TE Electrical Electronics_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

TE Electrical Electronics_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC 24/06/2016
Item No. 4.56

Bachelor of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Third Year (Semester V and VI), Revised course

(Rev2012) From Academic Year 2016- 17


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From Dean’s Desk:
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of quality
assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of
the program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has
taken a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum
development. Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved
that, each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO ‟s) and giv
to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEO ‟s) and cou
for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes understand the depth and approach of
course to be taught, which will enhance learner ‟s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum
senior faculty from colleges and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am
happy to state that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology,
and developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester based credit and
grading system is also introduced to ensure quality of engineering education. Semester based Credit and
Grading system enables a much-required shi ft in focus from teacher-centric to learner -centric education since
the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. University of Mumbai has taken a lead in
implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of Technology has devised a transparent
credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner ‟
s performa
courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content of courses is to be taught in 12-13
weeks and remaining 3 -2 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest lectures, coverage of content beyond
syllabus etc. Credit and grading based system was impl emented for First Year of Engineering from the
academic year 2012 -2013. Subsequently this system will be carried forward for Second Year Engineering in
the academic year 2013 -2014, for Third Year and Final Year Engineering in the academic years 2014-2015
and 2015-2016 respectively.
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Dean, Faculty of Technology,
Member - Management Council, Senate, Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai


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Preamble: To be added


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Teaching Scheme Semester V

*2 hours to be conducted class wise and remaining 2 hours to be conducted batch wise

Code Course
Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ELC501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ELC502 Electrical
Machines -II 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ELC503 Electromagnetic
Fields and Waves 03 -- 01 03 -- 01 04
ELC504 Design with Linear
Integrated Circuits
04 -- --
ELC505 Signals and
04 --
04 --
ELS506 Business
and Ethics
ELL501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals
ELL502 Electrical
Machines -II
02 --
01 --
ELL503 Design with Linear
Integrated Circuits
ELL504 Mini Project I -- 02 -- -- 02 -- 02
Total 19 10+2* 02 19 07 02 28


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Examination Scheme Semester V

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme

Total Theory Marks
Work Practical
and Oral Oral
Internal Assessments End
3 Hrs
Duration Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1
& Test
ELC501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals 20 20 20 80 -- -- --
ELC502 Electrical
Machines -II 20 20 20 80 -- -- --
ELC503 Electromagnetic
Fields and Waves 20 20 20 80 25 -- --
ELC504 Design with
Linear Integrated
ELC505 Signals and
-- --
ELS506 Business
and Ethics
ELL501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals
ELL502 Electrical
Machines -II
ELL503 Design with
Linear Integrated
ELL504 Mini Project I -- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
Total -- -- 100 400 200 75 -- 775

Page 7

Teaching Scheme Semester VI

Code Course
Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ELC6 01 Microcontrollers
and its
Applications 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ELC6 02 Electrical
Machines -III 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ELC6 03
Power Electronics
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ELC6 04 Power System
ELC505 Digital Signal
Processing and
ELC6 06 Project
ELL6 01 Microcontrollers
and its Application
ELL6 02 Electrical
Machines -III
ELL603 Powe r Electronics
and Power
ELL604 Digital Signal
Processing and Processor
ELL605 Mini Project I I -- 02 -- -- 02 -- 02
Total 22 10 -- 23 06 -- 29

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Examination Scheme Semester V I

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme

Total Theory Marks
Work Practical
and Oral Oral
Internal Assessments End
3 Hrs
Duration Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1
& Test
ELC6 01 Microcontrollers
and its Application 20 20 20 80 -- -- --
ELC6 02 Electrical
Machines -III 20 20 20 80 -- -- --
ELC6 03 Power Electronics
20 20 20 80 -- -- --
ELC6 04 Power System
ELC6 05 Digital Signal
Processing and
ELC6 06 Project
80 -- -- --
EL6501 Microcontrollers
and its Application
ELL6 02 Electrical
Machines -III
ELL6 03 Power Electronics
and Power System
ELL604 Digital Signal
Processing and Processor
ELL6 05 Mini Project I I -- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
Total -- -- 120 480 125 100 -- 825

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Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Pre-requisite:
ELC402: Digital Circuit and Design

Course Objectives:
• To create a strong foundation by studying the basics of Microprocessors and interfacing to various
peri pheral s which will le a d to a we ll-designed Microprocessor based System. requisite

Course Outcomes:
• Students will be able to understand and design Microprocessor based systems.
• Students will be able to understand assembly language programming
• Students will be able to learn and understand concept of interfacing of peripheral devices and
their applications


Page 10

No Topics Hours
1 Introduction to Intel 8085 Microprocessor: Basic functions of the
microprocessor, System bus, Architecture, Pin Configuration and
Programmer’ s model of Intel 8085 Microprocessor
2 Intel 8086 Architecture: Major features of 8086 processor, 8086/88
CPU Architecture and the pipelined operation, Programmer’ s Model
and M emory Segmentati on
3 Instruction Set of 8086 and Programming: Instruction Set of8086
microprocessor in details, Addressing modes of 8086/88,
Programming the 8086 in assembly language, Mixed mode
Programming with C -l anguage and assembl y l anguage. A ssembl er
Di recti ves Procedures and M acros.
4 8086 Interrupts: Interrupt types in 8086, Dedicated interrupts,
Software interrupts
5 Designing the 8086 CPU module: 8086 pin description in details,
Generating the 8086 System Clock and Reset Signals, 8086
Minimum and Maximum Mode CPU Modules, Memory interfacing with timing consideration, Minimum and Maximum Mode Timing
Di agrams

6 Peripheral Controllers for 8086 family and System Design:
Functional Block Diagram and description, Control Word Formats,
Operating Modes and Applications of the Peripheral Controller
namely 8255 -PPI, , 8259- PIC and 8237-DMAC.
Interfacing of the above Peripheral Controllers. Keyword and
Display Interface using 8255.
7 Multiprocessor Systems:
Study of Multiprocessor Configurations namely Closely Coupled
System (CCS) and Loosely Coupled System (LCS), CCS with the
case study of the Maths Coprocessor, Various System Bus
Schemes in LCS, and Role of the Bus Arbiter (Intel 8289) in the

TOTAL 52 ELC501: Microprocessors and Peripherals

Page 11

Recommended Books:
1) Microprocessor architecture and applications with 8085: By Ramesh Gaonkar (Penram I nternati onal
2) 8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing: By John Uffenbeck (Pearson Education).
3) 8086 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing the PC: By Kenneth Ayala
4) Microcomputer Systems: 8086/8088 fami ly Architecture, Programming and Design: ByLiu& Gibson
(PHI Publication).
5) Microprocessor and Interfacing: By Douglas Hall (TMH Publication).

