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for information.
(Appendix – B)
New Ordinances 6715 & 6716 relating to the
B.Voc (Sales and Marketing Management) .
AC – 29/06/2021
Item No. 7.4
for the
Program : B.Voc. in Sales and
Marketing Management
(Choice Based and Credit System with effect from
the academic year 2020 -21)
AC - 29/06/2021
Item No. 7.4
Syllabus for Approval
1 Title of the Course
O. 6715 B.Voc. in Sales and Marketing
2 Eligibility for Admission
O. 671 6 The eligibility condition for admission to B.Voc.
Programme shall be 10+2 or equivalent , in any
3 Passing Marks
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any)
5 No. of Years / Semesters
R - 9458 3 Years with 6 Semesters
6 Level UG
7 Pattern
R - 9459 Semester
8 Status New
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year 2020 -2021
Date: Signature:
Name Dr. Ajay Bhamare
Dean, Commerce and Management
Chairman of BoS of…..
Coverage: The Chairperson and members of BoS may decide to include preamble. Preamble or
Preface is optional and should be framed within one page. It should mention the salient features and
essence of the curriculum/syllabus and highlight the need for revision. The constitution of India and
most of the acts and laws of the Indian Penal Code have only one page preambles.
Dr. Ajay Bhamare (Dean, Commerce and Management)
Dr. Kavita Laghate (Associate Dean, Commerce and Management)
Name of Cha irperson (BoS)
Fill up the cover page and sign according to this format and your syllabus below it and
Convert PDF File and Send it.
1. Sales & Marketi n9 Management
1. Disaster Management Programmes
"'”'T"" " ' * .AGE DEVñLO}°i \1SNT. tiOVT. 0£ 1?\'DC
5-112018 (NSQF)
Speed Post
Tlte Principal,
IN.G. Joshi College of Arts and
N.G. Bcdekar College of Commerce,
Chcndani, Burider Road, Near CIDCO Bus Stop,
Thane, Maharashtra.
Sub: Approval of programmes/courses under NSQF
This is \vith reference lo your proopsal for,!ntrodU+rjn4..yoMisnal? ur•%s rtd-°r kSQF. a-
directed to ccrj\’ey approval of the UGC for the following p‹ 9rammes/courses to be run by your
›sIilution under NSQF from the academic session 2018 -19:
It is further informed that the institu(ion may admit 50 students per course, and appoint
' and staff as per the provisions of the NSQF Guidelines.
You are requested to kindly ensure compliance of the terms and conditions/provisions as
do ^n in the Guidelines for providing Skill-based Education under National Skill Qualification
me\'vork. You are also requested to convey your confirmation to start (he course/s from the
demic session 2016 -19 along \vith lie course -wise actual intake of students to UGC at the
K. G. Joshl Cold Of AFtS
N. G. ¥edekar College ef“Comrr*erce (Mriganka Sekhar Sarma)
Education Officer
Sub:- Permission for B. (Voc) Course under NSQF schcme froiii the acadcill ie
year 2020 ?1.
Sir/ Mada».
y his has reference in your letter No. ACCES2/3.1 dated 29* Jtily, 2020 requesting Neu
Cotir,e of B. Voc tsoles end 64orLetiog Management) under NSQF scliciiic u -(th iniaLe ul' *fl
siinfents each front the acaderiiic year 2020 -21.
tn this connecIic›n, I and to inIfiril \ you thai the Hither a/ d Technical Ed Ination Dcparfmcnr.
7ojo lfas gi \‟cn like perl zissio‹i for be \\: Conrse of B. \‟cc (Salcs and Markciin¿ Manaycn \enl)
under NSQF sclicnlc viii ii wLc of 30 s tudents cacI1 from Ilic ncadenlic j‟ear 20*0 -2 I ‹›ii
|›cri «ne«/ly ncn g -iMcd h‹isis hMder the prov‟isions of Maharzshtm l‟ublic Uni\‟ersities /tct. 2016
under Sccti‹›n 109, stihjcci ‹a lcmi: and condition laid dc» n in lIic above order.
New ‟ Counc oJ”J3. Vcc (Sales and Markelin F4anage»e»i} und+r NS§I” scheme 'ith inlaKc ‹›t” ju
students Cycl› I"ron1 the ao«dcmic j‟ear 2020 -? I on ycrn \nMently non gr«n/cJ bnsis g ;j\ •
gofldl[lO}1S nien‹ioi›ed bñ) OSS’ Q}‟ {ifi0 PROFS Sg id ID \‟0FfIfl \ñfIf \0SO)tIfIO0, filled @/gg \j|Q{ tgh$ ;}j
dirvciions issMed by' the Untversily from time to tinte, and subject to lizc condition.that the d cisinn
of academic council on the rcpon ct LocaJ Jnqui¿‟ Committee to be appoiiHed by the Uni •crsilj:.
col›y oI”tI\t University Circ«Ior N‹J. AU:Itecog.II/4‟7. dated 4“‟ Fef°ru*r›‟, ! ' ›RJ ‟”8 '”"”-
0.*50* nrv \‟cnlii›j; the collcj,cs and it c k„Isnagcn1cnis of the collcj;cs front * P" 1 donaii‹'n ”‟
cAnilinion fl
Yours luillilñ11 \'-
(Jaydat‹ Jadltav)
Assislant Ite¿uistrar
A fl1Iia \ion Sccfio‹i
Syllabus for B. Voc.
(Sales and Marketing Management)
under the UGC Scheme for providing skill
Based Education under National Skill
Qualification Framework (NSQF)
VPM’s K. G. Joshi College of Arts &
N.G. Bedekar College of Commerce,Thane
Affiliated to University of Mumbai
Phone: 022 – 2533 2412 / 2544 6555
From Academic Year 2020 -21
The curriculum in each of the years of the programme would be a suitable mix of general education and
skill development components. The General Educa tion Component shall have 40 % of the total credits
and balance 60% credits will be of Skill Component.
Level Skill
Credits General
Credits Total
Credits a
Award Normal
Duration Exit
4 18 12 30 One
Semester Certificate
5 36 24 60 Two
Semesters Diploma
6 72 48 120 Four
Semesters Advance
7 108 72 180 Six
Semesters B.Voc. Degree
The general education component should adhere to the normal university standards. It should emphasis
and offer courses which provide holistic development .
Semester I
General Education Component Credits
Paper I: Fundamentals of Management
Course Outcomes:
1. To make the learners aware about conceptual knowledge and
evolution of Management.
2. To familiarize the learners with the functions in Management.
Unit – I Introduction to Management:
Management: Concept, Nature, Scope, Functions, Managerial Roles,
Levels of Management, Managerial Skills
Evolution of Management - Classical Approach - Scientific and
Administrative Management; The Behavioral approach; The Systems
Approach; Contingency Approach, IT Approach.
Modern Management Approach - Peter Drucker‟s Dimensions of
Management, Indian Management Thoughts: Or igin & Significance of
Indian Ethos to Management.
Unit – II Planning and Decision Making:
Planning - Concept, Planning Process, Types of Plans, Components of
Management by Objectives ; -Process, Advantages, Management By
Exception - Advantages; Manageme nt Information System - Concept,
Decision making – Techniques, Essentials of a Sound Decision
Making, Impact of Technology on Decision Making.
Unit – III Organizing
Organizing: Concept, Steps, Principles of Organization:
Organizational Structures -Features of Line & Staff Organisation,
Matrix Organisation & Virtual Organisation
Departmentation : Meaning & Bases of Departmentation, Span of
Management 4
Delegation of Authority - Process, Barriers to Delegation, Principles
of Effective Delegation. Decentralisation: Factors Influencing
Decentralisation, Centralization v/s Decentralisation
Unit – IV Leadership, Motivation and controlling :
Leadership - Concept, Functions, Leadership Styles, Qualities of a
good Leader
Motivation – Concept, Factors influencing Motivation, Motivational
Theories – Maslow‟s Needs Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg‟s Two Factor
Theory, McGregor‟s Theory X and Theory Y.
