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Unit Structure
1.0 Study o f Review
1.1 Flow Graphs a nd Path Testing
1.1.1 Flowgraphs a nd Path Testing
1.1.2 Basics o f Path Testing
1.1.3 Control Flow Graphs V s Flowcharts
1.1.4 Notational Evoultion
1.1.5 Linked List Representati on
1.1.6 Linked List Representation o f Flow Graph
1.2 Unit Testing
1.3 Integration Testing
1.4 System Testing
1.0 STUDY OF REVIEW All software problems can be termed as bugs. A software bug usually
occurs when the software does not do what it is intended to do or does
something that it is not intended to do. Flaws in specifications, design,
code or other reasons can cause these bugs. Identifying and fixing bugs in
the early stages of the software is very important as the cost of fixing bugs
grows over time . So, the goal of a software tester is to find bugs and find
them as early as possible and make sure they are fixed. Testing is context -
based and risk -driven. It requires a methodical and disciplined approach to
finding bugs. A good software tester needs t o build credibility and possess
the attitude to be explorative, troubleshooting, relentless, creative,
diplomatic and persuasive. As against the perception that testing starts
only after the completion of coding phase, it actually begins even before
the fi rst line of code can be written. In the life cycle of the conventional
software product, testing begins at the stage when the specifications are
written, i.e. from testing the product specifications or product spec.
Finding bugs at this stage can save huge amounts of time and money.
Once the specifications are well understood, you are required to design
and execute the test cases. Selecting the appropriate technique that reduces
the number of tests that cover a feature is one of the most important things
that you need to take into consideration while designing these test cases.
Test cases need to be designed to cover all aspects of the software, i.e.
security, database, functionality (critical and general) and the user
interface. Bugs originate when the test cases are executed. As a tester you
might have to perform testing under different circumstances, i.e. the
application could be in the initial stages or undergoing rapid changes, you

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2 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
2 have less than enough time to test, the product might be developed using a
life cycle model that does not support much of formal testing or retesting.
Further, testing using different operating systems, browsers and the
configurations are to be taken care of. Reporting a bug may be the most
important and sometimes the most diff icult task that you as a software
tester will perform. By using various tools and clearly communicating to
the developer, you can ensure that the bugs you find are fixed. Using
automated tools to execute tests, run scripts and tracking bugs improves
effici ency and effectiveness of your tests. Also, keeping pace with the
latest developments in the field will augment your career as a software test
1.1 FLOW GRAPHS AND PATH TESTING 1.1.1 Flowgraphs and Path Testing:
This unit gives an in depth overvie w of path testing and its applications.
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
 Understand the concept of path testing.
 Identify the components of a control flow diagram and compare the
same with a flowchart.
 Represent the control flow graph in the form of a Linked List
 Understand the path testing and selection criteria and their limitations.
 Interpret a control flow -graph and demonstrate the complete path
testing to achieve C1+C2.
 Classify the predicates and variables as
dependant/i ndependant and correlated/uncorrelated.
 Understand the path sensitizing method and classify whether the path
is achievable or not.
 Identify the problem due to co -incidental correctness and choose a
path instrumentation method to overcome the problem.
1.1.2 Basics o f Path Testing :
Path Testing:
 Path Testing is the name given to a family of test techniques based on
judiciously selecting a set of test paths through the program.
 If the set of paths are properly chosen then we have achieved some
measure of test thoroughness. For example, pick enough paths to
assure that every source statement has been executed at least once.
 Path testing techniques are the oldest of all structural test techniques.

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3 Testing Basics  Path testing is most applicable to new software for unit testing. It is a
structural technique.
 It requires complete knowledge of the program's structure.
 It is most often used by programmers to unit test their own code.
 The effectiveness of path testing rapidly deteriorates as the size of the
software aggregate under te st increases.
The Bug Assumption:
 The bug assumption for the path testing strategies is that something
has gone wrong with the software that makes it take a different path
than intended.
 As an example "GOTO X" where "GOTO Y" had been intended.
 Structured p rogramming languages prevent many of the bugs targeted
by path testing: as a consequence the effectiveness for path testing for
these languages is reduced and for old code in COBOL, ALP,
FORTRAN and Basic, the path testing is indespensable.
Control Flow Gr aphs:
 The control flow graph is a graphical representation of a program's
control structure. It uses the elements named process blocks,
decisions, and junctions.
 The flow graph is similar to the earlier flowchart, with which it is not
to be confused.
 Flow Graph Elements: A flow graph contains four different types of
(1) Process Block (2) Decisions (3) Junctions (4) Case Statements
1. Process Block:
 A process block is a sequence of program statements uninterrupted by
either decisions or junctions.
 It is a sequence of statements such that if any one of statement of the
block is executed, then all statement thereof are executed.
 Formally, a process block is a piece of straight line code of one
statement or hundreds of statements.
 A process has one entry and one exit. It can consists of a single
statement or instruction, a sequence of statements or instructions, a
single entry/exit subroutine, a macro or function call, or a sequence of

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4 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
4 2. Decisions:
 A decision is a program point at which the control flow can diverge.
 Machine language conditional branch and conditional skip
instructions are examples of decisions.
 Most of the decisions are two -way but some are three way branches in
control flow.
3. Case Statements:
 A case statement is a multi -way branch or decisions.
 Examples of case statement are a jump table in assembly language,
and the PASCAL case statement.
 From the point of view of test design, there are no differences
between Decisions and Case Statements
4. Junctions:
 A junction is a point in the progr am where the control flow can
 Examples of junctions are: the target of a jump or skip instruction in
ALP, a label that is a target of GOTO.

Figure 1 .1: Flowgraph Elements

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5 Testing Basics 1.1.3 Control Flow Graphs Vs Flowcharts:
 A program's flow chart resembles a control flow graph.
 In flow graphs , we don't show the details of what is in a process
block. In flow charts every part of the process block is drawn.
 The flowchart focuses on process steps, where as the flow graph
focuses on control flow of the program.
 The act of drawing a control flow gr aph is a useful tool that can help
us clarify the control flow and data flow issues.
1.1.4 Notational Evoultion:
The control flow graph is simplified representation of the program's
structure. The notation changes made in creation of control flow graphs:
 The process boxes weren't really needed. There is an implied process
on every line joining junctions and decisions.
 We don't need to know the specifics of the decisions, just the fact that
there is a branch.
 The specific target label names aren't important -just the fact that they
exist. So we can replace them by simple numbers.
 To understand this, we will go through an example (Figure 2.2)
written in a FORTRAN like programming language called
Programming Design Language (PDL) . The program's
corresponding flowchart (Figure 2.3) and flowgraph (Figure 2.4) were
also provided below for better understanding.
 The first step in translating the program to a flowchart is shown in
Figure 2.3, where we have the typical one -for-one classical flowchart.
Note that complexity has increased, clarity has decreased, and that we
had to add auxiliary labels (LOOP, XX, and YY), which have no
actual program counterpart. In Figure 2.4 we merged the process steps
and replaced them with the single process box. We now have a
control flowgraph. But this representation is still too busy. We
simplify the notation further to achieve Figure 2.5, where for the first
time we can really see what the control flow looks like.

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Figure 1.2: Program Example (PDL)

Figure 1.3: One -to-one flowchart for example progra m in Figure 2.2

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7 Testing Basics

Figure 1.4: Control Flowgraph for example in Figure 1.2

Figure 1.5: Simplified Flowgraph Notation

Figure 1.6: Even Simplified Flowgraph Notation

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8 The final transformation is shown in Figure 1.6, where we've dropped the
node numbers to achieve an even simpler representa tion. The way to work
with control flowgraphs is to use the simplest possible representation - that
is, no more information than you need to correlate back to the source
program or PDL.
1.1.5 Linked List Representation:
Although graphical representations o f flowgraphs are revealing, the details
of the control flow inside a program they are often inconvenient.
In linked list representation, each node has a name and there is an entry on
the list fo r each link in the flow graph. O nly the information pertinent to
the control flow is shown.
1.1.6 Linked List representation of Flow Graph:

Figure 1.7: Linked List Control Flowgraph Notation
Flowgraph - Program Correspondence:
A flow graph is a pictorial representation of a program and not the
program itself, just as a topographic map.
You cant alwa ys associate the parts of a program in a unique way with
flowgraph parts because many program structures, such as if -then-else
constructs, consists of a combination of decisions, junctions, and

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9 Testing Basics The translation from a flowgraph element to a stat ement and vice versa is
not always unique. (See Figure 1.8)

Figure 1.8: Alternative Flowgraphs for same logic (Statement "IF
(A=0) AND (B=1) THEN . . .").
An improper translation from flowgraph to code during coding can lead to
bugs, and improper translation during the test design lead to missing test
cases and causes undiscovered bugs.
Flowgraph and Flowchart Generation:
Flowcharts can be ,
1. Handwritten by the programmer.
2. Automatically produced by a flowcharting program based on a
mechanical analysis of the source code.
3. Semi automatically p roduced by a flow charting program based in
part on structural analysis of the source code and in part on directions
given by the programmer.
There are relatively few control flow graph generators.
Path Testing - Paths, Nodes and Links:
Path: A path throug h a program is a sequence of instructions or
statements that starts at an entry, junction, or decision and ends at another,
or possibly the same junction, decision, or exit.
A path may go through several junctions, processes, or decisions, one or
more time s. Paths consists of segments.
The segment is a link - a single process that lies between two nodes.
A path segment is succession of consecutive links that belongs to some

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10 The length of path measured by the number of links in it and not by the
number of the instructions or statements executed along that path.
The name of a path is the name of the nodes along the path.
Fundamental Path Selection Criteria:
There are many paths between the entry and exit of a typical routine.
Every decision doubles the n umber of potential paths. And every loop
multiplies the number of potential paths by the number of different
iteration values possible for the loop.
Defining complete testing:
1. Exercise every path from entry to exit
2. Exercise every statement or instruction a t least once
3. Exercise every branch and case statement, in each direction at least
If prescription 1 is followed then 2 and 3 are automatically followed. But
it is impractical for most routines. It can be done for the routines that have
no loops, in w hich it is equivalent to 2 and 3 prescriptions.
EXAMPLE: Here is the correct version.

For X negative, the output is X + A, while for X greater than or equal to
zero, the output is X + 2A. Following prescription 2 and executing every
statement, but not ev ery branch, would not reveal the bug in the following
incorrect version:

A negative value produces the correct answer. Every statement can be
executed, but if the test cases do not force each branch to be taken, the bug
can remain hidden. The next exampl e uses a test based on executing each
branch but does not force the execution of all statements:

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11 Testing Basics

The hidden loop around label 100 is not revealed by tests based on
prescription 3 alone because no test forces the execution of statement 100
and the following GOTO statement. Furthermore, la bel 100 is not flagged
by the compiler as an unreferenced label and the subsequent GOTO does
not refer to an undefined label.
A Static Analysis (that is, an analysis based on examining the source code
or structure) cannot determine whether a piece of code is or is not
reachable. There could be subroutine calls with parameters that are
subroutine labels, or in the above example there could be a GOTO that
targeted label 100 but could never achieve a value that would send the
program to that label.
Only a Dyna mic Analysis (that is, an analysis based on the code's
behavior while running - which is to say, to all intents and purposes,
testing) can determine whether code is reachable or not and therefore
distinguish between the ideal structure we think we have and the actual,
buggy structure.
Path Testing Criteria:
Any testing strategy based on paths must at least both exercise every
instruction and take branches in all directions.
A set of tests that does this is not complete in an absolute sense, but it is
comple te in the sense that anything less must leave something untested.
So we have explored three different testing criteria or strategies out of a
potentially infinite family of strategies.
1. Path Testing (P inf):
 Execute all possible control flow paths through th e program:
typically, this is restricted to all possible entry/exit paths through the
 If we achieve this prescription, we are said to have achieved 100%
path coverage. This is the strongest criterion in the path testing
strategy family: it is gene rally impossible to achieve.

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12 2. Statement Testing (P 1):
 Execute all statements in the program at least once under some test. If
we do enough tests to achieve this, we are said to have achieved 100%
statement coverage.
 An alternate equivalent characterizat ion is to say that we have
achieved 100% node coverage. We denote this by C1.
 This is the weakest criterion in the family: testing less than this for
new software is unconscionable (unprincipled or can not be accepted)
and should be criminalized.
3. Branch Testing (P 2):
 Execute enough tests to assure that every branch alternative has been
exercised at least once under some test.
 If we do enough tests to achieve this prescription, then we have
achieved 100% branch coverage.
 An alternative characterization is to say that we have achieved 100%
link coverage.
 For structured software, branch testing and therefore branch coverage
strictly includes statement coverage.
 We denote branch coverage by C2.
Commonsense and Strategies:
 Branch and statement coverage are acc epted today as the minimum
mandatory testing requirement.
 The question "why not use a judicious sampling of paths?, what is
wrong with leaving some code, untested?" is ineffectual in the view of
common sense and experience since: (1.) Not testing a piece o f a code
leaves a residue of bugs in the program in proportion to the size of the
untested code and the probability of bugs. (2.) The high probability
paths are always thoroughly tested if only to demonstrate that the
system works properly.
 Which paths to be tested? You must pick enough paths to achieve
C1+C2. The question of what is the fewest number of such paths is
interesting to the designer of test tools that help automate the path
testing, but it is not crucial to the pragmatic (practical) design of t ests.
It is better to make many simple paths than a few complicated paths.

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13 Testing Basics Path Selection Example:

Figure 1.9: An example flowgraph to explain path selection
Practical Suggestions in Path Testing:
1. Draw the control flow graph on a single sheet of paper.
2. Make several copies - as many as you will need for coverage (C1+C2)
and several more.
3. Use a yellow highlighting marker to trace paths. Copy the paths onto
a master sheets.
4. Continue tracing paths until all lines on the master sheet are covered,
indicating that you appear to have achieved C1+C2.
5. As you trace the paths, create a table that shows the paths, the
coverage status of each process, and each decision.
6. The above paths lead to the following table considering Figure 1.9:

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7. After you have traced a a covering path set on the master sheet and
filled in the table for every path, check the following:
1. Does every decision have a YES and a NO in its column? (C2)
2. Has every case of all case statements been marked? (C2)
3. Is every three - way branch (less, equal, greater) covered? ( C2)
4. Is every link (process) covered at least once? (C1)
8. Revised Path Selection Rules:
 Pick the simplest, functionally sensible entry/exit path.
 Pick additional paths as small variation from previous paths. Pick
paths that do not have loops rather than p aths that do. Favor short
paths that make sense over paths that don't.
 Pick additional paths that have no obvious functional meaning only if
it's necessary to provide coverage.
 Be comfortable with your chosen paths. Play your hunches (guesses)
and give you r intuition free reign as long as you achieve C1+C2.
 Don't follow rules slavishly (blindly) - except for coverage.
Cases for a single loop:
A Single loop can be covered with two cases: Looping and Not looping.
But, experience shows that many loop -related b ugs are not discovered by
C1+C2. Bugs hide themselves in corners and congregate at boundaries - in
the cases of loops, at or around the minimum or maximum number of
times the loop can be iterated. The minimum number of iterations is often
zero, but it need not be.
CASE 1: Single loop, Zero minimum, N maximum, No excluded
values :
1. Try bypassing the loop (zero iterations). If you can't, you either have a
bug, or zero is not the minimum and you have the wrong case.
2. Could the loop -control variable be negative? C ould it appear to
specify a negative number of iterations? What happens to such a
3. One pass through the loop.
4. Two passes through the loop.
5. A typical number of iterations, unless covered by a previous test.
6. One less than the maximum number of iterati ons.
7. The maximum number of iterations.

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15 Testing Basics 8. Attempt one more than the maximum number of iterations. What
prevents the loop -control variable from having this value? What will
happen with this value if it is forced?
CASE 2: Single loop, Non -zero minimum, No exclu ded values :
9. Try one less than the expected minimum. What happens if the loop
control variable's value is less than the minimum? What prevents the
value from being less than the minimum?
10. The minimum number of iterations.
11. One more than the mini mum number of iterations.
12. Once, unless covered by a previous test.
13. Twice, unless covered by a previous test.
14. A typical value.
15. One less than the maximum value.
16. The maximum number of iterations.
17. Attempt one more than the maximum number of iterations.
CASE 3: Single loops with excluded values:
 Treat single loops with excluded values as two sets of tests consisting
of loops without excluded values, such as case 1 and 2 above.
 Example, the total range of the loop control variable wa s 1 to 20, but
that values 7, 8, 9, 10 were excluded. The two sets of tests are 1 -6 and
 The test cases to attempt would be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 for the first range
and 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21 for the second range.
Kinds of Loops:
There are only three ki nds of loops with respect to path testing:
Nested Loops:
 The number of tests to be performed on nested loops will be the
exponent of the tests performed on single loops.
 As we cannot always afford to test all combinations of nested loops'
iterations values . Here's a tactic used to discard some of these values:
1. Start at the inner most loop. Set all the outer loops to their minimum
2. Test the minimum, minimum+1, typical, maximum -1 , and maximum
for the innermost loop, while holding the outer loops at t heir
minimum iteration parameter values. Expand the tests as required for
out of range and excluded values.

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16 3. If you've done the outmost loop, GOTO step 5, else move out one
loop and set it up as in step 2 with all other loops set to typical values.
4. Continu e outward in this manner until all loops have been covered.
5. Do all the cases for all loops in the nest simultaneously.
Concatenated Loops:
 Concatenated loops fall between single and nested loops with respect
to test cases. Two loops are concatenated if it' s possible to reach one
after exiting the other while still o n a path from entrance to exit.
 If the loops cannot be on the same path, then they are not
concatenated and can be treated as individual loops.
Horrible Loops:
 A horrible loop is a combination of nested loops, the use of code that
jumps into and out of loops, intersecting loops, hidden loops, and
cross connected loops.
 Makes iteration value selection for test cases an awesome and ugly
task, which is another reason such structures should be avoided .

Figure 1.10: Example of Loop ty pes

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17 Testing Basics Loop Testing TIme:
 Any kind of loop can lead to long testing time, especially if all the
extreme value cases are to attempted (Max -1, Max, Max+1).
 This situation is obviously worse for nested and dependent
concatenated loops.
 Consider nested loops in w hich testing the combination of extreme
values lead to long test times. Several options to deal with:
 Prove that the combined extreme cases are hypothetically possible,
they are not possible in the real world
 Put in limits or checks that prevent the combin ed extreme cases. Then
you have to test the software that implements such safety measures.
Predicates, Path Predicates a nd Achievable Paths:
The logical function evaluated at a decision is called Predicate. The
direction taken at a decision dep ends on the value of decision variable.
Some examples are: A>0, x+y>=90.......
Path Predicate:
A predicate associated with a path is called a Path Predicate. For example,
"x is greater than zero", "x+y>=90", "w is either negative or equal to 10 is
true" i s a sequence of predicates whose truth values will cause the routine
to take a specific path.
Multiway Branches:
 The path taken through a multiway branch such as a computed
GOTO's, case statement, or jump tables cannot be directly expressed
in TRUE/FALSE t erms.
 Although, it is possible to describe such alternatives by using multi
valued logic, an expedient (practical approach) is to express multiway
branches as an equivalent set of if..then..else statements.
 For example a three way case statement can be wri tten as: If case=1
 In testing, the word input is not restricted to direct inputs, such as
variables in a subroutine call, but includes all data objects referenced
by the routine whose values are f ixed prior to entering it.
 For example, inputs in a calling sequence, objects in a data structure,
values left in registers, or any combination of object types.

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18  The input for a particular test is mapped as a one dimensional array
called as an Input Vector .
Predicate Interpretation:
 The simplest predicate depends only on input variables.
 For example if x1,x2 are inputs, the predicate might be x1+x2>=7,
given the values of x1 and x2 the direction taken through the decision
is based on the predicate is determ ined at input time and does not
depend on processing.
 Another example, assume a predicate x1+y>=0 that along a path prior
to reaching this predicate we had th e assignement statement y=x2+7.
Although our predicate depends on processing, we can substitute th e
symbolic expression for y to obtain an e quivalent predicate
 The act of symbolic substitution of operations along the path in order
to express the predicate solely in terms of the input vector is called
predicate interpretation.
 Some times the interpretation may depend on the path; for example,
 ON X GOTO A, B, C, ...
 A: Z := 7 @ GOTO HEM
 B: Z := -7 @ GOTO HEM
 C: Z := 0 @ GOTO HEM
 .........
 .........
The predicate interpretation at HEN depends on the path we took through
the first multiway branch. It yields for the three cases respectively, if
Y+7>0, Y -7>0, Y>0.
 The path predicates are the specific form of the predicates of the
decisions along the selected path after interpretatio n.
Independence o f Variables And Predicates:
 The path predicates take on truth values based on the values of input
variables, either directly or indirectly.
 If a variable's value does not change as a result of processing, that
variable is independent of th e processing.