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on enti re syl l abus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC501: Microprocessors and Peripherals

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Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC502 Electrical
Machines -II Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC501 Electrical
Machines-II Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of Test
1 and Test
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Objectives:

• To impart the knowledge of working principle, operations, performance and applications of
Induction Motors and 3φ Transformers.

Course Outcomes:

• Students will be able to understand the engineering fundamentals of induction motor and transformers.

• Gain an ability to design and conduct performance experiments, as well as to identify, formulate and solve machine related problems.


Page 13

No Topics Hours
1 Three Phase Transformers - Construction & Phasor groups: Construction,
Three phase transformer connections and phasor groups.
2 Three Phase Transformers - Operation: Parallel operation, Excitation
Phenomenon in transformers, Harmonics in three phase transformers,
Disadvantages of harmonics in transformers, Suppression of harmonics, Oscillating
neutral phenomenon, Switching in transient phenomenon, Open delta or V -
connection, Three phase to two phase conversion (Scott connection).

3 Three Phase Induction Motors -Introduction:
Construction, Principle of operation, Rotor frequency, Rotor emf, Current
and Power, Induction motor phasor diagram, Analysis of Equivalent circuit,
Torque -speed characteristics in braking, motoring and generati ng regions, Effect of
voltage and frequency variations on Induction motor performance, Losses and
efficiency, Power stages, No load and block rotor test, Circle diagram,
Applications of 3Φ IM

4 Three Phase Induction Motors - Speed Control and Starting: Speed control
methods including V/f method (excluding Slip power recovery scheme), Starting
methods, High torque motors, Cogging and crawling, Basic principle of Induction
5 Single phase Induction Motor -Introduction: Principle of operation, Double field
revolving theory, Equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor, Determination
of equivalent circuit parameters from no load and block rotor test.
6 Single phas e Induction Motor - Starting Methods: Staring methods, Split phase
starting - Resistance spilt phase, capacitor split phase, capacitor start and run,
shaded pole starting, Reluctance starting. Calculation of capacitor at starting. Applications of 1ɸ IM


ELC50 2: Electrical Machines -II

Page 14

Recommended Books:
1. Electrical Machinery‟, by Dr. P.S.Bhimhra, VII Edition, Khanna Publication
2. Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines‟, by Dr. P.S.Bhimhra, V Edition,Khanna Publication
3. Electrical Machines‟, by Nagrath and Kothari.TMH Publication.
4. Electrical Machines‟, by Charles I. Hubert, Pearson Education
5. Performance and Design of AC Machines‟, by M.G.Say, CBS Publication

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks

End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC50 2: Electrical Machines -II

Page 15

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC503 Electromagnetic
Fields and Waves Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
03 -- 01 03 --- 01 04
Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC503 Eletromagnetic
Fields and
Waves Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of Test
1 and Test
20 20 20 80 25 -- --- 125
Course Objectives:
• Expose students Electric and magnetic field and their application in electrical engineering

Course Outcomes:

• Students will be familiar with the various concepts Electric and magnetic field and their practical
application in electrical engineering


Page 16

No. Topics Hours
1 Vector Basics :
Introduction to Co-ordinate System – Rectangular – Cylindrical and Spherical Co-
ordinate System – Introduction to line, Surface and Volume Integrals – Definition of
Curl, Divergence and Gradient .
2 Static Electric Fields:
Coulomb’s Law in Vector Form – Definition of Electric Field Intensity – Principle of
Superposition – Electric Field due to discrete charges, Electric field due to continuous charge distribution - Electric Field due to line charge– Electric Field on the a xis of a
uniformly charged circular disc – Electric Field due to an infinite uniformly charged
sheet. Electric Scalar Potential – Relationship between potential and electric field -
Potential due to infinite uniformly charged line – Potential due to electr ical dipole -
Electric Flux Density – Gauss Law Introduce applications of electrostatic fields –
electrostatic discharge, high dielectric constant material.

3 Static Magnetic Fields:
The Biot -Savart’s Law in vector form – Magnetic Field intensity due to a finite and
infinite wire carrying a current I – Magnetic field intensity on the axis of a circular and
rectangular loop carrying a current I – Ampere, s circuital law and simple applications.
Magnetic flux density – The Lorentz force equa tion for a moving charge and applications
– Force on a wire carrying a current I placed in a magnetic field – Torque on a loop carrying a current I – Magnetic moment – Magnetic Vector Potential.

4 Electric and Magnetic Fields in Materials :
Poisson’s and Laplace’ s equation – Electric Polarization -Nature of dielectric materials -
Definition of Capacitance – Capacitance of various geom etries using Laplace’ s equation
– Electrostatic energy and energy density – Boundary conditions for electric fields –
Electric current – Current density – point form of ohm’ s law – continuity equation for
current. Definition of Inductance – Inductance of loops and solenoids – Definition of
mutual inductance – simple examples. Energy density in magnetic fields –magnetic
boundary conditions. Estimation and control of electric stress - control of stress at an
electrode edge.

5 Time varying Electric and Magnetic Fields:
Faraday’s law – Maxwell’s Second Equation in integral form from Faraday’s Law –
Equation expressed in point form. Displacement current – Ampere’s circuital law in
integral form – Modified form of Ampere’s circuital law as Maxwell’s first equation in
integr al form – Equation expressed in point form. Maxwell’s four equations in integral
form and differential form.

6 Wave theory: Derivation of Wave Equation – Uniform Plane Waves – Maxwell’ s
equation in phasor form, Wave equation in Phasor form – Plan e waves in free space and
in a homogenous material. Wave equation for a conducting medium, plane waves in
lossy dielectrics, propagation in good conductors.

