Defining Purpose
• Analysing Audience, Location and Event
● Gathering, Selecting &Arranging Material
● Structuring a Presentation
● Making Effective Slides
● Types of Presentations Aids
● Closing a Presentation
● Platform Skills 02
4.2 Group Presentations ● Sharing Responsibility in a Team
● Building the contents and visuals together
● Transition Phases
5.1. Interpersonal Skills ● Emotional Intelligence
● Leadership & Motivation
● Conflict Management & Negotiation
● Time Management
● Assertiveness
● Decision Making 08
5.2 Start-up Skills • Financial Literacy
● Risk Assessment
● Data Analysis (e.g. Consumer Behaviour, Market
Trends, etc.)
6.1. Intellectual
Property Rights ● Copyrights
● Trademarks
● Patents
● Industrial Designs
● Geographical Indications
● Integrated Circuits
● Trade Secrets (Undisclosed Information) 02
6.2. Case Studies ● Cases related to Business/ Corporate Ethics

List of Assignments For Termwork
(In the form of Short Notes, Questionnaire/ MCQ Tes t, Role Play, Case Study, Quiz, etc.)
1. Cover Letter and Resume
2. Short Proposal
3. Meeting Documentation
4. Writing a Technical Paper/ Analysing a Published Te chnical Paper
5. Writing a SOP
7. IPR
8. Interpersonal Skills
9. Aptitude test (Verbal Ability)

Page 28

1. The Main Body of the project/book report should con tain minimum 25 pages (excluding
Front and Back matter).
2. The group size for the final report presentation sh ould not be less than 5 students or exceed 7
3. There will be an end–semester presentation based on the book report.

Guidelines for Internal Assessment
Term Work 25 Marks
Assignments 10 Marks
Attendance 05 Marks
Presentation slides 05 Marks
Book Report (hard copy) 05 Marks
Internal Oral - 25 Marks
Oral Examination will be based on a GD & the Projec t/Book Report presentation.
Group Discussion 10 Marks
Project presentation (Individual Presentation) 10 M arks
Group Dynamics 05 Marks

Text/Reference Books :
1. Arms, V. M. (2005). Humanities for the engineering curriculum: With selected chapters from
Olsen/Huckin: Technical writing and professional co mmunication, second edition. Boston, MA:
2. Bovée, C. L., &Thill, J. V. (2021). Business commun ication today. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
3. Butterfield, J. (2017). Verbal communication: Soft skills for a digital workplace. Boston, MA:
Cengage Learning.
4. Masters, L. A., Wallace, H. R., & Harwood, L. (2011 ).Personal development for life and work.
Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.
5. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., & Campbell, T. T. (20 17). Organizational Behaviour. Harlow,
England: Pearson.
6. Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma (2004) Technical C ommunication, Principles and
Practice. Oxford University Press
7. Archana Ram (2018) Place Mentor, Tests of Aptitu de For Placement Readiness. Oxford
University Press
8. Sanjay Kumar &PushpLata (2018). Communication Skill s a workbook, New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
Virtual Labs
https://ve-iitg.vlabs.ac.in/ - Virtual English and Communication Virtual Lab, II T Guwahati
http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/labs/communicatio n/ - Professional Communication Virtual Lab, IIT

Page 29

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO501 Signals and Systems 03
Prerequisite: MTC301 Engineering Mathematics-III
1. To introduce students to the idea of signal and sys tem analysis and characterization in time and
frequency domain.
2. To provide foundation of signal and system concepts to areas like mechatronics, communication,
control and comprehend applications of signal proce ssing in communication systems
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Classify and Analyze different types of signals and systems
2. Analyze CT - LTI signals and systems in transform d omain using Laplace Transform
3. Analyze and realize DT - LTI signals and systems in transform domain using Z Transform
4. Represent signals using Fourier Series and Analyze the systems using the Fourier Transform.
5. Demonstrate the concepts learnt in Signals and syst ems Course using the Modern Engineering

Module Unit
No. Details Hrs.

1.1 Introduction to Signals and Systems:
Signal Definition, Representation of Signal, Operat ions performed on
Dependent Variable, Operations Performed on Indepen dent Variables,
Fundamental Signals - Unit Step, Unit Impulse, Unit Ramp, Sinusoidal,
Exponential, Rectangular, Triangular.
Signal Classification: Finite- Versus Infinite- Dur ation Signals,Right Sided-,
Left Sided- and Both Sided Signals, Continuous Time Continuous Valued-
Versus Discrete Time Discrete Valued- Signals, Dete rministic- Versus
Nondeterministic- Signals, N-Dimensional Versus N-C hannel Signals,
Periodic- Versus Non-periodic- Signals, Even- Versu s Odd- Signals, Power-
Versus Energy- Signals,

1.2 Definition of System and System Classification:
System Definition, Representation of Continuous Tim e System, Discrete Time
System Classification: Discuss one practical exampl e with each system
Static- Versus Dynamic- System, Time Invariant- Ver sus Time Variant-
System, Linear Versus Non-linear System, Causal Ver sus Non-causal System,
Stable Versus Unstable System

02 2.1 Time Domain Linear Time Invariant System (LTI) Anal ysis:
Analysis of LTI Systems using Convolution Operation , Properties of
Convolution, Importance of Impulse Response, Step R esponse Sufficient and
Necessary Condition for Stability, Causality (No De rivation), Impulse
Response of Interconnected LTI Systems 04
2.2 Correlation and Spectral Density: Auto-Correlation Function, Cross-Correlation
Function, Analogy between Correlation and Convoluti on Function, Properties
of Auto-Correlation, Cross-Correlation (Only Statem ents, No Derivations) 03

3.1 Continuous Time Signals & Systems Analysis using La place Transform
Definition of Laplace Transform, Need of Laplace Tr ansform, Derivation of
Standard Laplace Transform Pairs for Right Sided-, Left Sided-, Both Sided-
Signals along with Concept of Region of Convergence , respectively, Properties
of Bilateral Laplace Transform (Only Statements, No Derivation), Unilateral 04

Page 30

03 Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform using Partial Fraction Me thod -
For Simple Poles, Repetitive Poles, Complex Conjuga te Poles
3.2 LTI System Analysis using Laplace Transform: Concep t of Transfer Function,
Causality-, Stability- ,Combined Causality & Stabil ity- Condition of systems in
Laplace-Domain, Differential Equation, Impulse Resp onse, Step Response 03

04 4.1 Discrete Time Signals & Systems Analysis using Z-Tr ansform
Definition of Z-Transform, Need of Z-Transform, Der ivation of Standard Z-
Transform Pairs for Right Sided-, Left Sided-, Both Sided- Signals along with
Concept of Region of Convergence, respectively, Pro perties of Z-Transform
(Only Statements, No Derivation), Unilateral Z-Tran sform, Inverse Z-
Transform using Partial Fraction Method - For Simpl e Poles, Repetitive Poles,
Complex Conjugate Poles 04
4.2 LTI System Analysis using Z-Transform:Systems Chara cterized by Linear
Constant Coefficient Difference Equation, Transfer Function, Pole-Zeros Plot
of a System Function , Causality and stability of s ystems, Total response of a
system 03

05 5.1 Fourier Analysis of Continuous and Discrete Time Si gnals and Systems:
Trigonometric Fourier Series, Exponential Fourier S eries Representation of
Signals, magnitude and phase spectra, power spectra l density and bandwidth.
Gibbs phenomenon, Properties of Fourier Series (Onl y Statements, No
Derivation) 03
5.2 Fourier transform of periodic and non-periodic func tions, Properties of Fourier
Transform, Inverse Fourier Transform, Frequency Res ponse: computation of
Magnitude and Phase Response
Relationship between Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform, Relationship
between Z-Transform and Discrete Time Fourier Trans form, Mapping between
s-Domain and z-Domain 04

06 6.1 Concept of finite impulse response systems and infi nite impulse response
systems, Linear Phase FIR systems 02
6.2 Realization structures of LTI system: Direct form – I and direct form II, Linear
Phase FIR structures. 02
Self- study
Topic Derivation of LTI System to be BIBO Stability Condi tion, Derivation of
Laplace Transform Properties, Derivation of Z-Trans form Properties,
Derivation of Fourier Transform Properties

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and the seco nd class test when an additional 35%
syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus wherein
sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Page 31

Text Books:
1. Nagoor Kani, Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hi ll, Third Edition, 2011.
2. Rodger E Ziemer, William H. Tranter and D. Ronal d Fannin, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education,
Fourth Edition 2009.
3. Alan V. Oppenhiem, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid Nawab, Signals and Systems, Prentice-Hall of
India, Second Edition, 2002.
4. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Sys tems, John Wiley and Sons, Second Edition, 2004.

