SYBSc Physics _1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBSc Physics _1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC 07th July, 2023
Item No. 6.1 (R)




Syllabus for Semester

Choice Based
and Credit


with effect from the
Academic year 20

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Item No. ______

Syllabus for Approval

No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course B.Sc. (Physics )
2 Eligibility for Admission F.Y.B.Sc. passed from this university
(or with ATKT in any two courses at
F.Y.B.Sc. Level) or equivalent
qualification from other Universities as
may have been allowed by the relevant
ordinance of this University
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances / Regulations (if any) -
5 No. of Years / Semesters 02 Semesters
6 Level UG
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status Revised
9 To be implemented from Academic Year From Academic Year: 2023 -2024

Name Prof.(Dr.) Shivram S. Garje
Dean, Science and Technology

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Syllabus for B.Sc.Physics (Theory & Practical) As
per Choice Based and Credit System
Second Year B.Sc 2023 -2024

The revised syllabus in Physics as per Choice Based and Credit System for the Second Year B.Sc Course
will be implemented from the academic year 2023 -2024.

The systematic and planned curricula from these courses shall motivate and encourage learners to
understand basic concepts of Physics.

• To develop analytical abilities towards real world problems
• To familiarize with current and recent scien tific and technological developments
• To enrich knowledge through problem -solving, hands -on activities, study visits, projectsetc

Course Code Title Credits
Semester III
USPH301 Thermodynamics and
Temperature Transducers 02
USPH302 Electronics 02
USPH303 Mathematical Methods &
Applied Physics I 02
USPHPIII Practical III 02
Total = 08
Semester IV
USPH401 Optics & Applied Physics II 02
USPH402 Electrodynamics 02
USPH403 Quantum Physics 02
USPHPII Practical IV 02
Total = 08

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Scheme of Examination:
• Each theory paper of each semester will have 25% Internal Assessment (IA) and 75% External
Assessment (EA). All external examinations will be held at the end of each semester and will be
conducted by the University as per existing norms
• There will be no internal assessment for practical. A candidate will be allowed to appear for the
semester end practical examination only if the candidate submits a certified journal at the time
of practic al examination of the semester or a certificate from the Head of the
Department/Institute to the effect that the candidate has completed the practical course of that
semester of S.Y.B.Sc Physics as per the minimum requirement. The duration of the practical
examination will be two hours per experiment. There will be three experiments (one from each
group) through which the candidate will be examined in practical. The questions on slips for the
same should be framed in such a way that candidate will be able t o complete the task and should
be evaluated for its skill and understanding of physics.

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Semester III
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters III Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH301 Thermodynamics and
Transducers 2

Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to :
i) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in physical
ii) Learn about situations in low temperature. iii) Demonstrate tentative problem
solving skills in all above areas.
UNIT I (15 Lectures) Reversible and irreversible
process, Heat En gines, Carnot’s cycle, Effective way to increase Efficiency, Carnot’s Engines and
refrigerator, Coefficient of performance, Second Law of Thermodynamics - Statements, Carnot
Theorem, Steam Engine, Otto Engine, Diesel Engine.
BSH: 4.20, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 4 .26, 4.27, 4.28,4.29, 4.30, 4.31& 4.33.

Maxwell’s thermodynamics relations (No derivation required), Applications of Maxwell’s
thermodynamic relations: Specific Heat Equation, Joule Thomson Cooling, Temperature Change
in Adiabatic Process, Clausius – Clapeyron equation
BSH: 6.3, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6 .4.6&6.4.7

UNIT II ( 15 Lectures)
Concept of Entropy, Change in Entropy, Change in Entropy in Adiabatic Process, Change in Entropy in
Reversible cycle, Principle of increase of Entropy, Change in Entropy in Irreversible
Process, T – S diagram, Physical Significance of Entropy, Entropy of a perfect gas, Kelvin’s
thermodynamic Scale of temperature, (Omit alternative method using Carnot cycle), The size of a
Degree, Zero of Absolute scale, Identity of perfect Gas Scale and Absolute scale.Third Law of
thermodynamics, Zero -point energy, Negativ e temperatures (Not possible), Heat Death of the

