Sem III Sans Indology 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Sem III Sans Indology 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean: ______________________________________

No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course Indology
2 Eligibility for
Admission As per university rules
3 Passing Marks 24 for theory and 16 for internal marks for each
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per university rules
5 No. of Years /Semesters 1 Semester
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2017- 18
Item No. ______

Syllabus for Approval

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1 Title of the Course Indian Law and Administration
2 Course Code UDSKTILAD
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility As per university rules
6 Fee Structure As per university rules
7 No. of Lectures As per university rules
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Semester
10 Notional hours As per university rules
11 No. of Students per Batch As per university rules
12 Selection As per university rules
13 Assessment As per university rules
14 Syllabus Details Enclosed
15 Title of the Unit Enclosed

Essential Elements of the Syllabus

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16 Title of the Sub -Unit Enclosed
17 Semester wise Theory Enclosed
18 Semester wise List of
Practical NA
19 Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
20 Pattern of Practical Exam NA
21 Scheme of Evaluation of
Project / Internship As per university rules
22 List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
23 List of Websites NA
24 List of You -Tube Videos NA
25 List of MOOCs NA

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Indology Syllabus for M. A. II (Semester III)

Preamble and Objectives:

This course is one of the electives offered for MA Part II- Semester III. Course
encompasses various aspects of I ndological studies. It facilitates a holistic study of
ancient India, by introducing ideas like iconography, epigraphy, literature,
archaeology, arts, architecture, etc.

Course aims at empowering the student to appre hend, interpret, and analyze
various aspects of ancient India . Assignments are drafted to motivate students to
understand and appreciate the wondrous past of India.

Paper I : Ancient Indian Iconography

Unit 1 Introduction to Iconography (1 C redit) (15 M arks)
a. Significance of iconographic studies, sources, Text and image: Brief review of
Ancient Indian Shilpa Texts and their role in development of iconography
b. Concept and symbolism of icon and image worship
c. Origin and Antiquity of image worship in India
d. Iconometry, Iconology

Unit 2 Hindu Iconography (1 C redit) (15 M arks)
a. Emergence and development of Iconography of Vishnu: Sadharan murtis,
incarnations, other important representations of Vishnu, Regional traits of
Vaishnava iconography
b. Emergence and development of Iconography of Shiva: Anugraha murtis,
Samhara murtis , Vishesha murtis, Regional traits of Shaiva iconography
c. Brahma, Ganesha, Surya, Karttikeya
d. Other Important divinities: Ash tadikpalas , Navagrahas
Unit 3 Goddess (1 C redit) (15 M arks)
a) Mother Goddess- Uniconic to Iconic
b) Development of Iconography of Goddesses: Saptamatrikas, Durga, Lakshmi,
Saraswati, Mahi shasuramardini, Chamunda, Bhairavi
c) Regional traits of Shakta iconography
d) Goddesses of Fertility

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Unit 4 Buddhist and Jain Iconography (1 C redit) (15 M arks)
a) Iconography of Buddha -s
b) Iconography of Bodhisattvas (Avalokiteshwara, Manjishri, Vajrapani) and
Goddesses in Indian Buddhism.
c) Iconography of Jina -s
d) Iconography of Minor Gods and Goddesses in Jainism

Assignment on Minor iconographic forms like Yakshas, Nagas, Vidyadharas,
Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Surasundaris, Mithun Shilpas, Hero stones and Sati stones,

Paper II: Ancient Indian Epigraphy

Unit I Introduction to Epigraphy (1 Credit) (15
a. Aims, scope and definition of epigraphy
b. Types of scripts and History of writing in India
c. Indian eras (Shaka, Vikrama, Gupta, Chedi -Kalchuri)
Unit II Ancient Indian Scripts (1 Credit ) (15
a. Origin and development of different scripts
b. Brahmi -Ashokan, Gupta
c. Grantha
Unit III Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit (1 C redit) (15 M arks)

a) Besnagar Garuda Pillar Inscription of Heliodorus
b) Allahabad Prashasti of Samudragupta
c) Poona Plates of Prabhavatigupta