TOTAL 36 ELC50 3: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
ELC50 3: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Page 17

Books Recommended :
1. W. Hayt., “Engineeri ng electromagnetic”, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 1987.
2. Edminister, “Schaum ‟s series in electromag
3. N. Narayan Rao, “ Elements of Electromagnetic”, PHI publication, 4th edition, 2001.
4. E.C. Jordan & K.G. Balmain “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems.” Prentice Hall of India 2nd
edition 2003. (Unit IV, V). McGraw -Hill, 9th reprint
5. G.S.N. Raju, “ Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines” Pearson publications, fifteenth

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks

End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, ea ch carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.


Page 18

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC504 Design with
Linear Integrated
Circuits Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC504 Design with
Circuits Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of Test
1 and Test 2
20 0 20 80 -- -- --- 100
Course Objectives:
• To teach fundamental principles of standard linear integrated circuits.

• To develop a overall approach for students from selection of integrated circuit, study its
specification, the functionality, design and practical applications

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course student will be able to

• Demonstrate an understanding of fundamentals of integrated circuits.
• Analyze the various applications and circuits based on particular linear integrated circuit.
• Select and use an appropriate integrated circuit to build a given application.
• Design an ap plication with the use of integrated circuit

Page 19

No Topics No. of
1 Fundamentals of Operational Amplifiers:
Ideal Op Amp, characteristics of op -amp, op-amp parameters, high frequency effects
on op-amp gain and phase, slew rate limitation, practical determination of op-amp
parameters, single supply versus dual supply op-amp .
Operational amplifier open loop and closed loop configurations, Inverting and non -
inverting amplifier

2 Applications of Operational Amplifier :
Adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator, current amplifier, difference amplifier,
instrumentation amplifier and application of Op -Amp in transduce r measurement
system with detail design procedure, single supply DC biasing techniques for
inverting, non-inverting and differential amplifiers, Current to voltage and voltage to
current converters, generalized impedance converter , First order filters, se cond order
active finite and infinite gain low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters,
RC phase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, Quadrature oscillator

3 Non-Linear Applications of Operational Amplifier:
Inverting comparator, non- inverting comparator, zero crossing detector, window
detector and level detector , Inverting Schmitt trigger, non-inverting Schmitt trigger
with adjustable threshold levels, Square wave and triangular wave generator with
duty cycle modulati on, Half and full wave precision rectifiers and their
applications , Peak detectors, sample and hold circuits, voltage to frequency
converter, frequency to voltage converter, logarithmic converters and antilog

4 Data Converters:
Performance parameters of ADC, single ramp ADC, ADC using DAC, dual slope
ADC, successive approximation ADC, flash ADC, ADC0808/0809 and its
interfacing , Performance parameters of DAC, binary weighted register DAC, R/2R
ladder DAC, inverted R/2R ladder DA C, DAC0808 and its interfacing

5 Special Purpose Integrated Circuits :
Functional block diagram, working, design and applications of Timer 555.
Functional block diagram, working and applications of VCO 566, PLL 565,
multiplier 534, waveform generator XR 2206, power amplifier LM380
6 Voltage Regulators
Functional block diagram, working and design of three terminal fixed (78XX, 79XX
serie s) and three terminal adjustable (LM 317, LM 337) voltage regulators ,
Functional block diagram, working and design of general purpose 723 (LVLC, LVHC, HVLC and HVHC) with current limit and current fold-back protection,
Switching regulator topologies, func tional block diagram and working of LT1070
monolithic switching regulator


ELC504: Design with Linear Integrated Circuits

Page 20

Recommended Books :
1. Sergio Franco, “ Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits ”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3rd Edition.
2. William D. Stanley, “ Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits ”, Pearson, 4 th Edition
3. D. Roy Choudhury and S. B. Jain, “ Linear Integrated Circuits ”, New Age International Publishers, 4 th
4. David A. Bell, “ Operation Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits ”, Oxford University Press, Indian
Edition. 5. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, “ Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits ”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 4
th Edition.
6. R. P. Jain, “ Modern Digital Electronics ,” Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition.
7. J. Millman and A. G rabel, “ Microelectronics ”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2 nd Edition.

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks

End Semester Examinati on:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modul es.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC504: Design with Linear Integrated Circuits

Page 21

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC505 Signals and
Systems Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- 01 04 --- 01 05

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC505 Signals and
Systems Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 25 -- --- 125

Cour se Obj ectives:
• To provide a comprehensive coverage of continuous time and discrete time of Signals and Systems.
• To introduce various time domain and frequency domain methods for analysis of Signals and
Cour se Outcomes:
• Student will be able to differentiate between continuous time and discrete time of Signals and
• Student will be able to do time domain and frequency domain analysis of Signals and systems .


Page 22

No. Topics Hours
1 Continuous And Discrete Time Signals And Systems:
Mathematical representation and classification of CT and DT signals, arithmetic
operations on the signals, transformation of independent variable, Mathematical
representation and classification of CT and DT systems ,Sampling and reconstruction,
aliasing ef fect

2 Time Domain Analysis Of Continuous and Discrete Signals And Systems:
Properties of LTI systems, impulse and step response, Use of convolution integral and
convolution sum for analysis of LTI systems, Properties of convolution integral/sum.
3 Frequency Domain Analysis of Continuous Time System Using Laplace
Transform :
Need of Laplace transform, review of Laplace transform, properties, inverse of Laplace transform, concept of ROC, poles and zeros, Unilateral Laplace transform,
Analysis and characterization of LTI system using Laplace transform: impulse and step response, causality, stability, stability of causal system , Block diagram

4 Frequency Domain Analysis of Discrete Time System Using Z Transform:
Need of Z transform, definition, properties of unilateral and bilateral Z Transform,
mapping with s plane, relationship with Laplace transform, Z transform of standard
signals, ROC, poles and zeros of transfer function, inverse Z transform, Analysis and
characterization of LTI system using Z transform: impulse and step response,
causality, stability, stability of causal system , Block diagram representation, system
realization 14
5 Frequency Domain Analysis of Continuous and Discrete Signals:
Review of F ourier series, Discrete time Fourier series, its properties ,
Fourier transform, properties of Fourier transform, relationship with Laplace and Z transform, Discrete time Fourier transform, properties, frequency sampling, Discrete
Fourier transform, properties

6 Correlation and Spectral Density:
Comparison of convolution and correlation, Auto and cross correlation, energy/power
spectral density , Relation of ESD, PSD with auto- correlation, Relationship between
ESD/PSD of input and output of LTI system. 04

ELC505: Signals and Systems

Page 23

Recommended Books:
1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, and S. Hamid Nawab, “ Signals and Systems”, 2 nd Edition, PHI
learning, 2010.
2. Tarun Kumar Rawat, “ Signals and Systems”, Oxford University Press 2010.
3. John Proakis and Dimitris Monolakis, “ Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Publication, 4 th Edition.

