TE Civil Rev2016 Syllabus 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC 5/5/2018
ITEM NO. 4.55
Revised syllabus (Rev - 2016) from Academic Year 2016 -17
Civil Engineering
Second Year with Effect from A.Y. 2017 -18
Third Year with Effect from A.Y. 2018 -19
Final Year with Effect from A.Y. 2019 -20
As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the A.Y. 2016 –17
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Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of
quality assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the
outcomes of the program that is be ing accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University
of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome -based education in the process of
curriculum development. Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its mee ting
unanimously resolved that, each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives
(PEOs) and give freedom to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEOs). It is also resolved that course
objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly def ined for each course, so that all faculty members
in affiliated institutes understand the depth and approach of course to be taught, which will enhance
learner’s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty from colleges and experts
from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am happy to state that, each Board of
studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology and developed curriculum
accordingly. In addition to outcome -based education, semeste r-based credit and grading system is also
introduced to ensure quality of engineering education. Choice based Credit and Grading system enables
a much -required shift in focus from teacher -centric to learner centric education since the workload
estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on
continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. University of Mumbai has taken a
lead in implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and F aculty of Technology has devised
a transparent credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scales to grade learner’s performance.
Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content of
courses is to be taught i n 12 -13 weeks and remaining 2 -3 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest
lectures, coverage of content beyond syllabus etc. Choice based Credit and grading system is
implemented from the academic year 2016 -17 through optional courses at department and inst itute
level. This will be effective for SE, TE and BE from academic year 2017 - 18, 2018 -19 and 2019 -20
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Dean(I/c) Faculty of Science and Technology,
Member - Academic Council,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
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Engineering education in India is expanding and is set to increase manifold. The major challenge in the
current scenario is to ensure quality to the stakeholders along with expansion. To meet this challeng e,
the issue of quality needs to be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner.
Accreditation is the principal means of quality assurance in higher education and reflects the fact that
in achieving recognition, the institution or program o f study is committed and open to external review
to meet certain minimum specified standards. The major emphasis of this accreditation process is to
measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. Program outcomes are essentially a range
of skills and knowledge that a student will have at the time of graduation from the program. In line with
this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating the philosophy
of outcome -based education in the process of curriculu m development. As the Chairman, Board of
Studies in Civil Engineering of the University of Mumbai, I am happy to state here that, the Program
Educational Objectives for Undergraduate Program were finalized in a brain storming session, which
was attended by more than 40 members from different affiliated Institutes of the University. They are
either Heads of Departments or their senior representatives from the Department of Civil Engineering.
The Program Educational Objectives finalized for the undergraduate program in Civil Engineering are
listed below; 1. To prepare the Learner with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and
engineering fundamentals 2. To motivate the Learner in the art of self -learning and to use modern tools
for solving real li fe problems 3. To inculcate a professional and ethical attitude, good leadership
qualities and commitment to social responsibilities in the Learner’s thought process 4. To prepare the
Learner for a successful career in Indian and Multinational Organisation s In addition to Program
Educational Objectives, for each course of the program, objectives and expected outcomes from a
learner’s point of view are also included in the curriculum to support the philosophy of outcome -based
education. I strongly believe th at even a small step taken in the right direction will definitely help in
providing quality education to the major stakeholders.
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Chairman, Board of Studies in Civil Engineering,
University of Mumbai
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University of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Second Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2017 - 2018)
(Semester -III)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
CE-C301 Applied Mathematics -III* 4 - 1 4 - 1 5
CE-C302 Surveying - I 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CE-C303 Strength of Materials 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CE-C304 Engineering Geology 3 2 - 3 1 - 4
CE-C305 Fluid Mechanics -I 3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Total 18 8 1 18 4 1 23
Subject Name Examination Scheme
Oral &
Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
Duration Test1 Test2 Avg
CE-C301 Applied
Mathematics - III 20 20 20 80 3 25 - 125
CE-C302 Surveying - I 20 20 20 80 3 25 25** 150
CE-C303 Strength of Materials 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
CE-C304 Engineering Geology 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
CE-C305 Fluid Mechanics -I 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
Total -- -- 100 400 - 125 100 725
*Common with Mechanical/ Automobile/ Mechatronics
** For the course ‘Surveying -I (CE -C 302)”, the oral examination will be conducted in conjunction
with practical/s
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University of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Second Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2017 - 2018)
(Semester -IV)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme (Contact
Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
CE-C401 Applied Mathematics -IV* 4 - 1 4 - 1 5
CE-C402 Surveying -II 3 3 - 3 1.5 - 4.5
CE-C403 Structural Analysis -I 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CE-C404 Building Design & Drawing 2 3 - 2 1.5 - 3.5
CE-C405 Building Materials &
Construction Technology 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CE-C406 Fluid Mechanics -II 3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Total 20 12 1 20 6 1 27
Subject Name Examination Scheme
Oral &
Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
(in Hrs) Test1 Test2 Avg.
CE-C401 Applied Mathematics - IV* 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 125
CE-C402 Surveying -II 20 20 20 80 3 50 25** 175
CE-C403 Structural Analysis -I 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
CE-C404 Building Design & Drawing 20 20 20 80 4 25 25@ 150
CE-C405 Building Materials &
Construction Technology 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
CE-C406 Fluid Mechanics -II 20 20 20 80 3 25 25 150
Total -- -- 120 480 -- 175 125 900
* Common with Mechanical/ Automobile/ Mechatronics
** For the course ‘Surveying -II (CE -C 402), the oral examination will be conducted in conjunction with
@ For the course ‘Building Design and Drawing (CE -C 404)’, the oral examination shall be
conducted in conjunction with the sketching examination.
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University of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Third Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2018 - 2019)
(Semester -V)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practs. Tut. Theory Practs. Tut. Total
CE-C501 Structural Analysis – II 4 2 -- 4 1 -- 5
CE-C502 Geotechnical Engineering – I 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C503 Applied Hydraulics 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C504 Environmental Engineering -I 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C505 Transportation Engineering – I 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
DLO506X Department Level
Optional Course – I 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C507 Business and
Communication Ethics -- 4# -- -- 2 -- 2
Total 19 16 19 8 - 27
Subject Name Examination Scheme
Total Internal Assessment End
Exam. Exam.
(In Hrs.) Test 1 Test 2 Avg
CE-C501 Structural Analysis -II 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C502 Geotechnical
Engineering – I 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C503 Applied
Hydraulics 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C504 Environmental
Engineering -I 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C505 Transportation
Engineering – I 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
DLO506X Department Level
Optional Course -I 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C507 Business and
Communication Ethics
Total -- -- 120 480 -- 200 -- 150 950
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University of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Third Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2018 - 2019)
(Semester -VI)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut. Theory Practs Tut. Total
CE-C601 Geotechnical Engineering. – II 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C602 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures 4 2 -- 4 1 -- 5
CE-C603 Transportation Engineering. – II 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C604 Environmental Engineering. – II 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C605 Water Resource Engineering –I 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
DLO606X Department Level Optional Course – II 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 4
CE-C607 Software Applications in Civil
Engineering -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
Total 19 14 -- 19 7 -- 26
Subject Name Examination Scheme
Total Internal
Assessment End
. Exam.
(InHrs.) Test1 Test2 Avg
CE-C601 Geotechnical Engineering -II 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C602 Design and
Drawing of Steel Structures 20 20 20 80 4 25 -- 25@ 150
CE-C603 Transportation Engineering - II 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- -- 125
CE-C604 Environmental Engineering -II 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C605 Water Resource Engineering -I 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
DLO606X Department Level Optional
Course -II 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
CE-C607 Software Applications in Civil
Total 120 120 120 480 175 -- 150 925
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# For the course ‘Business and Communication Ethics (CE - C507), although 04 (Four) clock hours are
mentioned under the head of Practical, 02 (Two) clock hours out of these 04 (Four) clock hours may be
utilized as the Theory at the Institute/ College Level so as to enable the instructor (teacher) to impart the
theoretical aspects of the said course. Accordingly, the provision may be made in the Time Table.
* Further, the oral examination in respect of the course ‘Business and Communication Ethics (CE -C 507)’
will be an internal oral and will be conducted in conjunction with seminar/ presentation.
@ For the course, Design and Drawing of Steel Structures (CE -C 602), the oral examination will be
conducted in conjunction with sketching.
Department Level Optional Course –I Department Level Optional Course - II
CE-DLO5061: Advanced Surveying
CE-DLO5062: Advanced Concrete Technology
CE-DLO5063: Building Services and Repairs
CE-DLO5064: Advanced Structural Mechanics CE-DLO6061: Advanced Construction Equipment
CE-DLO6062: Traffic Engineering and Management
CE-DLO6063: Ground Improvement Techniques
CE-DLO6064: Advanced Structural Analysis
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Univ ersity of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Fourth Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2019 -2020)
(Semester -VII)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practs. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
CE-C701 Quantity Survey Estimation and
Valuation 4 2 -- 4 1
- 5
CE-C702 Theory of Reinforced Concrete
Structures 4 -- 2 4 2 6
CE-C703 Water Resource Engineering -II 3 -- 2 3 -- 2 5
DLO704X Department Level Optional Course -III 3 -- 2 3 -- 2 5
ILO701X Institute Level Optional Course -I 3 -- 3 -- 3
CE-C705 Project – Part I -- 6 -- -- 3 -- 3
Total 17 8 6 17 4 6 27
Subject Name Examination Scheme
Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam. Exam.
(InHrs.) Test1 Test 2 Avg
CE-C701 Quantity Survey Estimation
and Valuation
CE-C702 Theory of Reinforced
Concrete Structures
CE-C703 Water Resource
Engineering -II
DLO704X Department Level Optional
Course -III
ILO701X Institute Level Optional
Course I
CE-P705 Project – Part I -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- 25@ 75
Total 100 100 100 400 150 -- 125 775
@ For Project Part -I (CE -P 705), the oral examination shall be based on the presentation/ seminar before
the board of internal examiners to be appointed by the Head of the concerned Department.
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University of Mumbai
Scheme of Instructions and Examination
Fourth Year Engineering (Civil Engineering)
(With effect from 2019 -2020)
(Semester - VIII)
Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practs Tut. Theory Practs Tut Total
CE-C801 Design and Drawing of
Reinforced Concrete
CE-C802 Construction Management 4 2 -- 4 1 - 5
DLO803X Department Level Optional
Course - IV 4 2 -- 4 1 -- 5
ILO802X Institute Level Optional
Course - II 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
CE-P804 Project – Part II -- 12 -- -- 6 -- 6
Total 15 18 - 15 9 - 24
Name Examination Scheme
Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(In Hrs.) Test1 Test 2 Avg
CE-C801 Design and Drawing of
Reinforced Concrete
CE-C802 Construction Management 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 25 150
DLO803X Department Level
Optional Course -IV
ILO802X Institute Level Optional
Course II
CE-P804 Project – Part II -- -- -- 50 -- 50# 100
Total 80 80 80 320 125 125 650
# The oral examination for the Project - Part II (CE -P 804) shall be based on the presentation/ seminar to
be delivered by the projectee/s before the board of examiners. The board of internal examiners will
comprise of the internal examiners and the external examiners to be approved by the University from the
pool of eligible examiners.
Guidelines for Project, i.e., Dissertation (Part -I and II)
(i) Students can form groups with minimum of 2 (Two) students and not more than 4 (Four) students.
(ii) Faculty load: In Semester VII: 01 (One) clock hour per week per project group and in Semester
VIII: 02 (Two) clock hours per week per project group.
(iii) Each faculty member shall be permitted to guide maximum 04 (Four) project groups.
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Department Level Optional Course – III
(Semester – VII) Department Level Optional Course – IV
(Semester – VIII)
CE-DLO7041: Pre-stressed Concrete
CE-DLO7042: Solid Waste management
CE-DLO7043: Pavement Sub -grade and
CE-DLO7044: Structural Dynamics
CE-DLO7045: Application of GIS and Remote
CE-DLO7046: Foundation Analysis and Design
CE-DLO8031: Advanced Design of Steel Structures
CE-DLO8032: Industrial Waste Treatment
CE-DLO8033: Pavement Design and Construction
CE-DLO8034: Bridge Engineerin g and Design
CE-DLO8035: Appraisal and Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects
CE-DLO8036: Soil Dynamics
CE-DLO8037: Applied Hydrology and Flood Control
Institute Level Optional Course – I
(Semester –VII) Institute Level Optional Course – II
(Semester – VIII)
ILO7011: Product Lifecycle Management
ILO7012: Reliability Engineering
ILO7013: Management Information Systems
ILO7014: Design of Experiments
ILO7015: Operations Research
ILO7016: Cyber Security and Laws
ILO7017: Disaster Management and Mitigation
ILO7018: Energy Audit and Management
ILO7019: Development Engineering ILO8021: Project Management
ILO8022: Finance Management
ILO8023: Entrepreneurship Development and
ILO8024: Human Resources Management
ILO8 025: Professional Ethics and Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
ILO8026: Research Methodology
ILO8027: Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting
ILO8028: Digital Business Management
ILO8029: Environment Management
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Semester -V
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Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC501 Structural Analysis -II 5
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
4 2 - 4 1 - 5
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
There are various types of components in civil engineering structures, which are subjected to different
types of loading or combinations thereof. The knowledge gained in the courses such as Engineering
Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis -I is extended in this course. The scope of the
course is to evaluate the resp onse in the form of shear forces, bending moments, axial forces, and
displacement parameters in various statically indeterminate structures such as beams, rigid and pin
jointed frames. The course involves the concept of the displacement and flexibility app roach for
analysing the indeterminate structures. The course also involves the analysis of the indeterminate
structures using the concept of plastic analysis and approximate analysis.
• To revise the various concepts involved in the analyses of the structures studied in the course
Structural Analysis -I.
• To analyze the statically determinate structures with reference to the variation in the temperature.
• To understand the concept of stati c and kinematic indeterminacy (degrees of freedom) of the
structures such as beams & rigid pin jointed frames.
• To understand the concepts/ broad methods, sub -methods involved in the analysis of indeterminate
• To apply various methods for analyzing the indeterminate structures to evaluate the response of such
structures in the form of bending moment, shear force, axial force etc.
• To study the analyses of frame by approximate method.
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Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub Modules/Contents Periods
1. General 04
Types of structures occurring in practice, their classification.
Stable and unstable structures, static and kinematic determinacy and
indeterminacy of structure.
Symmetric structures, symmetrical & anti -symmetrical loads, distinction
between linear and non -linear behaviors of material and geometric non -
Two hinged arches: Introduction, classification and structural behavior (no
2. Deflection of statically determinate structures 04
Introduction to the concept of complimentary energy, absolute & relative
deflection caused by loads, temperature changes settlement of supports,
application to beams, pin jointed frames, rigid jointed frames.
3. Analysis of indeterminate structures by Force Method 14
3.1 Application of the Clapeyron’s Theorem of Three Moments.
Castigliano’s theorem of least work Fixed Beams
3.2 Flexibility coefficients and their use in formulation of compatibility
equations. Application to propped cantilevers, fixed beams, continuous
beam and rigid jointed frames.
3.3 Application of flexibility method to simple pin jointed frames including
effect of lack of fit for members.
4. Analysis of indeterminate structures by Displacement Methods 18
4.1 Direct stiffness method:
Stiffness coefficients for prismatic members, their use for formulation of
equilibrium equations. Application to indeterminate beams & simple rigid
jointed frames with inclined member but having only one translation
degree of freedom.
4.2 Slope deflection method:
Development of slope deflection equation, their use for formulation of
equilibrium equations. Application to indeterminate beams & simpl e rigid
Page 17
jointed frames with inclined member but having only one translation
degree of freedom including the effect of settlement of supports.
4.3 Moment distribution method:
Stiffness factor, distribution factor, Application to indeterminate beams &
simple rigid jointed frames, having only one translation degree of freedom
including the effect of settlement of supports.
4.4 Kani's Method:
Fundamental equation of Kani's Method, application to simple beams and
frames with single storey having two bays
5. Plastic analysis of Steel structures 06
5.1 Introduction to plastic analysis, Concept of plastic hinge, plastic moment
carrying capacity, shape factor.
5.2 Determination of collapse load for single and multiple span beams.
6. Approximate Method for Analysis of Building Frames 06
6.1 Approximate method for gravity loads: Substitute frame method and
equivalent frames.
6.2 Approximate method for lateral loads: Portal and cantilever method.
Total 52
Contribution to Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the behavior of various statically indeterminate structures subjected to static loads and
variation in temperature.
• Analyze the structures using displacement parameters to find out the internal forces such as axial
force, shear force, bending moment, twisting moments, etc. for beams, 2D portal frames with
various loads and boundary conditions , which becomes the basis for structural design.
• Contrast between the concept of force and displacement methods of analysis of indeterminate
structures. Also, the elastic curve in beams and frames under the action of loads.
• Understand the c oncept of plastic hinge, plastic moment carrying capacity, shape factor and collapse
load for single and multiple span beams.
• Find out the approximate dimensions of beams and columns using the approximate method for
giving the input in design software. The knowledge gained in this subject shall also be useful for
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application in the structural design in later years and also useful in the civil engineering field for the
analysis purpose.
• Demonstr ate the ability to extend the knowledge gained in this subject for their higher years UG
Programme subjects such as Advanced Structural Analysis and Advanced Structural Mechanics in
which they will be dealing with the indeterminate structures.
Theory examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5 marks
covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions wi ll be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weightage of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral Examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work consisting of the tutorials
and assignments.
Term Work:
The term work shall comprise of neatly written report based on tutorials and assignments. The term
work shall cover the entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at least four problems
on each sub -modules and contents thereof.
At least twenty solved problem have to be validated by using available computer software.
At least ten solved problem (valid ated by using available computer software) and Analysis of (G+2)
portal frame with minimum three bays.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work.
Final certifica tion, acceptance of term work warrants a satisfactorily appropriate completion of
assignments the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students. The following weightage of
marks shall be given for different components of the term work:
Page 19
• Assignments: 20 marks
• Attendance: 5 marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Basic Structural Analysis: C.S. Reddy, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.
2. Structural analysis: A Matrix Approach, Pandit and Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill publications.