Controlling - Concept, Types and Strategies for Control, Steps in
Control Process, Budgetary an d Non - Budgetary Controls.
Characteristics of Effective Controls
Management Today Principles& Practice - Gene Burton, Manab
Thakur, Tata Mc GrawHill ,Publishing Co. Ltd.
Management – James A.F. Stoner, Prentice Hall, Inc .U.S.A.
Management : Global Prospective –Heinz Weihrich& Harold
Koontz, Tata McGraw - Hill, Publishing Co.Ltd.
Essential of Database Management Systems –Alexis Leon
,Mathews Leon Vijay Nicole, Imprints Pvt Ltd.
Management –Task ,Resp, Practices – PetaDruche “willian
Heinema nn LTD.
Paper II :Foundation Course –I
Course Outcomes
To acquaint students with diverse nature of Indian society
To provide broad outline of Indian Constitution, its preamble, features,etc.
To make students aware both about fundamental rights and duties
To make the students understand natural and man -made disparities
Unit I: Diverse nature of Indian Society 4
1. Multi -cultural diversity with special reference to religion and caste
2. Linguistic diversity
3. Regional Variations based on rural, urban and tribal characteristics
Unit II: Disparities in Indian Society
1. Communalism
2. Casteism
3. Linguism and regionalism
Unit III: Inequalities in Indian Society
1. Gender inequality – Violence against Women and Declining Sex
2. Gender inequality – Low political participation of women
3. Problems of the differently -abled people and solutions
Unit IV: Introduction to the Constitution
1. Philosophy of the Constitution(with reference to the Preamble)
2. Basic Structure and Features of the Constitution
3. Fundamental Duties of the Indian Citizen
Unit V: Human Rights
1. Concept and features of Human Rights
2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Classification and
3. Human Rights constituents with special reference to Fundamental
Rights stated in the Constitut ion
Paper III: Business Statistics
Course Outcomes
1. To develop the students ability to deal with numerical and quantitative
issues in business
2. To enable the use of statistical, graphical and algebraic techniques
wherever relevant.
3. To have a proper understanding of Statistical applications in Sales and 4
Units 1 - Introduction to Statistics
Introduction: Functions/Scope, Importance, Limitations,
Data: Relevance of Data(Current Scenario), Type of data(Primary &
Secondary), Primary(Census vs Samples, Method of Collection (In Brief),
Secondary(Merits, Limitations, Sources)
Presentation Of Data: Classification – Frequency Distribution – Discrete &
Continuous, Tabulation, Graph(Frequency, Bar Diagram, Pie Chart,
Histogram, Ogives, Pareto chart)
Units 2 -Measures of Central Tendencies and Measures of Dispersion
Mean(A.M, Weighted, Combined),Median(Calculation and graphical using
Ogives), Mode(Calculation and Graphical using Histogram)
Measures of Dispersion Measur es Of Dispersion: Range with C.R(Co -
Efficient Of Range), Quartiles & Quartile deviation with CQ (Co -Efficient Of
Mean Deviation from mean with CMD (Co -Efficient Of Mean Deviation),
Standard deviation with CV(Co -Efficient Of Variance)
Units 3 - Correlation , Regression and Time series
Co-Relation: Karl Pearson, Rank Co -Relation, Linear Regression: Least
Square Method, Time Series: Least Square Method, Moving Average Method,
Determination of Season .
Units 4 - Probability and Decision Theory
Probability: Concept of Sample space, Concept of Event, Definition of
Probability, Addition & Multiplication laws of Probability, Conditional
Probability, Expectation & Variance, Concept of Probability
Distribution(Only Concept),Decision Theory: Acts, Stat e of Nature Events,
Pay offs, Opportunity loss, Decision Making under Certainty, Decision
Making under Uncertainty, Non -Probability: Maximax, Maximin, Minimax,
Regret, Laplace &Hurwicz), Probabilitistics (Decision Making under
risk):EMV, EOL, EVPI, Decisio n Tree
Statistics of Management , Richard Levin &David S. Rubin,Printice
Hall of India , New Delhi.
Statistics for Business & Economics, David R Anderson, Dennis J
Sweney, Thopmson Publication.
Fundamental of Statistics, S C Gupta, Himalya Publication House.
Business Statistics , Bharadwaj , Excel Books, Delhi
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30
General Education Component Credits
Paper I: Accounting for Managerial Decisions
Course Outcomes
1. To enhance the abilities of learners to develop the concept of management
accounting and its significance in the business.
2. To enhance the abilities of learners to analyze the financial statements.
3. To enable the learners to underst and, develop and apply the techniques of
accounting in the financial decision making in the business corporates.
4. To make the students develop competence with their usage in managerial
decision making and control.
Unit - I Introduction to Accounting for Management –
Introduction to Management Accounting – Meaning, Nature, Scope, Functions,
Decision Making Process, Financial Accounting V/s Management Accounting
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements i) Study of Balance sheet
and Income statement / Revenue statements in vertical form suitable for
analysis ii) Relationship between items in Balance Sheet and Revenue
statement iii) Tools of analysis of Financial Statements (i) Trend analysis (ii)
Comparative Statement (iii) Common Size Statement Note : (i) Problems based
on trend analysis (ii) Short Problems on Comparative and Common sized
Unit -II Ratio Analysis and Interpretation :
A. Balance Sheet Ratios : i) Current Ratio ii) Liquid Ratio iii) Stock Working
Capital Ratio iv) Proprietary Ratio v) Debt Equity Ratio vi) Capital Gearing
Ratio 4
B. Revenue Statement Ratio : i) Gross Profit Ratio ii) Expenses Ratio iii)
Operating Ratio iv) Net Profit Ratio v) Net Operating Profit Ratio vi) Stock
Turnover Ratio
C. Combined Ratio : i) Return on capital employed (Including Long Term
Borrowings) ii) Return on proprietor's Fund (Shareholders Fund and Preference
Capital) iii) Return on Equity Capital iv) Dividend Payout Ratio v) Debt
Service Ratio vi) Debtors T urnover vii) Creditors Turnover (Practical Question
on Ratio Analysis)
Unit -III Working Capital & Marginal Costing -
Working Capital : Concept, Nature of Working Capital , Planning of Working
Marginal Costing -Concept and its practical applications in Managerial
decisions, BEP analysis, P/V Ratio and their applications in solutions to
business problems , Life Cycle Costing
Unit -IV Budgeting and Budgeting Control - Flexible Budget and cash
Budget , Capital Budgeting - Pay Back Method , NP V, The Profitability Index,
IRR and ARR techniques and their practical applications in decision making
Srivastava R M, Essentials of Business Finance, Himalaya Publications
Anthony R N and Reece JS. Accounting Principles , Hoomwood Illinos
, Richard D. Irvin
Bhattacharya SK and Dearden J. - Accounting for Management. Text
and Cases , New Delhi.
Hingorani NL and ramanthan AR - Management Accounting , New
Ravi M. Kishore , Advanced management Accounting , Taxmann ,
Maheshwari SN - Management and Cost Accounting , Sultan Chand ,
New Delhi
Gupta , SP - Management Accounting , Sahitya Bhawan , Agra
Paper II: Foundation Course - II
Course Outcomes
To update students about changing economic scenario
To make students aware about environmental issues and its preservation 4
To help students understand role of political parties in India
To acquaint students with psychological aspects involving stress,
conflict management, etc.