1. B.P. Lathi, Principles of Linear Systems and Signal s, Oxford, Second Edition, 2010

NPTEL/ Swayam Course:
1. Course: Principles of Signals & Systems By Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham (IIT Kanpur);

Page 32

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO501 Production Processes 03
Prerequisite: MTC303 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, MTL40 5 Machine Shop Practice,
1. To familiarize with the various production processe s used on shop floors
2. To select appropriate production processes for a sp ecific application.
3. To introduce to the learner various machine tools u sed for manufacturing
4. To familiarize with principle and working of non-tr aditional manufacturing
5. To familiarize with electronic manufacturing fundam entals
Outcomes : Learner will be able to
1. Demonstrate understanding of casting process
2. Illustrate principles of forming processes.
3. Demonstrate applications of various types of weldin g processes.
4. Differentiate chip forming processes such as turnin g, milling, drilling, etc.
5. Illustrate the concept of producing polymer compone nts and ceramic components.
6. Illustrate principles and working of non-traditiona l and electronic manufacturing

Module Details Hrs.
1 Introduction to Production Processes and Metal Ca sting
1.1. Classification of Production Processes and app lications areas
1.2. Pattern making materials, Types of pattern and allowances.
1.3. Sand moulding and Machine moulding
1.4. Gating system :Types of riser, types of gates, solidification
1.5. Special casting processes : Shell moulding, Investment casting, Die
casting, Vacuum casting, Inspection & casting defec ts and remedies. 06
2 Joining Processes
2.1. Classification of various joining processes; Applic ability, advantages and
limitations of Adhesive bonding, Mechanical Fasteni ng; Welding and
allied processes, Hybrid joining processes.
2.2.Classification and Working of various welding m ethods: Gas, Arc,
Chemical, Radiant, Solid State etc.
2.3. Welding Joints, Welding Positions, Welding defects and their remedies.
Robotic Welding. 07
3 3.1. Forming processes
Introduction and classification of metalworking pro cesses, hot and cold
working processes
Introduction, forging and rolling operations, Defec ts in rolled and forged
Extrusion process, Wire and tube drawing processes.
3.2. Sheet metal working processes
Classification of Sheet metal operations, types of Presses used in sheet metal
operations, types of dies. 06
4 4.1. Machine Tools, Machining Processes .
Machine Tools and Machining Processes:
Lathe Machines, Milling Machines, Drilling Machines , and Grinding
Machines and selection of grinding wheel (Dressing and Truing),
Broaching machines, Lapping/Honing machines (Super Finishing
Operations) and shaping/slotting/planning Machines.
Gear Manufacturing
Gear milling, standard cutters and limitations, Gea r Hobbing, Gear
Shaping, Gear Shaving and Gear Grinding processes 10

Page 33

4.2. Tool Engineering
Geometry and nomenclature of single point cutting tool, Spee d, feed, depth of
cut, Taylor’s tool life equation, Concept of chip f ormation and types of chips.
Introduction to Jigs and Fixtures and types.
5 5.1Non Traditional Machining Processes :
Electro-chemical machining (ECM)
Electric-discharge machining (EDM)
Ultrasonic machining (USM)
Laser Beam Machining (LBM)
5.2 Semiconductor IC Manufacturing : Oxidation, Photolithography, Etching,
Doping , Deposition , Process Integration, Packagin g. PCB Assembly with SMT
Process 06
6. 6.1 Polymer Processing:
Polymer Molding Techniques for thermoplastic and th ermosetting plastics.
Applications of Plastics in Engineering field.
6.2 Powder Metallurgy :
Introduction to PM, Powder making processes, Steps in PM. Compaction and
Sintering processes. Secondary and finishing operat ions in PM.

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
6. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
7. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
8. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub-
questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
9. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
10. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Text/Reference Books:
1. Welding technology by O P Khanna
2. Foundry technology by O P Khanna
3. Elements of workshop technology. Vol. 1 & II by S K Hajra Choudhury
4. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Malik
5. Production Technology by WAJ Chapman Vol I, II, III
6. Production Technology by P C Sharma.
7. Production Technology by Raghuvanshi.
8. Gary S. May,Costas J. Spanos "Fundamentals Of Semic onductor Manufacturing And Process
Control" John Wiley & Sons

Page 34

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc20/SEM2/noc20-mm 25/

Page 35

Prerequisite: MTC302 Data Structures and Algorithms MTL303 Electr ical and Electronics Workshop

1. To provide an introduction to the internal operatio n of modern operating systems. major
components of Operating System & its functions.
2. To introduce the concept of a process and its manag ement like transition, CPU scheduling, etc
3. To understand basic concepts related to Inter-proce ss Communication (IPC) like mutual
exclusion, deadlock, etc. and role of an Operating System in IPC.
4. To Study memory management & implementation of memo ry management policies, and file
5. To Study RTOS Architecture and its application with different variants
6. To study the need and fundamentals of special-purpo se operating system with the advent of
new emerging technologies.

Outcomes: Learner will be able to..
1. Understand the basic concepts related to Operating Systems.
2. Describe the process management policies and illust rate scheduling of processes by CPU.
3. Explain and apply Inter-process Communication (IPC) and evaluate deadlock conditions
4. Illustrate the memory & Describe the memory and fil e management
5. Describe Architecture of RTOS & its Implementation with application
6. Select Appropriate OS for interdisciplinary applica tions

Module Details Hrs.

01 Introduction to Operating System:
Overview of Operating Systems, Operating System Arc hitecture and Operations;
Functions of Operating Systems; Operating System Se rvices and Interface;
System Calls and its Types; System Programs; System Boot.
Self-learning Topics:
Study of System calls with examples of any thre e OS
Study of any three System boot examples of diff erent OS.
Study of Types of Operating System Structures; 5

02 Process Management
Basic Concepts of Process; Operation on Process; Co ntext Switching; Process State
Model and Transition; Process Control Block; Introd uction to Threads; Types of
Threads and its models, Basic Concepts of Scheduling; Types of Schedulers;
Scheduling Criteria; Scheduling Algorithms.
Self-learning Topics:
Comparison of Process and PCB in different OS (e.g Window, Linux, Mac)
Study the comparison between Scheduling Algori thms.
Implementation Process scheduling algorithm us ing C /JAVA Lang 9

03 Inter Process Communication and Synchronization
Inter-process Communication - Shared Memory & Message Passing; Concurrent
Process , Race Condition; Critical Region and Problem; Peters on’s Solution;
Synchronization; Semaphores Producer Consumer Probl em using semaphore
Introduction to Deadlocks; Deadlock Ch aracterization; Deadlock Detection and
Recovery; Deadlock Prevention; Deadlock Avoidance.
8 Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO501 Operating Systems 03

Page 36

Self-learning Topics:
Study of comparison for Deadlock detection and recovery in different OS
Implementation of Banker's Algorithm using C/Ja va Lang

Memory Management Basic Concepts of Memory Management; Swapping; Memo ry
Allocation Algorithms; Paging; Structure of Page Ta ble; Segmentation; Virtual
Memory & Demand Paging, Page Replacement Algorithms
Self-learning Topics:
Implement Page Replacement Algorithm using C/Jav a Lang
Implement Memory Allocation Algorithm using C/Ja va Lang
File Management Basic Concepts of File System; File Access Methods; Directory
Structure; File-System Implementation; Allocation M ethods; Free Space Management;
Overview of Mass-Storage Structure & Disk Structure ; Disk Scheduling Algorithms;
Introduction to I/O Systems.
Self-learning Topics:
Implement Disk Scheduling Algorithm using C/Java Lang
Study the comparison of different disk space all ocation methods. 9

05 Real Time Operating Systems: Introduction to RTOS & Architectures
Characteristics and Comparison of open source & Pro prietary RTOS,Types of RTOS –
Real & Soft, Comparison of Traditional OS & RTOS, Applications of RTOS in
Robotics , Scheduling Real-time task, Application and Features of MUCOS,
VXWORKS operating systems, RTOS in embedded system ,
Fault tolerant Application and control systems,

Self-learning Topics:
Comparison of Different RTOS
Comparison between mucos & Vxworks 5