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BSH:5.1 to 5.9, 5.11 to 5.18
Low temp physics: Different methods of liquefaction of gases, Method of freezing, Cooling by
Evaporation under reduced Pressure, Cooling by Adiabatic Expansion, P rinciple of Regenerative
Cooling, Liquefaction of Oxygen.
BSH: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7&7.9 References:
BSH: Brijlal, Subramanyam and Hemne, Heat Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, S
Chand,Revised, Multi -coloured,2007 Ed.
Additional References:
M W Zemansky and R H Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill.
D K Chakrabarti, Theory and Experiments on Thermal Physics, (2006 Ed) Central books.
Evelyn Guha,Basic Thermodynamics (Narosa Publications)
Philip M. Morse,Thermal Physics (W. A. Benja min Inc, New York)
Robert and Miller,Heat & Thermodynamics(E LBS)
Saha and Srivastava,A treatise of Heat
ABG: AB Gupta and H. Roy, Thermal Physics, Book and Allied (P) Ltd, Reprint 2008, 2009.
UIII Temperature Transducers
Introduction to Temperature Transducers, Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Platinum
Thin Film Sensors, Resistance Thermometer: its types, working principles and applications,
Thermistors, Thermocouple, Semiconductor Diode Temperature Sensor, IC Type S ensor,
Pyrometers, Total Radiation Pyrometer (TRP), Infrared Pyrometers,
Optical Pyrometer,Ultrasonic Temperature Transducer Reference:
Electronic Instrumentation. 3rd edition, H. S. Kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private LimitedNEW
DELHI. (Arti cle no. 13.20.1 to 13.20.13 page no. 456 -478)

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Semester III
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters III Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH302 Electronics 2

Unit I Analog Electronics 15 Lectures
1.Faithful amplification, Transistor Biasing, Inherent Variations of Transistor
Parameters, Essentials of a Transistor Biasing Circuit, Methods of Transistor
Biasing, Base Resistor Method, Emitter Bias Circuit, Circuit analysis of Emitter
Bias, Voltage Div ider Bias Method.

References: Principles of Electronics – V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. (S.
Chand –Multicolour revised edition)
Articles : 9.1 , 9.2 , 9.3 , 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9 , 9.10 , 9.12

2. General amplifier characteristics: Concept of amplification, amplifier
notations, current gain, Voltage gain, power gain, input resistance, output
resistance, frequency response, Decibel gain and Band width. General theory of
feedback, reasons for negative feedback, loop gain.

Referen ces: Electronic devices and circuits – An introduction Allan
Mottershead (PHI Pvt. Ltd. – EEE – 1986)

Articles :7.1, 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7. , 8.1, 8.7, 8.8 , 17.1 , 17.2, 17.3

Unit II: Analog Electronics 15 Lectures
1. Oscillat ors: Introduction, effect of positive feedback. Requirements for
oscillations, phase shift oscillator, Wien Bridge Oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator.

References: Electronic devices and circuits – An introduction Allan
Mottershead (PHI Pvt. Ltd. – EEE – 1986)

Articles : 18.1 , 18.2 , 18.3 , 18.5 , 18.6

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2. Operational Amplifiers: Introduction, Schematic symbol of OPAMP, Output
voltage from OPAMP, , Bandwidth of an OPAMP, Slew rate, Frequency
Response of an OPAMP, Virtual ground concept , gain , offset voltage and current
, OPAMP with Negative feedback, Inverting Amplifier, Non -Inverting Amplifier,
Voltage Follower, Summing Amplifier, Applications of Summing amplifier,
OPAMP Integrator and Differentiator, Critical frequency of Integrator,

References: Principles of Electronics – V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. (S. Chand
–Multicolour revised edition)
Articles : 25.1 , 25.16 , 25.17 , 25. 19, 25.20, 25.21, 25.22 , 25.24 , 25.26, 25.27,
25.32, 25.33 , 25.35 , 25.36, 25.37, 25.38 , 25.39.

