Sem IV Sans ID Course in Indian Aesthetics Theory and Application1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Sem IV Sans ID Course in Indian Aesthetics Theory and Application1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean:
______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course Interdisciplinary Course in Indian Aesthetics :
Theory and Application
2 Eligibility for
Admission As per university rules
3 Passing Marks 24 for theory and 16 for internal marks for each
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 1 Semester
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2017 -18 AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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1 Title of the Course Interdisciplinary Course in Indian
Aesthetics : Theory and Application
2 Course Code UDSKTIIA TA
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per university rules
6 Fee Structure As per university rules
7 No. of Lectures As per university rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Semester
10 Notional hours As per university rules
11 No. of Students per Batch As per university rules
12 Selection As per university rules
13 Assessment As per university rules
14 Syllabus Details Enclosed
15 Title of the Unit Enclosed
16 Title of the Sub -Unit Enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory Enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per university rules
22 List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You -Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA


Essentials Elements of the Syllabus

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Preamble and objectives

This course is one of the elective s offered for M. A. II Sem IV in
Interdisciplinary papers. Different theories of ancient Indian Aesthetics are
included in the syllabus . Syllabus aims to explore the universality of Indian
aesthetic theories.

These theories can be applied to literature of all languages and disciplines and
also to all kind of arts. This paper contains unit on application of Indian theories
to movies, novels, TV series, art, architecture, sculpture. Assignment is
designed in such way that students can gain practical experience of field visit
related to art experience and analysis.

InterdisciplinaryCour se in Indian Aesthetics : Theory and Application

Unit I : Theories of Indian Aesthetics Marks 30
Alamkara, Rasa, Dhvani, Vakrokti, Auchitya

Unit II: Application of Aesthetic theories Marks 30
Literature and Series :Literature of Kalidas/ Literature of Shakespeare
/Harry Potter/ / How I met your mother/ CID/ Shiva Triology/ James Bond/
Perry Messon/ Mr. Beans/ TarakMehataka ultra chashma/ Sherlock homes
Arts : Kailas temple / Ellora and Elephant caves/ Works of Leonardo da Vinc i,
Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma/ Paintings of Vincent Von Gough / Khidrapur
caves/ Sinnar caves - 10 incarnations.
Movies : Sholay/ ChupkeChupke/ Vivaha/ Titanic/ Lunch box/ The Great
escape/ Gandha/ Ashi hi Banavabanavi
Assignment : Field visit and Report writing Marks 20

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Paper Pattern :
Unit I : Write paragraphs (any three) Marks 30
Unit II: Essay type question (any two) Marks 30

1. S. K. De, History of Sanskrit Poetics , South Asia Books, 1976
2. P.V. Kane, History of Sanskrit Poetics , MLBD, Delhi, 1971
3. R. P. Kangle, Rasa Bhava Vichar
4. V. Raghavan, Some Aspects of Alamkarashastra
5. G. K. Bhat, Sanskrit SahityachiRuparesha
6. ArindamChakrabarty, TheBloomsbary Research Handbook of Indian
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Bloomsbary,
7. SuryananrayanaHegde, The concept of Vakrokti in Sanskrit Poetics,
Readworthy, New Delhi, 2009
8. Kavyaprakasha of Mammata