Case Study:
Open-source and Proprietary Operating System; Real- Time Operating System;
Embedded Operating Systems; Cloud and IoT Operating Systems; Mobile Operating
System; Automotive operating systems ,ROBOT OS
Self-learning Topics:
Case Study on any one Special-purpose Operating Sys tems.
Study the comparison of Linux & ROBOT OS.
Study File systems commands, Process management com mands, Memory
Management commands, Filters and File permission commands in different
operating system 3
Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub-
questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Page 37

Text Books:
1. A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating Sys tem Concepts, 10 th ed., Wiley, 2018.
2. W. Stallings, Operating Systems: Internal and Desig n Principles, 9 th ed., Pearson, 2018.
3. A. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson, 4 th ed., 2015.
4. Rajkamal “ Embedded Systems” TMH Publication
Reference Books:
1. N. Chauhan, Principles of Operating Systems, 1 st ed., Oxford University Press, 2014.
2. A. Tanenbaum and A. Woodhull, Operating System Desi gn and Implementation, 3 rd ed., Pearson.
3. R. Arpaci-Dusseau and A. Arpaci-Dusseau, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform, 1 st ed., 2018
4. Dr.K.V.K.K. Prasad “ Embedded Real time systems”
5. Maurice J. Bach, “The Design of Unix Operating Syst em”, Prentine Hall

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc16/SEM2/noc16-cs 10/
https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc19/SEM2/noc19-cs 51/

Page 38

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTPBL301 Mini Project-2A 02

1. To acquaint with the process of identifying the nee ds and converting it into the problem.
2. To familiarize the process of solving the problem i n a group.
3. To acquaint with the process of applying basic engi neering fundamentals to attempt solutions to
the problems.
4. To inculcate the process of self-learning and resea rch.
Outcome: Learner will be able to…
1. Identify problems based on societal /research needs .
2. Apply Knowledge and skill to solve societal problem s in a group.
3. Develop interpersonal skills to work as member of a group or leader.
4. Draw the proper inferences from available results t hrough theoretical/ experimental/simulations.
5. Analyse the impact of solutions in societal and env ironmental context for sustainable
6. Use standard norms of engineering practices
7. Excel in written and oral communication.
8. Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning in a grou p, which leads to life long learning.
9. Demonstrate project management principles during pr oject work.
Guidelines for Mini Project
• Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, whi le forming a group shall not be allowed less
than three or more than four students, as it is a g roup activity.
• Students should do survey and identify needs, which shall be converted into problem statement for
mini project in consultation with faculty superviso r/head of department/internal committee of
• Students hall submit implementation plan in the for m of Gantt/PERT/CPM chart, which will cover
weekly activity of mini project.
• A log book to be prepared by each group, wherein gr oup can record weekly work progress,
guide/supervisor can verify and record notes/commen ts.
• Faculty supervisor may give inputs to students duri ng mini project activity; however, focus shall
be on self-learning.
• Students in a group shall understand problem effect ively, propose multiple solution and select best
possible solution in consultation with guide/ super visor.
• Students shall convert the best solution into worki ng model using various components of their
domain areas and demonstrate.
• The solution to be validated with proper justificat ion and report to be compiled in standard format
of University of Mumbai.
• With the focus on the self-learning, innovation, ad dressing societal problems and entrepreneurship
quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it is preferable that a single
project of appropriate level and quality to be carr ied out in two semesters by all the groups of the
students. i.e. Mini Project 1 in semester III and I V. Similarly, Mini Project 2 in semesters V and
• However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s
recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adher ing to the qualitative aspects mentioned
above gets completed in odd semester, then that gro up can be allowed to work on the extension of

Page 39

the Mini Project with suitable improvements/modific ations or a completely new project idea in
even semester. This policy can be adopted on case b y case basis.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project:
Term Work
• The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by head of departments of
each institute. The progress of mini project to be evaluated on continuous basis, minimum
two reviews in each semester.
• In continuous assessment focus shall also be on eac h individual student, assessment based
on individual’s contribution in group activity, the ir understanding and response to questions.
• Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below;
o Marks awarded by guide/supervisor based on log book : 10
o Marks awarded by review committee : 10
o Quality of Project report : 05
Review/progress monitoring committee may consider f ollowing points for assessment based
on either one year or half year project as mentione d in general guidelines.
One-year project:
• In first semester entire theoretical solution shall be ready, including components/system
selection and cost analysis. Two reviews will be co nducted based on presentation given by
students group.
 First shall be for finalisation of problem
 Second shall be on finalisation of proposed solutio n of problem.
• In second semester expected work shall be procureme nt of component’s/systems, building of
working prototype, testing and validation of result s based on work completed in an earlier
 First review is based on readiness of building work ing prototype to be conducted.
 Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working
model in last month of the said semester.
Half-year project:
• In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
o Identification of need/problem
o Proposed final solution
o Procurement of components/systems
o Building prototype and testing
• Two reviews will be conducted for continuous assess ment,
 First shall be for finalisation of problem and prop osed solution
 Second shall be for implementation and testing of s olution.

Assessment criteria of Mini Project

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria;
1. Quality of survey/ need identification
2. Clarity of Problem definition based on need.
3. Innovativeness in solutions
4. Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selec tion of best solution
5. Cost effectiveness
6. Societal impact
7. Innovativeness
8. Cost effectiveness and Societal impact

Page 40

9. Full functioning of working model as per stated req uirements
10. Effective use of skill sets
11. Effective use of standard engineering norms
12. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
13. Clarity in written and oral communication

• In one year, project , first semester evaluation may be based on first s ix criteria’s and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluatio n of performance of students in mini
• In case of half year project all criteria’s in generic may be considered for ev aluation of
performance of students in mini project.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical /Oral Examination:
• Report should be prepared as per the guidelines iss ued by the University of Mumbai.
• Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentati on and demonstration of working model by the
student project group to a panel of Internal and Ex ternal Examiners preferably from industry or
research organisations having experience of more th an five years approved by head of Institution.
• Students shall be motivated to publish a paper base d on the work in Conferences/students
Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points;
1. Quality of problem and Clarity
2. Innovativeness in solutions
3. Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
4. Full functioning of working model as per stated req uirements
5. Effective use of skill sets
6. Effective use of standard engineering norms
7. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
8. Clarity in written and oral communication

Page 41

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC601 Digital Manufacturing 03
Prerequisites: MTSBL301 CAD – Modeling Laboratory, MTL405 Machine Shop Practice, MTC502
Sensors and Actuators
1. Introduce digitization / computerization in Manufac turing
2. Develop competency in additive and subtractive manu facturing processes
3. Introduce Industry 4.0 and related technologies.
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Analyze impact of digitalization on manufacturing
2. Demonstrate understanding of NC and CNC technology for subtractive manufacturing
3. Implement manual part programming for CNC Machines
4. Understand and apply computer aided part programmin g
5. Analyze and compare various technologies used in ad ditive manufacturing
6. Explain industrial revolutions and technologies imp ortant for Industry 4.0

Module Details Hrs.

01 Introduction to Digital Manufacturing
Types of manufacturing processes : Subtractive, Add itive , Formative and Hybrid.
Digital Manufacturing Concepts: Digitalization and the Networked Economy, Model
Based Definition, Product Life Cycle, Concept of Di gital Thread, Digital Twin. 4

02 CNC Technology
Numerical Control of Machines Introduction-NC Machine, CNC Machines, DNC,
Classification Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC Machines, Applications of CNC,
Tooling for CNC machines
Introduction, Cutting tools materials, types of cut ting tools, tool selection, ISO
specifications, clamping systems in tool holders. T ool probing and presetting,
Automatic Pallet Changer (APC) and Automatic Turret Changer (ATC), Study of
various probes and special tools.
CNC Control System
CNC motion controller, Linear, circular, parabolic, cubic, helical interpolator,
Positioning and contouring control loops, MCU ,Adap tive control – ACO and ACC
systems, Maintenance of CNC Machines. 8

03 CNC Manual Part Programming – NC Words, Writing Part Program for Turning
Machine and Milling Machine
Part Programming using Subroutines, Do Loops and Ca nned Cycle –
Introduction, Subroutines, Do Loops, Canned Cycles for CNC Turning Machine and
Milling Machine. Introduction to Parametric Program ming 7

CNC Computer -aided Part Programming – Introduction, Computer-aided Part
Programming Languages, APT, MACROS, Milling Machine Programs.
CAD/CAM Integration: Tool path Generation from CAD models, Computer Aid ed
Process Planning, 5

05 Additive Manufacturing The generic AM process, AM technology components, A M
Classification. Working Principle, Application, Adv antages & disadvantages: of Stereo
lithography Apparatus (SLA), Scanning and Projectio n type SLA, Digital Light
Processing(DLP), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), M ulti Jet Fusion(MJF) , 3D
Printing, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), and Lami nated Object Manufacturing 7

Page 42

Rapid Prototyping : Benefits and Applications
Rapid Tooling / Rapid Manufacturing: Injection Mold ing, Investment Casting ,Direct
Digital Manufacturing.