Principles of Electronics – V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. (S. Chand –
Multicoloured illustrative edition)

Unit – III Digital Electroni cs: 15
Flip Flops : RS Flip -Flops (only NOR gate latch, NAND gate latch) , Gated
FlipFlops, Edge -Triggered RS Flip -Flop, Edge - Triggered D Flip -Flop,
EdgeTriggered J -K Flip -Flop, JK Master - Slave Flip -Flops.

Types of registers : SISO , SIPO, PISO , PIPO [in this chapter the teacher should
make all IC specific diagrams into general diagrams ie. Ignore pin numbers and IC

Asynchronous counter -3 bit (ignore IC specific diagrams), Synchronous counter
only mod 8, Decade Counters Mod 5 and Mod 10

Reference: Digital Principles and Applications - Leach, Malvino, Saha_ 6th ed

FFs: 8.1 to 8.5, 8.7
Registers: 9.1 to 9.5
Counters: 10.1, 10.3( upto fig 10.12) 10.5(
upto fig 10.22).

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Semester III
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters III Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH303 Mathematical
Methods & Applied
Physics - I 2

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. The ability to apply the principles of physics to solve new and unfamiliar problems.
2. Learn Mathematical Techniques required to Physical phenomena at the under graduate
level and get exposure to important ideas of differential equations.
3. Solve non homogeneous differential equation and partial differential equation using simple
4. Describe and recognize different types of differential equation in program.
5. Understand the basic mathematical concepts and applications of them in physical
6. Students will be exposed to contextual real -life situations.
7. Students will appreciate the role of Physics in 'interdisciplinary areas related to Acoustics
and Radio Communication’ and understand the scope of the subject in Industry.

Unit I 15 Lectures
Differential Equations: Introduction, Ordinary differential equations: first order homogeneous
and non - homogene ous differential equations with variable coefficients, Variable separable
method, exact differentials equation
General first order Linear Differential equation and Second -order homogeneous differential
equations with constant coefficients. Problems depict ing physical situations like LC and RL

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Unit II
Second -order non homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, partial differential
equations, some important partial differential equations in physics, method of separation of
Applications of Partial differential Equation: Modeling of vibrating stretched string and two
dimensional heat flow equation, Laplace’s equation in two dimensions,
Solution of wave equation and Helmoltz’s equation. Reference:
Higher Mathematical Physics, 1st Edition, 2014, by H.K. Dass and Dr. Rama Verma, S.Chand
Publishing ,New Delhi -110 055(Article no.12.1 to 12.7 , page no :273 -305)
Additional References:
1. Mathematical Physics, B.D. Gupta -Vikas Publishing House, 4th Edition (2006)
2. Mathematical Ph ysics, Sathya Prakash, Sultan Chand, 6th edition (2014)
3. Mathematical Physics Rajput, Pragathi Prakasan Pub., (2017)
4. Mathematical Physics, H.K. Dass, S. Chand & Co., Eighth edition (2018)
5. Mechanics and mathematical methods by R Murugeshn , S Chand. Elements of mechanics
by Gupta.
6. Mathematical physics - Piyoosh kumar tyagi , RBSA Publishers
7. Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A concise introduction, - Tai L. Chow Cambridge
University Press.