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be co nducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks

End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC505: Signals and Systems

Page 24

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELS506 Business
and Ethics Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 04* -- -- 02 -- 02

*02 Hours Theory Class wise and 02 Hours Practical Batch wise
Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELS505 Business
and Ethics
Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50

Course Pre -requisite
• FEC206 Communication Skills

Course Objective
• To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork,
skills, multidisciplinary approach and an ability to understand engineer ‟s soc
• To provide students with an academic environment where they will be aware of the excellence, leadership and lifelong learning needed for a successful professional career.
• To inculcate professional ethics and codes of professional practice
• To prepare students for successful careers that meets the global Industrial and Corporate
requirement ‟ p
different teams to enhance their team building capabilities like leadership, motivation, teamwork etc.

Course Outcomes: A learner will be able to …..
• communicate effectively in both verbal and written form and demonstrate knowledge of professional
and ethical responsibilities
• Participate and succeed in Campus placements and competitive examinations like GATE, CET.
• Possess entrepreneurial approach and ability for life -long learning.
• Have education necessary for understanding the impact of engineering solutions on Society and demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues.


Page 25

No Topics Hours
1 Report Writing :
Objectives of report writing, Language and Style in a report,
Types of reports, Formats of reports: Memo, letter, project and survey based 06
2 Technical Proposals:
Objective of technical proposals, Parts of proposal 02
3 Introduction to Interpersonal Skills:
Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Team Building ,Assertiveness, Conflict Resolution,
Negotiation Skills, Motivation, Time Management 08
4 Meetings and Documentation:
Strategies for conducting effective meetings ,Notice ,Agenda, Minutes of the meeting 02
5 Introduction to Corporate Ethics and etiquettes:
Business Meeting etiquettes, Interview etiquettes, Professional and work etiquettes,
Social skills ,Greetings and Art of Conversation, Dressing and Grooming ,Dinning
etiquette Ethical codes of conduct in business and corporate activities (Personal ethics,
conflicting values, choosing a moral response, the process of making ethical decisions) 02
6 Employment Skills:
Cover letter, Resume, Group Discussion, Presentation Skills, Interview Skills 06
TOTAL 26 ELS506: Communication Skills

Page 26

Recommended Books:
1. Fred Luthans, “ Organizational Behavior” , Mc Graw Hill, edition
2. Huckin and Olsen, “ Technical Writing and Professional Communication” , Mc Graw Hill
3. Wallace and Masters, “ Personal Development for Life and Work” , Thomson Learning, 12 th edition
4. Heta M urphy, “ Effective Business Communication” , Mc Graw Hill, edition
5. B N Ghosh, “ Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development ”, Tata McGraw
6. Bell . Smith, “ Management Communication” Wiley India Edition,3 rd edition.
7. Dr.K.Alex , “ Soft Skills ”,S C hand and Company

Internal Assessment (IA): There will be no IA written examination
End Semester Examination : There will be no ESE written examination
List of Assignments Term Work:
Term work shall consist of assignments as listed below
1. Report Writ ing (Synopsis or the first draft of the Report)
2. Technical Proposal (Group activity, document of the proposal) 3. Interpersonal Skills (Group activity and Role play)
4. Interpersonal Skills ( Documentation in the form of soft copy or hard copy)
5. Meetings and Documentation ( Notice, Agenda, Minutes of Mock Meetings)
6. Corporate ethics and etiquettes (Case study, Role play)
7. Cover Letter and Resume
8. Printout of the PowerPoint presentation

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows,
1. Assignments : 20 marks 2. Project Report Presentation: 15 marks
3. Group Discussion: 15 marks

At least total 08 assignments, project report presentation and group discussion covering entire syllabus must
be given during the batch wise practical. The assignments and project work should be students ‟ centric an
an attempt should be made to make assignments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the overall performance of the student with every a ssignment / project / group
discussion graded from time to time. The average of grades converted in to marks should be taken into account for term work assessment.

ELS506: Communication Skills

Page 27

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL501 Microprocessors
and Peripherals
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL501 Microprocessor
s and
Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 -- -- 25

Term Work :

A t l east 10 experi ments based on the enti re syl l abus of ELC501: Microprocessor and Peripherals should
be set to have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments are al so
encouraged. The experiments should be student c entric and attempt should be made to make experi ments
more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should be
converted i nto marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and averaged .
The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The final certification and
acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of labora tory work and minimum passing marks in
term work.

Suggested Experiments
1. Write a program to arrange block of data in i) Ascending and (ii) Descending order.
2. Write a program to find out any power of a number
3. Wri te a programmabl e del ay
4. Wri te a p rogram to find out largest number in an array.
5. Experiment on String instructions (e.g Reversing of string & palindrome)
6. Write a programme to multiply 32 bit numbers
7. Menu driven programming
8. Write a program for code conversion
9. Programming the 8255 to read or write to port ( any one application)
10. Programming the 8259 to demonstrate rotating priority, Specific priority, etc


Page 28

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL502 Electrical
Machines –II
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL502 Electrical
Machines – II
Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 25

Term Work :
At least 10 experiments based on the entire syllabus of ELC502: Electrical Machines -II should be set to
have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments are al so
encouraged. The experiments should be student centric and attempt should be made to make experi ments
more meani ngful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should be
converted i nto marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and averaged .
The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The final certification and
acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in
term work. Practical and Oral exam will be based on the entire syllabus.

List of Experiments Recommended:
1.Load test on three phase squirrel cage IM
2. Load test on three phase slip ring IM 3. No load and Blocked rotor test on three phase IM 4. Circle diagram of three phase IM
5. Load test on Single phase IM
6. No load and Blocked rotor test on Single phase IM
7. Study of starting methods of 1Φ Induction motors.
8. Open circuit & Short circuit test on three phase transformer
9. Parallel operation of transformers
10. Scott connection of transformer
11. Open Delta connection of transformer.
12. Making various 3 Φ transformer connections using identical 1Φ transformers.