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19 Testing Basics  If the variable's value can change as a result of the processing, the
variable is process dependent.
 A predicate whose truth value can change as a result of the processing
is said to be process dependent and one whose truth value does not
change as a result of the processing is process independent.
 Process dependence of a predicate does not always follow from
dependence of the input variables on which that predicate is based.
Correlation of Variables a nd Predicates:
 Two variables are correlat ed if every combination of their values
cannot be independently specified.
 Variables whose values can be specified independently without
restriction are called uncorrelated.
 A pair of predicates whose outcomes depend on one or more variables
in common are said to be correlated predicates. For example, the
predicate X==Y is followed by another predicate X+Y == 8. If we
select X and Y values to satisfy the first predicate, we might have
forced the 2nd predicate's truth value to change.
 Every path thr ough a routine is achievable only if all the predicates in
that routine are uncorrelated.
Path Predicate Expressions:
 A path predicate expression is a set of boolean expressions, all of
which must be satisfied to achieve the selected path.
 Example:
 X1+3X2+ 17>=0
 X3=17
 X4-X1>=14X2
 Any set of input values that satisfy all of the conditions of the path
predicate expression will force the routine to the path.
 Some times a predicate can have an OR in it.
 Example:
A: X5 > 0 E: X6 < 0
B: X1 + 3X2 + 17 >= 0 B: X1 + 3X2 + 17 >= 0
C: X3 = 17
D: X4 - X1 >= 14X2
C: X3 = 17
D: X4 - X1 >= 14X2

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20  Boolean algebra notation to denote the boolean expression:
Predicate Coverage:
 Compound Predicate: Predicates of the form A OR B, A AND B
and more complicated boo lean expressions are called as compound
 Sometimes even a simple predicate becomes compound after
interpretation. Example: the predicate if (x=17) whose opposite
branch is if x.NE.17 which is equivalent to x>17 . Or. X<17.
 Predicate coverage is being the achieving of all possible combinations
of truth values corresponding to the selected path have been explored
under some test.
 As achieving the desired direction at a given decision could still hide
bugs in the associated predicates.
Testing Blind ness:
 Testing Blindness is a pathological (harmful) situation in which the
desired path is achieved for the wrong reason.
 There are three types of Testing Blindness:
1. Assignment Blindness:
 Assignment blindness occurs when the buggy predicate appears to
work correctly because the specific value chosen for an assignment
statement works with both the correct and incorrect predicate.
 For Example: Correct Buggy X = 7 ........ if Y > 0 then ... X = 7 ........ if X+Y > 0 then ...
 If the test case sets Y=1 the de sired path is taken in either case, but
there is still a bug.
2. Equality Blindness:
 Equality blindness occurs when the path selected by a prior predicate
results in a value that works both for the correct and buggy predicate.
 For Example:

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21 Testing Basics Correct Buggy if Y = 2 then ........ if X+Y > 3 then ... if Y = 2 then ........ if X > 1 then ...
The first predicate if y=2 forces the rest of the path, so that for any
positive value of x. the path taken at the second predicate will be the same
for the correct and bu ggy version.
3. Self Blindness:
 Self blindness occurs when the buggy predicate is a multiple of the
correct predicate and as a result is indistinguishable along that path.
 For Example: Correct Buggy X = A ........ if X-1 > 0 then ... X = A ........ if X+A-2 > 0 then ...
 The assignment (x=a) makes the predicates multiples of each other, so
the direction taken is the same for the correct and buggy version.
Path Sensitizing:
Review: Achievable a nd Unachievable Paths:
 We want to select and test enough paths to achieve a satisfactory
notion of test completeness such as C1+C2.
 Extract the programs control flowgraph and select a set of tentative
covering paths.
 For any path in that set, interpret the predicates along the path as
needed to express them in terms o f the input vector. In general
individual predicates are compound or may become compound as a
result of interpretation.
 Trace the path through, multiplying the individual compound
predicates to achieve a boolean expression such as
(A+BC) (D+E) (FGH) (IJ) ( K) (l) (L).
 Multiply out the expression to achieve a sum of products form:
 Each product term denotes a set of inequalities that if solved will yield
an input vector that will drive the routine along the designated path.

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22 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
22  Solve any one of the inequality sets for the chosen path and you have
found a set of input values for the path.
 If you can find a solution, then the path is achievable.
 If you can ’t find a solution to any of the sets of inequalities, the path
is un achievable.
 The act of finding a set of solutions to the path predicate expression is
called Path Sensitization .
Heuristic Procedures f or Sensitizing Paths:
 This is a workable approach, instead of selecting the paths without
considering how to sensitize, a ttempt to choose a covering path set
that is easy to sensitize and pick hard to sensitize paths only as you
must to achieve coverage.
 Identify all variables that affect the decision.
 Classify the predicates as dependent or independent.
 Start the path selec tion with uncorrelated, independent predicates.
 If coverage has not been achieved using independent uncorrelated
predicates, extend the path set using correlated predicates.
 If coverage has not been achieved extend the cases to those that
involve dependent predicates.
 Last, use correlated, dependent predicates.
Path Instrumentation:
Path Instrumentation:
 Path instrumentation is what we have to do to confirm that the
outcome was achieved by the intended path.
Co-incidental Correctness:
 The coincidental corr ectness stands for achieving the desired outcome
for wrong reason.

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23 Testing Basics

Figure 1.11: Coincidental Correctness
The above figure is an example of a routine that, for the (unfortunately)
chosen input value (X = 16), yields the same outcome (Y = 2) no matter
which case we select. Therefore, the te sts chosen this way will not tell us
whether we have achieved coverage. For example, the five cases could be
totally jumbled and still the outcome would be the same. Path
Instrumentation is what we have to do to confirm that the outcome was
achieved by the intended path.
The types of instrumentation methods include:
1. Interpretive Trace Program:
 An interpretive trace program is one that executes every statement in
order and records the intermediate values of all calculations, the
statement labels traversed et c.
 If we run the tested routine under a trace, then we have all the
information we need to confirm the outcome and, furthermore, to
confirm that it was achieved by the intended path.
 The trouble with traces is that they give us far more information than
we need. In fact, the typical trace program provides so much
information that confirming the path from its massive output dump is
more work than simulating the computer by hand to confirm the path.
2. Traversal Marker or Link Marker:
 A simple and effective f orm of instrumentation is called a traversal
marker or link marker.
 Name every link by a lower case letter.
 Instrument the links so that the link's name is recorded when the link
is executed.
 The succession of letters produced in going from the routine's e ntry to
its exit should, if there are no bugs, exactly correspond to the path

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24 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Figure 1.12: Single Link Marker Instrumentation
3. Why Single Link Markers aren't enough:
Unfortunately, a single link marker may not do the trick because links can
be chewed by open bugs.

Figure 1.13: Why Single Link Markers aren't enough.
4. We intended to traverse the ikm path, but because of a rampaging
GOTO in the middle of the m link, we go to process B. If coincidental
correctness is against us, the outcomes will be the same and we won't
know abou t the bug.
5. Two Link Marker Method:
 The solution to the problem of single link marker method is to
implement two markers per link: one at the beginning of each link and
on at the end.
 The two link markers now specify the path name and confirm both the
beginning and end of the link.

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25 Testing Basics

Figu re 1.14: Double Link Marker Instrumentation.
6. Link Counter:
A less disruptive (and less informative) instrumentation method is based
on counters. Instead of a unique link name to be pushed into a string when
the link is traversed, we simply increment a link counter. We now confirm
that the path length is as expected. The same problem that led us to double
link markers also leads us to double link counters.

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26 2
Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Transaction Flows
2.2 Transaction Flow Graphs
2.3 Transaction Flow Testing Techniques
2.4 Basics of Data Flow Testing
2.5 Static Vs Dynamic Anomaly Detection
2.6 Data Flow Model
2.7 Strategies of Data Flow Testing
2.8 Unit Testing
2.9 Integration Testing
2.10 System Testing
This unit gives an indepth overview of two forms of functional or system
testing namely Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing.
2.0 OB JECTIVES At the end of this unit, the student will be able to:
 Understand the concept of transaction flow testing and data flow
 Visualize the transaction flow and data flow in a software system.
 Understand the need and appreciate the usage of the two testing
 Identify the complications in a transaction flow testing method and
anomalies in data flow testing.
 Interpret the data flow anomaly state graphs and control flow grpahs
and represent the state of the data objetcs.
 Understand the limita tions of Static analysis in data flow testing.
 Compare and analyze various strategies of data flow testing.

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27 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing 2.1 TRANSACTION FLOWS Introduction:
 A transaction is a unit of work seen from a system user's point of
 A transaction consists of a sequence of operations, some of which are
performed by a system, persons or devices that are outside of the
 Transaction begin with Birth -that is they are created as a result of
some external act.
 At the conclusion of the transaction's processing, the trans action is no
longer in the system.
Example of a transaction: A transaction for an online information
retrieval system might consist of the following steps or tasks:
 Accept input (tentative birth)
 Validate input (birth)
 Transmit acknowledgement to requester
 Do input processing
 Search file
 Request directions from user
 Accept input
 Validate input
 Process request
 Update file
 Transmit output
 Record transaction in log and clean up (death)
2.2 TRANSACTION FLOW GRAPHS  Transaction flows are introduced as a represent ation of a system's
 The methods that were applied to control flow graphs are then used
for functional testing.
 Transaction flows and transaction flow testing are to the independent
system tester what control flows are path testing are to the

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28 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
28  The transaction flow graph is to create a behavioral model of the
program that leads to functional testing.
 The transaction flowgraph is a model of the structure of the system's
behavior (functionality).
An example of a Transaction Flow is as fol lows:

Figure 2.1: An Example of a Transaction Flow
 Transaction flows are indispensable for specifying requirements of
complicated systems, especially online systems.
 A big system such as an air traffic control or airline reservation
system, has not hundreds, but thousands of differ ent transaction flows.
 The flows are represented by relatively simple flowgraphs, many of
which have a single straight -through path.
 Loops are infrequent compared to control flowgraphs.
 The most common loop is used to request a retry after user input
error s. An ATM system, for example, allows the user to try, say three
times, and will take the card away the fourth time.
 In simple cases, the transactions have a unique identity from the time
they're created to the time they're completed.
 In man y systems the transactions can give birth to others, and
transactions can also merge.

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29 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing Births:
There are three different possible interpretations of the decision symbol,
or nodes with two or more out links. It can be a Decision, Biosis or a
1. Deci sion: Here the transaction will take one alternative or the other
alternative but not both. (See Figure 1.2 (a))
2. Biosis: Here the incoming transaction gives birth to a new transaction,
and both transaction continue on their separate paths, and the parent
retains it identity. (See Figure 2 .2 (b))
3. Mitosis: Here the parent trans action is destroyed and two new
transa ctions are created.(See Figure 2.2 (c))

Figure 2.2: Nodes with multiple outlinks
Transaction flow junction points are potentially as tro ublesome as
transaction flow splits. There are three types of junctions: (1) Ordinary
Junction (2) Absorption (3) Conjugation
1. Ordinary Junction: An ordinary junction which is similar to the
junction in a control flow graph. A transaction can arrive either on
one link or the other. (See Figure 2.3 (a))
2. Absorption: In absorption case, the predator transaction absorbs prey
transaction. The prey gone but the predator retains its identity. (See
Figure 2.3 (b))
3. Conjugation: In conjugation case, the two parent tra nsactions merge
to form a new daughter. In keeping with the biological flavor this case
is called as conjugation.(See Figure 2.3 (c))

Figure 2.3: Transaction Flow Junctions and Mergers
We have no problem with ordinary decisions and junctions. Births,
absorptions, and conjugations are as problematic for the software designer
as they are for the software modeler and the test designer; as a

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30 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
30 consequence, such points have more than their share of bugs. The
common problems are: lost daughters, wrongful deaths, and illegitimate
 Complicated systems that process a lot of different, complicated
transactions should have explicit representations of the transactions
flows, or the equivalent.
 Transaction flows are like control flow graphs, and consequently we
should expect to have them in increasing levels of detail.
 The system's design documentation should contain an overview
section that details the main transaction flows.
 Detailed transaction flows are a mandatory pre requisite to the rational
design of a system's functional test.
Inspections, Reviews And Walkthroughs:
 Transaction flows are natural agenda for system reviews or
 In conducting the walkthroughs, you should:
 Discuss eno ugh transaction types to account for 98% -99% of the
transaction the system is expected to process.
 Discuss paths through flows in functional rather than technical terms.
 Ask the designers to relate every flow to the specification and to show
how that trans action, directly or indirectly, follows from the
 Make transaction flow testing the corner stone of system functional
testing just as path testing is the corner stone of unit testing.
 Select additional flow paths for loops, extreme values, and domain
 Design more test cases to validate all births and deaths.
 Publish and distribute the selected test paths through the transaction
flows as early as possible so that they will exert the maximum
beneficial effect on the project.
Path Selec tion:
 Select a set of covering paths (c1+c2) using the analogous criteria you
used for structural path testing.

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31 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing  Select a covering set of paths based on functionally sensible
transactions as you would for control flow graphs.
 Try to find the most tortuous, longest, strangest path from the entry to
the exit of the transaction flow.
Path Sensitization:
 Most of the normal paths are very easy to sensitize -80% - 95%
transaction flow coverage (c1+c2) is usually easy to achieve.
 The remaining small percentage is of ten very difficult.
 Sensitization is the act of defining the transaction. If there are
sensitization problems on the easy paths, then bet on either a bug in
transaction flows or a design bug.
Path Instrumentation:
 Instrumentation plays a bigger role in tra nsaction flow testing than in
unit path testing.
 The information of the path taken for a given transaction must be kept
with that transaction and can be recorded by a central transaction
dispatcher or by the individual processing modules.
 In some systems, such traces are provided by the operating systems or
a running log.
 Data flow testing is the name given to a family of test strategies based
on selecting paths through the program's control flow in order t o
explore sequences of events related to the status of data objects.
 For example, pick enough paths to assure that every data object has
been initialized prior to use or that all defined objects have been used
for something.
 Motivation: It is our belief th at, just as one would not feel
confident about a program without executing every statement
in it as part of some test, one should not feel confident about a
program without having seen the effect of using the value
produced by each and every computation.
Data Flow Machines:
 There are two types of data flow machines with different
architectures. (1) Von Neumann machnes (2) Multi -instruction, multi -
data machines (MIMD).

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32 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
32  Von Neumann Machine Architecture:
 Most computers today are von -neumann machines.
 This arc hitecture features interchangeable storage of instructions and
data in the same memory units.
 The Von Neumann machine Architecture executes one instruction at
a time in the following, micro instruction sequence:
1. Fetch instruction from memory
2. Interpret inst ruction
3. Fetch operands
4. Process or Execute
5. Store result
6. Increment program counter
7. GOTO 1
 Multi -instruction, Multi -data machines (MIMD) Architecture:
 These machines can fetch several instructions and objects in parallel.
 They can also do arithmetic and logic al operations simultaneously
on different data objects.
 The decision of how to sequence them depends on the compiler.
Bug Assumption:
 The bug assumption for data -flow testing strategies is that control
flow is generally correct and that something has gone wrong with the
software so that data objects are not available when they should be, or
silly things are being done to data objects.
 Also, if there is a control -flow problem, we expect it to have
symptoms that can be detected by data -flow analysis.
 Although we'll be doing data -flow testing, we won't be using data
flowgraphs as such. Rather, we'll use an ordinary control flowgraph
annotated to show what happens to the data objects of interest at the
Data Flow Graphs:
 The data flow graph is a graph con sisting of nodes and directed links.

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33 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing

Figure 1.4: Example of a data flow graph
 We will use an control graph to show what happens to data objects of
interest at that moment.
 Our objective is to expose deviations between the data flows we have
and the data flows we want.
Data Object State and Usage:
 Data Objects can be created, killed and used.
 They can be used in two distinct ways: (1) In a Calculation (2) As a
part of a Control Flow Predicate.
 The following symbols denote these possibilities:
1. Defined: d - defined, created, initialized etc
2. Killed or undefined: k - killed, undefined, released etc
3. Usage: u - used for something (c - used in Calculations,
p - used in a predicate)
1. Defined (d):
 An object is defined explicitly when it appears in a data declaration.
 Or implicitly when i t appears on the left hand side of the assignment.
 It is also to be used to mean that a file has been opened.

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34 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
34  A dynamically allocated object has been allocated.
 Something is pushed on to the stack.
 A record written.
2. Killed or Undefined (k):
 An object is killed on undefined when it is released or otherwise made
3. Usage (u):
 When its contents are no longer known with certitude (with aboslute
certainity / perfectness).
 Release of dynamically allocated objects back to the availability pool.
 Return of records.
 The old top of the stack after it is popped.
 An assignment statement can kill and redefine immediately. For
example, if A had been previously defined and we do a new
assignment such as A : = 17, we have killed A's previous value and
redefin ed A
 A variable is used for computation (c) when it appears on the right
hand side of an assignment statement.
 A file record is read or written.
 It is used in a Predicate (p) when it appears directly in a predicate.
Data Flow Anomalies:
 An anomaly is denot ed by a two -character sequence of actions.
 For example, ku means that the object is killed and then used, where
as dd means that the object is defined twice without an intervening
 What is an anomaly is depend on the application.
 There are nine possi ble two -letter combinations for d, k and u. some
are bugs, some are suspicious, and some are okay.
1. dd: probably harmless but suspicious. Why define the object twice
without an intervening usage?
2. dk: probably a bug. Why define the object without using it?
3. du: the normal case. The object is defined and then used.
4. kd: normal situation. An object is killed and then redefined.

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35 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing 5. kk: harmless but probably buggy. Did you want to be sure it was
really killed?
6. ku: a bug. the object doesnot exist.
7. ud: usually not a bug because the language permits reassignment at
almost any time.
8. uk: normal situation.
9. uu: normal situation.
In addition to the two letter situations, there are six single letter situations.
We will use a leading dash to mean that nothing of interest (d,k,u) occurs
prior to the action noted along the entry -exit path of interest.
A trailing dash to mean that nothing happens after the point of interest to
the exit.
They possible anomalies are:
1. -k: possibly anomalous because from the entrance to this point on th e
path, the variable had not been defined. We are killing a variable that
does not exist.
2. -d: okay. This is just the first definition along this path.
3. -u: possibly anomalous. Not anomalous if the variable is global and
has been previously defined.
4. k-: not anomalous. The last thing done on this path was to kill the
5. d-: possibly anomalous. The variable was defined and not used on this
path. But this could be a global definition.
6. u-: not anomalous. The variable was used but not killed on this path.
Although this sequence is not anomalous, it signals a frequent kind of
bug. If d and k mean dynamic storage allocation and return
respectively, this could be an instance in which a dynamically
allocated object was not returned to the pool after use.
Data Fl ow Anomaly State Graph:
Data flow anomaly model prescribes that an object can be in one of four
distinct states:
1. K: undefined, previously killed, doesnot exist
2. D: defined but not yet used for anything
3. U: has been used for computation or in predicate
4. A: anomalous

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36 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
36 These capital letters (K, D, U, A) denote the state of the variable and
should not be confused with the program action, denoted by lower case
Unforgiving Data - Flow Anomaly Flow Graph:
Unforgiving model, in which once a variable becomes a nomalous it can
never return to a state of grace.

Figure 2.5: Unforgiving Data Flow Anomaly State Graph
Assume that the variable starts in the K state - that is, it has not been
defined or does not exist. If an attempt is made to use it or to kill it (e.g.,
say that we're talking about op ening, closing, and using files and that
'killing' means closing), the object's state becomes anomalous (state A)
and, once it is anomalous, no action can return the variable to a working
state. If it is defined (d), it goes into the D, or defined but not yet used,
state. If it has been defined (D) and redefined (d) or killed without use (k),
it becomes anomalous, while usage (u) brings it to the U state. If in U,
redefinition (d) brings it to D, u keeps it in U, and k kills it.
Forgiving Data - Flow Anomal y Flow Graph:
Forgiving model is an alternate model where redemption (recover) from
the anomalous state is possible.

Figure 2.6: Forgiving Data Flow Anomaly State Graph

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37 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing This graph has three normal and three anomalous states and he considers
the kk sequence not to be anomalous. The differe nce between this state
graph and Figure 2.5 is that redemption is possible. A proper action from
any of the three anomalous states returns the variable to a useful working
The point of showing you this alternative anomaly state graph is to
demonstra te that the specifics of an anomaly depends on such things as
language, application, context, or even your frame of mind. In principle,
you must create a new definition of data flow anomaly (e.g., a new state
graph) in each situation. You must at least ver ify that the anomaly
definition behind the theory or imbedded in a data flow anomaly test tool
is appropriate to your situation.
2.5 STATIC VS DYNAMIC ANOMALY DETECTION Static analysis is analysis done on source code without actually executing
it. For exam ple: source code syntax error detection is the static analysis
Dynamic analysis is done on the fly as the program is being executed and
is based on intermediate values that result from the program's execution.
For example: a division by zero warnin g is the dynamic result.
If a problem, such as a data flow anomaly, can be detected by static
analysis methods, then it does not belongs in testing - it belongs in the
language processor.
There is actually a lot more static analysis for data flow analysis for data
flow anomalies going on in current language processors.
For example, language processors which force variable declarations can
detect ( -u) and (ku) anomalies.
But still there are many things for which current notions of static analysis
Why Static Analysis isn't enough? :
There are many things for which current notions of static analysis are
inadequate. They are:
 Dead Variables: Although it is often possible to prove that a variable
is dead or alive at a given point in the program, the general problem is
 Arrays: Arrays are problematic in that the array is defined or killed as
a single object, but reference is to specific locations within the array.
Array pointers are usually dynamically calculated, so there's no way
to do a static analysis to validate the pointer value. In many
languages, dynamically allocated arrays contain garbage unless
explicitly initialized and therefore, -u anomalies are possible.