Unit 3: Acoustics and Radio Communication: 15 Lectures
1. Acoustics of Buildings: Reverberation, Explanation and Importance of Sabine’s formula,
Absorption Coefficient, Acoustics of Buildings,Factors Affecting Acoustics of Buildings, Sound
Distribution in an Auditorium.
RK: 5.9, 5. 10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14 & 5.15 Reference:
RK: Properties of matter and Acoustics – R Murugeshan and K. Shivaprasath, SChand & Co.Ltd. (2005Ed)
2. Radio communication:
i) Basics of Communication: Block diagram of communication system, types
ofcommunication system: simplex, duplex, analog and digital communication,base band and broad
band communication. Noiseconcept and types, signal to noise ratio, noise figure, noise
LF: 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,9.5
ii) Amplitude Modulation: Need of modulation, concept o f modulation, AMwaveform,
mathematical expression of AM, AM Receiver: TRF and super heterodyne receiver. KD:

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1.3,3.1.1,3.1.2,6.1,6.2.1 iii) Frequency Modulation: Definition, mathematical representation,
frequencyspectrum. KD: 5.1.1,5.1.2,5.1.3 iv) Concept of ASK, PSK, FSK, PAM, PWM, PPM,
KD: Electronic Communication Systems George Keneddy , Bernard Devis, Fourth Edition, TMH
1. LF: Communication Electronics: Principles and applications by Louis E Frenzel, 3rd edition TMH
Public ations.
2. KD: Electronic Communication Systems George Keneddy , Bernard Devis, Fourth Edition, TMH
Additional References:
1. VT: Telecommunication Switching Systems and Network by Vishwanathan andThiagarajan, PHI
2. RC: Electronics Communication Systems by Denis Roddy and John Coolen, PHIpublication.

1. All the measurements and readings should be written with proper units in SI system only.
2. After completing all the required number of experiments in the semester and recording them in
journal, student will have to get their journal certified and produce the certified journal at the
time of practical examination.
3. While evaluating practical, wei ghtage should be given to circuit/ray diagram, observations,
tabular representation, experimental skills and procedure, graph, calculation and result.
4. Skill of doing the experiment and understanding physics concepts should be more important
than the accur acy of final result.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand & practice the skills while performing experiments.
2. Understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear & hesitation.
3. Correlate the physics theory concepts to practical application.
4. Understand the concept of errors and their estimation .

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Note: Exemption of two experiments from section A and / or B and / or C may be given if
student carries out any one of the following ac tivity.
• Collect the information of at least five Physicists with their work or any three events on
physics, report that in journal.
• Execute a mini project to the satisfaction of teacher in -charge of practical.
• Participate in a study tour or visit & subm it a study tour report.
• For practical examinations, the learner will be examined in two experiments (one from
each group).
• Each experiment will be of three lecture hours' duration.
• A Minimum 4 from each group and in all minimum 12 experiments must be re ported in

• All the skill experiments are required to be completed compulsorily. Students are required
to report all these experiments in the journal. Evaluation in viva voce will be based on
regular experiments and skill experiments.
A learner will be allowed to appear for the semester and practical examination only if he
submits a certified journal of Physics or a certificate that the learner has completed the
practical course of Physics Semester I as per the minimum requirements.
1. Helmholtz resonator - determination of unknown frequency
2. Young’s modulus by Koenig’s method./ Y by bending.
3. Flat spiral spring (Y)
4. Flat spiral spring (n)
5. Determination of acceleration due to gravity using BAR pendulum
6. Log Decrement using Simple Pendulum
7. LCR parallel resonance
8. Verification of Stefan’s law ( electrical method)

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1. G By shunting using MCG
2. Thevenin’s Theorem: & Norton’s Theorem: To verify the theorems for DC circuits (using same
3. Opamp : Inverting amplifier with different gains & Non -inverting amplifier with different gains
& Voltage Follower (BB)
4. CE amplifier: determination of bandwidth
5. CE amplifier: variation of gain with load
6. To verify the Reciprocity/ Maximum Power Transfer Theore ms
7. Phase shift oscillator /Wien bridge oscillator
8. Colpitt’s oscillator/ Hartley oscillator

1. Square wave oscillator using gates
2. Study of MS -JK flip flop
3. MOD 2 , MOD 5 & MOD 10 counter using IC 7490
4. Half adder and full adder (7486, 7408)
5. Opamp – Difference Amplifier /Opamp - Summing Amplifier
6. Opamp: Differentiator
7. Opamp: Integrator
8. Shift registers