Page 29

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL50 3 Design with
Integrated Circuits
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL50 3 Design with
Circuit Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50

Term Work :

At least 10 experiments based on the entire syllabus of ELC 504: Design with Linear Integrated Circuits
should be set to have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments
are also encouraged. The experiments should be student centric and attempt should be made to make
experiments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the
overall performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should
be co nverted into marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and
averaged . The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The f i nal
certi f i cati on and acceptance of term work ensures sati sf actory perf ormance of laboratory work and minimum
passing marks in term work. Practical and Oral exam wi l l be based on the enti re syl l abus.


Page 30

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL504 Mini Project -I Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL504 Mini Project -I Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50

Term Work:
The main intention of Mini Project is to make student enable to apply the knowledge and skills learned out of
courses studied to solve/implement predefined practical problem. The students undergo various
laboratory/tutorial/simulation laboratory/work shop courses in which they do experimentation based on the
curriculum requirement. The Mini Project may be beyond the scope of curriculum of courses taken or may
be based on the courses but thrust should be on
• Learning additional skills
• Development of ability to define and design the problem and lead to its accomplishment with proper
• Learn the behavioral science by working in a group

The group may be maximum four (04) students. Each group will be assigned one faculty as a supervisor.
The college sh ould keep proper assessment record of progress of the project and at the end of the
semester it should be assessed for awarding TW marks. The TW may be examined by approved internal
faculty appointed by the head of the institute. The final examination will be based on demonstration in
front of internal and external examiner. In the examination each individual student should be assessed for his/her contribution, understanding and knowledge gained about the task completed. The students may use this opportunit y to learn different computational techniques as well as some model development. This
they can achieve by making proper selection of Mini Projects.


Page 31

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC601 Microcontrollers
and its
Applications Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- -- -- -- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC60 1 Microcontollers
and its
Applications Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Course Objectives:

• To impart knowledge of PIC microcontrollers along with the programming using assembly language
and C language.
• To make the students aware of recent microcontroller based design.

Course Outcomes:

• Students will understand the basic programming used in microcontroller based systems.
• Students will be able to implement any system using microcontrollers


Page 32

No. Topics Hours
1 Introduction to microcontroller : Block diagram of generic microcontroller,
Microcontroller versus microprocessor, Overview of the PIC 18 family, A brief
history of PIC microcontroller, PIC 18 features and family, Internal bus structure of
PIC microcontroll er.

2 PIC Controller : PIC 18 Block diagram PIC 18 microprocessor, PIC microcontroller
program memory and data (File) memory organization, Special Function Register
(SFR), General purpose Register (GPR), CPU registers, WREG register, Status
register, BSR register, Instruction register, Program counter and program ROM, Stack
pointer and Stack RAM, PIC 18 internal architecture (ALU, EEPROM, RAM, I/O
port, Timer, CCP, DAC), Pipelining.

3 PIC 18 Assembly language programming: Instruction format, Addressing modes,
Assembler dir ectives, Assembly language programming structure, Instruction set,
Reading writing data in programme memory, Arithmetic and logical instructions:
Writing programs to perform arithmetic and logical computations, Rotate instructions:
Writing program to perform divide and multiplication operations, Branch instruction,
Subroutine and instructions associated with it, Stack and instruction associated with it,
Time delays and delay calculations.

4 PIC Programming in assembly and C: Timer programming for generation of time
delay : Timer register, control registers, interrupt register, 16 bit and 8 bit
programming, Counter programming to count events:
Serial port programming, Basics of serial communication, Synchronous and
asynchronou s communication, SPBRG, TXREG, RCREG, TXSTA,RCSTA,PIR1, Interrupt
programming:, Interrupt versus polling, Interrupt structure, Enabling and disabling interrupt, Programming Timer, interrupt, LCD and Keyboard interfacing.

5 Parallel Ports I /O Ad dressing, Synchronization. Overview of the PIC18 parallel
ports, Interfacing with simple output devices.
6 Input/ Output (I/O) port Interfacing Interfacing matrix keyboard and 7 - segment
LED display, ADC Interface, Stepper Motor Interface, Dc Mot or interface,
Interfacing an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).


ELC601: Microcontrollers and its Applications

Page 33

Books Recommended:
1. Fundamentals of Microcontrollers and applications in Embedded System (PIC 18 Microcontroller
familiy), Ramesh Gaonkar, Penram International publishing (Ind) pvt. Ltd.
2. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded systems, Mazidi, Muhmmad A. Pearson Education
3. Han Way Huang, PIC Microcontroller, Cengage learning
4. Microprocessor from assembly language to C using PIC 18FXX2, Robert B. Reese, Davinci Engineering
5. Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications), Ajay Deshmukh, Tata McGraw Hill Edu. Pvt. Ltd

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks

End Semester Examinati on:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modul es.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC601: Microcontrollers and its Applications

Page 34

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC602 Electrical
Machines -III Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- -- -- -- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC602 Electrical
Machines-III Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Objectives:

• To impart the knowledge of working principle, operations, performance and applications of 3φ
Synchronous Generators and Synchronous Motors
• To develop the d-q model of 3φ Synchronous Machines and Induction Machines

Course Outcomes:

• Students will be able to understand the engineering fundamentals of synchronous machines.
• Gain an ability to design and conduct performance experiments, as well as to identify, formulate and
solve machine related problems.


Page 35

Books Recommended:
1. Electrical Machinery by P.S.Bimhhra, VII Edition, Khanna Publisher
2. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari.TMH Publication.
3. Electrical Machinery by Fitzgerald and Kingsley, Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Company
4. Ge neralized Theory of Electrical Machines by Dr. P.S.Bimhhra, V Edition, Khanna Publishers
5. Electrical Machines by Smarajit Ghosh, Pearson Education
Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on enti re syl l abus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint. Module
No. Topics Hours
1 Synchronous Generator: Construction, Emf induced in ac winding, winding factors,
armature reaction, phasor diagram, OC and SC test, voltage regulation by EMF, MMF,
ZPF, ASA, Saturated synchronous reactance method, power flow and maximum power
conditions, parallel operation, effe ct of changing mechanical torque, effect of changing
excitation, effect of excitation on alternator connected to infinite bus.

2 Salient Pole Synchronous Generators : Blondel ’s two reaction theory, power angle
characteristics, synchronizing power and torque.