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38 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
38  Records and Pointers: The array problem and the difficulty with
pointer s is a special case of multipart data structures. We have the
same problem with records and the pointers to them. Also, in many
applications we create files and their names dynamically and there's
no way to determine, without execution, whether such object s are in
the proper state on a given path or, for that matter, whether they exist
at all.
 Dynamic Subroutine and Function Names in a Call: Subroutine or
function name is a dynamic variable in a call. What is passed, or a
combination of subroutine names and data objects, is constructed on
a specific path. There's no way, without executing the path, to
determine whether the call is correct or not.
 False Anomalies: Anomalies are specific to paths. Even a "clear bug"
such as ku may not be a bug if the path alo ng which the anomaly exist
is unachievable. Such "anomalies" are false anomalies. Unfortunately,
the problem of determining whether a path is or is not achievable is
 Recoverable Anomalies and Alternate State Graphs: What
constitutes an anomaly depends on context, application, and
semantics. How does the compiler know which model I have in mind?
It can't because the definition of "anomaly" is not fundamental. The
language processor must have a built-in anomaly definition with
which you may or ma y not (with good reason) agree.
 Concurrency, Interrupts, System Issues: As soon as we get away
from the simple single -task uniprocessor environment and start
thinking in terms of systems, most anomaly issues become vastly
more complicated. How often do we define or create data objects at
an interrupt level so that they can be processed by a lower -priority
routine? Interrupts can make the "correct" anomalous and the
"anomalous" correct. True concurrency (as in an MIMD machine) and
pseudoconcurrency (as in mu ltiprocessing) systems can do the same
to us. Much of integration and system testing is aimed at detecting
data-flow anomalies that cannot be detected in the context of a single
Although static analysis methods have limits, they are worth using an d a
continuing trend in language processor design has been better static
analysis methods, especially for data flow anomaly detection. That's good
because it means there's less for us to do as testers and we have far too
much to do as it is.
2.6 DATA FLOW MODEL The data flow model is based on the program's control flow graph - Don't
confuse that wit h the program's data flowgraph.
Here we annotate each link with symbols (for example, d, k, u, c, p) or
sequences of symbols (for example, dd, du, ddd) that deno te the sequence

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39 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing of data operations on that link with respect to the variable of interest. Such
annotations are called link weights.
The control flow graph structure is same for every variable: it is the
weights that change.
Components of the model:
1. To ever y statement there is a node, whose name is unique. Every node
has at least one outlink and at least one inlink except for exit nodes
and entry nodes.
2. Exit nodes are dummy nodes placed at the outgoing arrowheads of
exit statements (e.g., END, RETURN), to co mplete the graph.
Similarly, entry nodes are dummy nodes placed at entry statements
(e.g., BEGIN) for the same reason.
3. The outlink of simple statements (statements with only one outlink)
are weighted by the proper sequence of data -flow actions for that
statement. Note that the sequence can consist of more than one letter.
For example, the assignment statement A:= A + B in most languages
is weighted by cd or possibly ckd for variable A. Languages that
permit multiple simultaneous assignments and/or compound
statements can have anomalies within the statement. The sequence
must correspond to the order in which the object code will be
executed for that variable.
4. Predicate nodes (e.g., IF -THEN -ELSE, DO WHILE, CASE) are
weighted with the p - use(s) on every outlin k, appropriate to that
5. Every sequence of simple statements (e.g., a sequence of nodes with
one inlink and one outlink) can be replaced by a pair of nodes that
has, as weights on the link between them, the concatenation of link
6. If there ar e several data -flow actions on a given link for a given
variable, then the weight of the link is denoted by the sequence of
actions on that link for that variable.
7. Conversely, a link with several data -flow actions on it can be replaced
by a succession of e quivalent links, each of which has at most one
data-flow action for any variable.

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40 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
40 Let us consider the example:

Figure 2.7: Program Example (PDL)

Figure 2.8: Unannotated flowgraph for example
program in Figure 2 .7

Figure 2.9: Control flowgraph annotated for X and Y data flows.

Figure 2.10: Control flowgraph annotated for Z data flow.

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41 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing

Figure 2.11: Control flowgraph annotated for V data flow.
 Data Flow Testing Strategies are structural strategies.
 In contrast to the path -testing strategies, data -flow strategies take into
account what happens to data objects on the links in addition to the
raw connectivity of the graph.
 In other words, data flow strategies require data -flow link weights
 Data Flow Testing Strategies are based on selecting test path
segments (also called sub paths ) that satisfy some characteristic of
data flows for all data objects.
 For example, all subpaths that contain a d (or u, k, du, dk).
 A strategy X is stronger than another strategy Y if all test cases
produced under Y are included in those produced under X -
conversely for weaker .
1. Defin ition -Clear Path Segment , with respect to variable X, is a
connected sequence of links such that X is (possibly) defined on the
first link and not redefined or killed on any subsequent link of that
path segment. ll paths in Figure 3.9 are definition clear because
variables X and Y are defined only on the first link (1,3) and not
thereafter. In Figure 3.10, we have a more complicated situation. The
following path segments are definition -clear: (1,3,4), (1,3,5),
(5,6,7,4), (7,8,9,6,7), (7,8,9,10), (7,8,10), ( 7,8,10,11). Subpath
(1,3,4,5) is not definition - clear because the variable is defined on
(1,3) and again on (4,5). For practice, try finding all the definition -
clear subpaths for this routine (i.e., for all variables).
2. Loop -Free Path Segment is a path seg ment for which every node in
it is visited atmost once. For Example, path (4,5,6,7,8,10) in Figure
3.10 is loop free, but path (10,11,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12) is not because
nodes 10 and 11 are each visited twice.

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42 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
42 3. Simple path segment is a path segment in which at most one node is
visited twice. For example, in Figure 3.10, (7,4,5,6,7) is a simple path
segment. A simple path segment is either loop -free or if there is a
loop, only one node is involved.
4. A du path from node i to k is a path segment such that if the last link
has a computational use of X, then the path is simple and definition -
clear; if the penultimate (last but one) node is j - that is, the path is
(i,p,q,...,r,s,t,j,k) and link (j,k) has a predicate use - then the path from
i to j is both loop -free and definition -clear.
The structural test strategies discussed below are based on the program's
control flowgraph. They differ in the extent to which predicate uses and/or
computational uses of variables are included in the test set. Various t ypes
of data flow testing strategies in decreasing order of their effectiveness
1. All - du Paths (ADUP): The all -du-paths (ADUP) strategy is the
strongest data -flow testing strategy discussed here. It requires that
every du path from every definition of every variable to every use of
that definition be exercised under some test.
For variable X and Y: In Figure 2.9, because variables X and Y are used
only on link (1,3), any test that starts at the entry satisfies this criterion (for
variables X and Y, but not for all variables as required by the strategy).
For variable Z: The situation for variable Z (Figure 3.10) is more
complicated because the variable is redefined in many places. For the
definition on link (1,3) we must exercise paths that include subpa ths
(1,3,4) and (1,3,5). The definition on link (4,5) is covered by any path that
includes (5,6), such as subpath (1,3,4,5,6, ...). The (5,6) definition requires
paths that include subpaths (5,6,7,4) and (5,6,7,8).
For variable V: Variable V (Figure 2.11) is defined only once on link (1,
3). Because V has a predicate use at node 12 and the subsequent path to
the end must be forced for both directions at node 12, the all -du-paths
strategy for this variable requires that we exercise all loop -free entry/exit
paths and at least one path that includes the loop caused by (11,4). Note
that we must test paths that include both subpaths (3,4,5) and (3,5) even
though neither of these has V definitions. They must be included because
they provide alternate du paths to the V use on link (5,6). Although (7,4) is
not used in the test set for variable V, it will be included in the test set that
covers the predicate uses of array variable V() and U.
The all -du-paths strategy is a strong criterion, but it does not take as man y
tests as it might seem at first because any one test simultaneously satisfies
the criterion for several definitions and uses of several different variables.

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43 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing 1. All Uses Startegy (AU):
The all uses strategy is that at least one definition clear path from e very
definition of every variable to every use of that definition be exercised
under some test. Just as we reduced our ambitions by stepping down from
all paths (P) to branch coverage (C2), say, we can reduce the number of
test cases by asking that the tes t set should include at least one path
segment from every definition to every use that can be reached by that
For variable V: In Figure 2.11, ADUP requires that we include subpaths
(3,4,5) and (3,5) in some test because subsequent uses of V, su ch as on
link (5,6), can be reached by either alternative. In AU either (3,4,5) or
(3,5) can be used to start paths, but we don't have to use both. Similarly,
we can skip the (8,10) link if we've included the (8,9,10) subpath. Note the
hole. We must inclu de (8,9,10) in some test cases because that's the only
way to reach the c use at link (9,10) - but suppose our bug for variable V is
on link (8,10) after all? Find a covering set of paths under AU for Figure
2. All p -uses/some c -uses strategy (APU+C) :
For every variable and every definition of that variable, include at least
one definition free path from the definition to every predicate use; if there
are definitions of the variables that are not covered by the above
prescription, then add computatio nal use test cases as required to cover
every definition.
For variable Z:
In Figure 3.10, for APU+C we can select paths that all take the upper link
(12,13) and therefore we do not cover the c -use of Z: but that's okay
according to the strategy's definitio n because every definition is covered.
Links (1,3), (4,5), (5,6), and (7,8) must be included because they contain
definitions for variable Z. Links (3,4), (3,5), (8,9), (8,10), (9,6), and (9,10)
must be included because they contain predicate uses of Z. Fi nd a
covering set of test cases under APU+C for all variables in this example -
it only takes two tests.
For variable V:
In Figure 3.11, APU+C is achieved for V by (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12[upper], 13, 2) and (1,3,5,6,7, 8,10,11 ,12[lower], 13,2).
Note that the c -us e at (9, 10) need not be included under the APU+C
3. All c -uses/some p -uses strategy (ACU+P) :
The all c -uses/some p -uses strategy (ACU+P) is to first ensure coverage
by computational use cases and if any de finition is not covered by the
previously selected paths, add such predicate use cases as are needed to
assure that every definition is included in some test.

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44 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
44 For variable Z:
In Figure 2.10, ACU+P coverage is achieved for Z by path
(1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 11,1 2,13[lower], 2), but the predicate uses of several
definitions are not covered. Specifically, the (1,3) definition is not covered
for the (3,5) p -use, the (7,8) definition is not covered for the (8,9), (9,6)
and (9, 10) p -uses.
The above examples imply tha t APU+C is stronger than branch coverage
but ACU+P may be weaker than, or incomparable to, branch coverage.
4. All Definitions Strategy (AD) :
The all definitions strategy asks only every definition of every variable be
covered by atleast one use of that v ariable, be that us e a computational use
or apredicate use.
For variable Z:
Path (1,3,4,5,6,7,8, . . .) satisfies this criterion for variable Z, whereas any
entry/exit path satisfies it for variable V.
From the definition of this strategy we would expect it to be weaker than
both ACU+P and APU+C.
5. All Predicate Uses (APU), All Computational Uses (ACU)
The all predicate uses strategy is derived from APU+C strategy by
dropping the requirement that we include a c -use for the variable if there
are no p -uses for the variable. The all computational uses strategy is
derived from ACU+P strategy by dropping the requirement that we
include a p - use for the variable if there are no c -uses for the variable.
It is intuitively obvious that ACU should be wea ker than ACU+P and that
APU should be weaker than APU+C.
Ordering The Strategies:
 Figure 2.12 compares path -flow and data -flow testing strategies. The
arrows denote that the strategy at the arrow's tail is stronger than the
strategy at the arrow's head.

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45 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing

Figure 2.12: Relative Strength of S tructural Test Strategies
 The right -hand side of this graph, along the path from "all paths" to
"all statements" is the more interesting hierarchy for practical
 Note that although ACU+P is stronger than ACU, both are
incomparable to the predi cate-biased strategies. Note also that "all
definitions" is not comparable to ACU or APU.
Slicing And Dicing:
 A (static) program slice is a part of a program (e.g., a selected set of
statements) defined with respect to a given variable X (where X is a
simp le variable or a data vector) and a statement i: it is the set of all
statements that could (potentially, under static analysis) affect the value
of X at statement i - where the influence of a faulty statement could
result from an improper computational us e or predicate use of some
other variables at prior statements.
 If X is incorrect at statement i, it follows that the bug must be in the
program slice for X with respect to i
 A program dice is a part of a slice in which all statements which are
known to be correct have been removed.
 In other words, a dice is obtained from a slice by incorporating
information obtained through testing or experiment (e.g., debugging).
 The debugger first limits her scope to those prior statements that could
have caused the faul ty value at statement i (the slice) and then
eliminates from further consideration those statements that testing has
shown to be correct.

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46 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
46  Debugging can be modeled as an iterative procedure in which slices
are further refined by dicing, where the dicing inf ormation is obtained
from ad hoc tests aimed primarily at eliminating possibilities.
Debugging ends when the dice has been reduc ed to the one faulty
 Dynamic slicing is a refinement of static slicing in which only
statements on achievable paths t o the statement in question are
2.8 UNIT TESTING Unit testing, a testing technique using which individual modules are tested
to determine if there are any issues by the developer himself. It is
concerned with functional correctness of the standal one modules.
The main aim is to isolate each unit of the system to identify, analyze and
fix the defects.
Unit Testing - Advantages:
 Reduces Defects in the Newly developed features or reduces bugs
when changing the existing functionality.
 Reduces Cost of T esting as defects are captured in very early phase.
 Improves design and allows better refactoring of code.
 Unit Tests, when integrated with build gives the quality of the build as
Unit Testing LifeCyle:

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47 Transaction Flow Testing and Data Flow Testing Unit Testing Techniques:
 Black Box Testing : Using which the user interface, inpu t and output
are tested.
 White Box Testing : used to test each one of those functions
behaviour is tested.
 Gray Box Testing : Used to execute tests, risks and assessment
2.9 INTEGRATION TESTING Upon completion of unit testing, the units or modules a re to be integrated
which gives raise to integration testing. The purpose of integration testing
is to verify the functional, performance, and reliability between the
modules that are integrated.
Integration Strategies:
 Big-Bang Integration
 Top Down Integr ation
 Bottom Up Integration
 Hybrid Integration
2.10 SYSTEM TESTING System Testing (ST) is a black box testing technique performed to
evaluate the complete system the system's compliance against specified
requirements. In System testing, the functionalities of the system are tested
from an end -to-end perspective.
System Testing is usually carried out by a team that is independent of the
development team in order to measure the quality of the system unbiased.
It includes both functional and Non -Functional tes ting.

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Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Challenges with Manual Testing
3.3 Invention of Selenium
3.4 What is Selenium?
3.5 Importance of Selenium tools
3.6 Selenium Tools
3.6.1 Selenium Integrated Dev elopment Environment (IDE)
3.6.2 Selenium Remote Control (RC)
3.6.3 Selenium WebDriver
3.6.4 Selenium Grid
3.7 Advantages of Selenium Testing
3.8 Limitations of Selenium Testing
3.9 What is Selenium IDE?
3.10 Advancements with New Selenium IDE
3.11 Working Principle of Selenium IDE
3.12 Selenium latest version
3.13 Installation of Selenium IDE
3.14 Demo Test
3.15 Questions
3.16 References
3.0 OBJECTIVES  In Selenium Develop test cases to detect bugs and errors.
 Automation framework design and implementation according to
project layout.
 Improvement and automated test practices.
 Participate in communicating best practices in projects.
 In Project to define test strategies and test manuals for tracking and
fixing software issues.
 Describe the ch aracteristics of Automation Testing & its methods.

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49 Introduction to Selenium 3.1 INTRODUCTION Testing is the most crucial phase in the software development lifecycle
and its main objective is to ensure bug -free software that meets customer
requirements. Testing is strenuous since it involves manual execution of
test cases against various applications to detect bugs and errors.
But what if we could automate the testing process?
Now before we understand what Selenium is, let us focus on the
challenges with manual testing.
3.2 CHALL ENGES WITH MANUAL TESTING Manual testing is one of the primitive ways of software testing. It doesn’t
require the knowledge of any software testing tool and can practically test
any application.
The tester manually executes test cases against applications and compares
the actual results with desired results. Any differences between the two are
considered as defects and are immediately fixed. The te sts are then re -run
to ensure an utterly error -free application.
Manual testing has its own drawbacks, however, a few of which can
 It’s extremely time -consuming
 There’s a high risk of error
 It requires the presence of a tester 24/7
 Requires manua l creation of logs
 Has a limited scope

Fig: 3.2 Challenges with manual testing

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50 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
50 Considering all the drawbacks, a desperate need to automate the testing
process was in demand. Now, let us understand the advent of Selenium
before looking into what Selenium is.
3.3 INVENTION OF SELENIUM Jason Huggins, an engineer at ThoughtWorks, Chicago, found manual
testing repetitive and boring. He developed a JavaScript program to
automate the testing of a web application, called JavaScriptTestRunner.
Initially, the new invention was deployed by the employees at
Thoughtworks. However, in 2004, it was renamed Selenium and was
made open source. Since its inception, Selenium has been a powerful
automation testing tool to test various web applications across different
platfor ms.
3.4 WHAT IS SELENIUM? Selenium is an open -source, automated testing tool used to test web
applications across various browsers. Selenium can only test web
applications, unfortunately, so desktop and mobile apps can’t be tested.
However, other tools li ke Appium and HP’s QTP can be used to test
software and mobile applications.

3.5 IMPORTANCE OF SELENIUM TOOLS 1. Selenium is easy to use since it’s primarily developed in JavaScript
2. Selenium can test web applications against various browsers like
Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari
3. Tests can be coded in several programming languages like Java,
Python, Perl, PHP, and Ruby

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51 Introduction to Selenium 4. Selenium is platform -independent, meaning it can deploy on
Windows, Linux, and Macintosh
5. Selenium can be integrated with tools like JUni t and TestNG for test
3.6 SELENIUM SUITE OF TOOLS Selenium has a dedicated suite that facilitates easy testing of web

Fig: Selenium suite
3.6.1 Selenium Integrate d Development Environment (IDE):
Developed by Shinya Kasatani in 2006, Selenium IDE is a browser
extension for Firefox or Chrome that automates functionality. Typically,
IDE records user interactions on the browser and exports them as a
reusable script.
IDE was developed to speed up the creation of automation scripts. It’s a
rapid prototyping tool and can be used by engineers with no programming
knowledge whatsoever.
IDE ceased to exist in August 2017 when Firefox upgraded to a new
Firefox 55 version, which no longer supported Selenium IDE. Applitools
rewrote the old Se lenium IDE and released a new version in 2019. The
latest version came with several advancements.

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52 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Fig: 3.6.1 Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE has a few shortcomings:
1. It does not support data -driven testing
2. It can’t perform database testing
3. It can’t provide a detailed test report
4. It can’t export to WebDriver scripts
3.6.2 Selenium Remote Control (RC) :
Paul Hammant developed Selenium Remote Control (RC). Before we dive
into RC, it’s important to know why RC came to be in the first place.
Initially, a tool ca lled Selenium -Core was built. It was a set of JavaScript
functions that interpreted and executed Selenese commands using the
browser's built -in JavaScript interpreter. Selenium -Core was then injected
into the web browser.
Now, let’s consider a JavaScript, test.js used by This program
can access pages like or within the domain.

Fig: 3.6.2 Selenium RC
However, the program can’t access elements of other domains like Local copies of Selenium -Core and the web browser had to be
installed so they belonged to the same domain. This is called the Same

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53 Introduction to Selenium Origin Policy, and Selenium RC was introduced to address this limitation.
The server acts as a client configured HTTP proxy and "tricks" the
browser i nto believing that Selenium Core and the web application being
tested come from the same origin.
Hence, Selenium RC is a server written in Java that makes provision for
writing application tests in various programming languages like Java, C#,
Perl, PHP, P ython, etc. The RC server accepts commands from the user
program and passes them to the browser as Selenium -Core JavaScript

3.6.3 Selenium WebDriver :
Developed by Simon Stewart in 2006, Selenium WebDriver was the first
cross -platform testing framework that could configure and control the
browsers on the OS level. It served as a programming interface to create
and run test cases.

Unlike Selenium RC, WebDriver doesn’t require a core engine like RC
and interacts natively with browser applicati ons.
WebDriver also supports various programming languages like Python,
Ruby, PHP, and Perl, among others, and can be integrated with
frameworks like TestNG and JUnit for test management.