Skill Experiments:
1. Soldering technique
2. Wiring of a simple circuit using bread board
3. Use of DMM - for component testing - diode and transi stor
4. Use of oscilloscope - for phase -shift measurement
5. Radius of ball bearings (single pan balance)
6. PC simulations: graph, curve fitting, etc

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Note: Minimum 12 experiments (Four From each group) and 4 Skill experiments should be
completed and reported in the journal, in the first semester. Certified Journal is a must, to be
eligible to appear for the semester end practical examination.
Semester End Practical Examination:
Scheme of Examination:
There will be no internal assessment for practical. A candidate will be allowed to appear for the
semester end practical examination only if the candidate submits a certified journal at the time of
practical examination of the semester or a certificate from the Head of the Department /Institute to
the effect that the candidate has completed the practical course of that semester of F.Y.B.Sc.
Physics as per the minimum requirement. The duration of the practical examination will be two
hours per experiment. There wi ll be three experiments (one from each group) through which the
candidate will be examined in practical. The questions on slips for the same should be framed in
such a way that candidate will be able to complete the task and should be evaluated for its ski ll and
understanding of physics.
1. Advanced course in Practical Physics D. Chattopadhya, PC Rakshit& B Saha. (6th Edition)
Book and Allied Pvt.Ltd.
2. B.Sc PRACTICAL Physics – Harnam Singh S.Chand& Co. Ld. 2001
3. A test book of advanced practic al PHYSICS _ SAMIR Kumar Ghosh, New Central Book
Agency (3rd edition)
4. B.Sc. Practical Physics – CL Arora (1st Edition) -2001 S.Chand and Co Ltd.
5. Practical Physics CL Squires (3rd Edition) Cambridge University
6. University Practical Physics – DC Tayal. Himalaya Publication
7. Advanced Practical Physics – Worsnop&Flint.

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Semester IV
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters IV Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH401 Optics & Applied
Physics II 2

Learning Objectives:
To acquire knowledge of applied Optics and Electronics
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the diffraction, polarization processes and applications of them in physical
2. Understand the applications of interference in design and working of interferometers.
3. Understand the resolving power of different optical instruments.
4. To develop assembly language programming skills and learn the real time applications of
6. Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skill in all the topics covered.

UI Diffraction and Polarization (15 lectures)
1. Fresnel diffraction : Introduction, Huygens -Fresnel’s theory, Fresnel’s assumptions,
Distinction between interference and diffraction, Fresnel and Fraunhoffer types of diffraction,
Diffraction pattern due to straight edge: positions of maximum and minimum intensity
SBA: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.6, 17.7, 17.10, 17.10.1
2. Fraunhoffer diffraction : Introduction, Fraunhoffer diffraction at a single slit, intensity
distribution in diffraction pattern due to a single slit, Fraunhoffer diffraction at double slit,
Distinction between single slit and double slit diffraction patterns
SBA: 18.1, 18.2, 18.2.1, 18.4, 18.4.2

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3. Polarization : Introduction, Malus’ Law, Production of Polarized light: The wire grid
polarizer and a Polaroid, Polarization by Reflection, Polarization by Double Refraction
Interference of Polarized light: Quarter wave plates and half wave plates (Qualitative)
Ordinary and Extra Ordinary Rays, Positive and Negative crystals
AG: 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.3.1 , 22.3.2, 22.3.3, 22.6
SBA: 20.11.2, 20.11.3
UII Interferometers and Resolving Power (15 Lectures)
1. Michelson’s Interferometer : Principle, construction, working, circular fringes, localized
fringes, White light fringes, Visibility of fringes.
Applications of Michelson Interferometer: a) Measurement of wavelength b) Determination of the
difference in the wavelength of two waves c)Thickness of a thin transparent sheet d)
Determination of the refractive index of gases
SBA: 15.7, 15.7.1 to 15.7.7, 15.8, 15.8.1 to 15.8.4
2. Resolving Power :Introduction, Rayleigh’s criterion, Resolving power of optical
instruments, Cri terion for resolution according to Lord Rayleigh, Resolving power of a telescope,
Resolving power of a prism, Resolving power of a plane transmission grating. SBA: 19.1, 19.2,
19.5, 19.6, 19.7, 19.11, 19.12
1. (SBA) Dr. N. Subrhmanyam, Brijlal , and Dr. M. N. Avadhanulu A Textbook of Optics, 25th
Revised Edition (2012) S. Chand
2. (AG) Ajoy Ghatak, Optics 6E Mc Graw Hill Education
Unit: III - Microprocessors 15 lectures
1) Building Concept of Microprocessor: Introduction, Study of Memory, Input Device, Output
Device, Input/output Device, Central Processing Unit.
Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2 , 3.3 (3.3.1 , 3.3.2 , 3,.3.3) , 3.4. , 3.5 , 3.6 , 3.7