3. Mechanics of Structures: Vol -I: S. B. Junnarkar and H.J. Shah, Charotar Publishers, Anand.
4. Analysis of Structures: Vol. I and II, Vazirani an d Ratwani
5. Basic Structural Analysis: K.U. Muthu, Azmi Ibrahim, I K International publishing house, Pvt. ltd.
6. Theory of Structures: S. Ramamrutham, Dhanpatrai and Sons, Delhi
7. Comprehensive structural analysis (Vol. I and II), Vaidyanathan R., Laxmi publications
8. Structural Analysis: Bhavikatti, Vikas publisher house Pvt, ltd.
9. Structural Analysis: Devdas Menon, Narosa Publishing House.
10. Structural Analysis: L.S. Negi and R.S. Jangid, Tata Mc -Graw Hill India
11. Fundamentals of Structural Analysis: Sujit Kumar Roy and Subrota Chakrabarty, S. Chand
12. Structural analysis: Mohandas and Bhargab Mohan, Prentice hall international
13. Structural analysis: T. S. Thandavmoorthy, Oxford University Press
Reference Books:
1. Structural Analysis: Hibbler, Pent ice Hall International.
2. Structural Analysis: Chajes, ElBS London.
3. Theory of Structures: Timoshenko and Young, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.
4. Element of Structural Analysis: Norries and Wilbur, McGraw Hill.
5. Structural Analysis: Laursen H.I, McGraw Hill Publ ishing Co.
6. Structural theorem and their application: B.G. Neal, Pergaman Press.
7. Structural Analysis: Kassimali, TWS Publications
8. Fundamentals of Structural analysis: K.M. Leet, C.M. Uang and A.M. Gilbert, Tata McGraw Hill
New Delhi.
9. Elementary theory of St ructures: Heish, Prentice Hall
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Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC502 Geotechnical Engineering -I 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
All civil engineering structures rest on ground i.e. supported by soil and rock. Rock is rarely occurring
and hence mostly the supporting medium is soil. Hence the stability of structure depends on the stability
of supporting medium. Therefore, geotechnica l analysis is required to be carried out. Geotechnical
analysis depends on the basics of physical properties which are useful for determining the strength,
compressibility, drainage etc. The soil mechanics is the basic tool for geotechnical engineering whi ch is
the specialized section of civil engineering. Soil is also used as construction material to make various
civil structures, viz., dams, embankment etc. Thus, it is very essential to understand various concepts
involved in this course of Geotechnical E ngineering -I
• To study the types of soil and relationships involving the weight, volume and other parameters of
• To study the index properties of soil which is measure of the engineering properties and classify the
soil based on different classification systems.
• To study the properties of soil related to flow of water.
• To study the concept of total stress, neutral stress & effective stress in soil.
• To understand the load deformation concept through compaction process.
• To understan d the techniques of soil exploration, assessing the subsoil conditions & engineering
properties of various strata along with presentation of report.
Page 21
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Basic Definitions &
Relationships 07
1.1 Definitions: Rocks, Soil, origin & mode of formation and type of soil
obtained, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, soil engineering, geotechnical
1.2 Scope of soil engineering: Importance of field exploration and
1.3 Cohesionless & cohesive soils
1.4 Soil as three -phase & two -phase system in terms of weight, volume, void
ratio, porosity
1.5 Weight -volume relationship: water content, void ratio, porosity, degree of
saturation, air voids, air content, different unit weights, specific gravity of
solids, and mass, absolute specific gravity.
1.6 Relationship between: different unit weights wit h void ratio, degree of
saturation, specific gravity; different unit weights with porosity, void ratio,
water content; different unit weights with water content, unit weights air
1.7 Mention different methods to find water content, specific gravi ty, unit
weight of soil (Detailed description to be covered during practical)
2. Plasticity Characteristics of soils 06
2.1 Plasticity of soil: Definition of plasticity of soil, reason of plasticity,
consistency of soil, explanation about idea set by Atterberg in defining the
three states of soil, definition & determination of liquid limit, plastic limit,
shrinkage limit.
2.2 Definitions of shrinkage parameters; plasticity index, shrinkage index,
liquidity index, consistency index, flow index, toughness index, activity,
sensitivity and thixotropy of soils. Use of consistency limits
2.3 Explanation about clay minerals e .g. montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite;
their formation and role in producing the plastic behavior in soil
Page 22
3. Classification of soils 06
3.1 Necessity of soil classification, Indian standard particle size classification,
Indian standard soil classification system as per IS: 1498, boundary
3.2 Mechanical sieve analysis: wet & dry sieve analysis, combined sieve &
sedimentation analysis, Stokes’s law, hydrometer method of analysis,
relation between percent finer and hydrometer reading. Limitation of
sedimentation analysis, particle size distribution curve/gradation curve
and its use
3.3 Relative density
4. Permeability of soils & seepage analysis 10
4.1 Introduction about ground water flow: water table, types of aquifers, types
of soil water, explanation of surface tension with capillary rise in small
diameter tubes, capillary rise in soils
4.2 Definition of hydraulic head, hydraulic gradient, Darcy’s law, laminar
flow through soil, validity of Darcy’s law.
4.3 Definition of permeability of soil, numerical values for different types of
soils, determination of coefficient of permeability of soil in lab using
constant head and variable head methods. Determination of in -situ
permeability with pumping out and pumping in test. Permeability from
indirect methods e.g. empirical equation & from consolidation data
4.4 Permeability of stratified soil deposits
4.5 Definition of seepage and its importance for the study of analysis & design
of hydraulic structures. Derivation of Laplace equation for two -
dimensional flow, its analytical solution representation by stream &
potential function; Graphical representation by flow net, definition of flow
line, equipotential lines, flow channel, field, characteristics of flow net,
use of flow net
4.6 Solution of Laplace equation by other methods e. g. numerical methods
5. Effective stress principle 03
5.1 Definition of geostatic stresses, vertical stress/total stress, neutral
stress/pore water pressure, effective stress.
Page 23
5.2 Effect of water table fluctuations, surcharge, capillary action, seepage
pressure on effective stress; quick sand condition.
Compaction of soils & soil exploration 07
6.1 Theory of compaction, determination of Optimum Moisture Content
(OMC) & Maximum Dry Density (MDD) in laboratory by conducting the
light and heavy compaction test.
6.2 Factors affecting the compaction, effect of compaction on properties of
soil, relative compaction
6.3 Necessity of soil exploration, methods of investigation, methods of boring,
types of soil samples, soil samples sampling, number and spacing of bore
holes, dep th of bore holes.
6.4 Penetrometers tests: SPT, SCPT, and DCPT.
6.5 Representation of data with borehole logs.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
With the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the soil types, index and engineering properties and relationship between various unit
weights & other parameters.
• Classify the soil with a view towards assessing the suitability of a given soil for use; either to use if
to support a structure (e.g. embankment) or to cons truct a structure therein (e.g. foundation)
• Understand the use of geosynthetics in soil to improve soil properties.
• Evaluate the compaction characteristics in laboratory & field and hence interpret the results with
compaction specifications.
• Interpret soi l boring data for foundation design.
• Conduct laboratory experiments to collect, analyze, interpret and present the data
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions: each having 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory will have the short questions having weightage of 4 -5 marks
covering the entire syllabus.
Page 24
3. The remaining 5 questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this module
shall be divided proportionately further, the weightage of the marks shall be ju diciously awarded in
proportion to the importance of the sub -module contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice in various sub -questions/questions in order to accommodate the
questions on all the topics/sub -topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining 5 questions.
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work consisting of the report
of experiments performed in the laboratory and assignment.
List of Experiments/Practical: (At least 8 to be performed)
1. Determination of natural moisture content using oven drying method
Following other methods to find moisture content shall be explained briefly:
a) Pycnometer method
b) Sand b ath method
c) Alcohol method
d) Torsional balance method
e) Radio activity method
f) Moisture meter
2. Specific gravity of soil grains by density bottle method or pycnometer method
3. Field density using core cutter method
4. Field density using sand replacement method
5. Field i dentification of fine grained soils
6. Grain size distribution by sieve analysis
7. Grain size distribution by hydrometer analysis
8. Determination of liquid & plastic limit
9. Determination of shrinkage limit
10. Liquid limit by cone penetrometer method
11. Permeability using constant head method
12. Permeability using falling head method
13. Compaction test, IS light compaction test/ Standard Proctor test
14. Compaction test, IS heavy compaction test/ Modified Proctor test
Page 25
15. Relative density test
Term Work:
a) The term w ork shall be comprised of the neatly written report based on the experiments performed in
the laboratory as well as assignments. The assignments shall be given covering the entire syllabus in
such a way that the students would attempt at least two problems on each modules/ sub -module content
thereof further.
b) One assignment should be given on Geosynthetics. The teacher is expected to deliver extra lectures
on geosynthetics for the entire class, thereby conveying the importance of the same to the students. The
questions related to this concept shall not be asked in the theory examination. However, it shall be treated
as a part of term work submission. It shall preferably cover the following points:
• Definition of geosynthetics, types of geosynthetics: geotex tiles, geogrids, geo cells, geomembranes,
geo composites; types of geotextiles: woven and non -woven etc.; physical properties: apparent
opening size (AOS), specific gravity, mass per unit area, thickness; basic hydraulic properties:
permittivity, transmiss ivity of geotextile
• Filter design criteria for graded soil & geotextile filters
Distribution of Term -work Marks
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work,
assignments, and experiment reports. The final certification acceptance of term work warrants the
satisfactory and appropriate completion of assignments the minimum passing marks to be obtained by
the students. The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term
• Report of the Experiments : 10 Marks
• Assignments : 10 Marks
• Attendance : 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwa rds: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice; Alam Singh , CBS Publishers Distributors, New Delhi
2. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: V. N. S. Murthy ; Saitech Publications
Page 26
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: K. R. Arora ; Standard Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi
4. Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain ; Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
5. Geotechnical Engineering: C. Venkat Ramaiah ; New Age International
6. Fundamentals of Soil Engineering; D. W. Taylor , John Wiley & Sons.
7. An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering: R. D. Holtz , Prentice Hall, New Jersey
8. Soil Mechanics: R. F. Craig , Champion & Hall
9. Soil Mechanics: T. W. Lambe, R. V. Whitman , John Wiley & Sons.
10. Designing with Geosynthetics: R. M. Koerner , Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
11. An Introduction to soil reinforcement geosynthetics: G. L. Sivakumar Babu , Universities Press.
12. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications Codes, B IS Publications, New Delhi.
Page 27
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC503 Applied Hydraulics 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
The knowledge of this course is essential to understand facts, concepts and design parameters of
dynamics of fluid flow, application of momentum equation in lawn sprinklers and pipe bends,
dimensional analysis and impact of jets. Further it helps to understand the design aspects, components,
function and uses of centrifugal pump, turbine s and design of open channels and flow through open
• To introduce the concept of dynamics of fluid flow and dimensional analysis
• To study hydraulic machines like centrifugal pumps, reciprocating pumps and turbines.
• To study the mathematical techniques used in research work for design conducting model tests.
• To impart the dynamic behavior of the fluid flow analyzed by the Newton’s s econd law of motion.
• To understand the uniform and non -uniform flow through open channels.
• To study design of open channel and understand concept of surface profile with hydraulic jump.
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Dynamics of Fluid Flow 04
Momentum principle (applications: pipe bends), moment of momentum
equation (applications: sprinkler).
Page 28
2. Dimensional Analysis: 05
Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham’s π theorem, Reyleigh’s method,
dimensionless numbers and their significance, Model (or similarity) laws,
application of model laws: Reynold’s model law, Froude’s model law, scale
effect in models.
3. Impact of Jets: 07
Introduction, force exerted on stationary flat plate: held normal to jet, held
inclined to jet, hinged plates, curved plate: Stationary and Moving, symmetrical
and unsymmetrical ( Jet striking at Centre and jet striking tangentially at one end ).
4. Hydraulic Turbines: 11
General layout of hydro -electric plant, heads, efficiencies of turbine,
classification, working of Pelton Wheel Turbine, Reaction Turbine, Francis
Turbine, Kaplan Turbine and draft tube theory, specific speed, unit quantities,
Characteristic curves, Cavitation.
5. Centrifugal pumps: 03
Work done, heads, efficiencies, Minimum speed: series parallel operation,
Multistage pumps, specific speed, model testing, priming, characteristic curves,
cavitations. Brief introduction to reciprocating pump.
6. Flow through open channels 09
6.1 Uniform Flow: Flow through open channel: Definition, types of channels,
Types of flows in channels, Prismatic, non -prismatic channels, Uniform
flow: steady flow and unsteady flow, laminar and turbulent flow, subcritical
flow, supercritical flow, Chezy’s fo rmula, Manning’s formula,
hydraulically efficient channel cross -section (most economical section).
6.2 Non-Uniform Flow: Specific energy and specific energy curve, Specific
force, Hydraulic jump and standing wave. Gradually varied flow, equation
for gradually varied flow, back water curve and afflux, Introduction to
surface profiles.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
• Apply the concepts of fluid dynamics to solve pipe bend and sprinkler problems.
Page 29
• Analyze dimensional problems and explain model laws.
• Explain the working and functions of Francis, Kaplan and Pelton wheel turbines.
• Explain the basic concepts of open channel hydraulics and measure discharge through open
• Identify the occurrence of hydraulic jump and its parameters
• Explain uniform flow, non -uniform flow and establish mathematical relationships .
Theory Examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5 marks
covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weighta ge of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Exa mination:
The oral examinations shall be based on the entire syllabus, the report of the experiments conducted by
the students including assignments.
List of Experiments (Any six):
1. Impact of jet on flat plate/inclined plate/curved plate.
2. Performance of Pe lton wheel - full gate opening.
3. Performance of Centrifugal pumps.
4. Performance of Kaplan turbine.
5. Performance of Francis turbine.
6. Determination of Chezy’s roughness factor.
7. Study of gradually varied flow.
8. Study of hydraulic jump and its characteristics.
Page 30
9. Calibration of Venturi -flume/Standing wave flume.
Term Work:
The term work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the afore -mentioned experiments
and assignments. The assignments shall comprise of the minimum 20 problems cov ering the entire
syllabus divided properly module wise.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components of the term work
and depending upon the quality of the term work. The final certification and acceptance of term work
warrants the satisfactory performance of laboratory work by the student, appropriate completion of the
assignments. The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term
• Report of the Experiments: 10 Marks
• Assignments: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommende d Books:
1. Hydraulics and Fluid mechanics: Dr. P.N. Modi and Dr. S.M. Seth , Standard Book House, Delhi.
2. Theory and Application of Fluid Mechanics: K. Subramanya , Tata McGraw hill publishing
company, New Delhi.
3. Fluid Mechanics: A.K Jain , Khanna Publishers.
4. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: S.K. Ukarande , Ane’s Books Pvt. Ltd. (Revised Edition 2012),
ISBN 97893 8116 2538
5. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Pressure Engineering : D.S. Kumar, F.K. Kataria and sons 6. Fluid
Mechanics: R.K. Bansal , Laxmi Publications (P) Lt d.
6. Flow in Open Channels: K. Subramanya ; Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering: B. C. Purnnia .; Standard Publishers, New Delhi.
Page 31
Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics: Frank M. White , Tata Mc -Graw Hill International Edition.
2. Fluid Mechanics: Streeter White Bedford , Tata Mc -Graw International Edition.
3. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications: R.L. Daugherty, J.B. Franzini, E.J. Finnemore,
Tata Mc -Graw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Hydraulics: James F. Cruise, Vijay P.Singh and Mohsen M. Sherif , CENGAGE Learning India
(Pvt.) Ltd.
5. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics: Edward J. Shaughnessy, Ira M. Katz, James P. Schaffer. Oxford
Higher Education.
Page 32
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC504 Environmental Engineering -I 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Environmental engineering is important for all human endeavours not simply about construction within
the environment. This course lays emphasis on the practical application of knowledge, while at the same
time recognizing the importance of theoretical knowledge in developing the intellectual capacity of the
engineer. Knowledge of this course is useful for planning, designing, execution monitoring water supply
sanitary schemes for the towns/cities. The scope of the course is to also solve the issues related to air
and noise pollution.
• To prepare students who can accomplish planning, design and construction of water systems and
related infrastructural facilities.
• To provide the necessary knowledge on quality of water, concepts in the field of water supply and
• To impart necessary skill for the design and operation of water treatment plants.
• To introduce new developments in the field of water treatment and to inculcate the students with
sound theoretical knowledge in engineering sciences as well as in research consultancy skills.
• To give a practical orient ed knowledge so that they can give the practical solutions to environmental
problems in the society and also to provide basic understanding of air pollution and monitoring.
• To impart positive responsive vocational attitudes, initiative creative thinking in their mission as an
Engineers. Also provide the basic understanding of noise pollution.
Page 33
Detailed Syllabus
Sub Modules / Contents Periods
1 Water Supply and Distribution of Water 03
Water resources, Water supply systems, distribution systems of water,
types of intake structure, water demand.
2 Quality of Water 04
Wholesomeness and palatability, physical, chemical, Biological
standards, Treatment of water, drinking water standards, environmental
chemistry, Eutrophication, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary treatment of
water. Typical water treatment flow diagram.
3 3.1 Aeration and Sedimentation 04
Aeration, Types of Aeration systems, Theory and factors affecting
efficiency of sedimentation, design of sedimentation tank and tube
3.2 Coagulation and flocculation 06
Mechanisms, common coagulations, rapid mixing and flocculating
devices, Jar test, coagulant aids – PAC.
3.3 Filtration 05
Classification, slow and rapid sand filters, dual media filters, under
drainage system, mode of action, cleaning, limitations, operational
difficulties, performance, basic design consideration, head loss in filters
and numerical on head loss, pressure filters: construction and operation.
3.4 Water Softening 02
Lime soda and base exchange methods, Principle reactions, design
considerations, sludge disposal.
3.5 Disinfection 03
Chlorination, chemistry of chlorination, kinetics of disinfection, chlorine
demand, free and combined chlorine, break point chlorination, super
chlorination, de -chlorination, chlorine residual, uses of iodine, ozone,
ultra violet rays and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants, well wate r
Page 34
3.6 Advanced and Miscellaneous Treatments 03
Reverse Osmosis, Activated carbon, Membrane filtration, Removal of
Iron and Manganese, taste, odour and colour, principles and methods, de -
4 4.1 Building Water supply 02
Introduction – Per Capita Supply, Determination of storage capacity,
Service connection from main, water meter.