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54 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
54 The architecture of Selenium WebDriver is simple and easy to

Fig: 3.6.3 Selenium WebDriver architecture
 Selenium test script : Selenium test script is the test code written in
any programming language be it Java, Perl, PHP, or Python that can
be interpreted by the driver.
 JSON Wire Protocol : JSON Wire P rotocol provides a transport
mechanism to transfer data between a server and a client. JSON Wire
Protocol serves as an industry standard for various web services.
 Browser drivers : Selenium uses drivers specific to each browser to
establish a secure connect ion with the browser.
 Browsers : Selenium WebDriver supports various web browsers to
test and run applications on.
3.6.4 Selenium Grid :
Patrick Lightbody developed a grid with the primary objective of
minimizing the test execution time. This was facilitat ed by distributing the
test commands to different machines simultaneously. Selenium Grid
allows the parallel execution of tests on different browsers and different
operating systems. Grid is exceptionally flexible and integrates with other
suite components for simultaneous execution.

Fig: 3.6.4 Selenium Grid
The Grid consists of a hub connected to several nodes. It receives the test
to be executed along with information about the operating system and
browser to be run on and picks a node that conforms to the requirements
(browser and platform), passing the test to that node. The node now runs
the browser and executes the selenium commands within it.

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55 Introduction to Selenium 3.7 ADVANTAGES OF SELENIUM TESTING 1. Selenium has proven to be accurate with results thus making it
extremely reliable
2. Since selenium is open -source, anybody willing to learn testing can
begin at no cost
3. Selenium supports a broad spectrum of programming languages like
Python, PHP, Perl, and Ruby
4. Selenium supports various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera,
among others
5. Selenium is easy to implement and doesn’t require the engineer to
have in -depth knowledge of the tool
6. Selenium has plenty of re -usability and add -ons
As an important aspect of learning what Selenium is, let us understand the
limitations of Se lenium testing.
3.8 LIMITATIONS OF SELENIUM TESTING 1. Since Selenium is open -source, it doesn’t have a developer
community and hence doesn’t have a reliable tech support
2. Selenium cannot test mobile or desktop applications
3. Selenium offers limited support for image testing
4. Selenium has limited support for test management. Selenium is often
integrated with tools like JUnit and TestNG for this purpose
5. You may need knowledge of programming languages to use Selenium
3.9 WHAT IS SELENIUM IDE? Shinya Kasatani devel oped Selenium Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) in 2006 as a Firefox plugin that helps create tests. IDE
is an easy -to-use interface that records user interactions on the browser
and exports them as a reusable script.
Selenium IDE is part of the Se lenium suite and was developed to speed up
the creation of automation scripts. It’s a rapid prototyping tool and can be
used by engineers with no programming knowledge whatsoever.
3.10 ADVANCEMENTS WITH NEW SELENIUM IDE In 2017, Firefox upgraded to a new Firefox 55 version, which no longer
supported Selenium IDE. Since then, the original version of Selenium IDE
ceased to exist. However, Applitools rewrote the old Selenium IDE and
released a new version recently.

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56 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
56 This new version comes with several new adv ancements:
 Support for both Chrome and Firefox
 Improved locator functionality
 Parallel execution of tests using Selenium command line runner
 Provision for control flow statements
 Automatically waits for the page to load
 Supports embedded JavaScript code -runs
 IDE has a debugger which allows step execution, adding breakpoints
 Support for code exports
3.11 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF SELENIUM IDE IDE works in three stages: recording, playing back and saving.

Fig: 3.11 Selenium IDE working principle
In the next s ection, we’ll learn about the three stages in detail, but before
we begin, let’s acquaint ourselves with the installation of IDE.
1) Recording :
IDE allows the user to record all of the actions performed in the browser.
These recorded actions as a whole a re the test script.
2) Playing Back :
The recorded script can now be executed to ensure that the browser is
working accordingly. Now, the user can monitor the stability and success
3) Saving :
The recorded script is saved with a “.side” extension f or future runs and

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57 Introduction to Selenium 3.12 SELENIUM LATEST VERSION 1. What is Selenium 4.0?
Selenium 4 is the latest version of selenium; Simon Stewart founder of
selenium has announced Selenium 4 at the Selenium Conference in
Bangalore which consists of few m ajor updates and its planned to release
after October 2019
2. Features of Selenium 4.0?
2.1 WebDriver became W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
standardization :
The change with Selenium 4 is the standardizing the WebDriver as per the
W3C standards . W3C standards encourage compatibility across different
software implementations of the WebDriver API and make the Framework
much more stable & reduce compatibility issues across different Web
A test in Selenium 3 communicates with the browser at the end node
through the JSON wire protocol. Testing tools such as Appium and iOS
Driver which are related to mobile testing heavily rely on JSON wire
protoc ol.
With Selenium 4 adapting W3C Protocol for communication between the
driver and browser, Tests will now be able to directly communicate the
browser without using API encoding/decoding. Which would help in
mobile testing users
2.2 Improved Selenium Grid :
The Selenium Grid code has been modified with many changes and
needed improvements; the console of the selenium grid has been
restructured. It allows you to execute test cases in parallel on multiple
browsers and systems as well as operating systems.
The UI for Selenium Grid is now with a more user -friendly UI that would
have all the relevant information about the sessions running, capacity, etc.
And also, Basic support for utilizing Docker Containe rs with new Grid
Server is been added.
2.3 Support for browsers :
Native support for Opera and PhantomJS going forward will be removed.
Whereas users who want to test Opera can opt Chrome since Opera is
based on Chromium and for PhantomJS users can use Chr ome or Firefox
in headless mode. And Selenium Server now no longer includes HtmlUnit
by default.

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58 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
58 2.4 New Selenium 4 IDE (Chrome & Firefox) :
Selenium IDE is a record and playback tool is now ava ilable with more
advanced capabilities and features.
New plug -in: The new version plugin will allow you to run Selenium on
any browser vendor and can declare our own locator strategy.
New CLI runner: The new CLI runner is completely based on node.js
instea d of old HTML -based runner and will have capabilities like
WebDriver Playback and Parallel Execution to support for parallel
execution and provide reports like passed and failed tests. The new
Selenium IDE runner is completely based on WebDriver.
2.5 Detai led Documentation :
Selenium users face difficulties as there is no proper updated
documentation of SelniumNow, SeleniumHQ promises to deliver us
update documentation along with the 4.0 version.
2.6 Better Analysis :
Logging and debugging details will be i mproved to accelerate the
resolution of script issues for testers.
3. Impacts of Selenium 4.0?
In addition to these new capabilities, arriving of Selenium 4 may require
few changes in your existing selenium 2.X/3.X tests, Let’s look at those
areas of your tests that require to be updated with Selenium 4
 The getPosition & getSize methods were replaced by getRect method
and the setPosition & setSize methods were replaced by setRect
 Now you can configure the location of your Safari driver using the
“webdriver.safari.driver” system property.
 Element screenshotting is possible in Selenium 4.
 Fullscreen and minimize methods have been added, so that the driver
window can now be full screen or minimized and all window
manipulation commands are now supported.
 Added driver.switchTo().parentFrame() : We can use it to go from
the child frame to the parent frame directly.
 Changes added to Chrome driver :
 sendDevToolsCommand() : The sendDevToolsCommand() method
sends an arbitrary dev tools command to the browser and r eturns a
promise that will be resolved when the command has finished.
 setDownloadPath() : The setDownloadPath() method sends a
DevTools command to change Chrome’s download directory and

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59 Introduction to Selenium returns a promise that will be resolved when the command has
 Changes to Firefox driver : Added installAddon(path) method to
install a new addon within the current session. This function will
return an “id” that can be used to uninstall the addon using
uninstallAddon() method.
 Options class now extends Capabilities cl ass for Chrome, Firefox, IE
& Safari.
 Changes wrt to Errors such as Added ElementClickInterceptedError,
InsecureCertificateError & Removed ElementNotVisibleError.
 Removed the firefox.profile class. All its functionality is now
provided directly by firefox. options.
3.13 INSTALLATION OF SELENIUM IDE Step 1 : Open the Firefox browser.
Step 2 : Click on the menu in the top right corner.
Step 3 : Click on Add -ons in the drop -down box.
Step 4 : Click on find more add -ons and type “Selenium IDE.”
Step 5 : Click on Add to Firefox

Once installed, the Selenium IDE icon appears on the top right corner of
the browser. When clicked, a Welcome message appears.

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60 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Now that we went through the installation,
3.14 DEMO TEST let’s create our first test. Consider the followin g use case for the tutorial:
 Navigate to
 Provide a dummy userID and password
 Log in with these credentials
 Assert title of the application
A Simple Demo :
Step 1 : Launch your Firefox men u and open the Selenium IDE plugin.
Step 2 : Select “Record a test in a new project.” Provide the name for your

Step 3 : Provide a link to the Facebook webpage. The IDE starts recording
by navigating to this web page. To continue, click on, OK.

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61 Introduction to Selenium

Step 4 : Once the website opens, type “username1” in the username field
and a dummy password for the password field.
Step 5 : Click on “Log In.”
Step 6 : Now, we verify the title of our application. To do that, Right
click>>Selenium IDE>>Assert title. As soon as this is done, a test step
would be appended in the IDE editor.

Now you can go back to the IDE editor and click on the Stop icon on the
top right corner. With this, we’ve successfully recorded our test case.
Once the recording is stopped, the editor will look something like this:

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62 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

1) Playing Back :
Now that the recording is done, we can play it back to verify if the script
executes correctly and the browser behaves accordingly. To do this, we
can click on the play icon on the menu bar.

The comma nds successfully executed are color -coded in green, and the
log at the bottom indicates any errors that occurred during the execution.
If the script runs successfully, it indicates this by displaying a message.
2) Saving :
Once the test script is successfu lly executed, you can then save it.

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63 Introduction to Selenium Once clicked, you can browse the location and save it in an appropriate
folder. The project is stored with a “.side” extension — this can be used
for future runs and regressions.
3) Selenium Commands :

Selenium com mands are broadly classified into:
1. Actions : Commands that interact directly with the application:
2. Enable : the user to store certain values to a user -defined variable:
4) storeTitle() :
Assertions : Verifies the current state of the application along with an
expected state. There are different types of assertions:
1. Assert command makes sure that the test execution is terminated in
case of failure
2. Verify command ensures script execution even if the verification has
3. WaitFor command waits for a specific condition to be met before
executing the next test step
3.15 ADVANCEMENTS WITH THE NEW IDE 1) Re-usability of Test Scripts :
Many of the test scripts in the original version required signing into an
application, creat ing an account, or signing out of an app. As you may see,
this is redundant and a waste of time to recreate these test steps over and
over. Thankfully, the new Selenium IDE allows one script to run another.
In this test case, let’s navigate to and
pass values to the username and password fields. Once the “Failed Login”
message appears, we assert the text.

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64 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

The script in the IDE will look something like this:

This login function is tested multiple times for different usernames and
passwords. To do this, we create a UserID and password.
Click on the commands and add a variable to it rather than hardcoded
Now, create another test case and call it “InvalidCre dential.” In this test
case, we assign values to the username and password variables. Once
assigned, we call the original test “LoginTest.”

Page 65

65 Introduction to Selenium Use the store command and pass the values “user1” and “pwd1” for the
variables username and password, respectivel y. The Run command runs
the target test case (i.e., LoginTest).
Now run the current test case.

As shown above, “LoginTest” is run via “InvalidCredentials.” In this way,
the Selenium IDE enables the reusability of test cases, which is similar to
passing arguments to a function from the primary function in any
programming language.
5) Debugging in IDE :
The Selenium IDE facilitates the debugging of test scripts. This enables
the user to provide breakpoints where the execution of the test script halts,
thus letting the user inspect the browser’s state.
Debugging in IDE is facilitated with the help of the following steps:
1. Step execution : From the test script, you can run every step in
succession, controlling the execution of each step. To do this, follow the
steps below.
1. Select the command that you would wish to execute.
2. Click on the “Step over current command.”
3. The command executes and pauses before proceeding to the next one.

Page 66

66 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Step execution is useful when the test cases are written are long. You
could start checking for errors at any step. This will reveal where the test
might be failing.
2. Breakpoints : To add breakpoints, click on the digit corresponding to
the command you’d like to apply a breakpoint on. Once run, the debugger
will execute al l the steps before the breakpoint stops the execution.

Page 67

67 Introduction to Selenium 3. Enter the debugger by using the “Play to this point” option :
Another easy way to debug is by using the option as mentioned above.
Right -click on the command you’d wish to stop at>>Click on “Play t o this

4. Pause on Exception : This is a brilliant feature that automatically enters
the debug mode in case of an exception. Consider a scenario where the
target of a command has been changed.

The target value here is missing a letter causing an error. The script fails,
trying to find an incorrect ID.
3.16 SELENIUM WEBDRIVER FIRST SCRIPT Example 1 - Step -by-step instructions for constructing a Selenium
script :
Once you have Selenium installed and Drivers installed , you’re ready to
write Selenium code.

Page 68

68 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
68 Following are the Eight Basic Components:
Everything Selenium does is send the browser commands to do something
or send requests for information. Most of what you’ll do with Selenium is
a combination of these basic commands:
1. Start the session :
For more details on starting a session read our docume ntation on opening
and closing a browser
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
2. Take action on browser :
In this example we are navigating to a web page.
3. Request browser information :
There are a bunch of types of information about the browser you can
request, including window handles, browser size / position, cookies, alerts,
driver.getTitle(); // => "Google"
4. Establish Waiting Strategy :
Synchronizing the code with the current state of the brow ser is one of the
biggest challenges with Selenium, and doing it well is an advanced topic.
Essentially you want to make sure that the element is on the page before
you attempt to locate it and the element is in an interactable state before
you attempt to interact with it.
An implicit wait is rarely the best solution, but it’s the easiest to
demonstrate here, so we’ll use it as a placeholder.
5. Find an element :
The majority of commands i n most Selenium sessions are element related,
and you can’t interact with one without first finding an element
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
Web Element searchButton = driver.findElement("btnK"));
6. Take action on element :
There are only a handful of actions to take on an element , but you will use
them frequently.

Page 69

69 Introduction to Selenium 7. Request element information :
Elements store a lot of information that can be requested . Notice that we
need to relocate the search box because the DOM has changed since we
first located it.
driver.findElement("q")).getAttribute("value"); // =>
8. End the session :
This ends the driver process, which by default closes th e browser as well.
No more commands can be sent to this driver instance.
combine these 8 things into a complete script :
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org;

public class HelloSelenium {
public static void main(String[] args) {
driver = new ChromeDriver();


driver.getTitle(); // => "Google"


WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement("btnK"));

searchBox.sendKeys("Selenium") ;;

searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
searchBox.getAttribute("value"); // => "Selenium"

Page 70

70 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
70 driver.quit();
Example 2 - To create a WebDriver script that would:
1. fetch Mercu ry Tours’ homepage
2. verify its title
3. print out the result of the comparison
4. close it before ending the entire program.
WebDriver Code :
Below is the actual WebDriver code for the logic presented by the
scenario above
package newproject;
import org.openqa.sel enium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
//comment the above line and uncomment below line to use Chrome
public class Sample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver","C: \\geckodriver.exe")
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//comment the above 2 lines and uncomment below 2 lines to
use Chrome

//System.setP roperty("","G: \\chromedriver.
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

String baseUrl = "";
String expectedTitle = "Welcome: Mercury Tours";
String actualTitl e = "";

// launch Fire fox and direct it to the Base URL

Page 71

71 Introduction to Selenium driver.get(baseUrl);
// get the actual value of the title
actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
* compare the actual title of the page with the expecte d one and print
* the result as "Passed" or "Failed"
if (actualTitle.contentEquals(expectedTitle)){
System.out.println("Test Passed!");
} else {
System.out.println("Test Failed");
//close Fire fox
Explaining the code :
Importing Packages
To get started, you need to import following two packages:
1. org.openqa.selenium : contains the WebDriver class needed to
instantiate a new browser loaded with a spec ific driver
2. org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver : contains the
FirefoxDriver class needed to instantiate a Firefox -specific driver onto
the browser instantiated by the WebDriver class
If your test needs more complicated actions such as accessing anoth er
class, taking browser screenshots, or manipulating external files, definitely
you will need to import more packages.
Instantiating objects and variables
Normally, this is how a driver object is instantiated.

A FirefoxDriver class with no parameters me ans that the default Firefox
profile will be launched by our Java program. The default Firefox profile
is similar to launching Firefox in safe mode (no extensions are loade d).
For convenience, we saved the Base URL and the expected title as

Page 72

72 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
72 1) Launching a Browser Session :
WebDriver’s get() method is used to launch a new browser session and
directs it to the URL that you specify as its parameter.

2) Get the Actual Page Title :
The WebDriver class has the getTitle() method that is always used to
obtain the page title of the currently loaded page.

3) Compare the Expected and Actual Values :
This portion of the code simply uses a basic Java if -else structure to
compare the actual title with the expected one.

4) Terminating a Browser Session :
The “close() ” method is used to close the browser window.

Example -3 Selenium WebDriver - First Test Case(Automation
Testing) :
To create your First Selenium Automation Test Script.
Under this test, we will automate the following scenarios:
 Invoke Google Chro me browser.
 Open URL:
 Click on the Google Search text box.
 Type the value "javatpoint tutorials"
 Click on the Search button.
We will create our test case step by step to give you a complete
understa nding of each component in detail.
Step1 : Launch Eclipse IDE and open project "Demo_Test" which we have
created in the previous section (Configure Selenium WebDriver) of this
Tutorial. We will write our first Selenium test script in the "First.class" file
under the "Demo_Test" test suite.

Page 73

73 Introduction to Selenium

Note: To invoke a browser in Selenium, we have to download an
executable file specific to that browser. For example, Chrome browser
implements the WebDriver protocol using an executable called
ChromeDriver.exe. These exe cutable files start a server on your system
which in turn is responsible for running your test scripts in Selenium.
Step2: Open URL omedriver/downloads in your
Step3 : Click on the "ChromeDriver 2.41" link. It will redirect you to the
directory of ChromeDriver executables files. Download as per the
operating system you are currently on.

For windows, click on the "chromedrive" download.

Page 74

74 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
74 The downloaded file would be in zipped format. Unpack the contents in a
convenient directory.

Note: Selenium developers have defined properties for each browser that
needs the location of the respective executable files to be par sed in order
to invoke a browser. For example, the property defined for Chrome
browser -, needs the path of its executable file -
D:\ChromeDriver \chromedriver.exe in order to launch chrome browser.

Step4 : We would need a unique id entification for the web elements like
Google Search text box and Search button in order to automate them
through our test script. These unique identifications are configured along
with some Commands/Syntax to form Locators. Locators help us to locate
and identify a particular web element in context of a web application.
The method for finding a unique identification element involves
inspection of HTML codes.
● Open URL: in your Chrome browser.
● Right click on the Google search text box and select Inspect Element.

● It will launch a window containing all the specific codes involved in
the development of the test box.

Page 75

75 Introduction to Selenium

● Pick the value of id element i.e. "lst -ib".

● Given below is the Java syntax for locating elements through "id" in
Selenium WebDriver.
1. driver.findElement( ())
● Here is the complete code for locating Google Search text box in our
test script.
1. driver.findElement( ("lst -ib"))
● Now, right click on the Google Sea rch button and select Inspect

Page 76

76 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
76 ● It will launch a window containing all the specific codes involved in
the development of the Google Search button.

● Pick the value of name element i.e. "btnK".

● Given below is the Java syntax for locating elements through "name"
in Selenium WebDriver.
1. driver.findElement( ())
● Here is the complete code for locating Google Search button in our
test script.
1. driver.findElement( ("btnK"))
Step5 : Now it is time to code. We have embedded com ments for each
block of code to explain the steps clearly.
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class First {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables
"D:\\ChromeDriver \\chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();

Page 77

77 Introduction to Selenium // Launch website
driver.navigate().to ("");

// Click on the search text box and send value
driver.findElement("lst -ib")).sendKeys("javatpoint tutorials");

// Click on the search button
driver.findElement("btnK")) .click();
The Eclipse code window will look like this:

Step6 : Right click on the Eclipse code and select Run As > Java
Application .

Page 78

78 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
78 Step7 : The output of above test script would be displayed in Google
Chrome browser.