2) 8085 Microprocessor: Introduction, Features of Inter 80 85, Pin Diagram of 8085, 8085 CPU
Architecture ,Arithmetic and Logical Group, Register Group, Interrupt Control , Serial I/O Control Group
,Instruction Register , Decoder and Control Group

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Chapter 4: 4.1 ,4.2, 4.3, 4.4 , 4.5 (4.5.1 , 4.5.2 , 4.5.3 , 4.5. 4) , 4.6 (4.6.1 , 4.6.2 , 4.6.3), 4.7, 4.8, 4.9
(4.9.1 , 4.9.2 , 4.9.3)
3) 8085 Instruction Set: Introduction, Flowchart, Classification of Instruction, Notations used in
Instructions and Opcode , Data Transfer Group ,Program Examples for Data Transfer Gro up , Arithmetic
Operation Group , BranchGroup , Logical Group , Addressing Modes , 8085 Programmers Model.
Chapter 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 6.4 , 6.5 , 6.6 , 6.7 , 6.8 (6.8.1 , 6.8.2 , 6.8.3 , 6.8.8 , 6.8.9, 6.8.10 ,6.8.11 (A part
Block Transfer)) , 6.9 (6.9.1 up to 6.9.19) , 6.12 , 6.13
Reference Book:
Microprocessor and Applications by V.J. Vibhute& P.B. Borole, Fifth Revised Edition, Technova
Publications, Pune.
Additional References:
1. G: Microprocessor Architecture, programming and Applications with the8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th
Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Microprocessor, Principles & Applications by Gilmore (2nd Ed) TMH

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Semester IV
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters IV Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH402 Electrodynamics 2

Unit I Electrodynamics and Vector calculus: (15 lectures)
Line, surface, volume integrals, Fundamental thermos of Gradient, Curvilinear
co-ordinates, Divergence and Curl.
Introduction to Electrodynamics David J Griffiths Fourth Edition Cambridge University Press
1. 3.1,1.3.2,1.3.3,1.3.4,1.3.5,1.4,2.2.2,2.2.4
Unit II Electromagnetism (Electrostatics & Magnetostatics) (15 lectures)
Coulomb’s law, Comments on potential, Poisson’s equation and Laplace’s equation.
Solution and properties of 1D Laplace equation. Properties of 2D and 3D Laplace equation
(without proof). First & Second Uniqueness theorem
Introduction to Electrodynamics David J Griffiths Fourth Edition Cambridge University Press
2. 1.2, 2.1.3, 2.3.2, 2.3 .3, 3.3.2,3.3.3,3.3.4,3.1.5,3.1.6
Unit III Magnetostatics : (15 lectures)
Magnetization, The Divergence and Curl of B, Ampere’s law in magnetized
materials,Comparison of Magnetostatics and Electrostatics ,
Bound currents and their physical interpretation,Magnetic susceptibility and permeability.
Introduction to Electrodynamics David J Griffiths Fourth Edition Cambridge University Press
5.2.1,5.2.2,5.3.1, 5.3.2,5.3.3,5.3 .4,6.1.4,6.2.1,6.2.2,6.4.1 References :
DG : Introduction to Electrodynamics : David J. Griffiths (3rd Ed) Prentice Hall of India.
Additional References:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: A. Z. Capria and P. V. Panat. Narosa Publishing House.
2. Engineeri ng Electrodynamics : William Hayt Jr. & John H. Buck (TMH).
3. Electricity and Magnetism :Navina Wadhwani (PHI – 2010).

