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Date: Signature :
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean : ______________ ______________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course Vyakarana
2 Eligibility for Admission As per university rules
3 Passing
Marks 24 for Theory and 16 for internal marks for
each paper
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters One Semester
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2017 -18
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
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1 Title of the Course Vyakarana
2 Course Code UDSKTVY
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per university rules
6 Fee Structure As per university rules
7 No. of Lectures As per university rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Semester
10 Notional hours As per university rules
11 No. of Students per Batch As per university rules
12 Selection As per university rules
13 Assessment As per university rules
14 Syllabus Details Enclosed
15 Title of the Unit Enclosed
16 Title of the Sub -Unit Enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory Enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per university rules
22 List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You-Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA
Essential Elements of the Syllabus
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Preamble and Objectives -
This course is one of the electives offered for MA -II - SEM III. It takes into
consideration the long grammatical tradition starting from the period of Panini
(5th Century BC) to Nageshabhatta (17th century). The syllabus includes various
treatises on grammar of classical Sanskrit language.
At the same time, it deals with the grammar of Vedic language thereby making
the studen t aware of the pattern of changes language has undergone. The Course
also aims to acquaint the student with the schools of thought evident through
various grammatical treatises.
Vyakarana Syllabus for M. A. II (Semester III)
Paper I: Philosophy of Grammar
Unit I: Mahabhashya Paspashahnika (1 Credit) (15)
Unit II: Vakyapadiya (Brahmakanda ) (2 Credits) (30)
Unit III: Paramalaghumanjusha (1 Credit) (15)
Assignment - Study of one Ahnika other than the prescribed ones.
Paper II: Post-paninian Grammar Studies
Unit I: Paribhashendushekara (Selected Paribhashas) (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Karaka Prakarana from Kashika (2 Credits) (30)
Assignment - Study of Samasas in light of Kashika and other commentaries.
Paper III: Secondary word formations
Unit I: Kridanta from VSK (Selected sutra s) (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Taddhita from VSK (Selected sutra s) (2 Credits) (30)
Assignment on Assignment on any one taddhitartha other than the prescribed
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Paper IV: Shabda -Dhatu Prakriya
Unit I: Dashagani from VSK (First root from each group- Parasmaipada and
Atmanepada in Present, Simple Past, Imperative and Potential) (2 Credits) (30)
Unit II: Shadlingi from VSK (Select sutra s from all sections) (2 Credits) (30)
Assignment on Treatment given by Panini to verbal forms other than the
prescribed ones excluding Let Lakara.
Paper V: Vedic grammar
Unit I: Vaidiki Prakriya from VSK (Credits 2) (30)
Unit II: Svara Prakriya from VSK (Credits 2) (30)
Assignment on Treatment given by Panini to Vedic Grammar
Paper Pattern:
Paper I: Philosophy of Grammar
Unit I: i. Short Notes ( 2 out of 3) OR Essay type question ( 1 out of 2) 15
Unit II: i. Short Notes ( 2 out of 3) 15
Unit III: Essay type question ( 1 out of 2 ) 15
Paper II: Post-Paninian Grammar Studies
Unit I: Explain the Paribhashas (2 out of 3) 30
Unit II: i. Explain the Sutra s (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Reference to context (2 out of 3 ) 15
Paper III: Secondary word formations
Unit I: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (3 out of 4 ) 15
Unit II: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (3 out of 4 ) 15
Paper IV: Shabda -Dhatu Prakriya
Unit I: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (3 out of 4 ) 15
Unit II: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (3 out of 4 ) 15
Paper V: Vedic Grammar
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Unit I: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (3 out of 5 ) 15
Unit II: i. Explain the Sutras (2 out of 3 ) 15
ii. Explain the Formations (2 out of 4 ) 15
Select Bibliography:
1. Mahabhashya – Marathi Translation by K. V. Abhyankar
2. Patanjali's Vyakarana -Mahabhashya - Edite d with translation and explanatory
notes by S. D. Joshi.
3. Paribhashendushekhara – Marathi Translation by Vadegaonkarshastri
4. Paribhashendushekhara – English Translation by Keilhorn
5. Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi of Bhattoji Dikshita – Marathi Translation by
M.D. Sathe
6. Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi of Bhattoji Dikshita – English Translation by S.
C. Vasu
7. Kashika with Nyasa, Subodhini, and Padamanjari
8. Vakyapadiya (Brahmakanda) - Marathi Translation by Pt. V.B. Bhagawat