 Explanation of the C ode:
Import Packages/Statements : In java, import statements are used to
import the classes present in another packages. In simple words, import
keyword is used to import built -in and user -defined packages into your
java source file.
1. org.openqa.selenium.Web Driver : References the WebDriver
interface which is required to instantiate a new web browser.
2. : References the
ChromeDriver class that is required to instantiate a Chrome -specific
driver onto the browser instantiated by the WebDriver class.
● Instantiating objects and variables :
A driver object is instantiated through:
WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
● Launch Website :
To launch a new website, we use navigate().to() method in WebDriver.
● Click on an element :
In WebDriver, user interactions are performed through the use of Locators
which we would discuss in later sessions of this tutorial. For now, the
following instance of code is used to locate and parse values in a s pecific
web element.
driver.findElement("lst -ib")).sendKeys("javatpoint tutorials");

Page 79

79 Introduction to Selenium 3.15 QUESTIONS Q.1) Define Testing. Explain challenges in manual testing.
Q.2) What is selenium ? Explain the advantages of automation testing.
Q.3) Explain in brief different tools in selenium.
Q.4) Difference between manua l testing & automation testing.
Q.5) Explain selenium IDE.
Q.6) Explain steps Installation of Selenium IDE.
Q.7) Record a test case using selenium.
Q.8) Write a simple selenium WebDriv er.
3.16 REFERENCES 1) Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the
Certified Tester Exam (Rocky Nook Computing) Fourth
Edition,Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz and Hans Schaefer.
2) Selenium WebDriver, Pearson, Rajeev Gupta, ISBN 9789332526297.
3) Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide - Automated Testing for Web
4) Applications Kindle Edition ,SatyaAvasarala ,ISBN -13: 978 -
5) -tutorial.html
6) -tutorial/
7) -tutorials.html

Page 80

80 4
Unit Structure
4.1 Advancements with the New IDE
4.2 Selenium WebDriver First Script .
4.3 Questions.
4.4 References
4.1 ADVANCEMENTS WITH THE NEW IDE 1) Re-usability of Test Scripts :
Many of the test scripts in the original version required signing into an
application, creating an account, or signing out of an app. As you may see,
this is redundant and a waste of time to recreate these test steps over and
over. Thankfully, the new Selenium IDE allows one script to run anothe r.
In this test case, let’s navigate to and
pass values to the username and password fields. Once the “Failed Login”
message appears, we assert the text.

The scrip t in the IDE will look something like this:

Page 81

81 Introduction to Selenium This login function is tested multiple times for different usernames and
passwords. To do this, we create a UserID and password.
Click on the commands and add a variable to it rather than hardcoded
Now, create another test case and call it “InvalidCredential.” In this test
case, we assign values to the username and password variables. Once
assigned, we call the original test “LoginTest.”

Use the store command and pass the values “user1” and “pwd1” for the
variables username and password, respectively. The Run command runs
the target test case (i.e., LoginTest).
Now run the current test case.

As shown above, “LoginTest” is run via “InvalidCredentials.” In this way,
the Selenium IDE enables the re usability of test cases, which is similar to
passing arguments to a function from the primary function in any
programming language.

Page 82

82 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
82 5) Debugging in IDE :
The Selenium IDE facilitates the debugging of test scripts. This enables
the user to provide breakpo ints where the exec ution of the test script halts,
thus letting the user inspect the browser’s state.
Debugging in IDE is facilitated with the help of the following steps:
1. Step execution : From the test script, you can run every step in
succession, con trolling the execution of each step. To do this, follow
the steps below.
1. Select the command that you would wish to execute.
2. Click on the “Step over current command.”
3. The command executes and pauses before proceeding to the next one.

Step execution is useful when the test cases are written are long. You
could start checking for errors at any step. This will reveal where the test
might be failing.

Page 83

83 Introduction to Selenium 2. Breakpoints : To add breakpoints, click on the digit corresponding to
the command you’d like to apply a breakpoint on. Once run, the
debugger will execute all the steps before the breakpoint stops the

3. Enter the debugger by using the “Play to this point” option:
Another easy way to debug is by using the option as mentioned
above. Right -click on the command you’d wish to stop at>>Click on
“Play to this point.”

4. Pause on Exception : This is a brilliant feature that automatically
enters the debug mode in case of an exception. Consider a scenario
where the target of a command has been chan ged.

Page 84

84 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

The target value here is missing a letter causing an error. The script fails,
trying to find an incorrect ID.
4.2 SELENIUM WEBDRIVER FIRST SCRIPT Example 1 - Step -by-step instructions for constructing a Selenium
script :
Once you have Selenium installed and Drivers installed , you’re ready to
write Sele nium code.
Following are the Eight Basic Components:
Everything Selenium does is send the browser commands to do something
or send requests for information. Most of what you’ll do with Selenium is
a combination of these basic commands:
1. Start the session :
For more details on starting a session read our documentation on opening
and closing a browser
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
2. Take action on b rowser :
In this example we are navigating to a web page.
3. Request browser information :
There are a bunch of types of information about the browser you can
request, including window handles, browser size / position, cookies, alerts,
driver.getTitle(); // => "Google"

Page 85

85 Introduction to Selenium 4. Establish Waiting Strategy :
Synchronizing the code with the current state of the browser is one of the
biggest challenges with Selenium, and doing it well is an advanced topic.
Essentially you want to make sure that the element is on the page before
you attempt to locate it and the el ement is in an interactable state before
you attempt to interact with it.
An implicit wait is rarely the best solution, but it’s the easiest to
demonstrate here, so we’ll use it as a placeholder.
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(Duration.ofMill is(500));
5. Find an element :
The majority of commands in most Selenium sessions are element related,
and you can’t interact with one without first finding an element
WebEleme nt searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement("btnK"));
6. Take action on element :
There are only a handful of actions to take on an element , but you will use
them frequently.
7. Request element information :
Elements store a lot of information that can be requested . Notice that we
need to relocate the search box because the DOM has changed since we
first located it.
driver.findElement("q")).getAttribute("value"); // =>
8. End the session :
This ends the driver process, which by default closes the browser as well.
No more commands can be sent to this driver instance.
combine these 8 things into a complete script :
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDr iver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

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86 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
public class HelloSelenium {
public static void main(String[] args) {
driver = new ChromeDriver();


driver.getTitle(); // => "Google"


WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement("b tnK"));


searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
searchBox.getAttribute("value"); // => "Selenium"

Example 2- To create a WebDriver script that would:
1. fetch Mercury Tours’ homepage
2. verify its title
3. print out the result of the comparison
4. close it before ending the entire program.
WebDriver Code :
Below is the actual WebDriver code for the logic presented by the
scenario above
package newproject;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

Page 87

87 Introduction to Selenium import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
//comment the above line and uncomment below line to use Chrome
public class Sample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver","C: \\geckodriver.exe")
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//comment the above 2 lines an d uncomment below 2 lines to
use Chrome

//System.setProperty("","G: \\chromedriver.
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

String baseUrl = "";
String expectedTitl e = "Welcome: Mercury Tours";
String actualTitle = "";

// launch Fire fox and direct it to the Base URL
// get the actual value of the title
actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
* compare the actual title of the page with the expected one and print
* the result as "Passed" or "Failed"
if (actualTitle.contentEquals(expectedTitle)){
System.out.println("Test Passed!");

Page 88

88 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
88 } else {
System.out.println("Test Failed");
//close Fire fox
Explaining the code :
Importing Packages
To get started, you need to import following two packages:
1. org.openqa.selenium : contains the WebDriver c lass needed to
instantiate a new browser loaded with a specific driver
2. org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver : contains the
FirefoxDriver class needed to instantiate a Firefox -specific driver onto
the browser instantiated by the WebDriver class
If yo ur test needs more complicated actions such as accessing another
class, taking browser screenshots, or manipulating external files, definitely
you will need to import more packages.
Instantiating objects and variables
Normally, this is how a driver object is instantiated.

A FirefoxDriver class with no parameters means that the default Firefox
profile will be launched by our Java program. The default Firefox profile
is similar to launching Firefox in safe m ode (no extensions are loaded).
For convenience, w e saved the Base URL and the expected title as
1) Launching a Browser Session :
WebDriver’s get() method is used to launch a new browser session and
directs it to the URL that you specify as its parameter.

Page 89

89 Introduction to Selenium 2) Get the Actual Page Title :
The WebD river class has the getTitle() method that is always used to
obtain the page title of the currently loaded page.

3) Compare the Expected and Actual Values :
This portion of the code simply uses a basic Java if -else structure to
compare the actual title wi th the expected one.

4) Terminating a Browser Session :
The “close() ” method is used to close the browser window.

Example - 3 Selenium WebDriver - First Test Case (Automation
Testing) :
To create your First Selenium Automation Test Script.
Under this te st, we will automate the following scenarios:
 Invoke Google Chrome browser.
 Open URL:
 Click on the Google Search text box.
 Type the value "javatpoint tutorials"
 Click on the Search button.
We will c reate our test case step by step to give you a complete
understanding of each component in detail.
Step 1:
Launch Eclipse IDE and open project "Demo_Test" which we have
created in the previous section (Configure Selenium WebDriver) of this
Tutorial. We wi ll write our first Selenium test script in the "First.class" file
under the "Demo_Test" test suite.

Page 90

90 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Note: To invoke a browser in Selenium, we have to download an
executable file specific to that browser. For example, Chrome browser
implements the WebDri ver protocol using an executable called
ChromeDriver.exe. These executable files start a server on your system
which in turn is responsible for running your test scripts in Selenium.
Step 2:
Open URL: in your
Step 3:
Click on the "ChromeDriver 2.41" link. It will redirect you to the directory
of ChromeDriver executables files. Download as per the operatin g system
you are currently on.

For windows, click on the "" download.

Page 91

91 Introduction to Selenium

The downloaded file would be in zipped format. Unpack the contents in a
convenient directory.

Note: Selenium developers have defined properties for each brow ser that
needs the location of the respective executable files to be parsed in order
to invoke a browser. For example, the property defined for Chrome
browser -, needs the path of its executable file -
D:\ChromeDriver \chromedriver.e xe in order to launch chrome browser.

Step 4:
We would need a unique identification for the web elements like Google
Search text box and Search button in order to automate them through our
test script. These unique identifications are configured along wi th some
Commands/Syntax to form Locators. Locators help us to locate and
identify a particular web element in context of a web application.
The method for finding a unique identification element involves
inspection of HTML codes.
 Open URL: in your Chrome browser.
 Right click on the Google search text box and select Inspect Element.

Page 92

92 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
92  It will launch a window containing all the specific codes involved in
the development of the test box.

 Pick the value of id element i.e. "lst -ib".

 Given below is the Java syntax for locating elements through "id" in
Selenium WebDriver.
1. driver.findElement( ())
 Here is the complete code for locating Google Search text box in our
test script.
1. driver.findElement( ("lst -ib"))
 Now, right click on the Google Search button and select Inspect

Page 93

93 Introduction to Selenium  It will launch a window containing all the specific codes involved in
the development of the Google Search button.

 Pick the value of name element i.e. "btnK".

 Given below is the Java syntax for locating elements through "name"
in Selenium WebDriver.
1. driver.findElement( ())
 Here is the complete code for locating Google Search button in our
test script.
1. driver.fin dElement( ("btnK"))
Step 5:
Now it is time to code. We have embedded comments for each block of
code to explain the steps clearly.
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import iver;

public class First {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables

Page 94

94 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
94 System.setProperty("",
"D:\\ChromeDriver \\chromedriver.exe");
WebDrive r driver= new ChromeDriver();

// Launch website

// Click on the search text box and send value
driver.findElement("lst -ib")).sendKeys("javatpoint tutorials");

// Click on the search button
The Eclipse code window will look like this:

Step 6:
Right click on the Eclipse code and select Run As > Java Application .

Page 95

95 Introduction to Selenium

Step 7:
The output o f above test script would be displayed in Google Chrome

 Explanation of the Code :
Import Packages/Statements :
In java, import statements are used to import the classes present in another
packages. In simple words, import keyword is used to import built-in and
user-defined packages into your java source file.
1. org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver : References the WebDriver
interface which is required to instantiate a new web browser.
2. : References the
ChromeDriver class that is required to instantiate a Chrome -specific
driver onto the browser instantiated by the WebDriver class.

Page 96

96 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
96  Instantiating objects and variables :
A driver object is instantiated through:
WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
 Launch Website :
To launch a new website, we use navigate().to() method in WebDriver.
 Click on an element :
In WebDriver, user interactions are performed through the use of Locators
which we would discuss in later sessions of this tuto rial. For now, the
following instance of code is used to locate and parse values in a specific
web element.
driver.findElement("lst -ib")).sendKeys("javatpoint tutorials");
4.3 UNIT END EXERCISES Q.1) Explain selenium IDE.
Q.2) Explain steps Inst allation of Selenium IDE.
Q.3) Record a test case using selenium.
Q.4) Write a simple selenium WebDriver.
4.4 LIST OF REFERENCES 1) Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the
Certified Tester Exam (Rocky Nook Computing) Fourth
Editio n,Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz and Hans Schaefer.
2) Selenium WebDriver, Pearson, Rajeev Gupta, ISBN 9789332526297.
3) Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide - Automated Testing for Web
4) Applications Kindle Edition ,SatyaAvasarala ,ISBN -13: 978 -
5) -tutorial.html
6) -tutorial/
7) -tutorials.html

Page 97

Unit Structure
5.1 Aim
5.2 Objective
5.3 Pre -Requisite
5.1 AIM  Implementing Web Drivers on Multiple Browser i.e chrome
5.2 OBJECTIVE Web -based applications are totally different from Windows applications.
A web application can be opened in any browser by the end user. For
example, some people prefer to open in Firefox
browser, while other’s can be using Chrome browser or IE.
In the diagram below you can observe that in IE, the login box of Twitter
is not showing curve at all corners, but we are able to see it in Chrome

So we need to ensure that the web application will work as expected in all
popular browsers so that more people can access it and use it.
This motive can be fulfilled with Cross Browser Testing of the product.

Page 98

98 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
98 5.3 PRE -REQUISITE (FOR ALL EXPERIMENTS) Selenium WebDriver installation process is completed in four basic
1. Download and Install Java 8 or higher version.
2. Download and configure Eclipse or any Java IDE of your choice.
3. Download Selenium WebDriver Java Client
4. Configure Selenium WebDriver
Steps to run your Selenium Test Scripts on Chrome Browser:
Let us consider a test case in which we will try to automate the following
scenarios in Google Chrome browser.
 Launch Chrome browser.
 Maximize the browser.
 Open URL:
 Scroll down through the web page
 Click on "Core Java" link from the Java Technology section.
We will create our third test case in the test suite (Demo_Test).
Step 1 :
Right click on the "src" folder and create a new Class File from New >
Give your Class name as "Third" and click on "Finish" button.

Page 99

99 Experiment

Step 2:
URL: oads
in your browser.
Step 3:
Click on the "ChromeDriver 2.41" link. It will redirect you to the directory
of ChromeDriver executables files. Download as per the operating system
you are working currently on.

For windows, click on the "chromedriver_wi" download.

Page 100

100 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

The downloaded file would be in zipped format. Unpack the contents in a
convenient directory.

Step 4 : Set a system property "" to the path of
your ChromeDriver.exe file and instantiate a ChromeDriver class.
Here is a sample code to do that.
// System Property for Chrome Driver

System.setProperty("","D: \\ChromeDriver \\chrom
// Instantiate a ChromeDriver class.
WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver()
Step5. Now it is time to code. We have embedded comments for each
block of code to explain the steps clearly.(
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.op;

public class Third {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// System Property for Chrome Driver

System.setProperty("","D: \\ChromeDriver \\chrom
edriver. exe");

// Instantiate a ChromeDriver class.

Page 101

101 Experiment WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();

// Launch Website

//Maximize the browser

//Scroll down the webpage by 5000 pixels
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
js.executeScript("scrollBy(0, 5000)");

// Click on the Search button
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Core Java")).click();


Step 5 :
Right click on the Eclipse code and select Run As > Java Application .
Step 6 :
The output of above test script would be displa yed in Chrome browser.

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102 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
AIM  Implementing handling multiple frames
OBJECTIVE We can handle frames in Selenium webdriver. A frame is identified with
tag in the html document. A frame is used to insert an HTML
document inside another HT ML document.

To work with frames, we should first understand switching between
frames and identify the frame to which we want to move. There are
multiple ways to switch to frames:
● switchTo().frame(n): The index of frame is passed as an argument to
switc h to. The frame index starts from 0.
driver.switchTo().frame(1), we shall switch to the frame with index 1.
● switchTo().frame(name): The frame id or name is passed as an
argument to switch to.
driver.switchTo().frame("fname"), we shall switc h to the frame with name
● switchTo.frame(webelement n): The frame web element is passed as
an argument to switch to.
driver.switchTo().frame(n), we shall switch to the frame with webelement
● switchTo().defaultContent(): To switch back to th e main page from
the frame.

Page 103

103 Experiment Example:
Code Implementation.
Step 1: Type following code in Eclipse:
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class Framehandling{
public static void main(String[] args) {
"C:\\Users \\ghs6kor \\Desktop \\Java\\chromedriver.exe" );
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
String url = "https://the";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// identify element
driver.findElement( By.linkText("Nested Frames")).click();
// switch to frame with frame name and identify inside element
driver.switchTo().frame("frame -bottom");
WebElement l = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("body"));
System.out.println("Bottom fra me text: " +l.getText());
// switch to main page
Step 2: run the code(Same as Experiment 1) and output will show as

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104 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
AIM  Implementing Selenium WebDr iver - Browser Commands
OBJECTIVE In this experiment we will learn how to implement Browser Commands
using Selenium WebDriver
DESCRIPTION Let us consider a sample test script in which will cover most of the
Browser Commands provided by WebDriver.
In this s ample test, we will automate the following test scenarios:
 Invoke Chrome Browser
 Open URL:
 Get Page Title name and Title length
 Print Page Title and Title length on the Eclipse Console
 Get page URL and verify whether it is the desired page or not
 Get page Source and Page Source length
 Print page Length on Eclipse Console.
 Close the Browser
For our test purpose, we are using the home page of "Google" search
We will create our test case step by step to give you a complete
understanding on how to use Browser Commands in WebDriver.
Step 1:
Launch Eclipse IDE and open the existing test suite "Demo_Test" which
we have created in WebDriver Installation
section of WebDriver tutorial.
Step 2:
Right click on the "src" folder and create a new Class File from New >
Class .

Page 105

105 Experiment

Give your Class n ame as "Navigation_command" and click on "Finish"

Step 3:
Let's get to the coding ground.
To automate our test scenarios, first you need to know "How to
invoke/launch web browsers in WebDriver?"
To invoke Google Chrome browser, we need to downlo ad the
ChromeDriver.exe file and set the system property to the path of your
ChromeDriver.exe file. We have already discussed this in earlier sessions
of this tutorial. You can also refer to "Running test on Chrome Browser"
to learn how to download and set System property for Chrome driver.
final test script will appear something like this:
(We have embedded comment in each section to explain the steps clearly)

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106 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
106 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class Web_command {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// System Property for Chrome Driver
System.setProperty("","D: \\ChromeDriver \\chrom

// Instantiate a ChromeDriver class.
WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();

// Storing the Application Url in the String variable
String url = ("");

//Launch the ToolsQA WebSite

// Storing Title name in the String variable
String title = driver.getTitle();

// Storing Title length in the Int variable
int titleLength = driver.getTitle().length();

// Printing Title & Title length in the Console window
System.out.println("Title of t he page is : " + title);
System.out.println("Length of the title is : "+ titleLength);

// Storing URL in String variable
String actualUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();

if (actualUrl.equals("")){
System.out.prin tln("Verification Successful - The correct Url is opened.");

Page 107

107 Experiment }

System.out.println("Verification Failed - An incorrect Url is opened.");

// Storing Page Source in String variable
String pageSource = driver.getPageSour ce();

// Storing Page Source length in Int variable
int pageSourceLength = pageSource.length();

// Printing length of the Page Source on console
System.out.println("Total length of the Pgae Source is : " +

//Closing browser
To run the test script on Eclipse window, right click on the screen and
Run as → Java application
After execution, the test script will launch the chrome browser and
automate all the t est scenarios. The console window will show the results
for print commands.

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108 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

AIM Implementing Selenium WebDriver - find element command ,Locator
(id, css selector, Xpath), Input Box ,Buttons, Submit Buttons
OBJECTIVE In this experiment we will learn how to implement - find element
command ,Locator (id, css selector, Xpath), Input Box ,Buttons,
Submit Buttons using Selenium WebDriver
DESCRIPTION We will see how to access these different form elements using Selenium
Web Driver with Java. Selenium encapsulates every form element as an
object of WebElement. It provides API to find the elements and take
action on them like entering text into text boxes, clicking the buttons, etc.
We will see the methods that are available to access each form e lement.
Complete Code :
Here is the complete working code
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;

public class Form {
public static v oid main(String[] args) {

Page 109

109 Experiment
// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables

System.setProperty("","G: \\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

String baseUrl = "";


// Get the WebElement corresponding to the Email
WebElement email = driver.findElement("email"));

// Get the WebElement corresponding to the Password Field

WebElement password = driver.findElement("passwd"));

System.out.prin tln("Text Field Set");

// Deleting values in the text box
System.out.println("Text Field Cleared");

// Find the submit button
WebElement login = driver.findElement("SubmitLogin"));

// Using click method to submit form

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110 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
System. out.println("Login Done with Click");

//using submit method to submit the form. Submit used on password



System.out.println("Login Done with Submit");


To run th e above code on Eclipse window, right click on the screen and
Run as → Java application
AIM  Demonstrate different types of alerts
OBJECTIVE In this experiment we will learn how to implement - different types of
alerts using Selenium WebDriver

DESCRIPTION An Alert in Selenium is a small message box wh ich appears on screen to
give the user some information or notification. It notifies the user with
some specific information or error, asks for permission to perform certain
tasks and it also provides warning messages as well.