4.2 Sanitary Fixtures
Sanitary Fixtures and fittings: Introduction, classification of fixtures, soil
fixtures, bathroom accessories, special accessories, fittings
5 Rainwater Harvesting 02
Need for rainwater harvesting, Annual potential, Collection of rain water
for direct use or ground water recharge, Roof -top rain water harvesting
6 6.1 Air Pollution 03
Air-Composition and properties of air, Quantification of air pollutants,
Monitoring of air pollutants, Air pollution - Occupational hazards, Urban
air pollution -automobile pollution, Air quality standards, Control
measures for Air pollution, construction an d limitations
6.2 Noise 02
Basic concept, measurement and various control methods. Thermal
Contribution to Outcomes
After completion of the course the student will be able to:
• Understand the water supply system, its components and water demand by various consumers.
• Understand and analyze the quality of water and will be able to conduct the quality control test on
• Understand the different processes in the water treatment facility.
• Design the different units of treatment for water treatment plants.
• Understand the components of building water supply system, storage and rain water harvesting.
Page 35
• Understand the problems of air and noise pollution. Besides, they will be prepared to contribute
practical solutions to env ironmental problems in our society.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and it will consist of short questions will have weightage of
4-5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the module
shall be divided proportionately further, the weig htage of the marks shall be judiciously awarded in
proportion to the importance of the sub -module contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
List of P ractical: (Any eight to be performed)
1. Determination of pH of water.
2. Determination of Alkalinity of water.
3. Determination of Hardness of water.
4. Determination of Turbidity of water.
5. Determination of Optimum dose of coagulant by using Jar Test Apparatus.
6. Deter mination of Dissolved Oxygen of Water.
7. Determination of Residual chlorine in water.
8. Determination of chlorides in water.
9. Most Probable Number.
10. High Volume Sampler.
11. Determination of Level Equivalent of Noise.
Site Visit:
The students should visit the Water Treatment Plant in the nearby vicinity or in the city and prepare
detailed report thereof. This report will form a part of the term work.
Mini Project: (Any one)
A mini project shall comprise of
1. Design a basic plumbing system for water supply for residential /commercial building.
Page 36
2. A case study for any existing structure.
3. Model making.
4. Software based design of water distribution system.
Term Work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the experiments performed in the
labor atory and Mini Project report. A detailed report on the visit to water treatment plant will also be
submitted as a part of the term work.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus and the afore -mentioned term work.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components depending upon
the quality of the term work. The final certification acceptance of term work warrants the satisfactory
performance of the experiment s by the student, properly compiled report thereof and the report on the
site visit and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the student.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Assignments & Expe riments: 05 Marks
• Internal Oral examination based on Experiments and Assignments: 05Marks
• Mini Project: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering: S.K. Hussain, Oxford & IBH Publication, New Delhi.
2. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, (latest Ed.): Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi
3. Plumbing Engineering Theory and Practice: S.M. Patil, Seema Publication, Mumbai.
4. Water Supply and Sewage: E.W. Steel, McGraw Hill, New Yo rk.
5. Water Supply and Sewage: T.J. McGhee, McGraw Hill, New York.
6. CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment.
Page 37
7. Water Supply Engineering: P.N. Modi, Rajsons Publication.
8. Water Supply Engineering: S. K. Garg, Khanna Publication.
9. Environmental Engineering (Vo l. II)- Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering: S. K. Garg,
Khanna Publication
10. Introduction to Environmental Engineering: Vesilind, PWS Publishing company.
11. Water supply and pollution control: J.W. Clark, W. Veisman, M.J. Hammer, International textbo ok
12. Relevant Indian standard specifications.
13. Environmental Pollution: Gilbert Masters.
14. Basic Environmental Engineering: J.A. Nathanson, Prentice Hall of India.
15. Environmental Engineering: Sincero And Sincero.
16. Air pollution: M. N Rao., Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
Page 38
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC505 Transportation Engineering -I 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Transportation contributes to the economical, industrial, social and cultural development of any country.
The adequacy of transportation system of a country indicates its economic and social development.
Three basic modes of transportation include land, water and air. The land mode further gives rise to
highways and railways. The hi ghways owing to its flexibility in catering door -to- door service forms
one of the important modes. This course deals with the investigation, planning, design, construction and
maintenance of highways for urban and rural areas. This course also deals with the planning, operation
and control of the traffic.
• To give insight of the development in the field of highway engineering, right from inception up to
construction and maintenance and to familiarize the students with different surveys required to be
carried out for the implementation of the highway project.
• To enable the students to understand the phase of engineering which deals with the planning and
geometrics design of streets, highways, abutting land and with traffic operations ther eon w.r.t. safe,
convenient and economic transportation of people and goods.
• To enable the students to understand the properties of the different materials to be used in the
construction of highways and other allied structures, characterize the materials a nd evaluate their
• To understand the principle of soil stabilization along with its significance and different types of
stabilization techniques; and also, to study the concept of reinforced soil in the construction of
highway and allied struc tures.
Page 39
• To enable the students to understand the classification and behaviour of different types of
pavements, factors to be considered in the design of pavements, approaches for designing the
different types of pavements using various design methodologies
• To stu dy the various methods of construction of different types of pavements including semi -rigid
pavements and composite pavements, to study the different types of distresses in pavements,
evaluation of existing pavements and methods to strengthen the distresse d pavements, low volume
and low -cost road and also to understand the significance of the drainage in the field of highway
engineering including different methods of providing the drainage in the highways.
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Highway Planning and Development/ Highway Alignment and Surveys 03
1.1 Classification of roads based on the different criteria; brief history of road
developments in India; present status of roads development programme in
India, including different programmes being executed by various agencies.
1.2 Highway alignment, basic requirement of ideal alignment, factors
governing highway alignment.
1.3 Different types of surveys for Highway location survey, map study,
reconnaissance, topographic surveys, highway alignment in hilly area,
drawing report preparation.
2. Geometric Design of Highway 07
2.1 Terrain classification, vehicular characteristics, highway cross section
elements, salient dimensions, clearances, width of carriage way, shoulders,
medians, width of road way, right of way, camber along with its profile
(IRC Standards).
2.2 Design speed, sight distance, perception time, break reaction time, analysis
of safe sight distance, analysis of overtaking sight distance, intersection
sight distance.
2.3 Horizontal curves: design of super elevation, its provisions, minimum
radius of horizontal curves, widening of pavement, transition curves.
2.4 Gradients: Different types of gradients (maximum, minimum, ruling,
exceptional) grade compensation in curves, vertical curves: design factors,
comfort sight distance, summit curve, valley curve.
Page 40
3. Traffic Engineering 05
3.1 Different Traffic Studies: Speed Studies (Spot Speed, Speed and Delay
Studies), Traffic Volume, Parking Studies, Significance/ applications of
these studies; different methods of conducting traffic studies, Methods of
the presentation of data.
3.2 Introduction to relationship between Speed, density and volume; Capacity:
Different types and factors affecting the capacity, concept of Passenger Car
Units (PCU) and Level of Service (LoS).
3.3 Introduction to different types of Traffic Control Devices: Traffic signs,
signals (no design), road marking.
3.4 Different types of intersections: At grade and grade separated; grade
separated interchanges; rotary intersections.
4. Highway Materials 06
4.1 Subgrade materials: desirable properties, modulus of elasticity, modulus of
subgrade reaction, classification of subgrade soils, different strengths,
various tests to be conducted to evaluate the suitability of the soil as the
highway material.
4.2 Sub-base material: desirable properties, different tests to be conducted on
aggregate, requirement of aggregate for different types of pavements.
4.3 Bituminous materials: types of bituminous material, test on bituminous
material, desirable properties, grade of bitumen.
4.4 Soil Stabilization: Significance; principle of soil stabilization; different
methods of soil stabilization, use of Geosynthetics in highways and allied
Highway Pavement Design 09
5.1 Types of pavements: Flexible, Rigid, Semi -Rigid and composite;
comparison between them vis -à-vis based on the structural behavior and
other parameters; Factors affecting design of pavements including traffic
factors (Design wheel load, equivalent single wheel load, equivalent wheel
load factor/VDF)
5.2 Flexible pavement: Various approaches of designing the pavement and
methods falling under each category (theoretical, semi -theoretical or semi -
empirical, empirical, mechanistic empirical and methods based on road
performance); Overview of the method prescr ibed by IRC along with the
Page 41
modifications incorporated therein time to time (IRC: 37 - 1970, 1984, 2001
and 2012); Design of the pavement using IRC: 37 - 2001 and IRC: 37 - 2012
with a more emphasis on latest IRC Code); Introduction to the design of
low volume flexible pavement (IRC: SP 72 - 2007/2015 and IRC: 77 -2008).
5.3 Rigid Pavements: Introduction to the different types of rigid pavements
(plain jointed, plain jointed reinforce, continuous reinforced, fiber
reinforced, roller compacted concrete); Analysis of the stresses to be
developed in the pavement (wheel load, warping and frictional); critical
combination of the loading; Overview of the various approaches
(Analytical, Empirical and Mechanistic empirical) of designing the
pavements a nd methods falling under the respective category; overview of
the methods prescribed by IRC along with modifications incorporated
therein time to time (IRC: 58 -1974, 58 -1988; 58 -2002 and 58 -2015);
Design of plain jointed rigid pavements (IRC: 58 - 2002 and IRC: 58 - IRC:
58- 2015 with more emphasis on IRC: 58 -2015) including design of joints;
Introduction to the design of low volume rigid pavement using (IRC: SP -
62-2004 and IRC: SP - 62-2014)
Highway Construction/ Drainage/ Rehabilitation and maintenance 09
6.1 Construction of different types of roads: Introduction to the water bound
macadam (WBM), wet mix macadam (WMM), bituminous pavements,
plain jointed cement concrete pavements and along with various joints (as
per IRC/ MORTH specifications), jointed reinforc ed, continuously
reinforced; fiber reinforced, roller compacted concrete pavements.
6.2 Pavement failure: Classification of distresses in pavements (functional and
structural); different types of distresses in flexible and rigid pavements
along with the causes and remedial measures; various types of maintenance
pavements; evaluation of paveme nts: functional and non -destructive
evaluation of pavement, various equipment used in evaluation of
pavements along with their principles (Profilometer, bump integrator,
Benkelman beam, lacroixdeflectograph, falling weight deflectometer) and
utility in the evaluation.
Page 42
6.3 Strengthening of existing pavement: Objective of strengthening, different
types of overlay, design of flexible overlays on flexible pavement using
effective thickness approach, and deflection approach resorting to
Benkelman Beam method (IRC: 81 -1981) and Mechanistic Empirical
approach using deflection (IRC: 81 -1997); Introduction to the design of
other types of overlays.
6.4 Highway drainage: Necessity/ Significance, mode of ingress of water in
highway structure, Different methods of drainage - surface and subsurface
drainage inkling for the roads in hilly areas.
Contribution to the Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students shall be able:
• To get an insight of the development in all the fields of highway engineering and familiarized with
different surveys required to be carried out for the implementation of the highway proj ect; to
understand the phase of engineering which deals with the planning and geometrics design of streets,
highways and abutting land in the context of safe and convenient traffic operations thereon.
• To know the required properties of the different materials to be used in the construction of highways
and other allied structures, to understand characterization of the materials and to evaluate their
suitability; understand the principle of soil stabilization, utilization of geosynthetics in t he
construction of highway and allied structures
• To understand the classification of different types of pavements, factors to be considered in the
design of pavements, approaches for designing the different types of pavements and can the flexible
and rigid pavements be using IRC Specifications.
• To get an insight into the methods of construction of different types of pavements; along with the
importance of highway drainage and various methods of providing the drainage; also, to understand
the elements of bridge engineering.
• To illustrate different distre sses in the pavements, evaluate the pavements in terms of its functional
and structural adequacy and arrive upon the rehabilitation measures.
Page 43
• To explain methods to strengthen the distressed pavements, low volume and low -cost road and also
to understand th e significance of the drainage in the field of highway engineering including different
methods of providing the drainage in the highways.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory which the short questions will have having weightage of 4 -
5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the
module shall be divided proportionately further and t he weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice either in the main question or sub -question to accommodate the
contents of all the modules.
5. The stude nts will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral examinations shall be based on the entire syllabus the report of the experiments conducted by
the students i ncluding assignments and the Traffic Survey Report.
List of Practical:
Although it is recommended that 12 experiments are desirable, at least nine should be performed.
1. Impact test on aggregates
2. Abrasion test on aggregates
3. Crushing test on aggregates
4. Shape test on aggregates
5. Soundness test
6. Polished stone value test
7. Stripping value or bitumen adhesion test (water sensitivity)
8. Penetration test on bitumen
9. Ductility test on bitumen
10. Softening point test on bitumen
11. Viscosity test on bitumen
12. Flash point and fire point test on bitumen
Page 44
13. Marshall stability test on the bituminous mix
14. CBR test on subgrade soil material (Laboratory or Field)
15. Plate bearing test on subgrade soil
Term Work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report base d on the afore -mentioned experiments
and the assignments. There shall be at least 10 assignments which will comprise of numerical problems
and lay -out sketches, covering the entire syllabus divided properly module wise. In addition to this, the
students sh all conduct any one of the traffic surveys and will prepare a detail report thereof. This report
shall also form a component part of the term work.
Distribution of Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various com ponents depending upon
the quality of the term work. The following weightage of marks shall be given for different
components of the term work.
• Report of the Experiments: 08 Marks
• Assignments: 08 Marks
• Traffic Study Report: 04 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%-80%: 03, Marks: 81% -90%: 04, Marks: 91% onwards: 05 Marks.
Recommended Books:
1. Highway Engineering: Khanna, S.K., Justo, C. E. G . and Veeraragha van A ; NemChand and Bros.,
Roorkee (Revised 10th Edition)
2. Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering: Kadiyali, L. R. ; Khanna Publishers, Delhi
3. A Text Book of Highway and Traffic Engineering: Saxena, Subhash Chandra ; CBS Publishers and
Distributors (2014)
4. A Text Book of Highway Engineering: Sriniwasakumar, R .; University Press, Hyderabad (First
Published in 2011; Reprinted in 2013)
5. Transportation Engineering (Vol. -I)- Highway Engineering: Venkatramaiah, C. ; University Press,
Hyderabad (2 016).
6. Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Rao, G.V.; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Page 45
7. Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering (Including Airport Engineering): Sharma,
S.K.; S. Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Principles of Transportation Engineering: Chakraborty, Partha and Das, Animesh ; Prentice Hall
India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (Eighth Printing: January 2013).
Reference Books:
1. Transportation Engineering and Planning: Papacostas, C.S. a nd Prevedouros, P.D. ; Prentice Hall
India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Transportation Engineering: Khisty, C.J. and Lall, Kent, B.; Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning: Kadiyali, L.R. , Khanna Publishers, Delhi
4. Pavement Design: Srinivasakumar, R ; University press, Hyderabad (First Published 2013;
Reprinted in 2015).
5. Highway Material and Pavement Testing : Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E. G. and Veeraragavan, A.; Nem
Chand and Bros., Roorkee, India.
Additional Reading
Relevant specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards for Highway Material Testing, Indian Roads
Congress (IRC) and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) w.r.t. Plann ing related aspects
in the context of Highway Geometrics/ Traffic Planning/ Pavement Design and Highway Construction)
Note: Some of the recent specifications may not have been incorporated in few books. For this, titles of
multiple books are given in the l ist of the Recommended Books. The latest editions shall be used. In
addition to this, relevant specifications/ codes shall be referred to.
Page 46
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO5061 Department Level Optional Course – I: Advanced Surveying 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
This is an advanced course which is intended to teach students about applications of modern surveying
instruments with their principle and uses in surveying for different civil engineering works. Student
should get exposed to the concept of Total Station, G.P.S., G.I.S. and Remote Sensing techniques. To
make the students acquainted with the field problems, various groups of students not less than 2 and
more than 4 should be formed, and they will research on use of various Geospatial tools for tackling
probl ems based on any one stream viz., disaster management, construction management, project
management, town planning, urban planning management and policy, water resources, utility mapping,
land resource management etc.
On completion of the course , the student will be able to:
• Use Total Station & GPS for desired requirements in surveying.
• Establish surveying control to determine required accuracy using Total Station, GPS, GIS and
remote sensing.
• Stake out the designed data by using modern high prec ision surveying instruments.
• Generate and utilize field surveying data and incorporate design data using specialized software.
• Critically evaluate the use of advance positioning instrument for surveying and setting out.
• Apply GIS for solving civil engineer ing problems.
Page 47
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1 Modern Surveying Equipment
3 1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument (EDMI), Use of lasers in
1.3 Electronic Theodolite, Total Station and Scan Station
2 Global Positioning System
8 2.1 Basics of GPS, Positioning using satellites, GPS principles, GPS
receivers, GPS principles
2.2 GPS errors and accuracy Error sources in GPS observations
Satellite geometry and accuracy measures
2.3 GPS measurements techniques, GPS algorithms/Navigational solutions
Other satellite navigation systems and GPS modernization
2.4 Civil engineering application of GPS
3 Photogrammetry
6 3.1 Introduction to geometry of vertical photographs
Geometry of tilted photographs, photogrammetric terms; Applications;
Type of photographs; perspective geometry of vertical and tilted
photographs, heights and tilt distortions;
3.2 Flight planning;
Stereoscopy, base lining, floating marks, parallax equation and stereo
measurements for height determination, Developments in
photogrammetry: analogue, analytical and digital methods,
photogrammetric instruments.