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Semester IV
Name of the
Programme Duration Semester Subject Physics Six semesters IV Physics
Course Code Title Credits
USPH403 Quantum Mechanics 2

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the postulates of quantum mechanics and to understand its importance in
explaining significant phenomena in Physics.
2) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered. Background
Reading (Review):
Origin of Quantum M echanics:
1) Review of Black body radiation, b) Review of photoelectric effects.
2) Matter waves -De Broglie hypothesis. Davisson and Germer experiment.
3) Wave particle duality
4) Concept of wave packet, phase velocity, group velocity and relation between them
5) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle with thought experiment, different forms of uncertainty.
Unit I: The Schrodinger wave equation : 15 Lectures
1. Concept of wave function, Born interpretation of wave function.
2. Concepts of operator in quantum mechanics examples – position, momentum and energy
3. Eigenvalue equation s, expectation values of operators.
4. Schrodinger equation.
5. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics.
6. Analogy between Wave equation and Schrodinger equation.
7. Time dependent and time independent (Steady State) Schrodinger equation, Stationary State
8. Superposit ion principle.
9. Probability current density, Equation of continuity and its physical significance.

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Unit -II: Applications of Schrodinger steady state equation -I 15 Lectures
1. Free particle.
2. Particle in infinitely deep potential well (one - dimension).
3. Particle in finitely deep potential well (one - dimension).
4. Step potential.
5. Particle in three dimension rigid box, degeneracy of energy state.
Unit -III: Applications of Schrodinger stead y state equation –II 15 Lectures 1.
Potential barrier (Finite height and width) penetration and tunneling effect (derivation of
approximate transmission probability)
2. Theory of alpha particle decay from radioactive nucleus.
3. Harmo nic oscillator (one -dimension), correspondence principle.
[Note: A good number of numerical examples are expected to be covered during the prescribed
Reference Books :
1. Concepts of Modern Physics – A. Beiser (6th Ed.) Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Quantum Mechanics – S P Singh, M K Bagade, Kamal Singh, - S. Chand : 2004 Ed.
3. Quantum Mechanics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and particles. - By R. Eisberg and R.
Resnik Published by Wiley.
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. - By D. Griffiths Publi shed by Prentice Hall.
6. Quantum Mechanics. - By Ghatak and Lokanathan Published by Mc. Millan.
7. Quantum Mechanics. - By L. I. Schiff.
8. Quantum Mechanics. - By Powell and Crasemann, Addison -Wesley Pu b.
1. All the measurements and readings should be written with proper units in SI system only.
2. After completing all the required number of experiments in the semester and recording them in
journal, student will have to get their journal certified and produce the certified journal at the
time of practical examination.
3. While evaluating practical, weightage should be given to circuit/ray diagram, observations,
tabular representation, experimental skills and procedure, graph, calculation and result.

Page 23

4. Skill of doing the experiment and understanding physics concepts should be more important
than the accuracy of final result.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand & practice the skills while per forming experiments.
2. Understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear & hesitation.
3. Correlate the physics theory concepts to practical application.
4. Understand the concept of errors and their estimation .
Note: Exemption of two experiments from section A and / or B and / or C may be given if
student carries out any one of the following activity.
• Collect the information of at least five Physicists with their work or any three events on
physics, report that in journal.
• Execute a mini project to the satisfaction of teacher in -charge of practical.
• Participate in a study tour or visit & submit a stud y tour report.
• For practical examinations, the learner will be examined in two experiments (one from
each group).
• Each experiment will be of three lecture hours' duration.
• A Minimum 4 from each group and in all minimum 12 experiments must be reported in