Page 111

111 Experiment Alert interface provides the below few methods which are widely used in
Selenium Webdriver.
1) void dismiss() // To click on the ‘Cancel’ button of the alert.
2) void accept() // To click on the ‘OK’ button of the alert.
driver.switchTo().alert() .accept();
3) String getText() // To capture the alert message.
4) void sendKeys(String stringToSend) // To send some data to alert
Handling Alert in Selenium Webdriver using above scenario :
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException;
import org.openqa.selenium.Alert;

public class AlertDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) throws
NoAlertPresentException,InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("","G: \\chromedriver.ex
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

// Alert Message hand ling


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112 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
112 driver.findElement("cusid")).sendKeys("53920");

driver.findElement("subm it")).submit();

// Switching to Alert
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

// Capturing alert message.
String alertMessage= driver.switchTo().alert().getText();

// Displaying alert message

// Accepting alert

To run the above code on Eclipse window, right click on the screen and
Run as → Java application
Use Guru99 demo site to illustrate Selenium Alert handling.
Output :
When you execute the above code, it launches the site. Try to delete
Customer ID by handling confirmation alert that displays on the screen,
and thereby del eting customer id from the application.
AIM  Demonstrate CheckBox and Radio Button in Selenium WebDriver
OBJECTIVE In this experiment we will learn how to implement - CheckBox and
Radio Button using Selenium WebDriver

Page 113

113 Experiment DESCRIPTION we will se e how to identify the following form elements :
 Radio Button
 Check Box
Complete Code :
Here is the complete working code
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.ope nqa.selenium.*;

public class Form {
public static void main(String[] args) {

// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables

System.setProperty("","G: \\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


WebElement radio1 = driver.findElement("vfb -7-1"));

WebElement radio2 = driver.findElement("vfb -7-2"));

//Radio Button1 is selected;
System.out.println("Radio Button Option 1 Selected");

//Radio Button1 is de -selected and Radio Button2 is selected;

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114 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
114 System.out.println("Radio Button Option 2 Selected");

// Selecting CheckBox
WebElement option1 = driver.findElement("vfb -6-0"));

// This will Toggle the Check box;

// Check whether the Check box is toggled on
if (option1.isSelected()) {
System.out.println("Checkbox is Toggled On");

} else {
System.out.println("Checkbox is Toggled Off");


//Selecting Checkbox and using isSelected Method

WebElement chkFBPersist =

for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { ();
System.out.println("Facebook Persists Checkbox Status is -


Page 115

115 Experiment To run the above c ode on Eclipse window, right click on the screen and
Run as → Java application
AIM  Demonstrate synchronization in selenium(Implicit wait)
OBJECTIVE To synchronize between script execution and application, we need to wait
after performing appropriate actions in this experiment we a chieve
synchro nization using implicit wait
DESCRIPTION The main function of implicit Wait is to tell the web driver to wait for
some time before throwing a "No Such Element Exception". Its default
setting is knocked at zero. Once the time is set, the driver automatical ly
will wait for the amount of time defined by you before throwing the
above -given exception.
To understand how implicit wait works, let's consider an following
code :
package JavaTpoint;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium. By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
public class ImplicitWait{
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
System.setProperty("", "C:Selenium -java-
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

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116 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
116 driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(40,
TimeUnit.SECONDS); // pageload timeout
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Implicit Wait for 20 seconds
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='login -
username']")).sendKeys(""); //Finding element and
sending values
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@i d='login -signin']")).click();
//Clicking on the next button if element is located
To run the above code on Eclipse window, right click on the screen and
Run as → Java application
In the code snippet given above, the Implicit Wait is defined for only 20
seconds, implying that the output will load or arrive within the maximum
waiting time of 20 seconds for the particular element.
AIM  Demonstrate: Select Value from DropDown using Selenium
OBJECTIVE The Select C lass in Selenium is a method used to implement the HTML
SELECT tag. The html select tag provides helper methods to select and
deselect the elements. The Select class is an ordinary class so New
keyword is used to create its object and it specifies the web element
DESCRIPTION Our use -case would follow the steps below :
 Launch the browser.
 Open " -menu".

Page 117

117 Experiment  Select the Old Style Select Menu using the element id.
 Print all the options of the dropdown.
 Select 'Purple' using the ind ex.
 After that, select 'Magenta' using visible text.
 Select an option using value.
 Close the browser
Using the methods of Select class as discussed above, the code would
look like below :
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import qa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class DropDown {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

//Creating instance of Chrome driver
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

//Step#2 - Launching URL
driver.get(" -menu");

//Maximizing window

//Step#3 - Selecting the dropdown element by locating its id
Select select = new

//Step#4 - Printing the options of the dropdown
//Get list of web elements

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118 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
118 List lst = select.getOptions();

//Looping through the options and printing dropdown options
System.out.println("The dropdown options are:");
for(WebElement options: lst)

//Step#5 - Selecting the option as 'Purple' -- selectByIndex
System.out.println("Select the Option by Index 4");
System.out.println("Select value is: " +

//Step#6 - Selecting the option as 'Magenta' -- selectByVisibleText
System.out.println("Select the Option by Text Magenta");
System.out.println("Select value is: " +
select.getFirstSelectedOption() .getText());

//Step#7 - Selecting an option by its value
System.out.println("Select the Option by value 6");
System.out.println("Select value is: " +


On executing the code, you will notice that the dropdown selections are
made as per the select method used, and the console window would print
the options as shown below(Execution results for handling Dropdown in
Selenium To r un the above code on Eclipse window, right click on the
screen and click
Run as → Java application)

Page 119

119 Experiment

So this way, we can se lect and validate the values in
a dropdown allowing single -select.
AIM  Demonstrate action classes using Selenium Web driver(Mouse Events)
OBJECTIVE ction Class in Selenium is a built -in feature provided by the selenium for
handling keyboard and mouse events. It includes various operations such
as multiple events clicking by control key, drag and drop events and many
more . These operations from the action class are performed using the
advanced user interaction API in Selenium Webdriver
DESCRIPTION Below is the whole WebDriver code to check the background color of the
element before and after the mouse -over.
package n ewproject;

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

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120 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
public class PG7 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String baseUrl = "";
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver","C: \\geckodriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

WebElement link_Home =
WebElement td_Home = driver
+ "/table/tbody/tr/ td"
+ "/table/tbody/tr/td"
+ "/table/tbody/tr/td"
+ "/table/tbody/tr"));

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
Action mouseOverHo me = builder

String bgColor = td_Home.getCssValue("background -color");
System.out.println("Before hover: " + bgColor);
bgColor = td_Home.getCssValue("background -color");
System.out.println("After hover: " + bgColor);

Page 121

121 Experiment To run the above code on Ecl ipse window, right click on the screen and
click Run as → Java application
The output below clearly states that the background color became
transparent after the mouse -over.


Page 122

Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 What is testNG? 1
6.2 TestNG Installation and Configuration in Eclipse 2
6.3 Download the TestNG jar file 6
6.4 How to Set Up a TestNG Test Project i n Eclipse? 6
6.5 How to write a TestNG T est? 9
6.5.1 Download Selenium Jar Files f or TestNG 9
6.5.2 How to Create a TestNG Class i n Eclipse 9
6.6 Coding Our First Test Case i n TestNG 11
6.7 How to View TestNG Reports? 13
6.8 References 13
6.0 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you will be able to:
 Understand the basic concepts in testNG
 Understand th e work ing of testNG jar file
 Understand selenium jar Files for testNG
 How to code testcase in testNG
6.1 WHAT IS TEST NG? TestNG is an automation testing framework in which NG stands for “Next
Genera tion”. TestNG is inspired by JUnit which uses the annotations (@).
TestNG overcomes the disadvantages of JUnit and is designed to make
end-to-end testing easy.
Using TestNG, you can generate a proper report, and you can easily come
to know how many test ca ses are passed, failed, and skipped. You can
execute the failed test cases separately.
 TestNG is a very important framework when you are actually
developing the framework from scratch level.

Page 123

123 TestNG  TestNG provides you full control over the test cases and the exec ution
of the test cases. Due to this reason, TestNG is also known as a testing
 Cedric Beust is the developer of a TestNG framework.
 If you want to run a test case A before that as a pre -request you need
to run multiple test cases before you begi n a test case A. You can set
and map with the help of TestNG so that pre -request test cases run
first and then only it will trigger a test case A. In such way, you can
control the test cases.
 TestNG framework came after Junit, and TestNG framework adds
more powerful functionality and easier to use.
 It is an open source automated TestNG framework. In TestNG, NG
stands for "Next Generation".
 TestNG framework eliminates the limitations of the older framework
by providing more powerful and flexible test cases w ith help of easy
annotations, grouping, sequencing and parametrizing.
For example:
 Suppose, you have five test cases, one method is written for each test
case (Assume that the program is written using the main method
without using testNG). When you run thi s program first, three
methods are executed successfully, and the fourth method is failed.
Then correct the errors present in the fourth method, now you want to
run only fourth method because first three methods are anyway
executed successfully. This is no t possible without using TestNG.
 The TestNG in Selenium provides an option, i.e., testng -failed.xml
file in test -output folder. If you want to run only failed test cases
means you run this XML file. It will execute only failed test cases.
Go to the official website of the TestNG. Click on the link given below:
On clicking the above link, the screen appears as shown below:

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124 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Step 2:
Click on the Eclipse appearing on the me nu bar. After clicking on the
Eclipse, the screen appears as shown below:

Step 3:
Click on the Installation appearing on the top of the Table of Contents, and
then click on the "install the plug -in". On clicking on the link "install the
plug in", the s creen appears as shown below:

In the above screen, the URL is given under the
category "Install from update site". To install the TestNG plug -in in
Eclipse, we need to add this given URL in Eclipse.

Page 125

125 TestNG Step 4:
Open the Eclipse. Click on the Help appearing on the menu bar and then
click on the Install New Software.

Step 5: Copy the URL Once you paste the URL,
then press the Enter. However, in your case, you will see Pending for few
seconds, thereafter you will see that TestNG plug -in has been loaded.

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126 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
126 Step 6:
Click on the TestNG checkbox.

Step 7:
In the below screen, three dependencies of TestNG are shown. Now click
on the Next.

Page 127

127 TestNG Step 8:
Accept the lic ense and then click on the Finish.

6.3 DOWNLOAD THE TESTNG JAR FILE You can download the TestNG jar file from the link given below:
6.4 HOW TO SET UP A TESTNG TEST PROJECT IN ECLIPSE? To set up a n ew TestNG project in Eclipse, open your Eclipse and follow
the given steps:
Firstly, navigate To File -> New -> Java Project.

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128 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
128 Give it a name of your choice.

Secondly, click Next to move to the next panel.

Thirdly, click on Libraries to add TestNG Libraries to your project (Only
if Eclipse does not automatically add the TestNG Library).

After that, select "Add Library" to add the TestNG Library.

Choose TestNG and click on Next.

Page 129

129 TestNG Finally, click Finish to finish adding the TestNg Library in t he project.

By this, we have added the TestNG Library to the project. As the next
step, we need to make sure that we add the Selenium to the project before
moving on to code the first test case.
6.5 HOW TO WRITE A TESTNG TEST? Now that we are all set up with TestNG in Eclipse, we will try to write and
run our first TestNG test case. But before coding our way through, we
need to download Selenium Jar Files.
6.5.1 Downlo ad Selenium Jar Files for TestNG :
TestNG is majorly used with the conjunction of Selenium, so we are also
going to write a TestNG test with Selenium. For that, we need to make
sure that Selenium WebDriver is also set up in our system. Download the
jar files from this link Download Selenium Jars.
Extract the zip file and remember the location where you extracted as we
require the location in the further steps.
In the next section, we will create a TestNG class in Eclipse.
6.5.2 How to Create A TestNG Class in Eclipse :
Follow the given steps to create our first TestNG class.
Firstly, press Ctrl+N, then selec t “TestNG Class” under the TestNG
category and click Next.
Right -click on src, go to TestNG, and select "Create TestNG Class".

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130 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

After that, the source folder name will automatically populate in the text
field. But if it doesn't, like my system, you ca n browse your way through
the src folder by clicking on the Browse button.

Thirdly, set class name as 'TestNG '
Leave the Annotations part as it is, for now, we will deal with it in the
later tutorials.

Page 131

131 TestNG

Note: To know more about the TestNG Annotations , please refer to What
Are TestNG Annotations?
It will display the test file, which is partially created for you.
The test case file will contain a default method, f(), along with
beforeMethod() and afterMethod() that we checked in the previous step.

Finally, we are all set now by creating our first test class in TestNG. We
can now proceed to write the first TestNG test case.
6.6 CODING OUR FIRST TEST CASE IN TESTNG We wrote a straightforward code as a TestNG test case below for you. For
unde rstanding the Selenium part, it is recommendable to follow the Learn
Selenium tutorial. Moreover, we will deal with other TestNG complexities
later in the course.
You can copy and paste this code in your Eclipse.

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132 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
132 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
impor t org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;

public class TestNG {
WebDriver driver ;
public void f() {

String baseUrl = "";

System.out.println("Launching Google Chrome browser");
driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.get(bas eUrl);
String testTitle = "Free QA Automation Tools For Everyone";
String originalTitle = driver.getTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(originalTitle, testTitle);

public void beforeMethod() {
System.out.println(" Starting Test On Chrome Browser");

public void afterMethod() {
System.out.println("Finished Test On Chrome Browser");

Page 133

133 TestNG Right -click on the test case script and execute the test. After that, select
Run As > TestNG Test.

It will run your tests successfully. We will analyze how those annotations
worked in our annotations tutorial. Please note a few points concerning the
above -written test case.
 The primary method is not necessary for a TestNG file.
 Moreover, the m ethods in the TestNG file need not be static in their
 In addition to the above, @Test annotations tell the underlying
methods is a test method.
 Moreover, @BeforeMethod denotes that the underlying method
should run before the test method.
 Similar ly, @AfterMethod indicates that the underlying method should
run after the test method.

Page 134

134 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
134 6.7 HOW TO VIEW TESTNG REPORTS? TestNG generates the reports as soon as the tests run. TestNG results are
available under two sections:
 Console
 TestNG Reports
The botto m half of the screen shows both of the options.

Scrolling down in the console tab will bring the results of the tests to you.

But this is not interesting although it delivers the final aim. Additionally,
for a more in -depth view of the tests, we can s witch to the TestNG reports
section located just beside the consol .
6.8 REFERENCES  Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the
Certified Tester Exam (Rocky Nook Computing) Fourth
Edition,Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz and Hans Schaefer.
 Selenium WebDriver, Pearson, Rajeev Gupta, ISBN 9789332526297.
 Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide - Automated Testing for W eb
Applications Kindle Edition ,SatyaAvasarala ,ISBN -13: 978 -
 Testng Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing Ltd.VarunMenon,
ISBN 1782166017, 9781782166016

Page 135

Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction to Framework
7.1.1 What is Test Automation Framework?
7.1.2 Need for Test Automation Framework
7.1.3 Purpose of Test Automation Framework
7.2 Test Automation Frame work Types
7.2.1 Linear Automation Framework
7.2.2 Modular -based Testing Framework
7.2.3 Library Architecture Testing Framework
7.2.4 Data driven Framework
7.2.5 Keyword Driven Framework
7.2.6 Hybrid Test Automation Framework
7.3 Installation of Test Ng in Eclipse
7.4 References
7.5 Website References
7.0 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you will be able to:
 Understand the basic concepts in Software Testing
 Understand the essential characteristics, requirements and usage of
Automation Tool like Selenium Web Driver.
 Understand TestNg and Automation Framework basics
 Understand the basic concepts of quality assurance in software.
7.1 INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATION FRAMEWORK All software must be tested before it is made available to users. Software
testing is an important part of the development cycle because it ensures
that users receive high -quality deliverables. Every company focuses on
testing, and the majority of them prefer automation testing to manual
This is because t he testing team generates various test cases and manually
tests each and every feature during the manual testing process. If a defect

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136 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
136 is discovered, it is reported to the developers so that the errors can be
corrected. The process is repeated until a defec t-free product is obtained.
Manual testing takes a long time. Managing the testing process is also
challenging because it necessitates planning, bug tracking, and reliability
analysis. Automation testing, on the other hand, uses testing tools to
automate r outine testing operations, making the development process
faster, cheaper, and more efficient.
While automation testing is still in its early stages, businesses are looking
to standardise their testing setup in order to successfully automate their
legacy, desktop, web, and mobile apps with a single tool. This is where
you’ll find the test automation framework. It assists them in standardising
all of their test automation assets, regardless of the tools they use.
7.1.1 What is the Automation Framework?
The A utomation Framework is a collection of tools and processes that
work together to support automated testing of any application. It combines
a variety of functions, such as libraries, test data, and reusable modules.
A test automation framework is simply a s et of guidelines for developing
and designing test cases. It is a conceptual aspect of automated testing that
assists testers in making better use of resources.
The test automation framework, rather than being an actual component of
a testing software appl ication, is a collection of concepts and tools that
collaborate with items such as internal libraries and reusable code modules
to provide a foundation for test automation. To make the entire process
more efficient and less difficult, test automation frame works can orient
test cases by providing the test case syntax, including methodology
directions, and setting up a scope for iterative testing.
There are various models for test automation frameworks, such as
keyword oriented, where a table of keywords serv es as the foundation for
building test cases. A data -driven approach is also possible, in which the
test framework provides “inputs” and then observes a series of “outputs.”
One way to think about it is like a graphing calculator mapping of a
parabolic cur ve: in data -driven test cases, a variety of variables are used to
examine how variable changes affect test outcomes.
7.1.2 Need for Automation Test Framework:
It is critical to use a framework for automated testing because it
specifically improves the effi ciency and test speed of the automation
testing team. This automation testing framework also aids in improving
test accuracy, as well as drastically lowering test maintenance costs and
risks. Test automation has become an essential component of today’s agi le
and DevOps practises due to the numerous benefits of automation
In general, effective test automation supports rigorous functional tests and
is more useful because it requires less design time. These automation

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137 Automation Framework Basics testing frameworks ensure grea ter automation consistency across the
organisation and increase development activity.
The test automation framework, as previously stated, is a set of guidelines
for creating and designing test cases. They are an important part of
automated testing because they help testers use resources more effectively
and efficiently. These automation frameworks also aid in the configuration
and creation of test suites by combining various automated tests and
making them executable.
Enterprises frequently face the dilemm a of balancing costs and managing
resources when selecting automation frameworks that can cover all of
their business scenarios in order to deliver quality applications. Clearly, by
selecting and implementing the best test automation framework,
businesses can significantly increase the speed of test execution and the
accuracy of the testing process, resulting in a higher return on investment
(ROI) and higher quality products. As a result, enterprises should select
effective types of automation frameworks to ensure effective application

Figure: test Automation – Why, Types, Benefits approach
7.1.3 Purpose of a Test Automation Framework :
● Increases efficiency in the design and development of automated test
scripts by allowing the reuse of components or code.
● Provides a structured development methodology to ensure design
consistency across multiple test scripts, reducing reliance on
individual test -cases.
● Enables reliable issue and bug detection and proper root -cause
analysis for the system under test with minimal human intervention.
● Reduces reliance on teams by automatically selecting the test to run
based on test scenarios.
● Dynami cally refines test scope in response to changes in test strategy
or system under test conditions.

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138 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
138 ● Increases the utilisation of various resources and allows for the
greatest possible return on investment.
● Ensures an uninterrupted automated testing proce ss with minimal
human intervention.

Figure: Advantages of Test Automation Framework
There are six types of test automation frameworks, each with its own
architecture and set of advantages and disadvantages. When develo ping a
test plan, it is critical to select the appropriate framework.

Figure: Types of Automation Framework
7.2.1 Linear Automation Framework:
A linear test automation framework, also known as a record -and-playback
framework, eliminates the need for test ers to write code in order to create
functions, and the steps are written in a sequential order. In this process,
the tester records each step, such as navigation, user input, or checkpoints,
and then automatically replays the script to run the test.

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139 Automation Framework Basics Adva ntages of a linear framework:
● Because there is no need to write custom code, test automation
expertise is not required.
● Because test scripts can be easily recorded in a short amount of time,
this is one of the quickest ways to generate them.
● Because the scripts are laid out seque ntially, the test workflow is
easier to understand for any party involved in testing.
● This is also the quickest way to get started with automated testing,
especially if you’re using a new tool. Most automated testing tools
today include record -and-playba ck capabilities, so you won’t need to
plan ahead of time with this framework.
● The scripts created with this framework are not reusable. Because the
data is hardcoded into the test script, the test cases cannot be re -run
with different sets and must be modified if the data changes.
● Maintenance is regarded as inconvenient because any changes to the
application necessitate extensive rework. As the scope of testing
expands, this model is not particularly scalable.
7.2.2 Modular Based Testing Framework:
To implement a modular framework, testers must divide the application
under test into separate units, functions, or sections, each of which will be
tested independently. After dividing the application into individual
modules, a test script for e ach part is written and then combined to build
larger tests in a hierarchical fashion. These larger groups of tests will start
to represent different test cases.
Building an abstraction layer is a key strategy for using the modular
framework, as it ensures that changes made in individual sections do not
affect the overarching module.