3.3 Civil engineering application of photogrammetry
Remote Sensing 10
4.1 Introduction:
Physical basis of remote sensing - Electro -magnetic radiation (EMR) -
nature, nomenclature and radiation laws; Interaction in atmospheric
nature, its effects in various wavelength regions, atmospheric windows;
interaction at ground surface - soils and rocks, vegetation, water, etc.;
Physical basis of remote sensing (Radiometry)
Page 48
4.2 Geometric basis of interaction, Platform and sensors, Terrestrial, aerial
and space platforms; Orbital characteristics of space platforms, sun and
geo-synchronous; Sensor systems radiometers, optomechanical and push
broom sensor; Resolution - spectral, spatial, radiometric and temporal;
Data products from various air and spaceborne sensors - aerial
photographs, LiDAR, Landsat, SPOT, IRS, ERS, IKONOS, e tc. Image
interpretation - Elements of interpretation; Manual and digital
interpretation; Field verification
4.3 Remote sensing: Image Interpretation, Introduction to image processing
techniques, Image enhancement, Information extraction
4.4 Civil engineering application of Remote Sensing
5 Geographical Information System
8 5.1 Introduction to GIS, its hardware and software components
Geographical data in computer: Data structures for GIS, Components of
GIS- data acquisition, spatial and attribute data, pre -processing, storage
and management; Data structures - raster and vector data; GIS analysis
functions; Errors and corrections; Data presentation and generation of
thematic maps. Introduction to QGIS software
5.2 GIS manipulation, query running, analysis and modelling, Errors and
5.3 Civil Engineering Application of GIS
6 Hydrographic Survey
4 6.1 Introduction, Organizations, National and International Maritime
Hydrography, Hydrographic survey Methods, Lead lines, sounding poles,
and single -beam, echo sounders
6.2 Civil Engineering Application of Hydrographic Survey
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
• Select appropriate methods and instruments in surveying, based on accuracy and precision required,
sophistication, availability of resources, economics and duration of project. Contribution to Outcomes
Page 49
• Appreciate the superiority and leverage of using modern methods in surveying over conventional
• Employ modern surveying methods, for solving complex surveying problems
• Apply different advance surveying methodologies to carry out large scale survey works as modern
instruments have largely changed the approach to survey works with the principles being same.
• Collect and manipulate data using GIS for simplifying data management and also reducing labour.
• The knowledge of limits of accuracy will be obtained by making measurements with various
surveying equipment employed in practice.
Theory examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5 marks
covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weightage of the marks shall be ju diciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be solved.
Oral Examination:
The oral examin ation shall be based on the entire syllabus, the projects performed and practical
conducted. It will include a practical exam (10 marks), before proceeding for viva (15 marks)
List of Practical :
1. Determination of co -ordinates of profile by GPS and length of profile.
2. Profile Leveling (Open Traverse) by Total Station and print output by using any software interface
3. Navigation of existing co -ordinates by GPS
4. Digitization work by any GIS software, like QGIS, ArcGIS, Gram++, etc.
5. Setting out a foundation plan of RC structure in the field using Total Station.
6. Mini Project on GIS using various software
Term work: It shall consist of the following:
Page 50
1. Mini Project forming a group not less than 2 and more than 4 based on use of Geospatial tools for
tackling problems on any one stream viz., disaster management, construction management, project
management, town planning, urban planning management and policy, water resources, utility
mapping, land resource management etc.
2. Presentation on any one modern too l
3. Practical write up, clearly stating aims, objectives, sketches, observations, results and subsequent
discussion of results
4. The assignments shall comprise at least one assignment on each module.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components of the term
work and depending upon the quality of the term work. The final certification and acceptance of
term work warrants the satisfactory performance of laboratory and field work by the student,
appropriate completion of the assignments.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Mini -project: 05 Marks
• Report of the Experiments: 05 Marks
• Assignments: 05 Marks
• Presentation: 05 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onward s: 05 Marks
Recommended Study Materials
(A) Recommended Books :
1. Higher surveying: A.M. Chandra , New Age International publishers.
2. Higher surveying: B.C. Punimia, Ashok Join, Arun K. Jain, Laxmi Publications(P), Ltd.
3. Geographic Information System and Science: Longley, Paul A., Michael F. Goodchild, David J.
Maguuire, David W. Rhind , John Wiley and Sons, New York (2nd Ed.), 2005
4. Modeling Our World: The ESRI Guide to Geodata base Design: Zeiler, M . ESRI Press, Redlands,
California, 1999.
5. GIS , Spatial Analysis, and Modeling: Maguire, D., M. Batty, and M. Goodchild 2005. ESRI Press
Page 51
6. Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance, Pratap Misra and Per
Enge (2nd Ed.), 2006.
7. Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation : Floyd, F. Sabins, Jr:, Freeman and Co., San
8. A Remote Sensing Perspective: Introductory Digital Image Processing: John, R. Jensen , Prentice
9. Imaging Radar for Resource Survey: Remote Sensing Applications: W. Tr avelt , Chapman and Hall.
10. Remote Sensing and GIS, B Bhatia , Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
11. Remote sensing and Image interpretation, T.M Lilles, R.W Kiefer and J.W Chipman , 5th edition,
John Wiley and Sons India
12. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, Lo, C.P. & Yeung A.K.W. , Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002
13.Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, M. Anji Reddy , B.S. Publications,
Hyderabad, 2001
(B) Web Materials:
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/105104100/1
2. http://www.surveyofindia.gov.in/
3. http://www.iism.nic.in/
4. http://bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in/bhuvan_links.php
5. http://igrmaharashtra.gov.in/#
Page 52
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO 5062 Department Level Optional Course -I: Advanced Concrete Technology 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of
End Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Basic concept of concrete technology is essential for civil engineering students to execute the civil
engineering projects as per the standard laid down time to time. The concrete technology is the backbone
of infrastructure of civil engineering field. The students must know various concreting operations and
testing operations during and after construction. It is expected to know the pro perties of materials,
especially concrete and to maintain quality in construction projects. The civil engineering students ought
to know the selection of materials, its mix proportioning, mixing, placing, compacting, curing and
This course mainly aims to develop the knowledge about properties/ design and testing of advanced
cement concrete.
Expected Outcome: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
• Know the various materials and properties in concrete.
• Understand the various properties of special concrete
• Understand the Mix design by different methods.
• Get a thorough knowledge of Fibre Reinforced Concrete.
• Know the different procedures for testing concrete.
• Understand the concept of durability and crack ing in concrete.
Page 53
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Properties of Concrete: 5
1.1 Cement and its types: general, hydration of cement, water requirement
for hydration, alkali aggregate reaction.
Aggregate: grading curves of aggregates.
1.2 Concrete: properties of fresh concrete, w/c ratio, w/b ratio, gel space ratio,
maturity concept, aggregate cement bond strength, curing and its method.
2. Special Concrete: 5
Light weight concrete, ultra -light weight concrete, vacuum concrete, mass
concrete, waste material -based concrete, shotcreting, guniting, sulphur concrete
and sulphur infiltrated concrete, jet cement concrete (ultra -rapid hardening), gap
graded concrete, n o fines concrete, high strength concrete, high performance
3. Concrete Mix Design: 9
3.1 Design of concrete mixes by IS code method - ACI method - Road Note
No: 4 methods.
3.2 Design of high strength concrete mixes, design of light weight aggregate
concrete mixes, design of fly -ash cement concrete mixes, design of high
density concrete mixes.
4. Fibre Reinforced Concrete: 6
Historical development of fibre reinforced concrete, properties of metallic fibre,
polymeric fibres, carbon fibres, glass fibres and naturally occurring fibres.
Interaction between fibres and matrix (uncracked and cracked matrix), basic
concepts and mechan ical properties: tension and bending.
5. Testing of Concrete: 8
5.1 Properties of hardened FRC, behaviors under compression, tension and
flexure of steel fibres and polymeric fibres.
Page 54
5.2 Advanced non -destructive testing methods: ground penetration radar,
probe penetration, pull out test, break off maturity method, stress wave
propagation method, electrical/ magnetic methods, nuclear methods and
infrared thermography, core test.
6. Durability of Concrete: 6
Durability, Transport mechanism of fluids and gases in concrete, cracking in
concrete - corrosion and carbonation induced cracking, Alkali Aggregate
Reaction, degradation by freeze and thaw, chloride attack, sulphate and sea water
attack (marine conditions). Hot and c old weather concreting.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
On completion of the course, the students shall be able to:
• Know the various materials and properties in concrete.
• Understand the Mix design by different methods.
• Understand the various properties of special concrete.
• Get a thorough knowledge of Fibre Reinforced Concrete.
• Know the different procedures for testing concrete.
• Understand the concept of durability of concr ete.
Theory Examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5
marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weight age of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted
Oral Ex amination:
Page 55
The oral examination shall be based on the entire syllabus and experiments performed in the laboratory.
List of Practical (Any Eight to be performed):
1. Mix design in laboratory by ACI Method.
2. Mix design in laboratory by Road Note 4.
3. Chemical Admixture (Superplasticiser) optimization by Mini Slump and Marsh cone.
4. Concrete - Slump, Slump retention by Slump cone.
5. Split and Modulus of rupture of concrete.
6. Permeability test on concrete.
7. Rapid chloride penetration test
8. Tests on polymer mo dified concrete/mortar.
9. Tests on fiber -reinforced concrete.
10. Nondestructive testing of concrete - some applications (hammer, ultrasonic etc.).
11. Carbonation test on concrete.
12. Pull out/ pull off test on concrete.
Term Work: It shall consist of the following:
1. Neatly written report of afore mentioned experiments (at least eight)
2. Presentation on any emerging trend in concrete technology.
3. At least one assignment on each module.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously a warded for the various components of the term work
and depending upon the quality of the term work. The final certification and acceptance of term work
warrants the satisfactory performance of laboratory work by the student, appropriate completion of the
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Report of the Experiments: 10 Marks
• Assignments: 05 Marks
• Presentation: 05 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Page 56
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Study Materials
(A) Recommended Books:
1. Concrete Technology: A. R. Shanthakumar, Ox ford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Concrete Technology Theory and Practice: Shetty M.S., S. Chand.
3. Properties of concrete: Neville, Isaac Pitman, London.
4. Relevant I.S. codes: Bureau of Indian standard.
5. Special Publication of ACI on Polymer concrete and FRC.
6. Proceedings of International Conferences on Polymer Concrete and FRC.
7. Concrete Technology: Gambhir M.L., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
8. Concrete Technology: Neville A.M. & Brooks. J. J., ELBS -Longman, Pearson Education Ltd.
9. Chemistry of Cement an d Concrete: F.M. Lue, Edward Arnold, 3rd Edition, 1970.
10. Concrete Technology: D.F. Orchardi, Wiley, 1962.
11. Tentative Guidelines for cement concrete mix design for pavements (IRC: 44 -1976): Indian Road
Congress, New Delhi.
12. Concrete mix proportioning -guideli nes (IS 10262:2009) .
13. Concrete - Microstructures, Properties and Materials: P. Kumar Mehta and Paulo J. M. Monteiro,
Indian Edition, Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai, 1999.
14. Concrete Mixture Proportioning - A Scientific Approach: De Larrard F., E&FN Spon, London,
15. Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites: ArnonBentur and Sidney Mindess, Modern Concrete
Technology Series, Tylor and Francis.
(B) Web Materials:
1. www.theconcreteportal.com
2. www.concrete.org
Page 57
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO 5063 Department Level Optional Course -I: Building Services & Repairs 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Building service systems are complex. They are typically a major source of cost & potential coordination
problems in building construction. Fundamental knowledge of how mechanical, electrical, plumbing &
other systems work & interact is important to the construction professional. This course provides an
introduction to building service systems which include the study of design, interfaces & specifications
of various building services in building construction for an existing building to be in a good condition,
so that it can continue to perform the intended functions, maintenance of the building plays a key role.
Adequate maintenance improves aesthetic &functional values. Moreover; it facilitates extending the
building life & ensures the safety of dwellers. Usually, the structures do perform well for about 50 years
after the construction & thereafter, the deterioration begins. Insufficient maintenance & lack of repairs
may lead to the limited life span of the struc ture. However, the regular maintenance & timely
identification of deteriorated building elements for proper remedial measures may result in to the
extension of life span of the structure up to 100 years also. The course deals with the building
maintenance, special materials, concrete repair chemicals, strengthening of RCC members by
underpinning, plate bonding, shoring, RC jacketing, etc. Technical knowhow and skills developed
through this course may be helpful to preserve the historical buildings. Fire saf ety is to be studied in
order to safeguard the building from fire damage.
• To understand the concepts of building services & its applications.
• To understand design concepts of various machineries like lift, escalators, vibrators, concrete
mixers, etc. & utility services in building like plumbing system, electrical system, etc.
Page 58
• To get familiar with the causes of distress of concrete structures, seepage & leakage in concrete
structures & the effect on steel corrosion.
• To study the condition survey, evaluation and assessment of damage through the visual inspection
& various Non -Destructive Testing methods.
• To acquire the knowledge in connection with the special repair materials and crack repair
methodologies to be applied in the field.
• To study the concrete protective materials, thermal protection coatings, etc. and implement the
steel corrosion protection methods in the field .
• To study the fire safety of the structures.
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Machineries 05
Lifts & Escalators - Special features required for physically handicapped &
elderly, Conveyors, Vibrators, Concrete mixers, DC/AC motors, Generators,
Laboratory services, Gas, Water, air & electricity, Hot water boilers and pumps
2. Plumbing Systems & Fire safety in Building 08
2.1 Plumbing Services : Water Distribution system, Material for service pipes,
Service connection, Size of service pipe, Water meter, valves and storage
2.2 Drainage system: Pipe and traps, system of plumbing, House drainage
plans, septic tanks and soak pit.
2.3 Fire Safety Installation: Causes of fire in building - safety regulation -
NBC - Planning considerations in building like non -combustible materials,
construction, staircases and lift lobbies, fire escapes and A.C. system.
Special features required for physicall y handicapped and elderly in
building types - Heat and smoke detectors - Fire alarm system, snorkel
Ladder - Fire Lighting pump and water storage - Dry and wet riser -
Automatic sprinklers
Page 59
3. Electrical systems & Illumination Design in Buildings 07
3.1 Electrical systems in buildings: Basics of electricity - Single / Three phase
supply, Protective devices in electrical installations, earthing for safety,
Types of Earthing, ISI specifications, Types of wires, wiring systems
&their choice, Planning ele ctrical wiring for building, Main &distribution
boards, Transformers & switch gears, Layout of substations
3.2 Principles of Illumination Design: Visual task, Factors affecting visual
task, Modern theory of light &colour , Synthesis of Light, Additive &
Subtractive synthesis of colour, Luminous flux, candela, solid angle
illumination, utilization factor, Depreciation factor, MSCP, MHCP, Lens
of illumination, Classification of lighting, Artificial lights sources,
spectral e nergy distribution, Luminous efficiency, colour temperature,
colour rendering.
3.3 Design of Modern lighting: Lighting for stores, offices, school, hospitals
and house lighting. Elementary idea of special features required and
minimum level of illuminat ion required for physically handicapped and
elderly in building types.
4. Deterioration of Concrete Structures 05
4.1 Causes of deterioration of concrete structures, effects of climate, moisture,
temperature, chemical, wear, erosion & loading on serviceability &
durability. Design& construction errors.
4.2 Causes of seepage & leakage in concrete structures. Formation of cracks
including those due to corrosion.
5. Condition Survey, Evaluation & Damage Assessment 05
5.1 Diagnostic methods & analysis.
5.2 Destructive, semi -destructive and non -destructive methods: core test,
carbonation test, chloride test, petrography, corrosion analysis, cover
meter test, rebound hammer test, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, and crack
measurement techniques, Concrete endosc opy & thermal imaging, pull -
off test & pull -out test.
6. Materials & Repair Methodologies, Protection of Concrete Structures &
Rebar Corrosion Protection 09
6.1 Repair analysis & design.
Page 60
6.2 Repair materials and their desired properties.
6.3 Methodologies for crack and patch repair: polymer modified mortar,
polymer modified concrete, polymer concrete
6.4 Injection grouting, shotcrete, joints and sealants, rebar corrosion crack
repair 10.5
6.5 Protective materials and their properties for moisture barrier systems.
6.6 Above grade and below grade water -proofing of concrete structures.
6.7 Systems like integral, crystalline, coatings, membranes, etc.
6.8 Thermal protection coatings.
6.9 Methods of corrosion protection, corrosion inhibitors
6.10 Corrosion resistant steels, cathodic protection
6.11 Pre-packed zinc sacrificial anode, Snap -on zinc mesh anode CP system.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, it is expected that the course will enable the students to:
• Understand the importance & installation of utility services.
• Understand the drawbacks of all the service lines are not installed properly or if materials used are
• Choose appropriate systems & integrate the same into the building construction projects.
• Assess the structural health of the buildings & infrastructural works and also Inspect & evaluate the
damaged structures.
• Implement the techniques for repairing the concrete structures and also decide whether or not the
structure should be dismantled, if it is deteriorated beyond repair.
• Employ the methods of steel protection in the field.
• Understand the damage caused by fire & exercise due care for fir e safety.
Theory examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory. It will have short questions, each carrying 4 to 5 marks,
covering the entire syllabus.
Page 61
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the module
shall be divided proportionately further, and the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents, thereof.
4. There can be options within various sub -questions/ questions in order to accommodate the questions
on all the topics/ sub -topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral Examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus & the term work consisting of the
assignments& experiment s.
List of Practicals:
1. Carbonation test by spraying phenolphthalein
2. Non -destructive testing of concrete structures by Rebound hammer.
3. Non -destructive testing of concrete structures by UPV meter.
4. Outdoor exposure test to measure weathering of coating
5. Test for flexibility of coating by applying on a tin sheet
6. Test for effectiveness by measuring water absorption of coating applied on a card board.
Condition Survey:
The students will carry out the condition survey of any damaged structure by visual observations& will
prepare a detailed report thereof. This report will form a part of the term work.
Term Work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the experiments/ practical performed
& the assignments along with the detailed report on the condition survey.
Distribution of Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components depending upon
its quality. The final certification and acceptance of the term work warrants the satisfactory performance
of the experiments/ practical by the student, properly compiled report thereof along with the assignments
and the report on condition survey & the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the student. The
assignments shall be given covering the entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at
Page 62
least two problems/ questions on each sub -modules & contents thereof f urther. The following weightage
of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Report of the Experiments: 08 Marks
• Assignments: 08 Marks
• Report on the Condition Survey: 04 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to.
75%- 80%: 03 Marks 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks.