Unit I: Globalization: Impact on the Society
1. Understanding the concept of Liberalization, Privatization and
2. Positive Impact of Globalization
3. Negative Impact of Globalization
Unit II: Nature of Political Parties in India
1. Classification of political parties
2. Salient features of party system in India
3. Problems faced by political parties
Unit III: Ecology
1. Ecosystem
2. Food webs and Food chains
3. Causes of environmental degradation and Concept of Sustainable
Unit IV: Understanding Stress
1. Causes of Stress
2. Effects of Stress
3. Stress Management
Unit V: Understanding Psychological Conflicts
1. Types of conflicts
2. Conflict Resolution
3. Maslow‟s Theory of Self-Actualization
Paper III: Business Mathematics
Course Outcomes
1. To understand the basic concepts of Mathematics.
2. To have a proper understanding of mathematical applications in Sales and 4
Marketing .
Unit 1 -Ratio, Proportion and Percentage
Ratio - Definition, Continued Ratio, Inverse Ratio, Proportion, Continued
Proportion, Direct Proportion, Inverse Proportion, Variation, Inverse Variation,
Joint Variation, Percentage: Meaning and Computations of Percentages.
Unit 2 - Profit And Loss
Terms and Formulae, Trade discount, Cash discount, Problems involving cost
price, Selling Price, Trade discount and Cash Discount, Introduction to
Commission and brokerage, Problems on Commission and brokerage.
Unit 3 -Financial Mathematics
Simple and compound interest, Concept of present value and future value,
Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) reducing balance & Flat Interest rate of
interest, Annuities : Types of Annuities, Shares and Dividends : Concept of
Shares, Stock exchange, Face Value, Market Value, Dividend, Equity Shares,
Preferential Shares, Bonus Shares, Examples.
Unit 4 -Matrices And Determinants (upto order 3 only ) Definition of a
Matrix, Types of Matrices, Algebra of Matrices, Determinants, Ad joint of a
Matrix, Inverse of a Matrix via adjoint method , System of linear equations
Permutation and Combination: Factorial Notation Fundamental Pr inciple of
counting, Permutation as arrangement, Simple examples, combination as
selection, simple examples on commercial application of permutation and
Mathematics for Economics and Finance Methods and Modelling by
Martin Anthony a nd Norman Biggs, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge low‐priced edition, 2000, Chapters 1, 2,4, 6 to 9 & 10.
Applied Calculus: By Stephen Waner and Steven Constenoble,
Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning,second edition, Chapter 1 to 5.
Business Mathematics By D. C. Sancheti and V. K. Kapoor, Sultan
Chand & Sons, 2006, Chapter 1,5, 7, 9 &10.
Mathematics for Business Economics: By J. D. Gupta, P. K. Gupta and
Man Mohan, Tata Mc‐Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1987, Chapters 9
to 11 & 16.
Quantitative Methods‐Part‐I By S. Saha and S. Mukerji, New Central
Book Agency, 1996, Chapters 7 & 12.
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30
General Education Component
Paper I: Field Sales Management -I
Course Objective:
1. To understand the concept of field sales management.
2. To Make Learners aware about practical applications of sales management.
Unit 1 Field Sales Management
Introduction to Sales Management – Meaning & Concept – Nature,
Objectives of Salesmanship, Function of Sales Management, Sales
Management as a career option.
Field Sales Management – Introduction, Concept of Personal Selling &
Advertising, Difference between selling and Marketing, Difference
between Advertising & Personal Selling , Changing face of Personal
Sales Manager – Qualities & Qualification of Sales Manager –
Essentials for a Successful Sales Manager – Duties & Responsibilities
of a Sales Manager.
Unit 2: Sales Organisation
Meaning, Nature, Characteristics of a Sales Organization, Need &
Objectives of Sales Organization.
Structure of Sales Organization, Types of Sales Organizations and
factors affecting structure of Sales Organization.
Centralization & Decentralization of Sales Organization, Merits and
:Sales Policies
Product Policies – Branding , Promotional Policies – Promotional
Pricing Policies – Methods of Pricing, Factors, Strategies
Place / Distribution Policies – Channels of Distribution -Types
(Consumer & Industrial Goods), Factors affecting selection of channel
of distribution 3
Unit 4:Sales Force Management
Recruitment and Selection of Salesforce – Concept, Sources of
Recruitment Steps in selection process, Training of Salesforce -Methods
Compensating & Motivating the Sales Team -Methods of
Compensation, Monetary and Non -Monetary tools of Motivation.
Evaluating Sales Force Performance, Functions, Sales records,
Reporting, Performance Appraisal of Sales Force.
Philip Kotler – Marketing Management, 11th ed. Pearson Publication.
Porter, Michel E. Competitive Strategy, New York: The Free Press,
Tirodkar, Field Sales Management, Vani Publication, Pune.
Richard R Still, Edward W. Candiff, Sales Management.
M.D.Pestonjee, Motivation & Job Satisfaction.
Tom Reilly, Value Added Selling
Helen Woodruffe, Services Marketing, Macmillan Publication.
Paper II: Marketing Management
1. To understand marketing strategies and their impact on business models
2. To learn strategic marketing tactics related to product, price, service, brand,
positioning, incentives and communication for business growth.
3. To learn the various marketing strategies adopted by Companies to create a
competitive advantage
Unit I: Introduction to Marketing
Concept Features, Importance, Functions of Marketing, Evolution of
Marketing - Concept of Marketing Myopia - Market Targeting -Concept , Five
Patterns of Market Targeting .
UNIT II: Marketing Mix, MIS and Market Segmentation
Marketing Mix -4 P‟s of Marketing Mix, MIS -Concept & Components, Market
segmentation : Concept, Need & Benefits, Bases for market segmentation of
consumer goods, industrial goods and services. Segment, Niche & Local
Marketing, Effective segmentation criteria. 3
UNIT III: Marketing Mix Decisions: Product and Pricing Decisions
Product -Concept, Product decisions Areas, Product Life Cycle, Branding -
Concept & Components -Packaging –Concept, Essential good Package
Pricing -Concept, Objectives, factors Influencing pricing decisions, Types of
pricing, Pricing strategies
UNIT IV: Marketing Mix Decisions : Place and Promotion Decisions
Place /Physical Distribution -Concept, Concept, Factors influencing
Physical Distribution, Marketing Channels (Traditional &
Contemporary Channels)
Promotion - Concept, Importance, Elements of Promotion mix,
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) - Concept, Scope,
Importa nce.
References :
Philip Kotler (2003). Marketing Management : Eleventh Edition. New
Delhi : Pearson
V. S. Ramaswani and S Namakumari (2002). Marketing : Planning,
and Control (3rd Edition) New Delhi, Macmillan India
Michael Porter – Competitive Advantage
Theodore Levitt – Marketing Management
Fundamentals of Marketing – William Stanton
Customer Driven Services Management (1999) Response Books
Paper III: Business Law -I
Course Objective:
To provide a conceptual study about the framework of Indian Business
To orient students about the legal aspects of business
To familiarize the students with case law studies related to Business
Laws of Semester III.
UNI I :Indian Contract Act, 1872 3
Essentials of Contract, Agreement and Contract ,Offer and Acceptance,
Capacity to Contract,, Concept of E -Contract
Consent (Ss.13, 14 -18, 39.53, 55, 66) -Agreements in which consent is
not free - Coercion, Undue Influence, Misrepresentation Fraud,
Void Agree ments (S. 24 -30) – Concept, Void Agreements under Indian
Contract Act
UNI II: Special Contracts
Law of Indemnity & Guarantee (Ss. 124 -125, Ss. 126-129, 132 -147)
– Concept, Essentials elements of Indemnity and Guarantee, Contract of
Indemnity vs. Guarantee, Modes of Discharge of Surety.