3 Synchronous Motor: Principle of operation, phasor diagram, power flow and maximum
power conditions, excitation circles, power circles, V curves and O curves, power factor
control (Effect of change in excitation on power factor), Hunting, Dampers, Starting
methods, Starting against high torques, Measurement of X d and X q.

4 Theory of Synchronous Machine: The ideal synchronous machine, synchronous
machine Inductances, Transformation to Direct and Quadrature axis variables, Basic
machine relations in dq0 variables, Steady state Analysis.

5 Theory of Induction Machine: The ideal Induction machine, Transformation to d -q
variables, Basic machine relations in d -q variables, Steady state Analysis.

6 Sequence Reactance of Synchronous Generator (Only for practical) Measurement of
positive, negative and zero sequence rea ctance of Synchronous generator.

TOTAL 52 ELC602: Electrical Machines -III

Page 36

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC603 Power Electronics Theory Practical Tutor ial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC603 Power
Electronics Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Objectives:

• To impart knowledge of basic operation of power semiconductor devices, converters and their

Course Outcome:

• Solid background in fundamentals of power electronics and exposure to state of the art technologies
and its control aspects which is used in practice


Page 37

No. Topics Hours
1 Thyristors : Basic operation of silicon controlled rectifier, two transistor analogy,
Static and Dynamic characteristics, Gate characteristics, Firing circuits - R, RC, ramp
triggering of UJT, Commutation circuits, Protection circuit of SCR, Basic operation
and characteristic of Triac, GTO, Diac.

2 Other power semiconductor devices: Basic operation and characteristics of power
diodes, power BJTs, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, Comparison of devices, applications,
need for driver circuits and snubber circui ts, heat sinks.

3 Controlled Rectifiers: Single phase half wave rectifiers, full wave rectifiers (mid -
point and bridge configuration) for R and R-L load, freewheel diode, harmonic analysis
of input current and input power factor for single phase fully controlled rectifier, effect
of source inductance (concept only), single phase dual converter, Three phase semi
converter and full converter with R load, Applications, Numerical for calculation of
output voltage, single phase PWM rectifier, basic working principle and applications

4 Inverter: Principle of operation, Performance parameters, Single phase voltage source
bridge Inverters, Three phase VSI (120 ° and 180 ° conduction mode), control of inverter
output voltage , PWM techniques -Single PWM, Multiple PWM, Sinusoidal PWM,
Introduction to Space vector modulation, Current source inverters, comparison of VSI
and CSI, Applications.

5 DC to DC Converter : Basic principle of dc to dc conversion, switching mode
regulators – Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk regulators, concept of bidirectional dc to dc
converters, all with resistive load and only CCM mode, Applications, Numerical
6 AC voltage controllers: On-Off and phase control, Single phase AC voltage
controllers with R and RL loads.
Cyclo converters, Matrix converter: Basic working principle.


ELC603: Power Electronics

Page 38

Books Recommended:

1. “Power Electronics” M.H.Rashid, Prentice -Hall of India
2. “Power Electronics”, Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, John Wiley Publication
3. “Power Electronics”, P.C Sen, Tata McGrawhill
4. “Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Matlab Simulations” by A lok Jain, Penram International
publishing Pvt Ltd 5. “Power Electronics”, V.R Moorthi, Oxford University press
6. “Thyristors & their applications”, Ramamurthy
7. “Power Electronics”, M.D Singh and Khanchandani, Tata McGrawhill

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test wi l l be consi dered as f i nal I A marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC603: Power Electronics

Page 39

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC604 Power System
Analysis Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC604 Power System
Analysis Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Objectives:

• To give the students basic knowledge of the various faults and it ‟s analysis
• To give the students basic knowledge of transients occurring in power system

Course Outcomes:
• Students will be able to analyze various types of faults occurring in power system
• Engineering knowledge in effects of faults and mitigation of transients


Page 40

No. Topics Hours
1 Symmetrical Fault Analysis: Introduction to synchronous machine, basic construction
and operation and equivalent circuit diagram , short circuit of synchronous machine: no
load and loaded machine, transient on a transmission line, selection of Circuit breaker,
short circuit MVA, algo rithm for SC studies, Z Bus formulation, symmetrical fault
analysis using Z bus (numerical on Z bus formulation upto 3x3 matrix).

2 Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis: Symmetrical component transformation, phase shift in
star-delta transformers, sequenc e impedances and sequence network of transmission line,
synchronous machine and transformer, power invariance, construction of sequence
network of a power system. Fault analysis of unsymmetrical faults, single line to ground
(SLG) fault, line to line (L-L) fault, double line to ground (LLG) fault, open conductor
faults, bus impedance matrix method for analysis of unsymmetrical shunt faults.

3 Power System Transients : Review of transients in simple circuits, recovery transient
due to removal of short circuit, arcing grounds, capacitance switching, current chopping
phenomenon. Travelling waves on transmission lines, wave equation, reflection and
refraction of waves, typical cases of line terminations, attenuation, Bewely lattice
diagram. Lightning phe nomenon, mechanism of Lightning stroke, shape of Lightning
voltage wave, over voltages due to Lightning, Lightning protection problem, significance
of tower footing resistance in relation to Lightning, insulator flashover and withstand
voltages, protection against surges, surge arresters, surge capacitor, surge reactor and
surge absorber, Lightning arrestors and protective characteristics, dynamic voltage rise
and arrester rating.

4 Insulation Coordination: Volt time curve, over voltage protection, ground wires,
insulation coordination based on lightning, surge protection of rotating machines and

5 Corona: Phenomenon of corona, Disruptive critical voltage, Visual critical voltage,
corona loss, factors affecting corona loss, Radio interference due to corona, practical
considerations of corona loss, corona in bundled conductor lines, corona ring, corona
pulses - their generation and properties in EHV lines, charge voltage (q-V) diagram and
corona loss.

6 Uncompensated Transmission Line :
Electrical Parameters, Fundamental Transmission Line equation, Surge Impedance and
Natural Loading, the uncompensated line on Open circuit, the uncompensated line under load - Effect of line length, lo ad power and power factor on voltage and reactive
power, Maximum power and stability considerations.