Unit IV Study of Inscriptions (1 C redit) (15 M arks)

a) Aihole Inscription of Pulakeshi II
b) Arjuna Varman Prashasti of Dhara (ParojataManjiri) First two cantos

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c) Inscription on the Jagadishwara Temple, Raigad

Assignment : Study of Inscription outside of India

Paper III : Literature and Archaeology
Unit 1 Early History of Writing (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a. Earliest Literary Sources and Archaeological Records
b. Early writing in West Asia
c. Early writing in India and China
Unit 2 Importance of archaeological evidence (1 Credit) (15 M arks)
a. Archaeological Evidence in India
b. Limitations of Archaeological Evidence
c. Importance of literary sources in India
d. Limitations of Literary Sources

Unit 3 History of Vedic, Buddhist, and Jaina Sources (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a. Early Vedic texts and Aryans: problems of corroboration
b. Vedic texts and Harappans: theories and problems
c. Buddhist, Jain and the Later Vedic Texts (1200- 600 B.C.)
d. Painted Grey Ware, Iron Age and Megalithic cultures of the Deccan and South
Unit 4 History of Epic Sources (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a. The Great Epics: Mahabharata and Ramayan a
b. The problem of dating the epics
c. Archaeology of the epic sites – exploration and excavations
d. Material culture of the epics and archaeological evidence
e. Problem areas: Rama Setu and Archaeology of Dwaraka
Assignment : PPT presentation on literature and archaeology

PAPER IV History of performing arts in India
Unit I Sources for tracing the development of Performing arts in Ancient
(1 C redit) (15 M arks)

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1. Literary sources- Specific study of Natya Shastra and Abhinaya Darpana.
Contribution of Epics, Kalidasa, Bharavi
2. Archaeological sources :- Brihadeeshwara Temple, Konark Sun Temple ,
Ramappa Temple in Warangal, Sculptures and Paintings
3. Origin of Music and Dance Traditions with a basic understanding of origin of
the Swara tradition, Nritta, Nrithya Natya, Abhinaya and the Tala /laya
traditio ns.
Unit II Dance (1 C redit) (15
1. Historical development of seven types of Classical dance
2. Salient features of Classical dance
3. Development of gharanas
Unit III Music (Vocal & Instrumental) (1 C redit) (15
1. Historical development of Classical Music
2. Salient features of Classical Music
3. Development of gharanas
Unit IV Folk Art (1 Credit) (15
1. Folk Art related to Dance - Garba, Lavani
2. Folk Art related to Vocal Music -Powada, bhavai
3. Related to Puppetry – Gujarat, Maharashtra
Assignment: Any form of performing Art other than the ones mentioned in the

Paper V : Indian Architectural Traditions

Unit 1 - History of Literary Traditions of Indian Architecture (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a) Shulbasutras and Arthashatra
b) Shilpa texts

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c) Texts on Iconography- Chitrasutra

Unit 2 - Development of Cave Architecture in India (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a) Origin and Development of Cave Architecture in early period
b) Buddhist Caves in India
c) Jain Caves in India
d) Hindu caves in India

Unit 3 - Development of Temple Architecture in India (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a. Temple: Concept and Development
b. Development of Temple Architecture in Pre Gupta Period
c. Regional Styles and Types of Shikaras

Unit 4 - Development Civil Architecture in India (1 Credit) (15 Marks)
a) Historical Survey of the development Water management system in Ancient
India in early historic period
b) Historical Survey of the development Fortifications and town planning in
Ancient India in early historic period
c) Introduction to Fort architecture of Maharashtra
Assignment : PPT on architectural traditions of India

Paper Pattern:
Paper I Ancient Indian Iconography

1. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
2. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
3. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
4. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15

Paper II Ancient Indian Epi graphy

1. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
2. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
3. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
4. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15

Paper I II Literature and Archaeology

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1. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
2. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
3. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
4. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15

Paper I V History of performing arts in India

1. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
2. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
3. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
4. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15

Paper V Indian Architectural Traditions
1. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
2. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
3. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15
4. Write short notes on (2 out of 3 ) OR Essay Type (1 out of 2) 15