Recommended Books:
1. Heat Pumps and Electric Heating: E. R. Ambrose , John and Wiley and Sons , Inc., New York, 1968.
2. Handbook for Building Engineers in Metric Systems, NBC, New Delhi, 1968.
3. Philips Lighting in Architectural Design, McGraw -Hill, New York, 1964.
4. The Lighting of Buildings: R. G. Hopkinson and J. D. Kay , Faber and Faber, London, 19 69.
5. National Building Code.
6. Building Construction: Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok K Jain , A.K Jain
7. Construction Engineering and Management: S. Seetharaman , Umesh Publications, Delhi.
8. Water supply and Sanitory Installations: A. C. Panchdhari , New Age International Publication,
9. Concrete Repair and Maintenance: Peter H. Emmons and Gajanan M. Sabnis , Galgotia Publication.
10. Repairs and Rehabilitation -Compilation from Indian Concrete Journal -ACC Publication.
11. Guide to Concrete Repair and Pro tection, HB84 -2006, A joint publication of Australia Concrete
Repair Association, CSIRO and Standards Australia.
12. CPWD hand book on Repairs and Rehabilitation of RCC buildings published by DG(Works),
CPWD, Government of India (Nirman Bhawan), http://www.cp wd.gov.in/handbook.pdf.
13. Guide to Concrete Repair, Glenn Smoak , US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, http://books.google.co.in.
14. Management of Deteriorating Concrete Structures: George Somerville , Taylor and Franci s
15. Concrete Building Pathology: Susan Macdonald , Blackwell Publishing.
16. Testing of Concrete in Structures: John H. Bungey , Stephen G. Millard and Michael G. Grantham ,
Taylor and Francis Publication.
Page 63
17. Durability of concrete and Cement Composites: Page, C.L. and Page , M.M., Woodhead Publishers
18. Fire Safety in Building: V. K. Jain, New Age International Publication, Delhi
Page 64
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO 5064 Department Level Optional Course -I: Advanced Structural
Mechanics 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
The structures are subjected to various types of loading/ forces. These are axial force, shear force,
bending moment, etc. This course enables the students with the knowledge in conformity with analysis
of behaviour of structural members under different types of loading. The course facilitates in imparting
theoretical concepts and physical understanding, which in turn will help in solving structural mechanics
problems, mostly involving beams & thin -walled structures under different loading conditions.
• To understand the concept of shear centre& evaluate the shear centre for symmetrical & un -
symmetrical thin walled sections.
• To understand the concept &behavior of beams resting on elastic foundation.
• To study the behavior of beams curved in plan.
• To unders tand the concept of different theories of failure in regards of materials.
• To study the behavior of deep beams using different theories available for the analysis of different
Page 65
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1 Shear centre: 5
Shear Centre for symmetrical & unsymmetrical (about both axes) thin walled
open sections.
2 Bending of beams with large initial curvature: 8
2.1 Bending of beams with large initial curvature, loaded in their plane of
2.2 Application to analysis of hooks, circular closed rings, chain links with
straight length & semi -circular ends.
3 Beams on elastic foundation: 8
3.1 Analysis of beams of infinite length subjected to concentrated
force/moment & semi -infinite length subjected to concentrated
load/moment at one end.
3.2 Semi -infinite beam hinged at one end (origin) & subjected to UDL
4 Beams curved in plan: 5
4.1 Analysis of beams loaded perpendicular to their own plane.
4.2 Simply supported, fixed & continuous beams.
5 Theories of Failure: 7
5.1 Maximum principal stress theory, Maximum principal strain theory,
Maximum shear stress theory.
5.2 Maximum total strain energy theory.
6 Analysis of deep beams: 6
6.1 Determination of deflection
6.2 Determination of shear correction factor for various sections: rectangular
solid & hollow section, circular solid & hollow section & I -section
6.3 Stress concentration, stress concentration factor.
Total 39
Page 66
Contribution to Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students shall be able to:
• Understand the concept of shear centre for thin walled open sections.
• Study the behavior of beam resting on elastic foundation with various loading conditions.
• Analyze the beam curved in plan for different support conditions.
• Understand the concept of different theories of failure in different sections.
• Determine deflection, shear correction factor for different sections like solid & hollow sections.
Theory Examination:
1. Question pape r will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory , which will have the short questions having weightage of 4 -
5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the
module shall be divided proportionately further, and the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. There can be an option within various su b-questions/ questions in order to accommodate the
questions on all the topics/ sub -topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Term Work:
The term-work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the assignments. The assignments
shall be given covering the entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at least three
problems and/ or questions on each modules/ sub -modules and contents thereof further.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus & the term work.
Distribution of Term Work Marks:
Page 67
The marks of term -work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term wor k. The
final certification and acceptance of the term -work warrants the satisfactory and the appropriate
completion of the assignments and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for differ ent components of the term work.
• Assignments: 20 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to.
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks.
Recommended Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials: Popov, E.P. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Mechanics of Materials: James Gere, M., Thomson Brooks.
3. Mechanics of Materials: Beer, F.P., E. Russell Jhonston and John T. DeWolf, TMH, New Delhi.
4. Advanced Mechanics of Materials: Arthur P. Boresi and Omar M. Sidebottom, Wiley and Sons.
5. Advanced Mechanics of Materials: Arthur P. Boresi and Richard Schmidt, John Wiley and sons.
6. Strength of Material Part I and Part II: Timoshenko, McGraw Hill, New York.
7. Mechanics of Solids: Shames, I and Pitarresi, J. M., Preentice Hall, New Delhi.
8. Beams on Elastic Foundation: Heteny M. 9. Strength of Materials: Subramanian, Oxford University
Page 68
Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE507 Business and Communication Ethics 2
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
- 4# - - 2 - 2
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
- - - - - 50 - - 50
Ethical issues of Business Communication are the process by which individuals exchange information
between other individuals or groups of people. Throughout the process, effective communicators try as
clearly and accurately to convey their thoughts, intentions and, objectives to their receiver. This course
is very important for aspiring Civi l Engineers as the industry suffers major delays due to
miscommunication between various parties to the contract.
• To inculcate professional and ethical attitude.
• To enhance effective communication and interpersonal skills.
• To build multidisciplinary approach towards all life tasks.
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1 Report Writing
1.1 Objectives of Report Writing
1.2 Language and Style in a report
1.3 Types: Informative and Interpretative (Analytical, Survey and
Feasibility) and Formats of reports (Memo, Letter, Short and Long
Page 69
2 Technical Writing 03
2.1 Technical Paper Writing (ASCE Format)
2.2 Proposal Writing
3 Introduction to Interpersonal Skills 09
3.1 Emotional Intelligence
3.2 Leadership and Motivation
3.3 Team Building
3.4 Assertiveness
3.5 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills
3.6 Time Management
3.7 Decision Making
4 Meetings & Documentations 02
4.1 Strategies for conducting effective meetings
4.2 Notice, Agenda and Minutes of a meeting
4.3 Business meeting etiquettes
5 Introduction to Corporate Ethics 02
5.1 Professional and work ethics (responsible use of social media -
Facebook, WA, Twitter etc.)
5.2 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
5.3 Ethical codes of conduct in business and corporate
activities(Personal ethics, conflicting values, choosing a moral
response and making ethical decisions)
6 Employment Skills 07
6.1 Group Discussion
6.2 Resume Writing
6.3 Interview Skills
6.4 Presentation Skills
6.5 Statement of Purpose
Total 28
Page 70
Contribution to Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students shall be able to:
• Design a technical document using precise language, suitable vocabulary and apt style.
• Develop the life skills/ interpersonal skills to progress professionally by building stronger
• Demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues knowledge of professional and ethical
• Apply the traits of a suitable candidate for a job/higher education, upon being trained in the
techniques of holding a group discus sion, facing interviews and writing resume/SOP.
• Deliver formal presentations effectively implementing the verbal and non -verbal skills.
Term Work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the Assignments, Project Report
Presenta tion and Group Discussion. The assignments shall be given according to the list given below
List of Assignments:
1. Report Writing (Theory)
2. Technical Proposal
3. Technical Paper Writing (Paraphrasing a published IEEE Technical Paper)
4. Interpersonal Skills (Group activities and Role plays)
5. Interpersonal Skills (Documentation in the form of soft copy or hard copy)
6. Meetings and Documentation (Notice, Agenda, Minutes of Mock Meetings)
7. Corporate ethics (Case studies, Role plays)
8. Writing Resume and Statement of P urpose
Distribution of Term Work Marks:
The marks of term -work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work. The
final certification and acceptance of the term -work warrants the satisfactory and the appropriate
Page 71
completion of th e assignments and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students. The
following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work. Term work will
consist of all assignments from the list. The distribution of marks for te rm
Work will be as follows:
• Book Report: 10 Marks
• Assignments:10 Marks
• Project Report Presentation: 15 Marks
• Group Discussion:10 Marks
• Attendance:05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted t o.
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks.
Recommended Books:
1. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hill, edition
2. Lesiker and Petit, “Report Writing for Business”, McGraw Hill, edition
3. Huckin and Olsen, “Technical Writing and Professional Communication”, McGraw Hill
4. Wallace and Masters, “Personal Development for Life and Work”, Thomson Learning, 12th
5. Heta Murphy , “Effective Business Communication”, Mc Graw Hill, edition
6. Sharma R.C. and Kris hna Mohan, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, Tata
McGraw -Hill Education
7. Ghosh, B. N., “Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development”, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Lehman, Dufrene, Sinha, “BCOM”, Cengage Learning, 2nd edition
9. Bell, Smith, “Managemen t Communication” Wiley India Edition, 3rd edition.
10. Dr. Alex, K., ”Soft Skills”, S Chand and Company
11. Subramaniam, R., “Professional Ethics” Oxford University Press.
12. Robbins Stephens P., “Organizational Behavior”, Pearson Education
13. https://grad.ucla.edu/asis/agep/advsopstem.pdf
Page 72
Semester VI
Page 73
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC601 Geotechnical Engineering -II 5
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Basic knowledge of analysis and design of foundations is very important for all civil engineers; and
more so for geotechnical and structural engineers. Soil testing (both field and lab tests) and its analysis
are not only compulsory prerequisites for the analysis, design and construction of any major structure
but also holds lucrative business and job opportunities in the field of civil engineering. Immense research
opportunities are also available in this field.
• Students will gain knowledge of consolidation theory.
• Students will evaluate the shear strength characteristics of the soil. Moreover, they would apply the
knowledge for solving the related problems.
• Students will analyze stability of slopes, comprehend lateral earth pressure theories and apply them
in stability analysis of retaining walls.
• Students will analyze and design shallow as well as deep foundations.
• Students will gain knowledge of underground conduits and braced cuts.
• Students will gain knowled ge of ground improvement techniques.
Page 74
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1 Consolidation of soils 04
1.1 Compressibility & settlement, comparison between compaction &
consolidation, concept of excess pore water pressure, initial, primary
secondary consolidation, spring analogy for primary consolidation,
consolidation test results, coefficient of compressibility, coefficient of
volume change, compression, expansion recompression indices, normally
over consolidated soils.
1.2 Terzhaghi’s theory of consolidation - assumptions, coefficient of vertical
consolidation, distribution of hydrostatic excess pore water pressure with
depth & time, time factor, relationship between time factor degree of
consolidation, determination of coefficient of vertical consolidation, pre -
consolidation pressure.
1.3 Final settlements of a soil deposit in the field, time settlement curve, field
consolidation curve.
2 Shear strength 05
2.1 Introduction, three dimensional state of stress in soil mass, principal
stresses in soil, shear failure in soils - frictional cohesive strength, general
shear stress -strain curves in soil definition of failure, graphical method of
determination of stresses on a plane inclined to the principal planes
through Mohr’s circle, important characteristics of Mohr‘s circle.
2.2 Mohr -Coulomb theory - shear strength parameters; Mohr -Coulomb failure
criterion - relation between major minor principle stresses, total &
effective stress analysis.
2.3 Different types of shear tests drainage conditions; Direct shear test,
Triaxial compr ession test (UU, CU CD), Unconfined compression test,
Vane shear test; comparison between direct & triaxial tests, interpretation
of test results of direct shear & triaxial shear tests stress -strain curves
Mohr failure envelopes
2.4 Determination of shear strength of soil with geosynthetics - pull out test:
ASTM procedure for finding shear strength of soil -geosynthetic system.
Page 75
3. Stability of Slopes 04
3.1 Introduction: Types of slopes, types of slope failures, factors of safety
3.2 Stability analysis of infinite slopes in i) cohesionless soil and ii) cohesive
soil under a) dry condition, b) submerged condition and c) steady seepage
along the slope
3.3 Stability analysis of finite slopes: i) Culmann’s method, ii) Swedish slip
circle method, iii) friction circle method and iv) Taylor’s stability number
4. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories and Stability of Retaining Walls 10
4.1 Introduction to Lateral Earth Pressure Theories: Concept of lateral earth
pressure based on vertical and horizontal stresses, different types of lateral
earth pressure
4.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory: i) assumptions, ii) active and passive states
in cohesionless soil: effect of submergence, effect of uniform surcharge,
effect of inclined surcharge iii) active and passive states in cohesive soil
4.3 Coulomb’s wedge theory: i) assumptions, ii) active and passive states in
cohesionless soil, iii) active and passive states in cohesive soil
4.4 Rehbann’s Graphical Method (no proof)
4.5 Culmann’s Graphical Method (no proof)
4.6 Introduction to retaining walls: types of retaining walls, stability checks for
retaining walls
4.7 Stability analysis of gravity retaining walls
4.8 Stability analysis of cantilever retaining walls
5. Shallow Foundations 10
5.1 Introduction: types of shallow foundations, definitions of different bearing
5.2 Theoretical methods of determining bearing capacity of shallow
i) Terzaghi’s theory: assumptions, zones of failure, modes of failure,
ultimate bearing capacity equations for general and local shear failure,
factors influencing bearing capacity: shape of f ooting and water table,
limitations of Terzaghi’s theory
ii) Vesic’s theory: bearing capacity equation
iii) I.S. Code Method: bearing capacity equation
Page 76
5.3 Field methods of determining bearing capacity of shallow foundations: i)
standard penetration tes t and ii) plate load test
6. Pile Foundations 6
6.1 Introduction to pile foundations: types of pile foundations, necessity of pile
6.2 Theoretical methods of determining load carrying capacity of pile
foundations: i) static formulae and ii) dynamic formulae
6.3 Field method of determining load capacity of pile foundations: pile load
6.4 Group action of piles, settlement of pile groups, negative skin friction
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
• Students will be able to evaluate the consolidation parameters for the soil.
• Students will be able to calculate the shear strength parameters for the soil.
• Students will be able to calculate the factors of safety of different types of slopes under various soil
conditions, analyze the stability of slopes, calculate lateral earth pr essures and analyse the stability
of retaining walls.
• Students will be able to calculate bearing capacity of shallow foundations using theoretical and field
methods, calculate load bearing capacity of individual as well as group of pile foundations and the ir
settlement using theoretical and field methods
• Students will be able to explain conduits and calculate the load carried by the struts of a braced cut
under various soil conditions.
• Students will be able to explain ground improvement techniques .
Theory E xamination
1. Question paper will consist of total 6 questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. Only 4 questions (out of 6) need to be attempted.
3. Question no. 1 will be compulsory.
4. Any 3 out of the remaining 5 questions need to be attempted.
Page 77
5. In question paper, weightage of each module maybe approximately proportional to the number of
lecture hours assigned to it in the syllabus.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus
Term Work:
Although it is recommended that 7 experiments are desirable, at least 5 should be performed.
1. Determination of pre -consolidation pressure coefficient of consolidation from one dimensional
consolidation test.
2. Determination of shear parameters form unconsolidated undrained tri -axial compression test
3. Determination of shear parameters from direct shear test
4. Determination of cohesion from unconfined compression test
5. Determination of CBR value from CBR test
6. Determination of shear strength of soft clays from vane shear test.
7. Determination of swelling pressure of clays
a) Assignments should contain at least 15 numerical problems covering the entire syllabus.
b) One assignment shall be given on GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES. The teacher is
expected to deliver extra lectures on the topic, thereby imparting the knowledge to the students, about
the concept of ground improvement. The questions related to ground improvement techniques shall
NOT be asked in the theory examination. Howev er, it shall be treated as a part of term work submission.
It shall preferably cover the following points:
• Reinforced earth: Design of reinforced earth wall
• Geotextiles: definition, types, functions and use in civil engineering
• Introduction to stone columns and prefabricated vertical drains
Page 78
Distribution of Term Work Marks
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components depending upon
the quality of the term work. The following weightage of marks shall be give n for different components
of the term work.
• Report of the Experiments: 10 Marks
• Assignments: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain; Laxmi
2. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: K. R. Arora; Standard Publishers and Distributors
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: V. N. S. Murthy; Saitech Publications
4. Geotechnical Engineering: C. Venkatramaiah; New Age International
5. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice: Alam Singh; CBS Publishers Distributors
6. Designing with Geosynthetics: R. M. Koerner; Prentice Hall, New Jersey
7. An Introduction to Soil Reinforcement Geosynthetics: G. L. Sivakumar Babu; Universities Press
8. Theoretical Soil Mechanics: K. Terzaghi; John Wiley and Sons
9. Fundamentals of Soil Engineering: D. W. Taylor; John Wiley and Sons.
10. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications Code: BIS Publications, New Delhi
Page 79
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC602 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures 5
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
4 2 - 4 1 - 5
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 04 Hrs. 25 --- 25@ 150
Steel structures are preferred due to their higher strength, speed of construction and aesthetic view. Civil
engineers must have knowledge of designing and detailing of steel structures to make structures safe
and serviceable during its life spa n. IS code specifying the use of Limit State design philosophy for
design of steel structu res and its various components. This course is designed to provide basic
knowledge of design and detailing of steel structures.
• To make students familiar with behavior of steel structure and their components under the action
of various loads.
• To train the students for effective use of IS codes, design tables and aids in analyzing and
designing the steel structures by limit state me thod.
• To equip students with aspects required for designing tension member, compression members and
column bases.
• To equip students with aspects required for designing beams and welded plate girder
• To help students design connections in steel members
• To ai d students in designing steel trusses.
Page 80
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub Modules/Contents Periods
1. Introduction 04
Types of steel structures, Properties of Structural Steel, Indian Standard
Specifications and Sections, Design Requirements & Design Process,
Advantages and limitations of WSM, Introduction to Limit State Design, partial
safety factors for load and resistance, design load combinations, section
classification such as plastic, compact, semi -compact and slender.