Industry 4.0
The Various Industrial Revolutions, Drivers, Enable rs, Compelling Forces and
Challenges for Industry 4.0, Mass Customization and agile manufacturing.

Digital Twin Concepts : Need for digital twin, Monitoring and Data Manag ement ,
Data Analytics , Cyber physical systems in Machine tools. Twin Control Approach ,
Virtual Machine Tool and Machining Process Model. C ase study of Digital Twin in
Automotive Manufacturing
Industrial Robots: Manipulator and Mobile Robots Application in Indus try. Robotic
workcell simulation. Cobots introduction.
Internet of Things (IoT) enabled manufacturing
Overview of IOT Enabled Manufacturing Systems, Cybe r Physical systems
Topic CNC Transducers
Positional transducers, optical gratings, encoders, Inductosyns,


Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
6. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
7. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
8. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus
wherein sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be aske d.
9. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has
part (a) from module3 then part (b) will be from an y module other
than module 3)
10. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional
to number of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus.

Text/Reference Books:

1. Xun Xu "Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Numerical Control:
Principles and Implementations" Hershey New York
2. John Stark "Product Lifecycle Management Volume 1: 21st Century Paradigm for Product
Realization" Springer
3. G. E. Thyer “Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools”, Industrial Press Inc., New York
4. Steve Krar, Arthur Gill, “CNC Technology and Progra mming”,MC Graw Hill
5. Kundra, Rao and Tewari, “Numerical Control and Comp uter Aided Manufacturing” Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
6. Mikell P. Groover, “Automation Production Systems, and CIM, Pearson Education

Page 43

7. Ian Gibson,David Rosen,Brent Stucker "Additive Manu facturing Technologies 3D Printing,
Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing " Springer
8. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, P. F. Jacobs, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
9. Advanced Machining and Manufacturing Processes, Kau shik Kumar DivyaZindani, J. Paulo Davim,
Springer International Publishing
10. Mikel Armendia, Mani Ghassempouri, Erdem Ozturk, Fl avien Peysson "Twin-Control A Digital Twin
Approach to Improve Machine Tools Lifecycle" Spring er
11. Victor Singh and Karen E. Willcox.” Engineering Des ign with Digital Thread” American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
12. Zude Zhou , Shane (Shengquan) Xie Dejun Chen “Funda mentals of Digital Manufacturing
Science” Springer
13. Rapid Manufacturing –An Industrial revolution for t he digital age by N.Hopkinson,
R.J.M.Hauge, P M, Dickens, Wiley
14. Rapid Manufacturing by Pham D T and Dimov, Springer Verlag
15. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things by Alasdair Gilchrist, 2016, Apress.
16. Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice by Danda B. Rawat, Joel Rodrigues, Ivan
Stojmenovic, 2015, C.R.C. Press.
17. Optimization of Manufacturing Systems using Interne t of Things by Yingfeng Zhang, Fei Tao,
2017, Academic Press (AP), Elsevier.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc16/SEM2/noc16-me 21/
https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_me46/previe w
https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs69/previe w

Page 44

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC602 Power Electronics and Drives 03

Prerequisite: MTC305 Applied Electrical and Electronics Engineer ing, MTC502 Sensors and Actuators

1. To teach power semiconductor switches and power con verters.
2. To teach different controlling methods for industri al drives.
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Discuss tradeoffs involved in power semiconductor s witches
2. Analyze different types of power converters.
3. Analyze issues involved in controlling of AC and DC drives.
4. Realize drive considerations for different industri al applications.

Module Details Hrs.
Requisite Basic Electrical Engineering
Electrical Circuit and Machines
Basic Electronics and Digital Circuit Design
1 Power Semiconductor Switches
1.1 SCR:
Principle of operation, static and dynamic characte ristics, gate characteristics,
turn-on and turn-off methods, protection.
1.2 Principle of operation and characteristics of:
TRIAC, power BJT, power MOSFET, IGBT. 06
2 DC Converters
2.1 AC-DC Converters
Phase Controlled Converters: Working and waveforms of: Single phase semi,
full converters with R, R-L load.
2.2 DC-DC converters:
Basic principle of step up and step down choppers. Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost,
Cuk regulators 06
3 AC Converters
3.1 Inverters (DC-AC):
Single phase half / full bridge voltage source inve rters with R load
3.2 AC-AC Converters
AC voltage Controllers: Single phase AC voltage controller – on – off contr ol
and phase control.
Cycloconverters: principle of operation of single phase step-up and stepdown
cycloconverters. 07
4 Electrical Drives
4.1 Introduction
Definition and difference between mechanical & elec trical drive, Block
Diagram, Classification, Choice Of Electrical Drive s
4.2 Dynamic Characteristics of Electrical Motor
Fundamental torque equations, Multi quadrant operat ion 05

Page 45

5 DC and AC Motor Drives
5.1 DC Drive
Operation :Motoring, Plugging, Dynamic and Regenerative Braki ng.
Control of DC Drive by phase controlled converter: Single phase, semi/ full
converter drive for separately excited dc motor.
Control of DC Drive by Chopper regulators: Single quadrant, Two –
quadrant and four quadrant chopper fed dc separatel y excited motors
5.4 AC Drives:
Current Source Inverter fed Induction motor drive,
Closed-loop induction motor drive with constant vol ts/Hz control,
PWM inverter fed induction motor drive 09
6 Applications of Electric Drives
6.1 Introduction to Solar and battery powered Drive s;
6.2 Servo motor drive requirement – control and imp lementation
6.3 Electrical Vehicles Drives 06
Study Stepper Motor Drive
Reluctance motor Drive
BLDC Motor Drive

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub-
questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Text/Reference Books:
1. Reshid, M.H., “Power Electronics – Circuits Devi ces and Application” Prentice Hall International,
New Delhi.
2. J Mohan Undeland and Robbins, “Power Electronics ”, John Wilry and Sons, New York.
3. P. C. Sen, “Power Electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill , New Delhi.
4. Singh, M.D., Khanchandani, K.B., “Power Electron ics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi. 5. S. K. Mandal, “Power Electronics”, McGraw -Hill Education (I) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Vedam Subramanyam, “Thyristor Control of Electri c drives”, Tata McGraw Hill Publilcations
7. P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publicat ions.
8. Vedam Subramanyam, “Electric Drives: Concepts & Applications”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Education, New Delhi.

Page 46

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 47

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC603 Instrumentation and Control 03

Prerequisites: MTC305 Applied Electrical and Electronics Engineeri ng, MTC405 Application of
Integrated Circuits, MTC502 Sensors and Actuators, MTC503 Mechatronic Systems Modelling and

1. To teach fundamental Process controller and its des ign
2. To educate students the criteria for selection of s uitable transmitters (Sensor/Actuators)
3. To help students in enhancing their knowledge about different controllers

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Identify process control loop components
2. Select proper transmitter for different parameters
3. Use suitable actuators for different situations
4. Design controller for different processes and appli cations
5. Tune PID Controllers
6. Write the ladder diagram programs for discrete proc ess control industrial applications.