TOTAL 52 ELC604: Power System Analysis
ELC604: Power System Analysis

Page 41

Books Recommended: Text Books:
1. Wadhwa C.L. Electrical power system , New Age International,4 th edition,2005
2. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, TMH publications,2002
3. D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis , Mc Graw Hill,3 rd edition,2006
4. B.R. Gupta , Power System Analysis And Design, S.Chand,4 th edition,2007
5. Begamudre R.D. “Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering”, New Age International, 2 nd edition
6. Soni M.L., Bhatanagar U.S, Gupta P.V, A course in electrical power , Dhnapat Rai s ons
7. Timothy J.E.Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems” Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2010.

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test will be considered as final IA marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.


Page 42

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC605 Digital Signal
Processing and
Processors Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
04 -- -- 04 --- --- 04

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC605 Digital Signal
Processing and
Processors Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Sem Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

Course Objectives:
• To study DFT and its computation
• To study the design techniques for digital filters
• To study the finite word length effects in signal processing
• To study the fundamentals of digital signal processors
• To get acquainted with the DSP applications

Course Outcomes:
• Students will be able to understand concept of digital filters
• Students will be able to decide the selection and design of digital filters
• Students will understand the effect of hardware limitation
• Students will be understand need of DSP processors
• Students will be able to understand the use and application of DSP processors


Page 43

No. Unit
No. Topics Hours

1 Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform

1.1 Discrete Fourier Series : Properties of discrete Fourier series, DFS representation of
periodic sequences.
1.2 Discrete Fourier transforms : Properties of DFT, linear convolution of sequences using
DFT, computation of DFT, relation between Z -transform and DFS
1.3 Fast Fourier Transforms : Fast Fourier transforms (FFT), Radix -2 decimation in time
and decimation in frequency FFT algorithms, inverse FFT, and composite FFT

2 IIR Digital Filters
10 2.1 Mapping of S -plane to Z -plane, impulse invariance method, bilinear Z transformation
(BLT) method, frequency warping, pre -warping
2.2 Analog filter approximations : Butter worth and Chebyshev, design of IIR digital filters
from analog filters, design exa mples
2.3 Analog and digital frequency transformations

3 FIR Digital Filters
10 3.1 Characteristics of FIR digital filters, frequency response, location of the zeros of linear
phase FIR filters
3.2 Design of FIR digital filters using window techniques, Gibbs phenomenon, frequency
sampling technique, comparison of IIR and FIR filters
4 Finite Word Length Effects in Digital Filters

08 4.1 Number representation, fixed point, sign -magnitude, one’s complement, two’s
complement forms, floating point numbers
4.2 Quantization, truncation, rounding, effects due to truncation and rounding, Input
quantization error, Product quantization error, co-efficient quantization error, zero -input
limit cycle oscillations, overflow limit cycle oscillations, scaling
4.3 Quant ization in Floating Point realization IIR digital filters, finite word length effects in
FIR digital filters, quantization effects in the computation of the DFT- quantization
errors in FFT algorithms
5 Introduction to DSP Processors

08 5.1 Introduction to fixed point and floating point DSP processor, multiplier and multiplier
accumulator (MAC), modified bus structures and memory access schemes in DSPs,
multiple access memory, multiport memory, VLIW architecture, pipelining, special
addressin g modes, on -chip peripherals
5.2 Features of TMS 320c67xx DSP processor, architecture of TMS 320c67xx DSP
processor, architecture features: computational units, bus architecture memory, data
addressing, address generation unit, program control, program sequencer, pipelining,
interrupts, features of external interfacing, on -chip peripherals, hardware timers, host
interface port, clock generators, SPORT
6 Applications of DSP Processors

06 6.1 Speech Processing: Speech analysis, speech coding, sub band coding, channel vocoder,
homomorphic vocoder, digital processing of audio signals.
6.2 Radar signal processing : Radar principles, radar system and parameter considerations,
signal design
ELC605: Digital Signal Processing and Processors

Page 44

Recommended Books :
1. Proakis J., Manolakis D., " Digital Signal Processing", 4th Edition, Pearson Education
2. Oppenheim A., Schafer R., Buck J., " Discrete Time Signal Processing ", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Babu R., " Digital Signal Processing ", 4th Edition, Scitech Publicat ions.
4. B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, “ Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and
Applications ”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
5. L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, “ Theory and Applications of Digital Signal Processi ng”, Prentice -Hall of
India, 2006.
6. B. Kumar, “ Digital Signal Processing”, New Age International Publishers, 2014.

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test will be considered as final IA marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC605: Digital Signal Processing and Processors

Page 45

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELC606 Project
Management Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
03 -- -- 03 --- --- 03

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELC605 Project
Management Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
20 20 20 80 -- -- --- 100

No. Topics Hours
1 Understanding Projects and Project management : Difference between Project and
Operation. Definition of Project & Project Management. Selection and Qualities of a
Project Manager. Life cycle of Project. Project Management Methodologies & Growth

2 Project Selection & Appraisal: Project ideas generation, Pre -Feasibility Analysis
(SWOT). Feasibility Analysis -Mar ket& Demand appraisal, Technical appraisal,
Financial appraisal ( debt/equity ratio, different sources of finance, financial institution,
Cash Flows, Profitability projections like PBP, NPV, IRR, Break–Even Analysis). Risk
analysis (Sensitivity analysis & Scenario Analysis). Economic Feasibility (SCBA -
UNIDO approach). Preparing a detailed Project Proposal (Executive Summary).

3 Project Planning : Attributes & Definition of planning. WBS. Time Planning
(PERT/CPM/Trade off). Material Planning (Procure ment logistics & storage). Machines
& Technology planning. Human Resource Planning (Project Organization). Planning the
cost (Budgeting). QAP. Planning of Risk Management. Statutory Clearances. Resource
Allocation & Resource Leveling. Introduction & use of PM software.

4 Project Execution, Monitoring & Controlling: Motivation (Motivation Theories).
Communication & Reporting (Types and Methods). Co- ordination. Management of
scope. TQM. Stake Holder Management, Risk Management and Logistics Management .
5 Project Closure & Termination: Inspection. Testing. Transportation. Commissioning.
Trial Run. Documentation required for Project Handover. Preparing a Project Report for
Future Reference.
6 Contracts Management: Types of contracts, Tendering (techno commercial aspects).
Negotiations and Awarding the contracts. Contract closure. 03
Course Objectives:
• To Introduce the concept of Project Management to the students
Course Outcomes:
• Students will be able to handle the Industrial Projects effectively and efficiently.