2. Design of tension members 06
Introduction, types of tension members, net area calculation. D esign strength due
to yielding, rupture and block shear. Design of tension members with welded and
bolted end connection using single angle section & double an gle section.
3. Design of compression members and column bases 15
3.1 Introduction, types of compression members, classification of cross
sections, types of buckling, effective length of column and slenderness
ratio, buckling curves, d esign of compression members as struts using
single angle sections & double angle section.
Design of axially loaded column using rolled steel sections, design of
built up column, laced and battened Columns.
3.3 Design of slab bases & gusseted base.
4. Design of beams and welded plate girder 13
4.1 Design strength in bending, effective length, Lateral torsion buckling
behavior of unrestrained beams, design of single rolled section with or
without flange plates, design strength of laterally supported beams, low
and high shear, design strength of laterally unsupported beams, web
buckling, web crippling, shear lag effect and deflection. Design of angle
section purlin.
4.2 Design of welded plate girder: proportioning of web and flanges, flange
plate curtailment, stiffeners and connections
5. Design of connections 07
Design of bolted and welded beam to beam and beam to column connections.
Framed, stiffened and unstiffened seat, bracket connections.
Page 81
6. Design of truss 07
Design of determinate truss. Calculation of dead load, live load and wind load
acting on truss. Load combinations and calculation of internal forces. Design and
detailing of members. Support detailing.
Total 52
Contribution to Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Explain the Limit State Design philosophy as applied to steel structures.
• Predict the behavior and design members subjected to axial compression, tension and their
• Predict the behavior and design members subjected to bending, shear and their connection
• Calculate loading for a truss and design the complete truss.
• Demonstrate ability to f ollow IS codes, design tables and aids in analysis and design steel
• Analyze and design the commercial steel structures and prepare drawing with complete detailing.
Theory examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of five questions. First question will carry 32 marks and remaining
four will carry 16 marks each. The first question will be compulsory. From remaining four
questions any three questions can be answered. Total four questions n eed be attempted.
2. The first question will be based on any one of design projects from following.
a) Design of Truss.
b) Design of flooring system.
3. The next four questions will be based on remaining modules of syllabus. The weightage of the
marks shall be judicio usly awarded in proportion to the importance of the module and number
of hours allotted for the module. There can be an internal choice in various questions/ sub -
questions in order to accommodate the questions on all the topics/ sub -topics.
4. For each questi on, the drawings will carry 20% weight of respective question. Drawings of
questions shall be drawn on half imperial drawing sheet during the examination. The
drawings of remaining questions may be drawn on drawing sheet or answer book.
5. All relevant IS co des will be allowed during examination.
Page 82
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be conducted in conjunction with the sketching examination and it will be
based upon the entire syllabus and the term work consisting of the assignments, projects includi ng
drawing sheets.
Term Work:
The Term work shall consist of following:
1. Design Report including detail drawings on any of the two projects as listed below:
a) Design of truss (internal forces to be calculated by analytical method/graphical method/using
any software)
b) Flooring system including beam, column, column base and connections.
c) Welded plate girder.
The drawing should be drawn in pencil only on minimum o f A-1(imperial) size drawing sheets.
2. Neatly drawn minimum 15 sketches showing structural detailing based on entire syllabus(in
3. Neatly written assignments covering the syllabus. (At least four problems on each modules and
contents thereof)
4. One site visit report (The report should contain structural details with sketches). viz. Industrial
structure, Railway Structures, Workshops etc.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the q uality of the term work.
The final certification and acceptance of term work warrants the satisfactory and appropriate completion
of the design report, drawing work and assignments and minimum passing marks obtained by student.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Design Report: 05 Marks
• Drawing sheets: 10 marks
• Assignments: 05 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, the following guidelines should be resorted
to: 75% -80%: 03 marks; 81% -90%: 04 marks; 91% -100%: 05 marks
Recommended Books:
Page 83
1. Design of Steel Structure by N. Subramanian, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Limit state design of steel structures by S. K. Duggal, McGraw Hill Educati on(India) Pvt. Limited,
New Delhi.
3. Design of steel structure by Limit State Method as per IS: 800 - 2007 by Bhavikatti S. S., I.K.
International Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Design of Steel Structures by K. S. Sai Ram, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
5. Limit st ate design of steel structures as per IS 800/2007. by S. Kanthimathinathan. I.K. International
Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Relevant Indian Specifications, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Page 84
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC603 Transportation Engineering -II 4
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - - 125
Transportation contributes to the economical, industrial, social cultural development of any country.
The adequacy of transportation system of a country indicates its economic social development. Three
basic modes of transportation include land, water and air. The land mode further includes highways
railways. This course is developed so as to impart the basic principles behind railway engineering,
airport engineering water transportation engineering in respect of their various types of materials used,
function of component parts, methods of construction, planning principles, aspects of supervision
• To enable the students to s tudy the various elements pertaining to air transportation, water
transportation, railway transportation. To study the various components of railway track, materials
used functions of component parts.
• To study the various imaginary surfaces of an airport, geometric standards, runway taxiway lighting.
• To study the various parking system, holding apron, hangars drainage system.
• To study the various modes of water transportation, types of breakwater, harbours and port facilities
• To study th e various aspects of jetties, wharves, piers, dolphins, fenders buoyancy etc.
• To study the fundamental concepts of bridge engineering
Page 85
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. General Introduction: Role of transportation in Society, objectives of
transportation system, different types of modes, planning coordination of
different modes for Indian conditions. 10
Railway Engineering
1.1 Railways for urban transportation -Engineering surveys for track alignment -
Obligatory Points -Conventional and modern methods (eg. Remote sensing,
1.2 Permanent way -track components their functions, sleeper – functions types,
sleeper density, ballast functions different ballast materials.
1.3 Rails: coning of wheels, tilting of rails, rail cross sections, wear, creep of
rails, rail fastenings.
1.4 Yards: details of different types of railway yards their functions.
1.5 Construction and maintenance of railway track, methods of construction,
material requirements, maintenance of tracks, traffic operations.
1.6 Modernization of track and railway station for high speed trains, Mono rails
and Metro rails.
1.7 Permanent way-track components their functions, sleeper – functions types,
sleeper density, ballast functions, different ballast materials.
2. Geometric Design of Railway and Traffic Control 08
2.1 Geometrics: gradients, transition curves, widening of gauge on curves, Cant
2.2 Points crossing: design of turnouts, description of track junctions, different
types of track junctions.
2.3 Signaling interlocking: classification of signals, interlocking of signals
points, control of train movement.
Airport Engineering 08
3.1 Aircraft component, their functions, aircraft characteristics and their
influence on airport planning.
Page 86
3.2 Airport planning: topographical geographical features, existing airport in
vicinity, air traffic characteristics, development of new airports, factors
affecting airport site selection.
3.3 Airport obstruction: zoning laws, classification of obstructions, imaginary
surfaces, approach zones, turning zones.
3.4 Airport layout: runway orientation, wind rose diagrams, basic runway
length, corrections for runway length, airport classification, geometric
design, airport capacity, runway configuration, taxiway design, geometric
standards, exit taxiways, holding aprons, location of terminal buildings,
aircraft hangers parking.
3.5 Airport marking and lighting marking, lighting of runways, taxiway,
approach other areas.
3.6 Terminal area & airport layout: terminal area, planning of terminal
buildings, apron: size of gate position, number of gate position, aircraft
parking system, hanger, general planning considerations, blast
4. Air Traffic Control 06
4.1 Air traffic control aids, en -route aids, landing aids.
4.2 Airport drainage: requirement of airport drainage, design data, surface
drainage design.
4.3 Airport airside capacity delay: runway capacity delays, practical hourly
capacity, practical annual capacity, computation of runway system, runway
gate capacity, taxiway capacity,
4.4 Air traffic forecasting in aviation: forecasting methods, forecasting
requirement applications.
5. Water Transportation 03
Introduction of water transportation system, harbors docks, port facilities.
6. Bridge Engineering 04
Bridge Engineering: Importance, Investigations, Site Selection, Different terms
related with Bridges; Waterway, Afflux, Economic span, Scour depth, Different
types of bridges: Superstructures and sub -structures, Different loadings for
design of bridges, De sign requirements for high speed trains
Total 39
Page 87
Contribution to Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the students shall be able to:
• Understand the various systems of railway, airport, water transportation and the components of p -
way and its construction, yards, modernization of railway track.
• Apply the concept of geometric design of railway track and railway traffic control.
• Understand airport planning, obstructions and orientation of runway.
• Apply the concept of geometric design of r unway, taxiway, etc. and the knowledge of various
signaling system for air traffic control.
• Understand the system of water transportation, types of breakwater, harbours and port facilities
• Understand the basic idea about the bridge engineering.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory which the short questions will have having weightage of 4 -
5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the module
shall be divided proportionately and further, the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice in various questions/ sub -questions in order to accommodate the
questions on all the topics/ sub -topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to be a ttempted.
Term Work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report of the assignments. The assignments shall be
given covering the entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at least four problems
on each modules/ sub-module content thereof further. There shall be theory questions as well.
Distribution of Term -work Marks
The marks of term -work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work
including that of the report on experiments assignm ents. The final certification acceptance of term -work
Page 88
warrants the satisfactory the appropriate completion of the assignments the minimum passing marks to
be obtained by the students. The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components
of the term work.
• Assignments: 20 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. A Course of Railway Engineering: Saxena, S. C. and Arora, S. P .; Dhanpat Rai Sons, New Delhi.
2. Airport Planning Design: Khanna, S.K., Arora, M.G.and Jain, J.J.; Nemchand Bros., Roorkee.
3. Docks and Harbour Engineering: Bindra, S. P. ; Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi.
4. Principles and Practice of Bridge Engineering: Bindra, S.P.; Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi.
5. Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering: Shrinivas, R.; Charotar Publishing House, Anand
6. A Text Book on Highway Engineering Airports: Sehgal, S. E. and Bhanot, K. L., S. Chand and Co.
Ltd., New Delhi
7. Airport Engineering: Rao, G. V., Tata Mc -Graw Hill India Publishing House, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Indian Railway Track: Agarwal, M. M., Suchde va Press New Delhi.
2. Planning Design of Airport: HoronjeffMckelrey , Tata Mc -Graw Hill India Publishing House, New
3. Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures: Quinn, A. D., Tata Mc -Graw Hill India
Publishing House
4. Bridge Engineering: Victo r, D. J., Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Bridge Engineering: Bindra, S. P ., Dhanpatrai and Sons, New Delhi
Page 89
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-C604 Environmental Engineering – II 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
03 02 -- 03 01 -- 04
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 25 -- 25 150
Environment has gained increasing importance in the relation with the principles of public health
engineering, design of waste water collection and treatment systems; and develops rational approaches
towards sustainable waste management via appropriate treatment and reuse. The course deals with the
overall features and study of treatment of sewage processes and solid waste management. The course
lays emphasis on complete update of the knowledge of these proces ses related to design of treatment
• To understand and explain the role of sanitation and its relation to public health and environment.
• To provide knowledge of wastewater collection system, characteristics of wastewater.
• To provide students the necessary knowledge and concepts of advancements/emerging techniques
of treatment in physical, chemical and biological treatment processes. To provide students
prerequisite knowledge necessary for higher studies and research in the field of wa stewater
• To study the appropriate treatment, reclamation and resource recovery and re -use at both centralized
and decentralized levels. Also, to study self -purification in nature.
• To develop rational approaches towards sustainable wastewater man agement via sludge recovery
and treatments.
• To provide necessary skill for understanding and operation of solid waste management facilities.
Page 90
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Sewage Generation, Collection and Conveyance 10
1.1 Introduction :
Need for sewerage system, Domestic sewage, Industrial waste and Storm
Water, Conservancy and water carriage system, Systems of sewerage and
their layouts: Separate, Combined and partially combined system, Merits
and demerits, Patterns of sewerage layout, Quantity of sewage
1.2 House drainage and Environmental sanitation
Plumbing: basic principles, Plumbing regulations, preliminary data for
design, Preparation and submission of plans, Systems of Plumbing, anti -
sipho nic and vent pipes.
1.3 Conveyance of sewage
Sewer: Shapes and materials of sewers, open drains, Design of sewers:
sewer size, Determination of velocity of flow using empirical formulae,
limiting velocities. Laying and testing of sewers, Sewer joints, Sewer
appurtenances, Ventilation of sewers.
Construction and Maintenance of sewers.
Pumping of sewage: Pumping station components
2. Characterization and Primary Treatment of sewage 07
2.1 Need for Analysis, Characteristics of sewage: Composition, Biochemical
characteristics, aerobic decomposition, anaerobic decomposition, Sampling
of sewage, Analysis of sewage.
Treatment processes: Objective, methods of treatment, flow sheets showing
Preliminary, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary treatme nt. Primary
treatment: Screening, Grit removal, Oil and Grease removal, settling tank.
3. Conventional Biological treatments 11
3.1 Secondary Treatment Methods
Trickling filter - Principle, Process description and Operational problems
and Design.
Page 91
Activated sludge process (ASP) - Principle, Process description,
Recirculation of sludge, Operational problems, Sludge volume index and
Design of ASP.
Aerated lagoons - Process description and Design, Rotating Biological
contractors, Stabilization Ponds, UASB.
3.2 Constructed Wetland
Wetland and aquatic treatment systems; Types, application, Treatment
Free water surface and subsurface constructed wetlands,
Other aquatic treatment systems - Root zone technology, Duckweed ponds
3.3 Septic Tank and Soak Pit –Operation, suitability and Design.
Concepts of advances in wastewater treatment. Imhoff Tank
On-site treatment: Meaning of decentralized treatment.
4. Reclamation and Reuse of Waste water 05
4.1 Tertiary and Grey water treatment, recycling and reuse of wastewater.
4.2 Self-Purification of Natural Water Bodies
Oxygen economy, Sewage farming. Disposal of treated effluent
Disposal of Raw and treated sewage on land and water, standards for
Stream pollution: Self -purification, DO sag curve.
5. Sludge Treatment and Disposal 03
5.1 Thickening, Dewatering, Sludge Digestion: Principles of anaerobic
digestion, quantity and characterization of sludge, design of sludge
digestion tanks.
Disposal - disposal of digested sludge, drying beds.
6. Municipal Solid Waste Management 03
6.1 Solid waste: Sources, Types, generation and collection, storage, handling,
transportation, processing, treatment and disposal methods
Introduction to Hazardous wastes, E -wastes and Plastic wastes.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
Having completed this course, the students shall ensure the safe handling and treatment of wastewater
and sewage. The students shall be able to conduct quality control tests on samples obtained from sewer
Page 92
water, soil, nearby rivers and groundwater. The stu dents shall be able to design the treatment facilities
and assess the guidelines for disposing of waste. They shall be able to formulate approaches to treat
waste water in most effective manner.
After the completion of the course the student should be able to:
• Explain wastewater collection systems in buildings and municipal areas and to determine the
quantity of wastewater and storm water production. Also, gain the knowledge of the construction
of new sewer line and importance of sewer appurtenances.
• Explai n and analyze the characteristics of wastewater and design the primary treatment for
• Explain on -site treatment methods and solve Analyze and design wastewater treatment systems
(ASP, Aerated lagoon and Oxidation ponds).
• Identify and apply proper treatment for reclamation and reuse of wastewater and disposal.
• Explain sludge characteristics and processing methods.
• To provide knowledge of solid waste collection system, characteristics of solid waste and to identify
hazardous waste. Study related to plastic waste management will be studied.
Theory examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of Six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory which the short questions will have having weightage of 4 -
5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the
module shall be divided proportionately further, the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance o f the sub -module contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
List of Practical:(Any eight to be performed)
1. Determination of pH of sewage.
2. Determination of Chlorides.
3. Determination of Total Solids, suspended solids, dissolved solids, volatile solids.
4. Determination of Oil and Grease in waste water.
5. Determination of Dissolved oxygen.
6. Determination of Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand of sewage sample.
Page 93
7. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand of sewage sample.
8. To find Sludge Volume Index (SVI) of sewage sample.
9. Plumbing demonstration of accessories, fittings and fixtures.
10. Solid waste: Determination of pH.
11. Solid waste: Determination of moisture content.
Term work:
The term -work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the experiments performed in the
laboratory along with the assignments. A brief report on the visit to sewage treatment plant shall also
form a part of the term work.
Site Visit:
The student should visit to sewage treatment Plant in the nearby vicinity or in the city and prepare
detailed report thereof. This report will form a part of the term work.
Mini Project :( Any one)
1. Identify sewer network of a particular area and study the case.
2. Collect the sample from municipal or industrial wastewater, test the parameters and suggest the
3. Identify the sewerage treatment facility in your area and suggest modification, innovation with design.
4. Identify plumbing system. Enlist sewer appurtenances and system requirement for row house or
5. A case study related to solid waste management or any waste minimization technique.
6. Model making in form of prototype with respect to sewage treatment or solid waste manag ement.
7. Design of sewage treatment plant using software.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components depending upon
the quality of the term work. The final certification acceptance of term work warrants the satisfactory
performance of the experiments by the student, properl y compiled report thereof and the report on the
site visit and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the student. The following weightage of
marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
The following weightage of marks shall be gi ven for different components of the term work.
• Internal Oral examination based on Experiments and Assignments: 10 Marks
Page 94
• Mini Project: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to.
75%- 80%; 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Oral Examination
Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus and the afore -mentioned term work.
Recommended Books
1. Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal, Refuse: Metcalf and Eddy, T.M.H. Edition, New
Delhi, 1995.
2. Manual on Wastewater Treatment 3rd Ed. Pub: CPH and Env. Engg. Organization, Ministry of
Urban Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 1991.
3. Environmental Engineering: Peavy, H.S., RoweD.R., Tchobanoglous G.; 1991, Tata -Mcgraw Hill.
4. Environmental Engineering Vol II - Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering: S. K. Garg,
Khanna Publishers New Delhi.