Select Bibliography:
1. Agrawala, P.K.1994, Jaipur: Publication Scheme , Agrawala, Urmila. 1995
2. North Indian Temple Sculpture.New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
3. Bakkar, Hans.1997. The Vakatakas an Essay in Hindu Iconology (Gonda
Indological Series).
4. Banerjee, J.N.1974. Development of Hindu Iconography.New Delhi:
Munshiram Manoharlal.
5. Bhattacharya, D. 1 980. Iconology of Composite Images. New Delhi:
Munshiram Manoharlal Publications.
6. Champaklakshmi, R.1981.Vaishnava Iconography in the Tamil
Country.Delhi: Orient Longman.
7. Chawla, J.1990. The Rigvedic Deities and their Iconic Froms. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
8. Dandwate P. P. 1995. "A Cultural Study of Brahmarical Sycretistic Icons” Pune: Ph.D. Thesis Sumitted to University, Pune
9. Deglurkar, G.B. 2004.Portrayal of the Women in the Art and Literature of
the Ancient Deccan.Jaipur: Publications Scheme.
10. Deglurkar, G.B. 2007.Vishnumurti Namastubhyam. Sri Dwarkadhish
Charities, Karnala,Raigad.

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11. Dahej ia, Vidya 1986. Yogini Cult and Temples. New Delhi: National
12. Desai, Devangana 1996. The Religious Imagery of Khajuraho.Mumbai:
Project for the Indian Cul tural Studies Publication.
13. Desai, Kalpana 1973. Iconography of Vishnu.New Delhi: Abhinav
14. Gopinath Rao, T.A. 1985. (2nd Ed.) Elements of Hindu
Iconography.Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas.
15. Gupte, R.S. 1971. Iconography of Hindus, Buddhists and Jainas. Bombay:
D.B. Taraporewala Sons and Co.
16. Huntington, Susan 1984. The Pala -Sena School of Sculpture.Leiden: E. J.
17. Joshi N.P. 1966. Mathura Sculptures. Mathura: Archaeological Museum.
18. Joshi, N.P.1979. Bhartiya Murtishastra. Nagpur: Maharashtra Grantha
Nirmiti Mandal.
19. Kamalakar, G. (ed.).1993. Vishnu in Art, Thought and Literature.
Hyderabad: Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research.
20. Khandalwala, Karl (ed.) 1991.Golden Age: Gupta Art Empire, Province and
Influence. Bombay: Marg Publications.
21. Lal, Shyam Kishor 1980.Female Divinities in Hindu Mythology and Ritual.
Pune: University of Poona
22. Liebert, Gosta 1985, Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian Religions:
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.
23. Mani, V.R.1995. Saptama trikas in Indian Religion and Art. New Delhi:
Mittal Publications.
24. Mishra, Rajani 1989. Brahma- Worship, Tradition and Iconography. Delhi:
Kanishka Publication House.
25. Mishra, Ramnath 1981.Yaksha Cult and Iconography. New Delhi:
Munshiram Manoharlal.
26. Nagar, Shanti Lal 1988. Mahishasurmardini in Indian Art. New Delhi:
Aditya Prakashan.
27. Panikkar, Shivaji. K.1997. Saptamatraka Worship and Scultures, An
Iconological Interpretations of Conflicts. New Delhi: D.K.Printworld.
28. Ramachandra Rao 1988 -91. Pratima Kosa - Encyclopedia of Indian
Iconography 6 vols. Bangalore: Kalpataru Research Academy.
29. Sahai, Bhagwant 2006. Recent Researches in Indian Art and Iconography.
Missouri: Kaveri Prakashan
30. Sarma, I.K.1982. The Development of Early Shaiva Art and Architecture.
(With S pecial Reference to Andhradesha). Delhi: Abhinava Publications.