Page 46

Books Recommended:
1. Project Management & Appraisal, Sitangshu Khatua, Pub. Oxford University
2. Project Preparation , Appraisal, Budgeting & Implementation by Prasanna Chandra(TMH)
3. Project Management & Control by Narendra Singh, Himalaya Pub.

4. Project Management - a Managerial Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling Harold Kerzner,
10th edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. Project Management - a Managerial Approach : J ack R. Meredith & Samuel J Mantel, Jr., 7 th Edition
John Wiley & Sonns, Inc.
6. Project Management Institute (PMBOK)â Guide, 5th Edition

Internal Assessment (IA):
Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both the
test will be considered as final IA marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3: Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4: Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be set from all the modules.
5: Weightage of marks will be as per Blueprint.

ELC606: Project Management

Page 47

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL601 Microcontrollers
and its
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL601 Microcontrollers
and its
Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practic al
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50

Term Work :

At least 10 experiments based on the entire syllabus of ELC601: Microcontrollers and its Applications
should be set to have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments
are also encouraged. The experiments should be st udent centric and attempt should be made to make
experiments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the
overall performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should
be conv erted into marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and
averaged . The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The f i nal
certi f i cati on and acceptance of term work ensures sati sf actory perf ormance of laboratory work and minimum
passing marks in term work. Practical and Oral exam wi l l be based on the enti re syl l abus.

Suggested Experiments

To design and test circuits

1. Addition , Subtraction
2. BCD Adder
3. Multiplication, Division 4. 4 bit LCD driver
5. Working of ADC/ DAC 6. Demonstration of Traffic light 7. Implement door bell
8. Working of calculator


Page 48

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL602 Electrical
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL602 Electrical
Machines -III
Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practic al
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50

Term Work :

A t l east 10 experi ments based on the enti re syl l abus of ELC602: Electrical Machines -III should be set to
have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments are al so
encouraged. The experiments should be student centric and attempt should be made to make experi ments
more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work ass essment must be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should be
converted i nto marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and averaged .
The grading and term wor k assessment should be done based on this scheme. The final certification and
acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in
term work. Practical and Oral exam wi l l be based on the enti re syl l abus.

List of Laboratory Experiments Recommended:

1. Construction details of Synchronous machine
2. Regulation of alternator by direct loading.
3. Regulation of alternator by EMF and MMF method
4. Regulation of alternator by ZPF, ASA and saturated synchron ous reactance method.
5. To study the Excitation required to maintain terminal voltage of an alternator constant.
6. V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor
7. Determination of Xd and Xq by slip test. 8. Synchronization of Alternators.
9. Parallel operation of alternators.
10.Starting methods of synchronous motor.
11.Use of Synchronous motor as a synchronous condenser.
12. Performance curves of synchronous motor by conducting brake test with rated excitation.
13. To determine positiv e sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of an alternator


Page 49

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL603 Power Electronics
and Power System
Analysis Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL603 Power Electronics
and Power System
Analysis Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practic al
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50

Term Work :
A t l east 6 experi ments based on the enti re syl l abus of ELC603: Power Electronics at least 4
simulation/laboratory experiments based on entire syllabus of ELC604:Power System Analysis should be
set to have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments are al so
encouraged. The experiments should be student centric and attempt should be made to make experi ments
more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should be
converted i nto marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and averaged .
The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The final certification and
acceptance of term work ensures sati sf actory perf ormance of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in
term work. Practical and Oral exam wi l l be based on the enti re syl l abus.

Suggested List of Experiments:
ELC603:Power Electronics
1. V -I Characteristics of SCR
2. Firing Circuit of SCR
3. MOSFET/IGBT char acteristics
4. Single phase half / full controlled rectifier circuit
6. Three phase half /fully controlled rectifier circuit with R load
7. Single /Three phase Inverter
9. Triac -Diac circuit
10. Buck converter

ELC604:Power System Analysis
1) Symmetrical Fault Analysis
2) Bus Impedance formulation and symmetrical fault analysis using Z Bus
3) Symmetrical Component
4) Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis
5) Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis
6) Travelling Waves and Corona


Page 50

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL604 Digital Signal
Processing and
Laboratory Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 --- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL604 Digital Signal
Processing and
Processor Laboratory Theory Marks Term
Work Practic al
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 -- -- 25

Term Work :

At least 10 experiments based on the entire syllabus of ELC605: Digital Signal Processing and Processors
should be set to have well predefined inference and conclusion. Computation/simulation based experi ments
are also encouraged. The experiments should be student centric and attempt should be made to make
experiments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Term work assessment must be based on the
overall performance of the student with every experiment graded from time to time. The grades should
be converted into marks as per the Credit and Grading System manual and should be added and
averaged . The grading and term work assessment should be done based on this scheme. The f i nal
certi f i cati on an d acceptance of term work ensures sati sf actory perf ormance of l aboratory work and minimum
passing marks in term work.


Page 51

Code Course Name Teaching Scheme in Hrs Credit Assigned
ELL605 Mini Project -II Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
ELL605 Mini Project -II Theory Marks Term
Work Practical
Oral Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test 1 Test 2 Avg. of
Test 1 and
Test 2
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 25

Term Work:
The main intention of Mini Project is to make student enable to apply the knowledge and skills learned out of
courses studied to solve/implement predefined practical problem. The students undergo various
laboratory/tutorial/simulation laboratory/work shop courses in which they do experimentation based on the
curriculum requirement. The Mini Project may be beyond the scope of curriculum of courses taken or may
be based on the courses but thrust should be on
• Learning additional skills
• Development of ability to define and design the problem and lead to its accomplishment with proper
• Learn the behavioral science by working in a group

The group may be maximum four (04) students. Each group will be assigned one faculty as a supervisor.
The college sh ould keep proper assessment record of progress of the project and at the end of the
semester it should be assessed for awarding TW marks. The TW may be examined by approved internal
faculty appointed by the head of the institute. The final examination will be based on demonstration in
front of internal and external examiner. In the examination each individual student should be assessed for his/her contribution, understanding and knowledge gained about the task completed. The students may use this opportunit y to learn different computational techniques as well as some model development. This
they can achieve by making proper selection of Mini Projects.