5. Water supply and sanitary Engineering: Hussain S. K., Oxford and IBH Publication, New Delhi.
6. Plumbing Engi neering, Theory and Practice: Patil S. M., Seema Publication, Mumbai.
7. CPHEEO Manual on Sewage and Treatment.
8. Environmental Engineering: B. C. Punmia , Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
9. Relevant Indian standard specifications and BIS publications.
10. Solid waste m anagement in developing countries: A.D. Bhide and B.B. Sundaresan.
11. Integrated solid waste management, Tchobanoglous, Theissen and Vigil, McGraw Hill Publication.
12. Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management: Ministry of urban development, New Delhi.
13. Water Supply and Sewerage: E.W. Steel.
14. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Vesilind , PWS Publishing Company 2000.
15. Introduction to Environmental Engineering: P . AarneVesilind , Susan M. Morgan , Thompson.
16. Wastewater Treatment - Concepts and Design Approach: G. L. Karia and R. A. Christian.
Page 95
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC605 Water Resources Engineering -I 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 25 - 25 150
India is an agricultural country where majority of population lives in villages so agricultural industry is
the backbone of Indian economy. Being a tropical country with large temporal and spatial variation of
rainfall and availability of rainfall only for three to four months, irrigation is strongly needed in India.
To satisfy this need, enhancing the irrigation facilities in the country is required. This subject provides
necessary knowledge about various irrigation methods based on crop water requirements , hydrologic
processes, estimation of storage capacity of reservoir and hydraulics of wells.
• To study various types of irrigation projects.
• To study and understand the various techniques and methods of irrigation.
• To understand the irrigation requirements of crops.
• To calculate storage capacity of reservoirs.
• To study the elements of hydrologic cycle and calculate catchment yield.
• To study the hydraulics of wells and ground water exploration methods.
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Introduction: 6
Definition of irrigation, water resources in India, development of irrigation in
India, need of irrigation in India, Benefits of irrigation, ill effects of irrigation,
Page 96
irrigation systems: major , medium and minor irrigation projects, command area
developmen t, impact of irrigation on environment, national water policy.
2. Irrigation methods and management 6
Types of irrigation: surface irrigation, subsurface irrigation; lift irrigation,
bandhara irrigation, percolation tanks. Techniques of water distribution: free
flooding, border flooding, check flooding, basin flooding, furrow irrigation
method, micro irrig ation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation. Irrigation
scheduling, participatory irrigation management.
3. Water requirement of crops: 7
Crops and crop seasons in India, cropping pattern, duty and delta, quality of
irrigation water, soil water relationship, soil characteristics significance from
irrigation considerations, root zone soil water, infiltration, consumptive use,
irrigation requirement, frequency of irrigation, water requirement and capacity
of canal and reservoir, assessment of irrig ation water, water conservation, rain
water harvesting.
4. Hydrology 8
Hydrologic cycle, Precipitation: Types of precipitations, measurement of rainfall
by rain gauges, stream flow measurement, runoff, factors affecting runoff,
computation of runoff, yield of the catchment runoff hydrograph, runoff
computations, flood discharge and calculations, unit hydrograph, application of
unit hydrograph, methods of deriving unit hydrograph, S -hydrograph, complex
5. Ground water and well hydraulics: 6
Ground water resources, occurrence of ground water, well irrigation. Well
hydraulics: steady state flow in wells, equilibrium equations for confined and
unconfined aquifer, aquifer tests, design of water wells.
6. Investigation and reservoir planning 6
Selection of site for reservoir, zones of storage reservoir, capacity elevation
and area elevation curve of reservoir site, control levels, fixation of control
levels, reservoir sedimentation, methods of control of sedimentation,
evaporation loss, estimat ion and controlling methods of evaporation.
Total 39
Page 97
Contribution to Outcomes
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
• Classify various types of irrigation projects
• Explain different irrigation methods and effective use of water resources.
• Calculate the crop water requirements and irrigation requirement.
• Derive hydrographs and calculate runoff of a catchment area.
• Explain the steady state and unsteady state conditions of any aquifer and design water wells.
• Estimate the capacity of a reservoir for different purposes.
Theory Examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5
marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weightage of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be solved.
Oral Examination:
The oral examinations shall be based on the entire syll abus including term work.
Term Work:
The term work shall comprise of the neatly written assignment/tutorials based on above modules. The
assignment shall be covering the entire syllabus in such way that the student would attempt at -least three
questions including numerical if any , on each module.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components of the term work
and depending upon the quality of the term work. The final certification a nd acceptance of term work
warrants the satisfactory performance in tutorials and appropriate completion of the assignments.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
Page 98
• Assignments: 20 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to.
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering: B.C. Punmia, Pande B.B. Lal, A.K Jain . Laxmi
Publications Pvt, Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering: P.N. Modi , Standard Book House, Delhi,
ISBN 978 -81-87401 -29-0.
3. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures: S.K. Ukarande, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.ISBN ,
9789383656899 .
4. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics Structures: S. K. Garg , Khanna Publishers. Delhi.
5. Design of Irrigation Structures: S. K. Sharma , S. Chand and Co.
6. Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures: R. S. Varshney and R, C. Gupta , Nem Chand.
7. Engineering for Dams, Vol. I to III: Crager, Justin and Hinds , John Wiley.
8. Design of Small Dams: USBR.
9. Hydro Power Structures: R. S. Varshney , Nem Chand and Bross.
10. Concre te Dams: R. S. Varshney , Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
Page 99
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO6061 Department Level Optional Course -II-Advanced Construction Equipment 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
03 2 - 03 01 - 04
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Machines have revolutionised every sphere of human being’s life. Engineering constructions also have
seen a drastic reformation due to introduction of various construction equipment and techniques. This
course provides an extensive overview of a dvanced equipment used in construction industry and also
discusses certain methods used to construct facilities using modern equipment. It further exposes the
student to different kinds of civil engineering structures which they are supposed to construct i n the field
and makes them aware with the equipment required for the same. The impact of use of equipment on
human resource as well as how equipment will help in making optimum utilization of resources is also
given a thought.
• To illustrate the characteristics and complexities involved in large civil engineering projects.
• To classify various construction equipment
• To elaborate the various advanced equipment used on, below or above ground/water.
• To discuss about the various non-conventional construction techniques which make use of these
advanced equipment.
• To discuss the utility of modern formworks systems over conventional systems.
• To select appropriate equipment and techniques in construction for large and heavy engineerin g
projects on the basis of suitability, availability, productivity, output, initial and operation cost,
savings in time and other resources etc.
Page 100
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Introduction 06
Study of Different categories of construction equipment used conventionally
with reference to available types and their capacities, operations and factors
affecting their performance.
1.1 Earthmoving and other hauling equipment
1.2 Drilling and blasting equipment.
1.3 Pile driving equipment.
1.4 Pumping equipment (for water as well as concrete), Applications of Air
1.5 Dewatering techniques for trenches, tunnels.
1.6 Stone crushing equipment.
2. Equipment for Underground and Underwater tunneling. 09
Various purposes for which tunneling may be carried out, Basic terms related to
tunneling, Conventional methods of carrying out tunneling in different types of
soils/rocks. Modern methods of tunneling and detailed study of following
equipment/techniques in this regard:
2.1 Jumbo – used for drilling and blasting.
2.2 Vertical shaft sinking machine (VSM).
2.3 Tunnel Boring machine (TBM), Micro tunneling.
2.4 New Austrian tunneling method (NATM).
2.5 Cut & cover method, Top to bottom construction.
2.6 Tunnel lining trolley.
Modern formwork systems 06
3.1 Difference in conventional and modern systems of formwork Mivan, Doka
shuttering along with their advantages and disadvantages.
3.2 Modular shuttering, Slip and jump form, Tower cranes and the benefits they
offer for high rise construction.
3.3 Prefabricated housing systems, Difficulties faced in the installation and
operation of all these systems.
Page 101
Equipment for construction of underground utilities, road construction and
4.1 Pipeline insertion system, use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for
locating underground utilities.
4.2 Construction of roads using paver machines.
4.3 Methods of construction for bridges/flyovers and the processes/equipment
required thereof, Incremental launching method and balanced cantilever
method with reference to the recent infrastructure developed in the local
and global context.
5. Equipment/ techniques for setting up of power generation structures. 06
5.1 Hydropower station.
5.2 Thermal power station.
5.3 Solar power station.
5.4 Atomic power generation.
5.5 Installation and operation of wind mills.
5.6 Installation and operation of underground power transmission lines as well
as overhead transmission towers.
6. Equipment for construction of transporting facilities 06
4.4 Construction of railway lines using track laying machine. Methods,
techniques and equipment involved in the construction of Metro, mono and
maglev trains. Special requirements of the permanent way in each case.
4.5 Equipment required for construction and operation of an airport and sea
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students shall be able to:
• Understand the use/applications of various conventional construction equipment and select the best
out of them for a particular site requirement.
• Know modern methods/equipment used for un derground as well as underwater tunnelling.
• Compare conventional and modern methods of formwork on the basis of productivity, reuse value,
ease of erection and dismantling, flexibility offered and overall cost.
Page 102
• Understand the techniques involved and the eq uipment required thereof for construction of various
transporting facilities.
• Gain knowledge about the setting up of different kinds of the power generating structures.
• Select proper equipment for construction of transporting facilities based on requiremen ts.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory which the short questions will have having weightage of 4 -5
marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the module
shall be divided p roportionately further, and the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously
awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice in various sub -questions/ questions in order to accommodate the
questions on all the topics/ sub -topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to b e attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work.
Term work:
The term work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on assignments (One for each module)
and site visits (minimum 2). Th e assignments shall be given covering the entire syllabus and preferably
different questions can be given to different group of students so that they themselves will create the
question bank and answers for the same.
This course should be taught through m aximum site visits and demonstration of the working processes
and equipment through animations/videos to make the delivery most effective. The difference between
conventional and modern method of carrying out a construction process should be clearly known to the
students. Site visits to various ongoing infra projects especially in Mumbai Metropolitan region (MMR)
can be of great help to the students. The site visits should be planned in such a way so that maximum
equipment/techniques can be seen actually by the students. The report on site visit shall also form a part
of the term work.
Page 103
Distribution of Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term -work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon its quality. The final
certification and acceptance of the term -work warrants the satisfactory and the appropriate completion
of the assignments; and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students.
The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Assignments: 10 Marks
• Report on Site Visits: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to:
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books/Study material:
1. Construction Equipment & Planning, Purifoy, R.L & Ledbetter, McGraw Hill
2. Construction Equipment & it’s Management, Sharma, S. C. Khanna Publishers
3. Tunnel Engineering Handbook, Thomas R. Kuesel, Elwyn H. King, John O. Bickel, Springer
4. Practical tunnel const ruction, Gary B. Hemphill, Wiley Publishers
5. Construction Technology for Tall Buildings, Michael Yit Lin Chew, World Scientific
6. The prefabricated home, Colin Davies, Reaktion Books.
7. Literature/specifications/downloadable videos available on Doka and Mivan s huttering websites.
8. Accelerated Bridge Construction: Best Practices and Techniques, Mohiuddin Ali Khan, BH
9. Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants, RüdigerMeiswinkel, Julian Meyer, Jürgen
Schnell Wiley Publishers
Page 104
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO6062 Department Level Optional Course -II-Traffic Engineering and
Management 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
03 02 - 03 01 - 04
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
Transportation Planning is a backbone of the urban planning or town planning. It constitutes the
important part of any urban or town system. Traffic Engineering follows the Transportation Planning
and is the specialized branch of the Highway Engineering which deals with the improvement of traffic
performance on road network and termina ls through systematic traffic studies, scientific analysis and
engineering applications. Traffic Engineering includes the planning and geometric design on one hand
and regulation and control on the other. It, therefore, deals with the application of scient ific principles,
tools, techniques and findings for safe, rapid, economical and efficient movement of people and
• To understand the concepts of traffic characteristics, traffic surveys to be conducted for planning
any transportation ne twork or judging the adequacy of the existing one; and further, the application
of various statistical tools to the analysis of the large data base emerging out of extensive traffic
surveys and transportation and traffic planning.
• To understand the concept of various features of the highway geometrics and infrastructures, their
necessity, pros and cons, design or planning principles and subsequently, to design / plan the
features such as channelization, island, speed change lanes an d parking facility.
• To understand the concept of highway capacity and such other components such as Passenger Car
Unit and Level of Service affecting the Capacity; and Speed - Flow - Density Relationship and
various theories describing these relationships.
Page 105
• To understand the importance of Highway Safety and implementation of Traffic System
Management (TSM) Measures and subsequent to study the various Traffic Control Devices and
aspects of Highway Lighting.
• To study the various components of the Transportation Planning process, their importance and
various approaches/ methods/ models to be resorted to for each of these components.
• To understand the concept of economic evaluation of any of the transportation projects, its
significance, various aspects associated with the evaluation; and various methods of economic
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. Traffic Engineering 08
1.1 Traffic Characteristics/ Characteristics of the Users of the
Transportation System
Introduction to the Road User and the Vehicle; Road Users’ (Human)
Characteristics affecting their behavior; Vehicular Characteristics; Power
Performance of Vehicles.
1.2 Traffic Studies/ Surveys
Introduction to Spot Speed (space and time mean speed); Speed and
Delay Studies (different types of delays, overall/ journey speed, running
speed, journey time, running time); Traffic Volume Studies; Vehicle
Occupancy Studies; Parking Studies; Accident Studies.
Significance/ Objectives/ Necessity/ Application of the afore -mentioned
studies; Methods of conducting these studies along with pros and cons
(merits and drawbacks) of each of methods; Analysis Methodologies;
Different methods of the Interpretation / Presentations of the Results.
1.3 Application of Statistical Methods in the Traffic Engineering
Different Statistical Methods; Basic Concepts of the Terminologies
pertaining to statistical methods; Poisson’s, Binomial and Normal
Distribution, Sampling theory and Significance Testing, Regre ssion
(Linear and Multiple) and Correlation
Page 106
2. Highway Geometrics and Parking System 07
2.1 Different Terms involved in Highway Geometrics; Types of Intersections
(At grade and grade separated) and its further bifurcations/ classification
along with merits and drawbacks; Conflict points and Conflict Area at
Intersections; Flaring of Intersections; Principles behind designing the
Channelization: Significance, Different types of islands within the layout
of the r oad network and intersection or junctions.
Speed Change Lanes; Rotary intersection: Merits and Demerits;
Necessity; Different Types; Design Principle; Design of the Rotary.
2.2 Traffic and parking problems; different types of parking facilities (on
street and off street along with further bifurcations therein); Truck
Terminals; Long distance Bus Terminals.
3. Highway Capacity and Introduction to Theory of Traffic Flow 04
Capacity; Difference between Capacity and Volume; Passenger Car Unit
(PCU); Concept of Level of Service; Different Types of Capacities and Factors
affecting the Capacity.
Speed - flow-Density Relationships; Introduction to the Lighthill and
Whitham’s Theory; Car Following Theory and Queuing Theory
4. Highway Safety/ Traffic System Management/ Lighting 07
4.1 Factors responsible for the accident; Preventive Measures; Traffic
Management Measures and its implications on traffic flow and accident
Brief Introduction to the Highway Lighting: Importance; Principle of
Visibility at Night; Factors influencing Night Visibility; Design Factors;
Important Definitions; Law of Illumination; Discernment by Artificial
Lighting; Mounting Height; Spacing; Lant ern Arrangements; Types of
Lamps; Lighting of Some Important Highway Structures; Design of
Highway Lighting Systems.
4.2 Traffic Control Devices (Signs, Signals and Marking)
Significance; Advantages and Drawbacks; Principles of TCDs; Different
Types of Traffic Signs; Different Types of Traffic Signals; Terms
Page 107
involved in Signals; Co -ordinated Control of Signals and Types of Co -
ordinated Signal System; Various Approaches of Desi gning the Signals
(determination of optimal cycle time and signal setting for an intersection
with fixed time signals); Area Traffic Control and Delay at Signalized
5. Transportation Planning 07
Introduction to the process of urban transport planning.
Trip Generation: Introduction; Factors affecting Traffic Generation and
Attraction Rates; Multiple Regression Analysis, Category Analysis
Trip Distribution: Importance; Different M ethods of Trip Distribution,
Uniform and Average Factor Method, Fratar Method, Furness Method, Gravity
model, Opportunities Model.
Traffic Assignment: Purpose; General Principles; Assignment Techniques (All
or Nothing Assignment, Multiple Route Assignmen t, Capacity restraint
assignment, Diversion Curves).
Modal Split: General Considerations; Factors affecting Modal Split; Modal
Split in the Transportation Planning Process
Land Use Transport Models: Introduction; Selection of Land Use Transport
Models; Lo wry Derivative Models; Garin Lowery Model
6. Transport Economics 06
Economic Evaluation of Transportation Projects; Necessity; Cost and Benefits
of Transportation Projects, Basic Principles of Economic Evaluation, Interest
Rate; Costs (Vehicle Operating; Time; Accident); Benefits (Direct and
Indirect); Different Methods of Economic Evaluation
(Benefit - Cost Ratio Method, First Year Rate of Return Method; Net present
Value Method; Internal rate of Return Method); Comparison of the Various
Methods of Evaluation vis -a-vis.
Total 39
Page 108
Contribution to Outcomes
After successful completion of the course the students shall be able to
• Understand different characteristics of the road users and vehicles from their consideration and view
point in the traffic engineering and transportation planning.
• Conduct different traffic surveys, analyzing the data collected as a part of such studies a nd
interpreting it with the help of the different statistical models.
• Explain the concepts of PCU and LoS, their implication in determination of the capacity using
Speed -Flow -Density relationships.
• Discuss the aspects associated with highway safety and d ifferent TSM measures.
• Discuss transportation planning and ascertain the financial viability of any transportation network
in the inception stage itself.
• Plan the various features of highway geometrics and transportation infrastructure constituents to
ensure safe, rapid, economical and efficient of the traffic.
Theory Examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. All the questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For this, the module shall be
divided proportionately further, and the weightage of the marks shall be judiciously awarded in
proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
3. There can be an option within various sub -questions/ questions in order to accommo date the
questions on all the topics/ sub -topics and to give justice to all the contents of the entire syllabus.
4. The first question will be compulsory . The students will have to attempt any three questions out
of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral Examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work prepared by the student
and appropriately certified by the course instructor/ teacher concerned.