Module Details Hrs.
1. 0 Fundamentals of process and control
1.1 Elements of process control loop, Concept of Proces s variables, set point,
controlled variable, manipulated variable, load var iable. Representation of
Process loop components using standard symbols (bas ics with reference to
control loop), and Examples of process loops like t emperature, flow, level,
pressure etc. Current to pneumatic converter & Pres sure to Current
1.2 Process Characteristics: Process load, Process lag, Self Regulation,
Distance/velocity lag (dead time), Capacity.
Control System Parameters Error, Variable Range, Co ntrol Lag, Cycling,
Direct/Reverse Action. 06
2.0 Transmitters:
2.1 Need of transmitter (concept of field area & contro l room area), Need for
standardization of signals, Current, voltage, and p neumatic signal standards,
Concept of live & dead zero
2.2 Types of transmitters: Two and four wire transmitte rs, Electronic and
Pneumatic transmitters Electronic Differential Pres sure Transmitter 04
3.0 Actuators
3.1 Control valve : Necessity, comparison with other final control elem ents,
Control valve Characteristics (Inherent & Installed ) , Control valve
terminology: Range ability, Turndown, valve capacity, viscosity index, AO,
AC (Fail Safe Action) etc. Construction, Advantages , Disadvantages &
applications of Globe: Single, double, 3way, angle, Gate, Needle,
Diaphragm, Rotary valves, Ball, Butterfly. Classifi cation of control valve
based on: valve body. Construction, type of actuati on, application etc.
3.2 Types of actuators: Electric: Solenoid, Motors, Hydraulic, Pneumatic:
Spring Diaphragm , & Smart actuators.
3.3 Control valve accessories: Positioners: Applications/Need, Types, Effect
on performance of Control valves. Volume boosters, Pressure boosters,
Reversing relay, Solenoid valves, Air lock. 08

Page 48

4.0 Controller
4.1 Discontinuous: ON/OFF, Multi-position Control, Floating Control.
4.2 Continuous: Proportional (offset), Integral (Reset windup), Der ivative,
Proportional- Integral, Proportional- Derivative, P roportional- Integral-
derivative, Types of PID combination (Non Interacti ng, Interacting and
Parallel), Setpoint Weighting, Error Squared, Anti- windup, Back
Calculation and Tracking , Concept of Bump less tra nsfers in PID
controller, Effect of process characteristics on PI D combination, Selection
& application of controller actions. 08
5.0 Tuning of controller:
5.1 Different Criteria : Quarter Amplitude Decay Ratio, Loop disturbance,
Optimum Control, Measure of Quality, Stability Crit eria Tuning Methods:
Process Reaction Curve (open loop), Ziegler Nichols (closed loop), λ
Tuning, & Frequency Response Method.
5.2 Digital PID controllers : : Velocity & Position algorithm, Block
Schematic, Faceplate of Digital controller, Direct Digital Control.
Introduction to Adaptive control and self tuning of digital PID controllers.
6.0 Discrete Process Control :
6.1 Continuous versus Discrete Process Control, Relay b ased ladder diagram
using standard symbols, Limitations of relay based system.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
6.2 Architecture of PLC, Types of Input & Output module s (AI, DI, DO, AO),
Wiring diagram,
6.3 PLC Basic instructions, Timers & Counters, PLC ladd er diagram, FBD and
IL, PLC programming for process applications,

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub-
questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from
module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus .

Text Books:
1. Process control and Instrument technology, C.D.John son, TMH

1. PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning Karl J. Åström , Tore Hägglund, ISA
2. Instrumentation for Process measurement and control , N.A. Anderson, CRC Press
3. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller, Gary Dunning, DELMAR Cengage
4. Programmable Logic Controller, Webb, PHI Reference Books
5. Tuning of Industrial control systems, ISA
6. Control valve Handbook, ISA

Page 49

7. Process Instruments and Controls Handbook, Douglas M. Considine, McGraw-Hill.
8. Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book, B.G. Liptak, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
9. Programmable Logic Controller, NIIT
10. Fundamentals of Process Control Theory, Paul Murril l, ISA
11. Lessons in Industrial Instrumentation, By Tony R. K uphaldt, Version 0.4 – Released Jan 11, 2009.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTC604 Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics 03
Prerequisite: MTC503 Sensors and Actuators, MTC403 Thermal and Fl uid Engineering
1. To study fundamentals of fluid power system.
2. To study pneumatics & hydraulic system and its comp onents.
3. To study system and its applications.
Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Analyze fluid power system
2. Describe construction and working of hydraulic comp onents
3. Design hydraulic system.
4. Describe construction and working of pneumatic comp onents
5. Design pneumatic system.
6. Design of electrical control for various fluid powe r applications.

Module Details Hrs.

01 Fluid Power Systems and Fundamentals
Introduction to fluid power, Advantages of fluid po wer, Application of fluid power
system. Types of fluid power systems, Properties of hydraulic fluids, General types
of fluids, Fluid power symbols. Basics of Hydraulic s, Applications of Pascals Law,
Laminar and Turbulent flow, Reynold’s number, Darcy ’s equation, Losses in pipe,
valves and fittings. 06

02 Hydraulic Systems & Components
Sources of Hydraulic Power: Pumping theory, Pump classification – Gear pump,
Vane Pump, piston pump, construction and working of pumps, pump performance,
Variable displacement pumps.
Fluid Power Actuators: Linear hydraulic actuators, Types of hydraulic cyl inders
– Single acting, Double acting, Cushioning mechanis m, Construction of double
acting cylinder.
Construction of Control Components: Directional control valves, Shuttle valve,
check valve, pressure control valve, pressure reduc ing valve, counter balance
valve, unloading valves, sequence valve, Flow contr ol valve – Fixed and
adjustable, Pressure compensated valves, Servo valv es(Mechanical and
Electrohydraulic) , Proportional control valves.
Accumulators and Intensifiers: Types of accumulators, intensifier 09

03 Design and Analysis of Hydraulic Circuits
Single acting and double acting cylinder circuits, regenerative circuit, sequence
circuit, Automatic cylinder reciprocating system, C ylinder synchronizing circuit
(Parallel and Series), Fail safe circuits(Prevent c ylinder extension, Overload
protection, Two handed safety) Meter in and meter out circuit. Accumulators
circuits, – Applications of Intensifier – Intensifi er circuit, 06

Pneumatic Systems and Components
Pneumatic Components: Properties of air, Compressors, Filter, Regulator,
Lubricator Unit, classification of pneumatic actuat ors, Air control valves, Quick
exhaust valves, directional control valves, non-ret urn valves, logic valves, time
delay valves, pressure sequence valve, 05

05 Design of Pneumatic Circuits
Pneumatic logic circuits for various applications. Displacement step diagram,
Speed control circuits, hydro-pneumatic circuit, se quential circuit design for
various applications using cascade and shift regist er method. 07

Electrical controls for fluid power
electrical control push button, limit switch, press ure switch, solenoid valves,
Relays, Electro-pneumatic systems, Dominant OFF and Dominant ON circuit, Two 06

Page 51

cylinder sequencing, Counting and timing, Electro- hydraulic system, hydro-
pneumatic system,

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
2. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
3. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
4. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein sub- questions of 2 to 5
marks will be asked.
5. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from module3 then
part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
6. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hrs as mentioned in the syllabus.

Text Books:
1. Fluid Power with Applications by Anthony Esposito - Pearson Education 2000.
2. Pneumatic Controls by Joji P, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd
1. A text book on Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machin es: Sukumar Pati, 2012 Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Power Hydraulics by Michael J, Prinches and Ashby J . G, - Prentice Hall, 1989
3. Industrial Hydraulics: Pippenger
4. Vickers Manual on Hydraulics
5. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by Dr.D S Kumar , Kataria Publishers 2014
6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic machines by Modi & Se th, Standard Publishers Distributors
7. Pneumatic Circuits and Low Cos by Fawcett J.R.
8. Fundamentals of pneumatics: Festo series
9. Fundamentals of hydraulics: Festo series

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 52

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL601 Python Programming Laboratory 01
Prerequisites: MTL301 Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory

1. To introduce basic concepts of Python programming l anguage as well as common packages and
2. To generate an ability to design, analyze and perfo rm experiments on real life problems in
mechatronics engineering using python.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the lea rner will be able to
1. Understand basic concepts in python.
2. Independently write code in Python, to be able to f ind python packages, install and utilize them
3. Understand how real world engineering problems can be solved and understood using Python
4. Draft and prepare case studies and report