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31. Sinha, Kanchan 1979. Karttikeya in Indian Art and Literature. Delhi:
Sundeep Prakashan.
32. Shastri, T. Ganpati. (Ed.) 1966. Samaranganasutradhara of Bhoja. Baroda: Oriental Institute.
33. Sivrammurti , C.1961. Indian Sculpture. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt.
34. Sivaramamurty, C. 1963. South Indian Bronzes. New Delhi: Lalit Kala
35. Soundara Rajan, K. V.1982. India’s Religious Art.New Delhi: Cosmo
36. Sthapati V. Ganapati and Sthapati 2006.Indian Sculpture and Iconography.
Ahmadabad: Mapin Publishing.
37. Upadhyaya, Vasudev 1970. Prachin Bharatiya Murti Vijnana (Hindi).
Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series.
38. Yadava, Nirmala 1997. Ganesha in Indian Art and Literature. Jaipur:
Publications Sc heme.
39. Zimmer, Heinrich 2010. Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization,
New Delhi: Motilal Banarsaidass
40. Allchin, F.R. and K.R. Norman 1985. Guide to the Ashokan Inscriptions,
South Asian Studies, I: 49- 50.
41. Bhandarkar, D.R. 1935- 36.A List of the Inscriptions of Northern India in
Brahmi and its Derivative Scripts, from about 200 B.C. Appendix to Epigraphia Indica vols. 19- 23.
42. Bhandarkar, D.R. 1981.Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings
(Bahadurchand Chhabra and Govind Swamirao Gai eds.).
43. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum vol. III. New Delhi: Archaeological Survey
of India. Bühler, George 1892.
44. A New Variety of the Southern Maurya Alphabet, Winer Zeitschrift für die
Kunde des Morgen Landes (Vienna Oriental Journal), vol. 6: 148- 156.
45. Bühler, George 1898.On the Origin of Indian Brahma Alphabet.Strassburg: Karl J. Trubner.
46. Bühler, George 1959.Indian Palaeography.Calcutta: Indian Studies.
47. Dani, Ahmad Hasan 1963.Indian Palaeography,Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Epigraphia Indica 1892- 1940.Vol. 1- XXV, Archaeol ogical Survey of India.
48. Hultzch, D. 1969 (Reprint).Corpus Inscriptionum Indiacarum.Vol.I.
Varanasi: IndologicalBook House.
49. Gokhale,S. Purabhilekhavidya.Mumbai: Sahitya Sanskruti Mandal.
50. Goyal, S.R. 2005.Ancient Indian Inscriptions.Jodhpur: Kusumanjali Book

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51. Khare, M.D. 1967. Discovery of a Vishnu Temple near the Heiodorus Pillar,
Besnagar, District Vidisha (M.P.), Lalit Kala (13): 21- 27.
52. Lüders, H. 1912.A List of Brahmi Inscriptions from the Earliest Times to About A.D. 400 with the Exception of those of Asoka.Appendix to
Epigraphia Indica Vol. X.
53. Mangalam, S.J. 1990.Kharoshti Script.Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
54. Mehendale, M.A. 1948.Historical Grammar of Inscriptional Prakrits. Poona:
DeccanCollege Post Graduate and Research Institute.
55. Mehendale, M.A. 1948.Asokan Inscriptions in India (Linguistic Study
together with Exhaustive Bibliography).Bombay: University of Bombay.
56. Mirashi, V.V. 1981.The History and Inscriptions of the Satavahanas and the
Western Kshatrapas. Bombay: Maharashtra State Board of Literature and
57. Pandey, R. 1957.Indian Palaeography.Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas.
58. Raghunath, K. 1998.Ikshvakus of Vijaya Puri: Study of the Nagarjunakonda
Inscriptions.Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
59. Ramesh, K.V. 1984.Indian Epigraphy.Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
60. Rea, Alexander 1997 (Reprint).South Indian Buddhist Antiquities.
Archaeological Survey of India New Imperial Series Vol. XV.New Delhi:
Director General, Archaeological Survey of India.
61. Salomon, Richard 1998.Indian Epigraphy.New delhi: Munshiram
Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
62. Shastri, A.M. 1996- 97. Some Observations on the Origin and Early History
of the Vikrama Era,Prachya Pratibha,vol. XVIII: 1- 51.
63. Shastri, A.M. 1966. The Saka Era, Panchal,vol. 9: 109- 132.
64. Sircar, D.C. 1965. Indian Epigraphy.De lhi: Motilal Banarasidas.
65. Sircar, D.C. 1986 (3rdedition). Select Inscriptions. Vol. I. Delhi: Asian
Humanities Press.
66. Srinivasan, P.R. and S. Sankaranarayanan 1979. Inscriptions of the Ikshvaku
Period. Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Government.
67. Woolner, Alfred C. 1924.Asoka Text and Glossary (parts I and II). Lahore:
The University of the Panjab, Lahore.
68. Allchin, F. R. 1995.The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia and
Emergence of Cities and States.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
69. Andren, Anders 1998.B etween Artifacts and Texts.New York: Plenum
70. Bhattacharya, Sukumari 1975.Literature in the Vedic Age (2 Vols). K.P. Bagehi and Co., Calcutta Dymond, D. P. 1974.
71. Archaeology and History: A Plea for Reconciliation.London: Thomas and Hudson