Law of Bailment (S. 148, 152-154, 162, 172, 178, 178A, 179) –
Concept, Essentials of Bailment, Kinds of Bailment, Rights and Duties
of Bailor and Bailee
Law of Pledge – Concept, Essentials of valid Pledge, Lien - concept,
Difference between Pledge and Lien, Rights of Pawnor & Pawnee.(
Ss.173, 174, 177)
Law of Agency (Ss. 182 -185, 201 -209) – Concept, Modes of creation
of Agency, Modes of termination of Agency, Rights& Duties of
Principal and Agent
UNIT III: Sale of Goods Act, 1930
Contract of Sale (S.2) – Concept, Essentials elements of contract of
sale, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to sell (S.4) Distinguish
between Sale and Hire Purchase Agreement, Types of Goods. Effects of
destruction of Goods (Ss. 6,7.8 ),
Conditions & Warranties (Ss. 11 -25 & 62, 63) – Concept, Distinguish
between Conditions and Warranties, Implied Conditions & Warranties,
Concept of Doctrine of Caveat Emptor –Exceptions.
Property – Concept , Rules of transfer of property (Ss. 18-26)
Unpa id Seller (Ss. 45 -54, 55 & 56) - Concept, Rights of an unpaid seller,
Remedies for Breach of contract of Sale (Ss. 55 -61),Auction sale –
Concept, Legal Provisions. (S. 64)
UNIT IV: The Negotiable Instruments (Amended) Act 2015
Negotiable Instruments – Concept (S13), Characteristics, Classification
of Negotiable Instruments (Ss. 11, 12, 17 -20, 42, 43, 104,134,135)
Maturity of Instruments.
Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange (Ss. 4,5, 108 -116)- Concept,
Essentials of Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange (Ss. 4,5), Essential
features of promissory note and Bill of exchange, Kinds Promissory
note and Bill of exchange, Cheque (S.6) – Concept, Types & Crossing of
Cheque, Distinguish between Bill of Exchange & Cheque, Dishonour of
Cheque – Concept & Penalties (Ss. 138, 139,142)
Miscellaneous Provisions (S. 8 -10, 22, 99 -102, 118 -122, 134 -137) –
Parties to Negotiable instruments Holder, Holder in due course, Rights
& Privileges of Holder in due course, Payment in due course, Noting &
Protest (99-104A)
Law of Contract: Avatar Singh, Eastern Book Company.
Merchantile Law: by M.C.Kucchal.
Business Law : N.D.Kapoor
The Law of Contract: An Outline by Dr. Nilima Chandiramani, Avinash
Law of Sale of Goods and Partnership: A Concise Study by Dr. Nilima
Chandiramani, Shroff Publishers.
The Sale of Goods Act: P. Ramanatha Aiyar, University Book Agency.
The Negotiable Instruments Act: Bhashyam &Adiga, Bharat Law
The Negotiable Instruments Act: Avatar Singh, Eastern Book Company
Khergamvala on the Negotiable Instruments
(Amendment)Act,2015,Lexis Nexis
Paper IV: Information Technology in B.Voc. Sales & Marketing
Course Outcomes
1. To learn basic concepts of Information Technology, its support and role
in Management, for managers
2. Module II comprises of practical hands on training required for office 3
automation. It is expected to have practical sessions of latest MS -Office
3. To understand basic concepts of Email, Internet and websites, domains
and security therei n
4. To recognize security aspects of IT in business, highlighting electronic
transactions, advanced security features
Unit I -Introduction to Computers
History of Computers
Parts of Computers
Hardwares: Specifications and Data Storage Management
Softwares: Concept of System Software and Applications
Networking: Introduction and types of network topologies
Unit II - Office Automation using MS Office
• Learn Word: Creating/Saving of Document Editing and Formatting Features
Designing a title page, Preparing Index, Use of SmartArt Cross Reference,
Bookmark and Hyperlink. Mail Merge Feature.
• Spreadsheet application (e.g. MS -Excel/ Creating/Saving and
editing spreadsheets Drawing charts. Using Basic Functions: text, math & trig,
statistical, date & time, database, financial, logical Using Advanced Functions :
Use of VLookup/HLookup Data analysis – sorting data, filtering data
(AutoFilter , Advanced Filter), data validation, what -if analysis (using data
tables/scenarios), creating sub -totals and gra nd totals, pivot table/chart, goal
• Presentation Software Creating a presentation with minimum 20 slides with a
script. Presenting in different views, Inserting Pictures, Videos, Creating
animation effects on them Slide Transitions, Timed Prese ntations Rehearsal of
Unit III - Electronic Commerce
Meaning, Advantages and Limitations of E Commerce, The role of Strategy in
E Commerce, Value chains in E Commerce, Infrastructure for Electronic
Commerce Web Based Tools for Electronic Commerce, Electronic Commerce
software, Security Threats to electronic Commerce , Implementing Security for
Electronic Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems, Strategies for Marketing,
Sales & Promotion Strategies for Purchasing Logistics & Suppor t Activities,
Electronic Markets & Communities, Business Plans for Implementing
Electronic Commerce
Unit IV - E-Security Systems
Threats to Computer systems and control measures. Types of
threatsVirus, hacking, phishing, spyware, spam, physical threats (f ire,
flood, earthquake, vandalism) Threat Management
IT Risk Definition, Measuring IT Risk, Risk Mitigation and
Information Systems Security
Security on the internet Network and website security risks Website
Hacking and Issues therein. Security and Email
E-Business Risk Management Issues Firewall concept and component,
Benefits of Firewall
Understanding and defining Enterprise wide security framework
Information Security Environment in India with respect to real Time
Application in Business Types of Real Time Systems, Distinction
between Real Time, On – line and Batch Processing System. Real Time
Applications viz. Railway / Airway / Hotel Reservation System, ATMs,
EDI Transactions - definition, advantages, examples;ECash, Security
requirements for Safe E-Payments Security measures in International
and Cross Border financial transactions
Threat Hunting Software
Information Technology for Management, 6TH ED (With CD ) By
Efraim Turban, Dorothy Leidner, Ephraim Mclean, James Wetherbe
(Ch1, Ch2)
Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Step by Step By Beth Melton, Mark
Dodge, Echo Swinford, Andrew Couch
Tata McGraw Hill Joseph, P.T. : E -commerce An Indian Perspective
(Ch-13,Ch -14)
Computer Viruses and Related Threats: A Management Gu ide (Ch -2,
Ch-3) By John P. Wack, Lisa J.Carnahan
tcover&output=reader& hl=en&pg=GBS.PR7.w.2.1.0)
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30
General Education Component
Paper I: Field Sales Management -II
Course Objective:
This course will prepare learners to understand the concept of Field Sales
Management and Sales Organization.
To make learners understand various sales policies and learn the various
aspects of sales force management
Sales Plan – Steps in developing an effective Sales Plan.
Planning Function of Sales Management – Sales Call Planning, Setting
Quantitative Performance Standards.
Sales Forecasting – Meaning, Objectives & Factors affecting Sales
Sales Forecasting Techniques (Qualitative & Quantitative)
Concept of Sales Territory, Reasons for est ablishing sales territories
Salesman‟s Report & its types
Concept of Quotas & Targets, Reasons for fixing targets.
Methods of fixing Quotas & Targets
Meaning of Sales Budget, Objectives of Sales Budget, Procedure to
prepare Sales Budget.
Sales Control – Concept and steps in Control Process Sales Analysis &
Marketing Cost Analysis Sales Audit - Concept, Importance of Sales Audit
Procedure of Conducting Sales Audit 3
Ethical & Legal issues in Sales Management
Use of Technology in Sales Management (Telemarketing, E -Marketing, M -
Marketing, Digitalization) Relationship Selling Process & Consumer
Education (Value Added Selling)
Challenges in Sales Management
Philip Kotler – Marketing Management, 11th ed. Pearson Publication.