Figure: Modular Test framework

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140 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
140 Advantages of a Modular Framework:
● If you make changes to the application, only the module and its
associated individual test script will nee d to be fixed, which means
you won’t have to tinker with the rest of the application and can leave
it alone.
● Because test scripts for different modules can be reused, creating test
cases requires less effort.
Disadvantages of a Modular Framework:
● Becau se the tests are executed separately, data is still hard -coded into
the test script, so multiple data sets cannot be used.
● Setting up the framework necessitates programming knowledge.
7.2.3 Library Architecture Testing Framework:
The library architecture framework for automated testing is based on the
modular framework, but it has a few advantages. Rather than dividing the
application under test into the various scripts that must be run, similar
tasks within the scripts are identified and later grouped by function, so that
the application is eventually broken down by common objectives. These
functions are saved in a library and can be accessed by the test scripts
whenever they are required.
Figure: library architecture using Selenium
Advantages of a Libra ry Architecture Testing Framework:
● Using this architecture, like the modular framework, will result in a
high level of modularization, making test maintenance and scalability
easier and more cost effective.
● Because there is a library of common function s that can be used by
multiple test scripts, this framework has a higher degree of reusability.
● The script still has test data hard coded in it. As a result, any changes
to the data will necessitate changes to the scripts.

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141 Automation Framework Basics ● Technical expe rtise is required to write and analyse the test scripts’
common functions.
● Test scripts take longer to create.
7.2.4 Data -Driven Framework:
Using a data -driven framework separates test data from script logic,
allowing testers to store data outside of the framework. Frequently, testers
are faced with the need to test the same feature or function of an
application multiple times with different sets of data. It is critical in these
cases that the test data not be hard -coded in the script itself, as is the ca se
with a Linear or Modular -based testing framework.
Setting up a data -driven test framework allows the tester to store and pass
input/output parameters from an external data source, such as Excel
Spreadsheets, Text Files, CSV files, SQL Tables, or ODBC re positories,
to test scripts.
The test scripts are connected to the external data source and told to read
and populate the necessary data when needed.

Advantages of a Data -Driven Framework:
● Multiple data sets can be used to run tests.
● By varying the d ata, multiple scenarios can be tested quickly,
reducing the number of scripts required.
● It is possible to avoid hard -coding data so that changes to the test
scripts do not affect the data being used and vice versa.
● You’ll save time by running more test s more quickly.
Disadvantages :
● To properly use this framework design, you’ll need a highly
experienced tester who is fluent in multiple programming languages.
They will have to identify and format the external data sources, as
well as write code (create functions) that will seamlessly connect the
tests to those external data sources.
● It takes a significant amount of time to set up a data -driven

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142 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
142 7.2.5 Keyword -Driven Framework:
Each function of the application under test is laid out in a table with a
series of instructions i n sequential order for each test that needs to be run
in a keyword -driven framework. A keyword -driven framework separates
test data and script logic in the same way that a data -driven framework
does, but this approach goes a step further.
Keywords are also stored in an external data table (hence the name) in this
approach, making them independent of the automated testing tool used to
execute the tests. Keywords are sections of a script that represent the
various actions taken to test an application’s graphi cal user interface
(GUI). These can be labelled simply as ‘click’ or ‘login,’ or more
complexly as ‘clicklink,’ or ‘verifylink.’
Keywords are stored in the table in a step -by-step fashion, each with an
associated object, or the part of the UI that the acti on is being performed
on. A shared object repository is required to map the objects to their
associated actions for this approach to work properly.

Figure: Keyword Driven Framework
Once the table is set up, all that remains for the testers to do is wri te the
code that will trigger the appropriate action based on the keywords. When
the test is run, the test data is read and directed to the corresponding
keyword, which then executes the appropriate script.

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143 Automation Framework Basics Advantages of Keyword -Driven Frameworks:
● A bas ic understanding of scripting is required.
● Because a single keyword can be used in multiple test scripts, the
code is reusable.
● Test scripts can be created independently of the application being
● The initial cost of establishing the framework is significant. It is time -
consuming and difficult. The keywords must be defined, and the
object repositories / libraries must be established.
● You require an employee who is skilled in test automation.
● When scaling a test operation, keyw ords can be difficult to maintain.
You’ll need to keep working on the repositories and keyword tables.
7.2.6 Hybrid Test Automation Framework:
Automated testing frameworks, like other testing methods today, have
begun to merge and overlap with one another. A hybrid framework, as the
name implies, is a mix of any of the previously stated frameworks
designed to capitalise on the strengths of some while mitigating the faults
of others.
Every application is unique, and the techniques used to test them should
be as well. As more teams adopt an agile paradigm, it is critical to have a
flexible framework for automated testing. Hybrid architecture is more
easily adaptable to provide the best test results.

Figure: Hybrid Test Automation framework

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144 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
144 7.3 INSTALLATIO N OF TESTNG IN ECLIPSE Simply open your eclipse and then follow these steps.
1. Click on help and then go to eclipse market place

2. Search for TestNG and click on Install

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145 Automation Framework Basics 3. Select the packages that you want to Install.

4. Confirm the installatio n.

5. Accept the agreement.

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146 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

6. Wait for the installation to complete.

Installation successfully done!!!
7.4 REFERENCES 1. Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the
Certified Tester Exam (Rocky Nook Computi ng) Fourth
Edition,Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz and Hans Schaefer.
2. Selenium WebDriver, Pearson, Rajeev Gupta, ISBN 9789332526297.
3. Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide - Automated Testing for Web
Applications Kindle Edition ,SatyaAvasarala ,ISBN -13: 978 -
4. Testng Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing Ltd.VarunMenon,
ISBN 1782166017, 9781782166016

Page 147

147 Automation Framework Basics 7.5 WEB SITE REFERENCES 1. -tutorial
2. -tutorial.html
3. /selenium -tutorials.html

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Unit Structure
8.1 Practical 1 - Testing Terminologies and definition
8.2 Practical 2 - Functional Testing using Boundary Value Analysis
8.2.1 Practical 2a
8.2.2 Practical 2b
8.2.3 Practical 2c
8.2.4 Practical 2d
8.3 Practical 3 - Functional Testing using Equivalence Partitioning
8.3.1 Practical 3a
8.3.2 Practical 3b
8.4 Practical 4 - Functional Testing using Decision Table
8.4.1 Practical 4a
8.4.2 Practical 4b
8.5 Practical 5 - Functional Testing using Cause Effect Graph
8.5.1 Practical 5a
8.6 Practical 6 - Program graph and DD graph to compute Cyclomatic
Complexity of Program
8.6.1 Practical 6a
8.7 Practical 7 - Selection, Minimization and Prioritization of Test cases
for Regression Testing
8.7.1 Practical 7a
8.7.2 Practical 7b
8.7.3 Practical 7c
8.7.4 Practical 7d
8.8 Practical 8 - Validation Testing
8.8.1 Practical 8a
8.8.2 Practical 8b
8.9 Practical 9 - Adhoc Testing
8.9.1 Practical 9a
Software testi ng is the act of examining the artifacts and the behavior of
the software under test by validation and verification. It is a method to

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149 Quality Assurance check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements
and to ensure that software product is defect fre e.
Test Cases :
Test Case is a manual approach of software testing. It is a step -by-step
procedure that is used to test an application. You develop test cases to
define the things that you must validate to ensure that the system is
working correctly and i s built with a high level of quality.
Test Suite:
A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped for test execution
Test Script :
Test Script is an automatic approach of software testing. Test Scripts are a
line-by-line description containing the information about the system
transactions that should be performed to validate the application or system
under test. Test script should list out each step that should be taken with
the expected results.
Test Scenarios:
A Test Scenario is a statement describing the functionality of the
application to be tested. It is used for end -to-end testing of a feature and is
generally derived from the use cases. It is a sequence of activities
performed in a system, such as logging in, signing up a cust omer, ordering
products, and printing an invoice. You can combine test cases to form a
scenario especially at higher test levels.
Testing Strategy :
Test Strategy is a set of guidelines that explain the test design and
determine how testing needs to be don e.
Manual testing:
In Manual testing, testers will write test cases and test the software
manually. This form of testing involves a human performing all the test
steps, recording the outcome, and analyzing the results. Manual testing
can be quite challengi ng because it often involves repeating the same set
of steps many times.
Automation testing:
In Automation testing, the tester will write code and execute it to check
the workflow of the application. Automated testing describes any form of
testing where a computer runs the tests rather than a human. Typically,
this means automated UI testing. The aim is to get the computer to
replicate the test steps that a human tester would perform.

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150 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
150 Quality:
Quality software is reasonably bug or defect free, delivered o n time and
within budget, meets requirements and/or expectations, and is
Software Quality Assurance:
Software quality assurance (or SQA for short) is the ongoing process that
ensures the software product meets and complies with the organiza tion’s
established and standardized quality specifications.
Test Plan:
A Test Plan can be defined as a document that defines the scope,
objective, and approach to test the software application. The Test Plan is a
term and a deliverable. It is a document t hat lists all the activities in a
quality assurance project, schedules them, defines the scope, roles and
responsibilities, assesses risk, entry and exit criteria, determine test
objective etc.
Test policy :
A document that describes how an organization run s its testing processes
at a high level. It may contain a description of test levels according to the
chosen life cycle model, roles and responsibilities, required/expected
documents, etc.
Functional Testing :
Functional testing is a type of software testi ng in which the system is
tested against the functional requirements and specifications. Functional
testing ensures that the requirements or specifications are properly
satisfied by the application. This type of testing is particularly concerned
with the r esult of processing. It focuses on simulation of actual system
usage but does not develop any system structure assumptions.
Non Functional Testing:
Non-functional testing is a type of testing to check non -functional aspects
(performance, usability, relia bility, etc.) of a software application. It is
explicitly designed to test the readiness of a system as per non -functional
parameters which are never addressed by functional testing.
A good example of non -functional test would be to check how many
people c an simultaneously login into a software to understand the load the
system can take.
Defect :
A flaw detected in a component or system that can cause the component or
system to fail to perform its required function. A defect, if encountered
during execution, may cause a failure of the component or system.

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151 Quality Assurance Error :
A human action that produces an incorrect result.
Validation Testing :
Validation Testing ensures that the product actually meets the client's
needs. It can also be defined as to demonstrate that the product fulfills its
intended use when deployed on appropriate environment. It provides
answer to the question -“ Are we building the right product?”
This is carried out through activities like unit testing, integration testing,
system testing and user acce ptance testing.
Regression Testing :
Regression Testing is defined as a type of software testing to confirm that
a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing
features. Regression Testing is nothing but a full or partial selection of
already executed test cases which are re -executed to ensure existing
functionalities work fine. Every time a functionality changes in a software
regression testing is carried out to check if the changes made in one part of
the software has not affected the other.
Ad hoc testing :
Testing carried out informally without test cases or other written test
instructions. Also termed as monkey testing.
A slang term for fault, defect, or error. Originally used to describe actual
insects causing malfunctions in m echanical devices that predate
computers. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board
(ISTQB) glossary explains that “a human being can make an error
(mistake), which produces a defect (fault, bug) in the program code, or in
a document. If a de fect in code is executed, the system may fail to do what
it should do (or do something it shouldn’t), causing a failure. Defects in
software, systems or documents may result in failures, but not all defects
do so.” See also debugging.
8.2 PRACTICAL 2 - FUNC TIONAL TESTING USING BOUNDARY VALUE ANALYSIS Boundary -value analysis is a software testing technique in which tests are
designed to include representatives of boundary values in a range. It was
believed that most of the errors lie at the boundary.
In bound ary value analysis, we select values on or close to boundaries and
all input values may have one of the following: (i) Minimum value (ii)
Just above minimum value (iii) Maximum value (iv) Just below maximum
value (v) Nominal (Average) value

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152 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
152 8.2.1 Practical 2a:
A program that accepts marks of the students between 0 and 100
There is a belief that most of the errors lie at the boundary so boundary
value analysis will help us design test cases for testing the errors at the
Boundary values here are as follows :
-1, 0, 1 99 100 101
Test Inputs for test cases will be
Minimum value -1 0 -1=-1
Minimum value=0
Minimum value + 1 0+1=1
Maximum value -1 100 -1= 99
Maximum value 100
Maximum value +1 100+1= 101
Nomi nal value/Average :50
Test cases u sing Boundary value Analysis :
Test case id Test case input Expected output
T001 -1 Invalid Marks
T002 0 Accepted
T003 1 Accepted
T004 99 Accepted
T005 100 Accepted
T006 101 Invalid Marks
T007 50 Accepted
8.2.2 Practical 2b :
A program takes the value of age from 21 to 65. Design test cases
using boundary value analysis. BOUNDARY VALUE TEST CASE INVALID TEST CASE (Min Value – 1) VALID TEST CASES (Min, +Min, Max, -Max) INVALID TEST CASE (Max Value + 1) 20 21, 22, 65, 64 66

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153 Quality Assurance From the above table, we can view the following inputs that are given :
 The minimum boundary value is given as 21.
 The maximum boundary value is given as 65.
 The valid inputs for testing purposes are 21, 22, 64 and 65.
 The invalid inputs for test cases are 20 and 66.
Test Case Scenarios :
1. Input: Enter the value of age as 20 (21 -1)
Output: Invalid
2. Input: Enter the value of age as 21
Output: Valid
3. Input: Enter the value of age as 22 (21+1)
Output: Valid
4. Input: Enter the value of age as 65
Output: Valid
5. Input: Enter the value of age as 64 (65 -1)
Output: Valid
6. Input: Enter the value of age as 66 (65+1)
Output: Invalid
8.2.3 Practical 2c :
Consider a program for the determination of the largest amongst
three numbers. Its input is a triple of positive integers (say x,y and z) and
values are from interval [1, 300]. Design the boundary value test cases.
Solution: Invalid Value -<1, Valid value - 1-300, Invalid Value ->300 or any
non-numeric value.
Values to be considered for Test cases - Minimum value=1, Maximum
value=300, Mininimum -1=0, Minimum+1=2, Maximum+1=301, Nominal

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154 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
154 The boundary val ue test cases are given below:

8.2.4 Practical 2d :
Consider a program for the determination of division of a student based on
the marks in three subjects. Its input is a triple of positive integers (say
mark1, mark2, and mark3) and values are from interval [0, 100]. The
division is calc ulated according to the following rules: Marks Obtained
Division (Average) 75 – 100 First Division with distinction 60 – 74 First
division 50 – 59 Second division 40 – 49 Third division 0 – 39 Fail Total
marks obtained are the average of marks obtained in the three subjects i.e.
Average = (mark1 + mark 2 + mark3) / 3 The program output may have
one of the following words: [Fail, Third Division, Second Division, First
Division, First Division with Distinction] Design the boundary value test
cases. Solution: The boundary value test cases are given as follows : -
Solution: Invalid value -<0, Valid value -1-100, Invalid value ->100 or any
non-numeric value.
Values to be considered for Test cases - Minimum value=1, Maximum
value=100, Mininimum -1=0, Minimum+1=2, Maximu m+1=101, Nominal
value=50 . The Boundary value test cases are given below: -

Page 155

155 Quality Assurance 8.3 PRACTICAL 3 - FUNCTIONAL TESTING USING EQUIVALENCE PARTITIONING A large number of test cases are generated for any program. It is neither
feasible nor desirable to execute a ll such test cases. We want to select a
few test cases and still wish to achieve a reasonable level of coverage.
Many test cases do not test any new thing and they just execute the same
lines of source code again and again. We may divide input domain into
various categories with some relationship and expect that every test case
from a category exhibits the same behaviour. If categories are well
selected, we may assume that if one representative test case works
correctly, others may also give the same result s. This assumption allows
us to select exactly one test case from each category and if there are four
categories, four test cases may be selected. Each category is called an
equivalence class and this type of testing is known as equivalence class
In case if a particular field accepts numbers only between 6 to 10 the
following is the equivale nce partitioning for the same:

6.3.1 Practical 3a:
3% rate of interest is given if the balance in the account is in the range of
$0 to $100, 5% rate of int erest is given if the balance in the account is in
the range of $100 to $1000, and 7% rate of interest is given if the balance
in the account is $1000 and above, we would initially identify three valid
equivalence partitions and one invalid partition as sh own below.
Partition 1 : balance 0 -100
Valid Inputs - 0-100- >=0 And <=100
Invalid Input -<0, $,#,@ A -Z
Partition 2 : balance 100 -1000
Valid Input - 100-1000 (>100 And <=1000)
Invalid Input - $,#,@ A -Z

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156 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
156 Partition 3 : balance >1000
Valid Input - >1000
Invalid Inpu t- $,#,@ A -Z
Invalid Valid partitions Valid Partition
<0 0 -100 100 -1000 >1000
3% Interest 5% Interest 7% Interest
Test Case
Test case id Test input Expected
Account Balance Out put
B001 -90 Invalid input
B002 50 3% Interest
B003 900 5% Interest
B004 2500 7% Interest
B005 A Invalid input
B006 $ Invalid input
8.3.2 P ractical 3b:
Consider the program for determination of th e largest amongst three
numbers . The numbers can input values between 1 -100. Identify the
equivalence class test cases for output and input domain.
Input domain based equivalence classes ar e:
Invalid Input Valid Input Invalid Input
x,y,z <1 x,y,z between 1 -100 x,y,z >100 or any non
numeric value
Output domain equivalence classes are:
O1 = { : Largest amongst three numbe rs x, y, z }
O2 = { : Input values(s) is /are out of range with sides x, y, z }

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157 Quality Assurance The test cases are given below:

8.4-PRACTICAL 4 - FUNCTIONAL TESTING USING DECISION TABLE Decision tables are used in many engineering disciplines to represent
complex logic al relationships. An output may be dependent on many input
conditions and decision tables give a pictorial view of various
combinations of input conditions. There are four portions of the decision
table and are shown in Table 2.30. The decision table provi des a set of
conditions and their corresponding actions.

Parts of the Decision Table:
The four parts of the decision table are given as:
Condition Stubs:
All the conditions are represented in this upper left section of the decision
table. These conditi ons are used to determine a particular action or set of

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158 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
158 Action Stubs:
All possible actions are listed in this lower left portion of the decision
Condition Entries:
In the condition entries portion of the decision table, we have a numbe r of
columns, and each column represents a rule. Values entered in this upper
right portion of the table are known as inputs. Four Portions 1. Condition
Stubs 2. Condition Entries 3. Action Stubs 4.
Action Entries:
Each entry in the action entries portio n has some associated action or set
of actions in this lower right portion of the table. These values are known
as outputs and are dependent upon the functionality of the program
8.4.1 Practical 4a :
Consider test cases based on decision table for a ‘Login’ Page
Business Rules :
1. On entering correct combination of ID & Password, user should be
able to login successfully.
2. User is not allowed to login when any or both of the ID & Password
are incorrect /blank. In such cases, it should show ‘ Invalid
Credentials’ message.
We created the following combinations of Conditions, Actions and the
respective rules in the decision table .