Page 109
Term Work:
The term work sh all comprise of the neatly written report based on assignments. The assignments shall
be given covering the entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at least four
problems/questions on each sub -modules and contents thereof further. Apa rt from this, the students shall
conduct at least three traffic surveys and shall prepare a detailed report of the analysis of these surveys.
This report shall also form a part of the term work.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of term work shall be judiciously awarded for various components depending upon its
quality. The final certification and acceptance of the term -work warrants the satisfactory and the
appropriate completion of the assignments; and the minimum passing marks to be obtaine d by the
students. The following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Assignments: 10 Marks
• Report of the Traffic Surveys: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, the following guidelines shall be resorted
to: 75% - 80%: 03 Marks; 81% - 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning: Kadiyali L. R., Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
2. Principles of Traffic Engineering: Pigna taro, G. J., McGraw -Hill
3. Traffic System Analysis for Engineering and Planners: Wohl and Martin, Mc -Graw Hill
4. Highway Engineering: Khanna, S.K.; Justo, C.E.G. and Veeraraghavan, A.; Nemchand and Bros.,
Roorkee (10th Revised Edition)
5. Principles of Transportation Engineering: ParthaChakroborty and Animesh Das, Prentice Hall
6. Highway Engineering and Traffic Engineering: Saxena, Subhash C.; C.B.S. Publishers
7. Transportation Engineering (Vo l.-I): Venkatramaiah, C.; University Press, Hyderabad
8. Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering: Sharma, S.K.; S Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
9. Highway Engineering: Sriniwaskumar, R.; University Press, Hyderabad
10. Traffic Flow Theory and Control : Drew, D. R., Mc -GrawHill, New York
Page 110
11. Transportation Engineering and Planning: Papacostas, C. S., Prevedouros, P. D., PHI Learning Pvt.
12. Transportation Engineering: Khisty, C.J. and Lall, K.B.; PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
13. Introduction to Urban Transport Systems, Planning: Hutchinson, B.G.; McGraw -Hill.
14. Economics of Transportation: Fair and Williams, Harper and Brothers, Publishers, New York.
15. Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington D.C.
16. Releva nt IRC Codes amended time to time.
Page 111
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO6063 Department Level Optional Course -II: Ground Improvement Techniques 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
03 02 - 03 01 - 04
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 3 Hrs. 25 - 25 150
A geotechnical engineer often needs to design new structures or repair the structures on or in problematic
soils in engineering practices. The types of soil at construction sites are not always totally favorable for
supporting civil engineering structure suc h as buildings, bridges, highways, tunnels, retaining walls,
dams, offshore structures and many more. Soil needs to be treated using ground improvement techniques
to enhance the soil strength. Similarly, specific types of soil improvement techniques are r equired in
the case of expansive soils and collapsible soil and in the case of earthquake prone areas. For both cases,
the knowledge of Ground Improvement is required as ground improvement is an important to for a
Geotechnical Engineer. This course will de al with different ground improvement techniques along with
principles, design issues and construction procedures.
• To enable students to identify problematic soils and their associated issues.
• To make the student understand for different ground improvement methods adopted for
improving the properties of in -situ and remoulded soils.
• To make the student learn the concepts, purpose, methods and effects of soil stabilization.
• To make the student learn the concepts, purpose and effect s of grouting.
• To provide the concepts of the reinforced earth and soil nailing to the students in conventional
retaining walls.
• To enable the students to know ground anchors that can be used to improve the engineering
performance of soils both in static a nd seismic condition
Page 112
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub Modules/Contents Periods
1. Introduction 04
Need for Ground Improvement, Different types of problematic soils,
classification of ground improvement techniques, Emerging trends in ground
Improvement techniques, economic considerations and suitability.
2. Compaction and Consolidation 07
Methods of compaction, Shallow compaction, Deep compaction techniques:
Vibro -floatation, Blasting, Dynamic consolidation, pre-compression;
accelerated consolidation by sand drains, free strain and equal strain cases,
design of sand drain layout.
3. Stabilization of Soil 05
Methods of stabilization, mechanical stabilization: lime, cement, lime, fly -ash,
bitumen, chemicals and polymer stabilization , stabilization by electro -osmosis.
4. Grouting 06
Grouting technology, Grout materials, physical and chemical properties,
strength, Rheological aspects of coarse and fine grouts, penetrability and
performance aspect of coarse and fine grouts, Various application of grouting.
5 Stone Columns 08
Application, layout feature, procedures of installation, vibro float and rammed
stone column, unit cell concept, load transfer mechanism, settlement in stone
column, methods of improving the effectiveness of stone column, Design for
stone column layout.
6. Reinforced Earth and Anchors 09
Necessity of reinforced earth, theory of reinforced earth, materials and method,
application, design of reinforced earth, characteristics of reinforced earth
masses; introduction to soil nailing and ground anchors; Capacity of shallow
horizontal and vertic al strip anchors by using Mononobe -Okabe method.
Total 39
Page 113
Contribution to Outcomes
After successful completion of the course students will be able to:
• Identify problematic soils and their associated issues.
• Study the various ground improvement techniques and propose suitable remedial techniques and
• Select appropriate soil improvement technique based on the soil type and application.
• Design grouting for various engineering applications in the field.
• Design stone column layout
• Design the geotechnical structures with the pseudo -static method under seismic condition
Theory examination:
1. The question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short questions having weightage of 4 -5
marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, the weight age of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral Examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work consisting of the
Term Work:
The term work shall comprise of neatly written report based on assignments. The term work shall cover
the entire syll abus in such a way that the students would attempt conceptual theory part from each
module. Further, groups of students (having maximum four students) shall be formed who shall analyse
and design any three with different data from the following:
1. Design of sand layout in soft compressible clay deposit for required (accelerated) rate of
Page 114
2. Analysis of Horizontal or Vertical strip anchor by using Mononobe -Okabe Method to find the
seismic capacity.
3. Design of a reinforced earth retaining wall.
4. Analy sis and design of skirted stone columns.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work.
The final certification and acceptance of term work warrants the satisfactory and appropriate completion
of the assignments. Final certification, acceptanc e of term work warrants a satisfactorily appropriate
completion of assignments the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students. The following
weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Assignments: 10 Marks
• Repor t on Analysis and Design: 10 Marks
• Attendance: 5 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, the following guidelines should be resorted
▪ 75%-80%: 03 marks; 81% -90%: 04 marks; 91% -100%: 05 marks
Recommended Books:
1. Ground Improveme nt Techniques: P.P. Raj, Prentice Hall of India, (2005).
2. Engineering Principles of Ground Modification: M.R. Housmann, McGraw Hill, (1990).
3. Foundation Engineering Manual: N. V. Nayak, (2015).
4. IS15284 (Part 1): Design and Construction for Ground Improvemen t–Guidelines: (Stone
Column), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, (2003).
5. Ground Improvement Techniques: Nihar Ranjan Patro, Vikas Publishing House (P) Limited,
6. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering: S. L. Kramer, Pearson, (2013).
7. Earth Anchors: B. M. Das, Elsevier, (2012).
Reference books:
1. Constructional and Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering: R.M. Koerner, McGraw
Hill, (1985) .
2. Design and Construction of Stone Column: FHWA Report No. Rd 83/026, (1983)
3. Principles of Foundation Engineering: B. M. Das, 7th edition, Cengage Learning, (2013).
4. Designing with Geosynthetics: R.M.Koerner,4thEdition,Prentice Hall, Jersey, (1999)
Page 115
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CE-DLO6064 Department Level Optional Course -II: Advanced Structural Analysis 04
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
03 02 - 03 01 - 04
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
20 20 20 80 03 25 - 25 150
There are various types of the civil engineering structures which are subjected to various types of loading
and their combination. Most of the structures are indeterminate. There are various advances in methods
to analysed these structures. The methods of analysis which are given in the syllabus are based on
computer software.
• To analyze the statically indeterminate portal frame.
• To study the methods and evaluating rotation and displacement parameters in complete frame using
various methods.
• To analyze the symmetrical frame with symmetrical and anti -symmetrical loading.
• To understand the concept of analyze of non -prismatic frame and beam.
• To un derstand the concept of Influence lines for statically indeterminate beams.
• To understand in depth the stiffness matrix method of analysis, which is the basis of all compute -
based software methods used in practice; finite element method, concepts thereof, different
elements to be used along with various shape functions and solution methodology.
Page 116
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules / Contents Periods
1. Introduction to Stiffness Method in Matrix form 10
1.1 Basic concepts of stiffness coefficients, member stiffness matrix for beam,
member stiffness matrix for plane truss, member stiffness matrix for rigid
jointed plane frame, member stiffness matrix for plane grid and of space
1.2 Properties of stiffness matrix, co-ordinate transformation matrix, stiffness
matrix in local and global co -ordinate axes system, assemblage of structural
stiffness matrix and application of boundary conditions.
1.3 Joint loads, Equivalent joint loads, method of solution for displaceme nts
and computation of internal forces in members
1.4 Application of stiffness method to beams, pin jointed trusses, rigid jointed
plane frames and simple plane grid structures.
2. Conventional Form of Stiffness Method, Modified Moment Distribution
Method 07
2.1 Symmetrical structure, Symmetric and anti -symmetric loads, Modification
of stiffness and carryover factors for symmetric and anti -symmetric loads
both for sway and non-sway cases for frames with different support
conditions. Application to frames involving side sways.
3. Flexibility Method in Matrix form 04
3.1 Review of concepts of flexibility coefficients, Flexibility member matrix
for beam, member flexibility matrix for plane truss, member flexibility
matrix for rigid jointed plane frame, member flexibility matrix for plane
grid and of space frame.
3.2 Selection of primary structure, concepts of flexibility matrix, compatibility
equation, solutio n for redundant forces, computational of internal forces,
and joint displacement. Application to pin jointed trusses and rigid jointed
plane frames for different loading including the effect of settlement of
support, temperature changes and elastic support s.
Page 117
4. Conventional Form of Flexibility Method 07
4.1 Elastic Centre Method and its application to rectangular box, and rigid
jointed portal frames.
4.2 Column Analogy Method and its application to analysis of non -prismatic
beams, simple rectangular frames, determination of stiffness coefficients
and carry over factors for non -prismatic beam members.
5. Influence Line Diagrams for Indeterminate Structures 05
Muller Breslau’s Principle for drawing influence line diagrams for statically
indeterminate structures. Influence Lines Diagrams for propped cantilevers,
fixed beams and continuous beams.
6. Introduction to Finite Element Method
6.1 Brief History of the Development; Advantages & Disadvantages of Finite
Element Method.
6.2 Different elements (1 -D, 2-D, 3-D, CST Elements); Shape Functions &
Interpolation Polynomials for two nodded bar and beam elements; Stiffness
Matrix for the basic Bar & Beam Element, Solution Methodology.
Total 39
Contribution to Outcomes
The students will be able to
• Understand the Stiffness Matrix method and will be able to analyze various types of structures by
this method understand the conventional methods of analysis.
• Understand the methodology involved in commercially available computer software for analysis
which are based on stiffness matrix method.
• Obtain the response of the indeterminate beams under the action of moving loads.
• Evaluate the displacement/ deflection in frames under the action of loads.
• Demonstrate the ability to extend the knowledge gained in this subject for their higher years UG
program courses, in which they will be dealing with the indeterminate structures.
• Understand the concepts of the finite element method toward solvin g the problem, different
elements and shape functions (displacement functions) to extend the application to the short
Page 118
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory and will have short question having weightage of 4 -5 marks
covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of the entire syllabus. For this, the
modules shall be divided proportionately and further, th e weightage of the marks shall be
judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub -module and contents thereof.
4. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
5. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination shall be based upon the entire syllabus and the term work consisting of the
Term Work:
The term work shall comprise of neatly written report based on tutorials and assignments. The term
work shall cover t he entire syllabus in such a way that the students would attempt at least four problems
on each sub -modules and contents thereof.
At least twenty solved problem have to be validated by using available computer software.
At least ten solved problem (validated by using available computer software) and analysis of (G+2)
portal frame with minimum three bays.
Distribution of the Term Work Marks:
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work.
Final certification, acceptance of term work warrants a satisfactorily appropriate completion of
assignments the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students. The following weightage of
marks shall be given for different components of the term work.
• Assignments: 20 marks
• Attendance: 5 marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, the following guidelines should be resorted
to: 75% -80%: 03 marks; 81% -90%: 04 marks; 91% -100%: 05 marks.
Page 119
Recommended Books:
1. Basic Structural Analysis: Reddy C. S. Tata McGraw hill.
2. Analysis of Framed Structures: Gere and Weaver, East -West Press
3. Analytical Methods in Structural Analysis: S. A. Raz, New Age Int Publishers
4. Modern Method in structural Analysis: Dr. B. N. Thadani and Dr. J. P. Desai , Weinall Book
5. Sructural Analysis: L. S. Negi & R. S. Jangid, Tata McGraw hill.
6. Structural Analysis Vol. I and Vol. II: Pandit and Gupta, Tata McGraw hill.
7. Analysis of Structures: V.N.Vazirani and M.M.Ratwani Khanna Publishers.
8. Finite Element Analysis: S.S. Bhavikatti, New Age International Publication
Reference Books:
1. Matrix Method in structural Analysis: Livesley R. K. Pergamon Press, London.
2. Elementary Structural Analysis: Wilber, M MethodGraw Hill, New York.
3. Plastic Method of Structural Ana lysis: B. G. Neal, Chapman and Hall, London.
4. Intermediate Structural Analysis: Wang C. K., Tata McGraw hill
5. Matrix Method of Structural Analysis: Dr. A. S. Meghre, S. K. Deshmukh, Charotar Publishing
6. Finite Element Analysis: S. Rajasekaran, S. CHAND & COMPANY PVT. LTD
7. Finite Element Method with application in Engineering Y.M.Desai, T. I. Eldho and A.H, Shah
8. Finite Element Method: Daryl L. Logan, THOMSON
9. Matrix Structural Analysis: William McGuire, Richard H. Gallagher, Ronaid D. Ziemian, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd.
Page 120
Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
CEC607 Software Applications in Civil Engineering 1
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
- 2 - - 1 - 1
Theory Term Work/ Practical/Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem
Exam Duration of End
Sem Exam TW PR OR Test 1 Test 2 Average
- - - - - 25 25 50
With the advancements in software and technology, a significant revolution in Civil Engineering field
has taken place. Software reduces all the extensive work, specifically through the introduction of
programs and applications. Lately, software development has effectively contributed in various Civil
Engineering disciplines. It provides engineers with the ability to perform variety of complex
calculations, modelling, drafting, design practices and analytical processes with utmost ease. Further
these software packages have wide capabilities and help engineers to analyze, design, plan and monitor
projects, which earlier was a cumbersome job. Civil Engineering students need to learn all skill sets and
demonstrate the practical applications to Enginee ring problems. Hence this course covers the study of
various types of software packages and their application in Civil Engineering fields.
Students are introduced to:
• All kinds of software packages available in various fields of civil engineering.
• Proficiency in applications of these software packages.
• Practical use of software results and their validation by relating them with analytical results by
conventional methods.
Page 121
Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods
1. General 02
1.1 Importance and need of software for modeling, analysis and design in
Civil Engineering field, Advantages and limitations of software, causes
for errors, validation of software results. Failures due to errors in
modeling, data entry and interpretation of so ftware results.
2. Software application in various disciplines of Civil Engineering: Learning
and practice of any one software from at least any 4 domain from 14 domain
(2.1 to 2.14 ) 24
2.1 Drafting and drawing : AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Auto plotter, Design
and detailing of same using AutoCAD
Beams (simply supported, continuous etc), Slabs (one way, two way),
Columns, Portal frame, Truss
2.2 building information modelling : Revit and archicad, tekla , Navisworks,
Trimble, AECOsim Building designer , Sketchup
2.3 Numerical Analysis and Mathematical operations: MATLAB
2.4 Structural Analysis and Design: STAAD Pro, ETABS, SAP 2000,
2.5 Finite Element Analysis : ANSYS, ABAQUS , NISA
2.6 Project Management: Primavera, MS Project
2.7 Geotechnical Engineering: Geo studio, PLAXIS
2.8 Quantity Surveying: QS red, CCS Candy
2.9 Environmental Engineering: Storm CAD, EPANET, Sewer CAD
2.10 Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System: QGIS,
2.11 Transportation Engineering: MX Road, HDM, Road estimator
2.12 Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering : Water Gems, Water
CAD, Flow Master, Culvert Master, Nero solution, Discipulus, HEC -
RAS, Arc SWAT, Hydrology: HEC, HMS
2.13 Different Open source software used for specific problems
Page 122
2.14 MS Excel: Conduct concrete mix design for M40 grade concrete. or any
exercise of Civil Engineering domain.
Total 26
Note: Course Owner is free to add and teach any latest additional software which is relevant to Civil
Engineering Field and not listed in above curriculum.
Contribution to Outcome
After completion of the course, the students will be able to:
• Use the software in various disciplines of Civil Engineering
• Apply the software in to provide solutions to field problems .
• Validate the software results using judgment about range of answers.
• Identify the appropriate software application based on the field of Civil Engineering
• Apply equivalent open source software based on the case of Civil Engineering specific problems.
• Integrate different softwares and their results for specific problems of Civil Engineering.
Term Work
A group of 3 -4 student s will prepare and give detailed power point presentation on any one software.
Presentation should cover salient features, capability of software and should contain some applications
from field.
The term work shall comprise of:
• At least hands -on working on one Software from any four domain listed above and preparing report
of the same.
• Presentation Report on any one software.
• Open Source Software report (optional)
Distribution of the Term Work Marks
The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work.
The final certification and acceptance of term work warrants the satisfactory and appropriate completion
of the design report/ assignments and the minimum passing marks to be obtained by the students. Th e
following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of the term work:
• Software Report: 1 6 marks
• Presentation: 4 marks
• Attendance: 5 marks
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Further, while giving weight age of marks on the attendance, the following guidelines should be re sorted
to: 75% -80%: 03 marks; 81% -90%: 04 marks; 91% -100%: 05 marks
Recommended reading:
1. Software manuals.
2. Refereed Journal papers on Software applications.
3. NPTEL course like “ MATLAB programming for numerical computation by Dr.NiketKaisare from
IIT Madr as and so on for other softwares.