Porter, Michel E. Competitive Strategy, New York: The Free Press,
Richard R Still, Edward W. Candiff, Sales Management.
M.D.Pestonjee, Motivation & Job Satisfaction.
Tom Reilly, Valu e Added Selling
Helen Woodruffe, Services Marketing, Macmillan Publication.
V.S.Ramaswamy, S.Namakumari, Marketing Management, Global
Prospective –Indian Concept, Macmillan Publication
Paper II: Advertising and Publicity Management
Course Objective:
1. To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its
importance within the marketing function of a company.
2. It aims to orient learners towards the practical aspects and techniques of
3. It is expected that this course will prepare learners to lay down a foundation
for advanced post -graduate courses in advertising
4. To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its
importance within the marketing function of a company.
5. It aims to orient learners towards the practical aspects and techniques of
advertising .
Unit I:Introduction to Advertising:
• Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) - Concept, Features, Elements,
Role of advertising in IMC
• Advertising: Concept, Features, Evolution of Advertising, Active Participants,
Benefits of advertising to Business firms and consumers.
• Classification of advertising: Geographic, Media, Target audience and
Functions 3
Unit II: Advertising Agency
Ad Agency : Features, Structure and services offered, Types of
advertising agencies , Agency selection criteria
• Agency and Client : Maintaining Agency –Client relationship, Reasons
and ways of avoiding Client Turnover, Creative Pitch, Agency
• Careers in advertising : Skills required for a career in advertising,
Various Career Options, Freelancing Career Options - Graphics,
Animation, Modelling, Dubbing
Unit III: Advertising Design &Appeals, Message Strategies & Executional
Advertising Design : Advertising Theory, Types of Advertising
Appeals, Structure of an Advertisement
Message Strategies , Cognitive strategies, Executional Strategies,
Creating an Advertising, Advertising Effectiveness
Pro Bono/Social advertising : Pro Bono Advertising, Social
Advertising by Indian Government through Directorate of Advertising
and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Self -Regulatory body - Role of ASCI
(Advertising Standard Council of India)
Unit IV: Brand Building and Special Purpose Advert ising
Brand Building : The Communication Process, AIDA Model, Role of
advertising in developing Brand Image and Brand Equity, and
managing Brand Crises.
Special purpose advertising : Rural advertising, Political advertising -,
Advocacy advertising, Corporate Image advertising, Green Advertising
– Features of all the above special purpose advertising.
Trends in Advertising : Media, Ad spends, Ad Agencies, Execution of
1. Advertising and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications
Perspective George Belch and Michael Belch, 2015, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Contemporary Advertising, 2017, 15th Edition, William Arens, Michael
Weigold and Christian Arens, Hill Higher Education
3. Strategic Brand Management – Kevin Lane Keller, 4th Edition, 2013 –
Pearson Education Limited
4. Kleppner‟s Advertising Procedure – Ron Lane and Karen King, 18th edition,
2011 – Pearson Education Limited
5. Advertising: Planning and Implementation, 2006 – Raghuvir Singh, Sangeeta
Sharma –Prentice Hall
6. Advertising Management, 5th Edition, 2002 – Batra, Myers and Aaker –
Pearson Education
7. Advertising Principles and Practice, 2012 - Ruchi Gupta – S.Chand
Paper III: Business Law II
Course Objective:
To provide a conceptual study about the framework of Indian Business
To orient students about the legal aspects of business
To familiarize the students with case law studies related to Business
Laws of Semester III.
Unit I :Indian Companies Act, 2013
Nature of Company, Incorporation of Company ,Memorandum of Association,
Articles of Association, Prospectus, Directors, Corporate Social Responsibility
Unit II:Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and Limited Liability Partnership
Partnership - Concept, Essentials, Types of Partners and Pa rtnership,
Registration of Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008,Concept,
Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages, Procedure of incorporation,
Mutual rights and duties of partners, Difference between LLP and Partnership,
Difference bet ween Company and LLP
Unit III:Intellectual Property Rights 3
Nature and Definition of IPR,Patent - concept, patentable and non patentable
Copyright – concept of author and authorized acts, Duration of Copyright,
original work and fair use, rights of copyright holder, infringement of
copyright,Trademark - Concept, function, types, infringement and Passing
off,Geographical Indication - concept
Unit IV: Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Amendments in 2019 and
Competition Act, 2002
Objects and reasons of Consumer Protection, Definitions - Consumer,
Consumer Dispute, Complaint, Complainant, Service, Deficiency in Service,
Goods, Defects in Goods, Unfair Trade Practice, Consumer Disputes Redressal
Mechanism – District forum, State Commission, Nati onal Commission,
Competition Act, 2002,Objects, reasons and advantages of Competition
Act,Anti -Competition Agreements, Abuse of Dominant position,Competition
Commission of India
Guide to the Companies Act,2013 by A Ramaiya , Lexis Nexis.
Company Law by G.K.Kapoor.
Company Law by N.D.Kapoor.
Company Law by P.C. Tulsian.
Law and practice of Intellectual Property in India by Dr.Vikas
Vashishth, Bharat Law House.
Paper IV: Information Technology in B.Voc. Sales & Marketing
Course Outcomes
1 To understand managerial decision -making and to develop perceptive of
major functional area of MIS.
2 To provide conceptual study of Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain
Management, Customer Relationship Management, Key issues in
implementation. This m odule provides understanding about emerging MIS
technologies like ERP, CRM, SCM and trends in enterprise applications.
3 To learn and understand relationship between database management and data
warehouse approaches , the requirements and applications of data warehouse
4 To learn outsourcing concepts. BPO/KPO industries, their structures , Cloud 3
Unit I - Introduction to IT Support in Management
Information Technology concepts,Concept of Data, Information and
Knowledge,Concept of Database,Introduction to Information Systems and its
major components,Types and Levels of Information systems, Main types of IT
Support systems Computer based Information Systems (CBIS),Types of
CBIS,Office Automation System(OAS),Transaction Processing
System(TPS),Management Information System(MIS),Decision Support
Systems (DSS),Executive Information System(EIS),Knowledge based
system,Expert system
Concepts of ERP
• Architecture of ERP: Generic modules of ERP
• Applications of ERP
• ERP Implementation concepts ERP lifecycle
• Concept of XRP (extended ERP)
• Features of commercial ERP software Study of SAP, Oracle Apps, MS
Dynamics NAV, Peoplesoft
• Concept of e-CRM E -CRM Solutions and its advantages, How technology
• CRM Capabilities and customer Life cycle Privacy Issues and CRM
• Data Mining and CRM CRM and workflow Automation
• Concept of E -SCM Strategic advantages, benefits E -SCM Components and
Chain Architecture
• Major Trends in e-SCM
• Case studies ERP/SCM/CRM
Unit III - Digital Marketing
Introduction to Digital marketing , Advantages and Limitations , Various
activities of Digital marketing , Search Engine Optimization , Search Engine
Marketing, Content Marketing & Content Influencer Marketing, Campaign
Marketing, Email Marketing, Display Advertising, Blog Marketing, Viral
Marketing, Podcasts & Vodcasts, Digital Marketing on various Social Media
platforms, Online Advertisement, Online Marketing Research, Online PR,
Latest developments and Strategies in Digital Marketing.