Module Details Hours
1. Introduction to python and its applications. Insta llation of Python and setting
up a programming environment such as Anaconda and S pyder
Python Basics: Variable and variable types, Boolean s, Numbers (integers,
floats, fractions, complex numbers), strings, lists , tuples, sets, dictionaries.
bytes and byte arrays, Manipulating variables, inde xing, slicing, basic
operators (arithmetic, relational, logical, members hip, identity). String
methods, list methods, list slicing, set methods, i n built python functions, input
and output functions. 4
2. Basic Coding in Python: If, else, elif statements, for loops, range function,
while loops, List comprehensions, functions in pyth on. Introduction to OOP,
Classes, Objects, Reading and writing files. 2
3. Python libraries: Installing of different librarie s, packages or modules. Basic
concepts of the following libraries: NumPy, Matplot lib, Pandas, SciPy
Optional libraries based on case studies in Module 4: Pillow, Scikit, OpenCV,
Python in Raspberry Pi 4
4. Case Studies using Python (Select any 3):
1. Solving a linear differential equation using SciKit and plotting the
result in matplotlib. Students can use differential equations from any
previous topic studied in the programme such as mec hanics, kinematics
of machines, Mechatronic Systems Modelling and Cont rol etc.
2. Image processing and manipulation and auto detectio n of any object.
Applications in self-driving cars may be discussed.
3. Python programming of a Raspberry PI: Students can sense using a
sensor, process the reading and then control some p hysical output (like
motor or LED)
4. Project involving basic machine learning (Students should understand
the basic concepts of machine learning and apply to specific situation)
5. Any other case study that uses Python to solve Mech anical Engineering
6. Customizing applications by writing API programs us ing python like to
create joints, get physical properties, get circle and arc data from edge. 6

Note: In module 4: Advanced learners may opt to do multi ple case studies beyond minimum required.
Student with laptops or personal computers should b e encourages to install Python on it and
independently work on these projects.
Students should prepare a short report for each cas e study and submit their findings. They should also
give a presentation on their case study as well as a live demonstration of their projects.

Page 53

Suggested Text Books and Resources
1. Core Python Programming, Dr. R. NageswaraRao, Dream tech Press
2. Programming through Python, M.T.Savaliya and R.K.Ma urya, StarEdu Solutions
3. Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. James Payne, Wrox publication2.
4. Any digital resources and online guides for python or its packages. Such as "The Python Tutorial",


Laboratory Work: 5 Marks
Case Study Reports and Presentation: 5 marks each: Total 15 marks
Attendance: 5 Marks

External Practical/Oral:
1. Practical examination of 2 hours duration followed by Oral to be conducted by Pair of Internal and
External Examiner based on contents
2. Evaluation of practical examination to be done by e xaminer based on the printout of students work
3. Distribution of marks
a. Practical examination: 20 marks
b. Oral based on practical examination: 05 marks

Note: Students work along with evaluation report to be preserved till the next examination

Page 54

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL602 Instrumentation and Electric Drives Laborato ry 01

Pre-requisite: MTL502 Mechatronic Systems Modelling and Control M TL501 Sensors and
Actuators Laboratory, MTL404 Technical Computing La boratory

1. To study the basic of instrumentation
2. To study control strategies
3. To study power electronic circuits
4. To study AC and DC Drive implementation

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Characterization of Instruments used in process con trol
2. Implementation of PID controller and its variations
3. Implement PLC programming for process
4. Implementation of DC Motor Drives
5. Implement of AC Motor Drives

List of Practical’s:
Part A
1) Demonstration of I(Current)/P(Pressure) and P(Press ure)/I(Pressure) converter using
integrated Circuits
2) P, PI, PD and PID Controller its performance and tu ning
3) Implementation of Digital PID Controller.
4) PLC programming( Ladder diagram, Instruction list a nd Functional Block Diagram )
5) Determination of Control Valve Characteristics
6) Tuning of industrial PID controller for process con trol application
Part B
1) Study of different triggering circuits for SCR.(R, RC and UJT Triggering )
2) Study of thyristors controlled DC Drive.
3) Study of Chopper fed DC Drive.
4) Study of AC Single phase motor-speed control .
5) PWM Inverter fed 3 phase Induction Motor control us ing PSPICE / MATLAB / PSIM /
SCILAB Software OR hardware
6) VSI / CSI fed Induction motor Drive analysis using MATLAB / SPICE / PSIM/ SCILAB
Software OR hardware.
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of 5 experiments from Part A and 5 experiments
from Part B and 3 assignments on I&C and 3 Assignm ents on PED.
The distribution of marks for term work shall
be as follows:
1. Laboratory work (Experiments) : 10 marks
2. Assignments : 10 marks
3. Attendance 05 marks

Page 55

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.
Practical and Oral Examination:
Practical examination of 2 hours duration based on experiments mentioned in the list.

Marks distribution: 25 Marks = Practical examinatio n (15 Marks) + Oral examination
(10 Marks). Practical and Oral examination is to be conducted by pair of internal and
external examiners

Page 56

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL603 Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Laboratory 01

Pre-requisite: MTL501 Sensors and Actuators Laboratory,

1. To study fundamentals of fluid power system.
2. To study pneumatics & hydraulic system and its comp onents.
3. To design pneumatic and hydraulic circuits for indu strial application

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Design pneumatic and electro-pneumatic system for i ndustrial application.
2. Design hydraulic and electro-hydraulic system for i ndustrial application.
3. Characterization of Hydraulic system components
4. Selection of Hydraulic and Pneumatic System compone nts

Suggested List of laboratory experiments (Minimum E ight):
Sr. No. Experiment List
01 Study of Hydraulic System Components
02 Characteristics of reciprocating pumps, gear pump e tc.
03 Design and Development of Hydraulic circuit for sin gle cylinder / hydraulic motor manual
operation with meter in and meter out speed control (Simulation and Hardware
04 Design and Development of Electro -Hydraulic circuit for single cylinder reciprocation
(Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
05 Study of Pneumatic System Components
06 Design and Development of Pneumatic circuit for cyl inder actuation based on logic operation
(Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
07 Design and implementation of pneumatic circuit for Two cylinder sequencing (Simulation
and Hardware Implementation)
08 Design and implementation of electro -pneumatic circuit for Two cylinder sequencing
(Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
09 Design and implementation of electro-pneumatic circ uit for single cylinder reciprocation with
counter (Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
10 Design and implementation of electro-pneumatic circ uit for two cylinder sequencing with
timer (Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
11 Design and implementation of hydraulic circuit base d on Proportional / Servo Valves
(Simulation and Hardware Implementation)
12 Implementation and Characterization of Pneumatic Mu scle with Electronic Pressure

Page 57

Term Work:
Term work consists of performing minimum 8 practica l mentioned as above. Final certification
and acceptance of the term work ensures satisfactor y performance of laboratory work.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
● Laboratory work (Experiment/journal) : 20 marks.
● Attendance (Theory and Practical) : 05Marks

End Semester Examination:
Pair of Internal and External Examiner should condu ct Practical and Oral. Practical exam (15 marks)
will be on any one of the experiments from the list and oral exam (10 marks) will be based on the enti re
syllabus of the laboratory.

Page 58

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTL604 CNC and 3-D Printing Laboratory 02

Prerequisites: MTSBL301 CAD – Modeling Laboratory

1. To distinguish the model development with respect t o subtractive and additive manufacturing
2. To develop learners’ understanding of the practical applications of a Computer-aided Manufacture
& Rapid Prototyping System .

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Demonstrate CAM Tool path and prepare NC- G code.
2. Apply rapid prototyping and tooling concepts for an y real life applicationsn
3. Convert 2D images into 3D model

No. List of Exercises CO
1 Part programming and part fabrication on CNC Turnin g trainer (Involving
processes like Step turning, facing, Taper turning, threading, etc.)
(One job in a group of 4-5 students) 01
2 Part programming and part fabrication on CNC Millin g trainer ( Involving
processes like contouring, drilling, facing, pocket ing etc.)
(One job in a group of 4-5 students) 01
3 Part Programming Simulation for any Unconventional Machining Process (Electric
Discharge Machining, laser cutting Machining, Plasm a Cutting Machining etc.) 01
4 Tool-path generation by translation of part geometr y from computer aided design
(CAD) to computer aided manufacturing (CAM) systems . 01
5 Post processing of Code generated via CAM system 01
6 Case Study: Report on a visit conducted to any Comm ercial CNC Machining Centre
explaining the Design features, pre processing in C AM software and its capabilities. 01
Development of physical 3D mechanical structure usi ng any one of the rapid
prototyping processes. 02
Check the constraints of any two RP systems for fea tures like layer thickness,
orientation of geometry, support generation, post p rocessing etc. 02
Design an object with free form surface & printing it using any RP process. 02

Page 59

Segmentation in Slicer’s Segment Editor module for the purpose of 3D printing
(3D Slicer open source) (Application: Any Bone part as per available Dicom files) 02 & 03
Creation of 3D model from 2D images using any image processing software and
printing it. (3D Slicer open source) (Application: Any body organ like Heart,
Gallbladder etc.. as per available Dicom files) 02 & 03
Case Study: Usability of rapid tooling integrated i nvestment casting process, with
their advantages and limitations in any one of emer ging areas of dentistry, jewelry,
surgical implants, turbine blades, etc. 02

Term work shall consist of
● Any 4 exercises from 1 to 6 and 3 exercises from 7 to 1 1 of the above list
● Exercise 12 is mandatory.