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72. Erodsy, George 1988.Urbanisation in Early Historical India. Oxford: BAR.
73. Dhavalikar, M.K.1999. Historical Archaeology of India.New Delhi: Books
& Books.
74. Kosambi, D.D. 1985. An Introduction to the Study of Indian History.
(Reprint) Mumbai: Popular Prakashan.
75. Survey of Sanskrit Literature.Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
76. Lad, Gauri P. 1981. Mahabharata and Archaeological Evidence.Pune:
Deccan College.
77. Sharma, R. S. 1996. The State and Varna formation in the Mid- Ganga
Plains. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
78. Roy, T. N. 1983.The Ganges Civilization: A Critical Study of PGW &
NBPW Periods of the Ganga Plains of India.New Delhi: Ramanada Vidya
79. Thapar, Romila 1990.From Lineage to State.Delhi: Oxford University Press.
80. Tripathi, Vibha 1976.The Painted Gray ware: An Iron Age Culture of North
India. Delhi: Concept Publishing House.
81. Tripathi, Vibha 2001.Age of Iron in South Asia Legacy & Tradition.
82. Vatsyayan Kapila (1968)Classical Indian Dance in Literature and the
Arts,Sageet Natak akademi
83. Nair Rajeev (2007)A Rasika’s journey Through Hindustani Music,Indialog
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84. Rao Appa P.S.R and Sastry Rama P (1997)Bharata’s Natya Shastra,A naatya
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85. Coomaraswamy Ananda,(1987)A mirror of Gesture,Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers pvt ltd
86. Coomaras wamy Ananda (1987) Dance 0f Shiva,Munshiram Ma noharlal
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87. Rangacharya Adya ( 1971)The Indian Theatre, National Book Trust of India
88. Kishore B.R (Dr) (1988)Dances of India, Diamond Pocket Books
89. Rao Krishna U.S(1980) A Dictionary of Bharata Natya,Orient Longman publication
90. Sarabhai Mrinalini (1981) Understanding Bhararatanatyam ,Ther Darpana
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91. Tarlekar G.H, (1975) Studies in the Natya Shastra,Motilal Banarsidass
92. Gosh Manmohan (1975) Nandikesvara Abhinayadarpanam, Manisha
Granthalaya Pvt limited

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93. Bagchee Sandeep( 1992)Nad Understanding Raga Music,Business
Publication Pvt ltd
94. Sangeetha Natya Kala Sanhrama (1985) Kal;asadan publication Mumbai.
95. Subrahmanyam Padma.Dr ( 1979) Bharatas art then and now,
96. Subrahmanyam Padma .Dr ( 2003) Karanas Common Dance codes of India
and Indonesia,Nrithyodaya Chennai
97. Sawra Bharati, (2011) Dance and Dance Traditions , Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan publication
98. Bhatkande Sangeet Shastra - Hatras publication (5 volumes)
99. Classical Dances in India - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Publication
100. Karanas Common Dance codes of India and Indonesia - Dr Padma
101. Bharatas art then and now - Dr Padma Suahmanyam
102. Swara Bharati (2011) Dance and Dance traditions - Bharitya Vidya Bhavan
103. Sangeet Visharad - Hatras Publication.