• All the skill experiments are required to be completed compulsorily. Students are required
to report all these experiments in the journal. Evaluation in viva voce will be based on
regular experiments and skill experiments.
A learner will be allowed to appear for the semester and practical examination only if he
submits a certified journal of Physics or a certificate that the learner has completed the
practical course of Physics Semester I as per the minimum requirements.
1. Optical lever: determination of μ

Page 24

2 Cylindrical obstacle: determination of λ/ Fresnel’s bi -prism: determination of λ
3.Determination of Couchy’s constants
4.R.P. of telescope/ R.P. of grating
5. Brewster’s law: determination of μ
6. Polarimeter: Determination of specific rotation of sugar solution
7. Determination of wavelength of laser using grating
8. Determination of R.I. of liquid by laser
1. To determine self inductance of a coil by Maxwell bridge.
2. Plank’s Constant using LED (Red colours )
3. Figure of merit of a mirror galvanometer
4. Passive (RC) low pass & High Pass filter
5. Passive band pass filter
6. C1/ C2 by De Sauty’s Bridge
7. C1/ C2 by BG/ Determination of Absolute capacitance using BG
8. LCR Transient

1. Study of 8 Bit D latc h
2. Study of 8 Bit Unidirectional Buffer/ Bidirectional Buffer
3. Verification of Inverse square law using LUX meter
4. Gauss Meter: Determination of Magnetic Field with change in current in electromagnet
5. Diode as a temperature sensor
6. 16-bit Data manipulation (Addition, subtraction) Display result on Address field.

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7. Write An ALP: a) To Evaluate simple arithmetic Expression (like Y= a x b + c x d where a, b,
c and d are 8 -bit HEX numbers) / b) To Add parity bit to 7 -bit ASCII characters .
8. Write ALP for Addition/ Subtraction/Multiplication of two, 8 -bit hex, numbers.
1.Wave form generation using OPAMP - Square wave, triangular wave
2.Slew rate of OPAMP
3.Fresnel diffraction -straight edge, cylindrical obstacle using LASER
4.Fraunhoffer diffraction - Single slit, Double slit, Diffraction grating, reflection grating (steel
ruler, CD, etc.), transmission grating (wire gauge, fabric, etc.)
5.Total internal reflection using LASER
6.Concept of beats
7.Coupled oscillations and resonance
Note: Minimum 12 experiments (Four From each group) and 4 Skill experiments should be
completed and reported in the journal, in the first semester. Certified Journal is a must, to be
eligible to appear for the semester end practical examination.
Semester End Practical Examination:
Scheme of Examination:
There will be no internal assessment for practical. A candidate will be allowed to appear for the
semester end practical exam ination only if the candidate submits a certified journal at the time of
practical examination of the semester or a certificate from the Head of the Department /Institute to
the effect that the candidate has completed the practical course of that semester of F.Y.B.Sc.
Physics as per the minimum requirement. The duration of the practical examination will be two
hours per experiment. There will be three experiments (one from each group) through which the
candidate will be examined in practical. The questions on slips for the same should be framed in
such a way that candidate will be able to complete the task and should be evaluated for its skill
and understanding of physics.

Page 26

1. Advanced course in Practical Physics D. Chattopadhya, PC Rakshit & B Saha. (6th Edition)
Book and Allied Pvt. Ltd.
2. B.Sc PRACTICAL Physics – Harnam Singh S.Chand& Co. Ld. 2001
3. A test book of advanced practical PHYSICS _ SAMIR Kumar Ghosh, New Central Book
Agency (3rd edition)
4. B.Sc. Practical Physics – CL Arora (1st Edition) -2001 S.Chand and Co Ltd.
5. Practical Physics CL Squires (3rd Edition) Cambridge University
6. University Practical Physics – DC Tayal. Himalaya Publication
7. Advanced Practical Physics – Worsnop&Flint.

Name Prof.(Dr.) Shivram S. Garje
Dean, Science and Technology