In the above table, there are
1. conditions – UserID, Password
2. Actions – Login Successfully, Error showing ‘Inva lid Credentials’ and
3. Options — Blank, Valid, Invalid.
So, the total number of test cases are as follows:

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159 Quality Assurance All test cases are not valid and significant some we need to optimise the
test cases
Rules 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cover the same action Item “Invalid C redentials”
with options Blank and Invalid. Hence, we can consider any one of these
test cases TC01 OR TC02 OR TC03 OR TC04 OR TC05
1. Rules 6,7, and 8 cover the same action Item “Invalid Credentials”
with options Valid and Invalid. Hence, we can consider any of these
test cases TC06 OR TC07 OR TC08
2. Rule 9 covers the action item “Login Successfully” with all valid
options. Hence, we should consider the test case TC09.
Condensed Decision Table as shown below:

8.4.2 Practical 4b :
Consider the problem for determining of the largest amongst three
numbers where the values accepted for each is between 1 and 300.
Identify the test cases using the decision table -based testing. Solution: The
decision table is given as follows:

Test cases using Decision Table b ased Testing

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popular technique for small programs and considers the combinations of
various inputs which were not available in earlier disc ussed techniques
like boundary value analysis and equivalence class testing. Such
techniques do not allow combinations of inputs and consider all inputs as
independent inputs. Two new terms are used here and these are causes and
effects, which are nothing but inputs and outputs respectively. The steps
for the generation of test cases are given below:

Basic Notations in Cause Eff ect Graph:

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161 Quality Assurance Constraint Symbols in Cause Effect Graph :

8.5.1 - Practical 5a :
A tourist of age greater than 21 years and having a clean driving record is
supplied a rental car. A premium amount is also charged if the tourist is on
business, otherwise it is not charged. If the tourist is less than 21 year old,
or does not have a clean driving record, the system will display the
following message: “Car cannot be supplied” Draw the cause -effect graph
and generate test cases
Solution: The causes are c1 : Age is over 21 c2 : Driving record is clean
c3 : Tourist is on business and effects are e1 : Supply a rental car without
premium charg e. e2 : Supply a rental car with premium charge e3 : Car
cannot be supplied .The Cause Effect Graph and test cases based on that
are as follows :
Cause Effect Graph :

Decision Table on Rental Car Problem :

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162 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
162 Test Cases :

OF PROGRAM Program Graphs Program graph is a graphical representation of the source
code of a program. The statements of a program are represented by nodes
and flow of control by edges in the program graph. A p rogram graph is a
directed graph in which nodes are either statements or fragments of a
statement and edges represent flow of control.” The program graph helps
us to understand the internal structure of the program which may provide
the basis for designing the testing techniques. The basic constructs of the
program graph are given below:

Example: Program graph to find the Square of a number

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163 Quality Assurance

DD Path Graphs The Decision to Decision (DD) path graph is an
extension of a program graph. It is widely known as DD path graph. There
may be many nodes in a program graph which are in a sequence. When we
enter into the first node of the sequence, we can exit only from the last
node of that sequence. In DD path graph, such nodes which are in a
sequence are combine d into a block and are represented by a single node.
Hence, the DD path graph is a directed graph in which nodes are
sequences of statements and edges are control flow amongst the nodes. All
programs have an entry and an exit and the corresponding program graph
has a source node and a destination node. Similarly, the DD path graph
also has a source node and a destination node
Example DD Path Graph for the Program to find the Square of a

Cyclomatic Complexity This concept involves using cyclomatic n umber
of graph theory which has been redefined as cyclomatic complexity. This
is nothing but the number of independent paths through a program.
McCabe [MCCA76] introduced this concept and gave three methods to
calculate cyclomatic complexity.
(i) V(G) = e – n + 2P
where V(G) = Cyclomatic complexity G : program graph n : number
of nodes e : number of edges P : number of connected components
The program graph (G) is a directed graph with single entry node and
single exit node. A connected graph is a progr am graph where all
nodes are reachable from entry node, and exit node is also reachable
from all nodes. Such a program graph will have connected component
(P) value equal to one. If there are parts of the program graph, the

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164 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
164 value will be the number of part s of the program graph where one part
may represent the main program and other parts may represent sub -
(ii) Cyclomatic complexity is equal to the number of regions of the
program graph.
(iii) Cyclomatic complexity V(G) = + 1 where is the number of predicate
nodes contained in the program graph (G). The only restriction is that
every predicate node should have two outgoing edges i.e. one for
‘true’ condition and another for ‘false’ condition. If there are more
than two outgoing edges, the structu re is required to be changed in
order to have only two outgoing edges. If it is not possible, then this
method ( + 1) is not applicable. Properties of cyclomatic complexity:
1. V(G) 1 2. V(G) is the maximum number of independent paths in
program graph G. 3 . Addition or deletion of functional statements to
program graph G does not affect V(G). 4. G has only one path if
V(G)=1 5. V(G) depends only on the decision structure of G.
Example: Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the following graph

The value of cyclomatic complexity can be calculated as:
(i) V(G) = e – n + 2P = 7 – 5 + 2 = 4
(ii) (ii) V(G) = No. of regions of the graph

Hence, V(G) = 4 Three regions (1, 2 and 3) are inside and 4th is the
outside region of the graph

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165 Quality Assurance (iii) V(G) = + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 There are three predicate nodes namely node
a, node c and node d.
(iv) These four independent paths are given as:
Path 1 : ace
Path 2 : ade
Path 3 : adce
Path 4 : acbe
8.6.1 Practical 6a:
Consider the program below to find the largest among the thre e
numbers and create the Program graph and DD graph for the same and
also compute the Cyclomatic Complexity of the same

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Program Graph :

Decision to Decision Path Graph :

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167 Quality Assurance

Cyclomatic Complexity of the same graph :
Find the independent path

Solution :
(i) V(G) = e – n + 2P = 16 – 14 + 2 = 4
(ii) V (G) = Number of Regions = 4
(iii) V (G) = + 1 = 3 (N2, N3, N8) + 1 = 4
There are 4 independent paths as given below:
(a) S, N1, N2, N3, N4, N6, N12, D
(b) S, N1, N2, N3, N5, N6, N12, D
(c) S, N1, N2, N7, N8, N9, N11, N12, D
(d) S, N1, N2, N8, N10, N11, N12, D

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TESTING Regression testing is about re -executing all the test cases every time a
change is incorporated to an application. This is to ensure if any change in
one module has not affected the other part of the module. It is a very
costly process and consumes a significant amount of resources. The
challenge is on finding out ways to reduce the cost. Whenever a failur e is
experienced, it is reported to the software team. The team may like to
debug the source code to know the reason(s) for this failure. After
identification of the reason(s), the source code is modified and we
generally do not expect the same failure aga in. In order to ensure this
correctness, we re -test the source code with a focus on modified portion(s)
of the source code and also on affected portion(s) of the source code due
to modifications. We need test cases that target the modified and affected
portions of the source code. We may write new test cases, which may be a
‘time and effort consuming’ activity. We neither have enough time nor
reasonable resources to write new test cases for every failure. Another
option is to use the existing test cases whi ch were designed for
development testing and some of them might have been used during
development testing. The existing test suite may be useful and may reduce
the cost of regression testing. As we all know, the size of the existing test
suite may be very large and it may not be possible to execute all tests. The
greatest challenge is to reduce the size of the existing test suite for a
particular failure. The various steps are shown in the figure given below .
Hence, test case selection for a failure is the main key for regression
Steps of Regression Testing Process :

8.7.1 Practical 7a : Test case minimization in Regression Testing :
A Web service is a program that can be used by another program over the
Web. Consider a Web service named ZC, short for ZipCode. The initial
version of ZC provides two services: ZtoC and ZtoA. Service ZtoC inputs
a zip code and returns a list of cities and the corresponding state while

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169 Quality Assurance ZtoA inputs a zip code and returns the corresponding area code. We
assume that while the ZipCode service can be used over the Web from
wherever an internet connection is available, it serves only the United
States. Let us suppose that ZC has been modified to ZC’ as follows. First,
a user can select from a list of countries and supply the z ip code to obtain
the corresponding city in that country. This modification is made only to
the ZtoC function while ZtoA remains unchanged. Note that the term “zip
code” is not universal. For example, in India, the equivalent term is “pin
code” which is 6 -digits long as compared to the 5 -digit zip code used in
the United States. Second, a new service named ZtoT has been added
which inputs a country and a zip code and returns the corresponding time
Consider the following two tests (only inputs specifi ed) used for testing
t1 : < service = ZtoC , zip = 47906 >
t2 : < service = ZtoA, zip = 47906 >
A simple examination of the two tests reveals that test t1 is not valid for
ZC’ as it does not list the required country field. Test t2 is valid as we
have made no change to ZtoA.
Thus we need to either discard t1 and replace it by a new test for the
modified ZtoC, or simply modify t1 appropriately. We prefer to modify
and hence our validated regression test suite for ZC’ is
t1 : < country = USA, servi ce = ZtoC , zip = 47906 >
t2 : < service = ZtoA, zip = 47906 > .
Note that testing ZC’ requires additional tests to test the ZtoT service.
However, we need only the two tests listed above for regression testing.
To keep this example short, we have li sted only a few tests for ZC. In
practice one would develop a much
larger suite of tests for ZC which will then be the source of regression tests
for ZC’.
8.7.2 Practical 7b - Test Sequencing in regression testing :
Consider a simplified banking application referred to as SATM.
Application SATM maintains account balances and offers users the
following functionality: login, deposit, withdraw, and exit. Data for each
account is maintained in a secure database.

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In the above figure State transition in a simpli fied banking application.
Transitions are labeled as X/Y, where X indicates an input and Y the
expected output. “Complete” is an internal input indicating that the
application moves to the next state upon completion of operations in its
current state.
Figure above exhibits the behavior of SATM as a finite state machine.
Note that the machine has six distinct states, some referred to as modes in
the figure. These are labeled as Initialize, LM, RM, DM, UM, and WM.
When launched, the SATM performs initializati on operations, generates
an “ID?” message, and moves to the LM state. If the user enters a valid
ID, SATM moves to the RM state else it remains in the LM state and
again requests for an ID. While in the RM state the application expects a
service request. U pon receiving a Deposit request it enters the DM state
and asks for an amount to be deposited. Upon receiving an amount it
generates a confirmatory message and moves to the UM state where it
updates the account balance and gets back to the RM state. A simi lar
behavior is shown for the Withdraw request. SATM exits the RM state
upon receiving an Exit request. Let us now consider a set of three tests
designed to test the Login, Deposit, Withdraw and Exit features of SATM.
The tests are given in the following t able in the form of a test matrix. Each
test requires that the application be launched fresh and the user (tester in
this case) log in. We assume that the user with ID=1 begins with an
account balance of 0. Test t1 checks the login module and the Exit feat ure,
t2 the Deposit module, and t3 the Withdraw module. As you might have
guessed, these tests are not sufficient for a thorough test of SATM, but
they suffice to illustrate the need for test sequencing as explained next.

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171 Quality Assurance Now suppose that the Withdraw module has been modified to implement a
change in withdrawal policy, e.g. “No more than $300 can be withdrawn
on any single day.” We now have the modified SATM’ to be tested for the
new functionality as well as to check if none of the existing functionalit y
has broken. What tests should be rerun? Assuming that no other module of
SATM has been modified, one might propose that tests t1 and t2 need not
be rerun. This is a risky proposition unless some formal technique is used
to prove that indeed the changes m ade to the Withdraw module cannot
affect the behavior of the remaining modules. Let us assume that the
testers are convinced that the changes in SATM will not affect any module
other than Withdraw. Does this mean that we can run only t3 as a
regression tes t ? The answer is in the negative. Recall our assumption that
testing of SATM begins with an account balance of 0 for the user with
ID=1. Under this assumption, when run as the first test, t3 will likely fail
because the expected output will not match the output generated by
SATM’ (see Exercise 11.1). The argument above leads us to conclude that
we need to run test t3 after having run t2. Running t2 ensures that SATM’
is brought to the state in which we expect test t3 to be successful. Note
that the finite state machine shown in Figure 11.3 ignores the values of
internal variables and data bases used by SATM and SATM’. During
regression as well as many other types of testing, test sequencing is often
necessary to bring the application to a state where the va lues of internal
variables, and contents of the data bases used, correspond to the intention
at the time of designing the tests. It is advisable that such intentions (or
assumptions) be documented along with each test.
8.7.3 Practical 7c: Selection of Test Cases in Regression Testing :
We want to use the existing test suite for regression testing. How should
we select an appropriate number of test cases for a failure? The range is
from “one test case” to “all test cases”. A ‘regression test cases’ selection
technique may help us to do this selection process. The effectiveness of
the selection technique may decide the selection of the most appropriate
test cases from the test suite. Many techniques have been developed for
procedural and object oriented program ming languages. Testing
professionals are, however, reluctant to omit any test case from a test suite
that might expose a fault in the modified program. We consider a program
given in Figure below along with its modified version where the
modification is i n line 6 (replacing operator ‘*’ by ‘ -‘). A test suite is also
given in Table given below .

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172 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab

Test Cases :

In this case, the modified line is line number 6 where ‘a*b’ is replaced by
‘a-b’. All four test cases of the test suite execute this modified line 6 . We
may decide to execute all four tests for the modified program. If we do so,
test case 2 with inputs a = 1 and b = 1 will experience a ‘divide by zero’
problem, whereas others will not. However, we may like to reduce the
number of test cases for the mo dified program. We may select all test
cases which are executing the modified line. Here, line number 6 is
modified. All four test cases are executing the modified line (line number
6) and hence are selected. There is no reduction in terms of the number of
test cases. If we see the execution history, we find that test case 1 and test
case 2 have the same execution history. Similarly, test case 3 and test case
4 have the same execution history. We choose any one test case of the
same execution history to avo id repetition. For execution history 1 (i.e. 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11), if we select test case 1, the program will execute
well, but if we select test case 2, the program will experience ‘divide by
zero’ problem. If several test cases execute a parti cular modified line, and
all of these test cases reach a particular affected source code segment,
minimization methods require selection of only one such test case, unless
they select the others for coverage elsewhere. Therefore, either test case 1
or test case 2 may have to be selected. If we select test case 1, we miss the
opportunity to detect the fault that test case 2 detects. Minimization
techniques may omit some test cases that might expose fault(s) in the
modified program. Hence, we should be very c areful in the process of
minimization of test cases and always try to use safe regression test
selection technique (if at all it is possible). A safe regression test selection
technique should select all test cases that can expose faults in the modified

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173 Quality Assurance 8.7.4 Practical 7 d: Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing
Many times, on account of time constraints it is difficult to test all the test
cases again so we may prioritize the test cases so that you may first
execute the top most priority te st cases and then the others to ensure
important test cases are not missed upon.
The following are the Test Scenarios of an application under testing Test Scenario ID Reference Test Scenario Description Number of Test Cases (TS_001) Register Functionality Application URL Verify the working of Register Account functionality 27 (TS_002) Login Functionality Application URL Verify the working of Login functionality 23 (TS_003) Logout Functionality Application URL Verify the working of Logout functionality 11 (TS_004) Forgot Passsword Application URL Verify the working of Forgot Password functionality 25 (TS_005) Search Functionality Application URL Verify the working of Search functionality 22 (TS_006) Product Compare Application URL Verify the working of Product Compare functionality 24 (TS_007) Product Display Page Application URL Verify the Product Display Page functionality for the different types of Products 37 (TS_008) Add to Cart Application URL Verify the working of 'Add to Cart' functionality 09 (TS_009) Wish List Application URL Verify the working of 'Wish List' functionality 21 (TS_017) Order History Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Order History' functionality 12 (TS_018) Order Information Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Order Information' functionality 8 (TS_019) Product Returns Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Product Returns' functionality 11

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174 (TS_020) Downloads Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Downloads' functionality 13 (TS_021) Reward Points Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Reward Points' functionality 10 (TS_022) Returns Page Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Returned Requests' functionality 17 (TS_023) Transactions Application URL Verify the working of My Orders > 'Your Transactions' functionality 11
Each of the test scenarios have some test cases for example the first one
Registration Functionality has 27 test cases. So we need to prioritize them.
Lets consider the Test scenario Regist ration Functionali ty test cases for
Will consider three priority P1, P2 and P3 where P1 has High Impor tance ,
P2 is Moderately Important and P3 importance is low. Test Case ID Test
Scenario Test
Title Pre-
requisites Test Steps Test Data Expected Result (ER) Actual Result Priority Result Comments << Test Scenarios
TC_RF_001 (TS_001) Register Functionality Verify Registering an Account by providing only the Mandatory fields 1. Open the Application ( in any Browser 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu 2. Click on 'Register' option 3. Enter new Account Details into the Mandatory Fields (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm and Privacy Policy Fields) 4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1) 5. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account Success' page (ER-2) Not Applicable 1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be displayed on the page 2. User should be taken to 'Account' page and a confirm email should be sent to the registed email address P1

TC_RF_002 (TS_001) Register Functionality Verify 'Thank you for registering' email is sent to the registered email address as a confirmation for registering the account 1. Open the Application ( in any Browser 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu 2. Click on 'Register' option 3. Enter new Account Details into the Mandatory Fields (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm and Privacy Policy Fields) 4. Click on 'Continue' button 5. Check the email address used for registering the account (Verify ER-1, ER-2. ER-3) 6. Click on the Login page link from the Email body (Verify ER-4) Not Applicable 1. Verify a confirmation email for registering the account is sent to the registered email address. 2. Verify the Email subject, body and from address of the received email. 3. Verify there is a link to the login page provided in the Email body P2

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175 Quality Assurance 4. User should be taken to the Login page
TC_RF_003 (TS_001) Register Functionality Verify Registering an Account by providing all the fields 1. Open the Application ( in any Browser 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu 2. Click on 'Register' option 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm, Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields) 4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1) 5. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account Success' page (ER-2) Not Applicable 1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be displayed on the page 2. User should be taken to 'Account' page P2

TC_RF_004 (TS_001) Register Functionality Verify proper notification messages are displayed for the mandatory fields, when you don't provide any fields in the 'Register Account' page and submit 1. Open the Application ( in any Browser 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu 2. Click on 'Register' option 3. Don't enter anything into the fields 4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
Not Applicable 1. The below warning messages should be displayed for the respective fields: For First Name field, the warning message 'First Name must be between 1 and 32 characters!' should be displayed For Last Name field, the warning message 'Last Name must be between 1 and 32 characters!' should be displayed For E-Mail field, the warning message 'E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid!' should be displayed For Telephone field, the warning message 'Telephone must be between 3 and 32 characters!' should be displayed For Password field, the warning message 'Password must be between 4 and 20 characters!' should be displayed For Privacy Policy field, the warning message 'Warning: You must agree to the Privacy Policy!' should be P3

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176 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
176 displayed on the top
TC_RF_005 (TS_001)
lity Verify
d for
field 1. Open the
/demo) in
any Browser 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu 2. Click on 'Register' option 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm and Privacy Policy Fields) 4.Click on 'Yes' radio option for Newsletter 5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1) 6. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account Success' page (ER-2) 7. Click on 'Subscribe/unsubscribe to newsletter' option (ER-3) Not Applicable 1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be displayed on the page 2. User should be taken to 'Account' page 3. 'Yes' option should be displayed as selected by default in the Newsletter page P3

The first test case is set as Priority P1 as it covers all mandatory field
without which registration cannot happen. The second and third test case
has the priority P2 as it is important but not mandatory the erro r on
account of that can be tolerable.
The fourth and fifth test case is given priority P3 as its most coverage
already happens in the first two test cases.
8.8 PRACTICAL 8 - VALIDATION TESTING Guidelines for Validity Checks :
1. Data Type If input x is d efined as an integer, then x should also be
checked for float, char, double, etc. values. We should clearly state
what can be accepted as an input. In the login form, (please refer
below, we should clearly state the type of both the inputs i.e. Login Id
and password. For example, the Login Id input should be numeric and
should not accept alphabets, special characters and blank spaces.
Similarly, the password input will accept alphabets, digits, hyphen
and underscore but will not accept blank spaces. We shou ld generate
validity checks for every ‘do’ and every ‘do not’ case.
2. Data Range The range of inputs should also be clearly specified. If x
is defined as an integer, its range, (say 1 x 100) should also be
defined. Validity checks may be written for con ditions when x 1 and x
> 100. For example, in login form, length of the login -id is defined as
11 digits and the password as 4 to 15 digits. We should generate
validity checks for both valid and invalid range of inputs.
3. Special Data Conditions Some sp ecial conditions may need to be
checked for specified inputs. For example, in the e -mail address, ‘@’
and ‘.’symbols are essential and must be checked. We should write
validity checks for such special symbols which are essential for any
specific input.

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177 Quality Assurance 4. Mandatory Data Inputs Some inputs are compulsory for the execution
of a program. These mandatory fields should be identified and
validity checks be written accordingly. In the login form, both inputs
(login Id and password) are mandatory. Some fields (da ta inputs) may
not be mandatory like telephone number in a student registration
form. We should provide validity checks to verify that mandatory
fields are entered by the user.
5. Domain Specific Checks Some validity checks should be written on
the basis of the expected functionality. In the URS, no two semesters
should have a common paper. The roll number should be used as a
Creating Test Cases from Requirements and Use Cases 317 login Id.
A student cannot select more than the required number of elective
papers in a semester. These domain specific issues should be written
as validity checks in order to verify their correctness.
8.8.1 Practical 8a : Validation Testing on Login Functionality :

Validity Checks for Login Form :

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178 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
178 Test Cases :

8.8.2 Pract ical 8b :
Validity Testing for Change Password Form :

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179 Quality Assurance Validity Checks for Change Password Form :

Test Cases with Actual Data :

8.9 Practical 9 - Adhoc Testing Ad-hoc Testing:
Ad-hoc testing is an informal and improvisational approach to assessing
the viability of a product. An ad -hoc test is usually only conducted once
unless a defect is found. Commonly used in software development, ad hoc
testing is performed without a plan of action and any actions taken are not
typically documented. Testers may not have detailed knowledge of
product requirements. Ad hoc testing is also referred to as random testing
and monkey testing.
Because the approach is non -methodical, ad hoc testing can miss flaws
that would be found in a more structured testing system. However , the
lack of formal requirements also means that obvious flaws can be attended
to more quickly than if they had to be approached in a more systematic
8.9.1- Practical 9a:
Consider an automated banking application. The user can dial the bank
from a personal computer, provide a six -digit password, and follow with a
series of keyword commands that activate the banking function. The
software for the application accepts data in the following form:

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180 Software Testing & Quality Assurance Lab
180 Area Code Blank or three -digit number Prefix Three-digit number, not beginning with 0 or 1 Suffix Four-digit number Password Six-character alphanumeric Commands "Check status", "Deposit", "Withdrawal"
Design ad -hoc test cases to test the system. TestCase ID Test
Step Description Test Data Expected result Actual result Status(Pass/Fail) TC01 validatio
n of area
code Enter the 3 digit area code if non- local and Blank if local. TC02 validatio
n of area
code enter the 3 digit area code if non- local and Blank if local. TC03 validation of area code enter the 3 digit area code if non- local and Blank if local. TC04 validation of area code enter the 3 digit area code if non- local and Blank if local. TC05 Validation of Prefix enter a 3-digit number prefix. It should not begin with 0 (or) 1. TC06 Validation of Prefix enter a 3-digit number prefix.It should not begin with 0 (or) 1.