Sem IV Sans ID Course in Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Sem IV Sans ID Course in Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean:
______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course Interdisciplinary Course in Ancient Indian
Knowledge Systems
2 Eligibility for
Admission As per university rules
3 Passing Marks 24 for theory and 16 for internal marks for each
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 1 Semester
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2017- 18 AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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1 Title of the Course Interdisciplinary Course in Ancient
Indian Knowledge Systems
2 Course Code UDSKTIAIKS
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per university rules
6 Fee Structure As per university rules
7 No. of Lectures As per university rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Semester
10 Notional hours As per university rules
11 No. of Students per Batch As per university rules
12 Selection As per university rules
13 Assessment As per university rules
14 Syllabus Details Enclosed
15 Title of the Unit Enclosed
16 Title of the Sub-Unit Enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory Enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per university rules
22 List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You -Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA


Essentials Elements of the Syllabus

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Preamble and Objectives –
This course is one of the interdisciplinary courses offered for MA – SEM IV.
India has a vast tradition of Sanskrit texts dealing with various scientific
Number of treatises on the topics like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics, Botany, etc. focus on the development of
thoughts in the concerned area.
This course aims at introducing a student with various treatises on physical as
well as social sciences and their contribution to modern branches of sciences. Taking into consideration the vast scope of these sciences, major
treatises will be introduced in the course thereby making a student to ponder
over the ancient knowledge syst ems of India.

Inter -disciplinary Course in Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems

Unit I – Review of Scie ntific Literature in Sanskrit 15 Marks
(References of sciences/scientific knowledge through different textual sources

Unit II – Chemistry and Mathematics 15 Marks
(Various treatises on Chemistry, Use of chemistry in medicines , Metallurgy,
Use of chemistry for occult practices, Mathematical concepts through
Shulbasutras , Development of different mathematical branches and trea tises
based on that, Development of astronomy, etc. )

Unit III – Dietetics 15 Marks
(Study of different texts based on culinary art Nalapakadarpana,
Bhojanakutuhalam, Supashastra, Modes of preservation of food, Dietary
guidelines through branches of Ayurveda , Food and diseases, etc. )

Unit IV – Agriculture and Zoology 15 Marks
Study of krishisuktas, Krishiparashara, Brihatsamhita, Types of crops, Manures,
Types of land- devamatruka, nadimatruka , Use of animals in warfare, Animal
husbandry, Animals for medicines, etc. )

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Paper Pattern:
Q. 1. Essay Type (1/2) ORShort Notes (2/3) 15 Marks
Q. 2. Essay Type (1/2) ORShort Notes (2/3) 15 Marks
Q. 3. Essay Type (1/2) ORShort Notes (2/3) 15 Marks
Q. 4. Essay Type (1/2) ORShort Notes (2/3) 15 Marks

Internal Assignment:
PPT on any one science (Outside of the syllabus) with reference to Sanskrit
Texts 20 Marks

1. Scientific Knowledge in Sanskrit Literature – NirmalTrikha
2. Indian Astronomy: An Introduction – S. Balachandra Rao
3. Ancient Indian Sciences – B. Seal
4. Science in Ancient India (Science of the Past) – Melissa Stewert
5. India’s Contribution to World Culture – SudheerBirodkar
6. Ancient India – R. C. Majumdar
7. Ancient Indian Sciences – Swami ChidatmanJee Maharaj
8. KrishiParashara – Agriculture by Parashara – Asian Agri -History
9. The Art of India through the Ages – Stella Kramrisch
10. Early Indian Secular Architecture – K.Krishna Murthy
11. The Asian Elephant: Ecology and Management" Cambridge Univ. Press