Text/Reference Books:
1. CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, P. N. Rao, Tat a McGraw Hill Publications
2. CNC Technology and Programming, Krar, S., and Gill, A., McGraw Hill Publishers.
3. CNC Programming for Machining, Kaushik Kumar, Chike shRanjan, J. Paulo Davim, Springer
4. Medical Modelling The Application of Advanced Desig n and Rapid Prototyping Techniques in
Medicine, Richard Bibb, Dominic Eggbeer and Abby Pa terson, Woodhead Publishing Series in
Biomaterials: Number 91, Elsevier Ltd.
5. Biomaterials, artificial organs and tissue engineer ing, Edited by Larry L. Hench and Julian R.
Jones, Woodhead Publishing and Maney Publishing, CR C Press 2005
6. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyp ing to Direct Digital Manufacturing, I.
Gibson l D. W. Rosen l B. Stucker, Springer Publica tion.
7. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, P. F. Jacobs, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

Page 60

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO601 Microfabrication Processes 03

Prerequisite: MTC303 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, MTC501 CAD & CAE
1. To gain an understanding of standard microfabricati on techniques (fundamental principles)
and the issues surrounding them.
2. To know the major classes, components, and applicat ions of microfabrication.
3. To understand the essentials and constraints of mic rofabrication processes.

Outcome: Learner will be able to ..
1. Identify appropriate microfabrication process for development of functional microsystem.
2. Apply knowledge of microfabrication techniques to t he design and develop a microsystem.
3. Understand the working principle of different micro fabrication processes

Module Details Hrs.

01 Introduction to microfabrication processes, Additiv e and subtractive type
microfabrication processes. Advantages and disadvan tages of additive and subtractive
microfabrication. Applications and scope, Microfabr ication process and its CAD
compatibility. 6

02 Diffusion, Ion Implantation, Chemical–Mechanical Po lishing (CMP). Bonding. Glass
Micro processing.
Surface Micromachining, dimensional uncertainties, sealing processes in surface
micromachining, IC compatibility, poly-Si surface micromachining, hinged polysilicon,
thick polysilicon, CVD silicon dioxides. 7

03 Photolithography overview, masks, spinning resist a nd soft baking, , exposure and post
exposure treatment, development, post baking, resis t, wafer priming, resist stripping,
critical dimensions, line width, overall resolution , resist profile, overview of profile
type, lift-off technique, Extreme UV lithography,
Pattern Generation, Micro stereo lithography (types : scanning, projection, Integral
Hardening, (IH), multi-resist, constraint surface), bulk lithography 8

Working Principles of Electro-discharge Machining ( EDM), Reverse Micro- EDM, Wire
cut EDM, laser micromachining, Electro-chemical mac hining. 6

05 Dry Etching, Sputtering or Ion Etching, Plasma etching, reaction mechanism, Ion energy
vs Pressure relationship in a plasma. Chemical Etch ing, Energy driven anisotropy,
Dopant driven anisotropy, Deep Reactive Ion Etching , Comparing dry and wet etching,
combining dry and wet etching. 6

LIGA and Micromolding:
Synchrotron orbital Radiation (SOR), X- ray masks, resist requirement, exposure,
development, metal deposition, molding, demolding, sacrificial layers 6
Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

Page 61

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein
sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a)
from module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number
of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the sylla bus.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Sami Franssila, “Introduction to Micro fabrication” , Wiley 2 nd Edition.
2. Marc J Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, The Science of minituarization, second
edition, CRC press.
3. Yi Qin, Micromanufacturing Engineering and Technolo gy, Micro and Nanotechnology series,
4. Nadim Mulaf and Kirt Williams, “An Introduction to Microelectromechanical systems
Engineering”, Artech House.
5. Stanley Wolf and Richard Tauber, “Silicon Processin g for the VLSI era Volume -1
Technology”, Lattice press.
6. Vijay K. Varadan, K.J.Vinoy and S. Gopalkrishnan, “ Smart Material Systems and
MEMS: Design and Development Methodologies”, John W iley and sons Ltd.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_bt29/previe w
https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_ee56/previe w

Page 62

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO601 Machine Interface Design 03

Prerequisites: MTC603 Instrumentation and Control

1. To stress the importance of a good interface design .
2. To understand the importance of human psychology in designing good interfaces.
3. To motivate students to apply HMI in industrial app lication.
4. To bring out the creativity in each student – build innovative applications that are user
5. To encourage students to indulge into research in M achine Interface Design.
Outcomes: Learner will be able to..
1. Explain the psychopathology of user interface desig n
2. Design innovative and user friendly interfaces for industrial application.
3. Criticize existing interface designs, and improve t hem.
4. Design application for social and technical task wi th safety concern.

Module Details Hrs.

01 1.1 Introduction: Introduction to Human Machine Interface, Hardware, software and
operating environment to use HMI in various fields.
1.2 The psychopathology of everyday things – comple xity of modern devices;
human-centered design; fundamental principles of in teraction;
1.3 Psychology of everyday actions- how people do t hings; the seven stages of action
and three levels of processing; human error; 7

02 2.1 GUI – benefits of a good UI; popularity of graphics; conc ept of direct
manipulation; advantages and disadvantages; charact eristics of GUI;
characteristics of Web UI; General design principle s.
2.2 User Interface Design Process: Steps in UI design 7

03 3.1 Graphical screen design: graphical design conce pts, components of visible
language, graphical design by grids
3.2 Beyond screen design: characteristics of good r epresentations, information
visualization, Tufte’s guidelines, visual variables , metaphors, direct
Manipulation, Haptic Interfaces, 6

4.1 Interaction styles and communication – menus; windows; device based
controls, screen based controls, feedback and guida nce, icons, colors.
4.2 Societal and Individual Impact of User Interfac es: Future Interfaces, Ten
Plagues of the Information Age, Overcoming the Obst acle of Animism 6

05 5.1 Design principles and usability heuristics: des ign principles, principles to support
usability, golden rules and heuristics, Human Compu ter Inetraction (HCI) patterns
5.2 HCI design standards: process-oriented standard s, product-oriented
standards, strengths and limitations of HCI Standards 6

Case studies:
Designing and evaluating Human-Machine Interface (H MI) for
1. Process control application.
2. Flight control system 7

Page 63

3. Robotics Welding
4. Air-conditioning system
5. Smart phones
6. Medical Devices
7. Augmented Reality Based Machine Maintenance

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
11. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
12. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
13. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus
wherein sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be aske d.
14. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has
part (a) from module3 then part (b) will be from an y module other
than module 3)
15. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional
to number of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Donald A. Normann, “Design of everyday things”, Bas ic Books; Reprint edition 2002.
2. Wilbert O. Galitz, “The Essential Guide to User Int erface Design”, Wiley publication.
3. Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant,: Desinging the user Interface:,Pearson,Addison
4. Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, “About F ace3: Essentials of Interaction design”,
Wiley publication.
5. Jeff Johnson, “Designing with the mind in mind”, Mo rgan Kaufmann Publication.
6. “Human-Machine Interface Design for Process Control Applications”, Jean-Yves Fiset,
7. Dix A. et al., Human-Computer Interaction. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN-10:
8. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, Interacti on Design: Beyond Human Computer
Interaction, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2011, ISBN-10: 047 0665769
9. Guy A. Boy “The Handbook of Human Machine Interacti on”, Ashgate publishing Ltd.
10. “Human Haptic Perception Basics and Applications” B irkhaeuser Verlag AG, Boston Basel
11. Changzhi KeBo KangDongyi ChenXinyu Li "An Augmented Reality-Based Application for
Equipment Maintenance" ACII 2005 Springer

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs50/previe w

Page 64

Course Code Course Name Credits
MTDO601 Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics 03

Perquisites : MTC402 Kinematics of Machinery, MTC501 CAD and C AE
1. Study motion of mechanical system caused by externa l forces using computational approach.
2. Study multibody dynamics modelling for designing co mplex products.
3. Introduce multibody vibration analysis

Outcomes: Learner will be able to...
1. Explain rigid body kinematics of multibody systems
2. Model forces on multibody Mechanical systems
3. Define and solve equations of motion of Multibody s ystems
4. Define constraints in multibody systems
5. Analyse vibrations in multibody systems

Module Details Hrs.