Unit IV -Outsourcing and Google Drive
• Meaning, Need ,Scope of Outsourcing. Outsourcing : IT and Business
• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Knowledge Process
Outsourcing(KPO) Concept, Scope, Benefits, Process, BPO and IT -enabled
services , KPO vs BPO, Opportunity and Scope KPO challenges
• Outsourcing in Cloud Environment Cloud computing offerings, Traditional
Outsourcing Vs. Cloud Computing, G oogle drive: usage of Google drive in
storing the Google documents, excel sheets, presentations and PDF files
1. Information Technology for Management, 6TH ED (With CD ) By Efraim
Turban, Dorothy Leidner, Ephraim Mclean, James Wetherbe (Ch1, Ch2)
2. Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Step by Step By Beth Melton, Mark
Dodge, Echo Swinford, Andrew Couch
3. Tata McGraw Hill Joseph, P.T. : E -commerce An Indian Perspective (Ch -
13,Ch -14)
4. Computer Viruses and Related Threats: A Management Guide (Ch -2, Ch -3)
By John P. Wack, Lisa J. Carnahan
5. (E-Book :
&output=reader& hl=en&pg=GBS.PR7.w.2.1.0)
6. Electronic Commerce - Technologies & Applications. Bharat, Bhaskar
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30
General Education Component
Paper I:Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Outcomes
1. To provide students with basic understanding of concepts of logistics and
supply chain management
2. To introduce students to the key activities performed by the logistics function
3. To provide an insight in to the nature of supply chain, its functions and
supplychain systems
4. To understand global trends in logistics and supply chain management
Unit 1: Overview of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
a) Introduction to Logistics Management
• Meaning, Basic Concepts of Logistics - Logistical Performance Cycle,
Inbound Logistics, Inprocess Logistics, Outbound Logistics, Lo gistical
Competency, Integrated Logistics , Reverse Logistics and Green Logistics
• Objectives of Logistics, Importance of Logistics, Scope of Logistics,
Logistical Functions/Logistic Mix, Changing Logistics Environment
b) Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Meaning, Objectives, Functions, Participants of Supply Chain, Role of
Logistics in Supply Chain, Comparison between Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, Channel Management and Channel Integration
c) Customer Service: Key Element of Logistics
Meaning of Customer Service, Objectives, Elements, Levels of customer 3
service, Rights of Customers
d) Demand Forecasting
Meaning, Objectives, Approaches to Forecasting, Forecasting Methods,
Forecasting Techniques, (Numerical on Simple Moving Average, Weighted
Moving Average)
UNIT 2: Elements of Logistics Mix
a) Transportation
Introduction, Principles and Participants in Transportation, Transport
Functionality, Factors Influencing Transportation Decisions, Modes of
Transportation - Railways, Ro adways, Airways, Waterways,
Ropeways,Pipeline, Transportation Infrastructure, Intermodal
b) Warehousing
Introduction, Warehouse Functionality, Benefits of Warehousing, Warehouse
Operating Principles, Types of Warehouses, Warehousing Strategies, Factors
affecting Warehousing
c) Materials Handling
Meaning, Objectives, Principles of Materials Handling, Systems of
Materials Handling, Equipments used for Materials Handling, Factors
affecting Materials Handling Equipments
d) Packaging
Introduction, Objectives of Packaging, Functions/Benefits of Packaging,
Design Considerations in Packaging, Types of Packaging Material, Packaging
UNIT 3: Inventory Management, Logistics Costing, Performance
Management and Logistical Network Analysi s
a) Inventory Management
Meaning, Objectives, Functions, Importance, Techniques of Inventory
Management (Numericals - EOQ and Reorder levels)
b) Logistics Costing
Meaning, Total Cost Approach, Activity Based Costing, Mission Based
c) Performance Measurement in Supply Chain
Meaning, Objectives of Performance Measurement, Types of Performance
Measurement, Dimensions of Performance Measurement, Characteristics of
Ideal Measurement System
d) Logistical Network Analysis
Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Scope, RORO/LASH
UNIT 4: Recent Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
a) Information Technology in Logistics
Introduction, Objectives, Role of Information Technology in Logistics and
Supply Chain Management, Logistical Information System, Principles of
Logistical Information System, Types of Logistical Information System,
Logistical Information Functionality, Information Technology
b) Modern Logistics Infrastructure
Golden Quadrilateral, Logistics Parks, Deep Water Ports, Dedicated
Freight Corridor, Inland Container Depots/Container Freight Stations,
Maritime Logistics, Double Stack Containers/Unit Trains
c) Logistics Outsourcing
Meaning, Objectives, Benefits/Advantages of Outsourcing, Third Party
Logistics Provider, Fourth Party Logistics Provider, Drawbacks of
Outsourcing, Selection of Logistics Service Provider, Outsourcing -Value
d) Logistics in the Global Environment
Managing the Global Supply Chain, Impact of Globalization on Logistics and
Supply Chain Managemen t, Global Logistics Trends, Global Issues and
Challenges in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
David Simchi Levi, Philip Kaminshy, Edith Simchi Levi, Designing &
Managing the Supply Chain -Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies
Donald Waters, An Introduction to Supply Chain
Martin Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Strategies
for Reducing Cost & Improving Services
Vinod Sople, Logistic Management - The Supply Chain Imperative
Donald J Bowersox & David J Closs, Logistic Management - The
Integrated Supply Chain Process
Paper II: Event Marketing
1 To understand basic concepts of Event Marketing.
2 To impart knowledge to learners about categories of Events.
3 To understand segmenting, targeting and positioning in the context of Event
4 To familiarize learners with trends and challenges in Event Marketing.
Unit 1 : Introduction to Events
Concept, Evolution, Importance of Event Marketing, 5 C‟s of Events -
Conceptualization, Costing, Canvassing, Customization, Carrying -out,
Event Designing
Reach Interaction -Interaction Points, Direct Interaction, Indirect
Interaction, Interaction Catalysts or Enablers, Importance of Events as a
Marketing Communicatio n Tool
The Varied Marketing Needs Addressed by Events: Brand Building,
Focus on Target Market, implementation of Marketing Plan, Marketing
Research, Relationship Building, Concept of Event Creativity,
Key Elements of Events: Event Infrastructure, Customer Groups,
Clients, Event Organizers, Venue, Media
Unit 2: Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of Events and Concept of
Product in Events
Concept of Market in Events; Segmentation and targeting of the Market
for events; Positioning of events
Concept of Product in Events: Benefit Levels, Core, generic, expected,
Categories of Events: Competitive Events, Artistic Expression, Cultural 3
Celebrations, Exhibition Events, Charitable Events, Special Business
Events, Retail Events,
Event Variations - Time Frame Based, Concept Based, Artist Based,
Client, Industry Based
Unit 3: Concept of Pricing and Promotion in Events
Pricing: Risk Rating, Setting Pricing Objectives, Understanding local
legislations and tax laws, Feedback about events from the market, skills
required for negotiating the best price, validation against pricing
objectives, pricing decisions, Event Charges: Percentage of the total
Event Cost, Flat Fee, Package Price, Hourly Rate
Networking Components: Print Media, Radio, Television, Internet,
Outdoor Media, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations
and Merchandising
Event Sponsorship: Concept of Sp onsorship, Sponsorship in a
communication context, Synergy between sponsor and Event,
Identifying Potential sponsors, Impact Measurement, types of Event
Unit 4: Trends and Challenges in Event Marketing
E-Event marketing, Virtual Events, Societal Event Marketing, Green
Event, Cause Related Event Marketing, Sports Event Marketing,
Ethical Issues in Event Management, Current Trends and Challenges in
Event Management
Safety and Security of Event , Event Crisis Management, Event
Industry in India and Career in Event Management
Preston C.A., “Event Marketing: How to successfully promote Events,
Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions‟, Wiley, Second Edition, 2015
Gaur Sanjaya Singh and Sanjay V Saggere, “Event Marketing and
Management ‟, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , 2003
Sharma Diwakar, “Event Planning & Management‟, Deep and Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005
Hoyle Leonard H., Ëvent Marketing -How to successfully Promote
Events, Festivals, Conventions and Expositions”, Wiley, 2009
Genadinik Alex, “Event Planning -Management and Marketing for
Successful Events‟, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,
Harichandan C.P., “Event Management”, Global Vision Publishing
House, 2010
Goyal K. Swarup, “Event Management”, Adhyayan Publishers, 2013
Paper III: Marketing Research
Course Outcomes:
1. To recognise the importance of marketing research;
2. To understand the steps in the marketing research process;
3. To apply basic principles in designing marketing research; and
4. To analyse data and report research findings .
Unit I - Introduction to Marketing Research
Marketing Research - Definition, features, functions, significance of
Marketing, Research in marketing decision making, limitations of
Marketing Research
Steps in Marketing Research, Ethics in Marketing Research, Career
options in Marketing Research, Qualities of a good Marketing Research
Marketing Information System - Definition, components, Data Mining -
concept, importance
Unit II - Planning the Resear ch Process
Research Design - concept, importance, types, Hypothesis - concept,
Questionnaire - concept, types of questions, steps in the preparation of
questionnaire, essentials of a good questionnaire
Sampling - concept, terms in sampling, techniques of sampling,
essentials of good sampling
Unit III - Data Collection & Data Processing
Data Collection: Primary data & Secondary data :concept & methods,
Qualitative and Quantitative research - concept, Qualitative v/s
Quantitative resea rch, Concept of Integrating technology in data
collection, methods - (online surveys, hand held devices, text messages,
social networking), importance
Data processing: Editing - meaning, objectives, types, Coding - meaning,
guidelines, Classification - meaning, methods, Tabulation - meaning,
methods 3
Unit IV – Data Analysis & Recent Trends in Marketing Research -
Data Analysis - meaning, steps, use of statistical tools (SPSS, SAS, MS
Data Interpretation - meaning, stages Report Writing - concept, types,
contents, use of visual aids in research report.
Recent Trends in Marketing Research - Concept of Consumer Market
Research, Business -to-Business Market Research, Sales Analysis and
Forecasting, Online Marketing Research, Marketing Research and
Social Marketing,
Marketing Research Text and Cases, Rajendra Nargundkar,
McGraw Hill, 2nd edition
Marketing Research ( Text with Cases), Suja Nair, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mahar ashtra, 2014
Marketing Research, John Boyce, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., Maharashtra, 2011
Encyclopaedia of Marketing Research Series, S.D. Singh, Anmol
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012
Marketing Research: A Global Outlook, V. Kumar, Sage
Publications, New Delhi, 2015
Marketing Research, G. C. Beri, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
Paper IV: E -Commerce and Digital Marketing
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand increasing significance of E -Commerce and its applications in
Business and Various Sectors.
2. To provide an insight on Digital Marketing activities on various Social
Media platforms and its emerging significance in Business.
3. To understand Latest Trends and Practices in E-Commerce and Digital
Marketing, along with its Challenges and Opportu nities for an Organisation.
Unit 1: Introduction to E-commerce
Ecommerce - Meaning, Features of E -commerce, Categories of E -
commerce, Advantages &Limitations of E -Commerce, Traditional
Commerce &E-Commerce
Ecommerce Environmental Factors: Economic, Technol ogical, Legal , 3
Cultural &
Factors Responsible for Growth of E-Commerce, Issues in
Implementing E Commerce, Myths of E-Commerce
Impact of E -Commerce on Business, Ecommerce in India
Trends in E-Commerce in Various Sectors: Retail, Banking, Tourism,
Meaning of M -Commerce, Benefits of M -Commerce, Trends in M-
Unit 2: E -Business & Applications
E-Business: Meaning, Launching an E -Business, Different phases of
Launching an E Business
Important Concepts in E-Business: Data Warehouse, Customer
Relationship Management , Supply Chain Management, Enterprise
Resource Planning
Bricks and Clicks business models in E-Business: Brick and Mortar,
Pure Online, Bricks and Clicks, Advantages of Bricks & Clicks
Business Mo del, Superiority of Bricks and Clicks E -Business
Applications: E -Procurement, E -Communication, E Delivery, E-
Auction, E-Trading.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in E-Business: Meaning of EDI,
Benefits of EDI, Drawbacks of EDI, Applications of EDI.
Website : Design and Development of Website, Advantages of Website,
Principles of Web Design, Life Cycle Approach for Building a Website,
Different Ways of Building a Website
Unit 3: Payment, Security, Privacy &Legal Issues in E -Commerce
Issues Relating t o Privacy and Security in E-Business
Electronic Payment Systems: Features, Different Payment Systems
:Debit Card, Credit Card ,Smart Card, E -cash, E -Cheque, E -wallet,
Electronic Fund Transfer.
Payment Gateway: Introduction, Payment Gateway Process, Payment
Gateway Types, Advantages and Disadvantages of Payment Gateway.
Types of Transaction Security
E-Commerce Laws: Need for E -Commerce laws, E -Commerce laws in
India, Legal Issues in E-commerce in India, IT Act 2000
Unit 4: Digital Marketing
Introduction to Digital Marketing, Advantages and Limitations of
Digital Marketing.
Various Activities of Digital Marketing: Search Engine Optimization,
Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing & Content Influencer
Marketing, Campaign Marketing, Email Ma rketing, Display
Advertising, Blog Marketing, Viral Marketing, Podcasts & Vodcasts.
Digital Marketing on various Social Media platforms.
Online Advertisement, Online Marketing Research, Online PR
Web Analytics
Promoting Web Traffic
Latest developments and Strategies in Digital Marketing.
D Nidhi ,E-Commerce Concepts and Applications, ,Edn 2011,
International Book house
Bajaj Kamlesh K,E -Commerce - The cutting edge of Business
Whiteley David, E -Commerce Technologies and Apllications -2013
E-Business & E -Commerce Management 3rd Ed, Pearson Education
Kalokota & Robinson,E -Business 2.0 Road map for Success, Pearson
Elias M. Awad ,Electronic Commerce, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education
Erfan Turban ,Electronic Commerce - A Managerial Perspective,
Pearson Education
R. Kalokota, Andrew V. Winston, Electronic Commerce - A Manger's
Guide, Pearson Education
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30
General Education Component
Paper I: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Course Outcomes
1 To understand significance of ethics and ethical practices in businesses which
are indispensible for progress of a country
2 To learn the applicability of ethics in functional areas of Sales and marketing
3 To understand the emerging need and growing importance of good
governance and CSR by organisations
4 To study the ethical business practices, CSR and Corporate Governance
practiced by var ious organisations
UNIT 1: Business Ethics
Business Ethics Meaning, Objectives, Purpose and Scope of Business Ethics
Towards Society and Stakeholders, Role of Government in Ensuring Business
Ethics , Principles of Business Ethics, 3 Cs of Business Ethics – Compliance,
Contribution and Consequences, Myths about Business Ethics ,Ethical
Performance in Businesses in India
Unit 2: Ethics in Marketing and Advertising
Ethical issues in Marketing Mix, Unethical Marketing Practices in India,
Ethical Dilemmas in Mar keting, Ethics in Advertising and Types of Unethical
Advertisements, Ethical Issues in International Business Practices
Unit 3:Corporate Governance (CG)
Concept, History of Corporate Governance, Need for Corporate Governance,
Theories - Agency Theory, Shareholder Theory, Stakeholder Theory and
Stewardship Theory, Corporate Governance in India, Emerging Trends in
Corporate Governance, Models of Corporate Governance, Insider Tra ding,
Role of SEBI in Ensuring Corporate Governance, Kotak Committee Report on
Corporate Governance, Clause 49
Unit 4: Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
Meaning of CSR, Evolution of CSR, Types of Social Responsibility, CSR
Principles and Strategies, Is sues in CSR, Social Accounting ,Tata Group‟s CSR
Rating Framework, High Level Committee Report on CSR, Recent Guidelines
in CSR , Society‟s Changing Expectations of Business With Respect to
Globalisation, Future of CSR
. Laura P. Hartman, Joe DesJardins, B usiness Ethics, Mcgraw Hill, 2nd Edition
2. C. Fernando, Business Ethics – An Indian Perspective, Pearson, 2010
3. Joseph DesJardins, An Introduction to Business Ethics, Tata McGraw Hill,
2nd Edition
4. Richard T DeGeorge, Business Ethics, Pearson, 7th Edition 2
5. Dr.A.K. Gavai, Business Ethics, Himalaya Publishing House, 2008
6. S.K. Mandal, Ethics is Business and Corporate Governance, McGraw Hill,
7. Laura Pincus Hartman, Perspectives in Business Ethics, McGraw Hill
International Editions, 1998
Paper II: International Marketing
Course Outcomes:
1 To understand International Marketing, its Advantages and Challenges.
2 To provide an insight on the dynamics of International Marketing
3 To understand the relevance of International Marketing Mix decisions and
recent developments in Global Market
Unit 1: Introduction to International Marketing
Introduction, Scope of International Marketing, International Marketing vs.
Domestic Marketing, Principles of International Marketing, Customer value
and the value equation, Competitive or differential advantage, Management
Orientations, MNCs and TNCs, Benefits of international marketing.
Unit 2 : International Market Entry Strategies
Introduction, Different Entry Modes and Market Entry Strategies, joint
Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Direct Investment, Manufacturing and
Unit III : Foreign Markets and Export Marketing Process
Introduction, choosing appropriate mode of operations, Issue s Related to
Exports, processing an Export Order, Entering into export contract, Export
Pricing and Costing, Export -Import (EXIM) Policy, 2014 -2019
Unit IV: Legal and Ethical Issues in International Marketing 2
Introduction, Nature of International Business Disputes and Proposed Action,
Legal Concepts Relating to International Business, International Dispute
Settlement Machinery, ethical Consideration in International Marketing and
Marketing Communications.
Dr. Shakeel Ahma d Siddiqui, International Marketing, Dreamtech press
, Edition 2011
Philip R.Cateora, John L. Graham, Prashanth Salwan, International
Marketing , Tata Mcgraw hill Education Private limited, New Delhi,
Thirteenth Edition .
RajGopal, International Marketing, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Edition 2007.
Sak Onkvisit, John J.Shaw, International Marketing Analysis and
Strategy, Pearson Publication, Third Edition
Francis Cherunilam, International Business, PHI Leaning Private
Limited New Delhi, Fifth Edition .
Justin Paul and Ramneek Kapoor, International Marketing Text and
Cases, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited New Delhi, Second
Rakesh Mohan Joshi, International Marketing, Oxford University Press,
Second Edition
Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, International Marketing, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, Twelfth Edition
Rakesh Mohan Joshi, International Marketing Oxford University Press,
First Edition
Paper III: Rural Marketing
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to explore the students to the Agriculture and
Rural Marketing environment so that they can understand consumer's and
marketing characteristics of the same for understanding and contributing to the
emerging challenges in the upcoming global economic scenario.
Unit I -Rural Marketin g 2
Rural Marketing : Nature, Definition, Scope, Importance, Challenges
and opportunities in India.
Factors influencing Rural Marketing : Socio -cultural factors,
population, occupation, literacy level, land distribution & use,
development programmes, infrastructure, communication media, credit
availability, local requirements.
Rural Market : Size & structure, Segmentation of Indian rural market.
Rural and Urban Market: A Comparative Analysis
Unit II -Rural Marketing Research
Rural Consumer B ehaviour , Market research (with special reference
to seeds,fertilizers, farm equipments, new techniques, agricultural
output & other services.)
Product and Service Marketing in Rural India : Rural Marketing
Mix: Product Planning, New Product Development for Rural Markets,
Brand Management in Rural Market and communication media &
message, distribution channels,: Rural Retail Channel Management
Unit III: e-Rural Marketing
e-Rural Marketing : Concept, Importance, Challenges in e-Rural
E-Choupal Model of ITC , IT for Sustainable Rural Development and
E-Governance in rural market Corporate Sector in Agri-business:
Cultivation, Processing & Retailing Organized Rural Retailing
Unit IV: Social Marketing
Unethical Business Practices & Corporate Social Responsibility and
Rural Marketing
Consumer Education: Consumer Education and consumer movement in
rural India.
Role of government in Rural Marketing. Role of NGOs in Rural
Badi & Badi : Rural Marketing
Mamoria, C.B. & Badri Vishal : Agriculture problems in India
Arora, R.C. : Integrated Rural Development
Rajgopal : Managing Rural Business
Gopalaswamy, T.P. : Rural Marketing
Paper IV: Brand Management
Course Outcomes
1 To understand the meaning and significance of Brand Management
2 To Know how to build, sustain and grow brands
3 To know the various sources of brand equity
Unit I: Introduction to Brand Management:
Meaning of Brand, Branding, Brand Management, Importance of Branding
to Consumers, Firms, Brands v/s Products, Scope of Branding, Branding
Challenges and Opportunities, Strategic Brand Management Process, Customer
Based Brand Equity model (CBBE), Sources of Brand Equity, Steps of Brand
Building including Brand Building Blocks, Brand Positioning: Meaning,
Importance, Basis.
Unit II -Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs
Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs:
Brand Elements: Meaning, Criteria for choosing Brand Elem ents, Types
of Brand Elements
Integrating Marketing Programs and Activities
Personalising Marketing: Experiential Marketing, One to One
Marketing, Permission Marketing
Product Strategy: Perceived Quality and Relationship Marketing
Pricing Strategy: Setting Prices to Build Brand Equity
Channel Strategy: Direct, Indirect Channels
Promotion Strategy: Developing Integrated Marketing Communication
Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity:
Companies, Countrie s, Channel of Distribution, Co -branding,
Characters, Events
Unit III: Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance 3
a) The Brand Value Chain
b) Measuring Sources of Brand Equity:
Qualitative Research Techniques: Projective Techniques: Completion,
Comparison, Brand Personality and Values: The Big Five, Free
Quantitative Research Techniques: Brand Awareness: Recognition,
Recall, Brand Image, Brand Responses
c) Young and Rubicam‟s Brand Asset Valuator
d) Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity
Comparative Methods: Brand based Comparative Approaches,
Marketing Based Comparative Approaches, Conjoint Analysis
Holistic Methods: Residual Approaches, Valuation Approaches:
Historical Perspectives and Inter brand‟s Brand Valuation Methodology
Unit IV: Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity
a) Designing & Implementing Branding Strategies:
Brand Architecture : Meaning of Brand Architecture, The Brand -
Product Matri, Breadth of a Branding Strategy, Depth of a Branding
Brand Hierarchy : Meaning of Brand Hierarchy, Building Equity at
Different Hierarchy Levels
Cause Marketing to Build Brand Equity : Meaning of Cause
Marketing, Advantages, Green Marketing
b) Brand Extensions:
Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages, Brand Extension and Brand
c) Managing Brands over Time:
Reinforcing Brands, Revitalising Brands
d) Building Global Customer Based Brand Equity
Keller Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring
and Managing Brand Equity
Keller Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management -2008
Elliot, Richard, Strategic Brand Management -2008
Kapferer, Jean -Noel, Strategic Brand Management -2000
Kishen, Ram, Strategic Brand Management - 2013
Keller Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management 4e-2015
Paper V:Project Work
Note: At the end of Semester VI students have to Prepare and submit a
Project on any of the above mentioned subject covered in Semester I to
Semester VI. 3
Skill Component
(Under the Guidelines of Sector Skill Council) 18
Total Credits 30