01 Introduction and applications of Multibody Dynamics
Rigid-Body Kinematics
Introduction, Vectors Differentiation, Generalized Coordinates(Cartesian
Coordinates Euler angles and Direction Cosines), Eu ler and Rodriguez Formula,
Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration.

Kinematics for General Multibody Systems
Introduction, Configuration Graphs for Treelike Mul tibody Systems, Generalized
Coordinates Partitioning, Transformation Matrices a nd Their Derivatives for
N-Interconnected Rigid Bodies, Angular Velocities an d Accelerations 6

02 Modeling of Forces in Multibody Systems
Introduction, Forces, Moments and Equivalence Force Systems, Generalized
Active Force, Modeling of Springs and Dampers at th e Joints. Contact Forces,
Gravitational Forces, Generalized Inertia Forces, I nertia Properties, Second
Moment, Inertia Dyadic. 6

03 Equations of Motion of Multibody Systems
Introduction, Equations of Motion, Derivation of Ka ne’s Equations Through the
Principle of Virtual Work, Matrix Representation o f the Equations of Motion. 6

Lagrange Equations
Introduction, Energy Equations, Lagrange’s Equation s, Application of Lagrange
Equations to Multibody Systems, Relationship Betwee n Kane’s and Lagrange
Equations. 5

05 Handling of Constraints in Multibody Systems Dynami cs
Introduction, Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constr aints , Constrained Multibody
Systems, The Augmented Method, Coordinate Reduction , Evaluation of the
Constraint Forces 8

Linearization and Vibration Analysis of Multibody S ystems
Introduction, Linearization of the Equations of Mot ion, Free Vibration of
Continuous Beams: Natural Mode Shapes and Frequenci es Transverse Vibration, 8

Page 65

Longitudinal Vibration, Torsional Vibration. The Ei genvalue Problem, Rayleigh–
Ritz Method, Forced System Response and Selection o f Mode Shapes.

Case study on application of Multibody dynamic simu lation for motion analysis of
(a) Vehicle Suspension and (b) Washing Machine.
Topic Particle Dynamics

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second c lass test when additional 35% syllabus
is completed. Duration of each test shall be one ho ur.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein
sub- questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a)
from module3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number
of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the sylla bus.

Text Books:
1. “Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics Theory and Appl ications” Farid Amirouche

1. Shabana, A.A., 2005, Dynamics of Multibody Systems, Cambridge Press
2. Chaudhary, H., and Saha, S.K., 2013, Dynamics and B alancing of Multibody Systems, Springer
3. Shah, S., Saha, S.K., and Dutt, J.K., 2014, Dynamic s of Tree-type Robotic Systems, Springer
4. Banerjee, Arun K., 2016, Flexible Multibody Dynamic s—Efficient Formulations and
Applications, Wiley
5. Edara, R. and Shih, S., "Effective Use of Multibody Dynamics Simulation in Vehicle Suspension
System Development," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-15 47, 2004, https://doi.org/10.4271/2004-
01-1547 .
6. Nygårds, T., Berbyuk, V. Multibody modeling and vib ration dynamics analysis of washing
machines. Multibody Syst Dyn 27, 197–238 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11044-011-9292-5

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
https://www.mooc-list.com/course/modeling-and-simul ation-multibody-systems-edx

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MTPBL301 Mini Project-2B 02

1. To acquaint with the process of identifying the nee ds and converting it into the problem.
2. To familiarize the process of solving the problem i n a group.
3. To acquaint with the process of applying basic engi neering fundamentals to attempt solutions to
the problems.
4. To inculcate the process of self-learning and resea rch.
Outcome: Learner will be able to…
1. Identify problems based on societal /research needs .
2. Apply Knowledge and skill to solve societal problem s in a group.
3. Develop interpersonal skills to work as member of a group or leader.
4. Draw the proper inferences from available results t hrough theoretical/ experimental/simulations.
5. Analyse the impact of solutions in societal and env ironmental context for sustainable
6. Use standard norms of engineering practices
7. Excel in written and oral communication.
8. Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning in a grou p, which leads to life long learning.
9. Demonstrate project management principles during pr oject work.
Guidelines for Mini Project
• Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, whi le forming a group shall not be allowed less
than three or more than four students, as it is a g roup activity.
• Students should do survey and identify needs, which shall be converted into problem statement for
mini project in consultation with faculty superviso r/head of department/internal committee of
• Students hall submit implementation plan in the for m of Gantt/PERT/CPM chart, which will
cover weekly activity of mini project.
• A log book to be prepared by each group, wherein gr oup can record weekly work progress,
guide/supervisor can verify and record notes/commen ts.
• Faculty supervisor may give inputs to students duri ng mini project activity; however, focus shall
be on self-learning.
• Students in a group shall understand problem effect ively, propose multiple solution and select best
possible solution in consultation with guide/ super visor.
• Students shall convert the best solution into worki ng model using various components of their
domain areas and demonstrate.
• The solution to be validated with proper justificat ion and report to be compiled in standard format
of University of Mumbai.
• With the focus on the self-learning, innovation, ad dressing societal problems and entrepreneurship
quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it is preferable that a single
project of appropriate level and quality to be carr ied out in two semesters by all the groups of the

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students. i.e. Mini Project 1 in semester III and I V. Similarly, Mini Project 2 in semesters V and
• However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s
recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adher ing to the qualitative aspects mentioned
above gets completed in odd semester, then that gro up can be allowed to work on the extension of
the Mini Project with suitable improvements/modific ations or a completely new project idea in
even semester. This policy can be adopted on case b y case basis.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project:
Term Work
• The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by head of departments of
each institute. The progress of mini project to be evaluated on continuous basis, minimum
two reviews in each semester.
• In continuous assessment focus shall also be on eac h individual student, assessment based
on individual’s contribution in group activity, the ir understanding and response to questions.
• Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below;
o Marks awarded by guide/supervisor based on log book : 10
o Marks awarded by review committee : 10
o Quality of Project report : 05
Review/progress monitoring committee may consider f ollowing points for assessment based
on either one year or half year project as mentione d in general guidelines.
One-year project:
• In first semester entire theoretical solution shall be ready, including components/system
selection and cost analysis. Two reviews will be co nducted based on presentation given by
students group.
 First shall be for finalisation of problem
 Second shall be on finalisation of proposed solutio n of problem.
• In second semester expected work shall be procureme nt of components/systems, building of
working prototype, testing and validation of result s based on work completed in an earlier
 First review is based on readiness of building work ing prototype to be conducted.
 Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working
model in last month of the said semester.

Half-year project:
• In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
o Identification of need/problem
o Proposed final solution
o Procurement of components/systems
o Building prototype and testing
• Two reviews will be conducted for continuous assess ment,
 First shall be for finalisation of problem and prop osed solution
 Second shall be for implementation and testing of s olution.

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Assessment criteria of Mini Project.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria;
1. Quality of survey/ need identification
2. Clarity of Problem definition based on need.
3. Innovativeness in solutions
4. Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selec tion of best solution
5. Cost effectiveness
6. Societal impact
7. Innovativeness
8. Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
9. Full functioning of working model as per stated req uirements
10. Effective use of skill sets
11. Effective use of standard engineering norms
12. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
13. Clarity in written and oral communication

• In one year, project , first semester evaluation may be based on first s ix criteria’s and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluatio n of performance of students in mini
• In case of half year project all criteria’s in generic may be considered for ev aluation of
performance of students in mini project.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical /Oral Examination:
• Report should be prepared as per the guidelines iss ued by the University of Mumbai.
• Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentati on and demonstration of working model by the
student project group to a panel of Internal and Ex ternal Examiners preferably from industry or
research organisations having experience of more th an five years approved by head of Institution.
• Students shall be motivated to publish a paper base d on the work in Conferences/students

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points;
1. Quality of problem and Clarity
2. Innovativeness in solutions
3. Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
4. Full functioning of working model as per stated req uirements
5. Effective use of skill sets
6. Effective use of standard engineering norms
7. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
8. Clarity in written and oral communication